diff options
authorTor Andersson <>2024-03-14 20:50:44 +0100
committerTor Andersson <>2024-03-14 23:04:11 +0100
commita43a4427d3dcb93e4317291bbd6227bc4130670e (patch)
parenta3e6bb6dd0ebf7f2a368403f406c2f3d82654ed1 (diff)
WIP match makingwip-matchmaking
Use greedy best fit algorithm to partition tickets into matches. Iterate using random start points to search for the best partitioning.
6 files changed, 533 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/schema.sql b/schema.sql
index a0a3b02..fd54c9e 100644
--- a/schema.sql
+++ b/schema.sql
@@ -221,6 +221,42 @@ create table if not exists setups (
unique (title_id, player_count, scenario)
+create table if not exists tickets (
+ ticket_id integer primary key,
+ user_id integer,
+ setup_id integer,
+ pace integer,
+ time real, -- julianday
+ unique (user_id, setup_id, pace)
+drop view if exists ticket_rating_view;
+create view ticket_rating_view as
+ select
+ tickets.*,
+ coalesce(rating, 1500) as rating
+ from tickets
+ join setups using(setup_id)
+ left join ratings using(title_id, user_id)
+ where time < julianday('now', '-30 seconds')
+drop view if exists matchmaking_view;
+create view matchmaking_view as
+ select
+ setup_id,
+ pace,
+ count(1) / player_count as n,
+ julianday() - min(time) as age
+ from
+ tickets
+ natural join setups
+ group by
+ setup_id, pace
+ having n > 0
+ order by age desc
-- Friend and Block Lists --
create table if not exists contacts (
@@ -659,6 +695,47 @@ begin
players.game_id = old.game_id and players.role in ( 'Both', );
+drop trigger if exists trigger_part_check;
+create trigger trigger_part_check before delete on players
+ select
+ raise(abort, 'Cannot remove players from matches and/or finished games!')
+ where
+ old.user_id > 0 and exists (
+ select 1 from games where games.game_id=old.game_id and ( is_match or status > 1 )
+ )
+ ;
+-- Log matchmaking runs and expired tickets
+create table if not exists matchmaking_log (
+ time datetime default current_timestamp,
+ setup_id integer,
+ pace integer,
+ age real,
+ score integer,
+ tickets json,
+ matches json
+drop view if exists matchmaking_log_view;
+create view matchmaking_log_view as
+ select
+ time, title_id, player_count, scenario, pace, age, score, tickets, matches
+ from
+ matchmaking_log
+ natural join setups
+create table if not exists expired_tickets_log (
+ user_id integer,
+ setup_id integer,
+ pace integer,
+ ctime datetime,
+ xtime datetime
-- Trigger to remove game data when filing a game as archived
drop trigger if exists trigger_archive_game;
@@ -705,6 +782,7 @@ begin
delete from game_chat where user_id = old.user_id;
delete from ratings where user_id = old.user_id;
delete from players where user_id = old.user_id and game_id in (select game_id from games where status <= 1);
+ delete from tickets where user_id = old.user_id;
update players set user_id = 0 where user_id = old.user_id;
update games set owner_id = 0 where owner_id = old.user_id;
diff --git a/server.js b/server.js
index 183148a..f15b4d4 100644
--- a/server.js
+++ b/server.js
@@ -95,6 +95,20 @@ function set_has(set, item) {
return false
+function array_remove(array, index) {
+ let n = array.length
+ for (let i = index + 1; i < n; ++i)
+ array[i - 1] = array[i]
+ array.length = n - 1
+function array_remove_item(array, item) {
+ let n = array.length
+ for (let i = 0; i < n; ++i)
+ if (array[i] === item)
+ return array_remove(array, i)
* Notification mail setup.
