"use strict" /* global view, data, player, send_action, action_button, scroll_with_middle_mouse */ // :r !python3 tools/genlayout.py // BEGIN LAYOUT DATA const LAYOUT = { "Santa Marta": [682, 436], "Cartagena": [500, 512], "Sincelejo": [514, 708], "Medellin": [513, 1066], "Ibague": [507, 1278], "Cali": [391, 1497], "Pasto": [274, 1783], "Neiva": [589, 1542], "Bogota": [754, 1336], "Bucaramanga": [839, 980], "Cucuta": [951, 864], "Guainia": [1409, 1542], "Vaupes": [1167, 1785], "Amazonas": [1085, 2064], "Vichada": [1340, 1274], "Ecuador": [94, 1792], "Panama": [188, 686], "Cesar": [802, 533], "Atlantico": [646, 642], "Antioquia": [666, 910], "Choco": [373, 1040], "Narino": [212, 1642], "Huila": [457, 1628], "Santander": [818, 1177], "Arauca": [1092, 1128], "Meta East": [973, 1410], "Meta West": [720, 1539], "Guaviare": [976, 1669], "Putumayo": [680, 1826], "Sincelejo / Ayacucho": [642, 696], "Cucuta / Arauca": [994, 977], "Bucaramanga / Ibague / Bogota": [626, 1224], "Bogota / Yopal": [887, 1276], "Bogota / Neiva": [612, 1414], "Bogota / San Jose": [826, 1474], "Neiva / Pasto": [530, 1698], "Pasto / Tumaco": [146, 1766], "Cali / Pasto": [348, 1625], "Cali / Buenaventura": [368, 1412], "Ibague / Cali": [436, 1362], "Medellin / Ibague": [511, 1169], "Cartagena / Sincelejo": [514, 613], "Sincelejo / Medellin": [563, 876], "Bucaramanga / Ayacucho": [778, 830], "Cucuta / Ayacucho": [872, 708], "Santa Marta / Ayacucho": [746, 601], "Santa Marta / Cartagena": [588, 466], "Atlantico Govt": [619, 504], "Atlantico AUC": [580, 603], "Atlantico Cartels": [634, 548], "Atlantico FARC": [702, 664], "Atlantico DRUGS": [713, 573], "Choco Govt": [338, 1097], "Choco AUC": [366, 915], "Choco Cartels": [365, 1272], "Choco FARC": [408, 1179], "Choco DRUGS": [297, 1184], "Narino Govt": [185, 1562], "Narino AUC": [293, 1554], "Narino Cartels": [217, 1688], "Narino FARC": [140, 1687], "Narino DRUGS": [274, 1469], "Meta West Govt": [678, 1461], "Meta West AUC": [679, 1549], "Meta West Cartels": [819, 1540], "Meta West FARC": [702, 1632], "Meta West DRUGS": [751, 1576], "Guaviare Govt": [907, 1615], "Guaviare AUC": [1091, 1603], "Guaviare Cartels": [972, 1724], "Guaviare FARC": [837, 1682], "Guaviare DRUGS": [998, 1575], "Putumayo Govt": [552, 1798], "Putumayo AUC": [621, 1866], "Putumayo Cartels": [882, 1876], "Putumayo FARC": [749, 1886], "Putumayo DRUGS": [622, 1704], "Cesar Govt": [805, 437], "Cesar AUC": [819, 584], "Cesar Cartels": [985, 338], "Cesar FARC": [901, 399], "Cesar DRUGS": [1054, 298], "Antioquia Govt": [621, 766], "Antioquia AUC": [715, 807], "Antioquia Cartels": [603, 978], "Antioquia FARC": [703, 965], "Antioquia DRUGS": [594, 1138], "Santander Govt": [848, 824], "Santander AUC": [779, 1074], "Santander Cartels": [824, 1219], "Santander FARC": [716, 1180], "Santander DRUGS": [880, 1089], "Huila Govt": [618, 1318], "Huila AUC": [507, 1468], "Huila Cartels": [550, 1387], "Huila FARC": [410, 1688], "Huila DRUGS": [486, 1553], "Arauca Govt": [981, 1113], "Arauca AUC": [1217, 1036], "Arauca Cartels": [1196, 1118], "Arauca FARC": [1062, 1195], "Arauca DRUGS": [1073, 1033], "Meta East Govt": [964, 1283], "Meta East AUC": [870, 1385], "Meta East Cartels": [1036, 1445], "Meta East FARC": [931, 1460], "Meta East DRUGS": [1055, 1326], "Vichada Govt": [1246, 1255], "Vichada AUC": [1278, 1344], "Vichada Cartels": [1392, 1333], "Vichada FARC": [1415, 1220], "Vichada DRUGS": [1315, 1182], "Guainia Govt": [1314, 1498], "Guainia AUC": [1490, 1460], "Guainia Cartels": [1489, 1582], "Guainia FARC": [1328, 1596], "Guainia DRUGS": [1413, 1628], "Vaupes Govt": [1101, 1752], "Vaupes AUC": [1212, 1720], "Vaupes Cartels": [1183, 1871], "Vaupes FARC": [1091, 1835], "Vaupes DRUGS": [1259, 1801], "Amazonas Govt": [987, 2038], "Amazonas AUC": [881, 2072], "Amazonas Cartels": [1048, 2132], "Amazonas FARC": [940, 2154], "Amazonas DRUGS": [1077, 1968], "Ecuador Govt": [42, 1780], "Ecuador AUC": [57, 1831], "Ecuador Cartels": [177, 1854], "Ecuador FARC": [111, 1857], "Ecuador DRUGS": [258, 1889], "Panama Govt": [65, 666], "Panama AUC": [228, 842], "Panama Cartels": [135, 709], "Panama FARC": [222, 754], "Panama DRUGS": [201, 907], "Sincelejo / Ayacucho COIN": [700, 731], "Sincelejo / Ayacucho INSURGENTS": [614, 676], "Bucaramanga / Ayacucho COIN": [771, 779], "Bucaramanga / Ayacucho INSURGENTS": [782, 875], "Cucuta / Ayacucho COIN": [829, 740], "Cucuta / Ayacucho INSURGENTS": [899, 736], "Santa Marta / Ayacucho COIN": [766, 643], "Santa Marta / Ayacucho INSURGENTS": [716, 564], "Bogota / Yopal COIN": [853, 