"use strict"; Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); exports.LIBERTY_OR_COLLECTIVIZATION = exports.COMMUNIST_EXTRA_HERO_POINT = exports.ANARCHIST_EXTRA_HERO_POINT = exports.NORTHERN = exports.SOUTHERN = exports.ARAGON = exports.MADRID = exports.ORGANIZATION_MEDALLION_ID = exports.ARCHIVES_MEDALLION_ID = exports.VOLUNTEERS_MEDALLION_ID = exports.INTELLIGENCE_MEDALLION_ID = exports.PROPAGANDA_MEDALLION_ID = exports.STRATEGY_MEDALLION_ID = exports.FRONTS = exports.DEFEAT = exports.VICTORY = exports.TRASH = exports.TOWARDS_CENTER = exports.AWAY_FROM_CENTER = exports.SELF = exports.PLAYER_WITH_MOST_HERO_POINTS = exports.OTHER_PLAYERS = exports.ON = exports.OFF = exports.TEAMWORK_BONUS = exports.MORALE_BONUS = exports.FOREIGN_AID = exports.SOVIET_SUPPORT = exports.INITIATIVE_PLAYER = exports.GOVERNMENT = exports.COLLECTIVIZATION = exports.CLOSEST_TO_VICTORY = exports.CLOSEST_TO_DEFEAT = exports.LIBERTY = exports.ANY = exports.MODERATES_ID = exports.FASCIST_ID = exports.COMMUNISTS_ID = exports.ANARCHISTS_ID = exports.MODERATE = exports.COMMUNIST = exports.ANARCHIST = exports.ALL_PLAYERS = void 0; exports.create_effect = create_effect; const LIBERTY = 0; exports.LIBERTY = LIBERTY; const COLLECTIVIZATION = 1; exports.COLLECTIVIZATION = COLLECTIVIZATION; const GOVERNMENT = 2; exports.GOVERNMENT = GOVERNMENT; const SOVIET_SUPPORT = 3; exports.SOVIET_SUPPORT = SOVIET_SUPPORT; const FOREIGN_AID = 4; exports.FOREIGN_AID = FOREIGN_AID; const LIBERTY_OR_COLLECTIVIZATION = 5; exports.LIBERTY_OR_COLLECTIVIZATION = LIBERTY_OR_COLLECTIVIZATION; const MORALE_BONUS = 0; exports.MORALE_BONUS = MORALE_BONUS; const TEAMWORK_BONUS = 1; exports.TEAMWORK_BONUS = TEAMWORK_BONUS; const OFF = 0; exports.OFF = OFF; const ON = 1; exports.ON = ON; const PLAYER_WITH_MOST_HERO_POINTS = 0; exports.PLAYER_WITH_MOST_HERO_POINTS = PLAYER_WITH_MOST_HERO_POINTS; const INITIATIVE_PLAYER = 'i'; exports.INITIATIVE_PLAYER = INITIATIVE_PLAYER; const ALL_PLAYERS = 'all'; exports.ALL_PLAYERS = ALL_PLAYERS; const ARAGON = 'a'; exports.ARAGON = ARAGON; const MADRID = 'm'; exports.MADRID = MADRID; const NORTHERN = 'n'; exports.NORTHERN = NORTHERN; const SOUTHERN = 's'; exports.SOUTHERN = SOUTHERN; const CLOSEST_TO_DEFEAT = 'd'; exports.CLOSEST_TO_DEFEAT = CLOSEST_TO_DEFEAT; const CLOSEST_TO_VICTORY = 'v'; exports.CLOSEST_TO_VICTORY = CLOSEST_TO_VICTORY; const FRONTS = [ARAGON, MADRID, NORTHERN, SOUTHERN]; exports.FRONTS = FRONTS; const TOWARDS_CENTER = 10; exports.TOWARDS_CENTER = TOWARDS_CENTER; const AWAY_FROM_CENTER = 11; exports.AWAY_FROM_CENTER = AWAY_FROM_CENTER; const ANY = 'any'; exports.ANY = ANY; const SELF = 'self'; exports.SELF = SELF; const OTHER_PLAYERS = 'other'; exports.OTHER_PLAYERS = OTHER_PLAYERS; const TRASH = 'trash'; exports.TRASH = TRASH; const ANARCHISTS_ID = 'a'; exports.ANARCHISTS_ID = ANARCHISTS_ID; const COMMUNISTS_ID = 'c'; exports.COMMUNISTS_ID = COMMUNISTS_ID; const FASCIST_ID = 'f'; exports.FASCIST_ID = FASCIST_ID; const MODERATES_ID = 'm'; exports.MODERATES_ID = MODERATES_ID; const ANARCHIST = 'Anarchist'; exports.ANARCHIST = ANARCHIST; const COMMUNIST = 'Communist'; exports.COMMUNIST = COMMUNIST; const MODERATE = 'Moderate'; exports.MODERATE = MODERATE; const VICTORY = 'Victory'; exports.VICTORY = VICTORY; const DEFEAT = 'Defeat'; exports.DEFEAT = DEFEAT; const STRATEGY_MEDALLION_ID = 3; exports.STRATEGY_MEDALLION_ID = STRATEGY_MEDALLION_ID; const PROPAGANDA_MEDALLION_ID = 4; exports.PROPAGANDA_MEDALLION_ID = PROPAGANDA_MEDALLION_ID; const INTELLIGENCE_MEDALLION_ID = 5; exports.INTELLIGENCE_MEDALLION_ID = INTELLIGENCE_MEDALLION_ID; const VOLUNTEERS_MEDALLION_ID = 6; exports.VOLUNTEERS_MEDALLION_ID = VOLUNTEERS_MEDALLION_ID; const ARCHIVES_MEDALLION_ID = 7; exports.ARCHIVES_MEDALLION_ID = ARCHIVES_MEDALLION_ID; const ORGANIZATION_MEDALLION_ID = 8; exports.ORGANIZATION_MEDALLION_ID = ORGANIZATION_MEDALLION_ID; const ANARCHIST_EXTRA_HERO_POINT = 0; exports.ANARCHIST_EXTRA_HERO_POINT = ANARCHIST_EXTRA_HERO_POINT; const COMMUNIST_EXTRA_HERO_POINT = 1; exports.COMMUNIST_EXTRA_HERO_POINT = COMMUNIST_EXTRA_HERO_POINT; function create_effect(type, target, value, faction) { return { type, target, value, faction, }; } const data = { cards: [ {}, { id: 1, effects: [ create_effect('track', FOREIGN_AID, 2), create_effect('function', 'card1_event2', 0), create_effect('track', SOVIET_SUPPORT, -1), ], icons: ['foreign_aid', 'add_to_front', 'd_soviet_support'], strength: 1, title: 'Clandestine French Arms', type: 'pc', }, { id: 2, effects: [ create_effect('track', FOREIGN_AID, 1), create_effect('front', ANY, 3), create_effect('track', LIBERTY, -2), ], icons: ['foreign_aid', 'add_to_front', 'd_liberty'], strength: 2, title: 'Popular Army of the Republic', type: 'pc', }, { id: 3, effects: [ create_effect('front', CLOSEST_TO_DEFEAT, 3), create_effect('function', 'card3_event2', 0), create_effect('draw_card', SELF, 1), ], icons: ['add_to_front', 'government', 'draw_card'], strength: 2, title: 'Mexican Guns', type: 'pc', }, { id: 4, effects: [ create_effect('front', MADRID, 3), create_effect('track', FOREIGN_AID, 1), create_effect('swap_card_tableau_hand', ANY, 1), ], icons: ['add_to_front', 'foreign_aid'], strength: 1, title: 'Battle of Guadalajara', type: 'pc', }, { id: 5, effects: [ create_effect('bonus', ANY, ON), create_effect('front', CLOSEST_TO_DEFEAT, 2), create_effect('draw_card', SELF, 3), create_effect('draw_card', OTHER_PLAYERS, 1), ], icons: ['teamwork_on', 'add_to_front', 'draw_card'], strength: 1, title: '"Si Me Quieres Escribir"', type: 'pc', }, { id: 6, effects: [ create_effect('bonus', ANY, ON), create_effect('state', 