@@ -1079,6 +1093,7 @@ const SQL_SELECT_SETUPS = SQL("select * from setups where title_id=? order by se
let RULES = {}
let TITLE_TABLE = app.locals.TITLE_TABLE = {}
+let SETUP_TABLE = app.locals.SETUP_TABLE = {}
let TITLE_LIST = app.locals.TITLE_LIST = []
let TITLE_NAME = app.locals.TITLE_NAME = {}
@@ -1162,6 +1177,7 @@ function load_rules(rules_dir, rules_file, title) {
title.setups = SQL_SELECT_SETUPS.all(title.title_id)
for (let setup of title.setups) {
+ SETUP_TABLE[setup.setup_id] = setup
if (!setup.setup_name) {
if (title.setups.length > 1 && setup.scenario !== "Standard")
setup.setup_name = title.title_name + " - " + setup.scenario
@@ -2240,6 +2256,275 @@ function update_elo_ratings(game_id) {
+ */
+const MATCH_LIMIT = 300
+var _seed = random_seed()
+function random(range) {
+ // An MLCG using integer arithmetic with doubles.
+ //
+ // m = 2**35 − 31
+ return (_seed = _seed * 200105 % 34359738337) % range
+function shuffle(list) {
+ // Fisher-Yates shuffle
+ for (let i = list.length - 1; i > 0; --i) {
+ let j = random(i + 1)
+ let tmp = list[j]
+ list[j] = list[i]
+ list[i] = tmp
+ }
+const SQL_SELECT_TICKETS_FOR_PACE = SQL("select, rating, setup_id, datetime(time) as time from ticket_rating_view natural join users where pace=? order by setup_id,time")
+const SQL_SELECT_MATCHMAKING = SQL("select setup_id, n, age from matchmaking_view where pace=?")
+const SQL_INSERT_MATCHMAKING_LOG = SQL("insert into matchmaking_log (setup_id,pace,age,score,tickets,matches) values (?,?,?,?,?,?)")
+const SQL_SELECT_TICKETS_FOR_USER = SQL("select * from tickets where user_id=?")
+const SQL_SELECT_TICKETS_FOR_SETUP = SQL("select * from ticket_rating_view where setup_id=? and pace=? order by rating")
+const SQL_INSERT_TICKET = SQL("insert or replace into tickets (user_id, setup_id, pace, time) values (?,?,?,julianday())")
+const SQL_DELETE_TICKET = SQL("delete from tickets where user_id=? and ticket_id=?")
+const SQL_DELETE_TICKET_PACE = SQL("delete from tickets where user_id=? and pace=?")
+const SQL_DELETE_TICKET_USER = SQL("delete from tickets where user_id=?")
+const SQL_DELETE_TICKET_EXPIRE = SQL("delete from tickets where pace=? and time < julianday('now',?)")
+ insert into expired_tickets_log
+ (user_id, setup_id, pace, ctime, xtime)
+ select
+ user_id, setup_id, pace, datetime(time), datetime()
+ from
+ tickets where pace=? and time < julianday('now',?)