1309], "Bogota / Yopal INSURGENTS": [912, 1231], "Bogota / Neiva COIN": [655, 1413], "Bogota / Neiva INSURGENTS": [600, 1458], "Bogota / San Jose COIN": [784, 1447], "Bogota / San Jose INSURGENTS": [871, 1495], "Bucaramanga / Ibague / Bogota COIN": [659, 1256], "Bucaramanga / Ibague / Bogota INSURGENTS": [640, 1166], "Cucuta / Arauca COIN": [951, 947], "Cucuta / Arauca INSURGENTS": [1053, 985], "Neiva / Pasto COIN": [545, 1652], "Neiva / Pasto INSURGENTS": [492, 1735], "Pasto / Tumaco COIN": [182, 1789], "Pasto / Tumaco INSURGENTS": [110, 1744], "Cali / Pasto COIN": [312, 1650], "Cali / Pasto INSURGENTS": [373, 1595], "Cali / Buenaventura COIN": [343, 1400], "Cali / Buenaventura INSURGENTS": [304, 1394], "Ibague / Cali COIN": [424, 1407], "Ibague / Cali INSURGENTS": [452, 1340], "Medellin / Ibague COIN": [508, 1193], "Medellin / Ibague INSURGENTS": [512, 1142], "Cartagena / Sincelejo COIN": [522, 643], "Cartagena / Sincelejo INSURGENTS": [529, 579], "Sincelejo / Medellin COIN": [550, 931], "Sincelejo / Medellin INSURGENTS": [541, 831], "Santa Marta / Cartagena COIN": [563, 469], "Santa Marta / Cartagena INSURGENTS": [608, 441], } // END LAYOUT DATA const LAYOUT_CACHE = { Center: [], Govt: [], FARC: [], AUC: [], Cartels: [], COIN: [], INSURGENTS: [], DRUGS: [], } // Factions const GOVT = 0 const FARC = 1 const AUC = 2 const CARTELS = 3 const GOVT_AUC = 4 const FARC_CARTELS = 5 const AUC_CARTELS = 6 // Pieces const BASE = 0 const GUERRILLA = 1 const TROOPS = 2 const POLICE = 3 const MOM_SENADO_FARC = 5 const MOM_SENADO_AUC = 6 const MOM_SENADO_CARTELS = 7 const META_WEST = 14 const first_piece = data.first_piece const last_piece = data.last_piece const last_city = data.last_city const last_pop = data.last_pop const last_dept = data.last_dept const first_loc = data.first_loc const last_loc = data.last_loc // Spaces const AVAILABLE = -1 const OUT_OF_PLAY = -2 // Sequence of Play options const ELIGIBLE = 0 const SOP_A1 = 1 const SOP_A2 = 2 const SOP_B1 = 3 const SOP_B2 = 4 const SOP_C1 = 5 const SOP_C2 = 6 const SOP_PASS = 7 const INELIGIBLE = 8 const capability_cards = [ 1, 2, 3, 7, 9, 10, 11, 13, 1, 2, 3, 7, 9, 10, 11, 13, 17, 18 ] const momentum_cards = [ 12, 17, 22, 27, 67, 42, 42, 42 ] function has_momentum(bit) { return view.momentum & (1 << bit) } function has_capability(bit) { return view.capabilities & (1 << bit) } let ui = { map: document.getElementById("map"), favicon: document.getElementById("favicon"), header: document.querySelector("header"), status: document.getElementById("status"), player: [ document.getElementById("role_Government"), document.getElementById("role_FARC"), document.getElementById("role_AUC"), document.getElementById("role_Cartels"), document.getElementById("role_Government_+_AUC"), document.getElementById("role_FARC_+_Cartels"), document.getElementById("role_AUC_+_Cartels"), ], capabilities: [ document.getElementById("cap_first_div"), document.getElementById("cap_ospina"), document.getElementById("cap_tapias"), document.getElementById("cap_seventh_sf"), document.getElementById("cap_mtn_bns"), document.getElementById("cap_black_hawks"), document.getElementById("cap_ndsc"), document.getElementById("cap_meteoro"), document.getElementById("s_cap_first_div"), document.getElementById("s_cap_ospina"), document.getElementById("s_cap_tapias"), document.getElementById("s_cap_seventh_sf"), document.getElementById("s_cap_mtn_bns"), document.getElementById("s_cap_black_hawks"), document.getElementById("s_cap_ndsc"), document.getElementById("s_cap_meteoro"), document.getElementById("rem_darien"), document.getElementById("rem_sucumbios"), ], momentum: [ document.getElementById("mom_12"), document.getElementById("mom_17"), document.getElementById("mom_22"), document.getElementById("mom_27"), document.getElementById("mom_67"), document.getElementById("mom_42_farc"), document.getElementById("mom_42_auc"), document.getElementById("mom_42_cartels"), ], spaces: [], control: [], support: [], sabotage: [], terror: [], card_tip: document.getElementById("card_tip"), next_card: document.getElementById("next_card"), this_card: document.getElementById("this_card"), shaded_event: document.getElementById("shaded_event"), unshaded_event: document.getElementById("unshaded_event"), deck_size: document.getElementById("deck_size"), tokens: { aid: document.getElementById("token_aid"), total_support: document.getElementById("token_total_support"), oppose_plus_bases: document.getElementById("token_oppose_plus_bases"), president: document.getElementById("token_el_presidente"), propaganda: