"use strict" // TODO: game.selected - singleton instead of array // TODO: austria/pragmatic action step - show both sides cards and interleave movement on flanders map // PLAN: move all austria on bohemia first, then alternate pragmatic and austria activations on flanders map // TODO: confirm mixed stack creation on flanders map (force "undo" to previous location if denied?) // TODO: supreme commander in mixed stacks // TODO: TC subsidies // TODO: subsidy markers? const R_LOUIS_XV = "Louis XV" const R_FREDERICK = "Frederick" const R_MARIA_THERESA = "Maria Theresa" exports.roles = [ R_LOUIS_XV, R_FREDERICK, R_MARIA_THERESA ] exports.scenarios = [ "Advanced" ] /* DATA */ var game var view var states = {} const data = require("./data") function is_bohemia_space(s) { return s >= 0 && s <= 401 } function is_flanders_space(s) { return s >= 402 && s <= 618 } function is_map_space(s) { return s >= 0 && s <= 618 } function find_city(city) { let n = data.cities.name.length let x = -1 for (let c = 0; c < n; ++c) { if (data.cities.name[c] === city) { if (x < 0) x = c else throw "TWO CITIES: " + city } } if (x < 0) throw "CITY NOT FOUND: " + city return x } function find_city_list(names) { let list = [] for (let n of names) set_add(list, find_city(n)) return list } const deck_name = [ "red", "green", "blue", "yellow" ] const suit_name = [ "\u2660", "\u2663", "\u2665", "\u2666", "R" ] const P_FRANCE = 0 const P_BAVARIA = 1 const P_PRUSSIA = 2 const P_SAXONY = 3 const P_PRAGMATIC = 4 const P_AUSTRIA = 5 const POWER_NAME = [ "France", "Bavaria", "Prussia", "Saxony", "Pragmatic Army", "Austria" ] const SPADES = 0 const CLUBS = 1 const HEARTS = 2 const DIAMONDS = 3 const RESERVE = 4 const IMPERIAL_ELECTION = 25 const ELIMINATED = data.cities.name.length const REMOVED = ELIMINATED + 1 const max_power_troops = [ 5*8, 1*8, 4*8, 1*8, 3*8, 6*8 ] const all_powers = [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ] const all_home_or_depot_cities = [ ] const all_power_depots = [ ] const all_power_re_entry_cities = [ ] const all_power_generals = [ [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4 ], [ 5 ], [ 6, 7, 8, 9 ], [ 10 ], [ 11, 12, 13 ], [ 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19 ], ] const all_power_trains = [ [ 20, 21 ], [ 22 ], [ 23, 24 ], [ 25 ], [ 26 ], [ 27, 28, 29 ], ] const last_piece = 29 const all_hussars = [ 30, 31 ] const piece_power = [ P_FRANCE, P_FRANCE, P_FRANCE, P_FRANCE, P_FRANCE, P_BAVARIA, P_PRUSSIA, P_PRUSSIA, P_PRUSSIA, P_PRUSSIA, P_SAXONY, P_PRAGMATIC, P_PRAGMATIC, P_PRAGMATIC, P_AUSTRIA, P_AUSTRIA, P_AUSTRIA, P_AUSTRIA, P_AUSTRIA, P_AUSTRIA, P_FRANCE, P_FRANCE, P_BAVARIA, P_PRUSSIA, P_PRUSSIA, P_SAXONY, P_PRAGMATIC, P_AUSTRIA, P_AUSTRIA, P_AUSTRIA, P_AUSTRIA, P_AUSTRIA ] const piece_name = [ "Moritz", "Belle-Isle", "Broglie", "Maillebois", "Noailles", "Törring", "Friedrich", "Schwerin", "Leopold", "Dessauer", "Rutowski", "George II", "Cumberland", "Earl of Stair", "Karl", "Traun", "Khevenhüller", "Batthyány", "Neipperg", "Arenberg", "supply train", "supply train", "supply train", "supply train", "supply train", "supply train", "supply train", "supply train", "supply train", "supply train", "hussar", "hussar", ] const all_power_generals_rev = all_power_generals.map(list => list.slice().reverse()) const all_pieces = [ ...all_power_generals.flat(), ...all_power_trains.flat() ] const all_generals = [ ...all_power_generals.flat() ] const all_france_bavaria_generals = [ ...all_power_generals[P_FRANCE], ...all_power_generals[P_BAVARIA], ] const all_prussia_saxony_generals = [ ...all_power_generals[P_PRUSSIA], ...all_power_generals[P_SAXONY], ] const all_austria_pragmatic_generals = [ ...all_power_generals[P_AUSTRIA], ...all_power_generals[P_PRAGMATIC], ] const all_france_bavaria_trains = [ ...all_power_trains[P_FRANCE], ...all_power_trains[P_BAVARIA], ] const all_prussia_saxony_trains = [ ...all_power_trains[P_PRUSSIA], ...all_power_trains[P_SAXONY], ] const all_austria_pragmatic_trains = [ ...all_power_trains[P_AUSTRIA], ...all_power_trains[P_PRAGMATIC], ] const all_france_allied_trains = [ ...all_power_trains[P_FRANCE], ...all_power_trains[P_BAVARIA], ...all_power_trains[P_PRUSSIA], ...all_power_trains[P_SAXONY], ] const all_austria_allied_trains = [ ...all_power_trains[P_AUSTRIA], ...all_power_trains[P_PRAGMATIC], ] const all_austria_allied_generals = [ ...all_power_generals[P_AUSTRIA], ...all_power_generals[P_PRAGMATIC], ] const all_france_allied_generals = [ ...all_power_generals[P_FRANCE], ...all_power_generals[P_BAVARIA], ...all_power_generals[P_PRUSSIA], ...all_power_generals[P_SAXONY], ] const all_powers_prussia_saxony_pragmatic_austria = [ P_PRUSSIA, P_SAXONY, P_PRAGMATIC, P_AUSTRIA ] const all_powers_france_bavaria_pragmatic_austria = [ P_FRANCE, P_BAVARIA, P_PRAGMATIC, P_AUSTRIA ] const all_powers_france_bavaria_prussia_saxony = [ P_FRANCE, P_BAVARIA, P_PRUSSIA, P_SAXONY ] function all_non_coop_powers(pow) { switch (pow) { case P_FRANCE: case P_BAVARIA: return all_powers_prussia_saxony_pragmatic_austria case P_PRUSSIA: case P_SAXONY: return all_powers_france_bavaria_pragmatic_austria case P_PRAGMATIC: case P_AUSTRIA: return all_powers_france_bavaria_prussia_saxony } } function all_coop_generals(pow) { switch (pow) { case P_FRANCE: case P_BAVARIA: return all_france_bavaria_generals case P_PRUSSIA: case P_SAXONY: return all_prussia_saxony_generals case P_PRAGMATIC: case P_AUSTRIA: return all_austria_pragmatic_generals } } function all_controlled_generals(pow) { switch (pow) { case P_FRANCE: case P_BAVARIA: return all_france_bavaria_generals case P_PRUSSIA: case P_SAXONY: return all_prussia_saxony_generals case P_PRAGMATIC: return all_power_generals[P_PRAGMATIC] case P_AUSTRIA: return all_power_generals[P_AUSTRIA] } } function all_controlled_trains(pow) { switch (pow) { case P_FRANCE: case P_BAVARIA: return all_france_bavaria_trains case P_PRUSSIA: case P_SAXONY: return all_prussia_saxony_trains case P_PRAGMATIC: return all_power_trains[P_PRAGMATIC] case P_AUSTRIA: return all_power_trains[P_AUSTRIA] } } function all_allied_trains(pow) { switch (pow) { case P_FRANCE: case P_BAVARIA: case P_PRUSSIA: case P_SAXONY: return all_france_allied_trains case P_AUSTRIA: case P_PRAGMATIC: return all_austria_allied_trains } } function all_enemy_trains(pow) { switch (pow) { case P_FRANCE: case P_BAVARIA: case P_PRUSSIA: case P_SAXONY: return all_austria_allied_trains case P_AUSTRIA: case P_PRAGMATIC: return all_france_allied_trains } } function all_enemy_generals(pow) { switch (pow) { case P_FRANCE: case P_BAVARIA: case P_PRUSSIA: case P_SAXONY: return all_austria_allied_generals case P_AUSTRIA: case P_PRAGMATIC: return all_france_allied_generals } } function is_general(p) { return p < 20 } function is_supply_train(p) { return p >= 20 && p < 30 } function is_hussar(p) { return p >= 30 && p < 32 } function to_deck(c) { return c >> 7 } function to_suit(c) { return (c >> 4) & 7 } function to_value(c) { if (to_suit(c) === RESERVE) return 8 return c & 15 } function format_card_prompt(c) { if (is_reserve(c)) return "8R" return to_value(c) + suit_name[to_suit(c)] } function format_card(c) { return (to_deck(c)+1) + "^" + format_card_prompt(c) } function format_reserve(c, v) { return (to_deck(c)+1) + "^" + v + "R" } function is_reserve(c) { return to_suit(c) === RESERVE } function format_card_list_prompt(list) { if (list.length > 0) return list.map(format_card_prompt).join(", ") return "nothing" } function format_selected() { if (game.selected.length === 0) return "nobody" return game.selected.map(p => piece_name[p]).join(" and ") } function log_move_to(to) { let from = game.pos[game.selected[0]] log("@" + game.selected.join(",") + ";" + from + "," + to) } function log_move_path() { if (game.move_path.length > 1) log("@" + game.selected.join(",") + ";" + game.move_path.join(",")) } /* OBJECTIVES */ const all_objectives = [] set_add_all(all_objectives, data.type.major_fortress) set_add_all(all_objectives, data.type.minor_fortress) const protect_range = [] for (let s of all_objectives) make_protect_range(protect_range[s] = [], s, s, 3) function make_protect_range(result, start, here, range) { for (let next of data.cities.adjacent[here]) { if (next !