path: root/tools
diff options
authorTor Andersson <>2023-02-20 14:58:49 +0100
committerTor Andersson <>2023-05-03 18:48:15 +0200
commit6957f7be1b0d24f0c46f0eeb3fa224493a74e7b5 (patch)
treea9fd2a54f70f29a34cc48c44d5e20cd57b6c97d0 /tools
parent013d3b84d36eaf593c0070325e4b1bba232a1dd0 (diff)
Various tools and piece generation scripts.
Diffstat (limited to 'tools')
-rw-r--r--tools/areas.pbmbin0 -> 527863 bytes
-rw-r--r--tools/areas.xcfbin0 -> 10357677 bytes
-rw-r--r--tools/icon_auc.pngbin0 -> 9405 bytes
-rw-r--r--tools/icon_cartels.pngbin0 -> 13850 bytes
-rw-r--r--tools/icon_farc.pngbin0 -> 8835 bytes
-rw-r--r--tools/icon_govt.pngbin0 -> 8566 bytes
-rw-r--r--tools/isometric_icon_auc.pbmbin0 -> 6923 bytes
-rw-r--r--tools/isometric_icon_cartels.pbmbin0 -> 6923 bytes
-rw-r--r--tools/isometric_icon_farc.pbmbin0 -> 6923 bytes
31 files changed, 2045 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/tools/areas.pbm b/tools/areas.pbm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b1f7e00
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/areas.pbm
Binary files differ
diff --git a/tools/areas.svg b/tools/areas.svg
new file mode 100644
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+++ b/tools/areas.svg
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diff --git a/tools/cards.txt b/tools/cards.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..67631f2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/cards.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,101 @@
+1. 1st Division
+2. Ospina & Mora
+3. Tapias
+4. Caño Limón - Coveñas
+5. Occidental & Ecopetrol
+6. Oil Spill
+7. 7th Special Forces
+8. Fuerza Aérea Colombiana
+9. High Mountain Battalions
+10. Blackhawks
+11. National Defense & Security Council
+12. Plan Colombia
+13. Plan Meteoro
+14. Tres Esquinas
+15. War Tax
+16. Coffee Prices
+17. Madrid Donors
+18. NSPD-18
+19. General Offensive
+20. Mono Jojoy
+21. Raúl Reyes
+22. Alfonso Cano
+23. DoD Contractors
+24. Operación Jaque
+25. Ejército de Liberación Nacional
+26. Gramaje
+27. Misil Antiaéreo
+28. Hugo Chávez
+29. Kill Zone
+30. Peace Commission
+31. Betancourt
+32. Secuestrados
+33. Sucumbíos
+34. Airdropped AKs
+35. Crop Substitution
+36. Zona de Convivencia
+37. Former Military
+38. National Coordination Center
+39. Soldados campesinos
+40. Demobilization
+41. Mancuso
+42. Senado & Cámara
+43. Calima Front
+44. Colombia Nueva
+45. Los Derechos Humanos
+46. Limpieza
+47. Pinto & del Rosario
+48. Unión Sindical Obrera
+49. Bloques
+50. Carabineros
+51. Pipeline Repairs
+52. Castaño
+53. Criminal Air Force
+54. Deserters & Defectors
+55. DEA Agents
+56. Drogas La Rebaja
+57. Op Millennium
+58. General Serrano
+59. Salcedo
+60. The Chess Player
+61. Air Bridge
+62. Amazonía
+63. Narco-War
+64. Cocaine Labs
+65. Poppies
+66. Tingo María
+67. Mexican Traffickers
+68. Narco-Subs
+69. Riverines & Fast Boats
+70. Ayahuasca Tourism
+71. Darién
+72. Sicarios
+73. Propaganda!
+74. Propaganda!
+75. Propaganda!
+76. Propaganda!
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+-63 228 -110 99 -48 226 -109 283 -137 56 -28 106 -48 109 -44 4 3 -48 120
+-116 259 -67 138 -121 255 -121 259 0 4 30 21 68 39 59 28 411 198 547 264
+l50 25 -416 0 -415 0 -129 265 c-70 146 -131 265 -135 265 -3 0 -64 -119 -136
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--- /dev/null
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+ "">
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diff --git a/tools/cylinder_icon_farc.svg.bak b/tools/cylinder_icon_farc.svg.bak
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..68363c3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/cylinder_icon_farc.svg.bak
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
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+ "">
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+223 -160 127 -84 230 -158 230 -163 0 -6 -22 -100 -50 -210 -27 -110 -50 -204
+-50 -211 0 -13 -6 -15 180 51 80 28 197 69 260 91 63 22 125 43 136 46 18 4
+168 -40 229 -67 11 -5 54 -20 95 -34 41 -14 121 -41 178 -61 57 -20 105 -35
+107 -33 2 2 -20 100 -50 218 -30 118 -52 217 -50 221 3 3 45 33 96 65 300 194
+372 243 359 248 -8 2 -51 7 -95 10 -44 4 -123 11 -175 16 -52 5 -144 13 -203
+19 -187 18 -157 -3 -325 222 l-150 199 -148 -199z"/>
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d091c13
--- /dev/null
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@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+<path fill="#fff9ae" stroke="#001c5a" stroke-width="1.0" d="m20.017 7.656-1.882 3.85-6.052.015H6.031l1.313.656c2.829 1.385 7.743 3.763 8.064 0 .073-.831 1.823-1.837 3.88-1.007 2.07-1.809 3.776-1.78 3.806.015.029.773-.307 1.648-.73.89-.437 3.092-1.502 4.915-2.391l3.296-1.604.714.35c.38.19 1.882.918 3.325 1.604 1.444.7 3.296 1.59 4.127 1.998.817.408 1.546.7 1.59.641.058-.043-.7-1.75-1.692-3.777-.977-2.012-1.764-3.719-1.764-3.777 0-.058.437-.306.991-.569.86-.408 5.994-2.887 7.978-3.85l.729-.364H25.85l-1.881-3.865C22.948 5.527 22.059 3.792 22 3.792c-.044 0-.933 1.735-1.983 3.864z"/>
