path: root/tools
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'tools')
3 files changed, 1715 insertions, 412 deletions
diff --git a/tools/ b/tools/
index 2e7bafe..9a287db 100644
--- a/tools/
+++ b/tools/
@@ -1,33 +1,41 @@
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
-SCALE = 1.8033333333333332
+SCALE = 1.8
def readsvg(filename):
- with open(filename) as fp:
- soup = BeautifulSoup(fp, features="xml")
+ with open(filename) as fp:
+ soup = BeautifulSoup(fp, features="xml")
- result = []
- boxes = soup.find('g', id='Mission-Boxes')
- for box in boxes.find_all('g', recursive=False):
- area_name = box.attrs.get('serif:id', box.attrs['id'])
- for rect in box.find_all('rect'):
- rect_id = rect.attrs.get('serif:id', rect.attrs['id'])
- x = float(rect.attrs['x'])
- y = float(rect.attrs['y'])
- w = float(rect.attrs['width'])
- h = float(rect.attrs['height'])
- xc = round((x+w/2.0)/SCALE)
- yc = round((y+h/2.0)/SCALE)
- name = area_name + '-' + rect_id
- result.append([name, xc, yc])
+ result = []
+ boxes = soup.find('g', id='Mission-Boxes')
+ for box in boxes.find_all('g', recursive=False):
+ area_name = box.attrs.get('serif:id', box.attrs['id'])
+ for g in box.find_all('g'):
+ xo = 0
+ yo = 0
+ transform = g.attrs.get('transform')
+ if transform and transform.startswith("translate("):
+ transform = transform.replace("translate(","").replace(")","").split(',')
+ xo = float(transform[0])
+ yo = float(transform[1])
+ for rect in g.find_all('rect'):
+ rect_id = rect.attrs.get('serif:id', rect.attrs['id'])
+ x = float(rect.attrs['x']) + xo
+ y = float(rect.attrs['y']) + yo
+ w = float(rect.attrs['width'])
+ h = float(rect.attrs['height'])
+ xc = round((x+w/2.0)/SCALE)
+ yc = round((y+h/2.0)/SCALE)
+ name = area_name + '-' + rect_id
+ result.append([name, xc, yc])
- return result
+ return result
def print_list(data):
- print("const LAYOUT = {")
- for (name, x, y) in data:
- print(f'\t"{name}": [{x}, {y}],')
- print("}")
+ print("const LAYOUT = {")
+ for (name, x, y) in data:
+ print(f'\t"{name}": [{x}, {y}],')
+ print("}")
result = readsvg("tools/layout.svg")
diff --git a/tools/genshape.js b/tools/genshape.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c1b7ddf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/genshape.js
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+var fs = require("fs")
+function polygon(radius, sides, angle) {
+ let w = radius * 2 + 6
+ let b = 3 + radius
+ let out = []
+ out.push(`<svg xmlns="" width="${w}" height="${w}">`)
+ let d = [ "M" ]
+ for (let i = 0; i < sides; ++i) {
+ let a = (angle + (360 / sides) * i) * (Math.PI / 180)
+ let x = b + Math.round(Math.sin(a) * radius)
+ let y = b + Math.round(Math.cos(a) * radius)
+ d.push(x)
+ d.push(y)
+ }
+ d.push("z")
+ out.push(`<path d="${d.join(" ")}" stroke-width="2" fill="white" stroke="none" />`)
+ out.push(`</svg>`)
+ return out.join("\n")
+// circle diameter: 54 => 27
+// square width: 54 => 27
+// hex diameter = 60 => 30
+// triangle base = 70, r = 70 / sqrt(3) => 40
+fs.writeFileSync("ops.svg", polygon(30, 6, 30))
+//fs.writeFileSync("ptl.svg", polygon(27, 100, 0))
+//fs.writeFileSync("oc.svg", polygon(27, 4, 45))
+fs.writeFileSync("ug.svg", polygon(38, 3, 180))
diff --git a/tools/layout.svg b/tools/layout.svg
index f5a7850..d5addb3 100644
--- a/tools/layout.svg
+++ b/tools/layout.svg
@@ -1,448 +1,1713 @@
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+ id="Mission-Boxes"
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+ id="Laghouat">
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+ id="OC">
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+ id="OC1"
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+ id="PTL">
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+ id="PTL1"
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+ x="1130.76"
+ y="1762.1899"
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+ height="77"
+ style="fill:#78ed29;fill-opacity:0.5" />
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+ id="OPS">
+ <rect
+ id="OPS1"
+ serif:id="OPS"
+ x="1414.38"
+ y="1552.66"
+ width="77"
+ height="77"
+ style="fill:#a629ed;fill-opacity:0.5" />
