# Note - must AND/OR take at least one of the choices? # Versailles Cards CARD 1 - Jules Ducatel asm clear_undo() if (game.round < 4) goto "reveal_commune_objective" else goto "reveal_commune_hand" endif ops 1 MILITARY CARD 2 - The Murder of Vincenzini increase_revolutionary_momentum prompt "Remove up to 3 from Political." remove_up_to 3 POLITICAL CARD 3 - Brassardiers prompt "Replace 1 in Military where present." replace 1 (where_present(MILITARY)) CARD 4 - Jules Ferry prompt "Place up to 2 in Republicans or replace 1 in National Assembly." switch ["place","replace"] case "place" prompt "Place up to 2 in Republicans." place_up_to 2 REPUBLICANS case "replace" prompt "Replace 1 in National Assembly." replace 1 NATIONAL_ASSEMBLY endswitch CARD 5 - Le Figaro prompt "Place up to 2 in Press or replace 1 in Public Opinion." switch ["place","replace"] case "place" prompt "Place up to 2 in Press." place_up_to 2 PRESS case "replace" prompt "Replace 1 in Public Opinion." replace 1 PUBLIC_OPINION endswitch CARD 6 - Général Louis Valentin # remove_different_up_to 2 (where_present(PARIS)) asm game.count = 2 asm game.spaces = where_present(PARIS) if (can_vm_remove()) goto "general_louis_valentin" endif CARD 7 - Général Espivent prompt "Remove up to 2 from Social Movements." remove_up_to 2 SOCIAL_MOVEMENTS CARD 8 - Les Amis de l'Ordre # must place 2 in paris spaces prompt "Place 2 in Paris." place 2 PARIS CARD 9 - Socialist Newspaper Ban increase_revolutionary_momentum prompt "Remove up to 2 from Press." remove_up_to 2 PRESS # forbid Le Reveil from being played asm game.snb=1 CARD 10 - Fortification of Mont-Valérien prompt "Place up to 1 in Mont-Valérien." place_up_to 1 MONT_VALERIEN # reassess control after placing the cube asm update_presence_and_control() if (is_control(MONT_VALERIEN)) prompt "You may place a Fortification in Mont-Valérien." may_place_disc MONT_VALERIEN endif CARD 11 - Adolphe Thiers increase_prussian_collaboration prompt "Place up to 2 in Royalists." place_up_to 2 ROYALISTS CARD 12 - Otto von Bismarck # must remove own cube from National Assembly prompt "Remove 1 from National Assembly." remove_own NATIONAL_ASSEMBLY increase_prussian_collaboration ops 2 MILITARY CARD 13 - Général Ernest de Cissey ops 4 FORT_D_ISSY CARD 14 - Colonel de Lochner if (is_versailles_control(MONT_VALERIEN)) prompt "Use 3 OP in Mont-Valérien or Butte Montmartre." switch ["mont_valerien","butte_montmartre"] case "mont_valerien" ops 3 MONT_VALERIEN case "butte_montmartre" ops 3 BUTTE_MONTMARTRE endswitch else ops 3 MONT_VALERIEN endif CARD 15 - Jules Favre increase_prussian_collaboration # TODO BUG HERE? - skipped this place_up_to 1 REPUBLICANS CARD 16 - Hostage Decree prompt "Remove all from Catholic Church." remove 20 CATHOLIC_CHURCH CARD 17 - Maréchal Macmahon ops 4 PARIS # Commune Cards CARD 18 - Paule Minck prompt "Replace 1 in Military where present." replace 1 (where_present(MILITARY)) CARD 19 - Walery Wroblewski prompt "Place one Barricade in Paris where present." place_disc (where_present(PARIS)) CARD 20 - Banque de France decrease_revolutionary_momentum prompt "Place up to 1 in Paris." place_up_to 1 PARIS prompt "You may place a Barricade in Paris." may_place_disc PARIS CARD 21 - Le Réveil # must not have played Socialist Newspaper Ban increase_revolutionary_momentum prompt "Place up to 1 in Press." place_up_to 1 PRESS CARD 22 - Execution of Generals increase_prussian_collaboration prompt "Replace up to 2 in Paris where present." replace_up_to 2 (where_present(PARIS)) CARD 23 - Les Cantinières prompt "Place up to 2 in Military where present (use removed cubes)." place_removed_up_to 2 (where_present(MILITARY)) CARD 24 - Eugène Protot ops 3 INSTITUTIONAL CARD 25 - Paul Cluseret ops 2 PARIS CARD 26 - Gaston Crémieux increase_revolutionary_momentum place_up_to 2 SOCIAL_MOVEMENTS CARD 27 - Luise Michel increase_revolutionary_momentum prompt "Use 1 OP in Public Opinion or Paris." switch ["public_opinion","paris"] case "public_opinion" ops 1 PUBLIC_OPINION case "paris" ops 1 PARIS endswitch CARD 28 - Jaroslav Dombrowski prompt "Place up to 1 in Paris." place_up_to 1 PARIS prompt "You may place a Barricade in Paris." may_place_disc PARIS CARD 29 - Raoul Rigault increase_revolutionary_momentum prompt "Move