"use strict" const R_FREDERICK = "Frederick" const R_ELISABETH = "Elisabeth" const R_MARIA_THERESA = "Maria Theresa" const R_POMPADOUR = "Pompadour" const SCENARIO_INDEX = { "4P": 4, "3P": 3, "The War in the West": 1, "The Austrian Theatre": 2, } const ROLE_NAME_1 = [ R_FREDERICK, R_POMPADOUR, ] const ROLE_NAME_2 = [ R_FREDERICK, R_MARIA_THERESA, ] const ROLE_NAME_3 = [ R_FREDERICK, R_ELISABETH, R_MARIA_THERESA, ] const ROLE_NAME_4 = [ R_FREDERICK, R_ELISABETH, R_MARIA_THERESA, R_POMPADOUR, ] exports.roles = function (scenario, _options) { let n = SCENARIO_INDEX[scenario] switch (n) { case 1: return ROLE_NAME_1 case 2: return ROLE_NAME_2 case 3: return ROLE_NAME_3 case 4: return ROLE_NAME_4 } return [ "Nobody" ] } exports.scenarios = Object.keys(SCENARIO_INDEX) /* DATA */ var game var view var states = {} const data = require("./data") function find_city(city) { let n = data.cities.name.length let x = -1 for (let c = 0; c < n; ++c) { if (data.cities.name[c] === city) { if (x < 0) x = c else throw "TWO CITIES: " + city } } if (x < 0) throw "CITY NOT FOUND: " + city return x } function find_city_list(names) { let list = [] for (let n of names) set_add(list, find_city(n)) return list } let suit_name = [ "\u2660", "\u2663", "\u2665", "\u2666", "\u2641" ] const P_PRUSSIA = 0 const P_HANOVER = 1 const P_RUSSIA = 2 const P_SWEDEN = 3 const P_AUSTRIA = 4 const P_IMPERIAL = 5 const P_FRANCE = 6 const POWER_NAME = [ "Prussia", "Hanover", "Russia", "Sweden", "Austria", "Imperial Army", "France" ] const SPADES = 0 const CLUBS = 1 const HEARTS = 2 const DIAMONDS = 3 const RESERVE = 4 // Strokes of Fate cards const FC_POEMS = 13 const FC_LORD_BUTE = 14 const FC_ELISABETH = 15 const FC_SWEDEN = 16 const FC_INDIA = 17 const FC_AMERICA = 18 const ELIMINATED = data.cities.name.length const REMOVED = ELIMINATED + 1 const max_power_troops_4 = [ 32, 12, 16, 4, 30, 6, 20 ] function max_power_troops(pow) { if (game.scenario === 1 && pow === P_PRUSSIA) return 3 if (game.scenario === 2 && pow === P_PRUSSIA) return 24 return max_power_troops_4[pow] } const all_powers = [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 ] const all_home_or_depot_cities = [ data.country.Prussia, data.country.Hanover, find_city_list([ "Sierpc", "Warszawa" ]), data.country.Sweden, data.country.Austria, set_union(data.country.Empire, data.country.Saxony), find_city_list([ "Hildburghausen" ]), find_city_list([ "Koblenz", "Gemünden" ]), ] const all_power_depots = [ find_city_list([ "Berlin" ]), find_city_list([ "Stade" ]), find_city_list([ "Sierpc", "Warszawa" ]), find_city_list([ "Stralsund" ]), find_city_list([ "Tabor", "Brünn" ]), find_city_list([ "Hildburghausen" ]), find_city_list([ "Koblenz", "Gemünden" ]), ] const MUNSTER_Y = data.cities.y[find_city("Munster")] const all_power_re_entry_cities = [ data.sectors.spades_berlin, data.sectors.diamonds_stade.filter(s => data.cities.y[s] < MUNSTER_Y), data.sectors.spades_warszawa, data.country.Sweden, set_intersect(data.sectors.diamonds_brunn, data.country.Austria), data.sectors.spades_south_of_hildburghausen, data.sectors.hearts_south_of_koblenz, ] const all_power_generals = [ /* P */ [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 ], /* H */ [ 8, 9 ], /* R */ [ 10, 11, 12, 13 ], /* S */ [ 14 ], /* A */ [ 15, 16, 17, 18, 19 ], /* I */ [ 20 ], /* F */ [ 21, 22, 23 ], ] const GEN_FRIEDRICH = 0 const GEN_SEYDLITZ = 5 const GEN_CUMBERLAND = 9 const all_power_generals_rev = all_power_generals.map(list => list.slice().reverse()) const all_power_trains = [ /* P */ [ 24, 25 ], /* H */ [ 26 ], /* R */ [ 27, 28 ], /* S */ [ 29 ], /* A */ [ 30, 31 ], /* I */ [ 32 ], /* F */ [ 33, 34 ], ] function is_general(p) { return p < 24 } const all_pieces = [ ...all_power_generals.flat(), ...all_power_trains.flat() ] const all_generals = [ ...all_power_generals.flat() ] const all_prussia_trains = [ ...all_power_trains[P_PRUSSIA], ...all_power_trains[P_HANOVER], ] const all_anti_prussia_trains = [ ...all_power_trains[P_RUSSIA], ...all_power_trains[P_SWEDEN], ...all_power_trains[P_AUSTRIA], ...all_power_trains[P_IMPERIAL], ...all_power_trains[P_FRANCE], ] const all_friendly_trains = [ all_prussia_trains, all_prussia_trains, all_anti_prussia_trains, all_anti_prussia_trains, all_anti_prussia_trains, all_anti_prussia_trains, all_anti_prussia_trains, ] const all_enemy_trains = [ all_anti_prussia_trains, all_anti_prussia_trains, all_prussia_trains, all_prussia_trains, all_prussia_trains, all_prussia_trains, all_prussia_trains, ] const all_prussia_generals = [ ...all_power_generals[P_PRUSSIA], ...all_power_generals[P_HANOVER], ] const all_anti_prussia_generals = [ ...all_power_generals[P_RUSSIA], ...all_power_generals[P_SWEDEN], ...all_power_generals[P_AUSTRIA], ...all_power_generals[P_IMPERIAL], ...all_power_generals[P_FRANCE], ] const all_enemy_generals = [ all_anti_prussia_generals, all_anti_prussia_generals, all_prussia_generals, all_prussia_generals, all_prussia_generals, all_prussia_generals, all_prussia_generals, ] function is_supply_train(p) { return p >= 24 } function to_deck(c) { return c >> 7 } function to_suit(c) { return (c >> 4) & 7 } function to_value(c) { return c & 15 } function is_reserve(c) { return to_suit(c) === RESERVE } /* OBJECTIVES */ const all_objectives = [] set_add_all(all_objectives, data.type.objective1_austria) set_add_all(all_objectives, data.type.objective2_austria) set_add_all(all_objectives, data.type.objective1_imperial) set_add_all(all_objectives, data.type.objective2_imperial) set_add_all(all_objectives, data.type.objective1_sweden) set_add_all(all_objectives, data.type.objective2_sweden) set_add_all(all_objectives, data.type.objective_france) set_add_all(all_objectives, data.type.objective_prussia) set_add_all(all_objectives, data.type.objective_russia) const protect_range = [] for (let s of all_objectives) make_protect_range(protect_range[s] = [], s, s, 3) function make_protect_range(result, start, here, range) { for (let next of data.cities.adjacent[here]) { if (next !== start) set_add(result, next) if (range > 1) make_protect_range(result, start, next, range - 1) } } const primary_objective = [ [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ] const secondary_objective = [ [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ] const protect = [ [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ] for (let s of data.type.objective_prussia) set_add(primary_objective[P_PRUSSIA], s) for (let s of data.type.objective_russia) set_add(primary_objective[P_RUSSIA], s) for (let s of data.type.objective1_sweden) set_add(primary_objective[P_SWEDEN], s) for (let s of data.type.objective2_sweden) set_add(secondary_objective[P_SWEDEN], s) for (let s of data.type.objective1_austria) set_add(primary_objective[P_AUSTRIA], s) for (let s of data.type.objective2_austria) set_add(secondary_objective[P_AUSTRIA], s) for (let s of data.type.objective1_imperial) set_add(primary_objective[P_IMPERIAL], s) for (let s of data.type.objective2_imperial) set_add(secondary_objective[P_IMPERIAL], s) for (let s of data.type.objective_france) set_add(primary_objective[P_FRANCE], s) const full_objective = [ set_union(primary_objective[0], secondary_objective[0]), set_union(primary_objective[1], secondary_objective[1]), set_union(primary_objective[2], secondary_objective[2]), set_union(primary_objective[3], secondary_objective[3]), set_union(primary_objective[4], secondary_objective[4]), set_union(primary_objective[5], secondary_objective[5]), set_union(primary_objective[6], secondary_objective[6]), ] function make_protect(power, country) { for (let s of all_objectives) if (set_has(country, s)) set_add(protect[power], s) } make_protect(P_PRUSSIA, data.country.Prussia) make_protect(P_PRUSSIA, data.country.Saxony) make_protect(P_HANOVER, data.country.Hanover) make_protect(P_AUSTRIA, data.country.Austria) function is_conquest_space(pow, s) { return set_has(full_objective[pow], s) } function is_reconquest_space(pow, s) { return set_has(protect[pow], s) } function is_protected_from_conquest(s) { for (let pow of all_powers) { if (set_has(protect[pow], s)) { let range = protect_range[s] for (let p of all_power_generals[pow]) if (set_has(range, game.pos[p])) return true if (pow === P_IMPERIAL) { for (let p of all_power_trains[pow]) if (set_has(range, game.pos[p])) return true } } } return false } function is_protected_from_reconquest(s) { for (let pow of all_powers) { if (set_has(full_objective[pow], s)) { let range = protect_range[s] for (let p of all_power_generals[pow]) if (set_has(range, game.pos[p])) return true if (pow === P_IMPERIAL) { for (let p of all_power_trains[pow]) if (set_has(range, game.pos[p])) return true } } } return false } /* STATE */ function turn_power_draw() { let n = 0 if (game.scenario === 1 && game.power === P_PRUSSIA) { if (set_has(game.fate, FC_LORD_BUTE) || set_has(game.fate, FC_POEMS)) return 1 return 2 } if (game.scenario === 2 && game.power === P_PRUSSIA) { n = 5 if (set_has(game.fate, FC_LORD_BUTE)) n -= 1 if (set_has(game.fate, FC_POEMS)) n -= 1 return n } switch (game.power) { case P_PRUSSIA: n = 7 if (set_has(game.fate, FC_LORD_BUTE)) n = Math.max(4, n - 2) if (set_has(game.fate, FC_POEMS)) n = Math.max(4, n - 2) break case P_HANOVER: n = 2 if (set_has(game.fate, FC_INDIA) && set_has(game.fate, FC_AMERICA)) n = 1 break case P_RUSSIA: n = 4 break case P_SWEDEN: n = 1 break case P_AUSTRIA: n = 5 if (set_has(game.fate, FC_INDIA) || set_has(game.fate, FC_AMERICA)) n = 4 break case P_IMPERIAL: n = 1 break case P_FRANCE: n = 4 if (set_has(game.fate, FC_INDIA) || set_has(game.fate, FC_AMERICA)) n = 4 break } return n } function has_power_dropped_out(pow) { if (game.scenario === 1) return pow !