"use strict" const R_FREDERICK = "Frederick" const R_ELISABETH = "Elisabeth" const R_MARIA_THERESA = "Maria Theresa" const R_POMPADOUR = "Pompadour" const SCENARIO_INDEX = { "4P": 4, "3P": 3, "The War in the West": 1, "The Austrian Theatre": 2, } const ROLE_NAME_1 = [ R_FREDERICK, R_POMPADOUR, ] const ROLE_NAME_2 = [ R_FREDERICK, R_MARIA_THERESA, ] const ROLE_NAME_3 = [ R_FREDERICK, R_ELISABETH, R_MARIA_THERESA, ] const ROLE_NAME_4 = [ R_FREDERICK, R_ELISABETH, R_MARIA_THERESA, R_POMPADOUR, ] exports.roles = function (scenario, _options) { let n = SCENARIO_INDEX[scenario] switch (n) { case 1: return ROLE_NAME_1 case 2: return ROLE_NAME_2 case 3: return ROLE_NAME_3 case 4: return ROLE_NAME_4 } return [ "Nobody" ] } exports.scenarios = Object.keys(SCENARIO_INDEX) /* DATA */ var game var view var states = {} const data = require("./data") function find_city(city) { let n = data.cities.name.length let x = -1 for (let c = 0; c < n; ++c) { if (data.cities.name[c] === city) { if (x < 0) x = c else throw "TWO CITIES: " + city } } if (x < 0) throw "CITY NOT FOUND: " + city return x } function find_city_list(names) { let list = [] for (let n of names) set_add(list, find_city(n)) return list } const P_PRUSSIA = 0 const P_HANOVER = 1 const P_RUSSIA = 2 const P_SWEDEN = 3 const P_AUSTRIA = 4 const P_IMPERIAL = 5 const P_FRANCE = 6 const POWER_NAME = [ "Prussia", "Hanover", "Russia", "Sweden", "Austria", "Imperial Army", "France" ] const SPADES = 0 const CLUBS = 1 const HEARTS = 2 const DIAMONDS = 3 const RESERVE = 4 // Strokes of Fate cards const FC_POEMS = 13 const FC_LORD_BUTE = 14 const FC_ELISABETH = 15 const FC_SWEDEN = 16 const FC_INDIA = 17 const FC_AMERICA = 18 const ELIMINATED = data.cities.name.length const REMOVED = ELIMINATED + 1 const max_power_troops_4 = [ 32, 12, 16, 4, 30, 6, 20 ] function max_power_troops(pow) { if (game.scenario === 1 && pow === P_PRUSSIA) return 3 if (game.scenario === 2 && pow === P_PRUSSIA) return 24 return max_power_troops_4[pow] } const all_powers = [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 ] const all_home_or_depot_cities = [ data.country.Prussia, data.country.Hanover, find_city_list([ "Sierpc", "Warszawa" ]), data.country.Sweden, data.country.Austria, set_union(data.country.Empire, data.country.Saxony), find_city_list([ "Hildburghausen" ]), find_city_list([ "Koblenz", "Gemünden" ]), ] const all_power_depots = [ find_city_list([ "Berlin" ]), find_city_list([ "Stade" ]), find_city_list([ "Sierpc", "Warszawa" ]), find_city_list([ "Stralsund" ]), find_city_list([ "Tabor", "Brünn" ]), find_city_list([ "Hildburghausen" ]), find_city_list([ "Koblenz", "Gemünden" ]), ] const MUNSTER_Y = data.cities.y[find_city("Munster")] const all_power_re_entry_cities = [ data.sectors.spades_berlin, data.sectors.diamonds_stade.filter(s => data.cities.y[s] < MUNSTER_Y), data.sectors.spades_warszawa, data.country.Sweden, set_intersect(data.sectors.diamonds_brunn, data.country.Austria), data.sectors.spades_south_of_hildburghausen, data.sectors.hearts_south_of_koblenz, ] const all_power_generals = [ /* P */ [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 ], /* H */ [ 8, 9 ], /* R */ [ 10, 11, 12, 13 ], /* S */ [ 14 ], /* A */ [ 15, 16, 17, 18, 19 ], /* I */ [ 20 ], /* F */ [ 21, 22, 23 ], ] const GEN_FRIEDRICH = 0 const GEN_SEYDLITZ = 5 const GEN_CUMBERLAND = 9 const all_power_generals_rev = all_power_generals.map(list => list.slice().reverse()) const all_power_trains = [ /* P */ [ 24, 25 ], /* H */ [ 26 ], /* R */ [ 27, 28 ], /* S */ [ 29 ], /* A */ [ 30, 31 ], /* I */ [ 32 ], /* F */ [ 33, 34 ], ] function is_general(p) { return p < 24 } const all_pieces = [ ...all_power_generals.flat(), ...all_power_trains.flat() ] const all_generals = [ ...all_power_generals.flat() ] const all_prussia_trains = [ ...all_power_trains[P_PRUSSIA], ...all_power_trains[P_HANOVER], ] const all_anti_prussia_trains = [ ...all_power_trains[P_RUSSIA], ...all_power_trains[P_SWEDEN], ...all_power_trains[P_AUSTRIA], ...all_power_trains[P_IMPERIAL], ...all_power_trains[P_FRANCE], ] const all_friendly_trains = [ all_prussia_trains, all_prussia_trains, all_anti_prussia_trains, all_anti_prussia_trains, all_anti_prussia_trains, all_anti_prussia_trains, all_anti_prussia_trains, ] const all_enemy_trains = [ all_anti_prussia_trains, all_anti_prussia_trains, all_prussia_trains, all_prussia_trains, all_prussia_trains, all_prussia_trains, all_prussia_trains, ] const all_prussia_generals = [ ...all_power_generals[P_PRUSSIA], ...all_power_generals[P_HANOVER], ] const all_anti_prussia_generals = [ ...all_power_generals[P_RUSSIA], ...all_power_generals[P_SWEDEN], ...all_power_generals[P_AUSTRIA], ...all_power_generals[P_IMPERIAL], ...all_power_generals[P_FRANCE], ] const all_enemy_generals = [ all_anti_prussia_generals, all_anti_prussia_generals, all_prussia_generals, all_prussia_generals, all_prussia_generals, all_prussia_generals, all_prussia_generals, ] function is_supply_train(p) { return p >= 24 } function to_deck(c) { return c >> 7 } function to_suit(c) { return (c >> 4) & 7 } function to_value(c) { return c & 15 } function is_reserve(c) { return to_suit(c) === RESERVE } /* OBJECTIVES */ const all_objectives = [] set_add_all(all_objectives, data.type.objective1_austria) set_add_all(all_objectives, data.type.objective2_austria) set_add_all(all_objectives, data.type.objective1_imperial) set_add_all(all_objectives, data.type.objective2_imperial) set_add_all(all_objectives, data.type.objective1_sweden) set_add_all(all_objectives, data.type.objective2_sweden) set_add_all(all_objectives, data.type.objective_france) set_add_all(all_objectives, data.type.objective_prussia) set_add_all(all_objectives, data.type.objective_russia) const protect_range = [] for (let s of all_objectives) make_protect_range(protect_range[s] = [], s, s, 3) function make_protect_range(result, start, here, range) { for (let next of data.cities.adjacent[here]) { if (next !== start) set_add(result, next) if (range > 1) make_protect_range(result, start, next, range - 1) } } const primary_objective = [ [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ] const secondary_objective = [ [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ] const protect = [ [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ] for (let s of data.type.objective_prussia) set_add(primary_objective[P_PRUSSIA], s) for (let s of data.type.objective_russia) set_add(primary_objective[P_RUSSIA], s) for (let s of data.type.objective1_sweden) set_add(primary_objective[P_SWEDEN], s) for (let s of data.type.objective2_sweden) set_add(secondary_objective[P_SWEDEN], s) for (let s of data.type.objective1_austria) set_add(primary_objective[P_AUSTRIA], s) for (let s of data.type.objective2_austria) set_add(secondary_objective[P_AUSTRIA], s) for (let s of data.type.objective1_imperial) set_add(primary_objective[P_IMPERIAL], s) for (let s of data.type.objective2_imperial) set_add(secondary_objective[P_IMPERIAL], s) for (let s of data.type.objective_france) set_add(primary_objective[P_FRANCE], s) const