== start) set_add(result, next) if (range > 1) make_protect_range(result, start, next, range - 1) } } function is_enemy_controlled_fortress(s) { // TODO return false } function is_conquest_space(_pow, s) { // TODO return set_has(all_objectives, s) } function is_reconquest_space(_pow, s) { // TODO return set_has(all_objectives, s) } function is_space_protected_by_piece(s, p) { return set_has(protect_range[s], game.pos[p]) } function is_protected_from_conquest(s) { for (let pow of all_powers) { for (let p of all_power_generals[pow]) if (is_space_protected_by_piece(s, p)) return true } return false } function is_protected_from_reconquest(s) { for (let pow of all_powers) { for (let p of all_power_generals[pow]) if (is_space_protected_by_piece(s, p)) return true } return false } /* STATE */ const tc_per_turn_table = [ 5, 1, 3, 1, 3, 5 ] function tc_per_turn() { let n = tc_per_turn_table[game.power] // TODO: subsidies return n } const player_from_power_table = [ R_LOUIS_XV, R_LOUIS_XV, R_FREDERICK, R_FREDERICK, R_FREDERICK, R_MARIA_THERESA, ] function player_from_power(pow) { // TOOD: saxony allies with austria return player_from_power_table[pow] } function set_active_to_power(power) { game.power = power game.active = current_player() } function current_player() { return player_from_power(game.power) } function get_top_piece(s) { for (let p of all_pieces) if (game.pos[p] === s) return p return -1 } function get_supreme_commander(s) { // TODO: promoted minor power (check who is actually on top!) for (let p of all_generals) if (game.pos[p] === s) return p return -1 } function get_stack_power(s) { return piece_power[get_supreme_commander(s)] } function is_space_suit(s, ranges) { for (let [a, b] of ranges) if (s >= a && s <= b) return true return false } function get_space_suit(s) { if (s >= ELIMINATED) return SPADES if (is_space_suit(s, data.suit.spades)) return SPADES if (is_space_suit(s, data.suit.clubs)) return CLUBS if (is_space_suit(s, data.suit.hearts)) return HEARTS if (is_space_suit(s, data.suit.diamonds)) return DIAMONDS throw "IMPOSSIBLE" } function count_eliminated_trains() { let n = 0 for (let p of all_power_trains[game.power]) if (game.pos[p] === ELIMINATED) ++n return n } function count_eliminated_generals() { let n = 0 for (let p of all_power_generals[game.power]) if (game.pos[p] === ELIMINATED) ++n return n } function count_used_troops() { let current = 0 for (let p of all_power_generals[game.power]) current += game.troops[p] return current } function count_unused_troops_on_map() { let n = 0 for (let p of all_power_generals[game.power]) if (is_map_space(game.pos[p])) n += 8 - game.troops[p] return n } function has_any_piece(to) { for (let p = 0; p <= last_piece; ++p) if (game.pos[p] === to) return true return false } function has_friendly_supply_train(to) { for (let p of all_allied_trains(game.power)) if (game.pos[p] === to) return true return false } function has_enemy_supply_train(to) { for (let p of all_enemy_trains(game.power)) if (game.pos[p] === to) return true return false } function has_enemy_general(to) { for (let p of all_enemy_generals(game.power)) if (game.pos[p] === to) return true return false } function has_enemy_piece(to) { for (let p of all_enemy_generals(game.power)) if (game.pos[p] === to) return true for (let p of all_enemy_trains(game.power)) if (game.pos[p] === to) return true return false } function has_non_cooperative_general(to) { for (let other of all_non_coop_powers(game.power)) for (let p of all_controlled_generals(other)) if (game.pos[p] === to) return true return false } function has_own_general(to) { for (let p of all_power_generals[game.power]) if (game.pos[p] === to) return true return false } function count_generals(to) { let n = 0 for (let p of all_generals) if (game.pos[p] === to) ++n return n } function select_stack(s) { let list = [] for (let p of all_generals) if (game.pos[p] === s) list.push(p) return list } function add_one_troop(p) { for (let x of all_power_generals[game.power]) { if (game.pos[x] === game.pos[p] && game.troops[x] < 8) { game.troops[x] ++ break } } } function remove_one_troop(p) { for (let x of all_power_generals_rev[game.power]) { if (game.pos[x] === game.pos[p] && game.troops[x] > 1) { game.troops[x] -- break } } } function retire_general(p) { // save troops if possible let s = game.pos[p] let n = game.troops[p] game.pos[p] = REMOVED game.troops[p] = 0 set_in_supply(p) if (is_map_space(s)) { for (let p of all_power_generals[game.power]) { if (game.pos[p] === s) { let x = Math.min(n, 8 - game.troops[p]) game.troops[p] += x n -= x } } if (n > 1) log("P" + p + " retired with " + n + " troops.") else if (n === 1) log("P" + p + " retired with 1 troop.") else log("P" + p + " retired.") } else { log("P" + p + " retired.") } } function eliminate_general(p, indent) { if (indent) log(">P" + p + " eliminated") else log("P" + p + " eliminated.") game.pos[p] = ELIMINATED game.troops[p] = 0 set_in_supply(p) } /* SEQUENCE OF PLAY */ const POWER_FROM_ACTION_STEP = [ P_FRANCE, // and bavaria P_PRUSSIA, // and saxony P_AUSTRIA, // and pragmatic army -- interleave with pragmatic moves on flanders map P_PRAGMATIC, // interleave with austria moves on flanders map ] function set_active_to_current_action_step() { set_active_to_power(POWER_FROM_ACTION_STEP[game.step]) } function goto_end_turn() { // TODO: winter goto_start_turn() } function goto_start_turn() { game.turn += 1 game.step = 0 log("# Turn " + game.turn) game.selected = null delete game.ia_lost // MARIA: politics // MARIA: hussars goto_place_hussars() } function goto_action_stage() { set_active_to_current_action_step() clear_undo() log("=" + game.power) // TODO: minor powers controlled at the same time goto_tactical_cards() } function end_action_stage() { clear_undo() if (++game.step === 4) goto_end_turn() else goto_action_stage() } /* VICTORY */ function check_victory() { // TODO return false } /* HUSSARS */ function goto_place_hussars() { set_active_to_power(P_AUSTRIA) game.state = "place_hussars" } function end_place_hussars() { set_clear(game.moved) goto_action_stage() } states.place_hussars = { inactive: "place Hussars", prompt() { prompt("Place the Hussars.") for (let p of all_hussars) if (!set_has(game.moved, p)) gen_action_piece(p) view.actions.next = 1 }, piece(p) { push_undo() set_add(game.moved, p) game.selected = p game.state = "place_hussars_where" }, next() { end_place_hussars() }, } states.place_hussars_where = { inactive: "place Hussars", prompt() { prompt("Place the Hussar in a city.") view.selected = game.selected // bohemia // within 4 of an austrian general // not occupied by any piece for (let p of all_power_generals[P_AUSTRIA]) { let s = game.pos[p] if (is_bohemia_space(s)) for (let x of search_hussar_bfs(s)) gen_action_space(x) } }, space(to) { game.state = "place_hussars" game.pos[game.selected] = to game.selected = -1 }, } function search_hussar_bfs(from) { let seen = [ from ] let queue = [ from << 4 ] while (queue.length > 0) { let item = queue.shift() let here = item >> 4 let dist = (item & 15) + 1 for (let next of data.cities.adjacent[here]) { if (set_has(seen, next)) continue if (!is_bohemia_space(next)) continue if (!has_any_piece(next)) set_add(seen, next) if (dist < 4) queue.push((next << 4) | dist) } } set_delete(seen, from) return seen } /* TACTICAL CARDS */ function find_largest_discard(u) { for (let i = 0; i < 4; ++i) if (u[i] <= u[0] && u[i] <= u[1] && u[i] <= u[2] && u[i] <= u[3]) return i throw "OUT OF CARDS" } function count_used_cards() { let held = [ 0, 0, 0, 0 ] // count cards in hands for (let pow of all_powers) { for (let c of game.hand[pow]) held[to_deck(c)]++ } // count