AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
12 daysUpdate Welshmen/Southerners/Northmen card text.HEADmasterTor Andersson
12 daysfix Y19 and Y21 not applying to jack cadeteisuru
14 daysfixup use of can_naval_blockade_route and add fix for states.supply_sourceTor Andersson
14 daysfix supply with overland routeteisuru
2025-01-20fix indentationTor Andersson
2025-01-20fix soldiers of fortune + irishmen and beloved warwickteisuru
2025-01-20fix quartermastersteisuru
2024-12-17fix for levying lord where another lord already isteisuru
2024-12-02Supply from Exile Box to Port on same sea should not count distance.Tor Andersson
2024-11-29Carlisle and Bamburgh are adjacent to Scotland (one-way).Tor Andersson
2024-11-07Fix Naval Blockade + Tax interaction.Tor Andersson
2024-11-07fix Welshmen, Northmen and Southmenteisuru
2024-10-08update scots, earl rivers, welsh rebellionteisuru
2024-10-01Require at least one Lord to be saved with Escape Ships/Talbot/Warden.Tor Andersson
2024-09-22remove bad fileTor Andersson
2024-09-10fix use of wrong function to remove lord from arrayTor Andersson
2024-09-09suspicion: allow targeting enemy lords in reserve.Tor Andersson
2024-09-07fix Richard III initial forcesTor Andersson
2024-08-27Haywains shouldn't double the number of carts when Sailing.Tor Andersson
2024-08-13clear undo after resolving events in arts of warTor Andersson
2024-08-13scots should be "up to" -- add pass buttonTor Andersson
2024-08-04remove Margaret's shipsTor Andersson
2024-08-04gendata.js prettierTor Andersson
2024-08-02fix "England is my Home"Tor Andersson
2024-08-02fix Final Charge.Tor Andersson
2024-07-31Add link to readme notes from main menu.Tor Andersson
2024-07-31Fix regroup end transition if used during melee phase.Tor Andersson
2024-07-23disallow mustering lords in exileTor Andersson
2024-07-18pay vassals (at zero cost) automatically for percy's powerTor Andersson
2024-07-14fix death check events to only allow saving friendly lordsTor Andersson
2024-07-13remove sun in splendour from event list after playing immediatelyTor Andersson
2024-07-13show feed x4/x5/x6 using multiple feed markersTor Andersson
2024-07-13fix Sun in SplendourTor Andersson
2024-07-05add undo step when ending a lord's muster with doneTor Andersson
2024-07-04fix rulebook formatting next to > arrows and headersTor Andersson
2024-07-02Separate count_lord_all_forces and count_lord_all_troops.Tor Andersson
2024-06-26Clear battle reroll flag when you end your hits step.Tor Andersson
2024-06-26fix sailTor Andersson
2024-06-10Only grayscale background image of hidden/disabled lord mats.Tor Andersson
2024-06-06add note about not playing events during planningTor Andersson
2024-06-05Clarify Great Ships card text.Tor Andersson
2024-05-31show automatic success event/capability effects:Tor Andersson
2024-05-28Improve prompts when player doesn't have prompted event.Tor Andersson
2024-05-23reverse the final charge polarity!Tor Andersson
2024-05-23allow use of Irishmen in ireland exile boxTor Andersson
2024-05-23use common levy troops code for both commission of array and other levyTor Andersson
2024-05-22add undo step for heralds actionTor Andersson
2024-05-21rename "Battle" button to "End Flee" for less confusionTor Andersson
2024-05-21Percy's Power affects all lords in the north.Tor Andersson
2024-05-20Chevaliers only affects missile step.Tor Andersson