"use strict" // FIXME: lift_sieges / besieged needs checking! (automatic after disband_lord, manual after move/sail, extra careful manual after battle) // FIXME: remove_legate_if_endangered needs checking! (automatic after disband_lord, manual after move/sail, manual after battle) // WONTFIX: choose crossbow/normal hit application order // Check all push/clear_undo // Remove push_state/pop_state stuff - use explicit substates with common functions instead // Optimize lift_sieges (only check specific locales based on where the check is) // Use game.levy or game.command instead of game.who for levy (like game.command for campaign) // Clean up game.who (use only in muster / events, not for command) // drop game.who from push_state const data = require("./data.js") const AUTOWALK = true const BOTH = "Both" const TEUTONS = "Teutons" const RUSSIANS = "Russians" const P1 = TEUTONS const P2 = RUSSIANS // TODO: service shift before spoils ? const DIE_HIT = "01234567" const DIE_MISS = "01234567" let game = null let view = null let states = {} exports.roles = [ P1, P2 ] exports.scenarios = [ "Pleskau", "Watland (1st ed)", "Watland", "Peipus", "Return of the Prince", "Return of the Prince (Nicolle)", "Crusade on Novgorod", "Pleskau (Quickstart)", "Test", ] const scenario_last_turn = { "Pleskau": 2, "Watland (1st ed)": 8, "Watland": 8, "Peipus": 16, "Return of the Prince": 16, "Return of the Prince (Nicolle)": 16, "Crusade on Novgorod": 16, "Pleskau (Quickstart)": 2, "Test": 2, } function should_remove_no_event_card() { return game.scenario !== "Crusade on Novgorod" } // unit types const KNIGHTS = 0 const SERGEANTS = 1 const LIGHT_HORSE = 2 const ASIATIC_HORSE = 3 const MEN_AT_ARMS = 4 const MILITIA = 5 const SERFS = 6 const FORCE_TYPE_NAME = [ "knights", "sergeants", "light horse", "asiatic horse", "men-at-arms", "militia", "serfs" ] const FORCE_PROTECTION = [ 4, 3, 1, 1, 3, 1, 0 ] const FORCE_EVADE = [ 0, 0, 0, 3, 0, 0, 0 ] // asset types const PROV = 0 const COIN = 1 const LOOT = 2 const CART = 3 const SLED = 4 const BOAT = 5 const SHIP = 6 const ASSET_TYPE_NAME = [ "prov", "coin", "loot", "cart", "sled", "boat", "ship" ] // battle array const A1 = 0 // attackers const A2 = 1 const A3 = 2 const D1 = 3 // defenders const D2 = 4 const D3 = 5 const SA1 = 6 // relief sally: attackers const SA2 = 7 const SA3 = 8 const RG1 = 9 // relief sally: rearguard const RG2 = 10 const RG3 = 11 const ARRAY_FLANKS = [ [ A2, A3 ], [ A1, A3 ], [ A1, A2 ], [ D2, D3 ], [ D1, D3 ], [ D1, D2 ], [ SA2, SA3 ], [ SA1, SA3 ], [ SA1, SA2 ], [ RG2, RG3 ], [ RG1, RG3 ], [ RG1, RG2 ], ] function find_card(name) { return data.cards.findIndex((x) => x.name === name) } function find_lord(name) { return data.lords.findIndex((x) => x.name === name) } function find_locale(name) { return data.locales.findIndex((x) => x.name === name) } const lord_name = data.lords.map((lord) => lord.name) const vassal_name = data.vassals.map((vassal) => vassal.name) const lord_count = data.lords.length const vassal_count = data.vassals.length const first_lord = 0 const last_lord = lord_count - 1 const first_p1_locale = 0 const last_p1_locale = 23 const first_p2_locale = 24 const last_p2_locale = 52 const first_locale = 0 const last_locale = 52 const first_p1_card = 0 const last_p1_card = 17 const last_p1_card_no_event = 20 const first_p2_card = 21 const last_p2_card = 38 const last_p2_card_no_event = 41 const T1 = find_card("T1") const T2 = find_card("T2") const T3 = find_card("T3") const T4 = find_card("T4") const T5 = find_card("T5") const T6 = find_card("T6") const T7 = find_card("T7") const T8 = find_card("T8") const T9 = find_card("T9") const T10 = find_card("T10") const T11 = find_card("T11") const T12 = find_card("T12") const T13 = find_card("T13") const T14 = find_card("T14") const T15 = find_card("T15") const T16 = find_card("T16") const T17 = find_card("T17") const T18 = find_card("T18") const R1 = find_card("R1") const R2 = find_card("R2") const R3 = find_card("R3") const R4 = find_card("R4") const R5 = find_card("R5") const R6 = find_card("R6") const R7 = find_card("R7") const R8 = find_card("R8") const R9 = find_card("R9") const R10 = find_card("R10") const R11 = find_card("R11") const R12 = find_card("R12") const R13 = find_card("R13") const R14 = find_card("R14") const R15 = find_card("R15") const R16 = find_card("R16") const R17 = find_card("R17") const R18 = find_card("R18") const GARRISON = -1 const LORD_ANDREAS = find_lord("Andreas") const LORD_HEINRICH = find_lord("Heinrich") const LORD_HERMANN = find_lord("Hermann") const LORD_KNUD_ABEL = find_lord("Knud & Abel") const LORD_RUDOLF = find_lord("Rudolf") const LORD_YAROSLAV = find_lord("Yaroslav") const LORD_ALEKSANDR = find_lord("Aleksandr") const LORD_ANDREY = find_lord("Andrey") const LORD_DOMASH = find_lord("Domash") const LORD_GAVRILO = find_lord("Gavrilo") const LORD_KARELIANS = find_lord("Karelians") const LORD_VLADISLAV = find_lord("Vladislav") const LEGATE_INDISPOSED = -2 const LEGATE_ARRIVED = -1 const LOC_ADSEL = find_locale("Adsel") const LOC_DORPAT = find_locale("Dorpat") const LOC_DUBROVNO = find_locale("Dubrovno") const LOC_FELLIN = find_locale("Fellin") const LOC_IZBORSK = find_locale("Izborsk") const LOC_KAIBOLOVO = find_locale("Kaibolovo") const LOC_KOPORYE = find_locale("Koporye") const LOC_LADOGA = find_locale("Ladoga") const LOC_LEAL = find_locale("Leal") const LOC_LETTGALLIA = find_locale("Lettgallia") const LOC_LOVAT = find_locale("Lovat") const LOC_LUGA = find_locale("Luga") const LOC_NEVA = find_locale("Neva") const LOC_NOVGOROD = find_locale("Novgorod") const LOC_ODENPAH = find_locale("Odenpäh") const LOC_OSTROV = find_locale("Ostrov") const LOC_PORKHOV = find_locale("Porkhov") const LOC_PSKOV = find_locale("Pskov") const LOC_REVAL = find_locale("Reval") const LOC_RIGA = find_locale("Riga") const LOC_ROSITTEN = find_locale("Rositten") const LOC_RUSA = find_locale("Rusa") const LOC_SABLIA = find_locale("Sablia") const LOC_SOROT_RIVER = find_locale("Sorot River") const LOC_TESOVO = find_locale("Tesovo") const LOC_TOLOWA = find_locale("Tolowa") const LOC_UZMEN = find_locale("Uzmen") const LOC_VELIKAYA_RIVER = find_locale("Velikaya River") const LOC_VELIKIYE_LUKI = find_locale("Velikiye Luki") const LOC_VOD = find_locale("Vod") const LOC_VOLKHOV = find_locale("Volkhov") const LOC_WENDEN = find_locale("Wenden") const LOC_WESENBERG = find_locale("Wesenberg") const LOC_ZHELCHA_RIVER = find_locale("Zhelcha River") const LOC_ZHELTSY = find_locale("Zheltsy") const AOW_TEUTONIC_TREATY_OF_STENSBY = T1 const AOW_TEUTONIC_RAIDERS = T2 const AOW_TEUTONIC_CONVERTS = T3 const AOW_TEUTONIC_BALISTARII = [ T4, T5, T6 ] const AOW_TEUTONIC_WARRIOR_MONKS = [ T7, T15 ] const AOW_TEUTONIC_HILLFORTS = T8 const AOW_TEUTONIC_HALBBRUDER = [ T9, T10 ] const AOW_TEUTONIC_CRUSADE = T11 const AOW_TEUTONIC_ORDENSBURGEN = T12 const AOW_TEUTONIC_WILLIAM_OF_MODENA = T13 const AOW_TEUTONIC_TREBUCHETS = T14 const AOW_TEUTONIC_RANSOM = T16 const AOW_TEUTONIC_STONEMASONS = T17 const AOW_TEUTONIC_COGS = T18 const AOW_RUSSIAN_LUCHNIKI = [ R1, R2 ] const AOW_RUSSIAN_STRELTSY = [ R3, R13 ] const AOW_RUSSIAN_SMERDI = R4 const AOW_RUSSIAN_DRUZHINA = [ R5, R6 ] const AOW_RUSSIAN_RANSOM = R7 const AOW_RUSSIAN_BLACK_SEA_TRADE = R8 const AOW_RUSSIAN_BALTIC_SEA_TRADE = R9 const AOW_RUSSIAN_STEPPE_WARRIORS = R10 const AOW_RUSSIAN_HOUSE_OF_SUZDAL = R11 const AOW_RUSSIAN_RAIDERS = [ R12, R14 ] const AOW_RUSSIAN_ARCHBISHOPRIC = R15 const AOW_RUSSIAN_LODYA = R16 const AOW_RUSSIAN_VELIKY_KNYAZ = R17 const AOW_RUSSIAN_STONE_KREMLIN = R18 const EVENT_TEUTONIC_GRAND_PRINCE = T1 const EVENT_TEUTONIC_TORZHOK = T2 const EVENT_TEUTONIC_VODIAN_TREACHERY = T3 const EVENT_TEUTONIC_BRIDGE = T4 const EVENT_TEUTONIC_MARSH = T5 const EVENT_TEUTONIC_AMBUSH = T6 const EVENT_TEUTONIC_TVERDILO = T7 const EVENT_TEUTONIC_TEUTONIC_FERVOR = T8 const EVENT_TEUTONIC_HILL = T9 const EVENT_TEUTONIC_FIELD_ORGAN = T10 const EVENT_TEUTONIC_POPE_GREGORY = T11 const EVENT_TEUTONIC_KHAN_BATY = T12 const EVENT_TEUTONIC_HEINRICH_SEES_THE_CURIA = T13 const EVENT_TEUTONIC_BOUNTIFUL_HARVEST = T14 const EVENT_TEUTONIC_MINDAUGAS = T15 const EVENT_TEUTONIC_FAMINE = T16 const EVENT_TEUTONIC_DIETRICH_VON_GRUNINGEN = T17 const EVENT_TEUTONIC_SWEDISH_CRUSADE = T18 const EVENT_RUSSIAN_BRIDGE = R1 const EVENT_RUSSIAN_MARSH = R2 const EVENT_RUSSIAN_POGOST = R3 const EVENT_RUSSIAN_RAVENS_ROCK = R4 const EVENT_RUSSIAN_HILL = R5 const EVENT_RUSSIAN_AMBUSH = R6 const EVENT_RUSSIAN_FAMINE = R7 const EVENT_RUSSIAN_PRINCE_OF_POLOTSK = R8 const EVENT_RUSSIAN_OSILIAN_REVOLT = R9 const EVENT_RUSSIAN_BATU_KHAN = R10 const EVENT_RUSSIAN_VALDEMAR = R11 const EVENT_RUSSIAN_MINDAUGAS = R12 const EVENT_RUSSIAN_PELGUI = R13 const EVENT_RUSSIAN_PRUSSIAN_REVOLT = R14 const EVENT_RUSSIAN_DEATH_OF_THE_POPE = R15 const EVENT_RUSSIAN_TEMPEST = R16 const EVENT_RUSSIAN_DIETRICH_VON_GRUNINGEN = R17 const EVENT_RUSSIAN_BOUNTIFUL_HARVEST = R18 const VASSAL_UNAVAILABLE = 0 const VASSAL_READY = 1 const VASSAL_MUSTERED = 2 const NOBODY = -1 const NOWHERE = -1 const NOTHING = -1 const NEVER = -1 const CALENDAR = 100 const SUMMER = 0 const EARLY_WINTER = 1 const LATE_WINTER = 2 const RASPUTITSA = 3 const SEASONS = [ null, SUMMER, SUMMER, EARLY_WINTER, EARLY_WINTER, LATE_WINTER, LATE_WINTER, RASPUTITSA, RASPUTITSA, SUMMER, SUMMER, EARLY_WINTER, EARLY_WINTER, LATE_WINTER, LATE_WINTER, RASPUTITSA, RASPUTITSA, null, ] const TURN_NAME = [ null, "1 - Summer 1240", "2 - Summer 1240", "3 - Early Winter 1240", "4 - Early Winter 1240", "5 - Late Winter 1241", "6 - Late Winter 1241", "7 - Rasputitsa 1241", "8 - Rasputitsa 1241", "9 - Summer 1241", "10 - Summer 1241", "11 - Early Winter 1241", "12 - Early Winter 1241", "13 - Late Winter 1242", "14 - Late Winter 1242", "15 - Rasputitsa 1242", "16 - Rasputitsa 1242", null, ] const COMMANDERIES = [ LOC_ADSEL, LOC_FELLIN, LOC_LEAL, LOC_WENDEN ] function is_in_rus(loc) { return loc >= first_p2_locale && loc <= last_p2_locale } function is_in_livonia(loc) { // FIXME actual numbers return loc >= 0 && loc <= last_locale && data.locales[loc].region === "Crusader Livonia" } function is_commandery(loc) { return ( loc === LOC_ADSEL || loc === LOC_FELLIN || loc === LOC_LEAL || loc === LOC_WENDEN ) } function current_turn() { return game.turn >> 1 } function current_season() { return SEASONS[game.turn >> 1] } function is_winter() { let season = current_season() return season === EARLY_WINTER || season === LATE_WINTER } function is_summer() { return current_season() === SUMMER } function current_turn_name() { return TURN_NAME[game.turn >> 1] } function current_hand() { if (game.active === P1) return game.hand1 return game.hand2 } function is_campaign_phase() { return (game.turn & 1) === 1 } function is_levy_phase() { return (game.turn & 1) === 0 } // === GAME STATE === const first_p1_lord = 0 const last_p1_lord = 5 const first_p2_lord = 6 const last_p2_lord = 11 let first_friendly_lord = 0 let last_friendly_lord = 5 let first_enemy_lord = 6 let last_enemy_lord = 11 function update_aliases() { if (game.active === P1) { first_friendly_lord = 0 last_friendly_lord = 5 first_enemy_lord = 6 last_enemy_lord = 11 } else if (game.active === P2) { first_friendly_lord = 6 last_friendly_lord = 11 first_enemy_lord = 0 last_enemy_lord = 5 } else { first_friendly_lord = -1 last_friendly_lord = -1 first_enemy_lord = -1 last_enemy_lord = -1 } } function load_state(state) { if (game !== state) { game = state update_aliases() } } function push_state(next) { if (!states[next]) throw Error("No such state: " + next) game.stack.push([ game.state, game.who, game.count ]) game.state = next } function pop_state() { ;[ game.state, game.who, game.count ] = game.stack.pop() } function set_active(new_active) { if (game.active !== new_active) { game.active = new_active update_aliases() } } function set_active_enemy() { game.active = enemy_player() update_aliases() } function enemy_player() { if (game.active === P1) return P2 if (game.active === P2) return P1 return null } function has_any_spoils() { return ( game.spoils && game.spoils[PROV] + game.spoils[COIN] + game.spoils[LOOT] + game.spoils[CART] + game.spoils[SLED] + game.spoils[BOAT] + game.spoils[SHIP] > 0 ) } function get_spoils(type) { if (game.spoils) return game.spoils[type] return 0 } function add_spoils(type, n) { if (!game.spoils) game.spoils = [ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ] game.spoils[type] += n } function get_lord_calendar(lord) { if (is_lord_on_calendar(lord)) return get_lord_locale(lord) - CALENDAR else return get_lord_service(lord) } function set_lord_cylinder_on_calendar(lord, turn) { if (turn < 0) turn = 0 if (turn > 17) turn = 17 set_lord_locale(lord, CALENDAR + turn) } function set_lord_calendar(lord, turn) { if (is_lord_on_calendar(lord)) set_lord_cylinder_on_calendar(lord, turn) else set_lord_service(lord, turn) } function get_lord_locale(lord) { return game.pieces.locale[lord] } function get_lord_service(lord) { return game.pieces.service[lord] } function get_lord_capability(lord, n) { return game.pieces.capabilities[(lord << 1) + n] } function set_lord_capability(lord, n, x) { game.pieces.capabilities[(lord << 1) + n] = x } function get_lord_assets(lord, n) { return pack4_get(game.pieces.assets[lord], n) } function get_lord_forces(lord, n) { return pack4_get(game.pieces.forces[lord], n) } function get_lord_routed_forces(lord, n) { return pack4_get(game.pieces.routed[lord], n) } function lord_has_unrouted_units(lord) { return game.pieces.forces[lord] !== 0 } function lord_has_routed_units(lord) { return game.pieces.routed[lord] !== 0 } function set_lord_locale(lord, locale) { game.pieces.locale[lord] = locale } function shift_lord_cylinder(lord, dir) { set_lord_calendar(lord, get_lord_calendar(lord) + dir) } function set_lord_service(lord, service) { if (service < 0) service = 0 if (service > 17) service = 17 game.pieces.service[lord] = service } function add_lord_service(lord, n) { set_lord_service(lord, get_lord_service(lord) + n) } function set_lord_assets(lord, n, x) { if (x < 0) x = 0 if (x > 8) x = 8 game.pieces.assets[lord] = pack4_set(game.pieces.assets[lord], n, x) } function add_lord_assets(lord, n, x) { set_lord_assets(lord, n, get_lord_assets(lord, n) + x) } function set_lord_forces(lord, n, x) { if (x < 0) x = 0 if (x > 15) x = 15 game.pieces.forces[lord] = pack4_set(game.pieces.forces[lord], n, x) } function add_lord_forces(lord, n, x) { set_lord_forces(lord, n, get_lord_forces(lord, n) + x) } function set_lord_routed_forces(lord, n, x) { if (x < 0) x = 0 if (x > 15) x = 15 game.pieces.routed[lord] = pack4_set(game.pieces.routed[lord], n, x) } function add_lord_routed_forces(lord, n, x) { set_lord_routed_forces(lord, n, get_lord_routed_forces(lord, n) + x) } function clear_lords_moved() { game.pieces.moved = 0 } function get_lord_moved(lord) { return pack2_get(game.pieces.moved, lord) } function set_lord_moved(lord, x) { game.pieces.moved = pack2_set(game.pieces.moved, lord, x) } function set_lord_unfed(lord, n) { // reuse "moved" flag for hunger set_lord_moved(lord, n) } function is_lord_unfed(lord) { // reuse "moved" flag for hunger return get_lord_moved(lord) } function feed_lord_skip(lord) { // reuse "moved" flag for hunger set_lord_moved(lord, 0) } function feed_lord(lord) { // reuse "moved" flag for hunger set_lord_moved(lord, get_lord_moved(lord) - 1) } function get_lord_array_position(lord) { for (let p = 0; p < 12; ++p) if (game.battle.array[p] === lord) return p return -1 } function add_veche_vp(amount) { game.pieces.veche_vp += amount if (game.pieces.veche_vp < 0) game.pieces.veche_vp = 0 if (game.pieces.veche_vp > 8) game.pieces.veche_vp = 8 } // === GAME STATE HELPERS === function roll_die() { return random(6) + 1 } function get_shared_assets(loc, what) { let n = 0 for (let lord = first_friendly_lord; lord <= last_friendly_lord; ++lord) if (get_lord_locale(lord) === loc) n += get_lord_assets(lord, what) return n } function count_lord_all_forces(lord) { return ( get_lord_forces(lord, KNIGHTS) + get_lord_forces(lord, SERGEANTS) + get_lord_forces(lord, LIGHT_HORSE) + get_lord_forces(lord, ASIATIC_HORSE) + get_lord_forces(lord, MEN_AT_ARMS) + get_lord_forces(lord, MILITIA) + get_lord_forces(lord, SERFS) ) } function count_lord_horses(lord) { return ( get_lord_forces(lord, KNIGHTS) + get_lord_forces(lord, SERGEANTS) + get_lord_forces(lord, LIGHT_HORSE) + get_lord_forces(lord, ASIATIC_HORSE) ) } function count_lord_boats(lord) { let boats = get_lord_assets(lord, BOAT) if (lord_has_capability(lord, AOW_RUSSIAN_LODYA)) { if (game.flags.lodya === 0) boats *= 2 else boats += game.flags.lodya } return boats } function count_shared_boats() { let here = get_lord_locale(game.command) let n = 0 for (let lord = first_friendly_lord; lord <= last_friendly_lord; ++lord) if (get_lord_locale(lord) === here) n += count_lord_boats(lord) return n } function count_lord_ships(lord) { let ships = get_lord_assets(lord, SHIP) if (lord_has_capability(lord, AOW_TEUTONIC_COGS)) { ships *= 2 } if (lord_has_capability(lord, AOW_RUSSIAN_LODYA)) { ships -= game.flags.lodya } return ships } function count_shared_ships() { let here = get_lord_locale(game.command) let n = 0 for (let lord = first_friendly_lord; lord <= last_friendly_lord; ++lord) if (get_lord_locale(lord) === here) n += count_lord_ships(lord) return n } function count_shared_cogs_not_in_group() { let n = 0 if (game.active === TEUTONS) { for (let lord = first_friendly_lord; lord <= last_friendly_lord; ++lord) if (lord_has_capability(lord, AOW_TEUTONIC_COGS)) if (!set_has(game.group, lord)) // not already counted for n += get_lord_assets(lord, SHIP) * 2 } return n } function count_shared_cogs_not_in_locale(here) { let n = 0 if (game.active === TEUTONS) { for (let lord = first_friendly_lord; lord <= last_friendly_lord; ++lord) if (lord_has_capability(lord, AOW_TEUTONIC_COGS)) if (get_lord_locale(lord) !== here) n += get_lord_assets(lord, SHIP) * 2 } return n } function count_group_ships() { let n = 0 for (let lord of game.group) n += count_lord_ships(lord) return n } function count_group_assets(type) { let n = 0 for (let lord of game.group) n += get_lord_assets(lord, type) return n } function count_group_forces(type) { let n = 0 for (let lord of game.group) n += get_lord_forces(lord, type) return n } function count_group_horses() { let n = 0 for (let lord of game.group) n += count_lord_horses(lord) return n } function count_group_transport(type) { let n = 0 for (let lord of game.group) n += count_lord_transport(lord, type) return n } function max_plan_length() { switch (current_season()) { case SUMMER: return 6 case EARLY_WINTER: return 4 case LATE_WINTER: return 4 case RASPUTITSA: return 5 } } function count_cards_in_plan(plan, lord) { let n = 0 for (let c of plan) if (c === lord) ++n return n } function is_marshal(lord) { switch (lord) { case LORD_ANDREAS: return true case LORD_HERMANN: return !is_lord_on_map(LORD_ANDREAS) case LORD_ALEKSANDR: return true case LORD_ANDREY: return !is_lord_on_map(LORD_ALEKSANDR) default: return false } } function is_armored_force(type) { return type === KNIGHTS || type === SERGEANTS || type === MEN_AT_ARMS } function is_no_event_card(c) { if (c === 18 || c === 19 || c === 20) return true if (c === 39 || c === 40 || c === 41) return true return false } function is_p1_card(c) { return c >= first_p1_card && c <= last_p1_card_no_event } function is_p2_card(c) { return c >= first_p2_card && c <= last_p2_card_no_event } function is_card_in_use(c) { if (set_has(game.hand1, c)) return true if (set_has(game.hand2, c)) return true if (set_has(game.events, c)) return true if (set_has(game.capabilities, c)) return true if (game.pieces.capabilities.includes(c)) return true return false } function list_deck() { let deck = [] let first_card = (game.active === P1) ? first_p1_card : first_p2_card let last_card = (game.active === P1) ? last_p1_card : last_p2_card let no = (game.active === P1) ? game.no1 : game.no2 for (let c = first_card; c <= last_card; ++c) if (!is_card_in_use(c)) deck.push(c) for (let c = last_card + 1; c <= last_card + no; ++c) deck.push(c) return deck } function is_friendly_card(c) { if (game.active === P1) return is_p1_card(c) return is_p2_card(c) } function has_card_in_hand(c) { if (game.active === P1) return set_has(game.hand1, c) return set_has(game.hand2, c) } function can_discard_card(c) { if (set_has(game.hand1, c)) return true if (set_has(game.hand2, c)) return true if (set_has(game.capabilities, c)) return true if (game.pieces.capabilities.includes(c)) return true } function is_lord_on_map(lord) { let loc = get_lord_locale(lord) return loc !== NOWHERE && loc < CALENDAR } function is_lord_in_play(lord) { return get_lord_locale(lord) !== NOWHERE } function is_lord_besieged(lord) { return pack1_get(game.pieces.besieged, lord) } function is_lord_unbesieged(lord) { return !pack1_get(game.pieces.besieged, lord) } function set_lord_besieged(lord, x) { game.pieces.besieged = pack1_set(game.pieces.besieged, lord, x) } function is_lord_on_calendar(lord) { let loc = get_lord_locale(lord) return loc >= CALENDAR } function is_lord_ready(lord) { let loc = get_lord_locale(lord) return loc >= CALENDAR && loc <= CALENDAR + (game.turn >> 1) } function is_special_vassal_available(vassal) { let cap = data.vassals[vassal].capability if (cap === "Crusade") return has_global_capability(AOW_TEUTONIC_CRUSADE) if (cap === "Steppe Warriors") return has_global_capability(AOW_RUSSIAN_STEPPE_WARRIORS) return true } function is_vassal_ready(vassal) { return game.pieces.vassals[vassal] === VASSAL_READY } function is_vassal_mustered(vassal) { return game.pieces.vassals[vassal] === VASSAL_MUSTERED } function is_teutonic_lord(lord) { return lord >= first_p1_lord && lord <= last_p1_lord } function is_russian_lord(lord) { return lord >= first_p2_lord && lord <= last_p2_lord } function is_p1_lord(lord) { return lord >= first_p1_lord && lord <= last_p1_lord } function is_p2_lord(lord) { return lord >= first_p2_lord && lord <= last_p2_lord } function is_friendly_lord(lord) { return lord >= first_friendly_lord && lord <= last_friendly_lord } function is_lord_at_friendly_locale(lord) { let loc = get_lord_locale(lord) return is_friendly_locale(loc) } function for_each_seat(lord, fn, repeat = false) { let list = data.lords[lord].seats for (let seat of list) fn(seat) if (is_teutonic_lord(lord)) { if (has_global_capability(AOW_TEUTONIC_ORDENSBURGEN)) { for (let commandery of COMMANDERIES) if (repeat || !set_has(list, commandery)) fn(commandery) } } if (is_russian_lord(lord)) { if (has_global_capability(AOW_RUSSIAN_ARCHBISHOPRIC)) if (repeat || !set_has(list, LOC_NOVGOROD)) fn(LOC_NOVGOROD) } if (lord === LORD_YAROSLAV) { if (has_conquered_marker(LOC_PSKOV)) if (repeat || !set_has(list, LOC_PSKOV)) fn(LOC_PSKOV) } } function is_lord_seat(lord, here) { let result = false for_each_seat(lord, seat => { if (seat === here) result = true }) return result } function is_lord_at_seat(lord) { return is_lord_seat(lord, get_lord_locale(lord)) } function has_free_seat(lord) { let result = false for_each_seat(lord, seat => { if (!result && is_friendly_locale(seat)) result = true }) return result } function has_teutonic_lord(here) { for (let lord = first_p1_lord; lord <= last_p1_lord; ++lord) if (get_lord_locale(lord) === here) return true } function has_russian_lord(here) { for (let lord = first_p2_lord; lord <= last_p2_lord; ++lord) if (get_lord_locale(lord) === here) return true } function has_friendly_lord(loc) { for (let lord = first_friendly_lord; lord <= last_friendly_lord; ++lord) if (get_lord_locale(lord) === loc) return true return false } function has_besieged_friendly_lord(loc) { for (let lord = first_friendly_lord; lord <= last_friendly_lord; ++lord) if (get_lord_locale(lord) === loc && is_lord_besieged(lord)) return true return false } function has_enemy_lord(loc) { for (let lord = first_enemy_lord; lord <= last_enemy_lord; ++lord) if (get_lord_locale(lord) === loc) return true return false } function has_unbesieged_enemy_lord(loc) { for (let lord = first_enemy_lord; lord <= last_enemy_lord; ++lord) if (get_lord_locale(lord) === loc && is_lord_unbesieged(lord)) return true return false } function has_unbesieged_friendly_lord(loc) { for (let lord = first_friendly_lord; lord <= last_friendly_lord; ++lord) if (get_lord_locale(lord) === loc && is_lord_unbesieged(lord)) return true return false } function is_p1_locale(loc) { return loc >= first_p1_locale && loc <= last_p1_locale } function is_p2_locale(loc) { return loc >= first_p2_locale && loc <= last_p2_locale } function is_friendly_territory(loc) { if (game.active === P1) return loc >= first_p1_locale && loc <= last_p1_locale return loc >= first_p2_locale && loc <= last_p2_locale } function is_enemy_territory(loc) { if (game.active === P1) return loc >= first_p2_locale && loc <= last_p2_locale return loc >= first_p1_locale && loc <= last_p1_locale } function is_seaport(loc) { return set_has(data.seaports, loc) } function is_trade_route(loc) { return data.locales[loc].type === "traderoute" } function is_fort(loc) { return data.locales[loc].type === "fort" && !has_castle_marker(loc) } function is_town(loc) { return data.locales[loc].type === "town" && !has_castle_marker(loc) } function is_castle(loc) { return data.locales[loc].type === "castle" || has_castle_marker(loc) } function is_bishopric(loc) { return data.locales[loc].type === "bishopric" } function is_city(loc) { return data.locales[loc].type === "city" } function is_region(loc) { return data.locales[loc].type === "region" } function is_stronghold(loc) { return data.locales[loc].stronghold > 0 } function has_conquered_marker(loc) { return set_has(game.pieces.conquered, loc) } function add_conquered_marker(loc) { set_add(game.pieces.conquered, loc) } function remove_conquered_marker(loc) { set_delete(game.pieces.conquered, loc) } function has_ravaged_marker(loc) { return set_has(game.pieces.ravaged, loc) } function add_ravaged_marker(loc) { set_add(game.pieces.ravaged, loc) } function remove_ravaged_marker(loc) { set_delete(game.pieces.ravaged, loc) } function count_siege_markers(loc) { return map_get(game.pieces.sieges, loc, 0) } function has_siege_marker(loc) { return map_get(game.pieces.sieges, loc, 0) > 0 } function add_siege_marker(loc) { map_set(game.pieces.sieges, loc, map_get(game.pieces.sieges, loc, 0) + 1) } function remove_all_but_one_siege_markers(loc) { map_set(game.pieces.sieges, loc, 1) } function remove_all_siege_markers(loc) { map_delete(game.pieces.sieges, loc) } function conquer_trade_route(loc) { if (game.active === RUSSIANS) { if (has_conquered_marker(loc)) { log(`Conquered %${loc}.`) remove_conquered_marker(loc) } } else { if (!has_conquered_marker(loc)) { log(`Conquered %${loc}.`) add_conquered_marker(loc) } } } function conquer_stronghold(loc) { if (has_castle_marker(loc)) flip_castle(loc) remove_all_siege_markers(loc) if (is_enemy_territory(loc)) add_conquered_marker(loc) else remove_conquered_marker(loc) } function count_castles() { return game.pieces.castles1.length + game.pieces.castles2.length } function add_friendly_castle(loc) { // only P1 can add set_add(game.pieces.castles1, loc) } function has_enemy_castle(loc) { if (game.active === P1) return set_has(game.pieces.castles2, loc) return set_has(game.pieces.castles1, loc) } function has_friendly_castle(loc) { if (game.active === P1) return set_has(game.pieces.castles1, loc) return set_has(game.pieces.castles2, loc) } function has_castle_marker(loc) { return ( set_has(game.pieces.castles1, loc) || set_has(game.pieces.castles2, loc) ) } function flip_castle(loc) { if (game.active === P1) { set_delete(game.pieces.castles2, loc) set_add(game.pieces.castles1, loc) } else { set_delete(game.pieces.castles1, loc) set_add(game.pieces.castles2, loc) } } function is_friendly_stronghold_locale(loc) { if (is_stronghold(loc) || has_friendly_castle(loc)) return is_friendly_locale(loc) return false } function is_enemy_stronghold(loc) { if (is_stronghold(loc)) { if (is_enemy_territory(loc) && !has_conquered_marker(loc)) return true if (is_friendly_territory(loc) && has_conquered_marker(loc)) return true } if (has_enemy_castle(loc)) return true return false } function is_friendly_stronghold(loc) { if (is_stronghold(loc)) { if (is_friendly_territory(loc) && !has_conquered_marker(loc)) return true if (is_enemy_territory(loc) && has_conquered_marker(loc)) return true } if (has_friendly_castle(loc)) return true return false } function is_unbesieged_enemy_stronghold(loc) { return is_enemy_stronghold(loc) && !has_siege_marker(loc) } function is_unbesieged_friendly_stronghold(loc) { return is_friendly_stronghold(loc) && !has_siege_marker(loc) } function is_besieged_enemy_stronghold(loc) { return is_enemy_stronghold(loc) && has_siege_marker(loc) } function is_friendly_locale(loc) { if (loc !