"use strict" // TODO: SA without RD // TODO: hit remainders // TODO: choose crossbow/normal hit application order // TODO: Lodya capability during supply! // TODO: 2nd edition supply rule - no reuse of transports // TODO - precompute possible supply lines for faster rejections // TODO: show command lord different from selected lord (inactive player) // TODO: show siegeworks + walls on battle mat for protection indication? // Check all push/clear_undo // Remove push_state/pop_state stuff - use explicit substates with common functions instead // Optimize lift_sieges (only check specific locales based on where the check is) // Use game.levy or game.command instead of game.who for levy (like game.command for campaign) // Clean up game.who (use only in muster / events, not for command) const data = require("./data.js") // packed strike and hit group data const GROUPS = [[[0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,[[8,1]],[[8,2]],[[8,3]],[[8,4]],[[8,5]],[[8,2]],[[8,7]],0,[[16,1]],[[16,2]],[[16,3]],[[16,4]],[[16,1]],[[16,6]],[[16,7]],0,[[24,1]],[[24,2]],[[8,1],[16,2]],[[24,4]],[[24,1]],[[24,2]],[[8,1],[16,6]],0,[[32,1]],[[32,2]],[[32,2]],[[32,4]],[[32,5]],[[32,6]],[[32,7]],0,[[40,1]],[[40,2]],[[8,3],[32,2]],[[40,4]],[[8,1],[32,4]],[[8,2],[32,6]],[[8,3],[32,6]],0,[[48,1]],[[48,2]],[[48,2]],[[48,4]],[[16,1],[32,4]],[[16,2],[32,4]],[[16,3],[32,4]],0,[[56,1]],[[56,2]],[[8,1],[48,2]],[[56,4]],[[24,1],[32,4]],[[24,2],[32,4]],[[8,1],[16,2],[32,4]]],[0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,[[16,4]],0,0,0,0,0,0,0,[[8,1],[16,4]],0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,[[48,4]],0,0,0,0,0,0,0,[[8,1],[48,4]],0,0]],[[0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,[[1,8]],[[2,8]],[[3,8]],[[4,8]],[[5,8]],[[6,8]],[[7,8]],0,[[1,16]],[[2,16]],[[3,16]],[[4,16]],[[5,16]],[[6,16]],[[7,16]],0,[[1,24]],[[2,24]],[[1,8],[2,16]],[[4,16]],[[1,24],[4,16]],[[6,16]],[[1,8],[6,16]],0,[[1,32]],[[2,32]],[[3,32]],[[4,32]],[[5,32]],[[6,32]],[[7,32]],0,[[1,40]],[[2,8]],[[3,8]],[[4,40]],[[1,8],[4,32]],[[2,8],[4,32]],[[3,8],[4,32]],0,[[1,16]],[[2,48]],[[3,16]],[[4,48]],[[1,16],[4,48]],[[2,16],[4,32]],[[3,16],[4,32]],0,[[1,56]],[[2,56]],[[1,8],[2,48]],[[4,56]],[[1,24],[4,48]],[[2,24],[4,32]],[[1,8],[2,16],[4,32]]],[0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,[[2,32]],[[1,8],[2,32]],0,0,[[6,32]],[[1,8],[6,32]],0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0]]] const TODO = false const BOTH = "Both" const TEUTONS = "Teutons" const RUSSIANS = "Russians" const P1 = TEUTONS const P2 = RUSSIANS // NOTE: With Hidden Mats option, the player order of feed/pay may matter. const FEED_PAY_DISBAND = true // feed, pay, disband in one go const WASTAGE_DISCARD = true // wastage, discard in one go // option ACTIVE_FEED_FIRST // active card feeds first (instead of P1 always first) // option DELAY_PAY_IF_NO_FEED_OR_DISBAND // option SERVICE_BEFORE_SPOILS const DIE_HIT = "01234567" const DIE_MISS = "01234567" let game = null let view = null let states = {} let immediate_events = {} exports.roles = [ P1, P2 ] exports.scenarios = [ "Pleskau", "Watland", "Peipus", "Return of the Prince", "Return of the Prince (Nicolle)", "Crusade on Novgorod", "Pleskau (Quickstart)", "Test", ] const scenario_last_turn = { "Pleskau": 2, "Watland": 8, "Peipus": 16, "Return of the Prince": 16, "Return of the Prince (Nicolle)": 16, "Crusade on Novgorod": 16, "Pleskau (Quickstart)": 2, "Test": 2, } // unit types const KNIGHTS = 0 const SERGEANTS = 1 const LIGHT_HORSE = 2 const ASIATIC_HORSE = 3 const MEN_AT_ARMS = 4 const MILITIA = 5 const SERFS = 6 const FORCE_TYPE_NAME = [ "knights", "sergeants", "light horse", "asiatic horse", "men-at-arms", "militia", "serfs" ] const FORCE_PROTECTION = [ 4, 3, 1, 1, 3, 1, 0 ] const FORCE_EVADE = [ 0, 0, 0, 3, 0, 0, 0 ] // asset types const PROV = 0 const COIN = 1 const LOOT = 2 const CART = 3 const SLED = 4 const BOAT = 5 const SHIP = 6 const ASSET_TYPE_NAME = [ "prov", "coin", "loot", "cart", "sled", "boat", "ship" ] // battle array const A1 = 0 // attackers const A2 = 1 const A3 = 2 const D1 = 3 // defenders const D2 = 4 const D3 = 5 const SA1 = 6 // relief sally: attackers const SA2 = 7 const SA3 = 8 const RD1 = 9 // relief sally: reserve defenders const RD2 = 10 const RD3 = 11 const battle_array_name = [ "A1", "A2", "A2", "D1", "D2", "D3", "SA1", "SA2", "SA3", "RD1", "RD2", "RD3", ] // battle steps const BATTLE_STEP_DEF_ARCHERY = 0 const BATTLE_STEP_ATK_ARCHERY = 1 const BATTLE_STEP_DEF_HORSE = 2 const BATTLE_STEP_ATK_HORSE = 3 const BATTLE_STEP_DEF_FOOT = 4 const BATTLE_STEP_ATK_FOOT = 5 // storm steps const STORM_STEP_DEF_ARCHERY = 0 const STORM_STEP_ATK_ARCHERY = 1 const STORM_STEP_DEF_MELEE = 2 const STORM_STEP_ATK_MELEE = 3 const battle_step_name = [ "Defending Archery", "Attacking Archery", "Defending Horse", "Attacking Horse", "Defending Foot", "Attacking Foot", ] const storm_step_name = [ "Defending Archery", "Attacking Archery", "Defending Melee", "Attacking Melee", ] function find_card(name) { return data.cards.findIndex((x) => x.name === name) } function find_lord(name) { return data.lords.findIndex((x) => x.name === name) } function find_locale(name) { return data.locales.findIndex((x) => x.name === name) } const lord_name = data.lords.map((lord) => lord.name) const vassal_name = data.vassals.map((vassal) => vassal.name) const lord_count = data.lords.length const vassal_count = data.vassals.length const first_lord = 0 const last_lord = lord_count - 1 const first_p1_locale = 0 const last_p1_locale = 23 const first_p2_locale = 24 const last_p2_locale = 52 const first_locale = 0 const last_locale = 52 const first_p1_card = 0 const last_p1_card = 17 const last_p1_card_no_event = 20 const first_p2_card = 21 const last_p2_card = 38 const last_p2_card_no_event = 41 const T1 = find_card("T1") const T2 = find_card("T2") const T3 = find_card("T3") const T4 = find_card("T4") const T5 = find_card("T5") const T6 = find_card("T6") const T7 = find_card("T7") const T8 = find_card("T8") const T9 = find_card("T9") const T10 = find_card("T10") const T11 = find_card("T11") const T12 = find_card("T12") const T13 = find_card("T13") const T14 = find_card("T14") const T15 = find_card("T15") const T16 = find_card("T16") const T17 = find_card("T17") const T18 = find_card("T18") const R1 = find_card("R1") const R2 = find_card("R2") const R3 = find_card("R3") const R4 = find_card("R4") const R5 = find_card("R5") const R6 = find_card("R6") const R7 = find_card("R7") const R8 = find_card("R8") const R9 = find_card("R9") const R10 = find_card("R10") const R11 = find_card("R11") const R12 = find_card("R12") const R13 = find_card("R13") const R14 = find_card("R14") const R15 = find_card("R15") const R16 = find_card("R16") const R17 = find_card("R17") const R18 = find_card("R18") const GARRISON = -1 const LORD_ANDREAS = find_lord("Andreas") const LORD_HEINRICH = find_lord("Heinrich") const LORD_HERMANN = find_lord("Hermann") const LORD_KNUD_ABEL = find_lord("Knud & Abel") const LORD_RUDOLF = find_lord("Rudolf") const LORD_YAROSLAV = find_lord("Yaroslav") const LORD_ALEKSANDR = find_lord("Aleksandr") const LORD_ANDREY = find_lord("Andrey") const LORD_DOMASH = find_lord("Domash") const LORD_GAVRILO = find_lord("Gavrilo") const LORD_KARELIANS = find_lord("Karelians") const LORD_VLADISLAV = find_lord("Vladislav") const LEGATE_INDISPOSED = -2 const LEGATE_ARRIVED = -1 const LOC_REVAL = find_locale("Reval") const LOC_WESENBERG = find_locale("Wesenberg") const LOC_DORPAT = find_locale("Dorpat") const LOC_LEAL = find_locale("Leal") const LOC_RIGA = find_locale("Riga") const LOC_ADSEL = find_locale("Adsel") const LOC_FELLIN = find_locale("Fellin") const LOC_ODENPAH = find_locale("Odenpäh") const LOC_WENDEN = find_locale("Wenden") const LOC_NOVGOROD = find_locale("Novgorod") const LOC_LADOGA = find_locale("Ladoga") const LOC_PSKOV = find_locale("Pskov") const LOC_RUSA = find_locale("Rusa") const LOC_LOVAT = find_locale("Lovat") const LOC_LUGA = find_locale("Luga") const LOC_NEVA = find_locale("Neva") const LOC_VOLKHOV = find_locale("Volkhov") const LOC_IZBORSK = find_locale("Izborsk") const LOC_KAIBOLOVO = find_locale("Kaibolovo") const LOC_KOPORYE = find_locale("Koporye") const LOC_PORKHOV = find_locale("Porkhov") const LOC_VELIKIYE_LUKI = find_locale("Velikiye Luki") const LOC_DUBROVNO = find_locale("Dubrovno") const LOC_VOD = find_locale("Vod") const LOC_ZHELTSY = find_locale("Zheltsy") const LOC_TESOVO = find_locale("Tesovo") const LOC_SABLIA = find_locale("Sablia") // Misc tracking flags const FLAG_FIRST_ACTION = 1 << 0 const FLAG_FIRST_MARCH = 1 << 1 const FLAG_TEUTONIC_RAIDERS = 1 << 2 const AOW_TEUTONIC_TREATY_OF_STENSBY = T1 const AOW_TEUTONIC_RAIDERS = T2 const AOW_TEUTONIC_CONVERTS = T3 const AOW_TEUTONIC_BALISTARII = [ T4, T5, T6 ] const AOW_TEUTONIC_WARRIOR_MONKS = [ T7, T15 ] const AOW_TEUTONIC_HILLFORTS = T8 const AOW_TEUTONIC_HALBBRUDER = [ T9, T10 ] const AOW_TEUTONIC_CRUSADE = T11 const AOW_TEUTONIC_ORDENSBURGEN = T12 const AOW_TEUTONIC_WILLIAM_OF_MODENA = T13 const AOW_TEUTONIC_TREBUCHETS = T14 const AOW_TEUTONIC_RANSOM = T16 const AOW_TEUTONIC_STONEMASONS = T17 const AOW_TEUTONIC_COGS = T18 const AOW_RUSSIAN_LUCHNIKI = [ R1, R2 ] const AOW_RUSSIAN_STRELTSY = [ R3, R13 ] const AOW_RUSSIAN_SMERDI = R4 const AOW_RUSSIAN_DRUZHINA = [ R5, R6 ] const AOW_RUSSIAN_RANSOM = R7 const AOW_RUSSIAN_BLACK_SEA_TRADE = R8 const AOW_RUSSIAN_BALTIC_SEA_TRADE = R9 const AOW_RUSSIAN_STEPPE_WARRIORS = R10 const AOW_RUSSIAN_HOUSE_OF_SUZDAL = R11 const AOW_RUSSIAN_RAIDERS = [ R12, R14 ] const AOW_RUSSIAN_ARCHBISHOPRIC = R15 const AOW_RUSSIAN_LODYA = R16 const AOW_RUSSIAN_VELIKY_KNYAZ = R17 const AOW_RUSSIAN_STONE_KREMLIN = R18 const EVENT_TEUTONIC_FAMINE = T16 const EVENT_RUSSIAN_FAMINE = R7 const EVENT_VALDEMAR = R11 const EVENT_DIETRICH = R17 const EVENT_DEATH_OF_THE_POPE = R15 const VASSAL_UNAVAILABLE = 0 const VASSAL_READY = 1 const VASSAL_MUSTERED = 2 const NOBODY = -1 const NOWHERE = -1 const NOTHING = -1 const NEVER = -1 const CALENDAR = 100 const SUMMER = 0 const EARLY_WINTER = 1 const LATE_WINTER = 2 const RASPUTITSA = 3 const SEASONS = [ null, SUMMER, SUMMER, EARLY_WINTER, EARLY_WINTER, LATE_WINTER, LATE_WINTER, RASPUTITSA, RASPUTITSA, SUMMER, SUMMER, EARLY_WINTER, EARLY_WINTER, LATE_WINTER, LATE_WINTER, RASPUTITSA, RASPUTITSA, null, ] const TURN_NAME = [ null, "1 - Summer 1240", "2 - Summer 1240", "3 - Early Winter 1240", "4 - Early Winter 1240", "5 - Late Winter 1241", "6 - Late Winter 1241", "7 - Rasputitsa 1241", "8 - Rasputitsa 1241", "9 - Summer 1241", "10 - Summer 1241", "11 - Early Winter 1241", "12 - Early Winter 1241", "13 - Late Winter 1242", "14 - Late Winter 1242", "15 - Rasputitsa 1242", "16 - Rasputitsa 1242", null, ] const USABLE_TRANSPORT = [ [ CART, BOAT, SHIP ], [ SLED ], [ SLED ], [ BOAT, SHIP ] ] const COMMANDERIES = [ LOC_ADSEL, LOC_FELLIN, LOC_LEAL, LOC_WENDEN ] function is_in_rus(loc) { return data.locales[loc].region === "Novgorodan Rus" } function is_in_livonia(loc) { return data.locales[loc].region === "Crusader Livonia" } function is_commandery(loc) { return ( loc === LOC_ADSEL || loc === LOC_FELLIN || loc === LOC_LEAL || loc === LOC_WENDEN ) } function current_turn() { return game.turn >> 1 } function current_season() { return SEASONS[game.turn >> 1] } function current_turn_name() { return TURN_NAME[game.turn >> 1] } function current_deck() { if (game.active === P1) return game.deck1 return game.deck2 } function is_campaign_phase() { return (game.turn & 1) === 1 } function is_levy_phase() { return (game.turn & 1) === 0 } // === GAME STATE === const first_p1_lord = 0 const last_p1_lord = 5 const first_p2_lord = 6 const last_p2_lord = 11 let first_friendly_lord = 0 let last_friendly_lord = 5 let first_enemy_lord = 6 let last_enemy_lord = 11 function update_aliases() { if (game.active === P1) { first_friendly_lord = 0 last_friendly_lord = 5 first_enemy_lord = 6 last_enemy_lord = 11 } else if (game.active === P2) { first_friendly_lord = 6 last_friendly_lord = 11 first_enemy_lord = 0 last_enemy_lord = 5 } else { first_friendly_lord = -1 last_friendly_lord = -1 first_enemy_lord = -1 last_enemy_lord = -1 } } function load_state(state) { if (game !== state) { game = state update_aliases() } } function push_state(next) { if (!states[next]) throw Error("No such state: " + next) game.stack.push([ game.state, game.who, game.count ]) game.state = next } function pop_state() { ;[ game.state, game.who, game.count ] = game.stack.pop() } function set_active(new_active) { if (game.active !== new_active) { game.active = new_active update_aliases() } } function set_active_enemy() { game.active = enemy_player() update_aliases() } function enemy_player() { if (game.active === P1) return P2 if (game.active === P2) return P1 return null } function has_any_spoils() { return ( game.spoils && game.spoils[PROV] + game.spoils[COIN] + game.spoils[LOOT] + game.spoils[CART] + game.spoils[SLED] + game.spoils[BOAT] + game.spoils[SHIP] > 0 ) } function get_spoils(type, n) { if (game.spoils) return game.spoils[type] return 0 } function add_spoils(type, n) { if (!game.spoils) game.spoils = [ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ] game.spoils[type] += n } function get_lord_locale(lord) { return game.pieces.locale[lord] } function get_lord_service(lord) { return game.pieces.service[lord] } function get_lord_capability(lord, n) { return game.pieces.capabilities[(lord << 1) + n] } function set_lord_capability(lord, n, x) { game.pieces.capabilities[(lord << 1) + n] = x } function get_lord_assets(lord, n) { return pack4_get(game.pieces.assets[lord], n) } function get_lord_forces(lord, n) { return pack4_get(game.pieces.forces[lord], n) } function get_lord_routed_forces(lord, n) { return pack4_get(game.pieces.routed[lord], n) } function has_unrouted_units(lord) { return game.pieces.forces[lord] !== 0 } function has_routed_units(lord) { return game.pieces.routed[lord] !== 0 } function set_lord_locale(lord, locale) { game.pieces.locale[lord] = locale } function shift_lord_cylinder(lord, dir) { set_lord_locale(lord, get_lord_locale(lord) + dir) } function set_lord_service(lord, service) { if (service < 0) service = 0 if (service > 17) service = 17 game.pieces.service[lord] = service } function add_lord_service(lord, n) { set_lord_service(lord, get_lord_service(lord) + n) } function set_lord_assets(lord, n, x) { if (x < 0) x = 0 if (x > 8) x = 8 game.pieces.assets[lord] = pack4_set(game.pieces.assets[lord], n, x) } function add_lord_assets(lord, n, x) { set_lord_assets(lord, n, get_lord_assets(lord, n) + x) } function set_lord_forces(lord, n, x) { if (x < 0) x = 0 if (x > 15) x = 15 game.pieces.forces[lord] = pack4_set(game.pieces.forces[lord], n, x) } function add_lord_forces(lord, n, x) { set_lord_forces(lord, n, get_lord_forces(lord, n) + x) } function set_lord_routed_forces(lord, n, x) { if (x < 0) x = 0 if (x > 15) x = 15 game.pieces.routed[lord] = pack4_set(game.pieces.routed[lord], n, x) } function add_lord_routed_forces(lord, n, x) { set_lord_routed_forces(lord, n, get_lord_routed_forces(lord, n) + x) } function clear_lords_moved() { game.pieces.moved = 0 } function get_lord_moved(lord) { return pack2_get(game.pieces.moved, lord) } function set_lord_moved(lord, x) { game.pieces.moved = pack2_set(game.pieces.moved, lord, x) } function set_lord_unfed(lord, n) { // reuse "moved" flag for hunger set_lord_moved(lord, n) } function is_lord_unfed(lord) { // reuse "moved" flag for hunger return get_lord_moved(lord) } function feed_lord_skip(lord) { // reuse "moved" flag for hunger set_lord_moved(lord, 0) } function feed_lord(lord) { // reuse "moved" flag for hunger set_lord_moved(lord, get_lord_moved(lord) - 1) } function get_lord_array_position(lord) { for (let p = 0; p < 12; ++p) if (game.battle.array[p] === lord) return p return -1 } // === GAME STATE HELPERS === function roll_die() { return random(6) + 1 } function get_shared_assets(loc, what) { let n = 0 for (let lord = first_friendly_lord; lord <= last_friendly_lord; ++lord) if (get_lord_locale(lord) === loc) n += get_lord_assets(lord, what) return n } function count_lord_forces(lord) { return ( get_lord_forces(lord, KNIGHTS) + get_lord_forces(lord, SERGEANTS) + get_lord_forces(lord, LIGHT_HORSE) + get_lord_forces(lord, ASIATIC_HORSE) + get_lord_forces(lord, MEN_AT_ARMS) + get_lord_forces(lord, MILITIA) + get_lord_forces(lord, SERFS) ) } function count_lord_horses(lord) { return ( get_lord_forces(lord, KNIGHTS) + get_lord_forces(lord, SERGEANTS) + get_lord_forces(lord, LIGHT_HORSE) + get_lord_forces(lord, ASIATIC_HORSE) ) } function count_lord_boats(lord) { let boats = get_lord_assets(lord, BOAT) if (lord_has_capability(lord, AOW_RUSSIAN_LODYA)) { // TODO: one option or the other (only matters for supply) let ships = get_lord_assets(lord, SHIP) if (ships > 2) ships = 2 if (boats * 2 > boats + ships) boats = boats * 2 else boats = boats + ships } return boats } function count_shared_boats() { let here = get_lord_locale(game.command) let n = 0 for (let lord = first_friendly_lord; lord <= last_friendly_lord; ++lord) if (get_lord_locale(lord) === here) n += count_lord_boats(lord) return n } function count_lord_ships(lord) { let ships = get_lord_assets(lord, SHIP) if (lord_has_capability(lord, AOW_TEUTONIC_COGS)) { ships *= 2 } if (lord_has_capability(lord, AOW_RUSSIAN_LODYA)) { // TODO: one option or the other (only matters for supply) let boats = get_lord_assets(lord, BOAT) if (boats > 2) boats = 2 ships += boats } return ships } function count_shared_ships() { let here = get_lord_locale(game.command) let n = 0 for (let lord = first_friendly_lord; lord <= last_friendly_lord; ++lord) if (get_lord_locale(lord) === here) n += count_lord_ships(lord) return n } function count_shared_cogs_not_in_group() { let n = 0 if (game.active === TEUTONS) { for (let lord = first_friendly_lord; lord <= last_friendly_lord; ++lord) if (lord_has_capability(lord, AOW_TEUTONIC_COGS)) if (!set_has(game.group, lord)) // not already counted for n += get_lord_assets(lord, SHIP) * 2 } return n } function count_shared_cogs_not_in_locale(here) { let n = 0 if (game.active === TEUTONS) { for (let lord = first_friendly_lord; lord <= last_friendly_lord; ++lord) if (lord_has_capability(lord, AOW_TEUTONIC_COGS)) if (get_lord_locale(lord) !== here) n += get_lord_assets(lord, SHIP) * 2 } return n } function count_group_ships() { let n = 0 for (let lord of game.group) n += count_lord_ships(lord) return n } function count_group_assets(type) { let n = 0 for (let lord of game.group) n += get_lord_assets(lord, type) return n } function count_group_forces(type) { let n = 0 for (let lord of game.group) n += count_lord_forces(lord, type) return n } function count_group_horses() { let n = 0 for (let lord of game.group) n += count_lord_horses(lord) return n } function count_group_transport(type) { let n = 0 for (let lord of game.group) n += count_lord_transport(lord, type) return n } function max_plan_length() { switch (current_season()) { case SUMMER: return 6 case EARLY_WINTER: return 4 case LATE_WINTER: return 4 case RASPUTITSA: return 5 } } function count_cards_in_plan(plan, lord) { let n = 0 for (let c of plan) if (c === lord) ++n return n } function is_marshal(lord) { switch (lord) { case LORD_ANDREAS: return true case LORD_HERMANN: return !is_lord_on_map(LORD_ANDREAS) case LORD_ALEKSANDR: return true case LORD_ANDREY: return !is_lord_on_map(LORD_ALEKSANDR) default: return false } } function is_armored_force(type) { return type === KNIGHTS || type === SERGEANTS || type === MEN_AT_ARMS } function is_no_event_card(c) { if (c === 18 || c === 19 || c === 20) return true if (c === 39 || c === 40 || c === 41) return true return false } function can_discard_card(c) { if (set_has(game.hand1, c)) return true if (set_has(game.hand2, c)) return true if (set_has(game.capabilities, c)) return true if (game.pieces.capabilities.includes(c)) return true } function is_lord_on_map(lord) { let loc = get_lord_locale(lord) return loc !== NOWHERE && loc < CALENDAR } function is_lord_in_play(lord) { return get_lord_locale(lord) !