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authorMischa Untaga <>2023-11-22 16:33:29 +0100
committerMischa Untaga <>2023-11-22 16:33:29 +0100
commitc15c78be6080ad980d2fc74dc8696bb54c8500a3 (patch)
parent5e117873ea331e828401fa6367824ff63036086b (diff)
vm_replace. use set_filter to fix some inline set modifications
1 files changed, 80 insertions, 10 deletions
diff --git a/rules.js b/rules.js
index fcb5f6f..4a45d5f 100644
--- a/rules.js
+++ b/rules.js
@@ -396,6 +396,24 @@ function remove_cube(cube, us_state) {
set_color_cubes(cube, us_state, color_cubes(cube, us_state) - 1)
+function remove_green_check(us_state) {
+ log(`Removed ${COLOR_CODE[GREEN_CHECK]} from S${us_state}`)
+ if (!is_green_check(us_state))
+ throw new Error("Can't remove a green check that aint there")
+ clear_green_check(us_state)
+function remove_red_x(us_state) {
+ log(`Removed ${COLOR_CODE[RED_X]} from S${us_state}`)
+ if (!is_red_x(us_state))
+ throw new Error("Can't remove a red x that aint there")
+ clear_red_x(us_state)
// #endregion
@@ -433,6 +451,14 @@ function gen_action_red_cube(s) {
gen_action("red_cube", s)
+function gen_action_green_check(s) {
+ gen_action("green_check", s)
+function gen_action_red_x(s) {
+ gen_action("red_x", s)
function gen_action_campaigner(c) {
gen_action("campaigner", c)
@@ -1185,7 +1211,12 @@ states.campaigning_add_cubes = {
can_move = true
- for (let s of region_us_states(campaigner_region(game.selected_campaigner))) {
+ let us_states = region_us_states(campaigner_region(game.selected_campaigner))
+ if (game.nineteenth_amendment) {
+ set_filter(us_states, s => !(is_green_check(s) || is_red_x(s)))
+ }
+ for (let s of us_states) {
if (opponent_cubes(s)) {
has_opponent_cubes = true
if ( === SUF) {
@@ -1679,8 +1710,12 @@ function vm_remove_all_cubes_up_to() {
function vm_replace() {
game.vm.what = vm_operand(1)
game.vm.count = vm_operand(2)
- game.vm.replacement = vm_operand(3)
- goto_vm_replace()
+ game.vm.cubes = vm_operand(3)
+ if (!game.nineteenth_amendment || (game.vm.what === GREEN_CHECK && !count_green_checks()) || game.vm.what === RED_X && !count_red_xs()) {
+ vm_next()
+ } else {
+ goto_vm_replace()
+ }
function vm_add_congress() {
@@ -1971,10 +2006,7 @@ function goto_vm_add_cubes() {
// If a state has already ratified or rejected the Nineteenth Amendment –
// and therefore has a V or X in the state – cubes may not be added to that state.
if (game.nineteenth_amendment) {
- for (let s of game.vm.us_states) {
- if (is_green_check(s) || is_red_x(s))
- set_delete(game.vm.us_states, s)
- }
+ set_filter(game.vm.us_states, s => !(is_green_check(s) || is_red_x(s)))
if (!game.vm.us_states.length)
@@ -2089,9 +2121,7 @@ function after_vm_add_cube(us_state) {
if (game.vm.per_state_in_any_one_region && map_get(game.vm.added, us_state) === 1) {
// only need to do this for the the first cube in the state
- for (let other of game.vm.us_states)
- if (us_state_region(us_state) !== us_state_region(other))
- set_delete(game.vm.us_states, other)
+ set_filter(game.vm.us_states, s => us_state_region(us_state) === us_state_region(s))
if (game.vm.limit) {
@@ -2167,6 +2197,39 @@ function after_vm_remove_cube(us_state) {
+function goto_vm_replace() {
+ game.state = "vm_replace"
+ game.vm.removed = []
+states.vm_replace = {
+ inactive: "do a replacement",
+ prompt() {
+ event_prompt(`Replace a ${COLOR_NAMES[game.vm.what]} with ${pluralize(game.vm.count, COLOR_NAMES[game.vm.cubes] + ' cube')}.`)
+ for (let s of game.vm.us_states) {
+ if (game.vm.what === GREEN_CHECK && is_green_check(s))
+ gen_action_green_check(s)
+ if (game.vm.what === RED_X && is_red_x(s))
+ gen_action_red_x(s)
+ }
+ },
+ green_check(s) {
+ push_undo()
+ remove_green_check(s)
+ game.vm.us_states = [s]
+ goto_vm_add_cubes()
+ },
+ red_x(s) {
+ push_undo()
+ remove_red_x(s)
+ game.vm.us_states = [s]
+ goto_vm_add_cubes()
+ }
states.vm_add_congress = {
inactive: "add a Congressional marker.",
prompt() {
@@ -2547,6 +2610,13 @@ function set_delete(set, item) {
return set
+function set_filter(set, predicate_fn) {
+ for (let i = set.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
+ if (!predicate_fn(set[i]))
+ array_remove(set, i)
+ }
function set_toggle(set, item) {
let a = 0
let b = set.length - 1