full_objective = [ set_union(primary_objective[0], secondary_objective[0]), set_union(primary_objective[1], secondary_objective[1]), set_union(primary_objective[2], secondary_objective[2]), set_union(primary_objective[3], secondary_objective[3]), set_union(primary_objective[4], secondary_objective[4]), set_union(primary_objective[5], secondary_objective[5]), set_union(primary_objective[6], secondary_objective[6]), ] function make_protect(power, country) { for (let s of all_objectives) if (set_has(country, s)) set_add(protect[power], s) } make_protect(P_PRUSSIA, data.country.Prussia) make_protect(P_PRUSSIA, data.country.Saxony) make_protect(P_HANOVER, data.country.Hanover) make_protect(P_AUSTRIA, data.country.Austria) function is_conquest_space(pow, s) { return set_has(full_objective[pow], s) } function is_reconquest_space(pow, s) { return set_has(protect[pow], s) } function is_protected_from_conquest(s) { for (let pow of all_powers) { if (set_has(protect[pow], s)) { let range = protect_range[s] for (let p of all_power_generals[pow]) if (set_has(range, game.pos[p])) return true if (pow === P_IMPERIAL) { for (let p of all_power_trains[pow]) if (set_has(range, game.pos[p])) return true } } } return false } function is_protected_from_reconquest(s) { for (let pow of all_powers) { if (set_has(full_objective[pow], s)) { let range = protect_range[s] for (let p of all_power_generals[pow]) if (set_has(range, game.pos[p])) return true if (pow === P_IMPERIAL) { for (let p of all_power_trains[pow]) if (set_has(range, game.pos[p])) return true } } } return false } /* STATE */ function turn_power_draw() { let n = 0 if (game.scenario === 1 && game.power === P_PRUSSIA) { if (set_has(game.fate, FC_LORD_BUTE) || set_has(game.fate, FC_POEMS)) return 1 return 2 } if (game.scenario === 2 && game.power === P_PRUSSIA) { n = 5 if (set_has(game.fate, FC_LORD_BUTE)) n -= 1 if (set_has(game.fate, FC_POEMS)) n -= 1 return n } switch (game.power) { case P_PRUSSIA: n = 7 if (set_has(game.fate, FC_LORD_BUTE)) n = Math.max(4, n - 2) if (set_has(game.fate, FC_POEMS)) n = Math.max(4, n - 2) break case P_HANOVER: n = 2 if (set_has(game.fate, FC_INDIA) && set_has(game.fate, FC_AMERICA)) n = 1 break case P_RUSSIA: n = 4 break case P_SWEDEN: n = 1 break case P_AUSTRIA: n = 5 if (set_has(game.fate, FC_INDIA) || set_has(game.fate, FC_AMERICA)) n = 4 break case P_IMPERIAL: n = 1 break case P_FRANCE: n = 4 if (set_has(game.fate, FC_INDIA) || set_has(game.fate, FC_AMERICA)) n = 4 break } return n } function has_power_dropped_out(pow) { if (game.scenario === 1) return pow !== P_PRUSSIA && pow !== P_HANOVER && pow !== P_FRANCE if (game.scenario === 2) return pow !== P_PRUSSIA && pow !== P_AUSTRIA && pow !== P_IMPERIAL switch (pow) { case P_RUSSIA: return has_russia_dropped_out() case P_SWEDEN: return has_sweden_dropped_out() case P_FRANCE: return has_france_dropped_out() } return false } function has_russia_dropped_out() { return set_has(game.fate, FC_ELISABETH) } function has_sweden_dropped_out() { return set_has(game.fate, FC_SWEDEN) } function has_france_dropped_out() { return set_has(game.fate, FC_INDIA) && set_has(game.fate, FC_AMERICA) } function has_imperial_army_switched_players() { return (has_russia_dropped_out() && has_sweden_dropped_out()) || has_france_dropped_out() } function has_removed_all_pieces(pow) { for (let p of all_power_generals[pow]) if (game.pos[p] !== REMOVED) return false for (let p of all_power_trains[pow]) if (game.pos[p] !== REMOVED) return false return true } function player_from_power(pow) { let role = null if (game.scenario === 2 && pow === P_IMPERIAL) return R_MARIA_THERESA switch (pow) { case P_PRUSSIA: case P_HANOVER: role = R_FREDERICK break case P_RUSSIA: case P_SWEDEN: role = R_ELISABETH break case P_AUSTRIA: role = R_MARIA_THERESA break case P_IMPERIAL: if (has_russia_dropped_out() && has_sweden_dropped_out()) role = R_ELISABETH else if (has_france_dropped_out()) role = R_POMPADOUR else role = R_MARIA_THERESA break case P_FRANCE: role = R_POMPADOUR break } if (game.scenario === 3 && role === R_POMPADOUR) role = R_ELISABETH return role } function current_player() { return player_from_power(game.power) } function get_top_piece(s) { for (let p of all_pieces) if (game.pos[p] === s) return p return -1 } function get_supreme_commander(s) { for (let p of all_generals) if (game.pos[p] === s) return p return -1 } function get_stack_power(s) { for (let pow of all_powers) for (let p of all_power_generals[pow]) if (game.pos[p] === s) return pow throw "IMPOSSIBLE" } function is_space_suit(s, ranges) { for (let [a, b] of ranges) if (s >= a && s <= b) return true return false } function get_space_suit(s) { if (is_space_suit(s, data.suit.spades)) return SPADES if (is_space_suit(s, data.suit.clubs)) return CLUBS if (is_space_suit(s, data.suit.hearts)) return HEARTS if (is_space_suit(s, data.suit.diamonds)) return DIAMONDS throw "IMPOSSIBLE" } function count_eliminated_trains() { let n = 0 for (let p of all_power_trains[game.power]) if (game.pos[p] === ELIMINATED) ++n return n } function count_used_troops() { let current = 0 for (let p of all_power_generals[game.power]) current += game.troops[p] return current } function count_unused_generals() { let n = 0 for (let p of all_power_generals[game.power]) if (game.pos[p] !== REMOVED && game.troops[p] === 0) ++n return n } function retire_general(p) { log("P" + p + " retired.") // save troops if possible let s = game.pos[p] let n = game.troops[p] game.pos[p] = REMOVED game.troops[p] = 0 if (s < ELIMINATED) { for (let p of all_power_generals[game.power]) { if (game.pos[p] === s) { let x = Math.min(n, 8 - game.troops[p]) game.troops[p] += x n -= x } } if (n > 0) log("Lost " + n + " troops.") } } /* SEQUENCE OF PLAY */ const POWER_FROM_ACTION_STEP = [ P_PRUSSIA, P_HANOVER, P_RUSSIA, P_SWEDEN, P_AUSTRIA, P_IMPERIAL, P_FRANCE, ] function set_active_current_power() { game.power = POWER_FROM_ACTION_STEP[game.step] game.active = current_player() } function goto_start_turn() { game.step = 0 // Check before drawing a fate card. if (check_victory()) return if (++game.turn <= 5) { log("# Turn " + game.turn) } else { log("# Card of Fate") // remove non-stroke of fate card from last turn for (let i = 1; i <= 12; ++i) set_delete(game.fate, i) let fc = game.clock.pop() log("F" + fc) set_add(game.fate, fc) // Check again in case of eased victory conditions. if (check_victory()) return // dropped out powers are virtual in 2p scenarios if (game.scenario === 1 || game.scenario === 2) { resume_start_turn() return } if (fc === FC_ELISABETH) { game.power = P_PRUSSIA game.active = current_player() game.state = "russia_quits_the_game_1" return } if (fc === FC_SWEDEN) { game.power = P_PRUSSIA game.active = current_player() game.state = "sweden_quits_the_game_1" return } if ((fc === FC_INDIA && set_has(game.fate, FC_AMERICA)) || (fc === FC_AMERICA && set_has(game.fate, FC_INDIA))) { game.power = P_HANOVER game.active = current_player() game.state = "france_quits_the_game_1" return } } resume_start_turn() } function