"use strict" // TODO: "approach" pause when about to move into intercept range? // TODO: log end victory conditions at scenario start // Check all push/clear_undo // TODO: check all who = NOBODY etc resets // TODO: remove unneccessary game.who = NOBODY etc // TODO: call end_influence_check earlier when possible? // TODO: use game.command instead of game.who for levy -- can we avoid saving who and count in push_state? // TODO: can we simplify push_state to not push count and who? // TODO: verify all push_state uses /* REDO parley - needs push_state? probably. pillage - needs push_state? feed - needs push_state? REDO suspicion naval_blockade ravine */ /* function check_london_protected() { // TODO IF HENRY/MARGARET ARE MUSTERED IT DOES NOT CHANGE FAVOUR // ONLY L17/L18 and Pillage will cancel that event //(it is annuled when london go to neutral if (game.state === "pillage") { return false } if (game.flags.london_for_york === 1 && game.where === LOC_LONDON) { return true } else { return false } } */ // === TYPES === declare function require(name: string): any declare var exports: any type Side = "York" | "Lancaster" type Player = "York" | "Lancaster" | "Both" | "None" type Card = number & { TAG: "Card" } type Locale = number & { TAG: "Locale" } type Lord = number & { TAG: "Lord" } type Vassal = number & { TAG: "Vassal" } type Asset = number & { TAG: "Asset" } type Force = number & { TAG: "Force" } type Season = number & { TAG: "Season" } type Way = "path" | "road" | "highway" type MyMap = (K|V)[] interface Game { seed: number, scenario: string, hidden: 0 | 1, log: string[], undo: any[], state: string, stack: any[], // TODO active: Player, rebel: Side, victory_check: number, influence: number, hand_y: Card[], hand_l: Card[], plan_y: Lord[], plan_l: Lord[], turn: number, events: Card[], pieces: { // per lord data locale: number[], assets: number[], forces: number[], routed: number[], capabilities: number[], moved: number[], in_exile: number, // per vassal data vassals: number[], // per locale data depleted: number[], exhausted: number[], favourl: number[], favoury: number[], }, flags: { bloody: 0 | 1, burgundians: 0 | 1, commons_militia: 0 | 1 | 2, first_action: 0 | 1, first_march_highway: 0 | 1, free_levy: 0 | 1, free_parley_gloucester: 0 | 1 | 2 | 3, free_parley_henry: 0 | 1 | 2, jack_cade: 0 | 1 | 2, london_for_york: 0 | 1, loyalty_and_trust: 0 | 1, march_to_port: 0 | 1, naval_blockade: -1 | 0 | 1, parliament_votes: 0 | 1, sail_to_port: 0 | 1, succession: 0 | 1, supply_depot: 0 | 1, surprise_landing: 0 | 1, warden_of_the_marches: 0 | 1, }, command: Lord, actions: number, group: Lord[], intercept_group: Lord[], who: Lord, other: Lord, where: Locale, vassal: Vassal, what: string, count: number, /* temporary properties for various phases and actions */ arts_of_war?: Card[], march?: { from: Locale, to: Locale }, battle?: Battle, supply?: MyMap, parley?: MyMap, spoils?: number[], check?: { cost: number, modifier: number, source: string }[], /* temporary properties for various events */ event_scots?: Lord[], event_propaganda?: Locale[], event_aragne?: Vassal[], event_she_wolf?: Vassal[], event_earl_rivers?: MyMap, event_the_kings_name?: any, /* game over properties */ victory?: string, result?: string, } interface Battle { where: Locale, round: number, step: number, attacker: Player, loser: Player, fought: number, // bit mask of lords retreated: number, // bit mask of lords array: Lord[], ah: number[], valour: number[], fled: Lord[], routed: Lord[], routed_vassals: Vassal[], reserves: Lord[], engagements: any, target: Lord[] | null, ahits: number, dhits: number, attacker_artillery: number, defender_artillery: number, ravine?: Lord, caltrops?: Lord, force?: Force, } interface State { inactive?: string, prompt(current?: Side): void, undo?(_:any, current: Side): void, plan?(lord: Lord, current: Side): void, end_plan?(_:any, current: Side): void, card?(card: Card): void, locale?(locale: Locale): void, array?(pos:number): void, lord?(lord: Lord): void, prov?(lord: Lord): void, coin?(lord: Lord): void, cart?(lord: Lord): void, ship?(lord: Lord): void, burgundians?(lord: Lord): void, retinue?(lord: Lord): void, mercenaries?(lord: Lord): void, longbowmen?(lord: Lord): void, men_at_arms?(lord: Lord): void, militia?(lord: Lord): void, routed_burgundians?(lord: Lord): void, routed_retinue?(lord: Lord): void, routed_mercenaries?(lord: Lord): void, routed_longbowmen?(lord: Lord): void, routed_men_at_arms?(lord: Lord): void, routed_militia?(lord: Lord): void, vassal?(vassal: Vassal): void, add_men_at_arms?(): void, add_militia2?(): void, add_militia?(): void, agitators?(): void, approach?(): void, capability?(): void, check?(): void, disband?(): void, discard?(): void, done?(): void, end_array?(): void, end_battle_round?(): void, end_command?(): void, end_discard?(): void, end_feed?(): void, end_muster?(): void, end_pay?(): void, end_setup?(): void, end_sof?(): void, end_spoils?(): void, exile_pact?(): void, forage?(): void, heralds?(): void, hold?(): void, intercept?(): void, laden_march?(): void, levy_beloved_warwick?(): void, levy_irishmen?(): void, levy_troops?(): void, march?(): void, merchants?(): void, parley?(): void, pass?(): void, pay?(): void, pay_all?(): void, pillage?(): void, play?(): void, port?(): void, remove_favour?(): void, roll?(): void, sail?(): void, spend1?(): void, spend3?(): void, stronghold?(): void, supply?(): void, take_cart?(): void, take_prov?(): void, take_ship?(): void, tax?(): void, valour?(): void, commission_of_array?(): void, loyalty_and_trust?(): void, soldiers_of_fortune?(): void, } interface View { prompt: string, actions: any, log: string[], end: number, turn: number, victory_check: number, influence: number, events: Card[], pieces: any, reveal: number, held_y: number, held_l: number, command: Lord, hand: Card[], plan: Lord[], battle?: Battle, arts_of_war?: Card[], group?: Lord[], what?: Card, who?: Lord, } // === GLOBALS === const data = require("./data.js") let game: Game let view: View let states: { [index: string]: State } = {} let P1: Side let P2: Side const search_seen: number[] = new Array(data.locales.length) const search_dist: number[] = new Array(data.locales.length) // === CONSTANTS === function find_card(name): Card { let ix = data.cards.findIndex(x => x.name === name) if (ix < 0) throw "CANNOT FIND CARD: " + name return ix } function find_lord(name): Lord { let ix = data.lords.findIndex(x => x.name === name) if (ix < 0) throw "CANNOT FIND LORD: " + name return ix } function find_locale(name): Locale { let ix = data.locales.findIndex(x => x.name === name) if (ix < 0) throw "CANNOT FIND LOCALE: " + name return ix } function find_vassal(name): Vassal { let ix = data.vassals.findIndex(x => x.name === name) if (ix < 0) throw "CANNOT FIND VASSAL: " + name return ix } const BOTH = "Both" const LANCASTER = "Lancaster" const YORK = "York" exports.roles = [ LANCASTER, YORK ] const NOBODY = -1 as Lord const NOVASSAL = -1 as Vassal const NOWHERE = -1 as Locale const NOCARD = -1 as Card const CALENDAR = 100 as Locale const VASSAL_READY = 29 as Lord const VASSAL_CALENDAR = 30 as Lord const VASSAL_OUT_OF_PLAY = 31 as Lord const SUMMER = 0 as Season const SPRING = 1 as Season const WINTER = 2 as Season const AUTUMN = 3 as Season const SEASONS = [ WINTER, SPRING, SUMMER, AUTUMN, WINTER, WINTER, SPRING, SUMMER, AUTUMN, WINTER, WINTER, SPRING, SUMMER, AUTUMN, WINTER, ] const INFLUENCE_TURNS = [ 1, 4, 6, 9, 11, 14 ] const GROW_TURNS = [ 4, 9, 14 ] const WASTE_TURNS = [ 5, 10 ] const HIT = [ "0", "\u2776", "\u2777", "\u2778", "\u2779", "\u277A", "\u277B" ] const MISS = [ "0", "\u2460", "\u2461", "\u2462", "\u2463", "\u2464", "\u2465" ] // unit types const RETINUE = 0 as Force const VASSAL = 1 as Force const MEN_AT_ARMS = 2 as Force const LONGBOWMEN = 3 as Force const MILITIA = 4 as Force const BURGUNDIANS = 5 as Force const MERCENARIES = 6 as Force const FORCE_TYPE_COUNT = 7 const FORCE_TYPE_NAME = [ "Retinue", "Vassal", "Men-at-Arms", "Longbowmen", "Militia", "Burgundians", "Mercenary" ] const FORCE_PROTECTION = [ 4, 4, 3, 1, 1, 3, 3 ] const all_force_types = make_list(0, 6) as Force[] const simple_force_type = make_list(2, 6) as Force[] // asset types const PROV = 0 as Asset const COIN = 1 as Asset const CART = 2 as Asset const SHIP = 3 as Asset const ASSET_TYPE_NAME = [ "Provender", "Coin", "Cart", "Ship" ] const all_asset_types = make_list(0, 3) as Asset[] // battle array const A1 = 0 // attackers const A2 = 1 const A3 = 2 const D1 = 3 // defenders const D2 = 4 const D3 = 5 function make_list(first, last) { let list = [] for (let i = first; i <= last; ++i) list.push(i) return list } const lord_name = data.lords.map(lord => lord.name) const lord_count = data.lords.length const vassal_count = data.vassals.length const all_lords = make_list(0, lord_count-1) as Lord[] const all_locales = make_list(0, data.locales.length-1) as Locale[] const all_vassals = make_list(0, data.vassals.length-1) as Vassal[] const all_york_cards = make_list(0, 36) as Card[] const all_lancaster_cards = make_list(37, 73) as Card[] const first_york_card = 0 const last_york_card = 36 const first_lancaster_card = 37 const last_lancaster_card = 73 function is_york_card(c: Card) { return c >= first_york_card && c <= last_york_card } function is_lancaster_card(c: Card) { return c >= first_lancaster_card && c <= last_lancaster_card } const first_york_lord = 0 const last_york_lord = 13 const first_lancaster_lord = 14 const last_lancaster_lord = 27 const all_york_lords = make_list(0, 13) as Lord[] const all_lancaster_lords = make_list(14, 27) as Lord[] const YORK_LORD_MASK = 0x1fff const LANCASTER_LORD_MASK = YORK_LORD_MASK << 14 function is_york_lord(lord: Lord) { return lord >= first_york_lord && lord <= last_york_lord } function is_lancaster_lord(lord: Lord) { return lord >= first_lancaster_lord && lord <= last_lancaster_lord } function is_marshal(lord: Lord) { switch (lord) { case LORD_MARGARET: return true case LORD_HENRY_VI: return true case LORD_HENRY_TUDOR: return true case LORD_EDWARD_IV: return true case LORD_GLOUCESTER_2: return true case LORD_RICHARD_III: return true case LORD_YORK: return true default: return false } } function is_lieutenant(lord: Lord) { switch (lord) { case LORD_WARWICK_L: return true case LORD_SOMERSET_1: return true case LORD_GLOUCESTER_1: return true case LORD_WARWICK_Y: return true default: return false } } function is_seaport(loc: Locale) { return set_has(data.seaports, loc) } function is_stronghold(loc: Locale) { return data.locales[loc].type !== "exile" } function is_exile(loc: Locale) { return data.locales[loc].type === "exile" } function is_city(loc: Locale) { return data.locales[loc].type === "city" } function is_town(loc: Locale) { return data.locales[loc].type === "town" } function is_wales(loc: Locale) { return data.locales[loc].region === "Wales" } function is_south(loc: Locale) { return data.locales[loc].region === "South" } function is_north(loc: Locale) { return data.locales[loc].region === "North" } function is_fortress(loc: Locale) { return data.locales[loc].type === "fortress" } function is_sea(loc: Locale) { return data.locales[loc].type === "sea" } function find_ports(here: Locale, lord: Lord): Locale[] { // TODO: verify which lord is being passed in every place if ((lord_has_capability(lord, AOW_YORK_GREAT_SHIPS) || lord_has_capability(lord, AOW_LANCASTER_GREAT_SHIPS))) return data.all_ports if (here === data.sea_1) return data.port_1 if (here === data.sea_2) return data.port_2 if (here === data.sea_3) return data.port_3 if (here === data.exile_1) return data.port_1 if (here === data.exile_2) return data.port_2 if (here === data.exile_3) return data.port_3 if (here === data.exile_4) return data.port_1 if (set_has(data.port_1, here)) return data.port_1 if (set_has(data.port_2, here)) return data.port_2 if (set_has(data.port_3, here)) return data.port_3 return null } function find_sail_locales(here: Locale): Locale[] { if (here === data.sea_1) return data.way_sea_1 if (here === data.sea_2) return data.way_sea_2 if (here === data.sea_3) return data.way_sea_3 if (here === data.exile_1) return data.way_exile_1 if (here === data.exile_2) return data.way_exile_2 if (here === data.exile_3) return data.way_exile_3 if (set_has(data.port_1, here)) return data.way_port_1 if (set_has(data.port_2, here)) return data.way_port_2 if (set_has(data.port_3, here)) return data.way_port_3 return null } function make_locale_list(pred): Locale[] { let list = [] for (let loc of all_locales) if (pred(loc)) list.push(loc) return list } const all_north_locales = make_locale_list(is_north) const all_south_locales = make_locale_list(is_south) const all_wales_locales = make_locale_list(is_wales) const all_city_locales = make_locale_list(is_city) const all_town_locales = make_locale_list(is_town) const all_fortress_locales = make_locale_list(is_fortress) const Y1 = find_card("Y1") const Y2 = find_card("Y2") const Y3 = find_card("Y3") const Y4 = find_card("Y4") const Y5 = find_card("Y5") const Y6 = find_card("Y6") const Y7 = find_card("Y7") const Y8 = find_card("Y8") const Y9 = find_card("Y9") const Y10 = find_card("Y10") const Y11 = find_card("Y11") const Y12 = find_card("Y12") const Y13 = find_card("Y13") const Y14 = find_card("Y14") const Y15 = find_card("Y15") const Y16 = find_card("Y16") const Y17 = find_card("Y17") const Y18 = find_card("Y18") const Y19 = find_card("Y19") const Y20 = find_card("Y20") const Y21 = find_card("Y21") const Y22 = find_card("Y22") const Y23 = find_card("Y23") const Y24 = find_card("Y24") const Y25 = find_card("Y25") const Y26 = find_card("Y26") const Y27 = find_card("Y27") const Y28 = find_card("Y28") const Y29 = find_card("Y29") const Y30 = find_card("Y30") const Y31 = find_card("Y31") const Y32 = find_card("Y32") const Y33 = find_card("Y33") const Y34 = find_card("Y34") const Y35 = find_card("Y35") const Y36 = find_card("Y36") const Y37 = find_card("Y37") const L1 = find_card("L1") const L2 = find_card("L2") const L3 = find_card("L3") const L4 = find_card("L4") const L5 = find_card("L5") const L6 = find_card("L6") const L7 = find_card("L7") const L8 = find_card("L8") const L9 = find_card("L9") const L10 = find_card("L10") const L11 = find_card("L11") const L12 = find_card("L12") const L13 = find_card("L13") const L14 = find_card("L14") const L15 = find_card("L15") const L16 = find_card("L16") const L17 = find_card("L17") const L18 = find_card("L18") const L19 = find_card("L19") const L20 = find_card("L20") const L21 = find_card("L21") const L22 = find_card("L22") const L23 = find_card("L23") const L24 = find_card("L24") const L25 = find_card("L25") const L26 = find_card("L26") const L27 = find_card("L27") const L28 = find_card("L28") const L29 = find_card("L29") const L30 = find_card("L30") const L31 = find_card("L31") const L32 = find_card("L32") const L33 = find_card("L33") const L34 = find_card("L34") const L35 = find_card("L35") const L36 = find_card("L36") const L37 = find_card("L37") const LORD_YORK = find_lord("York") const LORD_MARCH = find_lord("March") const LORD_EDWARD_IV = find_lord("Edward IV") const LORD_SALISBURY = find_lord("Salisbury") const LORD_RUTLAND = find_lord("Rutland") const LORD_PEMBROKE = find_lord("Pembroke") const LORD_DEVON = find_lord("Devon") const LORD_NORTHUMBERLAND_Y1 = find_lord("Northumberland Y1") const LORD_NORTHUMBERLAND_Y2 = find_lord("Northumberland Y2") const LORD_GLOUCESTER_1 = find_lord("Gloucester 1") const LORD_GLOUCESTER_2 = find_lord("Gloucester 2") const LORD_RICHARD_III = find_lord("Richard III") const LORD_NORFOLK = find_lord("Norfolk") const LORD_WARWICK_Y = find_lord("Warwick Y") const LORD_HENRY_VI = find_lord("Henry VI") const LORD_MARGARET = find_lord("Margaret") const LORD_SOMERSET_1 = find_lord("Somerset 1") const LORD_SOMERSET_2 = find_lord("Somerset 2") const LORD_EXETER_1 = find_lord("Exeter 1") const LORD_EXETER_2 = find_lord("Exeter 2") const LORD_BUCKINGHAM = find_lord("Buckingham") const LORD_CLARENCE = find_lord("Clarence") const LORD_NORTHUMBERLAND_L = find_lord("Northumberland L") const LORD_JASPER_TUDOR_1 = find_lord("Jasper Tudor 1") const LORD_JASPER_TUDOR_2 = find_lord("Jasper Tudor 2") const LORD_HENRY_TUDOR = find_lord("Henry Tudor") const LORD_OXFORD = find_lord("Oxford") const LORD_WARWICK_L = find_lord("Warwick L") const LOC_BAMBURGH = find_locale("Bamburgh") const LOC_NEWCASTLE = find_locale("Newcastle") const LOC_APPLEBY = find_locale("Appleby") const LOC_HEXHAM = find_locale("Hexham") const LOC_CARLISLE = find_locale("Carlisle") const LOC_HARLECH = find_locale("Harlech") const LOC_PEMBROKE = find_locale("Pembroke") const LOC_CARDIFF = find_locale("Cardiff") const LOC_HEREFORD = find_locale("Hereford") const LOC_LUDLOW = find_locale("Ludlow") const LOC_SHREWSBURY = find_locale("Shrewsbury") const LOC_SALISBURY = find_locale("Salisbury") const LOC_WINCHESTER = find_locale("Winchester") const LOC_GUILDFORD = find_locale("Guildford") const LOC_ARUNDEL = find_locale("Arundel") const LOC_SOUTHAMPTON = find_locale("Southampton") const LOC_ROCHESTER = find_locale("Rochester") const LOC_DOVER = find_locale("Dover") const LOC_CANTERBURY = find_locale("Canterbury") const LOC_HASTINGS = find_locale("Hastings") const LOC_DORCHESTER = find_locale("Dorchester") const LOC_EXETER = find_locale("Exeter") const LOC_PLYMOUTH = find_locale("Plymouth") const LOC_LAUNCESTON = find_locale("Launceston") const LOC_TRURO = find_locale("Truro") const LOC_WELLS = find_locale("Wells") const LOC_BRISTOL = find_locale("Bristol") const LOC_GLOUCESTER = find_locale("Gloucester") const LOC_OXFORD = find_locale("Oxford") const LOC_NEWBURY = find_locale("Newbury") const LOC_LONDON = find_locale("London") const LOC_ST_ALBANS = find_locale("St Albans") const LOC_BEDFORD = find_locale("Bedford") const LOC_CAMBRIDGE = find_locale("Cambridge") const LOC_BURY_ST_EDMUNDS = find_locale("Bury St Edmunds") const LOC_IPSWICH = find_locale("Ipswich") const LOC_NORWICH = find_locale("Norwich") const LOC_LYNN = find_locale("Lynn") const LOC_ELY = find_locale("Ely") const LOC_PETERBOROUGH = find_locale("Peterborough") const LOC_NORTHAMPTON = find_locale("Northampton") const LOC_COVENTRY = find_locale("Coventry") const LOC_LEICESTER = find_locale("Leicester") const LOC_LICHFIELD = find_locale("Lichfield") const LOC_DERBY = find_locale("Derby") const LOC_NOTTINGHAM = find_locale("Nottingham") const LOC_WORCESTER = find_locale("Worcester") const LOC_CHESTER = find_locale("Chester") const LOC_LANCASTER = find_locale("Lancaster") const LOC_LINCOLN = find_locale("Lincoln") const LOC_YORK = find_locale("York") const LOC_CALAIS = find_locale("Calais") const LOC_FRANCE = find_locale("France") const LOC_SCOTLAND = find_locale("Scotland") const LOC_IRELAND = find_locale("Ireland") const LOC_BURGUNDY = find_locale("Burgundy") const LOC_ENGLISH_CHANNEL = find_locale("English Channel") const LOC_IRISH_SEA = find_locale("Irish Sea") const LOC_NORTH_SEA = find_locale("North Sea") const LOC_SCARBOROUGH = find_locale("Scarborough") const LOC_RAVENSPUR = find_locale("Ravenspur") const VASSAL_BEAUMONT = find_vassal("Beaumont") const VASSAL_BONVILLE = find_vassal("Bonville") const VASSAL_DEVON = find_vassal("Devon") const VASSAL_DUDLEY = find_vassal("Dudley") const VASSAL_ESSEX = find_vassal("Essex") const VASSAL_FAUCONBERG = find_vassal("Fauconberg") const VASSAL_NORFOLK = find_vassal("Norfolk") const VASSAL_OXFORD = find_vassal("Oxford") const VASSAL_SHREWSBURY = find_vassal("Shrewsbury") const VASSAL_STANLEY = find_vassal("Stanley") const VASSAL_SUFFOLK = find_vassal("Suffolk") const VASSAL_WESTMORLAND = find_vassal("Westmoreland") const VASSAL_WORCESTER = find_vassal("Worcester") const VASSAL_CLIFFORD = find_vassal("Clifford") const VASSAL_EDWARD = find_vassal("Edward") const VASSAL_HASTINGS = find_vassal("Hastings") const VASSAL_MONTAGU = find_vassal("Montagu") const VASSAL_THOMAS_STANLEY = find_vassal("Thomas Stanley") const VASSAL_TROLLOPE = find_vassal("Trollope") const AOW_LANCASTER_CULVERINS_AND_FALCONETS = [L1 , L2] const AOW_LANCASTER_MUSTERD_MY_SOLDIERS = L3 const AOW_LANCASTER_HERALDS = L4 const AOW_LANCASTER_CHURCH_BLESSINGS = L5 const AOW_LANCASTER_GREAT_SHIPS = L6 // TODO Resolve bug about not correctly targeting ports on other seats and further const AOW_LANCASTER_HARBINGERS = L7 const AOW_LANCASTER_HAY_WAINS = L8 const AOW_LANCASTER_QUARTERMASTERS = L9 const AOW_LANCASTER_CHAMBERLAINS = L10 const AOW_LANCASTER_IN_THE_NAME_OF_THE_KING = L11 const AOW_LANCASTER_COMMISION_OF_ARRAY = L12 const AOW_LANCASTER_EXPERT_COUNSELLORS = L13 const AOW_LANCASTER_PERCYS_POWER = L14 const AOW_LANCASTER_KINGS_PARLEY = L15 const AOW_LANCASTER_NORTHMEN = L16 const AOW_LANCASTER_MARGARET = L17 const AOW_LANCASTER_COUNCIL_MEMBER = L18 const AOW_LANCASTER_ANDREW_TROLLOPE = L19 const AOW_LANCASTER_VETERAN_OF_FRENCH_WARS = L20 const AOW_LANCASTER_MY_FATHERS_BLOOD = L21 const AOW_LANCASTER_STAFFORD_ESTATES = L22 const AOW_LANCASTER_MONTAGU = L23 const AOW_LANCASTER_MARRIED_TO_A_NEVILLE = L24 const AOW_LANCASTER_WELSH_LORD = L25 const AOW_LANCASTER_EDWARD = L26 const AOW_LANCASTER_BARDED_HORSE = L27 const AOW_LANCASTER_LOYAL_SOMERSET = L28 const AOW_LANCASTER_HIGH_ADMIRAL = L29 const AOW_LANCASTER_MERCHANTS = L30 const AOW_LANCASTER_YEOMEN_OF_THE_CROWN = L31 const AOW_LANCASTER_TWO_ROSES = L32 const AOW_LANCASTER_PHILIBERT_DE_CHANDEE = L33 const AOW_LANCASTER_PIQUIERS = L34 const AOW_LANCASTER_THOMAS_STANLEY = L35 const AOW_LANCASTER_CHEVALIERS = L36 const AOW_LANCASTER_MADAME_LA_GRANDE = L37 const AOW_YORK_CULVERINS_AND_FALCONETS = [Y1, Y2] const AOW_YORK_MUSTERD_MY_SOLDIERS = Y3 const AOW_YORK_WE_DONE_DEEDS_OF_CHARITY = Y4 const AOW_YORK_THOMAS_BOURCHIER = Y5 const AOW_YORK_GREAT_SHIPS = Y6 const AOW_YORK_HARBINGERS = Y7 const AOW_YORK_ENGLAND_IS_MY_HOME = Y8 const AOW_YORK_BARRICADES = Y9 const AOW_YORK_AGITATORS = Y10 const AOW_YORK_YORKISTS_NEVER_WAIT = Y11 const AOW_YORK_SOLDIERS_OF_FORTUNE = Y12 const AOW_YORK_SCOURERS = Y13 const AOW_YORK_BURGUNDIANS = [ Y14, Y23 ] const AOW_YORK_NAVAL_BLOCKADE = Y15 // TODO DEBUG pop_state() going into parley and not after province selection const AOW_YORK_BELOVED_WARWICK = Y16 const AOW_YORK_ALICE_MONTAGU = Y17 const AOW_YORK_IRISHMEN = Y18 const AOW_YORK_WELSHMEN = Y19 const AOW_YORK_YORKS_FAVOURED_SON = Y20 const AOW_YORK_SOUTHERNERS = Y21 const AOW_YORK_FAIR_ARBITER = Y22 const AOW_YORK_HASTINGS = Y24 const AOW_YORK_PEMBROKE = Y25 const AOW_YORK_FALLEN_BROTHER = Y26 const AOW_YORK_PERCYS_NORTH1 = Y27 const AOW_YORK_FIRST_SON = Y28 const AOW_YORK_STAFFORD_BRANCH = Y29 const AOW_YORK_CAPTAIN = Y30 const AOW_YORK_WOODWILLES = Y31 const AOW_YORK_FINAL_CHARGE = Y32 // TODO AFTER ALL OTHER BATTLE PROMPTS TO SEE WHERE TO PLACE IT const AOW_YORK_BLOODY_THOU_ART = Y33 const AOW_YORK_SO_WISE_SO_YOUNG = Y34 const AOW_YORK_KINGDOM_UNITED = Y35 const AOW_YORK_VANGUARD = Y36 // TODO AFTER ALL OTHER BATTLE PROMPTS TO SEE WHERE TO PLACE IT const AOW_YORK_PERCYS_NORTH2 = Y37 const EVENT_LANCASTER_LEEWARD_BATTLE_LINE = L1 const EVENT_LANCASTER_FLANK_ATTACK = L2 const EVENT_LANCASTER_ESCAPE_SHIP = L3 const EVENT_LANCASTER_BE_SENT_FOR = L4 const EVENT_LANCASTER_SUSPICION = L5 const EVENT_LANCASTER_SEAMANSHIP = L6 const EVENT_LANCASTER_FOR_TRUST_NOT_HIM = L7 const EVENT_LANCASTER_FORCED_MARCHES = L8 const EVENT_LANCASTER_RISING_WAGES = L9 const EVENT_LANCASTER_NEW_ACT_OF_PARLIAMENT = L10 const EVENT_LANCASTER_BLOCKED_FORD = L11 const EVENT_LANCASTER_RAVINE = L12 const EVENT_LANCASTER_ASPIELLES = L13 const EVENT_LANCASTER_SCOTS = L14 const EVENT_LANCASTER_HENRY_PRESSURES_PARLIAMENT = L15 const EVENT_LANCASTER_WARDEN_OF_THE_MARCHES = L16 const EVENT_LANCASTER_MY_CROWN_IS_IN_MY_HEART = L17 const EVENT_LANCASTER_PARLIAMENT_VOTES = L18 const EVENT_LANCASTER_HENRYS_PROCLAMATION = L19 const EVENT_LANCASTER_PARLIAMENTS_TRUCE = L20 const EVENT_LANCASTER_FRENCH_FLEET = L21 const EVENT_LANCASTER_FRENCH_TROOPS = L22 const EVENT_LANCASTER_WARWICKS_PROPAGANDA = L23 const EVENT_LANCASTER_WARWICKS_PROPAGANDA2 = L24 const EVENT_LANCASTER_WELSH_REBELLION = L25 const EVENT_LANCASTER_HENRY_RELEASED = L26 const EVENT_LANCASTER_LUNIVERSELLE_ARAGNE = L27 const EVENT_LANCASTER_REBEL_SUPPLY_DEPOT = L28 const EVENT_LANCASTER_TO_WILFUL_DISOBEDIANCE = L29 const EVENT_LANCASTER_FRENCH_WAR_LOANS = L30 const EVENT_LANCASTER_ROBINS_REBELLION = L31 const EVENT_LANCASTER_TUDOR_BANNERS = L32 const EVENT_LANCASTER_SURPRISE_LANDING = L33 const EVENT_LANCASTER_BUCKINGHAMS_PLOT = L34 const EVENT_LANCASTER_MARGARET_BEAUFORT = L35 const EVENT_LANCASTER_TALBOT_TO_THE_RESCUE = L36 const EVENT_LANCASTER_THE_EARL_OF_RICHMOND = L37 const EVENT_YORK_LEEWARD_BATTLE_LINE = Y1 const EVENT_YORK_FLANK_ATTACK = Y2 const EVENT_YORK_ESCAPE_SHIP = [Y3 , Y9] const EVENT_YORK_JACK_CADE = Y4 const EVENT_YORK_SUSPICION = Y5 const EVENT_YORK_SEAMANSHIP = Y6 const EVENT_YORK_YORKISTS_BLOCK_PARLIAMENT = Y7 const EVENT_YORK_EXILE_PACT = Y8 const EVENT_YORK_TAX_COLLECTORS = Y10 const EVENT_YORK_BLOCKED_FORD = Y11 const EVENT_YORK_PARLIAMENTS_TRUCE = Y12 const EVENT_YORK_ASPIELLES = Y13 const EVENT_YORK_RICHARD_OF_YORK = Y14 const EVENT_YORK_LONDON_FOR_YORK = Y15 // TODO PROTECTION AND UI const EVENT_YORK_THE_COMMONS = Y16 const EVENT_YORK_SHEWOLF_OF_FRANCE = Y17 const EVENT_YORK_SUCCESSION = Y18 const EVENT_YORK_CALTROPS = Y19 const EVENT_YORK_YORKIST_PARADE = Y20 const EVENT_YORK_SIR_RICHARD_LEIGH = Y21 const EVENT_YORK_LOYALTY_AND_TRUST = Y22 const EVENT_YORK_CHARLES_THE_BOLD = Y23 const EVENT_YORK_SUN_IN_SPLENDOUR = Y24 const EVENT_YORK_OWAIN_GLYNDWR = Y25 const EVENT_YORK_DUBIOUS_CLARENCE = Y26 const EVENT_YORK_YORKIST_NORTH = Y27 const EVENT_YORK_GLOUCESTER_AS_HEIR = Y28 const EVENT_YORK_DORSET = Y29 const EVENT_YORK_REGROUP = Y30 // TODO // Play in Battle at Battle Array step. // If played when Yorkist active they pay click on that event to make the lord recover his TROOPS (no vassals/retinue) // for recover per armour const EVENT_YORK_EARL_RIVERS = Y31 const EVENT_YORK_THE_KINGS_NAME = Y32 // TODO IMPROVE PROMPTS/QOL const EVENT_YORK_EDWARD_V = Y33 const EVENT_YORK_AN_HONEST_TALE_SPEEDS_BEST = Y34 const EVENT_YORK_PRIVY_COUNCIL = Y35 const EVENT_YORK_SWIFT_MANEUVER = Y36 const EVENT_YORK_PATRICK_DE_LA_MOTE = Y37 // === STATE: ACTIVE PLAYER === function all_friendly_lords() { if (game.active === YORK) return all_york_lords return all_lancaster_lords } function all_enemy_lords() { if (game.active === YORK) return all_york_lords return all_lancaster_lords } function update_aliases() { if (game.rebel === YORK) { P1 = YORK P2 = LANCASTER } else { P1 = LANCASTER P2 = YORK } } function load_state(state) { if (game !== state) { game = state update_aliases() } } function set_active(new_active: Player) { if (game.active !== new_active) { clear_undo() game.active = new_active update_aliases() } } function set_active_enemy() { if (game.active === YORK) set_active(LANCASTER) else set_active(YORK) } function set_active_command() { if (is_york_lord(game.command)) set_active(YORK) else set_active(LANCASTER) } // === STATE: TURN === function current_turn() { return game.turn >> 1 } function current_season() { return SEASONS[(game.turn >> 1) - 1] } function is_campaign_phase() { return (game.turn & 1) === 1 } function is_levy_phase() { return (game.turn & 1) === 0 } function current_turn_name() { return String(game.turn >> 1) } function max_plan_length() { switch (current_season()) { case SUMMER: return 7 case SPRING: return 6 case WINTER: return 4 case AUTUMN: return 6 } return 0 } // === STATE: CARDS === function current_hand() { if (game.active === YORK) return game.hand_y return game.hand_l } function is_friendly_card(c: Card) { if (game.active === YORK) return is_york_card(c) return is_lancaster_card(c) } function has_card_in_hand(c: Card) { if (game.active === YORK) return set_has(game.hand_y, c) return set_has(game.hand_l, c) } function could_play_card(c: Card) { if (!game.hidden) { // TODO: check capabilities on lords revealed in battle if hidden if (map_has_value(game.pieces.capabilities, c)) return false } if (set_has(game.events, c)) return false if (is_york_card(c)) return game.hand_y.length > 0 if (is_lancaster_card(c)) return game.hand_l.length > 0 return true } function count_cards_in_plan(plan: Lord[], lord: Lord) { let n = 0 for (let c of plan) if (c === lord) ++n return n } function is_card_in_use(c: Card) { if (set_has(game.hand_y, c)) return true if (set_has(game.hand_l, c)) return true if (set_has(game.events, c)) return true if (map_has_value(game.pieces.capabilities, c)) return true return false } function list_deck(): Card[] { let deck = [] let card_list = game.active === YORK ? all_york_cards : all_lancaster_cards for (let c of card_list) if (!is_card_in_use(c) && is_card_in_scenario(c)) deck.push(c) return deck } function draw_card(deck: Card[]) { clear_undo() let i = random(deck.length) let c = deck[i] set_delete(deck, c) return c } function draw_two_cards(): Card[] { let deck = list_deck() return [ draw_card(deck), draw_card(deck) ] } function discard_events(when) { for (let i = 0; i < game.events.length; ) { let c = game.events[i] if (data.cards[c].when === when) array_remove(game.events, i) else ++i } } function discard_extra_levy_events() { for (let i = 0; i < game.events.length; ) { let c = game.events[i] if (c === Y20) array_remove(game.events, i) else ++i } } function discard_friendly_events(when) { for (let i = 0; i < game.events.length; ) { let c = game.events[i] if (is_friendly_card(c) && data.cards[c].when === when) array_remove(game.events, i) else ++i } } function is_event_in_play(c: Card) { return set_has(game.events, c) } // === STATE: LORD === function get_lord_locale(lord: Lord): Locale { return map_get(game.pieces.locale, lord, NOWHERE) } function set_lord_locale(lord: Lord, locale: Locale) { if (locale === NOWHERE) map_delete(game.pieces.locale, lord) else map_set(game.pieces.locale, lord, locale) } function get_lord_calendar(lord: Lord): number { if (is_lord_on_calendar(lord)) return get_lord_locale(lord) - CALENDAR return 0 } function set_lord_calendar(lord: Lord, turn: number) { if (turn < 1) turn = 1 if (turn > 16) turn = 16 set_lord_locale(lord, CALENDAR + turn as Locale) } function set_lord_in_exile(lord: Lord) { game.pieces.in_exile = pack1_set(game.pieces.in_exile, lord, 1) } function get_lord_in_exile(lord: Lord): number { return pack1_get(game.pieces.in_exile, lord) } function remove_lord_from_exile(lord: Lord) { game.pieces.in_exile = pack1_set(game.pieces.in_exile, lord, 0) } function get_lord_capability(lord: Lord, n: 0 | 1): Card { return map2_get(game.pieces.capabilities, lord, n, NOCARD) } function set_lord_capability(lord: Lord, n: 0 | 1, x: Card) { if (x === NOCARD) map2_delete(game.pieces.capabilities, lord, n) else map2_set(game.pieces.capabilities, lord, n, x) } function get_lord_assets(lord: Lord, n: Asset): number { return map_get_pack4(game.pieces.assets, lord, n) } function set_lord_assets(lord: Lord, n: Asset, x: number) { if (x < 0) x = 0 if (x > 15) x = 15 map_set_pack4(game.pieces.assets, lord, n, x) } function add_lord_assets(lord: Lord, n: Asset, x: number) { set_lord_assets(lord, n, get_lord_assets(lord, n) + x) } function drop_prov(lord: Lord) { add_lord_assets(lord, PROV, -1) } function drop_cart(lord: Lord) { add_lord_assets(lord, CART, -1) } function get_lord_forces(lord: Lord, n: Force): number { return map_get_pack4(game.pieces.forces, lord, n) } function set_lord_forces(lord: Lord, n: Force, x: number) { if (x < 0) x = 0 if (x > 15) x = 15 map_set_pack4(game.pieces.forces, lord, n, x) } function add_lord_forces(lord: Lord, n: Force, x: number) { set_lord_forces(lord, n, get_lord_forces(lord, n) + x) } function get_lord_routed_forces(lord: Lord, n: Force): number { return map_get_pack4(game.pieces.routed, lord, n) } function set_lord_routed_forces(lord: Lord, n: Force, x: number) { if (x < 0) x = 0 if (x > 15) x = 15 map_set_pack4(game.pieces.routed, lord, n, x) } function add_lord_routed_forces(lord: Lord, n: Force, x: number) { set_lord_routed_forces(lord, n, get_lord_routed_forces(lord, n) + x) } function get_lord_moved(lord: Lord): number { return map_get(game.pieces.moved, lord, 0) } function set_lord_moved(lord: Lord, x: number) { map_set(game.pieces.moved, lord, x) } function clear_lords_moved() { map_clear(game.pieces.moved) } function set_lord_fought(lord: Lord) { set_lord_moved(lord, 1) // TODO: is this needed? game.battle.fought = pack1_set(game.battle.fought, lord, 1) } function set_lord_unfed(lord: Lord, n) { // reuse "moved" flag for hunger set_lord_moved(lord, n) } function is_lord_unfed(lord: Lord): number { // reuse "moved" flag for hunger return get_lord_moved(lord) } function feed_lord(lord: Lord) { // reuse "moved" flag for hunger let n = get_lord_moved(lord) - 1 set_lord_moved(lord, n) if (n === 0) log(`Fed L${lord}.`) } function pay_lord(lord: Lord) { // reuse "moved" flag for pay let n = get_lord_moved(lord) - 1 set_lord_moved(lord, n) } function is_lord_on_map(lord: Lord) { let loc = get_lord_locale(lord) return loc !== NOWHERE && loc < CALENDAR } function is_lord_in_play(lord: Lord) { return get_lord_locale(lord) !