path: root/tools
diff options
authorTor Andersson <>2021-12-31 22:05:18 +0100
committerTor Andersson <>2021-12-31 22:24:47 +0100
commit1f060bf2ef8b3d475b0d37d32bab73e1a601ea11 (patch)
treed8aee9faff64c5690e1a4c3b21e99e6de443fcdb /tools
parent119675c218c27a33d03ab2f01624486aec6ecdee (diff)
Parameterize site name and domain.
Diffstat (limited to 'tools')
2 files changed, 0 insertions, 544 deletions
diff --git a/tools/sql/data.txt b/tools/sql/data.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index e9fc882..0000000
--- a/tools/sql/data.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,29 +0,0 @@
-PRAGMA foreign_keys=0;
-INSERT OR REPLACE INTO titles VALUES ( '300-earth-and-water', '300: Earth & Water', 267058, 0 );
-INSERT OR REPLACE INTO roles VALUES ( '300-earth-and-water', 'Persia' );
-INSERT OR REPLACE INTO roles VALUES ( '300-earth-and-water', 'Greece' );
-INSERT OR REPLACE INTO titles VALUES ( 'crusader-rex', 'Crusader Rex', 8481, 0 );
-INSERT OR REPLACE INTO roles VALUES ( 'crusader-rex', 'Franks' );
-INSERT OR REPLACE INTO roles VALUES ( 'crusader-rex', 'Saracens' );
-INSERT OR REPLACE INTO titles VALUES ( 'julius-caesar', 'Julius Caesar', 37836, 0 );
-INSERT OR REPLACE INTO roles VALUES ( 'julius-caesar', 'Caesar' );
-INSERT OR REPLACE INTO roles VALUES ( 'julius-caesar', 'Pompeius' );
-INSERT OR REPLACE INTO titles VALUES ( 'hammer-of-the-scots', 'Hammer of the Scots', 3685, 0 );
-INSERT OR REPLACE INTO roles VALUES ( 'hammer-of-the-scots', 'England' );
-INSERT OR REPLACE INTO roles VALUES ( 'hammer-of-the-scots', 'Scotland' );
-INSERT OR REPLACE INTO titles VALUES ( 'richard-iii', 'Richard III', 25277, 0 );
-INSERT OR REPLACE INTO roles VALUES ( 'richard-iii', 'York' );
-INSERT OR REPLACE INTO roles VALUES ( 'richard-iii', 'Lancaster' );
-INSERT OR REPLACE INTO titles VALUES ( 'shores-of-tripoli', 'Shores of Tripoli', 237860, 0 );
-INSERT OR REPLACE INTO roles VALUES ( 'shores-of-tripoli', 'Tripolitania' );
-INSERT OR REPLACE INTO roles VALUES ( 'shores-of-tripoli', 'United States' );
-INSERT OR REPLACE INTO titles VALUES ( 'wilderness-war', 'Wilderness War', 1822, 1 );
-INSERT OR REPLACE INTO roles VALUES ( 'wilderness-war', 'French' );
-INSERT OR REPLACE INTO roles VALUES ( 'wilderness-war', 'British' );
diff --git a/tools/sql/schema.txt b/tools/sql/schema.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 419da0d..0000000
--- a/tools/sql/schema.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,515 +0,0 @@
--- Blacklists --
-create table if not exists blacklist_ip ( ip text primary key ) without rowid;
-create table if not exists blacklist_mail ( mail text primary key ) without rowid;
--- Titles and roles --
-create table if not exists titles (
- title_id text
- primary key,
- title_name text,
- bgg integer,
- is_hidden boolean
-) without rowid;
-create table if not exists roles (
- title_id text
- references titles,
- role text,
- unique (title_id, role)
--- Users --
-create table if not exists logins (
- sid integer
- primary key,
- user_id integer
- references users
- on delete cascade,
- expires real
-create table if not exists users (
- user_id integer
- primary key,
- name text
- unique
- collate nocase,
- mail text
- unique
- collate nocase,
- notify boolean
- default 0,
- is_banned boolean
- default 0,
- ctime timestamp
- default current_timestamp,
- password text,
- salt text,
- about text
-create table if not exists user_last_seen (
- user_id integer
- primary key
- references users
- on delete cascade,
- atime timestamp,
- aip text
-create table if not exists tokens (
- user_id integer
- primary key
- references users
- on delete cascade,
- token text,
- time timestamp
-create table if not exists last_notified (
- game_id integer
- references games
- on delete cascade,
- user_id integer
- references users
- on delete cascade,
- time timestamp,
- primary key (game_id, user_id)
-) without rowid;
-drop view if exists user_view;
-create view user_view as
- select
- user_id, name, mail, notify
- from
- users
- ;
-drop view if exists user_login_view;
-create view user_login_view as
- select
- user_id, name, mail, notify, password, salt
- from
- users
- ;
-drop view if exists user_profile_view;
