AgeCommit message (Collapse)Author
2022-11-17Replace Fullscreen menu with Home link.Tor Andersson
2022-11-17Check instant victory after Winter Turn.Tor Andersson
2022-11-17Show current scenario in game log.Tor Andersson
2022-11-17Don't allow end_builds and end_pillage before all is done.Tor Andersson
2022-11-17Change create_log_entry to on_log.Tor Andersson
2022-11-17Remove stray logging line that shouldn't have been there.Tor Andersson
2022-11-17Drop table roles.Tor Andersson
2022-11-17Change font css link.Tor Andersson
2022-11-17Don't highlight Lanark or Badenoch if only Norse/French remain in pool.Tor Andersson
2022-11-17Log hits taken in battle.Tor Andersson
2022-11-17Only reveal all blocks in replay.Tor Andersson
2022-11-17Simplify styles and html for play.htmlTor Andersson
Split into separate module. Update for new server version. Fix log colors... Clean up common play.css file. New battle CSS.
2022-11-17Show card backs when observing the block games.Tor Andersson
2022-11-17Some more log appearance tweaks.Tor Andersson
2022-11-17Fix hide block function.Tor Andersson
2022-11-17Fix boldness of battle header.Tor Andersson
2022-11-17Use ID instead of class for battle dialog.Tor Andersson
2022-11-17Use ID instead of class for turn_info.Tor Andersson
2022-11-17Use ID instead of class for map and mapwrap.Tor Andersson
2022-11-17Use ID instead of class for prompt, chat window, and chat button.Tor Andersson
2022-11-17Use ID instead of class for grid divs.Tor Andersson
2022-11-17Prettier logs with formatting and colors.Tor Andersson
2022-11-17Clean up Columbia games rule book HTML.Tor Andersson
2022-11-17Convert rule books to a searchable HTML format.Tor Andersson
2022-11-17Clean up stylesheets. Don't show options in game lists.Tor Andersson
2022-11-17Add options to game setup.Tor Andersson
2022-11-17Clean up replay script.Tor Andersson
2022-11-17Add PRNG seed to game state.Tor Andersson
Log all game actions to a table so they can be replayed.
2022-11-17Favicon stuff.Tor Andersson
2022-11-17Add confirmation when clicking PASS in a battle dialog.Tor Andersson
2022-11-17crusader: Rotate map to landscape on wide displays.Tor Andersson
2022-11-17hammer: Reset last-used border state after defection battle regroups.Tor Andersson
2022-11-17hammer: Fix bug when there are no border raid victims.Tor Andersson
2022-11-17Eqeqeq in UI code.Tor Andersson
2022-11-17Don't show "Resign" menu item for observers.Tor Andersson
2022-11-17Use black highlight when assigning hits to blocks.Tor Andersson
2022-11-17hammer: Fix card back SVG image size.Tor Andersson
2022-11-17hammer: Eqeqeq.Tor Andersson
2022-11-17Responsive small card displays.Tor Andersson
2022-11-17Improve map zooming!Tor Andersson
2022-11-17Show turn info bar on all block games.Tor Andersson
2022-11-17Improve logging of block retreats.Tor Andersson
Print which block retreats during the round. Print summary of retreat destinations at the end of the round.
2022-11-17Improve role and player name display with long user names.Tor Andersson
2022-11-17hammer: Change prompt when all RP have been used.Tor Andersson
2022-11-17Link to implementation notes from about page.Tor Andersson
2022-11-17New and improved join page with server sent events.Tor Andersson
2022-11-17hammer: Add missing clear_undo calls.Tor Andersson
2022-11-17hammer: Fix retreat bug with Norse in area.Tor Andersson
2022-11-17Add "exit" button to finished games and observer view.Tor Andersson
2022-11-17hammer: Layout blocks based on ownership for Observers too.Tor Andersson