diff --git a/tools/ b/tools/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8686ef7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/
@@ -0,0 +1,73 @@
+mode = None
+list = []
+x = y = w = h = 0
+name = None
+def flush():
+ global x, y, w, h, name
+ if mode == 'rect':
+ list.append((x,y,w,h,'box',name))
+ if mode == 'circle':
+ x = cx - rx
+ y = cy - ry
+ w = rx * 2
+ h = ry * 2
+ list.append((x,y,w,h,'circle',name))
+ x = y = w = h = 0
+ name = None
+for line in open("tools/boxes.svg").readlines():
+ line = line.strip()
+ if line == "<rect":
+ flush()
+ mode = 'rect'
+ x = y = w = h = 0
+ elif line == "<ellipse":
+ flush()
+ mode = 'circle'
+ cx = cy = rx = ry = 0
+ if line.startswith('x="'): x = round(float(line.split('"')[1]))
+ if line.startswith('y="'): y = round(float(line.split('"')[1]))
+ if line.startswith('width="'): w = round(float(line.split('"')[1]))
+ if line.startswith('height="'): h = round(float(line.split('"')[1]))
+ if line.startswith('cx="'): cx = round(float(line.split('"')[1]))
+ if line.startswith('cy="'): cy = round(float(line.split('"')[1]))
+ if line.startswith('rx="'): rx = round(float(line.split('"')[1]))
+ if line.startswith('ry="'): ry = round(float(line.split('"')[1]))
+ if line.startswith('inkscape:label="'): name = line.split('"')[1]
+def print_list():
+ print("const boxes = {")
+ for (x,y,w,h,c,name) in list:
+ print(f'"{name}": [{x},{y},{w},{h}],')
+ print("}")
+def print_list2():
+ print("const centers = {")
+ for (x,y,w,h,c,name) in list:
+ xc = round((x+w/2.0))
+ yc = round((y+h/2.0))
+ print(f'"{name}": [{xc},{yc}],')
+ print("}")
+def print_html():
+ # print('<html><style>')
+ # print('.box{position:absolute;background-color:#f008;border:2px solid blue;}')
+ # print('.circle{position:absolute;background-color:#0f08;border-radius:50%;border:2px solid blue;}')
+ # print('img{position:absolute;display:block}')
+ # print('</style>')
+ # print('<div style="position:relative;width:1275px;heigth:1650px;">')
+ # print('<img src="map75.png">')
+ for (x,y,w,h,c,name) in list:
+ x = round(x)
+ y = round(y)
+ w = round(w)
+ h = round(h)
+ print(f'<div class="{c}" style="top:{y}px;left:{x}px;width:{w}px;height:{h}px">{name}</div>')
+ # print('</div>')
diff --git a/tools/gendata.js b/tools/gendata.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..58340af
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/gendata.js
@@ -0,0 +1,390 @@
+let data = {}
+const IMAP = { G: "Government", F: "FARC", A: "AUC", C: "Cartels" }
+let initiative = null
+let cards = [ null ]
+function def_initiative(s) {
+ initiative = [ IMAP[s[0]], IMAP[s[1]], IMAP[s[2]], IMAP[s[3]] ]
+function def_card(number, name) {
+ cards[number] = { number, name, initiative }
+def_card(1, "1st Division")
+def_card(2, "Ospina & Mora")
+def_card(3, "Tapias")
+def_card(4, "Caño Limón - Coveñas")
+def_card(5, "Occidental & Ecopetrol")
+def_card(6, "Oil Spill")
+def_card(7, "7th Special Forces")
+def_card(8, "Fuerza Aérea Colombiana")
+def_card(9, "High Mountain Battalions")
+def_card(10, "Blackhawks")
+def_card(11, "National Defense & Security Council")
+def_card(12, "Plan Colombia")
+def_card(13, "Plan Meteoro")
+def_card(14, "Tres Esquinas")
+def_card(15, "War Tax")
+def_card(16, "Coffee Prices")
+def_card(17, "Madrid Donors")
+def_card(18, "NSPD-18")
+def_card(19, "General Offensive")
+def_card(20, "Mono Jojoy")
+def_card(21, "Raúl Reyes")
+def_card(22, "Alfonso Cano")
+def_card(23, "DoD Contractors")
+def_card(24, "Operación Jaque")
+def_card(25, "Ejército de Liberación Nacional")
+def_card(26, "Gramaje")
+def_card(27, "Misil Antiaéreo")
+def_card(28, "Hugo Chávez")
+def_card(29, "Kill Zone")
+def_card(30, "Peace Commission")
+def_card(31, "Betancourt")
+def_card(32, "Secuestrados")
+def_card(33, "Sucumbíos")
+def_card(34, "Airdropped AKs")
+def_card(35, "Crop Substitution")
+def_card(36, "Zona de Convivencia")
+def_card(37, "Former Military")
+def_card(38, "National Coordination Center")
+def_card(39, "Soldados campesinos")
+def_card(40, "Demobilization")
+def_card(41, "Mancuso")
+def_card(42, "Senado & Cámara")
+def_card(43, "Calima Front")
+def_card(44, "Colombia Nueva")
+def_card(45, "Los Derechos Humanos")
+def_card(46, "Limpieza")
+def_card(47, "Pinto & del Rosario")
+def_card(48, "Unión Sindical Obrera")
+def_card(49, "Bloques")
+def_card(50, "Carabineros")
+def_card(51, "Pipeline Repairs")
+def_card(52, "Castaño")
+def_card(53, "Criminal Air Force")
+def_card(54, "Deserters & Defectors")
+def_card(55, "DEA Agents")
+def_card(56, "Drogas La Rebaja")
+def_card(57, "Op Millennium")
+def_card(58, "General Serrano")
+def_card(59, "Salcedo")
+def_card(60, "The Chess Player")
+def_card(61, "Air Bridge")
+def_card(62, "Amazonía")
+def_card(63, "Narco-War")
+def_card(64, "Cocaine Labs")
+def_card(65, "Poppies")
+def_card(66, "Tingo María")
+def_card(67, "Mexican Traffickers")
+def_card(68, "Narco-Subs")
+def_card(69, "Riverines & Fast Boats")
+def_card(70, "Ayahuasca Tourism")
+def_card(71, "Darién")
+def_card(72, "Sicarios")
+initiative = null
+def_card(73, "Propaganda!")
+def_card(74, "Propaganda!")
+def_card(75, "Propaganda!")
+def_card(76, "Propaganda!")
