From 06e15c91dc6b80397af4cd1165f367a6a1656ae5 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Tor Andersson Date: Wed, 21 Aug 2024 00:54:35 +0200 Subject: Zap playbook example. --- info/playbook.html | 604 +--------------------------------------------------- info/playbook02.jpg | Bin 56811 -> 0 bytes info/playbook03.jpg | Bin 129186 -> 0 bytes info/playbook04.jpg | Bin 130937 -> 0 bytes info/playbook05.jpg | Bin 78154 -> 0 bytes info/playbook06.jpg | Bin 101484 -> 0 bytes info/playbook07.jpg | Bin 57438 -> 0 bytes info/playbook08.jpg | Bin 79919 -> 0 bytes info/playbook09.jpg | Bin 87334 -> 0 bytes info/playbook10.jpg | Bin 122190 -> 0 bytes info/playbook11.jpg | Bin 125702 -> 0 bytes 11 files changed, 1 insertion(+), 603 deletions(-) delete mode 100644 info/playbook02.jpg delete mode 100644 info/playbook03.jpg delete mode 100644 info/playbook04.jpg delete mode 100644 info/playbook05.jpg delete mode 100644 info/playbook06.jpg delete mode 100644 info/playbook07.jpg delete mode 100644 info/playbook08.jpg delete mode 100644 info/playbook09.jpg delete mode 100644 info/playbook10.jpg delete mode 100644 info/playbook11.jpg diff --git a/info/playbook.html b/info/playbook.html index 99ab415..75e4f89 100644 --- a/info/playbook.html +++ b/info/playbook.html @@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ div p{transform:translate(-26pt,-26pt)}





Example of Play........................................................ 2


Example of Play........................................................ 2


Player’s Notes......................................................... 12


@@ -29,608 +29,6 @@ div p{transform:translate(-26pt,-26pt)}

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© 2009 GMT Games, LLC


I. Setup


Both sides set up their pieces as instructed in 4.0.


Next, the Americans place thirteen “Committees of Cor-


respondence” PC markers, one in each colony which does not


contain a British playing piece (Canada is not a colony for this


purpose): Savannah, GA; Camden, SC; Charlotte, NC; Alexan-


dria, VA; Baltimore, MD; Wilmington, DE; Bassett Town, PA;


New Brunswick, NJ; New York, NY; New Haven, CT; Newport,


RI; Falmouth, MA; and Norwich, NH.


Once the Americans finish placing their Committees of Cor-


respondence PC markers, the British player places two “For


the King” PC markers in any space which does not contain an


American Playing Piece and which is adjacent to a British PC


marker which was present on the map prior to this step of the


setup: Fort Niagara and Ticonderoga, NY are chosen. Note that


“For the King” PC markers may be placed in any colony except


MA, CT, NH, PA, or VA (see 4.0).


Lastly, the “Declaration of Independence” and “Baron von


Steuben Trains the Continental Army” event cards are removed


from the deck. The deck is shuffled and play is now ready to




II. 1775 Turn


Reinforcement Phase


The British player places three CUs into his reinforcement


box on the map.


Strategy Cards Phase


Both players are dealt a hand of seven cards.


The Americans draw a 3 OPS, a 2 OPS, two 1 OPS, “Joseph


Brant Leads an Iroquois Raid,” “Nathan Hale, American Mar-


tyr,” and “North’s Government Falls—The War Ends in 1780.”


The British Player draws a 2 OPS, a 3 OPS, a 1 OPS, a Minor


Campaign, “Mad Anthony Wayne,” “Thomas Paine Publishes


Pamphlets ‘Common Sense’ and the ‘American Crisis,’” and


“Josiah Martin Rallies North Carolina Loyalists.”


Strategy Phase


The British player has a Minor Campaign card but does not


wish to use it to go first on the opening turn so using his best poker


face, declines to go first. The Americans, wanting to solidify their


position early in the game, opt to go first.