resume_start_turn() { // MARIA: politics // MARIA: hussars goto_action_stage() } function goto_action_stage() { set_active_current_power() if (has_power_dropped_out(game.power)) { end_action_stage() return } log("=" + game.power) goto_tactical_cards() } function end_action_stage() { if (++game.step === 7) goto_end_of_turn() else goto_action_stage() } function goto_end_of_turn() { if (game.scenario === 1 || game.scenario === 2) { log("Imaginary player draws 5 TC.") for (let i = 0; i < 5; ++i) draw_next_tc() } goto_start_turn() } /* VICTORY */ function has_conquered_all_of(list) { for (let s of list) if (!set_has(game.conquest, s)) return false return true } function check_power_victory(victory, city_list, power) { if (has_conquered_all_of(city_list[power])) set_add(victory, power) } function check_victory_list(victory) { if (victory.length > 0) { goto_game_over( victory.map(player_from_power).join(", "), victory.map(p => POWER_NAME[p]).join(" and ") + " won." ) return true } else { return false } } function check_victory() { if (game.scenario === 1) return check_victory_the_war_in_the_west() if (game.scenario === 2) return check_victory_the_austrian_theatre() return check_victory_4() } function check_victory_the_war_in_the_west() { if (has_france_dropped_out()) { goto_game_over(R_FREDERICK, "Prussia won.") return true } if (has_conquered_all_of(full_objective[P_FRANCE])) { goto_game_over(R_POMPADOUR, "France won.") return true } return false } function check_victory_the_austrian_theatre() { if (has_russia_dropped_out() && has_sweden_dropped_out() && has_france_dropped_out()) { goto_game_over(R_FREDERICK, "Prussia won.") return true } let victory = [] check_power_victory(victory, full_objective, P_AUSTRIA) check_power_victory(victory, full_objective, P_IMPERIAL) check_power_victory(victory, full_objective, P_PRUSSIA) return check_victory_list(victory) } function check_victory_4() { // Prussian victory if (has_russia_dropped_out() && has_sweden_dropped_out() && has_france_dropped_out()) { goto_game_over(R_FREDERICK, "Prussia won.") return true } let victory = [] check_power_victory(victory, full_objective, P_RUSSIA) check_power_victory(victory, full_objective, P_FRANCE) if (has_russia_dropped_out()) { check_power_victory(victory, primary_objective, P_SWEDEN) } else { check_power_victory(victory, full_objective, P_SWEDEN) } if (has_imperial_army_switched_players()) { check_power_victory(victory, primary_objective, P_AUSTRIA) check_power_victory(victory, primary_objective, P_IMPERIAL) } else { check_power_victory(victory, full_objective, P_AUSTRIA) check_power_victory(victory, full_objective, P_IMPERIAL) } return check_victory_list(victory) } /* TACTICAL CARDS */ function find_largest_discard(u) { for (let i = 0; i < 5; ++i) if (u[i] <= u[0] && u[i] <= u[1] && u[i] <= u[2] && u[i] <= u[3] && u <= u[4]) return i throw "IMPOSSIBLE" } function next_tactics_deck() { let held = [ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ] // count cards in hands for (let pow of all_powers) { for (let c of game.hand[pow]) held[to_deck(c)]++ } if (game.draw) for (let c of game.draw) held[to_deck(c)]++ // find next unused deck for (let i = 1; i < 5; ++i) { if (held[i] === 0) { game.deck = make_tactics_deck(i) shuffle_bigint(game.deck) return } } log("Discards " + held.map(x=>50-x).join(", ")) log("Deck 1: " + make_tactics_discard(0).map(x=>"C"+x).join(" ")) log("Deck 2: " + make_tactics_discard(1).map(x=>"C"+x).join(" ")) log("Deck 3: " + make_tactics_discard(2).map(x=>"C"+x).join(" ")) log("Deck 4: " + make_tactics_discard(3).map(x=>"C"+x).join(" ")) log("Deck 5: " + make_tactics_discard(4).map(x=>"C"+x).join(" ")) // find two largest discard piles let a = find_largest_discard(held) if (held[a] === 50) return held[a] = 100 let b = find_largest_discard(held) log("Deck " + b + ": " + held[b]) if (held[b] === 50) return log("Shuffled new deck from discards " + (a+1) + " and " + (b+1) + ".") game.deck = [ make_tactics_discard(a), make_tactics_discard(b) ].flat() shuffle_bigint(game.deck) } function draw_next_tc() { if (game.deck.length === 0) next_tactics_deck() if (game.deck.length === 0) return -1 return game.deck.pop() } function goto_tactical_cards() { let n = turn_power_draw() game.draw = [] for (let i = 0; i < n; ++i) { let c = draw_next_tc() if (c >= 0) set_add(game.draw, c) } if (game.draw.length < n) log("Drew " + game.draw.length + " / " + n + " TC.") else log("Drew " + n + " TC.") if (should_power_discard_tc() && game.draw.length > 0) game.state = "tactical_cards_discard" else game.state = "tactical_cards_show" } function should_power_discard_tc() { if (game.power === P_FRANCE && !set_has(FC_AMERICA) && !set_has(FC_INDIA)) return true // game.draw.length === 4 if (game.scenario === 1 && game.power === P_PRUSSIA) return true // game.draw.length === 2 return false } states.tactical_cards_discard = { prompt() { view.draw = game.draw prompt("Drew " + game.draw.length + " TCs. Discard one of them.") for (let c of game.draw) gen_action_card(c) }, card(c) { push_undo() log("Discarded 1 TC.") set_delete(game.draw, c) game.state = "tactical_cards_discard_done" }, } states.tactical_cards_discard_done = { prompt() { view.draw = game.draw prompt("Drew " + (game.draw.length+1) + " TCs. Discard one of them.") view.actions.end_cards = 1 }, end_cards() { end_tactical_cards() }, } states.tactical_cards_show = { prompt() { view.draw = game.draw prompt("Drew " + game.draw.length + " TCs.") view.actions.end_cards = 1 }, end_cards() { end_tactical_cards() }, } function end_tactical_cards() { for (let c of game.draw) set_add(game.hand[game.power], c) delete game.draw // MARIA: supply is before movement goto_movement() } /* TRANSFER TROOPS */ function count_stacked_take() { let n = 0 for (let p of game.selected) n += 8 - game.troops[p] return n } function count_unstacked_take() { let here = game.pos[game.selected[0]] let n = 0 for (let p of all_power_generals[game.power]) if (game.pos[p] === here && !set_has(game.selected, p)) n += 8 - game.troops[p] return n } function count_stacked_give() { let n = 0 for (let p of game.selected) n += game.troops[p] - 1 return n } function count_unstacked_give() { let here = game.pos[game.selected[0]] let n = 0 for (let p of all_power_generals[game.power]) if (game.pos[p] === here && !set_has(game.selected, p)) n += game.troops[p] - 1 return n } function take_troops(total) { let here = game.pos[game.selected[0]] let n = total for (let p of game.selected) { let x = Math.max(0, Math.min(n, 8 - game.troops[p])) game.troops[p] += x n -= x } n = total for (let p of all_power_generals_rev[game.power]) { if (game.pos[p] === here && !set_has(game.selected, p)) { let x = Math.max(0, Math.min(n, game.troops[p] - 1)) game.troops[p] -= x n -= x } } } function give_troops(total) { let here = game.pos[game.selected[0]] let n = total for (let p of all_power_generals[game.power]) { if (game.pos[p] === here && !set_has(game.selected, p)) { let x = Math.max(0, Math.min(n, 8 - game.troops[p])) game.troops[p] += x n -= x } } n = total for (let p of game.selected) { let x = Math.max(0, Math.min(n, game.troops[p] - 1)) game.troops[p] -= x n -= x } } /* MOVEMENT */ function goto_movement() { game.state = "movement" set_clear(game.moved) } function is_supreme_commander(p) { let s = game.pos[p] for (let other of all_generals) if (game.pos[other] === s) return other === p return false } states.movement = { prompt() { prompt("Move your generals and supply trains.") let pow = game.power for (let p of all_power_generals[pow]) if (!set_has(game.moved, p) && is_supreme_commander(p) && game.pos[p] < ELIMINATED) gen_action_piece(p) for (let p of all_power_trains[pow]) if (!set_has(game.moved, p) && game.pos[p] < ELIMINATED) gen_action_piece(p) view.actions.end_movement = 1 }, piece(p) { push_undo() game.selected = [ p ] let here = game.pos[p] for (let other of all_power_generals[game.power]) if (other > p && game.pos[other] === here) game.selected.push(other) game.count = 0 game.major = 1 if (is_supply_train(p)) game.state = "move_supply_train" else game.state = "move_general" }, end_movement() { push_undo() goto_recruit() }, } function has_any_piece(to) { for (let s of game.pos) if (s === to) return true return false } function has_friendly_supply_train(to) { for (let p of all_friendly_trains[game.power]) if (game.pos[p] === to) return true return false } function has_enemy_piece(to) { for (let p of all_enemy_generals[game.power]) if (game.pos[p] === to) return true for (let p of all_enemy_trains[game.power]) if (game.pos[p] === to) return true return false } function has_any_other_general(to) { for (let other of all_powers) if (other !== game.power) for (let p of all_power_generals[other]) if (game.pos[p] === to) return true return false } function count_pieces(to) { let n = 0 for (let s of game.pos) if (s === to) ++n return n } function can_move_general_to(to) { if (has_friendly_supply_train(to)) return false if (has_any_other_general(to)) return false if (game.selected.length + count_pieces(to) > 3) return false return true } states.move_supply_train = { prompt() { prompt("Move supply train.") view.selected = game.selected let who = game.selected[0] let here = game.pos[who] if (game.count < 2 + game.major) for (let next of data.cities.major_roads[here]) if (!has_any_piece(next)) gen_action_space(next) if (game.count < 2) for (let next of data.cities.roads[here]) if (!has_any_piece(next)) gen_action_space(next) if (game.count > 0) { gen_action_piece(who) view.actions.stop = 1 } }, piece(_) { this.stop() }, stop() { game.state = "movement" }, space(to) { let who = game.selected[0] let here = game.pos[who] log("P" + who + " to S" + to) if (!set_has(data.cities.major_roads[here], to)) game.major = 0 set_add(game.moved, who) game.pos[who] = to if (++game.count === 2 + game.major) game.state = "movement" }, } states.move_general = { prompt() { prompt("Move general.") view.selected = game.selected let who = game.selected[0] let here = game.pos[who] if (game.count === 0) { if (game.selected.length > 1) view.actions.detach = 1 else view.actions.detach = 0 let s_take = count_stacked_take() let s_give = count_stacked_give() let u_take = count_unstacked_take() let u_give = count_unstacked_give() if (s_take > 0 && u_give > 0) view.actions.take = 1 if (s_give > 0 && u_take > 0) view.actions.give = 1 } else { gen_action_piece(who) view.actions.stop = 1 } if (game.count < 3 + game.major) for (let next of data.cities.major_roads[here]) if (can_move_general_to(next)) gen_action_space_or_piece(next) if (game.count < 3) for (let next of data.cities.roads[here]) if (can_move_general_to(next)) gen_action_space_or_piece(next) }, take() { game.state = "move_take" }, give() { game.state = "move_give" }, detach() { game.state = "move_detach" }, piece(p) { if (p === game.selected[0]) this.stop() else this.space(game.pos[p]) }, stop() { for (let p of game.selected) set_add(game.moved, p) game.state = "movement" }, space(to) { let pow = game.power let who = game.selected[0] let from = game.pos[who] log("P" + who + " to S" + to) if (!set_has(data.cities.major_roads[from], to)) game.major = 0 // uniting stacks (flag all as moved) for (let p of game.selected) { set_add(game.moved, p) game.pos[p] = to } // uniting stacks (turn all oos if one is oos) let oos = false for (let p of all_power_generals[game.power]) if (game.pos[p] === to && is_out_of_supply(p)) oos = true if (oos) for (let p of all_power_generals[game.power]) if (game.pos[p] === to) set_out_of_supply(p) if (is_conquest_space(pow, from) && !set_has(game.conquest, from)) { if (is_protected_from_conquest(from)) { set_add(game.retro, from) } else { log("Conquered S" + from) set_add(game.conquest, from) } } if (is_reconquest_space(pow, from) && set_has(game.conquest, from)) { if (is_protected_from_reconquest(from)) { set_add(game.retro, from) } else { log("Reconquered S" + from) set_delete(game.conquest, from) } } for (let p of all_enemy_trains[pow]) { if (game.pos[p] === to) { log("Eliminate P" + p) game.pos[p] = ELIMINATED game.state = "movement" return } } for (let p of all_power_generals[pow]) { if (game.pos[p] === to && !set_has(game.selected, p)) { set_add(game.moved, p) game.state = "movement" return } } if (++game.count === 3 + game.major) { game.state = "movement" } }, } states.move_detach = { prompt() { prompt("Detach general.") for (let p of game.selected) gen_action_piece(p) }, piece(p) { set_delete(game.selected, p) game.state = "move_general" }, } states.move_take = { prompt() { prompt("Take troops from detached generals.") let take = count_stacked_take() let give = count_unstacked_give() let n = Math.min(take, give) view.actions.value = [] for (let i = 1; i <= n; ++i) view.actions.value.push(i) }, value(v) { take_troops(v) game.state = "move_general" }, } states.move_give = { prompt() { prompt("Give troops to detached generals.") let take = count_unstacked_take() let give = count_stacked_give() let n = Math.min(take, give) view.actions.value = [] for (let i = 1; i <= n; ++i) view.actions.value.push(i) }, value(v) { give_troops(v) game.state = "move_general" }, } /* RECRUITMENT */ function troop_cost() { if (game.re_enter !== undefined) return 8 return 6 } function has_available_depot() { for (let s of all_power_depots[game.power]) if (!has_enemy_piece(s)) return true return false } function goto_recruit() { push_undo() game.count = 0 // TODO: reveal too much if we skip recruitment phase? if (count_eliminated_trains() === 0 && count_used_troops() === max_power_troops(game.power)) { end_recruit() return } // if all depots have enemy pieces, choose ONE city in XXX sector and COST is 8 if (has_available_depot()) game.state = "recruit" else game.state = "re_enter_choose_city" } states.re_enter_choose_city = { prompt() { prompt("Choose city to re-enter troops.") for (let s of all_power_re_entry_cities[game.power]) if (!has_enemy_piece(s)) gen_action_space(s) }, space(s) { push_undo() game.re_enter = s game.state = "recruit" }, } states.recruit = { prompt() { let cost = troop_cost() let buy_amount = (game.count / cost) | 0 let n_troops = count_used_troops() let av_troops = max_power_troops(game.power) - n_troops let av_trains = count_eliminated_trains() if (av_trains === 0 && av_troops === 0) prompt(`Nothing to recruit. ${n_troops}/${max_power_troops(game.power)} troops.