== NOWHERE } function is_lord_besieged(lord) { return pack1_get(game.pieces.besieged, lord) } function is_lord_unbesieged(lord) { return !pack1_get(game.pieces.besieged, lord) } function set_lord_besieged(lord, x) { game.pieces.besieged = pack1_set(game.pieces.besieged, lord, x) } function is_lord_on_calendar(lord) { let loc = get_lord_locale(lord) return loc >= CALENDAR } function is_lord_ready(lord) { let loc = get_lord_locale(lord) return loc >= CALENDAR && loc <= CALENDAR + (game.turn >> 1) } function is_special_vassal_available(vassal) { let cap = data.vassals[vassal].capability if (cap === "Crusade") return has_global_capability(AOW_TEUTONIC_CRUSADE) if (cap === "Steppe Warriors") return has_global_capability(AOW_RUSSIAN_STEPPE_WARRIORS) return true } function is_vassal_unavailable(vassal) { return game.pieces.vassals[vassal] === VASSAL_UNAVAILABLE } function is_vassal_ready(vassal) { return game.pieces.vassals[vassal] === VASSAL_READY } function is_vassal_mustered(vassal) { return game.pieces.vassals[vassal] === VASSAL_MUSTERED } function is_teutonic_lord(lord) { return lord >= first_p1_lord && lord <= last_p1_lord } function is_russian_lord(lord) { return lord >= first_p2_lord && lord <= last_p2_lord } function is_friendly_lord(lord) { return lord >= first_friendly_lord && lord <= last_friendly_lord } function is_enemy_lord(lord) { return lord >= first_enemy_lord && lord <= last_enemy_lord } function is_lord_at_friendly_locale(lord) { let loc = get_lord_locale(lord) return is_friendly_locale(loc) } function for_each_seat(lord, fn, repeat = false) { let list = data.lords[lord].seats for (let seat of list) fn(seat) if (is_teutonic_lord(lord)) { if (has_global_capability(AOW_TEUTONIC_ORDENSBURGEN)) { for (let commandery of COMMANDERIES) if (repeat || !set_has(list, commandery)) fn(commandery) } } if (is_russian_lord(lord)) { if (has_global_capability(AOW_RUSSIAN_ARCHBISHOPRIC)) if (repeat || !set_has(list, LOC_NOVGOROD)) fn(LOC_NOVGOROD) } if (lord === LORD_YAROSLAV) { if (has_conquered_marker(LOC_PSKOV)) if (repeat || !set_has(list, LOC_PSKOV)) fn(LOC_PSKOV) } } function is_lord_seat(lord, here) { let result = false for_each_seat(lord, seat => { if (seat === here) result = true }) return result } function is_lord_at_seat(lord) { return is_lord_seat(lord, get_lord_locale(lord)) } function has_free_seat(lord) { let result = false for_each_seat(lord, seat => { if (!result && is_friendly_locale(seat)) result = true }) return result } function has_teutonic_lord(here) { for (let lord = first_p1_lord; lord <= last_p1_lord; ++lord) if (get_lord_locale(lord) === here) return true } function has_russian_lord(here) { for (let lord = first_p2_lord; lord <= last_p2_lord; ++lord) if (get_lord_locale(lord) === here) return true } function has_friendly_lord(loc) { for (let lord = first_friendly_lord; lord <= last_friendly_lord; ++lord) if (get_lord_locale(lord) === loc) return true return false } function has_besieged_friendly_lord(loc) { for (let lord = first_friendly_lord; lord <= last_friendly_lord; ++lord) if (get_lord_locale(lord) === loc && is_lord_besieged(lord)) return true return false } function has_enemy_lord(loc) { for (let lord = first_enemy_lord; lord <= last_enemy_lord; ++lord) if (get_lord_locale(lord) === loc) return true return false } function has_unbesieged_enemy_lord(loc) { for (let lord = first_enemy_lord; lord <= last_enemy_lord; ++lord) if (get_lord_locale(lord) === loc && is_lord_unbesieged(lord)) return true return false } function has_unbesieged_friendly_lord(loc) { for (let lord = first_friendly_lord; lord <= last_friendly_lord; ++lord) if (get_lord_locale(lord) === loc && is_lord_unbesieged(lord)) return true return false } function is_p1_locale(loc) { return loc >= first_p1_locale && loc <= last_p1_locale } function is_p2_locale(loc) { return loc >= first_p2_locale && loc <= last_p2_locale } function is_friendly_territory(loc) { if (game.active === P1) return loc >= first_p1_locale && loc <= last_p1_locale return loc >= first_p2_locale && loc <= last_p2_locale } function is_enemy_territory(loc) { if (game.active === P1) return loc >= first_p2_locale && loc <= last_p2_locale return loc >= first_p1_locale && loc <= last_p1_locale } function is_seaport(loc) { return set_has(data.seaports, loc) } function is_trade_route(loc) { return data.locales[loc].type === "traderoute" } function is_fort(loc) { return data.locales[loc].type === "fort" && !has_castle_marker(loc) } function is_town(loc) { return data.locales[loc].type === "town" && !has_castle_marker(loc) } function is_castle(loc) { return data.locales[loc].type === "castle" || has_castle_marker(loc) } function is_bishopric(loc) { return data.locales[loc].type === "bishopric" } function is_city(loc) { return data.locales[loc].type === "city" } function is_region(loc) { return data.locales[loc].type === "region" } function is_stronghold(loc) { return data.locales[loc].stronghold > 0 } function has_conquered_marker(loc) { return set_has(game.pieces.conquered, loc) } function add_conquered_marker(loc) { set_add(game.pieces.conquered, loc) } function remove_conquered_marker(loc) { set_delete(game.pieces.conquered, loc) } function has_ravaged_marker(loc) { return set_has(game.pieces.ravaged, loc) } function add_ravaged_marker(loc) { set_add(game.pieces.ravaged, loc) } function remove_ravaged_marker(loc) { set_delete(game.pieces.ravaged, loc) } function count_siege_markers(loc) { return map_get(game.pieces.sieges, loc, 0) } function has_siege_marker(loc) { return map_get(game.pieces.sieges, loc, 0) > 0 } function add_siege_marker(loc) { map_set(game.pieces.sieges, loc, map_get(game.pieces.sieges, loc, 0) + 1) } function remove_siege_marker(loc) { let n = map_get(game.pieces.sieges, loc, 0) if (n > 1) map_set(game.pieces.sieges, loc, n - 1) else map_delete(game.pieces.sieges, loc) } function remove_all_but_one_siege_markers(loc) { map_set(game.pieces.sieges, loc, 1) } function remove_all_siege_markers(loc) { map_delete(game.pieces.sieges, loc) } function conquer_trade_route(loc) { if (game.active === RUSSIANS) { if (has_conquered_marker(loc)) { log(`Conquered %${loc}.`) remove_conquered_marker(loc) } } else { if (!has_conquered_marker(loc)) { log(`Conquered %${loc}.`) add_conquered_marker(loc) } } } function count_castles(loc) { return game.pieces.castles1.length + game.pieces.castles2.length } function add_friendly_castle(loc) { // only P1 can add set_add(game.pieces.castles1, loc) } function has_enemy_castle(loc) { if (game.active === P1) return set_has(game.pieces.castles2, loc) return set_has(game.pieces.castles1, loc) } function has_friendly_castle(loc) { if (game.active === P1) return set_has(game.pieces.castles1, loc) return set_has(game.pieces.castles2, loc) } function has_castle_marker(loc) { return ( set_has(game.pieces.castles1, loc) || set_has(game.pieces.castles2, loc) ) } function flip_castle(loc) { if (game.active === P1) { set_delete(game.pieces.castle2, loc) set_add(game.pieces.castle1, loc) } else { set_delete(game.pieces.castle1, loc) set_add(game.pieces.castle2, loc) } } function has_conquered_stronghold(loc) { return is_stronghold(loc) && has_conquered_marker(loc) } function is_friendly_stronghold_locale(loc) { if (is_stronghold(loc) || has_friendly_castle(loc)) // TODO: use full "is friendly locale" check here, or just color of stronghold? return is_friendly_locale(loc) return false } function is_enemy_stronghold(loc) { if (is_stronghold(loc)) { if (is_enemy_territory(loc) && !has_conquered_marker(loc)) return true if (is_friendly_territory(loc) && has_conquered_marker(loc)) return true } if (has_enemy_castle(loc)) return true return false } function is_friendly_stronghold(loc) { if (is_stronghold(loc)) { if (is_friendly_territory(loc) && !has_conquered_marker(loc)) return true if (is_enemy_territory(loc) && has_conquered_marker(loc)) return true } if (has_friendly_castle(loc)) return true return false } function is_unbesieged_enemy_stronghold(loc) { return is_enemy_stronghold(loc) && !has_siege_marker(loc) } function is_unbesieged_friendly_stronghold(loc) { return is_friendly_stronghold(loc) && !has_siege_marker(loc) } function is_besieged_enemy_stronghold(loc) { return is_enemy_stronghold(loc) && has_siege_marker(loc) } function is_besieged_friendly_stronghold(loc) { return is_friendly_stronghold(loc) && has_siege_marker(loc) } function is_friendly_locale(loc) { if (loc !== NOWHERE && loc < CALENDAR) { if (has_enemy_lord(loc)) return false if (is_friendly_territory(loc)) { if (has_conquered_marker(loc)) return false if (has_enemy_castle(loc)) return false return true } else { if (is_stronghold(loc) && has_conquered_marker(loc)) return true if (has_friendly_castle(loc)) return true } } return false } function is_not_friendly_locale(loc) { return !is_friendly_locale(loc) } function can_add_transport(who, what) { return get_lord_assets(who, what) < 8 } function count_lord_transport(lord, type) { let season = current_season() let n = 0 switch (type) { case "trackway": switch (season) { case SUMMER: n += get_lord_assets(lord, CART) break case EARLY_WINTER: case LATE_WINTER: n += get_lord_assets(lord, SLED) break case RASPUTITSA: break } break case "waterway": switch (season) { case SUMMER: n += count_lord_boats(lord) break case EARLY_WINTER: case LATE_WINTER: n += get_lord_assets(lord, SLED) break case RASPUTITSA: n += count_lord_boats(lord) break } break } return n } function list_ways(from, to) { for (let ways of data.locales[from].ways) if (ways[0] === to) return ways return null } function has_two_ways(from, to) { return list_ways(from, to).length > 2 } function is_upper_lord(lord) { return map_has(game.pieces.lieutenants, lord) } function is_lower_lord(lord) { for (let i = 1; i < game.pieces.lieutenants.length; i += 2) if (game.pieces.lieutenants[i] === lord) return true return false } function get_upper_lord(lower) { for (let i = 0; i < game.pieces.lieutenants.length; i += 2) if (game.pieces.lieutenants[i+1] === lower) return i return NOBODY } function get_lower_lord(upper) { return map_get(game.pieces.lieutenants, upper, NOBODY) } function set_lower_lord(upper, lower) { map_set(game.pieces.lieutenants, upper, lower) } function add_lieutenant(upper) { map_set(game.pieces.lieutenants, upper, NOBODY) } function remove_lieutenant(lord) { for (let i = 0; i < game.pieces.lieutenants.length; i += 2) { if(game.pieces.lieutenants[i] === lord || game.pieces.lieutenants[i+1] === lord) { array_remove_pair(game.pieces.lieutenants, i) return } } } function is_located_with_legate(lord) { return get_lord_locale(lord) === game.pieces.legate } function group_has_capability(c) { for (let lord of game.group) if (lord_has_capability(lord, c)) return true return false } function count_unbesieged_friendly_lords(loc) { let n = 0 for (let lord = first_friendly_lord; lord <= last_friendly_lord; ++lord) if (get_lord_locale(lord) === loc && is_lord_unbesieged(lord)) ++n return n } // === SETUP === function setup_lord_on_calendar(lord, turn) { set_lord_locale(lord, CALENDAR + turn) } function muster_lord_forces(lord) { let info = data.lords[lord] set_lord_forces(lord, KNIGHTS, info.forces.knights | 0) set_lord_forces(lord, SERGEANTS, info.forces.sergeants | 0) set_lord_forces(lord, LIGHT_HORSE, info.forces.light_horse | 0) set_lord_forces(lord, ASIATIC_HORSE, info.forces.asiatic_horse | 0) set_lord_forces(lord, MEN_AT_ARMS, info.forces.men_at_arms | 0) set_lord_forces(lord, MILITIA, info.forces.militia | 0) set_lord_forces(lord, SERFS, info.forces.serfs | 0) } function muster_vassal_forces(lord, vassal) { let info = data.vassals[vassal] add_lord_forces(lord, KNIGHTS, info.forces.knights | 0) add_lord_forces(lord, SERGEANTS, info.forces.sergeants | 0) add_lord_forces(lord, LIGHT_HORSE, info.forces.light_horse | 0) add_lord_forces(lord, ASIATIC_HORSE, info.forces.asiatic_horse | 0) add_lord_forces(lord, MEN_AT_ARMS, info.forces.men_at_arms | 0) add_lord_forces(lord, MILITIA, info.forces.militia | 0) add_lord_forces(lord, SERFS, info.forces.serfs | 0) } function restore_lord_forces(lord, type, count) { if (get_lord_forces(lord, type) < count) { set_lord_forces(lord, type, count) return 1 } return 0 } function restore_vassal_forces(lord, vassal) { let info = data.vassals[vassal] restore_lord_forces(lord, KNIGHTS, info.forces.knights | 0) restore_lord_forces(lord, SERGEANTS, info.forces.sergeants | 0) restore_lord_forces(lord, LIGHT_HORSE, info.forces.light_horse | 0) restore_lord_forces(lord, ASIATIC_HORSE, info.forces.asiatic_horse | 0) restore_lord_forces(lord, MEN_AT_ARMS, info.forces.men_at_arms | 0) restore_lord_forces(lord, MILITIA, info.forces.militia | 0) restore_lord_forces(lord, SERFS, info.forces.serfs | 0) } function muster_lord(lord, locale, service) { let info = data.lords[lord] if (!service) service = current_turn() + info.service set_lord_locale(lord, locale) set_lord_service(lord, service) set_lord_assets(lord, PROV, info.assets.prov | 0) set_lord_assets(lord, COIN, info.assets.coin | 0) set_lord_assets(lord, LOOT, info.assets.loot | 0) set_lord_assets(lord, CART, info.assets.cart | 0) set_lord_assets(lord, SLED, info.assets.sled | 0) set_lord_assets(lord, BOAT, info.assets.boat | 0) set_lord_assets(lord, SHIP, info.assets.ship | 0) muster_lord_forces(lord) for (let v of info.vassals) { if (is_special_vassal_available(v)) game.pieces.vassals[v] = VASSAL_READY else game.pieces.vassals[v] = VASSAL_UNAVAILABLE } } function disband_vassal(vassal) { let info = data.vassals[vassal] let lord = data.vassals[vassal].lord logi(`Disbanded ${info.name}.`) add_lord_forces(lord, KNIGHTS, -(info.forces.knights | 0)) add_lord_forces(lord, SERGEANTS, -(info.forces.sergeants | 0)) add_lord_forces(lord, LIGHT_HORSE, -(info.forces.light_horse | 0)) add_lord_forces(lord, ASIATIC_HORSE, -(info.forces.asiatic_horse | 0)) add_lord_forces(lord, MEN_AT_ARMS, -(info.forces.men_at_arms | 0)) add_lord_forces(lord, MILITIA, -(info.forces.militia | 0)) add_lord_forces(lord, SERFS, -(info.forces.serfs | 0)) game.pieces.vassals[v] = VASSAL_READY } function muster_vassal(lord, vassal) { game.pieces.vassals[vassal] = VASSAL_MUSTERED muster_vassal_forces(lord, vassal) } function setup_decks() { for (let c = first_p1_card; c <= last_p1_card; ++c) game.deck1.push(c) for (let c = last_p1_card; c <= last_p1_card_no_event; ++c) game.deck1.push(c) for (let c = first_p2_card; c <= last_p2_card; ++c) game.deck2.push(c) for (let c = last_p2_card; c <= last_p2_card_no_event; ++c) game.deck2.push(c) } function draw_card(deck) { let i = random(deck.length) let c = deck[i] set_delete(deck, c) console.log("deck", c, deck) return c } function discard_card(c) { if (c >= first_p1_card && c <= last_p1_card_no_event) set_add(game.deck1, c) else if (c >= first_p2_card && c <= last_p2_card_no_event) set_add(game.deck2, c) } function discard_events(when) { for (let i = 0; i < game.events.length; ) { let c = game.events[i] if (data.cards[c].when === when) { array_remove(game.events, i) discard_card(c) } else { ++i } } } exports.setup = function (seed, scenario, options) { game = { seed, scenario, options, log: [], undo: [], active: P1, state: "setup_lords", stack: [], deck1: [], deck2: [], hand1: [], hand2: [], plan1: [], plan2: [], turn: 0, events: [], // this levy/this campaign cards capabilities: [], // global capabilities pieces: { locale: Array(lord_count).fill(NOWHERE), service: Array(lord_count).fill(NEVER), assets: Array(lord_count).fill(0), forces: Array(lord_count).fill(0), routed: Array(lord_count).fill(0), capabilities: Array(lord_count << 1).fill(NOTHING), besieged: 0, moved: 0, lieutenants: [], vassals: Array(vassal_count).fill(VASSAL_UNAVAILABLE), conquered: [], ravaged: [], sieges: [], castles1: [], castles2: [], walls: [], legate: LEGATE_INDISPOSED, legate_selected: 0, veche_vp: 0, veche_coin: 0, smerdi: 0, }, flags: { first_action: 0, first_march: 0, teutonic_raiders: 0, }, command: NOBODY, actions: 0, group: 0, who: NOBODY, where: NOWHERE, what: NOTHING, count: 0, supply: 0, march: 0, battle: 0, spoils: 0, } update_aliases() log_h1(scenario) setup_decks() switch (scenario) { default: case "Pleskau": setup_pleskau() break case "Watland": setup_watland() break case "Peipus": setup_peipus() break case "Return of the Prince": setup_return_of_the_prince() break case "Return of the Prince (Nicolle)": setup_return_of_the_prince_nicolle() break case "Crusade on Novgorod": setup_crusade_on_novgorod() break case "Pleskau (Quickstart)": setup_pleskau_quickstart() break case "Test": setup_pleskau_quickstart() setup_test() break } return game } function setup_pleskau() { game.turn = 1 << 1 game.pieces.veche_vp = 1 muster_lord(LORD_HERMANN, LOC_DORPAT, 4) muster_lord(LORD_KNUD_ABEL, LOC_REVAL, 3) muster_lord(LORD_YAROSLAV, LOC_ODENPAH, 2) muster_lord(LORD_GAVRILO, LOC_PSKOV, 4) muster_lord(LORD_VLADISLAV, LOC_NEVA, 3) setup_lord_on_calendar(LORD_RUDOLF, 1) setup_lord_on_calendar(LORD_DOMASH, 1) } function setup_watland() { game.turn = 4 << 1 game.pieces.veche_vp = 1 game.pieces.veche_coin = 1 set_add(game.pieces.conquered, LOC_IZBORSK) set_add(game.pieces.conquered, LOC_PSKOV) set_add(game.pieces.ravaged, LOC_PSKOV) set_add(game.pieces.ravaged, LOC_DUBROVNO) muster_lord(LORD_ANDREAS, LOC_FELLIN, 7) muster_lord(LORD_KNUD_ABEL, LOC_WESENBERG, 6) muster_lord(LORD_YAROSLAV, LOC_PSKOV, 5) muster_lord(LORD_DOMASH, LOC_NOVGOROD, 7) setup_lord_on_calendar(LORD_HEINRICH, 4) setup_lord_on_calendar(LORD_RUDOLF, 4) setup_lord_on_calendar(LORD_VLADISLAV, 4) setup_lord_on_calendar(LORD_KARELIANS, 4) setup_lord_on_calendar(LORD_ANDREY, 5) setup_lord_on_calendar(LORD_ALEKSANDR, 7) setup_lord_on_calendar(LORD_HERMANN, 8) } function setup_peipus() { game.turn = 13 << 1 game.pieces.veche_vp = 4 game.pieces.veche_coin = 3 set_add(game.pieces.castles2, LOC_KOPORYE) set_add(game.pieces.conquered, LOC_IZBORSK) set_add(game.pieces.conquered, LOC_PSKOV) set_add(game.pieces.ravaged, LOC_VOD) set_add(game.pieces.ravaged, LOC_ZHELTSY) set_add(game.pieces.ravaged, LOC_TESOVO) set_add(game.pieces.ravaged, LOC_SABLIA) set_add(game.pieces.ravaged, LOC_PSKOV) set_add(game.pieces.ravaged, LOC_DUBROVNO) muster_lord(LORD_HERMANN, LOC_DORPAT, 16) muster_lord(LORD_YAROSLAV, LOC_PSKOV, 14) muster_lord(LORD_ALEKSANDR, LOC_NOVGOROD, 16) muster_lord(LORD_ANDREY, LOC_NOVGOROD, 16) muster_lord(LORD_DOMASH, LOC_NOVGOROD, 16) muster_lord(LORD_KARELIANS, LOC_NOVGOROD, 14) setup_lord_on_calendar(LORD_HEINRICH, 13) setup_lord_on_calendar(LORD_KNUD_ABEL, 13) setup_lord_on_calendar(LORD_RUDOLF, 13) setup_lord_on_calendar(LORD_GAVRILO, 13) setup_lord_on_calendar(LORD_VLADISLAV, 15) } function setup_return_of_the_prince() { game.turn = 9 << 1 game.pieces.veche_vp = 3 game.pieces.veche_coin = 2 set_add(game.pieces.castles1, LOC_KOPORYE) set_add(game.pieces.conquered, LOC_KAIBOLOVO) set_add(game.pieces.conquered, LOC_KOPORYE) set_add(game.pieces.conquered, LOC_IZBORSK) set_add(game.pieces.conquered, LOC_PSKOV) set_add(game.pieces.ravaged, LOC_VOD) set_add(game.pieces.ravaged, LOC_ZHELTSY) set_add(game.pieces.ravaged, LOC_TESOVO) set_add(game.pieces.ravaged, LOC_SABLIA) set_add(game.pieces.ravaged, LOC_PSKOV) set_add(game.pieces.ravaged, LOC_DUBROVNO) muster_lord(LORD_ANDREAS, LOC_KOPORYE, 12) muster_lord(LORD_ALEKSANDR, LOC_NOVGOROD, 14) setup_lord_on_calendar(LORD_HERMANN, 9) setup_lord_on_calendar(LORD_RUDOLF, 9) setup_lord_on_calendar(LORD_YAROSLAV, 9) setup_lord_on_calendar(LORD_ANDREY, 9) setup_lord_on_calendar(LORD_KARELIANS, 9) setup_lord_on_calendar(LORD_VLADISLAV, 10) setup_lord_on_calendar(LORD_HEINRICH, 11) setup_lord_on_calendar(LORD_KNUD_ABEL, 11) setup_lord_on_calendar(LORD_DOMASH, 11) setup_lord_on_calendar(LORD_GAVRILO, 13) } function setup_return_of_the_prince_nicolle() { game.turn = 9 << 1 game.pieces.veche_vp = 3 game.pieces.veche_coin = 2 set_add(game.pieces.castles1, LOC_KOPORYE) set_add(game.pieces.conquered, LOC_KAIBOLOVO) set_add(game.pieces.conquered, LOC_KOPORYE) set_add(game.pieces.ravaged, LOC_VOD) set_add(game.pieces.ravaged, LOC_ZHELTSY) set_add(game.pieces.ravaged, LOC_TESOVO) set_add(game.pieces.ravaged, LOC_SABLIA) muster_lord(LORD_ANDREAS, LOC_RIGA, 12) muster_lord(LORD_HERMANN, LOC_DORPAT, 12) muster_lord(LORD_KNUD_ABEL, LOC_KOPORYE, 11) muster_lord(LORD_ALEKSANDR, LOC_NOVGOROD, 14) muster_lord(LORD_GAVRILO, LOC_PSKOV, 12) setup_lord_on_calendar(LORD_RUDOLF, 9) setup_lord_on_calendar(LORD_YAROSLAV, 9) setup_lord_on_calendar(LORD_ANDREY, 9) setup_lord_on_calendar(LORD_KARELIANS, 9) setup_lord_on_calendar(LORD_VLADISLAV, 10) setup_lord_on_calendar(LORD_HEINRICH, 11) setup_lord_on_calendar(LORD_DOMASH, 11) } function setup_crusade_on_novgorod() { game.turn = 1 << 1 game.pieces.veche_vp = 1 game.pieces.veche_coin = 0 muster_lord(LORD_HERMANN, LOC_DORPAT, 4) muster_lord(LORD_KNUD_ABEL, LOC_REVAL, 3) muster_lord(LORD_YAROSLAV, LOC_ODENPAH, 2) muster_lord(LORD_GAVRILO, LOC_PSKOV, 4) muster_lord(LORD_VLADISLAV, LOC_NEVA, 3) setup_lord_on_calendar(LORD_ANDREAS, 1) setup_lord_on_calendar(LORD_HEINRICH, 1) setup_lord_on_calendar(LORD_RUDOLF, 1) setup_lord_on_calendar(LORD_DOMASH, 1) setup_lord_on_calendar(LORD_KARELIANS, 3) setup_lord_on_calendar(LORD_ALEKSANDR, 5) setup_lord_on_calendar(LORD_ANDREY, 5) } function setup_pleskau_quickstart() { setup_pleskau() add_lord_assets(LORD_HERMANN, CART, 1) add_lord_assets(LORD_YAROSLAV, CART, 1) add_lord_assets(LORD_GAVRILO, BOAT, 1) add_lord_assets(LORD_GAVRILO, CART, 1) add_lord_assets(LORD_VLADISLAV, BOAT, 1) log_h1("Levy " + current_turn_name()) log(`Quickstart...`) muster_lord(LORD_RUDOLF, LOC_WENDEN) add_lord_assets(LORD_RUDOLF, CART, 1) add_lord_assets(LORD_KNUD_ABEL, BOAT, 1) muster_vassal(LORD_HERMANN, data.lords[LORD_HERMANN].vassals[0]) set_delete(game.deck1, T4) set_lord_capability(LORD_HERMANN, 0, T4) set_delete(game.deck1, T14) set_lord_capability(LORD_HERMANN, 1, T14) set_delete(game.deck1, T3) set_lord_capability(LORD_YAROSLAV, 0, T3) set_delete(game.deck1, T13) set_add(game.capabilities, T13) game.pieces.legate = LOC_DORPAT set_delete(game.deck2, R8) set_add(game.capabilities, R8) muster_lord(LORD_DOMASH, LOC_NOVGOROD) add_lord_assets(LORD_DOMASH, BOAT, 2) add_lord_assets(LORD_DOMASH, CART, 2) muster_vassal(LORD_GAVRILO, data.lords[LORD_GAVRILO].vassals[0]) set_delete(game.deck2, R2) set_lord_capability(LORD_GAVRILO, 0, R2) set_delete(game.deck2, R6) set_lord_capability(LORD_GAVRILO, 1, R6) game.pieces.veche_coin += 1 goto_campaign_plan() game.plan1 = [ LORD_YAROSLAV, LORD_RUDOLF, LORD_HERMANN, LORD_HERMANN, LORD_RUDOLF, LORD_HERMANN ] game.plan2 = [ LORD_GAVRILO, LORD_VLADISLAV, LORD_DOMASH, LORD_GAVRILO, LORD_DOMASH, LORD_DOMASH ] // goto_command_activation() } function setup_test() { set_lord_locale(LORD_HERMANN, LOC_ODENPAH) set_lord_locale(LORD_KNUD_ABEL, LOC_ODENPAH) set_lord_locale(LORD_YAROSLAV, LOC_ODENPAH) set_lord_locale(LORD_RUDOLF, LOC_ODENPAH) set_lord_locale(LORD_GAVRILO, LOC_IZBORSK) set_lord_locale(LORD_VLADISLAV, LOC_IZBORSK) set_lord_locale(LORD_DOMASH, LOC_IZBORSK) game.plan1 = [ LORD_HERMANN, LORD_HERMANN, LORD_HERMANN, LORD_YAROSLAV, LORD_RUDOLF, LORD_KNUD_ABEL ] game.plan2 = [ LORD_GAVRILO, LORD_VLADISLAV, LORD_DOMASH, LORD_GAVRILO, LORD_DOMASH, LORD_DOMASH ] } states.setup_lords = { prompt() { view.prompt = "Setup your Lords." let done = true for (let lord = first_friendly_lord; lord <= last_friendly_lord; ++lord) { if (is_lord_on_map(lord) && !get_lord_moved(lord)) { if (data.lords[lord].assets.transport > 0) { gen_action_lord(lord) done = false } } } if (done) { view.prompt += " All done." view.actions.end_setup = 1 } }, lord(lord) { push_undo() log(`L${lord} at %${get_lord_locale(lord)}`) // TODO: clean up these transitions push_state("muster_lord_transport") set_lord_moved(lord, 1) game.who = lord game.count = data.lords[lord].assets.transport }, end_setup() { clear_undo() end_setup_lords() }, } function end_setup_lords() { clear_lords_moved() set_active_enemy() if (game.active === P1) { log_h1("Levy " + current_turn_name()) log_h2("Arts of War") goto_levy_arts_of_war_first() } } // === EVENTS === function is_event_in_play(c) { return set_has(game.events, c) } function is_famine_in_play() { if (game.active === TEUTONS) if (is_event_in_play(EVENT_RUSSIAN_FAMINE)) return true if (game.active === RUSSIANS) if (is_event_in_play(EVENT_TEUTONIC_FAMINE)) return true return false } function no_muster_of_or_by_lord(lord) { if (lord === LORD_KNUD_ABEL) return is_event_in_play(EVENT_VALDEMAR) if (lord === LORD_ANDREAS || lord === LORD_RUDOLF) return is_event_in_play(EVENT_DIETRICH) return false } function goto_immediate_event(c) { let e = data.cards[c].event log(e) if (immediate_events[e]) { immediate_events[e]() } else { log("TODO") end_immediate_event() } } function end_immediate_event() { resume_levy_arts_of_war() } immediate_events["Death of the Pope"] = function () { if (has_global_capability(AOW_TEUTONIC_WILLIAM_OF_MODENA)) game.state = "death_of_the_pope" else end_immediate_event() } states.death_of_the_pope = { prompt() { view.prompt = "Death of the Pope: Discard William of Modena." gen_action_card(AOW_TEUTONIC_WILLIAM_OF_MODENA) }, card(card) { discard_global_capability(AOW_TEUTONIC_WILLIAM_OF_MODENA) end_immediate_event() }, } // === EVENTS: SHIFT LORD OR SERVICE === immediate_events["Dietrich von Grüningen"] = function () { if (is_lord_in_play(LORD_ANDREAS) || is_lord_in_play(LORD_RUDOLF)) { game.state = "dietrich_von_gruningen" game.count = 1 } else { end_immediate_event() } } immediate_events["Valdemar"] = function () { if (is_lord_in_play(LORD_KNUD_ABEL)) { game.state = "valdemar" game.count = 1 } else { end_immediate_event() } } states.valdemar = { prompt() { view.prompt = "Valdemar: On Calendar, shift Knud & Abel or their Service up to one box." prompt_shift_lord(LORD_KNUD_ABEL) view.actions.pass = 1 }, lord: action_shift_lord, service: action_shift_lord, pass: end_immediate_event, } states.dietrich_von_gruningen = { prompt() { view.prompt = "Dietrich von Grüningen: On Calendar, shift Andreas or Rudolf or their Service." prompt_shift_lord(LORD_ANDREAS) prompt_shift_lord(LORD_RUDOLF) view.actions.pass = 1 }, lord: action_shift_lord, service: action_shift_lord, pass: end_immediate_event, } function prompt_shift_lord(lord) { if (is_lord_in_play(lord)) { if (is_lord_on_calendar(lord)) gen_action_lord(lord) else gen_action_service(lord) } } function action_shift_lord(lord) { push_undo() push_state("shift_lord") game.who = lord } states.shift_lord = { prompt() { view.prompt = `Shift ${lord_name[game.who]} or Service up to ${game.count}.