American Card 1:


The Americans open with a 3 OPS card and use it to place


PC markers. Three PC markers are placed: one in Pittsburgh,


PA; one in Genesee, NY; and one in Saratoga, NY. This clever


placement effectively blocks the British from placing PC mark-


ers in these spaces and keeps them from expanding into New


York and Pennsylvania.






Game design based on We The People: The American Revolution


from Avalon Hill. Used with permission.


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© 2009 GMT Games, LLC


British Card 1:


Not to be undone, the British also play a 3 OPS card and use


it to place PC markers. Three PC markers are placed: The first


is placed in Oswego, NY. Note that the British cannot then


place a PC marker in Fort Stanwix even though it is adjacent


to Oswego since the PC marker in Oswego did not preexist this


card play. The second is placed in Richmond, VA. The third is


placed in Long Island, NY. This is permissible since all ports


are considered to be adjacent to one another for all purposes


for the British player—a reflection of the naval dominance


enjoyed by the Army of His Majesty.


American Card 2:


Out of 3 OPS card, the American now plays “Nathan Hale,


American Martyr” as an event. The event allows him to place


two PCs: one in Charlottesville and one in Lynch’s Ferry,


VA. Since this card may only be played as an event once per


game, it is now removed from the game and is not discarded


as other Strategy Cards.


British Card 2:


The British see their options begin to narrow. Hoping to create


some new opportunities in the south, the British use their 1


OPS card to bring Reinforcements into the game. All 3 CUs


from the Reinforcement Box are brought into Norfolk, VA. The


British player also chooses to bring General Cornwallis into the


same space. To remind the British player that he cannot play


any more cards this turn for reinforcements, the 1 OPS card


is placed into the British Reinforcement Card box on the map.


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© 2009 GMT Games, LLC


American Card 3:


Seeing in the British move, a possible threat to Philadelphia,


the Americans counter with a reinforcement play of their own,


playing their 2 OPS card into the first American Reinforcement


Card box on the map. This play allows them to bring two CUs


and a General into any empty (neutral) space or a space with


an American PC marker. The American player chooses to


place both CUs and General Gates into Alexandria, VA. Note


that the Americans may play one more OPS card to bring on


reinforcements this turn.


British Card 3:


Not willing to have his purpose thwarted, the British player


plays a 2 OPS card and uses this to activate Cornwallis. Note


that he would not be able to activate General Howe or Car-


leton with such a card; rather, a 3 OPS card would be needed.


Cornwallis may now move with up to 5 CUs four spaces. He


takes all 3 CUs stacked in Norfolk, and marches to Alexandria


to engage General Gates before more troops can be raised in


Gates’ Army. Gates cannot intercept when Cornwallis enters


Richmond since Richmond contains a British PC marker.


Since the objective of Gates’ Army is to delay and block a


move on Philly, Gates will attempt to retreat before battle.


Only American Armies may intercept or retreat before battle.


To successfully retreat before battle, Gates will need to roll less


than or equal to his Agility rating. Unfortunately, his Agility


rating is only ‘1.’ The die is cast and a ‘4’ is rolled. Gates will


have to stand and fight.


Battle of Alexandria:


The British are the attackers and must declare any Battle Cards


(for a +2 drm) or discards of an event card (for a +1 drm). Wanting


to rid himself of having to discard the “Thomas Paine” event (with


the resultant threat of the American player picking that card up and


using it against him), the British player discards it in battle. When


discarded in this manner, the American player cannot pick it up.


The American player declines to play any Battle Events (he


has none) and declines to discard an event.


Next both players roll a die to determine their General’s Actual


Battle Rating. Essentially a dr of 1-3 gives the General only half


of his Battle Rating (rounded down); whereas a dr of 4-6 gives


the General his whole, printed Battle Rating. The British player


rolls a ‘2’ and the American rolls a ‘6.’ Cornwallis’ Battle Rat-


ing is halved from 4 to 2; Gates’ however, receives his whole,


printed Battle Rating of 2.


Next, the Die Roll Modifiers (drms) are totaled for each side.


