"use strict" const FRENCH = "French" const COALITION = "Coalition" const P1 = FRENCH const P2 = COALITION exports.roles = [ P1, P2 ] exports.scenarios = [ "June 16", "June 15", "June 15 (no special rules)" ] const data = require("./data") const { max, abs } = Math const last_hex = 1000 + (data.map.rows - 1) * 100 + (data.map.cols - 1) var game = null var view = null var states = {} const OLD_GUARD = data.pieces.findIndex(pc => pc.name === "Old Guard") const GRAND_BATTERY = data.pieces.findIndex(pc => pc.name === "Grand Battery") const HILL_1 = data.pieces.findIndex(pc => pc.name === "II Corps (Hill*)") const HILL_2 = data.pieces.findIndex(pc => pc.name === "II Corps (Hill**)") function make_piece_list(f) { let list = [] for (let p = 0; p < data.pieces.length; ++p) if (f(data.pieces[p])) list.push(p) return list } const p1_hqs = make_piece_list(p => p.side === P1 && p.type === "hq") const p2_hqs = make_piece_list(p => p.side !== P1 && p.type === "hq") const p1_cav = make_piece_list(p => p.side === P1 && p.type === "cav") const p2_cav = make_piece_list(p => p.side !== P1 && p.type === "cav") const p1_inf = make_piece_list(p => p.side === P1 && p.type === "inf") const p2_inf = make_piece_list(p => p.side !== P1 && p.type === "inf") const p1_det = make_piece_list(p => p.side === P1 && p.type === "det") const p2_det = make_piece_list(p => p.side !== P1 && p.type === "det") const p1_corps = make_piece_list(p => p.side === P1 && (p.type === "inf" || p.type === "cav")) const p2_corps = make_piece_list(p => p.side !== P1 && (p.type === "inf" || p.type === "cav")) const p1_units = make_piece_list(p => p.side === P1 && (p.type === "inf" || p.type === "cav" || p.type === "det")) const p2_units = make_piece_list(p => p.side !== P1 && (p.type === "inf" || p.type === "cav" || p.type === "det")) function friendly_hqs() { return (game.active === P1) ? p1_hqs : p2_hqs } function enemy_hqs() { return (game.active !== P1) ? p1_hqs : p2_hqs } function friendly_cavalry_corps() { return (game.active === P1) ? p1_cav : p2_cav } function enemy_cavalry_corps() { return (game.active !== P1) ? p1_cav : p2_cavalry_corps } function friendly_infantry_corps() { return (game.active === P1) ? p1_inf : p2_inf } function enemy_infantry_corps() { return (game.active !== P1) ? p1_inf : p2_inf } function friendly_detachments() { return (game.active === P1) ? p1_det : p2_det } function enemy_detachments() { return (game.active !== P1) ? p1_det : p2_det } function friendly_corps() { return (game.active === P1) ? p1_corps : p2_corps } function enemy_corps() { return (game.active !== P1) ? p1_corps : p2_corps } function friendly_units() { return (game.active === P1) ? p1_units : p2_units } function enemy_units() { return (game.active !== P1) ? p1_units : p2_units } function set_piece_hex(p, hex) { zoc_valid = false game.pieces[p] &= 1 game.pieces[p] |= hex << 1 } function set_piece_mode(p, mode) { game.pieces[p] &= ~1 game.pieces[p] |= mode } function piece_hex(p) { return game.pieces[p] >> 1 } function piece_mode(p) { return game.pieces[p] & 1 } function piece_is_cavalry(p) { return data.pieces[p].type === "cav" } function piece_is_infantry(p) { return data.pieces[p].type === "inf" } function piece_movement_allowance(p) { if (piece_mode(p)) return data.pieces[p].mp2 return data.pieces[p].mp1 } function