path: root/events.txt
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2024-11-01Fix Ligacheviainp5
2024-11-01More tweaks to permanently removeiainp5
2024-11-01Fix persistent events being permanently removediainp5
2024-10-28Updates to Table Cards and cleanupiainp5
2024-10-26New power cardsiainp5
2024-10-26Remove null spaceiainp5
2024-10-26Fix typoiainp5
2024-10-25Added TST and Power Struggle eventsiainp5
2024-10-25Update Modrow promptiainp5
2024-10-12Updates to events handlingiainp5
2024-10-11Updates to SC logiainp5
2024-10-10Adding undo stepsiainp5
2024-10-08Fix Honecker with Deutsche Marksiainp5
2024-10-06Consistent use of valid_spaces_country_oppiainp5
2024-10-04Updates to reduce game objectiainp5
2024-10-03Updates to reduce game objectiainp5
2024-10-03Added separate state for Common European Homeiainp5
2024-10-03Updates to visuals on loadingiainp5
2024-09-29Feat to Li Pengiainp5
2024-09-29Fix held card warningiainp5
2024-09-29Changes to reduce size of game objectiainp5
2024-09-28Add Tyrant is Gone to end game scoringiainp5
2024-09-28Update Kremlin Coup modifieriainp5
2024-09-27Small tweaksiainp5
2024-09-26Updates to Deutsche Marks, Inflationary Currecy, old table cardsiainp5
2024-09-24Updates to Prudence to allow it to be applied twiceiainp5
2024-09-23Small updatesiainp5
2024-09-21Fix typo in Shock Therapyiainp5
2024-09-18Updates to The Tyrant is Goneiainp5
2024-09-16Updates to logiainp5
2024-09-16Fixed Helsinki Final Act applying to democratiainp5
2024-09-16Updates to prompt and gameplayiainp5
2024-09-16Updates to event promptsiainp5
2024-09-16updates to gameplay and promptiainp5
2024-09-16updates to rules.js to reflect latest events.txtiainp5
2024-09-16Further improvements to prompt and gameplayiainp5
2024-09-16Improvements to prompt and game flowiainp5
2024-09-16Updates to vm_promptiainp5
2024-08-18Add events.txtiainp5