"use strict" var game, view, states = {} const SUF = "Suffragist" const OPP = "Opposition" const region_count = 6 const us_states_count = region_count * 8 const era_cards_count = 17 const first_support_card = 1 const last_support_card = 52 const first_opposition_card = 53 const last_opposition_card = 104 const first_strategy_card = 105 const last_strategy_card = 116 const first_states_card = 117 const last_states_card = 128 exports.scenarios = [ "Standard" ] exports.roles = [ SUF, OPP ] exports.setup = function (seed, _scenario, _options) { game = { seed: seed, log: [], undo: [], active: null, state: null, turn: 0, round: 0, congress: 0, us_states: new Array(us_states_count).fill(0), strategy_deck: [], strategy_draw: [], states_draw: [], persisted_turn: [], persisted_game: [], persisted_ballot: [], support_deck: [], support_discard: [], support_hand: [], support_claimed: [], purple_campaigner: [0, 0], yellow_campaigner: [0, 0], support_buttons: 0, opposition_deck: [], opposition_discard: [], opposition_hand: [], opposition_claimed: [], opposition_campaigner: [0, 0], opposition_buttons: 0, } log_h1("Votes for Women") // init card decks & shuffle game.support_deck = init_player_cards(first_support_card) game.support_hand.push(first_support_card) game.opposition_deck = init_player_cards(first_opposition_card) game.opposition_hand.push(first_opposition_card) for (let c = first_strategy_card; c <= last_strategy_card; ++c) game.strategy_deck.push(c) for (let c = first_states_card; c <= last_states_card; ++c) game.states_draw.push(c) shuffle(game.states_draw) shuffle(game.strategy_deck) game.states_draw.splice(-3) // 3 states card aren't used game.strategy_draw = game.strategy_deck.splice(-3) // draw 3 strategy cards game.active = SUF start_turn() return game } function init_player_cards(first_card) { let c = first_card let early = [] let middle = [] let late = [] for (let n = 0; n < era_cards_count; ++n) early.push(++c) for (let n = 0; n < era_cards_count; ++n) middle.push(++c) for (let n = 0; n < era_cards_count; ++n) late.push(++c) shuffle(early) shuffle(middle) shuffle(late) return [].concat(late, middle, early) } function start_turn() { game.turn += 1 log_h1("Turn " + game.turn) goto_planning_phase() } function goto_planning_phase() { log_h2("Planning Phase") /* Each player draws six cards from their Draw deck. When added to either their Start card (on Turn 1) or their card held from the previous turn (on Turns 2-6), their hand should begin with seven cards. */ game.state = "planning_phase" } states.planning_phase = { inactive: "to do Planning Phase", prompt() { view.prompt = "Planning Phase: TODO" gen_action("done") }, done() { end_planning_phase() } } function end_planning_phase() { if (game.turn === 1) { goto_operations_phase() } else { goto_strategy_phase() } } function goto_strategy_phase() { log_h2("Strategy Phase") game.state = "strategy_phase" } states.strategy_phase = { inactive: "to do Strategy Phase", prompt() { view.prompt = "Strategy Phase: TODO" gen_action("done") }, done() { goto_operations_phase() } } function goto_operations_phase() { log_h2("Operations Phase") game.state = "operations_phase" } states.operations_phase = { inactive: "to do Operations Phase", prompt() { view.prompt = "Operations Phase: TODO" gen_action("done") }, done() { goto_cleanup_phase() } } function goto_cleanup_phase() { log_h2("Cleanup Phase") game.state = "cleanup_phase" } states.cleanup_phase = { inactive: "to do Cleanup Phase", prompt() { view.prompt = "Cleanup Phase: TODO" gen_action("done") }, done() { end_cleanup_phase() } } function end_cleanup_phase() { if (game.turn < 6) { start_turn() } else { goto_game_over(OPP, "Opposition wins.") } } // public functions function gen_action(action, argument) { if (!(action in view.actions)) view.actions[action] = [] view.actions[action].push(argument) } exports.action = function (state, player, action, arg) { game = state if (states[game.state] && action in states[game.state]) { states[game.state][action](arg, player) } else { if (action === "undo" && game.undo && game.undo.length > 0) pop_undo() else throw new Error("Invalid action: " + action) } return game } exports.resign = function (state, player) { game = state if (game.state !