+console.log("const cards = {")
+for (let c of cards) console.log(JSON.stringify(c) + ",")
+let spaces = [ ]
+let space_names = [ ]
+function add(list, item) {
+ if (!list.includes(item))
+ list.push(item)
+function def_space(type, pop, name) {
+ spaces.push({ type, name, pop, adjacent: [] })
+ space_names.push(name)
+function def_town(name) {
+ spaces.push({ type: "town", name, adjacent: [] })
+ space_names.push(name)
+function def_loc(type, econ, cities, depts) {
+ let name = cities.join(" / ")
+ let loc_names = cities.concat(depts)
+ let loc_spaces = => space_names.indexOf(n))
+ let ix = spaces.length
+ spaces.push({ type, name, econ, adjacent: loc_spaces.filter(x=>x>0) })
+ for (let loc of loc_spaces)
+ if (loc >= 0)
+ add(spaces[loc].adjacent, ix)
+ space_names.push(name)
+ return ix
+function adjacent(an, bn) {
+ ax = space_names.indexOf(an)
+ bx = space_names.indexOf(bn)
+ add(spaces[ax].adjacent, bx)
+ add(spaces[bx].adjacent, ax)
+// Cities
+data.first_pop = 1
+data.first_city = spaces.length
+def_space("city", 8, "Bogotá")
+def_space("city", 3, "Cali")
+def_space("city", 2, "Bucaramanga")
+def_space("city", 2, "Ibagué")
+def_space("city", 2, "Santa Marta")
+def_space("city", 1, "Cartagena")
+def_space("city", 1, "Cúcuta")
+def_space("city", 1, "Medellín")
+def_space("city", 1, "Neiva")
+def_space("city", 1, "Pasto")
+def_space("city", 1, "Sincelejo")
+data.last_city = spaces.length-1
+data.first_dept = spaces.length
+// Departments
+def_space("forest", 1, "Atlántico")
+def_space("forest", 1, "Chocó")
+def_space("forest", 1, "Nariño")
+def_space("forest", 1, "Meta West")
+def_space("forest", 1, "Guaviare")
+def_space("forest", 1, "Putumayo")
+def_space("mountain", 1, "Cesar")
+def_space("mountain", 2, "Antioquia")
+def_space("mountain", 2, "Santander")
+def_space("mountain", 2, "Huila")
+def_space("grassland", 1, "Arauca")
+def_space("grassland", 1, "Meta East")
+data.last_pop = spaces.length-1
+def_space("grassland", 0, "Vichada")
+def_space("forest", 0, "Guainía")
+def_space("forest", 0, "Vaupés")
+def_space("forest", 0, "Amazonas")
+data.last_dept = spaces.length-1
+data.first_foreign = spaces.length
+// Foreign Countries
+def_space("foreign", 0, "Brasil")
+def_space("foreign", 0, "Ecuador")
+def_space("foreign", 0, "Panamá")
+def_space("foreign", 0, "Perú")
+def_space("foreign", 0, "Venezuela")
+data.last_foreign = spaces.length-1
+// LoC
+data.first_loc = spaces.length
+def_loc("road", 1, [ "Santa Marta", "Cartagena"], [ "Atlántico" ])
+def_loc("road", 1, [ "Cali", "Pasto"], [ "Nariño", "Huila" ])
+def_loc("road", 1, [ "Neiva", "Pasto"], [ "Huila", "Putumayo" ])
+def_loc("road", 1, [ "Bogotá", "San José" ], [ "Meta East", "Meta West", "Guaviare" ])
+def_loc("road", 1, [ "Pasto", "Tumaco" ], [ "Nariño", "Ecuador" ])
+def_loc("pipeline", 1, [ "Cali", "Buenaventura" ], [ "Chocó", "Nariño" ])
+def_loc("pipeline", 1, [ "Cartagena", "Sincelejo"], [ "Atlántico" ])
+def_loc("pipeline", 2, [ "Sincelejo", "Medellín"], [ "Chocó", "Antioquia" ])
+def_loc("pipeline", 1, [ "Medellín", "Ibagué"], [ "Chocó", "Antioquia" ])
+def_loc("pipeline", 1, [ "Ibagué", "Cali"], [ "Chocó", "Huila" ])
+def_loc("pipeline", 2, [ "Bucaramanga", "Ibagué", "Bogotá" ], [ "Antioquia", "Santa", "Huila" ])
+def_loc("pipeline", 2, [ "Bogotá", "Neiva" ], [ "Huila", "Meta West" ])
+def_loc("pipeline", 3, [ "Cúcuta", "Arauca" ], [ "Venezuela", "Arauca", "Santaner" ])
+def_loc("pipeline", 2, [ "Bogotá", "Yopal" ], [ "Santander", "Arauca", "Meta East"])
+let ayacucho = [
+ def_loc("pipeline", 2, [ "Santa Marta", "Ayacucho" ], [ "Cesar", "Santander", "Antioquia", "Atlántico" ]),
+ def_loc("pipeline", 2, [ "Bucaramanga", "Ayacucho" ], [ "Antioquia", "Atlántico", "Cesar", "Santander" ]),
+ def_loc("pipeline", 3, [ "Sincelejo", "Ayacucho" ], [ "Atlántico", "Cesar", "Santander", "Antioquia" ]),
+ def_loc("pipeline", 3, [ "Cúcuta", "Ayacucho" ], [ "Santander", "Antioquia", "Atlántico", "Cesar", "Venezuela" ]),
+for (let a of ayacucho) {
+ for (let b of ayacucho)
+ if (a !== b)
+ add(spaces[a].adjacent, b)
+data.last_loc = spaces.length-1
+// City in Dept
+adjacent("Santa Marta", "Cesar")
+adjacent("Santa Marta", "Atlántico")
+adjacent("Cartagena", "Atlántico")
+adjacent("Sincelejo", "Atlántico")
+adjacent("Sincelejo", "Antioquia")
+adjacent("Sincelejo", "Chocó")
+adjacent("Medellín", "Chocó")
+adjacent("Medellín", "Antioquia")
+adjacent("Ibagué", "Chocó")
+adjacent("Ibagué", "Antioquia")
+adjacent("Ibagué", "Huila")
+adjacent("Cali", "Chocó")
+adjacent("Cali", "Huila")
+adjacent("Cali", "Nariño")
+adjacent("Pasto", "Nariño")
+adjacent("Pasto", "Huila")
+adjacent("Pasto", "Putumayo")
+adjacent("Pasto", "Ecuador")
+adjacent("Cúcuta", "Venezuela")
+adjacent("Cúcuta", "Santander")
+adjacent("Bucaramanga", "Antioquia")
+adjacent("Bucaramanga", "Santander")
+adjacent("Bogotá", "Santander")
+adjacent("Bogotá", "Meta East")
+adjacent("Bogotá", "Meta West")
+adjacent("Bogotá", "Huila")
+adjacent("Neiva", "Huila")
+adjacent("Neiva", "Meta West")
+adjacent("Neiva", "Putumayo")
+// Foreign - Dept
+adjacent("Panamá", "Chocó")
+adjacent("Venezuela", "Cesar")
+adjacent("Venezuela", "Santander")
+adjacent("Venezuela", "Arauca")