== P_PRUSSIA && pow !== P_HANOVER && pow !== P_FRANCE if (game.scenario === 2) return pow !== P_PRUSSIA && pow !== P_AUSTRIA && pow !== P_IMPERIAL switch (pow) { case P_RUSSIA: return has_russia_dropped_out() case P_SWEDEN: return has_sweden_dropped_out() case P_FRANCE: return has_france_dropped_out() } return false } function has_russia_dropped_out() { return set_has(game.fate, FC_ELISABETH) } function has_sweden_dropped_out() { return set_has(game.fate, FC_SWEDEN) } function has_france_dropped_out() { return set_has(game.fate, FC_INDIA) && set_has(game.fate, FC_AMERICA) } function has_imperial_army_switched_players() { return (has_russia_dropped_out() && has_sweden_dropped_out()) || has_france_dropped_out() } function has_removed_all_pieces(pow) { for (let p of all_power_generals[pow]) if (game.pos[p] !== REMOVED) return false for (let p of all_power_trains[pow]) if (game.pos[p] !== REMOVED) return false return true } function player_from_power(pow) { let role = null if (game.scenario === 2 && pow === P_IMPERIAL) return R_MARIA_THERESA switch (pow) { case P_PRUSSIA: case P_HANOVER: role = R_FREDERICK break case P_RUSSIA: case P_SWEDEN: role = R_ELISABETH break case P_AUSTRIA: role = R_MARIA_THERESA break case P_IMPERIAL: if (has_russia_dropped_out() && has_sweden_dropped_out()) role = R_ELISABETH else if (has_france_dropped_out()) role = R_POMPADOUR else role = R_MARIA_THERESA break case P_FRANCE: role = R_POMPADOUR break } if (game.scenario === 3 && role === R_POMPADOUR) role = R_ELISABETH return role } function current_player() { return player_from_power(game.power) } function get_top_piece(s) { for (let p of all_pieces) if (game.pos[p] === s) return p return -1 } function get_supreme_commander(s) { for (let p of all_generals) if (game.pos[p] === s) return p return -1 } function get_stack_power(s) { for (let pow of all_powers) for (let p of all_power_generals[pow]) if (game.pos[p] === s) return pow throw "IMPOSSIBLE" } function is_space_suit(s, ranges) { for (let [a, b] of ranges) if (s >= a && s <= b) return true return false } function get_space_suit(s) { if (s >= ELIMINATED) return SPADES if (is_space_suit(s, data.suit.spades)) return SPADES if (is_space_suit(s, data.suit.clubs)) return CLUBS if (is_space_suit(s, data.suit.hearts)) return HEARTS if (is_space_suit(s, data.suit.diamonds)) return DIAMONDS throw "IMPOSSIBLE" } function count_eliminated_trains() { let n = 0 for (let p of all_power_trains[game.power]) if (game.pos[p] === ELIMINATED) ++n return n } function count_used_troops() { let current = 0 for (let p of all_power_generals[game.power]) current += game.troops[p] return current } function count_unused_generals() { let n = 0 for (let p of all_power_generals[game.power]) if (game.pos[p] !== REMOVED && game.troops[p] === 0) ++n return n } function retire_general(p) { log("P" + p + " retired.") // save troops if possible let s = game.pos[p] let n = game.troops[p] game.pos[p] = REMOVED game.troops[p] = 0 if (s < ELIMINATED) { for (let p of all_power_generals[game.power]) { if (game.pos[p] === s) { let x = Math.min(n, 8 - game.troops[p]) game.troops[p] += x n -= x } } if (n > 0) log("Lost " + n + " troops.") } } /* SEQUENCE OF PLAY */ const POWER_FROM_ACTION_STEP = [ P_PRUSSIA, P_HANOVER, P_RUSSIA, P_SWEDEN, P_AUSTRIA, P_IMPERIAL, P_FRANCE, ] function set_active_current_power() { game.power = POWER_FROM_ACTION_STEP[game.step] game.active = current_player() } function goto_start_turn() { game.step = 0 // Check before drawing a fate card. if (check_victory()) return if (++game.turn <= 5) { log("# Turn " + game.turn) } else { // remove non-stroke of fate card from last turn for (let i = 1; i <= 12; ++i) set_delete(game.fate, i) let fc = game.clock.pop() let fs = get_space_suit(game.pos[game.vg]) if (fc > 12) { log("# " + strokes_of_fate_name[fc-13]) log("$" + (fc - 13 + 48)) game.fx = 0 } else { game.fx = (fc - 1) * 4 + fs log("# Card of Fate " + fc + suit_name[fs]) log("$" + game.fx) } set_add(game.fate, fc) // Check again in case of eased victory conditions. if (check_victory()) return // dropped out powers are virtual in 2p scenarios if (game.scenario === 1 || game.scenario === 2) { resume_start_turn() return } if (fc === FC_ELISABETH) { game.power = P_PRUSSIA game.active = current_player() game.state = "russia_quits_the_game_1" return } if (fc === FC_SWEDEN) { game.power = P_PRUSSIA game.active = current_player() game.state = "sweden_quits_the_game_1" return } if ((fc === FC_INDIA && set_has(game.fate, FC_AMERICA)) || (fc === FC_AMERICA && set_has(game.fate, FC_INDIA))) { game.power = P_HANOVER game.active = current_player() game.state = "france_quits_the_game_1" return } } resume_start_turn() } function resume_start_turn() { // MARIA: politics // MARIA: hussars goto_action_stage() } function goto_action_stage() { set_active_current_power() clear_undo() if (has_power_dropped_out(game.power)) { end_action_stage() return } log("=" + game.power) goto_tactical_cards() } function end_action_stage() { if (++game.step === 7) goto_end_of_turn() else goto_action_stage() } function goto_end_of_turn() { if (game.scenario === 1 || game.scenario === 2) { log("Imaginary player draws 5 TC.") for (let i = 0; i < 5; ++i) draw_next_tc() } goto_start_turn() } /* VICTORY */ function has_conquered_all_of(list) { for (let s of list) if (!set_has(game.conquest, s)) return false return true } function check_power_victory(victory, city_list, power) { if (has_conquered_all_of(city_list[power])) set_add(victory, power) } function check_victory_list(victory) { if (victory.length > 0) { goto_game_over( victory.map(player_from_power).join(", "), victory.map(p => POWER_NAME[p]).join(" and ") + " won." ) return true } else { return false } } function check_victory() { if (game.scenario === 1) return check_victory_the_war_in_the_west() if (game.scenario === 2) return check_victory_the_austrian_theatre() return check_victory_4() } function check_victory_the_war_in_the_west() { if (has_france_dropped_out()) { goto_game_over(R_FREDERICK, "Prussia won.") return true } if (has_conquered_all_of(full_objective[P_FRANCE])) { goto_game_over(R_POMPADOUR, "France won.") return true } return false } function check_victory_the_austrian_theatre() { if (has_russia_dropped_out() && has_sweden_dropped_out() && has_france_dropped_out()) { goto_game_over(R_FREDERICK, "Prussia won.") return true } let victory = [] check_power_victory(victory, full_objective, P_AUSTRIA) check_power_victory(victory, full_objective, P_IMPERIAL) check_power_victory(victory, full_objective, P_PRUSSIA) return check_victory_list(victory) } function check_victory_4() { // Prussian victory if (has_russia_dropped_out() && has_sweden_dropped_out() && has_france_dropped_out()) { goto_game_over(R_FREDERICK, "Prussia won.") return true } let victory = [] check_power_victory(victory, full_objective, P_RUSSIA) check_power_victory(victory, full_objective, P_FRANCE) if (has_russia_dropped_out()) { check_power_victory(victory, primary_objective, P_SWEDEN) } else { check_power_victory(victory, full_objective, P_SWEDEN) } if (has_imperial_army_switched_players()) { check_power_victory(victory, primary_objective, P_AUSTRIA) check_power_victory(victory, primary_objective, P_IMPERIAL) } else { check_power_victory(victory, full_objective, P_AUSTRIA) check_power_victory(victory, full_objective, P_IMPERIAL) } return