== NOWHERE && loc < CALENDAR) { if (has_enemy_lord(loc)) return false if (is_friendly_territory(loc)) { if (has_conquered_marker(loc)) return false if (has_enemy_castle(loc)) return false return true } else { if (is_stronghold(loc) && has_conquered_marker(loc)) return true if (has_friendly_castle(loc)) return true } } return false } function can_add_transport(who, what) { return get_lord_assets(who, what) < 8 } function count_lord_transport(lord, type) { let season = current_season() let n = 0 switch (type) { case "trackway": switch (season) { case SUMMER: n += get_lord_assets(lord, CART) break case EARLY_WINTER: case LATE_WINTER: n += get_lord_assets(lord, SLED) break case RASPUTITSA: break } break case "waterway": switch (season) { case SUMMER: n += count_lord_boats(lord) break case EARLY_WINTER: case LATE_WINTER: n += get_lord_assets(lord, SLED) break case RASPUTITSA: n += count_lord_boats(lord) break } break } return n } function list_ways(from, to) { for (let ways of data.locales[from].ways) if (ways[0] === to) return ways return null } function is_upper_lord(lord) { return map_has(game.pieces.lieutenants, lord) } function is_lower_lord(lord) { for (let i = 1; i < game.pieces.lieutenants.length; i += 2) if (game.pieces.lieutenants[i] === lord) return true return false } function get_lower_lord(upper) { return map_get(game.pieces.lieutenants, upper, NOBODY) } function set_lower_lord(upper, lower) { map_set(game.pieces.lieutenants, upper, lower) } function add_lieutenant(upper) { map_set(game.pieces.lieutenants, upper, NOBODY) } function remove_lieutenant(lord) { for (let i = 0; i < game.pieces.lieutenants.length; i += 2) { if (game.pieces.lieutenants[i] === lord || game.pieces.lieutenants[i + 1] === lord) { array_remove_pair(game.pieces.lieutenants, i) return } } } function is_located_with_legate(lord) { return get_lord_locale(lord) === game.pieces.legate } function group_has_capability(c) { for (let lord of game.group) if (lord_has_capability(lord, c)) return true return false } function count_unbesieged_friendly_lords(loc) { let n = 0 for (let lord = first_friendly_lord; lord <= last_friendly_lord; ++lord) if (get_lord_locale(lord) === loc && is_lord_unbesieged(lord)) ++n return n } // === MAP === function calculate_distance(start, adjacent) { let queue = [] queue.push([start, 0]) let distance = new Array(last_locale+1).fill(-1) distance[start] = 0 while (queue.length > 0) { let [ here, d ] = queue.shift() for (let next of data.locales[here][adjacent]) { if (distance[next] < 0) { distance[next] = d+1 queue.push([next, d+1]) } } } return distance } for (let loc = 0; loc <= last_locale; ++loc) { data.locales[loc].distance = calculate_distance(loc, "adjacent") data.locales[loc].distance_by_waterway = calculate_distance(loc, "adjacent_by_waterway") } function locale_distance(from, to) { return data.locales[from].distance[to] } function locale_distance_by_waterway(from, to) { return data.locales[from].distance_by_waterway[to] } // === SETUP === function muster_lord_forces(lord) { let info = data.lords[lord] set_lord_forces(lord, KNIGHTS, info.forces.knights | 0) set_lord_forces(lord, SERGEANTS, info.forces.sergeants | 0) set_lord_forces(lord, LIGHT_HORSE, info.forces.light_horse | 0) set_lord_forces(lord, ASIATIC_HORSE, info.forces.asiatic_horse | 0) set_lord_forces(lord, MEN_AT_ARMS, info.forces.men_at_arms | 0) set_lord_forces(lord, MILITIA, info.forces.militia | 0) set_lord_forces(lord, SERFS, info.forces.serfs | 0) } function muster_vassal_forces(lord, vassal) { let info = data.vassals[vassal] add_lord_forces(lord, KNIGHTS, info.forces.knights | 0) add_lord_forces(lord, SERGEANTS, info.forces.sergeants | 0) add_lord_forces(lord, LIGHT_HORSE, info.forces.light_horse | 0) add_lord_forces(lord, ASIATIC_HORSE, info.forces.asiatic_horse | 0) add_lord_forces(lord, MEN_AT_ARMS, info.forces.men_at_arms | 0) add_lord_forces(lord, MILITIA, info.forces.militia | 0) add_lord_forces(lord, SERFS, info.forces.serfs | 0) } function restore_lord_forces(lord, type, count) { if (get_lord_forces(lord, type) < count) { set_lord_forces(lord, type, count) return 1 } return 0 } function muster_lord(lord, locale, service) { let info = data.lords[lord] if (!service) service = current_turn() + info.service set_lord_locale(lord, locale) set_lord_service(lord, service) set_lord_assets(lord, PROV, info.assets.prov | 0) set_lord_assets(lord, COIN, info.assets.coin | 0) set_lord_assets(lord, LOOT, info.assets.loot | 0) set_lord_assets(lord, CART, info.assets.cart | 0) set_lord_assets(lord, SLED, info.assets.sled | 0) set_lord_assets(lord, BOAT, info.assets.boat | 0) set_lord_assets(lord, SHIP, info.assets.ship | 0) muster_lord_forces(lord) for (let v of info.vassals) { if (is_special_vassal_available(v)) game.pieces.vassals[v] = VASSAL_READY else game.pieces.vassals[v] = VASSAL_UNAVAILABLE } } function disband_vassal(vassal) { let info = data.vassals[vassal] let lord = data.vassals[vassal].lord add_lord_forces(lord, KNIGHTS, -(info.forces.knights | 0)) add_lord_forces(lord, SERGEANTS, -(info.forces.sergeants | 0)) add_lord_forces(lord, LIGHT_HORSE, -(info.forces.light_horse | 0)) add_lord_forces(lord, ASIATIC_HORSE, -(info.forces.asiatic_horse | 0)) add_lord_forces(lord, MEN_AT_ARMS, -(info.forces.men_at_arms | 0)) add_lord_forces(lord, MILITIA, -(info.forces.militia | 0)) add_lord_forces(lord, SERFS, -(info.forces.serfs | 0)) game.pieces.vassals[vassal] = VASSAL_READY if (!lord_has_unrouted_units(lord)) { disband_lord(lord) lift_sieges() } } function muster_vassal(lord, vassal) { game.pieces.vassals[vassal] = VASSAL_MUSTERED muster_vassal_forces(lord, vassal) } function draw_card(deck) { let i = random(deck.length) let c = deck[i] set_delete(deck, c) return c } function discard_events(when) { for (let i = 0; i < game.events.length; ) { let c = game.events[i] if (data.cards[c].when === when) array_remove(game.events, i) else ++i } } function discard_friendly_events(when) { for (let i = 0; i < game.events.length; ) { let c = game.events[i] if (is_friendly_card(c) && data.cards[c].when === when) array_remove(game.events, i) else ++i } } exports.setup = function (seed, scenario, options) { game = { seed, scenario, options, log: [], undo: [], active: P1, state: "setup_lords", stack: [], hand1: [], hand2: [], plan1: [], plan2: [], no1: 3, no2: 3, turn: 0, events: [], // this levy/this campaign cards capabilities: [], // global capabilities pieces: { locale: Array(lord_count).fill(NOWHERE), service: Array(lord_count).fill(NEVER), assets: Array(lord_count).fill(0), forces: Array(lord_count).fill(0), routed: Array(lord_count).fill(0), capabilities: Array(lord_count << 1).fill(NOTHING), besieged: 0, moved: 0, lieutenants: [], vassals: Array(vassal_count).fill(VASSAL_UNAVAILABLE), conquered: [], ravaged: [], sieges: [], castles1: [], castles2: [], walls: [], legate: LEGATE_INDISPOSED, legate_selected: 0, veche_vp: 0, veche_coin: 0, smerdi: 0, }, flags: { first_action: 0, first_march: 0, teutonic_raiders: 0, famine: 0, lodya: 0, }, command: NOBODY, actions: 0, group: 0, who: NOBODY, where: NOWHERE, what: NOTHING, count: 0, supply: 0, march: 0, battle: 0, spoils: 0, } update_aliases() log_h1(scenario) switch (scenario) { default: case "Pleskau": setup_pleskau() break case "Watland (1st ed)": setup_watland_1st_ed() break case "Watland": setup_watland_2nd_ed() break case "Peipus": setup_peipus() break case "Return of the Prince": setup_return_of_the_prince() break case "Return of the Prince (Nicolle)": setup_return_of_the_prince_nicolle() break case "Crusade on Novgorod": setup_crusade_on_novgorod() break case "Pleskau (Quickstart)": setup_pleskau_quickstart() break case "Test": setup_test() break } return game } function setup_pleskau() { game.turn = 1 << 1 // Count Enemy Lords Removed in this scenario game.pieces.elr1 = 0 game.pieces.elr2 = 0 // Remove all No Event cards in this scenario game.no1 = 0 game.no2 = 0 game.pieces.veche_vp = 1 muster_lord(LORD_HERMANN, LOC_DORPAT, 4) muster_lord(LORD_KNUD_ABEL, LOC_REVAL, 3) muster_lord(LORD_YAROSLAV, LOC_ODENPAH, 2) muster_lord(LORD_GAVRILO, LOC_PSKOV, 4) muster_lord(LORD_VLADISLAV, LOC_NEVA, 3) set_lord_cylinder_on_calendar(LORD_RUDOLF, 1) set_lord_cylinder_on_calendar(LORD_DOMASH, 1) } function setup_watland_1st_ed() { game.turn = 4 << 1 game.pieces.veche_vp = 1 game.pieces.veche_coin = 1 set_add(game.pieces.conquered, LOC_IZBORSK) set_add(game.pieces.conquered, LOC_PSKOV) set_add(game.pieces.ravaged, LOC_PSKOV) set_add(game.pieces.ravaged, LOC_DUBROVNO) muster_lord(LORD_ANDREAS, LOC_FELLIN, 7) muster_lord(LORD_KNUD_ABEL, LOC_WESENBERG, 6) muster_lord(LORD_YAROSLAV, LOC_PSKOV, 5) muster_lord(LORD_DOMASH, LOC_NOVGOROD, 7) set_lord_cylinder_on_calendar(LORD_HEINRICH, 4) set_lord_cylinder_on_calendar(LORD_RUDOLF, 4) set_lord_cylinder_on_calendar(LORD_VLADISLAV, 4) set_lord_cylinder_on_calendar(LORD_KARELIANS, 4) set_lord_cylinder_on_calendar(LORD_ANDREY, 5) set_lord_cylinder_on_calendar(LORD_ALEKSANDR, 7) set_lord_cylinder_on_calendar(LORD_HERMANN, 8) } function setup_watland_2nd_ed() { game.turn = 4 << 1 game.pieces.veche_vp = 1 game.pieces.veche_coin = 1 set_add(game.pieces.conquered, LOC_IZBORSK) set_add(game.pieces.conquered, LOC_PSKOV) set_add(game.pieces.ravaged, LOC_PSKOV) set_add(game.pieces.ravaged, LOC_DUBROVNO) muster_lord(LORD_ANDREAS, LOC_FELLIN, 7) muster_lord(LORD_KNUD_ABEL, LOC_WESENBERG, 6) muster_lord(LORD_DOMASH, LOC_NOVGOROD, 7) muster_lord(LORD_VLADISLAV, LOC_LADOGA, 6) set_lord_cylinder_on_calendar(LORD_RUDOLF, 4) set_lord_cylinder_on_calendar(LORD_KARELIANS, 4) set_lord_cylinder_on_calendar(LORD_YAROSLAV, 5) set_lord_cylinder_on_calendar(LORD_ANDREY, 5) set_lord_cylinder_on_calendar(LORD_HEINRICH, 7) set_lord_cylinder_on_calendar(LORD_ALEKSANDR, 7) set_lord_cylinder_on_calendar(LORD_HERMANN, 8) } function setup_peipus() { game.turn = 13 << 1 game.pieces.veche_vp = 4 game.pieces.veche_coin = 3 set_add(game.pieces.castles2, LOC_KOPORYE) set_add(game.pieces.conquered, LOC_IZBORSK) set_add(game.pieces.conquered, LOC_PSKOV) set_add(game.pieces.ravaged, LOC_VOD) set_add(game.pieces.ravaged, LOC_ZHELTSY) set_add(game.pieces.ravaged, LOC_TESOVO) set_add(game.pieces.ravaged, LOC_SABLIA) set_add(game.pieces.ravaged, LOC_PSKOV) set_add(game.pieces.ravaged, LOC_DUBROVNO) muster_lord(LORD_HERMANN, LOC_DORPAT, 16) muster_lord(LORD_YAROSLAV, LOC_PSKOV, 14) muster_lord(LORD_ALEKSANDR, LOC_NOVGOROD, 16) muster_lord(LORD_ANDREY, LOC_NOVGOROD, 16) muster_lord(LORD_DOMASH, LOC_NOVGOROD, 16) muster_lord(LORD_KARELIANS, LOC_NOVGOROD, 14) set_lord_cylinder_on_calendar(LORD_HEINRICH, 13) set_lord_cylinder_on_calendar(LORD_KNUD_ABEL, 13) set_lord_cylinder_on_calendar(LORD_RUDOLF, 13) set_lord_cylinder_on_calendar(LORD_GAVRILO, 13) set_lord_cylinder_on_calendar(LORD_VLADISLAV, 15) } function setup_return_of_the_prince() { game.turn = 9 << 1 game.pieces.veche_vp = 3 game.pieces.veche_coin = 2 set_add(game.pieces.castles1, LOC_KOPORYE) set_add(game.pieces.conquered, LOC_KAIBOLOVO) set_add(game.pieces.conquered, LOC_KOPORYE) set_add(game.pieces.conquered, LOC_IZBORSK) set_add(game.pieces.conquered, LOC_PSKOV) set_add(game.pieces.ravaged, LOC_VOD) set_add(game.pieces.ravaged, LOC_ZHELTSY) set_add(game.pieces.ravaged, LOC_TESOVO) set_add(game.pieces.ravaged, LOC_SABLIA) set_add(game.pieces.ravaged, LOC_PSKOV) set_add(game.pieces.ravaged, LOC_DUBROVNO) muster_lord(LORD_ANDREAS, LOC_KOPORYE, 12) muster_lord(LORD_ALEKSANDR, LOC_NOVGOROD, 14) set_lord_cylinder_on_calendar(LORD_HERMANN, 9) set_lord_cylinder_on_calendar(LORD_RUDOLF, 9) set_lord_cylinder_on_calendar(LORD_YAROSLAV, 9) set_lord_cylinder_on_calendar(LORD_ANDREY, 9) set_lord_cylinder_on_calendar(LORD_KARELIANS, 9) set_lord_cylinder_on_calendar(LORD_GAVRILO, 9) set_lord_cylinder_on_calendar(LORD_VLADISLAV, 10) set_lord_cylinder_on_calendar(LORD_HEINRICH, 11) set_lord_cylinder_on_calendar(LORD_KNUD_ABEL, 11) set_lord_cylinder_on_calendar(LORD_DOMASH, 11) } function setup_return_of_the_prince_nicolle() { game.turn = 9 << 1 game.pieces.veche_vp = 3 game.pieces.veche_coin = 2 set_add(game.pieces.castles1, LOC_KOPORYE) set_add(game.pieces.conquered, LOC_KAIBOLOVO) set_add(game.pieces.conquered, LOC_KOPORYE) set_add(game.pieces.ravaged, LOC_VOD) set_add(game.pieces.ravaged, LOC_ZHELTSY) set_add(game.pieces.ravaged, LOC_TESOVO) set_add(game.pieces.ravaged, LOC_SABLIA) muster_lord(LORD_ANDREAS, LOC_RIGA, 12) muster_lord(LORD_HERMANN, LOC_DORPAT, 12) muster_lord(LORD_KNUD_ABEL, LOC_KOPORYE, 11) muster_lord(LORD_ALEKSANDR, LOC_NOVGOROD, 14) muster_lord(LORD_GAVRILO, LOC_PSKOV, 12) set_lord_cylinder_on_calendar(LORD_RUDOLF, 9) set_lord_cylinder_on_calendar(LORD_YAROSLAV, 9) set_lord_cylinder_on_calendar(LORD_ANDREY, 9) set_lord_cylinder_on_calendar(LORD_KARELIANS, 9) set_lord_cylinder_on_calendar(LORD_VLADISLAV, 10) set_lord_cylinder_on_calendar(LORD_HEINRICH, 11) set_lord_cylinder_on_calendar(LORD_DOMASH, 11) } function setup_crusade_on_novgorod() { game.turn = 1 << 1 game.pieces.veche_vp = 1 game.pieces.veche_coin = 0 muster_lord(LORD_HERMANN, LOC_DORPAT, 4) muster_lord(LORD_KNUD_ABEL, LOC_REVAL, 3) muster_lord(LORD_YAROSLAV, LOC_ODENPAH, 2) muster_lord(LORD_GAVRILO, LOC_PSKOV, 4) muster_lord(LORD_VLADISLAV, LOC_NEVA, 3) set_lord_cylinder_on_calendar(LORD_ANDREAS, 3) set_lord_cylinder_on_calendar(LORD_HEINRICH, 1) set_lord_cylinder_on_calendar(LORD_RUDOLF, 1) set_lord_cylinder_on_calendar(LORD_DOMASH, 1) set_lord_cylinder_on_calendar(LORD_KARELIANS, 3) set_lord_cylinder_on_calendar(LORD_ALEKSANDR, 5) set_lord_cylinder_on_calendar(LORD_ANDREY, 5) } function setup_pleskau_quickstart() { setup_pleskau() add_lord_assets(LORD_HERMANN, CART, 1) add_lord_assets(LORD_YAROSLAV, CART, 1) add_lord_assets(LORD_GAVRILO, BOAT, 1) add_lord_assets(LORD_GAVRILO, CART, 1) add_lord_assets(LORD_VLADISLAV, BOAT, 1) log_h1("Levy " + current_turn_name()) log(`Quickstart...`) muster_lord(LORD_RUDOLF, LOC_WENDEN) add_lord_assets(LORD_RUDOLF, CART, 1) add_lord_assets(LORD_KNUD_ABEL, BOAT, 1) muster_vassal(LORD_HERMANN, data.lords[LORD_HERMANN].vassals[0]) set_lord_capability(LORD_HERMANN, 0, T4) set_lord_capability(LORD_HERMANN, 1, T14) set_lord_capability(LORD_YAROSLAV, 0, T3) set_add(game.capabilities, T13) game.pieces.legate = LOC_DORPAT set_add(game.capabilities, R8) muster_lord(LORD_DOMASH, LOC_NOVGOROD) add_lord_assets(LORD_DOMASH, BOAT, 2) add_lord_assets(LORD_DOMASH, CART, 2) muster_vassal(LORD_GAVRILO, data.lords[LORD_GAVRILO].vassals[0]) set_lord_capability(LORD_GAVRILO, 0, R2) set_lord_capability(LORD_GAVRILO, 1, R6) game.pieces.veche_coin += 1 goto_campaign_plan() game.plan1 = [ LORD_YAROSLAV, LORD_RUDOLF, LORD_HERMANN, LORD_HERMANN, LORD_RUDOLF, LORD_HERMANN ] game.plan2 = [ LORD_GAVRILO, LORD_VLADISLAV, LORD_DOMASH, LORD_GAVRILO, LORD_DOMASH, LORD_DOMASH ] // goto_command_activation() } function setup_test() { setup_pleskau_quickstart() set_add(game.capabilities, AOW_TEUTONIC_RANSOM) set_add(game.capabilities, AOW_RUSSIAN_RANSOM) set_lord_locale(LORD_KNUD_ABEL, LOC_ODENPAH) set_lord_locale(LORD_HERMANN, LOC_ODENPAH) set_lord_locale(LORD_RUDOLF, LOC_ODENPAH) set_lord_locale(LORD_DOMASH, LOC_PSKOV) set_lord_locale(LORD_VLADISLAV, LOC_IZBORSK) for (let c = first_p1_card; c <= last_p1_card; ++c) if (data.cards[c].when === "hold") game.hand1.push(c) for (let c = first_p2_card; c <= last_p2_card; ++c) if (data.cards[c].when === "hold") game.hand2.push(c) } states.setup_lords = { prompt() { view.prompt = "Setup your Lords." let done = true for (let lord = first_friendly_lord; lord <= last_friendly_lord; ++lord) { if (is_lord_on_map(lord) && !get_lord_moved(lord)) { if (data.lords[lord].assets.transport > 0) { gen_action_lord(lord) done = false } } } if (done) { view.prompt += " All done." view.actions.end_setup = 1 } }, lord(lord) { push_undo() // FIXME: clean up these transitions push_state("muster_lord_transport") set_lord_moved(lord, 1) game.who = lord game.count = data.lords[lord].assets.transport }, end_setup() { clear_undo() end_setup_lords() }, } function end_setup_lords() { clear_lords_moved() set_active_enemy() if (game.active === P1) { log_h1("Levy " + current_turn_name()) log_h2("Arts of War") goto_levy_arts_of_war_first() } } // === EVENTS === function is_event_in_play(c) { return set_has(game.events, c) } function is_ravens_rock_in_play() { if (game.battle.round <= 1 && is_melee_step()) { if (game.active === RUSSIANS) return is_event_in_play(EVENT_RUSSIAN_RAVENS_ROCK) } return false } function is_marsh_in_play() { if (game.battle.round <= 2) { if (game.active === TEUTONS && is_event_in_play(EVENT_RUSSIAN_MARSH)) return true if (game.active === RUSSIANS && is_event_in_play(EVENT_TEUTONIC_MARSH)) return true } return false } function is_hill_in_play() { if (game.battle.round <= 2) { if (game.active === TEUTONS && is_event_in_play(EVENT_TEUTONIC_HILL)) return true if (game.active === RUSSIANS && is_event_in_play(EVENT_RUSSIAN_HILL)) return true } return false } function is_famine_in_play() { if (game.active === TEUTONS) if (is_event_in_play(EVENT_RUSSIAN_FAMINE)) return true if (game.active === RUSSIANS) if (is_event_in_play(EVENT_TEUTONIC_FAMINE)) return true return false } function no_muster_of_or_by_lord(lord) { if (lord === LORD_KNUD_ABEL) return is_event_in_play(EVENT_RUSSIAN_VALDEMAR) if (lord === LORD_ANDREAS || lord === LORD_RUDOLF) return is_event_in_play(EVENT_RUSSIAN_DIETRICH_VON_GRUNINGEN) return false } function goto_immediate_event(c) { switch (c) { // This Levy / Campaign case EVENT_TEUTONIC_FAMINE: case EVENT_RUSSIAN_FAMINE: set_add(game.events, c) // No immediate effects return end_immediate_event() case EVENT_RUSSIAN_DEATH_OF_THE_POPE: set_add(game.events, c) return goto_russian_event_death_of_the_pope() case EVENT_RUSSIAN_VALDEMAR: set_add(game.events, c) return goto_russian_event_valdemar() case EVENT_RUSSIAN_DIETRICH_VON_GRUNINGEN: set_add(game.events, c) return goto_russian_event_dietrich() // Add to capabilities... case EVENT_TEUTONIC_POPE_GREGORY: deploy_global_capability(c) return goto_teutonic_event_pope_gregory() // Discard case EVENT_TEUTONIC_GRAND_PRINCE: return goto_teutonic_event_grand_prince() case EVENT_TEUTONIC_KHAN_BATY: return goto_teutonic_event_khan_baty() case EVENT_TEUTONIC_SWEDISH_CRUSADE: return goto_teutonic_event_swedish_crusade() case EVENT_RUSSIAN_OSILIAN_REVOLT: return goto_russian_event_osilian_revolt() case EVENT_RUSSIAN_BATU_KHAN: return goto_russian_event_batu_khan() case EVENT_RUSSIAN_PRUSSIAN_REVOLT: return goto_russian_event_prussian_revolt() case EVENT_TEUTONIC_BOUNTIFUL_HARVEST: return goto_event_bountiful_harvest() case EVENT_RUSSIAN_BOUNTIFUL_HARVEST: return goto_event_bountiful_harvest() case EVENT_TEUTONIC_MINDAUGAS: return goto_teutonic_event_mindaugas() case EVENT_RUSSIAN_MINDAUGAS: return goto_russian_event_mindaugas() case EVENT_TEUTONIC_TORZHOK: return goto_teutonic_event_torzhok() case EVENT_RUSSIAN_TEMPEST: return goto_russian_event_tempest() default: log("TODO") return end_immediate_event() } } function end_immediate_event() { clear_undo() resume_levy_arts_of_war() } // === EVENTS: UNIQUE IMMEDIATE EVENTS === function goto_russian_event_death_of_the_pope() { if (has_global_capability(AOW_TEUTONIC_WILLIAM_OF_MODENA)) game.state = "death_of_the_pope" else end_immediate_event() } states.death_of_the_pope = { prompt() { view.prompt = "Death of the Pope: Discard William of Modena." gen_action_card(AOW_TEUTONIC_WILLIAM_OF_MODENA) }, card(card) { discard_global_capability(AOW_TEUTONIC_WILLIAM_OF_MODENA) end_immediate_event() }, } function goto_teutonic_event_torzhok() { if (is_lord_on_map(LORD_DOMASH)) { game.who = LORD_DOMASH game.count = 3 game.state = "torzhok" } else if (game.pieces.veche_coin > 0) { game.who = NOBODY game.count = 3 game.state = "torzhok" } else { end_immediate_event() } } function action_torzhok(lord, asset) { push_undo() logi(`Removed ${ASSET_TYPE_NAME[asset]} from L${lord}.`) add_lord_assets(lord, asset, -1) game.count-- } states.torzhok = { prompt() { // TODO: need to reveal Domash if hidden! if (game.count > 0) { if (game.count === 3) view.prompt = "Torzhok: Remove up to 3 Assets from Domash or up to 3 Coin from Veche." if (game.count === 3 || game.who === NOBODY) { if (game.count < 3) view.prompt = `Torzhok: Remove up to ${game.count} Coin from Veche.` if (game.pieces.veche_coin > 0) view.actions.veche_coin = 1 } if (game.count === 3 || game.who === LORD_DOMASH) { if (game.count < 3) view.prompt = `Torzhok: Remove up to ${game.count} Assets from Domash.` if (get_lord_assets(LORD_DOMASH, PROV) > 0) gen_action_prov(LORD_DOMASH) if (get_lord_assets(LORD_DOMASH, COIN) > 0) gen_action_coin(LORD_DOMASH) if (get_lord_assets(LORD_DOMASH, LOOT) > 0) gen_action_loot(LORD_DOMASH) if (get_lord_assets(LORD_DOMASH, CART) > 0) gen_action_cart(LORD_DOMASH) if (get_lord_assets(LORD_DOMASH, SLED) > 0) gen_action_sled(LORD_DOMASH) if (get_lord_assets(LORD_DOMASH, BOAT) > 0) gen_action_boat(LORD_DOMASH) if (get_lord_assets(LORD_DOMASH, SHIP) > 0) gen_action_ship(LORD_DOMASH) } } else { view.prompt = "Torzhok: All done." } view.actions.done = 1 }, prov(lord) { action_torzhok(lord, PROV) }, coin(lord) { action_torzhok(lord, COIN) }, loot(lord) { action_torzhok(lord, LOOT) }, cart(lord) { action_torzhok(lord, CART) }, sled(lord) { action_torzhok(lord, SLED) }, boat(lord) { action_torzhok(lord, BOAT) }, ship(lord) { action_torzhok(lord, SHIP) }, veche_coin() { push_undo() logi(`Removed Coin from Veche.`) game.pieces.veche_coin -= 1 game.who = NOBODY game.count-- }, done() { clear_undo() game.who = NOBODY game.count = 0 end_immediate_event() }, } function goto_russian_event_tempest() { game.state = "tempest" for (let lord = first_enemy_lord; lord <= last_enemy_lord; ++lord) if (get_lord_assets(lord, SHIP) > 0) return end_immediate_event() } states.tempest = { prompt() { view.prompt = "Remove all Ships from a Teutonic Lord (half if he has Cogs)." for (let lord = first_enemy_lord; lord <= last_enemy_lord; ++lord) if (get_lord_assets(lord, SHIP) > 0) gen_action_ship(lord) }, ship(lord) { logi(`Removed ships from L${lord}.`) let n = 0 if (lord_has_capability(lord, AOW_TEUTONIC_COGS)) n = get_lord_assets(lord, SHIP) >> 1 set_lord_assets(lord, SHIP, n) end_immediate_event() }, } function goto_event_bountiful_harvest() { game.state = "bountiful_harvest" for (let loc of game.pieces.ravaged) if (is_friendly_territory(loc)) return end_immediate_event() } states.bountiful_harvest = { prompt() { if (game.active === TEUTONS) view.prompt = "Bountiful Harvest: Remove 1 Ravaged marker from Livonia or Estonia." else view.prompt = "Bountiful Harvest: Remove 1 Ravaged marker from Rus." for (let loc of game.pieces.ravaged) if (is_friendly_territory(loc)) gen_action_locale(loc) }, locale(loc) { logi(`Removed Ravaged from %${loc}.`) remove_ravaged_marker(loc) end_immediate_event() }, } const TEUTONIC_MINDAUGAS = [ LOC_OSTROV, LOC_DUBROVNO, LOC_UZMEN, LOC_SOROT_RIVER, LOC_VELIKAYA_RIVER, LOC_ZHELCHA_RIVER, ] const RUSSIAN_MINDAUGAS = [ LOC_ROSITTEN, LOC_LETTGALLIA, LOC_TOLOWA, ] function goto_teutonic_event_mindaugas() { game.state = "teutonic_mindaugas" for (let loc of TEUTONIC_MINDAUGAS) if (!has_enemy_lord(loc) && !is_enemy_stronghold(loc)) return end_immediate_event() } function goto_russian_event_mindaugas() { game.state = "russian_mindaugas" for (let loc of RUSSIAN_MINDAUGAS) if (!has_enemy_lord(loc) && !is_enemy_stronghold(loc)) return end_immediate_event() } states.teutonic_mindaugas = { prompt() { view.prompt = "Mindaugas: Place Ravaged..." for (let loc of TEUTONIC_MINDAUGAS) if (!has_enemy_lord(loc) && !is_enemy_stronghold(loc)) gen_action_locale(loc) }, locale(loc) { logi(`Ravaged %${loc}.`) add_ravaged_marker(loc) end_immediate_event() }, } states.russian_mindaugas = { prompt() { view.prompt = "Mindaugas: Place Ravaged..." for (let loc of RUSSIAN_MINDAUGAS) if (!has_enemy_lord(loc) && !is_enemy_stronghold(loc)) gen_action_locale(loc) }, locale(loc) { logi(`Ravaged %${loc}.`) add_ravaged_marker(loc) end_immediate_event() }, } function goto_teutonic_event_pope_gregory() { game.state = "pope_gregory" for (let lord = first_friendly_lord; lord <= last_friendly_lord; ++lord) if (is_lord_on_calendar(lord)) return end_immediate_event() } states.pope_gregory = { prompt() { view.prompt = "Pope Gregory: On Calendar, slide 1 Teuton cylinder 1 box left." for (let lord = first_friendly_lord; lord <= last_friendly_lord; ++lord) if (is_lord_on_calendar(lord)) prompt_select_lord(lord) if (game.who !== NOBODY) gen_action_calendar(get_lord_calendar(game.who) - 1) }, lord: action_select_lord, calendar(turn) { log(`Shifted L${game.who} to ${turn}.`) set_lord_calendar(game.who, turn) game.who = NOBODY end_immediate_event() }, } function is_nothing_at_riga() { // No pieces or markers return !( has_friendly_lord(LOC_RIGA) || has_enemy_lord(LOC_RIGA) || game.pieces.legate === LOC_RIGA || has_conquered_marker(LOC_RIGA) || has_ravaged_marker(LOC_RIGA) ) } function goto_russian_event_prussian_revolt() { if (is_lord_on_map(LORD_ANDREAS) && is_lord_unbesieged(LORD_ANDREAS) && is_nothing_at_riga()) { game.who = LORD_ANDREAS game.state = "prussian_revolt" } else if (is_lord_on_calendar(LORD_ANDREAS)) { game.who = LORD_ANDREAS game.state = "prussian_revolt" } else { end_immediate_event() } } states.prussian_revolt = { prompt() { if (is_lord_on_calendar(game.who)) { view.prompt = "Prussian Revolt: Shift Andreas 2 right." gen_action_calendar(get_lord_calendar(game.who) + 2) } else { view.prompt = "Prussian Revolt: Place Andreas at Riga." gen_action_locale(LOC_RIGA) } }, locale(_) { logi(`Placed L${game.who} at %${LOC_RIGA}.`) set_lord_locale(game.who, LOC_RIGA) game.who = NOBODY end_immediate_event() }, calendar(turn) { logi(`Shifted L${game.who} to Calendar ${turn}.`) set_lord_calendar(game.who, turn) game.who = NOBODY end_immediate_event() }, } // === EVENTS: SHIFT LORD OR SERVICE (IMMEDIATE) === function prompt_shift_lord_on_calendar(boxes) { if (game.who !== NOBODY) { // Shift in direction beneficial to active player. if (is_friendly_lord(game.who)) { if (is_lord_on_calendar(game.who)) gen_action_calendar(get_lord_calendar(game.who) - boxes) else gen_action_calendar(get_lord_calendar(game.who) + boxes) } else { if (is_lord_on_calendar(game.who)) gen_action_calendar(get_lord_calendar(game.who) + boxes) else gen_action_calendar(get_lord_calendar(game.who) - boxes) } } } function goto_teutonic_event_grand_prince() { if (is_lord_in_play(LORD_ALEKSANDR) || is_lord_in_play(LORD_ANDREY)) game.state = "grand_prince" else end_immediate_event() } states.grand_prince = { prompt() { view.prompt = "Grand Prince: On Calendar, shift Aleksandr or Andrey or furthest right service of either 2 boxes." if (is_lord_on_calendar(LORD_ALEKSANDR) && game.who !== LORD_ALEKSANDR) gen_action_lord(LORD_ALEKSANDR) if (is_lord_on_calendar(LORD_ANDREY) && game.who !== LORD_ANDREY) gen_action_lord(LORD_ANDREY) if (is_lord_on_map(LORD_ALEKSANDR) && is_lord_on_map(LORD_ANDREY)) { let aleksandr = get_lord_service(LORD_ALEKSANDR) let andrey = get_lord_service(LORD_ANDREY) if (aleksandr >= andrey) gen_action_service(LORD_ALEKSANDR) if (andrey >= aleksandr) gen_action_service(LORD_ANDREY) } else if (is_lord_on_map(LORD_ALEKSANDR)) { gen_action_service(LORD_ALEKSANDR) } else if (is_lord_on_map(LORD_ANDREY)) { gen_action_service(LORD_ANDREY) } prompt_shift_lord_on_calendar(2) }, lord: action_select_lord, service: action_select_lord, calendar(turn) { log(`Shifted L${game.who} to ${turn}.`) set_lord_calendar(game.who, turn) game.who = NOBODY end_immediate_event() }, } function goto_teutonic_event_khan_baty() { if (is_lord_in_play(LORD_ALEKSANDR) || is_lord_in_play(LORD_ANDREY)) game.state = "khan_baty" else end_immediate_event() } states.khan_baty = { prompt() { view.prompt = "Khan Baty: On Calendar, shift Aleksandr or Andrey or service of either 2 boxes." if (is_lord_in_play(LORD_ALEKSANDR)) prompt_select_lord_on_calendar(LORD_ALEKSANDR) if (is_lord_in_play(LORD_ANDREY)) prompt_select_lord_on_calendar(LORD_ANDREY) prompt_shift_lord_on_calendar(2) }, lord: action_select_lord, service: action_select_lord, calendar(turn) { log(`Shifted L${game.who} to ${turn}.`) set_lord_calendar(game.who, turn) game.who = NOBODY end_immediate_event() }, } function goto_teutonic_event_swedish_crusade() { if (is_lord_in_play(LORD_VLADISLAV) || is_lord_in_play(LORD_KARELIANS)) { game.state = "swedish_crusade" game.count = 0 if (is_lord_in_play(LORD_VLADISLAV)) game.count |= (1 << LORD_VLADISLAV) if (is_lord_in_play(LORD_KARELIANS)) game.count |= (1 << LORD_KARELIANS) } else { end_immediate_event() } } states.swedish_crusade = { prompt() { view.prompt = "Swedish Crusade: On Calendar, shift Vladislav and Karelians each 1 box." if (game.count & (1 << LORD_VLADISLAV)) prompt_select_lord_on_calendar(LORD_VLADISLAV) if (game.count & (1 << LORD_KARELIANS)) prompt_select_lord_on_calendar(LORD_KARELIANS) prompt_shift_lord_on_calendar(1) }, lord: action_select_lord, service: action_select_lord, calendar(turn) { game.count ^= (1 << game.who) log(`Shifted L${game.who} to ${turn}.`) set_lord_calendar(game.who, turn) game.who = NOBODY if (game.count === 0) end_immediate_event() }, } function goto_russian_event_valdemar() { if (is_lord_in_play(LORD_KNUD_ABEL)) { game.who = LORD_KNUD_ABEL game.state = "valdemar" } else { end_immediate_event() } } states.valdemar = { prompt() { view.prompt = "Valdemar: On Calendar, shift Knud & Abel up to 1 box." prompt_shift_lord_on_calendar(1) }, lord: action_select_lord, service: action_select_lord, calendar(turn) { log(`Shifted L${game.who} to ${turn}.`) set_lord_calendar(game.who, turn) game.who = NOBODY end_immediate_event() }, } function goto_russian_event_osilian_revolt() { if (is_lord_on_map(LORD_ANDREAS) || is_lord_on_map(LORD_HEINRICH)) { set_active_enemy() game.state = "osilian_revolt" game.count = 2 } else { end_immediate_event() } } states.osilian_revolt = { prompt() { view.prompt = "Osilian Revolt: On Calendar, shift Service of Andreas or Heinrich 2 boxes left." // NOTE: Service only! if (is_lord_on_map(LORD_ANDREAS) && game.who !== LORD_ANDREAS) gen_action_service(LORD_ANDREAS) if (is_lord_on_map(LORD_HEINRICH) && game.who !== LORD_HEINRICH) gen_action_service(LORD_HEINRICH) if (game.who !== NOBODY) gen_action_calendar(get_lord_calendar(game.who) - 2) }, service: action_select_lord, calendar(turn) { set_active_enemy() log(`Shifted L${game.who} to ${turn}.`) set_lord_calendar(game.who, turn) game.who = NOBODY end_immediate_event() }, } function goto_russian_event_batu_khan() { if (is_lord_in_play(LORD_ANDREAS)) { game.who = LORD_ANDREAS game.state = "batu_khan" } else { end_immediate_event() } } states.batu_khan = { prompt() { view.prompt = "Batu Khan: On Calendar, shift Andreas up to 2 boxes." prompt_shift_lord_on_calendar(2) }, lord: action_select_lord, service: action_select_lord, calendar(turn) { log(`Shifted L${game.who} to ${turn}.