== NOWHERE } function is_lord_on_calendar(lord: Lord) { let loc = get_lord_locale(lord) return loc >= CALENDAR } function is_lord_ready(lord: Lord) { let loc = get_lord_locale(lord) return loc >= CALENDAR && loc <= CALENDAR + (game.turn >> 1) } function is_friendly_lord(lord: Lord) { if (game.active === YORK) return is_york_lord(lord) return is_lancaster_lord(lord) } function is_enemy_lord(lord: Lord) { if (game.active === YORK) return is_lancaster_lord(lord) return is_york_lord(lord) } function count_lord_all_forces(lord: Lord) { return ( get_lord_forces(lord, BURGUNDIANS) + get_lord_forces(lord, MERCENARIES) + get_lord_forces(lord, MEN_AT_ARMS) + get_lord_forces(lord, MILITIA) + get_lord_forces(lord, LONGBOWMEN) ) } function count_lord_ships(lord: Lord) { return get_lord_assets(lord, SHIP) } function count_lord_transport(lord: Lord) { return get_lord_assets(lord, CART) } function lord_has_unrouted_units(lord: Lord) { for (let x of all_force_types) if (get_lord_forces(lord, x) > 0) return true let result = false for_each_vassal_with_lord(lord, v => { if (!set_has(game.battle.routed_vassals, v)) result = true }) return result } function find_lord_with_capability_card(c: Card) { for (let lord of all_friendly_lords()) if (lord_has_capability_card(lord, c)) return lord return NOBODY } function get_force_name(lord: Lord, n: Force, x: Vassal = NOVASSAL) { if (n === RETINUE) return `${lord_name[lord]}'s Retinue` if (n === VASSAL) return `Vassal ${data.vassals[x].name}` return FORCE_TYPE_NAME[n] } // === STATE: LORD (SHARED) === function get_shared_assets(loc: Locale, what: Asset) { let m = 0 let n = 0 for (let lord of all_friendly_lords()) { if (get_lord_locale(lord) === loc) n += get_lord_assets(lord, what) if (game.state === "supply_source" && lord_has_capability(lord, AOW_LANCASTER_HAY_WAINS) && what === CART) { m = get_lord_assets(lord, CART) n += m } if (game.state === "supply_source" && (lord_has_capability(lord, AOW_YORK_GREAT_SHIPS) || lord_has_capability(lord, AOW_YORK_GREAT_SHIPS)) && what === SHIP) { m = get_lord_assets(lord, SHIP) n += m } } return n } function count_group_assets(type: Asset, group: Lord[] = game.group) { let n = 0 for (let lord of group) { n += get_lord_assets(lord, type) if (type === CART) { if (game.state === "command" || game.state === "march_laden") if (lord_has_capability(lord, AOW_LANCASTER_HAY_WAINS)) n += get_lord_assets(lord, CART) } } return n } function count_group_ships() { let n = 0 for (let lord of game.group) { n += count_lord_ships(lord) if (lord_has_capability(lord, AOW_YORK_GREAT_SHIPS) || lord_has_capability(lord, AOW_LANCASTER_GREAT_SHIPS)) n += count_lord_ships(lord) } return n } function count_group_transport(group: Lord[] = game.group) { let n = 0 for (let lord of group) n += count_lord_transport(lord) return n } function count_group_lords() { return game.group.length } // === STATE: VASSAL === function set_vassal_lord_and_service(vassal: Vassal, lord: Lord, service: number) { game.pieces.vassals[vassal] = lord + (service << 5) } function get_vassal_lord(vassal: Vassal): Lord { return (game.pieces.vassals[vassal] & 31) as Lord } function get_vassal_service(vassal: Vassal) { return game.pieces.vassals[vassal] >> 5 } function setup_vassals(excludes: Vassal[] = []) { for (let x of all_vassals) { if (!excludes.includes(x) && data.vassals[x].capability === undefined) { set_vassal_lord_and_service(x, VASSAL_READY, 0) } } } function is_vassal_ready(x: Vassal) { return get_vassal_lord(x) === VASSAL_READY } function is_vassal_mustered_with(x: Vassal, lord: Lord) { return get_vassal_lord(x) === lord } function is_vassal_mustered_with_friendly_lord(x: Vassal) { return is_friendly_lord(get_vassal_lord(x)) } function is_vassal_mustered_with_york_lord(x: Vassal) { return is_york_lord(get_vassal_lord(x)) } function for_each_vassal_with_lord(lord: Lord, f) { for (let x of all_vassals) if (is_vassal_mustered_with(x, lord)) f(x) } function count_vassals_with_lord(lord: Lord) { let n = 0 for (let x of all_vassals) if (is_vassal_mustered_with(x, lord)) ++n return n } function muster_vassal(vassal: Vassal, lord: Lord) { if (data.vassals[vassal].service !== 0) { let service = current_turn() + data.vassals[vassal].service if (lord_has_capability(lord, AOW_YORK_ALICE_MONTAGU)) service += 1 set_vassal_lord_and_service(vassal, lord, service) } else { set_vassal_lord_and_service(vassal, lord, 0) } } function disband_vassal(vassal: Vassal) { if (data.vassals[vassal].service > 0) { let new_turn = current_turn() + (6 - data.vassals[vassal].service) set_vassal_lord_and_service(vassal, VASSAL_CALENDAR, new_turn) log(`Disbanded V${vassal} to turn ${current_turn() + (6 - data.vassals[vassal].service)}.`) } else { // TODO: special vassals with no service marker!? set_vassal_lord_and_service(vassal, VASSAL_OUT_OF_PLAY, 0) log(`Disbanded V${vassal}.`) } if (vassal === VASSAL_HASTINGS) { discard_card_capability(AOW_YORK_HASTINGS) logi(`Hastings Discarded`) } } function pay_vassal(vassal: Vassal) { if (current_turn() < 15) set_vassal_lord_and_service(vassal, get_vassal_lord(vassal), current_turn() + 1) } function rout_vassal(_lord: Lord, vassal: Vassal) { set_add(game.battle.routed_vassals, vassal) } // === STATE: LOCALE === function is_favour_friendly(loc: Locale) { if (game.active === YORK) return has_favoury_marker(loc) else return has_favourl_marker(loc) } function is_favour_enemy(loc: Locale) { if (game.active === LANCASTER) return has_favoury_marker(loc) else return has_favourl_marker(loc) } function has_favourl_marker(loc: Locale) { return set_has(game.pieces.favourl, loc) } function add_favourl_marker(loc: Locale) { set_add(game.pieces.favourl, loc) } function remove_favourl_marker(loc: Locale) { set_delete(game.pieces.favourl, loc) } function has_favoury_marker(loc: Locale) { return set_has(game.pieces.favoury, loc) } function add_favoury_marker(loc: Locale) { set_add(game.pieces.favoury, loc) } function remove_favoury_marker(loc: Locale) { set_delete(game.pieces.favoury, loc) } function shift_favour_away(loc: Locale) { if (game.active === YORK) shift_favour_toward_lancaster(loc) else shift_favour_toward_york(loc) } function shift_favour_toward(loc: Locale) { if (game.active === YORK) shift_favour_toward_york(loc) else shift_favour_toward_lancaster(loc) } function shift_favour_toward_york(loc: Locale) { if (has_favourl_marker(loc)) remove_favourl_marker(loc) else add_favoury_marker(loc) } function shift_favour_toward_lancaster(loc: Locale) { if (has_favoury_marker(loc)) remove_favoury_marker(loc) else add_favourl_marker(loc) } function set_favour_enemy(loc: Locale) { if (game.active === YORK) { remove_favoury_marker(loc) add_favourl_marker(loc) } else { remove_favourl_marker(loc) add_favoury_marker(loc) } } function has_exhausted_marker(loc: Locale) { return set_has(game.pieces.exhausted, loc) } function add_exhausted_marker(loc: Locale) { set_add(game.pieces.exhausted, loc) } function has_depleted_marker(loc: Locale) { return set_has(game.pieces.depleted, loc) } function add_depleted_marker(loc: Locale) { set_add(game.pieces.depleted, loc) } function remove_depleted_marker(loc: Locale) { set_delete(game.pieces.depleted, loc) } function remove_exhausted_marker(loc: Locale) { set_delete(game.pieces.exhausted, loc) } function refresh_locale(locale: Locale) { if (has_depleted_marker(locale)) { remove_depleted_marker(locale) } if (has_exhausted_marker(locale)) { remove_exhausted_marker(locale) add_depleted_marker(locale) } } function deplete_locale(loc: Locale) { if (has_depleted_marker(loc)) { remove_depleted_marker(loc) add_exhausted_marker(loc) } else { add_depleted_marker(loc) } } function is_neutral_locale(loc: Locale) { return !has_favourl_marker(loc) && !has_favoury_marker(loc) } function has_favour_in_locale(side: Player, loc: Locale) { if (side === YORK) return has_favoury_marker(loc) else return has_favourl_marker(loc) } function is_friendly_locale(loc: Locale) { if (loc !== NOWHERE && loc < CALENDAR) { if (has_enemy_lord(loc)) return false if (is_favour_friendly(loc)) return true } return false } function is_adjacent_friendly_port_english_channel(loc: Locale) { for (let next of data.locales[loc].adjacent) { if (is_friendly_locale(next) && data.port_2.includes(next)) return true } return false } // === STATE: LORD & LOCALE === function is_lord_at_friendly_locale(lord: Lord) { return is_friendly_locale(get_lord_locale(lord)) } function is_lord_in_wales(lord: Lord) { return is_wales(get_lord_locale(lord)) } function is_lord_in_south(lord: Lord) { return is_south(get_lord_locale(lord)) } function is_lord_in_north(lord: Lord) { return is_north(get_lord_locale(lord)) } function has_friendly_lord(loc: Locale) { for (let lord of all_friendly_lords()) if (get_lord_locale(lord) === loc) return true return false } function has_enemy_lord(loc: Locale) { for (let lord of all_enemy_lords()) if (get_lord_locale(lord) === loc) return true return false } function is_lord_in_or_adjacent_to_north(lord: Lord) { let here = get_lord_locale(lord) if (is_north(here)) return true for (let loc of data.locales[here].adjacent) if (is_north(loc)) return true return false } function is_lord_in_or_adjacent_to_south(lord: Lord) { let here = get_lord_locale(lord) if (is_south(here)) return true for (let loc of data.locales[here].adjacent) if (is_south(loc)) return true return false } function is_lord_in_or_adjacent_to_wales(lord: Lord) { let here = get_lord_locale(lord) if (is_wales(here)) return true for (let loc of data.locales[here].adjacent) if (is_wales(loc)) return true return false } // Captain capability (lieutenant/marshall only if no other) function other_marshal_or_lieutenant(loc: Locale) { let n = 0 for (let lord of all_friendly_lords()) if (lord !== game.command) { if (get_lord_locale(lord) === loc && (is_marshal(lord) || is_lieutenant(lord))) n += 1 } if (n === 0) return false else return true } function has_adjacent_enemy(loc: Locale) { for (let next of data.locales[loc].adjacent) if (has_enemy_lord(next)) return true return false } function has_adjacent_friendly(loc: Locale) { for (let next of data.locales[loc].adjacent) if (has_friendly_lord(next)) return true return false } // === 1.4 INFLUENCE === function reduce_influence(amt: number) { if (game.active === YORK) reduce_york_influence(amt) else reduce_lancaster_influence(amt) } function reduce_york_influence(amt: number) { game.influence += amt } function increase_york_influence(amt: number) { game.influence -= amt } function reduce_lancaster_influence(amt: number) { game.influence -= amt } function increase_lancaster_influence(amt: number) { game.influence += amt } // Bonus score but still maxed at 5 function influence_capabilities(lord: Lord, score: number) { let here = get_lord_locale(lord) if (game.active === YORK && is_event_in_play(EVENT_YORK_YORKIST_PARADE)) score += 2 if (game.active === YORK && is_event_in_play(EVENT_YORK_PRIVY_COUNCIL)) score += 1 if (game.state === "parley" && ((is_event_in_play(EVENT_YORK_RICHARD_OF_YORK) && game.active === YORK) || lord_has_capability(lord, AOW_LANCASTER_IN_THE_NAME_OF_THE_KING))) score += 1 if (get_lord_locale(LORD_MARGARET) === here && lord_has_capability(lord, AOW_LANCASTER_LOYAL_SOMERSET)) score += 1 if (lord_has_capability(lord, AOW_YORK_YORKS_FAVOURED_SON)) score += 1 if ( get_lord_locale(LORD_WARWICK_L) === here && lord_has_capability(lord, AOW_LANCASTER_MARRIED_TO_A_NEVILLE) && is_friendly_locale(here) ) score += 2 if (has_favoury_marker(here) && lord_has_capability(lord, AOW_YORK_FAIR_ARBITER)) score += 1 if (lord_has_capability(lord, AOW_YORK_FALLEN_BROTHER) && !is_lord_in_play(LORD_CLARENCE)) score += 2 return score } // Cards that allows automatic success function automatic_success(lord: Lord, score) { if (lord_has_capability(lord, AOW_LANCASTER_TWO_ROSES)) score = 6 if (game.active === LANCASTER && is_event_in_play(EVENT_LANCASTER_THE_EARL_OF_RICHMOND) && game.state === "levy_muster_vassal") score = 6 if (game.active === LANCASTER && game.flags.parliament_votes === 1 && game.state === "parley") score = 6 if (game.active === YORK && game.flags.jack_cade > 0 && game.state === "parley") score = 6 if (game.active === YORK && game.flags.succession === 1 && game.state === "parley") score = 6 if (is_campaign_phase() && game.command === LORD_DEVON && get_lord_locale(LORD_DEVON) === LOC_EXETER && is_event_in_play(EVENT_YORK_DORSET) && game.state === "parley") score = 6 return score } // Initiate influence check with cards influencing the cost overriding all others // (even automatic at no cost) function init_influence_check(lord: Lord) { game.check = [] game.check.push({ cost: 1, modifier: 0, source: "base" }) game.check.push({ cost: 0, modifier: data.lords[lord].influence, source: "lord" }) if (game.active === LANCASTER && is_event_in_play(EVENT_YORK_AN_HONEST_TALE_SPEEDS_BEST) && game.state === "parley"){ game.check.push({ cost: 1, modifier: 0, source:"An Honest tale speeds best"}) } if (game.active === LANCASTER && is_event_in_play(EVENT_LANCASTER_PARLIAMENT_VOTES) && game.flags.parliament_votes === 1 && game.state === "parley") { game.check.push({ cost: -1, modifier: 0, source:"Parliament Votes"}) } if (game.active === YORK && is_event_in_play(EVENT_YORK_SUCCESSION) && game.flags.succession === 1 && game.state === "parley") { game.check.push({ cost: -1, modifier: 0, source:"Succession"}) } } function end_influence_check() { delete game.check } function count_influence_score() { let score = game.check.reduce((p, c) => p + c.modifier, 0) let lord = NOBODY if (is_levy_phase()) lord = game.who if (is_campaign_phase()) lord = game.command if (score > 5) score = 5 if (score < 1) score = 1 score = automatic_success(lord, score) return score } function count_influence_cost() { if (game.state === "parley") { if (is_campaign_phase()) { if (game.command === LORD_DEVON && get_lord_locale(LORD_DEVON) === LOC_EXETER && is_event_in_play(EVENT_YORK_DORSET)) return 0 } if (is_levy_phase()) { if (game.flags.jack_cade > 0) return 0 } } return game.check.reduce((p, c) => p + c.cost, 0) } function do_influence_check() { reduce_influence(count_influence_cost()) let rating = count_influence_score() let roll = roll_die() let success if (roll === 1 || rating === 6) success = true else if (roll === 6) success = false else success = roll <= rating // TODO: print log message here instead of returning object return { success: success, rating: rating, roll: roll } } function add_influence_check_modifier_1() { game.check.push({ cost: 1, modifier: 1, source: "add" }) } function add_influence_check_modifier_2() { game.check.push({ cost: 3, modifier: 2, source: "add" }) } function add_influence_check_distance(distance) { let idx = game.check.findIndex(i => i.source === "distance") if (idx >= 0) game.check.splice(idx, 1) game.check.push({ cost: distance, modifier: 0, source: "distance" }) } function prompt_influence_check() { if (!game.check.some(c => c.source === "add")) { view.actions.spend1 = 1 view.actions.spend3 = 1 } if (game.where !== NOWHERE) gen_action_locale(game.where) view.actions.check = 1 view.prompt += `Cost: ${count_influence_cost()} - Range (${range(count_influence_score())})` } // === 2.0 SETUP === function goto_setup_lords() { // setup will be used in some scenarios end_setup_lords() } states.setup_lords = { inactive: "Set up Lords", prompt() { view.prompt = "Set up your Lords." let done = true if (done) { view.prompt += " All done." view.actions.end_setup = 1 } }, end_setup() { end_setup_lords() }, } function end_setup_lords() { clear_lords_moved() set_active_enemy() if (game.active === P1) { log_h1("Levy " + current_turn_name()) goto_levy_arts_of_war_first() } } // === 3.1 LEVY: ARTS OF WAR (FIRST TURN) === function discard_card_capability(c: Card) { log(`${game.active} discarded C${c}.`) } function discard_card_event(c: Card) { log(`${game.active} discarded E${c}.`) } function goto_levy_arts_of_war_first() { if (game.active === YORK) log_h2("York Arts of War") else log_h2("Lancaster Arts of War") game.state = "levy_arts_of_war_first" game.arts_of_war = draw_two_cards() } function resume_levy_arts_of_war_first() { if (game.arts_of_war.length === 0) end_levy_arts_of_war_first() } states.levy_arts_of_war_first = { inactive: "Arts of War", prompt() { let c = game.arts_of_war[0] view.arts_of_war = game.arts_of_war view.what = c let discard = true for (let lord of data.cards[c].lords) { if (is_lord_on_map(lord) && !lord_already_has_capability(lord, c)) { gen_action_lord(lord) discard = false } } if (discard) { view.prompt = `Arts of War: Discard ${data.cards[c].capability}.` view.actions.discard = 1 } else { view.prompt = `Arts of War: Assign ${data.cards[c].capability} to a Lord.` } }, lord(lord) { push_undo() let c = game.arts_of_war.shift() log(`${game.active} deployed Capability.`) add_lord_capability(lord, c) capability_muster_effects(lord, c) resume_levy_arts_of_war_first() }, discard() { push_undo() let c = game.arts_of_war.shift() discard_card_capability(c) resume_levy_arts_of_war_first() }, } function end_levy_arts_of_war_first() { delete game.arts_of_war set_active_enemy() if (game.active === P2) goto_levy_arts_of_war_first() else goto_levy_muster() } // === 3.1 LEVY: ARTS OF WAR === function goto_levy_arts_of_war() { if (game.active === YORK) log_h2("York Arts of War") else log_h2("Lancaster Arts of War") game.arts_of_war = draw_two_cards() resume_levy_arts_of_war() } function resume_levy_arts_of_war() { game.state = "levy_arts_of_war" if (game.arts_of_war.length === 0) end_levy_arts_of_war() } states.levy_arts_of_war = { inactive: "Arts of War", prompt() { let c = game.arts_of_war[0] view.arts_of_war = [ c ] view.what = c switch (data.cards[c].when) { case "this_levy": case "this_campaign": case "now": view.prompt = `Arts of War: Play ${data.cards[c].event}.` view.actions.play = 1 break case "hold": view.prompt = `Arts of War: Hold ${data.cards[c].event}.` view.actions.hold = 1 break case "never": view.prompt = `Arts of War: Discard ${data.cards[c].event}.` view.actions.discard = 1 break } }, play() { let c = game.arts_of_war.shift() log(`${game.active} played E${c}.`) goto_immediate_event(c) }, hold() { let c = game.arts_of_war.shift() log(`${game.active} Held Event.`) if (game.active === YORK) set_add(game.hand_y, c) else set_add(game.hand_l, c) resume_levy_arts_of_war() }, discard() { let c = game.arts_of_war.shift() discard_card_event(c) resume_levy_arts_of_war() }, } function end_levy_arts_of_war() { delete game.arts_of_war set_active_enemy() if (game.active === P2) goto_levy_arts_of_war() else goto_pay() } // === 3.2 LEVY: PAY === function reset_unpaid_lords() { for (let lord of all_friendly_lords()) { if (is_lord_unfed(lord)) { set_lord_unfed(lord, Math.ceil(count_lord_all_forces(lord) / 6)) } } } function goto_pay() { log_br() let n = 0 for (let lord of all_friendly_lords()) { let here = get_lord_locale(lord) if (is_lord_on_map(lord) && !is_lord_on_calendar(lord) && lord_has_capability(lord, AOW_LANCASTER_MADAME_LA_GRANDE) && (((is_friendly_locale(here)) && data.port_2.includes(here)) || is_adjacent_friendly_port_english_channel(here))) { add_lord_assets(lord, COIN, 1) } if ( game.active === LANCASTER && is_lord_on_map(lord) && lord_has_capability(LORD_NORTHUMBERLAND_L, AOW_LANCASTER_PERCYS_POWER) && is_lord_in_north(LORD_NORTHUMBERLAND_L) && is_lord_in_north(lord) ) { set_lord_unfed(lord, 0) } else { n = Math.ceil(count_lord_all_forces(lord) / 6) set_lord_unfed(lord, n) } } game.state = "pay" } states.pay = { inactive: "Pay", prompt() { view.prompt = "Pay: You must Pay your Lord's Troops" let done = true // Pay from own mat if (done) { for (let lord of all_friendly_lords()) { if (is_lord_unfed(lord)) { if (get_lord_assets(lord, COIN) > 0) { gen_action_coin(lord) done = false } } } } // Sharing if (done) { view.prompt = "Pay: You must Pay Lords with Shared Coin." for (let lord of all_friendly_lords()) { if (is_lord_unfed(lord) && can_pay_from_shared(lord)) { gen_action_lord(lord) done = false } } } // Pillage if (done) { view.prompt = "Pay: You must Pillage and/or Disband." for (let lord of all_friendly_lords()) { if (is_lord_unfed(lord)) { view.actions.pillage = 1 done = false } } } // All done! if (done) { view.prompt = "Pay: All done." view.actions.end_pay = 1 } }, coin(lord) { push_undo() add_lord_assets(lord, COIN, -1) pay_lord(lord) }, lord(lord) { push_undo() game.who = lord game.state = "pay_lord_shared" }, pillage() { push_undo() reset_unpaid_lords() goto_pillage_coin() }, end_pay() { end_pay() }, } states.pay_lord_shared = { inactive: "Pay", prompt() { view.prompt = `Pay: You must Feed ${lord_name[game.who]} with Shared Coin.` let loc = get_lord_locale(game.who) for (let lord of all_friendly_lords()) { if (get_lord_locale(lord) === loc) { if (get_lord_assets(lord, COIN) > 0) gen_action_coin(lord) } } }, coin(lord) { push_undo() add_lord_assets(lord, COIN, -1) pay_lord(game.who) resume_pay_lord_shared() }, } function resume_pay_lord_shared() { if (!is_lord_unfed(game.who) || !can_pay_from_shared(game.who)) { game.who = NOBODY game.state = "pay" } } function end_pay() { game.who = NOBODY set_active_enemy() if (game.active === P2) { goto_pay() } else goto_pay_lords() } // === 3.2.1 PAY TROOPS (PILLAGE) === function goto_pillage_food() { push_state("pillage") game.what = "unfed" } function goto_pillage_coin() { push_state("pillage") game.what = "unpaid" } function can_pillage(loc: Locale) { return !is_exile(loc) && !has_exhausted_marker(loc) } states.pillage = { inactive: "Pillage", prompt() { view.prompt = `Pillage: Pillage the locales where your ${game.what} lords are.` let done = true for (let x of all_friendly_lords()) { if (is_lord_on_map(x) && is_lord_unfed(x) && can_pillage(get_lord_locale(x))) { gen_action_locale(get_lord_locale(x)) done = false } } if (done) { view.prompt = `Pillage: Unable to Pillage, you must disband your ${game.what} lords.` for (let x of all_friendly_lords()) { if (is_lord_on_map(x) && is_lord_unfed(x)) { gen_action_lord(x) done = false } } } if (done) { view.prompt = `Pillage: Done.` view.actions.done = 1 } }, locale(loc) { game.where = loc game.state = "pillage_locale" }, lord(lord) { disband_influence_penalty(lord) disband_lord(lord) }, done() { pop_state() }, } states.pillage_locale = { inactive: "Pillage", prompt() { view.prompt = `Pillage: Choose Lord to Pillage ${data.locales[game.where].name}.` for (let x of all_friendly_lords()) { if (get_lord_locale(x) === game.where && is_lord_unfed(x)) { gen_action_lord(x) } } }, lord(lord) { // Pillage // Same values as Taxing. let num = get_tax_amount(game.where, lord) add_lord_assets(lord, COIN, num) add_lord_assets(lord, PROV, num) reduce_influence(4 * num) add_exhausted_marker(game.where) set_favour_enemy(game.where) for (let next of data.locales[game.where].adjacent) shift_favour_away(next) game.state = "pillage" game.where = NOWHERE }, } // === 3.2.2 PAY LORDS === function has_friendly_lord_who_must_pay_troops() { for (let lord of all_friendly_lords()) if (is_lord_unfed(lord)) return true return false } function goto_pay_lords() { for (let lord of all_friendly_lords()) { if (is_lord_on_map(lord)) set_lord_unfed(lord, 1) } if (has_friendly_lord_who_must_pay_troops()) { game.count = 0 game.who = NOBODY game.state = "pay_lords" } else { end_pay_lords() } } function end_pay_lords() { set_active_enemy() if (game.active === P2) goto_pay_lords() else goto_pay_vassals() } states.pay_lords = { inactive: "Pay Lords", prompt() { view.prompt = "Pay Lords in Influence or Disband them." if (game.who === NOBODY) { let done = true for (let lord of all_friendly_lords()) { if (is_lord_on_map(lord) && is_lord_unfed(lord)) { gen_action_lord(lord) done = false } } if (!done) view.actions.pay_all = 1 if (done) view.actions.done = 1 } else { view.actions.disband = 1 view.actions.pay = 1 } }, lord(lord) { push_undo() game.who = lord }, disband() { disband_lord(game.who) game.who = NOBODY }, pay() { reduce_influence(is_exile(get_lord_locale(game.who)) ? 2 : 1) set_lord_moved(game.who, 0) game.who = NOBODY }, pay_all() { push_undo() for (let lord of all_friendly_lords()) { if (is_lord_on_map(lord) && is_lord_unfed(lord)) { reduce_influence(is_exile(get_lord_locale(lord)) ? 2 : 1) set_lord_moved(lord, 0) } } }, done() { end_pay_lords() }, } // === 3.2.3 PAY VASSALS === function goto_pay_vassals() { let vassal_to_pay = false for (let v of all_vassals) { if ( is_vassal_mustered_with_friendly_lord(v) && get_vassal_service(v) === current_turn() ) { vassal_to_pay = true } } if (vassal_to_pay) { game.state = "pay_vassals" game.vassal = NOVASSAL } else { end_pay_vassals() } } function end_pay_vassals() { set_active_enemy() if (game.active === P1) { goto_muster_exiles() } else { goto_pay_vassals() } } states.pay_vassals = { inactive: "Pay Vassals", prompt() { let done = true view.prompt = "You may pay or disband vassals in the next calendar box." if (game.vassal === NOVASSAL) { for (let v of all_vassals) { if ( is_vassal_mustered_with_friendly_lord(v) && get_vassal_service(v) === current_turn() ) { gen_action_vassal(v) done = false } } if (done) { view.actions.done = 1 } if (!done) view.actions.pay_all = 1 } else { view.actions.pay = 1 view.actions.disband = 1 } }, vassal(v) { push_undo() game.vassal = v }, pay() { push_undo() pay_vassal(game.vassal) reduce_influence(1) game.vassal = NOVASSAL }, pay_all() { push_undo() for (let v of all_vassals) { if (is_vassal_mustered_with_friendly_lord(v) && get_vassal_service(v) === current_turn()) { pay_vassal(v) reduce_influence(1) game.vassal = NOVASSAL } } }, disband() { push_undo() disband_vassal(game.vassal) game.vassal = NOVASSAL }, done() { end_pay_vassals() }, } // === 3.2.4 DISBAND === function disband_lord(lord: Lord, permanently = false) { let turn = current_turn() let extra = 6 if (permanently) { log(`Removed L${lord}.`) set_lord_locale(lord, NOWHERE) } else if (lord_has_capability(lord, AOW_YORK_ENGLAND_IS_MY_HOME)) { set_lord_calendar(lord, turn + (extra - data.lords[lord].influence)) log(`Disbanded L${lord} to turn ${current_turn() + 1}.`) } else { set_lord_calendar(lord, turn + (extra - data.lords[lord].influence)) log(`Disbanded L${lord} to turn ${get_lord_calendar(lord)}.`) } discard_lord_capability_n(lord, 0) discard_lord_capability_n(lord, 1) for (let x of all_asset_types) set_lord_assets(lord, x, 0) for (let x of all_force_types) { set_lord_forces(lord, x, 0) if (get_lord_routed_forces(lord, x) > 0) { set_lord_routed_forces(lord, x, 0) } } set_lord_moved(lord, 0) for_each_vassal_with_lord(lord, v => { disband_vassal(v) }) } // === 3.3.1 MUSTER EXILES === function goto_muster_exiles() { for (let x of all_friendly_lords()) { if ( (get_lord_locale(x) === current_turn() + CALENDAR && get_lord_in_exile(x)) || (is_lancaster_lord(x) && is_lord_on_calendar(x) && get_lord_in_exile(x) && is_event_in_play(EVENT_LANCASTER_BE_SENT_FOR)) ) { game.state = "muster_exiles" return } } end_muster_exiles() } function end_muster_exiles() { set_active_enemy() if (game.active === P1) { if (!check_disband_victory()) { goto_ready_vassals() } } else { goto_muster_exiles() } } states.muster_exiles = { inactive: "Muster Exiles", prompt() { view.prompt = "Muster Exiled Lords." let done = true if (game.who === NOBODY) { for (let x of all_friendly_lords()) { if ( (get_lord_locale(x) === current_turn() + CALENDAR && get_lord_in_exile(x)) || (is_lancaster_lord(x) && is_lord_on_calendar(x) && get_lord_in_exile(x) && is_event_in_play(EVENT_LANCASTER_BE_SENT_FOR)) ) { gen_action_lord(x) done = false } } } else { for (let loc of data.exile_boxes) if (has_favour_in_locale(game.active, loc)) gen_action_locale(loc) } if (done) { view.actions.done = true } }, lord(lord) { game.who = lord }, locale(loc) { muster_lord_in_exile(game.who, loc) game.who = NOBODY }, done() { end_muster_exiles() }, } function muster_lord_in_exile(lord: Lord, exile_box: Locale) { remove_lord_from_exile(lord) muster_lord(lord, exile_box) } // === 3.3.2 READY VASSALS === function goto_ready_vassals() { for (let vassal of all_vassals) { if (get_vassal_service(vassal) === current_turn()) { set_vassal_lord_and_service(vassal, VASSAL_READY, 0) } } goto_levy_muster() } // === 3.4 MUSTER === function reset_flags_for_muster() { // to avoid some flags affecting campaign game.flags.jack_cade = 0 game.flags.parliament_votes = 0 } function goto_levy_muster() { for (let lord of all_friendly_lords()) { clear_lords_moved() // additionnal free specific actions if (lord_has_capability(lord, AOW_LANCASTER_THOMAS_STANLEY)) game.flags.free_levy = 1 if (is_event_in_play(EVENT_LANCASTER_MY_CROWN_IS_IN_MY_HEART)) game.flags.free_parley_henry = 2 if (is_event_in_play(EVENT_YORK_GLOUCESTER_AS_HEIR)) game.flags.free_parley_gloucester = 3 if (is_event_in_play(EVENT_YORK_LOYALTY_AND_TRUST)) game.flags.loyalty_and_trust = 1 } if (game.active === YORK) log_h2("York Muster") else log_h2("Lancaster Muster") game.state = "levy_muster" } function end_levy_muster() { clear_lords_moved() set_active_enemy() if (game.active === P2) goto_levy_muster() else goto_levy_discard_events() } function can_lord_muster(lord: Lord) { // already mustered (except free levy)! TODO : re-check parley henry if ships are levied and at exile if (get_lord_moved(lord) && (game.flags.free_levy !== 1 || lord !== LORD_HENRY_TUDOR) && (game.flags.free_parley_henry === 0 || lord !== LORD_HENRY_VI || (lord === LORD_HENRY_VI && !can_action_parley_levy())) && (game.flags.free_parley_gloucester === 0 || (lord !== LORD_GLOUCESTER_1 || lord !== LORD_GLOUCESTER_2))) return false // must be on map if (is_lord_on_map(lord)) { // can use lordship if (is_lord_at_friendly_locale(lord)) return true // can only parley if (can_parley_at(get_lord_locale(lord))) return true } return false } function has_locale_to_muster(lord: Lord) { // Can muster at own seat without enemy lord. if (!has_enemy_lord(data.lords[lord].seat)) return true // Else, can muster at any friendly seat (of a friendly lord who is also in play) for (let other of all_friendly_lords()) if (is_lord_in_play(other) && is_friendly_locale(data.lords[other].seat)) return true // Tough luck! return false } states.levy_muster = { inactive: "Muster", prompt() { view.prompt = "Levy: Muster with your Lords." prompt_held_event_at_levy() let done = true for (let lord of all_friendly_lords()) { if (can_lord_muster(lord)) { gen_action_lord(lord) done = false // ??? } } if (done) { view.prompt += "" view.actions.end_muster = 1 } }, lord(lord) { push_undo() log(`Mustered with L${lord}.`) push_state("levy_muster_lord") game.who = lord game.count = data.lords[lord].lordship reset_flags_for_muster() lordship_effects(lord) }, end_muster() { end_levy_muster() }, card: action_held_event_at_levy, } function resume_levy_muster_lord() { game.state = "levy_muster_lord" --game.count // muster over only if the lord has not spend their free levy actions if (game.count === 0 && game.flags.jack_cade === 0 && game.flags.free_levy === 0 && can_add_troops(game.who, get_lord_locale(game.who))) { set_lord_moved(game.who, 1) pop_state() } } states.levy_muster_lord = { inactive: "Muster", prompt() { if (game.count === 1) view.prompt = `Levy: ${lord_name[game.who]} has ${game.count} action.` else view.prompt = `Levy: ${lord_name[game.who]} has ${game.count} actions.` let here = get_lord_locale(game.who) if (is_friendly_locale(here)) { if (game.count > 0) { // Roll to muster Ready Lord at Seat for (let lord of all_friendly_lords()) { if (is_lord_ready(lord) && has_locale_to_muster(lord)) gen_action_lord(lord) } // Muster Ready Vassal Forces for (let vassal of all_vassals) if (eligible_vassal(vassal)) gen_action_vassal(vassal) // Add Transport if (is_seaport(here) && get_lord_assets(game.who, SHIP) < 2) view.actions.take_ship = 1 if (can_add_transport(game.who, CART)) view.actions.take_cart = 1 if (can_add_troops(game.who, here)) view.actions.levy_troops = 1 // Add Capability if (can_add_lord_capability(game.who)) view.actions.capability = 1 if (can_action_parley_levy()) view.actions.parley = 1 if (can_add_troops_beloved_warwick(game.who, here)) view.actions.levy_beloved_warwick = 1 if (can_add_troops_irishmen(game.who, here)) view.actions.levy_irishmen = 1 if (can_add_troops_sof(game.who, here)) view.actions.soldiers_of_fortune = 1 if (can_add_troops_coa(game.who, here)) view.actions.commission_of_array = 1 } if (game.count === 0 && lord_has_capability(game.who, AOW_LANCASTER_THOMAS_STANLEY) && can_add_troops(game.who, here)) { view.actions.levy_troops = 1 } // Rising wages event if (is_event_in_play(EVENT_LANCASTER_RISING_WAGES) && !can_pay_from_shared(game.who)) { view.actions.levy_troops = 0 } if (game.count === 0 && game.flags.free_parley_henry > 0 && game.who === LORD_HENRY_VI) { view.actions.parley = 1 } if (game.count === 0 && game.flags.free_parley_gloucester > 0 && (game.who === LORD_GLOUCESTER_2 || game.who === LORD_GLOUCESTER_1)) { view.actions.parley = 1 } if (game.count === 0 && game.flags.jack_cade > 0) { view.actions.parley = 1 } } else { // Can only Parley if locale is not friendly. if (game.count > 0) { if (can_action_parley_levy()) view.actions.parley = 1 } } if (is_event_in_play(EVENT_YORK_LOYALTY_AND_TRUST) && game.flags.loyalty_and_trust) { view.actions.loyalty_and_trust = 1 } view.actions.done = 1 }, lord(other) { push_undo() goto_levy_muster_lord_attempt(other) }, vassal(vassal) { push_undo() game.vassal = vassal goto_levy_muster_vassal() }, take_ship() { push_undo() if (check_naval_blockade("levy ship", get_lord_locale(game.who))) { roll_naval_blockade() } else { push_the_kings_name() add_lord_assets(game.who, SHIP, 1) goto_the_kings_name("Levy Ship") } }, take_cart() { push_undo() push_the_kings_name() add_lord_assets(game.who, CART, 2) goto_the_kings_name("Levy Cart") }, levy_troops() { push_undo() push_the_kings_name() if (is_event_in_play(EVENT_LANCASTER_RISING_WAGES) && game.active === YORK) { goto_rising_wages() return } do_levy_troops() }, levy_beloved_warwick() { push_undo() push_the_kings_name() add_lord_forces(game.who, MILITIA, 5) goto_the_kings_name("Beloved Warwick") }, levy_irishmen() { push_undo() push_the_kings_name() add_lord_forces(game.who, MILITIA, 5) goto_the_kings_name("Irishmen") }, soldiers_of_fortune() { push_undo() push_the_kings_name() set_lord_unfed(game.who, 1) push_state("soldiers_of_fortune") }, commission_of_array() { push_undo() push_the_kings_name() game.state = "commission_of_array" }, capability() { push_undo() push_the_kings_name() game.state = "muster_capability" }, parley() { push_undo() push_the_kings_name() goto_parley() }, loyalty_and_trust() { push_undo() game.count += 3 game.flags.loyalty_and_trust = 0 }, done() { set_lord_moved(game.who, 1) pop_state() }, } // Check if the levy troops is at vassal seat function chamberlains_eligible_levy(loc: Locale) { for (let vassal of all_vassals) if (is_vassal_mustered_with(vassal, game.who) && lord_has_capability(game.who, AOW_LANCASTER_CHAMBERLAINS)) { if (loc === data.vassals[vassal].seat) return true } return false } function do_levy_troops() { let here = get_lord_locale(game.who) if ( !lord_has_capability(game.who, AOW_LANCASTER_QUARTERMASTERS) && !lord_has_capability(game.who, AOW_YORK_WOODWILLES) && !chamberlains_eligible_levy(here) ) deplete_locale(here) let here_type = data.locales[here].type switch (here_type) { case "calais": add_lord_forces(game.who, MEN_AT_ARMS, 2) add_lord_forces(game.who, LONGBOWMEN, 1) break case "london": add_lord_forces(game.who, MEN_AT_ARMS, 1) add_lord_forces(game.who, LONGBOWMEN, 1) add_lord_forces(game.who, MILITIA, 1) break case "harlech": add_lord_forces(game.who, MEN_AT_ARMS, 1) add_lord_forces(game.who, LONGBOWMEN, 2) break case "city": add_lord_forces(game.who, LONGBOWMEN, 1) add_lord_forces(game.who, MILITIA, 1) break case "town": add_lord_forces(game.who, MILITIA, 2) break case "fortress": add_lord_forces(game.who, MEN_AT_ARMS, 1) add_lord_forces(game.who, MILITIA, 1) break } if (game.flags.free_levy === 1) { ++game.count game.flags.free_levy = 0 } if (is_event_in_play(EVENT_YORK_THE_COMMONS) && is_york_lord(game.who)) { goto_the_commons() } else { goto_the_kings_name("Levy Troops") } } // === 3.4.2 LEVY LORD === function goto_levy_muster_lord_attempt(lord: Lord) { game.other = lord push_state("levy_muster_lord_attempt") init_influence_check(game.who) } states.levy_muster_lord_attempt = { inactive: "Levy Lord", prompt() { view.prompt = `Levy Lord ${lord_name[game.other]}. ` prompt_influence_check() }, spend1: add_influence_check_modifier_1, spend3: add_influence_check_modifier_2, check() { let results = do_influence_check() end_influence_check() log(`Attempt to levy L${game.other} ${results.success ? "Successful" : "Failed"}: (${range(results.rating)}) ${results.success ? HIT[results.roll] : MISS[results.roll]}`) if (results.success) { pop_state() push_state("muster_lord_at_seat") game.who = game.other } else { pop_state() resume_levy_muster_lord() } }, } states.muster_lord_at_seat = { inactive: "Muster", prompt() { view.prompt = `Muster: Select Locale for ${lord_name[game.who]}.