AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2023-02-18Sort connections.Tor Andersson
2023-02-18Fix connection type between Carlisle and Harris's Ferry.Tor Andersson
2023-02-18Remove stray debugging message.Tor Andersson
2023-02-18Fix typo in combat result table.Tor Andersson
2023-02-18Fix can go home typo preventing elimination of indians.Tor Andersson
2023-02-18Links in main menu.Tor Andersson
2023-02-18Fix leader check typo.Tor Andersson
2023-02-18Space tool tips in log.Tor Andersson
2023-02-18Update common library.Tor Andersson
2023-02-18Hide "Discard" card menu option unless you hold down shift.Tor Andersson
2023-02-18Oops! Supply lines do not radiate from water ways.Tor Andersson
2023-02-18Fix "within 2 of" list creation.Tor Andersson
2023-02-18Use set for supply cache.Tor Andersson
2023-02-18Use sets for reduced status and fortifications.Tor Andersson
2023-02-18Don't allow lone leaders to stack with enemy lone leaders.Tor Andersson
2023-02-18Fix case where retreating lone leader step was missed.Tor Andersson
2023-02-18Fix bug with determining which battles are worth VP.Tor Andersson
2023-02-18Add WBC tournament rules variant with 1-step MD units.Tor Andersson
2023-02-18Small Pox should count friendly units and eliminate all indians.Tor Andersson
2023-02-18Fix removing two 7 command leaders at once.Tor Andersson
2023-02-18Update RNG.Tor Andersson
2023-02-18Fix interaction with retroactive foul weather and massacre!Tor Andersson
2023-02-18Fix lint issues.Tor Andersson
2023-02-18Don't eliminate a stack leaving siege if Lake Schooner forces them back.Tor Andersson
2023-02-18Push undo state at "Siege or Move" questions.Tor Andersson
2023-02-18Retreat lone leaders who are left behind at a siege when moving out.Tor Andersson
2023-02-18Fix bug with Mohawks event.Tor Andersson
2023-02-18Tweak next prompt wording.Tor Andersson
2023-02-18Check supply lines for "can play" checks on events that restore units.Tor Andersson
2023-02-18Make sure attacker's deployed militia count as attacking pieces.Tor Andersson
2023-02-18Don't use JSON for undo.Tor Andersson
2023-02-18Optimize retroactive foul weather!Tor Andersson
2023-02-18Remove exports.ready function.Tor Andersson
2023-02-18Add some implementation notes pointing out the use of shift.Tor Andersson
2023-02-18Hold down shift to disable action spaces to allow investigating stacks.Tor Andersson
2023-02-18Turn off retroactive foul weather logging.Tor Andersson
2023-02-18Clear undo when generating random number or control changes.Tor Andersson
2023-02-18Change z-order of action units vs spaces.Tor Andersson
2023-02-18Track "phasing" player so demolition can be done at any time.Tor Andersson
2023-02-18Zap semicolons.Tor Andersson
2023-02-18Clamp VP tracker to stay on the VP track...Tor Andersson
2023-02-18Mobile layout.Tor Andersson
2023-02-18Show deck size when hovering over played card.Tor Andersson
2023-02-18Fix bug with automatically evading auxiliaries.Tor Andersson
2023-02-18Zap empty implementation notes page.Tor Andersson
2023-02-18Clean up common play.css file.Tor Andersson
2023-02-18Remove beta warning.Tor Andersson
2023-02-18Show supply lines on mountain spaces.Tor Andersson
2023-02-18Minor cleanups.Tor Andersson
2023-02-18Western Indian Alliance needs a friendly fort at Ohio Forks.Tor Andersson