Land and Freedom
log msg
Commit message (
37 hours
log messages when swapping and adding cards to tableau.
Tor Andersson
37 hours
tweaks to mobile layout.
Tor Andersson
37 hours
reword some messages. hide panels for observer.
Tor Andersson
2 days
Hide the hidden bag of glory.
Tor Andersson
2 days
Log discarded end of year cards.
Tor Andersson
2 days
Fix check for available card in hand to claim momentum medallion.
Tor Andersson
2 days
The all seeing eye sees your trash and discard piles.
Tor Andersson
2 days
Note Momentum and Play Card extra turns in log.
Tor Andersson
2 days
multiactive end of year discard
Frans Bongers
2 days
Skip player turn when they had no cards to play.
Tor Andersson
2 days
Always show Hand panel.
Tor Andersson
3 days
only claim momentum if you have enough cards in hand to use it.
Tor Andersson
3 days
Log claimed medallions with magic strings.
Tor Andersson
3 days
Add paranoid safeguard against impossible case.
Tor Andersson
3 days
fix bug in "skip" of swap_card_tableau_hand.
Tor Andersson
3 days
skip a players turn if they cannot play a card
Frans Bongers
3 days
add skip button when player does not have any hand cards
Frans Bongers
3 days
fix momentum / trash card interaction
Frans Bongers
3 days
Add medallion tooltips.
Tor Andersson
3 days
fix bug with adding played cards to your tableau
Tor Andersson
3 days
Log turning off bonus even when it's already off.
Tor Andersson
3 days
fix off by one in swap_card_tableau_hand
Tor Andersson
3 days
remove fascist test prefix
Tor Andersson
3 days
improved game flow playing card for action points
Frans Bongers
4 days
Fix display of player tokens on fronts.
Tor Andersson
4 days
more cleanup
Frans Bongers
4 days
cleanup unused code
Frans Bongers
4 days
momentum refactor
Frans Bongers
5 days
fix player panel display of hero points and initiative
Tor Andersson
5 days
don't generate "null" medallion action
Tor Andersson
5 days
fix issue with momentum medallion played during another players turn
Frans Bongers
5 days
Add missing government_to_center to track_icon_to_track_id_map.
Tor Andersson
5 days
Fix swap_card_tableau_hand use of selected_cards array.
Tor Andersson
5 days
fix remove_blank_markers state when no blank markers on tracks
Frans Bongers
5 days
fix remove_attack_from_fronts state
Frans Bongers
6 days
possible fix for get_fronts_to_add_to ("not" as single front)
Tor Andersson
6 days
Fix iterators of hero_points and fronts.
Tor Andersson
6 days
fix get_fronts_closest_to
Tor Andersson
6 days
Fix bugs.
Tor Andersson
6 days
Put pool after factions in medallions and hero_points lists.
Tor Andersson
6 days
refactor: FactionId to number
Frans Bongers
6 days
refactor: FrontId to number
Frans Bongers
6 days
More tweaks.
Tor Andersson
6 days
Fix token background-size and missing @2x images.
Tor Andersson
6 days
removed code no longer needed for compatability
Frans Bongers
7 days
Tweak log messages.
Tor Andersson
14 days
Tor Andersson
14 days
Show fascist test front with new token. Show front status with card.
Tor Andersson
14 days
fix: game stuck when moving track at max
Frans Bongers
14 days
Use 150dpi cards and tokens for @2x.
Tor Andersson