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+ id="UG">
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+ id="UG1"
+ serif:id="UG"
+ x="1098.76"
+ y="1577.48"
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+ height="77"
+ style="fill:#edb029;fill-opacity:0.5" />
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+ <g
+ id="MK"
+ transform="translate(8.7642638,43.69044)">
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+ id="MK1"
+ serif:id="MK"
+ x="1273.36"
+ y="1595.45"
+ width="77"
+ height="77"
+ style="fill:#2f29ed;fill-opacity:0.5" />
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- </g>
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+ <g
+ id="Ain-Sefra"
+ serif:id="Ain Sefra">
+ <g
+ id="OC2"
+ serif:id="OC">
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+ id="OC3"
+ serif:id="OC"
+ x="800.25598"
+ y="1779.47"
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+ height="77"
+ style="fill:#ed2939;fill-opacity:0.5" />
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+ <g
+ id="PTL2"
+ serif:id="PTL">
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+ id="PTL3"
+ serif:id="PTL"
+ x="619.62903"
+ y="1781.47"
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+ height="77"
+ style="fill:#78ed29;fill-opacity:0.5" />
+ </g>
+ <g
+ id="OPS2"
+ serif:id="OPS">
+ <rect
+ id="OPS3"
+ serif:id="OPS"
+ x="836.25598"
+ y="1632.8199"
+ width="77"
+ height="77"
+ style="fill:#a629ed;fill-opacity:0.5" />
+ </g>
+ <g
+ id="UG2"
+ serif:id="UG">
+ <rect
+ id="UG3"
+ serif:id="UG"
+ x="435.629"
+ y="1763.66"
+ width="77"
+ height="77"
+ style="fill:#edb029;fill-opacity:0.5" />
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+ id="MK2"
+ serif:id="MK"
+ transform="translate(88.912795,-37.696569)">
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+ id="MK3"
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+ x="543.5"
+ y="1694.1899"
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+ height="77"
+ style="fill:#2f29ed;fill-opacity:0.5" />
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- </g>
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- </g>
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- <rect id="MK5" serif:id="MK" x="754.5" y="1248.59" width="77" height="77" style="fill:#2f29ed;fill-opacity:0.5;"/>
+ <g
+ id="Mascara">
+ <g
+ id="OC4"
+ serif:id="OC">
+ <rect
+ id="OC5"
+ serif:id="OC"
+ x="904.38202"
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+ height="77"
+ style="fill:#ed2939;fill-opacity:0.5" />
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+ <g
+ id="PTL4"
+ serif:id="PTL">
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+ id="PTL5"
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+ <g
+ id="OPS4"
+ serif:id="OPS">
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+ id="OPS5"
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+ id="UG4"
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+ id="UG5"
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+ id="MK4"
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- <rect id="MK7" serif:id="MK" x="505" y="1474.32" width="77" height="77" style="fill:#2f29ed;fill-opacity:0.5;"/>
+ <g
+ id="Saida">
+ <g
+ id="OC6"
+ serif:id="OC">
+ <rect
+ id="OC7"
+ serif:id="OC"
+ x="644.38202"
+ y="1553.47"
+ width="77"
+ height="77"
+ style="fill:#ed2939;fill-opacity:0.5" />
+ </g>
+ <g
+ id="PTL6"
+ serif:id="PTL">
+ <rect
+ id="PTL7"
+ serif:id="PTL"
+ x="508.5"
+ y="1577.47"
+ width="77"
+ height="77"
+ style="fill:#78ed29;fill-opacity:0.5" />
+ </g>
+ <g
+ id="OPS6"
+ serif:id="OPS">
+ <rect
+ id="OPS7"
+ serif:id="OPS"
+ x="617"
+ y="1370.9399"
+ width="77"
+ height="77"
+ style="fill:#a629ed;fill-opacity:0.5" />
+ </g>
+ <g
+ id="UG6"
+ serif:id="UG">
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+ id="UG7"
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+ <g
+ id="MK6"
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+ transform="translate(49.351526,-8.4824755)">
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+ id="MK7"
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+ style="fill:#2f29ed;fill-opacity:0.5" />
- <g id="Mecheria">
- <g id="OC8" serif:id="OC">