+adjacent("Venezuela", "Vichada")
+adjacent("Venezuela", "Guainía")
+adjacent("Brasil", "Guainía")
+adjacent("Brasil", "Vaupés")
+adjacent("Brasil", "Amazonas")
+adjacent("Ecuador", "Nariño")
+adjacent("Ecuador", "Putumayo")
+adjacent("Perú", "Putumayo")
+adjacent("Perú", "Amazonas")
+// Dept - Dept (with redundancies)
+adjacent("Atlántico", "Cesar")
+adjacent("Atlántico", "Santander")
+adjacent("Atlántico", "Antioquia")
+adjacent("Chocó", "Antioquia")
+adjacent("Chocó", "Huila")
+adjacent("Chocó", "Nariño")
+adjacent("Nariño", "Chocó")
+adjacent("Nariño", "Huila")
+adjacent("Cesar", "Atlántico")
+adjacent("Cesar", "Santander")
+adjacent("Cesar", "Antioquia")
+adjacent("Antioquia", "Atlántico")
+adjacent("Antioquia", "Cesar")
+adjacent("Antioquia", "Santander")
+adjacent("Antioquia", "Huila")
+adjacent("Antioquia", "Chocó")
+adjacent("Santander", "Cesar")
+adjacent("Santander", "Arauca")
+adjacent("Santander", "Meta East")
+adjacent("Santander", "Huila")
+adjacent("Santander", "Antioquia")
+adjacent("Huila", "Antioquia")
+adjacent("Huila", "Santander")
+adjacent("Huila", "Meta West")
+adjacent("Huila", "Putumayo")
+adjacent("Huila", "Nariño")
+adjacent("Huila", "Chocó")
+adjacent("Arauca", "Vichada")
+adjacent("Arauca", "Meta East")
+adjacent("Arauca", "Santander")
+adjacent("Vichada", "Arauca")
+adjacent("Vichada", "Guainía")
+adjacent("Vichada", "Guaviare")
+adjacent("Vichada", "Meta East")
+adjacent("Meta East", "Arauca")
+adjacent("Meta East", "Vichada")
+adjacent("Meta East", "Guaviare")
+adjacent("Meta East", "Meta West")
+adjacent("Meta East", "Santander")
+adjacent("Meta West", "Meta East")
+adjacent("Meta West", "Guaviare")
+adjacent("Meta West", "Putumayo")
+adjacent("Meta West", "Huila")
+adjacent("Putumayo", "Meta West")
+adjacent("Putumayo", "Guaviare")
+adjacent("Putumayo", "Vaupés")
+adjacent("Putumayo", "Amazonas")
+adjacent("Putumayo", "Huila")
+adjacent("Guaviare", "Meta East")
+adjacent("Guaviare", "Vichada")
+adjacent("Guaviare", "Guainía")
+adjacent("Guaviare", "Vaupés")
+adjacent("Guaviare", "Putumayo")
+adjacent("Guaviare", "Meta West")
+adjacent("Guainía", "Vichada")
+adjacent("Guainía", "Vaupés")
+adjacent("Guainía", "Guaviare")
+adjacent("Vaupés", "Guainía")
+adjacent("Vaupés", "Amazonas")
+adjacent("Vaupés", "Putumayo")
+adjacent("Vaupés", "Guaviare")
+adjacent("Amazonas", "Vaupés")
+adjacent("Amazonas", "Putumayo")
+data.coastal_spaces = [ "Cesar", "Atlántico", "Chocó", "Nariño" ].map(n=>space_names.indexOf(n)).sort((a,b)=>a-b)
+for (let i = 1; i < spaces.length; ++i)
+ spaces[i].adjacent.sort((a,b)=>a-b)
+console.log("const spaces = [")
+for (let x of spaces) console.log(JSON.stringify(x) + ",")
+for (let k in data)
+ console.log("const", k, "=", JSON.stringify(data[k]))
diff --git a/tools/genpieces.mjs b/tools/genpieces.mjs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ec478f6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/genpieces.mjs
@@ -0,0 +1,303 @@
+// Cylinder spaces on map are 48x48
+// SIZES in millimeters
+// cylinders = 14.5 x 10
+// discs = 14.5 x 4
+// cubes = 9 x 9
+// octagons = 10 x 10
+// SIZES in 75dpi pixels
+// cylinder = 43 x 29.5
+// disc = 43 x 12
+// cube = 26.6 x 26.6
+// octagon = 29.5 x 29.5
+// SIZES in 72dpi pixels
+// cylinder = 41 x 28
+// disc = 41 x 11
+// cube = 25 x 25
+// octagon = 28 x 28
+// isometric scale = 2 / 3
+// vertical scale = 2 / 3
+// octagon badge = 23x15 / 25x17
+import fs from "fs"
+import { formatHex, parseHex, convertRgbToOklab } from 'culori'
+function make_piece_colors(base) {
+ let rgb = parseHex(base)
+ let sh1 = convertRgbToOklab(rgb); sh1.l *= 0.9;
+ let sh2 = convertRgbToOklab(rgb); sh2.l *= 0.8;
+ let sh3 = convertRgbToOklab(rgb); sh3.l *= 0.7;
+ let sh4 = convertRgbToOklab(rgb); sh4.l *= 0.4;
+ return [ base, formatHex(sh1), formatHex(sh2), formatHex(sh3), formatHex(sh4) ]
+const color_govt = make_piece_colors("#0087cb")
+const color_govt_police = make_piece_colors("#acdbf6")
+const color_auc = make_piece_colors("#ffde00")
+const color_farc = make_piece_colors("#db2128")
+const color_cartels = make_piece_colors("#68b045")
+function print_cylinder(output, icon_file, c) {
+ let icon = fs.readFileSync(icon_file).toString('utf8')
+ let svg = []
+ svg.push('<svg xmlns="" width="44" height="48">')
+ svg.push(`<linearGradient id="g">`)
+ svg.push(`<stop offset="0%" stop-color="${c[1]}"/>`)
+ svg.push(`<stop offset="50%" stop-color="${c[2]}"/>`)
+ svg.push(`<stop offset="100%" stop-color="${c[3]}"/>`)
+ svg.push('</linearGradient>')
+ svg.push(`<path fill="url(#g)" stroke="${c[4]}" d="M1.5 15 v 18 a 20.5 13.5 0 0 0 20.5 13.5 a 20.5 13.5 0 0 0 20.5 -13.5 v -18"/>`)
+ svg.push(`<ellipse fill="${c[0]}" stroke="${c[4]}" cx="22" cy="15" rx="20.5" ry="13.5"/>`)
+ svg.push(icon)
+ svg.push('</svg>')
+ fs.writeFileSync(output, svg.join("\n") + "\n")
+function print_disc(output, c) {
+ let svg = []
+ svg.push('<svg xmlns="" width="44" height="38">')
+ svg.push(`<linearGradient id="g">`)
+ svg.push(`<stop offset="0%" stop-color="${c[1]}"/>`)
+ svg.push(`<stop offset="50%" stop-color="${c[2]}"/>`)
+ svg.push(`<stop offset="100%" stop-color="${c[3]}"/>`)
+ svg.push('</linearGradient>')