cards currently being held if (game.draw) for (let c of game.draw) held[to_deck(c)]++ // count cards remaining in deck for (let c of game.deck) held[to_deck(c)]++ return held } function next_tactics_deck() { let held = count_used_cards() // find next unused deck for (let i = 1; i < 5; ++i) { if (held[i] === 0) { game.deck = make_tactics_deck(i) shuffle_bigint(game.deck) log("Shuffled " + deck_name[i] + ".") return } } // find two largest discard piles let a = find_largest_discard(held) if (held[a] === 38) return held[a] = 100 let b = find_largest_discard(held) if (held[b] === 38) return log("Shuffled " + deck_name[a] + " and " + deck_name[b] + ".") game.deck = [ make_tactics_discard(a), make_tactics_discard(b) ].flat() shuffle_bigint(game.deck) } function total_discard_list() { let discard = count_used_cards() for (let i = 0; i < 4; ++i) discard[i] = Math.ceil((38 - discard[i]) / 5) return discard } function draw_tc(n) { game.draw = [] let k = 0 while (n > 0) { if (game.deck.length === 0) { if (k > 0) log(POWER_NAME[game.power] + " " + k + " TC.") k = 0 next_tactics_deck() if (game.deck.length === 0) { log("The cards ran out!") break } } set_add(game.draw, game.deck.pop()) ++k --n } if (k > 0) log(POWER_NAME[game.power] + " " + k + " TC.") } function goto_tactical_cards() { // TODO: no TC (even subsidy) if major fortress is enemy controlled draw_tc(tc_per_turn()) game.state = "tactical_cards_show" } states.tactical_cards_show = { inactive: "draw tactical cards", prompt() { view.draw = game.draw prompt("Draw " + format_card_list_prompt(game.draw) + ".") view.actions.end_cards = 1 }, end_cards() { end_tactical_cards() }, } function end_tactical_cards() { for (let c of game.draw) set_add(game.hand[game.power], c) delete game.draw // MARIA: supply is before movement if (game.power === P_FRANCE) { set_active_to_power(P_BAVARIA) goto_tactical_cards() return } if (game.power === P_BAVARIA) set_active_to_power(P_FRANCE) if (game.power === P_PRUSSIA) { set_active_to_power(P_SAXONY) goto_tactical_cards() return } if (game.power === P_SAXONY) set_active_to_power(P_PRUSSIA) // TODO: draw pragmatic cards before austria moves // MARIA TODO: supply! goto_movement() } /* TRANSFER TROOPS */ function count_stacked_take() { let n = 0 for (let p of game.selected) n += 8 - game.troops[p] return n } function count_unstacked_take() { let here = game.pos[game.selected[0]] let n = 0 for (let p of all_power_generals[game.power]) if (game.pos[p] === here && !set_has(game.selected, p)) n += 8 - game.troops[p] return n } function count_stacked_give() { let n = 0 for (let p of game.selected) n += game.troops[p] - 1 return n } function count_unstacked_give() { let here = game.pos[game.selected[0]] let n = 0 for (let p of all_power_generals[game.power]) if (game.pos[p] === here && !set_has(game.selected, p)) n += game.troops[p] - 1 return n } function take_troops(total) { let here = game.pos[game.selected[0]] let n = total for (let p of game.selected) { let x = Math.max(0, Math.min(n, 8 - game.troops[p])) game.troops[p] += x n -= x } n = total for (let p of all_power_generals_rev[game.power]) { if (game.pos[p] === here && !set_has(game.selected, p)) { let x = Math.max(0, Math.min(n, game.troops[p] - 1)) game.troops[p] -= x n -= x } } } function give_troops(total) { let here = game.pos[game.selected[0]] let n = total for (let p of all_power_generals[game.power]) { if (game.pos[p] === here && !set_has(game.selected, p)) { let x = Math.max(0, Math.min(n, 8 - game.troops[p])) game.troops[p] += x n -= x } } n = total for (let p of game.selected) { let x = Math.max(0, Math.min(n, game.troops[p] - 1)) game.troops[p] -= x n -= x } } /* MOVEMENT */ function movement_range() { return 3 } function goto_movement() { game.state = "movement" set_clear(game.moved) log_br() game.move_conq = [] game.move_reconq = [] } function can_train_move_anywhere(p) { let from = game.pos[p] for (let to of data.cities.adjacent[from]) if (can_move_train_to(to)) return true return false } function can_general_move_anywhere(p) { let from = game.pos[p] for (let to of data.cities.adjacent[from]) if (can_move_general_to(from, to)) return true return false } states.movement = { inactive: "move", prompt() { let done_generals = true let done_trains = true for (let p of all_controlled_generals(game.power)) { if (!set_has(game.moved, p) && is_map_space(game.pos[p])) { if (can_general_move_anywhere(p)) { gen_action_piece(p) done_generals = false } } } for (let p of all_controlled_trains(game.power)) { if (!set_has(game.moved, p) && is_map_space(game.pos[p])) { if (can_train_move_anywhere(p)) { gen_action_piece(p) done_trains = false } } } if (done_trains && done_generals) prompt("Movement done.") else if (done_generals && !done_trains) prompt("Move your supply trains.") else if (!done_generals && done_trains) prompt("Move your generals.") else prompt("Move your generals and supply trains.") if (game.moved.length === 0) view.actions.confirm_end_movement = 1 else view.actions.end_movement = 1 }, piece(p) { push_undo() let here = game.pos[p] set_active_to_power(piece_power[p]) // Note: Can only move one piece at a time in Maria! game.selected = [ p ] game.count = 0 if (data.cities.main_roads[here].length > 0) game.main = 1 else game.main = 0 game.move_path = [ here ] if (is_supply_train(p)) game.state = "move_supply_train" else game.state = "move_general" }, confirm_end_movement() { this.end_movement() }, end_movement() { push_undo() if (game.moved.length === 0) log("Nothing moved.") set_clear(game.moved) log_conquest(game.move_conq, game.move_reconq) delete game.move_conq delete game.move_reconq // MARIA: recruit during winter goto_recruit() goto_combat() }, } function format_move(max) { let n = max - game.count if (game.main) return ` up to ${n} cities (${n+1} on main roads).` return ` up to ${n} cities.` } function can_move_train_to(to) { return !has_any_piece(to) } function is_illegal_cross_map_move(from, to) { return ( game.power !== P_FRANCE && game.power !== P_AUSTRIA && ( (is_flanders_space(from) && is_bohemia_space(to)) || (is_flanders_space(to) && is_bohemia_space(from)) ) ) } function can_move_general_to(from, to) { if (is_illegal_cross_map_move(from, to)) return false if (has_friendly_supply_train(to)) return false if (has_non_cooperative_general(to)) return false if (has_enemy_supply_train(to)) return false if (count_generals(to) >= 2) return false return true } function move_general_to(to, is_force_march) { let pow = game.power let who = game.selected[0] let from = game.pos[who] let stop = false for (let p of game.selected) { set_add(game.moved, p) game.pos[p] = to } // Cannot conquer if force marching. // Cannot conquer if out of supply. if (!is_force_march && !is_out_of_supply(who)) { // conquer space if (is_conquest_space(pow, from) && !set_has(game.conquest, from)) { if (is_protected_from_conquest(from)) { set_add(game.retro, from) } else { set_add(game.move_conq, from) set_add(game.conquest, from) } } // re-conquer space if (is_reconquest_space(pow, from) && set_has(game.conquest, from)) { if (is_protected_from_reconquest(from)) { set_add(game.retro, from) } else { set_add(game.move_reconq, from) set_delete(game.conquest, from) } } } // eliminate supply train for (let p of all_enemy_trains(pow)) { if (game.pos[p] === to) { if (!game.move_elim) game.move_elim = [] set_add(game.move_elim, p) game.pos[p] = ELIMINATED // NOTE: eliminating a supply train does not stop movement! } } // uniting stacks: flag all as moved and stop moving for (let p of all_coop_generals(pow)) { if (game.pos[p] === to && !set_has(game.selected, p)) { set_add(game.moved, p) stop = true } } // remove hussars for (let p of all_hussars) { if (game.pos[p] === to) { if (!game.move_elim) game.move_elim = [] set_add(game.move_elim, p) game.pos[p] = ELIMINATED } } return stop } states.move_supply_train = { inactive: "move", prompt() { prompt("Move supply train" + format_move(2)) view.selected = game.selected let who = game.selected[0] let here = game.pos[who] if (game.count < 2 + game.main) for (let next of data.cities.main_roads[here]) if (!has_any_piece(next)) gen_action_space(next) if (game.count < 2) for (let next of data.cities.roads[here]) if (!has_any_piece(next)) gen_action_space(next) if (game.count > 0) gen_action_piece(who) view.actions.stop = 1 }, piece(_) { this.stop() }, stop() { let who = game.selected[0] set_add(game.moved, who) end_move_piece() }, space(to) { let who = game.selected[0] let from = game.pos[who] game.move_path.push(to) if (!set_has(data.cities.main_roads[from], to)) game.main = 0 set_add(game.moved, who) game.pos[who] = to if (++game.count === 2 + game.main) end_move_piece() }, } states.move_general = { inactive: "move", prompt() { prompt("Move " + format_selected() + format_move(movement_range())) view.selected = game.selected let who = game.selected[0] let here = game.pos[who] if (game.count === 0) { if (game.selected.length > 1) { for (let p of game.selected) { gen_action_piece(p) } } if (data.cities.main_roads[here].length > 0) view.actions.force_march = 1 let s_take = count_stacked_take() let s_give = count_stacked_give() let u_take = count_unstacked_take() let u_give = count_unstacked_give() if (s_take > 0 && u_give > 0) view.actions.take = 1 if (s_give > 0 && u_take > 0) view.actions.give = 1 view.actions.stop = 1 } else { gen_action_piece(who) view.actions.stop = 1 } if (game.count < movement_range() + game.main) for (let next of data.cities.main_roads[here]) if (can_move_general_to(here, next)) gen_action_space_or_piece(next) if (game.count < movement_range()) for (let next of data.cities.roads[here]) if (can_move_general_to(here, next)) gen_action_space_or_piece(next) }, take() { game.state = "move_take" }, give() { game.state = "move_give" }, piece(p) { if (game.count === 0) { this.space(game.pos[p]) } else { if (p === game.selected[0]) this.stop() else this.space(game.pos[p]) } }, stop() { for (let p of game.selected) set_add(game.moved, p) end_move_piece() }, space(to) { let who = game.selected[0] let from = game.pos[who] game.move_path.push(to) if (!set_has(data.cities.main_roads[from], to)) game.main = 0 if (move_general_to(to, false) || ++game.count === movement_range() + game.main) end_move_piece() }, force_march() { game.state = "force_march" } } function is_adjacent_to_enemy_piece(here) { for (let next of data.cities.adjacent[here]) if (has_enemy_piece(next)) return true return false } function search_force_march(came_from, start) { let seen = [ start ] let queue = [ start << 4 ] while (queue.length > 0) { let item = queue.shift() let here = item >> 4 let dist = (item & 15) + 1 for (let next of data.cities.main_roads[here]) { if (set_has(seen, next)) continue if (is_enemy_controlled_fortress(next)) continue if (has_enemy_piece(next)) continue if (is_adjacent_to_enemy_piece(next)) continue if (!can_move_general_to(here, next)) continue if (came_from) map_set(came_from, next, here) set_add(seen, next) if (dist < 8) queue.push((next << 4) | dist) } } set_delete(seen, start) return seen } // TODO: choose not-shortest path to capture hussars during force march? states.force_march = { inactive: "move", prompt() { prompt("Force March " + format_selected() + ".") view.selected = game.selected let here = game.pos[game.selected[0]] for (let s of search_force_march(null, here)) gen_action_space(s) }, space(to) { let here = game.pos[game.selected[0]] let came_from = [] search_force_march(came_from, here) let path = [] while (to !== here) { path.unshift(to) to = map_get(came_from, to) } for (let s of path) { game.move_path.push(s) move_general_to(s, true) } end_move_piece() }, } states.move_take = { inactive: "move", prompt() { prompt("Transfer troops to " + format_selected() + ".") view.selected = game.selected let take = count_stacked_take() let give = count_unstacked_give() let n = Math.min(take, give) view.actions.value = [] for (let i = 1; i <= n; ++i) view.actions.value.push(i) }, value(v) { take_troops(v) if (game.state === "laudon_take") game.state = "austria_may_move_laudon_by_one_city_immediately" else game.state = "move_general" }, } states.move_give = { inactive: "move", prompt() { prompt("Transfer troops from " + format_selected() + ".") view.selected = game.selected let take = count_unstacked_take() let give = count_stacked_give() let n = Math.min(take, give) view.actions.value = [] for (let i = 1; i <= n; ++i) view.actions.value.push(i) }, value(v) { give_troops(v) if (game.state === "laudon_give") game.state = "austria_may_move_laudon_by_one_city_immediately" else game.state = "move_general" }, } function end_move_piece() { log_move_path() if (game.move_elim) { for (let p of game.move_elim) log("P" + p + " eliminated.") delete game.move_elim } delete game.move_path game.selected = null game.state = "movement" set_active_to_current_action_step() } /* RECRUITMENT */ function troop_cost() { if (is_map_space(game.recruit.re_enter)) return 8 return 6 } function sum_card_values(list) { let n = 0 for (let c of list) n += to_value(c) return n } function find_largest_card(list) { for (let v = 10; v >= 2; --v) { for (let c of list) if (to_value(c) === v) return c } throw "NO CARDS FOUND IN LIST" } function spend_recruit_cost() { let spend = troop_cost() if (game.count > 0) { if (spend < game.count) { game.count -= spend spend = 0 } else { spend -= game.count game.count = 0 } } while (spend > 0) { let c = find_largest_card(game.recruit.pool) let v = to_value(c) set_delete(game.recruit.pool, c) set_add(game.recruit.used, c) if (v > spend) { game.count = v - spend spend = 0 } else { spend -= v } } } function has_available_depot() { for (let s of all_power_depots[game.power]) // TODO: also allied other player's pieces? if (!has_enemy_piece(s)) return true return false } function can_re_enter_general(to) { if (has_friendly_supply_train(to)) return false if (has_non_cooperative_general(to)) return false if (1 + count_generals(to) > 3) return false return true } function can_re_enter_supply_train(s) { return !has_any_piece(s) } function goto_recruit() { game.count = 0 if (!can_recruit_anything_in_theory()) { end_recruit() return } game.recruit = { pool: [], used: [], pieces: [], re_enter: ELIMINATED, troops: 0, } // if all depots have enemy pieces, choose ONE city in given sector and COST is 8 if (has_available_depot()) game.state = "recruit" else game.state = "re_enter_choose_city" } states.re_enter_choose_city = { inactive: "recruit", prompt() { prompt("Choose city to re-enter troops.") for (let s of all_power_re_entry_cities[game.power]) if (!has_enemy_piece(s)) gen_action_space(s) }, space(s) { push_undo() game.recruit.re_enter = s game.state = "recruit" }, } function has_re_entry_space(p) { let can_re_enter_at = is_general(p) ? can_re_enter_general : can_re_enter_supply_train if (is_map_space(game.recruit.re_enter)) return can_re_enter_at(game.recruit.re_enter) for (let s of all_power_depots[game.power]) if (can_re_enter_at(s)) return true return false } function is_attack_position(s) { for (let p of all_enemy_generals(game.power)) if (set_has(data.cities.adjacent[s], game.pos[p])) return true return false } function can_recruit_anything_in_theory() { let unused_everywhere = max_power_troops(game.power) - count_used_troops() return unused_everywhere > 0 || count_eliminated_trains() > 0 } function can_recruit_anything() { let unused_everywhere = max_power_troops(game.power) - count_used_troops() let elim_trains = count_eliminated_trains() let elim_generals = count_eliminated_generals() let unused_on_map = count_unused_troops_on_map() // can reinforce on-map generals if (unused_everywhere > 0 && unused_on_map > 0) return true // can re-enter eliminated generals if (unused_everywhere > 0 && elim_generals > 0 && has_re_entry_space()) return true // can re-enter eliminated supply trains if (elim_trains > 0 && has_re_entry_space()) return