"use strict"; // Diary: 2021-04-23 - Friday Evening - Started game logic shell. // Diary: 2021-04-24 - Saturday - Art, UI, preparation phase. // Diary: 2021-04-25 - Sunday - Supply, movement and battle. // Diary: 2021-04-26 - Monday Evening - Redid piece layout. Transport armies on fleets. // Diary: 2021-05-01 - Saturday Evening - Added undo. Tribute, Ostracism, and simple greek events. // Diary: 2021-05-02 - Sunday - Movement and battle events. // Diary: 2021-05-03 - Monday Night - Clean up reaction event game states. // Diary: 2021-05-04 - Tuesday Night - Event code cleanup. // Diary: 2021-05-08 - Saturday Afternoon - Polish game log messages. // Diary: 2021-10-01 - Friday Afternoon - Fix bugs. // TODO: Miltiades as offensive reaction after naval battle // TODO: Only ask about burning persia after a battle/taking control first time // Acropolis on Fire -- if sudden death of the great king, does greece get 6 or 5 talents for the next campaign? // leonidas + miltiades -- forbid combination? // Event flags: // greek: mines of laurion -> turn flag // greek: themistocles -> turn flag // greek: evangelion -> turn flag // greek: triremes -> turn flag // greek: leonidas -> battle flag // greek: 300 spartans -> battle flag // greek: miltiades -> battle flag // persian: cavalry -> flag // persian: great king -> flag // Reaction event timing: // before persian land battle: miltiades -> flag // before persian land battle: pausanias * // before persian land battle: 300 spartans -> flag // after persian naval movement: themistocles // in any land battle, after persian annihilation: the immortals // in any naval battle, after persian lose 1 fleet: artemisia exports.scenarios = [ "Standard" ]; exports.roles = [ "Persia", "Greece", ]; const OBSERVER = "Observer"; const GREECE = "Greece"; const PERSIA = "Persia"; const RESERVE = "reserve"; const ABYDOS = "Abydos"; const EPHESOS = "Ephesos"; const ATHENAI = "Athenai"; const THEBAI = "Thebai"; const SPARTA = "Sparta"; const DELPHI = "Delphi"; const PELLA = "Pella"; // Greek event numbers const MINES_OF_LAURION = 1; const MILTIADES = 4; const THEMISTOCLES = 5; const PAUSANIAS = 6; const LEONIDAS = 8; const ARTEMISIA = 9; const EVANGELION = 10; const MOLON_LABE = 12; const TRIREMES = 13; const TRIREMES_TWO = 113; const THREE_HUNDRED_SPARTANS = 15; // Persian event numbers const CAVALRY_OF_MARDONIUS = 1; const THE_IMMORTALS = 5; const THE_GREAT_KING = 7; const SUDDEN_DEATH_OF_THE_GREAT_KING = 11; const PERSIAN_EVENT_NAMES = { 1: "Cavalry of Mardonius", 2: "Tribute of Earth and Water", 3: "Tribute of Earth and Water", 4: "Carneia Festival", 5: "The Immortals", 6: "Ostracism", 7: "The Great King", 8: "The Royal Road", 9: "Hippias", 10: "Separate Peace", 11: "Sudden Death of the Great King", 12: "Defection of Thebes", 13: "Tribute of Earth and Water", 14: "Alliance with Carthage", 15: "Acropolis on Fire", 16: "Pacification of Babylon or Egypt", }; const GREEK_EVENT_NAMES = { 1: "Mines of Laurion", 2: "Ionian Revolt", 3: "Wrath of Poseidon", 4: "Miltiades", 5: "Themistocles", 6: "Pausanias", 7: "Oracle of Delphi", 8: "Leonidas", 9: "Artemisia I", 10: "Evangelion", 11: "Melas Zomos", 12: "Molon Labe", 13: "Triremes", 14: "Support from Syracuse", 15: "300 Spartans", 16: "Desertion of Greek Soldiers", 113: "Triremes", // for second movement }; const CITIES = [ "Abydos", "Athenai", "Delphi", "Ephesos", "Eretria", "Korinthos", "Larissa", "Naxos", "Pella", "Sparta", "Thebai", ]; const PORTS = [ "Abydos", "Athenai", "Ephesos", "Eretria", "Naxos", "Pella", "Sparta", "Thebai", ]; const SPARTA_CARDS = [ 6, 8, 11, 15 ]; const CITIES_WITH_ROADS = [ "Abydos", "Athenai", "Delphi", "Ephesos", "Korinthos", "Larissa", "Pella", "Sparta", "Thebai", ]; const SUPPLY = { "Abydos": 3, "Athenai": 2, "Delphi": 1, "Ephesos": 3, "Eretria": 1, "Korinthos": 1, "Larissa": 1, "Naxos": 1, "Pella": 1, "Sparta": 2, "Thebai": 1, }; const SCORE = { "Abydos": 2, "Athenai": 2, "Delphi": 1, "Ephesos": 2, "Eretria": 1, "Korinthos": 1, "Larissa": 1, "Naxos": 1, "Pella": 1, "Sparta": 2, "Thebai": 1, }; const ROADS = { "Abydos": [ "Ephesos", "Pella" ], "Athenai": [ "Korinthos", "Thebai" ], "Delphi": [ "Larissa", "Thebai" ], "Ephesos": [ "Abydos" ], "Eretria": [], "Korinthos": [ "Athenai", "Sparta", "Thebai" ], "Larissa": [ "Delphi", "Pella", "Thebai" ], "Naxos": [], "Pella": [ "Abydos", "Larissa" ], "Sparta": [ "Korinthos" ], "Thebai": [ "Athenai", "Delphi", "Korinthos", "Larissa" ], }; let states = {}; let game = null; function random(n) { if (game.rng === 1) return Math.floor(((game.seed = game.seed * 48271 % 0x7fffffff) / 0x7fffffff) * n) return (game.seed = game.seed * 200105 % 34359738337) % n } function $(msg) { return msg .replace(/ 1 cards/, " 1 card") .replace(/ 1 armies/, " 1 army") .replace(/ 1 fleets/, " 1 fleet") .replace(/ 1 talents/, " 1 talent") .replace(/ 1 points/, " 1 point"); } function init_log() { game.log_buf = []; } function push_log(...msg) { game.log_buf.push(msg); } function flush_log(text) { function print_move(last) { return "\n " + n + " " + last.join(" in "); } game.log_buf.sort(); let last = game.log_buf[0]; let n = 0; for (let entry of game.log_buf) { if (entry.toString() !