check_victory_list(victory) } /* TACTICAL CARDS */ function find_largest_discard(u) { for (let i = 0; i < 5; ++i) if (u[i] <= u[0] && u[i] <= u[1] && u[i] <= u[2] && u[i] <= u[3] && u <= u[4]) return i throw "IMPOSSIBLE" } function next_tactics_deck() { let held = [ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ] // count cards in hands for (let pow of all_powers) { for (let c of game.hand[pow]) held[to_deck(c)]++ } if (game.draw) for (let c of game.draw) held[to_deck(c)]++ // find next unused deck for (let i = 1; i < 5; ++i) { if (held[i] === 0) { game.deck = make_tactics_deck(i) shuffle_bigint(game.deck) return } } log("Discards " + held.map(x=>50-x).join(", ")) log("Deck 1: " + make_tactics_discard(0).map(x=>"C"+x).join(" ")) log("Deck 2: " + make_tactics_discard(1).map(x=>"C"+x).join(" ")) log("Deck 3: " + make_tactics_discard(2).map(x=>"C"+x).join(" ")) log("Deck 4: " + make_tactics_discard(3).map(x=>"C"+x).join(" ")) log("Deck 5: " + make_tactics_discard(4).map(x=>"C"+x).join(" ")) // find two largest discard piles let a = find_largest_discard(held) if (held[a] === 50) return held[a] = 100 let b = find_largest_discard(held) log("Deck " + b + ": " + held[b]) if (held[b] === 50) return log("Shuffled new deck from discards " + (a+1) + " and " + (b+1) + ".") game.deck = [ make_tactics_discard(a), make_tactics_discard(b) ].flat() shuffle_bigint(game.deck) } function draw_next_tc() { if (game.deck.length === 0) next_tactics_deck() if (game.deck.length === 0) return -1 return game.deck.pop() } function goto_tactical_cards() { let n = turn_power_draw() game.draw = [] for (let i = 0; i < n; ++i) { let c = draw_next_tc() if (c >= 0) set_add(game.draw, c) } if (game.draw.length < n) log("Draw " + game.draw.length + " / " + n + " TC.") else log("Draw " + n + " TC.") if (should_power_discard_tc() && game.draw.length > 0) game.state = "tactical_cards_discard" else game.state = "tactical_cards_show" } function should_power_discard_tc() { if (game.power === P_FRANCE && !set_has(FC_AMERICA) && !set_has(FC_INDIA)) return game.draw.length === 4 if (game.scenario === 1 && game.power === P_PRUSSIA) return game.draw.length === 2 return false } function format_cards(list) { return list.map(c => to_value(c) + suit_name[to_suit(c)]).join(", ") } states.tactical_cards_discard = { prompt() { view.draw = game.draw prompt("Draw " + format_cards(game.draw) + ". Discard one of them.") for (let c of game.draw) gen_action_card(c) }, card(c) { push_undo() log("Discarded 1 TC.") set_delete(game.draw, c) game.state = "tactical_cards_discard_done" }, } states.tactical_cards_discard_done = { prompt() { view.draw = game.draw prompt("Draw " + format_cards(game.draw) + ".") view.actions.end_cards = 1 }, end_cards() { end_tactical_cards() }, } states.tactical_cards_show = { prompt() { view.draw = game.draw prompt("Draw " + format_cards(game.draw) + ".") view.actions.end_cards = 1 }, end_cards() { end_tactical_cards() }, } function end_tactical_cards() { for (let c of game.draw) set_add(game.hand[game.power], c) delete game.draw // MARIA: supply is before movement goto_movement() } /* TRANSFER TROOPS */ function count_stacked_take() { let n = 0 for (let p of game.selected) n += 8 - game.troops[p] return n } function count_unstacked_take() { let here = game.pos[game.selected[0]] let n = 0 for (let p of all_power_generals[game.power]) if (game.pos[p] === here && !set_has(game.selected, p)) n += 8 - game.troops[p] return n } function count_stacked_give() { let n = 0 for (let p of game.selected) n += game.troops[p] - 1 return n } function count_unstacked_give() { let here = game.pos[game.selected[0]] let n = 0 for (let p of all_power_generals[game.power]) if (game.pos[p] === here && !set_has(game.selected, p)) n += game.troops[p] - 1 return n } function take_troops(total) { let here = game.pos[game.selected[0]] let n = total for (let p of game.selected) { let x = Math.max(0, Math.min(n, 8 - game.troops[p])) game.troops[p] += x n -= x } n = total for (let p of all_power_generals_rev[game.power]) { if (game.pos[p] === here && !set_has(game.selected, p)) { let x = Math.max(0, Math.min(n, game.troops[p] - 1)) game.troops[p] -= x n -= x } } } function give_troops(total) { let here = game.pos[game.selected[0]] let n = total for (let p of all_power_generals[game.power]) { if (game.pos[p] === here && !set_has(game.selected, p)) { let x = Math.max(0, Math.min(n, 8 - game.troops[p])) game.troops[p] += x n -= x } } n = total for (let p of game.selected) { let x = Math.max(0, Math.min(n, game.troops[p] - 1)) game.troops[p] -= x n -= x } } /* MOVEMENT */ function goto_movement() { game.state = "movement" set_clear(game.moved) } function is_supreme_commander(p) { let s = game.pos[p] for (let other of all_generals) if (game.pos[other] === s) return other === p return false } states.movement = { prompt() { prompt("Move your generals and supply trains.") let pow = game.power for (let p of all_power_generals[pow]) if (!set_has(game.moved, p) && is_supreme_commander(p) && game.pos[p] < ELIMINATED) gen_action_piece(p) for (let p of all_power_trains[pow]) if (!set_has(game.moved, p) && game.pos[p] < ELIMINATED) gen_action_piece(p) view.actions.end_movement = 1 }, piece(p) { push_undo() game.selected = [ p ] let here = game.pos[p] for (let other of all_power_generals[game.power]) if (other > p && game.pos[other] === here) game.selected.push(other) game.count = 0 game.major = 1 if (is_supply_train(p)) resume_move_supply_train() else resume_move_general() }, end_movement() { push_undo() goto_recruit() }, } function has_any_piece(to) { for (let s of game.pos) if (s === to) return true return false } function has_friendly_supply_train(to) { for (let p of all_friendly_trains[game.power]) if (game.pos[p] === to) return true return false } function has_enemy_supply_train(to) { for (let p of all_enemy_trains[game.power]) if (game.pos[p] === to) return true return false } function has_enemy_piece(to) { for (let p of all_enemy_generals[game.power]) if (game.pos[p] === to) return true for (let p of all_enemy_trains[game.power]) if (game.pos[p] === to) return true return false } function has_any_other_general(to) { for (let other of all_powers) if (other !== game.power) for (let p of all_power_generals[other]) if (game.pos[p] === to) return true return false } function has_own_general(to) { for (let p of all_power_generals[game.power]) if (game.pos[p] === to) return true return false } function count_pieces(to) { let n = 0 for (let s of game.pos) if (s === to) ++n return n } function can_move_train_to(to) { return !has_any_piece(to) } function can_continue_train_from(_) { return true } function can_move_general_to(to) { if (has_friendly_supply_train(to)) return false if (has_any_other_general(to)) return false if (game.selected.length + count_pieces(to) > 3) return false return true } function can_continue_general_from(from) { if (has_enemy_supply_train(from)) return false if (has_own_general(from)) return false return true } function search_move(from, range, road_type, can_move_to, can_continue_from) { let seen = [ from, -1 ] let queue = [ from << 4 ] while (queue.length > 0) { let item = queue.shift() let here = item >> 4 let dist = (item & 15) + 1 for (let next of data.cities[road_type][here]) { if (map_has(seen, next)) continue if (!can_move_to(next)) continue if (dist <= range) { map_set(seen, next, here) if (can_continue_from(next)) queue.push((next << 4) | dist) } } } return seen } function resume_move_supply_train() { if (game.count === 2 + game.major) { game.state = "movement" delete game.move_major delete game.move_minor } else { let here = game.pos[game.selected[0]] game.state = "move_supply_train" if (game.major && game.count < 3) game.move_major = search_move(here, 3 - game.count, "major_roads", can_move_train_to, can_continue_train_from) else game.move_major = [] if (game.count < 2) game.move_minor = search_move(here, 2 - game.count, "adjacent", can_move_train_to, can_continue_train_from) else game.move_minor = [] } } function resume_move_general() { if (game.count === 3 + game.major) { game.state = "movement" delete game.move_major delete game.move_minor } else { let here = game.pos[game.selected[0]] game.state = "move_general" if (game.major && game.count < 4) game.move_major = search_move(here, 4 - game.count, "major_roads", can_move_general_to, can_continue_general_from) else game.move_major = [] if (game.count < 3) game.move_minor = search_move(here, 3 - game.count, "adjacent", can_move_general_to, can_continue_general_from) else game.move_minor = [] } } function move_general_to(to) { let pow = game.power let who = game.selected[0] let from = game.pos[who] let stop = false for (let p of game.selected) { set_add(game.moved, p) game.pos[p] = to } // uniting stacks (turn all oos if one is oos) let oos = false for (let p of all_power_generals[game.power]) if (game.pos[p] === to && is_out_of_supply(p)) oos = true if (oos) for (let p of all_power_generals[game.power]) if (game.pos[p] === to) set_out_of_supply(p) // conquer space if (is_conquest_space(pow, from) && !set_has(game.conquest, from)) { if (is_protected_from_conquest(from)) { set_add(game.retro, from) } else { log("Conquered S" + from) set_add(game.conquest, from) } } // re-conquer space if (is_reconquest_space(pow, from) && set_has(game.conquest, from)) { if (is_protected_from_reconquest(from)) { set_add(game.retro, from) } else { log("Reconquered S" + from) set_delete(game.conquest, from) } } // eliminate supply train for (let p of all_enemy_trains[pow]) { if (game.pos[p] === to) { log("Eliminate P" + p) game.pos[p] = ELIMINATED stop = true } } // uniting stacks: flag all as moved and stop moving for (let p of all_power_generals[pow]) { if (game.pos[p] === to && !set_has(game.selected, p)) { set_add(game.moved, p) stop = true } } return stop } states.move_supply_train_NEW = { prompt() { prompt("Move supply train.") view.selected = game.selected let who = game.selected[0] let here = game.pos[who] if (game.move_major) map_for_each_key(game.move_major, s => { if (s !== here) gen_action_space(s) }) if (game.move_minor) map_for_each_key(game.move_minor, s => { if (s !== here) gen_action_space(s) }) view.move_major = game.move_major view.move_minor = game.move_minor /* if (game.count < 2 + game.major) for (let next of data.cities.major_roads[here]) if (!has_any_piece(next)) gen_action_space(next) if (game.count < 2) for (let next of data.cities.roads[here]) if (!has_any_piece(next)) gen_action_space(next) */ if (game.count > 0) { gen_action_piece(who) view.actions.stop = 1 } }, piece(_) { this.stop() }, stop() { game.state = "movement" delete game.move_major delete game.move_minor }, space(to) { let who = game.selected[0] set_add(game.moved, who) game.pos[who] = to log("P" + who + " to S" + to) let m = map_get(game.move_major, to, 0) if (m > 0) { while (m > 0) { // TODO: reverse log(">S" + m) m = map_get(game.move_major, m) ++ game.count } } else { m = map_get(game.move_minor, to, 0) while (m > 0) { // TODO: reverse log(">S" + m) m = map_get(game.move_minor, m) ++ game.count } game.major = 0 } resume_move_supply_train() }, } states.move_supply_train_OLD = { prompt() { prompt("Move supply train.") view.selected = game.selected let who = game.selected[0] let here = game.pos[who] if (game.count < 2 + game.major) for (let next of data.cities.major_roads[here]) if (!has_any_piece(next)) gen_action_space(next) if (game.count < 2) for (let next of data.cities.roads[here]) if (!has_any_piece(next)) gen_action_space(next) if (game.count > 0) { gen_action_piece(who) view.actions.stop = 1 } }, piece(_) { this.stop() }, stop() { game.state = "movement" delete game.move_major delete game.move_minor }, space(to) { let who = game.selected[0] let here = game.pos[who] log("P" + who + " to S" + to) if (!set_has(data.cities.major_roads[here], to)) game.major = 0 set_add(game.moved, who) game.pos[who] = to if (++game.count === 2 + game.major) game.state = "movement" }, } states.move_general_NEW = { prompt() { prompt("Move general.") view.selected = game.selected let who = game.selected[0] let here = game.pos[who] if (game.count === 0) { if (game.selected.length > 1) view.actions.detach = 1 else view.actions.detach = 0 let s_take = count_stacked_take() let s_give = count_stacked_give() let u_take = count_unstacked_take() let u_give = count_unstacked_give() if (s_take > 0 && u_give > 0) view.actions.take = 1 if (s_give > 0 && u_take > 0) view.actions.give = 1 } else { gen_action_piece(who) view.actions.stop = 1 } view.move_major = game.move_major view.move_minor = game.move_minor if (game.move_major) map_for_each_key(game.move_major, s => { if (s !== here) gen_action_space_or_piece(s) }) if (game.move_minor) map_for_each_key(game.move_minor, s => { if (s !== here) gen_action_space_or_piece(s) }) }, take() { game.state = "move_take" }, give() { game.state = "move_give" }, detach() { game.state = "move_detach" }, piece(p) { if (p === game.selected[0]) this.stop() else this.space(game.pos[p]) }, stop() { for (let p of game.selected) set_add(game.moved, p) game.state = "movement" delete game.move_major delete game.move_minor }, space(to) { let who = game.selected[0] let path = [ to ] let m = map_get(game.move_major, to, -1) if (m >= 0) { while (m >= 0) { path.unshift(m) m = map_get(game.move_major, m, -1) ++game.count } } else { m = map_get(game.move_minor, to, -1) while (m >= 0) { path.unshift(m) m = map_get(game.move_minor, m, -1) ++game.count } game.major = 0 } log("P" + who + " " + path.map(s => "S" + s).join(" > ")) let stop = false path.shift() // skip start space for (let s of path) stop ||= move_general_to(s) if (stop) this.stop() else resume_move_general() }, } states.move_general_OLD = { prompt() { prompt("Move general.") view.selected = game.selected let who = game.selected[0] let here = game.pos[who] if (game.count === 0) { if (game.selected.length > 1) view.actions.detach = 1 else view.actions.detach = 0 let s_take = count_stacked_take() let s_give = count_stacked_give() let u_take = count_unstacked_take() let u_give = count_unstacked_give() if (s_take > 0 && u_give > 0) view.actions.take = 1 if (s_give > 0 && u_take > 0) view.actions.give = 1 } else { gen_action_piece(who) view.actions.stop = 1 } if (game.count < 3 + game.major) for (let next of data.cities.major_roads[here]) if (can_move_general_to(next)) gen_action_space_or_piece(next) if (game.count < 3) for (let next of data.cities.roads[here]) if (can_move_general_to(next)) gen_action_space_or_piece(next) }, take() { game.state = "move_take" }, give() { game.state = "move_give" }, detach() { game.state = "move_detach" }, piece(p) { if (p === game.selected[0]) this.stop() else this.space(game.pos[p]) }, stop() { for (let p of game.selected) set_add(game.moved, p) game.state = "movement" delete game.move_major delete game.move_minor }, space(to) { let who = game.selected[0] let from = game.pos[who] log("P" + who + " to S" + to) if (!set_has(data.cities.major_roads[from], to)) game.major = 0 if (move_general_to(to) || ++game.count === 3 + game.major) game.state = "movement" }, } states.move_general = states.move_general_OLD states.move_supply_train = states.move_supply_train_OLD //states.move_general = states.move_general_NEW //states.move_supply_train = states.move_supply_train_NEW states.move_detach = { prompt() { prompt("Detach general.") for (let p of game.selected) gen_action_piece(p) }, piece(p) { set_delete(game.selected, p) game.state = "move_general" }, } states.move_take = { prompt() { prompt("Take troops from detached generals.") let take = count_stacked_take() let give = count_unstacked_give() let n = Math.min(take, give) view.actions.value = [] for (let i = 1; i <= n; ++i) view.actions.value.push(i) }, value(v) { take_troops(v) game.state = "move_general" }, } states.move_give = { prompt() { prompt("Give troops to detached generals.") let take = count_unstacked_take() let give = count_stacked_give() let n = Math.min(take, give) view.actions.value = [] for (let i = 1; i <= n; ++i) view.actions.value.push(i) }, value(v) { give_troops(v) game.state = "move_general" }, } /* RECRUITMENT */ function troop_cost() { if (game.re_enter !== undefined) return 8 return 6 } function has_available_depot() { for (let s of all_power_depots[game.power]) if (!has_enemy_piece(s)) return true return false } function goto_recruit() { push_undo() game.count = 0 // TODO: reveal too much if we skip recruitment phase? if (count_eliminated_trains() === 0 && count_used_troops() === max_power_troops(game.power)) { end_recruit() return } // if all depots have enemy pieces, choose ONE city in XXX sector and COST is 8 if (has_available_depot()) game.state = "recruit" else game.state = "re_enter_choose_city" } states.re_enter_choose_city = { prompt() { prompt("Choose city to re-enter troops.") for (let s of all_power_re_entry_cities[game.power]) if (!has_enemy_piece(s)) gen_action_space(s) }, space(s) { push_undo() game.re_enter = s game.state = "recruit" }, } states.recruit = { prompt() { let cost = troop_cost() let buy_amount = (game.count / cost) | 0 let n_troops = count_used_troops() let av_troops = max_power_troops(game.power) - n_troops let av_trains = count_eliminated_trains() if (av_trains === 0 && av_troops === 0) prompt(`Nothing to recruit. ${n_troops}/${max_power_troops(game.power)} troops.