` let found = false let seat = data.lords[game.who].seat if (!has_enemy_lord(seat)) { gen_action_locale(seat) found = true } if (!found) { for (let lord of all_friendly_lords()) { if ((is_lord_on_map(lord) || is_lord_on_calendar(lord)) && is_friendly_locale(data.lords[lord].seat)) { gen_action_locale(data.lords[lord].seat) } } } }, locale(loc) { push_undo() set_lord_moved(game.who, 1) muster_lord(game.who, loc) if (game.active === YORK) { add_favoury_marker(loc) remove_favourl_marker(loc) } else { add_favourl_marker(loc) remove_favoury_marker(loc) } pop_state() goto_the_kings_name("Levy Lord") }, } // === 3.4.3 LEVY VASSAL === function eligible_vassal(vassal: Vassal) { if (!is_vassal_ready(vassal)) { return false } if ( !is_favour_friendly(data.vassals[vassal].seat) && (game.who !== LORD_HENRY_TUDOR || !is_event_in_play(EVENT_LANCASTER_MARGARET_BEAUFORT)) ) { return false } if (!is_favour_friendly(data.vassals[vassal].seat)) return false if ( game.active === LANCASTER && is_event_in_play(EVENT_YORK_YORKISTS_BLOCK_PARLIAMENT) && !(is_event_in_play(EVENT_LANCASTER_MARGARET_BEAUFORT) && !is_event_in_play(EVENT_LANCASTER_THE_EARL_OF_RICHMOND)) ) { return false } return true } function goto_levy_muster_vassal() { let influence_cost = 0 if (game.active === YORK && is_event_in_play(EVENT_LANCASTER_BUCKINGHAMS_PLOT)) influence_cost += 2 push_state("levy_muster_vassal") init_influence_check(game.who) game.check.push({ cost: influence_cost, modifier: data.vassals[game.vassal].influence * (game.active === LANCASTER ? -1 : 1), source: "vassal", }) } states.levy_muster_vassal = { inactive: "Levy Vassal", prompt() { view.prompt = `Levy Vassal ${data.vassals[game.vassal].name}. ` prompt_influence_check() }, spend1: add_influence_check_modifier_1, spend3: add_influence_check_modifier_2, check() { let results = do_influence_check() end_influence_check() if (lord_has_capability(game.who, AOW_LANCASTER_TWO_ROSES)) { log(`Automatic Success. C${AOW_LANCASTER_TWO_ROSES}.`) } else if (game.active === LANCASTER && is_event_in_play(EVENT_LANCASTER_THE_EARL_OF_RICHMOND) && game.state === "levy_muster_vassal") { log(`Automatic Success. C${EVENT_LANCASTER_THE_EARL_OF_RICHMOND}.`) } else { log(`Attempt to levy V${game.vassal} ${results.success ? "Successful" : "Failed"}: (${range(results.rating)}) ${results.success ? HIT[results.roll] : MISS[results.roll]}`) } if (results.success) { muster_vassal(game.vassal, game.who) pop_state() goto_the_kings_name("Levy Vassal") } else { pop_state() resume_levy_muster_lord() } }, } // === 3.4.4 LEVY TROOPS === function can_add_troops(_lord: Lord, locale: Locale) { if (!has_exhausted_marker(locale) && !is_exile(locale)) return true return false } function can_add_troops_coa(lord: Lord, locale: Locale) { for (let next of data.locales[locale].adjacent) { if (is_friendly_locale(next) && lord_has_capability(lord, AOW_LANCASTER_COMMISION_OF_ARRAY) && (!has_exhausted_marker(locale) && !is_exile(locale))) return true } return false } function can_add_troops_beloved_warwick(lord: Lord, locale: Locale) { return ( lord_has_capability(lord, AOW_YORK_BELOVED_WARWICK) && !has_exhausted_marker(locale) && !is_exile(locale) ) } function can_add_troops_irishmen(lord: Lord, locale: Locale) { return ( lord_has_capability(lord, AOW_YORK_IRISHMEN) && !has_exhausted_marker(locale) && (locale === LOC_IRELAND || !!data.port_3.includes(locale)) ) } function can_add_troops_sof(lord: Lord, locale: Locale) { if ( lord_has_capability(lord, AOW_YORK_SOLDIERS_OF_FORTUNE) && !has_exhausted_marker(locale) && !is_exile(locale) && get_shared_assets(locale, COIN) > 0 ) { let number = 6 for (let lord of all_friendly_lords()) number -= get_lord_forces(lord, MERCENARIES) if (number >= 1) return true } return false } // === 3.4.5 LEVY TRANSPORT function can_add_transport(who: Lord, what: Asset) { return get_lord_assets(who, what) < 100 } // === 3.4.6 LEVY CAPABILITY === function lord_has_capability_card(lord: Lord, c: Card) { if (get_lord_capability(lord, 0) === c) return true if (get_lord_capability(lord, 1) === c) return true return false } function lord_has_capability(lord: Lord, card_or_list: Card | Card[]) { if (Array.isArray(card_or_list)) { for (let card of card_or_list) if (lord_has_capability_card(lord, card)) return true return false } return lord_has_capability_card(lord, card_or_list) } function lord_already_has_capability(lord: Lord, c: Card) { // compare capabilities by name... let name = data.cards[c].capability let c1 = get_lord_capability(lord, 0) if (c1 >= 0 && data.cards[c1].capability === name) return true let c2 = get_lord_capability(lord, 1) if (c2 >= 0 && data.cards[c2].capability === name) return true return false } function can_add_lord_capability(lord: Lord) { if (get_lord_capability(lord, 0) < 0) return true if (get_lord_capability(lord, 1) < 0) return true return false } function forbidden_levy_capabilities(c: Card) { // Some capabilities override the forbidden levy vassals if (lord_has_capability(game.who, AOW_LANCASTER_TWO_ROSES)) { if (c === AOW_LANCASTER_THOMAS_STANLEY || AOW_LANCASTER_MY_FATHERS_BLOOD) { return true } } // Forbids levy vassals, even through capabilities if (is_event_in_play(EVENT_YORK_YORKISTS_BLOCK_PARLIAMENT)) { if (c === AOW_LANCASTER_THOMAS_STANLEY || c === AOW_LANCASTER_EDWARD || c === AOW_LANCASTER_MONTAGU || c === AOW_LANCASTER_MY_FATHERS_BLOOD || c === AOW_LANCASTER_ANDREW_TROLLOPE) { return false } } return true } function add_lord_capability(lord: Lord, c: Card) { if (get_lord_capability(lord, 0) < 0) return set_lord_capability(lord, 0, c) if (get_lord_capability(lord, 1) < 0) return set_lord_capability(lord, 1, c) throw new Error("no empty capability slots!") } function discard_lord_capability_n(lord: Lord, n: 0 | 1) { set_lord_capability(lord, n, NOCARD) } function discard_lord_capability(lord: Lord, c: Card) { if (get_lord_capability(lord, 0) === c) return set_lord_capability(lord, 0, NOCARD) if (get_lord_capability(lord, 1) === c) return set_lord_capability(lord, 1, NOCARD) throw new Error("capability not found") } states.muster_capability = { inactive: "Muster", prompt() { let deck = list_deck() view.prompt = `Muster: Select a new Capability for ${lord_name[game.who]}.` view.arts_of_war = deck for (let c of deck) { if (!data.cards[c].lords || set_has(data.cards[c].lords, game.who)) { if (!lord_already_has_capability(game.who, c) && forbidden_levy_capabilities(c)) gen_action_card(c) } } }, card(c) { add_lord_capability(game.who, c) capability_muster_effects(game.who, c) goto_the_kings_name("Capability C${c}") }, } // === 3.4 MUSTER - DISCARD EVENTS === function goto_levy_discard_events() { // Discard "This Levy" events from play. discard_events("this_levy") discard_extra_levy_events() goto_campaign_plan() } // === 4.1 CAMPAIGN: PLAN === function goto_campaign_plan() { game.turn++ log_h1("Campaign " + current_turn_name()) set_active(BOTH) game.state = "campaign_plan" game.plan_y = [] game.plan_l = [] } states.campaign_plan = { inactive: "Plan", prompt(current) { let plan = current === YORK ? game.plan_y : game.plan_l let lord_list = current === YORK ? all_york_lords : all_lancaster_lords view.plan = plan view.actions.plan = [] if (plan.length === max_plan_length()) view.prompt = "Plan: All done." else view.prompt = "Plan: Build a Plan." if (plan.length < max_plan_length()) { view.actions.end_plan = 0 if (count_cards_in_plan(plan, NOBODY) < 7) gen_action_plan(NOBODY) for (let lord of lord_list) { if (is_lord_on_map(lord) && count_cards_in_plan(plan, lord) < 3) gen_action_plan(lord) } } else { view.actions.end_plan = 1 } if (plan.length > 0) view.actions.undo = 1 else view.actions.undo = 0 }, plan(lord, current) { if (current === YORK) game.plan_y.push(lord) else game.plan_l.push(lord) }, undo(_, current) { if (current === YORK) { game.plan_y.pop() } else { game.plan_l.pop() } }, end_plan(_, current) { if (game.active === BOTH) { if (current === YORK) set_active(LANCASTER) else set_active(YORK) } else { end_campaign_plan() } }, } function end_campaign_plan() { set_active(P1) goto_command_activation() } // === 4.2 CAMPAIGN: COMMAND === // First action vs actions that take full command card function is_first_action() { return game.flags.first_action } // If march on a highway, set the flag so the lord can go through // a second highway at no cost function is_first_march_highway() { if (game.flags.first_march_highway === 1) return true else return false } function goto_command_activation() { if (game.plan_y.length === 0 && game.plan_l.length === 0) { game.command = NOBODY goto_end_campaign() return } if (check_campaign_victory()) return if (game.plan_l.length > game.plan_y.length) { set_active(LANCASTER) game.command = game.plan_l.shift() } else if (game.plan_l.length < game.plan_y.length) { set_active(YORK) game.command = game.plan_y.shift() } else { set_active(P1) if (P1 === LANCASTER) game.command = game.plan_l.shift() else game.command = game.plan_y.shift() } if (game.command === NOBODY) { log_h2("Pass") goto_command_activation() } else if (!is_lord_on_map(game.command)) { log_h2(`L${game.command} - Pass`) goto_command_activation() } else { log_h2(`L${game.command} at %${get_lord_locale(game.command)}`) goto_command() } } function goto_command() { game.actions = data.lords[game.command].command if (lord_has_capability(game.command, AOW_YORK_THOMAS_BOURCHIER) && is_city(get_lord_locale(game.command))) game.actions += 1 if (lord_has_capability(game.command, AOW_YORK_YORKS_FAVOURED_SON)) game.actions += 1 if (lord_has_capability(game.command, AOW_YORK_HASTINGS)) game.actions += 1 game.group = [ game.command ] game.flags.surprise_landing = 0 game.flags.first_action = 1 game.flags.first_march_highway = 0 game.flags.march_to_port = 0 game.flags.sail_to_port = 0 resume_command() } function resume_command() { game.state = "command" } // Spending an action reset some flags function spend_action(cost) { game.flags.surprise_landing = 0 game.flags.first_action = 0 game.flags.first_march_highway = 0 game.actions -= cost } function spend_march_action(cost) { game.flags.surprise_landing = 0 game.flags.first_action = 0 game.flags.first_march_highway = 0 game.actions -= cost } function spend_all_actions() { game.flags.surprise_landing = 0 game.flags.first_action = 0 game.flags.first_march_highway = 0 game.actions = 0 } function end_command() { log_br() game.group = null game.flags.first_action = 0 game.flags.first_march_highway = 0 // NOTE: Feed currently acting side first for expedience. set_active_command() goto_feed() } states.command = { inactive: "Command", prompt() { if (game.actions === 0) view.prompt = `Command: ${lord_name[game.command]} has no more actions.` else if (game.actions === 1) view.prompt = `Command: ${lord_name[game.command]} has ${game.actions} action.` else view.prompt = `Command: ${lord_name[game.command]} has ${game.actions} actions.` view.group = game.group let here = get_lord_locale(game.command) prompt_held_event_at_campaign() // 4.3.2 Marshals MAY take other lords if ( is_marshal(game.command) || (lord_has_capability(game.command, AOW_YORK_CAPTAIN) && !other_marshal_or_lieutenant(here)) ) { for (let lord of all_friendly_lords()) if (lord !== game.command) if (get_lord_locale(lord) === here) gen_action_lord(lord) } // Lieutenant may not take marshall if (is_lieutenant(game.command)) { for (let lord of all_friendly_lords()) if (lord !== game.command) if (get_lord_locale(lord) === here && !is_marshal(lord)) { gen_action_lord(lord) } } if (game.actions > 0) view.actions.pass = 1 else view.actions.end_command = 1 prompt_march() if (can_action_supply()) view.actions.supply = 1 if (can_action_forage()) view.actions.forage = 1 if (can_action_tax()) view.actions.tax = 1 if (can_action_sail()) view.actions.sail = 1 if (can_action_parley_command()) view.actions.parley = 1 if (can_action_heralds()) view.actions.heralds = 1 if (can_action_merchants()) view.actions.merchants = 1 if (can_action_agitators()) view.actions.agitators = 1 if (is_york_lord(game.command)) if (can_action_exile_pact()) view.actions.exile_pact = 1 }, pass() { push_undo() log("Passed.") spend_all_actions() }, end_command() { push_undo() end_command() }, forage: goto_forage, supply: goto_supply, tax: goto_tax, sail: goto_sail, heralds: goto_heralds, merchants: goto_merchants, agitators: goto_agitators, exile_pact: goto_exile_pact, locale: goto_march, lord(lord) { set_toggle(game.group, lord) }, card: action_held_event_at_campaign, parley() { push_undo() goto_parley() }, } // === 4.5 ACTION: SUPPLY (SEARCH) === function can_supply_at(loc: Locale, ships: number) { // if theoretically possible to supply (does not check carts or ships) if (is_stronghold(loc) && is_friendly_locale(loc)) { if (ships > 0 && is_seaport(loc)) return true if (!has_exhausted_marker(loc)) return true } return false } function search_supply_by_way(result, start: Locale, carts: number, ships: number) { search_dist.fill(0) search_seen.fill(0) search_seen[start] = 1 let queue = [ start ] while (queue.length > 0) { let here = queue.shift() let dist = search_dist[here] if (can_supply_at(here, ships)) { if (result) map_set(result, here, dist) else return true } if (is_friendly_locale(here)) { let next_dist = dist + 1 if (next_dist <= carts) { for (let next of data.locales[here].adjacent) { if (!search_seen[next]) { search_seen[next] = 1 search_dist[next] = next_dist queue.push(next) } } } } } if (result) return result return false } function search_supply_by_sea(result, here: Locale) { // Search via sea from Exile box. if (is_friendly_locale(here)) { for (let next of find_ports(here, game.command)) { if (can_supply_at(next, 1)) { if (result) map_set(result, next, 0) else return true } } } if (result) return result return false } function search_supply(result) { let here = get_lord_locale(game.command) let carts = get_shared_assets(here, CART) let ships = get_shared_assets(here, SHIP) if (ships > 0 && is_exile(here)) result = search_supply_by_sea(result, here) result = search_supply_by_way(result, here, carts, ships) return result } // === 4.5 ACTION: SUPPLY === function command_has_harbingers() { return ( lord_has_capability(game.command, AOW_LANCASTER_HARBINGERS) || lord_has_capability(game.command, AOW_YORK_HARBINGERS) ) } function chamberlains_eligible_supply(source: Locale) { for (let vassal of all_vassals) if ( is_vassal_mustered_with(vassal, game.command) && lord_has_capability(game.command, AOW_LANCASTER_CHAMBERLAINS) ) { if (source === data.vassals[vassal].seat) return true } return false } function lord_has_stafford_branch(loc: Locale, lord: Lord) { if (lord_has_capability(lord, AOW_YORK_STAFFORD_BRANCH)) { return ( loc === LOC_EXETER || loc === LOC_LAUNCESTON || loc === LOC_PLYMOUTH || loc === LOC_WELLS || loc === LOC_DORCHESTER ) } return false } function init_supply() { game.supply = search_supply([]) } function can_action_supply(): boolean { if (game.actions < 1) return false return search_supply(false) } function goto_supply() { push_undo() log(`Supplied`) game.state = "supply_source" init_supply() } function modify_supply(loc: Locale, supply: number) { let here = get_lord_locale(game.command) let carts = get_shared_assets(here, CART) // Must carry supply over land with one cart per provender per way let distance = map_get(game.supply, loc, 0) if (distance > 0) supply = Math.min(supply, Math.floor(carts / distance)) // Harbingers event doubles supply received if (command_has_harbingers()) supply = supply * 2 return supply } function get_port_supply_amount(loc: Locale) { if (is_seaport(loc)) { let here = get_lord_locale(game.command) let ships = get_shared_assets(here, SHIP) return modify_supply(loc, ships) } return 0 } function get_stronghold_supply_amount(loc: Locale) { if (!has_exhausted_marker(loc)) { let supply = 0 if (loc === LOC_LONDON || loc === LOC_CALAIS) supply = 3 else if (is_city(loc)) supply = 2 else supply = 1 if (lord_has_stafford_branch(loc, game.command)) supply += 1 return modify_supply(loc, supply) } return 0 } states.supply_source = { inactive: "Supply", prompt() { view.prompt = "Supply: Select Supply Source." let here = get_lord_locale(game.command) let carts = get_shared_assets(here, CART) let ships = get_shared_assets(here, SHIP) if (carts > 0) view.prompt += ` ${carts} Cart.` if (ships > 0) view.prompt += ` ${ships} Ship.` for (let i = 0; i < game.supply.length; i += 2) gen_action_locale(game.supply[i] as Locale) }, locale(loc) { push_undo() let port_supply = get_port_supply_amount(loc) let stronghold_supply = get_stronghold_supply_amount(loc) if (stronghold_supply > 0 && port_supply === 0) { use_stronghold_supply(loc, stronghold_supply) return } if (port_supply > 0 && stronghold_supply === 0) { use_port_supply(loc, port_supply) return } game.where = loc game.state = "select_supply_type" }, } function quartermasters_eligible_supply(source: Locale) { for (let vassal of all_vassals) if ( is_vassal_mustered_with(vassal, game.command) && lord_has_capability(game.command, AOW_LANCASTER_CHAMBERLAINS) ) { if (source === data.vassals[vassal].seat) return true } return false } function use_stronghold_supply(source: Locale, amount: number) { logi(`${amount} from Stronghold at %${source}`) add_lord_assets(game.command, PROV, amount) if (chamberlains_eligible_supply(source)) { end_supply() } else { deplete_locale(source) end_supply() } } function use_port_supply(source: Locale, amount: number) { logi(`${amount} from Port at %${source}`) add_lord_assets(game.command, PROV, amount) end_supply() } function end_supply() { spend_action(1) resume_command() delete game.supply game.where = NOWHERE } states.select_supply_type = { inactive: "Supply", prompt() { let port = get_port_supply_amount(game.where) let stronghold = get_stronghold_supply_amount(game.where) view.prompt = `Supply: ${stronghold} from Stronghold or ${port} from Port?` view.actions.stronghold = 1 view.actions.port = 1 }, stronghold() { use_stronghold_supply(game.where, get_stronghold_supply_amount(game.where)) }, port() { if (check_naval_blockade("supply", game.where)) { roll_naval_blockade() } else { use_port_supply(game.where, get_port_supply_amount(game.where)) } }, } // === 4.6.1 ACTION: SAIL === function has_enough_available_ships_for_army() { let ships = count_group_ships() let army = count_lord_all_forces(game.command) let needed_ships = army / 6 return needed_ships <= ships } function is_seamanship_in_play() { if (game.active === LANCASTER && is_event_in_play(EVENT_LANCASTER_SEAMANSHIP)) return true if (game.active === YORK && is_event_in_play(EVENT_YORK_SEAMANSHIP)) return true return false } function can_sail_to(to: Locale) { if (is_wales_forbidden(to)) return false if (has_enemy_lord(to)) { if (is_truce_in_effect()) return false if (!lord_has_capability(game.command, AOW_LANCASTER_HIGH_ADMIRAL)) return false } return true } function can_action_sail() { // Must use whole action except if seamanship in play if (is_lancaster_lord(game.command)) { if (!is_first_action() && !is_event_in_play(EVENT_LANCASTER_SEAMANSHIP)) return false } if (is_york_lord(game.command)) { if ((is_event_in_play(EVENT_LANCASTER_FRENCH_FLEET) || !is_first_action() && !is_event_in_play(EVENT_YORK_SEAMANSHIP))) return false } if (game.actions === 0) return false // at a seaport let here = get_lord_locale(game.command) if (!is_seaport(here)) return false // with enough ships to carry all the army if (!has_enough_available_ships_for_army()) return false // and a valid destination for (let to of find_sail_locales(here)) { if (to === here) continue if (can_sail_to(to)) return true } return false } function goto_sail() { push_undo() game.state = "sail" } states.sail = { inactive: "Sail", prompt() { view.group = game.group let here = get_lord_locale(game.command) let ships = count_group_ships() let prov = count_group_assets(PROV) let cart = count_group_assets(CART) let overflow_prov = (prov / 2 - ships) * 2 let overflow_cart = (cart / 2 - ships) * 2 if (overflow_prov <= 0 && overflow_cart <= 0) { view.prompt = `Sail: Select a destination Port.` for (let to of find_sail_locales(here)) { if (to === here) continue if (can_sail_to(to)) gen_action_locale(to) } } else if (overflow_cart > 0) { view.prompt = `Sailing with ${ships} Ships. Please discard ${overflow_cart} Cart` if (cart > 0) { for (let lord of game.group) { if (get_lord_assets(lord, CART) > 0) gen_action_cart(lord) } } } else if (overflow_prov > 0) { view.prompt = `Sailing with ${ships} Ships. Please discard ${overflow_prov} Provender` if (prov > 0) { for (let lord of game.group) { if (get_lord_assets(lord, PROV) > 0) gen_action_prov(lord) } } } else { view.prompt = "ERROR" } }, prov: drop_prov, cart: drop_cart, locale(to) { if (check_naval_blockade("sail", get_lord_locale(game.command)) || check_naval_blockade("sail", to)) { roll_naval_blockade() game.where = to } else { do_sail(to) } }, } function do_sail(to: Locale) { log(`Sailed to %${to}${format_group_move()}.`) game.flags.march_to_port = 0 if (is_seaport(to)) game.flags.sail_to_port = 1 else game.flags.sail_to_port = 0 for (let lord of game.group) { set_lord_locale(lord, to) set_lord_moved(lord, 1) levy_burgundians(lord) } if (is_seamanship_in_play()) spend_action(1) else spend_all_actions() // you can go to enemy lord with norfolk capability if (has_enemy_lord(to)) goto_confirm_approach_sail() else resume_command() } function goto_confirm_approach_sail() { game.state = "confirm_approach_sail" } states.confirm_approach_sail = { inactive: "Sail", prompt() { view.prompt = `Sail: Confirm Approach to enemy Lord.` view.group = game.group view.actions.approach = 1 }, approach() { push_undo() goto_battle() }, } // === 4.6.2 ACTION: FORAGE === function can_action_forage() { if (game.actions < 1) return false let here = get_lord_locale(game.command) if (has_exhausted_marker(here) || is_sea(here)) return false return true } function goto_forage() { push_undo() let here = get_lord_locale(game.command) if (!has_adjacent_enemy(here) && is_neutral_locale(here)) { let die = roll_die() if (die <= 4) { add_lord_assets(game.command, PROV, 1) log(`${HIT[die]}, Foraged at %${here}`) deplete_locale(here) } else { log(`${MISS[die]}, Forage Failure`) } } else if (has_adjacent_enemy(here) || is_favour_enemy(here)) { let die = roll_die() if (die <= 3) { add_lord_assets(game.command, PROV, 1) log(`${HIT[die]}, Foraged at %${here}`) deplete_locale(here) } else { log(`${MISS[die]}, Forage Failure`) } } else { add_lord_assets(game.command, PROV, 1) log(`Foraged at %${here}`) deplete_locale(here) } if (lord_has_capability(game.command, AOW_YORK_SCOURERS)) { add_lord_assets(game.command, PROV, 1) log(`1 Extra Provender (Scourers)`) } spend_action(1) resume_command() } // === 4.6.3 ACTION: TAX === function can_tax_at(here: Locale, lord: Lord) { if (is_friendly_locale(here) && !has_exhausted_marker(here)) { // London, Calais, and Harlech if (here === LOC_LONDON || here === LOC_CALAIS || here === LOC_HARLECH) return true // Own seat if (here === data.lords[lord].seat) return true // vassal seats for (let vassal of all_vassals) if (is_vassal_mustered_with(vassal, lord)) if (here === data.vassals[vassal].seat) return true } return false } // adjacent friendly locales to an eligible stronghold (can_tax_at) function search_tax(result, start: Locale, lord: Lord) { let ships = get_shared_assets(start, SHIP) search_seen.fill(0) search_seen[start] = 1 let queue = [ start ] while (queue.length > 0) { let here = queue.shift() if (can_tax_at(here, lord)) { if (result) set_add(result, here) else return true } if (is_friendly_locale(here)) { for (let next of data.locales[here].adjacent) { if (!search_seen[next]) { search_seen[next] = 1 queue.push(next) } } if (ships > 0 && is_seaport(here)) { for (let next of find_ports(here, lord)) { if (!search_seen[next]) { search_seen[next] = 1 queue.push(next) } } } } } if (result) return result else return false } function can_action_tax(): boolean { if (game.actions < 1) return false let here = get_lord_locale(game.command) if (can_tax_at(here, game.command)) return true return search_tax(false, here, game.command) } function goto_tax() { push_undo() game.state = "tax" game.where = NOWHERE init_influence_check(game.command) } function end_tax() { game.where = NOWHERE spend_action(1) resume_command() } function get_tax_amount(loc: Locale, lord: Lord) { let tax = 0 if (loc === LOC_LONDON || loc === LOC_CALAIS) tax = 3 else if (is_city(loc)) tax = 2 else tax = 1 if (lord_has_stafford_branch(loc, lord)) { log(`C${AOW_YORK_STAFFORD_BRANCH}.`) tax += 1 } if (lord_has_capability(lord, AOW_YORK_SO_WISE_SO_YOUNG)) { log(`C${AOW_YORK_SO_WISE_SO_YOUNG}.`) tax += 1 } if ( lord === LORD_DEVON && ( loc === LOC_EXETER || loc === LOC_LAUNCESTON || loc === LOC_PLYMOUTH || loc === LOC_WELLS || loc === LOC_DORCHESTER ) ) { // TODO: log which ability tax += 1 } return tax } states.tax = { inactive: "Tax", prompt() { view.prompt = "Tax: Select the location to tax." if (game.where === NOWHERE) { for (let loc of search_tax([], get_lord_locale(game.command), game.command)) gen_action_locale(loc) } else { view.prompt = `Tax: Attempting to tax ${data.locales[game.where].name}. ` prompt_influence_check() } }, locale(loc) { game.where = loc if (loc === data.lords[game.command].seat) { // Auto succeed without influence check at Lords seat. deplete_locale(game.where) log(`Taxed automatically successful at %${game.where}.`) add_lord_assets(game.command, COIN, get_tax_amount(game.where, game.command)) end_tax() } }, spend1: add_influence_check_modifier_1, spend3: add_influence_check_modifier_2, check() { let results = do_influence_check() logi(`Tax : ${results.success ? "Successful" : "Failed"}: (${range(results.rating)}) ${results.success ? HIT[results.roll] : MISS[results.roll]}`) if (results.success) { deplete_locale(game.where) log(`Taxed %${game.where}.`) add_lord_assets(game.command, COIN, get_tax_amount(game.where, game.command)) } else { log(`Tax of %${game.where} failed.`) } end_tax() }, } // === 4.6.4 ACTION: PARLEY === // TODO : FIX Parley through strongholds overseas function can_parley_at(loc: Locale) { return !is_exile(loc) && !is_friendly_locale(loc) && !has_enemy_lord(loc) && !is_sea(loc) } function search_parley(result, start: Locale, lord: Lord) { let ships = get_shared_assets(start, SHIP) search_dist.fill(0) search_seen.fill(0) search_seen[start] = 1 let queue = [ start ] while (queue.length > 0) { let here = queue.shift() let dist = search_dist[here] let next_dist = dist + 1 if (can_parley_at(here)) { if (result) map_set(result, here, dist) else return true } if (is_friendly_locale(here)) { for (let next of data.locales[here].adjacent) { if (!search_seen[next]) { search_seen[next] = 1 search_dist[next] = next_dist queue.push(next) } } if (ships > 0 && is_seaport(here)) { for (let next of find_ports(here, lord)) { if (!search_seen[next]) { search_seen[next] = 1 search_dist[next] = next_dist queue.push(next) } } } } } if (result) return result else return false } function can_action_parley_command() { if (game.actions <= 0) return false if (is_lord_at_sea(game.command)) return false if (!is_first_action() && game.active === YORK && is_event_in_play(EVENT_LANCASTER_NEW_ACT_OF_PARLIAMENT)) return false let here = get_lord_locale(game.command) if (can_parley_at(here)) return true for (let next of data.locales[here].adjacent) if (can_parley_at(next)) return true if (is_seaport(here) && get_shared_assets(here, SHIP) > 0) for (let next of find_ports(here, game.command)) if (can_parley_at(next)) return true return false } function list_parley_command() { let result = [] let here = get_lord_locale(game.command) if (can_parley_at(here)) map_set(result, here, 0) if (is_friendly_locale(here)) { for (let next of data.locales[here].adjacent) if (can_parley_at(next)) map_set(result, next, 1) if (is_seaport(here) && get_shared_assets(here, SHIP) > 0) for (let next of find_ports(here, game.command)) if (can_parley_at(next)) map_set(result, next, 1) } return result } function can_action_parley_levy(): boolean { if (game.count <= 0 && (game.who !== LORD_HENRY_VI || game.flags.free_parley_henry === 0) && ((game.who !== LORD_GLOUCESTER_1 && game.who !== LORD_GLOUCESTER_2) || game.flags.free_parley_gloucester === 0) && (!game.flags.jack_cade)) return true let here = get_lord_locale(game.who) if (can_parley_at(here)) return true return search_parley(false, here, game.who) } function list_parley_levy() { return search_parley([], get_lord_locale(game.who), game.who) } function goto_parley() { push_state("parley") if (is_levy_phase()) { init_influence_check(game.who) game.parley = list_parley_levy() } else { init_influence_check(game.command) game.parley = list_parley_command() // Campaign phase, and current location is no cost (except some events), and always successful. if (game.parley.length === 2 && get_lord_locale(game.command) === game.parley[0]) { log(`Parley at ${data.locales[get_lord_locale(game.command)]}`) shift_favour_toward(game.parley[0] as Locale) if (is_lancaster_lord(game.command) && is_event_in_play(EVENT_YORK_AN_HONEST_TALE_SPEEDS_BEST)) { reduce_lancaster_influence(1) } end_parley(true) return } } if (game.parley.length === 2) { game.where = game.parley[0] as Locale add_influence_check_distance(game.parley[1]) } else { game.where = NOWHERE } } function end_parley(success: boolean) { pop_state() game.flags.naval_blockade = 0 game.where = NOWHERE delete game.parley if (game.flags.free_parley_henry > 0 && game.who === LORD_HENRY_VI) { --game.flags.free_parley_henry ++game.count } if (game.flags.free_parley_gloucester > 0 && (game.who === LORD_GLOUCESTER_1 || game.who === LORD_GLOUCESTER_2)) { --game.flags.free_parley_gloucester ++game.count } if (game.flags.jack_cade > 0) { --game.flags.jack_cade ++game.count } end_influence_check() if (is_campaign_phase()) { if (game.active === YORK && is_event_in_play(EVENT_LANCASTER_NEW_ACT_OF_PARLIAMENT)) spend_all_actions() else spend_action(1) resume_command() } else { if (success) goto_the_kings_name("Parley") else resume_levy_muster_lord() } } states.parley = { inactive: "Parley", prompt() { view.prompt = "Parley: Choose a Locale to Parley." if (game.where === NOWHERE) { for (let i = 0; i < game.parley.length; i += 2) gen_action_locale(game.parley[i] as Locale) } else { view.prompt = "Parley: " prompt_influence_check() } }, locale(loc) { push_undo() game.where = loc add_influence_check_distance(map_get(game.parley, loc, 0)) if (is_levy_phase() && check_naval_blockade("levy parley", loc)) { roll_naval_blockade() } if (is_campaign_phase() && check_naval_blockade("campaign parley", loc)) roll_naval_blockade() }, spend1: add_influence_check_modifier_1, spend3: add_influence_check_modifier_2, check() { let results = do_influence_check() if (game.flags.parliament_votes === 1) { log(`Parley at ${data.locales[game.where].name}. Automatic Success.`) logevent(EVENT_LANCASTER_PARLIAMENT_VOTES) game.flags.parliament_votes = 0 } else if (game.flags.jack_cade > 0) { log(`Parley at ${data.locales[game.where].name}. Automatic Success.`) logevent(EVENT_YORK_JACK_CADE) } else if (game.flags.succession === 1) { log(`Parley at ${data.locales[game.where].name}. Automatic Success.`) logevent(EVENT_YORK_SUCCESSION) game.flags.succession = 0 } else if (is_campaign_phase() && game.command === LORD_DEVON && get_lord_locale(LORD_DEVON) === LOC_EXETER && is_event_in_play(EVENT_YORK_DORSET) && game.state === "parley") { log(`Parley at ${data.locales[game.where].name}. Automatic Success. C${EVENT_YORK_DORSET}.`) } else log(`Attempt to Parley at %${game.where} ${results.success ? "Successful" : "Failed"}: (${range(results.rating)}) ${results.success ? HIT[results.roll] : MISS[results.roll]}`) if (results.success) { shift_favour_toward(game.where) end_parley(true) } else { end_parley(false) } }, } // === 4.3 ACTION: MARCH === function get_way_type(from: Locale, to: Locale): Way { return map_get(data.ways[from], to, undefined) } function format_group_move() { if (game.group.length > 1) { let list = [] for (let lord of game.group) if (lord !== game.command) list.push("L" + lord) return " with " + list.join(" and ") } return "" } // Wales forbidden to the lancastrians for march, sail, intercept function is_wales_forbidden(loc: Locale) { if (game.active === LANCASTER && is_event_in_play(EVENT_YORK_OWAIN_GLYNDWR) && is_wales(loc)) return true return false } function is_wales_forbidden_to_enemy(loc: Locale) { if (game.active !