== last.toString()) { text += $(print_move(last)); n = 0; } ++n; last = entry; } if (n > 0) text += print_move(last); else text += "\nnothing."; log(text); delete game.log_buf; } function remove_from_array(array, item) { let i = array.indexOf(item); if (i >= 0) array.splice(i, 1); } function log_sep() { game.log.push(".hr"); } function log_blank() { if (game.log.length > 0 && game.log[game.log.length-1] !== "") game.log.push(""); } function log(s) { game.log.push($(s)); } function deep_copy(original) { if (Array.isArray(original)) { let n = original.length let copy = new Array(n) for (let i = 0; i < n; ++i) { let v = original[i] if (typeof v === "object" && v !== null) copy[i] = deep_copy(v) else copy[i] = v } return copy } else { let copy = {} for (let i in original) { let v = original[i] if (typeof v === "object" && v !== null) copy[i] = deep_copy(v) else copy[i] = v } return copy } } function push_undo() { let copy = {} for (let k in game) { let v = game[k] if (k === "undo") continue else if (k === "log") v = v.length else if (typeof v === "object" && v !== null) v = deep_copy(v) copy[k] = v } game.undo.push(copy) } function pop_undo() { let save_log = game.log let save_undo = game.undo game = save_undo.pop() save_log.length = game.log game.log = save_log game.undo = save_undo } function clear_undo() { game.undo = [] } function gen_action_undo(view) { if (!view.actions) view.actions = {} if (game.undo && game.undo.length > 0) view.actions.undo = 1; else view.actions.undo = 0; } function is_inactive_player(current) { return game.active !== current; } function gen_action(view, action, argument) { if (!view.actions) view.actions = {} if (argument !== undefined) { if (!(action in view.actions)) { view.actions[action] = [ argument ]; } else { if (!view.actions[action].includes(argument)) view.actions[action].push(argument); } } else { view.actions[action] = 1; } } function roll_d6() { return random(6) + 1; } function create_deck() { let deck = []; for (let c = 1; c <= 16; ++c) deck.push(c); return deck; } function reshuffle() { log("Reshuffled the deck."); while (game.discard.length > 0) game.deck.push(game.discard.pop()); } function draw_card(deck) { if (deck.length === 0) reshuffle(); if (deck.length === 0) throw Error("can't draw from empty deck"); let k = random(deck.length); let card = deck[k]; deck.splice(k, 1); return card; } function can_draw_card(extra) { return game.deck.length + game.discard.length - extra > 0; } function is_visible_discard(card) { return game.discard.length > 0 && game.discard[game.discard.length-1] === card; } function discard_persian_hand() { for (let c of game.persian.hand) game.discard.push(c); game.persian.hand.length = 0; } function discard_greek_hand() { for (let c of game.greek.hand) game.discard.push(c); game.greek.hand.length = 0; } function discard_card(who, hand, card) { log(who + " discarded card " + card + "."); remove_from_array(hand, card); game.discard.push(card); } function play_card(who, hand, card, reason) { log(who + " played card " + card + reason); remove_from_array(hand, card); game.discard.push(card); } function add_vp(delta) { // greek vp is negative game.vp += delta; if (game.vp < -6) game.vp = -6; if (game.vp > 6) game.vp = 6; } function add_greek_vp(n=1) { add_vp(-n); } function add_persian_vp(n=1) { add_vp(n); } function count_greek_armies(where) { return game.units[where][0] | 0; } function count_persian_armies(where) { return game.units[where][1] | 0; } function count_greek_fleets(where) { return game.units[where][2] | 0; } function count_persian_fleets(where) { return game.units[where][3] | 0; } function remove_greek_army(from) { log("Greece removed army from " + from + "."); game.units[from][0] -= 1; } function remove_persian_army(from) { log("Persia removed army from " + from + "."); game.units[from][1] -= 1; } function remove_persian_fleet(from) { game.units[from][3] -= 1; } function move_greek_army(from, to, n = 1) { game.units[from][0] -= n; game.units[to][0] += n; } function move_persian_army(from, to, n = 1) { game.units[from][1] -= n; game.units[to][1] += n; } function move_greek_fleet(from, to, n = 1) { game.units[from][2] -= n; game.units[to][2] += n; } function move_persian_fleet(from, to, n = 1) { game.units[from][3] -= n; game.units[to][3] += n; } function is_persian_control(where) { if (where === ABYDOS || where === EPHESOS) return count_greek_armies(where) === 0; return count_persian_armies(where) > 0; } function is_greek_control(where) { if (where === ATHENAI || where === SPARTA) return count_persian_armies(where) === 0; return count_greek_armies(where) > 0; } function persian_can_land_move() { for (let city of CITIES_WITH_ROADS) if (count_persian_armies(city) > 0) return true; return false; } function greek_can_land_move() { for (let city of CITIES_WITH_ROADS) { if (city === SPARTA && game.trigger.carneia_festival) continue; if (count_greek_armies(city) > 0) return true; } return false; } function persian_can_naval_move() { for (let port of PORTS) if (count_persian_fleets(port) > 0) return true; return false; } function greek_can_naval_move() { for (let port of PORTS) if (count_greek_fleets(port) > 0) return true; return false; } function persian_can_move() { return persian_can_land_move() || persian_can_naval_move(); } function greek_can_move() { return greek_can_land_move() || greek_can_naval_move(); } function gen_greek_armies(view) { for (let city of CITIES) if (count_greek_armies(city) > 0) gen_action(view, 'city', city); } function gen_persian_armies(view) { for (let city of CITIES) if (count_persian_armies(city) > 0) gen_action(view, 'city', city); } function gen_greek_land_movement(view) { for (let city of CITIES_WITH_ROADS) { if (city === SPARTA && game.trigger.carneia_festival) continue; if (count_greek_armies(city) > 0) gen_action(view, 'city', city); } } // DEATH OF A KING function goto_sudden_death_of_darius(skip_scoring) { if (skip_scoring) game.trigger.acropolis_on_fire = 0; game.skip_scoring = skip_scoring; game.trigger.darius = 1; log("Sudden Death of Darius!"); game.state = 'sudden_death_of_darius'; if (count_persian_armies(RESERVE) > 0) { remove_persian_army(RESERVE); game.remove_army = 0; } else { game.remove_army = 1; } } states.sudden_death_of_darius = { prompt: function (view, current) { view.prompt = "Sudden Death of Darius!"; if (is_inactive_player(current)) return; if (game.remove_army) { view.prompt += " Remove one army."; gen_persian_armies(view); } else { gen_action(view, 'next'); } }, city: function (space) { remove_persian_army(space); game.remove_army = 0; }, next: function () { discard_persian_hand(); if (game.skip_scoring) { game.skip_scoring = 0; reshuffle(); end_campaign(); } else { end_operation_phase(); } }, } function goto_assassination_of_xerxes(skip_scoring) { if (skip_scoring) game.trigger.acropolis_on_fire = 0; game.skip_scoring = skip_scoring; game.trigger.xerxes = 1; log("Assassination of Xerxes!"); game.state = 'assassination_of_xerxes'; if (count_persian_armies(RESERVE) > 0) { remove_persian_army(RESERVE); game.remove_army = 0; } else { game.remove_army = 1; } } states.assassination_of_xerxes = { prompt: function (view, current) { view.prompt = "Assassination of Xerxes!"; if (is_inactive_player(current)) return; if (game.remove_army) { view.prompt += " Remove one army."; gen_persian_armies(view); } else { gen_action(view, 'next'); } }, city: function (space) { remove_persian_army(space); game.remove_army = 0; }, next: function () { discard_persian_hand(); if (game.skip_scoring) { game.skip_scoring = 0; reshuffle(); end_campaign(); } else { end_operation_phase(); } }, } // PREPARATION PHASE function start_campaign() { if (game.campaign > 1) log_blank(); log("Start Campaign " + game.campaign); goto_persian_preparation_draw(); } function goto_persian_preparation_draw() { game.active = PERSIA; game.state = 'persian_preparation_draw'; if (game.persian.hand.length > 0) game.talents = 10; else game.talents = 12; game.persian.draw = 0; log_blank(); log("Persian Preparation Phase"); } function goto_greek_preparation_draw() { log_sep(); game.active = GREECE; game.state = 'greek_preparation_draw'; if (game.greek.event === MINES_OF_LAURION) { log("Greek Preparation Phase (Mines)"); game.talents = 3; } else if (game.trigger.acropolis_on_fire) { log("Greek Preparation Phase"); game.talents = 5; } else { log("Greek Preparation Phase"); game.talents = 6; } game.greek.draw = 0; } states.persian_preparation_draw = { prompt: function (view, current) { if (is_inactive_player(current)) return view.prompt = "Persian Preparation Phase."; view.prompt = "Persian Preparation Phase: Draw up to 6 cards. " + game.talents + " talents left."; if (game.persian.draw < 6 && game.talents >= 1 && can_draw_card(game.persian.draw)) gen_action(view, 'draw'); gen_action_undo(view); gen_action(view, 'next'); }, draw: function () { push_undo(); --game.talents; ++game.persian.draw; }, next: function () { clear_undo(); log("Persia bought " + game.persian.draw + " cards."); let sudden_death = 0; for (let i = 0; i < game.persian.draw; ++i) { let card = draw_card(game.deck); if (card === SUDDEN_DEATH_OF_THE_GREAT_KING) sudden_death = 1; game.persian.hand.push(card); } game.persian.draw = 0; if (sudden_death) { if (!game.trigger.darius) return goto_sudden_death_of_darius(true); if (!game.trigger.xerxes) return