"use strict" const RED = "Red" const BLUE = "Blue" var states = {} var game = null var view = null exports.scenarios = [ "Standard" ] exports.roles = [ RED, BLUE ] const SECRECY_PER_ROW = [ 1, 2, 2, 3, 0 ] const GOLD_PER_ROW = [ 3, 3, 2, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 ] const TOKEN_DRAGON = 0 const TOKEN_RED_1 = 1 const TOKEN_RED_2 = 2 const TOKEN_BLUE_1 = 3 const TOKEN_BLUE_2 = 4 const FIRST_SPACE = 0 const S_DARKNESS = 0 const S_GOLD = 1 const S_BLUE = 2 const S_WHITE = 3 const S_RED = 4 const S_PURPLE = 5 const LAST_TILE_SPACE = 5 const S_DRAGON_1 = 6 const LAST_OVAL_SPACE = 6 const S_DRAGON_2 = 7 const S_OFF_BOARD_1 = 8 const S_OFF_BOARD_2 = 9 const S_OFF_BOARD_3 = 10 const S_OFF_BOARD_4 = 11 const TILE_NONE = -1 const TILE_GOLD = 0 const TILE_BLUE = 12 const TILE_WHITE = 24 const TILE_RED = 36 const TILE_GREEN = 48 const TILE_UNKNOWN = 60 function space_name(s) { switch (s) { case S_DRAGON_1: return "Dragon" case S_DARKNESS: return "Secrecy" case S_GOLD: return "Cloth of Gold" case S_BLUE: return "Banquets & Feasts" case S_WHITE: return "Godliness & Piety" case S_RED: return "Tournaments" case S_PURPLE: return "Collections" default: return "off board" } } const TILE_NAME_CODE = [ "G", "B", "W", "R", "J", "K" ] const TILE_NAME_CODE_X = [ [], [], [], [], [], [] ] for (let k = 0; k < 6; ++k) for (let i = 0; i < 12; ++i) TILE_NAME_CODE_X[k][i] = Array(i).fill(TILE_NAME_CODE[k]).join(" ") function tile_type(tile) { return (tile / 12 | 0) * 12 } function tile_name_count(tile, n) { if (tile >= 0) return TILE_NAME_CODE_X[tile / 12 | 0][n] return "None" } function tile_name(tile) { if (tile >= 0) return TILE_NAME_CODE[tile / 12 | 0] return "none" } function gen_action(action, argument) { if (!(action in view.actions)) view.actions[action] = [] view.actions[action].push(argument) } function gen_action_token(token) { gen_action("token", token) } function gen_action_tile(tile) { gen_action("tile", tile) } function gen_action_space(space) { gen_action("space", space) } function gen_action_square(space) { gen_action("square", space) } function gen_action_score_red() { gen_action("score", 1) } function gen_action_score_blue() { gen_action("score", 2) } function gen_action_score() { if (game.active === RED) gen_action("score", 1) else gen_action("score", 2) } function gen_action_score_rival() { if (game.active !== RED) gen_action("score", 1) else gen_action("score", 2) } function prompt_score(space, score, tail = ".") { if (score === 0) view.prompt = space + ": Score no points" + tail else if (score === 1) view.prompt = space + ": Score one point" + tail else view.prompt = space + ": Score " + score + " points" + tail } exports.action = function (state, player, action, arg) { game = state let S = states[game.state] if (action in S) S[action](arg, player) else if (action === "undo" && game.undo && game.undo.length > 0) pop_undo() else throw new Error("Invalid action: " + action) return game } exports.view = function(state, player) { game = state view = { log: game.log, prompt: null, tokens: game.tokens, squares: game.squares, darkness: game.darkness.length, red_hand: game.red_hand.length, blue_hand: game.blue_hand.length, red_score: game.red_score, blue_score: game.blue_score, red_court: game.red_court, blue_court: game.blue_court, selected_token: -1, selected_tile: 0, } if (player === RED) view.hand = game.red_hand if (player === BLUE) view.hand = game.blue_hand if (game.state === "game_over") { view.prompt = game.victory } else if (player !== game.active) { let inactive = states[game.state].inactive || game.state view.prompt = `Waiting for ${game.active} \u2014 ${inactive}.` } else { view.actions = {} states[game.state].prompt() if (game.undo && game.undo.length > 0) view.actions.undo = 1 else view.actions.undo = 0 } return view; } exports.resign = function (state, player) { game = state if (game.state !