` // TODO: click on calendar boxes? - need off-calendar buttons? let here = 0 let lord = game.who if (is_lord_on_calendar(lord)) here = get_lord_locale(lord) - CALENDAR else here = get_lord_service(lord) if (here > 0) view.actions.left = 1 else view.actions.left = 0 if (here < 17) view.actions.right = 1 else view.actions.right = 0 view.actions.done = 1 }, turn(turn) { let lord = game.who log(`Shifted L${lord} to ${turn}.`) if (is_lord_on_calendar(lord)) set_lord_locale(lord, CALENDAR + turn) else set_lord_service(lord, turn) if (--game.count === 0) end_immediate_event() }, left() { let lord = game.who log(`Shifted L${lord} left.`) if (is_lord_on_calendar(lord)) shift_lord_cylinder(lord, -1) else add_lord_service(lord, -1) if (--game.count === 0) end_immediate_event() }, right() { let lord = game.who log(`Shifted L${lord} right.`) if (is_lord_on_calendar(lord)) shift_lord_cylinder(lord, 1) else add_lord_service(lord, 1) if (--game.count === 0) end_immediate_event() }, done() { end_immediate_event() }, } // === CAPABILITIES === function can_deploy_global_capability(c) { if (c === AOW_TEUTONIC_WILLIAM_OF_MODENA) { return !is_event_in_play(EVENT_DEATH_OF_THE_POPE) } return true } function has_global_capability(cap) { return set_has(game.capabilities, cap) } function deploy_global_capability(c) { set_add(game.capabilities, c) if (c === AOW_TEUTONIC_WILLIAM_OF_MODENA) { game.pieces.legate = LEGATE_ARRIVED } if (c === AOW_TEUTONIC_CRUSADE) { for (let v of data.summer_crusaders) game.pieces.vassals[v] = VASSAL_READY } if (c === AOW_RUSSIAN_SMERDI) { game.pieces.smerdi = 6 } if (c === AOW_RUSSIAN_STEPPE_WARRIORS) { for (let v of data.steppe_warriors) game.pieces.vassals[v] = VASSAL_READY } } function discard_global_capability(c) { set_delete(game.capabilities, c) discard_card(c) if (c === AOW_TEUTONIC_WILLIAM_OF_MODENA) { game.pieces.legate = LEGATE_INDISPOSED } if (c === AOW_TEUTONIC_CRUSADE) { for (let v of data.summer_crusaders) { if (is_vassal_mustered(v)) disband_vassal(v) game.pieces.vassals[v] = VASSAL_UNAVAILABLE } } if (c === AOW_RUSSIAN_SMERDI) { game.pieces.smerdi = 0 } if (c === AOW_RUSSIAN_STEPPE_WARRIORS) { for (let v of data.steppe_warriors) { if (is_vassal_mustered(v)) disband_vassal(v) game.pieces.vassals[v] = VASSAL_UNAVAILABLE } } } // === LEVY: ARTS OF WAR (FIRST TURN) === function draw_two_cards() { let deck = current_deck() return [ draw_card(deck), draw_card(deck) ] } function goto_levy_arts_of_war_first() { log_br() log(game.active) game.state = "levy_arts_of_war_first" game.what = draw_two_cards() } function resume_levy_arts_of_war_first() { if (game.what.length === 0) end_levy_arts_of_war_first() } states.levy_arts_of_war_first = { prompt() { let c = game.what[0] view.arts_of_war = game.what view.what = c if (is_no_event_card(c)) { view.prompt = `Arts of War: No Capability.` view.actions.discard = 1 } else if (data.cards[c].this_lord) { view.prompt = `Arts of War: Assign ${data.cards[c].capability} to a Lord.` let discard = true for (let lord of data.cards[c].lords) { if (is_lord_on_map(lord) && !lord_has_capability(lord, c)) { gen_action_lord(lord) discard = false } } if (discard) view.actions.discard = 1 } else { view.prompt = `Arts of War: Deploy ${data.cards[c].capability}.` view.actions.deploy = 1 } }, lord(lord) { push_undo() let c = game.what.shift() logi(`C${c} - L${lord}`) add_lord_capability(lord, c) resume_levy_arts_of_war_first() }, deploy() { push_undo() let c = game.what.shift() logi(`C${c}`) deploy_global_capability(c) resume_levy_arts_of_war_first() }, discard() { push_undo() let c = game.what.shift() discard_card(c) logi(`C${c} - discarded`) resume_levy_arts_of_war_first() }, } function end_levy_arts_of_war_first() { clear_undo() game.what = NOTHING set_active_enemy() if (game.active === P2) goto_levy_arts_of_war_first() else goto_pay() } // === LEVY: ARTS OF WAR === function goto_levy_arts_of_war() { log_br() log(game.active) game.state = "levy_arts_of_war" game.what = draw_two_cards() } function resume_levy_arts_of_war() { if (game.what.length === 0) end_levy_arts_of_war() } states.levy_arts_of_war = { prompt() { let c = game.what[0] view.arts_of_war = [ c ] view.what = c switch (data.cards[c].when) { case "this_levy": case "this_campaign": case "now": view.prompt = `Arts of War: Play ${data.cards[c].event}.` view.actions.play = 1 break case "hold": view.prompt = `Arts of War: Hold ${data.cards[c].event}.` view.actions.hold = 1 break case "never": view.prompt = `Arts of War: Discard ${data.cards[c].event}.` view.actions.discard = 1 break } }, play() { let c = game.what.shift() discard_card(c) log(`Played E${c}`) if (data.cards[c].when === "this_levy" || data.cards[c].when === "this_campaign") set_add(game.events, c) goto_immediate_event(c) }, hold() { let c = game.what.shift() log(`Held event card.`) if (game.active === P1) game.hand1.push(c) else game.hand2.push(c) resume_levy_arts_of_war() }, discard() { let c = game.what.shift() discard_card(c) log(`Discarded E${c}.`) resume_levy_arts_of_war() }, } function end_levy_arts_of_war() { game.what = NOTHING set_active_enemy() if (game.active === P2) goto_levy_arts_of_war() else goto_pay() } // === LEVY: MUSTER === function goto_levy_muster() { if (game.active === TEUTONS) log_h2("Teutonic Muster") else log_h2("Russian Muster") game.state = "levy_muster" } function end_levy_muster() { clear_lords_moved() set_active_enemy() if (game.active === P2) goto_levy_muster() else goto_levy_call_to_arms() } states.levy_muster = { prompt() { view.prompt = "Levy: Muster your Lords." let done = true for (let lord = first_friendly_lord; lord <= last_friendly_lord; ++lord) { if (is_lord_at_friendly_locale(lord) && !get_lord_moved(lord)) { if (!no_muster_of_or_by_lord(lord)) { gen_action_lord(lord) done = false } } } if (done) { view.prompt += " All done." view.actions.end_muster = 1 } }, lord(lord) { push_undo() log_h3(`L${lord} at %${get_lord_locale(lord)}`) push_state("levy_muster_lord") game.who = lord game.count = data.lords[lord].lordship }, end_muster() { clear_undo() end_levy_muster() }, } function resume_levy_muster_lord() { --game.count if (game.count === 0) { set_lord_moved(game.who, 1) pop_state() } } states.levy_muster_lord = { prompt() { view.prompt = `Levy: Muster ${lord_name[game.who]}.` if (game.count > 0) { let season = current_season() view.prompt += ` ${game.count} lordship left.` // Roll to muster Ready Lord at Seat for (let lord = first_friendly_lord; lord <= last_friendly_lord; ++lord) { if (lord === LORD_ALEKSANDR) continue if (lord === LORD_ANDREY && game.who !== LORD_ALEKSANDR) continue if (no_muster_of_or_by_lord(lord)) continue if (is_lord_ready(lord) && has_free_seat(lord)) gen_action_lord(lord) } // Muster Ready Vassal Forces for (let vassal of data.lords[game.who].vassals) { // NOTE: Summer Crusaders muster specially if (game.active === TEUTONS && set_has(data.summer_crusaders, vassal)) continue if (is_vassal_ready(vassal)) gen_action_vassal(vassal) } // Add Transport if (data.lords[game.who].ships) { if (can_add_transport(game.who, SHIP)) view.actions.take_ship = 1 } if (can_add_transport(game.who, BOAT)) view.actions.take_boat = 1 if (can_add_transport(game.who, CART)) view.actions.take_cart = 1 if (can_add_transport(game.who, SLED)) view.actions.take_sled = 1 // Add Capability view.actions.capability = 1 } else { view.prompt += " All done." } view.actions.done = 1 }, lord(other) { clear_undo() let die = roll_die() let fealty = data.lords[other].fealty if (die <= fealty) { logi(`L${other} rolled ${die} <= ${fealty}`) push_state("muster_lord_at_seat") game.who = other } else { logi(`L${other} rolled ${die} > ${fealty}`) logii(`failed`) resume_levy_muster_lord() } }, vassal(vassal) { push_undo() logi(vassal_name[vassal]) muster_vassal(game.who, vassal) resume_levy_muster_lord() }, take_ship() { push_undo() logi("Ship") add_lord_assets(game.who, SHIP, 1) resume_levy_muster_lord() }, take_boat() { push_undo() logi("Boat") add_lord_assets(game.who, BOAT, 1) resume_levy_muster_lord() }, take_cart() { push_undo() logi("Cart") add_lord_assets(game.who, CART, 1) resume_levy_muster_lord() }, take_sled() { push_undo() logi("Sled") add_lord_assets(game.who, SLED, 1) resume_levy_muster_lord() }, capability() { push_undo() push_state("muster_capability") }, done() { set_lord_moved(game.who, 1) pop_state() }, } states.muster_lord_at_seat = { prompt() { view.prompt = `Muster: Select seat for ${lord_name[game.who]}.` for_each_seat(game.who, seat => { if (is_friendly_locale(seat)) gen_action_locale(seat) }) }, locale(loc) { push_undo() logii(`at %${loc}`) // TODO: clean up these transitions set_lord_moved(game.who, 1) muster_lord(game.who, loc) game.state = "muster_lord_transport" game.count = data.lords[game.who].assets.transport | 0 resume_muster_lord_transport() }, } function resume_muster_lord_transport() { if (game.count === 0) pop_state() if (game.state === "levy_muster_lord") resume_levy_muster_lord() } states.muster_lord_transport = { prompt() { if (game.state === "veliky_knyaz") view.prompt = `Veliky Knyaz: Select Transport for ${lord_name[game.who]}.` else view.prompt = `Muster: Select Transport for ${lord_name[game.who]}.` view.prompt += ` ${game.count} left.` if (data.lords[game.who].ships) { if (can_add_transport(game.who, SHIP)) view.actions.take_ship = 1 } if (can_add_transport(game.who, BOAT)) view.actions.take_boat = 1 if (can_add_transport(game.who, CART)) view.actions.take_cart = 1 if (can_add_transport(game.who, SLED)) view.actions.take_sled = 1 }, take_ship() { push_undo() logii("Ship") add_lord_assets(game.who, SHIP, 1) --game.count resume_muster_lord_transport() }, take_boat() { push_undo() logii("Boat") add_lord_assets(game.who, BOAT, 1) --game.count resume_muster_lord_transport() }, take_cart() { push_undo() logii("Cart") add_lord_assets(game.who, CART, 1) --game.count resume_muster_lord_transport() }, take_sled() { push_undo() logii("Sled") add_lord_assets(game.who, SLED, 1) --game.count resume_muster_lord_transport() }, } function lord_has_capability_card(lord, c) { let name = data.cards[c].capability let c1 = get_lord_capability(lord, 0) if (c1 >= 0 && data.cards[c1].capability === name) return true let c2 = get_lord_capability(lord, 1) if (c2 >= 0 && data.cards[c2].capability === name) return true return false } function lord_has_capability(lord, card_or_list) { if (Array.isArray(card_or_list)) { for (let card of card_or_list) if (lord_has_capability_card(lord, card)) return true return false } return lord_has_capability_card(lord, card_or_list) } function lord_already_has_capability(lord, c) { // compare capabilities by name... let name = data.cards[c].capability let c1 = get_lord_capability(lord, 0) if (c1 >= 0 && data.cards[c1].capability === name) return true let c2 = get_lord_capability(lord, 1) if (c2 >= 0 && data.cards[c2].capability === name) return true return false } function can_add_lord_capability(lord) { if (get_lord_capability(lord, 0) < 0) return true if (get_lord_capability(lord, 1) < 0) return true return false } function add_lord_capability(lord, c) { if (get_lord_capability(lord, 0) < 0) return set_lord_capability(lord, 0, c) if (get_lord_capability(lord, 1) < 0) return set_lord_capability(lord, 1, c) throw new Error("no empty capability slots!") } function discard_lord_capability_n(lord, n) { let c = get_lord_capability(lord, 0) if (c !== NOTHING) discard_card(c) set_lord_capability(lord, 0, NOTHING) } function discard_lord_capability(lord, c) { discard_card(c) if (get_lord_capability(lord, 0) === c) return set_lord_capability(lord, 0, NOTHING) if (get_lord_capability(lord, 1) === c) return set_lord_capability(lord, 1, NOTHING) throw new Error("capability not found") } states.muster_capability = { prompt() { let deck = current_deck() view.prompt = `Muster: Select a new capability for ${lord_name[game.who]}.` view.arts_of_war = deck for (let c of deck) { if (is_no_event_card(c)) continue if (!data.cards[c].lords || set_has(data.cards[c].lords, game.who)) { if (data.cards[c].this_lord) { if (!lord_already_has_capability(game.who, c)) gen_action_card(c) } else { if (can_deploy_global_capability(c)) gen_action_card(c) } } } }, card(c) { logi(`Capability C${c}`) if (data.cards[c].this_lord) { if (can_add_lord_capability(game.who, c)) { add_lord_capability(game.who, c) } else { game.what = c game.state = "muster_capability_discard" return } } else { deploy_global_capability(c) } pop_state() resume_levy_muster_lord() }, } states.muster_capability_discard = { prompt() { view.prompt = `Muster: Remove a capability from ${lord_name[game.who]}.` gen_action_card(get_lord_capability(game.who, 0)) gen_action_card(get_lord_capability(game.who, 1)) }, card(c) { push_undo() logi(`Discarded C${c}.`) discard_lord_capability(game.who, c) add_lord_capability(game.who, game.what) game.what = NOTHING pop_state() resume_levy_muster_lord() }, } // === LEVY: CALL TO ARMS === function goto_levy_call_to_arms() { if (game.active === TEUTONS) goto_teutonic_call_to_arms() else goto_russian_call_to_arms() } function end_levy_call_to_arms() { clear_lords_moved() set_active_enemy() if (game.active === P2) goto_levy_call_to_arms() else goto_levy_discard_events() } function goto_levy_discard_events() { // Discard "This Levy" events from play. discard_events("this_levy") set_active(P1) goto_capability_discard() } // === LEVY: CALL TO ARMS - PAPAL LEGATE === function goto_teutonic_call_to_arms() { log_h2("Call to Arms - Papal Legate") if (has_global_capability(AOW_TEUTONIC_WILLIAM_OF_MODENA)) { if (game.pieces.legate === LEGATE_ARRIVED) game.state = "papal_legate_arrives" else game.state = "papal_legate_active" } else { log("Skipped.") end_papal_legate() } } states.papal_legate_arrives = { prompt() { view.prompt = "Papal Legate Arrives: Place the Legate at any Bishopric." for (let loc of data.bishoprics) // NOTE: Legate would immediately be removed here per the ENDANGERED rule, so don't allow placing? if (!has_enemy_lord(loc) || has_friendly_lord(loc)) gen_action_locale(loc) }, locale(loc) { push_undo() log(`Legate arrived at %${loc}.`) game.pieces.legate = loc game.state = "papal_legate_active" }, } states.papal_legate_active = { prompt() { view.prompt = "Papal Legate: You may move or use the Legate." view.actions.end_call_to_arms = 1 let here = game.pieces.legate // Move to friendly locale for (let loc = first_locale; loc <= last_locale; ++loc) if (loc !== here && is_friendly_locale(loc)) gen_action_locale(loc) for (let lord = first_friendly_lord; lord <= last_friendly_lord; ++lord) { if (no_muster_of_or_by_lord(lord)) continue // Seat of a Ready Lord without rolling if (is_lord_ready(lord)) { gen_action_lord(lord) } // Seat of a Lord on the Calendar else if (is_lord_on_calendar(lord)) { if (is_lord_seat(lord, here)) gen_action_lord(lord) } // At a Friendly Locale with a Lord else if (is_lord_on_map(lord)) { if (get_lord_locale(lord) === here && is_friendly_locale(here)) gen_action_lord(lord) } } }, locale(loc) { push_undo() log(`Legate moved to %${loc}.`) game.pieces.legate = loc game.state = "papal_legate_done" }, lord(lord) { push_undo() let here = game.pieces.legate game.pieces.legate = LEGATE_ARRIVED game.state = "papal_legate_done" if (is_lord_ready(lord)) { log(`Mustered L${lord}`) logii(`at %${here}`) // TODO: clean up these transitions muster_lord(lord, here) push_state("muster_lord_transport") game.who = lord game.count = data.lords[lord].assets.transport | 0 resume_muster_lord_transport() } else if (is_lord_on_calendar(lord)) { log(`Slid L${lord} one box left.`) shift_lord_cylinder(lord, -1) } else { log_h3(`L${lord} at %${get_lord_locale(lord)}`) push_state("levy_muster_lord") game.who = lord game.count = data.lords[lord].lordship } }, end_call_to_arms() { clear_undo() end_papal_legate() }, } states.papal_legate_done = { prompt() { view.prompt = "Papal Legate: All done." view.actions.end_call_to_arms = 1 }, end_call_to_arms() { clear_undo() end_papal_legate() }, } function end_papal_legate() { goto_summer_crusaders() } // === LEVY: SUMMER CRUSADERS (CAPABILITY) === function goto_summer_crusaders() { if (current_season() === SUMMER && has_global_capability(AOW_TEUTONIC_CRUSADE)) { for (let v of data.summer_crusaders) { if (can_muster_summer_crusader(v)) { game.state = "summer_crusaders" return } } } end_levy_call_to_arms() } function can_muster_summer_crusader(v) { let lord = data.vassals[v].lord if (is_lord_on_map(lord) && is_lord_unbesieged(lord)) { if (is_vassal_ready(v)) return true if (get_lord_forces(lord, KNIGHTS) < data.vassals[v].forces.knights) return true } } function muster_summer_crusaders(v) { let lord = data.vassals[v].lord if (is_vassal_ready(v)) { log(`Summer Crusaders mustered.`) muster_vassal(lord, v) } else { log(`Summer Crusaders restored.`) restore_lord_forces(lord, KNIGHTS, data.vassals[v].forces.knights | 0) } } states.summer_crusaders = { prompt() { view.prompt = "Levy: Summer Crusaders." for (let v of data.summer_crusaders) if (can_muster_summer_crusader(v)) gen_action_vassal(v) }, vassal(v) { muster_summer_crusaders(v) goto_summer_crusaders() }, } // === LEVY: CALL TO ARMS - NOVGOROD VECHE === function count_all_teutonic_ships() { let n = 0 for (let lord = first_p1_lord; lord <= last_p1_lord; ++lord) if (is_lord_on_map(lord)) n += count_lord_ships(lord) return n } function count_all_russian_ships() { let n = 0 for (let lord = first_p2_lord; lord <= last_p2_lord; ++lord) if (is_lord_on_map(lord)) n += count_lord_ships(lord) return n } function goto_russian_call_to_arms() { log_h2("Call to Arms - Novgorod Veche") goto_black_sea_trade() } function goto_black_sea_trade() { if (has_global_capability(AOW_RUSSIAN_BLACK_SEA_TRADE)) { if (!has_conquered_marker(LOC_NOVGOROD) && !has_conquered_marker(LOC_LOVAT)) { if (game.pieces.veche_coin < 8) { game.state = "black_sea_trade" return } } } goto_baltic_sea_trade() } states.black_sea_trade = { prompt() { view.prompt = "Call to Arms: Black Sea Trade." view.actions.veche = 1 }, veche() { log("Black Sea Trade added 1 coin to Veche.") game.pieces.veche_coin += 1 goto_baltic_sea_trade() }, } function goto_baltic_sea_trade() { if (has_global_capability(AOW_RUSSIAN_BALTIC_SEA_TRADE)) { if (!has_conquered_marker(LOC_NOVGOROD) && !has_conquered_marker(LOC_NEVA)) { if (count_all_teutonic_ships() <= count_all_russian_ships()) { if (game.pieces.veche_coin < 8) { game.state = "baltic_sea_trade" return } } } } goto_novgorod_veche() } states.baltic_sea_trade = { prompt() { view.prompt = "Call to Arms: Baltic Sea Trade." view.actions.veche = 1 }, veche() { if (game.pieces.veche_coin === 7) { log("Baltic Sea Trade added 1 coin to Veche.") game.pieces.veche_coin += 1 } else { log("Baltic Sea Trade added 2 coins to Veche.") game.pieces.veche_coin += 2 } goto_novgorod_veche() }, } function goto_novgorod_veche() { if (game.pieces.veche_vp > 0 || is_lord_ready(LORD_ALEKSANDR) || is_lord_ready(LORD_ANDREY)) { game.state = "novgorod_veche" } else { end_levy_call_to_arms() } } states.novgorod_veche = { prompt() { view.prompt = "Novgorod Veche: You may take one action with the Veche." view.actions.end_call_to_arms = 1 if (is_lord_ready(LORD_ALEKSANDR) || is_lord_ready(LORD_ANDREY)) { if (game.pieces.veche_vp < 8) view.actions.delay = 1 } if (game.pieces.veche_vp > 0) { for (let lord = first_friendly_lord; lord <= last_friendly_lord; ++lord) { if (no_muster_of_or_by_lord(lord)) continue if (is_lord_on_calendar(lord) || is_lord_at_friendly_locale(lord)) gen_action_lord(lord) } } }, delay() { push_undo() log("Added 1VP to Veche.") game.state = "novgorod_veche_done" view.actions.veche_vp += 1 if (is_lord_ready(LORD_ALEKSANDR)) { log(`Delayed L${LORD_ALEKSANDR}.`) shift_lord_cylinder(LORD_ALEKSANDR, 1) } if (is_lord_ready(LORD_ANDREY)) { log(`Delayed L${LORD_ANDREY}.`) shift_lord_cylinder(LORD_ANDREY, 1) } }, lord(lord) { push_undo() log("Removed 1VP from Veche.") game.pieces.veche_vp -= 1 game.state = "novgorod_veche_done" if (is_lord_ready(lord)) { log(`Mustered L${lord}`) push_state("muster_lord_at_seat") game.who = lord } else if (is_lord_on_calendar(lord)) { log(`Slid L${lord} one box left.`) shift_lord_cylinder(lord, -1) } else { log_h3(`L${lord} at %${get_lord_locale(lord)}`) push_state("levy_muster_lord") game.who = lord game.count = data.lords[lord].lordship } }, end_call_to_arms() { clear_undo() end_levy_call_to_arms() }, } states.novgorod_veche_done = { prompt() { view.prompt = "Novgorod Veche: All done." view.actions.end_call_to_arms = 1 }, end_call_to_arms() { clear_undo() end_levy_call_to_arms() }, } // === CAMPAIGN: CAPABILITY DISCARD === function count_mustered_lords() { let n = 0 for (let lord = first_friendly_lord; lord <= last_friendly_lord; ++lord) if (is_lord_on_map(lord)) ++n return n } function count_global_capabilities() { let n = 0 for (let c of game.capabilities) { if (game.active === P1 && c >= first_p1_card && c <= last_p1_card) ++n if (game.active === P2 && c >= first_p2_card && c <= last_p2_card) ++n } return n } function goto_capability_discard() { // Start of Campaign phase if (check_campaign_victory()) return if (count_global_capabilities() > count_mustered_lords()) game.state = "capability_discard" else end_capability_discard() } states.capability_discard = { prompt() { if (count_global_capabilities() > count_mustered_lords()) { view.prompt = "Discard Capabilities in excess of Mustered Lords." for (let c of game.capabilities) { if (game.active === P1 && c >= first_p1_card && c <= last_p1_card) gen_action_card(c) if (game.active === P2 && c >= first_p2_card && c <= last_p2_card) gen_action_card(c) } } else { view.prompt = "Discard Capabilities: All done." view.actions.end_discard = 1 } }, card(c) { push_undo() discard_global_capability(c) }, end_discard() { clear_undo() end_capability_discard() }, } function end_capability_discard() { set_active_enemy() if (game.active === P2) goto_capability_discard() else goto_campaign_plan() } // === CAMPAIGN: PLAN === function goto_campaign_plan() { game.turn++ log_h1("Campaign " + current_turn_name()) set_active(BOTH) game.state = "campaign_plan" game.plan1 = [] game.plan2 = [] } function plan_has_lieutenant(first, last) { for (let lord = first; lord <= last; ++lord) if (is_upper_lord(lord)) return true return false } function plan_selected_lieutenant(first, last) { for (let lord = first; lord <= last; ++lord) if (is_upper_lord(lord) && get_lower_lord(lord) === NOBODY) return lord return NOBODY } function plan_can_make_lieutenant(plan, upper, first, last) { for (let lord = first; lord <= last; ++lord) { if (!is_lord_on_map(lord)) continue if (lord === upper) continue if (is_marshal(lord) || is_lord_besieged(lord)) continue if (is_upper_lord(lord) || is_lower_lord(lord)) continue if (get_lord_locale(upper) === get_lord_locale(lord)) return true } return false } states.campaign_plan = { prompt(current) { let plan = current === P1 ? game.plan1 : game.plan2 let first = current === P1 ? first_p1_lord : first_p2_lord let last = current === P1 ? last_p1_lord : last_p2_lord let upper = plan_selected_lieutenant(first, last) view.prompt = "Plan: Designate Lieutenants and build a Plan." view.plan = plan view.who = upper view.actions.plan = [] if (plan.length < max_plan_length()) { view.actions.end_plan = 0 if (count_cards_in_plan(plan, NOBODY) < 3) gen_action_plan(NOBODY) for (let lord = first; lord <= last; ++lord) { if (is_lord_on_map(lord) && count_cards_in_plan(plan, lord) < 3) gen_action_plan(lord) } } else { if (upper === NOBODY) view.actions.end_plan = 1 } if (upper !