goto_assassination_of_xerxes(true); } goto_persian_preparation_build(); }, undo: pop_undo, } states.greek_preparation_draw = { prompt: function (view, current) { let name = (game.greek.event === MINES_OF_LAURION) ? "Mines of Laurion" : "Greek Preparation Phase"; if (is_inactive_player(current)) return view.prompt = name + "."; view.prompt = name + ": Draw up to 6 cards. " + game.talents + " talents left."; if (game.greek.draw < 6 && game.talents >= 1 && can_draw_card(game.greek.draw)) gen_action(view, 'draw'); gen_action_undo(view); gen_action(view, 'next'); }, draw: function () { push_undo(); --game.talents; ++game.greek.draw; }, next: function () { clear_undo(); log("Greece bought " + game.greek.draw + " cards."); for (let i = 0; i < game.greek.draw; ++i) { let card = draw_card(game.deck); game.greek.hand.push(card); } game.greek.draw = 0; goto_greek_preparation_build(); }, undo: pop_undo, } function goto_persian_preparation_build() { init_log(); game.active = PERSIA; game.state = 'persian_preparation_build'; game.built_fleets = 0; } states.persian_preparation_build = { prompt: function (view, current) { if (is_inactive_player(current)) return view.prompt = "Persian Preparation Phase."; view.prompt = "Persian Preparation Phase: Build fleets, armies, and/or the bridge. "; view.prompt += game.talents + " talents left."; let has_options = false; if (game.talents >= 1 && count_persian_armies(RESERVE) > 0) { for (let space of CITIES) { if (is_persian_control(space)) { gen_action(view, 'city', space); has_options = true; } } } if (game.built_fleets < 2 && game.talents >= game.persian.fleet_cost && count_persian_fleets(RESERVE) > 0) { for (let space of PORTS) { if (is_persian_control(space) && count_greek_fleets(space) === 0) { gen_action(view, 'port', space); has_options = true; } } } if (!game.trigger.hellespont && game.talents >= 6 && is_persian_control(ABYDOS)) { gen_action(view, 'build'); has_options = true; } if (!has_options) gen_action(view, 'next'); gen_action_undo(view); }, city: function (space) { push_undo(); push_log("armies", space); game.talents -= 1; move_persian_army(RESERVE, space); }, port: function (space) { push_undo(); push_log("fleets", space); game.built_fleets += 1; game.talents -= game.persian.fleet_cost; move_persian_fleet(RESERVE, space); }, build: function () { push_undo(); log("Persia built the bridge."); game.talents -= 6; game.trigger.hellespont = 1; }, next: function () { flush_log("Persia raised:"); clear_undo(); game.talents = 0; goto_greek_preparation_draw(); }, undo: pop_undo, } function goto_greek_preparation_build() { init_log(); game.active = GREECE; game.state = 'greek_preparation_build'; game.built_fleets = 0; } states.greek_preparation_build = { prompt: function (view, current) { let name = (game.greek.event === MINES_OF_LAURION) ? "Mines of Laurion" : "Greek Preparation Phase"; if (is_inactive_player(current)) return view.prompt = name + "."; view.prompt = name + ": Build fleets and armies. "; view.prompt += game.talents + " talents left."; let has_options = false; if (game.talents >= 1 && count_greek_armies(RESERVE) > 0) { for (let space of CITIES) { if (is_greek_control(space)) { gen_action(view, 'city', space); has_options = true; } } } let can_build_fleet = (game.greek.event === MINES_OF_LAURION) || (game.built_fleets < 2); if (can_build_fleet && game.talents >= 1 && count_greek_fleets(RESERVE) > 0) { for (let space of PORTS) { if (is_greek_control(space) && count_persian_fleets(space) === 0) { gen_action(view, 'port', space); has_options = true; } } } if (!has_options) gen_action(view, 'next'); gen_action_undo(view); }, city: function (space) { push_undo(); push_log("armies", space); game.talents -= 1; move_greek_army(RESERVE, space); }, port: function (space) { push_undo(); push_log("fleets", space); game.built_fleets += 1; game.talents -= 1; move_greek_fleet(RESERVE, space); }, next: function () { flush_log("Greece raised:"); clear_undo(); game.talents = 0; if (game.greek.event === MINES_OF_LAURION) { game.discard.push(MINES_OF_LAURION) end_greek_operation(); } else { game.trigger.acropolis_on_fire = 0; end_preparation_phase(); } }, undo: pop_undo, } function end_preparation_phase() { game.persian.pass = 0; game.greek.pass = 0; goto_persian_operation(); } // OPERATIONS PHASE function goto_greek_operation() { log_sep(); if (game.greek.hand.length > 0) { game.active = GREECE; game.state = 'greek_operation'; game.greek.pass = 0; } else { log("Greece passed automatically."); game.greek.pass = 1; end_greek_operation(); } } function goto_persian_operation() { log_sep(); if (game.persian.hand.length > 0) { game.active = PERSIA; game.state = 'persian_operation'; game.persian.pass = 0; } else { log("Persia passed automatically."); game.persian.pass = 1; end_persian_operation(); } } states.persian_operation = { prompt: function (view, current) { if (is_inactive_player(current)) return view.prompt = "Persian Operation Phase."; view.prompt = "Persian Operation Phase: Play a card or pass."; for (let card of game.persian.hand) { if (persian_can_move()) gen_action(view, 'card_move', card); if (can_play_persian_event(card)) gen_action(view, 'card_event', card); } gen_action(view, 'pass'); }, card_move: function (card) { push_undo(); play_card("Persia", game.persian.hand, card, " for movement."); goto_persian_movement(true, true, 0); }, card_event: function (card) { play_persian_event(card); }, pass: function () { log("Persia passed."); game.persian.pass = 1; end_persian_operation(); }, } states.greek_operation = { prompt: function (view, current) { if (is_inactive_player(current)) return view.prompt = "Greek Operation Phase."; view.prompt = "Greek Operation Phase: Play a card or pass."; for (let card of game.greek.hand) { if (greek_can_move()) gen_action(view, 'card_move', card); if (can_play_greek_event(card)) gen_action(view, 'card_event', card); } gen_action(view, 'pass'); }, card_move: function (card) { push_undo(); play_card("Greece", game.greek.hand, card, " for movement."); goto_greek_movement(true, true, 0); }, card_event: function (card) { play_greek_event(card); }, pass: function () { log("Greece passed."); game.greek.pass = 1; end_greek_operation(); }, } function end_persian_movement() { game.where = null; end_persian_operation(); } function end_greek_movement() { if (game.where === ABYDOS && is_greek_control(ABYDOS) && game.trigger.hellespont) { game.where = null; game.state = 'destroy_bridge'; return; } game.where = null; switch (game.greek.event) { case THEMISTOCLES: game.active = PERSIA; game.from = game.themistocles.from; game.where = game.themistocles.where; game.transport = game.themistocles.transport; delete game.themistocles; goto_persian_naval_battle(); break; case TRIREMES: if (greek_can_naval_move()) goto_greek_movement(false, true, TRIREMES_TWO); else end_greek_operation(); break; case MOLON_LABE: end_persian_operation(); break; default: end_greek_operation(); break; } } function end_persian_operation() { clear_undo(); game.greek.battle_event = 0; game.greek.event = 0; game.persian.event = 0; game.land_movement = 0; game.naval_movement = 0; game.naval_battle = 0; game.move_list = null; game.transport = 0; game.attacker = 0; if (game.persian.pass && game.greek.pass) return end_operation_phase(); goto_greek_operation(); } function end_greek_operation() { clear_undo(); game.greek.battle_event = 0; game.greek.event = 0; game.persian.event = 0; game.land_movement = 0; game.naval_movement = 0; game.naval_battle = 0; game.move_list = null; game.transport = 0; game.attacker = 0; if (game.persian.pass && game.greek.pass) return end_operation_phase(); goto_persian_operation(); } function end_operation_phase() { game.persian.pass = 0; game.greek.pass = 0; goto_supply_phase(); } // MOVEMENT function is_usable_road(from, to) { if (from === ABYDOS && to === PELLA && !game.trigger.hellespont) return false; if (from === PELLA && to === ABYDOS && !game.trigger.hellespont) return false; return true; } function list_persian_land_moves(seen, from) { seen[from] = 1; if (is_persian_control(from)) for (let to of ROADS[from]) if (is_usable_road(from, to) && !seen[to]) list_persian_land_moves(seen, to); } function list_greek_land_moves(seen, from) { seen[from] = 1; if (is_greek_control(from)) for (let to of ROADS[from]) if (is_usable_road(from, to) && !seen[to]) list_greek_land_moves(seen, to); } function goto_persian_movement(land, naval, event) { game.active = PERSIA; game.state = 'persian_movement'; game.land_movement = land; game.naval_movement = naval; game.persian.event = event; } function goto_greek_movement(land, naval, event) { game.active = GREECE; game.state = 'greek_movement'; game.land_movement = land; game.naval_movement = naval; game.greek.event = event; } states.persian_movement = { prompt: function (view, current) { let name = game.persian.event ? PERSIAN_EVENT_NAMES[game.persian.event] : "Persian Movement"; if (is_inactive_player(current)) return view.prompt = name + "." view.prompt = name + ": Choose an origin."; if (game.land_movement) { for (let city of CITIES_WITH_ROADS) if (count_persian_armies(city) > 0) gen_action(view, 'city', city); } if (game.naval_movement) { for (let port of PORTS) if (count_persian_fleets(port) > 0) gen_action(view, 'port', port); } gen_action_undo(view); }, city: goto_persian_land_movement, port: goto_persian_naval_movement, undo: pop_undo, } states.greek_movement = { prompt: function (view, current) { let name = game.greek.event ? GREEK_EVENT_NAMES[game.greek.event] : "Greek Movement"; if (is_inactive_player(current)) return view.prompt = name + "." view.prompt = name + ": Choose an origin."; if (game.land_movement) gen_greek_land_movement(view); if (game.naval_movement) { for (let port