-create view user_profile_view as
- select
- user_id, name, mail, notify, ctime, atime, about
- from
- users
- natural left join user_last_seen
- ;
--- Messages --
-create table if not exists messages (
- message_id integer
- primary key,
- is_deleted_from_inbox boolean
- default 0,
- is_deleted_from_outbox boolean
- default 0,
- from_id integer
- references users,
- to_id integer
- references users,
- time timestamp
- default current_timestamp,
- is_read boolean
- default 0,
- subject text,
- body text
-drop view if exists message_view;
-create view message_view as
- select
- messages.*,
- as from_name,
- as to_name
- from
- messages
- left join users as users_from
- on messages.from_id = users_from.user_id
- left join users as users_to
- on messages.to_id = users_to.user_id
- ;
-create index if not exists messages_inbox_idx
- on
- messages(to_id)
- where
- is_deleted_from_inbox = 0
- ;
-create index if not exists messages_inbox_unread_idx
- on
- messages(to_id)
- where
- is_read = 0 and is_deleted_from_inbox = 0
- ;
--- Forum --
-create table if not exists threads (
- thread_id integer
- primary key,
- author_id integer
- references users,
- subject text,
- is_locked boolean
- default 0
-create table if not exists posts (
- post_id integer
- primary key,
- thread_id integer
- references threads
- on delete cascade,
- author_id integer
- references users,
- ctime timestamp
- default current_timestamp,
- mtime timestamp
- default current_timestamp,
- body text
-drop view if exists thread_view;
-create view thread_view as
- select
- threads.*,
- as author_name,
- (
- select
- count(*) - 1
- from
- posts
- where
- posts.thread_id = threads.thread_id
- ) as replies,
- (
- select
- max(posts.mtime)
- from
- posts
- where
- posts.thread_id = threads.thread_id
- ) as mtime
- from
- threads
- left join users as author
- on threads.author_id = author.user_id
- ;
-drop view if exists post_view;
-create view post_view as
- select
- posts.*,
- as author_name
- from
- posts
- left join users as author
- on posts.author_id = author.user_id
- ;
-create index if not exists posts_thread_idx on posts(thread_id);
--- Games --
-create table if not exists games (
- game_id integer
- primary key,
- title_id text
- references titles,
- scenario text,
- options text,
- owner_id integer
- references users,
- ctime timestamp
- default current_timestamp,
- is_private boolean
- default 0,
- is_random boolean
- default 0,
- description text,
- status integer
- default 0,
- result text
-create index if not exists games_title_idx on games(title_id);
-create index if not exists games_status_idx on games(status);
-create table if not exists game_state (
- game_id integer
- primary key
- references games
- on delete cascade,
- mtime timestamp,
- active text,
- state text
-create table if not exists game_chat (
- chat_id integer
- primary key,
- game_id integer
- references games
- on delete cascade,
- time timestamp
- default current_timestamp,
- user_id integer
- references users,
- message text
-drop view if exists game_chat_view;
-create view game_chat_view as
- select
- chat_id, game_id, time, name, message
- from
- game_chat
- natural join users
- ;
-create index if not exists game_chat_idx on game_chat(game_id);
-create table if not exists game_replay (
- game_id integer
- references games
- on delete cascade,
- time timestamp
- default current_timestamp,
- role text,
- action text,
- arguments text
-create table if not exists players (
- game_id integer
- references games
- on delete cascade,
- role text,
- user_id integer
- references users,
- primary key (game_id, role)
-) without rowid;
-create index if not exists player_user_idx on players(user_id);
-create index if not exists player_game_user_idx on players(game_id, user_id);
-drop view if exists game_view;
-create view game_view as
- select
- games.*,
- titles.title_name,
- as owner_name,
- game_state.mtime,
- from
- games
- natural left join game_state
- natural join titles
- join users as owner
- on owner.user_id = games.owner_id
- ;
-drop view if exists game_full_view;
-create view game_full_view as
- select
- *,
- (
- select
- group_concat(name, ', ')
- from
- players
- natural join users