== 'game_over') { if (player === RED) goto_game_over(BLUE, RED + " resigned.") if (player === BLUE) goto_game_over(RED, BLUE + " resigned.") } return game } function goto_game_over(result, victory) { game.state = "game_over" game.active = "None" game.result = result game.victory = victory log("") log(game.victory) return false } states.game_over = { prompt() { view.prompt = game.victory }, } // === PREPARATION === exports.setup = function (seed, scenario, options) { game = { seed: seed, state: null, log: [], undo: [], red_score: 0, blue_score: 0, tokens: [ S_DRAGON_2, S_OFF_BOARD_1, S_OFF_BOARD_2, S_OFF_BOARD_3, S_OFF_BOARD_4 ], squares: [ TILE_NONE, TILE_NONE, TILE_NONE, TILE_NONE, TILE_NONE, TILE_NONE ], darkness: [], red_court: [], blue_court: [], red_hand: [], blue_hand: [], } for (let i = 0; i < TILE_GREEN; ++i) game.darkness.push(i) shuffle(game.darkness) game.red_hand.push(game.darkness.pop()) game.red_hand.push(game.darkness.pop()) game.blue_hand.push(game.darkness.pop()) game.blue_hand.push(game.darkness.pop()) for (let i = TILE_GREEN; i < TILE_GREEN + 6; ++i) game.darkness.push(i) shuffle(game.darkness) for (let i = FIRST_SPACE; i <= LAST_TILE_SPACE; ++i) game.squares[i] = game.darkness.pop() if (random(2) === 0) game.active = RED else game.active = BLUE game.state = "move_token" return game } // === HANDS AND COURTS === function rival_court() { if (game.active === RED) return game.blue_court return game.red_court } function own_court() { if (game.active === RED) return game.red_court return game.blue_court } function rival_hand() { if (game.active === RED) return game.blue_hand return game.red_hand } function own_hand() { if (game.active === RED) return game.red_hand return game.blue_hand } function rival_score() { if (game.active === RED) return game.blue_score return game.red_score } function own_score() { if (game.active === RED) return game.red_score return game.blue_score } function is_oval_space_empty(s) { for (let i = FIRST_SPACE; i <= LAST_OVAL_SPACE; ++i) if (game.tokens[i] === s) return false return true } function gift_tile_in_space(to) { // Gift associated tile to rival. if (to <= LAST_TILE_SPACE) { let tile = game.squares[to] log("Gift " + tile_name(tile)) game.squares[to] = TILE_NONE rival_court().push(tile) } } function score_points(who, n, reason = ".") { if (n > 0) { log(who + " scored " + n + reason) if (who === RED) game.red_score += n else game.blue_score += n } } function score_own_points(n) { if (n > 0) { log("Score " + n) if (game.active === RED) game.red_score += n else game.blue_score += n } } function score_rival_points(n) { if (n > 0) { log("Score " + n + " for rival") if (game.active === RED) game.blue_score += n else game.red_score += n } } function count_tiles(list, type) { let n = 0 for (let tile of list) if (tile >= type && tile < type + 12) ++n return n } function has_tile_in_list(type, list) { for (let tile of list) if (tile >= type && tile < type + 12) return true return false } function gen_tile_in_list(type, list) { for (let tile of list) if (tile >= type && tile < type + 12) gen_action_tile(tile) } function log_reveal_tiles_into_court(type) { let n = count_tiles(own_hand(), type) if (n > 0) log("Reveal " + tile_name_count(type, n)) } function log_remove_tiles_from_court(type) { let n = count_tiles(own_court(), type) if (n > 0) log("Remove " + tile_name_count(type, n)) } function log_remove_tiles_from_rival_court(type) { let n = count_tiles(rival_court(), type) if (n > 0) log("Remove " + tile_name_count(type, n) + " from rival") } function can_reveal_tiles_into_court(type) { return has_tile_in_list(type, own_hand()) } function gen_reveal_tiles_into_court(type) { gen_tile_in_list(type, own_hand()) } function