AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2022-12-31Units assigned fortress supply MUST withdraw using fortress supply.Tor Andersson
2022-12-26Forbid entering own map edge hexes.Tor Andersson
2022-12-26Follow 2004 edition map layout more strictly.Tor Andersson
2022-12-14Revert error in rulebook 2.0.Tor Andersson
2022-11-27Check validity of mandatory pass group moves.Tor Andersson
2022-11-17Remove stray debugging lines.Tor Andersson
2022-11-17Drop "alpha testing" warning.Tor Andersson
2022-11-17Fix "1942" setup.Tor Andersson
2022-11-17Use correct port capacity during redeployment.Tor Andersson
2022-11-17Main menu links.Tor Andersson
2022-11-17Drop the turn info row in the sidebar.Tor Andersson
2022-11-17Bump fortress text size one notch.Tor Andersson
2022-11-17Check available money for building minefields.Tor Andersson
2022-11-17Verify group and regroup options as valid retreat hexes.Tor Andersson
2022-11-17Fix hexside disengagement checks.Tor Andersson
2022-11-17Don't allow "end turn" during pass moves if there are mandatory battles.Tor Andersson
2022-11-17Fix bug with selecting units for Regroup Move 2.Tor Andersson
2022-11-17Show control in hex tooltips.Tor Andersson
2022-11-17Exception: Fortress battles are not mandatory during blitz combat.Tor Andersson
2022-11-17Update unit gallery to list by order of appearance.Tor Andersson
2022-11-17Keep next month's reinforcements hidden to not reveal early arrivals.Tor Andersson
2022-11-17Slim down reinforcement track.Tor Andersson
2022-11-17Skip pursuit fire during rout if possible.Tor Andersson
2022-11-17Allow disrupted units to co-exist without creating a battle hex.Tor Andersson
2022-11-17Track fortress recapture and cancel bonus supply.Tor Andersson
2022-11-17Don't skip mandatory combat rout check when ending turn early!Tor Andersson
2022-11-17Simplify checkpointing logic.Tor Andersson
2022-11-17Update common functions from utility library.Tor Andersson
2022-11-17Tweak calendar position.Tor Andersson
2022-11-17Confirm before ending movement phase if unused moves remain.Tor Andersson
2022-11-17Remove some debug tracing.Tor Andersson
2022-11-17Fix state collision in end_oasis_supply.Tor Andersson
2022-11-17Merge engage_via and forced_march_via states.Tor Andersson
2022-11-17Fix fortress supply tracing.Tor Andersson
2022-11-17Don't pursuit fire from retreat if all are slower.Tor Andersson
2022-11-17Fix retreat forced march and engaging state change back to retreat move.Tor Andersson
2022-11-17Log step losses and elimination during rout attrition.Tor Andersson
2022-11-17Tweak Refuse Battle prompts.Tor Andersson
2022-11-17Add confirmation steps to refuse battle and pass turn retreats.Tor Andersson
2022-11-17Group dice when firing double/quadruple during assault/fortress defense.Tor Andersson
2022-11-17Show eliminated units off to the side of the Qattara depression.Tor Andersson
2022-11-17Fix movement summary flushing and reinitializing between overruns.Tor Andersson
2022-11-17Count own steps in battle!Tor Andersson
2022-11-17Note full or partial retreats and pursuit fire in log.Tor Andersson
2022-11-17Don't release hex control immediately after forced march regroups.Tor Andersson
2022-11-17Fix lint issues.Tor Andersson
2022-11-17Log active and assault battles.Tor Andersson
2022-11-17Player aid table icon tooltips.Tor Andersson
2022-11-17Add checkpoints for replay.Tor Andersson
2022-11-17Add icon badge for moved units.Tor Andersson