- where
- players.game_id = game_view.game_id
- ) as player_names,
- (
- select
- count(distinct user_id) = 1
- from
- players
- where
- players.game_id = game_view.game_id
- ) as is_solo
- from
- game_view
- ;
-drop view if exists opposed_games;
-create view opposed_games as
- select
- *
- from
- games
- where
- status > 0
- and (
- select
- count(distinct user_id) > 1
- from
- players
- where
- players.game_id = games.game_id
- )
- ;
-drop view if exists your_turn_reminder;
-create view your_turn_reminder as
- select
- game_id, role, user_id, name, mail, notify
- from
- game_full_view
- join players using(game_id)
- join users using(user_id)
- where
- status = 1
- and active in ('All', 'Both', role)
- and is_solo = 0
- and notify = 1
- and datetime('now') > datetime(mtime, '+1 hour')
- ;
-drop view if exists your_turn;
-create view your_turn as
- select
- game_id, user_id, role
- from
- players
- join games using(game_id)
- join game_state using(game_id)
- where
- status = 1
- and active in ('All', 'Both', role)
- ;
--- Triggers --
-drop trigger if exists no_part_on_active_game;
-create trigger no_part_on_active_game before delete on players
- select
- raise(abort, 'Cannot remove players from started games.')
- where
- (select status from games where games.game_id = old.game_id) > 0
- ;
-drop trigger if exists no_join_on_active_game;
-create trigger no_join_on_active_game before insert on players
- select
- raise(abort, 'Cannot add players to started games.')
- where
- (select status from games where games.game_id = new.game_id) > 0
- ;
-drop trigger if exists must_be_valid_role;
-create trigger must_be_valid_role before insert on players
- select
- raise(abort, 'Invalid role.')
- where
- not exists (
- select
- 1
- from
- roles
- where
- roles.title_id = (
- select
- title_id
- from
- games
- where
- games.game_id = new.game_id
- )
- and roles.role = new.role
- )
- and new.role != 'Random 1'
- and new.role != 'Random 2'
- and new.role != 'Random 3'
- and new.role != 'Random 4'
- and new.role != 'Random 5'
- and new.role != 'Random 6'
- and new.role != 'Random 7'
- ;
--- Manual key management if pragma foreign_keys = off
-drop trigger if exists trigger_delete_on_games;
-create trigger trigger_delete_on_games after delete on games
- delete from game_state where game_id = old.game_id;
- delete from game_chat where game_id = old.game_id;
- delete from game_replay where game_id = old.game_id;
- delete from last_notified where game_id = old.game_id;
- delete from players where game_id = old.game_id;
--- Game stats
-drop view if exists role_index_view;
-create view role_index_view (t, i, r) as
- select
- title_id,
- row_number() over (partition by title_id),
- role
- from
- roles
- ;
-drop view if exists game_stat_view;
-create view game_stat_view as
- select
- title_name,
- null as scenario,
- null as total,
- (select r from role_index_view where t=title_id and i=1) as r1,
- (select r from role_index_view where t=title_id and i=2) as r2,
- (select r from role_index_view where t=title_id and i=3) as r3,
- (select r from role_index_view where t=title_id and i=4) as r4,
- (select r from role_index_view where t=title_id and i=5) as r5,
- (select r from role_index_view where t=title_id and i=6) as r6,
- (select r from role_index_view where t=title_id and i=7) as r7
- from
- titles
- where
- is_hidden = 0
- union
- select
- title_name,
- scenario,
- count(*) as total,
- sum((select i from role_index_view where t=title_id and r=result) = 1) as r1,
- sum((select i from role_index_view where t=title_id and r=result) = 2) as r2,
- sum((select i from role_index_view where t=title_id and r=result) = 3) as r3,
- sum((select i from role_index_view where t=title_id and r=result) = 4) as r4,
- sum((select i from role_index_view where t=title_id and r=result) = 5) as r5,
- sum((select i from role_index_view where t=title_id and r=result) = 6) as r6,
- sum((select i from role_index_view where t=title_id and r=result) = 7) as r7
- from
- games
- natural join titles
- where
- is_hidden = 0
- and status = 2
- and game_id in (select game_id from opposed_games)
- group by
- title_id,
- scenario
- order by
- title_name,
- total desc nulls first
- ;