path: root/views/info.ejs
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'views/info.ejs')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 80 deletions
diff --git a/views/info.ejs b/views/info.ejs
deleted file mode 100644
index 49625ed..0000000
--- a/views/info.ejs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,80 +0,0 @@
-<%- include('header', { title: title.title_name, refresh: (user ? 300 : 0) }) -%>
-<img class="logo" src="/<%= title.title_id %>/cover.jpg">
-<%- include('../public/' + title.title_id + '/about.html') -%>
-Read more about the game on
-<a href="<%= title.bgg %>"></a>.
-<h2>Open Games</h2>
-<% if (open_games.length > 0) { -%>
-<% open_games.forEach((row) => { %>
-<td><%= row.game_id %>
-<td class="w"><%= row.scenario %>
-<td><%- row.player_names %>
-<td><%= row.description %>
-<td class="w"><%= row.ctime %>
-<td class="command"><a href="/join/<%= row.game_id %>">Join</a>
-<% }); } else { %>
-<tr><td colspan="6">No open games.
-<% } %>
-<a href="/create/<%= title.title_id %>">Create a new game</a>.
-<% if (active_games.length > 0) { %>
-<h2>Active Games</h2>
-<table class="game">
-<% active_games.forEach((row) => { %>
-<td><%= row.game_id %>
-<td class="w"><%= row.scenario %>
-<td><%- row.player_names %>
-<td><%= row.description %>
-<td class="w"><%= row.mtime %>
-<% if (row.is_active) { %>
-<td class="is_active"><%= %>
-<% } else { %>
-<td><%= %>
-<% } %>
-<% if (row.is_yours) { %>
-<% if (row.is_shared) { %>
-<td class="command"><a href="/join/<%= row.game_id %>">Play</a>
-<% } else { %>
-<td class="command"><a href="/<%- row.title_id %>/play:<%- row.game_id %>:<%- row.your_role %>">Play</a>
-<% } %>
-<% } else { %>
-<td class="command"><a href="/<%- row.title_id %>/play:<%- row.game_id %>">View</a>
-<% } %>
-<% }); %>
-<% } %>
-<% if (finished_games.length > 0) { %>
-<h2>Finished Games</h2>
-<table class="game">
-<% finished_games.forEach((row) => { %>
-<td><%= row.game_id %>
-<td class="w"><%= row.scenario %>
-<td><%- row.player_names %>
-<td><%= row.description %>
-<td class="w"><%= row.mtime %>
-<td><%= row.result %>
-<% if (row.is_yours) { %>
-<% if (row.is_shared) { %>
-<td class="command"><a href="/join/<%= row.game_id %>">View</a>
-<% } else { %>
-<td class="command"><a href="/<%- row.title_id %>/play:<%- row.game_id %>:<%- row.your_role %>">View</a>
-<% } %>
-<% } else { %>
-<td class="command"><a href="/<%- row.title_id %>/play:<%- row.game_id %>">View</a>
-<% } %>
-<% }); %>
-<% } %>