== NOBODY) gen_action_lord(upper) for (let lord = first; lord <= last; ++lord) { if (is_marshal(lord) || is_lord_besieged(lord)) continue if (is_upper_lord(lord) || is_lower_lord(lord)) continue if (upper === NOBODY) { if (plan_can_make_lieutenant(plan, lord, first, last)) gen_action_lord(lord) } else { if (get_lord_locale(upper) === get_lord_locale(lord)) gen_action_lord(lord) } } if (plan.length > 0 || plan_has_lieutenant(first, last)) view.actions.undo = 1 else view.actions.undo = 0 }, lord(lord, current) { let upper if (current === P1) upper = plan_selected_lieutenant(first_p1_lord, last_p1_lord) else upper = plan_selected_lieutenant(first_p2_lord, last_p2_lord) if (lord === upper) remove_lieutenant(upper) else if (upper === NOBODY) add_lieutenant(lord) else set_lower_lord(upper, lord) }, plan(lord, current) { if (current === P1) game.plan1.push(lord) else game.plan2.push(lord) }, undo(_, current) { if (current === P1) { for (let lord = first_p1_lord; lord <= last_p1_lord; ++lord) if (is_upper_lord(lord)) remove_lieutenant(lord) game.plan1.length = 0 } else { for (let lord = first_p2_lord; lord <= last_p2_lord; ++lord) if (is_upper_lord(lord)) remove_lieutenant(lord) game.plan2.length = 0 } }, end_plan(_, current) { if (game.active === BOTH) { if (current === P1) set_active(P2) else set_active(P1) } else { end_campaign_plan() } }, } function end_campaign_plan() { if (game.pieces.lieutenants.length > 0) { log("Lieutenants") for (let i = 0; i < game.pieces.lieutenants.length; i += 2) { let upper = game.pieces.lieutenants[i] let lower = game.pieces.lieutenants[i + 1] log(`>L${upper} over L${lower}`) } } set_active(P1) goto_command_activation() } // === CAMPAIGN: COMMAND ACTIVATION === function goto_command_activation() { if (game.plan2.length === 0) { game.command = NOBODY goto_end_campaign() return } if (check_campaign_victory()) return if (game.plan2.length > game.plan1.length) { set_active(P2) game.command = game.plan2.shift() } else { set_active(P1) game.command = game.plan1.shift() } if (game.command === NOBODY) { log_h2("Pass") goto_command_activation() } else if (is_lower_lord(game.command)) { log_h2(`L${game.command} - Pass`) goto_command_activation() } else if (!is_lord_on_map(game.command)) { log_h2(`L${game.command} - Pass`) goto_command_activation() } else { log_h2(`L${game.command} at %${get_lord_locale(game.command)}`) goto_actions() } } // === CAMPAIGN: ACTIONS === function is_first_action() { return game.flags.first_action } function is_first_march() { return game.flags.first_march } function goto_actions() { game.actions = data.lords[game.command].command game.flags.first_action = 1 game.flags.first_march = 1 // 4.1.3 Lieutenants MUST take lower lord game.group = [ game.command ] let lower = get_lower_lord(game.command) if (lower !== NOBODY) set_add(game.group, lower) if (game.active === TEUTONS) { if (has_global_capability(AOW_TEUTONIC_ORDENSBURGEN)) if (is_commandery(get_lord_locale(game.command))) ++game.actions if (game.command === LORD_HEINRICH || game.command === LORD_KNUD_ABEL) if (has_global_capability(AOW_TEUTONIC_TREATY_OF_STENSBY)) ++game.actions } if (game.active === RUSSIANS) { if (has_global_capability(AOW_RUSSIAN_ARCHBISHOPRIC)) if (get_lord_locale(game.command) === LOC_NOVGOROD) ++game.actions if (this_lord_has_russian_druzhina()) ++game.actions if (this_lord_has_house_of_suzdal()) ++game.actions } resume_actions() update_supply() } function resume_actions() { game.state = "actions" } function spend_action(cost) { game.flags.first_action = 0 game.actions -= cost } function spend_march_action(cost) { game.flags.first_action = 0 game.flags.first_march = 0 game.actions -= cost } function spend_all_actions() { game.flags.first_action = 0 game.flags.first_march = 0 game.actions = 0 } function end_actions() { log_br() set_active(P1) game.command = NOBODY game.group = 0 game.pieces.legate_selected = 0 game.flags.first_action = 0 game.flags.first_march = 0 game.flags.teutonic_raiders = 0 goto_feed() } function this_lord_has_russian_druzhina() { if (game.active === RUSSIANS) if (lord_has_capability(game.command, AOW_RUSSIAN_DRUZHINA)) return count_lord_forces(game.command, KNIGHTS) > 0 return false } function this_lord_has_house_of_suzdal() { if (game.active === RUSSIANS) if (lord_has_capability(game.command, AOW_RUSSIAN_HOUSE_OF_SUZDAL)) return is_lord_on_map(LORD_ALEKSANDR) && is_lord_on_map(LORD_ANDREY) return false } states.actions = { prompt() { view.prompt = `${lord_name[game.command]} has ${game.actions}x actions.` view.group = game.group let here = get_lord_locale(game.command) // 4.3.2 Marshals MAY take other lords if (is_marshal(game.command)) { for (let lord = first_friendly_lord; lord <= last_friendly_lord; ++lord) if (lord !== game.command && !is_lower_lord(lord)) if (get_lord_locale(lord) === here) gen_action_lord(lord) } // 1.4.1 Teutonic lords MAY take the Legate if (game.active === TEUTONS && is_located_with_legate(game.command)) { view.actions.legate = 1 } if (game.actions > 0) view.actions.pass = 1 else view.actions.end_actions = 1 if (is_lord_besieged(game.command)) { if (can_action_sally()) view.actions.sally = 1 } else { if (game.active === TEUTONS) { if (is_first_action() && is_located_with_legate(game.command)) view.actions.use_legate = 1 if (can_action_stonemasons()) view.actions.stonemasons = 1 } if (game.active === RUSSIANS) { if (can_action_smerdi()) view.actions.smerdi = 1 if (can_action_stone_kremlin()) view.actions.stone_kremlin = 1 } prompt_march() if (can_action_supply()) view.actions.supply = 1 if (can_action_siege()) view.actions.siege = 1 if (can_action_storm()) view.actions.storm = 1 if (can_action_forage()) view.actions.forage = 1 if (can_action_ravage()) view.actions.ravage = 1 if (can_action_tax()) view.actions.tax = 1 if (can_action_sail()) view.actions.sail = 1 } }, use_legate() { push_undo() log(`Used Legate for +1 Command.`) game.pieces.legate = LEGATE_ARRIVED game.pieces.legate_selected = 0 ++game.actions }, pass() { push_undo() log("Passed.") spend_all_actions() }, end_actions() { clear_undo() end_actions() }, stonemasons: goto_stonemasons, stone_kremlin: goto_stone_kremlin, smerdi: goto_smerdi, forage: goto_forage, ravage: goto_ravage, supply: goto_supply, tax: goto_tax, siege: goto_siege, storm: goto_storm, sally: goto_sally, sail: goto_sail, locale: goto_march, legate() { toggle_legate_selected() }, lord(lord) { set_toggle(game.group, lord) if (is_upper_lord(lord)) set_toggle(game.group, get_lower_lord(lord)) }, } // === ACTION: MARCH === function toggle_legate_selected() { if (game.pieces.legate_selected) game.pieces.legate_selected = 0 else game.pieces.legate_selected = 1 } function lift_sieges() { for (let i = 0; i < game.pieces.sieges.length; i += 2) { let loc = game.pieces.sieges[i] if (is_enemy_stronghold(loc)) { if (!has_friendly_lord(loc)) { log(`Lifted siege at %${loc}.`) remove_all_siege_markers(loc) } } else if (is_friendly_stronghold(loc)) { if (!has_enemy_lord(loc)) { log(`Lifted siege at %${loc}.`) remove_all_siege_markers(loc) } } } for (let lord = 0; lord < lord_count; ++lord) if (is_lord_besieged(lord) && !has_siege_marker(get_lord_locale(lord))) set_lord_besieged(lord, 0) } function group_has_teutonic_converts() { if (game.active === TEUTONS) { if (is_first_march()) if (group_has_capability(AOW_TEUTONIC_CONVERTS)) if (count_group_forces(LIGHT_HORSE) > 0) return true } return false } function prompt_march() { if (game.actions > 0 || group_has_teutonic_converts()) { let here = get_lord_locale(game.command) for (let to of data.locales[here].adjacent) gen_action_locale(to) } } function goto_march(to) { push_undo() let from = get_lord_locale(game.command) let ways = list_ways(from, to) if (ways.length > 2) { game.march = { from, to, approach: -1, avoid: -1 } game.state = "march_way" } else { game.march = { from, to, approach: ways[1], avoid: -1 } march_with_group_1() } } states.march_way = { prompt() { view.prompt = `March: Select way.` view.group = game.group let from = game.march.from let to = game.march.to let ways = list_ways(from, to) for (let i = 1; i < ways.length; ++i) gen_action_way(ways[i]) }, way(way) { game.march.approach = way march_with_group_1() }, } function march_with_group_1() { let way = game.march.approach let transport = count_group_transport(data.ways[way].type) let prov = count_group_assets(PROV) let loot = count_group_assets(LOOT) if (group_has_teutonic_converts() && prov <= transport * 2) return march_with_group_2(false) if (prov > transport || loot > 0) game.state = 'march_laden' else march_with_group_2(false) } states.march_laden = { prompt() { let to = game.march.to let way = game.march.approach let transport = count_group_transport(data.ways[way].type) let prov = count_group_assets(PROV) let loot = count_group_assets(LOOT) view.prompt = `March with ${loot} loot, ${prov} provender, and ${transport} transport.` view.group = game.group if (prov <= transport * 2) { if (loot > 0 || prov > transport) { if (game.actions >= 2) { view.prompt += " Laden!" view.actions.march = 1 // other button? gen_action_laden_march(to) } else { view.prompt += " Laden with 1 action left." } } else { view.actions.march = 1 gen_action_locale(to) } } else { view.prompt += " Too much provender." } if (loot > 0 || prov > transport) { for (let lord of game.group) { if (loot > 0) { if (get_lord_assets(lord, LOOT) > 0) gen_action_loot(lord) if (prov > transport * 2) if (get_lord_assets(lord, PROV) > 0) gen_action_prov(lord) } else { if (prov > transport) if (get_lord_assets(lord, PROV) > 0) gen_action_prov(lord) } } } }, prov: drop_prov, loot: drop_loot, march: march_with_group_2, locale: march_with_group_2, laden_march: march_with_group_2, } function march_with_group_2() { let from = get_lord_locale(game.command) let way = game.march.approach let to = game.march.to let transport = count_group_transport(data.ways[way].type) let prov = count_group_assets(PROV) let loot = count_group_assets(LOOT) let laden = loot > 0 || prov > transport if (group_has_teutonic_converts()) spend_march_action(0) else if (laden) spend_march_action(2) else spend_march_action(1) if (data.ways[way].name) log(`Marched via ${data.ways[way].name} to %${to}.`) else log(`Marched to %${to}.`) for (let lord of game.group) { set_lord_locale(lord, to) set_lord_moved(lord, 1) } if (game.pieces.legate_selected) game.pieces.legate = to lift_sieges() remove_legate_if_endangered(from) if (has_unbesieged_enemy_lord(to)) { goto_avoid_battle() } else { march_with_group_3() } } function remove_legate_if_endangered(here) { if (game.pieces.legate === here && has_russian_lord(here) && !has_teutonic_lord(here)) { log("Legate removed.") discard_global_capability(AOW_TEUTONIC_WILLIAM_OF_MODENA) } } function march_with_group_3() { let here = get_lord_locale(game.command) // Disbanded in battle! if (here === NOWHERE) { game.march = 0 spend_all_actions() resume_actions() update_supply() return } remove_legate_if_endangered(here) if (is_unbesieged_enemy_stronghold(here)) { add_siege_marker(here) log(`Encamped.`) spend_all_actions() // ENCAMP } if (is_trade_route(here)) { conquer_trade_route(here) } game.march = 0 resume_actions() update_supply() } // === ACTION: MARCH - AVOID BATTLE === function count_besieged_lords(loc) { let n = 0 for (let lord = first_lord; lord <= last_lord; ++lord) if (get_lord_locale(lord) === loc && is_lord_besieged(lord)) ++n return n } function stronghold_strength(loc) { if (has_castle_marker(loc)) return 2 return data.locales[loc].stronghold } function stronghold_capacity(loc) { return stronghold_strength(loc) - count_besieged_lords(loc) } function spoil_prov(lord) { log("Discarded Provender.") add_lord_assets(lord, PROV, -1) add_spoils(PROV, 1) } function spoil_loot(lord) { log("Discarded Loot.") add_lord_assets(lord, LOOT, -1) add_spoils(LOOT, 1) } function can_avoid_battle(to, way) { if (way === game.march.approach) return false if (has_unbesieged_enemy_lord(to)) return false if (is_unbesieged_enemy_stronghold(to)) return false return true } function select_all_lords(here) { game.group = [] for (let lord = first_friendly_lord; lord <= last_friendly_lord; ++lord) if (get_lord_locale(lord) === here) game.group.push(lord) } function goto_avoid_battle() { clear_undo() set_active_enemy() game.stack = game.group // XXX game.state = "avoid_battle" game.spoils = 0 resume_avoid_battle() } function resume_avoid_battle() { let here = game.march.to if (has_unbesieged_friendly_lord(here)) { // TODO: select all or no lords? select_all_lords(here) // game.group = [] game.state = "avoid_battle" } else { end_avoid_battle() } } states.avoid_battle = { prompt() { view.prompt = `March: You may avoid battle.` view.group = game.group let here = game.march.to for (let lord = first_friendly_lord; lord <= last_friendly_lord; ++lord) if (get_lord_locale(lord) === here && !is_lower_lord(lord)) gen_action_lord(lord) if (game.group.length > 0) { for (let [to, way] of data.locales[here].ways) { if (can_avoid_battle(to, way)) gen_action_locale(to) } } view.actions.end_avoid_battle = 1 }, lord(lord) { set_toggle(game.group, lord) if (is_upper_lord(lord)) set_toggle(game.group, get_lower_lord(lord)) }, locale(to) { push_undo() let from = get_lord_locale(game.command) let ways = list_ways(from, to) if (ways.length > 2) { game.march.avoid_to = to game.state = "avoid_battle_way" } else { game.march.avoid_to = to game.march.avoid_way = ways[1] avoid_battle_1() } }, end_avoid_battle() { push_undo() end_avoid_battle() }, } states.avoid_battle_way = { prompt() { view.prompt = `Avoid Battle: Select way.` view.group = game.group let from = game.march.to let to = game.march.avoid_to let ways = list_ways(from, to) for (let i = 1; i < ways.length; ++i) gen_action_way(ways[i]) }, way(way) { game.avoid_way = way avoid_battle_1() }, } function avoid_battle_1() { let way = game.march.avoid_way let transport = count_group_transport(data.ways[way].type) let prov = count_group_assets(PROV) let loot = count_group_assets(LOOT) if (prov > transport || loot > 0) game.state = 'avoid_battle_laden' else avoid_battle_2() } states.avoid_battle_laden = { prompt() { let to = game.march.avoid_to let way = game.march.avoid_way let transport = count_group_transport(data.ways[way].type) let prov = count_group_assets(PROV) let loot = count_group_assets(LOOT) view.prompt = `Avoid Battle with ${prov} provender and ${transport} transport.` view.group = game.group if (loot > 0) { view.prompt += " Discard Loot." for (let lord of game.group) { if (get_lord_assets(lord, LOOT) > 0) gen_action_loot(lord) } } else if (prov > transport) { view.prompt += " Discard Provender." for (let lord of game.group) { if (get_lord_assets(lord, PROV) > 0) gen_action_prov(lord) } } else { gen_action_locale(to) view.actions.avoid = 1 } }, prov(lord) { push_undo() spoil_prov(lord) }, loot(lord) { push_undo() spoil_loot(lord) }, locale(to) { avoid_battle_2() }, avoid() { avoid_battle_2() }, } function avoid_battle_2() { let from = game.march.to let to = game.march.avoid_to let way = game.march.avoid_way if (data.ways[way].name) log(`Avoided Battle via ${data.ways[way].name} to %${to}.`) else log(`Avoided Battle to %${to}.`) for (let lord of game.group) { set_lord_locale(lord, to) set_lord_moved(lord, 1) } game.march.avoid_to = 0 game.march.avoid_way = 0 resume_avoid_battle() } function end_avoid_battle() { game.group = game.stack // XXX goto_march_withdraw() } // === ACTION: MARCH - AMBUSH === // TODO - ambush cancels avoid battle // === ACTION: MARCH - WITHDRAW === function can_withdraw(here, n) { if (is_unbesieged_friendly_stronghold(here)) if (stronghold_capacity(here) >= n) return true return false } function goto_march_withdraw() { let here = game.march.to if (has_unbesieged_friendly_lord(here) && can_withdraw(here, 1)) { game.state = "march_withdraw" } else { end_march_withdraw() } } states.march_withdraw = { prompt() { view.prompt = `March: You may withdraw lords into stronghold.` let here = get_lord_locale(game.command) let capacity = stronghold_capacity(here) if (capacity >= 1) { for (let lord = first_friendly_lord; lord <= last_friendly_lord; ++lord) { if (get_lord_locale(lord) === here && !is_lower_lord(lord) && !is_lord_besieged(lord)) { if (is_upper_lord(lord)) { if (capacity >= 2) gen_action_lord(lord) } else { gen_action_lord(lord) } } } } view.actions.end_withdraw = 1 }, lord(lord) { push_undo() let lower = get_lower_lord(lord) log(`L${lord} withdrew.`) set_lord_besieged(lord, 1) if (lower !== NOBODY) { log(`L${lower} withdrew.`) set_lord_besieged(lord, 1) } }, end_withdraw() { end_march_withdraw() }, } function end_march_withdraw() { clear_undo() set_active_enemy() game.stack = [] // XXX ??? goto_spoils_after_avoid_battle() } // === ACTION: MARCH - DIVIDE SPOILS AFTER AVOID BATTLE === function list_spoils() { let list = [] for (let type = 0; type < 7; ++type) { let n = get_spoils(type) if (n > 0) list.push(`${n} ${ASSET_TYPE_NAME[type]}`) } if (list.length > 0) return list.join(", ") return "nothing" } function prompt_spoils() { if (get_spoils(PROV) > 0) view.actions.take_prov = 1 if (get_spoils(LOOT) > 0) view.actions.take_loot = 1 if (get_spoils(COIN) > 0) view.actions.take_coin = 1 if (get_spoils(SHIP) > 0) view.actions.take_ship = 1 if (get_spoils(BOAT) > 0) view.actions.take_boat = 1 if (get_spoils(CART) > 0) view.actions.take_cart = 1 if (get_spoils(SLED) > 0) view.actions.take_sled = 1 } function take_spoils(type) { push_undo_without_who() add_lord_assets(game.who, type, 1) add_spoils(type, -1) if (!has_any_spoils()) game.who = NOBODY } function take_spoils_prov() { take_spoils(PROV) } function take_spoils_loot() { take_spoils(LOOT) } function take_spoils_coin() { take_spoils(COIN) } function take_spoils_ship() { take_spoils(SHIP) } function take_spoils_boat() { take_spoils(BOAT) } function take_spoils_cart() { take_spoils(CART) } function take_spoils_sled() { take_spoils(SLED) } function goto_spoils_after_avoid_battle() { if (has_any_spoils()) { game.state = "spoils_after_avoid_battle" if (game.group.length === 1) game.who = game.group[0] } else { goto_battle() } } states.spoils_after_avoid_battle = { prompt() { if (has_any_spoils()) { view.prompt = "Spoils: Divide " + list_spoils() + "." // only moving lords get to divide the spoils for (let lord of game.group) if (lord !== game.who) gen_action_lord(lord) if (game.who !== NOBODY) prompt_spoils() } else { view.prompt = "Spoils: All done." view.actions.end_spoils = 1 } }, lord(lord) { game.who = lord }, take_prov: take_spoils_prov, take_loot: take_spoils_loot, end_spoils() { clear_undo() game.spoils = 0 game.who = NOBODY goto_battle() }, } // === ACTION: SIEGE === function count_friendly_lords_at(loc) { let n = 0 for (let lord = first_friendly_lord; lord <= last_friendly_lord; ++lord) if (get_lord_locale(lord) === loc) ++n return n } function count_besieging_lords(loc) { return count_friendly_lords_at(loc) } function can_build_siegeworks() { let here = get_lord_locale(game.command) if (count_besieging_lords(here) >= stronghold_strength(here)) if (count_siege_markers(here) < 4) return true return false } function can_action_siege() { let here = get_lord_locale(game.command) if (!is_first_action()) return false if (is_enemy_stronghold(here)) return true return false } function goto_siege() { push_undo() let here = get_lord_locale(game.command) log(`Sieged at %${here}.`) goto_surrender() } function goto_surrender() { let here = get_lord_locale(game.command) if (count_besieged_lords(here) === 0) game.state = "surrender" else build_siegeworks() } function surrender_stronghold(here) { log(`%${here} surrendered.`) remove_all_siege_markers(here) if (has_conquered_marker(here)) remove_conquered_marker(here) else add_conquered_marker(here) if (has_enemy_castle(here)) flip_castle(here) if (here === LOC_NOVGOROD) { if (game.pieces.veche_coin > 0) { log(`Removed ${game.pieces.veche_coin} coin from Veche.`) game.pieces.veche_coin = 0 } } } states.surrender = { prompt() { view.prompt = "Siege: You may roll for Surrender." view.actions.surrender = 1 if (can_build_siegeworks()) view.actions.siegeworks = 1 else view.actions.pass = 1 }, surrender() { clear_undo() let here = get_lord_locale(game.command) let die = roll_die() let n = count_siege_markers(here) if (die <= n) { log(`Surrender ${die} <= ${n}.`) surrender_stronghold(here) end_siege() } else { log(`Surrender ${die} > ${n} failed.