piece_command_range(p) { if (piece_mode(p)) return data.pieces[p].range2 return data.pieces[p].range1 } function is_empty_hex(x) { for (let p = 0; p < data.pieces.length; ++p) if (piece_hex(p) === x) return false return true } function hex_has_any_piece(x, list) { for (let p of list) if (piece_hex(p) === x) return true return false } const data_rivers = [] const data_bridges = [] const data_road_hexsides = [] for (let [a, b] of data.map.rivers) { set_add(data_rivers, a * 10000 + b) set_add(data_rivers, b * 10000 + a) } for (let [a, b] of data.map.bridges) { set_delete(data_rivers, a * 10000 + b) set_delete(data_rivers, b * 10000 + a) set_add(data_bridges, a * 10000 + b) set_add(data_bridges, b * 10000 + a) } function is_river(a, b) { return set_has(data_rivers, a * 10000 + b) } function is_bridge(a, b) { return set_has(data_bridges, a * 10000 + b) } function is_road_hexside(a, b) { return set_has(data_road_hexsides, a * 10000 + b) } function is_stream_hex(x) { return set_has(data.map.streams, x) } const data_roads = [] for (let row = 0; row < data.map.rows; ++row) { for (let col = 0; col < data.map.cols; ++col) { let x = 1000 + row * 100 + col data_roads[x-1000] = [] } } function make_road(id, road, i, d) { let list = [] while (i >= 0 && i < road.length) { list.push(road[i]) i += d } return list } for (let road_id = 0; road_id < data.map.roads.length; ++road_id) { let road = data.map.roads[road_id] for (let k = 0; k < road.length; ++k) { if (k > 0) { let a = road[k-1] let b = road[k] set_add(data_road_hexsides, a * 10000 + b) set_add(data_road_hexsides, b * 10000 + a) } data_roads[road[k]-1000].push([road_id, k]) } } function is_road_hex(x) { return data_roads[x-1000].length > 0 } // === ZONE OF CONTROL / INFLUENCE === var zoc_valid = false var zoc_cache = new Array(data.map.rows * 100).fill(0) // ANY_ZOC=1, CAV_ZOC=2, ANY_ZOI=4, CAV_ZOI=8 function is_p1_zoc(x) { return zoc_cache[x-1000] & (1|2) } function is_p1_cav_zoc(x) { return zoc_cache[x-1000] & (2) } function is_p1_zoc_or_zoi(x) { return zoc_cache[x-1000] & (1|2|4) } function is_p1_zoc_or_cav_zoi(x) { return zoc_cache[x-1000] & (1|2|8) } function is_p2_zoc(x) { return zoc_cache[x-1000] & (16|32) } function is_p2_cav_zoc(x) { return zoc_cache[x-1000] & (32) } function is_p2_zoc_or_zoi(x) { return zoc_cache[x-1000] & (16|32|64) } function is_p2_zoc_or_cav_zoi(x) { return zoc_cache[x-1000] & (16|32|128) } function is_friendly_zoc(x) { return game.active === P1 ? is_p1_zoc(x) : is_p2_zoc(x) } function is_friendly_zoc_or_zoi(x) { return game.active === P1 ? is_p1_zoc_or_zoi(x) : is_p2_zoc_or_zoi(x) } function is_enemy_zoc(x) { return game.active !== P1 ? is_p1_zoc(x) : is_p2_zoc(x) } function is_enemy_cav_zoc(x) { return game.active !== P1 ? is_p1_cav_zoc(x) : is_p2_cav_zoc(x) } function is_enemy_zoc_or_cav_zoi(x) { return game.active !== P1 ? is_p1_zoc_or_cav_zoi(x) : is_p2_zoc_or_cav_zoi(x) } function is_enemy_zoc_or_zoi(x) { return game.active !