'remove_attack_from_fronts', 6), create_effect('track', GOVERNMENT, 1), create_effect('draw_card', SELF, 1), ], icons: ['teamwork_on', 'add_to_front', 'government', 'draw_card'], strength: 2, title: 'XYZ Line', type: 'pc', }, { id: 7, effects: [ create_effect('front', ANY, 1), create_effect('track', FOREIGN_AID, 2), create_effect('track', COLLECTIVIZATION, -1), create_effect('track', GOVERNMENT, 2), create_effect('hero_points', SELF, 1), ], icons: [ 'add_to_front', 'foreign_aid', 'd_collectivization', 'government', ], strength: 3, title: 'Indalecio Prieto', type: 'pc', }, { id: 8, effects: [ create_effect('bonus', ANY, ON), create_effect('front', ANY, 3), ], icons: ['teamwork_on', 'add_to_front'], strength: 1, title: "People's Olympiad", type: 'pc', }, { id: 9, effects: [ create_effect('track', LIBERTY, -2), create_effect('track', COLLECTIVIZATION, -2), create_effect('track', SOVIET_SUPPORT, -2), create_effect('draw_card', SELF, 3), ], icons: [ 'd_liberty', 'd_collectivization', 'd_soviet_support', 'draw_card', ], strength: 1, title: 'Four Anarchist Ministers', type: 'pc', }, { id: 10, effects: [ create_effect('track', FOREIGN_AID, 4), create_effect('function', 'card10_event2', 0), create_effect('add_card_to_tableau', ANY, 1), ], icons: ['foreign_aid', 'draw_card'], strength: 1, title: 'Guernica', type: 'pc', }, { id: 11, effects: [ create_effect('front', CLOSEST_TO_DEFEAT, 1), create_effect('remove_blank_marker', ANY, 1), create_effect('track', FOREIGN_AID, 2), ], icons: ['add_to_front', 'foreign_aid'], strength: 1, title: 'Ernest Hemingway', type: 'pc', }, { id: 12, effects: [ create_effect('take_hero_points', OTHER_PLAYERS, 2), create_effect('track', SOVIET_SUPPORT, -3), create_effect('track', COLLECTIVIZATION, -3), ], icons: ['add_to_front', 'd_soviet_support', 'd_collectivization'], strength: 1, title: 'Huesca Offensive', type: 'pc', }, { id: 13, effects: [ create_effect('track', FOREIGN_AID, 1), create_effect('track', SOVIET_SUPPORT, -1), create_effect('track', GOVERNMENT, 2), create_effect('hero_points', SELF, 1), ], icons: ['foreign_aid', 'd_soviet_support', 'government'], strength: 1, title: 'Pablo Neruda', type: 'pc', }, { id: 14, effects: [ create_effect('front', NORTHERN, 2), create_effect('track', COLLECTIVIZATION, -1), create_effect('track', GOVERNMENT, 1), ], icons: ['add_to_front', 'd_collectivization', 'government'], strength: 1, title: 'Eusko Gudarostea', type: 'pc', }, { id: 15, effects: [ create_effect('track', LIBERTY_OR_COLLECTIVIZATION, -4), create_effect('track', FOREIGN_AID, 2), create_effect('function', 'setup_return_card_from_trash', 1), create_effect('return_card', TRASH, 1), ], icons: ['d_liberty', 'd_collectivization', 'foreign_aid', 'draw_card'], strength: 2, title: 'Juan Negrín', type: 'pc', }, { id: 16, effects: [ create_effect('state', 'remove_attack_from_fronts', 16), create_effect('function', 'card16_event2', 0), ], icons: ['add_to_front', 'foreign_aid'], strength: 1, title: 'Publicize Fascist War Crimes', type: 'pc', }, { id: 17, effects: [ create_effect('track', FOREIGN_AID, 1), create_effect('track', GOVERNMENT, 1), create_effect('function', 'card17_event3', 0), ], icons: ['foreign_aid', 'government', 'd_collectivization'], strength: 1, title: 'Agrarian Reform', type: 'pc', }, { id: 18, effects: [ create_effect('track', COLLECTIVIZATION, -3), create_effect('track', GOVERNMENT, 2), create_effect('draw_card', SELF, 2), ], icons: ['d_collectivization', 'government', 'draw_card'], strength: 2, title: 'Impose Factory Managers', type: 'pc', }, { id: 19, effects: [ create_effect('front', CLOSEST_TO_DEFEAT, 2), create_effect('track', GOVERNMENT, -1), create_effect('function', 'setup_return_card_from_trash', 1), create_effect('return_card', TRASH, 1), ], icons: ['add_to_front', 'government', 'draw_card'], strength: 2, title: '¡No Pasarán!', type: 'pc', }, { id: 20, effects: [ create_effect('bonus', ANY, ON), create_effect('track', SOVIET_SUPPORT, 2), create_effect('function', 'card20_event3', 0), ], icons: ['teamwork_on', 'soviet_support', 'add_to_front'], strength: 2, title: 'Russian Fighters', type: 'pc', }, { id: 21, effects: [ create_effect('front', ANY, 1), create_effect('track', LIBERTY, -2), create_effect('track', COLLECTIVIZATION, -2), create_effect('hero_points', SELF, 1), ], icons: ['add_to_front', 'd_liberty', 'd_collectivization'], strength: 1, title: 'Enrique Líster', type: 'pc', }, { id: 22, effects: [ create_effect('track', LIBERTY, -2), create_effect('track', SOVIET_SUPPORT, 1), create_effect('function', 'card22_event3', 0), ], icons: ['d_liberty', 'soviet_support', 'government'], strength: 2, title: 'Largo Caballero', type: 'pc', }, { id: 23, effects: [ create_effect('function', 'card23_event1', 0), create_effect('track', FOREIGN_AID, -2), create_effect('draw_card', SELF, 2), ], icons: ['add_to_front', 'd_foreign_aid', 'draw_card'], strength: 2, title: 'Soviet Tanks', type: 'pc', }, { id: 24, effects: [ create_effect('front', ANY, 1), create_effect('track', SOVIET_SUPPORT, 2), create_effect('track', LIBERTY, -1), create_effect('track', GOVERNMENT, -2), create_effect('hero_points', SELF, 1), ], icons: ['add_to_front', 'soviet_support', 'd_liberty', 'government'], strength: 3, title: 'Dolores Ibárruri', type: 'pc', }, { id: 25, effects: [ create_effect('bonus', ANY, ON), create_effect('front', CLOSEST_TO_DEFEAT, 2), create_effect('draw_card', SELF, 3), create_effect('draw_card', OTHER_PLAYERS, 1), ], icons: ['teamwork_on', 'add_to_front', 'draw_card'], strength: 1, title: 'Paul Robeson', type: 'pc', }, { id: 26, effects: [ create_effect('function', 