`) build_siegeworks() } }, siegeworks() { build_siegeworks() }, pass() { end_siege() }, } function build_siegeworks() { if (can_build_siegeworks()) { log("Added Siege marker.") let here = get_lord_locale(game.command) add_siege_marker(here) } end_siege() } function end_siege() { let here = get_lord_locale(game.command) // All Lords of both sides moved/fought for (let lord = first_lord; lord <= last_lord; ++lord) if (get_lord_locale(lord) === here) set_lord_moved(lord, 1) spend_all_actions() resume_actions() } // === ACTION: STORM === function can_action_storm() { if (game.actions < 1) return false return is_besieged_enemy_stronghold(get_lord_locale(game.command)) } function goto_storm() { start_storm() } // === ACTION: SALLY === function can_action_sally() { if (game.actions < 1) return false return true } function goto_sally() { start_sally() } // === ACTION: SUPPLY === function update_supply() { // TODO: Lodya - select boat OR ship (we count both here...) if (game.actions < 1) { game.supply = 0 return } let season = current_season() let here = get_lord_locale(game.command) let boats = 0 let carts = 0 let sleds = 0 let ships = 0 let seats = 2 if (season === SUMMER) { carts = get_shared_assets(here, CART) } if (season === SUMMER || season === RASPUTITSA) { boats = count_shared_boats() ships = count_shared_ships() + count_shared_cogs_not_in_locale(here) } if (season === EARLY_WINTER || season === LATE_WINTER) { sleds = get_shared_assets(here, SLED) } if (ships > 2) ships = 2 if (is_famine_in_play()) seats = 1 let sources = list_supply_sources(ships) let reachable = filter_reachable_supply_sources(sources, boats, carts, sleds) let supply_seats = filter_usable_supply_seats(reachable) let supply_seaports = filter_usable_supply_seaports(reachable, ships) game.supply = { supply_seats, supply_seaports, seats, boats, carts, sleds, ships } } function list_supply_sources(ships) { let sources = [] for_each_seat(game.command, seat => { set_add(sources, seat) }, false) if (ships > 0) { if (game.active === TEUTONS) for (let port of data.seaports) set_add(sources, port) if (game.active === RUSSIANS) set_add(sources, LOC_NOVGOROD) } return sources } function filter_reachable_supply_sources(sources, boats, carts, sleds) { let result = [] search_supply_reachable(result, [], sources, get_lord_locale(game.command), boats, carts, sleds) return result } function search_supply_reachable(result, seen, sources, here, boats, carts, sleds) { if (set_has(seen, here)) return if (has_unbesieged_enemy_lord(here)) return if (is_unbesieged_enemy_stronghold(here)) return if (is_friendly_territory(here) && has_conquered_marker(here)) if (!has_siege_marker(here)) return set_add(seen, here) if (set_has(sources, here)) set_add(result, here) if (boats > 0) for (let next of data.locales[here].adjacent_by_waterway) search_supply_reachable(result, seen, sources, next, boats - 1, carts, sleds) if (carts > 0) for (let next of data.locales[here].adjacent_by_trackway) search_supply_reachable(result, seen, sources, next, boats, carts - 1, sleds) if (sleds > 0) for (let next of data.locales[here].adjacent) search_supply_reachable(result, seen, sources, next, boats, carts, sleds - 1) set_delete(seen, here) } function filter_usable_supply_seats(reachable) { let sources = [] for_each_seat( game.command, (seat) => { if (set_has(reachable, seat)) sources.push(seat) }, true ) return sources } function filter_usable_supply_seaports(reachable, ships) { if (ships > 0) { let sources = [] if (game.active === TEUTONS) { for (let port of data.seaports) { if (set_has(reachable, port)) { set_add(sources, port) } } } if (game.active === RUSSIANS) { if (set_has(reachable, LOC_NOVGOROD)) { set_add(sources, LOC_NOVGOROD) } } return sources } return null } function can_action_supply() { if (game.actions < 1) return false return can_supply() } function can_supply() { if (game.supply.seats > 0 && game.supply.supply_seats.length > 0) return true if (game.supply.ships > 0 && game.supply.supply_seaports.length > 0) return true return false } function goto_supply() { push_undo() game.state = "supply_source" } states.supply_source = { prompt() { if (!can_supply()) { view.prompt = "Supply: No valid supply sources." return } view.prompt = "Supply: Select supply source and route -" if (game.supply.boats > 0) view.prompt += ` ${game.supply.boats} boat` if (game.supply.carts > 0) view.prompt += ` ${game.supply.carts} cart` if (game.supply.sleds > 0) view.prompt += ` ${game.supply.sleds} sled` if (game.supply.ships > 0) view.prompt += ` ${game.supply.ships} ship` if (game.supply.seats > 0) for (let source of game.supply.supply_seats) gen_action_locale(source) if (game.supply.ships > 0) for (let source of game.supply.supply_seaports) gen_action_locale(source) view.actions.end_supply = 1 }, locale(source) { // TODO: 2nd ed - no reusing of transports! if (game.supply.supply_seats.includes(source)) { log(`Supplied from seat at %${source}.`) array_remove_item(game.supply.supply_seats, source) game.supply.seats-- } else { log(`Supplied from seaport at %${source}.`) game.supply.ships-- } add_lord_assets(game.command, PROV, 1) if (!can_supply()) end_supply() }, end_supply: end_supply, } function end_supply() { game.supply = 0 spend_action(1) resume_actions() update_supply() } // === ACTION: FORAGE === function can_action_forage() { if (game.actions < 1) return false if (is_famine_in_play()) return false let here = get_lord_locale(game.command) if (has_ravaged_marker(here)) return false if (current_season() === SUMMER) return true if (is_friendly_stronghold_locale(here)) // TODO: simpler check? return true return false } function goto_forage() { push_undo() let here = get_lord_locale(game.command) log(`Foraged at %${here}`) add_lord_assets(game.command, PROV, 1) spend_action(1) resume_actions() } // === ACTION: RAVAGE === function has_adjacent_unbesieged_enemy_lord(loc) { for (let next of data.locales[loc].adjacent) if (has_unbesieged_enemy_lord(next)) return true return false } function has_not_used_teutonic_raiders() { return !game.flags.teutonic_raiders } function this_lord_has_teutonic_raiders() { if (game.active === TEUTONS) if (has_not_used_teutonic_raiders()) if (lord_has_capability(game.command, AOW_TEUTONIC_RAIDERS)) return count_lord_horses(game.command) > 0 return false } function this_lord_has_russian_raiders() { if (game.active === RUSSIANS) if (lord_has_capability(game.command, AOW_RUSSIAN_RAIDERS)) return get_lord_forces(game.command, LIGHT_HORSE) + get_lord_forces(game.command, ASIATIC_HORSE) > 0 return false } function can_ravage_locale(loc) { if (!is_enemy_territory(loc)) return false if (has_conquered_marker(loc)) return false if (has_ravaged_marker(loc)) return false if (is_friendly_locale(loc)) // faster check? return false if (has_adjacent_unbesieged_enemy_lord(loc)) return game.actions >= 2 else return game.actions >= 1 } function can_action_ravage() { if (game.actions < 1) return false let here = get_lord_locale(game.command) if (can_ravage_locale(here)) return true if (this_lord_has_teutonic_raiders()) { for (let there of data.locales[here].adjacent_by_trackway) // XXX has_enemy_lord redundant with is_friendly_locale in can_ravage_locale if (can_ravage_locale(there) && !has_enemy_lord(there)) return true } if (this_lord_has_russian_raiders()) { for (let there of data.locales[here].adjacent_by_trackway) // XXX has_enemy_lord redundant with is_friendly_locale in can_ravage_locale if (can_ravage_locale(there) && !has_enemy_lord(there)) return true } return false } function goto_ravage() { push_undo() if (this_lord_has_teutonic_raiders() || this_lord_has_russian_raiders()) { game.state = "ravage" } else { let here = get_lord_locale(game.command) ravage_location(here, here) } } states.ravage = { prompt() { view.prompt = `Ravage: Choose enemy territory to ravage!` let here = get_lord_locale(game.command) if (can_ravage_locale(here)) gen_action_locale(here) if (this_lord_has_teutonic_raiders()) { for (let there of data.locales[here].adjacent_by_trackway) if (can_ravage_locale(there) && !has_enemy_lord(there)) gen_action_locale(there) } if (this_lord_has_russian_raiders()) { for (let there of data.locales[here].adjacent) if (can_ravage_locale(there) && !has_enemy_lord(there)) gen_action_locale(there) } }, locale(there) { let here = get_lord_locale(game.command) ravage_location(here, there) }, } function ravage_location(here, there) { log(`Ravaged at %${there}.`) add_ravaged_marker(there) add_lord_assets(game.command, PROV, 1) if (here !== there && game.active === TEUTONS) game.flags.teutonic_raiders = 1 if (!is_region(there)) { // R12 Raiders - take no loot from adjacent if (here === there || game.active !== RUSSIANS) add_lord_assets(game.command, LOOT, 1) } if (has_adjacent_unbesieged_enemy_lord(there)) spend_action(2) else spend_action(1) resume_actions() } // === ACTION: TAX === function restore_mustered_forces(lord) { muster_lord_forces(lord) for (let v of data.lords[lord].vassals) if (is_vassal_mustered(v)) muster_vassal_forces(lord, v) } function can_action_tax() { // Must use whole action if (!is_first_action()) return false // Must have space left to hold Coin if (get_lord_assets(game.command, COIN) >= 8) return false // Must be at own seat return is_lord_at_seat(game.command); } function goto_tax() { push_undo() let here = get_lord_locale(game.command) log(`Taxed %${here}.`) add_lord_assets(game.command, COIN, 1) spend_all_actions() resume_actions() if (lord_has_capability(game.command, AOW_RUSSIAN_VELIKY_KNYAZ)) { logi("Veliky Knyaz") logii("Restored mustered forces.") restore_mustered_forces(game.command) push_state("veliky_knyaz") game.who = game.command game.count = 2 } } states.veliky_knyaz = states.muster_lord_transport // === ACTION: SAIL === function drop_prov(lord) { log("Discarded Provender.") add_lord_assets(lord, PROV, -1) } function drop_loot(lord) { log("Discarded Loot.") add_lord_assets(lord, LOOT, -1) } function has_enough_available_ships_for_horses() { let ships = count_group_ships() + count_shared_cogs_not_in_group() let horses = count_group_horses() let needed_ships = horses if (game.active === RUSSIANS) needed_ships = horses * 2 return needed_ships <= ships } function can_action_sail() { // Must use whole action if (!is_first_action()) return false // at a seaport let here = get_lord_locale(game.command) if (!is_seaport(here)) return false // during Rasputitsa or Summer let season = current_season() if (season !== SUMMER && season !== RASPUTITSA) return false // with enough ships to carry all the horses if (!has_enough_available_ships_for_horses()) return false // and a valid destination for (let to of data.seaports) if (to !== here && !has_enemy_lord(to)) return true return false } function goto_sail() { push_undo() game.state = 'sail' } states.sail = { prompt() { view.group = game.group let here = get_lord_locale(game.command) let ships = count_group_ships() + count_shared_cogs_not_in_group() let horses = count_group_horses() let prov = count_group_assets(PROV) let loot = count_group_assets(LOOT) let overflow = 0 if (game.active === TEUTONS) overflow = (horses + loot * 2 + prov) - ships if (game.active === RUSSIANS) overflow = (horses * 2 + loot * 2 + prov) - ships if (overflow > 0) { view.prompt = `Sailing with ${ships} ships and ${horses} horses. Discard loot or provender.` // TODO: stricter greed! // TODO: if 1 ship, 1 loot, 1 prov - cannot discard prov then loot! if (loot > 0 || prov > 0) { for (let lord of game.group) { if (loot > 0) if (get_lord_assets(lord, LOOT) > 0) gen_action_loot(lord) if (prov > 0) if (get_lord_assets(lord, PROV) > 0) gen_action_prov(lord) } } } else { view.prompt = `Sail: Choose a destination Seaport.` for (let to of data.seaports) { if (to === here) continue if (!has_enemy_lord(to)) gen_action_locale(to) } } }, prov: drop_prov, loot: drop_loot, locale(to) { push_undo() log(`Sailed to %${to}.`) let from = get_lord_locale(game.command) for (let lord of game.group) { set_lord_locale(lord, to) set_lord_moved(lord, 1) } if (game.pieces.legate_selected) game.pieces.legate = to lift_sieges() remove_legate_if_endangered(from) if (is_unbesieged_enemy_stronghold(to)) add_siege_marker(to) if (is_trade_route(to)) conquer_trade_route(to) spend_all_actions() resume_actions() update_supply() }, } // === ACTION: STONEMASONS (CAPABILITY) === function can_action_stonemasons() { if (!is_first_action()) return false if (!lord_has_capability(game.command, AOW_TEUTONIC_STONEMASONS)) return false let here = get_lord_locale(game.command) if (is_in_rus(here) && (is_fort(here) || is_town(here))) { if (get_shared_assets(here, PROV) < 6) return false if (count_castles() >= 2) return false if (has_castle_marker(here)) return false if (has_siege_marker(here)) return false return true } return false } function goto_stonemasons() { push_undo() log("Stonemasons.") game.count = 6 game.state = "stonemasons" } states.stonemasons = { prompt() { view.prompt = `Stonemasons: Pay ${game.count} provender.` let here = get_lord_locale(game.command) for (let lord = first_friendly_lord; lord <= last_friendly_lord; ++lord) if (get_lord_locale(lord) === here) if (get_lord_assets(lord, PROV) > 0) gen_action_prov(lord) }, prov(lord) { add_lord_assets(lord, PROV, -1) game.count-- if (game.count === 0) end_stonemasons() }, } function end_stonemasons() { let here = get_lord_locale(game.command) log(`Built Castle at %${here}.`) add_friendly_castle(here) remove_walls(here) spend_all_actions() resume_actions() } // === ACTION: STONE KREMLIN (CAPABILITY) === function count_walls() { return game.pieces.walls.length } function has_walls(loc) { return set_has(game.pieces.walls, loc) } function add_walls(loc) { return set_add(game.pieces.walls, loc) } function remove_walls(loc) { return set_delete(game.pieces.walls, loc) } function can_action_stone_kremlin() { if (!is_first_action()) return false if (!lord_has_capability(game.command, AOW_RUSSIAN_STONE_KREMLIN)) return false let here = get_lord_locale(game.command) if (is_fort(here) || is_city(here) || here === LOC_NOVGOROD) { if (has_walls(here)) return false return true } return false } function goto_stone_kremlin() { push_undo() log("Stone Kremlin.") if (count_walls() > 0) { game.state = "stone_kremlin" game.count = 1 } else { end_stone_kremlin() } } states.stone_kremlin = { prompt() { let here = get_lord_locale(game.command) if (game.count > 0) { if (count_walls() === 4) { view.prompt = `Stone Kremlin: Move one Walls marker.` } else { view.prompt = `Stone Kremlin: Place or move Walls.` gen_action_locale(here) } for (let loc of game.pieces.walls) gen_action_locale(loc) } else { view.prompt = `Stone Kremlin: Place Walls.` gen_action_locale(here) } }, locale(loc) { let here = get_lord_locale(game.command) if (loc !== here) { log(`Removed Walls at %${loc}.`) remove_walls(loc) game.count = 0 } else { end_stone_kremlin() } }, pass() { end_stone_kremlin() }, } function end_stone_kremlin() { let here = get_lord_locale(game.command) log(`Built Walls at %${here}.`) add_walls(here) spend_all_actions() resume_actions() } // === ACTION: SMERDI (CAPABILITY) === function can_action_smerdi() { if (game.actions < 1) return false if (game.pieces.smerdi > 0) { if (is_in_rus(get_lord_locale(game.command))) return true } return false } function goto_smerdi() { push_undo() log("Mustered Serfs.") game.pieces.smerdi -- add_lord_forces(game.command, SERFS, 1) spend_action(1) resume_actions() } // === BATTLE === function set_active_attacker() { set_active(game.battle.attacker) } function set_active_defender() { if (game.battle.attacker === P1) set_active(P2) else set_active(P1) } function goto_battle() { if (has_unbesieged_enemy_lord(game.march.to)) start_battle() else march_with_group_3() } function init_battle(here, is_storm, is_sally) { game.battle = { where: here, round: 1, storm: is_storm, sally: is_sally, relief: 0, attacker: game.active, conceded: 0, array: [ -1, game.command, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, ], garrison: 0, reserves: [], routed: [], step: 0, loser: 0, } } function start_battle() { let here = get_lord_locale(game.command) log_h2(`Battle at %${here}`) // TODO: array <= 3 attacking lords automatically init_battle(here, 0, 0) for (let lord = first_lord; lord <= last_lord; ++lord) { if (get_lord_locale(lord) === here && !is_lord_besieged(lord)) { set_lord_moved(lord, 1) if (lord !== game.command) set_add(game.battle.reserves, lord) } } goto_relief_sally() } function start_sally() { let here = get_lord_locale(game.command) log_h2(`Sally at %${here}`) init_battle(here, 0, 1) // NOTE: All besieged lords sally in Nevsky for (let lord = first_lord; lord <= last_lord; ++lord) { if (get_lord_locale(lord) === here) { set_lord_moved(lord, 1) if (lord !== game.command) set_add(game.battle.reserves, lord) } } goto_array_attacker() } function init_garrison(knights, men_at_arms) { game.battle.garrison = { knights, men_at_arms } } function start_storm() { let here = get_lord_locale(game.command) log_h2(`Storm at %${here}`) init_battle(here, 1, 0) // TODO: 2nd edition garrison forces if (here === LOC_NOVGOROD) init_garrison(0, 3) else if (is_city(here)) init_garrison(0, 3) else if (is_fort(here)) init_garrison(0, 1) else if (is_bishopric(here)) init_garrison(1, 3) else if (is_castle(here)) init_garrison(1, 2) // All lords must storm for (let lord = first_lord; lord <= last_lord; ++lord) { if (get_lord_locale(lord) === here) { set_lord_moved(lord, 1) if (lord !== game.command) set_add(game.battle.reserves, lord) } } // NOTE: Only one lord at a time can storm. goto_array_defender_storm() } // === BATTLE: RELIEF SALLY === // NOTE: sallying attackers are flagged as besieged function is_lord_arrayed(lord) { return game.battle.array.includes(lord) } function goto_relief_sally() { set_active_attacker() if (has_besieged_friendly_lord(game.battle.where)) { game.state = "relief_sally" game.who = NOBODY } else { goto_array_attacker() } } states.relief_sally = { prompt() { view.prompt = "Battle: Relief Sally." // NOTE: max 3 lords stronghold so there's always room for all to sally // RULES: can lower lords sally without lieutenant? let here = game.battle.where for (let lord = first_friendly_lord; lord <= last_friendly_lord; ++lord) if (get_lord_locale(lord) === here && is_lord_besieged(lord)) if (!set_has(game.battle.reserves, lord)) gen_action_lord(lord) view.actions.end_sally = 1 }, lord(lord) { push_undo() set_add(game.battle.reserves, lord) game.battle.relief = 1 }, end_sally() { goto_array_attacker() }, } // === BATTLE: BATTLE ARRAY === function has_reserves() { for (let lord of game.battle.reserves) if (is_friendly_lord(lord)) return true return false } function count_reserves() { let n = 0 for (let lord of game.battle.reserves) if (is_friendly_lord(lord)) ++n return n } function pop_first_reserve() { for (let lord of game.battle.reserves) { if (is_friendly_lord(lord)) { set_delete(game.battle.reserves, lord) return lord } } return NOBODY } function action_array_place(pos) { push_undo_without_who() game.battle.array[pos] = game.who set_delete(game.battle.reserves, game.who) game.who = NOBODY } function goto_array_attacker() { set_active_attacker() game.state = "array_attacker" game.who = NOBODY if (!has_reserves()) goto_array_defender() } function prompt_array_place_attacker(X1, X2, X3) { let array = game.battle.array if (array[X2] === NOBODY) { gen_action_array(X2) } else { if (array[X1] === NOBODY) gen_action_array(X1) if (array[X3] === NOBODY) gen_action_array(X3) } } states.array_attacker = { prompt() { view.prompt = "Battle Array: Position your attacking lords." let array = game.battle.array let done = true if (game.battle.sally) { if (array[A1] === NOBODY || array[A2] === NOBODY || array[A3] === NOBODY) { for (let lord of game.battle.reserves) { if (lord !== game.who && is_friendly_lord(lord)) { gen_action_battle_lord(lord) done = false } } } } else { // Select front Lord if (array[A1] === NOBODY || array[A2] === NOBODY || array[A3] === NOBODY) { for (let lord of game.battle.reserves) { if (lord !== game.who && is_friendly_lord(lord) && is_lord_unbesieged(lord)) { gen_action_battle_lord(lord) done = false } } } // Select sallying Lord if (array[SA1] === NOBODY || array[SA2] === NOBODY || array[SA3] === NOBODY) { for (let lord of game.battle.reserves) { if (lord !== game.who && is_friendly_lord(lord) && is_lord_besieged(lord)) { gen_action_battle_lord(lord) done = false } } } } if (game.who === NOBODY && done) view.actions.end_array = 1 if (game.who !== NOBODY) { // Place front Lord if (game.battle.sally || is_lord_unbesieged(game.who)) { // A2 is already filled by command lord! if (array[A1] === NOBODY) gen_action_array(A1) if (array[A3] === NOBODY) gen_action_array(A3) } else { // Place rear Lord if (array[SA2] === NOBODY) { gen_action_array(SA2) } else { if (array[SA1] === NOBODY) gen_action_array(SA1) if (array[SA3] === NOBODY) gen_action_array(SA3) } } } }, array: action_array_place, battle_lord(lord) { game.who = lord }, end_array() { goto_array_defender() }, } function goto_array_defender() { clear_undo() set_active_defender() game.state = "array_defender" game.who = NOBODY let n = count_reserves() if (n === 1) { game.battle.array[D2] = pop_first_reserve() end_array_defender() } if (n === 0) { end_array_defender() } } states.array_defender = { prompt() { view.prompt = "Battle Array: Position your defending lords." let array = game.battle.array let done = true let empty_front = array[D1] === NOBODY || array[D2] === NOBODY || array[D3] === NOBODY let empty_rear = array[SA1] !== NOBODY && (array[RD1] === NOBODY || array[RD2] === NOBODY || array[RD3] === NOBODY) if (empty_front || empty_rear) { for (let lord of game.battle.reserves) { if (lord !== game.who && is_friendly_lord(lord)) { gen_action_battle_lord(lord) done = false } } } if (done && game.who === NOBODY) view.actions.end_array = 1 if (game.who !== NOBODY) { if (empty_front) { if (array[D2] === NOBODY) { gen_action_array(D2) } else { if (array[D1] === NOBODY) gen_action_array(D1) if (array[D3] === NOBODY) gen_action_array(D3) } } if (empty_rear) { if (array[RD2] === NOBODY) { gen_action_array(RD2) } else { if (array[RD1] === NOBODY) gen_action_array(RD1) if (array[RD3] === NOBODY) gen_action_array(RD3) } } } }, array: action_array_place, battle_lord(lord) { game.who = lord }, end_array() { end_array_defender() }, } function end_array_defender() { clear_undo() goto_attacker_events() } // === STORM: ARRAY === function goto_array_defender_storm() { clear_undo() set_active_defender() game.state = "array_defender_storm" game.who = NOBODY let n = count_reserves() if (n === 1) { game.battle.array[D2] = pop_first_reserve() end_array_defender() } if (n === 0) { end_array_defender() } } states.array_defender_storm = { prompt() { view.prompt = "Storm Array: Choose a defending lord." for (let lord of game.battle.reserves) if (is_friendly_lord(lord)) gen_action_battle_lord(lord) }, battle_lord(lord) { set_delete(game.battle.reserves, lord) game.battle.array[D2] = lord end_array_defender() }, } // === BATTLE: EVENTS === function goto_attacker_events() { set_active_attacker() log("TODO attacker events") goto_defender_events() } function goto_defender_events() { set_active_defender() log("TODO defender events") goto_battle_rounds() } // === BATTLE: CONCEDE THE FIELD === function goto_battle_rounds() { set_active_attacker() goto_concede() } function goto_concede() { // No concede during first round of Storm if (game.battle.storm) { log_h3(`Storm Round ${game.battle.round} / ${count_siege_markers(game.battle.where)}`) if (game.battle.round === 1) goto_start_strike() else game.state = "concede_storm" } else { log_h3("Battle Round") game.state = "concede_battle" } } states.concede_battle = { prompt() { view.prompt = "Battle: Concede the Field?" view.actions.concede = 1 view.actions.battle = 1 }, concede() { log(game.active + " concede.") game.battle.conceded = game.active goto_reposition_battle() }, battle() { set_active_enemy() if (game.active === game.battle.attacker) goto_reposition_battle() }, } states.concede_storm = { prompt() { view.prompt = "Storm: Concede?" view.actions.concede = 1 view.actions.battle = 1 }, concede() { log(game.active + " concede.") game.battle.conceded = game.active end_battle() }, battle() { goto_reposition_storm() }, } // === BATTLE: REPOSITION === // If all SA routed, RD to reserve // If all empty front D, all RD to front // If all empty front A, all SA to A, RD to reserve (resume as if sally) function send_to_reserve(pos) { if (game.battle.array[pos] !