== LANCASTER && is_event_in_play(EVENT_YORK_OWAIN_GLYNDWR) && is_wales(loc)) return true return false } function can_march_to(to: Locale) { if (is_wales_forbidden(to)) return false if (is_truce_in_effect() && has_enemy_lord(to)) return false return true } function prompt_march() { let from = get_lord_locale(game.command) // TODO: this is a bit complicated -- can we simplify? if (is_first_action()) { for (let to of data.locales[from].paths) { if (can_march_to(to)) gen_action_locale(to) } } if (game.actions > 0 || game.flags.surprise_landing === 1) { for (let to of data.locales[from].roads) { if (can_march_to(to)) gen_action_locale(to) } for (let to of data.locales[from].highways) { if (can_march_to(to)) gen_action_locale(to) } } else if (game.actions === 0 && is_first_march_highway()) { for (let to of data.locales[from].highways) { if (can_march_to(to)) gen_action_locale(to) } } if ( (lord_has_capability(game.command, AOW_YORK_YORKISTS_NEVER_WAIT) || (is_event_in_play(EVENT_LANCASTER_FORCED_MARCHES) && game.active === LANCASTER)) && game.actions === 0 && is_first_march_highway() && count_group_lords() === 1 ) { for (let to of data.locales[from].roads) { if (can_march_to(to)) gen_action_locale(to) } } } function goto_march(to: Locale) { push_undo() let from = get_lord_locale(game.command) game.march = { from, to } march_with_group_1() } function march_with_group_1() { let transport = count_group_assets(CART) let prov = count_group_assets(PROV) if (prov > transport) game.state = "march_laden" else march_with_group_2() } // No laden but re-used to discard extra provender states.march_laden = { inactive: "March", prompt() { let to = game.march.to let transport = count_group_assets(CART) let prov = count_group_assets(PROV) view.group = game.group view.prompt = `March: Unladen. ` if (prov > transport) { let overflow_prov = prov - transport view.prompt += `Please discard ${overflow_prov} Provender` for (let lord of game.group) { if (prov > transport) { if (get_lord_assets(lord, PROV) > 0) { gen_action_prov(lord) } } } } else { view.actions.march = 1 gen_action_locale(to) } }, prov: drop_prov, march: march_with_group_2, locale: march_with_group_2, laden_march: march_with_group_2, } function march_with_group_2() { let from = game.march.from let to = game.march.to let type = get_way_type(from, to) let alone = count_group_lords() === 1 switch (type) { case "highway": if (is_first_march_highway() || game.flags.surprise_landing === 1) { spend_march_action(0) } else { spend_march_action(1) game.flags.first_march_highway = 1 } break case "road": if ((alone && is_first_march_highway()) || game.flags.surprise_landing === 1) { spend_march_action(0) } else { spend_march_action(1) if (alone && (lord_has_capability(game.command, AOW_YORK_YORKISTS_NEVER_WAIT) || (is_event_in_play(EVENT_LANCASTER_FORCED_MARCHES) && game.active === LANCASTER))) game.flags.first_march_highway = 1 } break case "path": spend_all_actions() break } log(`Marched to %${to}${format_group_move()}.`) for (let lord of game.group) { set_lord_locale(lord, to) // Note: We flag the lords moved and levy burgundians after king's parley and parliament's truce have resolved. // See end_kings_parley. } goto_intercept() } function end_march() { // Disbanded in battle! if (!is_lord_on_map(game.command)) { delete game.march spend_all_actions() resume_command() return } let here = get_lord_locale(game.command) if (is_seaport(here)) game.flags.march_to_port = 1 else game.flags.march_to_port = 0 game.flags.sail_to_port = 0 delete game.march resume_command() } // === 4.3.4 INTERCEPT === function can_intercept_to(to: Locale) { // TODO: forbid lancaster intercept into york moving to york, and vice versa if (is_truce_in_effect()) return false if (is_wales_forbidden_to_enemy(to)) return false return true } function goto_intercept() { let here = get_lord_locale(game.command) if (can_intercept_to(here)) { for (let next of data.locales[here].not_paths) { if (has_enemy_lord(next)) { game.state = "intercept" set_active_enemy() game.intercept_group = [] game.who = NOBODY return } } } end_intercept() } function end_intercept() { game.intercept_group = null game.who = NOBODY goto_kings_parley() } states.intercept = { inactive: "Intercept", prompt() { view.prompt = `Choose lord to intercept moving lords?` if (game.active === YORK) gen_action_card_if_held(EVENT_YORK_FLANK_ATTACK) else gen_action_card_if_held(EVENT_LANCASTER_FLANK_ATTACK) if (game.who === NOBODY) { let to = get_lord_locale(game.command) for (let next of data.locales[to].not_paths) for_each_friendly_lord_in_locale(next, gen_action_lord) } else { gen_action_lord(game.who) if (is_marshal(game.who) || is_lieutenant(game.who)) { for_each_friendly_lord_in_locale(get_lord_locale(game.who), lord => { if (!is_marshal(lord)) gen_action_lord(lord) }) } view.actions.intercept = 1 } view.actions.pass = 1 view.group = game.intercept_group }, lord(lord) { if (game.who === NOBODY) { game.who = lord set_toggle(game.intercept_group, lord) } else if (lord === game.who) { game.who = NOBODY game.intercept_group = [] } else { set_toggle(game.intercept_group, lord) } }, card(c) { push_undo() play_held_event(c) set_add(game.events, c) }, pass() { set_active_enemy() end_intercept() }, intercept() { let valour = data.lords[game.who].valour let success = false if (is_flank_attack_in_play()) { success = true } else { let roll = roll_die() success = roll <= valour log(`Intercept ${success ? "Succeeded." : "Failed."} (${range(valour)}): ${success ? HIT[roll] : MISS[roll]}`) } if (success) { goto_intercept_march() } else { set_active_enemy() end_intercept() } }, } function goto_intercept_march() { if (count_group_transport(game.intercept_group) >= count_group_assets(PROV, game.intercept_group)) { do_intercept_march() } else { game.state = "intercept_march" } } function do_intercept_march() { for (let lord of game.intercept_group) { set_lord_locale(lord, get_lord_locale(game.command)) set_lord_moved(lord, 1) levy_burgundians(lord) } end_intercept_march() } function end_intercept_march() { // back to originally marching lord set_active_enemy() end_intercept() } states.intercept_march = { inactive: "Intercept", prompt() { let to = game.march.to let transport = count_group_transport(game.intercept_group) let prov = count_group_assets(PROV, game.intercept_group) view.group = game.intercept_group view.prompt = `Intercept: Unladen.` if (prov > transport) { view.prompt = `Intercept: Hindered with ${prov} Provender, and ${transport} Transport.` for (let lord of game.intercept_group) { if (get_lord_assets(lord, PROV) > 0) { view.prompt += " Discard Provender." gen_action_prov(lord) } } } else { view.actions.intercept = 1 gen_action_locale(to) } }, prov: drop_prov, intercept: do_intercept_march, locale: do_intercept_march, } function for_each_friendly_lord_in_locale(loc: Locale, f) { for (let lord of all_friendly_lords()) if (get_lord_locale(lord) === loc) f(lord) } // === MARCH EVENT: FLANK ATTACK === function is_flank_attack_in_play() { return is_event_in_play(EVENT_LANCASTER_FLANK_ATTACK) || is_event_in_play(EVENT_YORK_FLANK_ATTACK) } // === MARCH EVENT: KING'S PARLEY === function goto_kings_parley() { // If Henry VI in space, with King's Parley capability // TODO: ... unless he intercepted York lords already present ? // TODO: ... or remove possibility for above case. if (game.active === YORK) { if (get_lord_locale(LORD_HENRY_VI) === game.march.to) { if (lord_has_capability(LORD_HENRY_VI, AOW_LANCASTER_KINGS_PARLEY)) { set_active_enemy() game.state = "kings_parley" return } } } end_kings_parley() } states.kings_parley = { inactive: "King's Parley?", prompt() { view.prompt = "You may discard King's Parley to cancel Yorkist approach." gen_action_card(AOW_LANCASTER_KINGS_PARLEY) view.actions.pass = 1 }, card(_) { push_undo() discard_lord_capability(LORD_HENRY_VI, AOW_LANCASTER_KINGS_PARLEY) // Cancel approach! for (let lord of game.group) set_lord_locale(lord, game.march.from) set_active_enemy() end_march() }, pass() { set_active_enemy() end_kings_parley() }, } function end_kings_parley() { goto_parliaments_truce() } // === MARCH EVENT: PARLIAMENT'S TRUCE === function can_play_parliaments_truce() { return game.state === "campaign" } function is_truce_in_effect() { return ( is_event_in_play(EVENT_YORK_PARLIAMENTS_TRUCE) || is_event_in_play(EVENT_LANCASTER_PARLIAMENTS_TRUCE) ) } function goto_parliaments_truce() { // The non-active player can cancel approach with parliament's truce // We don't allow the active player to cancel an intercept -- if they want to cancel // an interception, they should have played the event before marching. let here = get_lord_locale(game.command) if ( has_enemy_lord(here) && ( (game.active === YORK && could_play_card(EVENT_LANCASTER_PARLIAMENTS_TRUCE)) || (game.active === LANCASTER && could_play_card(EVENT_YORK_PARLIAMENTS_TRUCE)) ) ) { set_active_enemy() game.state = "parliaments_truce" return } end_parliaments_truce() } states.parliaments_truce = { inactive: "Parliament's Truce?", prompt() { view.prompt = "You may play Parliament's Truce to cancel approach." if (game.active === YORK) gen_action_card_if_held(EVENT_YORK_PARLIAMENTS_TRUCE) else gen_action_card_if_held(EVENT_LANCASTER_PARLIAMENTS_TRUCE) view.actions.pass = 1 }, card(c) { play_held_event(c) // Cancel approach! for (let lord of game.group) set_lord_locale(lord, game.march.from) set_active_enemy() end_march() }, pass() { set_active_enemy() end_parliaments_truce() }, } function end_parliaments_truce() { // Note: we flag the lords moved and levy burgundians after king's parley and parliament's truce have resolved for (let lord of game.group) { set_lord_moved(lord, 1) levy_burgundians(lord) } goto_blocked_ford() } // === MARCH EVENT: BLOCKED FORD === function goto_blocked_ford() { let here = get_lord_locale(game.command) // The marching lord can now play blocked ford to prevent enemy going into exile. if ( has_enemy_lord(here) && ( (game.active === YORK && could_play_card(EVENT_YORK_BLOCKED_FORD)) || (game.active === LANCASTER && could_play_card(EVENT_LANCASTER_BLOCKED_FORD)) ) ) { game.state = "blocked_ford" return } goto_choose_exile() } states.blocked_ford = { inactive: "Blocked Ford?", prompt() { view.prompt = "You may play Blocked Ford." if (game.active === YORK) gen_action_card_if_held(EVENT_YORK_BLOCKED_FORD) else gen_action_card_if_held(EVENT_LANCASTER_BLOCKED_FORD) view.actions.pass = 1 }, card(c) { play_held_event(c) goto_battle() }, pass() { goto_choose_exile() }, } // === 4.3.5 APPROACH - CHOOSE EXILE === function goto_choose_exile() { let here = get_lord_locale(game.command) if (has_enemy_lord(here)) { spend_all_actions() // end command upon any approach game.state = "choose_exile" set_active_enemy() } else { end_march() } } function end_choose_exile() { if (has_friendly_lord(get_lord_locale(game.command))) { // still some lords not exiled to fight. set_active_enemy() goto_battle() } else { // no one left, goto finish marching. set_active_enemy() end_march() } } states.choose_exile = { inactive: "Exiles", prompt() { view.prompt = "Select Lords to go into Exile." for_each_friendly_lord_in_locale(get_lord_locale(game.command), lord => { gen_action_lord(lord) }) view.actions.done = 1 }, lord(lord) { push_undo() // TODO: give up assets as if spoils? exile_lord(lord) }, done() { end_choose_exile() }, } function exile_lord(lord: Lord) { if (lord_has_capability(lord, AOW_YORK_ENGLAND_IS_MY_HOME)) { disband_lord(lord, false) set_lord_calendar(lord, current_turn() + 1) } else { set_lord_in_exile(lord) disband_lord(lord, false) } } // === 4.3.5 APPROACH - SPOILS AFTER CHOOSING EXILE === // TODO: spoils after choosing exile function has_any_spoils() { return game.spoils && game.spoils[PROV] + game.spoils[COIN] + game.spoils[CART] + game.spoils[SHIP] > 0 } function get_spoils(type: Asset) { if (game.spoils) return game.spoils[type] return 0 } function add_spoils(type: Asset, n) { if (game.spoils === undefined) game.spoils = [ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ] game.spoils[type] += n } function list_spoils() { let list = [] for (let type of all_asset_types) { let n = get_spoils(type) if (n > 0) list.push(`${n} ${ASSET_TYPE_NAME[type]}`) } if (list.length > 0) return list.join(", ") return "nothing" } function prompt_spoils() { if (get_spoils(PROV) > 0) view.actions.take_prov = 1 if (get_spoils(CART) > 0) view.actions.take_cart = 1 } function take_spoils(type: Asset) { add_lord_assets(game.who, type, 1) add_spoils(type, -1) if (!has_any_spoils()) game.who = NOBODY } // === 4.4 BATTLE === function get_lord_array_position(lord: Lord) { for (let p = 0; p < 12; ++p) if (game.battle.array[p] === lord) return p return -1 } function set_active_attacker() { set_active(game.battle.attacker) } function set_active_defender() { if (game.battle.attacker === P1) set_active(P2) else set_active(P1) } function ravine_check(lord: Lord, pos: number) { // TODO: if no lord in pos and no ravine? -- if (lord !== NOBODY) if (game.battle.array[pos] === lord) return true return false } function filled(pos) { if (game.battle.array[pos] !== NOBODY && !ravine_check(game.battle.ravine, pos)) { return true } return false } const battle_strike_positions = [ D1, D2, D3, A1, A2, A3 ] const battle_steps = [ { name: "Archery", hits: count_archery_hits }, { name: "Melee", hits: count_melee_hits }, ] function count_archery_hits(lord: Lord) { let hits = 0 hits += get_lord_forces(lord, LONGBOWMEN) << 2 hits += get_lord_forces(lord, BURGUNDIANS) << 2 hits += get_lord_forces(lord, MILITIA) hits += get_lord_forces(lord, MERCENARIES) if (is_leeward_battle_line_in_play(lord)) { // TODO: rounding? return hits/2 } return hits } function count_melee_hits(lord: Lord) { let hits = 0 hits += /*retinue*/ 3 << 1 //hits += count_vassals_with_lord(lord) << 2 if (lord_has_capability(lord, AOW_LANCASTER_CHEVALIERS)) hits += get_lord_forces(lord, MEN_AT_ARMS) << 2 else hits += get_lord_forces(lord, MEN_AT_ARMS) << 1 hits += get_lord_forces(lord, MILITIA) hits += get_lord_forces(lord, MERCENARIES) hits += get_lord_forces(lord, BURGUNDIANS) << 1 if (lord === game.battle.caltrops) { hits += 2 } return hits } function count_lord_hits(lord: Lord) { return battle_steps[game.battle.step].hits(lord) } function format_strike_step() { return battle_steps[game.battle.step].name } function format_hits() { if (game.battle.ahits > 0) { return `${game.battle.ahits} Hit${game.battle.ahits > 1 ? "s" : ""}` } else if (game.battle.dhits > 0) { return `${game.battle.dhits} Hit${game.battle.dhits > 1 ? "s" : ""}` } return "" } function is_battle_over() { set_active_attacker() if (has_no_unrouted_forces()) return true set_active_defender() if (has_no_unrouted_forces()) return true return false } function has_no_unrouted_forces() { // All unrouted lords are either in battle array or in reserves for (let p = 0; p < 6; ++p) if (is_friendly_lord(game.battle.array[p])) return false for (let lord of game.battle.reserves) if (is_friendly_lord(lord)) return false return true } function is_attacker() { return game.active === game.battle.attacker } function is_defender() { return game.active !== game.battle.attacker } function is_archery_step() { return game.battle.step === 0 } function is_melee_step() { return game.battle.step === 1 } function has_strike(pos: number) { return game.battle.ah[pos] > 0 } // Capabilities adding troops at start of the battle function add_battle_capability_troops() { let here = get_lord_locale(game.command) for (let lord of all_york_lords) { if (lord_has_capability(lord, AOW_YORK_MUSTERD_MY_SOLDIERS) && has_favoury_marker(here)) { add_lord_forces(lord, MEN_AT_ARMS, 2) add_lord_forces(lord, LONGBOWMEN, 1) } if (lord_has_capability(lord, AOW_LANCASTER_MUSTERD_MY_SOLDIERS) && has_favourl_marker(here)) { add_lord_forces(lord, MEN_AT_ARMS, 2) add_lord_forces(lord, LONGBOWMEN, 1) } if (lord_has_capability(lord, AOW_LANCASTER_WELSH_LORD) && is_wales(here)) { add_lord_forces(lord, LONGBOWMEN, 2) } if (lord_has_capability(lord, AOW_YORK_PEMBROKE) && is_wales(here)) { add_lord_forces(lord, LONGBOWMEN, 2) } if (lord_has_capability(lord, AOW_YORK_PERCYS_NORTH1) && is_north(here)) { add_lord_forces(lord, MILITIA, 4) } if (lord_has_capability(lord, AOW_YORK_PERCYS_NORTH2) && can_supply_at(LOC_CARLISLE, 0)) { add_lord_forces(lord, MILITIA, 4) } if (lord_has_capability(lord, AOW_YORK_KINGDOM_UNITED) && (is_north(here) || is_south(here) || is_wales(here))) { add_lord_forces(lord, MILITIA, 3) } // TODO: check this condition if ( is_lord_on_map(lord) && !is_lord_on_calendar(lord) && lord_has_capability(lord, AOW_LANCASTER_PHILIBERT_DE_CHANDEE) && ((is_friendly_locale(here) && !!data.port_2.includes(here)) || is_adjacent_friendly_port_english_channel(here)) ) { add_lord_forces(lord, MEN_AT_ARMS, 2) } } } //... And removing them at the end of the battle function remove_battle_capability_troops() { let here = get_lord_locale(game.command) for (let lord of all_york_lords) { if (lord_has_capability(lord, AOW_YORK_MUSTERD_MY_SOLDIERS) && has_favoury_marker(here)) { add_lord_forces(lord, MEN_AT_ARMS, -2) add_lord_forces(lord, LONGBOWMEN, -1) } if (lord_has_capability(lord, AOW_LANCASTER_MUSTERD_MY_SOLDIERS) && has_favourl_marker(here)) { add_lord_forces(lord, MEN_AT_ARMS, -2) add_lord_forces(lord, LONGBOWMEN, -1) } if (lord_has_capability(lord, AOW_LANCASTER_WELSH_LORD) && is_wales(here)) { add_lord_forces(lord, LONGBOWMEN, -2) } if (lord_has_capability(lord, AOW_YORK_PEMBROKE) && is_wales(here)) { add_lord_forces(lord, LONGBOWMEN, -2) } if (lord_has_capability(lord, AOW_YORK_PERCYS_NORTH1) && is_north(here)) { add_lord_forces(lord, MILITIA, -4) } if (lord_has_capability(lord, AOW_YORK_PERCYS_NORTH2) && can_supply_at(LOC_CARLISLE, 0)) { add_lord_forces(lord, MILITIA, -4) } if (lord_has_capability(lord, AOW_YORK_KINGDOM_UNITED) && (is_north(here) || is_south(here) || is_wales(here))) { add_lord_forces(lord, MILITIA, -3) } // TODO: check this condition if (is_lord_on_map(lord) && lord_has_capability(lord, AOW_LANCASTER_PHILIBERT_DE_CHANDEE)) { add_lord_forces(lord, MEN_AT_ARMS, -2) } } } function goto_battle() { let here = get_lord_locale(game.command) log_h3(`Battle at %${here}`) game.battle = { where: here, round: 1, step: 0, attacker: game.active, loser: "None", fought: 0, // flag all lords who participated array: [ NOBODY, NOBODY, NOBODY, NOBODY, NOBODY, NOBODY ], ah: [ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ], valour: Array(lord_count).fill(0), routed_vassals: [], engagements: [], reserves: [], retreated: 0, fled: [], routed: [], target: null, ahits: 0, dhits: 0, attacker_artillery: 0, defender_artillery: 0, } if (is_flank_attack_in_play()) { if (game.battle.attacker === YORK) game.battle.attacker = LANCASTER else game.battle.attacker = YORK } // Troops by capability add_battle_capability_troops() // All attacking lords to reserve for (let lord of all_friendly_lords()) { if (get_lord_locale(lord) === here) { set_lord_fought(lord) set_add(game.battle.reserves, lord) if ( lord_has_capability(lord, AOW_LANCASTER_EXPERT_COUNSELLORS) || lord_has_capability(lord, AOW_LANCASTER_VETERAN_OF_FRENCH_WARS) ) game.battle.valour[lord] = data.lords[lord].valour + 2 else if ( lord_has_capability(lord, AOW_LANCASTER_ANDREW_TROLLOPE) || lord_has_capability(lord, AOW_LANCASTER_MY_FATHERS_BLOOD) || lord_has_capability(lord, AOW_LANCASTER_EDWARD) || (lord_has_capability(lord, AOW_LANCASTER_LOYAL_SOMERSET) && get_lord_locale(LORD_MARGARET) === here) ) game.battle.valour[lord] = data.lords[lord].valour + 1 else game.battle.valour[lord] = data.lords[lord].valour } } // All defending lords to reserve for (let lord of all_enemy_lords()) { if (get_lord_locale(lord) === here) { set_lord_fought(lord) set_add(game.battle.reserves, lord) if ( lord_has_capability(lord, AOW_LANCASTER_EXPERT_COUNSELLORS) || lord_has_capability(lord, AOW_LANCASTER_VETERAN_OF_FRENCH_WARS) ) game.battle.valour[lord] = data.lords[lord].valour + 2 else if ( lord_has_capability(lord, AOW_LANCASTER_ANDREW_TROLLOPE) || lord_has_capability(lord, AOW_LANCASTER_MY_FATHERS_BLOOD) || lord_has_capability(lord, AOW_LANCASTER_EDWARD) || (lord_has_capability(lord, AOW_LANCASTER_LOYAL_SOMERSET) && get_lord_locale(LORD_MARGARET) === here) ) game.battle.valour[lord] = data.lords[lord].valour + 1 else game.battle.valour[lord] = data.lords[lord].valour } } goto_array_defender() } // === 4.4.1 BATTLE ARRAY === // 0) Defender decides to stand for Battle, not Exile // 1) Defender decides how he wants to array his lords // 2) Defender positions front D // 3) Attacker positions front A. // 4) Defender plays event // 5) ATtacker plays event function has_friendly_reserves() { for (let lord of game.battle.reserves) if (is_friendly_lord(lord)) return true return false } function count_friendly_reserves() { let n = 0 for (let lord of game.battle.reserves) if (is_friendly_lord(lord)) ++n return n } function pop_first_reserve() { for (let lord of game.battle.reserves) { if (is_friendly_lord(lord)) { set_delete(game.battle.reserves, lord) return lord } } return NOBODY } function prompt_array_place_opposed(X1, X2, X3, Y1, Y3) { let array = game.battle.array if (array[X2] === NOBODY) { gen_action_array(X2) } else if (array[Y1] !== NOBODY && array[Y3] === NOBODY && array[X1] === NOBODY) { gen_action_array(X1) } else if (array[Y1] === NOBODY && array[Y3] !== NOBODY && array[X3] === NOBODY) { gen_action_array(X3) } else { if (array[X1] === NOBODY) gen_action_array(X1) if (array[X3] === NOBODY) gen_action_array(X3) } } function action_array_place(pos) { push_undo_without_who() game.battle.array[pos] = game.who set_delete(game.battle.reserves, game.who) game.who = NOBODY } function goto_array_attacker() { set_active_attacker() game.state = "array_attacker" game.who = NOBODY let n = count_friendly_reserves() if (n === 1) { game.battle.array[A2] = pop_first_reserve() end_array_attacker() } if (n === 0) end_array_attacker() } function goto_array_defender() { set_active_defender() game.state = "array_defender" game.who = NOBODY let n = count_friendly_reserves() if (n === 1) { game.battle.array[D2] = pop_first_reserve() end_array_defender() } if (n === 0) end_array_defender() } function end_array_attacker() { goto_defender_events() } function end_array_defender() { goto_array_attacker() } states.array_attacker = { inactive: "Array Attacking Lords", prompt() { view.prompt = "Battle Array: Position your Attacking Lords." let array = game.battle.array let done = true if (array[A1] === NOBODY || array[A2] === NOBODY || array[A3] === NOBODY) { for (let lord of game.battle.reserves) { if (lord !== game.who && is_friendly_lord(lord)) { gen_action_lord(lord) done = false } } } if (game.who === NOBODY && done) view.actions.end_array = 1 if (game.who !== NOBODY) { prompt_array_place_opposed(A1, A2, A3, D1, D3) } }, array: action_array_place, lord: action_select_lord, end_array: end_array_attacker, } states.array_defender = { inactive: "Array Defending Lords", prompt() { view.prompt = "Battle Array: Position your Defending Lords." let array = game.battle.array let done = true if (array[D1] === NOBODY || array[D2] === NOBODY || array[D3] === NOBODY) { for (let lord of game.battle.reserves) { if (lord !== game.who && is_friendly_lord(lord)) { gen_action_lord(lord) done = false } } } if (done && game.who === NOBODY) view.actions.end_array = 1 if (game.who !== NOBODY) { if (array[D2] === NOBODY) { gen_action_array(D2) } else { if (array[D1] === NOBODY) gen_action_array(D1) if (array[D3] === NOBODY) gen_action_array(D3) } } }, array: action_array_place, lord: action_select_lord, end_array: end_array_defender, } // === 4.4.1 BATTLE ARRAY: EVENTS === function goto_defender_events() { set_active_defender() log_br() if (can_play_battle_events()) game.state = "defender_events" else end_defender_events() } function end_defender_events() { goto_attacker_events() } function goto_attacker_events() { set_active_attacker() log_br() if (can_play_battle_events()) game.state = "attacker_events" else end_attacker_events() } function end_attacker_events() { goto_battle_rounds() } function resume_battle_events() { if (is_attacker()) goto_attacker_events() else goto_defender_events() } states.defender_events = { inactive: "Defender Events", prompt() { view.prompt = "Defender may play Events." prompt_battle_events() }, card: action_battle_events, done() { end_defender_events() }, } states.attacker_events = { inactive: "Attacker Events", prompt() { view.prompt = "Attacker may play Events." prompt_battle_events() }, card: action_battle_events, done() { end_attacker_events() }, } function can_play_battle_events() { if (game.active === LANCASTER) { if (could_play_card(EVENT_LANCASTER_LEEWARD_BATTLE_LINE)) return true if (could_play_card(EVENT_LANCASTER_SUSPICION)) return true if (could_play_card(EVENT_LANCASTER_FOR_TRUST_NOT_HIM)) return true if (could_play_card(EVENT_LANCASTER_RAVINE)) return true } if (game.active === YORK) { if (could_play_card(EVENT_YORK_LEEWARD_BATTLE_LINE)) return true if (could_play_card(EVENT_YORK_SUSPICION)) return true if (could_play_card(EVENT_YORK_CALTROPS)) return true if (could_play_card(EVENT_YORK_REGROUP)) return true if (could_play_card(EVENT_YORK_SWIFT_MANEUVER)) return true if (could_play_card(EVENT_YORK_PATRICK_DE_LA_MOTE)) return true } return false } function prompt_battle_events() { // both attacker and defender events if (game.active === LANCASTER) { gen_action_card_if_held(EVENT_LANCASTER_LEEWARD_BATTLE_LINE) if (can_play_suspicion()) gen_action_card_if_held(EVENT_LANCASTER_SUSPICION) if (can_play_for_trust_not_him()) gen_action_card_if_held(EVENT_LANCASTER_FOR_TRUST_NOT_HIM) gen_action_card_if_held(EVENT_LANCASTER_RAVINE) } if (game.active === YORK) { gen_action_card_if_held(EVENT_YORK_LEEWARD_BATTLE_LINE) if (can_play_suspicion()) gen_action_card_if_held(EVENT_YORK_SUSPICION) gen_action_card_if_held(EVENT_YORK_CALTROPS) gen_action_card_if_held(EVENT_YORK_REGROUP) gen_action_card_if_held(EVENT_YORK_SWIFT_MANEUVER) gen_action_card_if_held(EVENT_YORK_PATRICK_DE_LA_MOTE) } view.actions.done = 1 } function action_battle_events(c: Card) { push_undo() play_held_event(c) set_add(game.events, c) switch (c) { case EVENT_LANCASTER_LEEWARD_BATTLE_LINE: // nothing to do break case EVENT_LANCASTER_SUSPICION: game.state = "suspicion" break case EVENT_LANCASTER_FOR_TRUST_NOT_HIM: game.state = "for_trust_not_him" break case EVENT_LANCASTER_RAVINE: game.state = "ravine" break case EVENT_YORK_LEEWARD_BATTLE_LINE: // nothing to do break case EVENT_YORK_SUSPICION: game.state = "suspicion" break case EVENT_YORK_CALTROPS: game.state = "caltrops" break case EVENT_YORK_REGROUP: // nothing to do break case EVENT_YORK_SWIFT_MANEUVER: // nothing to do break } } // === BATTLE EVENT: RAVINE === states.ravine = { inactive: "Ravine", prompt() { view.prompt = "Ravine: Select an enemy lord to ignore that Lord round 1" for (let lord of game.battle.array) { if (is_enemy_lord(lord)) { gen_action_lord(lord) } } for (let lord of game.battle.reserves) { if (is_enemy_lord(lord)) { gen_action_lord(lord) } } }, lord(lord) { game.battle.ravine = lord logi(`${data.lords[lord].name} ignored for Engage and Strike Round 1`) logevent(EVENT_LANCASTER_RAVINE) resume_battle_events() }, } // === BATTLE EVENT: REGROUP === function is_regroup_in_play() { if (game.active === YORK) return is_event_in_play(EVENT_YORK_REGROUP) return false } // TODO // === BATTLE EVENT: CALTROPS === function is_caltrops_in_play() { if (game.active === YORK) return is_event_in_play(EVENT_YORK_CALTROPS) return false } states.caltrops = { inactive: "Caltrops", prompt() { view.prompt = "Caltrops: Select a friendly lord to Add +2 Hits each Melee phase to his engagement" for (let lord of game.battle.array) { if (is_friendly_lord(lord)) { gen_action_lord(lord) } } }, lord(lord) { push_undo() game.battle.caltrops = lord resume_battle_events() logi(`2 Hits added to ${data.lords[lord].name} each Melee round`) logevent(EVENT_YORK_CALTROPS) }, } // === BATTLE EVENT: SUSPICION === function can_play_suspicion() { // TODO: account for influence_capabilities if (highest_friendly_influence() >= lowest_enemy_influence()) { return true } return false } function lowest_enemy_influence() { let score = 10 for (let lord of all_enemy_lords()) { if (get_lord_locale(lord) === get_lord_locale(game.command)) { if (data.lords[lord].influence < score) { score = data.lords[lord].influence } } } return score } function highest_friendly_influence() { let score = 0 for (let lord of all_friendly_lords()) { if (get_lord_locale(lord) === get_lord_locale(game.command)) { if (data.lords[lord].influence > score) { score = data.lords[lord].influence } } } return score } states.suspicion = { inactive: "Suspicion", prompt() { view.prompt = "Suspicion: Check one of your lords to influence check" for (let lord of game.battle.array) { if (is_friendly_lord(lord)) { gen_action_lord(lord) } } for (let lord of game.battle.reserves) { if (is_friendly_lord(lord)) { gen_action_lord(lord) } } }, lord(lord) { game.who = lord push_undo() push_state("suspicion_enemy_lord") }, } states.suspicion_enemy_lord = { inactive: "Suspicion", prompt() { view.prompt = "Suspicion: Select one enemy lord to influence check" for (let lord of game.battle.array) { if (is_enemy_lord(lord)) { if (suspicion_lord_score(game.who, data.lords[game.who].influence) > data.lords[lord].influence) { gen_action_lord(lord) } } } }, lord(lord) { push_undo() push_state("influence_check_suspicion") init_influence_check(game.who) game.who = lord }, } function suspicion_lord_score(lord: Lord, score: number) { return influence_capabilities(lord, score) } states.influence_check_suspicion = { inactive: `Influence check`, prompt() { view.prompt = `Influence check : Success disbands enemy lord ` prompt_influence_check() }, spend1: add_influence_check_modifier_1, spend3: add_influence_check_modifier_2, check() { let lord = game.who let results = do_influence_check() logi(`Attempt to disband ${data.lords[lord].name} ${results.success ? "Successful" : "Failed"}: (${range(results.rating)}) ${results.success ? HIT[results.roll] : MISS[results.roll]}`) if (results.success) { log(`${data.lords[lord].name} disbanded`) for (let x = 0; x < 6; x++) { if (game.battle.array[x] === lord) { game.battle.array[x] = NOBODY break } else if (set_has(game.battle.reserves, lord)) { array_remove(game.battle.reserves, lord) } } disband_lord(lord) game.who = NOBODY end_influence_check() resume_battle_events() } else { log(`${data.lords[lord].name} stays`) game.who = NOBODY end_influence_check() resume_battle_events() } }, } // === BATTLE EVENT: FOR TRUST NOT HIM === function can_play_for_trust_not_him() { for (let vassal of all_vassals) { if (is_vassal_mustered_with_york_lord(vassal) && get_lord_locale(get_vassal_lord(vassal)) === get_lord_locale(game.command)) { // Hastings & Salisbury with Alice Montagu capability are immune. if ((get_vassal_lord(vassal) !== LORD_SALISBURY || !lord_has_capability(LORD_SALISBURY, AOW_YORK_ALICE_MONTAGU)) && vassal !== VASSAL_HASTINGS) { return true } } } return false } states.for_trust_not_him = { inactive: "For trust not him \u2014 Select Lord", prompt() { let done = true view.prompt = "Select a friendly lord" for (let lord of all_lancaster_lords) { if (is_lancaster_lord(lord) && get_lord_locale(lord) === game.battle.where) { done = false gen_action_lord(lord) } } if (done) { view.actions.done = 1 } }, lord(lord) { push_undo() game.who = lord game.state = "for_trust_not_him_vassal" }, } states.for_trust_not_him_vassal = { inactive: "For trust not him \u2014 Select Vassal", prompt() { view.prompt = "Select an enemy Vassal" for (let vassal of all_vassals) { if (is_vassal_mustered_with_york_lord(vassal) && get_lord_locale(get_vassal_lord(vassal)) === get_lord_locale(game.command)) { // Hastings & Salisbury with Alice Montagu capability are immune. if ((get_vassal_lord(vassal) !== LORD_SALISBURY || !lord_has_capability(LORD_SALISBURY, AOW_YORK_ALICE_MONTAGU)) && vassal !== VASSAL_HASTINGS) { gen_action_vassal(vassal) } } } }, vassal(v) { push_undo() game.vassal = v goto_influence_check_for_trust_not_him() }, } function goto_influence_check_for_trust_not_him() { init_influence_check(game.who) game.check.push({ cost: 0, modifier: data.vassals[game.vassal].influence * (game.active === LANCASTER ? -1 : 1), source: "vassal", }) game.state = "for_trust_not_him_bribe" } states.for_trust_not_him_bribe = { inactive: `Influence check`, prompt() { view.prompt = `Influence check : Success bribes ${data.vassals[game.vassal].name} ` prompt_influence_check() }, spend1: add_influence_check_modifier_1, spend3: add_influence_check_modifier_2, check() { let results = do_influence_check() if (game.who === LORD_HENRY_TUDOR && lord_has_capability(LORD_HENRY_TUDOR, AOW_LANCASTER_TWO_ROSES)) { logi(`Automatic success C${AOW_LANCASTER_TWO_ROSES}`) } else { logi(`Attempt to bribe ${data.vassals[game.vassal].name} ${results.success ? "Successful" : "Failed"}: (${range(results.rating)}) ${results.success ? HIT[results.roll] : MISS[results.roll]}`) } if (results.success) { muster_vassal(game.vassal, game.who) end_influence_check() end_for_trust_not_him() } else { end_influence_check() end_for_trust_not_him() } }, } function end_for_trust_not_him() { game.who = NOBODY game.vassal = NOVASSAL resume_battle_events() } // === BATTLE EVENT: LEEWARD BATTLE LINE === function is_leeward_battle_line_in_play(lord: Lord) { if (is_archery_step()) { if (is_event_in_play(EVENT_LANCASTER_LEEWARD_BATTLE_LINE) && !is_event_in_play(EVENT_YORK_LEEWARD_BATTLE_LINE) && is_york_lord(lord)) { logevent(EVENT_LANCASTER_LEEWARD_BATTLE_LINE) return true } if (is_event_in_play(EVENT_YORK_LEEWARD_BATTLE_LINE) && !is_event_in_play(EVENT_LANCASTER_LEEWARD_BATTLE_LINE) && is_lancaster_lord(lord)) { logevent(EVENT_YORK_LEEWARD_BATTLE_LINE) return true } } return false } // === BATTLE EVENT: CULVERINS AND FALCONETS === function goto_culverins() { let can_play = false for (let lord of game.battle.array) { if (is_lancaster_lord(lord) && lord_has_capability(lord, AOW_LANCASTER_CULVERINS_AND_FALCONETS)) can_play = true if (is_york_lord(lord) && lord_has_capability(lord, AOW_YORK_CULVERINS_AND_FALCONETS)) can_play = true } if (can_play) { set_active_defender() game.state = "culverins_and_falconets" game.who = NOBODY } else { goto_engagement_total_hits() } } function artillery_hits(ahits) { if (is_attacker()) { game.battle.attacker_artillery = ahits*2 } if (is_defender()) { game.battle.defender_artillery = ahits*2 } } states.culverins_and_falconets = { inactive: "Culverins and Falconets", prompt() { let done = true view.prompt = `Use Culverin and Falconets ?