The British get +3 (3 CUs), +2 (Cornwallis’ Battle Rating), +1


(Royal Navy—Alexandria is a port), +1 Regulars, +1 for Event


discard for a total of +8. The Americans get +2 (CUs), +2 (Gates’


Battle Rating), +1 (Virginia Militia—the Americans control more


spaces in Virginia than the British) for a total of +5.


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Now each player rolls a die. The Americans roll a ‘5’ which is


modified to a die roll of 10. The British roll a ‘2’ which is modi-


fied to a 10. The British modified roll is just enough to win the


battle, as ties go to the attacker.


Next, both sides determine combat losses. The loser (the


Americans) rolls a ‘3’ which results in a loss of a single CU (see


9.5). The winner (the British) rolls a die and check the table in


9.5. Since the losing General, Gates, has an Agility rating of ‘1,’


the British will only lose one CU on a die roll of 1-2. This time


the British roll a 5 and so avoid suffering any losses.


Now the losing General retreats. Since Gates was not attack-


ing, he can retreat to any adjacent space which does not contain


an enemy CU, PC, or the space from which the attacker moved


into battle. Gates retreats with 1 CU to Baltimore.


American Card 4:


The road to Philadelphia is open to the north and with several


cards left to play, the Americans are unwilling to risk having


the Congress dispersed by a British Army entering the space. To


cover the capital, the Americans play a 1 OPS card and activate


General Greene and 2 CUs. Using the American Mobility Ad-


vantage, Greene is able to march five spaces (though in so doing


is not permitted to either execute an overrun or enter into battle).


Greene marches from Newport to Hartford, to New Haven, to


New York, to New Brunswick, and finally to Philadelphia.


British Card 4:


Having discarded a card in battle, the British now realize that


they will not get the last card play of the turn. To avoid the


American’s picking up “Mad Anthony Wayne” in a discard and


using it against him, the British player plans to play that card


last. The British opt to discard “Josiah Martin Rallies North


Carolina Loyalists.” The event is playable but not especially


useful since the Americans only have one PC marker in NC


at the present. By discarding, he may remove an American


PC marker from a space adjacent to a British PC marker and


not occupied by American CUs, or the Continental Congress.


The British choose to remove the PC marker from Pittsburgh.


American Card 5:


The Americans really do not want the British to place a PC


marker in Pittsburgh. Reluctantly, they discard the “Joseph


Brant” event to place an American PC marker back into Pitts-


burgh—note that even for the Americans, the space receiving


a PC marker placement via an event discard must be adjacent


to an American PC marker. This, however, gives the British


an opportunity to pick up Joseph Brant by discarding an OPS


card of any value. Sadly for the British, they do not have such


an OPS card. Again, using his best poker face, the British


decline to pick up the event card. The American breathes a


sigh of relief.


British Card 5:


The British now play their Minor Campaign. Cornwallis is the


first General to Activate. Taking 3 CUs with him, Cornwallis


marches to Frederick Town, MD before marching into Balti-


more—his goal. He could march directly into Baltimore but


that would entail some risk: If he were to lose the battle with


Gates in Baltimore, he would be compelled to retreat back


to the space he entered Baltimore from—Alexandria. Since


Alexandria still contains an American PC marker, his Army


would be compelled to surrender! This, in turn would result


in the loss of the Regulars drm since 3 CUs would be lost in


one battle and the French Alliance marker would move 1 space


for American victory, and two more spaces for the loss of the


Regulars! Entering battle from Frederick Town is a much


safer move. Once again, Gates attempts Fabian tactics and


tries to retreat before battle. This time he luckily rolls a ‘1!’


He retreats to Wilmington, DE. Cornwallis must stop move-


ment since he entered a space containing enemy CUs and did


not overrun them.


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© 2009 GMT Games, LLC


For the second activation of the Minor Campaign, the Brit-


ish activate General Carleton who marches with 2 CUs from


Quebec to Albany and stops.