+ svg.push(`<path fill="url(#g)" stroke="${c[4]}" d="M1.5 15 v 8 a 20.5 13.5 0 0 0 20.5 13.5 20.5 13.5 0 0 0 20.5 -13.5 v -8"/>`)
+ svg.push(`<ellipse fill="${c[0]}" stroke="${c[4]}" cx="22" cy="15" rx="20.5" ry="13.5"/>`)
+ svg.push('</svg>')
+ fs.writeFileSync(output, svg.join("\n") + "\n")
+const star_auc =
+"m11.414 4.602-1.03 2.062-3.315.008H3.755l.719.351c1.55.743 4.24 2.016 4.416 0 .04-.455.977-1.006 2.079-.551 1.109-.99 2.023-.975 1.693-.805 2.691-1.281l1.805-.86.391.188c.208.101 1.03.492 1.821.86.79.374 1.805.85 2.26 1.07.447.218.847.374.87.343.033-.023-.383-.937-.926-2.023-.535-1.078-.966-1.992-.966-2.024 0-.03.24-.164.543-.304.471-.22 3.282-1.547 4.368-2.063l.4-.195H14.608l-1.03-2.07c-.559-1.141-1.046-2.07-1.078-2.07-.024 0-.511.929-1.086 2.07z"
+const star_farc =
+"m11.254 4.71-1.19 1.556-.639.086c-.351.046-1.07.117-1.597.164a36.08 36.08 0 0 0-1.541.164c-.32.039-.75.07-.967.07-.207 0-.407.023-.43.055-.033.023.774.586 1.78 1.25 1.014.656 1.837 1.234 1.837 1.273 0 .047-.176.781-.4 1.64-.215.86-.399 1.595-.399 1.65 0 .1-.048.116 1.438-.4l2.076-.71c.503-.172.998-.336 1.086-.36.144-.03 1.342.313 1.83.524. 1.421.477.456.156.839.274.855.258.016-.016-.16-.781-.4-1.703-.239-.922-.415-1.696-.399-1.727.024-.023.36-.258.767-.508 2.396-1.515 2.97-1.898 2.867-1.937a8.238 8.238 0 0 0-.759-.078c-.351-.032-.982-.086-1.397-.125-.416-.04-1.15-.102-1.622-.149-1.493-.14-1.253.024-2.595-1.734l-1.198-1.555-1.182 1.555z"
+const leaf = "M15.215 4.57c-.487.063-1.453.328-2.116.586-1.621.617-3.897 1.93-4.584 2.633-.56.57-.767 1.086-.767 1.89v.673l-.854.562c-.48.305-.863.586-.863.633 0 .07 1.374 1.015 1.478 1.015.024 0 .439-.257.934-.578l.887-.586.646.047c1.039.063 2.588-.218 3.546-.656.75-.336 2.085-1.305 3.115-2.25 1.853-1.695 2.124-3.18.703-3.797-.392-.164-1.502-.258-2.125-.172z"
+function print_octagon(output, badge_path, badge_fill, badge_stroke, c) {
+ let svg = []
+ // a + b + b = 30
+ // a + 2 * a / sqrt(2) = 30
+ // 1 + 2 / sqrt(2) = 30 / a
+ // 2.4142 = 30 / a
+ // 2.4142 * a = 30
+ // a = 30 / 2.4142
+ // = 12.4
+ let w = 24
+ let a = w / (1 + 2 / Math.sqrt(2))
+ let b = a / Math.sqrt(2)
+ let xo = 0
+ let yo = 0
+ let ys = 2/3
+ let h = Math.round(w * 0.8)
+ let v = [
+ [ xo + (b + 0), (0) * ys + yo ],
+ [ xo + (b + a), (0) * ys + yo ],
+ [ xo + (b + a + b), (b) * ys + yo ],
+ [ xo + (b + a + b), (b + a) * ys + yo ],
+ [ xo + (b + a), (b + a + b) * ys + yo ],
+ [ xo + (b), (b + a + b) * ys + yo ],
+ [ xo + (0), (b + a) * ys + yo ],
+ [ xo + (0), (b) * ys + yo ],
+ ]
+ for (let xy of v) {
+ xy[0] = Math.round(xy[0]) + 0.5
+ xy[1] = Math.round(xy[1]) + 0.5
+ }
+ let v2 = [
+ [ v[3][0], v[3][1] ],
+ [ v[3][0], v[3][1] + h ],
+ [ v[4][0], v[4][1] + h ],
+ [ v[5][0], v[5][1] + h ],
+ [ v[6][0], v[6][1] + h ],
+ [ v[6][0], v[6][1] ],
+ ]
+ let v3 = [
+ [ v[4][0], v[4][1] ],
+ [ v[4][0], v[4][1] + h ],
+ ]
+ let v4 = [
+ [ v[5][0], v[5][1] ],
+ [ v[5][0], v[5][1] + h ],
+ ]
+ let f1 = [
+ [ v[3][0], v[3][1] ],
+ [ v[3][0], v[3][1] + h ],
+ [ v[4][0], v[4][1] + h ],
+ [ v[4][0], v[4][1] ],
+ ]
+ let f2 = [
+ [ v[4][0], v[4][1] ],
+ [ v[4][0], v[4][1] + h ],
+ [ v[5][0], v[5][1] + h ],
+ [ v[5][0], v[5][1] ],
+ ]
+ let f3 = [
+ [ v[5][0], v[5][1] ],
+ [ v[5][0], v[5][1] + h ],
+ [ v[6][0], v[6][1] + h ],
+ [ v[6][0], v[6][1] ],
+ ]
+ let p1 =[x,y])=>x + " " + y).join(" ")
+ let p2 =[x,y])=>x + " " + y).join(" ")
+ let p3 =[x,y])=>x + " " + y).join(" ")
+ let p4 =[x,y])=>x + " " + y).join(" ")
+ svg.push('<svg xmlns="" width="25" height="36">')
+ svg.push(`<path fill="${c[0]}" d="M${v}"/>`)
+ if (badge_path)
+ svg.push(`<path fill="${badge_fill}" d="${badge_path}"/>`)
+ svg.push(`<path fill="${c[3]}" d="M${f1}"/>`)
+ svg.push(`<path fill="${c[2]}" d="M${f2}"/>`)
+ svg.push(`<path fill="${c[1]}" d="M${f3}"/>`)
+ svg.push(`<path fill="none" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke="${c[4]}" d="M${p1}z M${p2} M${p3} M${p4}"/>`)
+ svg.push('</svg>')
+ fs.writeFileSync(output, svg.join("\n") + "\n")
+function print_cube(output, c) {
+ let svg = []
+ let xo = 0
+ let yo = 0
+ let ys = 2/3
+ let w = 20
+ let d = Math.sqrt(w * w + w * w)
+ let h = Math.round(w * 0.8)
+ let v = [
+ [ xo + (d/2), yo + (0) * ys ],
+ [ xo + (d), yo + (d/2) * ys ],
+ [ xo + (d/2), yo + (d) * ys ],
+ [ xo + (0), yo + (d/2) * ys ],
+ ]
+ for (let xy of v) {
+ xy[0] = Math.round(xy[0]) + 0.5
+ xy[1] = Math.round(xy[1]) + 0.5
+ }
+ let v2 = [
+ [ v[1][0], v[1][1] ],
+ [ v[1][0], v[1][1] + h ],
+ [ v[2][0], v[2][1] + h ],
+ [ v[3][0], v[3][1] + h ],
+ [ v[3][0], v[3][1] ],
+ ]
+ let v3 = [
+ [ v[2][0], v[2][1] ],
+ [ v[2][0], v[2][1] + h ],
+ ]
+ let f1 = [
+ [ v[1][0], v[1][1] ],
+ [ v[1][0], v[1][1] + h ],
+ [ v[2][0], v[2][1] + h ],
+ [ v[2][0], v[2][1] ],
+ ]
+ let f2 = [
+ [ v[2][0], v[2][1] ],
+ [ v[2][0], v[2][1] + h ],
+ [ v[3][0], v[3][1] + h ],
+ [ v[3][0], v[3][1] ],
+ ]
+ svg.push('<svg xmlns="" width="29" height="36">')
+ svg.push(`<path fill="${c[0]}" d="M${v}"/>`)
+ svg.push(`<path fill="${c[3]}" d="M${f1}"/>`)
+ svg.push(`<path fill="${c[1]}" d="M${f2}"/>`)
+ svg.push(`<path fill="none" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke="${c[4]}" d="M${v}z M${v2} M${v3}"/>`)
+ svg.push('</svg>')
+ fs.writeFileSync(output, svg.join("\n") + "\n")