'card26_event1', 0), create_effect('front', MADRID, 1), create_effect('track', LIBERTY, -2), create_effect('track', GOVERNMENT, -1), ], icons: ['add_to_front', 'd_liberty', 'government'], strength: 1, title: 'Madrid Defense Council', type: 'pc', }, { id: 27, effects: [ create_effect('remove_blank_marker', ANY, 1), create_effect('track', SOVIET_SUPPORT, 3), create_effect('track', FOREIGN_AID, -1), create_effect('draw_card', SELF, 1), ], icons: ['soviet_support', 'd_foreign_aid', 'draw_card'], strength: 1, title: "Stalin Gets the Republic's Gold", type: 'pc', }, { id: 28, effects: [ create_effect('bonus', ANY, ON), create_effect('front', SOUTHERN, 3), create_effect('track', FOREIGN_AID, -1), create_effect('draw_card', SELF, 1), ], icons: ['teamwork_on', 'add_to_front', 'd_foreign_aid', 'draw_card'], strength: 1, title: 'International Brigades', type: 'pc', }, { id: 29, effects: [ create_effect('track', GOVERNMENT, -2), create_effect('function', 'card29_event2', 0), ], icons: ['government', 'd_liberty'], strength: 1, title: 'Ban Women From the Front', type: 'pc', }, { id: 30, effects: [ create_effect('front', ANY, 1), create_effect('track', SOVIET_SUPPORT, 2), create_effect('track', FOREIGN_AID, -3), ], icons: ['add_to_front', 'soviet_support', 'd_foreign_aid'], strength: 1, title: 'Abraham Lincoln Brigade', type: 'pc', }, { id: 31, effects: [ create_effect('attack', ANY, -2), create_effect('track', SOVIET_SUPPORT, 3), create_effect('track', GOVERNMENT, -2), ], icons: ['soviet_support', 'government'], strength: 2, title: 'Outlaw the Poum', type: 'pc', }, { id: 32, effects: [ create_effect('take_hero_points', OTHER_PLAYERS, 1), create_effect('front', ANY, 1), create_effect('track', SOVIET_SUPPORT, 1), create_effect('track', LIBERTY_OR_COLLECTIVIZATION, -3), ], icons: [ 'add_to_front', 'soviet_support', 'd_liberty', 'd_collectivization', ], strength: 1, title: 'Disband the Control Patrols', type: 'pc', }, { id: 33, effects: [ create_effect('attack', ARAGON, -1), create_effect('track', SOVIET_SUPPORT, 1), create_effect('track', LIBERTY, -4), create_effect('swap_card_tableau_hand', ANY, 1), ], icons: ['soviet_support', 'd_liberty'], strength: 1, title: 'May Days', type: 'pc', }, { id: 34, effects: [ create_effect('front', SOUTHERN, 2), create_effect('track', GOVERNMENT, -1), create_effect('draw_card', SELF, 1), ], icons: ['add_to_front', 'government', 'draw_card'], strength: 1, title: 'Fifth Regiment', type: 'pc', }, { id: 35, effects: [ create_effect('front', ANY, 2), create_effect('function', 'card35_event2', 0), create_effect('draw_card', SELF, 2), ], icons: ['add_to_front', 'soviet_support', 'draw_card'], strength: 1, title: 'Thälmann Battalion', type: 'pc', }, { id: 36, effects: [ create_effect('track', SOVIET_SUPPORT, 2), create_effect('track', COLLECTIVIZATION, -3), create_effect('draw_card', SELF, 2), create_effect('add_card_to_tableau', ANY, 1), ], icons: ['soviet_support', 'd_collectivization', 'draw_card'], strength: 1, title: 'De-Collectivize Agriculture', type: 'pc', }, { id: 37, effects: [ create_effect('front', ANY, 1), create_effect('track', COLLECTIVIZATION, 2), create_effect('track', LIBERTY, 2), create_effect('track', GOVERNMENT, TOWARDS_CENTER), create_effect('hero_points', SELF, 1), ], icons: [ 'add_to_front', 'collectivization', 'liberty', 'government_to_center', ], strength: 3, title: 'Buenaventura Durruti', type: 'pc', }, { id: 38, effects: [ create_effect('track', LIBERTY, 3), create_effect('track', SOVIET_SUPPORT, -2), create_effect('draw_card', SELF, 1), create_effect('swap_card_tableau_hand', ANY, 1), ], icons: ['liberty', 'd_soviet_support', 'draw_card'], strength: 2, title: 'Mujeres Libres', type: 'pc', }, { id: 39, effects: [ create_effect('state', 'remove_attack_from_fronts', 39), create_effect('track', COLLECTIVIZATION, 1), create_effect('draw_card', SELF, 2), ], icons: ['add_to_front', 'collectivization', 'draw_card'], strength: 1, title: 'Iron Column', type: 'pc', }, { id: 40, effects: [ create_effect('front', CLOSEST_TO_DEFEAT, 3), create_effect('track', COLLECTIVIZATION, 2), create_effect('draw_card', SELF, 1), ], icons: ['add_to_front', 'collectivization', 'draw_card'], strength: 2, title: 'Asturian Miners', type: 'pc', }, { id: 41, effects: [ create_effect('bonus', ANY, ON), create_effect('track', COLLECTIVIZATION, 3), create_effect('function', 'setup_return_card_from_trash', 1), create_effect('return_card', TRASH, 1), ], icons: ['teamwork_on', 'collectivization', 'draw_card'], strength: 2, title: 'CNT-FAI', type: 'pc', }, { id: 42, effects: [ create_effect('function', 'card42_event3', 0), create_effect('track', LIBERTY, 2), create_effect('front', ARAGON, 2), create_effect('front', MADRID, 1), ], icons: ['liberty', 'add_to_front'], strength: 2, title: 'Durruti Column', type: 'pc', }, { id: 43, effects: [ create_effect('bonus', ANY, ON), create_effect('front', ARAGON, 1), create_effect('track', SOVIET_SUPPORT, -2), create_effect('draw_card', SELF, 3), create_effect('draw_card', OTHER_PLAYERS, 1), ], icons: ['teamwork_on', 'add_to_front', 'd_soviet_support', 'draw_card'], strength: 1, title: 'George Orwell', type: 'pc', }, { id: 44, effects: [ create_effect('take_hero_points', OTHER_PLAYERS, 1), create_effect('front', MADRID, 2), create_effect('track', LIBERTY, 1), create_effect('track', FOREIGN_AID, -1), ], icons: ['add_to_front', 'liberty', 'd_foreign_aid'], strength: 1, title: 'F.I.J.L.', type: 'pc', }, { id: 45, effects: [ create_effect('front', ANY, 2), create_effect('function', 'card45_event2', 0), create_effect('track', FOREIGN_AID, -3), ], icons: ['add_to_front', 