+app.get('/games/match', must_be_logged_in, function (req, res) {
+ res.render('match.pug', {
+ user: req.user,
+ limit: check_join_game_limit(req.user),
+ tickets: SQL_SELECT_TICKETS_FOR_USER.all(req.user.user_id),
+ })
+app.get('/admin/match', must_be_logged_in, function (req, res) {
+ res.render('admin_match.pug', {
+ user: req.user,
+ live_tickets: SQL_SELECT_TICKETS_FOR_PACE.all(1),
+ fast_tickets: SQL_SELECT_TICKETS_FOR_PACE.all(2),
+ slow_tickets: SQL_SELECT_TICKETS_FOR_PACE.all(3),
+ })
+'/games/match/queue', must_be_logged_in, function (req, res) {
+ let pace = req.body.pace | 0
+ if (req.body.setups) {
+ if (typeof req.body.setups === "string")
+, req.body.setups|0, pace)
+ else
+ for (let setup of req.body.setups)
+, setup|0, pace)
+ }
+ res.redirect("/games/match")
+'/games/match/unqueue', must_be_logged_in, function (req, res) {
+ if (req.body.pace) {
+, req.body.pace|0)
+ }
+ if ( {
+ if (typeof === "string")
+ else
+ for (let ticket of
+, ticket|0)
+ }
+ res.redirect("/games/match")
+function tick_matches(pace, min_matches, max_age) {
+ for (let info of SQL_SELECT_MATCHMAKING.all(pace)) {
+ let setup = SETUP_TABLE[info.setup_id]
+ console.log("MATCH MAKING TICK", setup.setup_name, "--", info.n, "matches", info.age.toFixed(2), "days")
+ if (info.n >= min_matches * setup.player_count || info.age >= max_age)
+ create_matches(setup, pace, info.age)
+ }
+function is_blacklist_match(m) {
+ for (let a of m)
+ for (let b of m)
+ if (a !== b && set_has(a.blacklist, b.user_id))
+ return true
+ return false
+function score_ticket_pair(a, b) {
+ return Math.min(MATCH_LIMIT, Math.abs(a.rating - b.rating))
+function score_ticket_pair_fast(a, b) {
+ let rd = Math.abs(a.rating - b.rating)
+ let td = Math.abs(a.time % 1 - b.time % 1)
+ if (td > 0.5)
+ td = 1 - td
+ // Ignore first 3 hour diff, then linearly approach limit at 9 hours
+ td = Math.max(0, td - 3/24) * (24/6) * MATCH_LIMIT
+ return Math.min(MATCH_LIMIT, (rd + td) | 0)
+function score_match(F, m) {
+ if (is_blacklist_match(m))
+ return MATCH_LIMIT
+ if (m.length === 2)
+ return F(m[0], m[1])
+ let score = 0
+ let n = m.length
+ for (let a = 0; a < n; ++a)
+ for (let b = a+1; b < n; ++b)
+ score += F(m[a], m[b]) ** 2
+ return Math.sqrt(score / (n / 2 * (n-1))) | 0
+function add_best_ticket(F, this_match, tickets) {
+ let best_score = MATCH_LIMIT
+ let best_ticket = tickets[0]
+ for (let t of tickets) {
+ this_match.push(t)
+ let this_score = score_match(F, this_match)
+ this_match.pop(t)
+ if (this_score < best_score) {
+ best_score = this_score
+ best_ticket = t
+ }
+ }
+ this_match.push(best_ticket)
+ array_remove_item(tickets, best_ticket)
+function score_partition(F, partition) {
+ let score = 0
+ for (let m of partition)
+ score += score_match(F, m) ** 2
+ return Math.sqrt(score / partition.length)
+function partition_matches(F, N, original_tickets, attempts) {
+ let M = (original_tickets.length / N) | 0
+ // TODO: use path growing algorithm (or full blossom matchings) instead?
