"use strict"; const LANCASTER = "Lancaster"; const YORK = "York"; const REBEL = "Rebel"; const ENEMY = { York: "Lancaster", Lancaster: "York" } const POOL = "Pool"; const MINOR = "Minor"; const KING_TEXT = "\u2756"; const PRETENDER_TEXT = ""; const LONG_NAME = { "Somerset": "Duke of Somerset", "Exeter": "Duke of Exeter", "Devon": "Earl of Devon", "Pembroke": "Earl of Pembroke", "Wiltshire": "Earl of Wiltshire", "Oxford": "Earl of Oxford", "Beaumont": "Viscount Beaumont", "Clifford": "Lord Clifford", "Buckingham": "Duke of Buckingham", "Northumberland": "Earl of Northumberland", "Shrewsbury": "Earl of Shrewsbury", "Westmoreland": "Earl of Westmoreland", "Rivers": "Lord Rivers", "Stanley": "Lord Stanley", "Richmond": "Earl of Richmond", "York": "Duke of York", "Rutland": "Earl of Rutland", "March": "Earl of March", "Warwick": "Earl of Warwick", "Salisbury": "Earl of Salisbury", "Kent": "Earl of Kent", "Norfolk": "Duke of Norfolk", "Suffolk": "Duke of Suffolk", "Arundel": "Earl of Arundel", "Essex": "Earl of Essex", "Worcester": "Earl of Worcester", "Hastings": "Lord Hastings", "Herbert": "Lord Herbert", "Clarence": "Duke of Clarence", "Gloucester": "Duke of Gloucester", } function toggle_blocks() { document.getElementById("map").classList.toggle("hide_blocks"); } let ui = { cards: {}, areas: {}, known: {}, secret: { Lancaster: {}, York: {}, Rebel: {} }, battle_menu: {}, battle_block: {}, present: new Set(), } create_log_entry = function (text) { let p = document.createElement("div"); text = text.replace(/&/g, "&"); text = text.replace(//g, ">"); text = text.replace(/\u2192 /g, "\u2192\xa0"); text = text.replace(/^([A-Z]):/, ' $1 '); if (text.match(/^~ .* ~$/)) p.className = 'br', text = text.substring(2, text.length-2); else if (text.match(/^Start Lancaster turn/)) p.className = 'L'; else if (text.match(/^Start York turn/)) p.className = 'Y'; else if (text.match(/^Start /)) p.className = 'st'; else if (text.match(/^Battle in/)) p.className = 'bs'; if (text.match(/^Start /)) text = text.substring(6); p.innerHTML = text; return p; } function on_focus_area(evt) { let where = evt.target.area; let text = where; if (AREAS[where].city) text += " (" + AREAS[where].city + ")"; if (AREAS[where].crown) text += " - Crown"; // " \u2655"; if (where === "South Yorks" || where === "Kent") text += " - Church"; // " -" \u2657"; if (AREAS[where].major_port) text += " - Port"; if (AREAS[where].shields.length > 0) text += " - " + AREAS[where].shields.join(", "); document.getElementById("status").textContent = text; } function on_blur_area(evt) { document.getElementById("status").textContent = ""; } function on_click_area(evt) { let where = evt.target.area; send_action('area', where); } const STEP_TEXT = [ 0, "I", "II", "III", "IIII" ]; const HEIR_TEXT = [ 0, '\u00b9', '\u00b2', '\u00b3', '\u2074', '\u2075' ]; function block_name(who) { if (!who) return "Nobody"; let name = BLOCKS[who].name; let long_name = LONG_NAME[name]; return long_name ? long_name : name; } function block_owner(who) { if (who === REBEL) return BLOCKS[game.pretender].owner; return BLOCKS[who].owner; } function on_focus_secret_block(evt) { let owner = evt.target.owner; let text = owner; document.getElementById("status").textContent = text; } function on_blur_secret_block(evt) { document.getElementById("status").textContent = ""; } function on_click_secret_block(evt) { } function on_focus_map_block(evt) { let b = evt.target.block; let s = game.known[b][1]; let text = block_name(b) + " "; if (BLOCKS[b].type === 'heir') text += "H" + HEIR_TEXT[BLOCKS[b].heir] + "-"; if (BLOCKS[b].loyalty) text += BLOCKS[b].loyalty + "-"; else if (BLOCKS[b].type === 'nobles') text += "\u2740-"; text += STEP_TEXT[s] + "-" + BLOCKS[b].combat; document.getElementById("status").textContent = text; } function on_blur_map_block(evt) { document.getElementById("status").textContent = ""; } function on_click_map_block(evt) { let b = evt.target.block; if (!game.battle) send_action('block', b); } function is_battle_reserve(who, list) { for (let [b, s, m] of list) if (who === b) return true; return false; } function on_focus_battle_block(evt) { let b = evt.target.block; let msg = block_name(b); if (is_battle_reserve(b, game.battle.LR)) msg = "Lancaster Reserve"; if (is_battle_reserve(b, game.battle.YR)) msg = "York Reserve"; if (game.actions && game.actions.battle_fire && game.actions.battle_fire.includes(b)) msg = "Fire with " + msg; else if (game.actions && game.actions.battle_retreat && game.actions.battle_retreat.includes(b)) msg = "Retreat with " + msg; else if (game.actions && game.actions.battle_charge && game.actions.battle_charge.includes(b)) msg = "Charge " + msg; else if (game.actions && game.actions.battle_treachery && game.actions.battle_treachery.includes(b)) msg = "Attempt treachery on " + msg; else if (game.actions && game.actions.battle_hit && game.actions.battle_hit.includes(b)) msg = "Take hit on " + msg; document.getElementById("status").textContent = msg; } function on_blur_battle_block(evt) { document.getElementById("status").textContent = ""; } function on_click_battle_block(evt) { let b = evt.target.block; send_action('block', b); } function on_focus_battle_fire(evt) { document.getElementById("status").textContent = "Fire with " + block_name(evt.target.block); } function on_focus_battle_retreat(evt) { document.getElementById("status").textContent = "Retreat with " + block_name(evt.target.block); } function on_focus_battle_pass(evt) { document.getElementById("status").textContent = "Pass with " + block_name(evt.target.block); } function on_focus_battle_hit(evt) { document.getElementById("status").textContent = "Take hit on " + block_name(evt.target.block); } function on_focus_battle_charge(evt) { if (block_owner(evt.target.block) === game.active) document.getElementById("status").textContent = "Charge with " + block_name(evt.target.block); else document.getElementById("status").textContent = "Charge " + block_name(evt.target.block); } function on_focus_battle_treachery(evt) { if (block_owner(evt.target.block) === game.active) document.getElementById("status").textContent = "Attempt treachery with " + block_name(evt.target.block); else document.getElementById("status").textContent = "Attempt treachery on " + block_name(evt.target.block); } function on_blur_battle_button(evt) { document.getElementById("status").textContent = ""; } function on_click_battle_hit(evt) { send_action('battle_hit', evt.target.block); } function on_click_battle_fire(evt) { send_action('battle_fire', evt.target.block); } function on_click_battle_retreat(evt) { send_action('battle_retreat', evt.target.block); } function on_click_battle_charge(evt) { send_action('battle_charge', evt.target.block); } function on_click_battle_treachery(evt) { send_action('battle_treachery', evt.target.block); } function on_click_battle_pass(evt) { if (window.confirm("Are you sure that you want to PASS with " + block_name(evt.target.block) + "?")) send_action('battle_pass', evt.target.block); } function on_click_card(evt) { let c = evt.target.id.split("+")[1] | 0; send_action('play', c); } function on_button_undo(evt) { send_action('undo'); } function on_button_pass(evt) { send_action('pass'); } function on_button_end_action_phase(evt) { send_action('end_action_phase'); } function on_button_end_supply_phase(evt) { send_action('end_supply_phase'); } function on_button_end_political_turn(evt) { send_action('end_political_turn'); } function on_button_end_exile_limits(evt) { send_action('end_exile_limits'); } function on_button_end_regroup(evt) { send_action('end_regroup'); } function on_button_end_retreat(evt) { send_action('end_retreat'); } function on_button_eliminate(evt) { send_action('eliminate'); } function on_button_treachery(evt) { send_action('treachery'); } function on_button_execute_clarence(evt) { send_action('execute_clarence'); } function on_button_execute_exeter(evt) { send_action('execute_exeter'); } function build_battle_button(menu, b, c, click, enter, img_src) { let img = new Image(); img.draggable = false; img.classList.add("action"); img.classList.add(c); img.setAttribute("src", img_src); img.addEventListener("click", click); img.addEventListener("mouseenter", enter); img.addEventListener("mouseleave", on_blur_battle_button); img.block = b; menu.appendChild(img); } function build_battle_block(b, block) { let element = document.createElement("div"); element.classList.add("block"); element.classList.add("known"); element.classList.add(BLOCKS[b].owner); element.classList.add("block_" + block.image); element.addEventListener("mouseenter", on_focus_battle_block); element.addEventListener("mouseleave", on_blur_battle_block); element.addEventListener("click", on_click_battle_block); element.block = b; ui.battle_block[b] = element; let menu_list = document.createElement("div"); menu_list.classList.add("battle_menu_list"); build_battle_button(menu_list, b, "treachery", on_click_battle_treachery, on_focus_battle_treachery, "/images/rose.svg"); build_battle_button(menu_list, b, "charge", on_click_battle_charge, on_focus_battle_charge, "/images/mounted-knight.svg"); build_battle_button(menu_list, b, "hit", on_click_battle_hit, on_focus_battle_hit, "/images/cross-mark.svg"); // menu_list.appendChild(document.createElement("br")); build_battle_button(menu_list, b, "fire", on_click_battle_fire, on_focus_battle_fire, "/images/pointy-sword.svg"); build_battle_button(menu_list, b, "retreat", on_click_battle_retreat, on_focus_battle_retreat, "/images/flying-flag.svg"); build_battle_button(menu_list, b, "pass", on_click_battle_pass, on_focus_battle_pass, "/images/sands-of-time.svg"); let menu = document.createElement("div"); menu.classList.add("battle_menu"); menu.appendChild(element); menu.appendChild(menu_list); ui.battle_menu[b] = menu; } function build_known_block(b, block) { let element = document.createElement("div"); element.classList.add("block"); element.classList.add("known"); element.classList.add(BLOCKS[b].owner); element.classList.add("block_" + block.image); element.addEventListener("mouseenter", on_focus_map_block); element.addEventListener("mouseleave", on_blur_map_block); element.addEventListener("click", on_click_map_block); element.block = b; return element; } function build_secret_block(b, block) { let element = document.createElement("div"); element.classList.add("block"); element.classList.add("secret"); element.classList.add(BLOCKS[b].owner); element.addEventListener("mouseenter", on_focus_secret_block); element.addEventListener("mouseleave", on_blur_secret_block); element.addEventListener("click", on_click_secret_block); element.owner = BLOCKS[b].owner; return element; } function build_map() { let element; ui.blocks_element = document.getElementById("blocks"); ui.offmap_element = document.getElementById("offmap"); for (let c = 1; c <= 25; ++c) { ui.cards[c] = document.getElementById("card+"+c); ui.cards[c].addEventListener("click", on_click_card); } for (let name in AREAS) { let area = AREAS[name]; element = document.getElementById("svgmap").getElementById("area_"+name.replace(/ /g, "_")); if (element) { element.area = name; element.addEventListener("mouseenter", on_focus_area); element.addEventListener("mouseleave", on_blur_area); element.addEventListener("click", on_click_area); ui.areas[name] = element; } ui.secret.Lancaster[name] = []; ui.secret.York[name] = []; ui.secret.Rebel[name] = []; } ui.secret.Lancaster.offmap = []; ui.secret.York.offmap = []; ui.secret.Rebel.offmap = []; for (let b in BLOCKS) { let block = BLOCKS[b]; build_battle_block(b, block); ui.known[b] = build_known_block(b, block); ui.secret[BLOCKS[b].owner].offmap.push(build_secret_block(b, block)); } } function update_steps(b, steps, element) { element.classList.remove("r1"); element.classList.remove("r2"); element.classList.remove("r3"); element.classList.add("r"+(BLOCKS[b].steps - steps)); } function layout_blocks(area, secret, known) { let wrap = AREAS[area].wrap; let s = secret.length; let k = known.length; let n = s + k; let row, rows = []; let i = 0; function new_line() { rows.push(row = []); i = 0; } new_line(); while (secret.length > 0) { if (i === wrap) new_line(); row.push(secret.shift()); ++i; } // Break early if secret and known fit in exactly two rows, and more than three blocks total if (s > 0 && s <= wrap && k > 0 && k <= wrap && n > 3) new_line(); while (known.length > 0) { if (i === wrap) new_line(); row.push(known.shift()); ++i; } if (AREAS[area].layout_minor > 0.5) rows.reverse(); for (let j = 0; j < rows.length; ++j) for (i = 0; i < rows[j].length; ++i) position_block(area, j, rows.length, i, rows[j].length, rows[j][i]); } function position_block(area, row, n_rows, col, n_cols, element) { let space = AREAS[area]; let block_size = 60+6; let padding = 4; let offset = block_size + padding; let row_size = (n_rows-1) * offset; let col_size = (n_cols-1) * offset; let x = space.x - block_size/2; let y = space.y - block_size/2; if (space.layout_axis === 'X') { x -= col_size * space.layout_major; y -= row_size * space.layout_minor; x += col * offset; y += row * offset; } else { y -= col_size * space.layout_major; x -= row_size * space.layout_minor; y += col * offset; x += row * offset; } element.style.left = (x|0)+"px"; element.style.top = (y|0)+"px"; } function show_block(element) { if (element.parentElement !