up to 2 from Catholic Church to Paris." move_up_to 2 CATHOLIC_CHURCH PARIS CARD 30 - Karl Marx asm init_karl_marx() goto "karl_marx_discard" CARD 31 - Blanquists increase_revolutionary_momentum ops 2 MILITARY CARD 32 - Général Lullier ops 4 CHATEAU_DE_VINCENNES CARD 33 - Jules Vallès increase_revolutionary_momentum ops 2 PUBLIC_OPINION CARD 34 - Charles Delescluze prompt "Use 3 OP in Military or 1 in Political." switch ["military","political"] case "military" ops 3 MILITARY case "political" ops 1 POLITICAL endswitch # Neutral Cards CARD 35 - Conciliation prompt "Move up to 2 from Public Opinion or Paris to the other." switch ["public_opinion","paris"] case "public_opinion" prompt "Move up to 2 from Public Opinion to Paris." move_up_to 2 PUBLIC_OPINION PARIS case "paris" prompt "Move up to 2 from Paris to Public Opinion." move_up_to 2 PARIS PUBLIC_OPINION endswitch CARD 36 - Georges Clemenceau prompt "Move up to 3 from Paris to Institutional." move_up_to 3 PARIS INSTITUTIONAL CARD 37 - Archbishop Georges Darboy prompt "Move up to 4 from any spaces to Catholic Church." move_up_to 4 ANY CATHOLIC_CHURCH CARD 38 - Victor Hugo # must have initiative # must decrease both player momentums decrease_revolutionary_momentum decrease_prussian_collaboration ops 4 PUBLIC_OPINION CARD 39 - Léon Gambetta # must have initiative replace_up_to 1 INSTITUTIONAL if (game.active === COMMUNE) decrease_prussian_collaboration else decrease_revolutionary_momentum endif CARD 40 - Elihu Washburne # must have initiative if (game.active === COMMUNE) increase_revolutionary_momentum else increase_prussian_collaboration endif ops 2 INSTITUTIONAL CARD 41 - Freemason Parade # must have initiative goto "freemason_parade" prompt "Remove a cube from both factions." remove_own (game.vm.freemason_parade) remove 1 (game.vm.freemason_parade) prompt "Place up to 2 or replace 1 in Institutional." switch ["place","replace"] case "place" prompt "Place up to 2 in Institutional." place_up_to 2 INSTITUTIONAL case "replace" prompt "Replace 1 in Institutional." replace 1 INSTITUTIONAL endswitch # Objective Cards CARD 42 - Paris Cannons prompt "Use 3 OP in Paris or increase your Player Momentum." switch ["momentum","ops"] case "momentum" if (game.active === COMMUNE) increase_revolutionary_momentum else increase_prussian_collaboration endif case "ops" ops 3 PARIS endswitch CARD 43 - Aux Barricades! ops 2 PARIS player COMMUNE prompt "You may place a Barricade in Butte-aux-Cailles." may_place_disc BUTTE_AUX_CAILLES CARD 44 - Commune's Stronghold prompt "Use 2 OP in Military or remove 1 from any space." switch ["ops","remove"] case "ops" ops 2 MILITARY case "remove" prompt "Remove 1 from any space." remove 1 ANY endswitch CARD 45 - Fighting in Issy Village ops 2 FORTS player VERSAILLES prompt "You may place a Fortification in Fort d'Issy." may_place_disc FORT_D_ISSY CARD 46 - Battle of Mont-Valérien ops 3 FORTS if (game.active === COMMUNE) decrease_prussian_collaboration else increase_prussian_collaboration endif CARD 47 - Raid on Château de Vincennes prompt "Use 2 OP in Military or remove 1 from any space." switch ["ops","remove"] case "ops" ops 2 MILITARY case "remove" remove 1 ANY endswitch CARD 48 - Revolution in the Press prompt "Use 3 OP in Public Opinion or replace 1 in any space." switch ["ops","replace"] case "ops" ops 3 PUBLIC_OPINION case "replace" replace 1 ANY endswitch CARD 49 - Pius IX prompt "Replace in 2 different Political or remove 1 from any space." switch ["replace","remove"] case "replace" replace_different 2 POLITICAL case "remove" remove 1 ANY endswitch CARD 50 - Socialist International ops 2 PUBLIC_OPINION if (game.active === COMMUNE) increase_revolutionary_momentum else decrease_revolutionary_momentum endif CARD 51 - Royalists Dissension prompt "Use 2 OP in Institutional or remove 1 from any space." switch ["ops","remove"] case "ops" ops 2 INSTITUTIONAL case "remove" remove 1 ANY endswitch CARD 52 - Rise of Republicanism prompt "Use 3 OP in Institutional or replace 1 in Military." switch ["ops","replace"] case "ops" ops 3 INSTITUTIONAL case "replace" replace 1 MILITARY endswitch CARD 53 - Legitimacy ops 3 POLITICAL if (game.active === COMMUNE) increase_revolutionary_momentum else increase_prussian_collaboration endif