`) set_lord_calendar(game.who, turn) game.who = NOBODY end_immediate_event() }, } function goto_russian_event_dietrich() { if (is_lord_in_play(LORD_ANDREAS) || is_lord_in_play(LORD_RUDOLF)) game.state = "russian_dietrich_von_gruningen" else end_immediate_event() } states.russian_dietrich_von_gruningen = { prompt() { view.prompt = "Dietrich von Grüningen: On Calendar, shift Andreas or Rudolf 1 box." if (is_lord_in_play(LORD_ANDREAS)) prompt_select_lord_on_calendar(LORD_ANDREAS) if (is_lord_in_play(LORD_RUDOLF)) prompt_select_lord_on_calendar(LORD_RUDOLF) prompt_shift_lord_on_calendar(1) }, lord: action_select_lord, service: action_select_lord, calendar(turn) { log(`Shifted L${game.who} to ${turn}.`) set_lord_calendar(game.who, turn) game.who = NOBODY end_immediate_event() }, } // === EVENTS: HOLD === function play_held_event(c) { log(`Played E${c}.`) if (c >= first_p1_card && c <= last_p1_card_no_event) set_delete(game.hand1, c) else set_delete(game.hand2, c) } function end_held_event() { pop_state() game.what = NOTHING } function prompt_held_event() { for (let c of current_hand()) if (can_play_held_event(c)) gen_action_card(c) } function prompt_held_event_lordship() { for (let c of current_hand()) if (can_play_held_event(c) || can_play_held_event_lordship(c)) gen_action_card(c) } function can_play_held_event(c) { switch (c) { case EVENT_TEUTONIC_HEINRICH_SEES_THE_CURIA: return can_play_heinrich_sees_the_curia() case EVENT_TEUTONIC_VODIAN_TREACHERY: return can_play_vodian_treachery() case EVENT_RUSSIAN_POGOST: return can_play_pogost() case EVENT_TEUTONIC_TVERDILO: return is_lord_on_calendar(LORD_HERMANN) || is_lord_on_calendar(LORD_YAROSLAV) case EVENT_TEUTONIC_TEUTONIC_FERVOR: return is_lord_on_calendar(LORD_RUDOLF) case EVENT_TEUTONIC_DIETRICH_VON_GRUNINGEN: return is_lord_on_calendar(LORD_ANDREAS) || is_lord_on_calendar(LORD_RUDOLF) case EVENT_RUSSIAN_PRINCE_OF_POLOTSK: return ( is_lord_on_calendar(LORD_ALEKSANDR) || is_lord_on_calendar(LORD_ANDREY) || is_lord_on_calendar(LORD_DOMASH) || is_lord_on_calendar(LORD_GAVRILO) || is_lord_on_calendar(LORD_KARELIANS) || is_lord_on_calendar(LORD_VLADISLAV) ) case EVENT_RUSSIAN_PELGUI: return is_lord_on_calendar(LORD_VLADISLAV) || is_lord_on_calendar(LORD_KARELIANS) } return false } function can_play_held_event_lordship(c) { switch (c) { case EVENT_TEUTONIC_TVERDILO: return game.who === LORD_HERMANN || game.who === LORD_YAROSLAV case EVENT_TEUTONIC_TEUTONIC_FERVOR: return game.who === LORD_RUDOLF case EVENT_TEUTONIC_DIETRICH_VON_GRUNINGEN: return game.who === LORD_ANDREAS || game.who === LORD_RUDOLF case EVENT_RUSSIAN_PRINCE_OF_POLOTSK: return ( game.who === LORD_ALEKSANDR || game.who === LORD_ANDREY || game.who === LORD_DOMASH || game.who === LORD_GAVRILO || game.who === LORD_KARELIANS || game.who === LORD_VLADISLAV ) case EVENT_RUSSIAN_PELGUI: return game.who === LORD_VLADISLAV || game.who === LORD_KARELIANS } return false } function action_held_event(c) { push_undo() play_held_event(c) game.what = c goto_held_event(c) } function goto_held_event(c) { switch (c) { case EVENT_TEUTONIC_HEINRICH_SEES_THE_CURIA: push_state("heinrich_sees_the_curia") break case EVENT_TEUTONIC_VODIAN_TREACHERY: push_state("vodian_treachery") break case EVENT_RUSSIAN_POGOST: push_state("pogost") break case EVENT_TEUTONIC_TVERDILO: goto_held_event_tverdilo() break case EVENT_TEUTONIC_TEUTONIC_FERVOR: goto_held_event_teutonic_fervor() break case EVENT_TEUTONIC_DIETRICH_VON_GRUNINGEN: goto_held_event_dietrich_von_gruningen() break case EVENT_RUSSIAN_PRINCE_OF_POLOTSK: goto_held_event_prince_of_polotsk() break case EVENT_RUSSIAN_PELGUI: goto_held_event_pelgui() break } } // === EVENTS: HOLD - UNIQUE === function can_play_pogost() { for (let lord = first_friendly_lord; lord <= last_friendly_lord; ++lord) if (is_in_rus(get_lord_locale(lord))) return true return false } states.pogost = { prompt() { view.prompt = "Pogost: Add 4 Provender to a Lord in Rus." for (let lord = first_friendly_lord; lord <= last_friendly_lord; ++lord) if (is_in_rus(get_lord_locale(lord))) gen_action_lord(lord) }, lord(lord) { add_lord_assets(lord, PROV, 4) end_held_event() }, } function can_play_vodian_treachery() { if (is_fort(LOC_KAIBOLOVO) && is_teuton_closer_than_russian(LOC_KAIBOLOVO)) return true if (is_fort(LOC_KOPORYE) && is_teuton_closer_than_russian(LOC_KOPORYE)) return true return false } function is_teuton_closer_than_russian(where) { return closest_to_locale(where, first_p1_lord, last_p1_lord) < closest_to_locale(where, first_p2_lord, last_p2_lord) } function closest_to_locale(where, first, last) { let min = 100 for (let lord = first; lord <= last; ++lord) { if (is_lord_on_map(lord)) { let d = locale_distance(where, get_lord_locale(lord)) if (d < min) min = d } } return min } states.vodian_treachery = { prompt() { view.prompt = "Vodian Treachery: Conquer Fort." if (is_fort(LOC_KAIBOLOVO) && is_teuton_closer_than_russian(LOC_KAIBOLOVO)) gen_action_locale(LOC_KAIBOLOVO) if (is_fort(LOC_KOPORYE) && is_teuton_closer_than_russian(LOC_KOPORYE)) gen_action_locale(LOC_KOPORYE) }, locale(loc) { log(`Conquered %${loc}.`) conquer_stronghold(loc) end_held_event() }, } // === EVENTS: HEINRICH SEES THE CURIA === function count_set_bits(x) { let n = 0 for (let i = 0; i < lord_count; ++i) if (x & (1 << i)) ++n return n } function can_play_heinrich_sees_the_curia() { return is_lord_on_map(LORD_HEINRICH) } states.heinrich_sees_the_curia = { prompt() { view.prompt = "Heinrich Sees the Curia: Disband Heinrich to add 4 Assets each to 2 Lords." gen_action_lord(LORD_HEINRICH) }, lord(_) { disband_lord(LORD_HEINRICH) lift_sieges() game.state = "heinrich_sees_the_curia_1" game.who = NOBODY game.count = 0 }, } states.heinrich_sees_the_curia_1 = { prompt() { let n = 2 - count_set_bits(game.count) view.prompt = `Heinrich Sees the Curia: Add 4 Assets each to ${n} Lords.` if (n > 0) { for (let lord = first_friendly_lord; lord <= last_friendly_lord; ++lord) if (is_lord_on_map(lord)) if ((game.count & (1 << lord)) === 0) gen_action_lord(lord) } view.actions.done = 1 }, lord(lord) { push_undo() game.count |= (1 << lord) push_state("heinrich_sees_the_curia_2") game.count = 4 game.who = lord }, done: end_heinrich_sees_the_curia, } function resume_heinrich_sees_the_curia() { pop_state() if (count_set_bits(game.count) === 2) end_heinrich_sees_the_curia() } states.heinrich_sees_the_curia_2 = { prompt() { view.prompt = `Heinrich Sees the Curia: Add ${game.count} Assets.` if (game.count > 0) { view.actions.take_prov = 1 view.actions.take_coin = 1 view.actions.take_ship = 1 view.actions.take_boat = 1 view.actions.take_cart = 1 view.actions.take_sled = 1 } view.actions.done = 1 }, take_prov() { take_asset(PROV) }, take_coin() { take_asset(COIN) }, take_ship() { take_asset(SHIP) }, take_boat() { take_asset(BOAT) }, take_cart() { take_asset(CART) }, take_sled() { take_asset(SLED) }, done: resume_heinrich_sees_the_curia, } function take_asset(type) { add_lord_assets(game.who, type, 1) if (--game.count === 0) resume_heinrich_sees_the_curia() } function end_heinrich_sees_the_curia() { end_held_event() // No more actions if Heinrich is current command card if (game.state === "actions" && game.command === LORD_HEINRICH) { spend_all_actions() resume_actions() update_supply_possible() } // No more muster of Heinrich if (game.state === "levy_muster_lord" && game.who === LORD_HEINRICH) { game.count = 0 } } // === EVENTS: HOLD - SHIFT CYLINDER === function action_held_event_lordship(c) { push_undo() play_held_event(c) if (can_play_held_event(c)) { goto_held_event(c) game.what = c } else { push_state("lordship") game.what = c } } states.lordship = { prompt() { view.prompt = `${data.cards[game.what].event}: Play for +2 Lordship.` view.actions.lordship = 1 }, lordship() { end_held_event() log("+2 Lordship") game.count += 2 } } function goto_held_event_tverdilo() { push_state("tverdilo") game.who = NOBODY } function goto_held_event_teutonic_fervor() { push_state("teutonic_fervor") game.who = NOBODY } function goto_held_event_dietrich_von_gruningen() { push_state("teutonic_dietrich_von_gruningen") game.who = NOBODY } function goto_held_event_prince_of_polotsk() { push_state("prince_of_polotsk") game.who = NOBODY } function goto_held_event_pelgui() { push_state("pelgui") game.who = NOBODY } function prompt_shift_cylinder(list, boxes) { // HACK: look at parent state to see if this can be used as a +2 Lordship event let lordship = NOBODY let parent = game.stack[game.stack.length-1] if (parent[0] === "levy_muster_lord") lordship = parent[1] let names if (game.what === EVENT_RUSSIAN_PRINCE_OF_POLOTSK) names = "a Russian Lord" else names = list.filter(lord => is_lord_on_calendar(lord)).map(lord => lord_name[lord]).join(" or ") if (boxes === 1) view.prompt = `${data.cards[game.what].event}: Shift ${names} 1 Calendar box` else view.prompt = `${data.cards[game.what].event}: Shift ${names} 2 Calendar boxes` for (let lord of list) { if (lord === lordship) { view.prompt += " or +2 Lordship" view.actions.lordship = 1 } if (is_lord_on_calendar(lord)) prompt_select_lord(lord) } view.prompt += "." prompt_shift_lord_on_calendar(boxes) } function action_shift_cylinder_calendar(turn) { log(`Shifted L${game.who} to ${turn}.`) set_lord_calendar(game.who, turn) game.who = NOBODY end_held_event() } function action_shift_cylinder_lordship() { end_held_event() log("+2 Lordship") game.count += 2 } states.tverdilo = { prompt() { prompt_shift_cylinder([ LORD_HERMANN, LORD_YAROSLAV ], 2) }, lord: action_select_lord, calendar: action_shift_cylinder_calendar, lordship: action_shift_cylinder_lordship, } states.teutonic_fervor = { prompt() { prompt_shift_cylinder([ LORD_RUDOLF ], 2) }, lord: action_select_lord, calendar: action_shift_cylinder_calendar, lordship: action_shift_cylinder_lordship, } states.teutonic_dietrich_von_gruningen = { prompt() { prompt_shift_cylinder([ LORD_ANDREAS, LORD_RUDOLF ], 2) }, lord: action_select_lord, calendar: action_shift_cylinder_calendar, lordship: action_shift_cylinder_lordship, } states.prince_of_polotsk = { prompt() { prompt_shift_cylinder([ LORD_ALEKSANDR, LORD_ANDREY, LORD_DOMASH, LORD_GAVRILO, LORD_KARELIANS, LORD_VLADISLAV ], 1) }, lord: action_select_lord, calendar: action_shift_cylinder_calendar, lordship: action_shift_cylinder_lordship, } states.pelgui = { prompt() { prompt_shift_cylinder([ LORD_VLADISLAV, LORD_KARELIANS ], 2) }, lord: action_select_lord, calendar: action_shift_cylinder_calendar, lordship: action_shift_cylinder_lordship, } // === CAPABILITIES === function can_deploy_global_capability(c) { if (c === AOW_TEUTONIC_WILLIAM_OF_MODENA) { return !is_event_in_play(EVENT_RUSSIAN_DEATH_OF_THE_POPE) } return true } function has_global_capability(cap) { return set_has(game.capabilities, cap) } function deploy_global_capability(c) { set_add(game.capabilities, c) if (c === AOW_TEUTONIC_WILLIAM_OF_MODENA) { game.pieces.legate = LEGATE_ARRIVED } if (c === AOW_TEUTONIC_CRUSADE) { for (let v of data.summer_crusaders) game.pieces.vassals[v] = VASSAL_READY } if (c === AOW_RUSSIAN_SMERDI) { game.pieces.smerdi = 6 } if (c === AOW_RUSSIAN_STEPPE_WARRIORS) { for (let v of data.steppe_warriors) game.pieces.vassals[v] = VASSAL_READY } } function discard_global_capability(c) { set_delete(game.capabilities, c) if (c === AOW_TEUTONIC_WILLIAM_OF_MODENA) { game.pieces.legate = LEGATE_INDISPOSED } if (c === AOW_TEUTONIC_CRUSADE) { // TODO: make disband vassals manual state? for (let v of data.summer_crusaders) { if (is_vassal_mustered(v)) disband_vassal(v) game.pieces.vassals[v] = VASSAL_UNAVAILABLE } } if (c === AOW_RUSSIAN_SMERDI) { game.pieces.smerdi = 0 } if (c === AOW_RUSSIAN_STEPPE_WARRIORS) { // TODO: make disband vassals manual state? for (let v of data.steppe_warriors) { if (is_vassal_mustered(v)) disband_vassal(v) game.pieces.vassals[v] = VASSAL_UNAVAILABLE } } } // === LEVY: ARTS OF WAR (FIRST TURN) === function draw_two_cards() { let deck = list_deck() return [ draw_card(deck), draw_card(deck) ] } function discard_card_capability(c) { if (is_no_event_card(c) && should_remove_no_event_card()) { log(`${game.active} removed C${c}.`) if (game.active === P1) game.no1-- else game.no2-- } else { log(`${game.active} discarded C${c}.`) } } function discard_card_event(c) { if (is_no_event_card(c) && should_remove_no_event_card()) { log(`${game.active} removed E${c}.`) if (game.active === P1) game.no1-- else game.no2-- } else { log(`${game.active} discarded E${c}.`) } } function goto_levy_arts_of_war_first() { log_br() game.state = "levy_arts_of_war_first" game.what = draw_two_cards() } function resume_levy_arts_of_war_first() { if (game.what.length === 0) end_levy_arts_of_war_first() } states.levy_arts_of_war_first = { prompt() { let c = game.what[0] view.arts_of_war = game.what view.what = c if (is_no_event_card(c)) { view.prompt = `Arts of War: No Capability.` view.actions.discard = 1 } else if (data.cards[c].this_lord) { view.prompt = `Arts of War: Assign ${data.cards[c].capability} to a Lord.` let discard = true for (let lord of data.cards[c].lords) { if (is_lord_on_map(lord) && !lord_has_capability(lord, c)) { gen_action_lord(lord) discard = false } } if (discard) view.actions.discard = 1 } else { view.prompt = `Arts of War: Deploy ${data.cards[c].capability}.` view.actions.deploy = 1 } }, lord(lord) { push_undo() let c = game.what.shift() log(`${game.active} deployed Capability.`) add_lord_capability(lord, c) resume_levy_arts_of_war_first() }, deploy() { push_undo() let c = game.what.shift() log(`${game.active} deployed C${c}.`) deploy_global_capability(c) resume_levy_arts_of_war_first() }, discard() { push_undo() let c = game.what.shift() discard_card_capability(c) resume_levy_arts_of_war_first() }, } function end_levy_arts_of_war_first() { clear_undo() game.what = NOTHING set_active_enemy() if (game.active === P2) goto_levy_arts_of_war_first() else goto_pay() } // === LEVY: ARTS OF WAR === function goto_levy_arts_of_war() { log_br() game.what = draw_two_cards() resume_levy_arts_of_war() } function resume_levy_arts_of_war() { game.state = "levy_arts_of_war" if (game.what.length === 0) end_levy_arts_of_war() } states.levy_arts_of_war = { prompt() { let c = game.what[0] view.arts_of_war = [ c ] view.what = c switch (data.cards[c].when) { case "this_levy": case "this_campaign": case "now": view.prompt = `Arts of War: Play ${data.cards[c].event}.` view.actions.play = 1 break case "hold": view.prompt = `Arts of War: Hold ${data.cards[c].event}.` view.actions.hold = 1 break case "never": view.prompt = `Arts of War: Discard ${data.cards[c].event}.` view.actions.discard = 1 break } }, play() { let c = game.what.shift() log(`${game.active} played E${c}.`) goto_immediate_event(c) }, hold() { let c = game.what.shift() log(`${game.active} held Event.`) if (game.active === P1) set_add(game.hand1, c) else set_add(game.hand2, c) resume_levy_arts_of_war() }, discard() { let c = game.what.shift() discard_card_event(c) resume_levy_arts_of_war() }, } function end_levy_arts_of_war() { game.what = NOTHING set_active_enemy() if (game.active === P2) goto_levy_arts_of_war() else goto_pay() } // === LEVY: MUSTER === function goto_levy_muster() { if (game.active === TEUTONS) log_h2("Teutonic Muster") else log_h2("Russian Muster") game.state = "levy_muster" } function end_levy_muster() { clear_lords_moved() set_active_enemy() if (game.active === P2) goto_levy_muster() else goto_levy_call_to_arms() } states.levy_muster = { prompt() { view.prompt = "Levy: Muster with your Lords." prompt_held_event() let done = true for (let lord = first_friendly_lord; lord <= last_friendly_lord; ++lord) { if (is_lord_at_friendly_locale(lord) && !get_lord_moved(lord)) { if (!no_muster_of_or_by_lord(lord)) { gen_action_lord(lord) done = false } } } if (done) { view.prompt += " All done." view.actions.end_muster = 1 } }, lord(lord) { push_undo() log(`Mustered with L${lord}.`) push_state("levy_muster_lord") game.who = lord game.count = data.lords[lord].lordship }, end_muster() { clear_undo() end_levy_muster() }, card: action_held_event, } function resume_levy_muster_lord() { --game.count if (game.count === 0) { set_lord_moved(game.who, 1) pop_state() } } states.levy_muster_lord = { prompt() { view.prompt = `Levy: Muster with ${lord_name[game.who]}.` prompt_held_event_lordship() if (game.count > 0) { view.prompt += ` ${game.count} lordship left.` // Roll to muster Ready Lord at Seat for (let lord = first_friendly_lord; lord <= last_friendly_lord; ++lord) { if (lord === LORD_ALEKSANDR) continue // NOTE: ANDREY may be mustered normally in 2nd edition // if (lord === LORD_ANDREY && game.who !== LORD_ALEKSANDR) continue if (no_muster_of_or_by_lord(lord)) continue if (is_lord_ready(lord) && has_free_seat(lord)) gen_action_lord(lord) } // Muster Ready Vassal Forces for (let vassal of data.lords[game.who].vassals) { // NOTE: Summer Crusaders muster specially if (game.active === TEUTONS && set_has(data.summer_crusaders, vassal)) continue if (is_vassal_ready(vassal)) gen_action_vassal(vassal) } // Add Transport if (data.lords[game.who].ships) { if (can_add_transport(game.who, SHIP)) view.actions.take_ship = 1 } if (can_add_transport(game.who, BOAT)) view.actions.take_boat = 1 if (can_add_transport(game.who, CART)) view.actions.take_cart = 1 if (can_add_transport(game.who, SLED)) view.actions.take_sled = 1 // Add Capability view.actions.capability = 1 } else { view.prompt += " All done." } view.actions.done = 1 }, card: action_held_event_lordship, lord(other) { clear_undo() let die = roll_die() let fealty = data.lords[other].fealty if (die <= fealty) { log(`L${other} rolled ${die} <= ${fealty}.`) push_state("muster_lord_at_seat") game.who = other } else { log(`L${other} rolled ${die} > ${fealty}.`) resume_levy_muster_lord() } }, vassal(vassal) { push_undo() muster_vassal(game.who, vassal) resume_levy_muster_lord() }, take_ship() { push_undo() add_lord_assets(game.who, SHIP, 1) resume_levy_muster_lord() }, take_boat() { push_undo() add_lord_assets(game.who, BOAT, 1) resume_levy_muster_lord() }, take_cart() { push_undo() add_lord_assets(game.who, CART, 1) resume_levy_muster_lord() }, take_sled() { push_undo() add_lord_assets(game.who, SLED, 1) resume_levy_muster_lord() }, capability() { push_undo() push_state("muster_capability") }, done() { set_lord_moved(game.who, 1) pop_state() }, } states.muster_lord_at_seat = { prompt() { view.prompt = `Muster: Select seat for ${lord_name[game.who]}.` for_each_seat(game.who, seat => { if (is_friendly_locale(seat)) gen_action_locale(seat) }) }, locale(loc) { push_undo() log(`Mustered L${game.who} at %${loc}.`) // FIXME: clean up these transitions set_lord_moved(game.who, 1) muster_lord(game.who, loc) game.state = "muster_lord_transport" game.count = data.lords[game.who].assets.transport | 0 resume_muster_lord_transport() }, } function resume_muster_lord_transport() { if (game.count === 0) pop_state() if (game.state === "levy_muster_lord") resume_levy_muster_lord() } states.muster_lord_transport = { prompt() { if (game.state === "veliky_knyaz") view.prompt = `Veliky Knyaz: Select Transport for ${lord_name[game.who]}.` else view.prompt = `Muster: Select Transport for ${lord_name[game.who]}.` view.prompt += ` ${game.count} left.` if (data.lords[game.who].ships) { if (can_add_transport(game.who, SHIP)) view.actions.take_ship = 1 } if (can_add_transport(game.who, BOAT)) view.actions.take_boat = 1 if (can_add_transport(game.who, CART)) view.actions.take_cart = 1 if (can_add_transport(game.who, SLED)) view.actions.take_sled = 1 }, take_ship() { push_undo() add_lord_assets(game.who, SHIP, 1) --game.count resume_muster_lord_transport() }, take_boat() { push_undo() add_lord_assets(game.who, BOAT, 1) --game.count resume_muster_lord_transport() }, take_cart() { push_undo() add_lord_assets(game.who, CART, 1) --game.count resume_muster_lord_transport() }, take_sled() { push_undo() add_lord_assets(game.who, SLED, 1) --game.count resume_muster_lord_transport() }, } function lord_has_capability_card(lord, c) { let name = data.cards[c].capability let c1 = get_lord_capability(lord, 0) if (c1 >= 0 && data.cards[c1].capability === name) return true let c2 = get_lord_capability(lord, 1) if (c2 >= 0 && data.cards[c2].capability === name) return true return false } function lord_has_capability(lord, card_or_list) { if (Array.isArray(card_or_list)) { for (let card of card_or_list) if (lord_has_capability_card(lord, card)) return true return false } return lord_has_capability_card(lord, card_or_list) } function lord_already_has_capability(lord, c) { // compare capabilities by name... let name = data.cards[c].capability let c1 = get_lord_capability(lord, 0) if (c1 >= 0 && data.cards[c1].capability === name) return true let c2 = get_lord_capability(lord, 1) if (c2 >= 0 && data.cards[c2].capability === name) return true return false } function can_add_lord_capability(lord) { if (get_lord_capability(lord, 0) < 0) return true if (get_lord_capability(lord, 1) < 0) return true return false } function add_lord_capability(lord, c) { if (get_lord_capability(lord, 0) < 0) return set_lord_capability(lord, 0, c) if (get_lord_capability(lord, 1) < 0) return set_lord_capability(lord, 1, c) throw new Error("no empty capability slots!") } function discard_lord_capability_n(lord, n) { set_lord_capability(lord, n, NOTHING) } function discard_lord_capability(lord, c) { if (get_lord_capability(lord, 0) === c) return set_lord_capability(lord, 0, NOTHING) if (get_lord_capability(lord, 1) === c) return set_lord_capability(lord, 1, NOTHING) throw new Error("capability not found") } states.muster_capability = { prompt() { let deck = list_deck() view.prompt = `Muster: Select a new capability for ${lord_name[game.who]}.` view.arts_of_war = deck for (let c of deck) { if (is_no_event_card(c)) continue if (!data.cards[c].lords || set_has(data.cards[c].lords, game.who)) { if (data.cards[c].this_lord) { if (!lord_already_has_capability(game.who, c)) gen_action_card(c) } else { if (can_deploy_global_capability(c)) gen_action_card(c) } } } }, card(c) { if (data.cards[c].this_lord) { if (can_add_lord_capability(game.who, c)) { add_lord_capability(game.who, c) } else { game.what = c game.state = "muster_capability_discard" return } } else { deploy_global_capability(c) } pop_state() resume_levy_muster_lord() }, } states.muster_capability_discard = { prompt() { view.prompt = `Muster: Remove a capability from ${lord_name[game.who]}.` gen_action_card(get_lord_capability(game.who, 0)) gen_action_card(get_lord_capability(game.who, 1)) }, card(c) { push_undo() discard_lord_capability(game.who, c) add_lord_capability(game.who, game.what) game.what = NOTHING pop_state() resume_levy_muster_lord() }, } // === LEVY: CALL TO ARMS === function goto_levy_call_to_arms() { if (game.active === TEUTONS) goto_teutonic_call_to_arms() else goto_russian_call_to_arms() } function end_levy_call_to_arms() { clear_lords_moved() set_active_enemy() if (game.active === P2) goto_levy_call_to_arms() else goto_levy_discard_events() } function goto_levy_discard_events() { // Discard "This Levy" events from play. discard_events("this_levy") set_active(P1) goto_capability_discard() } // === LEVY: CALL TO ARMS - PAPAL LEGATE === function goto_teutonic_call_to_arms() { log_h2("Call to Arms - Papal Legate") if (has_global_capability(AOW_TEUTONIC_WILLIAM_OF_MODENA)) { if (game.pieces.legate === LEGATE_ARRIVED) game.state = "papal_legate_arrives" else game.state = "papal_legate_active" } else { end_papal_legate() } } states.papal_legate_arrives = { prompt() { view.prompt = "Papal Legate Arrives: Place the Legate at any Bishopric." for (let loc of data.bishoprics) // NOTE: Legate would immediately be removed here per the ENDANGERED rule, so don't allow placing? if (!has_enemy_lord(loc) || has_friendly_lord(loc)) gen_action_locale(loc) }, locale(loc) { push_undo() log(`Legate arrived at %${loc}.`) game.pieces.legate = loc game.state = "papal_legate_active" }, } states.papal_legate_active = { prompt() { view.prompt = "Papal Legate: You may move or use the Legate." view.actions.end_call_to_arms = 1 let here = game.pieces.legate prompt_held_event() // Move to friendly locale for (let loc = first_locale; loc <= last_locale; ++loc) if (loc !== here && is_friendly_locale(loc)) gen_action_locale(loc) for (let lord = first_friendly_lord; lord <= last_friendly_lord; ++lord) { if (no_muster_of_or_by_lord(lord)) continue // Seat of a Ready Lord without rolling if (is_lord_ready(lord)) { if (is_lord_seat(lord, here)) gen_action_lord(lord) } // Seat of a Lord on the Calendar else if (is_lord_on_calendar(lord)) { if (is_lord_seat(lord, here)) gen_action_lord(lord) } // At a Friendly Locale with a Lord else if (is_lord_on_map(lord)) { if (get_lord_locale(lord) === here && is_friendly_locale(here)) gen_action_lord(lord) } } }, locale(loc) { push_undo() log(`Legate moved to %${loc}.`) game.pieces.legate = loc game.state = "papal_legate_done" }, lord(lord) { push_undo() let here = game.pieces.legate game.pieces.legate = LEGATE_ARRIVED game.state = "papal_legate_done" if (is_lord_ready(lord)) { log(`Mustered L${lord} at %${here}.`) // FIXME: clean up these transitions muster_lord(lord, here) push_state("muster_lord_transport") game.who = lord game.count = data.lords[lord].assets.transport | 0 resume_muster_lord_transport() } else if (is_lord_on_calendar(lord)) { log(`Slid L${lord} one box left.`) shift_lord_cylinder(lord, -1) } else { log(`Mustered with L${lord}.`) push_state("levy_muster_lord") game.who = lord game.count = data.lords[lord].lordship } }, end_call_to_arms() { clear_undo() end_papal_legate() }, card: action_held_event, } states.papal_legate_done = { prompt() { view.prompt = "Papal Legate: All done." view.actions.end_call_to_arms = 1 }, end_call_to_arms() { clear_undo() end_papal_legate() }, } function end_papal_legate() { goto_summer_crusaders() } // === LEVY: SUMMER CRUSADERS (CAPABILITY) === function goto_summer_crusaders() { if (is_summer() && has_global_capability(AOW_TEUTONIC_CRUSADE)) { for (let v of data.summer_crusaders) { if (can_muster_summer_crusader(v)) { game.state = "summer_crusaders" return } } } end_levy_call_to_arms() } function can_muster_summer_crusader(v) { let lord = data.vassals[v].lord if (is_lord_on_map(lord) && is_lord_unbesieged(lord)) { if (is_vassal_ready(v)) return true if (get_lord_forces(lord, KNIGHTS) < data.vassals[v].forces.knights) return true } } function muster_summer_crusaders(v) { let lord = data.vassals[v].lord if (is_vassal_ready(v)) { log(`Summer Crusaders mustered.`) muster_vassal(lord, v) } else { log(`Summer Crusaders restored.`) restore_lord_forces(lord, KNIGHTS, data.vassals[v].forces.knights | 0) } } states.summer_crusaders = { prompt() { view.prompt = "Levy: Summer Crusaders." for (let v of data.summer_crusaders) if (can_muster_summer_crusader(v)) gen_action_vassal(v) }, vassal(v) { muster_summer_crusaders(v) goto_summer_crusaders() }, } // === LEVY: CALL TO ARMS - NOVGOROD VECHE === function count_all_teutonic_ships() { let n = 0 for (let lord = first_p1_lord; lord <= last_p1_lord; ++lord) if (is_lord_on_map(lord)) n += count_lord_ships(lord) return n } function count_all_russian_ships() { let n = 0 for (let lord = first_p2_lord; lord <= last_p2_lord; ++lord) if (is_lord_on_map(lord)) n += count_lord_ships(lord) return n } function goto_russian_call_to_arms() { log_h2("Call to Arms - Novgorod Veche") goto_black_sea_trade() } function goto_black_sea_trade() { if (has_global_capability(AOW_RUSSIAN_BLACK_SEA_TRADE)) { if (!has_conquered_marker(LOC_NOVGOROD) && !has_conquered_marker(LOC_LOVAT)) { log("Black Sea Trade.") if (game.pieces.veche_coin < 8) { game.state = "black_sea_trade" return } } } goto_baltic_sea_trade() } states.black_sea_trade = { prompt() { view.prompt = "Call to Arms: Black Sea Trade." view.actions.veche = 1 }, veche() { log("Added 1 Coin to Veche.") game.pieces.veche_coin += 1 goto_baltic_sea_trade() }, } function goto_baltic_sea_trade() { if (!is_winter() && has_global_capability(AOW_RUSSIAN_BALTIC_SEA_TRADE)) { if (!has_conquered_marker(LOC_NOVGOROD) && !has_conquered_marker(LOC_NEVA)) { let t = count_all_teutonic_ships() let r = count_all_russian_ships() log("Baltic Sea Trade:") logi(`${t}x Teutonic Ships`) logi(`${r}x Russian Ships`) if (t <= r) { if (game.pieces.veche_coin < 8) { game.state = "baltic_sea_trade" return } } } else { log("Baltic Sea Trade:") logi("Novgorod and/or Neva Conquered.") } } goto_novgorod_veche() } states.baltic_sea_trade = { prompt() { view.prompt = "Call to Arms: Baltic Sea Trade." view.actions.veche = 1 }, veche() { if (game.pieces.veche_coin === 7) { log("Added 1 Coin to Veche.") game.pieces.veche_coin += 1 } else { log("Added 2 Coin to Veche.") game.pieces.veche_coin += 2 } goto_novgorod_veche() }, } function goto_novgorod_veche() { if (game.pieces.veche_vp > 0 || is_lord_ready(LORD_ALEKSANDR) || is_lord_ready(LORD_ANDREY)) { game.state = "novgorod_veche" } else { end_levy_call_to_arms() } } states.novgorod_veche = { prompt() { view.prompt = "Novgorod Veche: You may take one action with the Veche." view.actions.end_call_to_arms = 1 prompt_held_event() if (is_lord_ready(LORD_ALEKSANDR) || is_lord_ready(LORD_ANDREY)) { if (game.pieces.veche_vp < 8) view.actions.delay = 1 } if (game.pieces.veche_vp > 0) { for (let lord = first_friendly_lord; lord <= last_friendly_lord; ++lord) { if (no_muster_of_or_by_lord(lord)) continue if (is_lord_on_calendar(lord) || is_lord_at_friendly_locale(lord)) gen_action_lord(lord) } } }, delay() { push_undo() game.state = "novgorod_veche_done" if (is_lord_ready(LORD_ALEKSANDR)) { let turn = current_turn() + 1 log(`Delayed L${LORD_ALEKSANDR} to ${turn}.`) set_lord_calendar(LORD_ALEKSANDR, turn) } if (is_lord_ready(LORD_ANDREY)) { let turn = current_turn() + 1 log(`Delayed L${LORD_ANDREY} to ${turn}.`) set_lord_calendar(LORD_ANDREY, turn) } if (game.scenario === "Watland") { log("Added 2 VP to Veche.") add_veche_vp(2) } else { log("Added 1 VP to Veche.") add_veche_vp(1) } }, lord(lord) { push_undo() log("Removed 1 VP from Veche.") add_veche_vp(-1) game.state = "novgorod_veche_done" if (is_lord_ready(lord)) { push_state("muster_lord_at_seat") game.who = lord } else if (is_lord_on_calendar(lord)) { // NOTE: 2E 3.5.2 Shift one Russian cylinder two boxes (from one in 1E). log(`Slid L${lord} two boxes left.