can_remove_tiles_from_court(type) { return has_tile_in_list(type, own_court()) } function gen_remove_tiles_from_court(type) { gen_tile_in_list(type, own_court()) } function can_remove_tiles_from_rival_court(type) { return has_tile_in_list(type, rival_court()) } function gen_remove_tiles_from_rival_courts(type) { gen_tile_in_list(type, rival_court()) } function reveal_tile_into_court(tile) { array_remove_item(own_hand(), tile) own_court().push(tile) } function remove_tile_from_court(tile) { array_remove_item(own_court(), tile) } function remove_tile_from_rival_court(tile) { array_remove_item(rival_court(), tile) } // === FLOW OF PLAY === states.move_token = { inactive: "to move one of their tokens", prompt() { view.prompt = "Move one of your tokens to an oval space." if (game.active === RED) { if (game.tokens[TOKEN_RED_1] >= S_OFF_BOARD_1) { gen_action_token(TOKEN_RED_1) } else if (game.tokens[TOKEN_RED_2] >= S_OFF_BOARD_1) { gen_action_token(TOKEN_RED_2) } else { gen_action_token(TOKEN_RED_1) gen_action_token(TOKEN_RED_2) } } else { if (game.tokens[TOKEN_BLUE_1] >= S_OFF_BOARD_1) { gen_action_token(TOKEN_BLUE_1) } else if (game.tokens[TOKEN_BLUE_2] >= S_OFF_BOARD_1) { gen_action_token(TOKEN_BLUE_2) } else { gen_action_token(TOKEN_BLUE_1) gen_action_token(TOKEN_BLUE_2) } } }, token(token) { push_undo() game.selected_token = token game.state = "move_token_to" }, } states.move_token_to = { inactive: "to move one of their tokens", prompt() { view.prompt = "Move one of your tokens to an oval space." view.selected_token = game.selected_token for (let i = FIRST_SPACE; i <= LAST_OVAL_SPACE; ++i) if (is_oval_space_empty(i)) gen_action_space(i) gen_action_token(game.selected_token) }, space(to) { // Remember whence we came. game.from = game.tokens[game.selected_token] if (game.active === RED) log(".r O" + to + " " + space_name(to)) else log(".b O" + to + " " + space_name(to)) // Move the token. game.tokens[game.selected_token] = to // Gift associated tile to rival. gift_tile_in_space(to) // Take action. switch (to) { case S_DRAGON_1: return goto_dragon() case S_DARKNESS: return goto_secrecy() case S_GOLD: return goto_cloth_of_gold() case S_BLUE: return goto_banquets_and_feasts() case S_WHITE: return goto_godliness_and_piety() case S_RED: return goto_tournaments() case S_PURPLE: return goto_collections() } }, token(_) { pop_undo() }, } function is_end_of_the_contest() { if (game.darkness.length === 0) return true if ((game.red_score >= 30) || (game.blue_score >= 30)) return true return false } function end_turn() { // Game End triggered? if (is_end_of_the_contest()) return goto_end_of_the_contest() // Return Dragon if needed. if (is_oval_space_empty(S_DRAGON_1) && game.tokens[TOKEN_DRAGON] !== S_DRAGON_2) { game.state = "return_dragon" return } goto_refill_tiles() } states.return_dragon = { inactive: "End of Turn", prompt() { view.prompt = "End of Turn Move the Dragon back to its space." gen_action_token(TOKEN_DRAGON) }, token(_) { log("Return CW") game.tokens[TOKEN_DRAGON] = S_DRAGON_2 goto_refill_tiles() }, } function must_refill_tiles() { for (let i = FIRST_SPACE; i <= LAST_TILE_SPACE; ++i) if (is_oval_space_empty(i) && game.squares[i] === TILE_NONE) return true return false } function goto_refill_tiles() { if (must_refill_tiles()) game.state = "refill_tiles" else pass_play_to_rival() } states.refill_tiles = { inactive: "End of Turn", prompt() { view.prompt = "End of Turn: Draw and place a new tile." for (let i = FIRST_SPACE; i <= LAST_TILE_SPACE; ++i) if (is_oval_space_empty(i) && game.squares[i] === TILE_NONE) gen_action_square(i) }, square(i) { clear_undo() let tile = game.darkness.pop() log("Place " + tile_name(tile) + " at O" + i) game.squares[i] = tile if (game.darkness.length === 0) return