+ //
+ let best_partition = null
+ let best_score = (M * MATCH_LIMIT) ** 2
+ for (let i = 0; i < attempts; ++i) {
+ var this_partition = []
+ let tickets = original_tickets.slice()
+ if (i > 0)
+ shuffle(tickets)
+ while (tickets.length >= N) {
+ let this_match = [ tickets.pop() ]
+ while (this_match.length < N)
+ add_best_ticket(F, this_match, tickets)
+ this_partition.push(this_match)
+ }
+ let this_score = score_partition(F, this_partition)
+ if (this_score < best_score) {
+ best_score = this_score
+ best_partition = this_partition
+ }
+ }
+ best_partition = best_partition.filter(m => score_match(F, m) < MATCH_LIMIT)
+ return { score: best_score, matches: best_partition }
+function create_matches(setup, pace, age) {
+ let N = setup.player_count
+ let F = score_ticket_pair
+ let A = 47
+ let tickets = SQL_SELECT_TICKETS_FOR_SETUP.all(setup.setup_id, pace)
+ for (let t of tickets)
+ t.blacklist = SQL_SELECT_CONTACT_BLACKLIST.all(t.user_id)
+ if (pace === PACE_FAST)
+ F = score_ticket_pair_fast
+ console.log("RUN MATCH MAKING")
+ let info = partition_matches(F, N, tickets, A)
+, pace, age, info.score, JSON.stringify(tickets), JSON.stringify(info.matches))
+ for (let match of info.matches)
+ start_match(setup, pace, match)
+function start_match(setup, pace, tickets) {
+ let game_id = 0
+ console.log("MATCH", PACE_NAME[pace], setup.setup_name,>t.rating).join(","))
+ try {
+ game_id = SQL_INSERT_GAME.get(
+ 0, setup.title_id, setup.scenario, setup.options, setup.player_count,
+ pace, 0, 1, null, 1
+ )
+ for (let i = 0; i < tickets.length; ++i) {
+, "Random " + (i+1), tickets[i].user_id, 0)
+ if (SQL_COUNT_ACTIVE_GAMES.get(tickets[i].user_id) + 1 >= LIMIT_ACTIVE_GAMES)
+ else if (pace === PACE_LIVE)
+[i].user_id, PACE_LIVE)
+ else
+[i].user_id, tickets[i].ticket_id)
+ }
+ } finally {
+ if (db.inTransaction)
+ }
+ start_game(SQL_SELECT_GAME.get(game_id))
+function tick_slow_matches() {
+ tick_matches(PACE_SLOW, 4, 2)
+, "-14 days")
+, "-14 days")
+function tick_fast_matches() {
+ // Wait at most one day.
+ tick_matches(PACE_FAST, 2, 1)
+, "-7 days")
+, "-7 days")
+function tick_live_matches() {
+ // Wait at most 15 minutes
+ tick_matches(PACE_LIVE, 2, 0.25 / 24)
+, "-3 hours")
+, "-3 hours")
+setInterval(tick_live_matches, 1000 * 60)
+setInterval(tick_fast_matches, 1000 * 60 * 5)
+setInterval(tick_slow_matches, 1000 * 60 * 15)
+setTimeout(tick_live_matches, 1000 * 10)
+setTimeout(tick_fast_matches, 1000 * 20)
+setTimeout(tick_slow_matches, 1000 * 30)
diff --git a/views/about.pug b/views/about.pug
index dd34547..9f73e84 100644
--- a/views/about.pug
+++ b/views/about.pug
@@ -69,6 +69,41 @@ html
Anything goes. Read the game notice and adapt!
+ h2 Waiting room
+ p.
+ In the public waiting room you can post a request for a game, or respond to someone else's request for a game.
+ If you see a game you want to play, click the Join link and enter the game.
+ Once the game has enough players, the creator can start the game.
+ p.
+ If you'd like to post your own request for a game, click the create a new game link and
+ select the scenario and options you want to play.
+ p.
+ If you want to play with friends, check the "private" checkbox and invite your friends
+ from the join page after you have created the game.
+ h2 Matchmaking
+ p.
+ The match maker will match players up and start games automatically
+ once there are enough people waiting for the same game.
+ Players will be matched with opponents of similar Elo ratings when possible.
+ p.
+ Live tickets expire after 3 hours if you don't get a match.
+ All of your other Live tickets are removed when you get matched for a Live game.
+ p.
+ Fast tickets take the time of day into account.
+ Queue up when you want to start playing for the best results.
+ p.