document.getElementById("token_prop_card"), senado_farc: document.getElementById("rem_senado_farc"), senado_auc: document.getElementById("rem_senado_auc"), senado_cartels: document.getElementById("rem_senado_cartels"), }, pieces: [], resources: [ document.getElementById("govt_resources"), document.getElementById("farc_resources"), document.getElementById("auc_resources"), document.getElementById("cartels_resources"), ], cylinder: [ document.getElementById("govt_cylinder"), document.getElementById("farc_cylinder"), document.getElementById("auc_cylinder"), document.getElementById("cartels_cylinder"), ], } function action_menu_item(action) { let menu = document.getElementById(action + "_menu") if (view.actions && action in view.actions) { menu.classList.toggle("hide", false) menu.classList.toggle("disabled", view.actions[action] === 0) return 1 } else { menu.classList.toggle("hide", true) return 0 } } function action_menu(menu, action_list) { let x = 0 for (let action of action_list) x |= action_menu_item(action) menu.classList.toggle("hide", !x) } function create(t, p, ...c) { let e = document.createElement(t) Object.assign(e, p) e.append(c) return e } function register_action(e, action, id) { e.my_action = action e.my_id = id e.onclick = on_click_action } function is_action(action, arg) { if (arg === undefined) return !!(view.actions && view.actions[action] === 1) return !!(view.actions && view.actions[action] && set_has(view.actions[action], arg)) } function toggle_pieces() { if (ui.map.classList.contains("hide_tokens")) { ui.map.classList.remove("hide_tokens") ui.map.classList.remove("hide_pieces") } else if (ui.map.classList.contains("hide_pieces")) { ui.map.classList.add("hide_tokens") } else { ui.map.classList.add("hide_pieces") } } function on_click_action(evt) { if (evt.button === 0) send_action(evt.target.my_action, evt.target.my_id) } function get_layout_xy(s, f = "Center") { if (!LAYOUT_CACHE[f][s]) { let id = (f !== "Center") ? data.spaces[s].id + " " + f : data.spaces[s].id LAYOUT_CACHE[f][s] = LAYOUT[id] } return LAYOUT_CACHE[f][s] } function get_layout_radius(s) { switch (data.spaces[s].pop) { case 0: return 0 case 1: return 53 case 2: return 57 case 3: return 61 case 8: return 68 } } function on_focus_next_event() { let c = view.deck[1] if (c > 0) ui.status.textContent = data.card_title[c] } function on_focus_this_event() { let c = view.deck[0] if (c > 0) ui.status.textContent = data.card_title[c] } function on_focus_unshaded_event() { let c = view.deck[0] if (c > 0) { let f = data.card_flavor[c] if (f) ui.status.textContent = data.card_title[c] + " - " + f else ui.status.textContent = data.card_title[c] } } function on_focus_shaded_event() { let c = view.deck[0] if (c > 0) { ui.status.textContent = data.card_title[c] + " - " + data.card_flavor_shaded[c] } } function on_blur_event() { ui.status.textContent = "" } function init_ui() { register_action(ui.this_card, "event", undefined) register_action(ui.unshaded_event, "unshaded", undefined) register_action(ui.shaded_event, "shaded", undefined) register_action(ui.tokens.aid, "aid", undefined) register_action(ui.resources[GOVT], "resources", GOVT) register_action(ui.resources[FARC], "resources", FARC) register_action(ui.resources[AUC], "resources", AUC) register_action(ui.resources[CARTELS], "resources", CARTELS) ui.this_card.onmouseenter = on_focus_this_event ui.this_card.onmouseleave = on_blur_event ui.shaded_event.onmouseenter = on_focus_shaded_event ui.shaded_event.onmouseleave = on_focus_this_event ui.unshaded_event.onmouseenter = on_focus_unshaded_event ui.unshaded_event.onmouseleave = on_focus_this_event ui.next_card.onmouseenter = on_focus_next_event ui.next_card.onmouseleave = on_blur_event for (let i = 0; i < momentum_cards.length; ++i) register_card_tip(ui.momentum[i], momentum_cards[i]) for (let i = 0; i < capability_cards.length; ++i) register_card_tip(ui.capabilities[i], capability_cards[i]) register_card_tip(ui.tokens.senado_farc, 42) register_card_tip(ui.tokens.senado_auc, 42) register_card_tip(ui.tokens.senado_cartels, 42) ui.farc_zones = [ document.getElementById("tokens").appendChild(create("div", { className: "hide" })), document.getElementById("tokens").appendChild(create("div", { className: "hide" })), document.getElementById("tokens").appendChild(create("div", { className: "hide" })), ] for (let i = 0; i < data.spaces.length; ++i) { let id = data.spaces[i].id let type = data.spaces[i].type let e = null if (type === "road" || type === "pipeline") { e = document.createElement("div") let [ x, y ] = LAYOUT[id] e.className = "box loc" e.style.left = x - 28 + "px" e.style.top = y - 28 + "px" e.style.width = 56 + "px" e.style.height = 56 + "px" document.getElementById("boxes").appendChild(e) } else if (type === "city") { e = document.getElementById(id) } else { e = document.getElementById("svgmap").getElementById(id) } if (!e) console.log("MISSING SPACE", id) else { ui.spaces[i] = e register_action(e, "space", i) } if (i <= last_pop) { let [x, y] = LAYOUT[id] if (i <= last_city) ui.support[i] = e = create("div", { className: "hide" }) else ui.support[i] = e = create("div", { className: "hide" }) if (i <= last_city) { let r = get_layout_radius(i) e.style.left = (x - 20) + "px" e.style.top = (y - 20 - r) + "px" } else { e.style.left = (x - 20) + "px" e.style.top = (y - 20 - 40) + "px" } document.getElementById("tokens").appendChild(e) } if (i <= last_dept) { let [x, y] = LAYOUT[id] if (i <= last_city) ui.control[i] = e = create("div", { className: "token govt_control" }) else ui.control[i] = e = create("div", { className: "hide" }) if (i <= last_city) { let r = get_layout_radius(i) e.style.left = (x - 25 + r) + "px" e.style.top = (y - 25) + "px" } else if (i <= last_pop) { e.style.left = (x - 25 + 50) + "px" e.style.top = (y - 25 - 25) + "px" } else { e.style.left = (x - 25) + "px" e.style.top = (y - 25) + "px" } document.getElementById("tokens").appendChild(e) } if (i >= first_loc && i <= last_loc) { let [x, y] = LAYOUT[id] ui.sabotage[i] = e = create("div", { className: "hide" }) e.style.left = (x - 20) + "px" e.style.top = (y - 20) + "px" document.getElementById("tokens").appendChild(e) } } for (let i = 0; i < 40; ++i) { let e = ui.terror[i] = create("div", { className: "hide" }) document.getElementById("tokens").appendChild(e) } function create_piece(c, action, id, x, y) { let e = create("div", { className: c, my_action: action, my_id: id, my_x_offset: x, my_y_offset: y, onclick: on_click_action }) document.getElementById("pieces").appendChild(e) return e } function create_piece_list(faction, type, c, x, y) { for (let p = first_piece[faction][type]; p <= last_piece[faction][type]; ++p) ui.pieces[p] = create_piece(c, "piece", p, x, y) } ui.shipments = [ create_piece("token shipment", "shipment", 0, 0, 0), create_piece("token shipment", "shipment", 1, 0, 0), create_piece("token shipment", "shipment", 2, 0, 0), create_piece("token shipment", "shipment", 3, 0, 0), ] ui.pieces = [] create_piece_list(GOVT, BASE, "piece govt base", -4, 10) create_piece_list(GOVT, POLICE, "piece govt police", 0, 4) create_piece_list(GOVT, TROOPS, "piece govt troops", 0, 4) create_piece_list(FARC, BASE, "piece farc base", -4, 10) create_piece_list(FARC, GUERRILLA, "piece farc guerrilla", 2, 0) create_piece_list(AUC, BASE, "piece auc base", -4, 10) create_piece_list(AUC, GUERRILLA, "piece auc guerrilla", 2, 0) create_piece_list(CARTELS, GUERRILLA, "piece cartels guerrilla", 2, 0) create_piece_list(CARTELS, BASE, "piece cartels base", -4, 10) } function is_carrying_shipment(p) { for (let i = 0; i < 4; ++i) if (view.shipments[i] === p << 2) return true return false } function filter_piece_list(list, space, faction, type) { for (let i = first_piece[faction][type]; i <= last_piece[faction][type]; ++i) if (view.pieces[i] === space && (type !== GUERRILLA || !is_carrying_shipment(i))) list.push(ui.pieces[i]) } function layout_available(faction, type, xorig, yorig) { let list = [] filter_piece_list(list, AVAILABLE, faction, type) layout_pieces(list, xorig, yorig + 35, null, AVAILABLE) } function layout_pieces(list, xorig, yorig, bases, s) { const dx = 17 const dy = 11 let off_x = 0 let off_y = 0 if (bases && bases.length === 0) off_y = 25 function layout_piece_rowcol(nrow, ncol, row, col, e, z) { // basic piece size = 29x36 let x = xorig - (row * dx - col * dx) - 15 + off_x let y = yorig - (row * dy + col * dy) - 24 + off_y let xo = e.my_x_offset let yo = e.my_y_offset e.style.left = (xo + x) + "px" e.style.top = (yo + y) + "px" e.style.zIndex = y e.my_x = x + 15 e.my_y = y + 24 e.my_z = z } if (list.length > 0) { let nrow = Math.round(Math.sqrt(list.length)) let ncol = Math.ceil(list.length / nrow) let z = 50 let i = 0 if ((s >= 0 && s <= last_city) || s >= first_loc) { off_x = (nrow - ncol) * 6 off_y = (nrow - 1) * 8 } for (let row = 0; row < nrow; ++row) for (let col = 0; col < ncol; ++col) if (i < list.length) layout_piece_rowcol(nrow, ncol, row, col, list[list.length-(++i)], z--) } if (bases) layout_dept_bases(bases, xorig + off_x, yorig + 12 + off_y, s) } function place_piece(p, x, y, z) { p.style.left = x + "px" p.style.top = y + "px" if (z) p.style.zIndex = z p.my_x = x p.my_y = y p.my_z = z } function layout_dept_bases(list, xc, yc, s) { if (data.spaces[s].type !