== P1 ? is_p1_zoc_or_zoi(x) : is_p2_zoc_or_zoi(x) } function update_zoc_imp(zoc, zoi, units) { for (let p of units) { let a = piece_hex(p) for_each_adjacent(a, b => { if (!is_river(a, b)) { zoc_cache[b - 1000] |= zoc if (zoi) { for_each_adjacent(b, c => { if (!is_bridge(b, c)) zoc_cache[c - 1000] |= zoi }) } } }) } } function update_zoc() { if (!zoc_valid) { zoc_valid = true zoc_cache.fill(0) update_zoc_imp(1|2, 4|8, p1_cav) update_zoc_imp(1, 4, p1_inf) update_zoc_imp(1, 0, p1_det) update_zoc_imp(16|32, 64|128, p2_cav) update_zoc_imp(16, 64, p2_inf) update_zoc_imp(16, 0, p2_det) } } function piece_is_not_in_enemy_zoc_or_zoi(p) { let x = piece_hex(p) return is_map_hex(x) && !is_enemy_zoc_or_zoi(x) } function piece_is_not_in_enemy_zoc(p) { let x = piece_hex(p) return is_map_hex(x) && !is_enemy_zoc(x) } function piece_is_not_in_enemy_cav_zoc(p) { let x = piece_hex(p) return is_map_hex(x) && !is_enemy_cav_zoc(x) } function piece_is_in_enemy_zoc(p) { let x = piece_hex(p) return is_map_hex(x) && is_enemy_zoc(x) } function piece_is_on_map(p) { let x = piece_hex(p) return is_map_hex(x) } function is_map_hex(x) { if (x >= 1000 && x <= last_hex) return x % 100 <= 41 return false } function calc_distance(a, b) { let ac = a % 100 let bc = b % 100 let ay = a / 100 | 0 let by = b / 100 | 0 let ax = ac - (ay >> 1) let bx = bc - (by >> 1) let az = -ax - ay let bz = -bx - by return max(abs(bx-ax), abs(by-ay), abs(bz-az)) } function for_each_adjacent(hex, fn) { let row = hex / 100 | 0 let col = hex % 100 if (col < 41) fn(hex + 1) if (col > 0) fn(hex - 1) if (row & 1) { if (row < 40) { if (col < 41) fn(hex + 101) fn(hex + 100) } if (row > 10) { fn(hex - 100) if (col < 41) fn(hex - 99) } } else { if (row < 40) { fn(hex + 100) if (col > 0) fn(hex + 99) } if (row > 10) { if (col > 0) fn(hex - 101) fn(hex - 100) } } } function set_next_player() { game.active = (game.active === P1) ? P2 : P1 } function prompt(str) { view.prompt = str } // === SEQUENCE OF PLAY === /* command phase: remove hq place hq return up to 2 blown corps flip exhausted cav to fresh (move to organization?) place 1 detachment per hq recall all, some, or no detachments angst: substitute Hill unit organization advance formation: flip infantry corps to advance battle formation: flip infantry corps to battle alternate withdrawal: retreat or pass (3 remain) movement alternate corps movement: move corps or pass attack alternate corps to attack in zoc or pass end phase if last turn - victory recall french grand battery new turn */ // === === COMMAND PHASE === === function goto_command_phase() { log("Command Phase") log("") goto_hq_placement_step() } // === A: HQ PLACEMENT STEP === function goto_hq_placement_step() { game.active = P1 game.state = "hq_placement_step" } function end_hq_placement_step() { if (game.active === P1) game.active = P2 else goto_blown_unit_return_step() } states.hq_placement_step = { prompt() { prompt("HQ Placement Step.") view.actions.next = 1 }, next() { end_hq_placement_step() }, } // === B: BLOWN UNIT RETURN STEP === function goto_blown_unit_return_step() { game.active = P1 game.state = "blown_unit_return_step" game.count = 2 } function end_blown_unit_return_step() { if (game.active === P1) { game.active = P2 game.count = 2 } else { goto_cavalry_corps_recovery_step() } } states.blown_unit_return_step = { prompt() { prompt("Blown Unit Return Step.") view.actions.next = 1 }, next() { end_blown_unit_return_step() }, } // === C: CAVALRY CORPS RECOVERY STEP === // TODO: merge with steps F and G to save time function goto_cavalry_corps_recovery_step() { game.active = P1 game.state = "cavalry_corps_recovery_step" resume_cavalry_corps_recovery_step() } function resume_cavalry_corps_recovery_step() { update_zoc() for (let p of friendly_cavalry_corps()) if (piece_mode(p) && piece_is_not_in_enemy_zoc_or_zoi(p)) return end_cavalry_corps_recovery_step() } function end_cavalry_corps_recovery_step() { if (game.active === P1) { game.active = P2 resume_cavalry_corps_recovery_step() } else { goto_detachment_placement_step() } } states.cavalry_corps_recovery_step = { prompt() { prompt("Cavalry Corps Recovery Step.") for (let p of friendly_cavalry_corps()) if (piece_mode(p) && piece_is_not_in_enemy_zoc_or_zoi(p)) gen_action_piece(p) }, piece(p) { set_piece_mode(p, 0) resume_cavalry_corps_recovery_step() }, } // === D: DETACHMENT PLACEMENT STEP === function goto_detachment_placement_step() { game.active = P1 game.state = "detachment_placement_step" game.count = 0 } function end_detachment_placement_step() { if (game.active === P1) { game.active = P2 game.count = 0 } else { goto_detachment_recall_step() } } states.detachment_placement_step = { prompt() { prompt("Detachment Placement Step.") view.actions.next = 1 }, next() { end_detachment_placement_step() }, } // === E: DETACHMENT RECALL STEP === function goto_detachment_recall_step() { game.active = P1 game.state = "detachment_recall_step" } function end_detachment_recall_step() { if (game.active === P1) { game.active = P2 } else { goto_british_line_of_communication_angst() } } states.detachment_recall_step = { prompt() { prompt("Detachment Recall Step.") view.actions.next = 1 }, next() { end_detachment_recall_step() }, } function goto_british_line_of_communication_angst() { game.active = P2 game.state = "british_line_of_communication_angst_1" // TODO goto_advance_formation() } states.british_line_of_communication_angst_1 = { prompt() { prompt("British Line of Communication Angst.") gen_action_piece(HILL_1) }, piece(p) { set_piece_hex(HILL_2, piece_hex(HILL_1)) set_piece_mode(HILL_2, piece_mode(HILL_1)) set_piece_hex(HILL_1, 0) set_piece_mode(HILL_1, 0) goto_advance_formation() }, } states.british_line_of_communication_angst_2 = { prompt() { prompt("British Line of Communication Angst.") gen_action_piece(HILL_2) }, piece(p) { set_piece_hex(HILL_1, piece_hex(HILL_2)) set_piece_mode(HILL_1, piece_mode(HILL_2)) set_piece_hex(HILL_2, 0) set_piece_mode(HILL_2, 0) goto_advance_formation() }, } // === === ORGANIZATION PHASE === === // === F: ADVANCE FORMATION === // === G: BATTLE FORMATION === // NOTE: merged step F and step G to save time // TODO: move step C here function goto_advance_formation() { game.active = P1 resume_advance_formation() } function resume_advance_formation() { game.state = "advance_formation" update_zoc() for (let p of friendly_infantry_corps()) if (piece_mode(p) && piece_is_not_in_enemy_zoc(p)) return resume_battle_formation() } function resume_battle_formation() { game.state = "battle_formation" update_zoc() for (let p of friendly_infantry_corps()) if (!piece_mode(p) && piece_is_in_enemy_zoc(p)) return end_battle_formation() } function end_battle_formation() { if (game.active === P1) { game.active = P2 resume_advance_formation() } else { goto_withdrawal() } } states.advance_formation = { prompt() { prompt("Advance Formation.") update_zoc() for (let p of friendly_infantry_corps()) if (!piece_mode(p) && piece_is_not_in_enemy_zoc(p)) gen_action_piece(p) }, piece(p) { set_piece_mode(p, 0) resume_advance_formation() }, } states.battle_formation = { prompt() { prompt("Battle Formation.") update_zoc() for (let p of friendly_infantry_corps()) if (piece_mode(p) && piece_is_in_enemy_zoc(p)) gen_action_piece(p) }, piece(p) { set_piece_mode(p, 0) resume_battle_formation() }, } // === H: WITHDRAWAL === function goto_withdrawal() { game.active = P1 game.state = "withdrawal" game.remain = 0 } function next_withdrawal() { game.state = "withdrawal" if (game.remain === 0) set_next_player() else if (--game.remain === 0) end_withdrawal() } function end_withdrawal() { goto_movement_phase() } states.withdrawal = { prompt() { prompt("Withdrawal.") view.actions.pass = 1 }, piece(p) { push_undo() game.who = p game.state = "withdrawal_to" }, pass() { clear_undo() if (game.remain > 0) { end_withdrawal() } else { set_next_player() game.remain = 3 } }, } states.withdrawal_to = { prompt() { prompt("Withdrawal to.") view.actions.next = 1 }, next() { next_withdrawal() }, } // === === MOVEMENT PHASE === === function goto_movement_phase() { log("") log("Movement Phase") log("") game.active = P1 game.state = "movement" game.remain = 0 } function next_movement() { game.state = "movement" if (game.remain === 0) set_next_player() else if (--game.remain === 0) end_movement() } function end_movement() { goto_attack_phase() } states.movement = { prompt() { prompt("Movement.") update_zoc() for (let p of friendly_cavalry_corps()) if (piece_is_not_in_enemy_cav_zoc(p)) gen_action_piece(p) for (let p of friendly_infantry_corps()) if (piece_is_not_in_enemy_zoc(p)) gen_action_piece(p) view.actions.pass = 1 }, piece(p) { push_undo() game.who = p game.state = "movement_to" }, pass() { clear_undo() if (game.remain > 0) { end_movement() } else { set_next_player() game.remain = roll_die() } }, } states.movement_to = { prompt() { prompt("Move " + data.pieces[game.who].name + ".") update_zoc() search_move(game.who) for (let row = 0; row < data.map.rows; ++row) { for (let col = 0; col < data.map.cols; ++col) { let x = 1000 + row * 100 + col let m = move_seen[x-1000] if (m & 1) { if (m & 2) gen_action_hex(x) else gen_action_stop_hex(x) } } } gen_action_piece(game.who) }, piece(p) { pop_undo() }, stop_hex(x) { this.hex(x) }, hex(x) { update_zoc() search_move(game.who) set_piece_hex(game.who, x) // must flip (stream without road, or enter zoc) if (!(move_seen[x-1000] & 2)) set_piece_mode(game.who, 1) // TODO: flip all enemy inf in game.who's zoc game.who = -1 //game.state = "movement" next_movement() }, } // OFF ROAD MOVEMENT SEARCH function can_move_into(here, next, hq_hex, hq_range, is_cav) { // can't go off-map if (!is_map_hex(next)) return false // must stay within command hq's range or move closer let here_dist = calc_distance(here, hq_hex) let next_dist = calc_distance(next, hq_hex) if (here_dist > hq_range) { if (next_dist >= here_dist) return false } else { if (next_dist > hq_range) return false } // can't cross river if (is_river(here, next)) return false // can't enter hex with another corps if (hex_has_any_piece(next, p1_corps)) return false if (hex_has_any_piece(next, p2_corps)) return false // can't enter hex with enemy detachment if (hex_has_any_piece(next, enemy_detachments())) return false if (is_cav) { // Cavalry beginning move in Infantry ZoC may only move to empty hex not in ZoC // TODO: starting in detachment zoc? if (is_enemy_zoc(here) && (is_enemy_zoc(next) || !is_empty_hex(next))) return false } return true } function must_stop_zoc_zoi(here, next, is_cav) { if (is_cav && is_enemy_zoc_or_cav_zoi(next)) return true if (!is_cav && is_enemy_zoc_or_zoi(next)) return true return false } function must_stop_stream(here, next) { if (is_stream_hex(next) && !is_road_hexside(here, next)) return true return false } function must_flip_zoc(here, next, is_cav) { if (!is_cav && is_enemy_zoc(next)) return true return false } const move_seen = new Array(last_hex - 999).fill(0) const move_cost = new Array(last_hex - 999).fill(0) function search_move(p) { move_seen.fill(0) let x = piece_hex(p) let m = piece_movement_allowance(p) for (let hq of data.pieces[p].hq) { let hq_hex = piece_hex(hq) if (is_map_hex(hq_hex)) { search_move_offroad(x, m, hq_hex, piece_command_range(hq), piece_is_cavalry(p)) if (!(piece_is_infantry(game.who) && piece_mode(game.who))) if (is_road_hex(x)) search_move_road(x, m * 2, hq_hex, piece_command_range(hq), piece_is_cavalry(p)) } } } function search_move_offroad(start, ma, hq_hex, hq_range, is_cav) { move_cost.fill(0) move_cost[start-1000] = ma let queue = [ start ] while (queue.length > 0) { let here = queue.shift() for_each_adjacent(here, next => { if (can_move_into(here, next, hq_hex, hq_range, is_cav)) { let mp = move_cost[here-1000] - 1 move_seen[next-1000] |= 1 if (!must_stop_stream(here, next) && !must_flip_zoc(here, next, is_cav)) move_seen[next-1000] |= 2 else mp = 0 if (must_stop_zoc_zoi(here, next, is_cav)) mp = 0 if (mp > move_cost[next-1000]) { move_cost[next-1000] = mp queue.push(next) } } }) } } function search_move_road(start, ma, hq_hex, hq_range, is_cav) { move_cost.fill(0) move_cost[start-1000] = ma let queue = [ start ] while (queue.length > 0) { let here = queue.shift() let mp = move_cost[here-1000] // console.log("MOVE", here, mp) for (let [road_id, k] of data_roads[here-1000]) { let road = data.map.roads[road_id] if (k + 1 < road.length) search_move_road_segment(queue, road, k, 1, hq_hex, hq_range, is_cav) if (k > 0) search_move_road_segment(queue, road, k, -1, hq_hex, hq_range, is_cav) } } } function search_move_road_segment(queue, road, cur, dir, hq_hex, hq_range, is_cav) { let here = road[cur] let mp = move_cost[here-1000] cur += dir while (mp > 0 && cur >= 0 && cur < road.length) { let next = road[cur] if (!can_move_into(here, next, hq_hex, hq_range, is_cav)) break move_seen[next-1000] |= 1 if (!must_flip_zoc(here, next, is_cav)) move_seen[next-1000] |= 2 if (must_stop_zoc_zoi(here, next, is_cav)) return here = next cur += dir mp -- } if (mp > move_cost[here-1000]) { move_cost[here-1000] = mp queue.push(here) } } // === === ATTACK PHASE === === function goto_attack_phase() { log("") log("Attack Phase") log("") game.active = P1 game.state = "attack" game.remain = 0 } // === SETUP === function setup_piece(side, name, hex, mode = 0) { let id = data.pieces.findIndex(pc => pc.side === side && pc.name === name) if (id < 0) throw new Error("INVALID PIECE NAME: " + name) set_piece_hex(id, hex) set_piece_mode(id, mode) } function setup_june_15() { game.turn = 1 setup_piece("French", "Napoleon HQ", 1017) setup_piece("French", "II Corps (Reille)", 1) setup_piece("French", "I Corps (d'Erlon)", 1) setup_piece("French", "III Corps (Vandamme)", 1) setup_piece("French", "VI