'collectivization', 'd_foreign_aid'], strength: 1, title: 'Arm the Unions', type: 'pc', }, { id: 46, effects: [ create_effect('bonus', ANY, ON), create_effect('track', LIBERTY, 2), create_effect('function', 'card46_event3', 0), create_effect('state', 'peek_fascist_cards', 0), ], icons: ['teamwork_on', 'liberty', 'add_to_front'], strength: 1, title: 'Guerrillas', type: 'pc', }, { id: 47, effects: [ create_effect('remove_blank_marker', ANY, 1), create_effect('track', LIBERTY, 2), create_effect('track', GOVERNMENT, TOWARDS_CENTER), create_effect('draw_card', SELF, 1), ], icons: ['liberty', 'government_to_center', 'draw_card'], strength: 1, title: 'Radical Education', type: 'pc', }, { id: 48, effects: [ create_effect('front', CLOSEST_TO_DEFEAT, 2), create_effect('track', SOVIET_SUPPORT, -2), create_effect('draw_card', SELF, 3), ], icons: ['add_to_front', 'd_soviet_support', 'draw_card'], strength: 1, title: 'Matteotti Battalion', type: 'pc', }, { id: 49, effects: [ create_effect('track', COLLECTIVIZATION, 4), create_effect('draw_card', SELF, 1), ], icons: ['collectivization', 'draw_card'], strength: 1, title: 'Collectivize Agriculture', type: 'pc', }, { id: 50, effects: [ create_effect('track', COLLECTIVIZATION, 1), create_effect('function', 'card50_event2', 0), create_effect('track', FOREIGN_AID, -1), ], icons: ['collectivization', 'add_to_front', 'd_foreign_aid'], strength: 1, title: 'Armored Vehicles', type: 'pc', }, { id: 51, effects: [ create_effect('track', COLLECTIVIZATION, 3), create_effect('track', FOREIGN_AID, -2), create_effect('track', GOVERNMENT, TOWARDS_CENTER), ], icons: ['collectivization', 'd_foreign_aid', 'government_to_center'], strength: 1, title: 'Industrial Democracy', type: 'pc', }, { id: 52, effects: [ create_effect('front', ANY, 1), create_effect('track', LIBERTY_OR_COLLECTIVIZATION, 3), create_effect('track', GOVERNMENT, TOWARDS_CENTER), ], icons: [ 'add_to_front', 'liberty', 'collectivization', 'government_to_center', ], strength: 2, title: 'Affinity Groups', type: 'pc', }, { id: 53, effects: [ create_effect('track', LIBERTY, 1), create_effect('function', 'card53_event2', 0), create_effect('hero_points', SELF, 1), ], icons: ['liberty', 'add_to_front'], strength: 1, title: 'Gender-Inclusive Militia', type: 'pc', }, { id: 54, effects: [ create_effect('function', 'card54_event1', 0), create_effect('track', SOVIET_SUPPORT, -1), create_effect('add_card_to_tableau', ANY, 1), ], icons: ['liberty', 'd_soviet_support', 'draw_card'], strength: 1, title: 'Federica Montseny', type: 'pc', }, { id: 55, effects: [ create_effect('attack', SOUTHERN, -4, INITIATIVE_PLAYER), create_effect('attack', ARAGON, -1, INITIATIVE_PLAYER), create_effect('track', SOVIET_SUPPORT, -2, INITIATIVE_PLAYER), ], test: { front: SOUTHERN, value: -1, pass: create_effect('draw_card', COMMUNISTS_ID, 1), fail: create_effect('track', COLLECTIVIZATION, -2), }, title: 'Spanish Legion', type: 'ec', year: 1, }, { id: 56, effects: [ create_effect('attack', SOUTHERN, -3, INITIATIVE_PLAYER), create_effect('attack', CLOSEST_TO_VICTORY, -2, INITIATIVE_PLAYER), create_effect('bonus', TEAMWORK_BONUS, OFF, INITIATIVE_PLAYER), ], test: { front: SOUTHERN, value: 0, pass: create_effect('track', SOVIET_SUPPORT, 1), fail: create_effect('track', FOREIGN_AID, -3), }, title: 'British Treachery At Gibraltar', type: 'ec', year: 1, }, { id: 57, effects: [ create_effect('attack', MADRID, -5, INITIATIVE_PLAYER), create_effect('track', FOREIGN_AID, -2, INITIATIVE_PLAYER), create_effect('hero_points', PLAYER_WITH_MOST_HERO_POINTS, -1, INITIATIVE_PLAYER), ], test: { front: MADRID, value: 0, pass: create_effect('draw_card', INITIATIVE_PLAYER, 1), fail: create_effect('bonus', TEAMWORK_BONUS, OFF), }, title: 'Paracuellos Massacres', type: 'ec', year: 1, }, { id: 58, effects: [ create_effect('attack', NORTHERN, -5, INITIATIVE_PLAYER), create_effect('attack', CLOSEST_TO_VICTORY, -1, INITIATIVE_PLAYER), create_effect('track', COLLECTIVIZATION, -1, INITIATIVE_PLAYER), ], test: { front: NORTHERN, value: -2, pass: create_effect('hero_points', COMMUNISTS_ID, 1), fail: create_effect('track', FOREIGN_AID, -2), }, title: 'Carlists', type: 'ec', year: 1, }, { id: 59, effects: [ create_effect('attack', MADRID, -4, INITIATIVE_PLAYER), create_effect('attack', CLOSEST_TO_VICTORY, -2, INITIATIVE_PLAYER), create_effect('track', LIBERTY, -1, INITIATIVE_PLAYER), ], test: { front: MADRID, value: 0, pass: create_effect('hero_points', ANARCHISTS_ID, 1), fail: create_effect('track', GOVERNMENT, TOWARDS_CENTER), }, title: 'Assassination of Garcia Lorca', type: 'ec', year: 1, }, { id: 60, effects: [ create_effect('attack', NORTHERN, -3, INITIATIVE_PLAYER), create_effect('attack', CLOSEST_TO_VICTORY, -3, INITIATIVE_PLAYER), create_effect('track', LIBERTY, -1, INITIATIVE_PLAYER), ], test: { front: NORTHERN, value: -1, pass: create_effect('track', FOREIGN_AID, 2), fail: create_effect('track', SOVIET_SUPPORT, -2), }, title: 'General Sanjurio', type: 'ec', year: 1, }, { id: 61, effects: [ create_effect('attack', ARAGON, -4, INITIATIVE_PLAYER), create_effect('attack', CLOSEST_TO_VICTORY, -2, INITIATIVE_PLAYER), create_effect('hero_points', PLAYER_WITH_MOST_HERO_POINTS, -1, INITIATIVE_PLAYER), ], test: { front: ARAGON, value: -2, pass: create_effect('hero_points', ALL_PLAYERS, 1), fail: create_effect('track', LIBERTY, -2), }, title: 'Failed Invasion of Mallorca', type: 'ec', year: 1, }, { id: 62, effects: [ create_effect('attack', SOUTHERN, -5, INITIATIVE_PLAYER), create_effect('bonus', TEAMWORK_BONUS, OFF, INITIATIVE_PLAYER), create_effect('track', LIBERTY, -1, INITIATIVE_PLAYER), ], test: { front: SOUTHERN, value: -2, pass: create_effect('track', SOVIET_SUPPORT, 1), fail: create_effect('track', GOVERNMENT, TOWARDS_CENTER), }, title: 'Airlift of the Army of Africa', type: 'ec', year: 1, }, { id: 63, effects: [ create_effect('attack', CLOSEST_TO_VICTORY, -5, INITIATIVE_PLAYER), create_effect('bonus', TEAMWORK_BONUS, OFF, INITIATIVE_PLAYER), create_effect('track', COLLECTIVIZATION, -1, INITIATIVE_PLAYER), ], test: { front: MADRID, value: 0, pass: create_effect('track', GOVERNMENT, AWAY_FROM_CENTER), fail: create_effect('track', SOVIET_SUPPORT, -2), }, title: 'Juventudes De Accion Popular', type: 'ec', year: 1, }, { id: 64, effects: [ create_effect('attack', SOUTHERN, -4, INITIATIVE_PLAYER), create_effect('attack', MADRID, -2, INITIATIVE_PLAYER), create_effect('track', FOREIGN_AID, -1, INITIATIVE_PLAYER), ], test: { front: SOUTHERN, value: -1, pass: create_effect('track', SOVIET_SUPPORT, 2), fail: create_effect('track', COLLECTIVIZATION, -1), }, title: 'Massacre of Badajoz', type: 'ec', year: 1, }, { id: 65, effects: [ create_effect('attack', CLOSEST_TO_DEFEAT, -1, INITIATIVE_PLAYER), create_effect('attack', MADRID, -4, INITIATIVE_PLAYER), create_effect('track', SOVIET_SUPPORT, -2, INITIATIVE_PLAYER), ], test: { front: MADRID, value: -1, pass: create_effect('draw_card', MODERATES_ID, 1), fail: create_effect('track', GOVERNMENT, TOWARDS_CENTER), }, title: 'The Bombing of Madrid', type: 'ec', year: 1, }, { id: 66, effects: [ create_effect('attack', ARAGON, -3, INITIATIVE_PLAYER), create_effect('attack', SOUTHERN, -2, INITIATIVE_PLAYER), create_effect('track', FOREIGN_AID, -2, INITIATIVE_PLAYER), ], test: { front: ARAGON, value: 0, pass: create_effect('hero_points', INITIATIVE_PLAYER, 1), fail: create_effect('track', LIBERTY, -1), }, title: 'The Pope Vilifies the Republic', type: 'ec', year: 1, }, { id: 67, effects: [ create_effect('attack', NORTHERN, -4, INITIATIVE_PLAYER), create_effect('attack', ARAGON, -2, INITIATIVE_PLAYER), create_effect('track', COLLECTIVIZATION, -1, INITIATIVE_PLAYER), ], test: { front: NORTHERN, value: -1, pass: create_effect('track', FOREIGN_AID, 1), fail: create_effect('bonus', MORALE_BONUS, OFF), }, title: 'Falange', type: 'ec', year: 1, }, { id: 68, effects: [ create_effect('attack', ARAGON, -4, INITIATIVE_PLAYER), create_effect('attack', MADRID, -1, INITIATIVE_PLAYER), create_effect('bonus', TEAMWORK_BONUS, OFF, INITIATIVE_PLAYER), ], test: { front: ARAGON, value: -1, pass: create_effect('draw_card', ANARCHISTS_ID, 1), fail: create_effect('bonus', MORALE_BONUS, OFF), }, title: 'Death of Durruti', type: 'ec', year: 1, }, { id: 69, effects: [ create_effect('attack', MADRID, -3, INITIATIVE_PLAYER), create_effect('attack', NORTHERN, -2, INITIATIVE_PLAYER), create_effect('bonus', TEAMWORK_BONUS, OFF, INITIATIVE_PLAYER), ], test: { front: MADRID, value: 0, pass: create_effect('draw_card', ALL_PLAYERS, 1), fail: create_effect('track', GOVERNMENT, TOWARDS_CENTER), }, title: 'Unión Militar Española', type: 'ec', year: 1, }, { id: 70, effects: [ create_effect('attack', NORTHERN, -3, INITIATIVE_PLAYER), create_effect('attack', MADRID, -3, INITIATIVE_PLAYER), create_effect('track', FOREIGN_AID, -1, INITIATIVE_PLAYER), ], test: { front: NORTHERN, value: 0, pass: create_effect('hero_points', MODERATES_ID, 1), fail: create_effect('bonus', TEAMWORK_BONUS, OFF), }, title: 'Portuguese Weapon Imports', type: 'ec', year: 1, }, { id: 71, effects: [ create_effect('attack', CLOSEST_TO_DEFEAT, -3, INITIATIVE_PLAYER), create_effect('attack', MADRID, -2, INITIATIVE_PLAYER), create_effect('track', SOVIET_SUPPORT, -2, INITIATIVE_PLAYER), ], test: { front: MADRID, value: 0, pass: create_effect('track', GOVERNMENT, AWAY_FROM_CENTER), fail: create_effect('track', FOREIGN_AID, -2), }, title: '"Volunteers" From Fascist Italy', type: 'ec', year: 1, }, { id: 72, effects: [ create_effect('attack', ARAGON, -3, INITIATIVE_PLAYER), create_effect('attack', NORTHERN, -1, INITIATIVE_PLAYER), create_effect('attack', CLOSEST_TO_VICTORY, -2, INITIATIVE_PLAYER), ], test: { front: ARAGON, value: 0, pass: create_effect('track', COLLECTIVIZATION, 1), fail: create_effect('track', SOVIET_SUPPORT, -3), }, title: 'Aviazione Legionaria', type: 'ec', year: 1, }, { id: 73, effects: [ create_effect('attack', NORTHERN, -6, INITIATIVE_PLAYER), create_effect('attack', CLOSEST_TO_VICTORY, -1, INITIATIVE_PLAYER), create_effect('bonus', TEAMWORK_BONUS, OFF, INITIATIVE_PLAYER), create_effect('hero_points', PLAYER_WITH_MOST_HERO_POINTS, -1, INITIATIVE_PLAYER), ], test: { front: NORTHERN, value: -1, pass: create_effect('track', COLLECTIVIZATION, 1), fail: create_effect('track', FOREIGN_AID, -3), }, title: 'Anschluss', type: 'ec', year: 2, }, { id: 74, effects: [ create_effect('attack', MADRID, -2, INITIATIVE_PLAYER), create_effect('attack', CLOSEST_TO_VICTORY, -5, INITIATIVE_PLAYER), create_effect('track', SOVIET_SUPPORT, -2, INITIATIVE_PLAYER), ], test: { front: MADRID, value: 4, pass: create_effect('draw_card', ALL_PLAYERS, 1), fail: create_effect('hero_points', PLAYER_WITH_MOST_HERO_POINTS, -1), }, title: 'Second Sino-Japanese War', type: 'ec', year: 2, }, { id: 75, effects: [ create_effect('attack', NORTHERN, -5, INITIATIVE_PLAYER), create_effect('attack', CLOSEST_TO_VICTORY, -3, INITIATIVE_PLAYER), create_effect('track', COLLECTIVIZATION, -1, INITIATIVE_PLAYER), ], test: { front: NORTHERN, value: 1, pass: create_effect('hero_points', PLAYER_WITH_MOST_HERO_POINTS, 1), fail: create_effect('track', FOREIGN_AID, -2), }, title: 'Nazi Mining Contract', type: 'ec', year: 2, }, { id: 76, effects: [ create_effect('attack', ARAGON, -5, INITIATIVE_PLAYER), create_effect('attack', NORTHERN, -2, INITIATIVE_PLAYER), create_effect('track', FOREIGN_AID, -2, INITIATIVE_PLAYER), ], test: { front: ARAGON, value: 0, pass: create_effect('draw_card', INITIATIVE_PLAYER, 1), fail: create_effect('track', LIBERTY, -1), }, title: 'The Deutschland Incident', type: 'ec', year: 2, }, { id: 77, effects: [ create_effect('attack', ARAGON, -5, INITIATIVE_PLAYER), create_effect('attack', MADRID, -3, INITIATIVE_PLAYER), create_effect('track', FOREIGN_AID, -1, INITIATIVE_PLAYER), ], test: { front: ARAGON, value: 1, pass: create_effect('draw_card', ANARCHISTS_ID, 1), fail: create_effect('hero_points', ALL_PLAYERS, -1), }, title: 'The Last Great Cavalry Charge', type: 'ec', year: 2, }, { id: 78, effects: [ create_effect('attack', MADRID, -6, INITIATIVE_PLAYER), create_effect('attack', CLOSEST_TO_VICTORY, -1, INITIATIVE_PLAYER), create_effect('track', LIBERTY, -1, INITIATIVE_PLAYER), create_effect('track', SOVIET_SUPPORT, -1, INITIATIVE_PLAYER), ], test: { front: MADRID, value: -2, pass: create_effect('track', FOREIGN_AID, 2), fail: create_effect('track', GOVERNMENT, TOWARDS_CENTER), }, title: 'Battle of Brunete', type: 'ec', year: 2, }, { id: 79, effects: [ create_effect('attack', NORTHERN, -6, INITIATIVE_PLAYER), create_effect('attack', MADRID, -1, INITIATIVE_PLAYER), create_effect('bonus', TEAMWORK_BONUS, OFF, INITIATIVE_PLAYER), create_effect('track', COLLECTIVIZATION, -1, INITIATIVE_PLAYER), ], test: { front: NORTHERN, value: 0, pass: create_effect('draw_card', MODERATES_ID, 1), fail: create_effect('bonus', MORALE_BONUS, OFF), }, title: 'Emilio Mola', type: 'ec', year: 2, }, { id: 80, effects: [ create_effect('attack', CLOSEST_TO_DEFEAT, -3, INITIATIVE_PLAYER), create_effect('attack', NORTHERN, -5, INITIATIVE_PLAYER), create_effect('track', LIBERTY, -1, INITIATIVE_PLAYER), ], test: { front: NORTHERN, value: 2, pass: create_effect('draw_card', ALL_PLAYERS, 1), fail: create_effect('track', FOREIGN_AID, -3), }, title: 'Treason of Santoña', type: 'ec', year: 2, }, { id: 81, effects: [ create_effect('attack', MADRID, -5, INITIATIVE_PLAYER), create_effect('attack', CLOSEST_TO_VICTORY, -2, INITIATIVE_PLAYER), create_effect('track', FOREIGN_AID, -2, INITIATIVE_PLAYER), ], test: { front: MADRID, value: 0, pass: create_effect('track', LIBERTY, 1), fail: create_effect('track', GOVERNMENT, TOWARDS_CENTER), }, title: 'Media Adore General Franco', type: 'ec', year: 2, }, { id: 82, effects: [ create_effect('attack', CLOSEST_TO_DEFEAT, -4, INITIATIVE_PLAYER), create_effect('attack', CLOSEST_TO_VICTORY, -4, INITIATIVE_PLAYER), create_effect('track', COLLECTIVIZATION, -1, INITIATIVE_PLAYER), ], test: { front: MADRID, value: 4, pass: create_effect('hero_points', ALL_PLAYERS, 1), fail: create_effect('track', SOVIET_SUPPORT, -3), }, title: 'Decree of Unification', type: 'ec', year: 2, }, { id: 83, effects: [ create_effect('attack', ARAGON, -7, INITIATIVE_PLAYER), create_effect('bonus', TEAMWORK_BONUS, OFF, INITIATIVE_PLAYER), create_effect('track', FOREIGN_AID, -1, INITIATIVE_PLAYER), ], test: { front: ARAGON, value: -1, pass: create_effect('track', GOVERNMENT, AWAY_FROM_CENTER), fail: create_effect('track', COLLECTIVIZATION, -1), }, title: 'Battle of Teruel', type: 'ec', year: 2, }, { id: 84, effects: [ create_effect('attack', CLOSEST_TO_DEFEAT, -1, INITIATIVE_PLAYER), create_effect('attack', SOUTHERN, -5, INITIATIVE_PLAYER), create_effect('bonus', TEAMWORK_BONUS, OFF, INITIATIVE_PLAYER), create_effect('track', FOREIGN_AID, -2, INITIATIVE_PLAYER), ], test: { front: SOUTHERN, value: 0, pass: create_effect('hero_points', MODERATES_ID, 1), fail: create_effect('track', SOVIET_SUPPORT, -2), }, title: 'Non-Intervention Committee', type: 'ec', year: 2, }, { id: 85, effects: [ create_effect('attack', SOUTHERN, -6, INITIATIVE_PLAYER), create_effect('attack', MADRID, -2, INITIATIVE_PLAYER), create_effect('hero_points', PLAYER_WITH_MOST_HERO_POINTS, -1, INITIATIVE_PLAYER), ], test: { front: SOUTHERN, value: 2, pass: create_effect('hero_points', COMMUNISTS_ID, 1), fail: create_effect('bonus', TEAMWORK_BONUS, OFF), }, title: 'Falling Soldier Controversy', type: 'ec', year: 2, }, { id: 86, effects: [ create_effect('attack', CLOSEST_TO_DEFEAT, -2, INITIATIVE_PLAYER), create_effect('attack', MADRID, -5, INITIATIVE_PLAYER), create_effect('bonus', TEAMWORK_BONUS, OFF, INITIATIVE_PLAYER), create_effect('track', SOVIET_SUPPORT, -1, INITIATIVE_PLAYER), ], test: { front: MADRID, value: 1, pass: create_effect('track', GOVERNMENT, AWAY_FROM_CENTER), fail: create_effect('bonus', MORALE_BONUS, OFF), }, title: 'Fifth Column', type: 'ec', year: 2, }, { id: 87, effects: [ create_effect('attack', SOUTHERN, -4, INITIATIVE_PLAYER), create_effect('attack', ARAGON, -3, INITIATIVE_PLAYER), create_effect('track', SOVIET_SUPPORT, -2, INITIATIVE_PLAYER), ], test: { front: SOUTHERN, value: 2, pass: create_effect('hero_points', COMMUNISTS_ID, 1), fail: create_effect('hero_points', ALL_PLAYERS, -1), }, title: 'Regulares', type: 'ec', year: 2, }, { id: 88, effects: [ create_effect('attack', MADRID, -5, INITIATIVE_PLAYER), create_effect('attack', SOUTHERN, -2, INITIATIVE_PLAYER), create_effect('track', SOVIET_SUPPORT, -2, INITIATIVE_PLAYER), ], test: { front: MADRID, value: 1, pass: create_effect('hero_points', INITIATIVE_PLAYER, 1), fail: create_effect('bonus', TEAMWORK_BONUS, OFF), }, title: 'Italian Armor', type: 'ec', year: 2, }, { id: 89, effects: [ create_effect('attack', SOUTHERN, -7, INITIATIVE_PLAYER), create_effect('bonus', TEAMWORK_BONUS, OFF, INITIATIVE_PLAYER), create_effect('track', COLLECTIVIZATION, -1, INITIATIVE_PLAYER), ], test: { front: SOUTHERN, value: 0, pass: create_effect('track', SOVIET_SUPPORT, 2), fail: create_effect('bonus', MORALE_BONUS, OFF), }, title: 'Peasants Forced Off the Land', type: 'ec', year: 2, }, { id: 90, effects: [ create_effect('attack', ARAGON, -4, INITIATIVE_PLAYER), create_effect('attack', NORTHERN, -4, INITIATIVE_PLAYER), create_effect('hero_points', PLAYER_WITH_MOST_HERO_POINTS, -1, INITIATIVE_PLAYER), ], test: { front: ARAGON, value: 2, pass: create_effect('hero_points', ANARCHISTS_ID, 1), fail: create_effect('track', SOVIET_SUPPORT, -3), }, title: 'German Condor Legion', type: 'ec', year: 2, }, { id: 91, effects: [ create_effect('attack', MADRID, -5, INITIATIVE_PLAYER), create_effect('attack', SOUTHERN, -4, INITIATIVE_PLAYER), create_effect('bonus', TEAMWORK_BONUS, OFF, INITIATIVE_PLAYER), create_effect('track', SOVIET_SUPPORT, -2, INITIATIVE_PLAYER), ], test: { front: MADRID, value: 2, pass: create_effect('hero_points', PLAYER_WITH_MOST_HERO_POINTS, 1), fail: create_effect('bonus', MORALE_BONUS, OFF), }, title: 'Fascist Air Supremacy', type: 'ec', year: 3, }, { id: 92, effects: [ create_effect('attack', ARAGON, -6, INITIATIVE_PLAYER), create_effect('attack', CLOSEST_TO_VICTORY, -3, INITIATIVE_PLAYER), create_effect('track', FOREIGN_AID, -2, INITIATIVE_PLAYER), create_effect('track', COLLECTIVIZATION, -1, INITIATIVE_PLAYER), ], test: { front: ARAGON, value: 2, pass: create_effect('hero_points', ANARCHISTS_ID, 1), fail: create_effect('bonus', MORALE_BONUS, OFF), }, title: 'Catalonia Offensive', type: 'ec', year: 3, }, { id: 93, effects: [ create_effect('attack', NORTHERN, -4, INITIATIVE_PLAYER), create_effect('attack', CLOSEST_TO_VICTORY, -6, INITIATIVE_PLAYER), create_effect('track', FOREIGN_AID, -2, INITIATIVE_PLAYER), ], test: { front: NORTHERN, value: 1, pass: create_effect('hero_points', MODERATES_ID, 1), fail: create_effect('track', SOVIET_SUPPORT, -3), }, title: 'Martyrs of the Spanish Civil War', type: 'ec', year: 3, }, { id: 94, effects: [ create_effect('attack', NORTHERN, -6, INITIATIVE_PLAYER), create_effect('attack', SOUTHERN, -4, INITIATIVE_PLAYER), create_effect('track', SOVIET_SUPPORT, -2, INITIATIVE_PLAYER), ], test: { front: NORTHERN, value: 1, pass: create_effect('hero_points', ALL_PLAYERS, 1), fail: create_effect('track', FOREIGN_AID, -3), }, title: 'Naval Blockade', type: 'ec', year: 3, }, { id: 95, effects: [ create_effect('attack', CLOSEST_TO_DEFEAT, -5, INITIATIVE_PLAYER), create_effect('attack', SOUTHERN, -5, INITIATIVE_PLAYER), create_effect('track', FOREIGN_AID, -2, INITIATIVE_PLAYER), ], test: { front: SOUTHERN, value: 1, pass: create_effect('draw_card', COMMUNISTS_ID, 1), fail: create_effect('track', GOVERNMENT, TOWARDS_CENTER), }, title: 'Munich Agreement', type: 'ec', year: 3, }, { id: 96, effects: [ create_effect('attack', MADRID, -4, INITIATIVE_PLAYER), create_effect('attack', CLOSEST_TO_VICTORY, -6, INITIATIVE_PLAYER), create_effect('track', COLLECTIVIZATION, -1, INITIATIVE_PLAYER), ], test: { front: MADRID, value: 1, pass: create_effect('hero_points', INITIATIVE_PLAYER, 1), fail: create_effect('track', GOVERNMENT, TOWARDS_CENTER), }, title: 'Law of Political Responsibilities', type: 'ec', year: 3, }, { id: 97, effects: [ create_effect('attack', MADRID, -6, INITIATIVE_PLAYER), create_effect('attack', ARAGON, -4, INITIATIVE_PLAYER), create_effect('track', SOVIET_SUPPORT, -2, INITIATIVE_PLAYER), ], test: { front: MADRID, value: 1, pass: create_effect('draw_card', ALL_PLAYERS, 1), fail: create_effect('hero_points', ALL_PLAYERS, -1), }, title: 'International Brigades Sent Home', type: 'ec', year: 3, }, { id: 98, effects: [ create_effect('attack', NORTHERN, -7, INITIATIVE_PLAYER), create_effect('attack', MADRID, -2, INITIATIVE_PLAYER), create_effect('bonus', TEAMWORK_BONUS, OFF, INITIATIVE_PLAYER), create_effect('track', LIBERTY, -1, INITIATIVE_PLAYER), ], test: { front: NORTHERN, value: -2, pass: create_effect('hero_points', INITIATIVE_PLAYER, 1), fail: create_effect('track', FOREIGN_AID, -2), }, title: 'French Concentration Camps', type: 'ec', year: 3, }, { id: 99, effects: [ create_effect('attack', NORTHERN, -6, INITIATIVE_PLAYER), create_effect('attack', MADRID, -3, INITIATIVE_PLAYER), create_effect('track', FOREIGN_AID, -2, INITIATIVE_PLAYER), create_effect('hero_points', PLAYER_WITH_MOST_HERO_POINTS, -1, INITIATIVE_PLAYER), ], test: { front: NORTHERN, value: 0, pass: create_effect('track', FOREIGN_AID, 2), fail: create_effect('bonus', MORALE_BONUS, OFF), }, title: 'Resignation of President Azaña', type: 'ec', year: 3, }, { id: 100, effects: [ create_effect('attack', SOUTHERN, -7, INITIATIVE_PLAYER), create_effect('attack', CLOSEST_TO_VICTORY, -2, INITIATIVE_PLAYER), create_effect('track', FOREIGN_AID, -2, INITIATIVE_PLAYER), create_effect('hero_points', PLAYER_WITH_MOST_HERO_POINTS, -1, INITIATIVE_PLAYER), ], test: { front: SOUTHERN, value: -1, pass: create_effect('draw_card', INITIATIVE_PLAYER, 1), fail: create_effect('track', SOVIET_SUPPORT, -3), }, title: "FDR's Cautious Approach", type: 'ec', year: 3, }, { id: 101, effects: [ create_effect('attack', ARAGON, -7, INITIATIVE_PLAYER), create_effect('attack', MADRID, -3, INITIATIVE_PLAYER), create_effect('track', SOVIET_SUPPORT, -2, INITIATIVE_PLAYER), ], test: { front: ARAGON, value: -1, pass: create_effect('draw_card', MODERATES_ID, 1), fail: create_effect('track', COLLECTIVIZATION, -1), }, title: 'Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact', type: 'ec', year: 3, }, { id: 102, effects: [ create_effect('attack', MADRID, -6, INITIATIVE_PLAYER), create_effect('attack', CLOSEST_TO_VICTORY, -4, INITIATIVE_PLAYER), create_effect('track', FOREIGN_AID, -2, INITIATIVE_PLAYER), ], test: { front: MADRID, value: 0, pass: create_effect('track', GOVERNMENT, AWAY_FROM_CENTER), fail: create_effect('hero_points', PLAYER_WITH_MOST_HERO_POINTS, -1), }, title: 'Easter Accords', type: 'ec', year: 3, }, { id: 103, effects: [ create_effect('attack', MADRID, -7, INITIATIVE_PLAYER), create_effect('attack', NORTHERN, -2, INITIATIVE_PLAYER), create_effect('bonus', TEAMWORK_BONUS, OFF, INITIATIVE_PLAYER), create_effect('hero_points', PLAYER_WITH_MOST_HERO_POINTS, -1, INITIATIVE_PLAYER), ], test: { front: MADRID, value: 0, pass: create_effect('play_card', INITIATIVE_PLAYER, 1, INITIATIVE_PLAYER), fail: create_effect('track', FOREIGN_AID, -3), }, title: 'National Defence Council', type: 'ec', year: 3, }, { id: 104, effects: [ create_effect('attack', SOUTHERN, -6, INITIATIVE_PLAYER), create_effect('attack', ARAGON, -3, INITIATIVE_PLAYER), create_effect('track', SOVIET_SUPPORT, -2, INITIATIVE_PLAYER), create_effect('hero_points', PLAYER_WITH_MOST_HERO_POINTS, -1, INITIATIVE_PLAYER), ], test: { front: SOUTHERN, value: 1, pass: create_effect('hero_points', COMMUNISTS_ID, 1), fail: create_effect('bonus', TEAMWORK_BONUS, OFF), }, title: 'Accidental Bombing of Cabra', type: 'ec', year: 3, }, { id: 105, effects: [ create_effect('attack', ARAGON, -6, INITIATIVE_PLAYER), create_effect('attack', NORTHERN, -4, INITIATIVE_PLAYER), create_effect('track', LIBERTY, -1, INITIATIVE_PLAYER), ], test: { front: ARAGON, value: 1, pass: create_effect('draw_card', ANARCHISTS_ID, 1), fail: create_effect('bonus', TEAMWORK_BONUS, OFF), }, title: 'Bombing of Barcelona', type: 'ec', year: 3, }, { id: 106, effects: [ create_effect('attack', MADRID, -6, INITIATIVE_PLAYER), create_effect('attack', CLOSEST_TO_VICTORY, -3, INITIATIVE_PLAYER), create_effect('bonus', TEAMWORK_BONUS, OFF, INITIATIVE_PLAYER), create_effect('track', LIBERTY, -1, INITIATIVE_PLAYER), ], test: { front: MADRID, value: 0, pass: create_effect('play_card', INITIATIVE_PLAYER, 1, INITIATIVE_PLAYER), fail: create_effect('bonus', MORALE_BONUS, OFF), }, title: 'Military Dictatorship', type: 'ec', year: 3, }, { id: 107, effects: [ create_effect('attack', ARAGON, -8, INITIATIVE_PLAYER), create_effect('attack', SOUTHERN, -1, INITIATIVE_PLAYER), create_effect('track', COLLECTIVIZATION, -1, INITIATIVE_PLAYER), create_effect('track', SOVIET_SUPPORT, -2, INITIATIVE_PLAYER), ], test: { front: ARAGON, value: -2, pass: create_effect('track', SOVIET_SUPPORT, 2), fail: create_effect('track', LIBERTY, -1), }, title: 'Battle of the Ebro', type: 'ec', year: 3, }, { id: 108, effects: [ create_effect('attack', CLOSEST_TO_DEFEAT, -3, INITIATIVE_PLAYER), create_effect('attack', SOUTHERN, -6, INITIATIVE_PLAYER), create_effect('bonus', TEAMWORK_BONUS, OFF, INITIATIVE_PLAYER), create_effect('hero_points', PLAYER_WITH_MOST_HERO_POINTS, -1, INITIATIVE_PLAYER), ], test: { front: SOUTHERN, value: -1, pass: create_effect('hero_points', ALL_PLAYERS, 1), fail: create_effect('track', SOVIET_SUPPORT, -2), }, title: 'Cartagena Uprising', type: 'ec', year: 3, }, ], fronts: [ { id: NORTHERN, name: 'Northern', left: 89, top: 96, }, { id: ARAGON, name: 'Aragon', left: 340, top: 182, }, { id: MADRID, name: 'Madrid', left: 115, top: 262, }, { id: SOUTHERN, name: 'Southern', left: 205, top: 426, }, ], medallions: [ { id: 0, name: 'Subterfuge', }, { id: 1, name: 'Valor', }, { id: 2, name: 'Momentum', }, { id: STRATEGY_MEDALLION_ID, name: 'Strategy', }, { id: PROPAGANDA_MEDALLION_ID, name: 'Propaganda', }, { id: INTELLIGENCE_MEDALLION_ID, name: 'Intelligence', }, { id: VOLUNTEERS_MEDALLION_ID, name: 'Volunteers', }, { id: ARCHIVES_MEDALLION_ID, name: 'Archives', }, { id: ORGANIZATION_MEDALLION_ID, name: 'Organization', }, ], tracks: [ { id: LIBERTY, action: 'tr0', name: 'Liberty', triggers: [ create_effect('bonus', MORALE_BONUS, OFF), create_effect('attack', MADRID, -1), null, create_effect('track', SOVIET_SUPPORT, 1), null, null, null, create_effect('track', GOVERNMENT, TOWARDS_CENTER), create_effect('front', ANY, 1, ANARCHISTS_ID), null, create_effect('medallion', ANY, 1, ANARCHISTS_ID), ], }, { id: COLLECTIVIZATION, action: 'tr1', name: 'Collectivization', triggers: [ create_effect('bonus', MORALE_BONUS, OFF), create_effect('attack', ARAGON, -1), null, create_effect('track', FOREIGN_AID, 1), null, null, null, create_effect('front', ANY, 1), create_effect('track', LIBERTY, 1), null, create_effect('medallion', ANY, 1, ANARCHISTS_ID), ], }, { id: GOVERNMENT, action: 'tr2', name: 'Government', triggers: [ null, create_effect('medallion', ANY, 1, COMMUNISTS_ID), null, null, create_effect('track', SOVIET_SUPPORT, 1), null, null, create_effect('track', FOREIGN_AID, 1), null, null, create_effect('medallion', ANY, 1, MODERATES_ID), ], }, { id: SOVIET_SUPPORT, action: 'tr3', name: 'Soviet Support', triggers: [ create_effect('bonus', MORALE_BONUS, OFF), create_effect('attack', SOUTHERN, -1), null, null, null, create_effect('track', LIBERTY, -1), null, create_effect('front', ANY, 1, COMMUNISTS_ID), create_effect('track', GOVERNMENT, -1), null, create_effect('medallion', ANY, 1, COMMUNISTS_ID), ], }, { id: FOREIGN_AID, action: 'tr4', name: 'Foreign Aid', triggers: [ create_effect('bonus', MORALE_BONUS, OFF), create_effect('attack', NORTHERN, -1), null, null, null, create_effect('track', COLLECTIVIZATION, -1), null, create_effect('front', ANY, 1, MODERATES_ID), create_effect('track', GOVERNMENT, 1), null, create_effect('medallion', ANY, 1, MODERATES_ID), ], }, ], }; exports.default = data;