` for (let lord of game.battle.array) { if (lord !== NOBODY) { if (is_friendly_lord(lord) && (lord_has_capability(lord, AOW_YORK_CULVERINS_AND_FALCONETS))) { gen_action_card(AOW_YORK_CULVERINS_AND_FALCONETS) done = false } if (is_friendly_lord(lord) && (lord_has_capability(lord, AOW_LANCASTER_CULVERINS_AND_FALCONETS))) { gen_action_card(AOW_LANCASTER_CULVERINS_AND_FALCONETS) done = false } } } if (done) { view.prompt = "Culverins and Falconets : Done" } view.actions.done = 1 }, card(c) { let die = roll_die() let lord = find_lord_with_capability_card(c) if (is_event_in_play(EVENT_YORK_PATRICK_DE_LA_MOTE) && game.active === YORK) { let die2 = roll_die() die += die2 } logi(`${data.lords[lord].name} Artillery does ${die} hits`) artillery_hits(die) discard_lord_capability(lord, c) }, done() { if (is_defender()) { set_active_enemy() } else { goto_engagement_total_hits() } } } // === BATTLE EVENT: SWIFT MANEUVER === function is_swift_maneuver_in_play() { return is_event_in_play(EVENT_YORK_SWIFT_MANEUVER) } states.swift_maneuver = { inactive: "Swift Maneuver", prompt() { view.prompt = "Swift Maneuver: You may end the round now" view.actions.end_battle_round = 1 view.actions.pass = 1 }, end_battle_round() { logevent(EVENT_YORK_SWIFT_MANEUVER) log("Ended Action Round.") set_active_enemy() goto_end_battle_round() }, pass() { logevent(EVENT_YORK_SWIFT_MANEUVER) log("Passed.") set_active_enemy() finish_action_assign_hits(game.who) }, } // === 4.4.2 BATTLE ROUNDS === function goto_battle_rounds() { set_active_defender() log_h4(`Battle Round ${game.battle.round}`) goto_flee() } // === 4.4.2 BATTLE ROUNDS: FLEE === function goto_flee() { game.state = "flee_battle" } function end_flee() { if (has_no_unrouted_forces()) { end_battle_round() return } set_active_enemy() if (game.active !== game.battle.attacker) { goto_reposition_battle() } else { goto_flee() } } states.flee_battle = { inactive: "Flee", prompt() { view.prompt = "Battle: Select Lords to Flee from the Field?" for (let p = 0; p < 6; ++p) { if (is_friendly_lord(game.battle.array[p])) { gen_action_lord(game.battle.array[p]) } } view.actions.done = 1 }, done() { end_flee() }, lord(lord) { push_undo() log(`${lord_name[lord]} Fled the battle of %${game.battle.where}.`) set_add(game.battle.fled, lord) if (set_has(game.battle.reserves, lord)) { array_remove(game.battle.reserves, lord) } else { for (let x = 0; x < 6; x++) { if (game.battle.array[x] === lord) { game.battle.array[x] = NOBODY break } } } }, } // === 4.4.2 BATTLE ROUNDS: REPOSITION === function slide_array(from, to) { game.battle.array[to] = game.battle.array[from] game.battle.array[from] = NOBODY } function goto_reposition_battle() { let array = game.battle.array // If all D routed. if (array[D1] === NOBODY && array[D2] === NOBODY && array[D3] === NOBODY) { log("No Defenders Remain.") } // If all A routed. if (array[A1] === NOBODY && array[A2] === NOBODY && array[A3] === NOBODY) { log("No Attackers Remain.") } set_active_defender() goto_reposition_advance() } function goto_reposition_advance() { if (can_reposition_advance()) game.state = "reposition_advance" else end_reposition_advance() } function end_reposition_advance() { game.who = NOBODY set_active_enemy() if (is_attacker()) goto_reposition_advance() else goto_reposition_center() } function goto_reposition_center() { if (can_reposition_center()) game.state = "reposition_center" else end_reposition_center() } function end_reposition_center() { game.who = NOBODY set_active_enemy() if (is_attacker()) goto_reposition_center() else goto_first_engagement() } function can_reposition_advance() { if (has_friendly_reserves()) { let array = game.battle.array if (is_attacker()) { if (array[A1] === NOBODY || array[A2] === NOBODY || array[A3] === NOBODY) return true } else { if (array[D1] === NOBODY || array[D2] === NOBODY || array[D3] === NOBODY) return true } } return false } states.reposition_advance = { inactive: "Reposition", prompt() { view.prompt = "Reposition: Advance from Reserve." let array = game.battle.array for (let lord of game.battle.reserves) if (is_friendly_lord(lord) && lord !== game.who) gen_action_lord(lord) if (game.who !== NOBODY) { if (is_attacker()) { if (array[A1] === NOBODY) gen_action_array(A1) if (array[A2] === NOBODY) gen_action_array(A2) if (array[A3] === NOBODY) gen_action_array(A3) } else { if (array[D1] === NOBODY) gen_action_array(D1) if (array[D2] === NOBODY) gen_action_array(D2) if (array[D3] === NOBODY) gen_action_array(D3) } } }, lord(lord) { game.who = lord }, array(pos) { set_delete(game.battle.reserves, game.who) game.battle.array[pos] = game.who game.who = NOBODY goto_reposition_advance() }, } function can_reposition_center() { let array = game.battle.array if (is_attacker()) { if (array[A2] === NOBODY && (array[A1] !== NOBODY || array[A3] !== NOBODY)) return true } else { if (array[D2] === NOBODY && (array[D1] !== NOBODY || array[D3] !== NOBODY)) return true } return false } states.reposition_center = { inactive: "Reposition", prompt() { view.prompt = "Reposition: Slide to Center." let array = game.battle.array if (is_attacker()) { if (array[A2] === NOBODY) { if (array[A1] !== NOBODY) gen_action_lord(game.battle.array[A1]) if (array[A3] !== NOBODY) gen_action_lord(game.battle.array[A3]) } } else { if (array[D2] === NOBODY) { if (array[D1] !== NOBODY) gen_action_lord(game.battle.array[D1]) if (array[D3] !== NOBODY) gen_action_lord(game.battle.array[D3]) } } if (game.who !== NOBODY) { let from = get_lord_array_position(game.who) if (from === A1 || from === A3) gen_action_array(A2) if (from === D1 || from === D3) gen_action_array(D2) } }, lord(lord) { game.who = lord }, array(pos) { let from = get_lord_array_position(game.who) slide_array(from, pos) game.who = NOBODY goto_reposition_center() }, } // === 4.4.2 BATTLE ROUNDS: ENGAGE / STRIKE === function determine_engagements() { let center = [ A2, D2 ] let engagements = [ [ A1, D1 ], [ A3, D3 ], ] let results = [] for (let x = 0; x < engagements.length; x++) { let e = engagements[x] if (filled(e[0]) && filled(e[1])) { results.push(e) } else if (filled(e[0])) { set_add(center, e[0]) } else if (filled(e[1])) { set_add(center, e[1]) } } results.unshift(center) return results } function goto_first_engagement() { game.battle.step = 0 game.battle.engagements = determine_engagements() goto_engagement() } function goto_next_step() { let end = 2 game.battle.step++ if (game.battle.step >= end) end_engagement() else goto_engagement() } function goto_engagement() { if (is_battle_over()) { end_battle_round() return } log_h5(battle_steps[game.battle.step].name) // Generate hits game.battle.ah = [ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ] for (let pos of battle_strike_positions) { let lord = game.battle.array[pos] if (lord !== NOBODY) { let hits = count_lord_hits(lord) game.battle.ah[pos] = hits } } resume_engagement() } function find_engagement_index(pos) { return game.battle.engagements.findIndex(e => e.includes(pos)) } function end_engagement() { game.battle.engagements.shift() if (game.battle.engagements.length > 0) { game.battle.step = 0 goto_engagement() } else { goto_end_battle_round() } } states.select_engagement = { inactive: "Select Engagment", prompt() { view.prompt = `Select the next engagement to resolve.` for (let pos of battle_strike_positions) { if (has_strike(pos)) { let lord = game.battle.array[pos] if (is_friendly_lord(lord)) gen_action_lord(lord) } } }, lord(lord) { let idx = find_engagement_index(get_lord_array_position(lord)) let eng = game.battle.engagements[idx] array_remove(game.battle.engagements, idx) game.battle.engagements.unshift(eng) set_active_defender() if (game.battle.round === 1 && is_archery_step()) { goto_culverins() } else { goto_engagement_total_hits() } }, } function resume_engagement() { if (game.battle.engagements.length === 1 || is_melee_step()) { if (game.battle.round === 1 && is_archery_step()) { goto_culverins() } else { goto_engagement_total_hits() } // only one engagement, so no choices on order } else { set_active_attacker() game.state = "select_engagement" } } // === 4.4.2 BATTLE ROUNDS: TOTAL HITS (ROUND UP) === // for each battle step: // generate strikes for each lord // while strikes remain: // create list of strike groups (choose left/right both rows) // select strike group // create target group (choose if sally) // total strikes and roll for walls // while hits remain: // assign hit to unit in target group // if lord routs: // forget choice of left/right strike group in current row // create new target group (choose if left/right/sally) function goto_engagement_total_hits() { let ahits = 0 let dhits = 0 for (let pos of game.battle.engagements[0]) { if (pos === A1 || pos === A2 || pos === A3) { ahits += game.battle.ah[pos] if (game.battle.attacker_artillery > 0) { ahits += game.battle.attacker_artillery } } else { dhits += game.battle.ah[pos] if (game.battle.defender_artillery > 0) { dhits += game.battle.defender_artillery } } } if (ahits & 1) ahits = (ahits >> 1) + 1 else ahits = ahits >> 1 if (dhits & 1) dhits = (dhits >> 1) + 1 else dhits = dhits >> 1 game.battle.ahits = ahits game.battle.dhits = dhits log_br() log_hits(game.battle.ahits, "Hit") game.battle.target = null goto_defender_assign_hits() } function continue_engagement() { for (let pos of battle_strike_positions) { let lord = game.battle.array[pos] if (lord !== NOBODY) if (will_lord_rout(lord)) rout_lord(lord) } end_assign_hits() } function log_hits(total, name) { if (total === 1) logi(`${total} ${name}`) else if (total > 1) logi(`${total} ${name}s`) else logi(`No ${name}s`) } // === 4.4.2 BATTLE ROUNDS: APPLY HITS / PROTECTION / ROLL BY HIT / ROUT === function goto_defender_assign_hits() { set_active_defender() if (game.battle.ahits === 0) return end_defender_assign_hits() if (no_remaining_targets()) return end_defender_assign_hits() goto_assign_hits() } function goto_assign_hits() { game.state = "assign_hits" if (game.battle.target === null) { let targets: Lord[] = [] for (let pos of game.battle.engagements[0]) { let lord = game.battle.array[pos] if (is_friendly_lord(lord)) { targets.push(pos) } } game.battle.target = targets } } function end_defender_assign_hits() { log_hits(game.battle.dhits, "Hit") game.battle.target = null goto_attacker_assign_hits() } function no_remaining_targets() { for (let pos of game.battle.engagements[0]) { let lord = game.battle.array[pos] if (is_friendly_lord(lord)) if (lord_has_unrouted_units(lord)) return false } return true } function goto_attacker_assign_hits() { set_active_attacker() if (game.battle.dhits === 0) return end_attacker_assign_hits() if (no_remaining_targets()) return end_attacker_assign_hits() goto_assign_hits() } function end_attacker_assign_hits() { continue_engagement() } function end_assign_hits() { for (let pos of game.battle.engagements[0]) { game.battle.ah[pos] = 0 } game.battle.target = null game.battle.ahits = 0 game.battle.dhits = 0 goto_next_step() } function for_each_target(fn) { for (let target of game.battle.target) { fn(game.battle.array[target]) } } function prompt_hit_forces() { for_each_target(lord => { if (get_lord_forces(lord, RETINUE) > 0) gen_action_retinue(lord) if (get_lord_forces(lord, BURGUNDIANS) > 0) gen_action_burgundians(lord) if (get_lord_forces(lord, MERCENARIES) > 0) gen_action_mercenaries(lord) if (get_lord_forces(lord, LONGBOWMEN) > 0) gen_action_longbowmen(lord) if (get_lord_forces(lord, MEN_AT_ARMS) > 0) gen_action_men_at_arms(lord) if (get_lord_forces(lord, MILITIA) > 0) gen_action_militia(lord) for_each_vassal_with_lord(lord, v => { if (!set_has(game.battle.routed_vassals, v)) gen_action_vassal(v) }) }) } states.assign_hits = { get inactive() { return format_strike_step() + " \u2014 Assign " + format_hits() }, prompt() { view.prompt = `${format_strike_step()}: Assign ${format_hits()} to units.` prompt_hit_forces() }, retinue(lord) { if ((lord === LORD_MARGARET) && (lord_has_capability(lord, AOW_LANCASTER_YEOMEN_OF_THE_CROWN)) && get_lord_forces(lord, MEN_AT_ARMS) > 0) action_assign_hits(lord, MEN_AT_ARMS) else action_assign_hits(lord, RETINUE) }, burgundians(lord) { action_assign_hits(lord, BURGUNDIANS) }, mercenaries(lord) { action_assign_hits(lord, MERCENARIES) }, longbowmen(lord) { action_assign_hits(lord, LONGBOWMEN) }, men_at_arms(lord) { action_assign_hits(lord, MEN_AT_ARMS) }, militia(lord) { action_assign_hits(lord, MILITIA) }, vassal(vassal) { let lord = get_vassal_lord(vassal) action_assign_hits(lord, VASSAL, vassal) }, } function rout_lord(lord: Lord) { log(`L${lord} Routed.`) let pos = get_lord_array_position(lord) // Remove from battle array game.battle.array[pos] = NOBODY set_add(game.battle.routed, lord) } function lord_has_unrouted_troops(lord: Lord) { // Don't check here for Retinue or Vassals. for (let x of simple_force_type) { if (get_lord_forces(lord, x) > 0) return true } return false } function lord_has_routed_troops(lord: Lord) { // Don't check here for Retinue or Vassals. for (let x of simple_force_type) { if (get_lord_routed_forces(lord, x) > 0) return true } return false } function will_lord_rout(lord: Lord) { if (get_lord_routed_forces(lord, RETINUE) > 0) return true if (!lord_has_unrouted_troops(lord)) return true return false } function rout_unit(lord: Lord, type: Force, v: Vassal = NOVASSAL) { if (type === VASSAL) { rout_vassal(lord, v) } else { add_lord_forces(lord, type, -1) add_lord_routed_forces(lord, type, 1) } } function assign_hit_roll(what, prot, extra) { let die = roll_die() if (die <= prot) { logi(`${what} ${range(prot)}: ${MISS[die]}${extra}`) return false } else { logi(`${what} ${range(prot)}: ${HIT[die]}${extra}`) return true } } function get_lord_remaining_valour(lord: Lord): number { return game.battle.valour[lord] } function spend_valour(lord: Lord) { game.battle.valour[lord] = game.battle.valour[lord] - 1 } function check_protection_capabilities(protection) { if (game.battle.force === MEN_AT_ARMS || game.battle.force === MILITIA) { if (lord_has_capability(game.who, AOW_LANCASTER_PIQUIERS) && (get_lord_routed_forces(game.who, MILITIA) + get_lord_routed_forces(game.who, MEN_AT_ARMS) < 3)) { protection = 4 } } if (game.battle.force === MEN_AT_ARMS) { if (lord_has_capability(game.who, AOW_LANCASTER_CHURCH_BLESSINGS)) { protection += 1 } } if (game.battle.force === RETINUE) { if (lord_has_capability(game.who, AOW_LANCASTER_MONTAGU)) protection += 1 } if ((game.battle.force === RETINUE || game.battle.force === VASSAL) && is_archery_step()) { if (lord_has_capability(game.who, AOW_LANCASTER_BARDED_HORSE)) protection -= 1 } if ((game.battle.force === RETINUE || game.battle.force === VASSAL) && is_melee_step()) { if (lord_has_capability(game.who, AOW_LANCASTER_BARDED_HORSE)) protection += 1 } if (game.battle.force === MEN_AT_ARMS) { if (lord_has_capability(game.who, AOW_YORK_BARRICADES) && has_favoury_marker(game.battle.where)) protection += 1 } if (game.battle.force === MEN_AT_ARMS) { if (lord_has_capability(game.who, AOW_LANCASTER_CHEVALIERS) && is_archery_step()) { protection -= 1 } } if (game.battle.force === MILITIA || game.battle.force === LONGBOWMEN) { if (lord_has_capability(game.who, AOW_YORK_BARRICADES) && has_favoury_marker(game.battle.where)) protection += 1 } return protection } function action_assign_hits(lord: Lord, type: Force, v=NOVASSAL) { if (game.who !== lord) { game.who = lord log(`L${lord}`) } let protection = check_protection_capabilities(FORCE_PROTECTION[type]) let extra = "" if (assign_hit_roll(get_force_name(lord, type, v), protection, extra)) { if (get_lord_remaining_valour(lord) > 0) { game.state = "spend_valour" game.battle.force = type if (type === VASSAL) game.vassal = v } else { rout_unit(lord, type, v) // Swift Maneuver event if (is_swift_maneuver_in_play() && type === RETINUE) { set_active_enemy() game.state = "swift_maneuver" return } finish_action_assign_hits(lord) } } else { finish_action_assign_hits(lord) } } function finish_action_assign_hits(lord: Lord) { if (game.battle.ahits) game.battle.ahits-- else game.battle.dhits-- if (!lord_has_unrouted_units(lord)) { game.battle.target = null } if (game.active === game.battle.attacker) goto_attacker_assign_hits() else goto_defender_assign_hits() } states.spend_valour = { inactive: "Spend Valour", prompt() { view.prompt = `Spend Valour: Reroll Hit on ${get_force_name(game.who, game.battle.force, game.vassal)}?` view.actions.valour = 1 view.actions.pass = 1 }, pass() { rout_unit(game.who, game.battle.force, game.vassal) finish_action_assign_hits(game.who) }, valour() { let protection = check_protection_capabilities(FORCE_PROTECTION[game.battle.force]) spend_valour(game.who) log(`Reroll:`) if (assign_hit_roll(get_force_name(game.who, game.battle.force, game.vassal), protection, "")) { rout_unit(game.who, game.battle.force, game.vassal) finish_action_assign_hits(game.who) } else { finish_action_assign_hits(game.who) } }, } // === 4.4.2 BATTLE ROUNDS: NEW ROUND === function goto_end_battle_round() { end_battle_round() } function end_battle_round() { game.battle.ravine = NOBODY let attacker_loser = null set_active_attacker() if (has_no_unrouted_forces()) { attacker_loser = game.active } let defender_loser = null set_active_defender() if (has_no_unrouted_forces()) { defender_loser = game.active } if (attacker_loser !== null || defender_loser !== null) { if (attacker_loser === null) game.battle.loser = defender_loser else if (defender_loser === null) game.battle.loser = attacker_loser else game.battle.loser = BOTH end_battle() return } game.battle.round++ // TODO: goto_battle_rounds() instead? set_active_defender() goto_flee() } // === 4.4.3 ENDING THE BATTLE === // Ending the Battle - optimized from rules as written // Loser retreat / withdraw / remove // Loser losses // Loser service // Victor losses // Victor spoils function set_active_loser() { set_active(game.battle.loser) } function set_active_victor() { if (game.battle.loser === YORK) set_active(LANCASTER) else set_active(YORK) } function end_battle() { if (game.battle.loser === BOTH) log_h4(`Both Sides Lost`) else log_h4(`${game.battle.loser} Lost`) game.battle.array = null game.battle.caltrops = NOBODY goto_battle_influence() } function has_defeated_lords() { for (let lord of game.battle.fled) if (is_friendly_lord(lord)) return true for (let lord of game.battle.routed) if (is_friendly_lord(lord)) return true return false } // === 4.4.3 ENDING THE BATTLE: INFLUENCE === function goto_battle_influence() { if (game.battle.loser !== BOTH) { set_active_loser() let influence = 0 for (let lord of game.battle.fled) if (is_friendly_lord(lord)) influence += data.lords[lord].influence + count_vassals_with_lord(lord) for (let lord of game.battle.routed) if (is_friendly_lord(lord)) influence += data.lords[lord].influence + count_vassals_with_lord(lord) reduce_influence(influence) goto_battle_spoils() } else { goto_death_or_disband() } } // === 4.4.3 ENDING THE BATTLE: LOSSES === function has_battle_losses() { for (let lord of all_friendly_lords()) if (lord_has_routed_troops(lord)) return true return false } function goto_battle_losses_victor() { set_active_victor() game.who = NOBODY if (has_battle_losses()) log_h4(`${game.active} Losses`) resume_battle_losses() } function resume_battle_losses() { game.state = "battle_losses" if (!has_battle_losses()) goto_death_or_disband() } function action_losses(lord: Lord, type: Force) { let protection = FORCE_PROTECTION[type] if (game.who !== lord) { log(`L${lord}`) game.who = lord } let die = roll_die() if (die <= protection) { logi(`${get_force_name(lord, type)} ${range(protection)}: ${MISS[die]}`) add_lord_routed_forces(lord, type, -1) add_lord_forces(lord, type, 1) } else { logi(`${get_force_name(lord, type)} ${range(protection)}: ${HIT[die]}`) add_lord_routed_forces(lord, type, -1) } resume_battle_losses() } states.battle_losses = { inactive: "Losses", prompt() { let done = true view.prompt = "Losses: Determine the fate of your Routed units." for (let lord of all_friendly_lords()) { if (is_lord_on_map(lord) && lord_has_routed_troops(lord)) { if (get_lord_routed_forces(lord, MERCENARIES) > 0) gen_action_routed_mercenaries(lord) if (get_lord_routed_forces(lord, LONGBOWMEN) > 0) gen_action_routed_longbowmen(lord) if (get_lord_routed_forces(lord, BURGUNDIANS) > 0) gen_action_routed_burgundians(lord) if (get_lord_routed_forces(lord, MEN_AT_ARMS) > 0) gen_action_routed_men_at_arms(lord) if (get_lord_routed_forces(lord, MILITIA) > 0) gen_action_routed_militia(lord) done = false } } if (done) { view.actions.done = 1 } }, routed_mercenaries(lord: Lord) { action_losses(lord, MERCENARIES) }, routed_longbowmen(lord: Lord) { action_losses(lord, LONGBOWMEN) }, routed_burgundians(lord: Lord) { action_losses(lord, BURGUNDIANS) }, routed_men_at_arms(lord: Lord) { action_losses(lord, MEN_AT_ARMS) }, routed_militia(lord: Lord) { action_losses(lord, MILITIA) }, done() { goto_death_or_disband() }, } // === 4.4.3 ENDING THE BATTLE: SPOILS === function log_spoils() { if (game.spoils[PROV] > 0) logi(game.spoils[PROV] + " Provender") if (game.spoils[CART] > 0) logi(game.spoils[CART] + " Cart") } function calculate_spoils() { let n_prov = 0 let n_cart = 0 if (has_favour_in_locale(game.battle.loser, game.battle.where)) return for (let lord of game.battle.fled) { if (is_enemy_lord(lord)) { n_prov += get_lord_assets(lord, PROV) n_cart += get_lord_assets(lord, CART) } } for (let lord of game.battle.routed) { if (is_enemy_lord(lord)) { n_prov += get_lord_assets(lord, PROV) n_cart += get_lord_assets(lord, CART) } } if (is_neutral_locale(game.battle.where)) { n_prov = Math.ceil(n_prov / 2) n_cart = Math.ceil(n_cart / 2) } add_spoils(PROV, n_prov) add_spoils(CART, n_cart) } function find_lone_victor() { let found = NOBODY for (let pos of battle_strike_positions) { let lord = game.battle.array[pos] if (is_friendly_lord(lord)) { if (found !== NOBODY) return NOBODY found = lord } } return found } function goto_battle_spoils() { set_active_victor() // determine Battle Spoils calculate_spoils() if (has_any_spoils() && has_friendly_lord(game.battle.where)) { log_h4("Spoils") log_spoils() game.state = "battle_spoils" game.who = find_lone_victor() } else { end_battle_spoils() } } function end_battle_spoils() { game.who = NOBODY delete game.spoils goto_battle_losses_victor() } states.battle_spoils = { inactive: "Spoils", prompt() { if (has_any_spoils()) { view.prompt = "Spoils: Divide " + list_spoils() + "." let here = game.battle.where for (let lord of all_friendly_lords()) if (get_lord_locale(lord) === here) prompt_select_lord(lord) if (game.who !== NOBODY) prompt_spoils() } else { view.prompt = "Spoils: All done." view.actions.end_spoils = 1 } }, lord: action_select_lord, take_prov() { push_undo_without_who() take_spoils(PROV) }, take_cart() { push_undo_without_who() take_spoils(CART) }, end_spoils() { end_battle_spoils() }, } // === 4.4.3 ENDING THE BATTLE: DEATH CHECK AND DISBAND === function goto_death_or_disband() { remove_battle_capability_troops() if (has_defeated_lords()) { if (game.battle.loser === LANCASTER && lord_has_capability(LORD_RICHARD_III, AOW_YORK_BLOODY_THOU_ART) && get_lord_locale(LORD_RICHARD_III) === game.battle.where) { game.flags.bloody = 1 } game.state = "death_check" } else end_death_or_disband() } function end_death_or_disband() { set_active_enemy() if (has_defeated_lords()) { goto_death_or_disband() } else { goto_battle_aftermath() } } function prompt_held_event_at_death_check() { // both attacker and defender events if (game.active === LANCASTER) { if (can_play_escape_ship()) gen_action_card_if_held(EVENT_LANCASTER_ESCAPE_SHIP) if (can_play_warden_of_the_marches()) gen_action_card_if_held(EVENT_LANCASTER_WARDEN_OF_THE_MARCHES) if (can_play_talbot_to_the_rescue()) gen_action_card_if_held(EVENT_LANCASTER_TALBOT_TO_THE_RESCUE) } if (game.active === YORK) { if (can_play_escape_ship()) for (let c of EVENT_YORK_ESCAPE_SHIP) gen_action_card_if_held(c) } } function action_held_event_at_death_check(c: Card) { push_undo() play_held_event(c) switch (c) { // Play upon Death Check case EVENT_YORK_ESCAPE_SHIP[0]: case EVENT_YORK_ESCAPE_SHIP[1]: case EVENT_LANCASTER_ESCAPE_SHIP: goto_play_escape_ship() break case EVENT_LANCASTER_TALBOT_TO_THE_RESCUE: goto_play_talbot_to_the_rescue() break case EVENT_LANCASTER_WARDEN_OF_THE_MARCHES: goto_play_warden_of_the_marches() break } } states.death_check = { inactive: "Death or Disband", prompt() { view.prompt = `Death or Disband: Select lords to roll for Death or Disband.` prompt_held_event_at_death_check() let done = true for (let lord of game.battle.fled) { if (is_friendly_lord(lord)) { gen_action_lord(lord) done = false } } for (let lord of game.battle.routed) { if (is_friendly_lord(lord)) { gen_action_lord(lord) done = false } } if (game.flags.warden_of_the_marches && game.active === LANCASTER) { done = true } if (done) { view.actions.done = 1 } }, lord(lord) { let threshold = 2 let modifier = 0 // CAPABILITY: BLOODY THOU ART, BLOODY WILL BE THE END if (is_lancaster_lord(lord) && game.flags.bloody === 1) { logcap(AOW_YORK_BLOODY_THOU_ART) disband_lord(lord, true) set_delete(game.battle.fled, lord) set_delete(game.battle.routed, lord) } else { let roll = roll_die() if (set_has(game.battle.fled, lord)) modifier = -2 let success = threshold >= roll + modifier log(`Lord ${lord_name[lord]} ${success ? "Survived" : "Died"}: (${range(2)}) ${success ? HIT[roll] : MISS[roll]} ${modifier < 0 ? "(-2 Fled)" : ""}`) disband_lord(lord, !success) set_delete(game.battle.fled, lord) set_delete(game.battle.routed, lord) } }, done() { end_death_or_disband() }, card: action_held_event_at_death_check, } // === DEATH CHECK EVENT: ESCAPE SHIP === function can_play_escape_ship() { return can_escape_at(game.battle.where) } function can_escape_at(here: Locale) { if (game.active === YORK && has_favoury_marker(here) && is_seaport(here)) return true if (game.active === LANCASTER && has_favourl_marker(here) && is_seaport(here)) return true if (search_escape_route(here)) return true return false } function search_escape_route(start: Locale) { search_seen.fill(0) search_seen[start] = 1 let queue = [start] while (queue.length > 0) { let here = queue.shift() // Check if the current locale is a seaport if (is_seaport(here)) { return true } if (is_friendly_locale(here)) { for (let next of data.locales[here].adjacent) { if (!search_seen[next]) { search_seen[next] = 1 queue.push(next) } } } } return false } function goto_play_escape_ship() { game.state = "escape_ship" game.who = NOBODY } states.escape_ship = { inactive: `Escape ship`, prompt() { view.prompt = "Escape Ship: Your lords go to Exile." view.actions.done = 1 }, done() { push_undo() for (let lord of game.battle.fled) { log(`${lord_name[lord]} went to exile.`) exile_lord(lord) set_delete(game.battle.fled, lord) } for (let lord of game.battle.routed) { log(`${lord_name[lord]} went to exile.`) exile_lord(lord) set_delete(game.battle.routed, lord) } game.state = "death_check" }, } // === DEATH CHECK EVENT: TALBOT TO THE RESCUE === function can_play_talbot_to_the_rescue() { return true } function goto_play_talbot_to_the_rescue() { throw "TODO" } // === DEATH CHECK EVENT: WARDEN OF THE MARCHES === function can_play_warden_of_the_marches() { // TODO : Maybe a bug with blocked ford/exile ? let can_play = false for (let loc of all_locales) { if (is_friendly_locale(loc) && is_north(loc) && loc !== game.battle.where) { can_play = true } } if (!can_play) { return false } // if blocked ford then flee if (is_north(game.where)) // XXX BLOCKED FORD? return true // if battle if (is_north(game.battle.where)) return true return false } function goto_play_warden_of_the_marches() { push_undo() game.state = "warden_of_the_marches" } states.warden_of_the_marches = { inactive: "Warden of the Marches", prompt() { let done = true view.prompt = "Warden of the Marches: Select a friendly locale in the North to move routed lords there" for (let loc of all_locales) { if (is_friendly_locale(loc) && is_north(loc) && loc !== game.battle.where) { done = false gen_action_locale(loc) } } if (done) { view.actions.done = 1 } }, locale(loc) { push_undo() for (let lord of all_lancaster_lords) { if (get_lord_locale(lord) === game.battle.where) { set_lord_locale(lord, loc) if (!lord_has_unrouted_troops(lord)) { disband_lord(lord, false) } else { set_lord_forces(lord, RETINUE, 1) } for (let x of all_force_types) { set_lord_forces(lord, x, 0) if (get_lord_routed_forces(lord, x) > 0) { set_lord_routed_forces(lord, x, 0) } } for_each_vassal_with_lord(lord, v => { if (set_has(game.battle.routed_vassals, v)) { array_remove(game.battle.routed_vassals, v) disband_vassal(v) } }) } } logi(`Moved to ${data.locales[loc].name}`) end_warden_of_the_marches() }, done() { end_warden_of_the_marches() }, } function end_warden_of_the_marches() { game.flags.warden_of_the_marches = 1 game.who = NOBODY game.state = "death_check" } // === 4.4.4 ENDING THE BATTLE: AFTERMATH === function goto_battle_aftermath() { set_active(game.battle.attacker) // Routed Vassals get disbanded for (let lord of all_lords) { if (is_lord_on_map(lord)) { for_each_vassal_with_lord(lord, v => { if (set_has(game.battle.routed_vassals, v)) { array_remove(game.battle.routed_vassals, v) disband_vassal(v) } }) } } // Events discard_events("hold") // Recovery spend_all_actions() delete game.battle game.flags.bloody = 0 end_march() } // === 4.7 FEED === function can_feed_from_shared(lord: Lord) { let loc = get_lord_locale(lord) return get_shared_assets(loc, PROV) > 0 } function can_pay_from_shared(lord: Lord) { let loc = get_lord_locale(lord) return get_shared_assets(loc, COIN) > 0 } function has_friendly_lord_who_must_feed() { if (is_campaign_phase() && game.flags.supply_depot === 1 && game.active === LANCASTER) { game.flags.supply_depot = 0 logi(`No feed ${EVENT_LANCASTER_REBEL_SUPPLY_DEPOT}`) return false } for (let lord of all_friendly_lords()) if (is_lord_unfed(lord)) return true return false } function set_lord_feed_requirements() { // Count how much food each lord needs let n = 0 for (let lord of all_friendly_lords()) { if (get_lord_moved(lord)) { n = Math.ceil(count_lord_all_forces(lord) / 6) set_lord_unfed(lord, n) } else set_lord_unfed(lord, 0) } } function goto_feed() { log_br() set_lord_feed_requirements() if (has_friendly_lord_who_must_feed()) { push_state("feed") } else { // TODO: clean up transitions for End Command -> Feed and Disembark -> Feed if (game.state !== "disembark") goto_remove_markers() } } states.feed = { inactive: "Feed", prompt() { view.prompt = "Feed: You must Feed Lords who Moved or Fought." let done = true // Feed from own mat if (done) { for (let lord of all_friendly_lords()) { if (is_lord_unfed(lord)) { if (get_lord_assets(lord, PROV) > 0) { gen_action_prov(lord) done = false } } } } // Sharing if (done) { view.prompt = "Feed: You must Feed Lords with Shared Loot or Provender." for (let lord of all_friendly_lords()) { if (is_lord_unfed(lord) && can_feed_from_shared(lord)) { gen_action_lord(lord) done = false } } } // Unfed if (done) { view.prompt = `Feed: You must pillage to feed your troops.` for (let lord of all_friendly_lords()) { if (is_lord_unfed(lord)) { view.actions.pillage = 1 done = false } } } // All done! if (done) { view.prompt = "Feed: All done." view.actions.end_feed = 1 } }, prov(lord) { push_undo() add_lord_assets(lord, PROV, -1) feed_lord(lord) }, lord(lord) { push_undo() game.who = lord game.state = "feed_lord_shared" }, pillage() { push_undo() set_lord_feed_requirements() goto_pillage_food() }, end_feed() { push_undo() end_feed() }, } function resume_feed_lord_shared() { if (!is_lord_unfed(game.who) || !can_feed_from_shared(game.who)) { game.who = NOBODY game.state = "feed" } } states.feed_lord_shared = { inactive: "Feed", prompt() { view.prompt = `Feed: You must Feed ${lord_name[game.who]} with Shared Loot or Provender.` let loc = get_lord_locale(game.who) for (let lord of all_friendly_lords()) { if (get_lord_locale(lord) === loc) { if (get_lord_assets(lord, PROV) > 0) gen_action_prov(lord) } } }, prov(lord) { push_undo() add_lord_assets(lord, PROV, -1) feed_lord(game.who) resume_feed_lord_shared() }, } function end_feed() { pop_state() // TODO: clean up transitions for End Command -> Feed and Disembark -> Feed if (game.state !