Corps (Lobau)", 1) setup_piece("French", "Guard Corps (Drouot)", 1) setup_piece("French", "Guard Cav Corps (Guyot)", 1) setup_piece("French", "Res Cav Corps (Grouchy)", 1) setup_piece("French", "IV Corps (Gerard)", 1) setup_piece("French", "Grouchy HQ", 2) setup_piece("French", "Ney HQ", 2) setup_piece("Anglo", "Wellington HQ", 3715) setup_piece("Anglo", "Reserve Corps (Wellington)", 3715) setup_piece("Anglo", "I Corps (Orange)", 3002) setup_piece("Anglo", "II Corps (Hill*)", 3) setup_piece("Anglo", "Cav Corps (Uxbridge)", 4) setup_piece("Anglo", "Cav Detachment (Collaert)", 1211) setup_piece("Anglo", "I Detachment (Perponcher)", 2618) setup_piece("Prussian", "Blucher HQ", 1737) setup_piece("Prussian", "Cav Corps (Gneisenau)", 1737) setup_piece("Prussian", "I Corps (Ziethen)", 1716) setup_piece("Prussian", "II Corps (Pirch)", 2840) setup_piece("Prussian", "III Corps (Thielmann)", 1340) setup_piece("Prussian", "IV Corps (Bulow)", 3) setup_piece("Prussian", "I Detachment (Steinmetz)", 1215) setup_piece("Prussian", "I Detachment (Pirch)", 1217) setup_piece("Prussian", "I Detachment (Lutzow)", 1221) goto_movement_phase() } function setup_june_16() { game.turn = 3 setup_piece("French", "Napoleon HQ", 1217) setup_piece("French", "Guard Corps (Drouot)", 1217) setup_piece("French", "Grouchy HQ", 1621) setup_piece("French", "Ney HQ", 2218) setup_piece("French", "II Corps (Reille)", 2218) setup_piece("French", "I Corps (d'Erlon)", 1617) setup_piece("French", "III Corps (Vandamme)", 1721) setup_piece("French", "IV Corps (Gerard)", 1221) setup_piece("French", "VI Corps (Lobau)", 1117) setup_piece("French", "Guard Cav Corps (Guyot)", 2317) setup_piece("French", "Res Cav Corps (Grouchy)", 1822) setup_piece("French", "I Detachment (Jacquinot)", 1314) setup_piece("Anglo", "Wellington HQ", 2818, 1) setup_piece("Anglo", "Reserve Corps (Wellington)", 3715) setup_piece("Anglo", "I Corps (Orange)", 3002) setup_piece("Anglo", "II Corps (Hill*)", 3) setup_piece("Anglo", "Cav Corps (Uxbridge)", 4) setup_piece("Anglo", "Cav Detachment (Collaert)", 1211) setup_piece("Anglo", "I Detachment (Perponcher)", 2618) setup_piece("Prussian", "Blucher HQ", 2324, 1) setup_piece("Prussian", "Cav Corps (Gneisenau)", 2324) setup_piece("Prussian", "I Corps (Ziethen)", 1922, 1) setup_piece("Prussian", "II Corps (Pirch)", 1928) setup_piece("Prussian", "III Corps (Thielmann)", 1737) setup_piece("Prussian", "IV Corps (Bulow)", 3) setup_piece("Prussian", "I Detachment (Lutzow)", 1623) goto_detachment_placement_step() } exports.setup = function (seed, scenario, options) { game = { seed, log: [], undo: [], active: P1, state: null, turn: 3, remain: 0, pieces: new Array(data.pieces.length).fill(0), who: -1, count: 0, } if (scenario === "June 15" || scenario === "June 15 (no special rules)") setup_june_15() else setup_june_16() return game } // === COMMON === function gen_action(action, what) { if (!(action in view.actions)) view.actions[action] = [] set_add(view.actions[action], what) } function gen_action_piece(piece) { gen_action("piece", piece) } function gen_action_hex(hex) { gen_action("hex", hex) } function gen_action_stop_hex(hex) { gen_action("stop_hex", hex) } exports.view = function (state, player) { game = state view = { prompt: null, actions: null, log: game.log, turn: game.turn, remain: game.remain, pieces: game.pieces, who: game.who, } if (game.state === "game_over") { view.prompt = game.victory } else if (game.active !