`) shift_lord_cylinder(lord, -2) } else { log(`Mustered with L${lord}.`) push_state("levy_muster_lord") game.who = lord game.count = data.lords[lord].lordship } }, end_call_to_arms() { clear_undo() end_levy_call_to_arms() }, card: action_held_event, } states.novgorod_veche_done = { prompt() { view.prompt = "Novgorod Veche: All done." view.actions.end_call_to_arms = 1 }, end_call_to_arms() { clear_undo() end_levy_call_to_arms() }, } // === CAMPAIGN: CAPABILITY DISCARD === function count_mustered_lords() { let n = 0 for (let lord = first_friendly_lord; lord <= last_friendly_lord; ++lord) if (is_lord_on_map(lord)) ++n return n } function count_global_capabilities() { let n = 0 for (let c of game.capabilities) { if (game.active === P1 && c >= first_p1_card && c <= last_p1_card) ++n if (game.active === P2 && c >= first_p2_card && c <= last_p2_card) ++n } return n } function goto_capability_discard() { // Start of Campaign phase if (check_campaign_victory()) return if (count_global_capabilities() > count_mustered_lords()) game.state = "capability_discard" else end_capability_discard() } states.capability_discard = { prompt() { if (count_global_capabilities() > count_mustered_lords()) { view.prompt = "Discard Capabilities in excess of Mustered Lords." for (let c of game.capabilities) { if (game.active === P1 && c >= first_p1_card && c <= last_p1_card) gen_action_card(c) if (game.active === P2 && c >= first_p2_card && c <= last_p2_card) gen_action_card(c) } } else { view.prompt = "Discard Capabilities: All done." view.actions.end_discard = 1 } }, card(c) { push_undo() discard_global_capability(c) }, end_discard() { clear_undo() end_capability_discard() }, } function end_capability_discard() { set_active_enemy() if (game.active === P2) goto_capability_discard() else goto_campaign_plan() } // === CAMPAIGN: PLAN === function goto_campaign_plan() { game.turn++ log_h1("Campaign " + current_turn_name()) set_active(BOTH) game.state = "campaign_plan" game.plan1 = [] game.plan2 = [] } function plan_has_lieutenant(first, last) { for (let lord = first; lord <= last; ++lord) if (is_upper_lord(lord)) return true return false } function plan_selected_lieutenant(first, last) { for (let lord = first; lord <= last; ++lord) if (is_upper_lord(lord) && get_lower_lord(lord) === NOBODY) return lord return NOBODY } function plan_can_make_lieutenant(plan, upper, first, last) { for (let lord = first; lord <= last; ++lord) { if (!is_lord_on_map(lord)) continue if (lord === upper) continue if (is_marshal(lord) || is_lord_besieged(lord)) continue if (is_upper_lord(lord) || is_lower_lord(lord)) continue if (get_lord_locale(upper) === get_lord_locale(lord)) return true } return false } states.campaign_plan = { prompt(current) { let plan = current === P1 ? game.plan1 : game.plan2 let first = current === P1 ? first_p1_lord : first_p2_lord let last = current === P1 ? last_p1_lord : last_p2_lord let upper = plan_selected_lieutenant(first, last) view.prompt = "Plan: Designate Lieutenants and build a Plan." view.plan = plan view.who = upper view.actions.plan = [] if (plan.length < max_plan_length()) { view.actions.end_plan = 0 if (count_cards_in_plan(plan, NOBODY) < 3) gen_action_plan(NOBODY) for (let lord = first; lord <= last; ++lord) { if (is_lord_on_map(lord) && count_cards_in_plan(plan, lord) < 3) gen_action_plan(lord) } } else { if (upper === NOBODY) view.actions.end_plan = 1 } if (upper !== NOBODY) gen_action_lord(upper) for (let lord = first; lord <= last; ++lord) { if (is_marshal(lord) || is_lord_besieged(lord)) continue if (is_upper_lord(lord) || is_lower_lord(lord)) continue if (upper === NOBODY) { if (plan_can_make_lieutenant(plan, lord, first, last)) gen_action_lord(lord) } else { if (get_lord_locale(upper) === get_lord_locale(lord)) gen_action_lord(lord) } } if (plan.length > 0 || plan_has_lieutenant(first, last)) view.actions.undo = 1 else view.actions.undo = 0 }, lord(lord, current) { let upper if (current === P1) upper = plan_selected_lieutenant(first_p1_lord, last_p1_lord) else upper = plan_selected_lieutenant(first_p2_lord, last_p2_lord) if (lord === upper) remove_lieutenant(upper) else if (upper === NOBODY) add_lieutenant(lord) else set_lower_lord(upper, lord) }, plan(lord, current) { if (current === P1) game.plan1.push(lord) else game.plan2.push(lord) }, undo(_, current) { if (current === P1) { for (let lord = first_p1_lord; lord <= last_p1_lord; ++lord) if (is_upper_lord(lord)) remove_lieutenant(lord) game.plan1.length = 0 } else { for (let lord = first_p2_lord; lord <= last_p2_lord; ++lord) if (is_upper_lord(lord)) remove_lieutenant(lord) game.plan2.length = 0 } }, end_plan(_, current) { if (game.active === BOTH) { if (current === P1) set_active(P2) else set_active(P1) } else { end_campaign_plan() } }, } function end_campaign_plan() { if (game.pieces.lieutenants.length > 0) { log("Lieutenants") for (let i = 0; i < game.pieces.lieutenants.length; i += 2) { let upper = game.pieces.lieutenants[i] let lower = game.pieces.lieutenants[i + 1] logi(`L${upper} over L${lower}`) } } set_active(P1) goto_command_activation() } // === CAMPAIGN: COMMAND ACTIVATION === function goto_command_activation() { if (game.plan2.length === 0) { game.command = NOBODY goto_end_campaign() return } if (check_campaign_victory()) return if (game.plan2.length > game.plan1.length) { set_active(P2) game.command = game.plan2.shift() } else { set_active(P1) game.command = game.plan1.shift() } if (game.command === NOBODY) { log_h2("Pass") goto_command_activation() } else if (is_lower_lord(game.command)) { log_h2(`L${game.command} - Pass`) goto_command_activation() } else if (!is_lord_on_map(game.command)) { log_h2(`L${game.command} - Pass`) goto_command_activation() } else { log_h2(`L${game.command} at %${get_lord_locale(game.command)}`) goto_actions() } } // === CAMPAIGN: ACTIONS === function set_active_command() { if (game.command >= first_p1_lord && game.command <= last_p1_lord) set_active(P1) else set_active(P2) } function is_active_command() { if (game.command >= first_p1_lord && game.command <= last_p1_lord) return game.active === P1 else return game.active === P2 } function is_first_action() { return game.flags.first_action } function is_first_march() { return game.flags.first_march } function goto_actions() { game.actions = data.lords[game.command].command game.flags.first_action = 1 game.flags.first_march = 1 // 4.1.3 Lieutenants MUST take lower lord game.group = [ game.command ] let lower = get_lower_lord(game.command) if (lower !== NOBODY) set_add(game.group, lower) if (game.active === TEUTONS) { if (has_global_capability(AOW_TEUTONIC_ORDENSBURGEN)) { if (is_commandery(get_lord_locale(game.command))) { log("Ordensburgen.") ++game.actions } } if (game.command === LORD_HEINRICH || game.command === LORD_KNUD_ABEL) { if (has_global_capability(AOW_TEUTONIC_TREATY_OF_STENSBY)) { log("Treaty of Stensby.") ++game.actions } } } if (game.active === RUSSIANS) { if (has_global_capability(AOW_RUSSIAN_ARCHBISHOPRIC)) { if (get_lord_locale(game.command) === LOC_NOVGOROD) { log("Archbishopric.") ++game.actions } } if (this_lord_has_russian_druzhina()) { log("Druzhina.") ++game.actions } if (this_lord_has_house_of_suzdal()) { log("House of Suzdal.") ++game.actions } } resume_actions() update_supply_possible() } function resume_actions() { game.state = "actions" } function spend_action(cost) { game.flags.first_action = 0 game.actions -= cost } function spend_march_action(cost) { game.flags.first_action = 0 game.flags.first_march = 0 game.actions -= cost } function spend_all_actions() { game.flags.first_action = 0 game.flags.first_march = 0 game.actions = 0 } function end_actions() { log_br() game.group = 0 game.pieces.legate_selected = 0 game.flags.first_action = 0 game.flags.first_march = 0 game.flags.teutonic_raiders = 0 game.flags.famine = 0 // NOTE: Feed currently acting side first for expedience. set_active_command() goto_feed() } function this_lord_has_russian_druzhina() { if (game.active === RUSSIANS) if (lord_has_capability(game.command, AOW_RUSSIAN_DRUZHINA)) return get_lord_forces(game.command, KNIGHTS) > 0 return false } function this_lord_has_house_of_suzdal() { if (game.active === RUSSIANS) if (lord_has_capability(game.command, AOW_RUSSIAN_HOUSE_OF_SUZDAL)) return is_lord_on_map(LORD_ALEKSANDR) && is_lord_on_map(LORD_ANDREY) return false } states.actions = { prompt() { view.prompt = `${lord_name[game.command]} has ${game.actions}x actions.` view.group = game.group let here = get_lord_locale(game.command) prompt_held_event() // 4.3.2 Marshals MAY take other lords if (is_marshal(game.command)) { for (let lord = first_friendly_lord; lord <= last_friendly_lord; ++lord) if (lord !== game.command && !is_lower_lord(lord)) if (get_lord_locale(lord) === here) gen_action_lord(lord) } // 1.4.1 Teutonic lords MAY take the Legate if (game.active === TEUTONS && is_located_with_legate(game.command)) { view.actions.legate = 1 } if (game.actions > 0) view.actions.pass = 1 else view.actions.end_actions = 1 if (is_lord_besieged(game.command)) { if (can_action_sally()) view.actions.sally = 1 } else { if (game.active === TEUTONS) { if (is_first_action() && is_located_with_legate(game.command)) view.actions.use_legate = 1 if (can_action_stonemasons()) view.actions.stonemasons = 1 } if (game.active === RUSSIANS) { if (can_action_smerdi()) view.actions.smerdi = 1 if (can_action_stone_kremlin()) view.actions.stone_kremlin = 1 } prompt_march() if (can_action_supply()) view.actions.supply = 1 if (can_action_siege()) view.actions.siege = 1 if (can_action_storm()) view.actions.storm = 1 if (can_action_forage()) view.actions.forage = 1 if (can_action_ravage()) view.actions.ravage = 1 if (can_action_tax()) view.actions.tax = 1 if (can_action_sail()) view.actions.sail = 1 } }, use_legate() { push_undo() log(`Legate +1 Command.`) game.pieces.legate = LEGATE_ARRIVED game.pieces.legate_selected = 0 ++game.actions }, pass() { push_undo() log("Passed.") spend_all_actions() }, end_actions() { clear_undo() end_actions() }, stonemasons: goto_stonemasons, stone_kremlin: goto_stone_kremlin, smerdi: goto_smerdi, forage: goto_forage, ravage: goto_ravage, supply: goto_supply, tax: goto_tax, siege: goto_siege, storm: goto_storm, sally: goto_sally, sail: goto_sail, locale: goto_march, legate() { toggle_legate_selected() }, lord(lord) { set_toggle(game.group, lord) if (is_upper_lord(lord)) set_toggle(game.group, get_lower_lord(lord)) }, card: action_held_event, } // === ACTION: MARCH === function toggle_legate_selected() { if (game.pieces.legate_selected) game.pieces.legate_selected = 0 else game.pieces.legate_selected = 1 } function release_besieged_lords(loc) { for (let lord = 0; lord < lord_count; ++lord) if (get_lord_locale(lord) === loc && is_lord_besieged(lord)) set_lord_besieged(lord, 0) } function lift_sieges() { console.log("LIFT SIEGE CHECK!") for (let i = 0; i < game.pieces.sieges.length; i += 2) { let loc = game.pieces.sieges[i] if (is_enemy_stronghold(loc)) { if (!has_friendly_lord(loc)) { log(`Lifted siege at %${loc}.`) remove_all_siege_markers(loc) release_besieged_lords(loc) } } else if (is_friendly_stronghold(loc)) { if (!has_enemy_lord(loc)) { log(`Lifted siege at %${loc}.`) remove_all_siege_markers(loc) release_besieged_lords(loc) } } } } function group_has_teutonic_converts() { if (game.active === TEUTONS) { if (is_first_march()) if (group_has_capability(AOW_TEUTONIC_CONVERTS)) if (count_group_forces(LIGHT_HORSE) > 0) return true } return false } function prompt_march() { if (game.actions > 0 || group_has_teutonic_converts()) { let here = get_lord_locale(game.command) for (let to of data.locales[here].adjacent) gen_action_locale(to) } } function goto_march(to) { push_undo() let from = get_lord_locale(game.command) let ways = list_ways(from, to) if (ways.length > 2) { game.march = { from, to, approach: -1, avoid: -1 } game.state = "march_way" } else { game.march = { from, to, approach: ways[1], avoid: -1 } march_with_group_1() } } states.march_way = { prompt() { view.prompt = `March: Select way.` view.group = game.group let from = game.march.from let to = game.march.to let ways = list_ways(from, to) for (let i = 1; i < ways.length; ++i) gen_action_way(ways[i]) }, way(way) { game.march.approach = way march_with_group_1() }, } function march_with_group_1() { let way = game.march.approach let type = data.ways[way].type init_lodya_march(type) let transport = count_group_transport(type) let prov = count_group_assets(PROV) let loot = count_group_assets(LOOT) if (group_has_teutonic_converts() && prov <= transport * 2) return march_with_group_2() if (prov > transport || loot > 0) game.state = "march_laden" else march_with_group_2() } states.march_laden = { prompt() { let to = game.march.to let way = game.march.approach let transport = count_group_transport(data.ways[way].type) let prov = count_group_assets(PROV) let loot = count_group_assets(LOOT) view.prompt = `March with ${loot} loot, ${prov} provender, and ${transport} transport.` view.group = game.group if (prov <= transport * 2) { if (loot > 0 || prov > transport) { if (game.actions >= 2) { view.prompt += " Laden!" view.actions.march = 1 // other button? gen_action_laden_march(to) } else { view.prompt += " Laden with 1 action left." } } else { view.actions.march = 1 gen_action_locale(to) } } else { view.prompt += " Too much provender." } if (loot > 0 || prov > transport) { for (let lord of game.group) { if (loot > 0) { if (get_lord_assets(lord, LOOT) > 0) gen_action_loot(lord) if (prov > transport * 2) if (get_lord_assets(lord, PROV) > 0) gen_action_prov(lord) } else { if (prov > transport) if (get_lord_assets(lord, PROV) > 0) gen_action_prov(lord) } } } }, prov: drop_prov, loot: drop_loot, march: march_with_group_2, locale: march_with_group_2, laden_march: march_with_group_2, } function march_with_group_2() { let from = get_lord_locale(game.command) let way = game.march.approach let to = game.march.to let transport = count_group_transport(data.ways[way].type) let prov = count_group_assets(PROV) let loot = count_group_assets(LOOT) let laden = loot > 0 || prov > transport if (group_has_teutonic_converts()) spend_march_action(0) else if (laden) spend_march_action(2) else spend_march_action(1) if (data.ways[way].name) log(`Marched to %${to} via W${way}.`) else log(`Marched to %${to}.`) for (let lord of game.group) { set_lord_locale(lord, to) set_lord_moved(lord, 1) } if (game.pieces.legate_selected) game.pieces.legate = to lift_sieges() remove_legate_if_endangered(from) if (has_unbesieged_enemy_lord(to)) { goto_avoid_battle() } else { march_with_group_3() } } function remove_legate_if_endangered(here) { if (game.pieces.legate === here && has_russian_lord(here) && !has_teutonic_lord(here)) { log("Legate removed.") discard_global_capability(AOW_TEUTONIC_WILLIAM_OF_MODENA) } } function march_with_group_3() { let here = get_lord_locale(game.command) // Disbanded in battle! if (here === NOWHERE) { game.march = 0 spend_all_actions() resume_actions() update_supply_possible() return } remove_legate_if_endangered(here) if (is_unbesieged_enemy_stronghold(here)) { add_siege_marker(here) spend_all_actions() // ENCAMP } if (is_trade_route(here)) { conquer_trade_route(here) } game.march = 0 resume_actions() update_supply_possible() } // === ACTION: MARCH - AVOID BATTLE === function count_besieged_lords(loc) { let n = 0 for (let lord = first_lord; lord <= last_lord; ++lord) if (get_lord_locale(lord) === loc && is_lord_besieged(lord)) ++n return n } function stronghold_strength(loc) { if (has_castle_marker(loc)) return 2 return data.locales[loc].stronghold } function stronghold_capacity(loc) { return stronghold_strength(loc) - count_besieged_lords(loc) } function spoil_prov(lord) { add_lord_assets(lord, PROV, -1) add_spoils(PROV, 1) } function spoil_loot(lord) { add_lord_assets(lord, LOOT, -1) add_spoils(LOOT, 1) } function can_avoid_battle(to, way) { if (way === game.march.approach) return false if (has_unbesieged_enemy_lord(to)) return false if (is_unbesieged_enemy_stronghold(to)) return false return true } function select_all_lords(here) { game.group = [] for (let lord = first_friendly_lord; lord <= last_friendly_lord; ++lord) if (get_lord_locale(lord) === here) set_add(game.group, lord) } function goto_avoid_battle() { clear_undo() set_active_enemy() game.march.group = game.group // save group game.state = "avoid_battle" game.spoils = 0 resume_avoid_battle() } function resume_avoid_battle() { let here = game.march.to if (has_unbesieged_friendly_lord(here)) { // TODO: select all or no lords? select_all_lords(here) // game.group = [] game.state = "avoid_battle" } else { end_avoid_battle() } } states.avoid_battle = { prompt() { view.prompt = `March: You may avoid battle.` view.group = game.group let here = game.march.to for (let lord = first_friendly_lord; lord <= last_friendly_lord; ++lord) if (get_lord_locale(lord) === here && !is_lower_lord(lord)) gen_action_lord(lord) if (game.group.length > 0) { for (let [to, way] of data.locales[here].ways) { if (can_avoid_battle(to, way)) gen_action_locale(to) } } view.actions.end_avoid_battle = 1 }, lord(lord) { set_toggle(game.group, lord) if (is_upper_lord(lord)) set_toggle(game.group, get_lower_lord(lord)) }, locale(to) { push_undo() // Save Assets and Lords in case Ambush cancels Avoid Battle. if (!game.march.ambush_lords) { if (could_enemy_play_ambush()) { game.march.ambush_lords = [] game.march.ambush_assets = game.pieces.assets.slice() game.march.ambush_besieged = game.pieces.besieged } } let from = get_lord_locale(game.command) let ways = list_ways(from, to) if (ways.length > 2) { game.march.avoid_to = to game.state = "avoid_battle_way" } else { game.march.avoid_to = to game.march.avoid_way = ways[1] avoid_battle_1() } }, end_avoid_battle() { push_undo() end_avoid_battle() }, } states.avoid_battle_way = { prompt() { view.prompt = `Avoid Battle: Select way.` view.group = game.group let from = game.march.to let to = game.march.avoid_to let ways = list_ways(from, to) for (let i = 1; i < ways.length; ++i) gen_action_way(ways[i]) }, way(way) { game.avoid_way = way avoid_battle_1() }, } function avoid_battle_1() { let way = game.march.avoid_way let transport = count_group_transport(data.ways[way].type) let prov = count_group_assets(PROV) let loot = count_group_assets(LOOT) if (prov > transport || loot > 0) game.state = "avoid_battle_laden" else avoid_battle_2() } states.avoid_battle_laden = { prompt() { let to = game.march.avoid_to let way = game.march.avoid_way let transport = count_group_transport(data.ways[way].type) let prov = count_group_assets(PROV) let loot = count_group_assets(LOOT) view.prompt = `Avoid Battle with ${prov} provender and ${transport} transport.` view.group = game.group if (loot > 0) { view.prompt += " Discard Loot." for (let lord of game.group) { if (get_lord_assets(lord, LOOT) > 0) gen_action_loot(lord) } } else if (prov > transport) { view.prompt += " Discard Provender." for (let lord of game.group) { if (get_lord_assets(lord, PROV) > 0) gen_action_prov(lord) } } else { gen_action_locale(to) view.actions.avoid = 1 } }, prov(lord) { push_undo() spoil_prov(lord) }, loot(lord) { push_undo() spoil_loot(lord) }, locale(_) { avoid_battle_2() }, avoid() { avoid_battle_2() }, } function avoid_battle_2() { let to = game.march.avoid_to let way = game.march.avoid_way if (data.ways[way].name) log(`Avoided Battle via W${way} to %${to}.`) else log(`Avoided Battle to %${to}.`) for (let lord of game.group) { if (game.march.ambush_lords) set_add(game.march.ambush_lords, lord) set_lord_locale(lord, to) set_lord_moved(lord, 1) } lift_sieges() game.march.avoid_to = 0 game.march.avoid_way = 0 resume_avoid_battle() } function end_avoid_battle() { game.group = game.march.group // restore group game.march.group = 0 goto_march_withdraw() } // === ACTION: MARCH - WITHDRAW === function can_withdraw(here, n) { if (is_unbesieged_friendly_stronghold(here)) if (stronghold_capacity(here) >= n) return true return false } function goto_march_withdraw() { let here = game.march.to if (has_unbesieged_friendly_lord(here) && can_withdraw(here, 1)) { game.state = "march_withdraw" } else { end_march_withdraw() } } states.march_withdraw = { prompt() { view.prompt = `March: You may withdraw lords into stronghold.` let here = get_lord_locale(game.command) let capacity = stronghold_capacity(here) if (capacity >= 1) { for (let lord = first_friendly_lord; lord <= last_friendly_lord; ++lord) { if (get_lord_locale(lord) === here && !is_lower_lord(lord) && is_lord_unbesieged(lord)) { if (is_upper_lord(lord)) { if (capacity >= 2) gen_action_lord(lord) } else { gen_action_lord(lord) } } } } view.actions.end_withdraw = 1 }, lord(lord) { push_undo() let lower = get_lower_lord(lord) log(`L${lord} withdrew.`) set_lord_besieged(lord, 1) if (lower !== NOBODY) { log(`L${lower} withdrew.`) set_lord_besieged(lord, 1) } }, end_withdraw() { end_march_withdraw() }, } function end_march_withdraw() { clear_undo() set_active_enemy() goto_march_ambush() } // === ACTION: MARCH - AMBUSH === function could_enemy_play_ambush() { if (game.active === TEUTONS) return could_play_card(EVENT_RUSSIAN_AMBUSH) else return could_play_card(EVENT_TEUTONIC_AMBUSH) } function goto_march_ambush() { if (game.march.ambush_lords && game.march.ambush_lords.length > 0) game.state = "march_ambush" else goto_spoils_after_avoid_battle() } states.march_ambush = { prompt() { view.prompt = "Avoid Battle: You may play Ambush if you have it." if (has_card_in_hand(EVENT_TEUTONIC_AMBUSH)) gen_action_card(EVENT_TEUTONIC_AMBUSH) if (has_card_in_hand(EVENT_RUSSIAN_AMBUSH)) gen_action_card(EVENT_RUSSIAN_AMBUSH) view.actions.pass = 1 }, card(c) { play_held_event(c) // Restore assets and spoils and withdrawn lords game.pieces.assets = game.march.ambush_assets game.pieces.besieged = game.march.besieged game.spoils = 0 // Restore lords who avoided battle for (let lord of game.march.ambush_lords) { set_lord_locale(lord, game.march.to) set_lord_moved(lord, 0) } set_active_enemy() game.march.ambush_lords = 0 game.march.ambush_assets = 0 game.march.ambush_besieged = 0 goto_march_withdraw() }, pass() { game.march.ambush_lords = 0 game.march.ambush_assets = 0 game.march.ambush_besieged = 0 goto_spoils_after_avoid_battle() }, } // === ACTION: MARCH - DIVIDE SPOILS AFTER AVOID BATTLE === function list_spoils() { let list = [] for (let type = 0; type < 7; ++type) { let n = get_spoils(type) if (n > 0) list.push(`${n} ${ASSET_TYPE_NAME[type]}`) } if (list.length > 0) return list.join(", ") return "nothing" } function prompt_spoils() { if (get_spoils(PROV) > 0) view.actions.take_prov = 1 if (get_spoils(LOOT) > 0) view.actions.take_loot = 1 if (get_spoils(COIN) > 0) view.actions.take_coin = 1 if (get_spoils(SHIP) > 0) view.actions.take_ship = 1 if (get_spoils(BOAT) > 0) view.actions.take_boat = 1 if (get_spoils(CART) > 0) view.actions.take_cart = 1 if (get_spoils(SLED) > 0) view.actions.take_sled = 1 } function take_spoils(type) { push_undo_without_who() add_lord_assets(game.who, type, 1) add_spoils(type, -1) if (!has_any_spoils()) game.who = NOBODY } function take_spoils_prov() { take_spoils(PROV) } function take_spoils_loot() { take_spoils(LOOT) } function take_spoils_coin() { take_spoils(COIN) } function take_spoils_boat() { take_spoils(BOAT) } function take_spoils_cart() { take_spoils(CART) } function take_spoils_sled() { take_spoils(SLED) } function goto_spoils_after_avoid_battle() { if (has_any_spoils()) { game.state = "spoils_after_avoid_battle" if (game.group.length === 1) game.who = game.group[0] } else { goto_battle() } } states.spoils_after_avoid_battle = { prompt() { if (has_any_spoils()) { view.prompt = "Spoils: Divide " + list_spoils() + "." // only moving lords get to divide the spoils for (let lord of game.group) prompt_select_lord(lord) if (game.who !== NOBODY) prompt_spoils() } else { view.prompt = "Spoils: All done." view.actions.end_spoils = 1 } }, lord: action_select_lord, take_prov: take_spoils_prov, take_loot: take_spoils_loot, end_spoils() { clear_undo() game.spoils = 0 game.who = NOBODY goto_battle() }, } // === ACTION: SIEGE === function count_friendly_lords_at(loc) { let n = 0 for (let lord = first_friendly_lord; lord <= last_friendly_lord; ++lord) if (get_lord_locale(lord) === loc) ++n return n } function count_besieging_lords(loc) { return count_friendly_lords_at(loc) } function can_build_siegeworks() { let here = get_lord_locale(game.command) if (count_besieging_lords(here) >= stronghold_strength(here)) if (count_siege_markers(here) < 4) return true return false } function can_action_siege() { let here = get_lord_locale(game.command) if (!is_first_action()) return false if (is_enemy_stronghold(here)) return true return false } function goto_siege() { push_undo() let here = get_lord_locale(game.command) log(`Sieged at %${here}.`) goto_surrender() } function goto_surrender() { let here = get_lord_locale(game.command) if (count_besieged_lords(here) === 0) game.state = "surrender" else build_siegeworks() } function surrender_stronghold(here) { log(`%${here} surrendered.`) conquer_stronghold(here) if (here === LOC_NOVGOROD) { if (game.pieces.veche_coin > 0) { log(`Removed ${game.pieces.veche_coin} Coin from Veche.`) game.pieces.veche_coin = 0 } } } states.surrender = { prompt() { view.prompt = "Siege: You may roll for Surrender." view.actions.surrender = 1 if (can_build_siegeworks()) view.actions.siegeworks = 1 else view.actions.pass = 1 }, surrender() { clear_undo() let here = get_lord_locale(game.command) let die = roll_die() let n = count_siege_markers(here) if (die <= n) { log(`Surrender ${die} <= ${n}.`) surrender_stronghold(here) end_siege() } else { log(`Surrender ${die} > ${n} failed.`) build_siegeworks() } }, siegeworks() { build_siegeworks() }, pass() { end_siege() }, } function build_siegeworks() { if (can_build_siegeworks()) { log("Added Siege marker.") let here = get_lord_locale(game.command) add_siege_marker(here) } end_siege() } function end_siege() { let here = get_lord_locale(game.command) // All Lords of both sides moved/fought for (let lord = first_lord; lord <= last_lord; ++lord) if (get_lord_locale(lord) === here) set_lord_moved(lord, 1) spend_all_actions() resume_actions() update_supply_possible() } // === ACTION: STORM === function can_action_storm() { if (game.actions < 1) return false return is_besieged_enemy_stronghold(get_lord_locale(game.command)) } function goto_storm() { start_storm() } // === ACTION: SALLY === function can_action_sally() { if (game.actions < 1) return false return true } function goto_sally() { start_sally() } // === CAPABILITY: LODYA === // NOTE: Lodya = 0 is boats as 2x boats // NOTE: Lodya > 0 is ships as boats // NOTE: Lodya < 0 is boats as ships function find_lodya_lord_in_shared() { let here = get_lord_locale(game.command) for (let lord = first_friendly_lord; lord <= last_friendly_lord; ++lord) if (get_lord_locale(lord) === here) if (lord_has_capability(lord, AOW_RUSSIAN_LODYA)) return lord return NOBODY } function find_lodya_lord_in_group() { for (let lord of game.group) if (lord_has_capability(lord, AOW_RUSSIAN_LODYA)) return lord return NOBODY } function init_lodya_sail() { let lord = find_lodya_lord_in_group() if (lord !== NOBODY) { game.flags.lodya = -Math.min(2, get_lord_assets(lord, BOAT)) if (game.flags.lodya < 0) log_lodya() } else { game.flags.lodya = 0 } } function init_lodya_march(type) { game.flags.lodya = 0 if (!is_winter() && type === "waterway") { let lord = find_lodya_lord_in_group() if (lord !== NOBODY) { let ships = Math.min(2, get_lord_assets(lord, SHIP)) let boats = get_lord_assets(lord, BOAT) if (boats > ships) game.flags.lodya = 0 // 2x boats else game.flags.lodya = ships log_lodya() } } } function init_lodya_supply() { game.flags.lodya = 0 if (!is_winter()) { let lord = find_lodya_lord_in_shared() if (lord !== NOBODY) { let boats = get_lord_assets(lord, BOAT) let ships = get_lord_assets(lord, SHIP) // Automatic choice if Novgorod is unavailable for seaport supply. if (is_supply_forbidden(LOC_NOVGOROD)) { if (boats < ships) { game.flags.lodya = -ships log_lodya() return false } else { game.flags.lodya = 0 log_lodya() return false } } // Automatic choice if enough ships and 2x boats >= boats + extra ships. if (ships >= 2 && boats >= ships - 2) { game.flags.lodya = 0 log_lodya() return false } // Manual choice. return true } } // No choice. return false } states.supply_lodya = { prompt() { view.prompt = "Lodya: Boats as 2 Boats each, or Ships or Boats as the other: " let lord = find_lodya_lord_in_shared() let boats = get_lord_assets(lord, BOAT) + game.flags.lodya let ships = get_lord_assets(lord, SHIP) - game.flags.lodya view.prompt += ` ${boats} Boats,` view.prompt += ` ${ships} Ships.` view.actions.done = 1 if (game.flags.lodya === 0) { view.actions.boats_x2 = 1 if (get_lord_assets(lord, SHIP) > 0) view.actions.take_boat = 1 if (get_lord_assets(lord, BOAT) > 0) view.actions.take_ship = (ships < 2) ? 1 : 0 view.actions.done = 0 } if (ships < 2 && game.flags.lodya === -1 && get_lord_assets(lord, BOAT) >= 2) { view.actions.take_boat = 0 view.actions.take_ship = (ships < 2) ? 1 : 0 } if (game.flags.lodya === 1 && get_lord_assets(lord, SHIP) >= 2) { view.actions.take_boat = 1 view.actions.take_ship = 0 } }, take_boat() { push_undo() game.flags.lodya ++ }, take_ship() { push_undo() game.flags.lodya -- }, boats_x2: end_supply_lodya, done: end_supply_lodya, } function end_supply_lodya() { push_undo() log_lodya() log(`Supplied from`) init_supply() resume_supply() game.state = "supply_source" } function log_lodya() { if (game.flags.lodya === 0) log("Lodya: Boats as 2 Boats each.") else if (game.flags.lodya < 0) log(`Lodya: ${-game.flags.lodya} Boats as Ships.`) else log(`Lodya: ${game.flags.lodya} Ships as Boats.