American Card 6:


The Americans decide now is the best time to play their


“North’s Government Falls—The War Ends in 1780” card


which is a must-play event. The card is placed in the War Ends


box on the map and signifies that barring the play of another


“War Ends” card in the future, the game will end at the end


of the year 1780.


British Card 6:


For their last card (normally they would play seven cards,


but one card was discarded in battle and no substitute was


drawn) the British discard “Mad Anthony Wayne and use the


discard to remove the PC marker from Charlottesville, VA.


The Americans may opt to pick this card up by discarding a 2


OPS or 3 OPS card, but even if they’d had such a card in their


hand, this card would have no use since the Americans only


hold one final card. The Americans decline the opportunity.


American Card 7:


For their last card (1 OP) the Americans activate General


Washington and his Army of 5 CUs. Needing to go into Winter


Quarters (square or star-shaped spaces), the Americans decide


to kill two birds with one stone by marching Washington’s


Army to Albany. Since the British never intercept nor retreat


before battle, a battle will be fought:


Battle of Albany:


Neither side has any cards in their hand so no strategy cards


will be played or discarded for drms.


The Americans roll a ‘5’ and Washington receives his full


Battle Rating. British roll a ‘4’ and normally would receive


Carleton’s full Battle Rating, but the Battle Rating may never be


greater than the number of CUs in the Army—in this case 2—so


Carleton gets a Battle Rating of 2 for this battle. Had he rolled


a 1-3, his Battle Rating would have been ‘1’ (3 divided in half


and rounded down).


The Americans will receive a die roll modifier of +12: +5


(CUs), +5 (Washington’s Battle Rating), +2 (Winter Offensive—


battle with Washington on last card play of the turn). The British


will receive a die roll modifier of +6: +2 (CUs), +2 (Carleton’s


modified Battle Rating), +1 (Regulars), +1 (NY Militia—British


have more PC markers in NY than the Americans). The Ameri-


cans roll a ‘2’ which is modified to 14. The British roll a ‘6’ which


is modified to 11 but even this is not enough. The Americans win.


Carleton rolls a ‘2’ for losses and only loses a single CU.


Washington rolls a ‘2’ for his loss check and after comparing


Carleton’s Agility rating to the table in 9.5, finds he loses a CU


as well—a Pyrrhic victory.


Carleton retreats with 1 CU to Fort Stanwix.


Since the Americans won a victory, the French Alliance Marker


is moved one space forward on the French Alliance track so some


good was accomplished by the Battle of Albany.


Now we move along to the Winter Attrition Phase.


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© 2009 GMT Games, LLC


Winter Attrition Phase:


Though the order does not matter, and indeed both players can


resolve winter attrition simultaneously, I prefer to check for and


resolve winter attrition starting with the British.


Generals Carleton, Cornwallis, and Howe are all located in


square spaces north of the Winter Attrition line which signifies


that they are in Winter Quarters (11.0). As such, they do not


suffer any losses.


The single British CU in De-


troit would not be vulnerable to


winter attrition if a British Gen-


eral was stacked with him. But


since he is un-led, he is vulnera-


ble to desertion (11.1). A single


die roll determines his fate. On a


1-3 he remains; on a 4-6 he is re-


moved. The die roll is a ‘1’


which removes him.


The Americans are handled differently than the British. All


American Armies and CUs are vulnerable to winter attrition


anywhere on the map with the exception of 5 CUs led by Wash-


ington—the Continental Army—and an army of 5 French CUs


(but only if they are not mixed with any American CUs) led by


any American General (Rochambeau is considered an American


General for all purposes). As with the British, single, un-led CUs


are vulnerable to desertion and must dice for their fate.


Generals Greene and Gates as well as the un-led two CUs in


Charleston are vulnerable to Winter Attrition. Washington’s Army


is winter quartered in Albany. CUs subject to winter attrition lose


half of their strength with fractions rounded down. Greene has


2 CUs so his army is reduced to 1 CU. The Charleston CUs are


likewise reduced to 1 CU. Gates has only 1 CU in his army and


as such, winter attrition has no effect on his Army.


