path: root/schema.sql
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Diffstat (limited to 'schema.sql')
1 files changed, 242 insertions, 38 deletions
diff --git a/schema.sql b/schema.sql
index e945916..2840934 100644
--- a/schema.sql
+++ b/schema.sql
@@ -38,24 +38,53 @@ create table if not exists users (
mail text unique collate nocase,
notify integer default 0,
is_verified boolean default 0,
- is_banned boolean default 0,
- ctime datetime default current_timestamp,
- password text,
- salt text,
- about text
+ is_banned boolean default 0
insert or ignore into
- users (user_id, name, mail, ctime)
- values (0, 'Deleted', 'deleted@nowhere', null)
+ users (user_id, name, mail)
+ values (0, 'Deleted', 'deleted@nowhere')
+create table if not exists user_password (
+ user_id integer primary key,
+ password text,
+ salt text
+create table if not exists user_about (
+ user_id integer primary key,
+ about text
+create table if not exists user_first_seen (
+ user_id integer primary key,
+ ctime datetime,
+ ip text
create table if not exists user_last_seen (
user_id integer primary key,
atime datetime,
ip text
+create table if not exists user_timeout (
+ user_id integer,
+ game_id integer,
+ time datetime default current_timestamp,
+ primary key (user_id, game_id)
+create index if not exists user_timeout_idx on user_timeout(user_id, time);
+create table if not exists user_move_hist (
+ user_id integer,
+ minutes integer,
+ frequency integer default 1,
+ primary key (user_id, minutes)
+) without rowid;
create table if not exists tokens (
user_id integer primary key,
token text,
@@ -84,15 +113,101 @@ create view user_login_view as
user_id, name, mail, notify, password, salt
+ left join user_password using(user_id)
+ ;
+drop view if exists user_move_iqr;
+create view user_move_iqr as
+ with
+ aa as (
+ select
+ user_id,
+ sum(frequency) as total
+ from user_move_hist
+ group by user_id
+ ),
+ bb as (
+ select
+ user_id,
+ minutes,
+ 4 * sum(frequency) over (partition by user_id order by minutes) / (total+1) as quartile
+ from aa join user_move_hist using(user_id)
+ ),
+ cc as (
+ select
+ user_id,
+ quartile,
+ last_value(minutes) over (partition by user_id order by quartile) as minutes
+ from bb
+ where quartile < 3
+ group by user_id, quartile
+ )
+ select
+ user_id,
+ sum(minutes) filter (where quartile = 0) as q1,
+ sum(minutes) filter (where quartile = 1) as q2,
+ sum(minutes) filter (where quartile = 2) as q3
+ from cc
+ group by user_id
drop view if exists user_profile_view;
create view user_profile_view as
- select
- user_id, name, mail, notify, ctime, atime, about, is_banned
- from
- users
- left join user_last_seen using(user_id)
+ with
+ timeout as (
+ select
+ user_id,
+ count(1) as timeout_total,
+ max(time) as timeout_last
+ from
+ user_timeout
+ group by
+ user_id
+ ),
+ user_move_mean as (
+ select
+ user_id,
+ sum(minutes * frequency) / sum(frequency) as move_time_mean
+ from
+ user_move_hist
+ group by
+ user_id
+ ),
+ profile as (
+ select
+ user_id, name, mail, notify, ctime, atime, about, is_banned,
+ move_time_mean,
+ coalesce(q1, q2, q3) as move_time_q1,
+ coalesce(q2, q3) as move_time_q2,
+ q3 as move_time_q3,
+ coalesce(timeout_total, 0) as timeout_total,
+ coalesce(timeout_last, 0) as timeout_last
+ from
+ users
+ left join user_first_seen using(user_id)
+ left join user_last_seen using(user_id)
+ left join user_about using(user_id)
+ left join timeout using(user_id)
+ left join user_move_mean using(user_id)
+ left join user_move_iqr using(user_id)
+ )
+ select
+ profile.*,
+ (
+ select
+ count(1)
+ from
+ players
+ join games using(game_id)
+ where
+ players.user_id = profile.user_id
+ and games.is_opposed
+ and games.status > 1
+ and games.result != 'None'
+ and games.mtime > timeout_last
+ ) as games_since_timeout
+ from
+ profile
drop view if exists user_dynamic_view;
@@ -119,16 +234,17 @@ create view user_dynamic_view as
join games using(game_id)
status = 1
- and user_count = player_count
+ and is_opposed
+ and is_active
and players.user_id = users.user_id
- and active in ( players.role, 'Both' )
) + (
- players.user_id = users.user_id and players.is_invite
+ is_invite
+ and players.user_id = users.user_id
) + (
@@ -157,6 +273,7 @@ create view rated_games_view as
and moves >= player_count * 3
and user_count = player_count
and player_count > 1
+ and result != 'None'
and not exists (
select 1 from players where players.game_id = games.game_id and user_id = 0
@@ -427,6 +544,8 @@ create table if not exists players (
role text,
user_id integer,
is_invite integer,
+ is_active boolean,
+ active_time real, -- julianday
clock real,
score integer,
primary key (game_id, role)
@@ -471,19 +590,11 @@ create view player_view as
+ is_active,