`) } // === ACTION: SUPPLY (SEARCHING) === let _supply_stat = 0 let _supply_stop = new Array(last_locale+1) let _supply_reached = new Array(last_locale+1) let _supply_seen = new Array(last_locale+1).fill(0) let _supply_cost = new Array(last_locale+1) let _supply_boats = new Array(last_locale+1) let _supply_carts = new Array(last_locale+1) function is_supply_forbidden(here) { if (has_unbesieged_enemy_lord(here)) return true if (is_unbesieged_enemy_stronghold(here)) return true if (is_friendly_territory(here) && has_conquered_marker(here)) if (!has_siege_marker(here)) return true return false } function init_supply_forbidden() { _supply_stat = 0 for (let here = 0; here <= last_locale; ++here) { if (is_supply_forbidden(here)) _supply_stop[here] = 1 else _supply_stop[here] = 0 } } function init_supply() { let season = current_season() let here = get_lord_locale(game.command) let boats = 0 let carts = 0 let sleds = 0 let ships = 0 let available = 2 if (season === SUMMER) { carts = get_shared_assets(here, CART) } if (season === SUMMER || season === RASPUTITSA) { boats = count_shared_boats() ships = count_shared_ships() + count_shared_cogs_not_in_locale(here) } if (season === EARLY_WINTER || season === LATE_WINTER) { sleds = get_shared_assets(here, SLED) } if (ships > 2) ships = 2 if (is_famine_in_play()) available = game.flags.famine ? 0 : 1 let seats = [] if (available > 0) { for_each_seat(game.command, seat => { if (!is_supply_forbidden(seat)) seats.push(seat) }, true) available = Math.min(seats.length, available) } let seaports = [] if (ships > 0) { if (game.active === TEUTONS) for (let port of data.seaports) if (!is_supply_forbidden(port)) seaports.push(port) if (game.active === RUSSIANS) if (!is_supply_forbidden(LOC_NOVGOROD)) seaports.push(LOC_NOVGOROD) } if (seaports.length === 0) ships = 0 game.supply = { seats, seaports, available, boats, carts, sleds, ships } } function search_supply_winter(start, sleds, exit) { if (_supply_stop[start]) return 0 _supply_reached[start] = 1 _supply_cost[start] = 0 if (exit && set_has(exit, start)) return 1 if (sleds === 0) return 0 let queue = [ start ] while (queue.length > 0) { let item = queue.shift() let here = item & 63 let used = item >> 6 if (used + 1 <= sleds) { for (let next of data.locales[here].adjacent) { if (!_supply_reached[next] && !_supply_stop[next]) { if (exit && set_has(exit, next)) return 1 _supply_reached[next] = 1 _supply_cost[next] = used + 1 if (used + 1 < sleds) queue.push(next | ((used + 1) << 6)) } } } _supply_stat++ } return 0 } function search_supply_rasputitsa(start, boats, exit) { if (_supply_stop[start]) return 0 _supply_reached[start] = 1 _supply_cost[start] = 0 if (exit && set_has(exit, start)) return 1 if (boats === 0) return 0 let queue = [ start ] while (queue.length > 0) { let item = queue.shift() let here = item & 63 let used = item >> 6 if (used + 1 <= boats) { for (let next of data.locales[here].adjacent_by_waterway) { if (!_supply_reached[next] && !_supply_stop[next]) { if (exit && set_has(exit, next)) return 1 _supply_reached[next] = 1 _supply_cost[next] = used + 1 if (used + 1 < boats) queue.push(next | ((used + 1) << 6)) } } } _supply_stat++ } return 0 } function search_supply_summer(here, boats, carts, exit) { _supply_stat++ // Been here before with same or more transports remaining if (_supply_boats[here] >= boats && _supply_carts[here] >= carts) return 0 // First time here with this many transports remaining if (_supply_boats[here] <= boats && _supply_carts[here] <= carts) { _supply_boats[here] = boats _supply_carts[here] = carts } _supply_reached[here] = 1 if (exit && set_has(exit, here)) return 1 _supply_seen[here] = 1 if (boats > 0) { for (let next of data.locales[here].adjacent_by_waterway) { if (!_supply_seen[next] && !_supply_stop[next]) { if (search_supply_summer(next, boats-1, carts, exit)) { _supply_seen[here] = 0 return 1 } } } } if (carts > 0) { for (let next of data.locales[here].adjacent_by_trackway) { if (!_supply_seen[next] && !_supply_stop[next]) { if (search_supply_summer(next, boats, carts-1, exit)) { _supply_seen[here] = 0 return 1 } } } } _supply_seen[here] = 0 return 0 } function init_summer_path() { init_supply_forbidden() // First pass to create best-cost-so-far for each combo of boats to carts let gate = { boats: new Array(game.supply.boats+1).fill(0), carts: new Array(game.supply.carts+1).fill(0), } _supply_stat = 0 _supply_boats.fill(-1) _supply_carts.fill(-1) search_summer_path_pass1(game.supply.here, game.supply.end, game.supply.boats, game.supply.carts, gate) console.log("SUMMER GATE", _supply_stat, JSON.stringify(gate)) // Second pass which lists acceptable paths _supply_stat = 0 _supply_boats.fill(-1) _supply_carts.fill(-1) game.supply.path = [] search_summer_path_pass2([], game.supply.here, game.supply.end, game.supply.boats, game.supply.carts, gate) console.log("SUMMER PATH", _supply_stat, JSON.stringify(game.supply.path).length) // Auto-pick path if only one choice. if (AUTOWALK && game.supply.path.length === 2) walk_supply_path_way(game.supply.path[0] >> 8, game.supply.path[0] & 255) } function search_summer_path_pass1(here, end, boats, carts, gate) { _supply_stat++ if (here === end) { for (let c = 0; c <= carts; ++c) if (boats > gate.boats[c]) gate.boats[c] = boats for (let b = 0; b <= boats; ++b) if (carts > gate.carts[b]) gate.carts[b] = carts return } // Worse than the best path found if (boats < gate.boats[carts] || carts < gate.carts[boats]) return // Been here before with same or more transports remaining if (_supply_boats[here] >= boats && _supply_carts[here] >= carts) return // First time here with this many transports remaining if (_supply_boats[here] <= boats && _supply_carts[here] <= carts) { _supply_boats[here] = boats _supply_carts[here] = carts } _supply_seen[here] = 1 if (boats > 0) for (let next of data.locales[here].adjacent_by_waterway) if (!_supply_stop[next] && !_supply_seen[next]) search_summer_path_pass1(next, end, boats-1, carts, gate) if (carts > 0) for (let next of data.locales[here].adjacent_by_trackway) if (!_supply_stop[next] && !_supply_seen[next]) search_summer_path_pass1(next, end, boats, carts-1, gate) _supply_seen[here] = 0 } function search_summer_path_pass2(path, here, end, boats, carts, gate) { _supply_stat++ // Worse than the best path found if (boats < gate.boats[carts] || carts < gate.carts[boats]) return if (here === end) { console.log(" path", path.map(wl=>data.locales[wl>>8].name).join(","), boats, carts) let out1 = game.supply.path for (let i = 0; i < path.length; ++i) { let wayloc = path[i] let out2 = map_get(out1, wayloc, null) if (out2 === null) { if (i < path.length - 1) map_set(out1, wayloc, out2 = []) else map_set(out1, wayloc, 0) } out1 = out2 } return } // Been here before with same or more transports remaining if (_supply_boats[here] >= boats && _supply_carts[here] >= carts) return // First time here with this many transports remaining if (_supply_boats[here] <= boats && _supply_carts[here] <= carts) { _supply_boats[here] = boats _supply_carts[here] = carts } _supply_seen[here] = 1 if (boats > 0) { for (let [next, way] of data.locales[here].waterways) { if (!_supply_stop[next] && !_supply_seen[next]) { path.push((next << 8) | way) search_summer_path_pass2(path, next, end, boats-1, carts, gate) path.pop() } } } if (carts > 0) { for (let [next, way] of data.locales[here].trackways) { if (!_supply_stop[next] && !_supply_seen[next]) { path.push((next << 8) | way) search_summer_path_pass2(path, next, end, boats, carts-1, gate) path.pop() } } } _supply_seen[here] = 0 } // === ACTION: SUPPLY === function update_supply_possible() { if (game.actions < 1) { game.supply = 0 return } let lord = find_lodya_lord_in_shared() if (lord !== NOBODY) { if (!is_winter()) { if (!is_supply_forbidden(LOC_NOVGOROD)) { if (get_lord_assets(lord, BOAT) >= 2 && update_supply_possible_lodya(-2)) return if (get_lord_assets(lord, BOAT) >= 1 && update_supply_possible_lodya(-1)) return } if (get_lord_assets(lord, SHIP) >= 2 && update_supply_possible_lodya(2)) return if (get_lord_assets(lord, SHIP) >= 1 && update_supply_possible_lodya(1)) return } update_supply_possible_lodya(0) } else { update_supply_possible_pass() console.log("POSSIBLE SEARCH", _supply_stat, game.supply) } } function update_supply_possible_lodya(x) { game.flags.lodya = x update_supply_possible_pass() console.log("LODYA POSSIBLE SEARCH", _supply_stat, x, game.supply) return game.supply } function update_supply_possible_pass() { init_supply() init_supply_forbidden() _supply_reached.fill(0) let sources = [] for (let loc of game.supply.seats) set_add(sources, loc) for (let loc of game.supply.seaports) set_add(sources, loc) switch (current_season()) { case SUMMER: _supply_boats.fill(-1) _supply_carts.fill(-1) game.supply = search_supply_summer(get_lord_locale(game.command), game.supply.boats, game.supply.carts, sources) break case EARLY_WINTER: case LATE_WINTER: game.supply = search_supply_winter(get_lord_locale(game.command), game.supply.sleds, sources) break case RASPUTITSA: game.supply = search_supply_rasputitsa(get_lord_locale(game.command), game.supply.boats, sources) break } } function search_supply_cost() { init_supply_forbidden() _supply_reached.fill(0) switch (current_season()) { case SUMMER: _supply_boats.fill(-1) _supply_carts.fill(-1) search_supply_summer(get_lord_locale(game.command), game.supply.boats, game.supply.carts, null) break case EARLY_WINTER: case LATE_WINTER: search_supply_winter(get_lord_locale(game.command), game.supply.sleds, null) break case RASPUTITSA: search_supply_rasputitsa(get_lord_locale(game.command), game.supply.boats, null) break } console.log("SUPPLY COST", _supply_stat) } function can_action_supply() { if (game.actions < 1) return false return !!game.supply } function can_supply() { if (game.supply.available > 0 && game.supply.seats.length > 0) return true if (game.supply.ships > 0 && game.supply.seaports.length > 0) return true return false } function goto_supply() { push_undo() if (init_lodya_supply()) { game.state = "supply_lodya" } else { log(`Supplied from`) init_supply() resume_supply() game.state = "supply_source" } } function resume_supply() { if (game.supply.available + game.supply.ships === 0) { game.supply.seats = [] game.supply.seaports = [] } else { search_supply_cost() game.supply.seats = game.supply.seats.filter(loc => _supply_reached[loc]) game.supply.seaports = game.supply.seaports.filter(loc => _supply_reached[loc]) } if (can_supply()) game.state = "supply_source" else end_supply() } states.supply_source = { prompt() { if (!can_supply()) { view.prompt = "Supply: No valid supply sources." return } view.prompt = "Supply: Select supply source and route -" if (game.supply.boats > 0) view.prompt += ` ${game.supply.boats} boat` if (game.supply.carts > 0) view.prompt += ` ${game.supply.carts} cart` if (game.supply.sleds > 0) view.prompt += ` ${game.supply.sleds} sled` if (game.supply.ships > 0) view.prompt += ` ${game.supply.ships} ship` if (game.supply.available > 0) for (let source of game.supply.seats) gen_action_locale(source) if (game.supply.ships > 0) for (let source of game.supply.seaports) gen_action_locale(source) view.actions.end_supply = 1 }, locale(source) { if (game.supply.seats.includes(source)) { logi(`Seat at %${source}`) if (is_famine_in_play()) { logi("Famine!") game.flags.famine = 1 } game.supply.available-- array_remove_item(game.supply.seats, source) } else { logi(`Seaport at %${source}`) game.supply.ships-- } add_lord_assets(game.command, PROV, 1) spend_supply_transport(source) }, end_supply: end_supply, } function end_supply() { spend_action(1) resume_actions() game.supply = 1 // supply is possible! } function spend_supply_transport(source) { if (source === get_lord_locale(game.command)) { resume_supply() return } switch (current_season()) { case SUMMER: game.supply.here = get_lord_locale(game.command) game.supply.end = source game.state = "supply_path" init_summer_path() break case EARLY_WINTER: case LATE_WINTER: search_supply_cost() game.supply.sleds -= _supply_cost[source] resume_supply() break case RASPUTITSA: search_supply_cost() game.supply.boats -= _supply_cost[source] resume_supply() break } } states.supply_path = { prompt() { view.prompt = "Supply: Trace path to supply source." view.supply = [ game.supply.here, game.supply.end ] if (game.supply.boats > 0) view.prompt += ` ${game.supply.boats} boat` if (game.supply.carts > 0) view.prompt += ` ${game.supply.carts} cart` for (let i = 0; i < game.supply.path.length; i += 2) { let wayloc = game.supply.path[i] gen_action_locale(wayloc >> 8) } }, locale(next) { let useloc = -1 let useway = -1 let twoway = false for (let i = 0; i < game.supply.path.length; i += 2) { let wayloc = game.supply.path[i] let way = wayloc & 255 let loc = wayloc >> 8 if (loc === next) { if (useloc < 0) { useloc = loc useway = way } else { twoway = true } } } if (twoway) { game.state = "supply_path_way" game.supply.next = next } else { walk_supply_path_way(next, useway) } }, } function walk_supply_path_way(next, way) { let type = data.ways[way].type if (type === "waterway") game.supply.boats-- else game.supply.carts-- game.supply.here = next game.supply.path = map_get(game.supply.path, (next << 8) | way) if (game.supply.path === 0) resume_supply() else // Auto-pick path if only one choice. if (AUTOWALK && game.supply.path.length === 2) walk_supply_path_way(game.supply.path[0] >> 8, game.supply.path[0] & 255) } states.supply_path_way = { prompt() { view.prompt = "Supply: Trace path to supply source." view.supply = [ game.supply.here, game.supply.end ] if (game.supply.boats > 0) view.prompt += ` ${game.supply.boats} boat` if (game.supply.carts > 0) view.prompt += ` ${game.supply.carts} cart` for (let i = 0; i < game.supply.path.length; i += 2) { let wayloc = game.supply.path[i] let way = wayloc & 255 let loc = wayloc >> 8 if (loc === game.supply.next) gen_action_way(way) } }, way(way) { game.state = "supply_path" walk_supply_path_way(game.supply.next, way) }, } // === ACTION: FORAGE === function can_action_forage() { if (game.actions < 1) return false if (is_famine_in_play()) return false let here = get_lord_locale(game.command) if (has_ravaged_marker(here)) return false if (is_summer()) return true if (is_friendly_stronghold_locale(here)) // FIXME: simpler check? return true return false } function goto_forage() { push_undo() let here = get_lord_locale(game.command) log(`Foraged at %${here}`) add_lord_assets(game.command, PROV, 1) spend_action(1) resume_actions() } // === ACTION: RAVAGE === function has_adjacent_unbesieged_enemy_lord(loc) { for (let next of data.locales[loc].adjacent) if (has_unbesieged_enemy_lord(next)) return true return false } function has_not_used_teutonic_raiders() { return !game.flags.teutonic_raiders } function this_lord_has_teutonic_raiders() { if (game.active === TEUTONS) if (has_not_used_teutonic_raiders()) if (lord_has_capability(game.command, AOW_TEUTONIC_RAIDERS)) return count_lord_horses(game.command) > 0 return false } function this_lord_has_russian_raiders() { if (game.active === RUSSIANS) if (lord_has_capability(game.command, AOW_RUSSIAN_RAIDERS)) return get_lord_forces(game.command, LIGHT_HORSE) + get_lord_forces(game.command, ASIATIC_HORSE) > 0 return false } function can_ravage_locale(loc) { if (!is_enemy_territory(loc)) return false if (has_conquered_marker(loc)) return false if (has_ravaged_marker(loc)) return false if (is_friendly_locale(loc)) // faster check? return false if (has_adjacent_unbesieged_enemy_lord(loc)) return game.actions >= 2 else return game.actions >= 1 } function can_action_ravage() { if (game.actions < 1) return false let here = get_lord_locale(game.command) if (can_ravage_locale(here)) return true if (this_lord_has_teutonic_raiders()) { for (let there of data.locales[here].adjacent_by_trackway) // XXX has_enemy_lord redundant with is_friendly_locale in can_ravage_locale if (can_ravage_locale(there) && !has_enemy_lord(there)) return true } if (this_lord_has_russian_raiders()) { for (let there of data.locales[here].adjacent) // XXX has_enemy_lord redundant with is_friendly_locale in can_ravage_locale if (can_ravage_locale(there) && !has_enemy_lord(there)) return true } return false } function goto_ravage() { push_undo() if (this_lord_has_teutonic_raiders() || this_lord_has_russian_raiders()) { game.state = "ravage" } else { let here = get_lord_locale(game.command) ravage_location(here, here) } } states.ravage = { prompt() { view.prompt = `Ravage: Choose enemy territory to ravage!` let here = get_lord_locale(game.command) if (can_ravage_locale(here)) gen_action_locale(here) if (this_lord_has_teutonic_raiders()) { for (let there of data.locales[here].adjacent_by_trackway) if (can_ravage_locale(there) && !has_enemy_lord(there)) gen_action_locale(there) } if (this_lord_has_russian_raiders()) { for (let there of data.locales[here].adjacent) if (can_ravage_locale(there) && !has_enemy_lord(there)) gen_action_locale(there) } }, locale(there) { let here = get_lord_locale(game.command) ravage_location(here, there) }, } function ravage_location(here, there) { if (here !== there) log(`Ravaged %${there} with Raiders.`) else log(`Ravaged %${there}.`) add_ravaged_marker(there) add_lord_assets(game.command, PROV, 1) if (here !== there && game.active === TEUTONS) game.flags.teutonic_raiders = 1 if (!is_region(there)) { // R12 Raiders - take no loot from adjacent if (here === there || game.active !== RUSSIANS) add_lord_assets(game.command, LOOT, 1) } if (has_adjacent_unbesieged_enemy_lord(there)) spend_action(2) else spend_action(1) resume_actions() } // === ACTION: TAX === function restore_mustered_forces(lord) { muster_lord_forces(lord) for (let v of data.lords[lord].vassals) if (is_vassal_mustered(v)) muster_vassal_forces(lord, v) } function can_action_tax() { // Must use whole action if (!is_first_action()) return false // Must have space left to hold Coin if (get_lord_assets(game.command, COIN) >= 8) return false // Must be at own seat return is_lord_at_seat(game.command) } function goto_tax() { push_undo() let here = get_lord_locale(game.command) log(`Taxed %${here}.`) add_lord_assets(game.command, COIN, 1) spend_all_actions() resume_actions() if (lord_has_capability(game.command, AOW_RUSSIAN_VELIKY_KNYAZ)) { log("Veliky Knyaz.") restore_mustered_forces(game.command) push_state("veliky_knyaz") game.who = game.command game.count = 2 } } states.veliky_knyaz = states.muster_lord_transport // === ACTION: SAIL === function drop_prov(lord) { add_lord_assets(lord, PROV, -1) } function drop_loot(lord) { add_lord_assets(lord, LOOT, -1) } function has_enough_available_ships_for_horses() { let ships = count_group_ships() + count_shared_cogs_not_in_group() let horses = count_group_horses() let needed_ships = horses if (game.active === RUSSIANS) needed_ships = horses * 2 return needed_ships <= ships } function can_action_sail() { // Must use whole action if (!is_first_action()) return false // at a seaport let here = get_lord_locale(game.command) if (!is_seaport(here)) return false // during Rasputitsa or Summer if (is_winter()) return false // with enough ships to carry all the horses if (!has_enough_available_ships_for_horses()) return false // and a valid destination for (let to of data.seaports) if (to !== here && !has_enemy_lord(to)) return true return false } function goto_sail() { push_undo() init_lodya_sail() game.state = "sail" } states.sail = { prompt() { view.group = game.group let here = get_lord_locale(game.command) let ships = count_group_ships() + count_shared_cogs_not_in_group() let horses = count_group_horses() let prov = count_group_assets(PROV) let loot = count_group_assets(LOOT) let overflow = 0 if (game.active === TEUTONS) overflow = (horses + loot * 2 + prov) - ships if (game.active === RUSSIANS) overflow = (horses * 2 + loot * 2 + prov) - ships if (overflow > 0) { view.prompt = `Sailing with ${ships} ships and ${horses} horses. Discard loot or provender.` // TODO: stricter greed! // TODO: if 1 ship, 1 loot, 1 prov - cannot discard prov then loot! if (loot > 0 || prov > 0) { for (let lord of game.group) { if (loot > 0) if (get_lord_assets(lord, LOOT) > 0) gen_action_loot(lord) if (prov > 0) if (get_lord_assets(lord, PROV) > 0) gen_action_prov(lord) } } } else { view.prompt = `Sail: Choose a destination Seaport.` for (let to of data.seaports) { if (to === here) continue if (!has_enemy_lord(to)) gen_action_locale(to) } } }, prov: drop_prov, loot: drop_loot, locale(to) { push_undo() log(`Sailed to %${to}.`) let from = get_lord_locale(game.command) for (let lord of game.group) { set_lord_locale(lord, to) set_lord_moved(lord, 1) } if (game.pieces.legate_selected) game.pieces.legate = to lift_sieges() remove_legate_if_endangered(from) if (is_unbesieged_enemy_stronghold(to)) add_siege_marker(to) if (is_trade_route(to)) conquer_trade_route(to) spend_all_actions() resume_actions() update_supply_possible() }, } // === ACTION: STONEMASONS (CAPABILITY) === function can_action_stonemasons() { if (!is_first_action()) return false if (!lord_has_capability(game.command, AOW_TEUTONIC_STONEMASONS)) return false let here = get_lord_locale(game.command) if (is_in_rus(here) && (is_fort(here) || is_town(here))) { if (get_shared_assets(here, PROV) < 6) return false if (count_castles() >= 2) return false if (has_castle_marker(here)) return false if (has_siege_marker(here)) return false return true } return false } function goto_stonemasons() { push_undo() log("Stonemasons.") game.count = 6 game.state = "stonemasons" } states.stonemasons = { prompt() { view.prompt = `Stonemasons: Pay ${game.count} provender.` let here = get_lord_locale(game.command) for (let lord = first_friendly_lord; lord <= last_friendly_lord; ++lord) if (get_lord_locale(lord) === here) if (get_lord_assets(lord, PROV) > 0) gen_action_prov(lord) }, prov(lord) { add_lord_assets(lord, PROV, -1) game.count-- if (game.count === 0) end_stonemasons() }, } function end_stonemasons() { let here = get_lord_locale(game.command) log(`Built Castle at %${here}.`) add_friendly_castle(here) remove_walls(here) spend_all_actions() resume_actions() } // === ACTION: STONE KREMLIN (CAPABILITY) === function count_walls() { return game.pieces.walls.length } function has_walls(loc) { return set_has(game.pieces.walls, loc) } function add_walls(loc) { return set_add(game.pieces.walls, loc) } function remove_walls(loc) { return set_delete(game.pieces.walls, loc) } function can_action_stone_kremlin() { if (!is_first_action()) return false if (!lord_has_capability(game.command, AOW_RUSSIAN_STONE_KREMLIN)) return false let here = get_lord_locale(game.command) if (is_fort(here) || is_city(here) || here === LOC_NOVGOROD) { if (has_walls(here)) return false return true } return false } function goto_stone_kremlin() { push_undo() log("Stone Kremlin.") if (count_walls() > 0) { game.state = "stone_kremlin" game.count = 1 } else { end_stone_kremlin() } } states.stone_kremlin = { prompt() { let here = get_lord_locale(game.command) if (game.count > 0) { if (count_walls() === 4) { view.prompt = `Stone Kremlin: Move one Walls marker.` } else { view.prompt = `Stone Kremlin: Place or move Walls.` gen_action_locale(here) } for (let loc of game.pieces.walls) gen_action_locale(loc) } else { view.prompt = `Stone Kremlin: Place Walls.` gen_action_locale(here) } }, locale(loc) { let here = get_lord_locale(game.command) if (loc !== here) { log(`Removed Walls at %${loc}.`) remove_walls(loc) game.count = 0 } else { end_stone_kremlin() } }, pass() { end_stone_kremlin() }, } function end_stone_kremlin() { let here = get_lord_locale(game.command) log(`Built Walls at %${here}.`) add_walls(here) spend_all_actions() resume_actions() } // === ACTION: SMERDI (CAPABILITY) === function can_action_smerdi() { if (game.actions < 1) return false if (game.pieces.smerdi > 0) { if (is_in_rus(get_lord_locale(game.command))) return true } return false } function goto_smerdi() { push_undo() log("Smerdi.") game.pieces.smerdi -- add_lord_forces(game.command, SERFS, 1) spend_action(1) resume_actions() } // === BATTLE === function set_active_attacker() { set_active(game.battle.attacker) } function set_active_defender() { if (game.battle.attacker === P1) set_active(P2) else set_active(P1) } function goto_battle() { if (has_unbesieged_enemy_lord(game.march.to)) start_battle() else march_with_group_3() } function init_battle(here, is_storm, is_sally) { game.battle = { where: here, round: 1, step: 0, storm: is_storm, sally: is_sally, relief: 0, attacker: game.active, ambush: 0, conceded: 0, loser: 0, array: [ -1, game.command, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, ], garrison: 0, reserves: [], retreated: 0, rearguard: 0, strikers: 0, warrior_monks: 0, hits: 0, xhits: 0, fc: -1, rc: -1, } } function start_battle() { let here = get_lord_locale(game.command) log_h2(`Battle at %${here}`) // TODO: array <= 3 attacking lords automatically init_battle(here, 0, 0) for (let lord = first_lord; lord <= last_lord; ++lord) { if (get_lord_locale(lord) === here && !is_lord_besieged(lord)) { set_lord_moved(lord, 1) if (lord !== game.command) set_add(game.battle.reserves, lord) } } goto_relief_sally() } function start_sally() { let here = get_lord_locale(game.command) log_h2(`Sally at %${here}`) init_battle(here, 0, 1) // NOTE: All besieged lords sally in Nevsky for (let lord = first_lord; lord <= last_lord; ++lord) { if (get_lord_locale(lord) === here) { set_lord_moved(lord, 1) if (lord !== game.command) set_add(game.battle.reserves, lord) } } goto_array_attacker() } function init_garrison(knights, men_at_arms) { game.battle.garrison = { knights, men_at_arms } } function start_storm() { let here = get_lord_locale(game.command) log_h2(`Storm at %${here}`) init_battle(here, 1, 0) if (here === LOC_NOVGOROD) init_garrison(0, 3) else if (is_city(here)) init_garrison(0, 3) else if (is_fort(here)) init_garrison(0, 1) else if (is_bishopric(here)) init_garrison(1, 2) else if (is_castle(here)) init_garrison(1, 1) // All lords must storm for (let lord = first_lord; lord <= last_lord; ++lord) { if (get_lord_locale(lord) === here) { set_lord_moved(lord, 1) if (lord !== game.command) set_add(game.battle.reserves, lord) } } // NOTE: Only one lord at a time can storm. goto_array_defender_storm() } // === BATTLE: RELIEF SALLY === // NOTE: sallying attackers are flagged as besieged function goto_relief_sally() { set_active_attacker() if (has_besieged_friendly_lord(game.battle.where)) { game.state = "relief_sally" game.who = NOBODY } else { goto_array_attacker() } } states.relief_sally = { prompt() { view.prompt = "Battle: Relief Sally." // NOTE: max 3 lords stronghold so there's always room for all to sally // RULES: can lower lords sally without lieutenant? let here = game.battle.where for (let lord = first_friendly_lord; lord <= last_friendly_lord; ++lord) if (get_lord_locale(lord) === here && is_lord_besieged(lord)) if (!set_has(game.battle.reserves, lord)) gen_action_lord(lord) view.actions.end_sally = 1 }, lord(lord) { push_undo() set_add(game.battle.reserves, lord) game.battle.relief = 1 }, end_sally() { goto_array_attacker() }, } // === BATTLE: BATTLE ARRAY === // 0) Defender decides to stand for Battle, not Avoid. // 1) Attacker decides which Lords will relief sally, if any. // 2) Attacker positions front A. // 3) Defender positions front D. // 4) Attacker positions SA. // 5) Defender positions reaguard RG. function has_friendly_reserves() { for (let lord of game.battle.reserves) if (is_friendly_lord(lord)) return true return false } function has_friendly_attacking_reserves() { for (let lord of game.battle.reserves) if (is_friendly_lord(lord) && (game.battle.sally || is_lord_unbesieged(lord))) return true return false } function has_friendly_sallying_reserves() { for (let lord of game.battle.reserves) if (is_friendly_lord(lord) && is_lord_besieged(lord)) return true return false } function count_friendly_reserves() { let n = 0 for (let lord of game.battle.reserves) if (is_friendly_lord(lord)) ++n return n } function pop_first_reserve() { for (let lord of game.battle.reserves) { if (is_friendly_lord(lord)) { set_delete(game.battle.reserves, lord) return lord } } return NOBODY } function prompt_array_place_opposed(X1, X2, X3, Y1, Y3) { let array = game.battle.array if (array[X2] === NOBODY) { gen_action_array(X2) } else if (array[Y1] !== NOBODY && array[Y3] === NOBODY && array[X1] === NOBODY) { gen_action_array(X1) } else if (array[Y1] === NOBODY && array[Y3] !== NOBODY && array[X3] === NOBODY) { gen_action_array(X3) } else { if (array[X1] === NOBODY) gen_action_array(X1) if (array[X3] === NOBODY) gen_action_array(X3) } } function action_array_place(pos) { push_undo_without_who() game.battle.array[pos] = game.who set_delete(game.battle.reserves, game.who) game.who = NOBODY } function goto_array_attacker() { clear_undo() set_active_attacker() game.state = "array_attacker" game.who = NOBODY if (!has_friendly_attacking_reserves()) end_array_attacker() } function goto_array_defender() { clear_undo() set_active_defender() game.state = "array_defender" game.who = NOBODY let n = count_friendly_reserves() if (n === 1) { game.battle.array[D2] = pop_first_reserve() end_array_defender() } if (n === 0) end_array_defender() } function goto_array_sally() { clear_undo() set_active_attacker() game.state = "array_sally" game.who = NOBODY if (!has_friendly_sallying_reserves()) end_array_sally() } function goto_array_rearguard() { clear_undo() set_active_defender() game.state = "array_rearguard" game.who = NOBODY if (!has_friendly_reserves() || empty(SA2)) end_array_rearguard() } // NOTE: The order here can be easily change to attacker/sally/defender/rearguard if desired. function end_array_attacker() { goto_array_defender() } function end_array_defender() { goto_array_sally() } function end_array_sally() { goto_array_rearguard() } function end_array_rearguard() { goto_attacker_events() } states.array_attacker = { prompt() { view.prompt = "Battle Array: Position your attacking lords." let array = game.battle.array let done = true if (array[A1] === NOBODY || array[A2] === NOBODY || array[A3] === NOBODY) { for (let lord of game.battle.reserves) { if (lord !