BranchCommit messageAuthorAge
masterAnti-AI/LLM robots.txtTor Andersson4 days
AgeCommit messageAuthor
4 daysAnti-AI/LLM robots.txtHEADmasterTor Andersson
4 daysUse Altcha to hinder bots spamming account creation.Tor Andersson
4 daysRequire mail to be verified to enable notifications.Tor Andersson
4 daysList private games on user page when finished as well as active.Tor Andersson
2025-01-05Allow admin to force-start games.Tor Andersson
2024-12-06Set "go to next game" shortcut to opposed games only.Tor Andersson
2024-12-02Tweak layout of tournament lists (registrations and active in same group)Tor Andersson
2024-12-02Allow bulk import with import-game.jsTor Andersson
2024-11-24Add "dont snap" callback to prevent snapshot creation.Tor Andersson
2024-11-24Add log entry for all timed out tournament games.Tor Andersson