goto_end_of_the_contest() goto_refill_tiles() }, } function pass_play_to_rival() { clear_undo() // Play passes to the rival player. if (game.active === RED) game.active = BLUE else game.active = RED game.state = "move_token" } // === THE ACTIONS: DRAGON === function goto_dragon() { game.state = "dragon_1" } states.dragon_1 = { inactive: "Dragon", prompt() { view.prompt = "Dragon: Move the Dragon to an empty oval space." gen_action_token(TOKEN_DRAGON) }, token(_) { game.state = "dragon_2" }, } states.dragon_2 = { inactive: "Dragon", prompt() { view.prompt = "Dragon: Move the Dragon to an empty oval space." view.selected_token = TOKEN_DRAGON for (let i = FIRST_SPACE; i <= LAST_OVAL_SPACE; ++i) if (i !== game.from && is_oval_space_empty(i)) gen_action_space(i) }, space(to) { log("Move CW to O" + to) game.tokens[TOKEN_DRAGON] = to gift_tile_in_space(to) end_turn() }, } // === THE ACTIONS: SECRECY === function gain_tiles_from_darkness(n) { for (let i = 0; i < n; ++i) own_hand().push(game.darkness.pop()) } function gain_tiles_from_darkness_rival(n) { for (let i = 0; i < n; ++i) rival_hand().push(game.darkness.pop()) } function gain_secrecy_tiles() { let n = Math.min(SECRECY_PER_ROW[own_score() / 8 | 0], game.darkness.length) log("Gain " + tile_name_count(TILE_UNKNOWN, n)) gain_tiles_from_darkness(n) } function gain_secrecy_tiles_rival() { let n = Math.min(SECRECY_PER_ROW[rival_score() / 8 | 0], game.darkness.length) log("Gain " + tile_name_count(TILE_UNKNOWN, n) + " to rival") gain_tiles_from_darkness_rival(n) } function goto_secrecy() { game.state = "secrecy" } states.secrecy = { inactive: "Secrecy", prompt() { view.prompt = "Secrecy: Gain tiles from the Darkness to your Hand." view.actions.darkness = 1 }, darkness() { clear_undo() gain_secrecy_tiles() end_turn() }, } // === THE ACTIONS: CLOTH OF GOLD === function calc_cloth_of_gold_score() { let own = count_tiles(own_court(), TILE_GOLD) let rival = count_tiles(rival_court(), TILE_GOLD) if (own > rival) return 2 return 0 } function goto_cloth_of_gold() { log_reveal_tiles_into_court(TILE_GOLD) if (can_reveal_tiles_into_court(TILE_GOLD)) game.state = "cloth_of_gold_reveal" else goto_cloth_of_gold_score() } function goto_cloth_of_gold_score() { if (calc_cloth_of_gold_score()) game.state = "cloth_of_gold_score" else end_turn() } states.cloth_of_gold_reveal = { inactive: "Cloth of Gold", prompt() { view.prompt = "Cloth of Gold: Reveal all Gold tiles from your Hand." gen_reveal_tiles_into_court(TILE_GOLD) }, tile(tile) { reveal_tile_into_court(tile) if (!can_reveal_tiles_into_court(TILE_GOLD)) goto_cloth_of_gold_score() }, } states.cloth_of_gold_score = { inactive: "Cloth of Gold", prompt() { prompt_score("Cloth of Gold", calc_cloth_of_gold_score()) gen_action_score() }, score() { score_own_points(calc_cloth_of_gold_score()) end_turn() } } // === THE ACTIONS: BANQUETS AND FEASTS === function calc_banquets_and_feasts_score() { let n = count_tiles(own_court(), TILE_BLUE) if (n === 0) return 0 if (n === 1) return 1 if (n === 2) return 3 return 6 } function goto_banquets_and_feasts() { log_reveal_tiles_into_court(TILE_BLUE) if (can_reveal_tiles_into_court(TILE_BLUE)) game.state = "banquets_and_feasts_reveal" else goto_banquets_and_feasts_score() } function goto_banquets_and_feasts_score() { if (calc_banquets_and_feasts_score()) game.state = "banquets_and_feasts_score" else goto_banquets_and_feasts_remove() } function goto_banquets_and_feasts_remove() { log_remove_tiles_from_court(TILE_BLUE) if (can_remove_tiles_from_court(TILE_BLUE)) game.state = "banquets_and_feasts_remove" else end_turn() } states.banquets_and_feasts_reveal = { inactive: "Banquets & Feasts", prompt() { view.prompt = "Banquets & Feasts: Reveal all Blue tiles from your Hand." gen_reveal_tiles_into_court(TILE_BLUE) }, tile(tile) { reveal_tile_into_court(tile) if (!can_reveal_tiles_into_court(TILE_BLUE)) goto_banquets_and_feasts_score() }, } states.banquets_and_feasts_score = { inactive: "Banquets & Feasts", prompt() { prompt_score("Banquets & Feasts", calc_banquets_and_feasts_score()) gen_action_score() }, score() { score_own_points(calc_banquets_and_feasts_score()) if (is_end_of_the_contest()) return goto_end_of_the_contest() goto_banquets_and_feasts_remove() }, } states.banquets_and_feasts_remove = { inactive: "Banquets & Feasts", prompt() { view.prompt = "Banquets & Feasts: Remove all Blue tiles from your Court." gen_remove_tiles_from_court(TILE_BLUE) }, tile(tile) { remove_tile_from_court(tile) if (!can_remove_tiles_from_court(TILE_BLUE)) end_turn() }, } // === THE ACTIONS: GODLINESS AND PIETY === function calc_godliness_and_piety_score() { return count_tiles(own_court(), TILE_WHITE) } function goto_godliness_and_piety() { log_reveal_tiles_into_court(TILE_WHITE) if (can_reveal_tiles_into_court(TILE_WHITE)) game.state = "godliness_and_piety_reveal" else goto_godliness_and_piety_score() } function goto_godliness_and_piety_score() { if (calc_godliness_and_piety_score()) game.state = "godliness_and_piety_score" else goto_godliness_and_piety_remove() } function goto_godliness_and_piety_remove() { log_remove_tiles_from_court(TILE_WHITE) if (can_remove_tiles_from_court(TILE_WHITE)) game.state = "godliness_and_piety_remove" else end_turn() } states.godliness_and_piety_reveal = { inactive: "Godliness & Piety", prompt() { view.prompt = "Godliness & Piety: Reveal all White tiles from your Hand." gen_reveal_tiles_into_court(TILE_WHITE) }, tile(tile) { reveal_tile_into_court(tile) if (!can_reveal_tiles_into_court(TILE_WHITE)) goto_godliness_and_piety_score() }, } states.godliness_and_piety_score = { inactive: "Godliness & Piety", prompt() { view.prompt = "Godliness & Piety: Score " + calc_godliness_and_piety_score() + " points." prompt_score("Godliness & Piety", calc_godliness_and_piety_score()) gen_action_score() }, score() { score_own_points(calc_godliness_and_piety_score()) if (is_end_of_the_contest()) return goto_end_of_the_contest() goto_godliness_and_piety_remove() }, } states.godliness_and_piety_remove = { inactive: "Godliness & Piety", prompt() { view.prompt = "Godliness & Piety: Remove all White tiles from your Court." gen_remove_tiles_from_court(TILE_WHITE) }, tile(tile) { remove_tile_from_court(tile) if (!can_remove_tiles_from_court(TILE_WHITE)) end_turn() }, } // === THE ACTIONS: TOURNAMENTS === function calc_tournaments_score() { return count_tiles(own_court(), TILE_RED) } function calc_tournaments_rival_score() { return count_tiles(rival_court(), TILE_RED) } function goto_tournaments() { log_reveal_tiles_into_court(TILE_RED) if (can_reveal_tiles_into_court(TILE_RED)) game.state = "tournaments_reveal" else goto_tournaments_score_own() } function goto_tournaments_score_own() { if (calc_tournaments_score()) game.state = "tournaments_score_own" else goto_tournaments_remove_own() } function goto_tournaments_remove_own() { log_remove_tiles_from_court(TILE_RED) if (can_remove_tiles_from_court(TILE_RED)) game.state = "tournaments_remove_own" else goto_tournaments_score_rival() } function goto_tournaments_score_rival() { if (calc_tournaments_rival_score()) game.state = "tournaments_score_rival" else goto_tournaments_remove_rival() } function goto_tournaments_remove_rival() { log_remove_tiles_from_rival_court(TILE_RED) if (can_remove_tiles_from_rival_court(TILE_RED)) game.state = "tournaments_remove_rival" else game.state = "tournaments_secrecy" } states.tournaments_reveal = { inactive: "Tournaments", prompt() { view.prompt = "Tournaments: Reveal all Red tiles from your Hand." gen_reveal_tiles_into_court(TILE_RED) }, tile(tile) { reveal_tile_into_court(tile) if (!can_reveal_tiles_into_court(TILE_RED)) goto_tournaments_score_own() }, } states.tournaments_score_own = { inactive: "Tournaments", prompt() { view.prompt = "Tournaments: Score " + calc_tournaments_score() + " points." prompt_score("Tournaments", calc_tournaments_score()) gen_action_score() }, score() { score_own_points(calc_tournaments_score()) if (is_end_of_the_contest()) return goto_end_of_the_contest() goto_tournaments_remove_own() }, } states.tournaments_remove_own = { inactive: "Tournaments", prompt() { view.prompt = "Tournaments: Remove all Red tiles from your Court." gen_remove_tiles_from_court(TILE_RED) }, tile(tile) { remove_tile_from_court(tile) if (!can_remove_tiles_from_court(TILE_RED)) goto_tournaments_score_rival() }, } states.tournaments_score_rival = { inactive: "Tournaments", prompt() { prompt_score("Tournaments", calc_tournaments_rival_score(), " for your rival.") gen_action_score_rival() }, score() { score_rival_points(calc_tournaments_rival_score()) if (is_end_of_the_contest()) return goto_end_of_the_contest() goto_tournaments_remove_rival() }, } states.tournaments_remove_rival = { inactive: "Tournaments", prompt() { view.prompt = "Tournaments: Remove all Red tiles from rival Court." gen_remove_tiles_from_rival_courts(TILE_RED) }, tile(tile) { remove_tile_from_rival_court(tile) if (!can_remove_tiles_from_rival_court(TILE_RED)) game.state = "tournaments_secrecy" }, } states.tournaments_secrecy = { inactive: "Tournaments", prompt() { view.prompt = "Tournaments: Gain tiles from the Darkness for you and your rival." view.actions.darkness = 1 }, darkness() { clear_undo() gain_secrecy_tiles() gain_secrecy_tiles_rival() end_turn() }, } // === THE ACTIONS: COLLECTIONS === function calc_collections_score() { let x1 = count_tiles(own_court(), TILE_GOLD) let x2 = count_tiles(own_court(), TILE_BLUE) let x3 = count_tiles(own_court(), TILE_WHITE) let x4 = count_tiles(own_court(), TILE_RED) return Math.min(x1, x2, x3, x4) * 2 } function goto_collections() { log_reveal_tiles_into_court(TILE_GOLD) log_reveal_tiles_into_court(TILE_BLUE) log_reveal_tiles_into_court(TILE_WHITE) log_reveal_tiles_into_court(TILE_RED) log_reveal_tiles_into_court(TILE_GREEN) if (own_hand().length > 0) game.state = "collections_reveal" else goto_collections_score() } function goto_collections_score() { if (calc_collections_score()) game.state = "collections_score" else end_turn() } states.collections_reveal = { inactive: "Collections", prompt() { view.prompt = "Collections: Reveal all tiles from your Hand." for (let tile of own_hand()) gen_action_tile(tile) }, tile(tile) { reveal_tile_into_court(tile) if (own_hand().length === 0) goto_collections_score() }, } states.collections_score = { inactive: "Collections", prompt() { view.prompt = "Collections: Score " + calc_collections_score() + " points." prompt_score("Collections", calc_collections_score()) gen_action_score() }, score() { score_own_points(calc_collections_score()) end_turn() } } // === END OF THE CONTEST === function calc_jewel_score(court) { let n = count_tiles(court, TILE_GREEN) return n * n } function calc_gold_score(score, court) { let n = count_tiles(court, TILE_GOLD) return n * GOLD_PER_ROW[score / 8 | 0] } function goto_end_of_the_contest() { log(".x End of the Contest") goto_end_of_the_contest_jewels_1() } function goto_end_of_the_contest_jewels_1() { if (calc_jewel_score(game.red_court)) game.state = "end_of_the_contest_jewels_1" else goto_end_of_the_contest_jewels_2() } function goto_end_of_the_contest_jewels_2() { if (calc_jewel_score(game.blue_court)) game.state = "end_of_the_contest_jewels_2" else goto_end_of_the_contest_gold_1() } function goto_end_of_the_contest_gold_1() { if (calc_gold_score(game.red_score, game.red_court)) game.state = "end_of_the_contest_gold_1" else goto_end_of_the_contest_gold_2() } function