`) else prompt(`Recruit supply trains and/or troops. ${n_troops}/${max_power_troops(game.power)} troops. ${game.count} points.`) if (buy_amount < av_troops + av_trains) { for (let c of game.hand[game.power]) gen_action_card(c) } if (game.count >= cost) { if (av_troops > 0) for (let p of all_power_generals[game.power]) if (game.troops[p] < 8) gen_action_supreme_commander(game.pos[p]) if (av_trains > 0) for (let p of all_power_trains[game.power]) if (game.pos[p] === ELIMINATED) gen_action_piece(p) } // don't force buying a T if (buy_amount === 0 || av_troops === 0) view.actions.end_recruit = 1 }, card(c) { push_undo() log("Recruit with C" + c) array_remove_item(game.hand[game.power], c) game.count += is_reserve(c) ? 10 : to_value(c) }, piece(p) { push_undo() game.count -= troop_cost() if (game.pos[p] === ELIMINATED) { game.selected = [ p ] game.state = "re_enter" } else { for (let x of all_power_generals[game.power]) { if (game.pos[x] === game.pos[p] && game.troops[x] < 8) { game.troops[x] ++ break } } } }, end_recruit() { push_undo() end_recruit() }, } function end_recruit() { delete game.re_enter goto_combat() } function can_re_enter_general(s) { return can_move_general_to(s) } function can_re_enter_supply_train(s) { return !has_any_piece(s) } states.re_enter = { prompt() { prompt("Re-enter piece.") let p = game.selected[0] let can_re_enter_at = is_general(p) ? can_re_enter_general : can_re_enter_supply_train if (game.re_enter !== undefined) { if (can_re_enter_at(game.re_enter)) gen_action_space(game.re_enter) } else { for (let s of all_power_depots[game.power]) if (can_re_enter_at(s)) gen_action_space(s) } }, space(s) { let p = game.selected[0] log("Re-entered P" + p + " at S" + s + ".") game.pos[p] = s if (set_has(all_power_generals[game.power], p)) game.troops[p] = 1 game.selected = null game.state = "recruit" }, } /* COMBAT */ function goto_combat() { set_clear(game.moved) let from = [] let to = [] for (let p of all_power_generals[game.power]) if (game.pos[p] < ELIMINATED) set_add(from, game.pos[p]) for (let p of all_enemy_generals[game.power]) if (game.pos[p] < ELIMINATED) set_add(to, game.pos[p]) game.combat = [] for (let a of from) { for (let b of to) { if (set_has(data.cities.adjacent[a], b)) { game.combat.push(a) game.combat.push(b) } } } if (game.combat.length > 0) game.state = "combat" else goto_retroactive_conquest() } states.combat = { prompt() { prompt("Combat!") for (let i = 0; i < game.combat.length; i += 2) gen_action_supreme_commander(game.combat[i]) }, piece(p) { push_undo() game.attacker = game.pos[p] game.state = "combat_target" }, } states.combat_target = { prompt() { prompt("Choose enemy stack to fight.") for (let i = 0; i < game.combat.length; i += 2) if (game.combat[i] === game.attacker) gen_action_supreme_commander(game.combat[i+1]) }, piece(p) { clear_undo() game.defender = game.pos[p] for (let i = 0; i < game.combat.length; i += 2) { if (game.combat[i] === game.attacker && game.combat[i+1] === game.defender) { array_remove_pair(game.combat, i) break } } goto_combat_play() }, } function set_active_attacker() { game.power = get_stack_power(game.attacker) game.active = current_player() } function set_active_defender() { game.power = get_stack_power(game.defender) game.active = current_player() } function goto_combat_play() { let a_troops = 0 let d_troops = 0 for (let p of all_generals) { if (game.pos[p] === game.attacker) a_troops += game.troops[p] if (game.pos[p] === game.defender) d_troops += game.troops[p] } log_br() let a = get_supreme_commander(game.attacker) let d = get_supreme_commander(game.defender) log(`P${a} (${a_troops}) at S${game.attacker}`) log(`P${d} (${d_troops}) at S${game.defender}`) game.count = a_troops - d_troops if (game.count <= 0) { set_active_attacker() game.state = "combat_attack" } else { set_active_defender() game.state = "combat_defend" } } function resume_combat_attack() { if (game.count >= 0) { //set_active_defender() //game.state = "combat_defend" game.state = "combat_attack_swap" } else { game.state = "combat_attack" } } function resume_combat_defend() { if (game.count <= 0) { //set_active_attacker() //game.state = "combat_attack" game.state = "combat_defend_swap" } else { game.state = "combat_defend" } } function gen_play_card(suit) { let has_suit = false for (let c of game.hand[game.power]) { let c_suit = to_suit(c) if (c_suit === suit) { has_suit = true gen_action_card(c) } else if (c_suit === RESERVE) gen_action_card(c) } return has_suit } states.combat_attack = { prompt() { prompt("Attack: " + game.count) view.selected = [ get_supreme_commander(game.attacker) ] let has_suit = gen_play_card(get_space_suit(game.attacker)) if (game.count === 0 && has_suit) view.actions.pass = 0 else view.actions.pass = 1 }, card(c) { push_undo() array_remove_item(game.hand[game.power], c) let c_suit = to_suit(c) if (c_suit === RESERVE) { game.state = "combat_attack_reserve" } else { game.count += to_value(c) log(POWER_NAME[game.power] + " C" + c + " = " + (game.count)) resume_combat_attack() } }, pass() { clear_undo() resolve_combat() }, } states.combat_defend = { prompt() { prompt("Defend: " + (-game.count)) view.selected = [ get_supreme_commander(game.defender) ] let has_suit = gen_play_card(get_space_suit(game.defender)) if (game.count === 0 && has_suit) view.actions.pass = 0 else view.actions.pass = 1 }, card(c) { push_undo() array_remove_item(game.hand[game.power], c) let c_suit = to_suit(c) if (c_suit === RESERVE) { game.state = "combat_defend_reserve" } else { game.count -= to_value(c) log(POWER_NAME[game.power] + " C" + c + " = " + (game.count)) resume_combat_defend() } }, pass() { clear_undo() resolve_combat() }, } states.combat_attack_reserve = { prompt() { prompt("Attack: Choose value. " + game.count) view.selected = [ get_supreme_commander(game.attacker)] view.actions.value = [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 ] }, value(v) { log(POWER_NAME[game.power] + " reserve " + v) game.count += v resume_combat_attack() }, } states.combat_defend_reserve = { prompt() { prompt("Defend: Choose value." + (-game.count)) view.selected = [ get_supreme_commander(game.defender) ] view.actions.value = [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 ] }, value(v) { log(POWER_NAME[game.power] + " reserve " + v) game.count -= v resume_combat_defend() }, } states.combat_attack_swap = { prompt() { prompt("Attack: " + game.count) view.selected = [ get_supreme_commander(game.attacker) ] view.actions.next = 1 }, next() { clear_undo() set_active_defender() game.state = "combat_defend" }, } states.combat_defend_swap = { prompt() { prompt("Defend: " + (-game.count)) view.selected = [ get_supreme_commander(game.defender) ] view.actions.next = 1 }, next() { clear_undo() set_active_attacker() game.state = "combat_attack" }, } function select_stack(s) { let list = [] for (let p of all_generals) if (game.pos[p] === s) list.push(p) return list } function resolve_combat() { if (game.count === 0) { log("Tie.") next_combat() } else if (game.count > 0) { game.vg = get_supreme_commander(game.attacker) game.selected = select_stack(game.defender) goto_retreat() } else { game.vg = get_supreme_commander(game.defender) game.selected = select_stack(game.attacker) goto_retreat() } } function next_combat() { clear_undo() log_br() set_active_current_power() game.count = 0 delete game.attacker delete game.defender if (game.combat.length > 0) game.state = "combat" else game.state = "combat_done" } states.combat_done = { prompt() { prompt("Combat done.") view.actions.end_combat = 1 }, end_combat() { goto_retroactive_conquest() }, } /* RETREAT */ function get_winner() { return game.count > 0 ? game.attacker : game.defender } function get_loser() { return game.count < 0 ? game.attacker : game.defender } function set_active_winner() { if (game.count > 0) set_active_attacker() else set_active_defender() } function goto_retreat() { let hits = Math.abs(game.count) let loser = get_loser() // no more fighting for the loser for (let i = game.combat.length - 2; i >= 0; i -= 2) if (game.combat[i] === loser || game.combat[i+1] === loser) array_remove_pair(game.combat, i) log("P" + get_supreme_commander(loser) + " lost " + hits + " troops.") // apply hits for (let i = game.selected.length - 1; i >= 0 && hits > 