- <rect id="OC9" serif:id="OC" x="354.382" y="1618.47" width="77" height="77" style="fill:#ed2939;fill-opacity:0.5;"/>
- </g>
- <g id="PTL8" serif:id="PTL">
- <rect id="PTL9" serif:id="PTL" x="243.5" y="1635.47" width="77" height="77" style="fill:#78ed29;fill-opacity:0.5;"/>
- </g>
- <g id="OPS8" serif:id="OPS">
- <rect id="OPS9" serif:id="OPS" x="345.5" y="1433.94" width="77" height="77" style="fill:#a629ed;fill-opacity:0.5;"/>
- </g>
- <g id="UG8" serif:id="UG">
- <rect id="UG9" serif:id="UG" x="237.756" y="1454.43" width="77" height="77" style="fill:#edb029;fill-opacity:0.5;"/>
- </g>
- <g id="MK8" serif:id="MK">
- <rect id="MK9" serif:id="MK" x="371.846" y="1523.47" width="77" height="77" style="fill:#2f29ed;fill-opacity:0.5;"/>
+ <g
+ id="Mecheria">
+ <g
+ id="OC8"
+ serif:id="OC"
+ transform="translate(5.0040751,-2.0924014)">
+ <rect
+ id="OC9"
+ serif:id="OC"
+ x="354.38199"
+ y="1618.47"
+ width="77"
+ height="77"
+ style="fill:#ed2939;fill-opacity:0.5" />
+ </g>
+ <g
+ id="PTL8"
+ serif:id="PTL">
+ <rect
+ id="PTL9"
+ serif:id="PTL"
+ x="243.5"
+ y="1635.47"
+ width="77"
+ height="77"
+ style="fill:#78ed29;fill-opacity:0.5" />
+ </g>
+ <g
+ id="OPS8"
+ serif:id="OPS">
+ <rect
+ id="OPS9"
+ serif:id="OPS"
+ x="345.5"
+ y="1433.9399"
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+ height="77"
+ style="fill:#a629ed;fill-opacity:0.5" />
+ </g>
+ <g
+ id="UG8"
+ serif:id="UG">
+ <rect
+ id="UG9"
+ serif:id="UG"
+ x="237.756"
+ y="1454.4301"
+ width="77"
+ height="77"
+ style="fill:#edb029;fill-opacity:0.5" />
+ </g>
+ <g
+ id="MK8"
+ serif:id="MK">
+ <rect
+ id="MK9"
+ serif:id="MK"
+ x="292.21362"
+ y="1532.2079"
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+ height="77"
+ style="fill:#2f29ed;fill-opacity:0.5" />
- <g id="Mostaganem">
- <g id="OC10" serif:id="OC">
- <rect id="OC11" serif:id="OC" x="852.382" y="1075.71" width="77" height="77" style="fill:#ed2939;fill-opacity:0.5;"/>
- </g>
- <g id="PTL10" serif:id="PTL">
- <rect id="PTL11" serif:id="PTL" x="748.5" y="983.707" width="77" height="77" style="fill:#78ed29;fill-opacity:0.5;"/>
- </g>
- <g id="OPS10" serif:id="OPS">
- <rect id="OPS11" serif:id="OPS" x="814.382" y="746.015" width="77" height="77" style="fill:#a629ed;fill-opacity:0.5;"/>
- </g>
- <g id="UG10" serif:id="UG">
- <rect id="UG11" serif:id="UG" x="715.756" y="805.221" width="77" height="77" style="fill:#edb029;fill-opacity:0.5;"/>
- </g>
- <g id="MK10" serif:id="MK">
- <rect id="MK11" serif:id="MK" x="862.454" y="963.829" width="77" height="77" style="fill:#2f29ed;fill-opacity:0.5;"/>
+ <g
+ id="Mostaganem">
+ <g
+ id="OC10"
+ serif:id="OC">
+ <rect
+ id="OC11"
+ serif:id="OC"
+ x="852.38202"
+ y="1075.71"
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+ height="77"
+ style="fill:#ed2939;fill-opacity:0.5" />
+ </g>
+ <g
+ id="PTL10"
+ serif:id="PTL">
+ <rect
+ id="PTL11"
+ serif:id="PTL"
+ x="748.5"
+ y="983.70697"
+ width="77"
+ height="77"
+ style="fill:#78ed29;fill-opacity:0.5" />
+ </g>
+ <g
+ id="OPS10"
+ serif:id="OPS">
+ <rect
+ id="OPS11"
+ serif:id="OPS"
+ x="814.38202"
+ y="746.01501"
+ width="77"
+ height="77"
+ style="fill:#a629ed;fill-opacity:0.5" />
+ </g>
+ <g
+ id="UG10"
+ serif:id="UG">
+ <rect
+ id="UG11"
+ serif:id="UG"
+ x="715.75598"
+ y="805.22101"
+ width="77"
+ height="77"
+ style="fill:#edb029;fill-opacity:0.5" />
+ </g>
+ <g
+ id="MK10"
+ serif:id="MK"
+ transform="translate(-27.826371,-79.737528)">
+ <rect
+ id="MK11"
+ serif:id="MK"
+ x="862.45398"
+ y="963.82898"
+ width="77"
+ height="77"
+ style="fill:#2f29ed;fill-opacity:0.5" />
- <g id="Sidi-Bel-Abbes" serif:id="Sidi Bel Abbes">
- <g id="OC12" serif:id="OC">
- <rect id="OC13" serif:id="OC" x="625.382" y="1113.71" width="77" height="77" style="fill:#ed2939;fill-opacity:0.5;"/>
- </g>
- <g id="PTL12" serif:id="PTL">
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- <g id="OPS12" serif:id="OPS">
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+ id="UG50"
+ serif:id="UG">
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+ serif:id="UG">
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+ serif:id="UG">
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