The French Navy Phase is skipped since the French Alliance


has not come into effect and the French Navy is not yet in play


(see 12.0).


So we move along to the Political Control Phase.


Political Control Phase (see 10.2)


The Continental Congress was not dispersed. Had it been, it


would be placed in any space in the Thirteen Colonies (Canada


is not one of the Thirteen Colonies) that contains an American


PC marker but not a British playing piece. Dispersal and replace-


ment is the ONLY way the Continental Congress can be moved.


Next, each player places a PC marker in an uncontrolled space


that contains one of his Armies or flips a PC marker to friendly


control in any space containing one of his Armies.


Though this can be done simultaneously, I again prefer to do


the British first: Carleton’s Army in Fort Stanwix, NY places a


PC marker in that space. Cornwallis’ Army in Baltimore flips the


American PC marker in that space to British control.


Only Washington’s Army in Albany is in a position to place a


PC marker and so an American PC marker is placed in Albany


to signify American control of that space.


Next, both players check to see if any of their PC markers


are isolated. Please read section 10.3 of the rules for a thorough


explanation of this procedure. At this point, as is common on


the first turn, there are no isolated PC markers for either side.


We now come to the End Phase.


End Phase


Had the French Alliance been triggered, the French Alliance


marker would be flipped and placed on the turn track to serve


as a reminder that it is during the end phase of that turn that


European War breaks out. The effect of European War is that 2


British CUs are removed from the map and a number of Event


Cards become playable as events.


Presently the French Alliance has not yet come into play. This


being the case we check to see if the game ends. The current


“North’s Government Falls—War Ends” card in the War Ends


box is the 1780 card. If the current game year was 1780 or later


the game would end and a winner be determined. Again, this is


not the case so the game continues.


All the cards in the Reinforcement Card boxes on the map are


discarded and the game continues to the next turn, 1776.


III. 1776


Reinforcement Phase


The game turn is now 1776. As indicated on the turn track on


the map, eight British CUs are placed into the British Reinforce-


ment box on the map.


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Strategy Cards Phase


In the 1776 turn, both the “Declaration of Independence” and


“Baron von Steuben Trains the Continental Army” event cards


are shuffled into the draw pile (note that the cards in the discard


pile are not shuffled into the draw pile at this time). Both players


are then dealt a hand of seven cards.


The Americans draw two 3 OPS, two 2 OPS, a 1 OPS, “Henry


Knox Continental Artillery Commander” and “Lord Sandwich


Coastal Raids.”


The British draw two 2 OPS, two 3 OPS, a Minor Campaign,


“Lord North Offers a Royal Amnesty,” and “North’s Govern-


ment Falls—The War Ends in 1782.”


Strategy Phase:


The British player has once again draws a Minor Campaign


card and wanting to use it to put pressure on Philadelphia and


maintain the initiative, uses it to go first.


British Card 1:


The Minor Campaign event allows the British player to activate


two Generals. Alternately, one action can be used to perform a


“Landing Party” action (see 7.2.B). The British player chooses


to use the Landing Party capability to flip the PC marker in


New York, NY. The second action is used to activate General


Howe and his Army. All 5 CUs under Howe’s command con-


duct a naval move from Boston to New York. They could get


there by marching overland. I chose to use naval movement


to illustrate the deadly capability of Campaign events in the


hands of the British.


American Card 1:


Howe’s Army in New York poses a deadly threat to Philadel-


phia. That being the case, the American move is a no-brainer:


a 2 OPS card is played to activate Washington. Washington


and his army of 4 CUs march from Albany to Philadelphia.


Since only one General may end a move in a space, General


Greene is displaced to the American Leader Reinforcement


box on the map. Washington’s Army absorbs Greene’s 1 CU


thus bringing his Army back up to full-strength.