== game.who && is_friendly_lord(lord)) { if (game.battle.sally || is_lord_unbesieged(lord)) { gen_action_lord(lord) done = false } } } } if (game.who === NOBODY && done) view.actions.end_array = 1 if (game.who !== NOBODY) { // A2 is already filled by command lord! if (array[A1] === NOBODY) gen_action_array(A1) if (array[A3] === NOBODY) gen_action_array(A3) } }, array: action_array_place, lord: action_select_lord, end_array: end_array_attacker, } states.array_sally = { prompt() { view.prompt = "Battle Array: Position your sallying lords." let array = game.battle.array let done = true if (array[SA1] === NOBODY || array[SA2] === NOBODY || array[SA3] === NOBODY) { for (let lord of game.battle.reserves) { if (lord !== game.who && is_friendly_lord(lord) && is_lord_besieged(lord)) { gen_action_lord(lord) done = false } } } if (game.who === NOBODY && done) view.actions.end_array = 1 if (game.who !== NOBODY) { if (array[SA2] === NOBODY) { gen_action_array(SA2) } else { if (array[SA1] === NOBODY) gen_action_array(SA1) if (array[SA3] === NOBODY) gen_action_array(SA3) } } }, array: action_array_place, lord: action_select_lord, end_array: end_array_sally, } states.array_defender = { prompt() { view.prompt = "Battle Array: Position your defending lords." let array = game.battle.array let done = true if (array[D1] === NOBODY || array[D2] === NOBODY || array[D3] === NOBODY) { for (let lord of game.battle.reserves) { if (lord !== game.who && is_friendly_lord(lord)) { gen_action_lord(lord) done = false } } } if (done && game.who === NOBODY) view.actions.end_array = 1 if (game.who !== NOBODY) prompt_array_place_opposed(D1, D2, D3, A1, A3) }, array: action_array_place, lord: action_select_lord, end_array: end_array_defender, } states.array_rearguard = { prompt() { view.prompt = "Battle Array: Position your rearguard lords." let array = game.battle.array let done = true if (array[RG1] === NOBODY || array[RG2] === NOBODY || array[RG3] === NOBODY) { for (let lord of game.battle.reserves) { if (lord !== game.who && is_friendly_lord(lord)) { gen_action_lord(lord) done = false } } } if (done && game.who === NOBODY) view.actions.end_array = 1 if (game.who !== NOBODY) prompt_array_place_opposed(RG1, RG2, RG3, SA1, SA3) }, array: action_array_place, lord: action_select_lord, end_array: end_array_rearguard, } // === STORM: ARRAY === function goto_array_defender_storm() { clear_undo() set_active_defender() game.state = "array_defender_storm" game.who = NOBODY let n = count_friendly_reserves() if (n === 1) { game.battle.array[D2] = pop_first_reserve() end_array_defender_storm() } if (n === 0) { end_array_defender_storm() } } states.array_defender_storm = { prompt() { view.prompt = "Storm Array: Choose a defending lord." for (let lord of game.battle.reserves) if (is_friendly_lord(lord)) gen_action_lord(lord) }, lord(lord) { set_delete(game.battle.reserves, lord) game.battle.array[D2] = lord end_array_defender_storm() }, } function end_array_defender_storm() { goto_attacker_events() } // === BATTLE: EVENTS === function goto_attacker_events() { clear_undo() set_active_attacker() log_br() if (can_play_battle_events()) game.state = "attacker_events" else end_attacker_events() } function end_attacker_events() { goto_defender_events() } function goto_defender_events() { set_active_defender() log_br() if (can_play_battle_events()) game.state = "defender_events" else end_defender_events() } function end_defender_events() { goto_battle_rounds() } function resume_battle_events() { game.what = -1 if (is_attacker()) goto_attacker_events() else goto_defender_events() } function could_play_card(c) { if (set_has(game.capabilities, c)) return false if (game.pieces.capabilities.includes(c)) return false if (set_has(game.events, c)) return false if (is_p1_card(c)) return game.hand1.length > 0 if (is_p2_card(c)) return game.hand2.length > 0 return true } function has_lords_in_battle() { for (let p = 0; p < 12; ++p) if (is_friendly_lord(game.battle.array[p])) return true return has_friendly_reserves() } function can_play_battle_events() { if (!game.battle.storm) { if (game.active === TEUTONS) { if (could_play_card(EVENT_TEUTONIC_AMBUSH)) return true if (is_defender()) { if (could_play_card(EVENT_TEUTONIC_HILL)) return true if (!is_winter()) if (could_play_card(EVENT_TEUTONIC_MARSH)) return true } if (!is_winter()) if (could_play_card(EVENT_TEUTONIC_BRIDGE)) return true } if (game.active === RUSSIANS) { if (could_play_card(EVENT_RUSSIAN_AMBUSH)) return true if (is_defender()) { if (could_play_card(EVENT_RUSSIAN_HILL)) return true if (!is_winter()) if (could_play_card(EVENT_RUSSIAN_MARSH)) return true } if (!is_winter()) if (could_play_card(EVENT_RUSSIAN_BRIDGE)) return true if (!is_summer()) if (could_play_card(EVENT_RUSSIAN_RAVENS_ROCK)) return true } } // Battle or Storm if (game.active === TEUTONS) { if (could_play_card(EVENT_TEUTONIC_FIELD_ORGAN)) if (has_lords_in_battle()) return true } return false } function prompt_battle_events() { // both attacker and defender events if (game.active === TEUTONS) { if (!game.battle.storm) { gen_action_card_if_held(EVENT_TEUTONIC_AMBUSH) if (!is_winter()) gen_action_card_if_held(EVENT_TEUTONIC_BRIDGE) } if (has_lords_in_battle()) gen_action_card_if_held(EVENT_TEUTONIC_FIELD_ORGAN) } if (game.active === RUSSIANS) { if (!game.battle.storm) { gen_action_card_if_held(EVENT_RUSSIAN_AMBUSH) if (!is_winter()) gen_action_card_if_held(EVENT_RUSSIAN_BRIDGE) if (!is_summer()) gen_action_card_if_held(EVENT_RUSSIAN_RAVENS_ROCK) } } view.actions.done = 1 } states.attacker_events = { prompt() { view.prompt = "Attacker may play events." prompt_battle_events() }, card: action_battle_events, done() { end_attacker_events() }, } states.defender_events = { prompt() { view.prompt = "Defender may play events." prompt_battle_events() // defender only events if (game.active === TEUTONS) { if (!game.battle.storm) { if (!is_winter()) gen_action_card_if_held(EVENT_TEUTONIC_MARSH) gen_action_card_if_held(EVENT_TEUTONIC_HILL) } } if (game.active === RUSSIANS) { if (!game.battle.storm) { if (!is_winter()) gen_action_card_if_held(EVENT_RUSSIAN_MARSH) gen_action_card_if_held(EVENT_RUSSIAN_HILL) } } }, card: action_battle_events, done() { end_defender_events() }, } function action_battle_events(c) { game.what = c set_delete(current_hand(), c) set_add(game.events, c) switch (c) { case EVENT_TEUTONIC_HILL: case EVENT_TEUTONIC_MARSH: case EVENT_RUSSIAN_HILL: case EVENT_RUSSIAN_MARSH: case EVENT_RUSSIAN_RAVENS_ROCK: // nothing more needs to be done for these log(`Played E${c}.`) resume_battle_events() break case EVENT_TEUTONIC_AMBUSH: case EVENT_RUSSIAN_AMBUSH: log(`Played E${c}.`) if (is_attacker()) game.battle.ambush |= 2 else game.battle.ambush |= 1 break case EVENT_TEUTONIC_BRIDGE: case EVENT_RUSSIAN_BRIDGE: // must select target lord game.state = "bridge" break case EVENT_TEUTONIC_FIELD_ORGAN: // must select target lord game.state = "field_organ" break } } states.bridge = { prompt() { view.prompt = "Bridge: Play on a Center Lord." view.what = game.what let array = game.battle.array if (is_attacker()) { if (array[D2] !== NOBODY) gen_action_lord(array[D2]) if (array[RG2] !== NOBODY) gen_action_lord(array[RG2]) } else { // Cannot play on Relief Sallying lord if (array[A2] !== NOBODY) gen_action_lord(array[A2]) } }, lord(lord) { log(`Played E${game.what} on L${lord}.`) if (!game.battle.bridge) game.battle.bridge = { lord1: NOBODY, lord2: NOBODY, n1: 0, n2: 0 } if (is_p1_lord(lord)) game.battle.bridge.lord1 = lord else game.battle.bridge.lord2 = lord resume_battle_events() }, } states.field_organ = { prompt() { view.prompt = "Field Organ: Play on a Lord." view.what = game.what let array = game.battle.array if (is_attacker()) { for (let pos of battle_attacking_positions) if (array[pos] !== NOBODY) gen_action_lord(array[pos]) } else { for (let pos of battle_defending_positions) if (array[pos] !== NOBODY) gen_action_lord(array[pos]) } }, lord(lord) { log(`Played E${game.what} on L${lord}.`) game.battle.field_organ = lord resume_battle_events() }, } // === BATTLE: CONCEDE THE FIELD === function goto_battle_rounds() { set_active_attacker() goto_concede() } function goto_concede() { // No concede during first round of Storm if (game.battle.storm) { log_h3(`Storm Round ${game.battle.round} / ${count_siege_markers(game.battle.where)}`) if (game.battle.round === 1) goto_first_strike() else game.state = "concede_storm" } else { log_h3(`Battle Round ${game.battle.round}`) game.state = "concede_battle" } } states.concede_battle = { prompt() { view.prompt = "Battle: Concede the Field?" view.actions.concede = 1 view.actions.battle = 1 }, concede() { log(game.active + " conceded.") game.battle.conceded = game.active goto_reposition_battle() }, battle() { set_active_enemy() if (is_attacker()) goto_reposition_battle() }, } states.concede_storm = { prompt() { view.prompt = "Storm: Concede?" view.actions.concede = 1 view.actions.battle = 1 }, concede() { log(game.active + " conceded.") game.battle.conceded = game.active end_battle() }, battle() { goto_reposition_storm() }, } // === BATTLE: REPOSITION === function send_to_reserve(pos) { if (game.battle.array[pos] !== NOBODY) { set_add(game.battle.reserves, game.battle.array[pos]) game.battle.array[pos] = NOBODY } } function slide_array(from, to) { game.battle.array[to] = game.battle.array[from] game.battle.array[from] = NOBODY } function goto_reposition_battle() { let array = game.battle.array // If all SA routed, send RG to reserve (end relief sally) if (array[SA1] === NOBODY && array[SA2] === NOBODY && array[SA3] === NOBODY) { if (array[RG1] !== NOBODY || array[RG2] !== NOBODY || array[RG3] !== NOBODY) { log("Sallying routed.") log("Rearguard to reserve.") send_to_reserve(RG1) send_to_reserve(RG2) send_to_reserve(RG3) } } // If all D routed, advance RG to front if (array[D1] === NOBODY && array[D2] === NOBODY && array[D3] === NOBODY) { log("Defenders routed.") if (array[RG1] !== NOBODY || array[RG2] !== NOBODY || array[RG3] !== NOBODY) { log("Rearguard to front.") slide_array(RG1, D1) slide_array(RG2, D2) slide_array(RG3, D3) } } // If all A routed, flip the battle field around: if (array[A1] === NOBODY && array[A2] === NOBODY && array[A3] === NOBODY) { if (array[SA1] !== NOBODY || array[SA2] !== NOBODY || array[SA3] !== NOBODY) { log("Attackers routed.") // Become a regular sally situation (siegeworks still count for defender) game.battle.sally = 1 // Advance SA to front (to regular sally) log("Sallying to front.") slide_array(SA1, A1) slide_array(SA2, A2) slide_array(SA3, A3) // then D back to reserve if (array[RG1] !== NOBODY || array[RG2] !== NOBODY || array[RG3] !== NOBODY) { log("Rearguard to front.") if (array[D1] !== NOBODY || array[D2] !== NOBODY || array[D3] !== NOBODY) { log("Defenders to reserve.") send_to_reserve(D1) send_to_reserve(D2) send_to_reserve(D3) } // then RG to D slide_array(RG1, D1) slide_array(RG2, D2) slide_array(RG3, D3) } // and during the advance D may come back out from reserve } } set_active_attacker() goto_reposition_advance() } function goto_reposition_advance() { if (can_reposition_advance()) game.state = "reposition_advance" else end_reposition_advance() } function end_reposition_advance() { game.who = NOBODY set_active_enemy() if (is_attacker()) goto_reposition_center() else goto_reposition_advance() } function goto_reposition_center() { if (can_reposition_center()) game.state = "reposition_center" else end_reposition_center() } function end_reposition_center() { game.who = NOBODY set_active_enemy() if (is_attacker()) goto_first_strike() else goto_reposition_center() } function can_reposition_advance() { if (has_friendly_reserves()) { let array = game.battle.array if (is_attacker()) { if (array[A1] === NOBODY || array[A2] === NOBODY || array[A3] === NOBODY) return true } else { if (array[D1] === NOBODY || array[D2] === NOBODY || array[D3] === NOBODY) return true if (array[SA1] !== NOBODY || array[SA2] !== NOBODY || array[SA2] !== NOBODY) if (array[RG1] === NOBODY || array[RG2] === NOBODY || array[RG3] === NOBODY) return true } } return false } states.reposition_advance = { prompt() { view.prompt = "Reposition: Advance from Reserve." let array = game.battle.array for (let lord of game.battle.reserves) if (is_friendly_lord(lord) && lord !== game.who) gen_action_lord(lord) if (game.who !== NOBODY) { if (is_attacker()) { if (array[A1] === NOBODY) gen_action_array(A1) if (array[A2] === NOBODY) gen_action_array(A2) if (array[A3] === NOBODY) gen_action_array(A3) } else { if (array[D1] === NOBODY) gen_action_array(D1) if (array[D2] === NOBODY) gen_action_array(D2) if (array[D3] === NOBODY) gen_action_array(D3) if (array[SA1] !== NOBODY || array[SA2] !== NOBODY || array[SA2] !== NOBODY) { if (array[RG1] === NOBODY) gen_action_array(RG1) if (array[RG2] === NOBODY) gen_action_array(RG2) if (array[RG3] === NOBODY) gen_action_array(RG3) } } } }, lord(lord) { game.who = lord }, array(pos) { set_delete(game.battle.reserves, game.who) game.battle.array[pos] = game.who game.who = NOBODY goto_reposition_advance() }, } function can_reposition_center() { let array = game.battle.array if (is_attacker()) { if (array[A2] === NOBODY && (array[A1] !== NOBODY || array[A3] !== NOBODY)) return true if (array[SA2] === NOBODY && (array[SA1] !== NOBODY || array[SA3] !== NOBODY)) return true } else { if (array[D2] === NOBODY && (array[D1] !== NOBODY || array[D3] !== NOBODY)) return true if (array[RG2] === NOBODY && (array[RG1] !== NOBODY || array[RG3] !== NOBODY)) return true } return false } states.reposition_center = { prompt() { view.prompt = "Reposition: Slide to Center." let array = game.battle.array if (is_attacker()) { if (array[A2] === NOBODY) { if (array[A1] !== NOBODY) gen_action_lord(game.battle.array[A1]) if (array[A3] !== NOBODY) gen_action_lord(game.battle.array[A3]) } if (array[SA2] === NOBODY) { if (array[SA1] !== NOBODY) gen_action_lord(game.battle.array[SA1]) if (array[SA3] !== NOBODY) gen_action_lord(game.battle.array[SA3]) } } else { if (array[D2] === NOBODY) { if (array[D1] !== NOBODY) gen_action_lord(game.battle.array[D1]) if (array[D3] !== NOBODY) gen_action_lord(game.battle.array[D3]) } if (array[RG2] === NOBODY) { if (array[RG1] !== NOBODY) gen_action_lord(game.battle.array[RG1]) if (array[RG3] !== NOBODY) gen_action_lord(game.battle.array[RG3]) } } if (game.who !== NOBODY) { let from = get_lord_array_position(game.who) if (from === A1 || from === A3) gen_action_array(A2) if (from === D1 || from === D3) gen_action_array(D2) if (from === SA1 || from === SA3) gen_action_array(SA2) if (from === RG1 || from === RG3) gen_action_array(RG2) } }, lord(lord) { game.who = lord }, array(pos) { let from = get_lord_array_position(game.who) slide_array(from, pos) game.who = NOBODY goto_reposition_center() }, } // === STORM: REPOSITION === function can_reposition_storm() { return has_friendly_reserves() } function goto_reposition_storm() { if (can_reposition_storm()) game.state = "reposition_storm" else end_reposition_storm() } function end_reposition_storm() { game.who = NOBODY set_active_enemy() if (is_attacker()) goto_first_strike() else goto_reposition_storm() } states.reposition_storm = { prompt() { view.prompt = "Reposition: You may switch positions between Front and any Reserve Lord." for (let lord of game.battle.reserves) if (is_friendly_lord(lord) && lord !== game.who) gen_action_lord(lord) view.actions.end_reposition = 1 }, lord(lord) { log(`Swapped in L${lord}.`) set_delete(game.battle.reserves, lord) if (is_attacker()) { if (game.battle.array[A2] !== NOBODY) set_add(game.battle.reserves, game.battle.array[A2]) game.battle.array[A2] = lord } else { if (game.battle.array[D2] !== NOBODY) set_add(game.battle.reserves, game.battle.array[D2]) game.battle.array[D2] = lord } end_reposition_storm() }, end_reposition() { end_reposition_storm() }, } // === BATTLE: STRIKE === /* Strike groups: Strike opposing lord Strike closest flanked lord (choice left/right) if not directly opposed Combine strikes with lords targeting same position Target groups: If any striker is flanking target, single target. If any other lords flank all strikers, add them to target group. */ function get_battle_array(pos) { if (game.battle.ambush & 1) if (pos === A1 || pos === A3 || pos === SA1 || pos === SA3) return NOBODY if (game.battle.ambush & 2) if (pos === D1 || pos === D3 || pos === RG1 || pos === RG3) return NOBODY return game.battle.array[pos] } function filled(pos) { return get_battle_array(pos) !== NOBODY } function empty(pos) { return get_battle_array(pos) === NOBODY } const battle_defending_positions = [ D1, D2, D3, RG1, RG2, RG3 ] const battle_attacking_positions = [ A1, A2, A3, SA1, SA2, SA3 ] const battle_steps = [ { name: "Defending Archery", hits: count_archery_hits, xhits: count_archery_xhits }, { name: "Attacking Archery", hits: count_archery_hits, xhits: count_archery_xhits }, { name: "Defending Horse", hits: count_horse_hits, xhits: count_zero_hits }, { name: "Attacking Horse", hits: count_horse_hits, xhits: count_zero_hits }, { name: "Defending Foot", hits: count_foot_hits, xhits: count_zero_hits }, { name: "Attacking Foot", hits: count_foot_hits, xhits: count_zero_hits }, ] const storm_steps = [ { name: "Defending Archery", hits: count_archery_hits, xhits: count_archery_xhits }, { name: "Attacking Archery", hits: count_archery_hits, xhits: count_archery_xhits }, { name: "Defending Melee", hits: count_melee_hits, xhits: count_zero_hits }, { name: "Attacking Melee", hits: count_melee_hits, xhits: count_zero_hits }, ] function count_zero_hits(_) { return 0 } function count_archery_xhits(lord) { let xhits = 0 if (lord_has_capability(lord, AOW_TEUTONIC_BALISTARII) || lord_has_capability(lord, AOW_RUSSIAN_STRELTSY)) xhits += get_lord_forces(lord, MEN_AT_ARMS) if (is_hill_in_play()) return xhits << 1 return xhits } function count_archery_hits(lord) { let hits = 0 if (!is_marsh_in_play()) { if (lord_has_capability(lord, AOW_RUSSIAN_LUCHNIKI)) { hits += get_lord_forces(lord, LIGHT_HORSE) hits += get_lord_forces(lord, MILITIA) } hits += get_lord_forces(lord, ASIATIC_HORSE) } else { if (lord_has_capability(lord, AOW_RUSSIAN_LUCHNIKI)) { hits += get_lord_forces(lord, MILITIA) } } if (is_hill_in_play()) return hits << 1 return hits } function count_melee_hits(lord) { return count_horse_hits(lord) + count_foot_hits(lord) } function assemble_melee_forces(lord) { let forces = { knights: get_lord_forces(lord, KNIGHTS), sergeants: get_lord_forces(lord, SERGEANTS), light_horse: get_lord_forces(lord, LIGHT_HORSE), men_at_arms: get_lord_forces(lord, MEN_AT_ARMS), militia: get_lord_forces(lord, MILITIA), serfs: get_lord_forces(lord, SERFS), } if (is_marsh_in_play()) { forces.knights = 0 forces.sergeants = 0 forces.light_horse = 0 } if (game.battle.bridge && (game.battle.bridge.lord1 === lord || game.battle.bridge.lord12 === lord)) { let n = is_p1_lord(lord) ? game.battle.bridge.n1 : game.battle.bridge.n2 console.log("FORCES1", forces, n) log(`Bridge L${lord}`) if (is_horse_step()) { // Pick at most 1 LH if there are any Foot (for +1/2 rounding benefit) if (forces.men_at_arms + forces.militia + forces.serfs > 0 && forces.light_horse > 1) forces.light_horse = 1 if (forces.knights >= n) forces.knights = n n -= forces.knights if (forces.sergeants >= n) forces.sergeants = n n -= forces.sergeants if (forces.light_horse >= n) forces.light_horse = n n -= forces.light_horse if (forces.knights > 0) logi(`${forces.knights} Knights`) if (forces.sergeants > 0) logi(`${forces.sergeants} Sergeants`) if (forces.light_horse > 0) logi(`${forces.light_horse} Light Horse`) if (forces.knights + forces.sergeants + forces.light_horse === 0) logi(`None`) } if (is_foot_step()) { if (forces.men_at_arms >= n) forces.men_at_arms = n n -= forces.men_at_arms if (forces.militia >= n) forces.militia = n n -= forces.militia if (forces.serfs >= n) forces.serfs = n n -= forces.serfs if (forces.men_at_arms > 0) logi(`${forces.men_at_arms} Men-at-Arms`) if (forces.militia > 0) logi(`${forces.militia} Militia`) if (forces.serfs > 0) logi(`${forces.serfs} Serfs`) if (forces.men_at_arms + forces.militia + forces.serfs === 0) logi(`None`) } console.log("FORCES2", forces, n) if (is_p1_lord(lord)) game.battle.bridge.n1 = n else game.battle.bridge.n2 = n } return forces } function count_horse_hits(lord) { let hits = 0 if (!is_marsh_in_play()) { let forces = assemble_melee_forces(lord) if (game.battle.storm) hits += forces.knights << 1 else hits += forces.knights << 2 hits += forces.sergeants << 1 hits += forces.light_horse if (game.battle.field_organ === lord && game.battle.round === 1) { log(`Field Organ L${lord}.`) hits += forces.knights << 1 hits += forces.sergeants << 1 } } return hits } function count_foot_hits(lord) { let forces = assemble_melee_forces(lord) let hits = 0 hits += forces.men_at_arms << 1 hits += forces.militia hits += forces.serfs return hits } function count_garrison_xhits() { if (is_archery_step()) return game.battle.garrison.men_at_arms return 0 } function count_garrison_hits() { if (is_melee_step()) return (game.battle.garrison.knights << 1) + (game.battle.garrison.men_at_arms << 1) return 0 } function count_lord_xhits(lord) { if (game.battle.storm) return storm_steps[game.battle.step].xhits(lord) return battle_steps[game.battle.step].xhits(lord) } function count_lord_hits(lord) { if (game.battle.storm) return storm_steps[game.battle.step].hits(lord) return battle_steps[game.battle.step].hits(lord) } function is_battle_over() { set_active_attacker() if (has_no_unrouted_forces()) return true set_active_defender() if (has_no_unrouted_forces()) return true return false } function has_no_unrouted_forces() { // All unrouted lords are either in battle array or in reserves for (let p = 0; p < 12; ++p) if (is_friendly_lord(game.battle.array[p])) return false for (let lord of game.battle.reserves) if (is_friendly_lord(lord)) return false if (game.battle.storm && is_defender()) if (game.battle.garrison) return false return true } function is_attacker() { return game.active === game.battle.attacker } function is_defender() { return game.active !== game.battle.attacker } function is_attacker_step() { return (game.battle.step & 1) === 1 } function is_defender_step() { return (game.battle.step & 1) === 0 } function is_archery_step() { return game.battle.step < 2 } function is_melee_step() { return game.battle.step >= 2 } function is_horse_step() { return game.battle.step === 2 || game.battle.step === 3 } function is_foot_step() { return game.battle.step === 4 || game.battle.step === 5 } function did_concede() { return game.active === game.battle.conceded } function did_not_concede() { return game.active !== game.battle.conceded } function has_strike(pos) { return game.battle.ah[pos] + game.battle.ahx[pos] > 0 } function current_strike_positions() { if (game.battle.storm) return is_attacker_step() ? [ A2 ] : [ D2 ] else return is_attacker_step() ? battle_attacking_positions : battle_defending_positions } function find_closest_target(A, B, C) { if (filled(A)) return A if (filled(B)) return B if (filled(C)) return C return -1 } function find_closest_target_center(T2) { if (game.battle.fc < 0) throw Error("unset front l/r choice") if (game.battle.rc < 0) throw Error("unset rear l/r choice") if (filled(T2)) return T2 if (T2 >= A1 && T2 <= D3) return game.battle.fc return game.battle.rc } function find_strike_target(S) { switch (S) { case A1: return find_closest_target(D1, D2, D3) case A2: return find_closest_target_center(D2) case A3: return find_closest_target(D3, D2, D1) case D1: return find_closest_target(A1, A2, A3) case D2: return find_closest_target_center(A2) case D3: return find_closest_target(A3, A2, A1) case SA1: return find_closest_target(RG1, RG2, RG3) case SA2: return find_closest_target_center(RG2) case SA3: return find_closest_target(RG3, RG2, RG1) case RG1: return find_closest_target(SA1, SA2, SA3) case RG2: return find_closest_target_center(SA2) case RG3: return find_closest_target(SA3, SA2, SA1) } } function has_strike_target(S) { if (is_attacker_step() && game.battle.storm && game.battle.garrison) return true if (S === A1 || S === A2 || S === A3) return filled(D1) || filled(D2) || filled(D3) if (S === D1 || S === D2 || S === D3) return filled(A1) || filled(A2) || filled(A3) if (S === SA1 || S === SA2 || S === SA3) return filled(RG1) || filled(RG2) || filled(RG3) || (!game.battle.rearguard && (filled(D1) || filled(D2) || filled(D3))) if (S === RG1 || S === RG2 || S === RG3) return filled(SA1) || filled(SA2) || filled(SA3) } function has_no_strike_targets() { for (let striker of game.battle.strikers) if (has_strike_target(striker)) return false return true } function has_no_strikers_and_strike_targets() { for (let pos of current_strike_positions()) if (has_strike(pos) && has_strike_target(pos)) return false return true } function create_strike_group(start) { let strikers = [ start ] let target = find_strike_target(start) for (let pos of current_strike_positions()) if (pos !== start && filled(pos) && find_strike_target(pos) === target) set_add(strikers, pos) return strikers } function flanks_position_row(S, T, S1, S2, S3, T1, T2, T3) { // S and T are not empty switch (S) { case S1: switch (T) { case T1: return false case T2: return empty(T1) case T3: return empty(T1) && empty(T2) } break case S2: return empty(T2) case S3: switch (T) { case T1: return empty(T3) && empty(T2) case T2: return empty(T3) case T3: return false } break } return false } function flanks_position(S, T) { if (S === A1 || S === A2 || S === A3) return flanks_position_row(S, T, A1, A2, A3, D1, D2, D3) if (S === D1 || S === D2 || S === D3) return flanks_position_row(S, T, D1, D2, D3, A1, A2, A3) if (S === SA1 || S === SA2 || S === SA3) return flanks_position_row(S, T, SA1, SA2, SA3, RG1, RG2, RG3) if (S === RG1 || S === RG2 || S === RG3) return flanks_position_row(S, T, RG1, RG2, RG3, SA1, SA2, SA3) } function flanks_all_positions(S, TT) { for (let T of TT) if (!flanks_position(S, T)) return false return true } function strike_left_or_right(gate, S2, T1, T2, T3) { if (gate(S2)) { if (filled(T2)) return T2 let has_t1 = filled(T1) let has_t3 = filled(T3) if (has_t1 && has_t3) return -1 if (has_t1) return T1 if (has_t3) return T3 } return T2 // No target - safe default } function strike_defender_row() { let has_d1 = filled(D1) let has_d2 = filled(D2) let has_d3 = filled(D3) if (has_d1 && !has_d2 && !has_d3) return D1 if (!has_d1 && has_d2 && !has_d3) return D2 if (!has_d1 && !has_d2 && has_d3) return D3 return -1 } // === BATTLE: STRIKE === /* for each battle step: generate strikes for each lord while strikes remain: create list of strike groups (choose left/right both rows) select strike group create target group (choose if sally) total strikes and roll for walls while hits remain: assign hit to unit in target group if lord routs: forget choice of left/right strike group in current row create new target group (choose if left/right/sally) */ function format_strike_step() { // TODO: format strike group and target groups too? if (game.battle.storm) return storm_steps[game.battle.step].name return battle_steps[game.battle.step].name } function format_hits() { if (game.battle.xhits > 0 && game.battle.hits > 0) { if (game.battle.xhits > 1 && game.battle.hits > 1) return `${game.battle.xhits} crossbow hits and ${game.battle.hits} hits` else if (game.battle.xhits > 1) return `${game.battle.xhits} crossbow hits and ${game.battle.hits} hit` else if (game.battle.hits > 1) return `${game.battle.xhits} crossbow hit and ${game.battle.hits} hits` else return `${game.battle.xhits} crossbow hit and ${game.battle.hits} hit` } else if (game.battle.xhits > 0) { if (game.battle.xhits > 1) return `${game.battle.xhits} crossbow hits` else return `${game.battle.xhits} crossbow hit` } else { if (game.battle.hits > 1) return `${game.battle.hits} hits` else return `${game.battle.hits} hit` } } function goto_first_strike() { game.battle.step = 0 if (game.battle.bridge) { game.battle.bridge.n1 = game.battle.round game.battle.bridge.n2 = game.battle.round } if (filled(RG1) || filled(RG2) || filled(RG3)) game.battle.rearguard = 1 else game.battle.rearguard = 0 goto_strike() } function goto_next_strike() { let end = game.battle.storm ? 4 : 6 game.battle.step++ if (game.battle.step >= end) end_battle_round() else goto_strike() } function goto_strike() { // Exit early if one side is completely routed if (is_battle_over()) { end_battle_round() return } if (is_attacker_step()) set_active_attacker() else set_active_defender() if (game.battle.storm) log_h4(storm_steps[game.battle.step].name) else log_h4(battle_steps[game.battle.step].name) // Once per Archery and once per Melee. if (game.battle.step === 0 || game.battle.step === 2) { game.battle.warrior_monks = 0 for (let p = 0; p < 12; ++p) { let lord = game.battle.array[p] if (lord !== NOBODY && lord_has_capability(lord, AOW_TEUTONIC_WARRIOR_MONKS)) game.battle.warrior_monks |= 1 << lord } } if (is_marsh_in_play()) log("Marsh.") if (is_archery_step() && is_hill_in_play()) log("Hill.") // Generate hits if (!game.battle.storm) { game.battle.ah = [ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ] game.battle.ahx = [ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ] } else { game.battle.ah = [ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ] game.battle.ahx = [ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ] } for (let pos of current_strike_positions()) { let lord = get_battle_array(pos) if (lord !