0; --i) { let p = game.selected[i] while (game.troops[p] > 1 && hits > 0) { --game.troops[p] --hits } } for (let i = game.selected.length - 1; i >= 0 && hits > 0; --i) { let p = game.selected[i] while (game.troops[p] > 0 && hits > 0) { --game.troops[p] --hits } } resume_retreat() } function resume_retreat() { // eliminate generals with no more hits for (let p of game.selected) { if (game.troops[p] === 0) { game.state = "retreat_eliminate_hits" return } } // retreat remaining generals if (game.selected.length > 0) { game.retreat = search_retreat(get_loser(), get_winner(), Math.abs(game.count)) if (game.retreat.length > 0) { // victor chooses retreat destination set_active_winner() game.state = "retreat" } else { // eliminate if there are no retreat possibilities delete game.retreat game.state = "retreat_eliminate_trapped" } return } // no retreat if generals wiped out next_combat() } states.retreat_eliminate_hits = { prompt() { prompt("Eliminate generals without troops.") // remove eliminated generals for (let p of game.selected) if (game.troops[p] === 0) gen_action_piece(p) }, piece(p) { log("P" + p + " eliminated.") game.pos[p] = ELIMINATED set_delete(game.selected, p) resume_retreat() }, } states.retreat_eliminate_trapped = { prompt() { prompt("Eliminate generals without a retreat path.") for (let p of game.selected) gen_action_piece(p) }, piece(_) { log("Trapped.") for (let p of game.selected) { game.pos[p] = ELIMINATED game.troops[p] = 0 } next_combat() }, } // search distances from winner within retreat range function search_retreat_distance(from, range) { let seen = [ from, 0 ] let queue = [ from << 4 ] while (queue.length > 0) { let item = queue.shift() let here = item >> 4 let dist = (item & 15) + 1 for (let next of data.cities.adjacent[here]) { if (map_has(seen, next)) continue if (dist <= range) { map_set(seen, next, dist) queue.push((next << 4) | dist) } } } return seen } // search all possible retreat paths of given length function search_retreat_possible_dfs(result, seen, here, range) { for (let next of data.cities.adjacent[here]) { if (seen.includes(next)) continue if (has_any_piece(next)) continue if (range === 1) { map_set(result, next, seen.slice()) } else { seen.push(next) search_retreat_possible_dfs(result, seen, next, range - 1) seen.pop() } } } function search_retreat_possible(from, range) { let result = [] search_retreat_possible_dfs(result, [from], from, range) return result } function search_retreat(loser, winner, range) { let distance = search_retreat_distance(winner, range + 1) let possible = search_retreat_possible(loser, range) let max = 0 for (let s of possible) { let d = map_get(distance, s, -1) if (d > max) max = d } let result = [] map_for_each(possible, (s, path) => { if (map_get(distance, s, -1) === max) { result.push(s) result.push(path) } }) return result } states.retreat = { prompt() { prompt("Retreat loser " + Math.abs(game.count)) view.selected = game.selected view.retreat = game.retreat map_for_each_key(game.retreat, gen_action_space) }, space(to) { push_undo() log("Retreated to S" + to + ".") for (let p of game.selected) { game.pos[p] = to } delete game.retreat next_combat() }, } states.retreat_done = { prompt() { prompt("Retreat done.") view.actions.next = 1 }, next() { next_combat() }, } /* RETRO-ACTIVE CONQUEST */ function goto_retroactive_conquest() { delete game.combat for (let s of game.retro) { if (is_conquest_space(game.power, s)) { if (!is_protected_from_conquest(s)) { log("Conquered S" + s) set_add(game.conquest, s) } } if (is_reconquest_space(game.power, s)) { if (!is_protected_from_reconquest(s)) { log("Reconquered S" + s) set_delete(game.conquest, s) } } } set_clear(game.retro) // MARIA: supply is before movement goto_supply() } /* SUPPLY */ function search_supply_bfs(from, range) { let seen = [ from ] let queue = [ from << 4 ] while (queue.length > 0) { let item = queue.shift() let here = item >> 4 let dist = (item & 15) + 1 for (let next of data.cities.adjacent[here]) { if (set_has(seen, next)) continue if (has_enemy_piece(next)) continue set_add(seen, next) if (dist < range) queue.push((next << 4) | dist) } } return seen } function search_supply(range) { for (let p of all_power_trains[game.power]) { let here = game.pos[p] if (here >= ELIMINATED) continue if (!game.supply) game.supply = search_supply_bfs(here, range) else set_add_all(game.supply, search_supply_bfs(here, range)) } } function is_out_of_supply(p) { return (game.oos & (1 << p)) !== 0 } function set_out_of_supply(p) { return game.oos |= (1 << p) } function set_in_supply(p) { return game.oos &= ~(1 << p) } function has_supply_line(p) { if (!game.supply) return false let s = game.pos[p] if (set_has(all_home_or_depot_cities[game.power], s)) return true if (game.supply && set_has(game.supply, s)) return true return false } function should_flip_generals() { for (let p of all_power_generals[game.power]) { if (game.pos[p] >= ELIMINATED) continue if (set_has(game.moved, p)) continue if (is_out_of_supply(p) || !has_supply_line(p)) return true } return false } function goto_supply() { set_clear(game.moved) search_supply(6) if (should_flip_generals()) game.state = "supply" else end_supply() } states.supply = { prompt() { prompt("Supply") for (let p of all_power_generals[game.power]) { if (game.pos[p] >= ELIMINATED) continue if (set_has(game.moved, p)) continue if (is_out_of_supply(p) || !has_supply_line(p)) gen_action_supreme_commander(game.pos[p]) } }, piece(x) { let s = game.pos[x] for (let p of all_power_generals[game.power]) { if (game.pos[p] === s) { set_add(game.moved, p) if (is_out_of_supply(p)) { set_in_supply(p) if (!has_supply_line(p)) { log("P" + p + " eliminated.") game.pos[p] = ELIMINATED game.troops[p] = 0 } else { log("P" + p + " in supply.") } } else { log("P" + p + " out of supply.") set_out_of_supply(p) } } } if (!should_flip_generals()) game.state = "supply_done" }, } states.supply_done = { prompt() { prompt("Supply done.") view.actions.end_supply = 1 }, end_supply() { end_supply() }, } function end_supply() { set_clear(game.moved) delete game.supply end_action_stage() } /* STROKES OF FATE */ const strokes_of_fate_name = [ "Poems", "Lord Bute", "Elisabeth", "Sweden", "India", "America", ] states.russia_quits_the_game_1 = { prompt() { prompt("Russia quits the game. Remove all Russian pieces.") for (let p of all_power_generals[P_RUSSIA]) gen_action_piece(p) for (let p of all_power_trains[P_RUSSIA]) gen_action_piece(p) }, piece(p) { game.pos[p] = REMOVED if (is_general(p)) game.troops[p] = 0 if (has_removed_all_pieces(P_RUSSIA)) game.state = "russia_quits_the_game_2" }, } states.russia_quits_the_game_2 = { prompt() { prompt("Russia quits the game. Retire one Prussian general.") for (let p of all_power_generals[game.power]) if (p !== GEN_FRIEDRICH && game.pos[p] < ELIMINATED) gen_action_piece(p) }, piece(p) { push_undo() retire_general(p) game.state = "russia_quits_the_game_3" }, } states.russia_quits_the_game_3 = { prompt() { prompt("Russia quits the game.") view.actions.done = 1 }, done() { remove_power_from_play(P_RUSSIA) resume_start_turn() }, } states.sweden_quits_the_game_1 = { prompt() { prompt("Sweden quits the game. Remove all Swedish pieces.") for (let p of all_power_generals[P_SWEDEN]) gen_action_piece(p) for (let p of all_power_trains[P_SWEDEN]) gen_action_piece(p) }, piece(p) { game.pos[p] = REMOVED if (is_general(p)) game.troops[p] = 0 if (has_removed_all_pieces(P_SWEDEN)) game.state = "sweden_quits_the_game_2" }, } states.sweden_quits_the_game_2 = { prompt() { prompt("Sweden quits the game. Retire one Prussian general.") for (let p of all_power_generals[game.power]) if (p !