== NOBODY) { set_add(game.battle.reserves, game.battle.array[pos]) game.battle.array[pos] = NOBODY } } function slide_array(from, to) { game.battle.array[to] = game.battle.array[from] game.battle.array[from] = NOBODY } function goto_reposition_battle() { let array = game.battle.array // TODO: strict order of these three relief sally reassessment steps // If no SA left, RD to reserve (relief sally ended) if (array[SA1] === NOBODY && array[SA2] === NOBODY && array[SA3] === NOBODY) { send_to_reserve(RD1) send_to_reserve(RD2) send_to_reserve(RD3) } // If no front D left, RD to front if (array[D1] === NOBODY && array[D2] === NOBODY && array[D3] === NOBODY) { slide_array(RD1, D1) slide_array(RD2, D2) slide_array(RD3, D3) } // If no front A left, SA to front if (array[A1] === NOBODY && array[A2] === NOBODY && array[A3] === NOBODY) { // Become a regular sally situation (siegeworks still count for defender) game.battle.sally = 1 slide_array(SA1, A1) slide_array(SA2, A2) slide_array(SA3, A3) } set_active_attacker() goto_reposition_advance() } function goto_reposition_advance() { if (can_reposition_advance()) game.state = "reposition_advance" else end_reposition_advance() } function end_reposition_advance() { game.who = NOBODY set_active_enemy() if (game.active === game.battle.attacker) goto_reposition_center() else goto_reposition_advance() } function goto_reposition_center() { if (can_reposition_center()) game.state = "reposition_center" else end_reposition_center() } function end_reposition_center() { game.who = NOBODY set_active_enemy() if (game.active === game.battle.attacker) goto_start_strike() else goto_reposition_center() } function can_reposition_advance() { if (has_reserves()) { let array = game.battle.array if (game.active === game.battle.attacker) { if (array[A1] === NOBODY || array[A2] === NOBODY || array[A3] === NOBODY) return true // TODO: sally more lords from castle? } else { if (array[D1] === NOBODY || array[D2] === NOBODY || array[D3] === NOBODY) return true if (array[SA1] !== NOBODY || array[SA2] !== NOBODY || array[SA2] !== NOBODY) if (array[RD1] === NOBODY || array[RD2] === NOBODY || array[RD3] === NOBODY) return true } } return false } states.reposition_advance = { prompt() { view.prompt = "Reposition: Advance from Reserve." let array = game.battle.array for (let lord of game.battle.reserves) if (is_friendly_lord(lord) && lord !== game.who) gen_action_lord(lord) if (game.who !== NOBODY) { if (game.active === game.battle.attacker) { if (array[A1] === NOBODY) gen_action_array(A1) if (array[A2] === NOBODY) gen_action_array(A2) if (array[A3] === NOBODY) gen_action_array(A3) } else { if (array[D1] === NOBODY) gen_action_array(D1) if (array[D2] === NOBODY) gen_action_array(D2) if (array[D3] === NOBODY) gen_action_array(D3) if (array[SA1] !== NOBODY || array[SA2] !== NOBODY || array[SA2] !== NOBODY) { if (array[RD1] === NOBODY) gen_action_array(RD1) if (array[RD2] === NOBODY) gen_action_array(RD2) if (array[RD3] === NOBODY) gen_action_array(RD3) } } } }, lord(lord) { game.who = lord }, array(pos) { game.battle.array[pos] = lord game.who = NULL goto_reposition_advance() }, } function can_reposition_center() { let array = game.battle.array if (game.active === game.battle.attacker) { if (array[A2] === NOBODY && (array[A1] !== NOBODY || array[A3] !== NOBODY)) return true if (array[SA2] === NOBODY && (array[SA1] !== NOBODY || array[SA3] !== NOBODY)) return true } else { if (array[D2] === NOBODY && (array[D1] !== NOBODY || array[D3] !== NOBODY)) return true if (array[RD2] === NOBODY && (array[RD1] !== NOBODY || array[RD3] !== NOBODY)) return true } return false } states.reposition_center = { prompt() { view.prompt = "Reposition: Slide to Center." let array = game.battle.array if (game.active === game.battle.attacker) { if (array[A2] === NOBODY) { if (array[A1] !== NOBODY) gen_action_battle_lord(game.battle.array[A1]) if (array[A3] !== NOBODY) gen_action_battle_lord(game.battle.array[A3]) } if (array[SA2] === NOBODY) { if (array[SA1] !== NOBODY) gen_action_battle_lord(game.battle.array[SA1]) if (array[SA3] !== NOBODY) gen_action_battle_lord(game.battle.array[SA3]) } } else { if (array[D2] === NOBODY) { if (array[D1] !== NOBODY) gen_action_battle_lord(game.battle.array[D1]) if (array[D3] !== NOBODY) gen_action_battle_lord(game.battle.array[D3]) } if (array[RD2] === NOBODY) { if (array[RD1] !== NOBODY) gen_action_battle_lord(game.battle.array[RD1]) if (array[RD3] !== NOBODY) gen_action_battle_lord(game.battle.array[RD3]) } } if (game.who !== NOBODY) { let from = get_lord_array_position(game.who) if (from === A1 || from === A3) gen_action_array(A2) if (from === D1 || from === D3) gen_action_array(D2) if (from === SA1 || from === SA3) gen_action_array(SA2) if (from === RD1 || from === RD3) gen_action_array(RD2) } }, battle_lord(lord) { game.who = lord }, array(pos) { let from = get_lord_array_position(game.who) slide_array(from, pos) game.who = NOBODY goto_reposition_center() }, } // === STORM: REPOSITION === function can_reposition_storm() { return has_reserves() } function goto_reposition_storm() { if (can_reposition_storm()) game.state = "reposition_storm" else end_reposition_storm() } function end_reposition_storm() { game.who = NOBODY set_active_enemy() if (game.active === game.battle.attacker) goto_start_strike() else goto_reposition_storm() } states.reposition_storm = { prompt() { view.prompt = "Reposition: You may switch positions between Front and any Reserve Lord." for (let lord of game.battle.reserves) if (is_friendly_lord(lord) && lord !== game.who) gen_action_battle_lord(lord) }, battle_lord(lord) { log(`Swapped in L${lord}.`) set_delete(game.battle.reserves, lord) if (game.active === game.battle.attacker) { set_add(game.battle.reserves, game.battle.array[A2]) game.battle.array[A2] = lord } else { set_add(game.battle.reserves, game.battle.array[D2]) game.battle.array[A2] = lord } end_reposition_storm() }, } // === BATTLE: STRIKE === function format_strike_step() { if (game.battle.storm) return storm_step_name[game.battle.step] return battle_step_name[game.battle.step] } const STEP_ARRAY = [ [ D1, D2, D3, RD1, RD2, RD3 ], [ A1, A2, A3, SA1, SA2, SA3 ], ] // Segment strikers into groups according to flanking situation. // S picks group to strike. // T picks lord to apply hits. // If routed, resume hits on next lord in same group (T's choice). // If routed and multiple groups can be next target, S's choice of target. // If routed, S or T chooses next lord (in same group // interrupt for enemy to select flank to attack when center has hits left after center is routed // TODO: Order of applying mixed archery hits? /* strike steps: 1) calculate hits per lord 2) combine flanking attacks and assign to section - center choose 3) apply hits to lords - choose lord to take all hits from one group 4) roll walls 5) assign hits to units 6) roll by hit 7) if rout, reassign remaining hits (striking player chooses) 7a) front left to front center THEN front right 7b) front right to front center THEN front left 7c) front center to front left OR front right 7d) sallying attackers (as one) to any reserve defender THEN any front 8) goto 3 */ function pack_battle_array_front() { let x = 0 for (let i = 0; i < 6; ++i) if (game.battle.array[i] >= 0) x |= (1 << i) return x } function pack_battle_array_rear() { let x = 0 for (let i = 0; i < 6; ++i) if (game.battle.array[i+6] >= 0) x |= (1 << i) return x } function unpack_group_hits(g, offset) { for (let i = 0; i < 6; ++i) { if ((g >> i) & 1) { if (game.battle.ah1[i+offset] > 0) return true if (game.battle.ah2[i+offset] > 0) return true } } return false } function unpack_group(g, offset) { let list = [] for (let i = 0; i < 6; ++i) if ((g >> i) & 1) list.push(i + offset) return list } function unpack_group_list(flist, rlist) { let list = [] if (flist) { for (let [sg, hg] of flist) { if (unpack_group_hits(sg, 0)) list.push([unpack_group(sg, 0), unpack_group(hg, 0)]) } } if (rlist) { for (let [sg, hg] of rlist) { if (unpack_group_hits(sg, 6)) list.push([unpack_group(sg, 6), unpack_group(hg, 6)]) } } return list } function debug_group(g) { return g.map(p=>battle_array_name[p]).join("+") } function debug_group_list(list) { for (let [sg,hg] of list) console.log(debug_group(sg), "strike", debug_group(hg)) } function has_no_unrouted_forces() { // All unrouted lords are either in battle array or in reserves for (let p = 0; p < 12; ++p) if (is_friendly_lord(game.battle.array[p])) return false for (let lord of game.battle.reserves) if (is_friendly_locale(lord)) return false if (game.battle.storm && game.active !== game.battle.attacker) if (game.battle.garrison) return false return true } function has_front_strike_choice() { let s = game.battle.step & 1 let f = pack_battle_array_front() return GROUPS[s][1][f] !== 0 } function has_rear_strike_choice() { let s = game.battle.step & 1 let r = pack_battle_array_rear() return GROUPS[s][1][r] !== 0 } function format_group(g) { return g.map(p=>lord_name[game.battle.array[p]]).join(", ") } function format_hits() { if (game.battle.h2 > 0 && game.battle.h1 > 0) return `${game.battle.h2} crossbow hits and ${game.battle.h1} hits` else if (game.battle.h2 > 0) return `${game.battle.h2} crossbow hits` else return `${game.battle.h1} hits` } function debug_battle_array(f, r) { for (let row = 0; row < 6; row += 3) { let x = "" for (let col = 0; col < 3; ++col) { let b = row + col if ((f >> b) & 1) x += battle_array_name[b] + " " else x += "--- " } console.log(x) } for (let row = 3; row >= 0; row -= 3) { let x = "" for (let col = 0; col < 3; ++col) { let b = row + col if ((r >> b) & 1) x += battle_array_name[b+6] + " " else x += "--- " } console.log(x) } } function count_archery_hits(ix, lord) { if (lord_has_capability(lord, AOW_RUSSIAN_LUCHNIKI)) { game.battle.ah1[ix] += get_lord_forces(lord, LIGHT_HORSE) game.battle.ah1[ix] += get_lord_forces(lord, MILITIA) } if (lord_has_capability(lord, AOW_TEUTONIC_BALISTARII)) { game.battle.ah2[ix] += get_lord_forces(lord, MEN_AT_ARMS) } game.battle.ah1[ix] += get_lord_forces(lord, ASIATIC_HORSE) } function count_horse_hits(ix, lord) { if (game.battle.storm) game.battle.ah1[ix] += get_lord_forces(lord, KNIGHTS) << 1 else game.battle.ah1[ix] += get_lord_forces(lord, KNIGHTS) << 2 game.battle.ah1[ix] += get_lord_forces(lord, SERGEANTS) << 1 game.battle.ah1[ix] += get_lord_forces(lord, LIGHT_HORSE) } function count_foot_hits(ix, lord) { game.battle.ah1[ix] += get_lord_forces(lord, MEN_AT_ARMS) << 1 game.battle.ah1[ix] += get_lord_forces(lord, MILITIA) game.battle.ah1[ix] += get_lord_forces(lord, SERFS) } function count_battle_hits(ix, lord, step) { switch (step) { case BATTLE_STEP_DEF_ARCHERY: case BATTLE_STEP_ATK_ARCHERY: count_archery_hits(ix, lord) break case BATTLE_STEP_DEF_HORSE: case BATTLE_STEP_ATK_HORSE: count_horse_hits(ix, lord) break case BATTLE_STEP_DEF_FOOT: case BATTLE_STEP_ATK_FOOT: count_foot_hits(ix, lord) break } } function count_storm_hits(ix, lord, step) { switch (step) { case STORM_STEP_DEF_ARCHERY: case STORM_STEP_ATK_ARCHERY: count_archery_hits(ix, lord) break case STORM_STEP_DEF_MELEE: case STORM_STEP_ATK_MELEE: count_horse_hits(ix, lord) count_foot_hits(ix, lord) break } } function count_garrison_hits(step) { switch (step) { case STORM_STEP_DEF_ARCHERY: game.battle.ah2[1] += game.battle.garrison.men_at_arms break case STORM_STEP_DEF_MELEE: game.battle.ah1[1] += game.battle.garrison.knights game.battle.ah1[1] += game.battle.garrison.men_at_arms break } } function goto_start_strike() { game.battle.step = 0 goto_strike() } function goto_next_strike() { let end = game.battle.storm ? 4 : 6 game.battle.step++ if (game.battle.step >= end) end_battle_round() else goto_strike() } function goto_strike() { function is_battle_over() { set_active_attacker() if (has_no_unrouted_forces()) return true set_active_defender() if (has_no_unrouted_forces()) return true return false } // Exit early if one side is completely routed if (is_battle_over()) { goto_next_strike() return } if (game.battle.step & 1) set_active_attacker() else set_active_defender() if (game.battle.storm) goto_strike_storm() else goto_strike_battle() } function goto_strike_storm() { let s = game.battle.step & 1 log_h4(storm_step_name[game.battle.step]) game.battle.ah1 = [ 0, 0 ] game.battle.ah2 = [ 0, 0 ] if (s) { count_storm_hits(0, game.battle.array[A2], game.battle.step) } else { if (game.battle.array[D2] !== NOBODY) count_storm_hits(0, game.battle.array[D2], game.battle.step) count_garrison_hits(game.battle.step) } game.battle.h1 = game.battle.ah1[0] game.battle.h2 = game.battle.ah2[0] // Max 6 hits per lord in melee (12 since we count half-hits). if (game.battle.step >= 2) { if (game.battle.h1 > 12) game.battle.h1 = 12 } game.battle.h1 += game.battle.ah1[1] game.battle.h2 += game.battle.ah2[1] round_hits() if (game.battle.h1 + game.battle.h2 === 0) { log("No hits.") goto_next_strike() return } if (game.active === game.battle.attacker) { if (game.battle.garrison) { if (game.battle.array[D2] === NOBODY) log(`L${game.battle.array[A2]} struck Garrison for ${format_hits()}`) else log(`L${game.battle.array[A2]} struck L${game.battle.array[D2]} and Garrison for ${format_hits()}`) } else { log(`L${game.battle.array[A2]} struck L${game.battle.array[D2]} for ${format_hits()}`) } game.battle.sg = [ A2 ] game.battle.hg = [ D2 ] } else { if (game.battle.garrison) { if (game.battle.array[D2] === NOBODY) log(`Garrison struck L${game.battle.array[A2]} for ${format_hits()}`) else log(`L${game.battle.array[D2]} and Garrison struck L${game.battle.array[A2]} for ${format_hits()}`) } else { log(`L${game.battle.array[D2]} struck L${game.battle.array[A2]} for ${format_hits()}`) } game.battle.sg = [ D2 ] game.battle.hg = [ A2 ] } goto_apply_hits() } function goto_strike_battle() { let s = game.battle.step & 1 log_h4(battle_step_name[game.battle.step]) game.battle.ah1 = [ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ] game.battle.ah2 = [ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ] for (let p of STEP_ARRAY[s]) if (game.battle.array[p] !== NOBODY) count_battle_hits(p, game.battle.array[p], game.battle.step) // skip step if no strikes let sum = 0 for (let x of game.battle.ah1) sum += x for (let x of game.battle.ah2) sum += x if (sum === 0) { log("No hits.") goto_next_strike() return } if (has_front_strike_choice()) game.battle.fc = -1 else game.battle.fc = 0 if (has_rear_strike_choice()) game.battle.rc = -1 else game.battle.rc = 0 goto_strike_choice() } function goto_strike_choice() { if (game.battle.fc === -1 || game.battle.rc === -1) game.state = "strike_choice" else end_strike_choice() } function end_strike_choice() { let s = game.battle.step & 1 let front = pack_battle_array_front() let rear = pack_battle_array_rear() // TODO: if SA and no RD game.battle.groups = unpack_group_list(GROUPS[s][game.battle.fc][front], GROUPS[s][game.battle.rc][rear]) console.log("STRIKE") debug_battle_array(front, rear) debug_group_list(game.battle.groups) goto_select_strike_group() } function prompt_strike_choice(X1, X2, X3, Y2) { if (game.battle.array[X2] === NOBODY && game.battle.array[Y2] !== NOBODY) { if (game.battle.array[X1] !== NOBODY) gen_action_battle_lord(game.battle.array[X1]) if (game.battle.array[X3] !== NOBODY) gen_action_battle_lord(game.battle.array[X3]) } } states.strike_choice = { prompt() { view.prompt = `${format_strike_step()}: Strike left or right?` if (game.battle.fc === -1) { if (game.active === game.battle.attacker) prompt_strike_choice(D1, D2, D3, A2) else prompt_strike_choice(A1, A2, A3, D2) } if (game.battle.rc === -1) { if (game.active === game.battle.attacker) prompt_strike_choice(RD1, RD2, RD3, SA2) else prompt_strike_choice(SA1, SA2, SA3, RD2) } }, battle_lord(lord) { this.array(get_lord_array_position(lord)) }, array(pos) { console.log("STRIKE CHOICE", pos) if (pos === A1 || pos === D1) game.battle.fc = 0 if (pos === A3 || pos === D3) game.battle.fc = 1 if (pos === SA1 || pos === RD1) game.battle.rc = 0 if (pos === SA3 || pos === RD3) game.battle.rc = 1 goto_strike_choice() }, } function goto_select_strike_group() { if (game.battle.groups.length === 0) goto_next_strike() /* TODO auto select is too abrupt, maybe option? else if (game.battle.groups.length === 1) select_strike_group(0) */ else game.state = "select_strike_group" } states.select_strike_group = { prompt() { view.prompt = `${format_strike_step()}: Select Striking Lord or Group.` for (let [sg, hg] of game.battle.groups) { for (let p of sg) { let lord = game.battle.array[p] if (game.battle.ah1[p] > 0 || game.battle.ah2[p] > 0) gen_action_battle_lord(lord) } } }, battle_lord(lord) { for (let i = 0; i < game.battle.groups.length; ++i) { for (let p of game.battle.groups[i][0]) if (game.battle.array[p] === lord) select_strike_group(i) } }, } function round_hits() { // Round in favor of crossbow hits. if (game.battle.h2 & 1) { game.battle.h1 = (game.battle.h1 >> 1) game.battle.h2 = (game.battle.h2 >> 1) + 1 } else { if (game.battle.h1 & 1) game.battle.h1 = (game.battle.h1 >> 1) + 1 else game.battle.h1 = (game.battle.h1 >> 1) game.battle.h2 = (game.battle.h2 >> 1) } } function select_strike_group(i) { game.battle.sg = game.battle.groups[i][0] game.battle.hg = game.battle.groups[i][1] array_remove(game.battle.groups, i) // Total hits from striking lords. game.battle.h1 = 0 game.battle.h2 = 0 for (let p of game.battle.sg) { game.battle.h1 += game.battle.ah1[p] game.battle.h2 += game.battle.ah2[p] } round_hits() // Conceding side halves its total Hits, rounded up. if (game.active === game.battle.conceded) { game.battle.h1 = (game.battle.h1 + 1) >> 1 game.battle.h2 = (game.battle.h2 + 1) >> 1 } log(`${format_group(game.battle.sg)} struck ${format_group(game.battle.hg)} for ${format_hits()}`) goto_apply_hits() } // === BATTLE: APPLY HITS / PROTECTION / ROLL WALLS === function has_unrouted_forces_in_hit_group() { if (game.battle.storm && game.active !== game.battle.attacker) if (game.battle.garrison) return true for (let p of game.battle.hg) { let lord = game.battle.array[p] console.log("lord1", lord, has_unrouted_units(lord), game.pieces.forces[lord]) if (has_unrouted_units(lord)) return true } return false } function goto_apply_hits() { set_active_enemy() if (game.battle.hg.length === 0) end_apply_hits() if (game.battle.storm) { if (game.active === game.battle.attacker) roll_for_siegeworks() else roll_for_walls() } else if (game.battle.sally) { if (game.active !== game.battle.attacker) roll_for_siegeworks() } else { let s = game.battle.sg[0] if (s === SA1 || s === SA2 || s === SA3) roll_for_siegeworks() } resume_apply_hits() } function resume_apply_hits() { if (game.battle.h1 + game.battle.h2 === 0) { end_apply_hits() } else if (!has_unrouted_forces_in_hit_group()) { console.log("wha?", game.battle.hg, has_unrouted_forces_in_hit_group()) log("TODO: remaining hits!") // TODO: calculate new hit group for the current striking group, and resume or end if no valid targets end_apply_hits() } else { game.state = "apply_hits" } } function end_apply_hits() { console.log("end_apply_hits") set_active_enemy() if (game.battle.storm) goto_next_strike() else goto_select_strike_group() } function roll_for_walls() { let here = game.battle.where let prot = 0 if (is_bishopric(here) || is_castle(here) || has_walls(here)) prot = 4 else if (is_city(here) || is_fort(here) || here === LOC_NOVGOROD) prot = 3 if (prot > 0) { game.battle.h2 = roll_for_protection(`Walls 1-${prot} vs crossbow:`, prot, game.battle.h2) game.battle.h1 = roll_for_protection(`Walls 1-${prot}:`, prot, game.battle.h1) } else { log("No walls.") } } function roll_for_siegeworks() { let prot = count_siege_markers(game.battle.where) if (prot > 0) { game.battle.h2 = roll_for_protection(`Siegeworks 1-${prot} vs crossbow:`, prot, game.battle.h2) game.battle.h1 = roll_for_protection(`Siegeworks 1-${prot}:`, prot, game.battle.h1) } else { log("No siegeworks.") } } function roll_for_protection(name, prot, n) { let total = 0 if (n > 0) { let rolls = [] for (let i = 0; i < n; ++i) { let die = roll_die() if (die <= prot) { rolls.push(DIE_HIT[die]) } else { rolls.push(DIE_MISS[die]) total++ } } log(name) logi(rolls.join(", ")) logi("Total " + total) } return total } // === BATTLE: ASSIGN HITS TO UNITS / ROLL BY HIT / ROUT === function rout_lord(lord) { log(`L${lord} routed!`) let p = get_lord_array_position(lord) // remove from battle array game.battle.array[p] = NOBODY // FIXME cleanup TODO, removing from which groups // remove from current hit group array_remove_item(game.battle.hg, p) for (let i = 0; i < game.battle.groups;) { let hg = game.battle.groups[i][1] // remove from other hit groups array_remove_item(hg, p) // remove strike groups with no remaining targets if (hg.length === 0) array_remove(game.battle.groups, i) else ++i } set_add(game.battle.routed, lord) } function rout_unit(lord, type) { if (lord === GARRISON) { if (type === KNIGHTS) game.battle.garrison.knights-- if (type === MEN_AT_ARMS) game.battle.garrison.men_at_arms-- if (game.battle.garrison.knights + game.battle.garrison.men_at_arms === 0) { log("Garrison routed.") game.battle.garrison = 0 } } else { add_lord_forces(lord, type, -1) add_lord_routed_forces(lord, type, 1) } } function action_apply_hits(lord, type) { let protection = FORCE_PROTECTION[type] let evade = FORCE_EVADE[type] // TODO: manual choice of hit type let ap = (is_armored_force(type) && game.battle.h2 > 0) ? 2 : 0 if (evade > 0 && !game.battle.storm) { let die = roll_die() if (die <= evade) { log(`${FORCE_TYPE_NAME[type]} ${die} <= ${evade}`) } else { log(`${FORCE_TYPE_NAME[type]} ${die} > ${evade}`) rout_unit(lord, type) } } else if (protection > 0) { let die = roll_die() if (die <= protection - ap) { log(`${FORCE_TYPE_NAME[type]} ${die} <= ${protection - ap}`) } else { log(`${FORCE_TYPE_NAME[type]} ${die} > ${protection - ap}`) rout_unit(lord, type) } } else { log(`${FORCE_TYPE_NAME[type]} unprotected`) rout_unit(lord, type) } // TODO: manual choice of hit type if (game.battle.h2) game.battle.h2-- else game.battle.h1-- if (!has_unrouted_units(lord)) rout_lord(lord) resume_apply_hits() } function prompt_hit_armored_forces() { let has_armored = false for (let p of game.battle.hg) { let lord = game.battle.array[p] if (get_lord_forces(lord, KNIGHTS) > 0) { gen_action_knights(lord) has_armored = true } if (get_lord_forces(lord, SERGEANTS) > 0) { gen_action_sergeants(lord) has_armored = true } if (get_lord_forces(lord, MEN_AT_ARMS) > 0) { gen_action_men_at_arms(lord) has_armored = true } } return has_armored } function prompt_hit_unarmored_forces() { for (let p of game.battle.hg) { let lord = game.battle.array[p] if (get_lord_forces(lord, LIGHT_HORSE) > 0) gen_action_light_horse(lord) if (get_lord_forces(lord, ASIATIC_HORSE) > 0) gen_action_asiatic_horse(lord) if (get_lord_forces(lord, MILITIA) > 0) gen_action_militia(lord) if (get_lord_forces(lord, SERFS) > 0) gen_action_serfs(lord) } } function prompt_hit_forces() { for (let p of game.battle.hg) { let lord = game.battle.array[p] if (get_lord_forces(lord, KNIGHTS) > 0) gen_action_knights(lord) if (get_lord_forces(lord, SERGEANTS) > 0) gen_action_sergeants(lord) if (get_lord_forces(lord, LIGHT_HORSE) > 0) gen_action_light_horse(lord) if (get_lord_forces(lord, ASIATIC_HORSE) > 0) gen_action_asiatic_horse(lord) if (get_lord_forces(lord, MEN_AT_ARMS) > 0) gen_action_men_at_arms(lord) if (get_lord_forces(lord, MILITIA) > 0) gen_action_militia(lord) if (get_lord_forces(lord, SERFS) > 0) gen_action_serfs(lord) } } states.apply_hits = { prompt() { view.prompt = `${format_strike_step()}: Assign ${format_hits()} to units.