of PORTS) { if (game.greek.event === THEMISTOCLES) if (port === game.themistocles.where) continue; if (count_greek_fleets(port) > 0) { gen_action(view, 'port', port); } } } gen_action_undo(view); }, city: goto_greek_land_movement, port: goto_greek_naval_movement, undo: pop_undo, } function goto_persian_naval_movement(space) { push_undo(); game.from = space; game.state = 'persian_naval_movement'; } function goto_greek_naval_movement(space) { push_undo(); game.from = space; game.state = 'greek_naval_movement'; } function goto_persian_land_movement(space) { push_undo(); game.from = space; game.state = 'persian_land_movement'; list_persian_land_moves(game.move_list = {}, game.from); } function goto_greek_land_movement(space) { push_undo(); game.from = space; game.state = 'greek_land_movement'; list_greek_land_moves(game.move_list = {}, game.from); } function goto_greek_land_movement_leonidas(space) { push_undo(); game.from = space; game.state = 'greek_land_movement_leonidas'; list_greek_land_moves(game.move_list = {}, game.from); } states.persian_land_movement = { prompt: function (view, current) { if (is_inactive_player(current)) return view.prompt = "Persian Land Movement."; view.prompt = "Persian Land Movement: Select armies to move and then a destination."; view.land_movement = game.from; for (let to in game.move_list) if (to !== game.from) gen_action(view, 'city', to); gen_action_undo(view); }, city: function ([to, armies]) { push_undo(); log("Persia moved " + armies + " armies:\n" + game.from + " to " + to + "."); move_persian_army(game.from, to, armies); game.where = to; game.state = 'persian_land_movement_confirm'; }, undo: pop_undo, } states.greek_land_movement = { prompt: function (view, current) { if (is_inactive_player(current)) return view.prompt = "Greek Land Movement."; view.prompt = "Greek Land Movement: Select armies to move and then a destination."; view.land_movement = game.from; for (let to in game.move_list) if (to !== game.from) gen_action(view, 'city', to); gen_action_undo(view); }, city: function ([to, armies]) { push_undo(); log("Greece moved " + armies + " armies:\n" + game.from + " to " + to + "."); move_greek_army(game.from, to, armies); game.where = to; game.state = 'greek_land_movement_confirm'; }, undo: pop_undo, } states.greek_land_movement_leonidas = { prompt: function (view, current) { if (is_inactive_player(current)) return view.prompt = "Greek Land Movement."; view.prompt = "Greek Land Movement: Select a destination."; for (let to in game.move_list) if (to !== game.from) gen_action(view, 'city', to); gen_action_undo(view); }, city: function (to) { push_undo(); log("Greece moved 1 army:\n" + game.from + " to " + to + "."); move_greek_army(game.from, to, 1); game.where = to; game.state = 'greek_land_movement_confirm'; }, undo: pop_undo, } states.persian_land_movement_confirm = { prompt: function (view, current) { if (is_inactive_player(current)) return view.prompt = "Persian Land Movement."; view.prompt = "Persian Land Movement: Confirm destination."; gen_action(view, 'city', game.where); gen_action(view, 'next'); gen_action_undo(view); }, city: end_persian_land_movement, next: end_persian_land_movement, undo: pop_undo, } states.greek_land_movement_confirm = { prompt: function (view, current) { if (is_inactive_player(current)) return view.prompt = "Greek Land Movement."; view.prompt = "Greek Land Movement: Confirm destination."; gen_action(view, 'city', game.where); gen_action(view, 'next'); gen_action_undo(view); }, city: end_greek_land_movement, next: end_greek_land_movement, undo: pop_undo, } function end_persian_land_movement() { clear_undo(); goto_persian_land_battle(); } function end_greek_land_movement() { clear_undo(); goto_greek_land_battle(); } states.persian_naval_movement = { prompt: function (view, current) { if (is_inactive_player(current)) return view.prompt = "Persian Naval Movement."; view.prompt = "Persian Naval Movement: Select fleets to move, armies to transport, and then a destination."; view.naval_movement = game.from; view.naval_transport = 1; for (let port of PORTS) if (port !== game.from) gen_action(view, 'port', port); gen_action_undo(view); }, port: function ([to, fleets, armies]) { push_undo(); if (armies > 0) log("Persia moved " + fleets + " fleets with " + armies + " armies:\n" + game.from + " to " + to + "."); else log("Persia moved " + fleets + " fleets:\n" + game.from + " to " + to + "."); move_persian_fleet(game.from, to, fleets); move_persian_army(game.from, to, armies); game.transport = armies; game.attacker = PERSIA; game.where = to; game.state = 'persian_naval_movement_confirm'; }, undo: pop_undo, } states.greek_naval_movement = { prompt: function (view, current) { if (is_inactive_player(current)) return view.prompt = "Greek Naval Movement."; view.prompt = "Greek Naval Movement: Select fleets to move, armies to transport, and then a destination."; view.naval_movement = game.from; if (game.trigger.carneia_festival && game.from === SPARTA) view.naval_transport = 0; else if (game.greek.event === TRIREMES || game.greek.event === TRIREMES_TWO) view.naval_transport = 0; else if (game.greek.event === THEMISTOCLES) view.naval_transport = 0; else view.naval_transport = 1; for (let port of PORTS) if (port !