== GEN_FRIEDRICH && game.pos[p] < ELIMINATED) gen_action_piece(p) }, piece(p) { push_undo() retire_general(p) game.state = "sweden_quits_the_game_3" }, } states.sweden_quits_the_game_3 = { prompt() { prompt("Sweden quits the game.") view.actions.done = 1 }, done() { remove_power_from_play(P_SWEDEN) resume_start_turn() }, } states.france_quits_the_game_1 = { prompt() { prompt("France quits the game. Remove all French pieces.") for (let p of all_power_generals[P_FRANCE]) gen_action_piece(p) for (let p of all_power_trains[P_FRANCE]) gen_action_piece(p) }, piece(p) { game.pos[p] = REMOVED if (is_general(p)) game.troops[p] = 0 if (has_removed_all_pieces(P_FRANCE)) game.state = "france_quits_the_game_2" }, } states.france_quits_the_game_2 = { prompt() { prompt("France quits the game. Retire Cumberland.") gen_action_piece(GEN_CUMBERLAND) }, piece(p) { retire_general(p) remove_power_from_play(P_FRANCE) resume_start_turn() }, } /* CARDS OF FATE */ // receive_troop // lose_troop // immediate oos 5-6 range // flip one stack oos // move two cities westwards // move one city (and unstack) // exchange TC with power // discard TC to draw TC // give TC take random TC const fate_effect_immediate = [ null, "Any one Russian on-map general receives a new troop for free (if possible).", "Austria and Russia may exchange one TC with each other.", "Tottleben receives a new troop for free (if possible and if on-map).", null, null, "Apraxin immediately loses one troop (but not if he has to be taken off-map).", null, null, null, null, null, null, null, "France may discard any one TC for a new one from the draw deck.", null, null, null, null, null, "Austria may move Laudon by one city immediately; Laudon may even unstack.", "Daun receives one new troop (if possible and if on-map).", null, "Austria may flip any one Prussian general/stack in Austria or Saxony, and in doing so, set him out of supply.", null, null, null, null, "Any one Prussian on-map general receives a new troop for free (if possible).", null, null, null, "All Russian generals 5 or 6 cities distant from their nearest supply train are immediately out of supply; flip them.", null, null, "Prussia may draw randomly one TC from Austria, after first giving one TC of her choice to Austria.", null, "Any one Prussian general with 2 or more troops loses one troop immediately.", null, null, null, "Any one Hanoverian on-map general receives a new troop (if possible).", null, null, null, "If Ehrensvärd is 5 or 6 cities distant from his supply train, he is immediately out of supply; flip him.", "If Hildburghausen has lost a battle this turn, Prussia may move him 2 cities westwards (if possible).", null, ] // immobilize // reduce move // no unstacking // no attack and no elim space // no attack and no elim general // no receive troops (friedrich) // no receive troops (if attacking) // 4 protect range // avoid battle // soubise and hildburg not attack with same tc-symbol // tc mod const fate_effect_passive = [ null, null, null, null, null, "If Fermor starts his move in Küstrin (H6) or in an adjacent city, he may not move next turn.", null, "Next turn, Saltikov may move only 2 cities (3 on main roads).", null, "Next turn, if Prussia and France fight each other, they may not use TCs with values of 10 or more.", "Next turn, Soubise and Hildburghausen may not attack with the same TC-symbol.", "Next turn, no general may be attacked in the city of Halle (E4) and no supply train may be eliminated in the city of Halle.", "Next turn, the first TC played by France is worth an additional point.", null, null, "Next turn, Cumberland may not move into attack position; he may not eliminate a supply train.", "Next turn, Soubise may not move into attack position; he may not eliminate a supply train.", null, "Next turn, Richelieu may move 2 cities only (3 on main roads).", "If stacked, Chevert may not unstack next turn.", null, null, null, null, "Next turn, Friedrich may not move into attack position and may not eliminate a supply train.", null, "Next turn, Friedrich may not receive any new troops.", "If Friedrich is involved in combat next turn, Prussia must reach a positive score with the first TC(s) she plays (if possible).", null, "Next turn, any Prussians who are attacked by Daun may move to any empty adjacent city (before the combat is resolved); by doing so they avoid all combat.", null, "If Friedrich attacks next turn, his first TC is worth 5 additional points.", null, "Next turn, Friedrich may move 4 cities, even as a stack (5 on main roads).", null, null, "Next turn, every Prussian general who receives new troops may not move into attack position.", null, "If Friedrich is attacked next turn, the first TC played by Prussia is worth nothing (0 points).", null, "Next turn, Prussia may play the 11 of spades (Seydlitz) once at double value.", null, "Next turn, Prinz Heinrich protects objectives up to 4 cities distant.", null, "Next turn, Daun may move only 2 cities (3 on main roads).", null, null, null, ] /* SETUP */ const POWER_FROM_SETUP_STEP_4 = [ P_PRUSSIA, P_HANOVER, P_RUSSIA, P_SWEDEN, P_AUSTRIA, P_IMPERIAL, P_FRANCE, ] const POWER_FROM_SETUP_STEP_3 = [ P_PRUSSIA, P_HANOVER, P_RUSSIA, P_SWEDEN, P_FRANCE, P_AUSTRIA, P_IMPERIAL, ] function set_active_setup_power() { if (game.scenario === 3) game.power = POWER_FROM_SETUP_STEP_3[game.step] else game.power = POWER_FROM_SETUP_STEP_4[game.step] game.active = current_player() } const SETUP_POSITION = [ // P find_city("Oschatz"), find_city("Oschatz"), find_city("Berlin"), find_city("Strehlen"), find_city("Strehlen"), find_city("Brandenburg"), find_city("Arnswalde"), find_city("Mohrungen"), // H find_city("Stade"), find_city("Alfeld"), // R find_city("Bydgoszcz"), find_city("Bydgoszcz"), find_city("Łomża"), find_city("Sierpc"), // S find_city("Stralsund"), // A find_city("Brünn"), find_city("Melnik"), find_city("Melnik"), find_city("Olmütz"), find_city("Tabor"), // IA find_city("Hildburghausen"), // F find_city("Iserlohn"), find_city("Fulda"), find_city("Iserlohn"), // Supply Train find_city("Grünberg"), find_city("Jüterbog"), find_city("Gifhorn"), find_city("Toruń"), find_city("Warszawa"), find_city("Wismar"), find_city("Beraun"), find_city("Pardubitz"), find_city("Erlangen"), find_city("Gemünden"), find_city("Koblenz"), ] const SETUP_TROOPS = [ /* P (32) */ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, /* H (02) */ 0, 0, /* R (06) */ 0, 0, 0, 0, /* S (4) */ 4, /* A (30) */ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, /* IA (6) */ 6, /* F (20) */ 0, 0, 0, ] function make_fate_deck() { let deck = [] for (let i = 1; i <= 18; ++i) deck.push(i) shuffle_bigint(deck) return deck } function make_seeded_fate_deck() { let deck = [] for (let i = 1; i <= 18; ++i) { if (i === FC_ELISABETH || i === FC_POEMS || i === FC_AMERICA) continue deck.push(i) } shuffle_bigint(deck) let aside = [] for (let i = 0; i < 4; ++i) aside.push(deck.pop()) deck.push(FC_ELISABETH) deck.push(FC_POEMS) deck.push(FC_AMERICA) shuffle_bigint(deck) for (let i = 0; i < 4; ++i) deck.push(aside.pop()) return deck } function make_tactics_deck(n) { let deck = [] for (let suit = 0; suit <= 3; ++suit) for (let value = 2; value <= 13; ++value) deck.push((n << 7) | (suit << 4) | value) deck.push((n << 7) | (RESERVE << 4) | 2) deck.push((n << 7) | (RESERVE << 4) | 3) return deck } function make_tactics_discard(n) { return make_tactics_deck(n).filter(c => { if (game.draw && set_has(game.draw, c)) return false for (let pow of all_powers) if (set_has(game.hand[pow], c)) return false return true }) } exports.setup = function (seed, scenario, options) { game = { seed: seed, undo: [], log: [], scenario: 4, state: "setup", active: "Frederick", power: P_PRUSSIA, turn: 0, step: 0, clock: null, fate: [], vg: 0, // last victorious general for fate effect selection fx: 0, // current card of fate effect deck: null, hand: [ [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ], pos: SETUP_POSITION.slice(), oos: 0, troops: SETUP_TROOPS.slice(), conquest: [], moved: [], retro: [], selected: [], count: 0, } game.scenario = SCENARIO_INDEX[scenario] if (options.seeded) game.clock = make_seeded_fate_deck() else game.clock = make_fate_deck() game.deck = make_tactics_deck(0) shuffle_bigint(game.deck) if (game.scenario === 1) log("# The War in the West") if (game.scenario === 2) log("# The Austrian Theatre") if (game.scenario === 1) setup_the_war_in_the_west() if (game.scenario === 2) setup_the_austrian_theatre() return game } function remove_power_from_play(pow) { for (let p of all_power_generals[pow]) { game.pos[p] = REMOVED game.troops[p] = 0 } for (let p of all_power_trains[pow]) game.pos[p] = REMOVED for (let s of full_objective[pow]) set_delete(game.conquest, s) if (game.hand[pow].length > 0) log("Discarded " + game.hand[pow].length + " TCs.") game.hand[pow] = [] } function setup_the_war_in_the_west() { remove_power_from_play(P_RUSSIA) remove_power_from_play(P_SWEDEN) remove_power_from_play(P_AUSTRIA) remove_power_from_play(P_IMPERIAL) remove_power_from_play(P_PRUSSIA) game.pos[GEN_SEYDLITZ] = find_city("Brandenburg") game.troops[GEN_SEYDLITZ] = 3 game.pos[24] = find_city("Jüterbog") } function setup_the_austrian_theatre() { remove_power_from_play(P_HANOVER) remove_power_from_play(P_RUSSIA) remove_power_from_play(P_SWEDEN) remove_power_from_play(P_FRANCE) game.pos[5] = REMOVED game.pos[6] = REMOVED game.pos[7] = REMOVED } states.setup = { prompt() { prompt("Setup troops: " + count_used_troops() + " / " + max_power_troops(game.power)) let done = true for (let p of all_power_generals[game.power]) { if (game.pos[p] < ELIMINATED && game.troops[p] === 0) { if (is_supreme_commander(p)) { gen_action_piece(p) done = false } } } if (done) view.actions.end_setup = 1 }, piece(p) { push_undo() game.selected = select_stack(game.pos[p]) game.state = "setup_general" }, end_setup() { clear_undo() end_setup() }, } states.setup_general = { prompt() { prompt("Setup troops.") view.selected = game.selected let n_selected = game.selected.length let n_other = count_unused_generals() - game.selected.length let n_troops = max_power_troops(game.power) - count_used_troops() // leave at least 1 for each remaining general let take_max = Math.min(8 * n_selected, n_troops - n_other) // leave no more than 8 for each remaining general let take_min = Math.max(1 * n_selected, n_troops - n_other * 8) view.actions.value = [] for (let i = take_min; i <= take_max; ++i) view.actions.value.push(i) }, value(v) { let save = game.selected.length - 1 for (let p of game.selected) { let n = Math.min(8, v - save) game.troops[p] = n v -= n --save } game.selected = null game.state = "setup" }, } function end_setup() { if (++game.step === 7) { goto_start_turn() } else { set_active_setup_power() if (count_unused_generals() === 0) end_setup() } } /* VIEW */ function mask_troops(player) { let view_troops = [] for (let pow of all_powers) { if (player_from_power(pow) === player) { for (let p of all_power_generals[pow]) view_troops.push(game.troops[p]) } else { for (let p of all_power_generals[pow]) { let s = game.pos[p] if (game.attacker === s || game.defender === s) view_troops.push(game.troops[p]) else view_troops.push(0) } } } return view_troops } function mask_hand(player) { let view_hand = [] for (let pow of all_powers) { if (player_from_power(pow) === player) view_hand[pow] = game.hand[pow] else view_hand[pow] = game.hand[pow].map(c => c & ~127) } return view_hand } exports.view = function (state, player) { game = state view = { prompt: null, actions: null, log: game.log, fate: game.turn <= 5 ? game.turn : game.fate, pos: game.pos, oos: game.oos, conquest: game.conquest, troops: mask_troops(player), hand: mask_hand(player), power: game.power, retro: game.retro, } if (game.attacker !== undefined && game.defender !== undefined) { view.attacker = game.attacker view.defender = game.defender } if (game.state === "game_over") { view.prompt = game.victory } else if (game.active !== player) { let inactive = states[game.state].inactive || game.state view.prompt = `Waiting for ${POWER_NAME[game.power]} to ${inactive}.` } else { view.actions = {} if (states[game.state]) states[game.state].prompt() else view.prompt = "Unknown state: " + game.state if (view.actions.undo === undefined) { if (game.undo && game.undo.length > 0) view.actions.undo = 1 else view.actions.undo = 0 } } return view } /* COMMON FRAMEWORK */ function goto_game_over(result, victory) { game.active = "None" game.state = "game_over" game.result = result game.victory = victory log("# Game Over") log(game.victory) return true } function prompt(str) { view.prompt = POWER_NAME[game.power] + ": " + str } exports.action = function (state, _player, action, arg) { game = state let S = states[game.state] if (S && action in S) { S[action](arg) } else { if (action === "undo" && game.undo && game.undo.length > 0) pop_undo() else throw new Error("Invalid action: " + action) } return game } function gen_action(action, argument) { if (view.actions[action] === undefined) view.actions[action] = [ argument ] else set_add(view.actions[action], argument) } function gen_action_piece(p) { gen_action("piece", p) } function gen_action_space(s) { gen_action("space", s) } function gen_action_supreme_commander(s) { let p = get_supreme_commander(s) if (p >= 0) gen_action_piece(p) } function gen_action_space_or_piece(s) { let p = get_top_piece(s) if (p >= 0) gen_action_piece(p) else gen_action_space(s) } function gen_action_card(c) { gen_action("card", c) } function log(msg) { game.log.push(msg) } function log_br() { if (game.log.length > 0 && game.log[game.log.length - 1] !== "") game.log.push("") } /* COMMON LIBRARY */ function clear_undo() { game.undo.length = 0 } function push_undo() { if (game.undo) { let copy = {} for (let k in game) { let v = game[k] if (k === "undo") continue else if (k === "log") v = v.length else if (typeof v === "object" && v !== null) v = object_copy(v) copy[k] = v } game.undo.push(copy) } } function pop_undo() { if (game.undo) { let save_log = game.log let save_undo = game.undo game = save_undo.pop() save_log.length = game.log game.log = save_log game.undo = save_undo } } function random_bigint(range) { // Largest MLCG that will fit its state in a double. // Uses BigInt for arithmetic, so is an order of magnitude slower. // https://www.ams.org/journals/mcom/1999-68-225/S0025-5718-99-00996-5/S0025-5718-99-00996-5.pdf // m = 2**53 - 111 return (game.seed = Number(BigInt(game.seed) * 5667072534355537n % 9007199254740881n)) % range } function shuffle_bigint(list) { // Fisher-Yates shuffle for (let i = list.length - 1; i > 0; --i) { let j = random_bigint(i + 1) let tmp = list[j] list[j] = list[i] list[i] = tmp } } // Fast deep copy for objects without cycles function object_copy(original) { if (Array.isArray(original)) { let n = original.length let copy = new Array(n) for (let i = 0; i < n; ++i) { let v = original[i] if (typeof v === "object" && v !== null) copy[i] = object_copy(v) else copy[i] = v } return copy } else { let copy = {} for (let i in original) { let v = original[i] if (typeof v === "object" && v !== null) copy[i] = object_copy(v) else copy[i] = v } return copy } } // Array remove and insert (faster than splice) function array_remove(array, index) { let n = array.length for (let i = index + 1; i < n; ++i) array[i - 1] = array[i] array.length = n - 1 } function array_remove_item(array, item) { let n = array.length for (let i = 0; i < n; ++i) if (array[i] === item) return array_remove(array, i) } function array_insert(array, index, item) { for (let i = array.length; i > index; --i) array[i] = array[i - 1] array[index] = item } function array_remove_pair(array, index) { let n = array.length for (let i = index + 2; i < n; ++i) array[i - 2] = array[i] array.length = n - 2 } function array_insert_pair(array, index, key, value) { for (let i = array.length; i > index; i -= 2) { array[i] = array[i-2] array[i+1] = array[i-1] } array[index] = key array[index+1] = value } // Set as plain sorted array function set_clear(set) { set.length = 0 } function set_has(set, item) { let a = 0 let b = set.length - 1 while (a <= b) { let m = (a + b) >> 1 let x = set[m] if (item < x) b = m - 1 else if (item > x) a = m + 1 else return true } return false } function set_add(set, item) { let a = 0 let b = set.length - 1 while (a <= b) { let m = (a + b) >> 1 let x = set[m] if (item < x) b = m - 1 else if (item > x) a = m + 1 else return } array_insert(set, a, item) } function set_delete(set, item) { let a = 0 let b = set.length - 1 while (a <= b) { let m = (a + b) >> 1 let x = set[m] if (item < x) b = m - 1 else if (item > x) a = m + 1 else { array_remove(set, m) return } } } function set_add_all(set, other) { for (let item of other) set_add(set, item) } function set_union(one, two) { let set = [] for (let item of one) set_add(set, item) for (let item of two) set_add(set, item) return set } function set_intersect(one, two) { let set = [] for (let item of one) if (set_has(two, item)) set_add(set, item) return set } // Map as plain sorted array of key/value pairs function map_has(map, key) { let a = 0 let b = (map.length >> 1) - 1 while (a <= b) { let m = (a + b) >> 1 let x = map[m<<1] if (key < x) b = m - 1 else if (key > x) a = m + 1 else return true } return false } function map_get(map, key, missing) { let a = 0 let b = (map.length >> 1) - 1 while (a <= b) { let m = (a + b) >> 1 let x = map[m<<1] if (key < x) b = m - 1 else if (key > x) a = m + 1 else return map[(m<<1)+1] } return missing } function map_set(map, key, value) { let a = 0 let b = (map.length >> 1) - 1 while (a <= b) { let m = (a + b) >> 1 let x = map[m<<1] if (key < x) b = m - 1 else if (key > x) a = m + 1 else { map[(m<<1)+1] = value return } } array_insert_pair(map, a<<1, key, value) } function map_for_each_key(map, f) { for (let i = 0; i < map.length; i += 2) f(map[i]) } function map_for_each(map, f) { for (let i = 0; i < map.length; i += 2) f(map[i], map[i+1]) }