true return false } states.recruit = { inactive: "recruit", prompt() { let cost = troop_cost() let n_troops = count_used_troops() let av_troops = max_power_troops(game.power) - n_troops let av_trains = count_eliminated_trains() let possible = can_recruit_anything() let str if (av_trains > 0 && av_troops > 0) str = `Recruit supply trains and up to ${av_troops} troops for ${cost} each` else if (av_troops > 0) str = `Recruit up to ${av_troops} troops for ${cost} each` else if (av_trains > 0) str = `Recruit supply trains for ${cost} each` else str = "Nothing to recruit" let paid = game.count + sum_card_values(game.recruit.pool) if (paid > 1) str += " \u2014 " + paid + " points." else if (paid === 1) str += " \u2014 1 point." else str += "." prompt(str) view.draw = game.recruit.pool if (possible && paid / cost < av_troops + av_trains) { for (let c of game.hand[game.power]) gen_action_card(c) } if (paid >= cost) { if (av_troops > 0) { for (let p of all_power_generals[game.power]) { if (game.troops[p] > 0 && game.troops[p] < 8) { let s = game.pos[p] gen_action_piece(s) } else if (game.pos[p] === ELIMINATED && has_re_entry_space(p)) gen_action_piece(p) } } if (av_trains > 0) { for (let p of all_power_trains[game.power]) { if (game.pos[p] === ELIMINATED && has_re_entry_space(p)) gen_action_piece(p) } } } if (paid < cost || !possible) view.actions.end_recruit = 1 }, card(c) { push_undo() set_delete(game.hand[game.power], c) set_add(game.recruit.pool, c) }, piece(p) { push_undo() spend_recruit_cost() if (game.pos[p] === ELIMINATED) { game.selected = [ p ] game.state = "re_enter" } else { game.recruit.troops += 1 add_one_troop(p) } }, end_recruit() { push_undo() end_recruit() }, } function end_recruit() { if (game.recruit) { if (game.recruit.used.length > 0) { log_br() if (game.recruit.troops > 0) log("Recruited " + game.recruit.troops + " troops with " + game.recruit.used.map(format_card).join(", ") + ".") else log("Recruited with " + game.recruit.used.map(format_card).join(", ") + ".") map_for_each(game.recruit.pieces, (p,s) => { log("Re-entered P" + p + " at S" + s + ".") }) if (game.recruit.troops) log(">" + game.recruit.troops + " troops") } // put back into hand unused cards for (let c of game.recruit.pool) set_add(game.hand[game.power], c) delete game.recruit } // MARIA: NOT goto_combat() // goto_combat() } states.re_enter = { inactive: "recruit", prompt() { prompt("Re-enter " + format_selected() + ".") view.selected = game.selected let p = game.selected[0] let can_re_enter_at = is_general(p) ? can_re_enter_general : can_re_enter_supply_train if (is_map_space(game.recruit.re_enter)) { if (can_re_enter_at(game.recruit.re_enter)) gen_action_space(game.recruit.re_enter) } else { for (let s of all_power_depots[game.power]) if (can_re_enter_at(s)) gen_action_space(s) } }, space(s) { let p = game.selected[0] game.pos[p] = s map_set(game.recruit.pieces, p, s) if (is_general(p)) { game.recruit.troops += 1 game.troops[p] = 1 } game.selected = null game.state = "recruit" }, } /* COMBAT (CHOOSE TARGETS) */ function goto_combat() { let from = [] let to = [] for (let p of all_controlled_generals(game.power)) if (is_map_space(game.pos[p])) set_add(from, game.pos[p]) for (let p of all_enemy_generals(game.power)) if (is_map_space(game.pos[p])) set_add(to, game.pos[p]) game.combat = [] for (let a of from) { for (let b of to) { if (set_has(data.cities.adjacent[a], b)) { game.combat.push(a) game.combat.push(b) } } } if (game.combat.length > 0) game.state = "combat" else goto_retroactive_conquest() } function next_combat() { clear_undo() set_active_to_current_action_step() game.count = 0 delete game.attacker delete game.defender if (game.combat.length > 0) game.state = "combat" else // TODO: a bit abrupt, but saves time if // game.state = "combat_done" goto_retroactive_conquest() } states.combat = { inactive: "attack", prompt() { prompt("Resolve your attacks.") for (let i = 0; i < game.combat.length; i += 2) gen_action_supreme_commander(game.combat[i]) }, piece(p) { push_undo() game.attacker = game.pos[p] game.state = "combat_target" }, } // TODO: unused for now states.combat_done = { inactive: "attack", prompt() { prompt("Combat done.") view.actions.end_combat = 1 }, end_combat() { goto_retroactive_conquest() }, } states.combat_target = { inactive: "attack", prompt() { prompt("Choose enemy stack to attack.") for (let i = 0; i < game.combat.length; i += 2) if (game.combat[i] === game.attacker) gen_action_supreme_commander(game.combat[i+1]) }, piece(p) { clear_undo() game.defender = game.pos[p] for (let i = 0; i < game.combat.length; i += 2) { if (game.combat[i] === game.attacker && game.combat[i+1] === game.defender) { array_remove_pair(game.combat, i) break } } goto_resolve_combat() }, } function goto_resolve_combat() { let a_troops = 0 let d_troops = 0 for (let p of all_generals) { if (game.pos[p] === game.attacker) a_troops += game.troops[p] if (game.pos[p] === game.defender) d_troops += game.troops[p] } log_br() game.count = a_troops - d_troops let a = get_supreme_commander(game.attacker) let d = get_supreme_commander(game.defender) log("!") log(`>P${a} at S${game.attacker}`) log(`>P${d} at S${game.defender}`) log(`>Troops ${a_troops} - ${d_troops} = ${game.count}`) if (game.count <= 0) { set_active_attacker() game.state = "combat_attack" } else { set_active_defender() game.state = "combat_defend" } } function end_resolve_combat() { if (game.count === 0) { log(">Tied") next_combat() } else if (game.count > 0) { game.selected = select_stack(game.defender) goto_retreat() } else { game.selected = select_stack(game.attacker) goto_retreat() } } /* COMBAT (CARD PLAY) */ function format_combat_stack(s) { let p = get_supreme_commander(s) return suit_name[get_space_suit(s)] + " " + piece_name[p] } function signed_number(v) { if (v > 0) return "+" + v if (v < 0) return "\u2212" + (-v) return "0" } function format_combat(value) { let a = format_combat_stack(game.attacker) let d = format_combat_stack(game.defender) let s = signed_number(value) let p = POWER_NAME[game.power] return `${a} vs ${d}. ${p} is at ${s}.` } function inactive_attack() { return "Waiting for " + format_combat(game.count) } function inactive_defend() { return "Waiting for " + format_combat(-game.count) } function prompt_combat(value, extra = null) { let text = format_combat(value) if (extra) text += " " + extra view.prompt = text } function set_active_attacker() { set_active_to_power(get_stack_power(game.attacker)) } function set_active_defender() { set_active_to_power(get_stack_power(game.defender)) } function resume_combat_attack() { if (game.count === 0) game.state = "combat_attack_swap" else if (game.count > 0) game.state = "combat_attack_swap" else game.state = "combat_attack" } function resume_combat_defend() { if (game.count === 0) game.state = "combat_defend_swap" else if (game.count < 0) game.state = "combat_defend_swap" else game.state = "combat_defend" } function gen_play_card(suit) { let score = Math.abs(game.count) let has_suit = false for (let c of game.hand[game.power]) { let c_suit = to_suit(c) if (c_suit === suit) { has_suit = true gen_action_card(c) } else if (c_suit === RESERVE) { gen_action_card(c) } } // cannot pass if at 0 (and can play) if (score === 0 && has_suit) view.actions.pass = 0 else view.actions.pass = 1 } function gen_play_reserve() { view.draw = [ game.reserve ] view.actions.value = [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 ] } function play_card(c, sign) { let prefix = (sign < 0 ? ">>" : ">") + POWER_NAME[game.power] if (sign < 0) game.count -= to_value(c) else game.count += to_value(c) let score = signed_number(sign * game.count) log(`${prefix} ${format_card(c)} = ${score}`) } function play_reserve(v, sign) { let c = game.reserve delete game.reserve let prefix = (sign < 0 ? ">>" : ">") + POWER_NAME[game.power] if (sign < 0) game.count -= v else game.count += v let score = signed_number(sign * game.count) log(`${prefix} ${format_reserve(c, v)} = ${score}`) } function play_combat_card(c, sign, resume, next_state) { push_undo() array_remove_item(game.hand[game.power], c) if (is_reserve(c)) { game.state = next_state game.reserve = c } else { play_card(c, sign) resume() } } states.combat_attack = { inactive: inactive_attack, prompt() { prompt_combat(game.count) gen_play_card(get_space_suit(game.attacker)) }, card(c) { play_combat_card(c, +1, resume_combat_attack, "combat_attack_reserve") }, pass() { clear_undo() end_resolve_combat() }, } states.combat_defend = { inactive: inactive_defend, prompt() { prompt_combat(-game.count) gen_play_card(get_space_suit(game.defender)) }, card(c) { play_combat_card(c, -1, resume_combat_defend, "combat_defend_reserve") }, pass() { clear_undo() end_resolve_combat() }, } states.combat_attack_reserve = { inactive: inactive_attack, prompt() { prompt_combat(game.count, "Choose value.") view.draw = [ game.reserve ] gen_play_reserve() }, value(v) { play_reserve(v, +1) resume_combat_attack() }, } states.combat_defend_reserve = { inactive: inactive_defend, prompt() { prompt_combat(-game.count, "Choose value.") view.draw = [ game.reserve ] gen_play_reserve() }, value(v) { play_reserve(v, -1) resume_combat_defend() }, } states.combat_attack_swap = { inactive: inactive_attack, prompt() { prompt_combat(game.count) view.actions.next = 1 }, next() { clear_undo() set_active_defender() game.state = "combat_defend" }, } states.combat_defend_swap = { inactive: inactive_defend, prompt() { prompt_combat(-game.count) view.actions.next = 1 }, next() { clear_undo() set_active_attacker() game.state = "combat_attack" }, } /* RETREAT */ function get_winner() { return game.count > 0 ? game.attacker : game.defender } function get_loser() { return game.count < 0 ? game.attacker : game.defender } function set_active_winner() { if (game.count > 0) set_active_attacker() else set_active_defender() } function set_active_loser() { if (game.count > 0) set_active_defender() else set_active_attacker() } function remove_stack_from_combat(s) { for (let i = game.combat.length - 2; i >= 0; i -= 2) if (game.combat[i] === s || game.combat[i + 1] === s) array_remove_pair(game.combat, i) } function goto_retreat() { let hits = Math.abs(game.count) let lost = [ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ] // per power! let loser = get_loser() let loser_power = get_stack_power(loser) let winner_power = get_stack_power(get_winner()) // no more fighting for the loser remove_stack_from_combat(loser) // apply hits for (let i = game.selected.length - 1; i >= 0 && hits > 0; --i) { let p = game.selected[i] while (game.troops[p] > 1 && hits > 0) { lost[piece_power[p]]++ --game.troops[p] --hits } } for (let i = game.selected.length - 1; i >= 0 && hits > 0; --i) { let p = game.selected[i] while (game.troops[p] > 0 && hits > 0) { lost[piece_power[p]]++ --game.troops[p] --hits } } for (let pow of all_powers) if (lost[pow] > 0) log(POWER_NAME[pow] + " lost " + (lost[pow]) + " troops.") resume_retreat() } function resume_retreat() { // eliminate generals with no more hits for (let p of game.selected) { if (game.troops[p] === 0) { game.state = "retreat_eliminate_hits" return } } // retreat remaining generals if (game.selected.length > 0) { game.retreat = search_retreat(get_loser(), get_winner(), Math.abs(game.count)) if (game.retreat.length > 0) { // victor chooses retreat destination set_active_winner() game.state = "retreat" } else { // eliminate if there are no retreat possibilities delete game.retreat game.state = "retreat_eliminate_trapped" } return } // no retreat if generals wiped out next_combat() } states.retreat_eliminate_hits = { inactive: "retreat", prompt() { prompt("Eliminate generals without troops.") // remove eliminated generals for (let p of game.selected) if (game.troops[p] === 0) gen_action_piece(p) }, piece(p) { eliminate_general(p, false) set_delete(game.selected, p) resume_retreat() }, } states.retreat_eliminate_trapped = { inactive: "retreat", prompt() { prompt("Eliminate " + format_selected() + " without a retreat path.") for (let p of game.selected) gen_action_piece(p) }, piece(_) { log("Trapped.") for (let p of game.selected) eliminate_general(p, false) next_combat() }, } // search distances from winner within retreat range function search_retreat_distance(from, range) { let seen = [ from, 0 ] let queue = [ from << 4 ] while (queue.length > 0) { let item = queue.shift() let here = item >> 4 let dist = (item & 15) + 1 for (let next of data.cities.adjacent[here]) { if (map_has(seen, next)) continue if (dist <= range) { map_set(seen, next, dist) queue.push((next << 4) | dist) } } } return seen } // search all possible retreat paths of given length function search_retreat_possible_dfs(result, seen, here, range) { for (let next of data.cities.adjacent[here]) { if (seen.includes(next)) continue if (has_any_piece(next)) continue if (range === 1) { set_add(result, next) } else { seen.push(next) search_retreat_possible_dfs(result, seen, next, range - 1) seen.pop() } } } function search_retreat_possible(from, range) { let result = [] search_retreat_possible_dfs(result, [from], from, range) return result } function search_retreat(loser, winner, range) { let distance = search_retreat_distance(winner, range + 1) let possible = search_retreat_possible(loser, range) let max = 0 for (let s of possible) { let d = map_get(distance, s, -1) if (d > max) max = d } let result = [] for (let s of possible) if (map_get(distance, s, -1) === max) result.push(s) return result } states.retreat = { inactive: "retreat defeated general", prompt() { prompt("Retreat " + format_selected() + " " + Math.abs(game.count) + " cities.") view.selected = game.selected for (let s of game.retreat) gen_action_space(s) }, space(to) { push_undo() log("Retreated to S" + to + ".") for (let p of game.selected) game.pos[p] = to delete game.retreat game.state = "retreat_done" }, } states.retreat_done = { inactive: "retreat defeated general", prompt() { prompt("Retreat done.") view.actions.next = 1 }, next() { next_combat() }, } /* RETRO-ACTIVE CONQUEST */ function log_conquest(conq, reconq) { if (conq.length > 0 || reconq.length > 0) { log_br() if (conq.length > 0) { log("Conquered") for (let s of conq) log(">S" + s) } if (reconq.length > 0) { log("Reconquered") for (let s of reconq) log(">S" + s) } } } function goto_retroactive_conquest() { delete game.combat let conq = [] let reconq = [] for (let s of game.retro) { if (is_conquest_space(game.power, s)) { if (!is_protected_from_conquest(s)) { set_add(game.conquest, s) conq.push(s) } } if (is_reconquest_space(game.power, s)) { if (!is_protected_from_reconquest(s)) { set_delete(game.conquest, s) reconq.push(s) } } } log_conquest(conq, reconq) set_clear(game.retro) end_action_stage() } /* SUPPLY */ function search_supply_bfs(from, range) { let seen = [ from ] let queue = [ from << 4 ] while (queue.length > 0) { let item = queue.shift() let here = item >> 4 let dist = (item & 15) + 1 for (let next of data.cities.adjacent[here]) { if (set_has(seen, next)) continue if (has_enemy_piece(next)) continue set_add(seen, next) if (dist < range) queue.push((next << 4) | dist) } } return seen } function search_supply(range) { for (let p of all_power_trains[game.power]) { let here = game.pos[p] if (here >= ELIMINATED) continue if (!game.supply) game.supply = search_supply_bfs(here, range) else set_add_all(game.supply, search_supply_bfs(here, range)) } } function is_out_of_supply(p) { return (game.oos & (1 << p)) !