+print_cylinder("images/govt_cylinder.svg", "tools/cylinder_icon_govt.svg", color_govt)
+print_cylinder("images/farc_cylinder.svg", "tools/cylinder_icon_farc.svg", color_farc)
+print_cylinder("images/auc_cylinder.svg", "tools/cylinder_icon_auc.svg", color_auc)
+print_cylinder("images/cartels_cylinder.svg", "tools/cylinder_icon_cartels.svg", color_cartels)
+print_disc("images/govt_base.svg", color_govt)
+print_disc("images/farc_base.svg", color_farc)
+print_disc("images/auc_base.svg", color_auc)
+print_disc("images/cartels_base.svg", color_cartels)
+print_octagon("images/farc_guerrilla_active.svg", star_farc, "#ffd800", "#8c1042", color_farc)
+print_octagon("images/farc_guerrilla.svg", null, null, null, color_farc)
+print_octagon("images/auc_guerrilla_active.svg", star_auc, "#0072bc", "#fff", color_auc)
+print_octagon("images/auc_guerrilla.svg", null, null, null, color_auc)
+print_octagon("images/cartels_guerrilla_active.svg", leaf, "#fff200", "#636466", color_cartels)
+print_octagon("images/cartels_guerrilla.svg", null, null, null, color_cartels)
+print_cube("images/govt_troops.svg", color_govt)
+print_cube("images/govt_police.svg", color_govt_police)
+let css = [ "/* TOKEN BORDER COLORS */" ]
+function border(base, sel) {
+ let rgb = parseHex(base)
+ // let hic = convertRgbToOklab(rgb); hic.l = Math.min(1,hic.l+0.1)
+ // let loc = convertRgbToOklab(rgb); loc.l = Math.max(0,loc.l-0.1)
+ // let shc = convertRgbToOklab(rgb); shc.l = Math.max(0,shc.l-0.4)
+ let hic = convertRgbToOklab(rgb); hic.l = Math.min(1,hic.l*1.2)
+ let loc = convertRgbToOklab(rgb); loc.l = Math.max(0,loc.l*0.8)
+ let shc = convertRgbToOklab(rgb); shc.l = Math.max(0,shc.l*0.4)
+ let sh = formatHex(shc)
+ let hi = formatHex(hic)
+ let lo = formatHex(loc)
+ css.push(`${sel} { background-color: ${base}; border-color: ${hi} ${lo} ${lo} ${hi}; box-shadow: 0 0 0 1px ${sh}, 0px 1px 4px #0008; }`)
+border("#006cb7", "#token_total_support")
+border("#80643e", "#token_prop_card")
+border("#d74729", "#token_oppose_plus_bases")
+border("#004e81", "#token_el_presidente")
+border("#6a8796", "#token_aid")
+border("#4b87c0", ".token.passive_support")
+border("#b75f61", ".token.passive_opposition")
+border("#0054a6", ".token.active_support")
+border("#991a1e", ".token.active_opposition")
+border("#0054a6", ".token.govt_control")
+border("#991a1e", ".token.farc_control")
+border("#ffc509", ".token.farc_zone")
+//border("#22010e", ".token.terror")
+border("#535052", ".token.terror")
+border("#535052", ".token.sabotage")
+border("#9dadb3", ".token.unshaded")
+border("#465c80", ".token.shaded")
+border("#6d5735", ".token.reminder.sucumbios")
+border("#cf1f30", ".token.reminder.senado_farc")
+border("#6d9f3b", ".token.reminder.senado_cartels")
+border("#ffcf00", ".token.reminder.senado_auc")
+border("#8dc73f", ".token.reminder.darien")
diff --git a/tools/guerrilla_icon_auc.svg.bak b/tools/guerrilla_icon_auc.svg.bak
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d7590c2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/guerrilla_icon_auc.svg.bak
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" standalone="no"?>
+<!DOCTYPE svg PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD SVG 20010904//EN"
+ "">
+<svg version="1.0" xmlns=""
+ width="25" height="17"
+ preserveAspectRatio="xMidYMid meet">
+Created by potrace 1.16, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2019
+<g transform="translate(1,.5)scale(0.079861,0.078125)">
+<g transform="translate(0.000000,192.000000) scale(0.100000,-0.100000)"
+fill="#000000" stroke="none">
+<path d="M1304 1395 l-129 -264 -415 -1 -415 0 90 -45 c194 -95 531 -258 553
+-266 12 -5 22 -12 22 -17 0 -5 -57 -125 -126 -266 -69 -142 -124 -259 -122
+-261 1 -2 53 21 113 50 61 30 212 103 337 164 l226 110 49 -24 c26 -13 129
+-63 228 -110 99 -48 226 -109 283 -137 56 -28 106 -48 109 -44 4 3 -48 120
+-116 259 -67 138 -121 255 -121 259 0 4 30 21 68 39 59 28 411 198 547 264
+l50 25 -416 0 -415 0 -129 265 c-70 146 -131 265 -135 265 -3 0 -64 -119 -136
diff --git a/tools/guerrilla_icon_cartels.svg.bak b/tools/guerrilla_icon_cartels.svg.bak
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9061687
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/guerrilla_icon_cartels.svg.bak
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" standalone="no"?>
+<!DOCTYPE svg PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD SVG 20010904//EN"
+ "">
+<svg version="1.0" xmlns=""
+ width="25" height="17"
+ preserveAspectRatio="xMidYMid meet">
+Created by potrace 1.16, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2019
+<g transform="translate(1,1)scale(0.079861,0.078125)">
+<g transform="translate(0.000000,192.000000) scale(0.100000,-0.100000)"
+fill="#000000" stroke="none">
+<path d="M1780 1463 c-61 -8 -182 -42 -265 -75 -203 -79 -488 -247 -574 -337
+-70 -73 -96 -139 -96 -242 l0 -86 -107 -72 c-60 -39 -108 -75 -108 -81 0 -9
+172 -130 185 -130 3 0 55 33 117 74 l111 75 81 -6 c130 -8 324 28 444 84 94
+43 261 167 390 288 232 217 266 407 88 486 -49 21 -188 33 -266 22z"/>
diff --git a/tools/guerrilla_icon_farc.svg.bak b/tools/guerrilla_icon_farc.svg.bak
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ce0b1ff