`) else prompt(`Recruit supply trains and/or troops. ${n_troops}/${max_power_troops(game.power)} troops. ${game.count} points.`) if (buy_amount < av_troops + av_trains) { for (let c of game.hand[game.power]) gen_action_card(c) } if (game.count >= cost) { if (av_troops > 0) for (let p of all_power_generals[game.power]) if (game.troops[p] < 8) gen_action_piece(p) if (av_trains > 0) for (let p of all_power_trains[game.power]) if (game.pos[p] === ELIMINATED) gen_action_piece(p) } // don't force buying a T if (buy_amount === 0 || av_troops === 0) view.actions.end_recruit = 1 }, card(c) { push_undo() log("Recruit with C" + c) array_remove_item(game.hand[game.power], c) game.count += is_reserve(c) ? 10 : to_value(c) }, piece(p) { push_undo() game.count -= troop_cost() if (game.pos[p] === ELIMINATED) { game.selected = [ p ] game.state = "re_enter" } else { game.troops[p]++ } }, end_recruit() { push_undo() end_recruit() }, } function end_recruit() { delete game.re_enter goto_combat() } function can_re_enter_general(s) { return can_move_general_to(s) } function can_re_enter_supply_train(s) { return !has_any_piece(s) } states.re_enter = { prompt() { prompt("Re-enter piece.") let p = game.selected[0] let can_re_enter_at = is_general(p) ? can_re_enter_general : can_re_enter_supply_train if (game.re_enter !== undefined) { if (can_re_enter_at(game.re_enter)) gen_action_space(game.re_enter) } else { for (let s of all_power_depots[game.power]) if (can_re_enter_at(s)) gen_action_space(s) } }, space(s) { let p = game.selected[0] log("Re-entered P" + p + " at S" + s + ".") game.pos[p] = s if (set_has(all_power_generals[game.power], p)) game.troops[p] = 1 game.selected = null game.state = "recruit" }, } /* COMBAT */ function goto_combat() { set_clear(game.moved) let from = [] let to = [] for (let p of all_power_generals[game.power]) if (game.pos[p] < ELIMINATED) set_add(from, game.pos[p]) for (let p of all_enemy_generals[game.power]) if (game.pos[p] < ELIMINATED) set_add(to, game.pos[p]) game.combat = [] for (let a of from) { for (let b of to) { if (set_has(data.cities.adjacent[a], b)) { game.combat.push(a) game.combat.push(b) } } } if (game.combat.length > 0) game.state = "combat" else goto_retroactive_conquest() } states.combat = { prompt() { prompt("Combat!") for (let i = 0; i < game.combat.length; i += 2) gen_action_supreme_commander(game.combat[i]) }, piece(p) { push_undo() game.attacker = game.pos[p] game.state = "combat_target" }, } states.combat_target = { prompt() { prompt("Choose enemy stack to fight.") for (let i = 0; i < game.combat.length; i += 2) if (game.combat[i] === game.attacker) gen_action_supreme_commander(game.combat[i+1]) }, piece(p) { push_undo() game.defender = game.pos[p] for (let i = 0; i < game.combat.length; i += 2) { if (game.combat[i] === game.attacker && game.combat[i+1] === game.defender) { array_remove_pair(game.combat, i) break } } goto_combat_play() }, } function set_active_attacker() { game.power = get_stack_power(game.attacker) game.active = current_player() } function set_active_defender() { game.power = get_stack_power(game.defender) game.active = current_player() } function goto_combat_play() { let a_troops = 0 let d_troops = 0 for (let p of all_generals) { if (game.pos[p] === game.attacker) a_troops += game.troops[p] if (game.pos[p] === game.defender) d_troops += game.troops[p] } log_br() let a = get_supreme_commander(game.attacker) let d = get_supreme_commander(game.defender) log(`P${a} (${a_troops}) at S${game.attacker}`) log(`P${d} (${d_troops}) at S${game.defender}`) game.count = a_troops - d_troops if (game.count <= 0) { set_active_attacker() game.state = "combat_attack" } else { set_active_defender() game.state = "combat_defend" } } function resume_combat_attack() { if (game.count >= 0) { set_active_defender() game.state = "combat_defend" } else { game.state = "combat_attack" } } function resume_combat_defend() { if (game.count <= 0) { set_active_attacker() game.state = "combat_attack" } else { game.state = "combat_defend" } } function gen_play_card(suit) { let has_suit = false for (let c of game.hand[game.power]) { let c_suit = to_suit(c) if (c_suit === suit) { has_suit = true gen_action_card(c) } else if (c_suit === RESERVE) gen_action_card(c) } return has_suit } states.combat_attack = { prompt() { prompt("Attack: " + game.count) view.selected = [ get_supreme_commander(game.attacker), get_supreme_commander(game.defender) ] let has_suit = gen_play_card(get_space_suit(game.attacker)) if (game.count === 0 && has_suit) view.actions.pass = 0 else view.actions.pass = 1 }, card(c) { array_remove_item(game.hand[game.power], c) let c_suit = to_suit(c) if (c_suit === RESERVE) { game.state = "combat_attack_reserve" } else { game.count += to_value(c) log(POWER_NAME[game.power] + " C" + c + " = " + (game.count)) resume_combat_attack() } }, pass() { resolve_combat() }, } states.combat_defend = { prompt() { prompt("Defend: " + (-game.count)) view.selected = [ get_supreme_commander(game.attacker), get_supreme_commander(game.defender) ] let has_suit = gen_play_card(get_space_suit(game.defender)) if (game.count === 0 && has_suit) view.actions.pass = 0 else view.actions.pass = 1 }, card(c) { array_remove_item(game.hand[game.power], c) let c_suit = to_suit(c) if (c_suit === RESERVE) { game.state = "combat_defend_reserve" } else { game.count -= to_value(c) log(POWER_NAME[game.power] + " C" + c + " = " + (game.count)) resume_combat_defend() } }, pass() { resolve_combat() }, } states.combat_attack_reserve = { prompt() { prompt("Attack: Choose value. " + game.count) view.selected = [ get_supreme_commander(game.attacker), get_supreme_commander(game.defender) ] view.actions.value = [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 ] }, value(v) { log(POWER_NAME[game.power] + " reserve " + v) game.count += v resume_combat_attack() }, } states.combat_defend_reserve = { prompt() { prompt("Defend: Choose value." + (-game.count)) view.selected = [ get_supreme_commander(game.attacker), get_supreme_commander(game.defender) ] view.actions.value = [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 ] }, value(v) { log(POWER_NAME[game.power] + " reserve " + v) game.count -= v resume_combat_defend() }, } function select_stack(s) { let list = [] for (let p of all_generals) if (game.pos[p] === s) list.push(p) return list } function resolve_combat() { if (game.count === 0) { log("Tie.") next_combat() } else if (game.count > 0) { set_active_attacker() game.selected = select_stack(game.defender) goto_retreat() } else { set_active_defender() game.selected = select_stack(game.attacker) goto_retreat() } } function next_combat() { log_br() set_active_current_power() game.count = 0 delete game.attacker delete game.defender if (game.combat.length > 0) game.state = "combat" else game.state = "combat_done" } states.combat_done = { prompt() { prompt("Combat done.") view.actions.end_combat = 1 }, end_combat() { goto_retroactive_conquest() }, } /* RETREAT */ function get_winner() { return game.count > 0 ? game.attacker : game.defender } function get_loser() { return game.count < 0 ? game.attacker : game.defender } function goto_retreat() { let hits = Math.abs(game.count) let winner = get_winner() let loser = get_loser() // no more fighting for the loser for (let i = game.combat.length - 2; i >= 0; i -= 2) if (game.combat[i] === loser || game.combat[i+1] === loser) array_remove_pair(game.combat, i) log("P" + get_supreme_commander(loser) + " lost " + hits + " troops.") // apply hits for (let i = game.selected.length - 1; i >= 0 && hits > 0; --i) { let p = game.selected[i] while (game.troops[p] > 1 && hits > 0) { --game.troops[p] --hits } } for (let i = game.selected.length - 1; i >= 0 && hits > 0; --i) { let p = game.selected[i] while (game.troops[p] > 0 && hits > 0) { --game.troops[p] --hits } } // remove eliminated generals for (let i = game.selected.length - 1; i >= 0 && hits > 0; --i) { let p = game.selected[i] if (game.troops[p] === 0) { log("P" + p + " eliminated.") game.pos[p] = ELIMINATED array_remove(game.selected, i) } } if (game.selected.length > 0) { game.retreat = search_retreat(loser, winner, Math.abs(game.count)) game.state = "retreat" } else { next_combat() } } // search distances from winner within retreat range function search_retreat_distance(from, range) { let seen = [ from, 0 ] let queue = [ from << 4 ] while (queue.length > 0) { let item = queue.shift() let here = item >> 4 let dist = (item & 15) + 1 for (let next of data.cities.adjacent[here]) { if (map_has(seen, next)) continue if (dist <= range) { map_set(seen, next, dist) queue.push((next << 4) | dist) } } } return seen } // search all possible retreat paths of given length function search_retreat_possible_dfs(result, seen, here, range) { for (let next of data.cities.adjacent[here]) { if (seen.includes(next)) continue if (has_any_piece(next)) continue if (range === 1) { set_add(result, next) } else { seen.push(next) search_retreat_possible_dfs(result, seen, next, range - 1) seen.pop() } } } function search_retreat_possible(from, range) { let result = [] search_retreat_possible_dfs(result, [from], from, range) return result } function search_retreat(loser, winner, range) { let distance = search_retreat_distance(winner, range + 1) let possible = search_retreat_possible(loser, range) let max = 0 for (let s of possible) { let d = map_get(distance, s, -1) if (d > max) max = d } let result = [] for (let s of possible) if (map_get(distance, s, -1) === max) result.push(s) return result } states.retreat = { prompt() { prompt("Retreat loser " + Math.abs(game.count)) view.selected = game.selected if (game.retreat.length === 0) { prompt("Eliminate loser.") gen_action_piece(game.selected[0]) } else { for (let to of game.retreat) gen_action_space(to) } }, space(to) { push_undo() log("Retreated to S" + to + ".") for (let p of game.selected) { game.pos[p] = to } delete game.retreat game.state = "retreat_done" // next_combat() }, piece(_) { push_undo() log("Eliminated.") for (let p of game.selected) game.pos[p] = ELIMINATED delete game.retreat game.state = "retreat_done" // next_combat() }, } states.retreat_done = { prompt() { prompt("Retreat done.") view.actions.next = 1 }, next() { next_combat() }, } /* RETRO-ACTIVE CONQUEST */ function goto_retroactive_conquest() { delete game.combat for (let s of game.retro) { if (is_conquest_space(game.power, s)) { if (!is_protected_from_conquest(s)) { log("Conquered S" + s) set_add(game.conquest, s) } } if (is_reconquest_space(game.power, s)) { if (!is_protected_from_reconquest(s)) { log("Reconquered S" + s) set_delete(game.conquest, s) } } } set_clear(game.retro) // MARIA: supply is before movement goto_supply() } /* SUPPLY */ function search_supply_bfs(from, range) { let seen = [ from ] let queue = [ from << 4 ] while (queue.length > 0) { let item = queue.shift() let here = item >> 4 let dist = (item & 15) + 1 for (let next of data.cities.adjacent[here]) { if (set_has(seen, next)) continue if (has_enemy_piece(next)) continue set_add(seen, next) if (dist < range) queue.push((next << 4) | dist) } } return seen } function search_supply(range) { for (let p of all_power_trains[game.power]) { let here = game.pos[p] if (here >= ELIMINATED) continue if (!game.supply) game.supply = search_supply_bfs(here, range) else set_add_all(game.supply, search_supply_bfs(here, range)) } } function is_out_of_supply(p) { return (game.oos & (1 << p)) !== 0 } function set_out_of_supply(p) { return game.oos |= (1 << p) } function set_in_supply(p) { return game.oos &= ~(1 << p) } function has_supply_line(p) { if (!game.supply) throw "SUPPLY NOT INITIALIZED" let s = game.pos[p] if (set_has(all_home_or_depot_cities[game.power], s)) return true if (game.supply && set_has(game.supply, s)) return true return false } function should_flip_generals() { for (let p of all_power_generals[game.power]) { if (game.pos[p] >= ELIMINATED) continue if (set_has(game.moved, p)) continue if (is_out_of_supply(p) || !has_supply_line(p)) return true } return false } function goto_supply() { set_clear(game.moved) search_supply(6) if (should_flip_generals()) game.state = "supply" else end_supply() } states.supply = { prompt() { prompt("Supply") for (let p of all_power_generals[game.power]) { if (game.pos[p] >= ELIMINATED) continue if (set_has(game.moved, p)) continue if (is_out_of_supply(p) || !has_supply_line(p)) gen_action_supreme_commander(game.pos[p]) } }, piece(x) { let s = game.pos[x] for (let p of all_power_generals[game.power]) { if (game.pos[p] === s) { set_add(game.moved, p) if (is_out_of_supply(p)) { set_in_supply(p) if (!has_supply_line(p)) { log("P" + p + " eliminated.") game.pos[p] = ELIMINATED } else { log("P" + p + " in supply.") } } else { log("P" + p + " out of supply.") set_out_of_supply(p) } } } if (!should_flip_generals()) game.state = "supply_done" }, } states.supply_done = { prompt() { prompt("Supply done.") view.actions.end_supply = 1 }, end_supply() { end_supply() }, } function end_supply() { set_clear(game.moved) delete game.supply end_action_stage() } /* CARDS OF FATE */ states.russia_quits_the_game_1 = { prompt() { prompt("Russia quits the game. Remove all Russian pieces.") for (let p of all_power_generals[P_RUSSIA]) gen_action_piece(p) for (let p of all_power_trains[P_RUSSIA]) gen_action_piece(p) }, piece(p) { game.pos[p] = REMOVED if (is_general(p)) game.troops[p] = 0 if (has_removed_all_pieces(P_RUSSIA)) game.state = "russia_quits_the_game_2" }, } states.russia_quits_the_game_2 = { prompt() { prompt("Russia quits the game. Retire one Prussian general.") for (let p of all_power_generals[game.power]) if (p !