== NOBODY) { let hits = count_lord_hits(lord) let xhits = count_lord_xhits(lord) // STORM: Max 6 hits per lord in melee (12 since we count half-hits). if (game.battle.storm) { if (is_melee_step() && hits > 12) hits = 12 } game.battle.ah[pos] = hits game.battle.ahx[pos] = xhits if (xhits > 2) log(`L${lord} ${xhits / 2} crossbow hits`) else if (xhits > 0) log(`L${lord} ${xhits / 2} crossbow hit`) if (hits > 2) log(`L${lord} ${hits / 2} hits`) else if (hits > 0) log(`L${lord} ${hits / 2} hit`) } } if (did_concede()) log("Pursuit.") // Strike left or right or defender if (is_attacker_step()) game.battle.fc = strike_left_or_right(has_strike, A2, D1, D2, D3) else game.battle.fc = strike_left_or_right(has_strike, D2, A1, A2, A3) if (is_sa_without_rg()) { // NOTE: striking rearguard is handled in strike_group and assign_hits game.battle.rc = RG2 } else { if (is_attacker_step()) game.battle.rc = strike_left_or_right(has_strike, SA2, RG1, RG2, RG3) else game.battle.rc = strike_left_or_right(has_strike, RG2, SA1, SA2, SA3) } if (game.battle.storm) { if (is_attacker_step()) game.battle.strikers = [ A2 ] else game.battle.strikers = [ D2 ] goto_strike_total_hits() } else { if (has_no_strikers_and_strike_targets()) log("No hits or targets.") resume_strike() } } function resume_strike() { if (game.battle.storm) goto_next_strike() // NOTE: only one strike group in a storm else if (has_no_strikers_and_strike_targets()) goto_next_strike() else if (game.battle.fc < 0 || game.battle.rc < 0) game.state = "strike_left_right" else goto_strike_group() } function prompt_target_2(S1, T1, T3) { view.who = game.battle.array[S1] gen_action_lord(game.battle.array[T1]) gen_action_lord(game.battle.array[T3]) } function is_sa_without_rg() { return !game.battle.rearguard && (filled(SA1) || filled(SA2) || filled(SA3)) } function prompt_left_right() { if (game.battle.fc < 0) { view.prompt = `${format_strike_step()}: Strike left or right?` if (is_attacker_step()) prompt_target_2(A2, D1, D3) else prompt_target_2(D2, A1, A3) } else { if (is_sa_without_rg()) { view.prompt = `${format_strike_step()}: Strike which defender?` view.group = [] if (filled(SA1)) view.group.push(SA1) if (filled(SA2)) view.group.push(SA2) if (filled(SA3)) view.group.push(SA3) if (filled(D1)) gen_action_lord(game.battle.array[D1]) if (filled(D2)) gen_action_lord(game.battle.array[D2]) if (filled(D3)) gen_action_lord(game.battle.array[D3]) } else { view.prompt = `${format_strike_step()}: Strike left or right?` if (is_attacker_step()) prompt_target_2(SA2, RG1, RG3) else prompt_target_2(RG2, SA1, SA3) } } } function action_left_right(lord) { log(`Targeted L${lord}.`) let pos = get_lord_array_position(lord) if (game.battle.fc < 0) game.battle.fc = pos else game.battle.rc = pos } states.strike_left_right = { prompt: prompt_left_right, lord(lord) { action_left_right(lord) resume_strike() }, } states.assign_left_right = { prompt: prompt_left_right, lord(lord) { action_left_right(lord) set_active_enemy() goto_assign_hits() }, } function goto_strike_group() { game.state = "strike_group" // Auto-strike if only one group let first_striker = -1 let first_target = -1 let target for (let pos of current_strike_positions()) { if (has_strike(pos)) { if ((pos === SA1 || pos === SA2 || pos === SA3) && is_sa_without_rg()) target = 100 // just a unique target id else target = find_strike_target(pos) if (first_target < 0) { first_striker = pos first_target = target } else if (first_target !== target) { return // more than one target! } } } select_strike_group(first_striker) } function select_strike_group(pos) { if ((pos === SA1 || pos === SA2 || pos === SA3) && is_sa_without_rg()) { game.battle.strikers = [ SA1, SA2, SA3 ] game.battle.rc = strike_defender_row() } else { game.battle.strikers = create_strike_group(pos) } goto_strike_total_hits() } states.strike_group = { prompt() { view.prompt = `${format_strike_step()}: Strike with a Lord.` for (let pos of current_strike_positions()) if (has_strike(pos)) gen_action_lord(game.battle.array[pos]) }, lord(lord) { select_strike_group(get_lord_array_position(lord)) }, } // === BATTLE: TOTAL HITS (ROUND UP) === function goto_strike_total_hits() { let hits = 0 let xhits = 0 let slist = [] let tlist = [] // STORM: Garrison strikes if (is_defender_step() && game.battle.storm && game.battle.garrison) { let garr_hits = count_garrison_hits() let garr_xhits = count_garrison_xhits() if (garr_hits + garr_xhits > 0) slist.push("Garrison") if (garr_xhits > 2) log(`Garrison ${garr_xhits/2} crossbow hits`) else if (garr_xhits > 0) log(`Garrison ${garr_xhits/2} crossbow hit`) if (garr_hits > 2) log(`Garrison ${garr_hits/2} hits`) else if (garr_hits > 0) log(`Garrison ${garr_hits/2} hit`) hits += garr_hits xhits += garr_xhits } // Total hits for (let pos of game.battle.strikers) { if (game.battle.ah[pos] + game.battle.ahx[pos] > 0) { slist.push(lord_name[game.battle.array[pos]]) hits += game.battle.ah[pos] xhits += game.battle.ahx[pos] game.battle.ah[pos] = 0 game.battle.ahx[pos] = 0 } } // Round in favor of crossbow hits. if (xhits & 1) { hits = (hits >> 1) xhits = (xhits >> 1) + 1 } else { if (hits & 1) hits = (hits >> 1) + 1 else hits = (hits >> 1) xhits = (xhits >> 1) } // Conceding side halves its total Hits, rounded up. if (did_concede()) { hits = (hits + 1) >> 1 xhits = (xhits + 1) >> 1 } game.battle.hits = hits game.battle.xhits = xhits tlist = [] for_each_target(lord => tlist.push(lord_name[lord])) log_br() log(slist.join(" and ") + " struck " + tlist.join(" and ") + " for " + format_hits() + ".") goto_strike_roll_walls() } // === BATTLE: ROLL WALLS === function goto_strike_roll_walls() { set_active_enemy() if (game.battle.storm) { if (is_attacker_step()) roll_for_walls() else roll_for_siegeworks() } else if (game.battle.sally) { if (is_attacker_step()) { if (is_ravens_rock_in_play() && count_siege_markers(game.battle.where) < 2) roll_for_ravens_rock() else roll_for_siegeworks() } else { if (is_ravens_rock_in_play()) roll_for_ravens_rock() } } else { let s = game.battle.strikers[0] if (s === SA1 || s === SA2 || s === SA3) { if (is_ravens_rock_in_play() && count_siege_markers(game.battle.where) < 2) roll_for_ravens_rock() else roll_for_siegeworks() } else { if (is_ravens_rock_in_play()) roll_for_ravens_rock() } } goto_assign_hits() } function enemy_has_trebuchets() { if (game.active === RUSSIANS) { for (let lord = first_enemy_lord; lord <= last_enemy_lord; ++lord) if (get_lord_locale(lord) === game.battle.where && lord_has_unrouted_units(lord)) if (lord_has_capability(lord, AOW_TEUTONIC_TREBUCHETS)) return true } } function roll_for_walls() { let here = game.battle.where let prot = 0 if (is_bishopric(here) || is_castle(here) || has_walls(here)) prot = 4 else if (is_city(here) || is_fort(here) || here === LOC_NOVGOROD) prot = 3 if (enemy_has_trebuchets()) { logi("Trebuchets.") prot-- } if (prot > 0) { game.battle.xhits = roll_for_protection(`Walls 1-${prot}`, true, prot, game.battle.xhits) game.battle.hits = roll_for_protection(`Walls 1-${prot}`, false, prot, game.battle.hits) } else { logi("No walls.") } } function roll_for_siegeworks() { let prot = count_siege_markers(game.battle.where) if (enemy_has_trebuchets()) { logi("Trebuchets.") prot-- } if (prot > 0) { game.battle.xhits = roll_for_protection(`Siegeworks 1-${prot}`, true, prot, game.battle.xhits) game.battle.hits = roll_for_protection(`Siegeworks 1-${prot}`, false, prot, game.battle.hits) } else { logi("No siegeworks.") } } function roll_for_ravens_rock() { let prot = 2 if (enemy_has_trebuchets()) { logi("Trebuchets.") prot-- } if (prot > 0) { game.battle.xhits = roll_for_protection(`Raven's Rock 1-${prot}`, true, prot, game.battle.xhits) game.battle.hits = roll_for_protection(`Raven's Rock 1-${prot}`, false, prot, game.battle.hits) } else { logi("No Raven's Rock.") } } function roll_for_protection(name, crossbow, prot, n) { let total = 0 if (n > 0) { let rolls = [] for (let i = 0; i < n; ++i) { let die = roll_die() if (die <= prot) { rolls.push(DIE_HIT[die]) } else { rolls.push(DIE_MISS[die]) total++ } } if (crossbow) logi(name + " vs crossbow:") else logi(name + ":") logii(rolls.join(", ")) if (crossbow) { if (total > 0) logi(`${total} crossbow hits`) else if (total === 1) logi(`${total} crossbow hit`) else logi(`No crossbow hits`) } else { if (total > 1) logi(`${total} hits`) else if (total === 1) logi(`${total} hit`) else logi(`No hits`) } } return total } // === BATTLE: ASSIGN HITS TO UNITS / ROLL BY HIT / ROUT === function goto_assign_hits() { if (game.battle.hits + game.battle.xhits === 0) return end_assign_hits() if (has_no_strike_targets()) { log("Lost " + format_hits() + ".") return end_assign_hits() } if (is_attacker_step()) { if (game.battle.fc < 0 && set_has(game.battle.strikers, A2)) return goto_assign_left_right() if (game.battle.rc < 0 && set_has(game.battle.strikers, SA2)) return goto_assign_left_right() } else { if (game.battle.fc < 0 && set_has(game.battle.strikers, D2)) return goto_assign_left_right() if (game.battle.rc < 0 && set_has(game.battle.strikers, RG2)) return goto_assign_left_right() } game.state = "assign_hits" } function goto_assign_left_right() { set_active_enemy() game.state = "assign_left_right" } function end_assign_hits() { game.battle.strikers = 0 game.battle.hits = 0 game.battle.xhits = 0 set_active_enemy() if (game.battle.storm) goto_next_strike() else resume_strike() } function for_each_target(fn) { let start = game.battle.strikers[0] // SA without RG striking D, target is always flanked if ((start === SA1 || start === SA2 || start === SA3) && is_sa_without_rg()) { fn(game.battle.array[game.battle.rc]) return } let target = find_strike_target(start) fn(game.battle.array[target]) // If any striker flanks target, target must take all hits for (let striker of game.battle.strikers) if (flanks_position(striker, target)) return // SA without RG flank all D (target must take all hits) if ((target === D1 || target === D2 || target === D3) && is_sa_without_rg()) return // If other lord flanks all strikers, he may take hits instead for (let flanker of ARRAY_FLANKS[target]) if (filled(flanker) && flanks_all_positions(flanker, game.battle.strikers)) fn(game.battle.array[flanker]) // SA without RG flank all D (and can thus take hits from A) if ((target === A1 || target === A2 || target === A3) && is_sa_without_rg()) { if (filled(SA1)) fn(game.battle.array[SA1]) if (filled(SA2)) fn(game.battle.array[SA2]) if (filled(SA3)) fn(game.battle.array[SA3]) } } function prompt_hit_armored_forces() { let has_armored = false for_each_target(lord => { if (get_lord_forces(lord, KNIGHTS) > 0) { gen_action_knights(lord) has_armored = true } if (get_lord_forces(lord, SERGEANTS) > 0) { gen_action_sergeants(lord) has_armored = true } if (get_lord_forces(lord, MEN_AT_ARMS) > 0) { gen_action_men_at_arms(lord) has_armored = true } }) return has_armored } function prompt_hit_unarmored_forces() { for_each_target(lord => { if (get_lord_forces(lord, LIGHT_HORSE) > 0) gen_action_light_horse(lord) if (get_lord_forces(lord, ASIATIC_HORSE) > 0) gen_action_asiatic_horse(lord) if (get_lord_forces(lord, MILITIA) > 0) gen_action_militia(lord) if (get_lord_forces(lord, SERFS) > 0) gen_action_serfs(lord) }) } function prompt_hit_forces() { for_each_target(lord => { if (get_lord_forces(lord, KNIGHTS) > 0) gen_action_knights(lord) if (get_lord_forces(lord, SERGEANTS) > 0) gen_action_sergeants(lord) if (get_lord_forces(lord, LIGHT_HORSE) > 0) gen_action_light_horse(lord) if (get_lord_forces(lord, ASIATIC_HORSE) > 0) gen_action_asiatic_horse(lord) if (get_lord_forces(lord, MEN_AT_ARMS) > 0) gen_action_men_at_arms(lord) if (get_lord_forces(lord, MILITIA) > 0) gen_action_militia(lord) if (get_lord_forces(lord, SERFS) > 0) gen_action_serfs(lord) }) } states.assign_hits = { prompt() { view.prompt = `${format_strike_step()}: Assign ${format_hits()} to units.` view.group = game.battle.strikers.map(p => game.battle.array[p]) // TODO: hits or xhits choice if (game.battle.storm) { if (is_attacker()) { // Storm - attacker must apply hits to armored first let has_armored = prompt_hit_armored_forces() if (!has_armored) prompt_hit_unarmored_forces() } else { // Storm - defender must apply hits to garrison first if (game.battle.garrison) { if (game.battle.garrison.knights > 0) gen_action_knights(GARRISON) if (game.battle.garrison.men_at_arms > 0) gen_action_men_at_arms(GARRISON) } else { prompt_hit_forces() } } } else { prompt_hit_forces() } }, knights(lord) { action_assign_hits(lord, KNIGHTS) }, sergeants(lord) { action_assign_hits(lord, SERGEANTS) }, light_horse(lord) { action_assign_hits(lord, LIGHT_HORSE) }, asiatic_horse(lord) { action_assign_hits(lord, ASIATIC_HORSE) }, men_at_arms(lord) { action_assign_hits(lord, MEN_AT_ARMS) }, militia(lord) { action_assign_hits(lord, MILITIA) }, serfs(lord) { action_assign_hits(lord, SERFS) }, } function is_striking(pos) { // Future strikes if (has_strike(pos)) return true // Remaining hits in current group if (set_has(game.battle.strikers, pos) && game.battle.hits + game.battle.xhits > 0) { let lord = game.battle.array[pos] return count_lord_hits(lord) + count_lord_xhits(lord) > 0 } return false } function rout_lord(lord) { log(`L${lord} routed.`) let pos = get_lord_array_position(lord) // Remove from battle array game.battle.array[pos] = NOBODY // Strike left or right or defender if (pos >= A1 && pos <= A3) { game.battle.fc = strike_left_or_right(is_striking, D2, A1, A2, A3) } else if (pos >= D1 && pos <= D3) { game.battle.fc = strike_left_or_right(is_striking, A2, D1, D2, D3) if (is_sa_without_rg()) game.battle.rc = strike_defender_row() } else if (pos >= SA1 && pos <= SA3) { game.battle.rc = strike_left_or_right(is_striking, RG2, SA1, SA2, SA3) } else if (pos >= RG1 && pos <= RG3) { game.battle.rc = strike_left_or_right(is_striking, SA2, RG1, RG2, RG3) } } function rout_unit(lord, type) { if (lord === GARRISON) { if (type === KNIGHTS) game.battle.garrison.knights-- if (type === MEN_AT_ARMS) game.battle.garrison.men_at_arms-- if (game.battle.garrison.knights + game.battle.garrison.men_at_arms === 0) { log("Garrison routed.") game.battle.garrison = 0 } } else { add_lord_forces(lord, type, -1) add_lord_routed_forces(lord, type, 1) } } function use_warrior_monks(lord, type) { if (type === KNIGHTS) { let bit = 1 << lord if (game.battle.warrior_monks & bit) { game.battle.warrior_monks ^= bit return true } } return false } function action_assign_hits(lord, type) { let protection = FORCE_PROTECTION[type] let evade = FORCE_EVADE[type] // TODO: manual choice of hit type let ap = (is_armored_force(type) && game.battle.xhits > 0) ? 2 : 0 if (type === SERGEANTS || type === MEN_AT_ARMS) if (lord_has_capability(lord, AOW_TEUTONIC_HALBBRUDER)) protection += 1 // Evade only in Battle Melee steps if (evade > 0 && !game.battle.storm && is_melee_step()) { let die = roll_die() if (die <= evade) { logi(`${FORCE_TYPE_NAME[type]} ${die} <= ${evade}`) } else { logi(`${FORCE_TYPE_NAME[type]} ${die} > ${evade}`) rout_unit(lord, type) } } else if (protection > 0) { let die = roll_die() if (die <= protection - ap) { logi(`${FORCE_TYPE_NAME[type]} ${die} <= ${protection - ap}`) } else { logi(`${FORCE_TYPE_NAME[type]} ${die} > ${protection - ap}`) if (use_warrior_monks(lord, type)) { die = roll_die() if (die <= protection - ap) { logi(`Warrior Monks ${die} <= ${protection - ap}`) } else { logi(`Warrior Monks ${die} > ${protection - ap}`) rout_unit(lord, type) } } else { rout_unit(lord, type) } } } else { logi(`${FORCE_TYPE_NAME[type]} unprotected`) rout_unit(lord, type) } if (game.battle.xhits) game.battle.xhits-- else game.battle.hits-- if (!lord_has_unrouted_units(lord)) // TODO: log list of new targets... after assign left/right rout_lord(lord) goto_assign_hits() } // === BATTLE: NEW ROUND === function end_battle_round() { if (game.battle.conceded) { game.battle.loser = game.battle.conceded end_battle() return } set_active_attacker() if (has_no_unrouted_forces()) { game.battle.loser = game.active end_battle() return } set_active_defender() if (has_no_unrouted_forces()) { game.battle.loser = game.active end_battle() return } game.battle.round ++ game.battle.ambush = 0 if (game.battle.storm) { if (game.battle.round > count_siege_markers(game.battle.where)) { game.battle.loser = game.battle.attacker end_battle() return } } set_active_attacker() goto_concede() } // === ENDING THE BATTLE === function set_active_loser() { set_active(game.battle.loser) } function set_active_victor() { if (game.battle.loser === P1) set_active(P2) else set_active(P1) } function end_battle() { // Ending the Battle // retreat, withdrawal, or removal // withdraw // retreat // remove // losses // spoils // service // Ending the Storm // sack // losses // spoils log_br() log(`${game.battle.loser} lost.`) if ((game.battle.sally || game.battle.relief) && game.battle.attacker === game.battle.loser) { log("Raid removed Siege markers.") remove_all_but_one_siege_markers(game.battle.where) } game.battle.array = 0 if (game.battle.storm) { if (game.battle.attacker !== game.battle.loser) goto_sack() else goto_battle_losses() } else { goto_battle_withdraw() } } // === ENDING THE STORM: SACK === function award_spoils(n) { add_spoils(LOOT, n) add_spoils(PROV, n) add_spoils(COIN, n) } function goto_sack() { let here = game.battle.where set_active_victor() log(`Sacked %${here}.`) conquer_stronghold(game.battle.where) remove_walls(game.battle.where) if (here === LOC_NOVGOROD) { if (game.pieces.veche_coin > 0) { add_spoils(COIN, game.pieces.veche_coin) log(`Awarded ${game.pieces.veche_coin} Coin from Veche.`) game.pieces.veche_coin = 0 } award_spoils(3) } else if (is_city(here)) award_spoils(2) else if (is_fort(here)) award_spoils(1) else if (is_bishopric(here)) award_spoils(2) else if (is_castle(here)) award_spoils(1) set_active_loser() resume_sack() } function resume_sack() { if (has_friendly_lord(game.battle.where)) game.state = "sack" else goto_battle_losses() } states.sack = { prompt() { let here = game.battle.where view.prompt = `Sack: Remove all Lords at ${data.locales[here].name}.` for (let lord = first_friendly_lord; lord <= last_friendly_lord; ++lord) if (get_lord_locale(lord) === here) gen_action_lord(lord) }, lord(lord) { log(`Disbanded L${lord}.`) transfer_assets_except_ships(lord) if (can_ransom_lord_battle(lord)) { goto_ransom(lord) } else { disband_lord(lord, true) resume_sack() } }, } function end_ransom_sack() { resume_sack() } // === ENDING THE BATTLE: WITHDRAW === function withdrawal_capacity_needed(here) { let has_upper = 0 let has_other = 0 for (let lord = first_friendly_lord; lord <= last_friendly_lord; ++lord) { if (get_lord_locale(lord) === here && is_lord_unbesieged(lord) && !is_lower_lord(lord)) { if (is_upper_lord(lord)) has_upper++ else has_other++ } } if (has_upper) return 2 if (has_other) return 1 return 0 } function goto_battle_withdraw() { set_active_loser() game.spoils = 0 let here = game.battle.where let wn = withdrawal_capacity_needed(here) if (wn > 0 && can_withdraw(here, wn)) { game.state = "battle_withdraw" } else { end_battle_withdraw() } } function end_battle_withdraw() { goto_retreat() } states.battle_withdraw = { prompt() { let here = game.battle.where let capacity = stronghold_capacity(here) view.prompt = "Battle: You may withdraw losing lords into stronghold." // NOTE: Sallying lords are still flagged "besieged" and are thus already withdrawn! if (capacity >= 1) { for (let lord = first_friendly_lord; lord <= last_friendly_lord; ++lord) { if (get_lord_locale(lord) === here && !is_lower_lord(lord) && is_lord_unbesieged(lord)) { if (is_upper_lord(lord)) { if (capacity >= 2) gen_action_lord(lord) } else { gen_action_lord(lord) } } } } view.actions.end_withdraw = 1 }, lord(lord) { push_undo() let lower = get_lower_lord(lord) log(`L${lord} withdrew.`) set_lord_besieged(lord, 1) if (lower !== NOBODY) { log(`L${lower} withdrew.`) set_lord_besieged(lord, 1) } }, end_withdraw() { clear_undo() end_battle_withdraw() }, } // === ENDING THE BATTLE: RETREAT === function count_retreat_transport(type) { let n = 0 for (let lord of game.battle.retreated) n += count_lord_transport(lord, type) return n } function count_retreat_assets(type) { let n = 0 for (let lord of game.battle.retreated) n += get_lord_assets(lord, type) return n } // TODO: manually lose all assets!? function transfer_assets_except_ships(lord) { add_spoils(PROV, get_lord_assets(lord, PROV)) add_spoils(COIN, get_lord_assets(lord, COIN)) add_spoils(LOOT, get_lord_assets(lord, LOOT)) add_spoils(CART, get_lord_assets(lord, CART)) add_spoils(SLED, get_lord_assets(lord, SLED)) add_spoils(BOAT, get_lord_assets(lord, BOAT)) set_lord_assets(lord, PROV, 0) set_lord_assets(lord, COIN, 0) set_lord_assets(lord, LOOT, 0) set_lord_assets(lord, CART, 0) set_lord_assets(lord, SLED, 0) set_lord_assets(lord, BOAT, 0) } function can_retreat_to(to) { return !has_unbesieged_enemy_lord(to) && !is_unbesieged_enemy_stronghold(to) } function can_retreat() { if (game.march) { // Battle after March if (is_attacker()) return can_retreat_to(game.march.from) for (let [to, way] of data.locales[game.battle.where].ways) if (way !== game.march.approach && can_retreat_to(to)) return true } else { // Battle after Sally for (let to of data.locales[game.battle.where].adjacent) if (can_retreat_to(to)) return true } return false } function goto_retreat() { let here = game.battle.where if (count_unbesieged_friendly_lords(here) > 0 && can_retreat()) { game.battle.retreated = [] for (let lord = first_friendly_lord; lord <= last_friendly_lord; ++lord) if (get_lord_locale(lord) === here && is_lord_unbesieged(lord)) set_add(game.battle.retreated, lord) game.state = "retreat" } else { end_retreat() } } function end_retreat() { lift_sieges() goto_battle_remove() } states.retreat = { prompt() { view.prompt = "Battle: Retreat losing lords." view.group = game.battle.retreated if (game.march) { // after March if (is_attacker()) { gen_action_locale(game.march.from) } else { for (let [to, way] of data.locales[game.battle.where].ways) if (way !== game.march.approach && can_retreat_to(to)) gen_action_locale(to) } } else { // after Sally for (let to of data.locales[game.battle.where].adjacent) if (can_retreat_to(to)) gen_action_locale(to) } }, locale(to) { push_undo() if (game.march) { if (is_attacker()) { game.battle.retreat_to = to game.battle.retreat_way = game.march.approach retreat_1() } else { let ways = list_ways(game.battle.where, to) if (ways.length > 2) { game.battle.retreat_to = to game.state = "retreat_way" } else { game.battle.retreat_to = to game.battle.retreat_way = ways[1] retreat_1() } } } else { let ways = list_ways(game.battle.where, to) if (ways.length > 2) { game.battle.retreat_to = to game.state = "retreat_way" } else { game.battle.retreat_to = to game.battle.retreat_way = ways[1] retreat_1() } } }, } states.retreat_way = { prompt() { view.prompt = `Retreat: Select way.` view.group = game.battle.retreated let from = game.battle.where let to = game.battle.retreat_to let ways = list_ways(from, to) for (let i = 1; i < ways.length; ++i) gen_action_way(ways[i]) }, way(way) { game.battle.retreat_way = way retreat_1() }, } function retreat_1() { // Retreated without having conceded the Field if (did_not_concede()) { for (let lord of game.battle.retreated) transfer_assets_except_ships(lord) retreat_2() } else { let way = game.battle.retreat_way let transport = count_retreat_transport(data.ways[way].type) let prov = count_retreat_assets(PROV) let loot = count_retreat_assets(LOOT) if (prov > transport || loot > 0) game.state = "retreat_laden" else retreat_2() } } states.retreat_laden = { prompt() { let to = game.battle.retreat_to let way = game.battle.retreat_way let transport = count_retreat_transport(data.ways[way].type) let prov = count_retreat_assets(PROV) let loot = count_retreat_assets(LOOT) view.prompt = `Retreat with ${prov} provender and ${transport} transport.` view.group = game.battle.retreated if (loot > 0) { view.prompt += " Discard Loot." for (let lord of game.battle.retreated) { if (get_lord_assets(lord, LOOT) > 0) gen_action_loot(lord) } } else if (prov > transport) { view.prompt += " Discard Provender." for (let lord of game.battle.retreated) { if (get_lord_assets(lord, PROV) > 0) gen_action_prov(lord) } } else { gen_action_locale(to) view.actions.retreat = 1 } }, prov(lord) { spoil_prov(lord) }, loot(lord) { spoil_loot(lord) }, locale(_) { retreat_2() }, retreat() { retreat_2() }, } function retreat_2() { let to = game.battle.retreat_to let way = game.battle.retreat_way if (data.ways[way].name) log(`Retreated via W${way} to %${to}.`) else log(`Retreated to %${to}.`) for (let lord of game.battle.retreated) { set_lord_locale(lord, to) set_lord_moved(lord, 1) } lift_sieges() remove_legate_if_endangered(game.battle.where) game.battle.retreat_to = 0 game.battle.retreat_way = 0 end_retreat() } // === ENDING THE BATTLE: REMOVE === function goto_battle_remove() { if (count_unbesieged_friendly_lords(game.battle.where) > 0) game.state = "battle_remove" else goto_battle_losses() } states.battle_remove = { prompt() { view.prompt = "Battle: Remove losing Lords who cannot Retreat or Withdraw." let here = game.battle.where for (let lord = first_friendly_lord; lord <= last_friendly_lord; ++lord) if (get_lord_locale(lord) === here && is_lord_unbesieged(lord)) gen_action_lord(lord) }, lord(lord) { transfer_assets_except_ships(lord) if (can_ransom_lord_battle(lord)) { goto_ransom(lord) } else { disband_lord(lord, true) remove_legate_if_endangered(game.battle.where) lift_sieges() } goto_battle_remove() }, } function end_ransom_battle_remove() { goto_battle_remove() } // === ENDING THE BATTLE: LOSSES === function goto_battle_losses() { set_active(P1) resume_battle_losses() } function resume_battle_losses() { game.state = "battle_losses" for (let lord = first_friendly_lord; lord <= last_friendly_lord; ++lord) if (lord_has_routed_units(lord)) return goto_battle_losses_remove() } function action_losses(lord, type) { let protection = FORCE_PROTECTION[type] let evade = FORCE_EVADE[type] let target = Math.max(protection, evade) if (game.battle.storm) { // Attackers in a Storm always roll vs 1 if (is_attacker()) target = 1 } else { // Losers in a Battle roll vs 1 if they did not concede if (game.active === game.battle.loser && did_not_concede()) // unless they withdrow if (is_lord_unbesieged(lord)) target = 1 } let die = roll_die() if (die <= target) { log(`L${lord} ${FORCE_TYPE_NAME[type]} ${die} <= ${target}`) add_lord_routed_forces(lord, type, -1) add_lord_forces(lord, type, 1) } else { log(`L${lord} ${FORCE_TYPE_NAME[type]} ${die} > ${target}`) add_lord_routed_forces(lord, type, -1) if (type === SERFS) game.pieces.smerdi++ } resume_battle_losses() } states.battle_losses = { prompt() { view.prompt = "Losses: Determine the fate of your routed units." for (let lord = first_friendly_lord; lord <= last_friendly_lord; ++lord) { if (is_lord_on_map(lord) && lord_has_routed_units(lord)) { if (get_lord_routed_forces(lord, KNIGHTS) > 0) gen_action_routed_knights(lord) if (get_lord_routed_forces(lord, SERGEANTS) > 0) gen_action_routed_sergeants(lord) if (get_lord_routed_forces(lord, LIGHT_HORSE) > 0) gen_action_routed_light_horse(lord) if (get_lord_routed_forces(lord, ASIATIC_HORSE) > 0) gen_action_routed_asiatic_horse(lord) if (get_lord_routed_forces(lord, MEN_AT_ARMS) > 0) gen_action_routed_men_at_arms(lord) if (get_lord_routed_forces(lord, MILITIA) > 0) gen_action_routed_militia(lord) if (get_lord_routed_forces(lord, SERFS) > 0) gen_action_routed_serfs(lord) } } }, routed_knights(lord) { action_losses(lord, KNIGHTS) }, routed_sergeants(lord) { action_losses(lord, SERGEANTS) }, routed_light_horse(lord) { action_losses(lord, LIGHT_HORSE) }, routed_asiatic_horse(lord) { action_losses(lord, ASIATIC_HORSE) }, routed_men_at_arms(lord) { action_losses(lord, MEN_AT_ARMS) }, routed_militia(lord) { action_losses(lord, MILITIA) }, routed_serfs(lord) { action_losses(lord, SERFS) }, } // === ENDING THE BATTLE: LOSSES (REMOVE LORDS) === function goto_battle_losses_remove() { game.state = "battle_losses_remove" for (let lord = first_friendly_lord; lord <= last_friendly_lord; ++lord) if (is_lord_on_map(lord) && !lord_has_unrouted_units(lord)) return end_battle_losses_remove() } function end_battle_losses_remove() { set_active_enemy() if (game.active === P2) resume_battle_losses() else goto_battle_spoils() } states.battle_losses_remove = { prompt() { view.prompt = "Losses: Remove Lords who lost all their forces." for (let lord = first_friendly_lord; lord <= last_friendly_lord; ++lord) if (is_lord_on_map(lord) && !lord_has_unrouted_units(lord)) gen_action_lord(lord) }, lord(lord) { set_delete(game.battle.retreated, lord) if (game.active === game.battle.loser) transfer_assets_except_ships(lord) if (can_ransom_lord_battle(lord)) { goto_ransom(lord) } else { disband_lord(lord, true) lift_sieges() goto_battle_losses_remove() } }, } function end_ransom_battle_losses_remove() { goto_battle_losses_remove() } // === ENDING THE BATTLE: SPOILS === function find_lone_friendly_lord_at(loc) { let who = NOBODY let n = 0 for (let lord = first_friendly_lord; lord <= last_friendly_lord; ++lord) { if (get_lord_locale(lord) === loc) { who = lord ++n } } if (n === 1) return who return NOBODY } function goto_battle_spoils() { set_active_victor() if (has_any_spoils()) { game.state = "battle_spoils" game.who = find_lone_friendly_lord_at(game.battle.where) } else { end_battle_spoils() } } function end_battle_spoils() { game.who = NOBODY game.spoils = 0 goto_battle_service() } states.battle_spoils = { prompt() { if (has_any_spoils()) { view.prompt = "Spoils: Divide " + list_spoils() + "." let here = game.battle.where for (let lord = first_friendly_lord; lord <= last_friendly_lord; ++lord) if (get_lord_locale(lord) === here) prompt_select_lord(lord) if (game.who !