Time of Crisis - Deluxe Edition Playtest
The "Deluxe Edition" option will enable the following changes.
Please send playtest feedback to the designers:
- By e-mail to tempus42@yahoo.com, wrayferrell@gmail.com, and jasoncarr@gmtgames.com.
- On the #time-of-crisis Discord channel
Note that the art for the new components is PLAYTEST only - the real thing will look nicer, we promise!
Draft initial provinces in reverse order (last player picks first).
This should help reduce the first player advantage.
The 4th player gets a better pick and less chance of getting totally screwed by the time he gets his first turn. (Rule change only.)
Game End
When a player is Emperor and has 60+ VP, that player MAY choose to declare that this is the last round. If they do not, the game will continue normally.
Military Emperor
Change special disadvantage to:
Roll 1 die and add 1 to the value per hit dealt to the Emperor's army. If the total value is at least 7, your Emperor has died in battle.
This should make a Military Emperor considerably more durable.
Card - Foederati
Change card text to:
Select an army you command and remove one active non-leader barbarian counter not in a player's army from the selected army's region. If the selected army contains fewer barbarians than legions, the barbarian joins your army. Otherwise, return the barbarian to its home region on its inactive side.
- Limit to current region only.
- Limit to active barbarians only.
Card - Demagogue
Change card text to:
Place 1, 2, or 3 Mob counters in any province. If you take a Place Governor action in that province this turn you gain one extra vote for each Mob counter there. If you take control of that province this turn, do not remove Mob counters.
- Market
- For each Market in a province you govern, during your turn you may exchange 1 Influence point for 1 Influence point of another type. (E.g. You control 2 Markets, and you decide to change 1 Red and 1 Yellow point into 2 Blue points.)
- Port
- You may move one army per turn from your governed province with a Port to any other Roman province for 1 Military influence.
- Monument
- Any time your Governor is removed from a province with a Monument, remove the Monument and place 1 Mob token for each improvement (including the Monument) in that province.
Add 3 new improvement building options:
Maximum 3 (different) Improvements per province.