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/guerrilla_icon_farc.svg.bak
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" standalone="no"?>
+<!DOCTYPE svg PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD SVG 20010904//EN"
+ "">
+<svg version="1.0" xmlns=""
+ width="25" height="17"
+ preserveAspectRatio="xMidYMid meet">
+Created by potrace 1.16, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2019
+<g transform="translate(1,.5)scale(0.079861,0.078125)">
+<g transform="translate(0.000000,192.000000) scale(0.100000,-0.100000)"
+fill="#000000" stroke="none">
+<path d="M1284 1381 l-149 -199 -80 -11 c-44 -6 -134 -15 -200 -21 -66 -6
+-153 -15 -193 -21 -40 -5 -94 -9 -121 -9 -26 0 -51 -3 -54 -7 -4 -3 97 -75
+223 -160 127 -84 230 -158 230 -163 0 -6 -22 -100 -50 -210 -27 -110 -50 -204
+-50 -211 0 -13 -6 -15 180 51 80 28 197 69 260 91 63 22 125 43 136 46 18 4
+168 -40 229 -67 11 -5 54 -20 95 -34 41 -14 121 -41 178 -61 57 -20 105 -35
+107 -33 2 2 -20 100 -50 218 -30 118 -52 217 -50 221 3 3 45 33 96 65 300 194
+372 243 359 248 -8 2 -51 7 -95 10 -44 4 -123 11 -175 16 -52 5 -144 13 -203
+19 -187 18 -157 -3 -325 222 l-150 199 -148 -199z"/>
diff --git a/tools/icon_auc.png b/tools/icon_auc.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c56ba06
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/icon_auc.png
Binary files differ
diff --git a/tools/icon_cartels.png b/tools/icon_cartels.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3fdf6cc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/icon_cartels.png
Binary files differ
diff --git a/tools/icon_farc.png b/tools/icon_farc.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..170f635
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/icon_farc.png
Binary files differ
diff --git a/tools/icon_govt.png b/tools/icon_govt.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cb04a3e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/icon_govt.png
Binary files differ
diff --git a/tools/isometric_icon_auc.pbm b/tools/isometric_icon_auc.pbm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7fb96ae
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/isometric_icon_auc.pbm
Binary files differ
diff --git a/tools/isometric_icon_cartels.pbm b/tools/isometric_icon_cartels.pbm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..71a0ca0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/isometric_icon_cartels.pbm
Binary files differ
diff --git a/tools/isometric_icon_farc.pbm b/tools/isometric_icon_farc.pbm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7f89f31
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/isometric_icon_farc.pbm
Binary files differ
diff --git a/tools/ b/tools/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e53998d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+mkdir -p HIRES/cards
+for I in 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 $(seq 10 76) 7x BACK
+ F1=$(echo "HIRES/AA CARD DECK PROOFS"/AAcard-$I".pdf")
+ F2=$(echo "HIRES/AA CARD DECK PROOFS"/AAcard-$I"_2018-nf.pdf")
+ if [ -e "$F1" ]
+ then
+ echo $F1
+ gs -r1200 -sDEVICE=png16m -o HIRES/cards/card_$I.png "$F1"
+ fi
+ if [ -e "$F2" ]
+ then
+ echo $F2
+ gs -r1200 -sDEVICE=png16m -o HIRES/cards/card_$I.png "$F2"
+ fi
diff --git a/tools/ b/tools/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d182e55
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+gs -r1200 -sDEVICE=png16m -o HIRES/cards/card_61.png "HIRES/AAcard-61-fixed.pdf"
diff --git a/tools/ b/tools/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e4973d3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+mkdir -p HIRES/tokens
+# gs -r1200 -sDEVICE=png16m -o HIRES/tokens/sheet_a.png HIRES/AndeanAbyss_Tokens_FRONT-2018.pdf
+# gs -r1200 -sDEVICE=png16m -o HIRES/tokens/sheet_b.png HIRES/AndeanAbyss_Tokens_BACK-2018.pdf
+mutool draw -A0 -r1200 -z5 -o HIRES/tokens/sheet_a.png HIRES/AndeanAbyss_Tokens_FRONT-2018.pdf
+mutool draw -A0 -r1200 -z5 -o HIRES/tokens/sheet_b.png HIRES/AndeanAbyss_Tokens_BACK-2018.pdf
diff --git a/tools/ b/tools/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b868e4f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+mkdir -p cards.1x cards.2x
+for F in HIRES/cards/*.png
+ echo $F
+ # 186x261 at 75dpi (unused)
+ # 248x348 at 100dpi
+ convert -colorspace RGB -gravity Center -crop 2976x4176+0+0 -resize 8.333333% -colorspace sRGB $F cards.1x/$(basename $F)
+ convert -colorspace RGB -gravity Center -crop 2976x4176+0+0 -resize 16.666666% -colorspace sRGB $F cards.2x/$(basename $F)
diff --git a/tools/ b/tools/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..83bffdf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/
@@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
+mkdir -p tokens.1x tokens.2x
+function loop() {
+ convert -colorspace RGB -resize $SCALE -colorspace sRGB HIRES/tokens/five_a_1.ppm $OUT/govt_control.png
+ convert -colorspace RGB -resize $SCALE -colorspace sRGB HIRES/tokens/five_b_1.ppm $OUT/farc_control.png
+ convert -colorspace RGB -resize $SCALE -colorspace sRGB HIRES/tokens/five_a_6.ppm $OUT/farc_zone.png
+ convert -colorspace RGB -resize $SCALE -colorspace sRGB HIRES/tokens/five_a_7.ppm $OUT/unshaded_ndsc.png