== GEN_FRIEDRICH && game.pos[p] < ELIMINATED) gen_action_piece(p) }, piece(p) { push_undo() retire_general(p) game.state = "russia_quits_the_game_3" }, } states.russia_quits_the_game_3 = { prompt() { prompt("Russia quits the game.") view.actions.done = 1 }, done() { remove_power_from_play(P_RUSSIA) resume_start_turn() }, } states.sweden_quits_the_game_1 = { prompt() { prompt("Sweden quits the game. Remove all Swedish pieces.") for (let p of all_power_generals[P_SWEDEN]) gen_action_piece(p) for (let p of all_power_trains[P_SWEDEN]) gen_action_piece(p) }, piece(p) { game.pos[p] = REMOVED if (is_general(p)) game.troops[p] = 0 if (has_removed_all_pieces(P_SWEDEN)) game.state = "sweden_quits_the_game_2" }, } states.sweden_quits_the_game_2 = { prompt() { prompt("Sweden quits the game. Retire one Prussian general.") for (let p of all_power_generals[game.power]) if (p !== GEN_FRIEDRICH && game.pos[p] < ELIMINATED) gen_action_piece(p) }, piece(p) { push_undo() retire_general(p) game.state = "sweden_quits_the_game_3" }, } states.sweden_quits_the_game_3 = { prompt() { prompt("Sweden quits the game.") view.actions.done = 1 }, done() { remove_power_from_play(P_SWEDEN) resume_start_turn() }, } states.france_quits_the_game_1 = { prompt() { prompt("France quits the game. Remove all French pieces.") for (let p of all_power_generals[P_FRANCE]) gen_action_piece(p) for (let p of all_power_trains[P_FRANCE]) gen_action_piece(p) }, piece(p) { game.pos[p] = REMOVED if (is_general(p)) game.troops[p] = 0 if (has_removed_all_pieces(P_FRANCE)) game.state = "france_quits_the_game_2" }, } states.france_quits_the_game_2 = { prompt() { prompt("France quits the game. Retire Cumberland.") gen_action_piece(GEN_CUMBERLAND) }, piece(p) { retire_general(p) remove_power_from_play(P_FRANCE) resume_start_turn() }, } /* SETUP */ const POWER_FROM_SETUP_STEP_4 = [ P_PRUSSIA, P_HANOVER, P_RUSSIA, P_SWEDEN, P_AUSTRIA, P_IMPERIAL, P_FRANCE, ] const POWER_FROM_SETUP_STEP_3 = [ P_PRUSSIA, P_HANOVER, P_RUSSIA, P_SWEDEN, P_FRANCE, P_AUSTRIA, P_IMPERIAL, ] function set_active_setup_power() { if (game.scenario === 3) game.power = POWER_FROM_SETUP_STEP_3[game.step] else game.power = POWER_FROM_SETUP_STEP_4[game.step] game.active = current_player() } const SETUP_POSITION = [ // P find_city("Oschatz"), find_city("Oschatz"), find_city("Berlin"), find_city("Strehlen"), find_city("Strehlen"), find_city("Brandenburg"), find_city("Arnswalde"), find_city("Mohrungen"), // H find_city("Stade"), find_city("Alfeld"), // R find_city("Bydgoszcz"), find_city("Bydgoszcz"), find_city("Łomża"), find_city("Sierpc"), // S find_city("Stralsund"), // A find_city("Brünn"), find_city("Melnik"), find_city("Melnik"), find_city("Olmütz"), find_city("Tabor"), // IA find_city("Hildburghausen"), // F find_city("Iserlohn"), find_city("Fulda"), find_city("Iserlohn"), // Supply Train find_city("Grünberg"), find_city("Jüterbog"), find_city("Gifhorn"), find_city("Toruń"), find_city("Warszawa"), find_city("Wismar"), find_city("Beraun"), find_city("Pardubitz"), find_city("Erlangen"), find_city("Gemünden"), find_city("Koblenz"), ] const SETUP_TROOPS = [ /* P (32) */ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, /* H (02) */ 0, 0, /* R (06) */ 0, 0, 0, 0, /* S (4) */ 4, /* A (30) */ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, /* IA (6) */ 6, /* F (20) */ 0, 0, 0, ] function make_fate_deck() { let deck = [] for (let i = 1; i <= 18; ++i) deck.push(i) shuffle_bigint(deck) return deck } function make_seeded_fate_deck() { let deck = [] for (let i = 1; i <= 18; ++i) { if (i === FC_ELISABETH || i === FC_POEMS || i === FC_AMERICA) continue deck.push(i) } shuffle_bigint(deck) let aside = [] for (let i = 0; i < 4; ++i) aside.push(deck.pop()) deck.push(FC_ELISABETH) deck.push(FC_POEMS) deck.push(FC_AMERICA) shuffle_bigint(deck) for (let i = 0; i < 4; ++i) deck.push(aside.pop()) return deck } function make_tactics_deck(n) { let deck = [] for (let suit = 0; suit <= 3; ++suit) for (let value = 2; value <= 13; ++value) deck.push((n << 7) | (suit << 4) | value) deck.push((n << 7) | (RESERVE << 4) | 2) deck.push((n << 7) | (RESERVE << 4) | 3) return deck } function make_tactics_discard(n) { return make_tactics_deck(n).filter(c => { if (game.draw && set_has(game.draw, c)) return false for (let pow of all_powers) if (set_has(game.hand[pow], c)) return false return true }) } exports.setup = function (seed, scenario, options) { game = { seed: seed, undo: [], log: [], scenario: 4, state: "setup", active: "Frederick", power: P_PRUSSIA, turn: 0, step: 0, clock: null, fate: [], deck: null, hand: [ [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ], pos: SETUP_POSITION.slice(), oos: 0, troops: SETUP_TROOPS.slice(), conquest: [], moved: [], retro: [], selected: [], count: 0, } game.scenario = SCENARIO_INDEX[scenario] if (options.seeded) game.clock = make_seeded_fate_deck() else game.clock = make_fate_deck() game.deck = make_tactics_deck(0) shuffle_bigint(game.deck) log("# " + scenario) if (game.scenario === 1) setup_the_war_in_the_west() if (game.scenario === 2) setup_the_austrian_theatre() return game } function remove_power_from_play(pow) { for (let p of all_power_generals[pow]) { game.pos[p] = REMOVED game.troops[p] = 0 } for (let p of all_power_trains[pow]) game.pos[p] = REMOVED for (let s of full_objective[pow]) set_delete(game.conquest, s) if (game.hand[pow].length > 0) log("Discarded " + game.hand[pow].length + " TCs.") game.hand[pow] = [] } function setup_the_war_in_the_west() { remove_power_from_play(P_RUSSIA) remove_power_from_play(P_SWEDEN) remove_power_from_play(P_AUSTRIA) remove_power_from_play(P_IMPERIAL) remove_power_from_play(P_PRUSSIA) game.pos[GEN_SEYDLITZ] = find_city("Brandenburg") game.troops[GEN_SEYDLITZ] = 3 game.pos[24] = find_city("Jüterbog") } function setup_the_austrian_theatre() { remove_power_from_play(P_HANOVER) remove_power_from_play(P_RUSSIA) remove_power_from_play(P_SWEDEN) remove_power_from_play(P_FRANCE) game.pos[5] = REMOVED game.pos[6] = REMOVED game.pos[7] = REMOVED } states.setup = { prompt() { prompt("Setup troops: " + count_used_troops() + " / " + max_power_troops(game.power)) let done = true for (let p of all_power_generals[game.power]) { if (game.pos[p] < ELIMINATED && game.troops[p] === 0) { if (is_supreme_commander(p)) { gen_action_piece(p) done = false } } } if (done) view.actions.end_setup = 1 }, piece(p) { push_undo() game.selected = select_stack(game.pos[p]) game.state = "setup_general" }, end_setup() { clear_undo() end_setup() }, } states.setup_general = { prompt() { prompt("Setup troops.") view.selected = game.selected let n_selected = game.selected.length let n_other = count_unused_generals() - game.selected.length let n_troops = max_power_troops(game.power) - count_used_troops() // leave at least 1 for each remaining general let take_max = Math.min(8 * n_selected, n_troops - n_other) // leave no more than 8 for each remaining general let take_min = Math.max(1 * n_selected, n_troops - n_other * 8) view.actions.value = [] for (let i = take_min; i <= take_max; ++i) view.actions.value.push(i) }, value(v) { let save = game.selected.length - 1 for (let p of game.selected) { let n = Math.min(8, v - save) game.troops[p] = n v -= n --save } game.selected = null game.state = "setup" }, } function end_setup() { if (++game.step === 7) { goto_start_turn() } else { set_active_setup_power() if (count_unused_generals() === 0) end_setup() } } /* VIEW */ function mask_troops(player) { let view_troops = [] for (let pow of all_powers) { if (player_from_power(pow) === player) { for (let p of all_power_generals[pow]) view_troops.push(game.troops[p]) } else { for (let p of all_power_generals[pow]) { let s = game.pos[p] if (game.attacker === s || game.defender === s) view_troops.push(game.troops[p]) else view_troops.push(0) } } } return view_troops } function mask_hand(player) { let view_hand = [] for (let pow of all_powers) { if (player_from_power(pow) === player) view_hand[pow] = game.hand[pow] else view_hand[pow] = game.hand[pow].map(c => c & ~127) } return view_hand } exports.view = function (state, player) { game = state view = { prompt: null, actions: null, log: game.log, fate: game.turn <= 5 ? game.turn : game.fate, pos: game.pos, oos: game.oos, conquest: game.conquest, troops: mask_troops(player), hand: mask_hand(player), power: game.power, retro: game.retro, } if (game.state === "game_over") { view.prompt = game.victory } else if (game.active !== player) { let inactive = states[game.state].inactive || game.state view.prompt = `Waiting for ${POWER_NAME[game.power]} to ${inactive}.` } else { view.actions = {} if (states[game.state]) states[game.state].prompt() else view.prompt = "Unknown state: " + game.state if (view.actions.undo === undefined) { if (game.undo && game.undo.length > 0) view.actions.undo = 1 else view.actions.undo = 0 } } return view } /* COMMON FRAMEWORK */ function goto_game_over(result, victory) { game.active = "None" game.state = "game_over" game.result = result game.victory = victory log("# Game Over") log(game.victory) return true } function prompt(str) { view.prompt = POWER_NAME[game.power] + ": " + str } exports.action = function (state, _player, action, arg) { game = state let S = states[game.state] if (S && action in S) { S[action](arg) } else { if (action === "undo" && game.undo && game.undo.length > 0) pop_undo() else throw new Error("Invalid action: " + action) } return game } function gen_action(action, argument) { if (view.actions[action] === undefined) view.actions[action] = [ argument ] else set_add(view.actions[action], argument) } function gen_action_piece(p) { gen_action("piece", p) } function gen_action_space(s) { gen_action("space", s) } function gen_action_supreme_commander(s) { let p = get_supreme_commander(s) if (p >= 0) gen_action_piece(p) } function gen_action_space_or_piece(s) { let p = get_top_piece(s) if (p >= 0) gen_action_piece(p) else gen_action_space(s) } function gen_action_card(c) { gen_action("card", c) } function log(msg) { game.log.push(msg) } function log_br() { if (game.log.length > 0 && game.log[game.log.length - 1] !== "") game.log.push("") } /* COMMON LIBRARY */ function clear_undo() { game.undo.length = 0 } function push_undo() { if (game.undo) { let copy = {} for (let k in game) { let v = game[k] if (k === "undo") continue else if (k === "log") v = v.length else if (typeof v === "object" && v !== null) v = object_copy(v) copy[k] = v } game.undo.push(copy) } } function pop_undo() { if (game.undo) { let save_log = game.log let save_undo = game.undo game = save_undo.pop() save_log.length = game.log game.log = save_log game.undo = save_undo } } function random_bigint(range) { // Largest MLCG that will fit its state in a double. // Uses BigInt for arithmetic, so is an order of magnitude slower. // https://www.ams.org/journals/mcom/1999-68-225/S0025-5718-99-00996-5/S0025-5718-99-00996-5.pdf // m = 2**53 - 111 return (game.seed = Number(BigInt(game.seed) * 5667072534355537n % 9007199254740881n)) % range } function shuffle_bigint(list) { // Fisher-Yates shuffle for (let i = list.length - 1; i > 0; --i) { let j = random_bigint(i + 1) let tmp = list[j] list[j] = list[i] list[i] = tmp } } // Fast deep copy for objects without cycles function object_copy(original) { if (Array.isArray(original)) { let n = original.length let copy = new Array(n) for (let i = 0; i < n; ++i) { let v = original[i] if (typeof v === "object" && v !== null) copy[i] = object_copy(v) else copy[i] = v } return copy } else { let copy = {} for (let i in original) { let v = original[i] if (typeof v === "object" && v !== null) copy[i] = object_copy(v) else copy[i] = v } return copy } } // Array remove and insert (faster than splice) function array_remove(array, index) { let n = array.length for (let i = index + 1; i < n; ++i) array[i - 1] = array[i] array.length = n - 1 } function array_remove_item(array, item) { let n = array.length for (let i = 0; i < n; ++i) if (array[i] === item) return array_remove(array, i) } function array_insert(array, index, item) { for (let i = array.length; i > index; --i) array[i] = array[i - 1] array[index] = item } function array_remove_pair(array, index) { let n = array.length for (let i = index + 2; i < n; ++i) array[i - 2] = array[i] array.length = n - 2 } function array_insert_pair(array, index, key, value) { for (let i = array.length; i > index; i -= 2) { array[i] = array[i-2] array[i+1] = array[i-1] } array[index] = key array[index+1] = value } // Set as plain sorted array function set_clear(set) { set.length = 0 } function set_has(set, item) { let a = 0 let b = set.length - 1 while (a <= b) { let m = (a + b) >> 1 let x = set[m] if (item < x) b = m - 1 else if (item > x) a = m + 1 else return true } return false } function set_add(set, item) { let a = 0 let b = set.length - 1 while (a <= b) { let m = (a + b) >> 1 let x = set[m] if (item < x) b = m - 1 else if (item > x) a = m + 1 else return } array_insert(set, a, item) } function set_delete(set, item) { let a = 0 let b = set.length - 1 while (a <= b) { let m = (a + b) >> 1 let x = set[m] if (item < x) b = m - 1 else if (item > x) a = m + 1 else { array_remove(set, m) return } } } function set_add_all(set, other) { for (let item of other) set_add(set, item) } function set_union(one, two) { let set = [] for (let item of one) set_add(set, item) for (let item of two) set_add(set, item) return set } function set_intersect(one, two) { let set = [] for (let item of one) if (set_has(two, item)) set_add(set, item) return set } // Map as plain sorted array of key/value pairs function map_has(map, key) { let a = 0 let b = (map.length >> 1) - 1 while (a <= b) { let m = (a + b) >> 1 let x = map[m<<1] if (key < x) b = m - 1 else if (key > x) a = m + 1 else return true } return false } function map_get(map, key, missing) { let a = 0 let b = (map.length >> 1) - 1 while (a <= b) { let m = (a + b) >> 1 let x = map[m<<1] if (key < x) b = m - 1 else if (key > x) a = m + 1 else return map[(m<<1)+1] } return missing } function map_set(map, key, value) { let a = 0 let b = (map.length >> 1) - 1 while (a <= b) { let m = (a + b) >> 1 let x = map[m<<1] if (key < x) b = m - 1 else if (key > x) a = m + 1 else { map[(m<<1)+1] = value return } } array_insert_pair(map, a<<1, key, value) }