British Card 2:


Wanting to press the issue, the British play a 3 OPS card to


activate Howe’s Army in New York. Howe and all 5 CUs


march from New York to Morristown, NJ then to Reading, PA


before entering Philadelphia for battle. Washington could try


and retreat before battle but if successful that would result in


the Congress being dispersed. If the Congress is dispersed, the


American player cannot play OPS cards to place PC markers


or discard event cards to place PC markers for the duration


of the turn.


Battle of Philadelphia:


The British don’t have any Battle Events and decline to discard


an event card. The Americans, however, opt to play “Henry Knox


Continental Artillery Commander” which will provide a +2 drm


and grant the American a card draw after the British player’s turn.


Both players dice for their battle ratings. Howe rolls a “6” and


Washington rolls a “4.” Washington gets his full, printed Battle


Rating of +5; Howe also gets a Battle Rating drm of +5 but not


his full, printed Battle Rating since the Battle Rating drm cannot


exceed the General’s CUs (Howe can only get a +6 in a defensive


battle when stacked with 6+ CUs).


Both players’ drms are totaled. The British get +11: +5 (CUs),


+5 (Battle Rating), +1 (Regulars). Note that the British do not


get the British Navy drm since the Battle is in a fortified port


which is not controlled by the British. The Americans get +13:


+5 (CUs), +5 (Battle Rating), +1 (PA Militia), +2 (Battle Card).


The British roll a ‘5’ which is modified to ’16.’ The Americans


roll a ‘4’ which is modified to ’17.’ The British lose the battle;


Philadelphia is saved!


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Howe rolls for losses and groans as he rolls a ‘6.’ This results


in the loss of 3 CUs as well as the loss of the Regulars drm for


the remainder of the game. Washington rolls a ‘3’ which when


compared to Howe’s Agility Rating, results in the loss of a CU.


But the big effect of the battle takes place on the French Al-


liance track. The American victory moves the track one space.


The loss of the British regulars moves the track two spaces! The


French Alliance Marker is on space ‘4.’ The danger of French


intervention is now very real. The play of “Benjamin Franklin,


Minister to France” would move the French Alliance marker


four spaces. Once into space ‘9’ on the track, the French enter


the game and give the Americans a much-needed boost.


Howe retreats back to Reading, PA.


As per the Battle Event played, the American player now


draws a card from the draw pile. His draw is none other than the


“Declaration of Independence!”


American Card 2:


Figuring the present to be


an opportune time to play it,


the Americans play “Declara-


tion of Independence.” As per


the event text, one PC marker


is placed in one empty space


in each of the 13 colonies: St.


Mary’s, GA; Fort Prince


George, SC; Salem, NC;


Abingdon, VA; Frederick


Town, MD; York, PA; Mon-


mouth, NJ; Westchester, NY;


Hartford, CT; Springfield,


MA; and Battleboro, NH.


Since this event can only be


played as an event and the


event can only be placed once per game, the card is removed


from the game and is not placed in the discard pile, and the deck


will be shuffled at the end of the turn.


British Card 3:


The British, feeling boxed in by American PC markers, at-


tempt to regain the initiative by playing “Lord North Offers


a Royal Amnesty.” As per the event text, four American PC


markers are removed: Charlotte, NC; Camden, SC; Alexandria,


VA; and Frederick Town, MD. Since this card also stipulates


that it may only be played as an event once per turn, it too is


removed from the game.


American Card 3:


The Americans play a 3 OPS card to place three PC markers


in Charlotte, NC; Camden, SC; and Frederick Town, MD.


British Card 4:


The British play a 2 OPS card to place two PC markers in


Charlottesville, VA and Morristown, NJ.


American Card 4:


The American play a 2 OPS card to place two PC markers in


Fincastle, VA and Wyoming Valley, PA.


British Card 5:


Boxed in, the British play “North’s Government Falls—The


War Ends in 1782.” The “North’s Government Falls—The War


Ends in 1780” card in the War Ends box is discarded; “North’s


Government Falls—The War Ends in 1782” is placed in the


War Ends box.