== game.from) gen_action(view, 'port', port); gen_action_undo(view); }, port: function ([to, fleets, armies]) { push_undo(); if (armies > 0) log("Greece moved " + fleets + " fleets with " + armies + " armies:\n" + game.from + " to " + to + "."); else log("Greece moved " + fleets + " fleets:\n" + game.from + " to " + to + "."); move_greek_fleet(game.from, to, fleets); if (game.greek.event !== THEMISTOCLES) { move_greek_army(game.from, to, armies); game.transport = armies; game.attacker = GREECE; } game.where = to; game.state = 'greek_naval_movement_confirm'; }, undo: pop_undo, } states.persian_naval_movement_confirm = { prompt: function (view, current) { if (is_inactive_player(current)) return view.prompt = "Persian Naval Movement."; view.prompt = "Persian Naval Movement: Confirm destination."; gen_action(view, 'port', game.where); gen_action(view, 'next'); gen_action_undo(view); }, port: end_persian_naval_movement, next: end_persian_naval_movement, undo: pop_undo, } function end_persian_naval_movement() { clear_undo(); if (can_play_themistocles()) { game.active = GREECE; game.state = 'persian_naval_move_themistocles'; } else { goto_persian_naval_battle(); } } states.persian_naval_move_themistocles = { prompt: function (view, current) { if (is_inactive_player(current)) return view.prompt = "Persian Naval Move: Greece may play Themistocles."; view.prompt = "Persian Naval Move: You may play Themistocles."; if (game.greek.hand.includes(THEMISTOCLES)) gen_action(view, 'card_event', THEMISTOCLES); gen_action(view, 'next'); }, card_event: function () { play_themistocles(); }, next: function () { game.active = PERSIA; goto_persian_naval_battle(); }, } states.greek_naval_movement_confirm = { prompt: function (view, current) { if (is_inactive_player(current)) return view.prompt = "Greek Naval Movement."; view.prompt = "Greek Naval Movement: Confirm destination."; gen_action(view, 'port', game.where); gen_action(view, 'next'); gen_action_undo(view); }, port: end_greek_naval_movement, next: end_greek_naval_movement, undo: pop_undo, } function end_greek_naval_movement() { clear_undo(); goto_greek_naval_battle(); } // NAVAL BATTLE function roll_battle_dice(who, count, cap) { count = Math.min(3, count); let rolls = []; let result = 0; for (let i = 0; i < count; ++i) { let die = roll_d6(); rolls.push(die); die = Math.min(die, cap); if (die > result) result = die; } log(who + " rolled " + rolls.join(", ") + " = " + result + "."); return result; } function goto_persian_naval_battle() { game.naval_battle = 1; if (count_greek_fleets(game.where) > 0 && count_persian_fleets(game.where) > 0) { log_blank(); log("Persia attacked " + game.where + " at sea!"); persian_naval_battle_round(); } else { goto_persian_land_battle(); } } function goto_greek_naval_battle() { // If greece reinforced persian initiated battle... if (game.greek.event === THEMISTOCLES && game.where === game.themistocles.where) { if (count_greek_fleets(game.themistocles.where) > 0) return end_greek_movement(); } game.naval_battle = 1; if (count_greek_fleets(game.where) > 0 && count_persian_fleets(game.where) > 0) { log_blank(); log("Greece attacked " + game.where + " at sea!"); greek_naval_battle_round(); } else { goto_greek_land_battle(); } } function persian_naval_battle_round() { let persia_lost_fleet = 0; let p_max = (game.where === ABYDOS || game.where === EPHESOS) ? 5 : 4; let g_max = 6; let p_hit = roll_battle_dice("Persia", count_persian_fleets(game.where), p_max); let g_hit = roll_battle_dice("Greece", count_greek_fleets(game.where), g_max); if (g_hit >= p_hit) { move_persian_fleet(game.where, RESERVE); if (count_persian_fleets(game.where) < game.transport) { log("Persia lost one fleet and one army."); move_persian_army(game.where, RESERVE); --game.transport; } else { log("Persia lost one fleet."); } persia_lost_fleet = 1; } if (p_hit >= g_hit) { log("Greece lost one fleet."); move_greek_fleet(game.where, RESERVE); } if (can_play_artemisia(persia_lost_fleet)) { game.active = GREECE; game.state = 'persian_naval_battle_artemisia'; } else { resume_persian_naval_battle(); } } function greek_naval_battle_round() { let persia_lost_fleet = 0; let p_max = (game.where === ABYDOS || game.where === EPHESOS) ? 