== "mountain") { if (list.length > 0) place_piece(list[0], xc - 20 + 32, yc - 10, 51) if (list.length > 1) place_piece(list[1], xc - 20 - 32, yc - 10, 52) } else { if (list.length > 0) place_piece(list[0], xc - 20 - 32, yc - 10, 51) if (list.length > 1) place_piece(list[1], xc - 20 + 32, yc - 10, 52) } } function layout_city_bases(list, xc, yc, s) { if (data.spaces[s].pop > 1) { if (list.length > 0) place_piece(list[0], xc - 21 + 25, yc - 20, 51) if (list.length > 1) place_piece(list[1], xc - 21 - 25, yc - 20, 52) } else { if (list.length > 0) place_piece(list[0], xc - 21 - 25, yc - 20, 51) if (list.length > 1) place_piece(list[1], xc - 21 + 25, yc - 20, 52) } } function layout_available_bases(list, x0, y0, cols, rows, dx, dy) { let x = x0 let y = y0 // for (let i = list.length-1; i >= 0; --i) { for (let i = 0; i < list.length; ++i) { place_piece(list[list.length-i-1], x - 44 - 6, y + 8) y += dy if (i % rows === rows - 1) { x -= dx y = y0 } } } const sop_xy = [ [SOP_A1, 1298-22, 475-24], [SOP_A2, 1374-22, 475-24], [SOP_B1, 1298-22, 554-24], [SOP_B2, 1374-22, 554-24], [SOP_C1, 1298-22, 632-24], [SOP_C2, 1374-22, 632-24], ] function layout_sop() { let i, x, y, z // Eligible x = 1164 - 22 y = 480 z = 1 let order = data.card_order[view.deck[0]] for (let faction of order) { if (view.cylinder[faction] === ELIGIBLE) { place_piece(ui.cylinder[faction], x, y, z) y += 40 z += 1 } } // Ineligible x = 1510 - 22 y = 480 z = 1 for (let faction = 0; faction < 4; ++faction) { if (view.cylinder[faction] === INELIGIBLE) { place_piece(ui.cylinder[faction], x, y, z) y += 40 z += 1 } } // Pass x = 1164 - 22 - 24 y = 688 - 28 z = 1 i = 0 for (let faction = 0; faction < 4; ++faction) { if (view.cylinder[faction] === SOP_PASS) { place_piece(ui.cylinder[faction], x, y, z) x += 48 z += 1 if (++i === 2) { x -= 72; y += 28 } } } for (let [i, x, y] of sop_xy) { for (let faction = 0; faction < 4; ++faction) if (view.cylinder[faction] === i) place_piece(ui.cylinder[faction], x, y) } } function calc_oppose_bases() { let total = 0 for (let s = 0; s <= last_pop; ++s) { if (view.support[s] < 0) total -= data.spaces[s].pop * view.support[s] } for (let p = first_piece[FARC][BASE]; p <= last_piece[FARC][BASE]; ++p) if (view.pieces[p] !== AVAILABLE) total += 1 return total } function calc_support() { let total = 0 for (let s = 0; s <= last_pop; ++s) { if (view.support[s] > 0) total += data.spaces[s].pop * view.support[s] } return total } function layout_score_cell(list, x, y, dx, dy) { let z = 1 if (list.length > 1) { if (dy > 0) y -= 12 if (dy < 0) y += 12 if (dx > 0) x -= 12 if (dx < 0) x += 12 } for (let p of list) { if (p.classList.contains("token")) place_piece(p, x - 24, y - 24, z) else place_piece(p, x - 22, y - 24, z) x += dx y += dy z += 1 } } function layout_score() { let list = [] let x, y for (let i = 0; i <= 99; ++i) { let total_support = calc_support() let oppose_plus_bases = calc_oppose_bases() if (total_support === i) list.push(ui.tokens.total_support) if (oppose_plus_bases === i) list.push(ui.tokens.oppose_plus_bases) if (view.aid === i) list.push(ui.tokens.aid) for (let faction = 0; faction < 4; ++faction) if (view.resources[faction] === i) list.push(ui.resources[faction]) if (i <= 30) y = 16 else if (i >= 77) y = 2486 else y = 16 + (i - 30) * 52.55 if (i < 1) x = 19 + 4 else if (i <= 30) x = 80 + (i - 1) * 52.07 else if (i <= 77) x = 1590 else x = 1590 - (i - 77) * 52.09 x = Math.round(x) + 24 y = Math.round(y) + 24 if (i < 1) layout_score_cell(list, x, y, 15, 25) else if (i < 30) layout_score_cell(list, x, y, 0, 28) else if (i === 30) layout_score_cell(list, x, y, -18, 25) else if (i < 77) layout_score_cell(list, x, y, -41, 0) else if (i === 77) layout_score_cell(list, x, y, -15, -19) else layout_score_cell(list, x, y, 0, -19) if (list.length > 0) list.length = 0 } } function update_guerrillas_underground(faction, type, underground) { let p0 = first_piece[faction][type] let p1 = last_piece[faction][type] for (let i = 0, p = p0; p <= p1; ++i, ++p) { if (underground & (1 << i)) ui.pieces[p].classList.remove("active") else ui.pieces[p].classList.add("active") } } function layout_terror(tix, s, n) { let [ tx, ty ] = get_layout_xy(s) tx -= 20 ty -= 20 if (s <= last_city) { let r = get_layout_radius(s) if (data.spaces[s].pop === 1) r += 14 else if (data.spaces[s].pop === 2) r += 12 else if (data.spaces[s].pop === 3) r += 8 else if (data.spaces[s].pop === 8) r += 8 let a = (312 * Math.PI) / 180 tx += Math.round(r * Math.cos(a)) ty += Math.round(r * Math.sin(a)) } else { if (set_has(view.farc_zones, s)) { if (s <= last_pop) { ty -= 85 } else { ty -= 52 tx += 25 } } else { if (s <= last_pop) { ty -= 25 tx -= 45 } else { ty -= 0 tx += 50 } } } for (let i = 0; i < n; ++i) { ui.terror[tix].className = "token terror" ui.terror[tix].style.left = tx + "px" ui.terror[tix].style.top = ty + "px" if (s <= last_city || s > last_pop || set_has(view.farc_zones, s)) { tx += 10 ty -= 10 } else { tx -= 10 ty -= 10 } ++tix } return tix } function layout_farc_zone(s, elt) { let [x, y] = get_layout_xy(s) if (s <= last_pop) { x -= 49 if (s === META_WEST) y -= 25 + 40 else y -= 25 } else { x += 55 } elt.className = "token farc_zone" elt.style.top = (y - 25) + "px" elt.style.left = (x - 25) + "px" } const shipment_layout_dept = [ [ -18, 0, 2 ], [ 18, 0, 3 ], [ -54, 0, 1 ], [ 54, 0, 4 ], ] const shipment_layout_loc = [ [ 30, -18, 1 ], [ 30, 18, 1 ], [ -30, 18, 1 ], [ -30, -18, 1 ], ] function layout_shipments_push(list, pc, sh) { for (let i = 0; i < list.length; ++i) { if (list[i][0] === pc) { list[i].push(sh) return } } list.push([pc, sh]) } function layout_dept_shipments(s, list, xc, yc) { for (let i = 0; i < list.length; ++i) { let [xo, yo, zo] = shipment_layout_dept[i] let x = xc + xo - 27 let y = yc + yo - 27 let z = zo * 4 let pc = list[i][0] if (pc) { pc.style.left = (x+5) + "px" pc.style.top = (y-8) + "px" pc.style.zIndex = z + 1 } for (let k = 1; k < list[i].length; ++k) { let sh = list[i][k] sh.style.left = (x) + "px" sh.style.top = (y) + "px" sh.style.zIndex = z-- x += 8 y += 8 } } } function layout_city_shipments(s, list, xc, yc) { let r = get_layout_radius(s) + 10 for (let i = 0; i < list.length; ++i) { let a = (160 + i * 20) * Math.PI / 180 let xo = Math.round(r * Math.cos(a)) let yo = Math.round(r * Math.sin(a)) let zo = 4-i let x = xc + xo - 27 let y = yc + yo - 27 let z = zo * 4 let pc = list[i][0] if (pc) { pc.style.left = (x+5) + "px" pc.style.top = (y-8) + "px" pc.style.zIndex = z + 1 } for (let k = 1; k < list[i].length; ++k) { let sh = list[i][k] sh.style.left = (x) + "px" sh.style.top = (y) + "px" sh.style.zIndex = z-- x += 8 y += 8 } } } function layout_loc_shipments(s, list, xc, yc) { for (let i = 0; i < list.length; ++i) { let [xo, yo, zo] = shipment_layout_loc[i] let x = xc + xo - 27 let y = yc + yo - 27 let z = zo * 4 let pc = list[i][0] if (pc) { pc.style.left = (x+5) + "px" pc.style.top = (y-8) + "px" pc.style.zIndex = z + 1 } for (let k = 1; k < list[i].length; ++k) { let sh = list[i][k] sh.style.left = (x) + "px" sh.style.top = (y) + "px" sh.style.zIndex = z-- x += 8 y += 8 } } } function make_card_class_name(c) { if (set_has([1,2,3,7,9,10,11,13], view.deck[0])) return "card card_" + c + " u" + data.card_unshaded_lines[c] + " s" + data.card_shaded_lines[c] + " c" else return "card card_" + c + " u" + data.card_unshaded_lines[c] + " s" + data.card_shaded_lines[c] } function on_update() { switch (player) { case "Government": ui.favicon.href = "images/icon_govt.png"; break case "AUC": ui.favicon.href = "images/icon_auc.png"; break case "Cartels": ui.favicon.href = "images/icon_cartels.png"; break case "FARC": ui.favicon.href = "images/icon_farc.png"; break } ui.header.classList.toggle("govt", view.current === GOVT) ui.header.classList.toggle("auc", view.current === AUC) ui.header.classList.toggle("cartels", view.current === CARTELS) ui.header.classList.toggle("farc", view.current === FARC) ui.tokens.aid.classList.toggle("action", is_action("aid")) ui.resources[GOVT].classList.toggle("action", is_action("resources", GOVT)) ui.resources[FARC].classList.toggle("action", is_action("resources", FARC)) ui.resources[AUC].classList.toggle("action", is_action("resources", AUC)) ui.resources[CARTELS].classList.toggle("action", is_action("resources", CARTELS)) ui.player[GOVT].classList.toggle("hide", view.scenario < 3) ui.player[AUC].classList.toggle("hide", view.scenario < 4) ui.player[CARTELS].classList.toggle("hide", view.scenario < 4) ui.player[FARC].classList.toggle("hide", view.scenario < 3) ui.player[GOVT_AUC].classList.toggle("hide", view.scenario !== 2) ui.player[FARC_CARTELS].classList.toggle("hide", view.scenario !== 2) ui.player[AUC_CARTELS].classList.toggle("hide", view.scenario !