goto_end_of_the_contest_gold_2() { if (calc_gold_score(game.blue_score, game.blue_court)) game.state = "end_of_the_contest_gold_2" else goto_victory() } states.end_of_the_contest_jewels_1 = { inactive: "End of the Contest", prompt() { prompt_score("End of the Contest", calc_jewel_score(game.red_court), " for Red's Jewels.") gen_action_score_red() }, score() { score_points(RED, calc_jewel_score(game.red_court), " for Jewels.") goto_end_of_the_contest_jewels_2() }, } states.end_of_the_contest_jewels_2 = { inactive: "End of the Contest", prompt() { prompt_score("End of the Contest", calc_jewel_score(game.blue_court), " for Blue's Jewels.") gen_action_score_blue() }, score() { score_points(BLUE, calc_jewel_score(game.blue_court), " for Jewels.") goto_end_of_the_contest_gold_1() }, } states.end_of_the_contest_gold_1 = { inactive: "End of the Contest", prompt() { prompt_score("End of the Contest", calc_gold_score(game.red_score, game.red_court), " for Red's Gold.") gen_action_score_red() }, score() { score_points(RED, calc_gold_score(game.red_score, game.red_court), " for Gold.") goto_end_of_the_contest_gold_2() }, } states.end_of_the_contest_gold_2 = { inactive: "End of the Contest", prompt() { prompt_score("End of the Contest", calc_gold_score(game.blue_score, game.blue_court), " for Blue's Gold.") gen_action_score_blue() }, score() { score_points(BLUE, calc_gold_score(game.blue_score, game.blue_court), " for Gold.") goto_victory() }, } function victory_check(red, blue) { if (red > blue) return goto_game_over(RED, RED + " is the winner with " + game.red_score + " points!") if (blue > red) return goto_game_over(BLUE, BLUE + " is the winner with " + game.blue_score + " points!") return true } function goto_victory() { if (victory_check(game.red_score, game.blue_score)) if (victory_check(count_tiles(game.red_court, TILE_WHITE), count_tiles(game.blue_court, TILE_WHITE))) if (victory_check(game.red_court.length), game.blue_court.length) goto_game_over("Shared", "The two majesties do share victory.") } // === COMMON LIBRARY === function log(msg) { game.log.push(msg) } function clear_undo() { game.undo.length = 0 } function push_undo() { let copy = {} for (let k in game) { let v = game[k] if (k === "undo") continue else if (k === "log") v = v.length else if (typeof v === "object" && v !== null) v = object_copy(v) copy[k] = v } game.undo.push(copy) } function pop_undo() { let save_log = game.log let save_undo = game.undo game = save_undo.pop() save_log.length = game.log game.log = save_log game.undo = save_undo } function random(range) { // An MLCG using integer arithmetic with doubles. // https://www.ams.org/journals/mcom/1999-68-225/S0025-5718-99-00996-5/S0025-5718-99-00996-5.pdf // m = 2**35 − 31 return (game.seed = game.seed * 200105 % 34359738337) % range } function shuffle(list) { // Fisher-Yates shuffle for (let i = list.length - 1; i > 0; --i) { let j = random(i + 1) let tmp = list[j] list[j] = list[i] list[i] = tmp } } // Fast deep copy for objects without cycles function object_copy(original) { if (Array.isArray(original)) { let n = original.length let copy = new Array(n) for (let i = 0; i < n; ++i) { let v = original[i] if (typeof v === "object" && v !== null) copy[i] = object_copy(v) else copy[i] = v } return copy } else { let copy = {} for (let i in original) { let v = original[i] if (typeof v === "object" && v !== null) copy[i] = object_copy(v) else copy[i] = v } return copy } } // Array remove and insert (faster than splice) function array_remove(array, index) { let n = array.length for (let i = index + 1; i < n; ++i) array[i - 1] = array[i] array.length = n - 1 } function array_remove_item(array, item) { let n = array.length for (let i = 0; i < n; ++i) if (array[i] === item) return array_remove(array, i) }