== player) { let inactive = states[game.state].inactive || game.state view.prompt = `Waiting for ${game.active} \u2014 ${inactive}.` } else { view.actions = {} view.who = game.who if (states[game.state]) states[game.state].prompt() else view.prompt = "Unknown state: " + game.state if (view.actions.undo === undefined) { if (game.undo && game.undo.length > 0) view.actions.undo = 1 else view.actions.undo = 0 } } return view } exports.action = function (state, player, action, arg) { zoc_valid = false game = state let S = states[game.state] if (action in S) S[action](arg, player) else if (action === "undo" && game.undo && game.undo.length > 0) pop_undo() else throw new Error("Invalid action: " + action) return game } exports.resign = function (state, player) { game = state if (game.state !== 'game_over') { if (player === RED) goto_game_over(BLUE, RED + " resigned.") if (player === BLUE) goto_game_over(RED, BLUE + " resigned.") } return game } // === COMMON LIBRARY === function log(msg) { game.log.push(msg) } function clear_undo() { game.undo.length = 0 } function push_undo() { let copy = {} for (let k in game) { let v = game[k] if (k === "undo") continue else if (k === "log") v = v.length else if (typeof v === "object" && v !== null) v = object_copy(v) copy[k] = v } game.undo.push(copy) } function pop_undo() { let save_log = game.log let save_undo = game.undo game = save_undo.pop() save_log.length = game.log game.log = save_log game.undo = save_undo } function random(range) { // An MLCG using integer arithmetic with doubles. // https://www.ams.org/journals/mcom/1999-68-225/S0025-5718-99-00996-5/S0025-5718-99-00996-5.pdf // m = 2**35 − 31 return (game.seed = game.seed * 200105 % 34359738337) % range } function roll_die() { return random(6) + 1 } // Fast deep copy for objects without cycles function object_copy(original) { if (Array.isArray(original)) { let n = original.length let copy = new Array(n) for (let i = 0; i < n; ++i) { let v = original[i] if (typeof v === "object" && v !== null) copy[i] = object_copy(v) else copy[i] = v } return copy } else { let copy = {} for (let i in original) { let v = original[i] if (typeof v === "object" && v !== null) copy[i] = object_copy(v) else copy[i] = v } return copy } } // Array remove and insert (faster than splice) function array_remove(array, index) { let n = array.length for (let i = index + 1; i < n; ++i) array[i - 1] = array[i] array.length = n - 1 } function array_insert(array, index, item) { for (let i = array.length; i > index; --i) array[i] = array[i - 1] array[index] = item } // Set as plain sorted array function set_has(set, item) { let a = 0 let b = set.length - 1 while (a <= b) { let m = (a + b) >> 1 let x = set[m] if (item < x) b = m - 1 else if (item > x) a = m + 1 else return true } return false } function set_add(set, item) { let a = 0 let b = set.length - 1 while (a <= b) { let m = (a + b) >> 1 let x = set[m] if (item < x) b = m - 1 else if (item > x) a = m + 1 else return } array_insert(set, a, item) } function set_delete(set, item) { let a = 0 let b = set.length - 1 while (a <= b) { let m = (a + b) >> 1 let x = set[m] if (item < x) b = m - 1 else if (item > x) a = m + 1 else { array_remove(set, m) return } } }