== 3) ui.player[GOVT].classList.toggle("active", view.current === GOVT) ui.player[AUC].classList.toggle("active", view.current === AUC) ui.player[CARTELS].classList.toggle("active", view.current === CARTELS) ui.player[FARC].classList.toggle("active", view.current === FARC) ui.player[GOVT_AUC].classList.toggle("active", view.current === GOVT || view.current === AUC) ui.player[FARC_CARTELS].classList.toggle("active", view.current === FARC || view.current === CARTELS) ui.player[AUC_CARTELS].classList.toggle("active", view.current === AUC || view.current === CARTELS) ui.tokens.president.style.left = [ 0, "254px", "337px", "420px" ][view.president] ui.tokens.senado_farc.classList.toggle("hide", !has_momentum(MOM_SENADO_FARC)) ui.tokens.senado_auc.classList.toggle("hide", !has_momentum(MOM_SENADO_AUC)) ui.tokens.senado_cartels.classList.toggle("hide", !has_momentum(MOM_SENADO_CARTELS)) for (let i = 0; i < capability_cards.length; ++i) ui.capabilities[i].classList.toggle("hide", !has_capability(i)) for (let i = 0; i < momentum_cards.length; ++i) ui.momentum[i].classList.toggle("hide", !has_momentum(i)) if (view.propaganda > 0) { ui.tokens.propaganda.style.top = "744px" ui.tokens.propaganda.style.left = (1124 + 75 * (view.propaganda - 1)) + "px" } else { ui.tokens.propaganda.style.top = "666px" ui.tokens.propaganda.style.left = "1029px" } ui.this_card.className = make_card_class_name(view.deck[0]) ui.next_card.className = "card card_" + view.deck[1] ui.deck_size.textContent = view.deck[2] ui.this_card.classList.toggle("action", !!(view.actions && view.actions.event === 1)) ui.shaded_event.classList.toggle("action", !!(view.actions && view.actions.shaded === 1)) ui.unshaded_event.classList.toggle("action", !!(view.actions && view.actions.unshaded === 1)) layout_sop() layout_score() layout_available(GOVT, TROOPS, 114, 248) layout_available(GOVT, POLICE, 114, 448) layout_available(FARC, GUERRILLA, 1396, 234) layout_available(AUC, GUERRILLA, 196, 2370) layout_available(CARTELS, GUERRILLA, 1465, 1970) for (let i = view.farc_zones.length; i < ui.farc_zones.length; ++i) ui.farc_zones[i].className = "hide" let tix = 0 let list = [] let bases = [] for (let s = 0; s < data.spaces.length; ++s) { let id = data.spaces[s].id let xy if (s <= last_pop) { switch (view.support[s]) { case -2: ui.support[s].className = "token active_opposition"; break case -1: ui.support[s].className = "token passive_opposition"; break case 0: ui.support[s].className = "hide"; break case 1: ui.support[s].className = "token passive_support"; break case 2: ui.support[s].className = "token active_support"; break } } if (s >= first_loc && s <= last_loc) { if (set_has(view.sabotage, s)) ui.sabotage[s].className = "token sabotage" else ui.sabotage[s].className = "hide" } if (s <= last_dept) { for (let i = 0; i < view.farc_zones.length; ++i) if (view.farc_zones[i] === s) layout_farc_zone(s, ui.farc_zones[i]) if (view.govt_control & (1<> 2)] === s) layout_shipments_push(list, ui.pieces[shx >> 2], ui.shipments[i]) else if ((shx & 3) !== 0 && (shx >> 2) === s) layout_shipments_push(list, null, ui.shipments[i]) } } if (list.length > 0) { if (s <= last_city) { xy = get_layout_xy(s) layout_city_shipments(s, list, xy[0], xy[1]) } else if (s <= last_dept) { xy = get_layout_xy(s, "DRUGS") layout_dept_shipments(s, list, xy[0], xy[1]) } else { xy = get_layout_xy(s) layout_loc_shipments(s, list, xy[0], xy[1]) } } ui.spaces[s].classList.toggle("action", is_action("space", s)) ui.spaces[s].classList.toggle("selected", view.where === s) } for (; tix < 40; ++tix) ui.terror[tix].className = "hide" for (let i = first_piece[AUC][GUERRILLA]; i <= last_piece[AUC][GUERRILLA]; ++i) ui.pieces[i].classList.toggle("hide", view.pieces[i] === OUT_OF_PLAY) list.length = 0 for (let i = 0; i < 4; ++i) { let shx = view.shipments[i] if (shx === 0) list.push(ui.shipments[i]) if (view.actions && view.actions.shipment && set_has(view.actions.shipment, i)) ui.shipments[i].classList.add("action") else ui.shipments[i].classList.remove("action") ui.shipments[i].classList.toggle("selected", view.selected_shipment === i) } layout_available_bases(list, 1532, 1722, 2, 2, 89, 69) list.length = 0 filter_piece_list(list, AVAILABLE, GOVT, BASE) layout_available_bases(list, 287 + 177, 371, 3, 1, 61, 0) list.length = 0 filter_piece_list(list, AVAILABLE, FARC, BASE) layout_available_bases(list, 446 + 543, 2295, 9, 1, 61, 0) list.length = 0 filter_piece_list(list, AVAILABLE, AUC, BASE) layout_available_bases(list, 446 + 360, 2386, 6, 1, 61, 0) list.length = 0 filter_piece_list(list, AVAILABLE, CARTELS, BASE) layout_available_bases(list, 1373 + 183, 2117, 3, 5, 63, 63) if (view.actions && view.actions.piece) for (let i = 0; i < ui.pieces.length; ++i) ui.pieces[i].classList.toggle("action", set_has(view.actions.piece, i)) else for (let i = 0; i < ui.pieces.length; ++i) ui.pieces[i].classList.remove("action") for (let i = 0; i < ui.pieces.length; ++i) ui.pieces[i].classList.toggle("selected", view.who === i) action_menu(document.getElementById("negotiate_menu"), [ "remove_pieces", "transfer_resources", "transfer_shipment", "ask_resources", "ask_shipment", ]) // Select Faction action_button("govt", "Government") action_button("farc", "FARC") action_button("auc", "AUC") action_button("cartels", "Cartels") // Select Operation action_button("train", "Train") action_button("patrol", "Patrol") action_button("sweep", "Sweep") action_button("assault", "Assault") action_button("rally", "Rally") action_button("march", "March") action_button("attack", "Attack") action_button("terror", "Terror") // Select Special Activity action_button("air_lift", "Air Lift") action_button("air_strike", "Air Strike") action_button("eradicate", "Eradicate") action_button("extort", "Extort") action_button("ambush", "Ambush") action_button("assassinate", "Assassinate") action_button("kidnap", "Kidnap") action_button("cultivate", "Cultivate") action_button("process", "Process") action_button("bribe", "Bribe") // Train/Rally sub-actions action_button("move", "Move") action_button("flip", "Flip") action_button("base", "Base") action_button("civic", "Civic Action") action_button("support", "Support") action_button("opposition", "Opposition") action_button("roll", "Roll") action_button("skip", "Skip") action_button("next", "Next") action_button("pass", "Pass") action_button("end_train", "End Train") action_button("end_patrol", "End Patrol") action_button("end_sweep", "End Sweep") action_button("end_assault", "End Assault") action_button("end_rally", "End Rally") action_button("end_march", "End March") action_button("end_attack", "End Attack") action_button("end_terror", "End Terror") action_button("end_air_lift", "End Air Lift") action_button("end_extort", "End Extort") action_button("end_assassinate", "End Assassinate") action_button("end_kidnap", "End Kidnap") action_button("end_process", "End Process") action_button("end_bribe", "End Bribe") action_button("end_event", "End Event") action_button("deny", "Deny") action_button("done", "Done") action_button("undo", "Undo") } function register_card_tip(e, c) { e.onmouseenter = () => on_focus_card_tip(c) e.onmouseleave = on_blur_card_tip } function on_focus_card_tip(c) { ui.card_tip.className = "card card_" + c } function on_blur_card_tip() { ui.card_tip.className = "hide" } function on_focus_space_tip(s) { ui.spaces[s].classList.add("tip") } function on_blur_space_tip(s) { ui.spaces[s].classList.remove("tip") } function on_click_space_tip(s) { ui.spaces[s].scrollIntoView({ block:"center", inline:"center", behavior:"smooth" }) } function sub_card(match, p1) { let x = p1 | 0 let n = data.card_title[x] return `${n}` } function sub_space(match, p1) { let x = p1 | 0 let n = data.space_name[x] return `${n}` } function on_log(text) { let p = document.createElement("div") if (text.match(/^>/)) { text = text.substring(1) p.className = "ind" } text = text.replace(/&/g, "&") text = text.replace(//g, ">") text = text.replace(/C(\d+)/g, sub_card) text = text.replace(/S(\d+)/g, sub_space) if (text.match(/^\.h1/)) { text = text.substring(4) p.className = "h1" } else if (text.match(/^\.h2 Government/)) { text = text.substring(3) p.className = "h2 govt" } else if (text.match(/^\.h2 AUC/)) { text = text.substring(3) p.className = "h2 auc" } else if (text.match(/^\.h2 Cartels/)) { text = text.substring(3) p.className = "h2 cartels" } else if (text.match(/^\.h2 FARC/)) { text = text.substring(3) p.className = "h2 farc" } else if (text.match(/^\.h2 /)) { text = text.substring(3) p.className = "h2" } else if (text.match(/^\.h3/)) { text = text.substring(4) p.className = "h3" } else if (text.match(/^\.h4/)) { text = text.substring(4) p.className = "h4" } else if (text.match(/^\.i/)) { text = text.substring(3) p.className = "i" } p.innerHTML = text return p } function set_has(set, item) { let a = 0 let b = set.length - 1 while (a <= b) { let m = (a + b) >> 1 let x = set[m] if (item < x) b = m - 1 else if (item > x) a = m + 1 else return true } return false } function map_get(map, key, missing) { let a = 0 let b = (map.length >> 1) - 1 while (a <= b) { let m = (a + b) >> 1 let x = map[m << 1] if (key < x) b = m - 1 else if (key > x) a = m + 1 else return map[(m << 1) + 1] } return missing } init_ui() scroll_with_middle_mouse("main")