== "disembark") goto_remove_markers() } // === 4.7 FEED: REMOVE MARKERS === function goto_remove_markers() { clear_lords_moved() goto_command_activation() } // === 4.8 END CAMPAIGN === function goto_end_campaign() { log_h1("End Campaign") set_active(P1) goto_tides_of_war() } // === 4.8.1 END CAMPAIGN: TIDES OF WAR === function tides_calc() { log_h3(`Tides of War`) let town = 0 let cities = 0 let fortress = 0 let domy = 0 let doml = 0 let domnl = 0 let domny = 0 let domsl = 0 let domsy = 0 let domwl = 0 let domwy = 0 let prenl = 0 let preny = 0 let presl = 0 let presy = 0 let prewl = 0 let prewy = 0 let prel = 0 let prey = 0 // DOMINATION CALC for (let x of all_north_locales) { if (has_favourl_marker(x)) { domnl += 1 } if (has_favoury_marker(x)) { domny += 1 } } for (let x of all_south_locales) { if (has_favourl_marker(x)) { domsl += 1 } if (has_favoury_marker(x)) { domsy += 1 } } for (let x of all_wales_locales) { if (has_favourl_marker(x)) { domwl += 1 } if (has_favoury_marker(x)) { domwy += 1 } } // SPECIAL LOCALES if (has_favourl_marker(LOC_LONDON)) { log(`London control 2 Influence for Lancaster`) doml += 2 } if (has_favoury_marker(LOC_LONDON)) { log(`London control 2 Influence for York`) domy += 2 } if (has_favourl_marker(LOC_CALAIS)) { log(`Calais control 2 Influence for Lancastrians`) doml += 2 } if (has_favoury_marker(LOC_CALAIS)) { log(`Calais control 2 Influence for York`) domy += 2 } if (has_favourl_marker(LOC_HARLECH)) { log(`Harlech control 1 Influence for Lancaster`) doml += 1 } if (has_favoury_marker(LOC_HARLECH)) { log(`Harlech control 1 Influence for York`) domy += 1 } for (let x of all_city_locales) { if (has_favourl_marker(x)) { cities -= 1 } if (has_favoury_marker(x)) { cities += 1 } } for (let x of all_town_locales) { if (has_favourl_marker(x)) { town -= 1 } if (has_favoury_marker(x)) { town += 1 } } for (let x of all_fortress_locales) { if (has_favourl_marker(x)) { fortress -= 1 } if (has_favoury_marker(x)) { fortress += 1 } } // DOMINATION CAPS // NORTH if (domnl === 6) { log(`North Domination 2 Influence for Lancaster`) doml += 2 } else if (domnl >= 3 && lord_has_capability(LORD_NORTHUMBERLAND_L, AOW_LANCASTER_NORTHMEN)) { log(`North Domination 2 Influence for Lancaster`) doml += 2 } if (domny === 6) { log(`North Domination 2 Influence for York`) domy += 2 } // SOUTH if (domsl === 9) { log(`South Domination 2 Influence for Lancaster`) doml += 2 } if (domsy === 9) { log(`South Domination 2 Influence for York`) domy += 2 } else if ( domsy >= 5 && (lord_has_capability(LORD_MARCH, AOW_YORK_SOUTHERNERS) || lord_has_capability(LORD_RUTLAND, AOW_YORK_SOUTHERNERS) || lord_has_capability(LORD_YORK, AOW_YORK_SOUTHERNERS)) ) { log(`South Domination 2 Influence for York`) domy += 2 } // WALES if (domwl === 5) { log(`Wales Domination 2 Influence for Lancaster`) doml += 2 } if (domwy === 5) { log(`Wales Domination 2 Influence for York`) domy += 2 } else if ( domwy >= 3 && (lord_has_capability(LORD_MARCH, AOW_YORK_WELSHMEN) || lord_has_capability(LORD_YORK, AOW_YORK_WELSHMEN)) ) { log(`Wales Domination 2 Influence for York`) domy += 2 } // LOCALES TUG OF WAR if (cities >= 1) { log(`Most Cities 2 Influence for York`) domy += 2 } if (fortress >= 1) { log(`Most Fortresses 1 Influence for York`) domy += 1 } if (town >= 1) { log(`Most Towns 1 Influence for York`) domy += 1 } if (cities <= -1) { log(`Most Cities 2 Influence for Lancaster`) doml += 2 } if (fortress <= -1) { log(`Most Fortresses 1 Influence for Lancaster`) doml += 1 } if (town <= -1) { log(`Most Towns 1 Influence for Lancaster`) doml += 1 } // LORD PRESENCE for (let lord of all_lancaster_lords) { if (is_lord_on_map(lord)) { if (is_lord_in_north(lord)) { prenl = 1 } if (is_lord_in_south(lord)) { presl = 1 } if (is_lord_in_wales(lord)) { prewl = 1 } } } for (let lord of all_york_lords) { if (is_lord_on_map(lord)) { if (is_lord_in_north(lord)) { preny = 1 } if (is_lord_in_south(lord)) { presy = 1 } if (is_lord_in_wales(lord)) { prewy = 1 } } } prel = prenl + presl + prewl prey = preny + presy + prewy log("Presence in Areas : " + prel + " for Lancaster") log("Presence in Areas : " + prey + " for Yorkists") domy += preny + presy + prewy doml += prenl + presl + prewl // CAPS EFFECT if ( lord_has_capability(LORD_HENRY_VI, AOW_LANCASTER_MARGARET) && get_lord_locale(LORD_HENRY_VI) !== LOC_LONDON && is_lord_on_map(LORD_HENRY_VI) ) { log(`Capability: Margaret 2 Influence for Lancaster`) doml += 2 } if ( lord_has_capability(LORD_EXETER_1, AOW_LANCASTER_COUNCIL_MEMBER) || lord_has_capability(LORD_EXETER_2, AOW_LANCASTER_COUNCIL_MEMBER) || lord_has_capability(LORD_SOMERSET_2, AOW_LANCASTER_COUNCIL_MEMBER) || lord_has_capability(LORD_SOMERSET_1, AOW_LANCASTER_COUNCIL_MEMBER) || lord_has_capability(LORD_BUCKINGHAM, AOW_LANCASTER_COUNCIL_MEMBER) ) { log(`Capability: Council Member 1 Influence for Lancaster`) doml += 1 } if (lord_has_capability(LORD_EDWARD_IV, AOW_YORK_FIRST_SON)) { log(`Capability: First Son 1 Influence for York`) domy += 1 } if (set_has(INFLUENCE_TURNS, current_turn())) { for (let y of all_york_lords) { if (is_lord_on_map(y)) { domy += data.lords[y].influence log(`Gain Lords Influence : Yorkists gain ${data.lords[y].influence} for ${data.lords[y].name}`) } } for (let l of all_lancaster_lords) { if (is_lord_on_map(l)) { doml += data.lords[l].influence log(`Gain Lords Influence : Lancastrians gain ${data.lords[l].influence} for ${data.lords[l].name}`) } } } log(`Total ` + domy + ` Influence for York`) log(`Total ` + doml + ` Influence for Lancaster`) game.influence += doml game.influence -= domy } function goto_tides_of_war() { if (lord_has_capability(LORD_BUCKINGHAM, AOW_LANCASTER_STAFFORD_ESTATES)) { add_lord_assets(LORD_BUCKINGHAM, COIN, 1) add_lord_assets(LORD_BUCKINGHAM, PROV, 1) } tides_calc() if (eligible_charity()) { goto_we_done_deeds_of_charity() } else goto_disembark() } // === 4.8.2 END CAMPAIGN: DISEMBARK === function has_lords_at_sea() { for (let x of all_friendly_lords()) { if (is_lord_at_sea(x)) return true } return false } function is_lord_at_sea(lord: Lord) { let here = get_lord_locale(lord) return here === LOC_NORTH_SEA || here === LOC_IRISH_SEA || here === LOC_ENGLISH_CHANNEL } function goto_disembark() { if (has_lords_at_sea()) { game.state = "disembark" } else { end_disembark() } } function end_disembark() { game.who = NOBODY set_active_enemy() if (has_lords_at_sea()) goto_disembark() else { set_active(P1) goto_victory_check() } } function do_disembark() { let roll = roll_die() let success = roll >= 5 log(`Disembark: (>4) ${success ? HIT[roll] : MISS[roll]}`) return success } function has_safe_ports(sea: Locale, lord: Lord) { for (let loc of find_ports(sea, lord)) if (!has_enemy_lord(loc)) return true return false } states.disembark = { inactive: "Disembark", prompt() { view.prompt = "Disembark your lords at sea." let done = true if (game.who === NOBODY) { for (let lord of all_friendly_lords()) { if (is_lord_at_sea(lord)) { gen_action_lord(lord) done = false } } } else { let sea = get_lord_locale(game.who) for (let loc of find_ports(sea, game.who)) if (!has_enemy_lord(loc)) gen_action_locale(loc) } if (done) { view.actions.done = 1 } }, lord(lord) { if (do_disembark()) { if (has_safe_ports(get_lord_locale(lord), lord)) { game.who = lord } else { no_safe_disembark(lord) } } else { shipwreck(lord) } }, locale(loc) { successful_disembark(game.who, loc) }, done() { end_disembark() }, } function successful_disembark(lord: Lord, loc: Locale) { set_lord_locale(lord, loc) set_lord_moved(lord, 1) levy_burgundians(lord) game.who = NOBODY goto_feed() } function shipwreck(lord: Lord) { disband_influence_penalty(lord) disband_lord(lord, true) } function no_safe_disembark(lord: Lord) { disband_lord(lord) } function disband_influence_penalty(lord: Lord) { let influence = data.lords[lord].influence for (let v of all_vassals) { if (is_vassal_mustered_with(v, lord)) { influence += 1 } } if (game.active === LANCASTER) game.influence -= influence else game.influence += influence } function goto_advance_campaign() { game.turn++ log_h1("Levy " + current_turn_name()) goto_levy_arts_of_war() } // === 4.8.3 END CAMPAIGN: VICTORY CHECK === function goto_victory_check() { if (!(check_scenario_end_victory() || check_campaign_victory() || check_threshold_victory())) { if (set_has(GROW_TURNS, current_turn())) { do_grow() } else if (set_has(WASTE_TURNS, current_turn())) { do_waste() } else { goto_reset() } } } // === 4.8.4 END CAMPAIGN: GROW === function do_grow() { log("Grow:") logi("Changing all Depleted locales to Normal.") logi("Changing all Exhausted locales to Depleted.") for (let x of all_locales) { refresh_locale(x) } goto_reset() } // === 4.8.5 END CAMPAIGN: WASTE === function do_waste() { log("Waste:") logi("Removing half of all lords provinder, carts, and ships.") logi("Resetting Lords Coin and Troops to initial values.") for (let x of all_lords) { if (is_lord_on_map(x)) { do_lord_waste(x) } } goto_reset() } function do_lord_waste(lord: Lord) { remove_half(lord, PROV) remove_half(lord, CART) remove_half(lord, SHIP) set_lord_assets(lord, COIN, data.lords[lord].assets.coin) muster_lord_forces(lord) } function remove_half(lord: Lord, type: Asset) { set_lord_assets(lord, type, Math.ceil(get_lord_assets(lord, type) / 2)) } // === 4.8.6 END CAMPAIGN: RESET (DISCARD ARTS OF WAR) === function goto_reset() { game.state = "reset" // Discard "This Campaign" events from play. discard_friendly_events("this_campaign") } states.reset = { inactive: "Reset", prompt() { view.prompt = "Reset: You may discard any held Arts of War cards desired." if (game.active === YORK) { for (let c of all_york_cards) { if (set_has(game.hand_y, c)) { gen_action_card(c) } } } if (game.active === LANCASTER) { for (let c of all_lancaster_cards) { if (set_has(game.hand_l, c)) { gen_action_card(c) } } } view.actions.end_discard = 1 }, card(c) { push_undo() if (set_has(game.hand_y, c)) { log("Discarded Held card.") set_delete(game.hand_y, c) } else if (set_has(game.hand_l, c)) { log("Discarded Held card.") set_delete(game.hand_l, c) } }, end_discard() { end_reset() }, } function end_reset() { set_active_enemy() if (game.active === P2) goto_reset() else goto_advance_campaign() } // === 5.1 CAMPAIGN VICTORY === function check_campaign_victory_york(inc_exiles = false) { for (let lord of all_lancaster_lords) if ( is_lord_on_map(lord) || (inc_exiles && get_lord_locale(lord) === CALENDAR + current_turn() + 1 && get_lord_in_exile(lord)) ) return false return true } function check_campaign_victory_lancaster(inc_exiles = false) { for (let lord of all_york_lords) if ( is_lord_on_map(lord) || (inc_exiles && get_lord_locale(lord) === CALENDAR + current_turn() + 1 && get_lord_in_exile(lord)) ) return false return true } function check_campaign_victory() { let york_v = check_campaign_victory_york(true) let lancaster_v = check_campaign_victory_lancaster(true) if (york_v && lancaster_v) { goto_game_over("Draw", "The game ended in a draw.") return true } else if (york_v) { goto_game_over(YORK, `${YORK} won a Campaign Victory!`) return true } else if (lancaster_v) { goto_game_over(LANCASTER, `${LANCASTER} won a Campaign Victory!`) return true } return false } function check_disband_victory() { let york_v = check_campaign_victory_york() let lancaster_v = check_campaign_victory_lancaster() if (york_v && lancaster_v) { goto_game_over("Draw", "The game ended in a draw.") return true } else if (york_v) { goto_game_over(YORK, `${YORK} won a Campaign Victory!`) return true } else if (lancaster_v) { goto_game_over(LANCASTER, `${LANCASTER} won a Campaign Victory!`) return true } return false } // === 5.2 THRESHOLD VICTORY === function check_threshold_victory() { // This needs to change to account for graduated victory thresholds in some scenarios. if (Math.abs(game.influence) > game.victory_check) { if (game.influence > 0) goto_game_over(LANCASTER, `${LANCASTER} won with ${game.influence} Influence.`) else goto_game_over(YORK, `${YORK} won with ${Math.abs(game.influence)} Influence.`) return true } return false } // === 5.3 SCENARIO END VICTORY === function check_scenario_end_victory() { if (current_turn() === scenario_last_turn[game.scenario]) { // Scenario End Victory if (game.influence === 0) goto_game_over("Draw", "The game ended in a draw.") else if (game.influence > 0) goto_game_over(LANCASTER, `${LANCASTER} won with ${game.influence} Influence.`) else goto_game_over(YORK, `${YORK} won with ${Math.abs(game.influence)} Influence.`) return true } return false } // === 6.0 SCENARIOS === exports.scenarios = [ "Ia. Henry VI", "Ib. Towton", "Ic. Somerset's Return", "II. Warwicks' Rebellion", "III. My Kingdom for a Horse", // TODO "I-III. Wars of the Roses", ] const scenario_last_turn = { "Ia. Henry VI": 15, "Ib. Towton": 2, "Ic. Somerset's Return": 8, "II. Warwicks' Rebellion": 15, "III. My Kingdom for a Horse": 15, "I-III. Wars of the Roses": 15, } function is_card_in_scenario(_c: Card) { // TODO: Cards setup return true } function muster_lord_forces(lord: Lord) { let info = data.lords[lord] set_lord_forces(lord, RETINUE, info.forces.retinue | 0) set_lord_forces(lord, MEN_AT_ARMS, info.forces.men_at_arms | 0) set_lord_forces(lord, LONGBOWMEN, info.forces.longbowmen | 0) set_lord_forces(lord, MILITIA, info.forces.militia | 0) } function muster_lord(lord: Lord, locale: Locale) { let info = data.lords[lord] set_lord_locale(lord, locale) set_lord_assets(lord, PROV, info.assets.prov | 0) set_lord_assets(lord, COIN, info.assets.coin | 0) set_lord_assets(lord, CART, info.assets.cart | 0) set_lord_assets(lord, SHIP, info.ships | 0) muster_lord_forces(lord) } exports.setup = function (seed, scenario, options) { game = { seed, scenario, hidden: options.hidden ? 1 : 0, log: [], undo: [], active: null, state: "setup_lords", stack: [], victory_check: 0, turn: 0, influence: 0, rebel: null, hand_y: [], hand_l: [], plan_y: [], plan_l: [], events: [], // this levy/this campaign cards pieces: { // per lord data locale: [], assets: [], forces: [], routed: [], capabilities: [], // TODO map card -> lord instead of lord+slot -> card moved: [], in_exile: 0, // per vassal data vassals: Array(vassal_count).fill(VASSAL_OUT_OF_PLAY), // per locale data depleted: [], exhausted: [], favourl: [], favoury: [], }, flags: { bloody: 0, burgundians: 0, commons_militia: 0, first_action: 0, first_march_highway: 0, free_levy: 0, free_parley_gloucester: 0, free_parley_henry: 0, jack_cade: 0, london_for_york: 0, loyalty_and_trust: 0, march_to_port: 0, naval_blockade: 0, parliament_votes: 0, sail_to_port: 0, succession: 0, supply_depot: 0, surprise_landing: 0, warden_of_the_marches: 0, }, command: NOBODY, actions: 0, group: null, intercept_group: null, who: NOBODY, other: NOBODY, where: NOWHERE, vassal: NOVASSAL, what: null, count: 0, } log_h1(scenario) switch (scenario) { default: case "Ia. Henry VI": setup_Ia() break case "Ib. Towton": setup_Ib() break case "Ic. Somerset's Return": setup_Ic() break case "II. Warwicks' Rebellion": setup_II() break case "III. My Kingdom for a Horse": setup_III() break case "I-III. Wars of the Roses": setup_ItoIII() break } update_aliases() goto_setup_lords() return game } function setup_Ia() { game.turn = 1 << 1 game.rebel = YORK game.active = YORK game.victory_check = 40 game.influence = 0 muster_lord(LORD_YORK, LOC_ELY) muster_lord(LORD_MARCH, LOC_LUDLOW) muster_lord(LORD_HENRY_VI, LOC_LONDON) muster_lord(LORD_SOMERSET_1, LOC_LONDON) set_lord_calendar(LORD_NORTHUMBERLAND_L, 2) set_lord_calendar(LORD_EXETER_1, 3) set_lord_calendar(LORD_BUCKINGHAM, 5) set_lord_calendar(LORD_SALISBURY, 2) set_lord_calendar(LORD_WARWICK_Y, 3) set_lord_calendar(LORD_RUTLAND, 5) add_favourl_marker(LOC_LONDON) add_favourl_marker(LOC_WELLS) add_favourl_marker(LOC_SCOTLAND) add_favourl_marker(LOC_FRANCE) add_favoury_marker(LOC_ELY) add_favoury_marker(LOC_LUDLOW) add_favoury_marker(LOC_BURGUNDY) add_favoury_marker(LOC_IRELAND) setup_vassals() } function setup_Ib() { game.turn = 1 << 1 game.rebel = YORK game.active = YORK game.victory_check = 45 game.influence = 0 muster_lord(LORD_NORFOLK, LOC_LONDON) muster_lord(LORD_WARWICK_Y, LOC_LONDON) muster_lord(LORD_MARCH, LOC_LUDLOW) muster_lord(LORD_EXETER_1, LOC_NEWCASTLE) muster_lord(LORD_SOMERSET_1, LOC_NEWCASTLE) muster_lord(LORD_NORTHUMBERLAND_L, LOC_CARLISLE) add_favourl_marker(LOC_ST_ALBANS) add_favourl_marker(LOC_SCARBOROUGH) add_favourl_marker(LOC_NEWCASTLE) add_favourl_marker(LOC_BAMBURGH) add_favourl_marker(LOC_HEXHAM) add_favourl_marker(LOC_APPLEBY) add_favourl_marker(LOC_CARLISLE) add_favourl_marker(LOC_SCOTLAND) add_favourl_marker(LOC_FRANCE) add_favoury_marker(LOC_LONDON) add_favoury_marker(LOC_CALAIS) add_favoury_marker(LOC_GLOUCESTER) add_favoury_marker(LOC_HEREFORD) add_favoury_marker(LOC_OXFORD) add_favoury_marker(LOC_SALISBURY) add_favoury_marker(LOC_WINCHESTER) add_favoury_marker(LOC_GUILDFORD) add_favoury_marker(LOC_ARUNDEL) add_favoury_marker(LOC_HASTINGS) add_favoury_marker(LOC_DOVER) add_favoury_marker(LOC_ROCHESTER) add_favoury_marker(LOC_CANTERBURY) add_favoury_marker(LOC_SOUTHAMPTON) add_favoury_marker(LOC_BURGUNDY) add_favoury_marker(LOC_IRELAND) setup_vassals([ VASSAL_FAUCONBERG, VASSAL_NORFOLK ]) muster_vassal(VASSAL_FAUCONBERG, LORD_MARCH) } function setup_Ic() { game.turn = 5 << 1 game.rebel = YORK game.active = YORK game.victory_check = 40 game.influence = 6 muster_lord(LORD_WARWICK_Y, LOC_LONDON) muster_lord(LORD_MARCH, LOC_LONDON) muster_lord(LORD_SOMERSET_1, LOC_BAMBURGH) set_lord_calendar(LORD_HENRY_VI, 5) add_favourl_marker(LOC_SCARBOROUGH) add_favourl_marker(LOC_NEWCASTLE) add_favourl_marker(LOC_BAMBURGH) add_favourl_marker(LOC_HEXHAM) add_favourl_marker(LOC_APPLEBY) add_favourl_marker(LOC_CARLISLE) add_favourl_marker(LOC_HARLECH) add_favourl_marker(LOC_PEMBROKE) add_favourl_marker(LOC_CARDIFF) add_favourl_marker(LOC_CHESTER) add_favourl_marker(LOC_LANCASTER) add_favourl_marker(LOC_SCOTLAND) add_favourl_marker(LOC_FRANCE) add_favoury_marker(LOC_LONDON) add_favoury_marker(LOC_CALAIS) add_favoury_marker(LOC_LUDLOW) add_favoury_marker(LOC_HEREFORD) add_favoury_marker(LOC_SALISBURY) add_favoury_marker(LOC_WINCHESTER) add_favoury_marker(LOC_GUILDFORD) add_favoury_marker(LOC_ARUNDEL) add_favoury_marker(LOC_HASTINGS) add_favoury_marker(LOC_DOVER) add_favoury_marker(LOC_ROCHESTER) add_favoury_marker(LOC_CANTERBURY) add_favoury_marker(LOC_SOUTHAMPTON) add_favoury_marker(LOC_BURGUNDY) add_favoury_marker(LOC_IRELAND) setup_vassals() } function setup_II() { game.turn = 1 << 1 game.rebel = LANCASTER game.active = LANCASTER game.victory_check = 40 game.influence = 0 muster_lord(LORD_EDWARD_IV, LOC_LONDON) muster_lord(LORD_PEMBROKE, LOC_PEMBROKE) muster_lord(LORD_WARWICK_L, LOC_CALAIS) muster_lord(LORD_CLARENCE, LOC_YORK) muster_lord(LORD_JASPER_TUDOR_1, LOC_HARLECH) set_lord_calendar(LORD_DEVON, 1) set_lord_calendar(LORD_GLOUCESTER_1, 9) set_lord_calendar(LORD_NORTHUMBERLAND_Y1, 9) set_lord_calendar(LORD_MARGARET, 9) set_lord_in_exile(LORD_MARGARET) set_lord_calendar(LORD_SOMERSET_2, 9) set_lord_in_exile(LORD_SOMERSET_2) set_lord_calendar(LORD_OXFORD, 9) set_lord_in_exile(LORD_OXFORD) set_lord_calendar(LORD_EXETER_2, 9) set_lord_in_exile(LORD_EXETER_2) add_favourl_marker(LOC_CALAIS) add_favourl_marker(LOC_YORK) add_favourl_marker(LOC_HARLECH) add_favourl_marker(LOC_COVENTRY) add_favourl_marker(LOC_WELLS) add_favourl_marker(LOC_FRANCE) add_favoury_marker(LOC_LONDON) add_favoury_marker(LOC_ELY) add_favoury_marker(LOC_LUDLOW) add_favoury_marker(LOC_CARLISLE) add_favoury_marker(LOC_PEMBROKE) add_favoury_marker(LOC_EXETER) add_favoury_marker(LOC_BURGUNDY) setup_vassals([ VASSAL_DEVON, VASSAL_OXFORD ]) // TODO: Add Foreign Haven rule // TODO: Add Skaky Allies rules } function setup_III() { game.turn = 1 << 1 game.rebel = LANCASTER game.active = LANCASTER game.victory_check = 40 game.influence = 0 muster_lord(LORD_RICHARD_III, LOC_LONDON) muster_lord(LORD_NORTHUMBERLAND_Y2, LOC_CARLISLE) muster_lord(LORD_NORFOLK, LOC_ARUNDEL) muster_lord(LORD_HENRY_TUDOR, LOC_FRANCE) muster_lord(LORD_JASPER_TUDOR_2, LOC_FRANCE) muster_lord(LORD_OXFORD, LOC_FRANCE) add_favourl_marker(LOC_FRANCE) add_favourl_marker(LOC_OXFORD) add_favourl_marker(LOC_HARLECH) add_favourl_marker(LOC_PEMBROKE) add_favoury_marker(LOC_BURGUNDY) add_favoury_marker(LOC_LONDON) add_favoury_marker(LOC_CALAIS) add_favoury_marker(LOC_CARLISLE) add_favoury_marker(LOC_ARUNDEL) add_favoury_marker(LOC_YORK) add_favoury_marker(LOC_GLOUCESTER) setup_vassals([ VASSAL_OXFORD, VASSAL_NORFOLK ]) } function setup_ItoIII() { game.turn = 1 << 1 game.rebel = YORK game.active = YORK game.victory_check = 45 game.influence = 0 muster_lord(LORD_YORK, LOC_ELY) muster_lord(LORD_MARCH, LOC_LUDLOW) muster_lord(LORD_HENRY_VI, LOC_LONDON) muster_lord(LORD_SOMERSET_1, LOC_WELLS) set_lord_calendar(LORD_NORTHUMBERLAND_L, 1) set_lord_calendar(LORD_EXETER_1, 3) set_lord_calendar(LORD_BUCKINGHAM, 5) set_lord_calendar(LORD_SALISBURY, 2) set_lord_calendar(LORD_WARWICK_Y, 3) set_lord_calendar(LORD_RUTLAND, 5) add_favourl_marker(LOC_LONDON) add_favourl_marker(LOC_WELLS) add_favourl_marker(LOC_SCOTLAND) add_favourl_marker(LOC_FRANCE) add_favoury_marker(LOC_ELY) add_favoury_marker(LOC_LUDLOW) add_favoury_marker(LOC_BURGUNDY) add_favoury_marker(LOC_IRELAND) setup_vassals() } // === 6.0 CAMPAIGN === /* function should_remove_Y28_event_card() { return game.scenario !== "I-III. Wars of the Roses" } function has_Y28_happened() { //TODO: Scenario IIY and IIL when Y28 happens. return false } function add_card_scenario(c) { // TODO: Add card in scenario } function remove_card_scenario(c) { //TODO: Remove card in scenario } function setup_II_Y() { game.turn = 1 << 1 game.scenario = "IIY. The Kingmaker" game.rebel = LANCASTER game.active = LANCASTER game.victory_check = 45 game.influence = 0 for (let lord of all_lords) { if (is_lord_in_play(lord)) { disband_lord(lord, false) } } for (let loc of all_locales) { remove_exhausted_marker(loc) remove_depleted_marker(loc) remove_favourl_marker(loc) remove_favoury_marker(loc) } discard_events("this_levy") discard_events("hold") discard_events("this_campaign") // Setup // Yorkist setup // TODO: Add cards Y1-Y13, Y25, Y26, Y27, Y29, Y30 if (is_lord_in_play(LORD_RUTLAND) && main_york_heir !== LORD_RUTLAND) { muster_lord(LORD_RUTLAND, LOC_CANTERBURY) add_favoury_marker(LOC_CANTERBURY) } set_lord_calendar(LORD_DEVON, 1) set_lord_calendar(LORD_GLOUCESTER_1, 9) set_lord_calendar(LORD_NORTHUMBERLAND_Y1, 9) if (main_york_heir === LORD_YORK) { muster_lord(LORD_YORK, LOC_CANTERBURY) add_favoury_marker(LOC_LONDON) if (is_lord_in_play(LORD_MARCH)) { muster_lord(LORD_MARCH, LOC_LUDLOW) } // TODO: Add cards Y14, Y18, Y19, Y20 } if (main_york_heir === LORD_MARCH) { muster_lord(LORD_EDWARD_IV, LOC_LONDON) // Removed because he can't appear in scenario III disband_lord(LORD_MARCH, true) // TODO: Add cards Y23, Y24, Y28, Y31 } if (main_york_heir === LORD_RUTLAND) { muster_lord(LORD_RUTLAND, LOC_LONDON) // TODO: Add cards Y20, Y21, Y28, Y35 } // If < 2 heirs, muster Pembroke if ((main_york_heir === LORD_RUTLAND || main_york_heir === LORD_GLOUCESTER_1) || (main_york_heir === LORD_EDWARD_IV && !is_lord_in_play(LORD_RUTLAND))) { muster_lord(LORD_PEMBROKE, LOC_PEMBROKE) } // Lancaster setup // TODO: Add cards L1-L3, L5-L13, L23, L24, L25, L29, L30, L36 if (main_lancaster_heir === LORD_HENRY_VI) { set_lord_calendar(LORD_HENRY_VI, 9) set_lord_in_exile(LORD_HENRY_VI) // TODO: Add L17, L18, L20, L21 } if (main_lancaster_heir === LORD_MARGARET) { set_lord_calendar(LORD_MARGARET, 9) set_lord_in_exile(LORD_MARGARET) // TODO: Add L27, L28, L31 + L26 Special rule } if (main_lancaster_heir === LORD_SOMERSET_1 || main_lancaster_heir === LORD_SOMERSET_2) { // TODO: Add cards L20, L21, L27 } if (is_lord_in_play(LORD_SOMERSET_1)) { set_lord_calendar(LORD_SOMERSET_1, 9) set_lord_in_exile(LORD_SOMERSET_1) } else if (is_lord_in_play(LORD_SOMERSET_2)) { set_lord_calendar(LORD_SOMERSET_2, 9) set_lord_in_exile(LORD_SOMERSET_2) } muster_lord(LORD_WARWICK_L, LOC_CALAIS) muster_lord(LORD_CLARENCE, LOC_YORK) muster_lord(LORD_JASPER_TUDOR_1, LOC_HARLECH) set_lord_calendar(LORD_OXFORD, 9) set_lord_in_exile(LORD_OXFORD) set_lord_calendar(LORD_EXETER_2, 9) set_lord_in_exile(LORD_EXETER_2) add_favourl_marker(LOC_CALAIS) add_favourl_marker(LOC_YORK) add_favourl_marker(LOC_HARLECH) add_favourl_marker(LOC_COVENTRY) add_favourl_marker(LOC_WELLS) add_favoury_marker(LOC_LONDON) add_favoury_marker(LOC_ELY) add_favoury_marker(LOC_LUDLOW) add_favoury_marker(LOC_CARLISLE) add_favoury_marker(LOC_PEMBROKE) add_favoury_marker(LOC_EXETER) // Exile box setup add_favourl_marker(LOC_FRANCE) add_favoury_marker(LOC_BURGUNDY) setup_vassals([ VASSAL_DEVON, VASSAL_OXFORD ]) // TODO: Add Foreign Haven rule // TODO: Add Skaky Allies rules // TODO: Natural causes rule } function setup_II_L() { game.turn = 1 << 1 game.scenario = "IIL. Lancastrian Legitimacy Fades" game.rebel = YORK game.active = YORK game.victory_check = 40 game.influence = 0 for (let lord of all_lords) { if (is_lord_in_play(lord)) { disband_lord(lord, false) } } for (let loc of all_locales) { remove_exhausted_marker(loc) remove_depleted_marker(loc) remove_favourl_marker(loc) remove_favoury_marker(loc) } discard_events("this_levy") discard_events("hold") discard_events("this_campaign") // Setup // Lancaster setup // TODO: Add cards L1-L3, L5-L13, L18, L19, L20, L21, L25, L29, L34 if (main_lancaster_heir === LORD_HENRY_VI) { muster_lord(LORD_HENRY_VI, LOC_LONDON) // TODO: Add L15, L17 if (is_lord_in_play(LORD_SOMERSET_1)) { muster_lord(LORD_SOMERSET_1, LOC_WELLS) } if (is_lord_in_play(LORD_SOMERSET_2)) { muster_lord(LORD_SOMERSET_2, LOC_WELLS) } } if (main_lancaster_heir === LORD_MARGARET) { set_lord_calendar(LORD_MARGARET, 1) // TODO: Add L27, L31 + L26 Special rule if (is_lord_in_play(LORD_SOMERSET_1)) { muster_lord(LORD_SOMERSET_1, LOC_WELLS) } if (is_lord_in_play(LORD_SOMERSET_2)) { muster_lord(LORD_SOMERSET_2, LOC_WELLS) } } if (main_lancaster_heir === LORD_SOMERSET_1 || main_lancaster_heir === LORD_SOMERSET_2) { // TODO: Add cards L16, L27 muster_lord(LORD_SOMERSET_1, LOC_LONDON) if (main_lancaster_heir === LORD_SOMERSET_2) { // Somerset 2 cylinder replaced by Somerset 1 cylinder disband_lord(LORD_SOMERSET_2, true) } } // Yorkist setup // TODO: Add cards Y1-Y13, Y15, Y16, Y17, Y22, Y28, Y29, Y31, Y34 if (main_york_heir === LORD_YORK) { set_lord_calendar(LORD_YORK, 7) set_lord_in_exile(LORD_YORK) // TODO: Add cards Y14, Y20 } if (main_york_heir === LORD_MARCH) { set_lord_calendar(LORD_MARCH, 7) set_lord_in_exile(LORD_MARCH) // TODO: Add cards Y20, 21 } if (main_york_heir === LORD_RUTLAND) { set_lord_calendar(LORD_MARCH, 7) // TODO: Add cards Y20, Y21 } if (main_york_heir === LORD_GLOUCESTER_1) { // TODO: Add cards Y25, Y30 } if (is_lord_in_play(LORD_MARCH) && main_york_heir !== LORD_MARCH) { set_lord_calendar(LORD_MARCH, 7) set_lord_in_exile(LORD_MARCH) } if (is_lord_in_play(LORD_RUTLAND) && main_york_heir !== LORD_RUTLAND) { set_lord_calendar(LORD_RUTLAND, 7) set_lord_in_exile(LORD_RUTLAND) } if (is_lord_in_play(LORD_GLOUCESTER_1) && main_york_heir !== LORD_GLOUCESTER_1) { set_lord_calendar(LORD_GLOUCESTER_1, 7) set_lord_in_exile(LORD_GLOUCESTER_1) } muster_lord(LORD_WARWICK_Y, LOC_CALAIS) muster_lord(LORD_SALISBURY, LOC_YORK) muster_lord(LORD_PEMBROKE, LOC_PEMBROKE) muster_lord(LORD_JASPER_TUDOR_1, LOC_HARLECH) set_lord_calendar(LORD_DEVON, 1) set_lord_calendar(LORD_OXFORD, 2) set_lord_calendar(LORD_EXETER_2, 2) set_lord_calendar(LORD_NORTHUMBERLAND_L, 8) add_favourl_marker(LOC_LONDON) add_favourl_marker(LOC_HARLECH) add_favourl_marker(LOC_OXFORD) add_favourl_marker(LOC_WELLS) add_favourl_marker(LOC_EXETER) add_favourl_marker(LOC_CARLISLE) add_favoury_marker(LOC_CALAIS) add_favoury_marker(LOC_YORK) add_favoury_marker(LOC_ELY) add_favoury_marker(LOC_LUDLOW) add_favoury_marker(LOC_PEMBROKE) // Exile box setup add_favourl_marker(LOC_FRANCE) add_favoury_marker(LOC_BURGUNDY) setup_vassals([ VASSAL_DEVON, VASSAL_OXFORD ]) // TODO: Add Foreign Haven rule // TODO: Add Shaky Allies rules // TODO: Natural causes rule } function setup_III_Y() { game.turn = 1 << 1 game.scenario = "IIIY. New Rivals" game.rebel = LANCASTER game.active = LANCASTER game.victory_check = 45 game.influence = 0 if (!is_lord_in_play(LORD_YORK)) { game.influence += 8 } if (!is_lord_in_play(LORD_MARCH) && !is_lord_in_play(LORD_EDWARD_IV)) { game.influence += 8 } if (!is_lord_in_play(LORD_RUTLAND)) { game.influence += 8 } if (!is_lord_in_play(LORD_GLOUCESTER_1) && !is_lord_in_play(LORD_GLOUCESTER_2) && !is_lord_in_play(LORD_RICHARD_III)) { game.influence += 8 } if (!is_lord_in_play(LORD_HENRY_VI)) { game.influence -= 8 } if (!is_lord_in_play(LORD_HENRY_VI) && !is_lord_in_play(LORD_MARGARET)) { game.influence -= 8 } if (!is_lord_in_play(LORD_SOMERSET_1)) { game.influence -= 8 } if (!is_lord_in_play(LORD_SOMERSET_1) && !is_lord_in_play(LORD_SOMERSET_2)) { game.influence -= 8 } for (let lord of all_lords) { if (is_lord_in_play(lord)) { disband_lord(lord, false) } } for (let loc of all_locales) { remove_exhausted_marker(loc) remove_depleted_marker(loc) remove_favourl_marker(loc) remove_favoury_marker(loc) } discard_events("this_levy") discard_events("hold") discard_events("this_campaign") // Yorkist Setup // TODO: Add Y1-Y13, Y36 if (has_Y28_happened()) { if (is_lord_in_play(LORD_RUTLAND) && (is_lord_in_play(LORD_GLOUCESTER_1) || is_lord_in_play(LORD_GLOUCESTER_2) || is_lord_in_play(LORD_RICHARD_III))) { // If Gloucester (any) and Rutland, Rutland dies disband_lord(LORD_RUTLAND, true) } } if (main_york_heir === LORD_RUTLAND && (!is_lord_in_play(LORD_GLOUCESTER_1) && !is_lord_in_play(LORD_GLOUCESTER_2))) { // If Rutland is lone heir, Rutland dies disband_lord(LORD_RUTLAND, true) //Warwick becomes king muster_lord(LORD_WARWICK_Y, LOC_LONDON) add_favoury_marker(LOC_LONDON) muster_lord(LORD_SALISBURY, LOC_YORK) add_favoury_marker(LOC_YORK) // TODO: Add Y16, Y17, Y22 } // If only 1 is alive if (main_york_heir === LORD_YORK && !is_lord_in_play(LORD_MARCH) && !is_lord_in_play(LORD_RUTLAND) && !is_lord_in_play(LORD_GLOUCESTER_1)) { muster_lord(LORD_NORTHUMBERLAND_Y2, LOC_CARLISLE) add_favoury_marker(LOC_CARLISLE) // TODO: Add Y37 } if ((main_york_heir === LORD_MARCH || main_york_heir === LORD_EDWARD_IV) && !is_lord_in_play(LORD_RUTLAND) && !is_lord_in_play(LORD_GLOUCESTER_1)) { muster_lord(LORD_NORTHUMBERLAND_Y2, LOC_CARLISLE) add_favoury_marker(LOC_CARLISLE) // TODO: Add Y37 } if (main_york_heir === LORD_GLOUCESTER_1 || main_york_heir === LORD_RICHARD_III) { muster_lord(LORD_NORTHUMBERLAND_Y2, LOC_CARLISLE) add_favoury_marker(LOC_CARLISLE) // TODO: Add Y37 } muster_lord(LORD_NORFOLK, LOC_ARUNDEL) add_favoury_marker(LOC_ARUNDEL) if (main_york_heir === LORD_YORK) { // TODO: Add Y14, Y21 if (is_lord_in_play(LORD_MARCH)) { muster_lord(LORD_MARCH, LOC_LUDLOW) add_favoury_marker(LOC_LUDLOW) // Add Y20 // Only 2 heirs can stay disband_lord(LORD_RUTLAND, true) disband_lord(LORD_GLOUCESTER_1, true) } if (!is_lord_in_play(LORD_MARCH) && is_lord_in_play(LORD_RUTLAND)) { muster_lord(LORD_RUTLAND, LOC_CANTERBURY) add_favoury_marker(LOC_CANTERBURY) // TODO: Add Y20 } if (is_lord_in_play(LORD_GLOUCESTER_1)) { muster_lord(LORD_GLOUCESTER_1, LOC_GLOUCESTER) add_favoury_marker(LOC_GLOUCESTER) // TODO: Y34 } } if (main_york_heir === LORD_MARCH || main_york_heir === LORD_EDWARD_IV) { muster_lord(LORD_EDWARD_IV, LOC_LONDON) add_favoury_marker(LOC_LONDON) // If Edward IV is on the map, remove March disband_lord(LORD_MARCH, true) // TODO: Add Y23, Y24 if (is_lord_in_play(LORD_RUTLAND)) { muster_lord(LORD_RUTLAND, LOC_CANTERBURY) add_favoury_marker(LOC_CANTERBURY) // TODO: Add Y31 } if (is_lord_in_play(LORD_GLOUCESTER_1)) { muster_lord(LORD_GLOUCESTER_1, LOC_GLOUCESTER) add_favoury_marker(LOC_GLOUCESTER) // TODO: Add Y28, Y34 } } if (main_york_heir === LORD_RUTLAND) { muster_lord(LORD_RUTLAND, LOC_LONDON) add_favoury_marker(LOC_LONDON) // TODO: Add Y20, Y21 if (is_lord_in_play(LORD_GLOUCESTER_1)) { muster_lord(LORD_GLOUCESTER_2, LOC_LONDON) // If Rutland is King, golden gloucester 2 arrives and gloucester 1 is gone disband_lord(LORD_GLOUCESTER_1, true) // TODO: Add Y34 } } if (main_york_heir === LORD_GLOUCESTER_1) { muster_lord(LORD_RICHARD_III, LOC_LONDON) add_favoury_marker(LOC_LONDON) // if Richard III is here, both gloucester are gone disband_lord(LORD_GLOUCESTER_1, true) disband_lord(LORD_GLOUCESTER_2, true) // TODO: Add Y32, Y33 } // Lancaster setup // TODO: Add L1-L13, L34, L35, L36, L37 if (main_lancaster_heir === LORD_HENRY_VI || main_lancaster_heir === LORD_MARGARET) { muster_lord(LORD_MARGARET, LOC_FRANCE) // TODO: Add L27, L31 + L26 Edward // Only one heir disband_lord(LORD_HENRY_VI, true) disband_lord(LORD_SOMERSET_1, true) disband_lord(LORD_SOMERSET_2, true) } // If Margaret not here and Edward IV not king if (!is_lord_on_map(LORD_MARGARET) && main_york_heir !