` // TODO: h1 or h2 choice if (game.battle.storm) { if (game.active === game.battle.attacker) { // Storm - attacker must apply hits to armored first let has_armored = prompt_hit_armored_forces() if (!has_armored) prompt_hit_unarmored_forces() } else { // Storm - defender must apply hits to garrison first if (game.battle.garrison) { if (game.battle.garrison.knights > 0) gen_action_knights(GARRISON) if (game.battle.garrison.men_at_arms > 0) gen_action_men_at_arms(GARRISON) } else { prompt_hit_forces() } } } else { prompt_hit_forces() } }, knights(lord) { action_apply_hits(lord, KNIGHTS) }, sergeants(lord) { action_apply_hits(lord, SERGEANTS) }, light_horse(lord) { action_apply_hits(lord, LIGHT_HORSE) }, asiatic_horse(lord) { action_apply_hits(lord, ASIATIC_HORSE) }, men_at_arms(lord) { action_apply_hits(lord, MEN_AT_ARMS) }, militia(lord) { action_apply_hits(lord, MILITIA) }, serfs(lord) { action_apply_hits(lord, SERFS) }, } // === BATTLE: NEW ROUND === function end_battle_round() { if (game.battle.conceded) { game.battle.loser = game.battle.conceded end_battle() return } set_active_attacker() if (has_no_unrouted_forces()) { game.battle.loser = game.active end_battle() return } set_active_defender() if (has_no_unrouted_forces()) { game.battle.loser = game.active end_battle() return } game.battle.round ++ if (game.battle.storm) { if (game.battle.round > count_siege_markers(game.battle.where)) { game.battle.loser = game.battle.attacker end_battle() } } else { set_active_attacker() goto_concede() } } // === ENDING THE BATTLE === function set_active_loser() { set_active(game.battle.loser) } function set_active_victor() { if (game.battle.loser === P1) set_active(P2) else set_active(P1) } function end_battle() { // Ending the Battle // retreat, withdrawal, or removal // withdraw // retreat // remove // losses // spoils // service // Ending the Storm // sack // losses // spoils log_br() log(`${game.battle.loser} lost battle.`) if ((game.battle.sally || game.battle.relief) && game.battle.attacker === game.battle.loser) { log("Raid removed siege markers.") remove_all_but_one_siege_markers(game.battle.where) } game.battle.array = 0 set_active_loser() if (game.battle.storm) { if (game.battle.attacker !== game.battle.loser) goto_sack() else goto_battle_losses() } else { goto_battle_withdraw() } } // === ENDING THE BATTLE: SACK === function award_spoils(n) { add_spoils(LOOT, n) add_spoils(PROV, n) add_spoils(COIN, n) } function goto_sack() { let here = game.battle.where log(`Sacked %${here}.`) remove_all_siege_markers(game.battle.where) add_conquered_marker(game.battle.where) if (here === LOC_NOVGOROD) award_spoils(3) else if (is_city(here)) award_spoils(2) else if (is_fort(here)) award_spoils(1) else if (is_bishopric(here)) award_spoils(2) else if (is_castle(here)) award_spoils(1) game.state = "sack" resume_sack() } function resume_sack() { let here = game.battle.where for (let lord = first_friendly_lord; lord <= last_friendly_lord; ++lord) if (get_lord_locale(lord) === here) return goto_battle_losses() } states.sack = { prompt() { let here = game.battle.where view.prompt = `Sack: Remove all Lords at ${data.locales[here].name}.` for (let lord = first_friendly_lord; lord <= last_friendly_lord; ++lord) if (get_lord_locale(lord) === here) gen_action_lord(lord) }, lord(lord) { log(`Disbanded L${lord}.`) transfer_assets_except_ships(lord) disband_lord(lord, true) resume_sack() }, } // === ENDING THE BATTLE: WITHDRAW === function withdrawal_capacity_needed(here) { let n_upper = 0 let n_other = 0 for (let lord = first_friendly_lord; lord <= last_friendly_lord; ++lord) { if (get_lord_locale(lord) === here && !is_lower_lord(lord)) { if (is_upper_lord(lord)) n_upper++ else n_other++ } } return n_upper > 0 && n_other === 0 } function goto_battle_withdraw() { game.spoils = 0 let here = game.battle.where let wn = withdrawal_capacity_needed(here) if (can_withdraw(here, wn)) { game.state = "battle_withdraw" } else { end_battle_withdraw() } } function end_battle_withdraw() { goto_retreat() } states.battle_withdraw = { prompt() { let here = game.battle.where let capacity = stronghold_capacity(here) console.log("capacity", capacity) view.prompt = "Battle: You may withdraw losing lords into stronghold." // NOTE: Sallying lords are still flagged "besieged" and are thus already withdrawn! if (capacity >= 1) { for (let lord = first_friendly_lord; lord <= last_friendly_lord; ++lord) { if (get_lord_locale(lord) === here && !is_lower_lord(lord) && !is_lord_besieged(lord)) { if (is_upper_lord(lord)) { if (capacity >= 2) gen_action_lord(lord) } else { gen_action_lord(lord) } } } } view.actions.end_withdraw = 1 }, lord(lord) { push_undo() let lower = get_lower_lord(lord) log(`L${lord} withdrew.`) set_lord_besieged(lord, 1) if (lower !== NOBODY) { log(`L${lower} withdrew.`) set_lord_besieged(lord, 1) } }, end_withdraw() { push_undo() end_battle_withdraw() }, } // === ENDING THE BATTLE: RETREAT === function count_retreat_transport(type) { let n = 0 for (let lord of game.battle.retreated) n += count_lord_transport(lord, type) return n } function count_retreat_assets(type) { let n = 0 for (let lord of game.battle.retreated) n += get_lord_assets(lord, type) return n } // TODO: manually lose all assets!? function transfer_assets_except_ships(lord) { add_spoils(PROV, get_lord_assets(lord, PROV)) add_spoils(COIN, get_lord_assets(lord, COIN)) add_spoils(LOOT, get_lord_assets(lord, LOOT)) add_spoils(CART, get_lord_assets(lord, CART)) add_spoils(SLED, get_lord_assets(lord, SLED)) add_spoils(BOAT, get_lord_assets(lord, BOAT)) set_lord_assets(lord, PROV, 0) set_lord_assets(lord, COIN, 0) set_lord_assets(lord, LOOT, 0) set_lord_assets(lord, CART, 0) set_lord_assets(lord, SLED, 0) set_lord_assets(lord, BOAT, 0) } function can_retreat_to(to) { return !has_unbesieged_enemy_lord(to) && !is_unbesieged_enemy_stronghold(to) } function can_retreat() { if (game.march) { // Battle after March if (game.active === game.battle.attacker) return can_retreat_to(game.march.from) for (let [to, way] of data.locales[game.battle.where].ways) if (way !== game.march.approach && can_retreat_to(to)) return true } else { // Battle after Sally for (let [to, way] of data.locales[game.battle.where].ways) if (can_retreat_to(to)) return true } return false } function goto_retreat() { let here = game.battle.where if (count_unbesieged_friendly_lords(here) > 0 && can_retreat()) { game.battle.retreated = [] for (let lord = first_friendly_lord; lord <= last_friendly_lord; ++lord) if (get_lord_locale(lord) === here && !is_lord_besieged(lord)) set_add(game.battle.retreated, lord) game.state = "retreat" } else { end_retreat() } } function end_retreat() { lift_sieges() goto_battle_remove() } states.retreat = { prompt() { view.prompt = "Battle: Retreat losing lords." view.group = game.battle.retreated if (game.march) { // after March if (game.active === game.battle.attacker) { gen_action_locale(game.march.from) } else { for (let [to, way] of data.locales[game.battle.where].ways) if (way !== game.march.approach && can_retreat_to(to)) gen_action_locale(to) } } else { // after Sally for (let [to, way] of data.locales[game.battle.where].ways) if (can_retreat_to(to)) gen_action_locale(to) } }, locale(to) { push_undo() if (game.march) { if (game.active === game.battle.attacker) { game.battle.retreat_to = to game.battle.retreat_way = game.march.approach retreat_1() } else { let ways = list_ways(game.battle.where, to) if (ways.length > 2) { game.battle.retreat_to = to game.state = "retreat_way" } else { game.battle.retreat_to = to game.battle.retreat_way = ways[1] retreat_1() } } } else { let ways = list_ways(game.battle.where, to) if (ways.length > 2) { game.battle.retreat_to = to game.state = "retreat_way" } else { game.battle.retreat_to = to game.battle.retreat_way = ways[1] retreat_1() } } }, } states.retreat_way = { prompt() { view.prompt = `Retreat: Select way.` view.group = game.battle.retreated let from = game.battle.where let to = game.battle.retreat_to let ways = list_ways(from, to) for (let i = 1; i < ways.length; ++i) gen_action_way(ways[i]) }, way(way) { game.battle.retreat_way = way retreat_1() }, } function retreat_1() { // Retreated without having conceded the Field if (game.battle.conceded !== game.active) { for (let lord of game.battle.retreated) transfer_assets_except_ships(lord) retreat_2() } else { let way = game.battle.retreat_way let transport = count_retreat_transport(data.ways[way].type) let prov = count_retreat_assets(PROV) let loot = count_retreat_assets(LOOT) if (prov > transport || loot > 0) game.state = 'retreat_laden' else retreat_2() } } states.retreat_laden = { prompt() { let to = game.battle.retreat_to let way = game.battle.retreat_way let transport = count_retreat_transport(data.ways[way].type) let prov = count_retreat_assets(PROV) let loot = count_retreat_assets(LOOT) view.prompt = `Retreat with ${prov} provender and ${transport} transport.` view.group = game.battle.retreated if (loot > 0) { view.prompt += " Discard Loot." for (let lord of game.battle.retreated) { if (get_lord_assets(lord, LOOT) > 0) gen_action_loot(lord) } } else if (prov > transport) { view.prompt += " Discard Provender." for (let lord of game.battle.retreated) { if (get_lord_assets(lord, PROV) > 0) gen_action_prov(lord) } } else { gen_action_locale(to) view.actions.retreat = 1 } }, prov(lord) { spoil_prov(lord) }, loot(lord) { spoil_loot(lord) }, locale(to) { retreat_2() }, retreat() { retreat_2() }, } function retreat_2() { let from = game.battle.where let to = game.battle.retreat_to let way = game.battle.retreat_way if (data.ways[way].name) log(`Retreated via ${data.ways[way].name} to %${to}.`) else log(`Retreated to %${to}.`) for (let lord of game.battle.retreated) { set_lord_locale(lord, to) set_lord_moved(lord, 1) } game.battle.retreat_to = 0 game.battle.retreat_way = 0 end_retreat() } // === ENDING THE BATTLE: REMOVE === function goto_battle_remove() { if (count_unbesieged_friendly_lords(game.battle.where) > 0) game.state = "battle_remove" else end_battle_remove() } function end_battle_remove() { clear_undo() goto_battle_losses() } states.battle_remove = { prompt() { view.prompt = "Battle: Remove losing lords who cannot Retreat or Withdraw." let here = game.battle.where let done = true for (let lord = first_friendly_lord; lord <= last_friendly_lord; ++lord) { if (get_lord_locale(lord) === here && is_lord_unbesieged(lord)) { gen_action_lord(lord) done = false } } if (done) view.actions.end_remove = 1 }, lord(lord) { push_undo() transfer_assets_except_ships(lord) disband_lord(lord, true) remove_legate_if_endangered(game.battle.where) lift_sieges() }, end_remove() { push_undo() end_battle_remove() }, } // === ENDING THE BATTLE: LOSSES === // TODO: disband vassal service markers once enough forces are lost? function goto_battle_losses() { set_active_loser() // loser first, to save time resume_battle_losses() } function resume_battle_losses() { game.state = "battle_losses" for (let lord = first_friendly_lord; lord <= last_friendly_lord; ++lord) if (has_routed_units(lord)) return resume_battle_losses_remove() } function resume_battle_losses_remove() { game.state = "battle_losses_remove" for (let lord = first_friendly_lord; lord <= last_friendly_lord; ++lord) if (is_lord_on_map(lord) && !has_unrouted_units(lord)) return end_battle_losses() } function end_battle_losses() { if (game.active === game.battle.loser) { set_active_victor() resume_battle_losses() } else { goto_battle_spoils() } } function action_losses(lord, type) { let protection = FORCE_PROTECTION[type] let evade = FORCE_EVADE[type] let target = Math.max(protection, evade) if (game.battle.storm) { // Attackers in a Storm always roll vs 1 if (game.active === game.battle.attacker) target = 1 } else { // Losers in a Battle roll vs 1 if they did not concede if (game.active === game.battle.loser && game.active !== game.battle.conceded) target = 1 } let die = roll_die() if (die <= target) { log(`L${lord} ${FORCE_TYPE_NAME[type]} ${die} <= ${target}`) add_lord_routed_forces(lord, type, -1) add_lord_forces(lord, type, 1) } else { log(`L${lord} ${FORCE_TYPE_NAME[type]} ${die} > ${target}`) add_lord_routed_forces(lord, type, -1) if (type === SERFS) game.pieces.smerdi++ } resume_battle_losses() } states.battle_losses = { prompt() { view.prompt = "Losses: Determine the fate of your routed units." for (let lord = first_friendly_lord; lord <= last_friendly_lord; ++lord) { if (is_lord_on_map(lord) && has_routed_units(lord)) { if (get_lord_routed_forces(lord, KNIGHTS) > 0) gen_action_routed_knights(lord) if (get_lord_routed_forces(lord, SERGEANTS) > 0) gen_action_routed_sergeants(lord) if (get_lord_routed_forces(lord, LIGHT_HORSE) > 0) gen_action_routed_light_horse(lord) if (get_lord_routed_forces(lord, ASIATIC_HORSE) > 0) gen_action_routed_asiatic_horse(lord) if (get_lord_routed_forces(lord, MEN_AT_ARMS) > 0) gen_action_routed_men_at_arms(lord) if (get_lord_routed_forces(lord, MILITIA) > 0) gen_action_routed_militia(lord) if (get_lord_routed_forces(lord, SERFS) > 0) gen_action_routed_serfs(lord) } } }, routed_knights(lord) { action_losses(lord, KNIGHTS) }, routed_sergeants(lord) { action_losses(lord, SERGEANTS) }, routed_light_horse(lord) { action_losses(lord, LIGHT_HORSE) }, routed_asiatic_horse(lord) { action_losses(lord, ASIATIC_HORSE) }, routed_men_at_arms(lord) { action_losses(lord, MEN_AT_ARMS) }, routed_militia(lord) { action_losses(lord, MILITIA) }, routed_serfs(lord) { action_losses(lord, SERFS) }, } states.battle_losses_remove = { prompt() { view.prompt = "Losses: Remove lords who lost all their forces." for (let lord = first_friendly_lord; lord <= last_friendly_lord; ++lord) if (is_lord_on_map(lord) && !has_unrouted_units(lord)) gen_action_lord(lord) }, lord(lord) { set_delete(game.battle.retreated, lord) disband_lord(lord, true) resume_battle_losses_remove() lift_sieges() }, } // === ENDING THE BATTLE: SPOILS === function find_lone_friendly_lord_at(loc) { let who = NOBODY let n = 0 for (let lord = first_friendly_lord; lord <= last_friendly_lord; ++lord) { if (get_lord_locale(lord) === loc) { who = lord ++n } } if (n === 1) return who return NOBODY } function goto_battle_spoils() { set_active_victor() if (has_any_spoils()) { game.state = "battle_spoils" game.who = find_lone_friendly_lord_at(game.battle.where) } else { end_battle_spoils() } } function end_battle_spoils() { game.who = NOBODY game.spoils = 0 goto_battle_service() } states.battle_spoils = { prompt() { if (has_any_spoils()) { view.prompt = "Spoils: Divide " + list_spoils() + "." let here = game.battle.where for (let lord = first_friendly_lord; lord <= last_friendly_lord; ++lord) if (get_lord_locale(lord) === here) if (lord !== game.who) gen_action_lord(lord) if (game.who !== NOBODY) prompt_spoils() } else { view.prompt = "Spoils: All done." view.actions.end_spoils = 1 } }, lord(lord) { game.who = lord }, take_prov: take_spoils_prov, take_loot: take_spoils_loot, take_coin: take_spoils_coin, take_boat: take_spoils_boat, take_cart: take_spoils_cart, take_sled: take_spoils_sled, end_spoils() { clear_undo() end_battle_spoils() }, } // === ENDING THE BATTLE: SERVICE === function goto_battle_service() { set_active_loser() if (game.battle.retreated) resume_battle_service() else goto_battle_aftermath() } function resume_battle_service() { if (game.battle.retreated.length > 0) game.state = "battle_service" else goto_battle_aftermath() } states.battle_service = { prompt() { view.prompt = "Battle: Roll to shift service of each retreated lord." for (let lord of game.battle.retreated) gen_action_service(lord) }, service(lord) { let die = roll_die() log(`L${lord} rolled ${die}.`) if (die <= 2) add_lord_service(lord, -1) else if (die <= 4) add_lord_service(lord, -2) else if (die <= 6) add_lord_service(lord, -3) set_delete(game.battle.retreated, lord) set_lord_moved(lord, 1) resume_battle_service() }, } // === ENDING THE BATTLE: AFTERMATH === function goto_battle_aftermath() { set_active(game.battle.attacker) // Events discard_events("hold") // Recovery spend_all_actions() if (check_campaign_victory()) return // Siege/Conquest if (game.march) { game.battle = 0 march_with_group_3() } else if (game.battle.storm) { game.battle = 0 resume_actions() } else { remove_legate_if_endangered(game.battle.where) game.battle = 0 resume_actions() } } // === CAMPAIGN: FEED === function can_feed_from_shared(lord) { let loc = get_lord_locale(lord) return get_shared_assets(loc, PROV) > 0 || get_shared_assets(loc, LOOT) > 0 } function has_friendly_lord_who_must_feed() { for (let lord = first_friendly_lord; lord <= last_friendly_lord; ++lord) if (is_lord_unfed(lord)) return true return false } function can_lord_use_hillforts(lord) { return is_lord_unfed(lord) && !is_lord_besieged(lord) && is_in_livonia(get_lord_locale(lord)) } function can_use_hillforts() { if (game.active === TEUTONS) { if (has_global_capability(AOW_TEUTONIC_HILLFORTS)) { for (let lord = first_friendly_lord; lord <= last_friendly_lord; ++lord) if (can_lord_use_hillforts(lord)) return true } } return false } function goto_feed() { // Count how much food each lord needs for (let lord = first_friendly_lord; lord <= last_friendly_lord; ++lord) { if (get_lord_moved(lord)) { if (count_lord_forces(lord) >= 7) set_lord_unfed(lord, 2) else set_lord_unfed(lord, 1) } else { set_lord_unfed(lord, 0) } } if (has_friendly_lord_who_must_feed()) { if (can_use_hillforts()) game.state = "hillforts" else game.state = "feed" } else { end_feed() } } states.hillforts = { prompt() { view.prompt = "Hillforts: Skip feeding one unbesieged lord in Livonia." for (let lord = first_friendly_lord; lord <= last_friendly_lord; ++lord) if (can_lord_use_hillforts(lord)) gen_action_lord(lord) }, lord(lord) { push_undo() log(`Hillforts fed L${lord}.`) feed_lord_skip(lord) if (has_friendly_lord_who_must_feed()) game.state = "feed" else end_feed() }, } states.feed = { prompt() { view.prompt = "Feed: You must Feed lords who Moved or Fought." let done = true // Feed from own mat if (done) { for (let lord = first_friendly_lord; lord <= last_friendly_lord; ++lord) { if (is_lord_unfed(lord)) { if (get_lord_assets(lord, PROV) > 0) { gen_action_prov(lord) done = false } if (get_lord_assets(lord, LOOT) > 0) { gen_action_loot(lord) done = false } } } } // Sharing if (done) { view.prompt = "You must Feed lords who Moved or Fought (shared)." for (let lord = first_friendly_lord; lord <= last_friendly_lord; ++lord) { if (is_lord_unfed(lord) && can_feed_from_shared(lord)) { gen_action_lord(lord) done = false } } } // Unfed if (done) { view.prompt = "You must shift the Service of any unfed lords." for (let lord = first_friendly_lord; lord <= last_friendly_lord; ++lord) { if (is_lord_unfed(lord)) { gen_action_service(lord) done = false } } } // All done! if (done) { view.prompt = "Feed: All done." view.actions.end_feed = 1 } }, prov(lord) { push_undo() log(`Fed L${lord}.`) add_lord_assets(lord, PROV, -1) feed_lord(lord) }, loot(lord) { push_undo() log(`Fed L${lord} with Loot.`) add_lord_assets(lord, LOOT, -1) feed_lord(lord) }, lord(lord) { push_undo() game.who = lord game.state = "feed_lord_shared" }, service(lord) { push_undo() log(`Unfed L${lord}.`) add_lord_service(lord, -1) set_lord_unfed(lord, 0) }, end_feed() { end_feed() }, } function resume_feed_lord_shared() { if (!is_lord_unfed(game.who) || !can_feed_from_shared(game.who)) { game.who = NOBODY game.state = 'feed' } } states.feed_lord_shared = { prompt() { view.prompt = `Feed: You must Feed ${lord_name[game.who]} shared Loot or Provender.` let loc = get_lord_locale(game.who) for (let lord = first_friendly_lord; lord <= last_friendly_lord; ++lord) { if (get_lord_locale(lord) === loc) { if (get_lord_assets(lord, PROV) > 0) gen_action_prov(lord) if (get_lord_assets(lord, LOOT) > 0) gen_action_loot(lord) } } }, prov(lord) { push_undo() log(`Fed L${game.who} from L${lord}.`) add_lord_assets(lord, PROV, -1) feed_lord(game.who) resume_feed_lord_shared() }, loot(lord) { push_undo() log(`Fed L${game.who} with Loot from L${lord}.`) add_lord_assets(lord, LOOT, -1) feed_lord(game.who) resume_feed_lord_shared() }, } function end_feed() { clear_undo() if (FEED_PAY_DISBAND) { goto_pay() } else { set_active_enemy() if (game.active === P2) goto_feed() else goto_pay() } } // === LEVY & CAMPAIGN: PAY === function can_pay_lord(lord) { if (game.active === RUSSIANS) { if (game.pieces.veche_coin > 0 && !is_lord_besieged(lord)) return true } let loc = get_lord_locale(lord) if (get_shared_assets(loc, COIN) > 0) return true if (is_friendly_locale(loc)) if (get_shared_assets(loc, LOOT) > 0) return true return false } function has_friendly_lord_who_may_be_paid() { for (let lord = first_friendly_lord; lord <= last_friendly_lord; ++lord) if (is_lord_on_map(lord) && can_pay_lord(lord)) return true return false } function goto_pay() { game.state = "pay" game.who = NOBODY if (!has_friendly_lord_who_may_be_paid()) end_pay() } function resume_pay() { if (!can_pay_lord(game.who)) game.who = NOBODY } states.pay = { prompt() { for (let lord = first_friendly_lord; lord <= last_friendly_lord; ++lord) if (is_lord_on_map(lord) && can_pay_lord(lord)) if (lord !== game.who) gen_action_lord(lord) if (game.who === NOBODY) { view.prompt = "Pay: You may Pay your Lords." } else { let here = get_lord_locale(game.who) let pay_with_loot = is_friendly_locale(here) if (pay_with_loot) view.prompt = `Pay: You may Pay ${lord_name[game.who]} with Coin or Loot.` else view.prompt = `Pay: You may Pay ${lord_name[game.who]} with Coin.` if (game.active === RUSSIANS) { if (game.pieces.veche_coin > 0 && !is_lord_besieged(game.who)) view.actions.veche_coin = 1 } for (let lord = first_friendly_lord; lord <= last_friendly_lord; ++lord) { if (get_lord_locale(lord) === here) { if (get_lord_assets(lord, COIN) > 0) gen_action_coin(lord) if (pay_with_loot && get_lord_assets(lord, LOOT) > 0) gen_action_loot(lord) } } } view.actions.end_pay = 1 }, lord(lord) { game.who = lord }, loot(lord) { push_undo_without_who() if (game.who === lord) log(`Paid L${game.who} with Loot.`) else log(`Paid L${game.who} with Loot from L${lord}.`) add_lord_assets(lord, LOOT, -1) add_lord_service(game.who, 1) resume_pay() }, coin(lord) { push_undo_without_who() if (game.who === lord) log(`Paid L${game.who} with Coin.`) else log(`Paid L${game.who} with Coin from L${lord}.