== "game_over") { if (player === SUF) goto_game_over(OPP, "Suffragist resigned.") if (player === OPP) goto_game_over(SUF, "Opposition resigned.") } return game } function goto_game_over(result, victory) { game.state = "game_over" game.active = "None" game.result = result game.victory = victory log_br() log(game.victory) } // === VIEW === exports.view = function(state, player) { game = state view = { log: game.log, prompt: null, actions: null, turn: game.turn, round: game.round, congress: game.congress, states: game.states, strategy_deck: game.strategy_deck.length, strategy_draw: game.strategy_draw, states_draw: game.states_draw, persisted_turn: game.persisted_turn, persisted_game: game.persisted_game, persisted_ballot: game.persisted_ballot, support_deck: game.support_deck.length, support_discard: game.support_discard, // top_discard? support_hand: game.support_hand.length, support_claimed: game.support_claimed, purple_campaigner: game.purple_campaigner, yellow_campaigner: game.yellow_campaigner, support_buttons: game.support_buttons, opposition_deck: game.opposition_deck.length, opposition_discard: game.opposition_discard, // top_discard? opposition_hand: game.opposition_hand.length, opposition_claimed: game.opposition_claimed, opposition_campaigner: game.opposition_campaigner, opposition_buttons: game.opposition_buttons, hand: 0, } if (player === SUF) { view.hand = game.support_hand } else if (player === OPP) { view.hand = game.opposition_hand } if (game.state === "game_over") { view.prompt = game.victory } else if (player === "Observer" || (game.active !== player && game.active !== "Both")) { if (states[game.state]) { let inactive = states[game.state].inactive view.prompt = `Waiting for ${game.active} to ${inactive}...` } else { view.prompt = "Unknown state: " + game.state } } else { view.actions = {} if (states[game.state]) states[game.state].prompt(player) else view.prompt = "Unknown state: " + game.state if (view.actions.undo === undefined) { if (game.undo && game.undo.length > 0) view.actions.undo = 1 else view.actions.undo = 0 } } return view } // === LOGGING === function log(msg) { game.log.push(msg) } function log_br() { if (game.log.length > 0 && game.log[game.log.length - 1] !== "") game.log.push("") } function logi(msg) { game.log.push(">" + msg) } function log_h1(msg) { log_br() log(".h1 " + msg) log_br() } function log_h2(msg) { log_br() log(".h2 " + msg) log_br() } function log_h3(msg) { log_br() log(".h3 " + msg) } function log_sep() { log(".hr") } // === COMMON LIBRARY === function clear_undo() { if (game.undo.length > 0) game.undo = [] } function push_undo() { let copy = {} for (let k in game) { let v = game[k] if (k === "undo") continue else if (k === "log") v = v.length else if (typeof v === "object" && v !== null) v = object_copy(v) copy[k] = v } game.undo.push(copy) } function pop_undo() { let save_log = game.log let save_undo = game.undo game = save_undo.pop() save_log.length = game.log game.log = save_log game.undo = save_undo } function random(range) { // An MLCG using integer arithmetic with doubles. // https://www.ams.org/journals/mcom/1999-68-225/S0025-5718-99-00996-5/S0025-5718-99-00996-5.pdf // m = 2**35 − 31 return (game.seed = game.seed * 200105 % 34359738337) % range } function shuffle(list) { // Fisher-Yates shuffle for (let i = list.length - 1; i > 0; --i) { let j = random(i + 1) let tmp = list[j] list[j] = list[i] list[i] = tmp } } // Fast deep copy for objects without cycles function object_copy(original) { if (Array.isArray(original)) { let n = original.length let copy = new Array(n) for (let i = 0; i < n; ++i) { let v = original[i] if (typeof v === "object" && v !== null) copy[i] = object_copy(v) else copy[i] = v } return copy } else { let copy = {} for (let i in original) { let v = original[i] if (typeof v === "object" && v !== null) copy[i] = object_copy(v) else copy[i] = v } return copy } } // Array remove and insert (faster than splice) function array_remove_item(array, item) { let n = array.length for (let i = 0; i < n; ++i) if (array[i] === item) return array_remove(array, i) } function array_remove(array, index) { let n = array.length for (let i = index + 1; i < n; ++i) array[i - 1] = array[i] array.length = n - 1 } // === GENERATED EVENT CODE ===