== ui.blocks_element) ui.blocks_element.appendChild(element); } function hide_block(element) { if (element.parentElement !== ui.offmap_element) ui.offmap_element.appendChild(element); } function update_map() { let overflow = { Lancaster: [], York: [], Rebel: [] }; let layout = {}; document.getElementById("turn_info").textContent = "Campaign " + game.campaign + "\nKing: " + block_name(game.king) + "\nPretender: " + block_name(game.pretender); for (let area in AREAS) layout[area] = { Lancaster: [], York: [] }; // Move secret blocks to overflow queue if there are too many in a area for (let area in AREAS) { for (let color of [LANCASTER, YORK, REBEL]) { if (game.secret[color]) { let max = game.secret[color][area] ? game.secret[color][area][0] : 0; while (ui.secret[color][area].length > max) { overflow[color].push(ui.secret[color][area].pop()); } } } } // Add secret blocks if there are too few in a location for (let area in AREAS) { for (let color of [LANCASTER, YORK, REBEL]) { if (game.secret[color]) { let max = game.secret[color][area] ? game.secret[color][area][0] : 0; while (ui.secret[color][area].length < max) { if (overflow[color].length > 0) { ui.secret[color][area].push(overflow[color].pop()); } else { let element = ui.secret[color].offmap.pop(); show_block(element); ui.secret[color][area].push(element); } } } } } // Remove any blocks left in the overflow queue for (let color of [LANCASTER, YORK, REBEL]) { while (overflow[color].length > 0) { let element = overflow[color].pop(); hide_block(element); ui.secret[color].offmap.push(element); } } // Hide formerly known blocks for (let b in BLOCKS) { if (!(b in game.known)) { hide_block(ui.known[b]); } } // Add secret blocks to layout for (let area in AREAS) { for (let color of [LANCASTER, YORK, REBEL]) { let i = 0, n = 0, m = 0; if (game.secret[color] && game.secret[color][area]) { n = game.secret[color][area][0]; m = game.secret[color][area][1]; } for (let element of ui.secret[color][area]) { if (i++ < n - m) element.classList.remove("moved"); else element.classList.add("moved"); if (color === REBEL) layout[area][BLOCKS[game.pretender].owner].push(element); else layout[area][color].push(element); } } } // Add known blocks to layout for (let b in game.known) { let area = game.known[b][0]; if (area) { let steps = game.known[b][1]; let moved = game.known[b][2]; let element = ui.known[b]; let color = block_owner(b); show_block(element); layout[area][color].push(element); update_steps(b, steps, element); if (moved) element.classList.add("moved"); else element.classList.remove("moved"); } } // Layout blocks on map for (let area in AREAS) { if (area === POOL) { layout_blocks("LPool", layout[area].Lancaster, []); layout_blocks("YPool", layout[area].York, []); } else if (area === MINOR) { layout_blocks("LMinor", layout[area].Lancaster, []); layout_blocks("YMinor", layout[area].York, []); } else { layout_blocks(area, layout[area].Lancaster, layout[area].York); } } for (let where in AREAS) { if (ui.areas[where]) { ui.areas[where].classList.remove('highlight'); ui.areas[where].classList.remove('where'); } } if (game.actions && game.actions.area) for (let where of game.actions.area) ui.areas[where].classList.add('highlight'); if (game.where) ui.areas[game.where].classList.add('where'); for (let b in BLOCKS) { ui.known[b].classList.remove('highlight'); ui.known[b].classList.remove('selected'); } if (!game.battle) { if (game.actions && game.actions.block) for (let b of game.actions.block) ui.known[b].classList.add('highlight'); if (game.who) ui.known[game.who].classList.add('selected'); } } function update_cards() { let cards = game.hand; for (let c = 1; c <= 25; ++c) { ui.cards[c].classList.remove('enabled'); if (cards && cards.includes(c)) ui.cards[c].classList.add('show'); else ui.cards[c].classList.remove('show'); } if (game.actions && game.actions.play) { for (let c of game.actions.play) ui.cards[c].classList.add('enabled'); } if (!game.l_card) document.getElementById("lancaster_card").className = "small_card card_back"; else document.getElementById("lancaster_card").className = "small_card " + CARDS[game.l_card].image; if (!game.y_card) document.getElementById("york_card").className = "small_card card_back"; else document.getElementById("york_card").className = "small_card " + CARDS[game.y_card].image; } function update_battle() { function fill_cell(name, list, reserve) { let cell = window[name]; ui.present.clear(); for (let [block, steps, moved] of list) { ui.present.add(block); if (block === game.who) ui.battle_block[block].classList.add("selected"); else ui.battle_block[block].classList.remove("selected"); ui.battle_block[block].classList.remove("highlight"); ui.battle_menu[block].classList.remove('hit'); ui.battle_menu[block].classList.remove('fire'); ui.battle_menu[block].classList.remove('retreat'); ui.battle_menu[block].classList.remove('pass'); ui.battle_menu[block].classList.remove('charge'); ui.battle_menu[block].classList.remove('treachery'); if (game.actions && game.actions.block && game.actions.block.includes(block)) ui.battle_block[block].classList.add("highlight"); if (game.actions && game.actions.battle_fire && game.actions.battle_fire.includes(block)) ui.battle_menu[block].classList.add('fire'); if (game.actions && game.actions.battle_retreat && game.actions.battle_retreat.includes(block)) ui.battle_menu[block].classList.add('retreat'); if (game.actions && game.actions.battle_pass && game.actions.battle_pass.includes(block)) ui.battle_menu[block].classList.add('pass'); if (game.actions && game.actions.battle_hit && game.actions.battle_hit.includes(block)) ui.battle_menu[block].classList.add('hit'); if (game.actions && game.actions.battle_charge && game.actions.battle_charge.includes(block)) ui.battle_menu[block].classList.add('charge'); if (game.actions && game.actions.battle_treachery && game.actions.battle_treachery.includes(block)) ui.battle_menu[block].classList.add('treachery'); update_steps(block, steps, ui.battle_block[block], false); if (reserve) ui.battle_block[block].classList.add("secret"); else ui.battle_block[block].classList.remove("secret"); if (moved) ui.battle_block[block].classList.add("moved"); else ui.battle_block[block].classList.remove("moved"); if (reserve) ui.battle_block[block].classList.remove("known"); else ui.battle_block[block].classList.add("known"); } for (let b in BLOCKS) { if (ui.present.has(b)) { if (!cell.contains(ui.battle_menu[b])) cell.appendChild(ui.battle_menu[b]); } else { if (cell.contains(ui.battle_menu[b])) cell.removeChild(ui.battle_menu[b]); } } } if (player === LANCASTER) { fill_cell("FR", game.battle.LR, true); fill_cell("FA", game.battle.LA, false); fill_cell("FB", game.battle.LB, false); fill_cell("FC", game.battle.LC, false); fill_cell("FD", game.battle.LD, false); fill_cell("EA", game.battle.YA, false); fill_cell("EB", game.battle.YB, false); fill_cell("EC", game.battle.YC, false); fill_cell("ED", game.battle.YD, false); fill_cell("ER", game.battle.YR, true); } else { fill_cell("ER", game.battle.LR, true); fill_cell("EA", game.battle.LA, false); fill_cell("EB", game.battle.LB, false); fill_cell("EC", game.battle.LC, false); fill_cell("ED", game.battle.LD, false); fill_cell("FA", game.battle.YA, false); fill_cell("FB", game.battle.YB, false); fill_cell("FC", game.battle.YC, false); fill_cell("FD", game.battle.YD, false); fill_cell("FR", game.battle.YR, true); } } function on_update() { show_action_button("#undo_button", "undo"); show_action_button("#pass_button", "pass"); show_action_button("#end_action_phase_button", "end_action_phase"); show_action_button("#end_supply_phase_button", "end_supply_phase"); show_action_button("#end_political_turn_button", "end_political_turn"); show_action_button("#end_exile_limits_button", "end_exile_limits"); show_action_button("#end_regroup_button", "end_regroup"); show_action_button("#end_retreat_button", "end_retreat"); show_action_button("#eliminate_button", "eliminate"); show_action_button("#execute_clarence_button", "execute_clarence"); show_action_button("#execute_exeter_button", "execute_exeter"); let king = block_owner(game.king); document.getElementById("lancaster_vp").textContent = (king === LANCASTER ? KING_TEXT : PRETENDER_TEXT); document.getElementById("york_vp").textContent = (king === YORK ? KING_TEXT : PRETENDER_TEXT); update_cards(); update_map(); if (game.battle) { document.getElementById("battle_header").textContent = game.battle.title; document.getElementById("battle_message").textContent = game.battle.flash; document.getElementById("battle").classList.add("show"); update_battle(); } else { document.getElementById("battle").classList.remove("show"); } } build_map(); drag_element_with_mouse("#battle", "#battle_header"); scroll_with_middle_mouse("#grid_center", 2); init_map_zoom(); init_shift_zoom(); init_client(["Lancaster", "York"]);