== LORD_EDWARD_IV) { muster_lord(LORD_HENRY_TUDOR, LOC_FRANCE) // TODO: Add L32, L35 disband_lord(LORD_SOMERSET_1, true) disband_lord(LORD_SOMERSET_2, true) } if (!is_lord_on_map(LORD_MARGARET) && !is_lord_on_map(LORD_HENRY_TUDOR)) { muster_lord(LORD_WARWICK_L, LOC_CALAIS) add_favourl_marker(LOC_CALAIS) // TODO: Add L23, L30 } if (is_lord_on_map(LORD_MARGARET) || is_lord_on_map(LORD_HENRY_TUDOR)) { muster_lord(LORD_OXFORD, LOC_FRANCE) add_favourl_marker(LOC_OXFORD) muster_lord(LORD_JASPER_TUDOR_2, LOC_FRANCE) add_favoury_marker(LOC_PEMBROKE) } else if (is_lord_on_map(LORD_WARWICK_L)) { muster_lord(LORD_OXFORD, LOC_CALAIS) add_favourl_marker(LOC_OXFORD) muster_lord(LORD_JASPER_TUDOR_2, LOC_CALAIS) add_favoury_marker(LOC_PEMBROKE) } else { throw Error("Error Lancastrian setup III.Y") } // Exile box setup add_favourl_marker(LOC_FRANCE) add_favoury_marker(LOC_BURGUNDY) setup_vassals([ VASSAL_OXFORD, VASSAL_NORFOLK ]) } function setup_III_L() { game.turn = 1 << 1 game.scenario = "IIIL. Yorkists Last Stand" game.rebel = YORK game.active = YORK game.victory_check = 45 game.influence = 0 if (!is_lord_in_play(LORD_YORK)) { game.influence += 8 } if (!is_lord_in_play(LORD_MARCH) && !is_lord_in_play(LORD_EDWARD_IV)) { game.influence += 8 } if (!is_lord_in_play(LORD_RUTLAND)) { game.influence += 8 } if (!is_lord_in_play(LORD_GLOUCESTER_1) && !is_lord_in_play(LORD_GLOUCESTER_2) && !is_lord_in_play(LORD_RICHARD_III)) { game.influence += 8 } if (!is_lord_in_play(LORD_HENRY_VI)) { game.influence -= 8 } if (!is_lord_in_play(LORD_HENRY_VI) && !is_lord_in_play(LORD_MARGARET)) { game.influence -= 8 } if (!is_lord_in_play(LORD_SOMERSET_1)) { game.influence -= 8 } if (!is_lord_in_play(LORD_SOMERSET_1) && !is_lord_in_play(LORD_SOMERSET_2)) { game.influence -= 8 } for (let lord of all_lords) { if (is_lord_in_play(lord)) { disband_lord(lord, false) } } for (let loc of all_locales) { remove_exhausted_marker(loc) remove_depleted_marker(loc) remove_favourl_marker(loc) remove_favoury_marker(loc) } discard_events("this_levy") discard_events("hold") discard_events("this_campaign") // Lancaster Setup // TODO: Add L1-L13, L25, L34, L36 if (main_lancaster_heir === LORD_HENRY_VI) { muster_lord(LORD_HENRY_VI, LOC_LONDON) // TOOD: Add L15, L17 } if (main_lancaster_heir === LORD_MARGARET) { muster_lord(LORD_MARGARET, LOC_LONDON) // TODO: Add L27, L31 } if (main_lancaster_heir === LORD_SOMERSET_1) { muster_lord(LORD_SOMERSET_1, LOC_LONDON) add_favourl_marker(LOC_WELLS) // TODO: Add L18, L20, L27 } // Should never happen but as a failsafe if (main_lancaster_heir === LORD_SOMERSET_2) { muster_lord(LORD_SOMERSET_1, LOC_LONDON) add_favourl_marker(LOC_WELLS) disband_lord(LORD_SOMERSET_2, true) // TODO: Add L18, L20, L27 } muster_lord(LORD_OXFORD, LOC_OXFORD) muster_lord(LORD_JASPER_TUDOR_2, LOC_PEMBROKE) add_favourl_marker(LOC_OXFORD) add_favourl_marker(LOC_PEMBROKE) add_favourl_marker(LOC_LONDON) // York Setup // TOOD: Add Y1-Y13, Y36 if (has_Y28_happened()) { if (is_lord_in_play(LORD_GLOUCESTER_1) || is_lord_in_play(LORD_GLOUCESTER_2) || is_lord_in_play(LORD_RICHARD_III)) { // If Gloucester (any), all other yorkist heir dies disband_lord(LORD_YORK, true) disband_lord(LORD_RUTLAND, true) disband_lord(LORD_MARCH, true) disband_lord(LORD_EDWARD_IV, true) disband_lord(LORD_GLOUCESTER_1, true) disband_lord(LORD_RICHARD_III, true) muster_lord(LORD_GLOUCESTER_2, LOC_BURGUNDY) // TODO: Add Y35 } } if (main_york_heir === LORD_YORK) { muster_lord(LORD_YORK, LOC_BURGUNDY) add_favoury_marker(LOC_ELY) // TODO: Add Y14, Y18 if (is_lord_in_play(LORD_MARCH)) { // Only next highest heir alive disband_lord(LORD_RUTLAND, true) disband_lord(LORD_GLOUCESTER_1, true) disband_lord(LORD_GLOUCESTER_2, true) muster_lord(LORD_MARCH, LOC_BURGUNDY) add_favoury_marker(LOC_LUDLOW) //TODO: Add Y20 } else if (!is_lord_in_play(LORD_MARCH) && is_lord_in_play(LORD_RUTLAND)) { // Only next highest heir alive disband_lord(LORD_GLOUCESTER_1, true) disband_lord(LORD_GLOUCESTER_2, true) muster_lord(LORD_RUTLAND, LOC_BURGUNDY) add_favoury_marker(LOC_CANTERBURY) //TODO: Add Y20 } else if (!is_lord_in_play(LORD_MARCH) && !is_lord_in_play(LORD_RUTLAND) && (is_lord_in_play(LORD_GLOUCESTER_1) || is_lord_in_play(LORD_GLOUCESTER_2))) { // Final Scenario, and no succession rule disband_lord(LORD_GLOUCESTER_2, true) muster_lord(LORD_GLOUCESTER_1, LOC_BURGUNDY) add_favoury_marker(LOC_GLOUCESTER) // TODO: Add Y4 } else { // If York alone muster_lord(LORD_SALISBURY, LOC_BURGUNDY) add_favoury_marker(LOC_YORK) //TODO: Add Y17, Y22 } } if (main_york_heir === LORD_MARCH || main_york_heir === LORD_RUTLAND) { // If March or Rutland is highest heir, Warwick takes the lead disband_lord(LORD_MARCH, true) disband_lord(LORD_RUTLAND, true) muster_lord(LORD_WARWICK_Y, LOC_CALAIS) add_favoury_marker(LOC_CALAIS) //TODO: Add Y16 } if (main_york_heir === LORD_WARWICK_Y) { muster_lord(LORD_NORFOLK, LOC_CALAIS) muster_lord(LORD_SALISBURY, LOC_CALAIS) add_favoury_marker(LOC_CALAIS) //TODO: Add Y17, Y22 } else ( muster_lord(LORD_NORFOLK, LOC_BURGUNDY) ) if (main_york_heir === LORD_GLOUCESTER_1) { disband_lord(LORD_GLOUCESTER_1, true) muster_lord(LORD_GLOUCESTER_2, LOC_BURGUNDY) muster_lord(LORD_SALISBURY, LOC_BURGUNDY) //TODO: Add Y17, Y22 } add_favoury_marker(LOC_ARUNDEL) // Exile box setup add_favourl_marker(LOC_FRANCE) add_favoury_marker(LOC_BURGUNDY) setup_vassals([ VASSAL_OXFORD, VASSAL_NORFOLK ]) } // FULL SCENARIO HEIR function get_main_york_heir() { if (is_lord_in_play(LORD_YORK)) return LORD_YORK if (!is_lord_in_play(LORD_YORK) && is_lord_in_play(LORD_MARCH)) return LORD_MARCH if (!is_lord_in_play(LORD_YORK) && !is_lord_in_play(LORD_MARCH) && is_lord_in_play(LORD_EDWARD_IV)) return LORD_EDWARD_IV if (!is_lord_in_play(LORD_YORK) && !is_lord_in_play(LORD_MARCH) && !is_lord_in_play(LORD_EDWARD_IV) && is_lord_in_play(LORD_RUTLAND)) return LORD_RUTLAND if (!is_lord_in_play(LORD_YORK) && !is_lord_in_play(LORD_MARCH) && !is_lord_in_play(LORD_EDWARD_IV) && !is_lord_in_play(LORD_RUTLAND) && (is_lord_in_play(LORD_GLOUCESTER_1) || is_lord_in_play(LORD_GLOUCESTER_2) || is_lord_in_play(LORD_RICHARD_III))) return LORD_GLOUCESTER_1 if (!is_lord_in_play(LORD_YORK) && !is_lord_in_play(LORD_MARCH) && !is_lord_in_play(LORD_EDWARD_IV) && !is_lord_in_play(LORD_RUTLAND) && !is_lord_in_play(LORD_GLOUCESTER_1) && !is_lord_in_play(LORD_GLOUCESTER_2) && !is_lord_in_play(LORD_RICHARD_III)) return LORD_WARWICK_Y } function get_main_lancaster_heir() { if (is_lord_in_play(LORD_HENRY_VI)) return LORD_HENRY_VI if (!is_lord_in_play(LORD_HENRY_VI) && is_lord_in_play(LORD_MARGARET)) return LORD_MARGARET if (!is_lord_in_play(LORD_HENRY_VI) && !is_lord_in_play(LORD_MARGARET) && is_lord_in_play(LORD_SOMERSET_1)) return LORD_SOMERSET_1 if (!is_lord_in_play(LORD_HENRY_VI) && !is_lord_in_play(LORD_MARGARET) && !is_lord_in_play(LORD_SOMERSET_1) && is_lord_in_play(LORD_SOMERSET_2)) return LORD_SOMERSET_2 if (!is_lord_in_play(LORD_HENRY_VI) && !is_lord_in_play(LORD_MARGARET) && !is_lord_in_play(LORD_SOMERSET_1) && !is_lord_in_play(LORD_SOMERSET_2) && is_lord_in_play(LORD_HENRY_TUDOR)) return LORD_HENRY_TUDOR if (!is_lord_in_play(LORD_HENRY_VI) && !is_lord_in_play(LORD_MARGARET) && !is_lord_in_play(LORD_SOMERSET_1) && !is_lord_in_play(LORD_SOMERSET_2) && !is_lord_in_play(LORD_HENRY_TUDOR) && is_lord_in_play(LORD_WARWICK_L)) return LORD_WARWICK_L } */ // === CAPABILITY: MUSTER EFFECTS === // When a lord levies a capability, its muster vassal applies instantly. function capability_muster_effects(lord: Lord, c: Card) { if (c === AOW_LANCASTER_MONTAGU) muster_vassal(VASSAL_MONTAGU, lord) if (c === AOW_LANCASTER_MY_FATHERS_BLOOD) muster_vassal(VASSAL_CLIFFORD, lord) if (c === AOW_LANCASTER_ANDREW_TROLLOPE) muster_vassal(VASSAL_TROLLOPE, lord) if (c === AOW_LANCASTER_EDWARD) muster_vassal(VASSAL_EDWARD, lord) if (c === AOW_LANCASTER_THOMAS_STANLEY) { muster_vassal(VASSAL_THOMAS_STANLEY, lord) game.flags.free_levy = 1 } if (c === AOW_YORK_HASTINGS) { add_lord_forces(lord, MEN_AT_ARMS, 2) muster_vassal(VASSAL_HASTINGS, lord) } if (c === AOW_YORK_FAIR_ARBITER && is_friendly_locale(get_lord_locale(LORD_SALISBURY))) { game.count += 1 } if (c === AOW_YORK_FALLEN_BROTHER && !is_lord_in_play(LORD_CLARENCE)) { game.count += 1 } if (AOW_YORK_BURGUNDIANS.includes(c)) { if (is_seaport(get_lord_locale(lord)) && !is_exile(get_lord_locale(lord))) { add_lord_forces(lord, BURGUNDIANS, 2) logcap(c) game.flags.burgundians = 1 } else { game.flags.burgundians = 0 } } } // === CAPABILITY: LORDSHIP EFFECTS === // When a lord levies a capability, its +Lordship effects apply instantly. function lordship_effects(lord: Lord) { if (is_friendly_locale(get_lord_locale(lord)) && lord_has_capability(lord, AOW_YORK_FAIR_ARBITER)) game.count += 1 if (lord_has_capability(lord, AOW_YORK_FALLEN_BROTHER) && !is_lord_in_play(LORD_CLARENCE)) game.count += 1 if (is_event_in_play(EVENT_YORK_EDWARD_V) && (lord === LORD_GLOUCESTER_1 || lord === LORD_GLOUCESTER_2)) game.count += 3 if (is_lancaster_lord(lord) && is_event_in_play(EVENT_LANCASTER_PARLIAMENT_VOTES)) { game.flags.parliament_votes = 1 } if (is_york_lord(lord) && is_jack_cade_eligible(lord)) { game.flags.jack_cade = 2 } if (is_york_lord(lord) && is_event_in_play(EVENT_YORK_SUCCESSION)) { game.flags.succession = 1 } } // === CAPABILITY: SOLDIERS OF FORTUNE === states.soldiers_of_fortune = { inactive: "Levy Troops", prompt() { view.prompt = `Pay 1 Coin for Mercenaries ${lord_name[game.who]}.` let done = true if (done) { for (let lord of all_friendly_lords()) { if (is_lord_unfed(lord) && can_pay_from_shared(lord)) { if (get_lord_assets(lord, COIN) > 0) { gen_action_coin(lord) done = false } } } } // Done if (done) { view.prompt = "Soldiers of fortune: Done." view.actions.end_sof = 1 } }, coin(lord) { push_undo() let here = get_lord_locale(game.who) let here_type = data.locales[here].type let number = get_lord_forces(game.who, MERCENARIES) let merc = 0 if (!lord_has_capability(game.who, AOW_YORK_WOODWILLES)) deplete_locale(here) switch (here_type) { case "calais": add_lord_forces(game.who, MEN_AT_ARMS, 2) add_lord_forces(game.who, LONGBOWMEN, 1) break case "london": add_lord_forces(game.who, MEN_AT_ARMS, 1) add_lord_forces(game.who, LONGBOWMEN, 1) add_lord_forces(game.who, MILITIA, 1) break case "harlech": add_lord_forces(game.who, MEN_AT_ARMS, 1) add_lord_forces(game.who, LONGBOWMEN, 2) break case "city": add_lord_forces(game.who, LONGBOWMEN, 1) add_lord_forces(game.who, MILITIA, 1) break case "town": add_lord_forces(game.who, MILITIA, 2) break case "fortress": add_lord_forces(game.who, MEN_AT_ARMS, 1) add_lord_forces(game.who, MILITIA, 1) break } if (game.flags.free_levy === 1) { ++game.count game.flags.free_levy = 0 } if (number === 5) merc = 1 else merc = 2 add_lord_assets(lord, COIN, -1) add_lord_forces(game.who, MERCENARIES, merc) set_lord_unfed(game.who, 0) }, end_sof() { end_soldiers_of_fortune() }, } function end_soldiers_of_fortune() { goto_the_kings_name("Soldiers of Fortune") } // === CAPABILITY: COMMISSION OF ARRAY === states.commission_of_array = { inactive: "Levy Troops", prompt() { view.prompt = `Lord troops adjacent to ${lord_name[game.who]}.` let done = true let here = get_lord_locale(game.who) if (done) { for (let next of data.locales[here].adjacent) { if (is_friendly_locale(next) && lord_has_capability(game.who, AOW_LANCASTER_COMMISION_OF_ARRAY) && (!has_exhausted_marker(next) && !is_exile(next))) { done = false gen_action_locale(next) } } } // Done if (done) { view.prompt = "Commission of Array: Done." view.actions.end_coa = 1 } }, locale(loc) { push_undo() let loc_type = data.locales[loc].type deplete_locale(loc) switch (loc_type) { case "calais": add_lord_forces(game.who, MEN_AT_ARMS, 2) add_lord_forces(game.who, LONGBOWMEN, 1) break case "london": add_lord_forces(game.who, MEN_AT_ARMS, 1) add_lord_forces(game.who, LONGBOWMEN, 1) add_lord_forces(game.who, MILITIA, 1) break case "harlech": add_lord_forces(game.who, MEN_AT_ARMS, 1) add_lord_forces(game.who, LONGBOWMEN, 2) break case "city": add_lord_forces(game.who, LONGBOWMEN, 1) add_lord_forces(game.who, MILITIA, 1) break case "town": add_lord_forces(game.who, MILITIA, 2) break case "fortress": add_lord_forces(game.who, MEN_AT_ARMS, 1) add_lord_forces(game.who, MILITIA, 1) break } if (game.flags.free_levy === 1) { ++game.count game.flags.free_levy = 0 } end_commission_of_array() }, } function end_commission_of_array() { goto_the_kings_name("Commission of Array") } // === CAPABILITY: WE DONE DEEDS OF CHARITY === function eligible_charity() { let lord = find_lord_with_capability_card(AOW_YORK_WE_DONE_DEEDS_OF_CHARITY) if (lord !== NOBODY) { let here = get_lord_locale(lord) if (get_shared_assets(here, PROV) > 0) return true } return false } function goto_we_done_deeds_of_charity() { set_active(YORK) game.state = "we_done_deeds_of_charity" game.count = 2 } states.we_done_deeds_of_charity = { inactive: "We done needs of charity", prompt() { view.prompt = "We done deeds of charity: Pay up to two Provender for +1 Influence point each." let lord = find_lord_with_capability_card(AOW_YORK_WE_DONE_DEEDS_OF_CHARITY) let here = get_lord_locale(lord) if (game.count > 0) { for (let lord of all_friendly_lords()) { if (get_lord_locale(lord) === here && (get_lord_assets(lord, PROV) > 0)) { gen_action_prov(lord) } } } view.actions.done = 1 }, prov(lord) { push_undo() increase_york_influence(1) add_lord_assets(lord, PROV, -1) game.count-- }, done() { clear_undo() logi(`${AOW_YORK_WE_DONE_DEEDS_OF_CHARITY}`) log("York paid " + game.count + " provender to add " + game.count + " Influence Points") game.count = 0 // TODO: who should be active? goto_disembark() }, } // === CAPABILITY: MERCHANTS === function can_action_merchants() { let loc = get_lord_locale(game.command) if (game.actions <= 0) return false if (lord_has_capability(game.command, AOW_LANCASTER_MERCHANTS) && count_deplete(loc) > 0) return true else return false } function goto_merchants() { game.count = count_deplete(get_lord_locale(game.command)) game.state = "merchants" init_influence_check(game.command) } states.merchants = { inactive: "Merchants", prompt() { view.prompt = "Merchants: Succeed an influence check to remove Depleted markers" prompt_influence_check() }, spend1: add_influence_check_modifier_1, spend3: add_influence_check_modifier_2, check() { let results = do_influence_check() log(`Attempt to C${AOW_LANCASTER_MERCHANTS} with %${game.command} ${results.success ? "Successful" : "Failed"}: (${range(results.rating)}) ${results.success ? HIT[results.roll] : MISS[results.roll]}`) if (results.success) { merchants_success() } else { end_merchants_attempt() } } } function merchants_success() { game.state = "merchants_success" } states.merchants_success = { inactive: "Merchants Success", prompt() { view.prompt = `Remove Depleted/Exhausted markers` deplete_merchants() if (game.count === 0) { view.actions.done = 1 } }, locale(loc) { push_undo() remove_depleted_marker(loc) remove_exhausted_marker(loc) --game.count if (game.count === 0) { end_merchants_attempt() } }, done(){ end_merchants_attempt() } } function end_merchants_attempt() { spend_action(1) game.count = 0 push_undo() end_influence_check() resume_command() } function deplete_merchants() { let here = get_lord_locale(game.command) for (let next of data.locales[here].adjacent) { if (has_exhausted_marker(next) || has_depleted_marker(next)) gen_action_locale(next) } if (has_exhausted_marker(here) || has_depleted_marker(here)) gen_action_locale(here) } function count_deplete(loc: Locale) { let n = 0 for (let next of data.locales[loc].adjacent) { if (has_exhausted_marker(next) || has_depleted_marker(next)) { ++n } } if (has_exhausted_marker(loc) || has_depleted_marker(loc)) { ++n } if (n > 1) n = 2 return n } // === CAPABILITY: BURGUNDIANS === function levy_burgundians(lord: Lord) { if (is_seaport(get_lord_locale(lord)) && !is_exile(get_lord_locale(lord)) && lord_has_capability(lord, AOW_YORK_BURGUNDIANS) && game.flags.burgundians === 0) { add_lord_forces(lord, BURGUNDIANS, 2) if (lord_has_capability(lord, AOW_YORK_BURGUNDIANS[0])) logcap(AOW_YORK_BURGUNDIANS[0]) if (lord_has_capability(lord, AOW_YORK_BURGUNDIANS[1])) logcap(AOW_YORK_BURGUNDIANS[1]) game.flags.burgundians = 1 } } // === CAPABILITY: NAVAL BLOCKADE === function parley_through_sea(start: Locale, locale: Locale) { // Only entered in levy let ships = get_shared_assets(start, SHIP) if (ships === 0) { game.flags.naval_blockade = -1 } search_dist.fill(0) search_seen.fill(0) search_seen[start] = 1 let queue = [ start ] while (queue.length > 0) { let here = queue.shift() let dist = search_dist[here] let next_dist = dist + 1 if (is_friendly_locale(here)) { for (let next of data.locales[here].adjacent) { if (!search_seen[next]) { search_seen[next] = 1 search_dist[next] = next_dist queue.push(next) if (next === locale) { game.flags.naval_blockade = -1 } } } } } queue = [ start ] while (queue.length > 0) { let here = queue.shift() let dist = search_dist[here] let next_dist = dist + 1 if (is_friendly_locale(here)) { if (ships > 0 && is_seaport(here)) { for (let next of find_ports(here, game.command)) { if (!search_seen[next]) { search_seen[next] = 1 search_dist[next] = next_dist queue.push(next) if (next === locale && game.flags.naval_blockade !== -1) { game.flags.naval_blockade = 1 } } } } } } } function check_naval_blockade(action: string, locale: Locale) { let ports = [data.port_1, data.port_2, data.port_3] game.what = action if (!lord_has_capability(LORD_WARWICK_Y, AOW_YORK_NAVAL_BLOCKADE) || !is_seaport(get_lord_locale(LORD_WARWICK_Y)) || is_exile(get_lord_locale(LORD_WARWICK_Y))) { return false } if (action === "levy parley") { parley_through_sea(get_lord_locale(game.who), locale) if (game.flags.naval_blockade !== 1) { return false } } if (action === "campaign parley" && data.locales[locale].adjacent.includes(get_lord_locale(game.command))) { return false } for (let port of ports) { if (set_has(port, get_lord_locale(LORD_WARWICK_Y)) && set_has(port, locale)) { return true } } return false } function roll_naval_blockade() { push_state("naval_blockade") } // Parley, and Tax states.naval_blockade = { inactive: "Naval Blockade", prompt() { view.prompt = `Naval Blockade : Warwick block this action except on a 1-2` view.actions.roll = 1 }, roll() { let threshold = 2 let roll = roll_die() let success = threshold >= roll log(`Attempt to counter Naval Blockade ${success ? "Failed" : "Successful"}: (1-2) ${success ? HIT[roll] : MISS[roll]}`) if (success) { logi(`Successfully overran C${AOW_YORK_NAVAL_BLOCKADE}`) if (game.what === "levy parley") { game.flags.naval_blockade = -1 } if (game.what === "campaign parley") { game.flags.naval_blockade = -1 } if (game.what === "levy ship") { push_the_kings_name() add_lord_assets(game.who, SHIP, 1) goto_the_kings_name("Levy Ship") } if (game.what === "supply") { use_port_supply(game.where, get_port_supply_amount(game.where)) } if (game.what === "sail") { let to = game.where game.where = NOWHERE do_sail(to) } } else { logi(`Failed C${AOW_YORK_NAVAL_BLOCKADE}`) if (game.what === "levy parley") { pop_state() } if (game.what === "campaign parley") { pop_state() } } if (game.what === "levy parley") { pop_state() resume_levy_muster_lord() } if (game.what === "campaign parley") { pop_state() --game.count resume_command() } if (game.what === "levy ship") { pop_state() resume_levy_muster_lord() } if (game.what === "supply" && !success) { end_supply() } if (game.what === "sail" && !success) { resume_command() } game.what = null }, } // === CAPABILITY: AGITATORS === function can_action_agitators() { let here = get_lord_locale(game.command) if (game.actions <= 0) return false if (lord_has_capability(game.command, AOW_YORK_AGITATORS)) { for (let next of data.locales[here].adjacent) { if (!has_exhausted_marker(next) && !is_friendly_locale(next)) return true } } return false } function goto_agitators() { game.count = count_deplete(get_lord_locale(game.command)) game.state = "agitators" } states.agitators = { inactive: "Agitators", prompt() { view.prompt = "Agitators: Add a depleted marker or flip to exhausted adjacent" deplete_agitators() }, locale(loc) { push_undo() if (has_depleted_marker(loc)) { add_exhausted_marker(loc) } else { add_depleted_marker(loc) } end_agitators() }, } function deplete_agitators() { let here = get_lord_locale(game.command) for (let next of data.locales[here].adjacent) { if (!has_exhausted_marker(next) && !is_friendly_locale(next)) gen_action_locale(next) } } function end_agitators() { spend_action(1) push_undo() resume_command() } // === CAPABILITY: HERALDS === function can_action_heralds() { if (game.actions <= 0) return false if (!is_first_action()) return false // at a seaport let here = get_lord_locale(game.command) if (!is_seaport(here)) return false if (!lord_has_capability(game.command, AOW_LANCASTER_HERALDS)) return false for (let lord of all_friendly_lords()) { if (is_lord_on_calendar(lord)) return true } return false } function goto_heralds() { game.state = "heralds" } states.heralds = { inactive: "Heralds", prompt() { view.prompt = "Heralds: Choose a Lord on calendar to shift him to next turn box" for (let lord of all_friendly_lords()) { if (is_lord_on_calendar(lord)) gen_action_lord(lord) } }, lord(other) { goto_heralds_attempt(other) }, } function goto_heralds_attempt(lord: Lord) { game.other = lord game.state = "heralds_attempt" init_influence_check(game.command) } states.heralds_attempt = { inactive: "Heralds Attempt", prompt() { view.prompt = `Attempt to shift ${lord_name[game.other]} to next Turn Box. ` prompt_influence_check() }, spend1: add_influence_check_modifier_1, spend3: add_influence_check_modifier_2, check() { let results = do_influence_check() log(`Attempt to shift L${game.other} ${results.success ? "Successful" : "Failed"}: (${range(results.rating)}) ${results.success ? HIT[results.roll] : MISS[results.roll]}`) if (results.success) { set_lord_calendar(game.other, current_turn() + 1) } end_heralds_attempt() }, } function end_heralds_attempt() { end_influence_check() spend_all_actions() resume_command() } // === EVENTS: IMMEDIATE === function goto_immediate_event(c: Card) { switch (c) { // This Levy / Campaign case EVENT_LANCASTER_BE_SENT_FOR: set_add(game.events, c) return end_immediate_event() case EVENT_LANCASTER_SEAMANSHIP: set_add(game.events, c) return end_immediate_event() case EVENT_LANCASTER_FORCED_MARCHES: set_add(game.events, c) return end_immediate_event() case EVENT_LANCASTER_RISING_WAGES: set_add(game.events, c) return end_immediate_event() case EVENT_LANCASTER_NEW_ACT_OF_PARLIAMENT: set_add(game.events, c) return end_immediate_event() case EVENT_LANCASTER_MY_CROWN_IS_IN_MY_HEART: set_add(game.events, c) return end_immediate_event() case EVENT_LANCASTER_PARLIAMENT_VOTES: set_add(game.events, c) return end_immediate_event() case EVENT_LANCASTER_FRENCH_FLEET: set_add(game.events, c) return end_immediate_event() case EVENT_LANCASTER_BUCKINGHAMS_PLOT: set_add(game.events, c) return end_immediate_event() case EVENT_LANCASTER_MARGARET_BEAUFORT: set_add(game.events, c) return end_immediate_event() case EVENT_LANCASTER_THE_EARL_OF_RICHMOND: set_add(game.events, c) return end_immediate_event() case EVENT_YORK_JACK_CADE: set_add(game.events, c) return end_immediate_event() case EVENT_YORK_SEAMANSHIP: set_add(game.events, c) return end_immediate_event() case EVENT_YORK_YORKISTS_BLOCK_PARLIAMENT: set_add(game.events, c) return end_immediate_event() case EVENT_YORK_EXILE_PACT: set_add(game.events, c) return end_immediate_event() case EVENT_YORK_RICHARD_OF_YORK: set_add(game.events, c) return end_immediate_event() case EVENT_YORK_THE_COMMONS: set_add(game.events, c) return end_immediate_event() case EVENT_YORK_SUCCESSION: set_add(game.events, c) return end_immediate_event() case EVENT_YORK_LOYALTY_AND_TRUST: set_add(game.events, c) return end_immediate_event() case EVENT_YORK_OWAIN_GLYNDWR: set_add(game.events, c) return end_immediate_event() case EVENT_YORK_GLOUCESTER_AS_HEIR: set_add(game.events, c) return end_immediate_event() case EVENT_YORK_DORSET: set_add(game.events, c) return end_immediate_event() case EVENT_YORK_THE_KINGS_NAME: set_add(game.events, c) return end_immediate_event() case EVENT_YORK_EDWARD_V: set_add(game.events, c) return end_immediate_event() case EVENT_YORK_AN_HONEST_TALE_SPEEDS_BEST: set_add(game.events, c) return end_immediate_event() case EVENT_YORK_PRIVY_COUNCIL: set_add(game.events, c) return end_immediate_event() // Immediate effect // Discard - Immediate Events case EVENT_LANCASTER_SCOTS: return goto_lancaster_event_scots() case EVENT_LANCASTER_HENRY_PRESSURES_PARLIAMENT: return goto_lancaster_event_henry_pressures_parliament() case EVENT_LANCASTER_HENRYS_PROCLAMATION: return goto_lancaster_event_henrys_proclamation() case EVENT_LANCASTER_FRENCH_TROOPS: return goto_lancaster_event_french_troops() case EVENT_LANCASTER_WARWICKS_PROPAGANDA: return goto_warwicks_propaganda() case EVENT_LANCASTER_WARWICKS_PROPAGANDA2: return goto_warwicks_propaganda() case EVENT_LANCASTER_WELSH_REBELLION: return goto_lancaster_event_welsh_rebellion() case EVENT_LANCASTER_HENRY_RELEASED: return goto_lancaster_event_henry_released() case EVENT_LANCASTER_LUNIVERSELLE_ARAGNE: return goto_lancaster_event_luniverselle_aragne() case EVENT_LANCASTER_TO_WILFUL_DISOBEDIANCE: return goto_lancaster_event_to_wilful_disobediance() case EVENT_LANCASTER_FRENCH_WAR_LOANS: return goto_lancaster_event_french_war_loans() case EVENT_LANCASTER_ROBINS_REBELLION: return goto_lancaster_event_robins_rebellion() case EVENT_LANCASTER_TUDOR_BANNERS: return goto_lancaster_event_tudor_banners() case EVENT_YORK_TAX_COLLECTORS: return goto_york_event_tax_collectors() case EVENT_YORK_LONDON_FOR_YORK: return goto_york_event_london_for_york() case EVENT_YORK_SHEWOLF_OF_FRANCE: return goto_york_event_shewolf_of_france() case EVENT_YORK_SIR_RICHARD_LEIGH: return goto_york_event_sir_richard_leigh() case EVENT_YORK_CHARLES_THE_BOLD: return goto_york_event_charles_the_bold() case EVENT_YORK_DUBIOUS_CLARENCE: return goto_dubious_clarence() case EVENT_YORK_YORKIST_NORTH: return goto_york_event_yorkist_north() case EVENT_YORK_EARL_RIVERS: return goto_york_event_earl_rivers() default: log("NOT IMPLEMENTED") return end_immediate_event() } } function end_immediate_event() { resume_levy_arts_of_war() } // === EVENT: LANCASTER SCOTS === function goto_lancaster_event_scots() { game.state = "scots" game.who = NOBODY game.event_scots = [] } function end_lancaster_event_scots() { delete game.event_scots game.who = NOBODY end_immediate_event() } states.scots = { inactive: "Scots", prompt() { view.prompt = "Scots: You may add 1 Men-at-Arms and 1 Militia to each Lord." for (let lord of all_lancaster_lords) { if (is_lord_on_map(lord) && map_get(game.event_scots, lord, 0) < 3) { gen_action_lord(lord) } } if (game.who !== NOBODY) { let troops = map_get(game.event_scots, game.who, 0) if ((troops & 1) === 0) view.actions.add_militia = 1 if ((troops & 2) === 0) view.actions.add_men_at_arms = 1 } view.actions.done = 1 }, done() { end_lancaster_event_scots() }, add_militia() { add_lord_forces(game.who, MILITIA, 1) let troops = map_get(game.event_scots, game.who, 0) map_set(game.event_scots, game.who, troops + 1) if (troops !== 0) game.who = NOBODY }, add_men_at_arms() { add_lord_forces(game.who, MEN_AT_ARMS, 1) let troops = map_get(game.event_scots, game.who, 0) map_set(game.event_scots, game.who, troops + 2) if (troops !== 0) game.who = NOBODY }, lord(lord) { push_undo() game.who = lord }, } // === EVENT: LANCASTER HENRY PRESSURES PARLIAMENT === function goto_lancaster_event_henry_pressures_parliament() { let count = 0 for (let vassal of all_vassals) { if (is_vassal_mustered_with_york_lord(vassal)) { count++ } } if (count > 0) { logi(`Removed ${count} York influence.`) reduce_york_influence(count) } end_immediate_event() } // === EVENT: LANCASTER HENRY'S PROCLAMATION === function goto_lancaster_event_henrys_proclamation() { for (let vassal of all_vassals) { if (is_vassal_mustered_with_york_lord(vassal)) { set_vassal_lord_and_service(vassal, get_vassal_lord(vassal), current_turn()) logi(`Vassal ${data.vassals[vassal].name} moved to current turn`) } } end_immediate_event() } // === EVENT: LANCASTER FRENCH TROOPS === function goto_lancaster_event_french_troops() { let can_play = false for (let lord of all_friendly_lords()) { if (is_lord_on_map(lord) && data.seaports.includes(get_lord_locale(lord))) { can_play = true } } if (can_play) { game.state = "french_troops" game.who = NOBODY game.count = 0 } else { end_immediate_event() } } function end_lancaster_event_french_troops() { game.who = NOBODY game.count = 0 end_immediate_event() } states.french_troops = { inactive: "French Troops", prompt() { view.prompt = `Add 2 Men at Arms and 2 Militia to a Lord at a port.` if (game.who === NOBODY) { for (let lord of all_friendly_lords()) { if (is_lord_on_map(lord) && is_seaport(get_lord_locale(lord))) { gen_action_lord(lord) } } } else { view.prompt = `Add ${2-pack2_get(game.count, 0)} Men at Arms and ${2-pack2_get(game.count, 1)} Militia to ${lord_name[game.who]}.` if (pack2_get(game.count, 0) < 2) view.actions.add_men_at_arms = 1 if (pack2_get(game.count, 1) < 2) view.actions.add_militia = 1 } view.actions.done = 1 }, add_men_at_arms() { push_undo() add_lord_forces(game.who, MEN_AT_ARMS, 1) let c = pack2_get(game.count, 0) game.count = pack2_set(game.count, 0, c+1) }, add_militia() { push_undo() add_lord_forces(game.who, MILITIA, 1) let c = pack2_get(game.count, 1) game.count = pack2_set(game.count, 1, c+1) }, lord(lord) { push_undo() game.who = lord }, done() { end_lancaster_event_french_troops() } } // === EVENT: WARWICKS PROPAGANDA === function add_propaganda_target(loc: Locale) { set_add(game.event_propaganda, loc) } function remove_propaganda_target(loc: Locale) { set_delete(game.event_propaganda, loc) } function is_propaganda_target(loc: Locale) { return set_has(game.event_propaganda, loc) } function goto_warwicks_propaganda() { let can_play = false for (let loc of all_locales) { if (has_favoury_marker(loc)) { can_play = true } } if (can_play) { game.state = "warwicks_propaganda" game.event_propaganda = [] game.count = 0 } else { end_immediate_event() } } states.warwicks_propaganda = { inactive: "Warwick's Propaganda", prompt() { view.prompt = `Select up to ${3-game.count} Yorkists Locales.` for (let loc of all_locales) { if (game.count < 3 && has_favoury_marker(loc) && !is_exile(loc) && !is_propaganda_target(loc)) { gen_action_locale(loc) } } view.actions.done = 1 }, locale(loc) { push_undo() add_propaganda_target(loc) game.count++ }, done() { goto_yorkist_choice() } } function goto_yorkist_choice() { set_active_enemy() game.state = "warwicks_propaganda_yorkist_choice" game.where = NOWHERE } states.warwicks_propaganda_yorkist_choice = { inactive: "Yorkists to choose to Pay or Remove favour", prompt() { view.prompt = `For each Stronghold, Pay 2 influence or Remove favour.` let done = true if (game.where === NOWHERE) { for (let loc of all_locales) { if (is_propaganda_target(loc)) { gen_action_locale(loc) done = false } } if (done) { view.actions.done = 1 } } else { view.actions.remove_favour = 1 view.actions.pay = 1 } }, locale(loc) { game.where = loc }, remove_favour() { push_undo() remove_favoury_marker(game.where) remove_propaganda_target(game.where) logi(`Removed favour in ${game.where}`) game.where = NOWHERE }, pay() { push_undo() reduce_influence(2) logi(`Paid 2 to keep ${game.where}`) remove_propaganda_target(game.where) game.where = NOWHERE }, done() { end_warwicks_propaganda() }, } function end_warwicks_propaganda() { delete game.event_propaganda game.where = NOWHERE game.count = 0 set_active_enemy() end_immediate_event() } // === EVENT: WELSH REBELLION === function goto_lancaster_event_welsh_rebellion() { let can_remove_troops = false let can_remove_favour = false for (let lord of all_york_lords) { if (is_lord_on_map(lord) && is_lord_in_wales(lord)) { set_lord_moved(lord, 1) can_remove_troops = true } } for (let loc of all_locales) { if (is_wales(loc) && has_favoury_marker(loc)) can_remove_favour = true } if (can_remove_troops) { game.state = "welsh_rebellion_remove_troops" game.who = NOBODY game.count = 0 } else if (can_remove_favour) { game.state = "welsh_rebellion_remove_favour" game.who = NOBODY game.count = 0 } else { end_immediate_event() } } states.welsh_rebellion_remove_troops = { inactive: "Welsh Rebellion \u2014 Remove troops", prompt() { view.prompt = `Remove 2 Troops from each enemy Lord in Wales.` let done = true if (game.who === NOBODY) { for (let lord of all_enemy_lords()) { if (is_lord_on_map(lord) && is_lord_in_wales(lord) && get_lord_moved(lord)) { gen_action_lord(lord) done = false } } if (done) { view.actions.done = 1 } } else { view.prompt = `Remove ${game.count} Troops from ${data.lords[game.who].name}.` if (get_lord_forces(game.who, BURGUNDIANS) > 0) gen_action_burgundians(game.who) if (get_lord_forces(game.who, MERCENARIES) > 0) gen_action_mercenaries(game.who) if (get_lord_forces(game.who, LONGBOWMEN) > 0) gen_action_longbowmen(game.who) if (get_lord_forces(game.who, MEN_AT_ARMS) > 0) gen_action_men_at_arms(game.who) if (get_lord_forces(game.who, MILITIA) > 0) gen_action_militia(game.who) } }, lord(lord) { push_undo() set_lord_moved(lord, 0) game.who = lord game.count = 2 }, burgundians(lord) { add_lord_forces(lord, BURGUNDIANS, -1) if (--game.count === 0 || !lord_has_unrouted_units(lord)) game.who = NOBODY }, mercenaries(lord) { add_lord_forces(lord, MERCENARIES, -1) if (--game.count === 0 || !lord_has_unrouted_units(lord)) game.who = NOBODY }, longbowmen(lord) { add_lord_forces(lord, LONGBOWMEN, -1) if (--game.count === 0 || !lord_has_unrouted_units(lord)) game.who = NOBODY }, men_at_arms(lord) { add_lord_forces(lord, MEN_AT_ARMS, -1) if (--game.count === 0 || !lord_has_unrouted_units(lord)) game.who = NOBODY }, militia(lord) { add_lord_forces(lord, MILITIA, -1) if (--game.count === 0 || !lord_has_unrouted_units(lord)) game.who = NOBODY }, done() { end_welsh_rebellion_remove_troops() }, } function end_welsh_rebellion_remove_troops() { for (let lord of all_york_lords) { if (is_lord_on_map(lord) && is_lord_in_wales(lord) && !lord_has_unrouted_units(lord)) disband_lord(lord, false) } game.count = 0 game.who = NOBODY end_immediate_event() } states.welsh_rebellion_remove_favour = { inactive: "Welsh Rebellion \u2014 Remove Favour", prompt() { view.prompt = `Select up to ${2-game.count} Locales in Wales.` for (let loc of all_locales) { if (game.count < 2 && is_wales(loc) && has_favoury_marker(loc)) { gen_action_locale(loc) } } view.actions.done = 1 }, locale(loc) { push_undo() remove_favoury_marker(loc) logi(`Removed favour at ${data.locales[loc].name}`) game.count++ }, done() { end_immediate_event() }, } // === EVENT: HENRY RELEASED === function goto_lancaster_event_henry_released() { if (has_favourl_marker(LOC_LONDON)) { logi(`Henry Released : 5 Influence for Lancaster`) increase_lancaster_influence(5) } end_immediate_event() } // === EVENT: L'UNIVERSELLE ARAGNE === function goto_lancaster_event_luniverselle_aragne() { let can_play = false for (let vassal of all_vassals) { if (is_vassal_mustered_with_york_lord(vassal)) { can_play = true } } if (can_play) { game.state = "aragne_1" game.event_aragne = [] } else { logi("No Effect") end_immediate_event() } } states.aragne_1 = { inactive: "L'universelle Aragne", prompt() { view.prompt = "Select up to 2 Vassals" if (game.event_aragne.length < 2) { for (let v of all_vassals) { if (!set_has(game.event_aragne, v) && is_vassal_mustered_with_york_lord(v)) { gen_action_vassal(v) } } } view.actions.done = 1 }, vassal(v) { push_undo() set_add(game.event_aragne, v) logi(`Vassal ${data.vassals[v].name} selected`) }, done() { push_undo() goto_yorkist_aragne() }, } function goto_yorkist_aragne() { set_active_enemy() game.state = "aragne_2" } states.aragne_2 = { inactive: "Influence checks", prompt() { view.prompt = `For Each vassal, influence check : failure disbands it` let done = true for (let v of game.event_aragne) { gen_action_vassal(v) done = false } if (done) view.actions.done = 1 }, vassal(other) { push_undo() game.vassal = other init_influence_check(get_vassal_lord(other)) game.check.push({ cost: 0, modifier: data.vassals[other].influence * (game.active === LANCASTER ? -1 : 1), source: "vassal", }) game.state = "aragne_3" }, done() { end_universelle_aragne() }, } states.aragne_3 = { inactive: `Influence check`, prompt() { view.prompt = `Influence check : Failure disbands ${data.vassals[game.vassal].name}` prompt_influence_check() }, spend1: add_influence_check_modifier_1, spend3: add_influence_check_modifier_2, check() { let results = do_influence_check() logi(`Attempt to save ${data.vassals[game.vassal].name} ${results.success ? "Successful" : "Failed"}: (${range(results.rating)}) ${results.success ? HIT[results.roll] : MISS[results.roll]}`) if (!results.success) { disband_vassal(game.vassal) } end_influence_check() set_delete(game.event_aragne, game.vassal) game.vassal = NOVASSAL game.state = "aragne_2" }, } function end_universelle_aragne() { delete game.event_aragne end_immediate_event() } // === EVENT: TO WILFUL DISOBEDIANCE === function goto_lancaster_event_to_wilful_disobediance() { let can_play = false for (let loc of all_locales){ if (has_favoury_marker(loc) && !has_enemy_lord(loc) && !has_adjacent_enemy(loc) && (has_friendly_lord(loc) || has_adjacent_friendly(loc))) { can_play = true } } if (can_play) { game.state = "wilful_disobediance" game.who = NOBODY game.count = 0 } else { end_immediate_event() logi(`No Effect`) } } states.wilful_disobediance = { inactive: "to wilful disobediance", prompt() { view.prompt = `Select up to ${2-game.count} Yorkists Locales.