- case status
- when 0 then
- owner_id = user_id
- when 1 then
- active in ( 'Both', role )
- else
- 0
- end
- ) as is_active,
- (
- case when active in ( 'Both', role ) then
- clock - (julianday() - julianday(mtime))
+ case when is_active
+ then
+ clock - (julianday() - julianday(active_time))
@@ -509,8 +620,8 @@ create view time_control_view as
join players using(game_id)
status = 1
- and active in ( 'Both', role )
- and clock - (julianday() - julianday(mtime)) < 0
+ and is_active
+ and clock - (julianday() - julianday(players.active_time)) < 0
-- Export game state as JSON
@@ -632,6 +743,17 @@ create table if not exists tm_winners (
create index if not exists tm_winners_pool_idx on tm_winners(pool_id);
+drop view if exists tm_queue_view;
+create view tm_queue_view as
+ select
+ tm_queue.*
+ from
+ tm_queue
+ join user_last_seen using(user_id)
+ where
+ julianday() - julianday(atime) < 3
+ ;
drop view if exists tm_pool_active_view;
create view tm_pool_active_view as
@@ -687,6 +809,7 @@ begin
set score = (
when new.result is null then null
+ when new.result = 'None' then null
when new.result = role then 2
when new.result = 'Draw' then 1
when instr(new.result, role) then 1
@@ -759,7 +882,7 @@ begin
tt as (
- round_count as threshold
+ (2 * round_count) / player_count as threshold
@@ -834,15 +957,91 @@ begin
games.game_id = old.game_id;
--- Trigger to track time spent!
+-- Triggers to track is_active and time spent!
-drop trigger if exists trigger_time_used_update;
-create trigger trigger_time_used_update before update of active on games
+drop trigger if exists trigger_game_started;
+create trigger trigger_game_started after update of status on games
+ when old.status = 0 and new.status = 1
- update players
- set clock = clock - (julianday() - julianday(old.mtime))
+ update
+ players
+ set
+ clock = (
+ case old.pace
+ when 1 then 1
+ when 2 then 3
+ when 3 then 3
+ else 21
+ end
+ )
- players.game_id = old.game_id and players.role in ( 'Both', );
+ players.game_id = old.game_id
+ ;
+drop trigger if exists trigger_active_changed;
+create trigger trigger_active_changed after update of active on games
+ update
+ players
+ set
+ is_active = ( = 'Both' or instr(, players.role) )
+ where
+ players.game_id = old.game_id
+ ;
+drop trigger if exists trigger_player_to_active;
+create trigger trigger_player_to_active after update of is_active on players
+ when old.is_active is not true and new.is_active
+ update
+ players
+ set
+ active_time = julianday()
+ where
+ players.game_id = old.game_id and players.role = old.role
+ ;
+drop trigger if exists trigger_player_to_inactive;
+create trigger trigger_player_to_inactive after update of is_active on players
+ when old.is_active and (not new.is_active)
+ update
+ players
+ set
+ active_time = null,
+ clock = (
+ case (select pace from games where games.game_id = players.game_id)
+ when 1 then min(clock - (julianday() - julianday(old.active_time)) + 4 / 24.0, 3)
+ when 2 then min(clock - (julianday() - julianday(old.active_time)) + 12 / 24.0, 5)
+ when 3 then min(clock - (julianday() - julianday(old.active_time)) + 36 / 24.0, 10)
+ else 21
+ end
+ )
+ where
+ players.game_id = old.game_id and players.role = old.role
+ ;
+ insert into user_move_hist (user_id, minutes)
+ select
+ old.user_id,
+ case
+ when minutes < 60 then ceil(minutes)
+ when minutes < 720 then round(minutes / 5) * 5
+ when minutes < 4320 then round(minutes / 15) * 15
+ when minutes < 7200 then round(minutes / 60) * 60
+ else round(minutes / 360) * 360
+ end as minutes
+ from (
+ select (julianday() - julianday(old.active_time)) * 1440 as minutes
+ )
+ where (
+ select is_opposed from games where games.game_id = old.game_id
+ )
+ on conflict do update
+ set frequency = frequency + 1
+ ;
-- Trigger to remove game data when filing a game as archived
@@ -875,10 +1074,15 @@ end;
drop trigger if exists trigger_delete_on_users;
create trigger trigger_delete_on_users after delete on users
+ delete from user_password where user_id = old.user_id;
+ delete from user_first_seen where user_id = old.user_id;
+ delete from user_last_seen where user_id = old.user_id;
+ delete from user_about where user_id = old.user_id;
+ delete from user_move_hist where user_id = old.user_id;
+ delete from user_timeout where user_id = old.user_id;
+ delete from webhooks where user_id = old.user_id;
delete from logins where user_id = old.user_id;
delete from tokens where user_id = old.user_id;
- delete from webhooks where user_id = old.user_id;
- delete from user_last_seen where user_id = old.user_id;
delete from read_threads where user_id = old.user_id;
delete from unread_chats where user_id = old.user_id;
delete from contacts where me = old.user_id or you = old.user_id;