American Card 5:


The Americans play a 2 OPS card into the first American Re-


inforcement box on the map. Two CUs are placed in Augusta,


GA. Lafayette is taken from the American Leader Reinforce-


ments box and placed with the reinforcements in Augusta, GA.


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British Card 6:


The British, not liking Howe’s exposed position, opt to play


their last 3 OPS card to place him into Winter Quarters by


moving him and all 3 CUs with him to Hartford, CT.


American Card 6:


The Americans discard “Lord Sandwich Coastal Raids” to


place a PC marker in Concord, NH. The British, despite want-


ing to bring Reinforcements into the game, opt to discard their


last OPS card to bring the “Lord Sandwich Coastal Raids into


his hand.


British Card 7:


The British now play “Lord Sandwich Coastal Raids” as an


event to flip the PC marker in Savannah, GA.


American Card 7:


The Americans use their final 3 OPS card to place three PC


markers into Wake (Raleigh), NC; Cheraw, SC; and George-


town, SC.


Now we move along to the Winter Attrition Phase.


Winter Attrition Phase


All of the British are in Winter Quarters spaces. Washington’s


Army is in winter quarters in Philadelphia (star-shaped spaces


are also winter quarters spaces). Gates’ Army only has 1 CU so


he does not suffer any ill effect. Lafayette’s small, 2CU Army


in Georgia is reduced to 1CU. The lone CU in Charleston, SC


must dice for his fate. The roll is a ‘5’ which means he stays on


the map and does not desert.


Again, the French Navy Phase is skipped since the French


Alliance has not come into effect and the French Navy is not


yet in play (see 12.0).


Again, we move along to the Political Control Phase.


Political Control Phase (see 10.2)


The Continental Congress was not dispersed so we can again


skip the Continental Congress placement step.


As in the previous turn, each player places a PC marker in


an uncontrolled space that contains one of his Armies or flips


a PC marker to friendly control in any space containing one of


his Armies.


Howe’s Army in Hartford, CT flips the PC marker in that space.


Lafayette’s Army places a PC marker in Augusta, GA.


Next, both players check to see if any of their PC markers


are isolated. Unlike the previous turn, there are a number of PC


markers which are isolated. Isolated American PC markers are


removed first—thus, it is possible that such removal may cause


isolated British PC markers to no longer be isolated.


The American PC marker in St. Mary’s GA is isolated since


it cannot trace to an empty space, or an American/French CU,


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General, or the Continental Congress; the British PC marker in


Savannah, GA blocks the American PC marker in St. Mary’s


from tracing to Lafayette in Augusta or the CU in Charleston.


But that’s not the real damage. The real damage is up north. The


Americans made a huge mistake on their last card play, not real-


izing that all the PC markers north of the Morristown – New York


line are isolated! Yes, that’s right, excepting Genesee, NY, every


American PC marker in New York, Connecticut, Massachusetts,


and New Hampshire is isolated! Had the Americans not placed a


PC marker into Concord, NH, then all these isolated PC markers


would have been able to trace to that empty space in Concord.


Alternately, the Americans could have used their last OPS card to


bring reinforcements into any one of those American-controlled


spaces to avoid isolation en masse.


The Americans are not the only ones with isolated PCs. The


British PCs in Ninety Six, SC and Gilbert Town, NC are both




All isolated PC markers are removed. The effect of this is to


open up the game considerably. Fortunately for the Americans,


the rules regarding PC marker placement will enable them


to regain some ground in the next turn. The ability to choose


whether to go first will also serve them well to try and recover


some ground.


We now come to the End Phase.


End Phase


Again, the French Alliance has not yet come into play. This


being the case we check to see if the game ends. The current


“North’s Government Falls—War Ends” card in the War Ends


box is the 1782 card. If the current game year was 1782 or later


the game would end and a winner would be determined. Again,


this is not the case so the game continues.


All the cards in the Reinforcement Card boxes on the map are


discarded and the game continues to the next turn, 1777.


WW Playbook.indd 11


11/4/2009 11:59:56


Washington’s War Playbook


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