` for (let loc of all_locales) { if ( game.count < 2 && has_favoury_marker(loc) && !has_enemy_lord(loc) && !has_adjacent_enemy(loc) && (has_friendly_lord(loc) || has_adjacent_friendly(loc)) ) { gen_action_locale(loc) } } view.actions.done = 1 }, locale(loc) { push_undo() remove_favoury_marker(loc) game.count++ logi(`Favour removed at ${loc}`) }, done() { logi(`No Effect`) end_immediate_event() } } // === EVENT: FRENCH WAR LOANS === function goto_lancaster_event_french_war_loans() { for (let lord of all_lancaster_lords) { if (is_lord_on_map(lord) && !is_lord_on_calendar(lord)) { add_lord_assets(lord, PROV, 1) add_lord_assets(lord, COIN, 1) logi(`1 Coin and 1 Provender added to ${data.lords[lord].name}`) } } end_immediate_event() } // === EVENT: ROBINS REBELLION === function goto_lancaster_event_robins_rebellion() { let can_play = false for (let loc of all_locales) { if (is_north(loc) && !has_favourl_marker(loc)) { can_play = true } } if (can_play) { game.state = "robins_rebellion" game.who = NOBODY game.count = 0 } else { logi(`No Effect`) end_immediate_event() } } states.robins_rebellion = { inactive: "Robin's Rebellion", prompt() { view.prompt = `Select up to ${3-game.count} Locales in North.` for (let loc of all_locales) { if (game.count < 3 && is_north(loc) && !has_favourl_marker(loc)) { gen_action_locale(loc) } } view.actions.done = 1 }, locale(loc) { push_undo() shift_favour_toward(loc) logi(`Placed/Removed favour at ${data.locales[loc].name}`) game.count++ }, done() { end_immediate_event() } } // === EVENT: TUDOR BANNERS === function tudor_banner_eligible() { if (is_lord_on_map(LORD_HENRY_TUDOR) && !is_lord_on_calendar(LORD_HENRY_TUDOR)) { for (let next of data.locales[get_lord_locale(LORD_HENRY_TUDOR)].adjacent) { if (can_parley_at(next)) return true } } return false } function goto_lancaster_event_tudor_banners() { if (tudor_banner_eligible()) { game.state = "tudor_banners" game.who = NOBODY } else { logi(`No Effect`) end_immediate_event() } } states.tudor_banners = { inactive: "Tudor banners", prompt() { view.prompt = `Select locales adjacent to Henry to make them Lancastrian` let done = true for (let next of data.locales[get_lord_locale(LORD_HENRY_TUDOR)].adjacent) { if (!has_enemy_lord(next) && !has_favourl_marker(next)) { gen_action_locale(next) done = false } } if (done) view.actions.done = 1 }, locale(loc) { push_undo() remove_favoury_marker(loc) add_favourl_marker(loc) logi(`Placed Lancastrian favour at ${data.locales[loc].name}`) }, done() { end_immediate_event() } } // === EVENT: TAX COLLECTORS === function goto_york_event_tax_collectors() { game.state = "tax_collectors" } function can_tax_collectors(lord: Lord) { let here = get_lord_locale(lord) if (can_tax_at(here, lord)) return true return !!search_tax(false, here, lord) } states.tax_collectors = { inactive: "Tax Collectors", prompt() { view.prompt = "Tax Collectors : You may tax for Double coin with each lord" for (let lord of all_york_lords) { if (!get_lord_moved(lord) && can_tax_collectors(lord)) gen_action_lord(lord) } view.actions.done = 1 }, lord(lord) { push_undo() set_lord_moved(lord, 0) game.where = NOWHERE game.who = lord game.state = "tax_collectors_lord" init_influence_check(lord) }, done() { end_tax_collectors() }, } states.tax_collectors_lord = { inactive: "Tax Collectors", prompt() { if (game.where === NOWHERE) { view.prompt = "Tax: Select the location to tax for double." for (let loc of search_tax([], get_lord_locale(game.who), game.who)) gen_action_locale(loc) } else { view.prompt = `Tax: Attempting to tax ${data.locales[game.where].name}. ` prompt_influence_check() } }, locale(loc) { game.where = loc if (loc === data.lords[game.who].seat) { // Auto succeed without influence check at Lords seat. deplete_locale(game.where) log(`Taxed %${game.where}.`) add_lord_assets(game.who, COIN, get_tax_amount(game.where, game.who) * 2) end_tax_collectors_lord() } }, spend1: add_influence_check_modifier_1, spend3: add_influence_check_modifier_2, check() { let results = do_influence_check() logi(`Tax : ${results.success ? "Successful" : "Failed"}: (${range(results.rating)}) ${results.success ? HIT[results.roll] : MISS[results.roll]}`) if (results.success) { deplete_locale(game.where) log(`Taxed %${game.where}.`) add_lord_assets(game.who, COIN, get_tax_amount(game.where, game.who) * 2) } else { log(`Tax of %${game.where} failed.`) } end_tax_collectors_lord() }, } function end_tax_collectors_lord() { game.where = NOWHERE game.who = NOBODY game.state = "tax_collectors" } function end_tax_collectors() { game.where = NOWHERE game.who = NOBODY game.count = 0 end_immediate_event() } // === EVENT: LONDON FOR YORK === function goto_york_event_london_for_york() { let can_play = false if (has_favoury_marker(LOC_LONDON)) { can_play = true } if (can_play) { game.who = NOBODY game.state = "london_for_york" } else { logi(`No Effect`) end_immediate_event() } } states.london_for_york = { inactive: "London For York", prompt() { view.prompt = `Select London to add a second favour marker` gen_action_locale(LOC_LONDON) }, locale(loc) { push_undo() game.flags.london_for_york = 1 logi(`Second marker placed at ${data.locales[loc].name}`) logi(`Immune to Lancastrian parley unless aided by event`) end_immediate_event() }, } // === EVENT: SHE-WOLF OF FRANCE === function goto_york_event_shewolf_of_france() { let can_play = false for (let v of all_vassals) { if (is_vassal_mustered_with_friendly_lord(v)) { can_play = true } } if (can_play) { game.state = "she_wolf" game.event_she_wolf = [] game.who = NOBODY } else { logi(`No Effect`) end_immediate_event() } } states.she_wolf = { inactive: "She-Wolf of France", prompt() { view.prompt = "Shift each Yorkist Vassal's Calendar marker 1 box right." let done = true for (let v of all_vassals) { if (!set_has(game.event_she_wolf, v) && is_vassal_mustered_with_friendly_lord(v)) { gen_action_vassal(v) done = false } } if (done) view.actions.done = 1 }, vassal(v) { push_undo() if (current_turn() < 16) set_vassal_lord_and_service(v, get_vassal_lord(v), get_vassal_service(v) + 1) set_add(game.event_she_wolf, v) logi(`Vassal ${data.vassals[v].name} shifted one calendar box`) }, done() { delete game.event_she_wolf end_immediate_event() }, } // === EVENT: RICHARD LEIGH === function goto_york_event_sir_richard_leigh() { if (!has_favoury_marker(LOC_LONDON)) { game.state = "richard_leigh" } else { logi(`No Effect`) end_immediate_event() } } states.richard_leigh = { inactive: "Richard Leigh", prompt() { view.prompt = `Select London, shift it once in your favour` gen_action_locale(LOC_LONDON) }, locale(loc) { shift_favour_toward(loc) logi(`London shifted once in your favour`) end_immediate_event() } } // === EVENT: CHARLES THE BOLD === function goto_york_event_charles_the_bold() { for (let lord of all_york_lords) { if (is_lord_on_map(lord) && !is_lord_on_calendar(lord)) { add_lord_assets(lord, PROV, 1) add_lord_assets(lord, COIN, 1) logi(`1 Coin and 1 Provender added to ${data.lords[lord].name}`) } } end_immediate_event() } // === EVENT: DUBIOUS CLARENCE === function goto_dubious_clarence() { let can_play = false if ((is_lord_on_map(LORD_EDWARD_IV) && !is_lord_on_calendar(LORD_EDWARD_IV)) && is_lord_on_map(LORD_CLARENCE) && !is_lord_on_calendar(LORD_CLARENCE)) can_play = true if (can_play) { game.state = "dubious_clarence" game.who = LORD_EDWARD_IV init_influence_check(LORD_EDWARD_IV) } else { logi(`No Effect`) end_immediate_event() } } states.dubious_clarence = { inactive: "Dubious Clarence", prompt() { view.prompt = `You may Influence check with Edward to disband Clarence ` prompt_influence_check() }, spend1: add_influence_check_modifier_1, spend3: add_influence_check_modifier_2, check() { let results = do_influence_check() log(`Attempt to disband Clarence ${results.success ? "Successful" : "Failed"}: (${range(results.rating)}) ${results.success ? HIT[results.roll] : MISS[results.roll]}`) if (results.success) { disband_lord(LORD_CLARENCE, false) end_immediate_event() } else { end_immediate_event() } }, } // === EVENT: YORKIST NORTH === function goto_york_event_yorkist_north() { let influence_gained = 0 for (let lord of all_york_lords) { if (is_lord_on_map(lord) && !is_lord_on_calendar(lord) && is_lord_in_north(lord)) influence_gained++ } for (let loc of all_locales) { if (loc !== NOWHERE && loc < CALENDAR && has_favoury_marker(loc) && is_north(loc)) { influence_gained++ } } logi(`Yorkist North : ${influence_gained} Influence for Yorkists`) increase_york_influence(influence_gained) end_immediate_event() } // === EVENT: EARL RIVERS === function goto_york_event_earl_rivers() { game.state = "earl_rivers" game.event_earl_rivers = [] game.who = NOBODY } function end_york_event_earl_rivers() { delete game.event_earl_rivers game.who = NOBODY end_immediate_event() } states.earl_rivers = { inactive: "Earl Rivers", prompt() { view.prompt = "Earl Rivers: Add up to 2 Militia to each Yorkist Lord on map." view.actions.done = 1 if (game.who === NOBODY) { for (let lord of all_york_lords) if (is_lord_on_map(lord) && !set_has(game.event_earl_rivers, lord)) gen_action_lord(lord) } else { view.actions.add_militia = 1 view.actions.add_militia2 = 1 } }, done() { end_york_event_earl_rivers() }, add_militia() { add_lord_forces(game.who, MILITIA, 1) set_add(game.event_earl_rivers, game.who) game.who = NOBODY }, add_militia2() { add_lord_forces(game.who, MILITIA, 2) set_add(game.event_earl_rivers, game.who) game.who = NOBODY }, lord(lord) { push_undo() game.who = lord } } // === EVENT (AS LEVY EFFECT): THE KINGS NAME === function eligible_kings_name() { if ( (!is_lord_on_calendar(LORD_GLOUCESTER_1) && is_lord_on_map(LORD_GLOUCESTER_1)) || (!is_lord_on_calendar(LORD_GLOUCESTER_2) && is_lord_on_map(LORD_GLOUCESTER_2)) ) { if (is_event_in_play(EVENT_YORK_THE_KINGS_NAME) && game.active === LANCASTER) return true } return false } function push_the_kings_name() { if (eligible_kings_name()) save_state_for_the_kings_name() } function goto_the_kings_name(action) { if (eligible_kings_name()) { // TODO: pause for confirmation before changing control? game.what = action set_active_enemy() game.state = "the_kings_name" } else { resume_levy_muster_lord() } } states.the_kings_name = { inactive: "The King's Name", prompt() { view.prompt = `The King's Name: You pay may 1 Influence to cancel last ${game.what} action.` view.actions.pass = 1 view.actions.pay = 1 }, pay() { restore_state_for_the_kings_name() log(`${game.what} action cancelled.`) logevent(EVENT_YORK_THE_KINGS_NAME) reduce_york_influence(1) resume_levy_muster_lord() }, pass() { delete_state_for_the_kings_name() set_active_enemy() resume_levy_muster_lord() } } // === EVENT (AS LEVY EFFECT): RISING WAGES === function goto_rising_wages() { game.state = "rising_wages" } states.rising_wages = { inactive: "Rising Wages", prompt() { let here = get_lord_locale(game.who) view.prompt = "Rising Wages: Pay 1 extra coin to levy troops" for (let lord of all_friendly_lords()) { let loc = get_lord_locale(lord) if (here === loc && (get_lord_assets(lord, COIN) > 0)) { gen_action_coin(lord) } } }, coin(lord) { push_undo() add_lord_assets(lord, COIN, -1) logi(`${EVENT_LANCASTER_RISING_WAGES}`) log("York paid 1 Coin to Levy troops") do_levy_troops() }, } // === EVENT (AS LEVY EFFECT): THE COMMONS === // each Levy Troops action ends with coming here function goto_the_commons() { game.state = "the_commons" game.flags.commons_militia = 2 } states.the_commons = { inactive: "The Commons", prompt() { view.prompt = `Add up to ${game.flags.commons_militia} Militias.` if (game.flags.commons_militia > 0) view.actions.add_militia = 1 view.actions.done = 1 }, add_militia() { push_undo() add_lord_forces(game.who, MILITIA, 1) if (--game.flags.commons_militia === 0) end_the_commons() }, done() { push_undo() end_the_commons() } } function end_the_commons() { game.flags.commons_militia = 0 goto_the_kings_name("Levy Troops") } // === EVENT (AS LEVY EFFECT): JACK CADE === function is_york_dominating_north() { let dom = 0 for (let loc of all_north_locales) { if (has_favoury_marker(loc)) { dom++ } } if (dom > 5) return true return false } function is_york_dominating_south() { let dom = 0 for (let loc of all_south_locales) { if (has_favoury_marker(loc)) { dom++ } } if (dom > 9) return true if (dom > 4 && (lord_has_capability(LORD_MARCH, AOW_YORK_SOUTHERNERS) || lord_has_capability(LORD_RUTLAND, AOW_YORK_SOUTHERNERS) || lord_has_capability(LORD_YORK, AOW_YORK_SOUTHERNERS))) return true return false } function is_york_dominating_wales() { let dom = 0 for (let loc of all_wales_locales) { if (has_favoury_marker(loc)) { dom++ } } if (dom > 5) return true if (dom > 2 && (lord_has_capability(LORD_MARCH, AOW_YORK_WELSHMEN) || lord_has_capability(LORD_YORK, AOW_YORK_WELSHMEN))) return true return false } function is_jack_cade_eligible(lord: Lord) { if (!is_event_in_play(EVENT_YORK_JACK_CADE)) return false if (is_lord_in_or_adjacent_to_south(lord) && is_york_dominating_south()) return true if (is_lord_in_or_adjacent_to_north(lord) && is_york_dominating_north()) return true if (is_lord_in_or_adjacent_to_wales(lord) && is_york_dominating_wales()) return true return false } // === EVENT (AS ACTION): EXILE PACT === function can_action_exile_pact() { return game.actions > 0 && is_event_in_play(EVENT_YORK_EXILE_PACT) } function goto_exile_pact() { push_undo() game.state = "exile_pact" } states.exile_pact = { inactive: "Exile Pact", prompt() { view.prompt = "Exile Pact: Place your cylinder in a Friendly Exile box." for (let loc of data.exile_boxes) { if (has_favour_in_locale(game.active, loc)) gen_action_locale(loc) } }, locale(loc) { push_undo() set_lord_locale(game.command, loc) end_exile_pact() } } function end_exile_pact() { spend_action(1) push_undo() resume_command() } // === EVENTS: HELD === function play_held_event(c: Card) { log(`Played E${c}.`) if (is_york_card(c)) set_delete(game.hand_y, c) else set_delete(game.hand_l, c) } function prompt_held_event_at_levy() { for (let c of current_hand()) if (can_play_held_event_at_levy(c)) gen_action_card(c) } function prompt_held_event_at_campaign() { for (let c of current_hand()) if (can_play_held_event_at_campaign(c)) gen_action_card(c) } function can_play_held_event_at_levy(c: Card) { switch (c) { case EVENT_LANCASTER_ASPIELLES: return can_play_l_aspielles() case EVENT_YORK_ASPIELLES: return can_play_y_aspielles() case EVENT_YORK_YORKIST_PARADE: return can_play_yorkist_parade() case EVENT_YORK_SUN_IN_SPLENDOUR: return can_play_sun_in_splendour() } return false } function can_play_held_event_at_campaign(c: Card) { switch (c) { case EVENT_LANCASTER_ASPIELLES: return can_play_l_aspielles() case EVENT_YORK_ASPIELLES: return can_play_y_aspielles() case EVENT_LANCASTER_REBEL_SUPPLY_DEPOT: return can_play_rebel_supply_depot() case EVENT_LANCASTER_SURPRISE_LANDING: return can_play_surprise_landing() case EVENT_LANCASTER_PARLIAMENTS_TRUCE: return can_play_parliaments_truce() case EVENT_YORK_PARLIAMENTS_TRUCE: return can_play_parliaments_truce() } return false } function action_held_event_at_levy(c: Card) { push_undo() play_held_event(c) switch (c) { // Play any time case EVENT_YORK_ASPIELLES: case EVENT_LANCASTER_ASPIELLES: goto_play_aspielles() break // Play in Levy case EVENT_YORK_SUN_IN_SPLENDOUR: goto_play_sun_in_splendour() break // Play in Levy (for passive effect) case EVENT_YORK_YORKIST_PARADE: set_add(game.events, c) break default: throw "INVALID CARD" } } function action_held_event_at_campaign(c: Card) { push_undo() play_held_event(c) switch (c) { // Play any time case EVENT_YORK_ASPIELLES: case EVENT_LANCASTER_ASPIELLES: goto_play_aspielles() break // Play after march/sail to seaport // TODO: move into states.command ? case EVENT_LANCASTER_REBEL_SUPPLY_DEPOT: goto_play_rebel_supply_depot() break // Play after sail to seaport // TODO: move into states.command ? case EVENT_LANCASTER_SURPRISE_LANDING: goto_play_surprise_landing() break // Play in Campaign (for passive effect) case EVENT_LANCASTER_PARLIAMENTS_TRUCE: case EVENT_YORK_PARLIAMENTS_TRUCE: set_add(game.events, c) break default: throw "INVALID CARD" } } // === HELD EVENT (LEVY): YORKIST PARADE === function can_play_yorkist_parade() { if (is_levy_phase()) { if (is_favour_friendly(LOC_LONDON) && (get_lord_locale(LORD_WARWICK_Y) === LOC_LONDON || get_lord_locale(LORD_YORK) === LOC_LONDON)) return true } return false } // === HELD EVENT (LEVY): SUN IN SPLENDOUR === function can_play_sun_in_splendour() { if (is_levy_phase()) return is_lord_on_calendar(LORD_EDWARD_IV) return false } function goto_play_sun_in_splendour() { push_state("sun_in_splendour") } states.sun_in_splendour = { inactive: "Sun in Splendour", prompt() { view.prompt = "Sun in Splendour: Muster Edward IV in any friendly locale with no enemy lord" // ... TODO: or a scenario-designated Yorkist Exile box for (let loc of all_locales) if (is_friendly_locale(loc)) gen_action_locale(loc) }, locale(loc) { push_undo() muster_lord(LORD_EDWARD_IV, loc) // TODO: remove_lord_from_exile(LORD_EDWARD_IV) ? // TODO: muster to exile box ? logi(`Mustered Edward IV at ${data.locales[loc].name}`) pop_state() }, } // === HELD EVENT: ASPIELLES === function can_play_l_aspielles() { return game.hand_y.length > 0 || game.hidden } function can_play_y_aspielles() { return game.hand_l.length > 0 || game.hidden } function goto_play_aspielles() { push_state("aspielles") game.who = NOBODY if (game.active === YORK) log("Lancaster hand shown to the York player") if (game.active === LANCASTER) log("York hand shown to the Lancaster player") } states.aspielles = { inactive: "Aspielles", prompt() { view.prompt = "Aspielles: You may see enemy held cards" if (game.hidden) { view.prompt += " and an enemy lord to see his mat" if (game.who === NOBODY) { for (let lord of all_enemy_lords()) gen_action_lord(lord) } else { view.reveal |= (1 << game.who) view.actions.done = 1 } } else { view.actions.done = 1 } if (game.active === YORK) view.hand = game.hand_l if (game.active === LANCASTER) view.hand = game.hand_y }, lord(lord) { log(`${lord_name[lord]} Spied`) game.who = lord }, done() { pop_state() }, } // === HELD EVENT: REBEL SUPPLY DEPOT === function can_play_rebel_supply_depot() { if (game.flags.sail_to_port || game.flags.march_to_port) return true return false } function goto_play_rebel_supply_depot() { game.flags.supply_depot = 1 add_spoils(PROV, 4) push_state("rebel_supply_depot") } states.rebel_supply_depot = { inactive: "Rebel Supply depot", prompt() { if (has_any_spoils()) { view.prompt = "Rebel Supply Depot: Divide " + list_spoils() + "." let here = get_lord_locale(game.command) for (let lord of all_friendly_lords()) { if (get_lord_locale(lord) === here) prompt_select_lord(lord) if (game.who !== NOBODY) prompt_spoils() } } else { view.prompt = "Rebel Supply Depot: All done." view.actions.end_spoils = 1 } }, lord: action_select_lord, take_prov() { push_undo_without_who() take_spoils(PROV) }, end_spoils() { push_undo_without_who() end_rebel_supply_depot() }, } function end_rebel_supply_depot() { pop_state() delete game.spoils } // === HELD EVENT: SURPRISE LANDING === function can_play_surprise_landing() { let here = get_lord_locale(game.command) if (game.flags.sail_to_port) { if (here !== LOC_CALAIS && here !== LOC_PEMBROKE && here !== LOC_HARLECH && here !== LOC_LANCASTER) return true } return false } function goto_play_surprise_landing() { game.state = "surprise_landing" game.flags.surprise_landing = 1 game.who = NOBODY } states.surprise_landing = { inactive: "Surprise Landing", prompt() { view.prompt = "Surprise Landing : You may march once (no path)." view.group = game.group let here = get_lord_locale(game.command) // 4.3.2 Marshals MAY take other lords if ( is_marshal(game.command) || (lord_has_capability(game.command, AOW_YORK_CAPTAIN) && !other_marshal_or_lieutenant(here)) ) { for (let lord of all_friendly_lords()) if (lord !== game.command) if (get_lord_locale(lord) === here) gen_action_lord(lord) } // Lieutenant may not take marshall if (is_lieutenant(game.command)) { for (let lord of all_friendly_lords()) if (lord !== game.command) if (get_lord_locale(lord) === here && !is_marshal(lord)) { gen_action_lord(lord) } } prompt_march() }, lord(lord) { set_toggle(game.group, lord) }, locale: goto_march, } // === LOGGING === function range(x) { switch (x) { case 0: return "0" case 1: return "1" case 2: return "1-2" case 3: return "1-3" case 4: return "1-4" case 5: return "1-5" case 6: return "Automatic success" } return "?" } function log_br() { if (game.log.length > 0 && game.log[game.log.length - 1] !== "") game.log.push("") } function log(msg: string) { game.log.push(msg) } function logevent(cap: Card) { game.log.push(`E${cap}.`) } function logcap(cap: Card) { game.log.push(`C${cap}.`) } function logi(msg: string) { game.log.push(">" + msg) } function log_h1(msg: string) { log_br() log(".h1 " + msg) log_br() } function log_h2(msg: string) { log_br() if (game.active === YORK) log(".h2t " + msg) else log(".h2r " + msg) log_br() } function log_h3(msg: string) { log_br() if (game.active === YORK) log(".h3t " + msg) else log(".h3r " + msg) log_br() } function log_h4(msg: string) { log_br() log(".h4 " + msg) } function log_h5(msg: string) { log_br() log(".h5 " + msg) } // === VIEW & ACTION === exports.view = function (state, current) { load_state(state) view = { prompt: null, actions: null, log: game.log, reveal: 0, end: scenario_last_turn[game.scenario], turn: game.turn, victory_check: game.victory_check, influence: game.influence, events: game.events, pieces: game.pieces, battle: game.battle, held_y: game.hand_y.length, held_l: game.hand_l.length, command: game.command, hand: null, plan: null, } if (!game.hidden) view.reveal = -1 if (current === YORK) { view.hand = game.hand_y view.plan = game.plan_y if (game.hidden) view.reveal |= YORK_LORD_MASK } if (current === LANCASTER) { view.hand = game.hand_l view.plan = game.plan_l if (game.hidden) view.reveal |= LANCASTER_LORD_MASK } if (game.battle) { if (game.battle.array) { for (let lord of game.battle.array) if (lord !== NOBODY) view.reveal |= 1 << lord } for (let lord of game.battle.reserves) view.reveal |= 1 << lord } if (game.state === "game_over") { view.prompt = game.victory } else if (current === "Observer" || (game.active !== current && game.active !== BOTH)) { let inactive = states[game.state].inactive || game.state view.prompt = `Waiting for ${game.active} \u2014 ${inactive}.` } else { view.actions = {} view.who = game.who if (states[game.state]) states[game.state].prompt(current) else view.prompt = "Unknown state: " + game.state if (view.actions.undo === undefined) { if (game.undo && game.undo.length > 0) view.actions.undo = 1 else view.actions.undo = 0 } } return view } exports.action = function (state, current, action, arg) { load_state(state) // Object.seal(game) // XXX: don't allow adding properties let S = states[game.state] if (S && action in S) { S[action](arg, current) } else { if (action === "undo" && game.undo && game.undo.length > 0) pop_undo() else throw new Error("Invalid action: " + action) } return game } function gen_action(action: string, argument: number) { if (!(action in view.actions)) view.actions[action] = [] set_add(view.actions[action], argument) } function gen_action_card_if_held(c: Card) { if (has_card_in_hand(c)) gen_action_card(c) } function prompt_select_lord(lord: Lord) { if (lord !== game.who) gen_action_lord(lord) } function action_select_lord(lord: Lord) { if (game.who === lord) game.who = NOBODY else game.who = lord } function gen_action_locale(locale: Locale) { gen_action("locale", locale) } function gen_action_lord(lord: Lord) { gen_action("lord", lord) } function gen_action_array(pos: number) { gen_action("array", pos) } function gen_action_vassal(vassal: Vassal) { gen_action("vassal", vassal) } function gen_action_card(card_or_list: Card | Card[]) { if (Array.isArray(card_or_list)) for (let c of card_or_list) gen_action("card", c) else gen_action("card", card_or_list) } function gen_action_plan(lord: Lord) { gen_action("plan", lord) } function gen_action_prov(lord: Lord) { gen_action("prov", lord) } function gen_action_coin(lord: Lord) { gen_action("coin", lord) } function gen_action_cart(lord: Lord) { gen_action("cart", lord) } function gen_action_mercenaries(lord: Lord) { gen_action("mercenaries", lord) } function gen_action_burgundians(lord: Lord) { gen_action("burgundians", lord) } function gen_action_longbowmen(lord: Lord) { gen_action("longbowmen", lord) } function gen_action_retinue(lord: Lord) { gen_action("retinue", lord) } function gen_action_men_at_arms(lord: Lord) { gen_action("men_at_arms", lord) } function gen_action_militia(lord: Lord) { gen_action("militia", lord) } function gen_action_routed_mercenaries(lord: Lord) { gen_action("routed_mercenaries", lord) } function gen_action_routed_longbowmen(lord: Lord) { gen_action("routed_longbowmen", lord) } function gen_action_routed_burgundians(lord: Lord) { gen_action("routed_burgundians", lord) } function gen_action_routed_men_at_arms(lord: Lord) { gen_action("routed_men_at_arms", lord) } function gen_action_routed_militia(lord: Lord) { gen_action("routed_militia", lord) } // === GAME OVER === function goto_game_over(result: string, victory: string) { game.state = "game_over" game.active = "None" game.result = result game.victory = victory log_h1("Game Over") log(game.victory) return true } states.game_over = { get inactive() { return game.victory }, prompt() { view.prompt = game.victory }, } // === UTILITY FUNCTIONS === function push_state(next) { if (!states[next]) throw Error("No such state: " + next) game.stack.push([ game.state, game.who, game.count ]) game.state = next } function pop_state() { [ game.state, game.who, game.count ] = game.stack.pop() } function save_state_for_the_kings_name() { game.event_the_kings_name = game.undo[game.undo.length - 1] } function restore_state_for_the_kings_name() { let current_log = game.log let current_influence = game.influence game = game.event_the_kings_name game.undo = [] game.log = current_log game.influence = current_influence delete game.event_the_kings_name } function delete_state_for_the_kings_name() { delete game.event_the_kings_name } function clear_undo() { if (game.undo.length > 0) game.undo = [] } function push_undo_without_who() { let save_who = game.who game.who = NOBODY push_undo() game.who = save_who } function push_undo() { let copy = {} for (let k in game) { let v = game[k] if (k === "undo") continue else if (k === "log") v = v.length else if (typeof v === "object" && v !== null) v = object_copy(v) copy[k] = v } game.undo.push(copy) } function pop_undo() { let save_log = game.log let save_undo = game.undo game = save_undo.pop() save_log.length = (game as any).log game.log = save_log game.undo = save_undo } function roll_die() { clear_undo() return random(6) + 1 } function random(range) { // An MLCG using integer arithmetic with doubles. // https://www.ams.org/journals/mcom/1999-68-225/S0025-5718-99-00996-5/S0025-5718-99-00996-5.pdf // m = 2**35 − 31 return (game.seed = (game.seed * 200105) % 34359738337) % range } // Fast deep copy for objects without cycles function object_copy(original) { if (Array.isArray(original)) { let n = original.length let copy = new Array(n) for (let i = 0; i < n; ++i) { let v = original[i] if (typeof v === "object" && v !== null) copy[i] = object_copy(v) else copy[i] = v } return copy } else { let copy = {} for (let i in original) { let v = original[i] if (typeof v === "object" && v !== null) copy[i] = object_copy(v) else copy[i] = v } return copy } } // Packed array of small numbers in one word function pack1_get(word: number, n: number) { return (word >>> n) & 1 } function pack2_get(word: number, n: number) { n = n << 1 return (word >>> n) & 3 } function pack4_get(word: number, n: number) { n = n << 2 return (word >>> n) & 15 } function pack1_set(word: number, n: number, x: number) { return (word & ~(1 << n)) | (x << n) } function pack2_set(word: number, n: number, x: number) { n = n << 1 return (word & ~(3 << n)) | (x << n) } function pack4_set(word: number, n: number, x: number) { n = n << 2 return (word & ~(15 << n)) | (x << n) } // Array remove and insert (faster than splice) function array_remove_item(array: T[], item: T) { let n = array.length for (let i = 0; i < n; ++i) if (array[i] === item) return array_remove(array, i) } function array_remove(array: T[], index: number) { let n = array.length for (let i = index + 1; i < n; ++i) array[i - 1] = array[i] array.length = n - 1 } function array_insert(array: T[], index: number, item: T) { for (let i = array.length; i > index; --i) array[i] = array[i - 1] array[index] = item } function array_remove_pair(array: T[], index: number) { let n = array.length for (let i = index + 2; i < n; ++i) array[i - 2] = array[i] array.length = n - 2 } function array_insert_pair(array: (K|V)[], index: number, key: K, value: V) { for (let i = array.length; i > index; i -= 2) { array[i] = array[i - 2] array[i + 1] = array[i - 1] } array[index] = key array[index + 1] = value } // Set as plain sorted array function set_has(set: T[], item: T) { let a = 0 let b = set.length - 1 while (a <= b) { let m = (a + b) >> 1 let x = set[m] if (item < x) b = m - 1 else if (item > x) a = m + 1 else return true } return false } function set_add(set: T[], item: T) { let a = 0 let b = set.length - 1 while (a <= b) { let m = (a + b) >> 1 let x = set[m] if (item < x) b = m - 1 else if (item > x) a = m + 1 else return } array_insert(set, a, item) } function set_delete(set: T[], item: T) { let a = 0 let b = set.length - 1 while (a <= b) { let m = (a + b) >> 1 let x = set[m] if (item < x) b = m - 1 else if (item > x) a = m + 1 else { array_remove(set, m) return } } } function set_toggle(set: T[], item: T) { let a = 0 let b = set.length - 1 while (a <= b) { let m = (a + b) >> 1 let x = set[m] if (item < x) b = m - 1 else if (item > x) a = m + 1 else { array_remove(set, m) return } } array_insert(set, a, item) } // Map as plain sorted array of key/value pairs function map_get_pack4(map, lord, k) { return pack4_get(map_get(map, lord, 0), k) } function map_set_pack4(map, lord, k, v) { let val = pack4_set(map_get(map, lord, 0), k, v) if (val === 0) map_delete(map, lord) else map_set(map, lord, val) } function map2_get(map, x, y, v) { return map_get(map, (x << 1) + y, v) } function map2_set(map, x, y, v) { return map_set(map, (x << 1) + y, v) } function map2_delete(map, x, y) { return map_delete(map, (x << 1) + y) } function map_has_value(map, value) { for (let i = 1; i < map.length; i += 2) if (map[i] === value) return true return false } function map_clear(map) { map.length = 0 } function map_has(map, key) { let a = 0 let b = (map.length >> 1) - 1 while (a <= b) { let m = (a + b) >> 1 let x = map[m << 1] if (key < x) b = m - 1 else if (key > x) a = m + 1 else return true } return false } function map_get(map, key, missing) { let a = 0 let b = (map.length >> 1) - 1 while (a <= b) { let m = (a + b) >> 1 let x = map[m << 1] if (key < x) b = m - 1 else if (key > x) a = m + 1 else return map[(m << 1) + 1] } return missing } function map_set(map, key, value) { let a = 0 let b = (map.length >> 1) - 1 while (a <= b) { let m = (a + b) >> 1 let x = map[m << 1] if (key < x) b = m - 1 else if (key > x) a = m + 1 else { map[(m << 1) + 1] = value return } } array_insert_pair(map, a << 1, key, value) } function map_delete(map, item) { let a = 0 let b = (map.length >> 1) - 1 while (a <= b) { let m = (a + b) >> 1 let x = map[m << 1] if (item < x) b = m - 1 else if (item > x) a = m + 1 else { array_remove_pair(map, m << 1) return } } } function map_for_each(map: MyMap, f: (k:K,v:V)=>void) { for (let i = 0; i < map.length; i += 2) f(map[i] as K, map[i+1] as V) } // === FUZZING ASSERTS === const mutually_exclusive_lords = [ [LORD_EXETER_1, LORD_EXETER_2], [LORD_SOMERSET_1, LORD_SOMERSET_2], [LORD_JASPER_TUDOR_1, LORD_JASPER_TUDOR_2], [LORD_MARCH, LORD_EDWARD_IV], [LORD_GLOUCESTER_1, LORD_GLOUCESTER_2, LORD_RICHARD_III], [LORD_NORTHUMBERLAND_Y1, LORD_NORTHUMBERLAND_Y2, LORD_NORTHUMBERLAND_L], [LORD_WARWICK_Y, LORD_WARWICK_L], [LORD_YORK, LORD_EDWARD_IV, LORD_RICHARD_III], [LORD_HENRY_VI, LORD_MARGARET], [LORD_MARGARET, LORD_HENRY_TUDOR], [LORD_HENRY_VI, LORD_HENRY_TUDOR], ] function assert_mutually_exclusive_lords() { for (const lords of mutually_exclusive_lords) { if (lords.filter(is_lord_in_play).length > 1) { const lord_names = lords.map(l => lord_name[l]) throw Error(`ASSERT: Mutually exclusive Lords [${lord_names}] can't be all in play.`) } } } function assert_all_lords_have_troops_or_retinue() { for (let lord of all_york_lords) { if (is_lord_on_map(lord) && !count_lord_all_forces(lord) && !get_lord_forces(lord, RETINUE)) throw Error(`ASSERT: Lord "${lord_name[lord]}" without troops or retinue.`) } } function assert_all_lords_on_land() { for (let lord of all_york_lords) { if (is_lord_at_sea(lord)) throw Error(`ASSERT: Lord "${lord_name[lord]}" at sea during Levy phase.`) } } function assert_all_lords_without_routed_troops() { for (let lord of all_york_lords) { if (lord_has_routed_troops(lord)) throw Error(`ASSERT: Lord "${lord_name[lord]}" has routed troops during Levy phase.`) } } exports.assert_state = function (state) { load_state(state) // assert_mutually_exclusive_lords() if (game.state === "feed") assert_all_lords_have_troops_or_retinue() if (is_levy_phase()) { assert_all_lords_on_land() assert_all_lords_without_routed_troops() } } let log_sanity = [] exports.fuzz_log = function (fuzz_info) { console.log(`${fuzz_info.state.state} - ${fuzz_info.actions} - - ${fuzz_info.args} [${fuzz_info.chosen_action}, ${fuzz_info.chosen_arg}]`) log_sanity.push(fuzz_info.state.state) if (log_sanity.length > 200) { log_sanity = log_sanity.slice(1) if (false) if (log_sanity.every(l => l === fuzz_info.state.state)) { console.log(`STATE`, fuzz_info.state) console.log(`VIEW`, fuzz_info.view) throw new Error("Too many times in the same state.") } } } if (false) exports.fuzz_crash = function (_state, _view) { for (let x = 0; x < log_sanity.length; x++) { console.log(log_sanity[x]) } }