== NOBODY) prompt_spoils() } else { view.prompt = "Spoils: All done." view.actions.end_spoils = 1 } }, lord: action_select_lord, take_prov: take_spoils_prov, take_loot: take_spoils_loot, take_coin: take_spoils_coin, take_boat: take_spoils_boat, take_cart: take_spoils_cart, take_sled: take_spoils_sled, end_spoils() { clear_undo() end_battle_spoils() }, } // === ENDING THE BATTLE: SERVICE === function goto_battle_service() { set_active_loser() if (game.battle.retreated) resume_battle_service() else goto_battle_aftermath() } function resume_battle_service() { if (game.battle.retreated.length > 0) game.state = "battle_service" else goto_battle_aftermath() } states.battle_service = { prompt() { view.prompt = "Battle: Roll to shift service of each retreated lord." for (let lord of game.battle.retreated) gen_action_service_bad(lord) }, service_bad(lord) { let die = roll_die() log(`L${lord} rolled ${die}.`) if (die <= 2) add_lord_service(lord, -1) else if (die <= 4) add_lord_service(lord, -2) else if (die <= 6) add_lord_service(lord, -3) set_delete(game.battle.retreated, lord) set_lord_moved(lord, 1) resume_battle_service() }, } // === ENDING THE BATTLE: AFTERMATH === function goto_battle_aftermath() { set_active(game.battle.attacker) // Events discard_events("hold") // Recovery spend_all_actions() if (check_campaign_victory()) return // Siege/Conquest if (game.march) { game.battle = 0 march_with_group_3() } else if (game.battle.storm) { game.battle = 0 resume_actions() } else { remove_legate_if_endangered(game.battle.where) game.battle = 0 resume_actions() } } // === CAMPAIGN: FEED === function can_feed_from_shared(lord) { let loc = get_lord_locale(lord) return get_shared_assets(loc, PROV) > 0 || get_shared_assets(loc, LOOT) > 0 } function has_friendly_lord_who_must_feed() { for (let lord = first_friendly_lord; lord <= last_friendly_lord; ++lord) if (is_lord_unfed(lord)) return true return false } function can_lord_use_hillforts(lord) { return is_lord_unfed(lord) && is_lord_unbesieged(lord) && is_in_livonia(get_lord_locale(lord)) } function can_use_hillforts() { if (game.active === TEUTONS) { if (has_global_capability(AOW_TEUTONIC_HILLFORTS)) { for (let lord = first_friendly_lord; lord <= last_friendly_lord; ++lord) if (can_lord_use_hillforts(lord)) return true } } return false } function goto_feed() { log_br() // Count how much food each lord needs for (let lord = first_friendly_lord; lord <= last_friendly_lord; ++lord) { if (get_lord_moved(lord)) { if (count_lord_all_forces(lord) >= 7) set_lord_unfed(lord, 2) else set_lord_unfed(lord, 1) } else { set_lord_unfed(lord, 0) } } if (has_friendly_lord_who_must_feed()) { if (can_use_hillforts()) game.state = "hillforts" else game.state = "feed" } else { end_feed() } } states.hillforts = { prompt() { view.prompt = "Hillforts: Skip feeding one unbesieged lord in Livonia." for (let lord = first_friendly_lord; lord <= last_friendly_lord; ++lord) if (can_lord_use_hillforts(lord)) gen_action_lord(lord) }, lord(lord) { push_undo() log(`Hillforts.`) feed_lord_skip(lord) if (has_friendly_lord_who_must_feed()) game.state = "feed" else end_feed() }, } states.feed = { prompt() { view.prompt = "Feed: You must Feed lords who Moved or Fought." let done = true prompt_held_event() // Feed from own mat if (done) { for (let lord = first_friendly_lord; lord <= last_friendly_lord; ++lord) { if (is_lord_unfed(lord)) { if (get_lord_assets(lord, PROV) > 0) { gen_action_prov(lord) done = false } if (get_lord_assets(lord, LOOT) > 0) { gen_action_loot(lord) done = false } } } } // Sharing if (done) { view.prompt = "You must Feed lords who Moved or Fought (shared)." for (let lord = first_friendly_lord; lord <= last_friendly_lord; ++lord) { if (is_lord_unfed(lord) && can_feed_from_shared(lord)) { gen_action_lord(lord) done = false } } } // Unfed if (done) { view.prompt = "You must shift the Service of any unfed lords." for (let lord = first_friendly_lord; lord <= last_friendly_lord; ++lord) { if (is_lord_unfed(lord)) { gen_action_service_bad(lord) done = false } } } // All done! if (done) { view.prompt = "Feed: All done." view.actions.end_feed = 1 } }, prov(lord) { push_undo() add_lord_assets(lord, PROV, -1) feed_lord(lord) }, loot(lord) { push_undo() add_lord_assets(lord, LOOT, -1) feed_lord(lord) }, lord(lord) { push_undo() game.who = lord game.state = "feed_lord_shared" }, service_bad(lord) { push_undo() add_lord_service(lord, -1) set_lord_unfed(lord, 0) }, end_feed() { end_feed() }, card: action_held_event, } function resume_feed_lord_shared() { if (!is_lord_unfed(game.who) || !can_feed_from_shared(game.who)) { game.who = NOBODY game.state = "feed" } } states.feed_lord_shared = { prompt() { view.prompt = `Feed: You must Feed ${lord_name[game.who]} shared Loot or Provender.` let loc = get_lord_locale(game.who) for (let lord = first_friendly_lord; lord <= last_friendly_lord; ++lord) { if (get_lord_locale(lord) === loc) { if (get_lord_assets(lord, PROV) > 0) gen_action_prov(lord) if (get_lord_assets(lord, LOOT) > 0) gen_action_loot(lord) } } }, prov(lord) { push_undo() add_lord_assets(lord, PROV, -1) feed_lord(game.who) resume_feed_lord_shared() }, loot(lord) { push_undo() add_lord_assets(lord, LOOT, -1) feed_lord(game.who) resume_feed_lord_shared() }, } function end_feed() { clear_undo() goto_pay() } // === LEVY & CAMPAIGN: PAY === function can_pay_lord(lord) { if (get_lord_service(lord) > 16) return false if (game.active === RUSSIANS) { if (game.pieces.veche_coin > 0 && is_lord_unbesieged(lord)) return true } let loc = get_lord_locale(lord) if (get_shared_assets(loc, COIN) > 0) return true if (is_friendly_locale(loc)) if (get_shared_assets(loc, LOOT) > 0) return true return false } function has_friendly_lord_who_may_be_paid() { for (let lord = first_friendly_lord; lord <= last_friendly_lord; ++lord) if (is_lord_on_map(lord) && can_pay_lord(lord)) return true return false } function goto_pay() { game.state = "pay" game.who = NOBODY if (!has_friendly_lord_who_may_be_paid()) end_pay() } function resume_pay() { if (!can_pay_lord(game.who)) game.who = NOBODY } states.pay = { prompt() { for (let lord = first_friendly_lord; lord <= last_friendly_lord; ++lord) { if (is_lord_on_map(lord) && can_pay_lord(lord)) { prompt_select_lord(lord) prompt_select_service(lord) } } prompt_held_event() if (game.who === NOBODY) { view.prompt = "Pay: You may Pay your Lords." } else { let here = get_lord_locale(game.who) let pay_with_loot = is_friendly_locale(here) if (pay_with_loot) view.prompt = `Pay: You may Pay ${lord_name[game.who]} with Coin or Loot.` else view.prompt = `Pay: You may Pay ${lord_name[game.who]} with Coin.` if (game.active === RUSSIANS) { if (game.pieces.veche_coin > 0 && is_lord_unbesieged(game.who)) view.actions.veche_coin = 1 } for (let lord = first_friendly_lord; lord <= last_friendly_lord; ++lord) { if (get_lord_locale(lord) === here) { if (get_lord_assets(lord, COIN) > 0) gen_action_coin(lord) if (pay_with_loot && get_lord_assets(lord, LOOT) > 0) gen_action_loot(lord) } } } view.actions.end_pay = 1 }, lord: action_select_lord, service: action_select_lord, loot(lord) { push_undo_without_who() log(`Paid L${game.who}.`) add_lord_assets(lord, LOOT, -1) add_lord_service(game.who, 1) resume_pay() }, coin(lord) { push_undo_without_who() log(`Paid L${game.who}.`) add_lord_assets(lord, COIN, -1) add_lord_service(game.who, 1) resume_pay() }, veche_coin() { push_undo_without_who() log(`Paid L${game.who} from Veche.`) game.pieces.veche_coin-- add_lord_service(game.who, 1) resume_pay() }, end_pay() { push_undo_without_who() end_pay() }, card: action_held_event, } function end_pay() { // NOTE: We can combine Pay & Disband steps because disband is mandatory only. game.who = NOBODY goto_disband() } // === LEVY & CAMPAIGN: DISBAND === function has_friendly_lord_who_must_disband() { for (let lord = first_friendly_lord; lord <= last_friendly_lord; ++lord) if (is_lord_on_map(lord) && get_lord_service(lord) <= current_turn()) return true return false } function goto_disband() { game.state = "disband" if (!has_friendly_lord_who_must_disband()) end_disband() } function disband_lord(lord, permanently = false) { let here = get_lord_locale(lord) let turn = current_turn() if (permanently) { log(`Disbanded L${lord} permanently.`) set_lord_locale(lord, NOWHERE) set_lord_service(lord, NEVER) } else if (get_lord_service(lord) < current_turn()) { log(`Disbanded L${lord} beyond service limit.`) set_lord_locale(lord, NOWHERE) set_lord_service(lord, NEVER) } else { log(`Disbanded L${lord}.`) if (is_levy_phase()) set_lord_locale(lord, CALENDAR + turn + data.lords[lord].service) else set_lord_locale(lord, CALENDAR + turn + data.lords[lord].service + 1) set_lord_service(lord, NEVER) } if (game.scenario === "Pleskau" || game.scenario === "Pleskau (Quickstart)") { if (is_russian_lord(lord)) game.pieces.elr1 ++ else game.pieces.elr2 ++ } remove_lieutenant(lord) // Smerdi - serfs go back to card game.pieces.smerdi += get_lord_forces(lord, SERFS) discard_lord_capability_n(lord, 0) discard_lord_capability_n(lord, 1) game.pieces.assets[lord] = 0 game.pieces.forces[lord] = 0 game.pieces.routed[lord] = 0 set_lord_besieged(lord, 0) set_lord_moved(lord, 0) for (let v of data.lords[lord].vassals) game.pieces.vassals[v] = VASSAL_UNAVAILABLE remove_legate_if_endangered(here) lift_sieges() } states.disband = { prompt() { view.prompt = "Disband: You must Disband Lords at their Service limit." let done = true for (let lord = first_friendly_lord; lord <= last_friendly_lord; ++lord) { if (is_lord_on_map(lord) && get_lord_service(lord) <= current_turn()) { gen_action_lord(lord) gen_action_service_bad(lord) done = false } } if (done) view.actions.end_disband = 1 }, service_bad(lord) { this.lord(lord) }, lord(lord) { if (is_lord_besieged(lord) && can_ransom_lord_siege(lord)) { clear_undo() goto_ransom(lord) } else { push_undo() disband_lord(lord) lift_sieges() } }, end_disband() { end_disband() }, } function end_ransom_disband() { // do nothing } function end_disband() { clear_undo() if (is_campaign_phase()) { if (check_campaign_victory()) return } set_active_enemy() if (is_campaign_phase()) { if (is_active_command()) goto_remove_markers() else goto_feed() } else { if (game.active === P1) goto_levy_muster() else goto_feed() } } // === LEVY & CAMPAIGN: RANSOM === function enemy_has_ransom() { if (game.active === TEUTONS) return has_global_capability(AOW_RUSSIAN_RANSOM) else return has_global_capability(AOW_TEUTONIC_RANSOM) } function can_ransom_lord_siege(lord) { return enemy_has_ransom() && has_enemy_lord(get_lord_locale(lord)) } function has_enemy_lord_in_battle() { for (let lord = first_enemy_lord; lord <= last_enemy_lord; ++lord) if (get_lord_moved(lord)) return true return false } function can_ransom_lord_battle() { return enemy_has_ransom() && has_enemy_lord_in_battle() } function goto_ransom(lord) { clear_undo() set_active_enemy() push_state("ransom") game.who = lord game.count = data.lords[lord].service log(`Ransomed L${lord}.`) } function end_ransom() { let here = get_lord_locale(game.who) if (game.battle) disband_lord(game.who, true) else disband_lord(game.who, false) remove_legate_if_endangered(here) lift_sieges() pop_state() set_active_enemy() switch (game.state) { case "disband": return end_ransom_disband() case "sack": return end_ransom_sack() case "battle_remove": return end_ransom_battle_remove() case "battle_losses_remove": return end_ransom_battle_losses_remove() } } states.ransom = { prompt() { view.prompt = `Ransom ${lord_name[game.who]}: Add ${game.count} Coin to a friendly Lord.` if (game.battle) { for (let lord = first_friendly_lord; lord <= last_friendly_lord; ++lord) if (get_lord_moved(lord)) gen_action_lord(lord) } else { let here = get_lord_locale(game.who) for (let lord = first_friendly_lord; lord <= last_friendly_lord; ++lord) if (get_lord_locale(lord) === here) gen_action_lord(lord) } }, lord(lord) { add_lord_assets(lord, COIN, game.count) end_ransom() }, } // === CAMPAIGN: REMOVE MARKERS === function goto_remove_markers() { clear_lords_moved() goto_command_activation() } // === END CAMPAIGN: GROWTH === function count_enemy_ravaged() { let n = 0 for (let loc of game.pieces.ravaged) if (is_friendly_territory(loc)) ++n return n } function goto_growth() { game.count = count_enemy_ravaged() >> 1 log_br() if (game.active === TEUTONS) log("Teutonic Growth") else log("Russian Growth") if (game.count === 0) { logi("Nothing") end_growth() } else { game.state = "growth" } } function end_growth() { set_active_enemy() if (game.active === P2) goto_growth() else goto_game_end() } states.growth = { prompt() { view.prompt = `Growth: Remove ${game.count} enemy ravaged markers.` if (game.count > 0) { for (let loc of game.pieces.ravaged) if (is_friendly_territory(loc)) gen_action_locale(loc) } else { view.actions.end_growth = 1 } }, locale(loc) { push_undo() logi(`%${loc}`) remove_ravaged_marker(loc) game.count-- }, end_growth() { clear_undo() end_growth() }, } // === END CAMPAIGN: GAME END === function check_campaign_victory_p1() { for (let lord = first_p2_lord; lord <= last_p2_lord; ++lord) if (is_lord_on_map(lord)) return false return true } function check_campaign_victory_p2() { for (let lord = first_p1_lord; lord <= last_p1_lord; ++lord) if (is_lord_on_map(lord)) return false return true } function check_campaign_victory() { if (check_campaign_victory_p1()) { goto_game_over(P1, `${P1} won a Campaign Victory!`) return true } if (check_campaign_victory_p2()) { goto_game_over(P2, `${P2} won a Campaign Victory!`) return true } return false } function goto_end_campaign() { log_h1("End Campaign") set_active(P1) if (current_turn() === 8 || current_turn() === 16) { goto_growth() } else { goto_game_end() } } function count_vp1() { let vp = game.pieces.elr1 << 1 vp += game.pieces.castles1.length << 1 for (let loc of game.pieces.conquered) if (is_p2_locale(loc)) vp += data.locales[loc].vp << 1 for (let loc of game.pieces.ravaged) if (is_p2_locale(loc)) vp += 1 return vp } function count_vp2() { let vp = game.pieces.elr2 << 1 vp += game.pieces.veche_vp << 1 vp += game.pieces.castles2.length << 1 for (let loc of game.pieces.conquered) if (is_p1_locale(loc)) vp += data.locales[loc].vp << 1 for (let loc of game.pieces.ravaged) if (is_p1_locale(loc)) vp += 1 return vp } function goto_game_end() { // GAME END if (current_turn() === scenario_last_turn[game.scenario]) { let vp1 = count_vp1() let vp2 = count_vp2() if (vp1 > vp2) goto_game_over(P1, `${P1} won with ${vp1/2} VP.`) else if (vp2 > vp1) goto_game_over(P2, `${P2} won with ${vp2/2} VP.`) else goto_game_over("Draw", "The game ended in a draw.") } else { goto_plow_and_reap() } } // === END CAMPAIGN: PLOW AND REAP === function goto_plow_and_reap() { let turn = current_turn() if (turn === 2 || turn === 10 || turn === 6 || turn === 14) { game.state = "plow_and_reap" } else { end_plow_and_reap() } } function flip_and_discard_half(lord, from_type, to_type) { add_lord_assets(lord, to_type, get_lord_assets(lord, from_type)) set_lord_assets(lord, from_type, 0) set_lord_assets(lord, to_type, Math.ceil(get_lord_assets(lord, to_type) / 2)) } states.plow_and_reap = { prompt() { let from_type let turn = current_turn() if (turn === 2 || turn === 10) { view.prompt = "Plow and Reap: Flip Carts to Sleds and discard half." from_type = CART } else { view.prompt = "Plow and Reap: Flip Sleds to Carts and discard half." from_type = SLED } let done = true for (let lord = first_friendly_lord; lord <= last_friendly_lord; ++lord) { if (get_lord_assets(lord, from_type) > 0) { done = false if (from_type === CART) gen_action_cart(lord) if (from_type === SLED) gen_action_sled(lord) } } if (done) { view.prompt = "Plow and Reap: All done." view.actions.end_plow_and_reap = 1 } }, cart(lord) { flip_and_discard_half(lord, CART, SLED) }, sled(lord) { flip_and_discard_half(lord, SLED, CART) }, end_plow_and_reap() { end_plow_and_reap() }, } function end_plow_and_reap() { goto_wastage() } // === END CAMPAIGN: WASTAGE === function goto_wastage() { clear_lords_moved() let done = true for (let lord = first_friendly_lord; lord <= last_friendly_lord; ++lord) { if (check_lord_wastage(lord)) { set_lord_moved(lord, 1) done = false } } if (done) end_wastage() else game.state = "wastage" } function check_lord_wastage(lord) { if (get_lord_assets(lord, PROV) > 1) return true if (get_lord_assets(lord, COIN) > 1) return true if (get_lord_assets(lord, LOOT) > 1) return true if (get_lord_assets(lord, CART) > 1) return true if (get_lord_assets(lord, SLED) > 1) return true if (get_lord_assets(lord, BOAT) > 1) return true if (get_lord_assets(lord, SHIP) > 1) return true if (get_lord_capability(lord, 0) !== NOTHING && get_lord_capability(lord, 1) !== NOTHING) return true return false } function prompt_wastage(lord) { if (get_lord_assets(lord, PROV) > 0) gen_action_prov(lord) if (get_lord_assets(lord, COIN) > 0) gen_action_coin(lord) if (get_lord_assets(lord, LOOT) > 0) gen_action_loot(lord) if (get_lord_assets(lord, CART) > 0) gen_action_cart(lord) if (get_lord_assets(lord, SLED) > 0) gen_action_sled(lord) if (get_lord_assets(lord, BOAT) > 0) gen_action_boat(lord) if (get_lord_assets(lord, SHIP) > 0) gen_action_ship(lord) for (let i = 0; i < 2; ++i) { let c = get_lord_capability(lord, i) if (c !== NOTHING) gen_action_card(c) } } function action_wastage(lord, type) { push_undo() set_lord_moved(lord, 0) add_lord_assets(lord, type, -1) } function find_lord_capability(c) { for (let lord = first_friendly_lord; lord <= last_friendly_lord; ++lord) if (lord_has_capability(lord, c)) return lord return NOBODY } states.wastage = { prompt() { let done = true for (let lord = first_friendly_lord; lord <= last_friendly_lord; ++lord) { if (get_lord_moved(lord)) { prompt_wastage(lord) done = false } } if (done) { view.prompt = "Wastage: All done." view.actions.end_wastage = 1 } else { view.prompt = "Wastage: Discard one asset or capability from each affected Lord." } }, card(c) { push_undo() let lord = find_lord_capability(c) set_lord_moved(lord, 0) discard_lord_capability(lord, c) }, prov(lord) { action_wastage(lord, PROV) }, coin(lord) { action_wastage(lord, COIN) }, loot(lord) { action_wastage(lord, LOOT) }, cart(lord) { action_wastage(lord, CART) }, sled(lord) { action_wastage(lord, SLED) }, boat(lord) { action_wastage(lord, BOAT) }, ship(lord) { action_wastage(lord, SHIP) }, end_wastage() { end_wastage() }, } function end_wastage() { push_undo() goto_reset() } // === END CAMPAIGN: RESET (DISCARD ARTS OF WAR) === function goto_reset() { game.state = "reset" // Unstack Lieutenants and Lower Lords for (let lord = first_friendly_lord; lord <= last_friendly_lord; ++lord) remove_lieutenant(lord) // Remove all Serfs to the Smerdi card if (game.active === RUSSIANS) { for (let lord = first_p2_lord; lord <= last_p2_lord; ++lord) set_lord_forces(lord, SERFS, 0) if (has_global_capability(AOW_RUSSIAN_SMERDI)) game.pieces.smerdi = 6 else game.pieces.smerdi = 0 } // Discard "This Campaign" events from play. discard_friendly_events("this_campaign") } states.reset = { prompt() { view.prompt = "Reset: You may discard any Arts of War cards desired." if (game.active === P1) { for (let c = first_p1_card; c <= last_p1_card; ++c) if (can_discard_card(c)) gen_action_card(c) } if (game.active === P2) { for (let c = first_p2_card; c <= last_p2_card; ++c) if (can_discard_card(c)) gen_action_card(c) } view.actions.end_discard = 1 }, card(c) { push_undo() if (has_global_capability(c)) { log(`Discarded C${c}.`) discard_global_capability(c) } else if (set_has(game.hand1, c)) { log("Discarded held card.") set_delete(game.hand1, c) } else if (set_has(game.hand2, c)) { log("Discarded held card.") set_delete(game.hand2, c) } else { let lord = find_lord_capability(c) if (lord !== NOBODY) { discard_lord_capability(lord, c) } } }, end_discard() { end_reset() }, } function end_reset() { clear_undo() set_active_enemy() if (game.active === P2) goto_plow_and_reap() else goto_advance_campaign() } // === END CAMPAIGN: RESET (ADVANCE CAMPAIGN) === function goto_advance_campaign() { game.turn++ log_h1("Levy " + current_turn_name()) if (current_season() === LATE_WINTER) discard_global_capability(AOW_TEUTONIC_CRUSADE) log_h2("Arts of War") goto_levy_arts_of_war() } // === GAME OVER === function goto_game_over(result, victory) { game.state = "game_over" game.active = "None" game.result = result game.victory = victory log_h1("Game Over") log(game.victory) return true } states.game_over = { get inactive() { return game.victory }, prompt() { view.prompt = game.victory }, } exports.resign = function (state, current) { load_state(state) if (game.state !== "game_over") { for (let opponent of exports.roles) { if (opponent !== current) { goto_game_over(opponent, current + " resigned.") break } } } return game } // === UNCOMMON TEMPLATE === function log_br() { if (game.log.length > 0 && game.log[game.log.length - 1] !== "") game.log.push("") } function log(msg) { game.log.push(msg) } function logi(msg) { game.log.push(">" + msg) } function logii(msg) { game.log.push(">>" + msg) } function log_h1(msg) { log_br() log(".h1 " + msg) log_br() } function log_h2(msg) { log_br() log(".h2 " + msg) log_br() } function log_h3(msg) { log_br() log(".h3 " + msg) } function log_h4(msg) { log_br() log(".h4 " + msg) } function gen_action(action, argument) { if (!(action in view.actions)) view.actions[action] = [] set_add(view.actions[action], argument) } function gen_action_card_if_held(c) { if (has_card_in_hand(c)) gen_action_card(c) } function prompt_select_lord_on_calendar(lord) { if (lord !== game.who) { if (is_lord_on_calendar(lord)) gen_action_lord(lord) else gen_action_service(lord) } } function prompt_select_lord(lord) { if (lord !== game.who) gen_action_lord(lord) } function prompt_select_service(lord) { if (lord !== game.who) gen_action_service(lord) } function action_select_lord(lord) { if (game.who === lord) game.who = NOBODY else game.who = lord } function gen_action_calendar(calendar) { if (calendar < 0) calendar = 0 if (calendar > 17) calendar = 17 gen_action("calendar", calendar) } function gen_action_way(way) { gen_action("way", way) } function gen_action_locale(locale) { gen_action("locale", locale) } function gen_action_laden_march(locale) { gen_action("laden_march", locale) } function gen_action_lord(lord) { gen_action("lord", lord) } function gen_action_array(pos) { gen_action("array", pos) } function gen_action_service(service) { gen_action("service", service) } function gen_action_service_bad(service) { gen_action("service_bad", service) } function gen_action_vassal(vassal) { gen_action("vassal", vassal) } function gen_action_card(c) { gen_action("card", c) } function gen_action_plan(lord) { gen_action("plan", lord) } function gen_action_prov(lord) { gen_action("prov", lord) } function gen_action_coin(lord) { gen_action("coin", lord) } function gen_action_loot(lord) { gen_action("loot", lord) } function gen_action_cart(lord) { gen_action("cart", lord) } function gen_action_sled(lord) { gen_action("sled", lord) } function gen_action_boat(lord) { gen_action("boat", lord) } function gen_action_ship(lord) { gen_action("ship", lord) } function gen_action_knights(lord) { gen_action("knights", lord) } function gen_action_sergeants(lord) { gen_action("sergeants", lord) } function gen_action_light_horse(lord) { gen_action("light_horse", lord) } function gen_action_asiatic_horse(lord) { gen_action("asiatic_horse", lord) } function gen_action_men_at_arms(lord) { gen_action("men_at_arms", lord) } function gen_action_militia(lord) { gen_action("militia", lord) } function gen_action_serfs(lord) { gen_action("serfs", lord) } function gen_action_routed_knights(lord) { gen_action("routed_knights", lord) } function gen_action_routed_sergeants(lord) { gen_action("routed_sergeants", lord) } function gen_action_routed_light_horse(lord) { gen_action("routed_light_horse", lord) } function gen_action_routed_asiatic_horse(lord) { gen_action("routed_asiatic_horse", lord) } function gen_action_routed_men_at_arms(lord) { gen_action("routed_men_at_arms", lord) } function gen_action_routed_militia(lord) { gen_action("routed_militia", lord) } function gen_action_routed_serfs(lord) { gen_action("routed_serfs", lord) } exports.view = function (state, current) { load_state(state) view = { prompt: null, actions: null, log: game.log, turn: game.turn, end: scenario_last_turn[game.scenario], events: game.events, capabilities: game.capabilities, pieces: game.pieces, battle: game.battle, held1: game.hand1.length, held2: game.hand2.length, command: game.command, hand: null, plan: null, } if (current === P1) { view.hand = game.hand1 view.plan = game.plan1 } if (current === P2) { view.hand = game.hand2 view.plan = game.plan2 } if (game.state === "game_over") { view.prompt = game.victory } else if (current === "Observer" || (game.active !== current && game.active !== BOTH)) { let inactive = states[game.state].inactive || game.state view.prompt = `Waiting for ${game.active} \u2014 ${inactive}...` } else { view.actions = {} view.who = game.who if (states[game.state]) states[game.state].prompt(current) else view.prompt = "Unknown state: " + game.state if (view.actions.undo === undefined) { if (game.undo && game.undo.length > 0) view.actions.undo = 1 else view.actions.undo = 0 } } return view } exports.action = function (state, current, action, arg) { load_state(state) // Object.seal(game) // XXX: don't allow adding properties let S = states[game.state] if (S && action in S) { S[action](arg, current) } else { if (action === "undo" && game.undo && game.undo.length > 0) pop_undo() else throw new Error("Invalid action: " + action) } return game } exports.is_checkpoint = function (a, b) { return a.turn !== b.turn } // === COMMON TEMPLATE === // Packed array of small numbers in one word function pack1_get(word, n) { return (word >>> n) & 1 } function pack2_get(word, n) { n = n << 1 return (word >>> n) & 3 } function pack4_get(word, n) { n = n << 2 return (word >>> n) & 15 } function pack1_set(word, n, x) { return (word & ~(1 << n)) | (x << n) } function pack2_set(word, n, x) { n = n << 1 return (word & ~(3 << n)) | (x << n) } function pack4_set(word, n, x) { n = n << 2 return (word & ~(15 << n)) | (x << n) } // === COMMON LIBRARY === function clear_undo() { if (game.undo.length > 0) game.undo = [] } function push_undo_without_who() { let save_who = game.who game.who = NOBODY push_undo() game.who = save_who } function push_undo() { let copy = {} for (let k in game) { let v = game[k] if (k === "undo") continue else if (k === "log") v = v.length else if (typeof v === "object" && v !== null) v = object_copy(v) copy[k] = v } game.undo.push(copy) } function pop_undo() { let save_log = game.log let save_undo = game.undo game = save_undo.pop() save_log.length = game.log game.log = save_log game.undo = save_undo } function random(range) { // An MLCG using integer arithmetic with doubles. // https://www.ams.org/journals/mcom/1999-68-225/S0025-5718-99-00996-5/S0025-5718-99-00996-5.pdf // m = 2**35 − 31 return (game.seed = (game.seed * 200105) % 34359738337) % range } // Fast deep copy for objects without cycles function object_copy(original) { if (Array.isArray(original)) { let n = original.length let copy = new Array(n) for (let i = 0; i < n; ++i) { let v = original[i] if (typeof v === "object" && v !== null) copy[i] = object_copy(v) else copy[i] = v } return copy } else { let copy = {} for (let i in original) { let v = original[i] if (typeof v === "object" && v !== null) copy[i] = object_copy(v) else copy[i] = v } return copy } } // Array remove and insert (faster than splice) function array_remove_item(array, item) { let n = array.length for (let i = 0; i < n; ++i) if (array[i] === item) return array_remove(array, i) } function array_remove(array, index) { let n = array.length for (let i = index + 1; i < n; ++i) array[i - 1] = array[i] array.length = n - 1 } function array_insert(array, index, item) { for (let i = array.length; i > index; --i) array[i] = array[i - 1] array[index] = item } function array_remove_pair(array, index) { let n = array.length for (let i = index + 2; i < n; ++i) array[i - 2] = array[i] array.length = n - 2 } function array_insert_pair(array, index, key, value) { for (let i = array.length; i > index; i -= 2) { array[i] = array[i - 2] array[i + 1] = array[i - 1] } array[index] = key array[index + 1] = value } // Set as plain sorted array function set_has(set, item) { let a = 0 let b = set.length - 1 while (a <= b) { let m = (a + b) >> 1 let x = set[m] if (item < x) b = m - 1 else if (item > x) a = m + 1 else return true } return false } function set_add(set, item) { let a = 0 let b = set.length - 1 while (a <= b) { let m = (a + b) >> 1 let x = set[m] if (item < x) b = m - 1 else if (item > x) a = m + 1 else return } array_insert(set, a, item) } function set_delete(set, item) { let a = 0 let b = set.length - 1 while (a <= b) { let m = (a + b) >> 1 let x = set[m] if (item < x) b = m - 1 else if (item > x) a = m + 1 else { array_remove(set, m) return } } } function set_toggle(set, item) { let a = 0 let b = set.length - 1 while (a <= b) { let m = (a + b) >> 1 let x = set[m] if (item < x) b = m - 1 else if (item > x) a = m + 1 else { array_remove(set, m) return } } array_insert(set, a, item) } // Map as plain sorted array of key/value pairs function map_has(map, key) { let a = 0 let b = (map.length >> 1) - 1 while (a <= b) { let m = (a + b) >> 1 let x = map[m << 1] if (key < x) b = m - 1 else if (key > x) a = m + 1 else return true } return false } function map_get(map, key, missing) { let a = 0 let b = (map.length >> 1) - 1 while (a <= b) { let m = (a + b) >> 1 let x = map[m << 1] if (key < x) b = m - 1 else if (key > x) a = m + 1 else return map[(m << 1) + 1] } return missing } function map_set(map, key, value) { let a = 0 let b = (map.length >> 1) - 1 while (a <= b) { let m = (a + b) >> 1 let x = map[m << 1] if (key < x) b = m - 1 else if (key > x) a = m + 1 else { map[(m << 1) + 1] = value return } } array_insert_pair(map, a << 1, key, value) } function map_delete(map, item) { let a = 0 let b = (map.length >> 1) - 1 while (a <= b) { let m = (a + b) >> 1 let x = map[m << 1] if (item < x) b = m - 1 else if (item > x) a = m + 1 else { array_remove_pair(map, m << 1) return } } }