`) add_lord_assets(lord, COIN, -1) add_lord_service(game.who, 1) resume_pay() }, veche_coin() { push_undo_without_who() log(`Paid L${game.who} with Coin from Veche.`) game.pieces.veche_coin-- add_lord_service(game.who, 1) resume_pay() }, end_pay() { push_undo_without_who() end_pay() }, } function end_pay() { // NOTE: We can combine Pay & Disband steps because disband is mandatory only. game.who = NOBODY goto_disband() } // === LEVY & CAMPAIGN: DISBAND === function has_friendly_lord_who_must_disband() { for (let lord = first_friendly_lord; lord <= last_friendly_lord; ++lord) if (is_lord_on_map(lord) && get_lord_service(lord) <= current_turn()) return true return false } function goto_disband() { game.state = "disband" if (!has_friendly_lord_who_must_disband()) end_disband() } function disband_lord(lord, permanently = false) { let here = get_lord_locale(lord) let turn = current_turn() if (permanently) { log(`Disbanded L${lord} permanently.`) set_lord_locale(lord, NOWHERE) set_lord_service(lord, NEVER) } else if (get_lord_service(lord) < current_turn()) { log(`Disbanded L${lord} beyond service limit.`) set_lord_locale(lord, NOWHERE) set_lord_service(lord, NEVER) } else { log(`Disbanded L${lord}.`) if (is_levy_phase()) set_lord_locale(lord, CALENDAR + turn + data.lords[lord].service) else set_lord_locale(lord, CALENDAR + turn + data.lords[lord].service + 1) set_lord_service(lord, NEVER) } remove_lieutenant(lord) // Smerdi - serfs go back to card game.pieces.smerdi += get_lord_forces(lord, SERFS) discard_lord_capability_n(lord, 0) discard_lord_capability_n(lord, 1) game.pieces.assets[lord] = 0 game.pieces.forces[lord] = 0 game.pieces.routed[lord] = 0 set_lord_besieged(lord, 0) set_lord_moved(lord, 0) for (let v of data.lords[lord].vassals) game.pieces.vassals[v] = VASSAL_UNAVAILABLE lift_sieges() } states.disband = { prompt() { view.prompt = "Disband: You must Disband Lords at their Service limit." let done = true for (let lord = first_friendly_lord; lord <= last_friendly_lord; ++lord) { if (is_lord_on_map(lord) && get_lord_service(lord) <= current_turn()) { gen_action_lord(lord) gen_action_service(lord) done = false } } if (done) view.actions.end_disband = 1 }, service(lord) { this.lord(lord) }, lord(lord) { push_undo() if (can_ransom_besieged_lord(lord)) goto_ransom_besieged_lord(lord) else disband_lord(lord) }, end_disband() { end_disband() }, } function end_disband() { clear_undo() if (check_campaign_victory()) return set_active_enemy() if (game.active === P2) { if (FEED_PAY_DISBAND) goto_feed() else goto_pay() } else { if (is_levy_phase()) goto_levy_muster() else goto_remove_markers() } } // === LEVY & CAMPAIGN: RANSOM BESIEGED LORD WHO DISBANDS (CAPABILITY) function can_ransom_besieged_lord(lord) { if (is_lord_besieged(lord)) { if (game.active === TEUTONS && has_global_capability(AOW_RUSSIAN_RANSOM)) return true if (game.active === RUSSIANS && has_global_capability(AOW_TEUTONIC_RANSOM)) return true } return false } function goto_ransom_besieged_lord(lord) { clear_undo() set_active_enemy() game.state = "ransom_besieged_lord" game.count = data.lords[lord].service game.who = lord log(`Ransom L${lord}`) } function end_ransom_besieged_lord() { set_active_enemy() disband_lord(game.who) game.state = "disband" game.who = NOBODY } states.ransom_besieged_lord = { prompt() { if (game.count > 0) { view.prompt = `Ransom ${lord_name[game.who]}: Add ${game.count} Coin to a friendly Lord.` let here = get_lord_locale(game.who) for (let lord = first_friendly_lord; lord <= last_friendly_lord; ++lord) if (get_lord_locale(lord) === here) gen_action_lord(lord) } else { view.prompt = `Ransom ${lord_name[game.who]}: All done.` view.actions.end_ransom = 1 } }, lord(lord) { push_undo() logi(`Coin to L${lord}.`) add_lord_assets(lord, COIN, 1) game.count-- }, end_ransom() { clear_undo() end_ransom_besieged_lord() } } // === CAMPAIGN: REMOVE MARKERS === function goto_remove_markers() { clear_lords_moved() goto_command_activation() } // === END CAMPAIGN: GROWTH === function count_enemy_ravaged() { let n = 0 for (let loc of game.pieces.ravaged) if (is_friendly_territory(loc)) ++n return n } function goto_growth() { game.count = count_enemy_ravaged() >> 1 if (game.active === TEUTONS) log_h3("Teutonic Growth") else log_h3("Russian Growth") if (game.count === 0) { logi("Nothing") end_growth() } else { game.state = "growth" } } function end_growth() { set_active_enemy() if (game.active === P2) goto_growth() else goto_game_end() } states.growth = { prompt() { view.prompt = `Growth: Remove ${game.count} enemy ravaged markers.` if (game.count > 0) { for (let loc of game.pieces.ravaged) if (is_friendly_territory(loc)) gen_action_locale(loc) } else { view.actions.end_growth = 1 } }, locale(loc) { push_undo() logi(`%${loc}`) remove_ravaged_marker(loc) game.count-- }, end_growth() { clear_undo() end_growth() }, } // === END CAMPAIGN: GAME END === function check_campaign_victory_p1() { for (let lord = first_p2_lord; lord <= last_p2_lord; ++lord) if (is_lord_on_map(lord)) return false return true } function check_campaign_victory_p2() { for (let lord = first_p1_lord; lord <= last_p1_lord; ++lord) if (is_lord_on_map(lord)) return false return true } function check_campaign_victory() { if (check_campaign_victory_p1()) { goto_game_over(P1, `${P1} won a Campaign Victory!`) return true } if (check_campaign_victory_p2()) { goto_game_over(P2, `${P2} won a Campaign Victory!`) return true } return false } function goto_end_campaign() { log_h1("End Campaign") if (game.scenario === "Crusade on Novgorod") { if (game.turn === 8 || game.turn === 16) { set_active(P1) log_h2("Growth") goto_growth() return } } goto_game_end() } function count_vp1() { let vp = 0 for (let loc of game.pieces.castles1) vp += 2 for (let loc of game.pieces.conquered) if (is_p2_locale(loc)) vp += data.locales[loc].vp << 1 for (let loc of game.pieces.ravaged) if (is_p2_locale(loc)) vp += 1 return vp } function count_vp2() { let vp = game.pieces.veche_vp * 2 for (let loc of game.pieces.castles2) vp += 2 for (let loc of game.pieces.conquered) if (is_p1_locale(loc)) vp += data.locales[loc].vp << 1 for (let loc of game.pieces.ravaged) if (is_p1_locale(loc)) vp += 1 return vp } function goto_game_end() { // GAME END if (current_turn() === scenario_last_turn[game.scenario]) { let vp1 = count_vp1() let vp2 = count_vp2() if (vp1 > vp2) goto_game_over(P1, `${P1} won with ${vp1} VP.`) else if (vp2 > vp1) goto_game_over(P2, `${P2} won with ${vp2} VP.`) else goto_game_over("Draw", "The game ended in a draw.") } else { goto_plow_and_reap() } } // === END CAMPAIGN: PLOW AND REAP === function goto_plow_and_reap() { let turn = current_turn() if (turn === 2 || turn === 10 || turn === 6 || turn === 14) { if (game.active === TEUTONS) log_h2("Teutonic Plow, Reap, and Wastage") else log_h2("Russian Plow, Reap, and Wastage") game.state = "plow_and_reap" } else { if (game.active === TEUTONS) log_h2("Teutonic Wastage") else log_h2("Russian Wastage") end_plow_and_reap() } } function flip_and_discard_half(lord, from_type, to_type) { add_lord_assets(lord, to_type, get_lord_assets(lord, from_type)) set_lord_assets(lord, from_type, 0) set_lord_assets(lord, to_type, Math.ceil(get_lord_assets(lord, to_type) / 2)) } states.plow_and_reap = { prompt() { let from_type, to_type let turn = current_turn() if (turn === 2 || turn === 10) { view.prompt = "Plow and Reap: Flip Carts to Sleds and discard half." from_type = CART to_type = SLED } else { view.prompt = "Plow and Reap: Flip Sleds to Carts and discard half." from_type = SLED to_type = CART } let done = true for (let lord = first_friendly_lord; lord <= last_friendly_lord; ++lord) { if (get_lord_assets(lord, from_type) > 0) { done = false if (from_type === CART) gen_action_cart(lord) if (from_type === SLED) gen_action_sled(lord) } } if (done) { view.prompt = "Plow and Reap: All done." view.actions.end_plow_and_reap = 1 } }, cart(lord) { flip_and_discard_half(lord, CART, SLED) }, sled(lord) { flip_and_discard_half(lord, SLED, CART) }, end_plow_and_reap() { end_plow_and_reap() } } function end_plow_and_reap() { goto_wastage() } // === END CAMPAIGN: WASTAGE === function goto_wastage() { clear_lords_moved() let done = true for (let lord = first_friendly_lord; lord <= last_friendly_lord; ++lord) { if (check_lord_wastage(lord)) { set_lord_moved(lord, 1) done = false } } if (done) end_wastage() else game.state = "wastage" } function check_lord_wastage(lord) { if (get_lord_assets(lord, PROV) > 1) return true if (get_lord_assets(lord, COIN) > 1) return true if (get_lord_assets(lord, LOOT) > 1) return true if (get_lord_assets(lord, CART) > 1) return true if (get_lord_assets(lord, SLED) > 1) return true if (get_lord_assets(lord, BOAT) > 1) return true if (get_lord_assets(lord, SHIP) > 1) return true if (get_lord_capability(lord, 0) !== NOTHING && get_lord_capability(lord, 1) !== NOTHING) return true return false } function prompt_wastage(lord) { if (get_lord_assets(lord, PROV) > 0) gen_action_prov(lord) if (get_lord_assets(lord, COIN) > 0) gen_action_coin(lord) if (get_lord_assets(lord, LOOT) > 0) gen_action_loot(lord) if (get_lord_assets(lord, CART) > 0) gen_action_cart(lord) if (get_lord_assets(lord, SLED) > 0) gen_action_sled(lord) if (get_lord_assets(lord, BOAT) > 0) gen_action_boat(lord) if (get_lord_assets(lord, SHIP) > 0) gen_action_ship(lord) for (let i = 0; i < 2; ++i) { let c = get_lord_capability(lord, i) if (c !== NOTHING) gen_action_card(c) } } function action_wastage(lord, type) { push_undo() log(`L${lord} discarded ${ASSET_TYPE_NAME[type]}.`) set_lord_moved(lord, 0) add_lord_assets(lord, type, -1) } function find_lord_capability(c) { for (let lord = first_friendly_lord; lord <= last_friendly_lord; ++lord) if (lord_has_capability(lord, c)) return lord return NOBODY } states.wastage = { prompt() { let done = true for (let lord = first_friendly_lord; lord <= last_friendly_lord; ++lord) { if (get_lord_moved(lord)) { prompt_wastage(lord) done = false } } if (done) { view.prompt = "Wastage: All done." view.actions.end_wastage = 1 } else { view.prompt = "Wastage: Discard one asset or capability from each affected Lord." } }, card(c) { push_undo() let lord = find_lord_capability(c) log(`L${lord} wasted C${c}.`) set_lord_moved(lord, 0) discard_lord_capability(lord, c) }, prov(lord) { action_wastage(lord, PROV) }, coin(lord) { action_wastage(lord, COIN) }, loot(lord) { action_wastage(lord, LOOT) }, cart(lord) { action_wastage(lord, CART) }, sled(lord) { action_wastage(lord, SLED) }, boat(lord) { action_wastage(lord, BOAT) }, ship(lord) { action_wastage(lord, SHIP) }, end_wastage() { end_wastage() } } function end_wastage() { if (WASTAGE_DISCARD) { push_undo() goto_reset_discard() } else { clear_undo() set_active_enemy() if (game.active === P2) goto_plow_and_reap() else goto_reset_discard() } } // === END CAMPAIGN: DISCARD ARTS OF WAR === function goto_reset_discard() { game.state = "reset_discard" } states.reset_discard = { prompt() { view.prompt = "Reset: You may discard any Arts of War cards desired." if (game.active === P1) { for (let c = first_p1_card; c <= last_p1_card; ++c) if (can_discard_card(c)) gen_action_card(c) } if (game.active === P2) { for (let c = first_p2_card; c <= last_p2_card; ++c) if (can_discard_card(c)) gen_action_card(c) } view.actions.end_discard = 1 }, card(c) { push_undo() if (has_global_capability(c)) { log(`Discarded C${c}.`) discard_global_capability(c) } else if (set_has(game.hand1, c)) { log("Discarded held card.") set_delete(game.hand1, c) } else if (set_has(game.hand2, c)) { log("Discarded held card.") set_delete(game.hand2, c) } else { let lord = find_lord_capability(c) if (lord !== NOBODY) { log(`L${lord} discarded C${c}.`) discard_lord_capability(lord, c) } } }, end_discard() { end_reset_discard() }, } function end_reset_discard() { if (WASTAGE_DISCARD) { clear_undo() set_active_enemy() if (game.active === P2) goto_plow_and_reap() else goto_reset() } else { clear_undo() set_active_enemy() if (game.active === P2) goto_reset_discard() else goto_reset() } } // === END CAMPAIGN: RESET === function goto_reset() { // Unstack Lieutenants and Lower Lords game.pieces.lieutenants = [] // Remove all Serfs to the Smerdi card if (has_global_capability(AOW_RUSSIAN_SMERDI)) { for (let lord = first_p2_lord; lord <= last_p2_lord; ++lord) set_lord_forces(lord, SERFS, 0) game.pieces.smerdi = 6 } // Discard "This Campaign" events from play. discard_events("this_campaign") goto_advance_campaign() } function goto_advance_campaign() { game.turn++ log_h1("Levy " + current_turn_name()) if (current_season() === LATE_WINTER) discard_global_capability(AOW_TEUTONIC_CRUSADE) log_h2("Arts of War") goto_levy_arts_of_war() } // === GAME OVER === function goto_game_over(result, victory) { game.state = "game_over" game.active = "None" game.result = result game.victory = victory log_h1("Game Over") log(game.victory) return true } states.game_over = { get inactive() { return game.victory }, prompt() { view.prompt = game.victory }, } exports.resign = function (state, current) { load_state(state) if (game.state !== "game_over") { for (let opponent of exports.roles) { if (opponent !== current) { goto_game_over(opponent, current + " resigned.") break } } } return game } // === UNCOMMON TEMPLATE === function log_br() { if (game.log.length > 0 && game.log[game.log.length - 1] !== "") game.log.push("") } function log(msg) { game.log.push(msg) } function logi(msg) { game.log.push(">" + msg) } function logii(msg) { game.log.push(">>" + msg) } function log_h1(msg) { log_br() log(".h1 " + msg) log_br() } function log_h2(msg) { log_br() log(".h2 " + msg) log_br() } function log_h3(msg) { log_br() log(".h3 " + msg) } function log_h4(msg) { log_br() log(".h4 " + msg) } function gen_action(action, argument) { if (!(action in view.actions)) view.actions[action] = [] set_add(view.actions[action], argument) } function gen_action_way(way) { gen_action("way", way) } function gen_action_locale(locale) { gen_action("locale", locale) } function gen_action_laden_march(locale) { gen_action("laden_march", locale) } function gen_action_lord(lord) { gen_action("lord", lord) } function gen_action_battle_lord(lord) { gen_action("battle_lord", lord) } function gen_action_array(pos) { gen_action("array", pos) } function gen_action_service(service) { gen_action("service", service) } function gen_action_vassal(vassal) { gen_action("vassal", vassal) } function gen_action_card(c) { gen_action("card", c) } function gen_action_plan(lord) { gen_action("plan", lord) } function gen_action_prov(lord) { gen_action("prov", lord) } function gen_action_coin(lord) { gen_action("coin", lord) } function gen_action_loot(lord) { gen_action("loot", lord) } function gen_action_cart(lord) { gen_action("cart", lord) } function gen_action_sled(lord) { gen_action("sled", lord) } function gen_action_boat(lord) { gen_action("boat", lord) } function gen_action_ship(lord) { gen_action("ship", lord) } function gen_action_knights(lord) { gen_action("knights", lord) } function gen_action_sergeants(lord) { gen_action("sergeants", lord) } function gen_action_light_horse(lord) { gen_action("light_horse", lord) } function gen_action_asiatic_horse(lord) { gen_action("asiatic_horse", lord) } function gen_action_men_at_arms(lord) { gen_action("men_at_arms", lord) } function gen_action_militia(lord) { gen_action("militia", lord) } function gen_action_serfs(lord) { gen_action("serfs", lord) } function gen_action_routed_knights(lord) { gen_action("routed_knights", lord) } function gen_action_routed_sergeants(lord) { gen_action("routed_sergeants", lord) } function gen_action_routed_light_horse(lord) { gen_action("routed_light_horse", lord) } function gen_action_routed_asiatic_horse(lord) { gen_action("routed_asiatic_horse", lord) } function gen_action_routed_men_at_arms(lord) { gen_action("routed_men_at_arms", lord) } function gen_action_routed_militia(lord) { gen_action("routed_militia", lord) } function gen_action_routed_serfs(lord) { gen_action("routed_serfs", lord) } exports.view = function (state, current) { load_state(state) view = { prompt: null, actions: null, log: game.log, turn: game.turn, events: game.events, capabilities: game.capabilities, pieces: game.pieces, battle: game.battle, command: game.command, hand: null, plan: null, } if (current === P1) { view.hand = game.hand1 view.plan = game.plan1 // view.arts_of_war = game.deck1 } if (current === P2) { view.hand = game.hand2 view.plan = game.plan2 // view.arts_of_war = game.deck2 } if (game.state === "game_over") { view.prompt = game.victory } else if (current === "Observer" || (game.active !== current && game.active !== BOTH)) { let inactive = states[game.state].inactive || game.state view.prompt = `Waiting for ${game.active} \u2014 ${inactive}...` } else { view.actions = {} view.who = game.who if (states[game.state]) states[game.state].prompt(current) else view.prompt = "Unknown state: " + game.state if (view.actions.undo === undefined) { if (game.undo && game.undo.length > 0) view.actions.undo = 1 else view.actions.undo = 0 } } return view } exports.action = function (state, current, action, arg) { load_state(state) // Object.seal(game) // XXX: don't allow adding properties let S = states[game.state] if (S && action in S) { S[action](arg, current) } else { if (action === "undo" && game.undo && game.undo.length > 0) pop_undo() else throw new Error("Invalid action: " + action) } return game } // === COMMON TEMPLATE === function random(range) { // https://www.ams.org/journals/mcom/1999-68-225/S0025-5718-99-00996-5/S0025-5718-99-00996-5.pdf return (game.seed = (game.seed * 200105) % 34359738337) % range } // Packed array of small numbers in one word function pack1_get(word, n) { return (word >>> n) & 1 } function pack2_get(word, n) { n = n << 1 return (word >>> n) & 3 } function pack4_get(word, n) { n = n << 2 return (word >>> n) & 15 } function pack1_set(word, n, x) { return (word & ~(1 << n)) | (x << n) } function pack2_set(word, n, x) { n = n << 1 return (word & ~(3 << n)) | (x << n) } function pack4_set(word, n, x) { n = n << 2 return (word & ~(15 << n)) | (x << n) } // === COMMON LIBRARY === function clear_undo() { if (game.undo.length > 0) game.undo = [] } function push_undo_without_who() { let save_who = game.who game.who = NOBODY push_undo() game.who = save_who } function push_undo() { let copy = {} for (let k in game) { let v = game[k] if (k === "undo") continue else if (k === "log") v = v.length else if (typeof v === "object" && v !== null) v = object_copy(v) copy[k] = v } game.undo.push(copy) } function pop_undo() { let save_log = game.log let save_undo = game.undo game = save_undo.pop() save_log.length = game.log game.log = save_log game.undo = save_undo } function random(range) { // An MLCG using integer arithmetic with doubles. // https://www.ams.org/journals/mcom/1999-68-225/S0025-5718-99-00996-5/S0025-5718-99-00996-5.pdf // m = 2**35 − 31 return (game.seed = (game.seed * 200105) % 34359738337) % range } function random_bigint(range) { // Largest MLCG that will fit its state in a double. // Uses BigInt for arithmetic, so is an order of magnitude slower. // https://www.ams.org/journals/mcom/1999-68-225/S0025-5718-99-00996-5/S0025-5718-99-00996-5.pdf // m = 2**53 - 111 return (game.seed = Number((BigInt(game.seed) * 5667072534355537n) % 9007199254740881n)) % range } function shuffle(list) { // Fisher-Yates shuffle for (let i = list.length - 1; i > 0; --i) { let j = random(i + 1) let tmp = list[j] list[j] = list[i] list[i] = tmp } } function shuffle_bigint(list) { // Fisher-Yates shuffle for (let i = list.length - 1; i > 0; --i) { let j = random_bigint(i + 1) let tmp = list[j] list[j] = list[i] list[i] = tmp } } // Fast deep copy for objects without cycles function object_copy(original) { if (Array.isArray(original)) { let n = original.length let copy = new Array(n) for (let i = 0; i < n; ++i) { let v = original[i] if (typeof v === "object" && v !== null) copy[i] = object_copy(v) else copy[i] = v } return copy } else { let copy = {} for (let i in original) { let v = original[i] if (typeof v === "object" && v !== null) copy[i] = object_copy(v) else copy[i] = v } return copy } } // Array remove and insert (faster than splice) function array_remove_item(array, item) { let n = array.length for (let i = 0; i < n; ++i) if (array[i] === item) return array_remove(array, i) } function array_remove(array, index) { let n = array.length for (let i = index + 1; i < n; ++i) array[i - 1] = array[i] array.length = n - 1 } function array_insert(array, index, item) { for (let i = array.length; i > index; --i) array[i] = array[i - 1] array[index] = item } function array_remove_pair(array, index) { let n = array.length for (let i = index + 2; i < n; ++i) array[i - 2] = array[i] array.length = n - 2 } function array_insert_pair(array, index, key, value) { for (let i = array.length; i > index; i -= 2) { array[i] = array[i - 2] array[i + 1] = array[i - 1] } array[index] = key array[index + 1] = value } // Set as plain sorted array function set_clear(set) { set.length = 0 } function set_has(set, item) { let a = 0 let b = set.length - 1 while (a <= b) { let m = (a + b) >> 1 let x = set[m] if (item < x) b = m - 1 else if (item > x) a = m + 1 else return true } return false } function set_add(set, item) { let a = 0 let b = set.length - 1 while (a <= b) { let m = (a + b) >> 1 let x = set[m] if (item < x) b = m - 1 else if (item > x) a = m + 1 else return } array_insert(set, a, item) } function set_delete(set, item) { let a = 0 let b = set.length - 1 while (a <= b) { let m = (a + b) >> 1 let x = set[m] if (item < x) b = m - 1 else if (item > x) a = m + 1 else { array_remove(set, m) return } } } function set_toggle(set, item) { let a = 0 let b = set.length - 1 while (a <= b) { let m = (a + b) >> 1 let x = set[m] if (item < x) b = m - 1 else if (item > x) a = m + 1 else { array_remove(set, m) return } } array_insert(set, a, item) } // Map as plain sorted array of key/value pairs function map_clear(map) { map.length = 0 } function map_has(map, key) { let a = 0 let b = (map.length >> 1) - 1 while (a <= b) { let m = (a + b) >> 1 let x = map[m << 1] if (key < x) b = m - 1 else if (key > x) a = m + 1 else return true } return false } function map_get(map, key, missing) { let a = 0 let b = (map.length >> 1) - 1 while (a <= b) { let m = (a + b) >> 1 let x = map[m << 1] if (key < x) b = m - 1 else if (key > x) a = m + 1 else return map[(m << 1) + 1] } return missing } function map_set(map, key, value) { let a = 0 let b = (map.length >> 1) - 1 while (a <= b) { let m = (a + b) >> 1 let x = map[m << 1] if (key < x) b = m - 1 else if (key > x) a = m + 1 else { map[(m << 1) + 1] = value return } } array_insert_pair(map, a << 1, key, value) } function map_delete(map, item) { let a = 0 let b = (map.length >> 1) - 1 while (a <= b) { let m = (a + b) >> 1 let x = map[m << 1] if (item < x) b = m - 1 else if (item > x) a = m + 1 else { array_remove_pair(map, m << 1) return } } }