+ <i>Don't queue up for too many games!</i>
+ It can take a while for the matches to start,
+ so you may end up with more games than you can handle.
h2 Privacy statement
p When you create an account we collect the following personal information:
diff --git a/views/admin_match.pug b/views/admin_match.pug
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..11a6c54
--- /dev/null
+++ b/views/admin_match.pug
@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
+//- vim:ts=4:sw=4:
+mixin show_ticket(ticket)
+ - var setup = SETUP_TABLE[ticket.setup_id]
+ tr
+ td=
+ td= ticket.rating
+ td= setup.setup_name
+ td #{ticket.time} UTC
+mixin show_ticket_list(list)
+ table
+ thead
+ tr
+ th User
+ th Rating
+ th Title
+ th Age
+ tbody
+ each ticket in list
+ +show_ticket(ticket)
+doctype html
+ head
+ include head
+ title Matches
+ style.
+ div.buttons { margin-top: 8px }
+ body
+ include header
+ article
+ h1 Waiting Room - Admin
+ p Time is #{new Date().toISOString()}
+ h2 Live Tickets
+ if live_tickets.length > 0
+ +show_ticket_list(live_tickets)
+ else
+ p No live tickets.
+ h2 Fast Tickets
+ if fast_tickets.length > 0
+ +show_ticket_list(fast_tickets)
+ else
+ p No fast tickets.
+ h2 Slow Tickets
+ if slow_tickets.length > 0
+ +show_ticket_list(slow_tickets)
+ else
+ p No slow tickets.
diff --git a/views/header.pug b/views/header.pug
index d386969..24dd9f2 100644
--- a/views/header.pug
+++ b/views/header.pug
@@ -9,6 +9,7 @@ header
if user
a(href="/forum") Forum
+ a(href="/games/match") Match
a(href="/games/public") Public
if user.waiting > 0
a(href="/games/active") Games (#{user.waiting})
diff --git a/views/match.pug b/views/match.pug
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..257752b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/views/match.pug
@@ -0,0 +1,81 @@
+//- vim:ts=4:sw=4:
+ var n_live = 0, n_fast = 0, n_slow = 0
+ for (let t of tickets) {
+ if (t.pace === 1) n_live ++
+ if (t.pace === 2) n_fast ++
+ if (t.pace === 3) n_slow ++
+ }
+mixin show_ticket(ticket)
+ - var setup = SETUP_TABLE[ticket.setup_id]
+ div
+ label
+ input(type="checkbox" name="tickets" value=ticket.ticket_id)
+ | #{setup.setup_name}
+doctype html
+ head
+ include head
+ title Matches
+ style.
+ div.buttons { margin-top: 8px }
+ body
+ include header
+ article
+ h1 Matchmaking
+ if tickets.length > 0
+ form(method="post" action="/games/match/unqueue")
+ if n_live > 0
+ h3 Tickets - Live
+ each ticket in tickets
+ if ticket.pace === 1
+ +show_ticket(ticket)
+ div.buttons
+ button(name="pace" value="1") Remove all
+ button(type="submit") Remove
+ if n_fast > 0
+ h3 Tickets - Fast
+ each ticket in tickets
+ if ticket.pace === 2
+ +show_ticket(ticket)
+ div.buttons
+ button(name="pace" value="2") Remove All
+ button(type="submit") Remove
+ if n_slow > 0
+ h3 Tickets - Slow
+ each ticket in tickets
+ if ticket.pace === 3
+ +show_ticket(ticket)
+ div.buttons
+ button(name="pace" value="3") Remove All
+ button(type="submit") Remove
+ p
+ else
+ h3 Tickets
+ p You have not queued for any matches.
+ h3 Matches
+ if limit
+ p.error= limit
+ else
+ p Select what you want to play:
+ form(method="post" action="/games/match/queue")
+ p
+ each title in TITLE_LIST
+ each setup in title.setups
+ label
+ input(type="checkbox" name="setups" value=setup.setup_id)
+ | #{setup.setup_name}
+ br
+ p
+ button(name="pace" value=1) #{EMOJI_LIVE} Play Live
+ button(name="pace" value=2) #{EMOJI_FAST} Play Fast
+ button(name="pace" value=3) #{EMOJI_SLOW} Play Slow