+ convert -colorspace RGB -resize $SCALE -colorspace sRGB HIRES/tokens/five_a_8.ppm $OUT/unshaded_ospina.png
+ convert -colorspace RGB -resize $SCALE -colorspace sRGB HIRES/tokens/five_a_15.ppm $OUT/unshaded_tapias.png
+ convert -colorspace RGB -resize $SCALE -colorspace sRGB HIRES/tokens/five_a_16.ppm $OUT/unshaded_1st_div.png
+ convert -colorspace RGB -resize $SCALE -colorspace sRGB HIRES/tokens/five_a_23.ppm $OUT/unshaded_black_hawks.png
+ convert -colorspace RGB -resize $SCALE -colorspace sRGB HIRES/tokens/five_a_24.ppm $OUT/unshaded_7th_sf.png
+ convert -colorspace RGB -resize $SCALE -colorspace sRGB HIRES/tokens/five_a_32.ppm $OUT/unshaded_meteoro.png
+ convert -colorspace RGB -resize $SCALE -colorspace sRGB HIRES/tokens/five_a_40.ppm $OUT/unshaded_mtn_bns.png
+ convert -colorspace RGB -resize $SCALE -colorspace sRGB HIRES/tokens/five_b_7.ppm $OUT/shaded_ndsc.png
+ convert -colorspace RGB -resize $SCALE -colorspace sRGB HIRES/tokens/five_b_8.ppm $OUT/shaded_ospina.png
+ convert -colorspace RGB -resize $SCALE -colorspace sRGB HIRES/tokens/five_b_15.ppm $OUT/shaded_tapias.png
+ convert -colorspace RGB -resize $SCALE -colorspace sRGB HIRES/tokens/five_b_16.ppm $OUT/shaded_1st_div.png
+ convert -colorspace RGB -resize $SCALE -colorspace sRGB HIRES/tokens/five_b_23.ppm $OUT/shaded_black_hawks.png
+ convert -colorspace RGB -resize $SCALE -colorspace sRGB HIRES/tokens/five_b_24.ppm $OUT/shaded_7th_sf.png
+ convert -colorspace RGB -resize $SCALE -colorspace sRGB HIRES/tokens/five_b_32.ppm $OUT/shaded_meteoro.png
+ convert -colorspace RGB -resize $SCALE -colorspace sRGB HIRES/tokens/five_b_40.ppm $OUT/shaded_mtn_bns.png
+ convert -colorspace RGB -resize $SCALE -colorspace sRGB HIRES/tokens/five_a_30.ppm $OUT/oppose_plus_bases.png
+ convert -colorspace RGB -resize $SCALE -colorspace sRGB HIRES/tokens/five_a_31.ppm $OUT/aid.png
+ convert -colorspace RGB -resize $SCALE -colorspace sRGB HIRES/tokens/five_a_37.ppm $OUT/el_presidente.png
+ convert -colorspace RGB -resize $SCALE -colorspace sRGB HIRES/tokens/five_a_38.ppm $OUT/total_support.png
+ convert -colorspace RGB -resize $SCALE -colorspace sRGB HIRES/tokens/five_a_39.ppm $OUT/prop_card.png
+ convert -colorspace RGB -resize $SCALE -colorspace sRGB HIRES/tokens/half_a_1.ppm $OUT/active_support.png
+ convert -colorspace RGB -resize $SCALE -colorspace sRGB HIRES/tokens/half_a_2.ppm $OUT/terror.png
+ convert -colorspace RGB -resize $SCALE -colorspace sRGB HIRES/tokens/half_a_4.ppm $OUT/active_opposition.png
+ convert -colorspace RGB -resize $SCALE -colorspace sRGB HIRES/tokens/half_a_5.ppm $OUT/reminder_senado_cartels.png
+ convert -colorspace RGB -resize $SCALE -colorspace sRGB HIRES/tokens/half_a_6.ppm $OUT/reminder_darien.png
+ convert -colorspace RGB -resize $SCALE -colorspace sRGB HIRES/tokens/half_a_8.ppm $OUT/reminder_senado_auc.png
+ convert -colorspace RGB -resize $SCALE -colorspace sRGB HIRES/tokens/half_a_11.ppm $OUT/reminder_senado_farc.png
+ convert -colorspace RGB -resize $SCALE -colorspace sRGB HIRES/tokens/half_a_17.ppm $OUT/reminder_sucumbios.png
+ convert -colorspace RGB -resize $SCALE -colorspace sRGB HIRES/tokens/half_b_1.ppm $OUT/passive_support.png
+ convert -colorspace RGB -resize $SCALE -colorspace sRGB HIRES/tokens/half_b_2.ppm $OUT/sabotage.png
+ convert -colorspace RGB -resize $SCALE -colorspace sRGB HIRES/tokens/half_b_4.ppm $OUT/passive_opposition.png
diff --git a/tools/ b/tools/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5218792
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/
@@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
+# die cut line width = 9 (+4 to center)
+# 1/2" tokens 600px wide
+# 5/8" tokens 750px wide
+# FRONT SHEET (left die cut edge)
+# 1/2" at 588 1188 1788 1388 2988
+# 1/2" at 4188 4788 5388 5988 6588
+# 5/8" at 7896 8882 9868 10855 11841
+# BACK SHEET (left die cut edge)
+# 1/2" at 5991 6591 7191 7791 8391 9591
+# 5/8" at 588 1574 2560 3546 4533
+# BOTH SHEETS (top die cut edge)
+# 1/2" at 1356 5256 5856
+# 5/8" at 756 1742 2728 3714 4700 5688 6674 7660
+# THEN trim some margins so the result @75dpi is 36 / 45
+# 1/2" 576x576+12+12
+# 5/8" 720x720+15+15
+pngtopnm HIRES/tokens/sheet_a.png > /tmp/big.ppm
+for L in 592 4192 4792 5392 5992 6592
+ for T in 1360 5260 5860
+ do
+ echo half $I $L $T
+ pnmcut $L $T 600 600 /tmp/big.ppm | pnmcut 12 12 576 576 | pnmtopng > HIRES/tokens/half_a_$I.ppm
+ I=$(expr $I + 1)
+ done
+for L in 7900 8886 9872 10859 11845
+ for T in 760 1746 2732 3718 4704 5692 6678 7664
+ do
+ echo five $I $L $T
+ pnmcut $L $T 750 750 /tmp/big.ppm | pnmcut 15 15 720 720 | pnmtopng > HIRES/tokens/five_a_$I.ppm
+ I=$(expr $I + 1)
+ done
+pngtopnm HIRES/tokens/sheet_b.png > /tmp/big.ppm
+for L in 9595 8395 7795 7195 6595 5995
+ for T in 1360 5260 5860
+ do
+ echo half $I $L $T
+ pnmcut $L $T 600 600 /tmp/big.ppm | pnmcut 12 12 576 576 | pnmtopng > HIRES/tokens/half_b_$I.ppm
+ I=$(expr $I + 1)
+ done
+for L in 4537 3550 2564 1578 592
+ for T in 760 1746 2732 3718 4704 5692 6678 7664
+ do
+ echo five $I $L $T
+ pnmcut $L $T 750 750 /tmp/big.ppm | pnmcut 15 15 720 720 | pnmtopng > HIRES/tokens/five_b_$I.ppm
+ I=$(expr $I + 1)
+ done