== 0 } function set_out_of_supply(p) { return game.oos |= (1 << p) } function set_in_supply(p) { return game.oos &= ~(1 << p) } function has_supply_line(p) { let s = game.pos[p] if (set_has(all_home_or_depot_cities[game.power], s)) return true if (game.supply && set_has(game.supply, s)) return true return false } function should_supply_restore() { for (let p of all_power_generals[game.power]) { if (game.pos[p] >= ELIMINATED) continue if (is_out_of_supply(p) && has_supply_line(p)) return true } return false } function should_supply_eliminate() { for (let p of all_power_generals[game.power]) { if (game.pos[p] >= ELIMINATED) continue if (is_out_of_supply(p) && !has_supply_line(p)) return true } return false } function should_supply_flip() { for (let p of all_power_generals[game.power]) { if (game.pos[p] >= ELIMINATED) continue if (!is_out_of_supply(p) && !has_supply_line(p)) return true } return false } function goto_supply() { set_clear(game.moved) search_supply(6) if (should_supply_restore()) goto_supply_restore() else if (should_supply_eliminate()) goto_supply_eliminate() else if (should_supply_flip()) goto_supply_flip() else end_supply() } function goto_supply_restore() { log_br() log("In supply") resume_supply_restore() } function goto_supply_eliminate() { log_br() log("Out of supply") resume_supply_eliminate() } function goto_supply_flip() { log_br() log("Out of supply") resume_supply_flip() } function resume_supply_restore() { if (should_supply_restore()) game.state = "supply_restore" else if (should_supply_eliminate()) goto_supply_eliminate() else if (should_supply_flip()) goto_supply_flip() else game.state = "supply_done" } function resume_supply_eliminate() { if (should_supply_eliminate()) game.state = "supply_eliminate" else if (should_supply_flip()) goto_supply_flip() else game.state = "supply_done" } function resume_supply_flip() { if (should_supply_flip()) game.state = "supply_flip" else game.state = "supply_done" } states.supply_restore = { inactive: "supply", prompt() { prompt("Restore supply to generals with a supply line.") for (let p of all_power_generals[game.power]) { if (game.pos[p] >= ELIMINATED) continue if (is_out_of_supply(p) && has_supply_line(p)) gen_action_piece(game.pos[p]) } }, piece(x) { let s = game.pos[x] for (let p of all_power_generals[game.power]) { if (game.pos[p] === s) { set_add(game.moved, p) set_in_supply(p) log(">P" + p + " at S" + s) } } resume_supply_restore() }, } states.supply_eliminate = { inactive: "supply", prompt() { prompt("Eliminate out of supply generals with no supply line.") for (let p of all_power_generals[game.power]) { if (game.pos[p] >= ELIMINATED) continue if (is_out_of_supply(p) && !has_supply_line(p)) gen_action_piece(game.pos[p]) } }, piece(x) { let s = game.pos[x] for (let p of all_power_generals[game.power]) if (game.pos[p] === s) eliminate_general(p, true) resume_supply_eliminate() }, } states.supply_flip = { inactive: "supply", prompt() { prompt("Flip generals with no supply line.") for (let p of all_power_generals[game.power]) { if (game.pos[p] >= ELIMINATED) continue if (!is_out_of_supply(p) && !has_supply_line(p)) gen_action_piece(game.pos[p]) } }, piece(x) { let s = game.pos[x] for (let p of all_power_generals[game.power]) { if (game.pos[p] === s) { log(">P" + p + " at S" + s) set_out_of_supply(p) } } resume_supply_flip() }, } states.supply_done = { inactive: "supply", prompt() { prompt("Supply done.") view.actions.end_supply = 1 }, end_supply() { end_supply() }, } function end_supply() { delete game.supply end_action_stage() } /* SETUP */ const POWER_FROM_SETUP_STEP = [ P_FRANCE, P_BAVARIA, P_PRUSSIA, P_SAXONY, P_PRAGMATIC, P_AUSTRIA, ] function set_active_setup_power() { game.power = POWER_FROM_SETUP_STEP[game.step] game.active = current_player() } const setup_initial_tcs = [ 2, 5, 9, 3, 3, 5 ] const setup_total_troops = [ 26, 5, 16+6, 5, 14, 28 ] const setup_min_troops = [ 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 5, 1, 1, 4, 6, 5, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 6, 2, 1, 4, ] const setup_max_troops = [ 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 5, 8, 8, 8, 6, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, ] const setup_piece_position = [ // - GENERALS - // F find_city("Beaune"), find_city("Schwandorf"), find_city("Ergoldsbach"), find_city("Créspy-en-V."), find_city("Sarreguemines"), // B find_city("Ergoldsbach"), // P find_city("Steinau"), find_city("Steinau"), find_city("Sprottau"), find_city("East Prussia"), // S find_city("Radeberg"), // PA find_city("Delfzijl"), find_city("Delfzijl"), find_city("Dordrecht"), // A find_city("Austerlitz"), find_city("Steinamanger"), find_city("Stuhlweißenburg"), find_city("Stuhlweißenburg"), find_city("Trübau"), find_city("Malmedy"), // - TRAINS - // F find_city("Bar-le-Duc"), find_city("Regensburg"), // B find_city("Falkenstein"), // P find_city("Grünberg"), find_city("Silesia Victory"), // S find_city("Meißen"), // PA find_city("Tilburg"), // A find_city("Hlinsko"), find_city("Bruck"), find_city("Geel"), // Hussars ELIMINATED, ELIMINATED ] function make_political_deck() { let deck41 = [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 ] let deck42 = [ 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 25 ] let deck43 = [ 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18 ] let deck44 = [ 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24 ] shuffle_bigint(deck41) shuffle_bigint(deck42) shuffle_bigint(deck43) shuffle_bigint(deck44) return [ deck44, deck43, deck42, deck41 ].flat() } function make_tactics_deck(n) { let deck = [] for (let suit = 0; suit <= 3; ++suit) for (let value = 2; value <= 10; ++value) deck.push((n << 7) | (suit << 4) | value) deck.push((n << 7) | (RESERVE << 4) | 2) deck.push((n << 7) | (RESERVE << 4) | 3) return deck } function make_tactics_discard(n) { return make_tactics_deck(n).filter(c => { if (game.draw && set_has(game.draw, c)) return false for (let pow of all_powers) if (set_has(game.hand[pow], c)) return false return true }) } exports.setup = function (seed, _scenario, _options) { game = { seed: seed, undo: [], log: [], state: "setup", active: R_LOUIS_XV, power: P_FRANCE, turn: 0, step: 0, pol_deck: null, deck: null, hand: [ [], [], [], [], [], [] ], pos: setup_piece_position.slice(), oos: 0, troops: setup_min_troops.map(n => 0), conquest: [], moved: [], retro: [], selected: [], count: 0, } game.pol_deck = make_political_deck() game.deck = make_tactics_deck(0) shuffle_bigint(game.deck) // Deal initial cards for (let pow of all_powers) for (let i = 0; i < setup_initial_tcs[pow]; ++i) set_add(game.hand[pow], game.deck.pop()) log("# 1741") return game } states.setup = { inactive: "setup troops", prompt() { let n_troops = setup_total_troops[game.power] - count_used_troops() if (n_troops === 0) { prompt("Setup done.") view.actions.end_setup = 1 } else { let n_stacks = 0 for (let p of all_power_generals[game.power]) { if (is_map_space(game.pos[p]) && !set_has(game.moved, p)) { gen_action_piece(p) n_stacks ++ } } if (n_stacks > 1) prompt("Add " + n_troops + " troops to " + n_stacks + " generals.") else if (n_troops > 1) prompt("Add " + n_troops + " troops to last general.") else prompt("Add 1 troop to last general.") } }, piece(p) { push_undo() set_add(game.moved, p) game.selected = [ p ] game.state = "setup_general" }, end_setup() { clear_undo() end_setup() }, } function count_unsetup_min() { let n = 0 for (let p of all_power_generals[game.power]) if (game.troops[p] === 0) n += setup_min_troops[p] return n } function count_unsetup_max() { let n = 0 for (let p of all_power_generals[game.power]) if (game.troops[p] === 0) n += setup_max_troops[p] return n } states.setup_general = { inactive: "setup troops", prompt() { prompt("Add troops to " + format_selected() + ".") view.selected = game.selected let who = game.selected[0] let n_self_min = setup_min_troops[who] let n_self_max = setup_max_troops[who] let n_other_min = count_unsetup_min() - n_self_min let n_other_max = count_unsetup_max() - n_self_max let n_troops = setup_total_troops[game.power] - count_used_troops() // leave at least 1 for each remaining general let take_max = Math.min(n_self_max, n_troops - n_other_min) // leave no more than 8 for each remaining general let take_min = Math.max(n_self_min, n_troops - n_other_max) view.actions.value = [] for (let i = take_min; i <= take_max; ++i) view.actions.value.push(i) }, value(v) { let save = game.selected.length - 1 for (let p of game.selected) { let n = Math.min(8, v - save) game.troops[p] += n v -= n --save } game.selected = null game.state = "setup" }, } function end_setup() { if (++game.step === 6) { goto_start_turn() } else { set_active_setup_power() } } /* VIEW */ function mask_troops(player) { let view_troops = [] for (let pow of all_powers) { if (player_from_power(pow) === player) { for (let p of all_power_generals[pow]) view_troops.push(game.troops[p]) } else { for (let p of all_power_generals[pow]) { let s = game.pos[p] if (game.attacker === s || game.defender === s) view_troops.push(game.troops[p]) else view_troops.push(0) } } } return view_troops } function mask_hand(player) { let view_hand = [] for (let pow of all_powers) { if (player_from_power(pow) === player) view_hand[pow] = game.hand[pow] else view_hand[pow] = game.hand[pow].map(c => c & ~127) //view_hand[pow] = game.hand[pow].length //view_hand[pow] = Math.ceil(game.hand[pow].length / 3) * 3 //view_hand[pow] = Math.ceil(game.hand[pow].length / 5) } return view_hand } function total_troops_list() { let list = [] for (let pow of all_powers) { let n = 0 for (let p of all_power_generals[pow]) n += game.troops[p] list[pow] = n } return list } exports.view = function (state, player) { game = state view = { prompt: null, actions: null, log: game.log, turn: game.turn, pos: game.pos, oos: game.oos, conquest: game.conquest, troops: mask_troops(player), hand: mask_hand(player), pt: total_troops_list(), discard: total_discard_list(), power: game.power, retro: game.retro, } if (game.attacker !== undefined && game.defender !== undefined) { view.attacker = game.attacker view.defender = game.defender } if (game.state === "game_over") { view.prompt = game.victory view.troops = game.troops view.hand = game.hand } else if (game.active !== player) { let inactive = states[game.state].inactive || game.state if (typeof inactive === "function") view.prompt = inactive() else view.prompt = `Waiting for ${POWER_NAME[game.power]} to ${inactive}.` } else { view.actions = {} if (states[game.state]) states[game.state].prompt() else view.prompt = "Unknown state: " + game.state if (view.actions.undo === undefined) { if (game.undo && game.undo.length > 0) view.actions.undo = 1 else view.actions.undo = 0 } } return view } /* COMMON FRAMEWORK */ function goto_game_over(result, victory) { log("# The End") game.active = "None" game.state = "game_over" game.result = result game.victory = victory log(game.victory) return true } function prompt(str) { view.prompt = POWER_NAME[game.power] + ": " + str } exports.action = function (state, _player, action, arg) { game = state let S = states[game.state] if (S && action in S) { S[action](arg) } else { if (action === "undo" && game.undo && game.undo.length > 0) pop_undo() else throw new Error("Invalid action: " + action) } return game } function gen_action(action, argument) { if (view.actions[action] === undefined) view.actions[action] = [ argument ] else set_add(view.actions[action], argument) } function gen_action_piece(p) { gen_action("piece", p) } function gen_action_space(s) { gen_action("space", s) } function gen_action_supreme_commander(s) { let p = get_supreme_commander(s) if (p >= 0) gen_action_piece(p) } function gen_action_space_or_piece(s) { let p = get_top_piece(s) if (p >= 0) gen_action_piece(p) else gen_action_space(s) } function gen_action_card(c) { gen_action("card", c) } function log(msg) { game.log.push(msg) } function log_br() { if (game.log.length > 0 && game.log[game.log.length - 1] !== "") game.log.push("") } /* COMMON LIBRARY */ function clear_undo() { game.undo.length = 0 } function push_undo() { if (game.undo) { let copy = {} for (let k in game) { let v = game[k] if (k === "undo") continue else if (k === "log") v = v.length else if (typeof v === "object" && v !== null) v = object_copy(v) copy[k] = v } game.undo.push(copy) } } function pop_undo() { if (game.undo) { let save_log = game.log let save_undo = game.undo game = save_undo.pop() save_log.length = game.log game.log = save_log game.undo = save_undo } } function random_bigint(range) { // Largest MLCG that will fit its state in a double. // Uses BigInt for arithmetic, so is an order of magnitude slower. // https://www.ams.org/journals/mcom/1999-68-225/S0025-5718-99-00996-5/S0025-5718-99-00996-5.pdf // m = 2**53 - 111 return (game.seed = Number(BigInt(game.seed) * 5667072534355537n % 9007199254740881n)) % range } function shuffle_bigint(list) { // Fisher-Yates shuffle for (let i = list.length - 1; i > 0; --i) { let j = random_bigint(i + 1) let tmp = list[j] list[j] = list[i] list[i] = tmp } } // Fast deep copy for objects without cycles function object_copy(original) { if (Array.isArray(original)) { let n = original.length let copy = new Array(n) for (let i = 0; i < n; ++i) { let v = original[i] if (typeof v === "object" && v !== null) copy[i] = object_copy(v) else copy[i] = v } return copy } else { let copy = {} for (let i in original) { let v = original[i] if (typeof v === "object" && v !== null) copy[i] = object_copy(v) else copy[i] = v } return copy } } // Array remove and insert (faster than splice) function array_remove(array, index) { let n = array.length for (let i = index + 1; i < n; ++i) array[i - 1] = array[i] array.length = n - 1 } function array_remove_item(array, item) { let n = array.length for (let i = 0; i < n; ++i) if (array[i] === item) return array_remove(array, i) } function array_insert(array, index, item) { for (let i = array.length; i > index; --i) array[i] = array[i - 1] array[index] = item } function array_remove_pair(array, index) { let n = array.length for (let i = index + 2; i < n; ++i) array[i - 2] = array[i] array.length = n - 2 } function array_insert_pair(array, index, key, value) { for (let i = array.length; i > index; i -= 2) { array[i] = array[i-2] array[i+1] = array[i-1] } array[index] = key array[index+1] = value } // Set as plain sorted array function set_clear(set) { set.length = 0 } function set_has(set, item) { let a = 0 let b = set.length - 1 while (a <= b) { let m = (a + b) >> 1 let x = set[m] if (item < x) b = m - 1 else if (item > x) a = m + 1 else return true } return false } function set_add(set, item) { let a = 0 let b = set.length - 1 while (a <= b) { let m = (a + b) >> 1 let x = set[m] if (item < x) b = m - 1 else if (item > x) a = m + 1 else return } array_insert(set, a, item) } function set_delete(set, item) { let a = 0 let b = set.length - 1 while (a <= b) { let m = (a + b) >> 1 let x = set[m] if (item < x) b = m - 1 else if (item > x) a = m + 1 else { array_remove(set, m) return } } } function set_add_all(set, other) { for (let item of other) set_add(set, item) } function set_union(one, two) { let set = [] for (let item of one) set_add(set, item) for (let item of two) set_add(set, item) return set } function set_intersect(one, two) { let set = [] for (let item of one) if (set_has(two, item)) set_add(set, item) return set } // Map as plain sorted array of key/value pairs function map_has(map, key) { let a = 0 let b = (map.length >> 1) - 1 while (a <= b) { let m = (a + b) >> 1 let x = map[m<<1] if (key < x) b = m - 1 else if (key > x) a = m + 1 else return true } return false } function map_get(map, key, missing) { let a = 0 let b = (map.length >> 1) - 1 while (a <= b) { let m = (a + b) >> 1 let x = map[m<<1] if (key < x) b = m - 1 else if (key > x) a = m + 1 else return map[(m<<1)+1] } return missing } function map_set(map, key, value) { let a = 0 let b = (map.length >> 1) - 1 while (a <= b) { let m = (a + b) >> 1 let x = map[m<<1] if (key < x) b = m - 1 else if (key > x) a = m + 1 else { map[(m<<1)+1] = value return } } array_insert_pair(map, a<<1, key, value) } function map_for_each(map, f) { for (let i = 0; i < map.length; i += 2) f(map[i], map[i+1]) }