5 : 4; let g_max = 6; let p_hit = roll_battle_dice("Persia", count_persian_fleets(game.where), p_max); let g_hit = roll_battle_dice("Greece", count_greek_fleets(game.where), g_max); if (p_hit >= g_hit) { move_greek_fleet(game.where, RESERVE); if (count_greek_fleets(game.where) < game.transport) { log("Greece lost one fleet and one army."); move_greek_army(game.where, RESERVE); --game.transport; } else { log("Greece lost one fleet."); } } if (g_hit >= p_hit) { log("Persia lost one fleet."); move_persian_fleet(game.where, RESERVE); persia_lost_fleet = 1; } if (can_play_artemisia(persia_lost_fleet)) { game.state = 'greek_naval_battle_artemisia'; } else { resume_greek_naval_battle(); } } states.persian_naval_battle_artemisia = { prompt: function (view, current) { if (is_inactive_player(current)) return view.prompt = "Persian Naval Battle: Persian fleet lost - Greece may play Artemisia I."; view.prompt = "Persian Naval Battle: Persian fleet lost - you may play Artemisia I."; if (game.greek.hand.includes(ARTEMISIA)) gen_action(view, 'card_event', ARTEMISIA); if (!is_inactive_player(current)) gen_action(view, 'next'); }, card_event: function () { play_artemisia(); resume_persian_naval_battle(); }, next: resume_persian_naval_battle, } states.greek_naval_battle_artemisia = { prompt: function (view, current) { if (is_inactive_player(current)) return view.prompt = "Greek Naval Battle: Persian fleet lost - Greece may play Artemisia I."; view.prompt = "Greek Naval Battle: Persian fleet lost - you may play Artemisia I."; if (game.greek.hand.includes(ARTEMISIA)) gen_action(view, 'card_event', ARTEMISIA); if (!is_inactive_player(current)) gen_action(view, 'next'); }, card_event: function () { play_artemisia(); resume_greek_naval_battle(); }, next: resume_greek_naval_battle, } function resume_persian_naval_battle() { game.active = PERSIA; if (count_greek_fleets(game.where) > 0 && count_persian_fleets(game.where) > 0) { game.state = 'persian_naval_retreat_attacker'; } else { goto_persian_land_battle(); } } function resume_greek_naval_battle() { game.active = GREECE; if (count_greek_fleets(game.where) > 0 && count_persian_fleets(game.where) > 0) { game.state = 'greek_naval_retreat_attacker'; } else { goto_greek_land_battle(); } } states.persian_naval_retreat_attacker = { prompt: function (view, current) { if (game.greek.event === THEMISTOCLES) { if (is_inactive_player(current)) return view.prompt = "Persian Naval Battle: Continue the battle."; view.prompt = "Persian Naval Battle: Continue the battle in " + game.where + "."; } else { if (is_inactive_player(current)) return view.prompt = "Persian Naval Battle: Attacker retreat?"; view.prompt = "Persian Naval Battle: Continue the battle in " + game.where + " or retreat?"; gen_action(view, 'port', game.from); } gen_action(view, 'port', game.where); // shortcut for battle gen_action(view, 'battle'); }, port: function (to) { if (to !== game.where) { log("Persia retreated to " + game.from + "."); move_persian_fleet(game.where, game.from, count_persian_fleets(game.where)); move_persian_army(game.where, game.from, game.transport); end_battle(); } else { game.active = GREECE; game.state = 'persian_naval_retreat_defender'; } }, battle: function () { game.active = GREECE; game.state = 'persian_naval_retreat_defender'; }, } states.greek_naval_retreat_attacker = { prompt: function (view, current) { if (game.greek.event === THEMISTOCLES) { if (is_inactive_player(current)) return view.prompt = "Greek Naval Battle: Continue the battle."; view.prompt = "Greek Naval Battle: Continue the battle in " + game.where + "."; } else { if (is_inactive_player(current)) return view.prompt = "Greek Naval Battle: Attacker retreat?"; view.prompt = "Greek Naval Battle: Continue the battle in " + game.where + " or retreat?"; gen_action(view, 'port', game.from); } gen_action(view, 'port', game.where); // shortcut for battle gen_action(view, 'battle'); }, port: function (to) { if (to !== game.where) { log("Greece retreated to " + game.from + "."); move_greek_fleet(game.where, game.from, count_greek_fleets(game.where)); move_greek_army(game.where, game.from, game.transport); end_battle(); } else { game.active = PERSIA; game.state = 'greek_naval_retreat_defender'; } }, battle: function () { game.active = PERSIA; game.state = 'greek_naval_retreat_defender'; }, } states.persian_naval_retreat_defender = { prompt: function (view, current) { if (game.greek.event === THEMISTOCLES) { if (is_inactive_player(current)) return view.prompt = "Persian Naval Battle: Continue the battle."; view.prompt = "Persian Naval Battle: Continue the battle in " + game.where + "."; } else { if (is_inactive_player(current)) return view.prompt = "Persian Naval Battle: Defender retreat?"; view.prompt = "Persian Naval Battle: Continue the battle in " + game.where + " or retreat?"; for (let port of PORTS) if (is_greek_control(port) && count_persian_fleets(port) === 0) gen_action(view, 'port', port); } gen_action(view, 'port', game.where); // shortcut for battle gen_action(view, 'battle'); }, port: function (to) { game.active = PERSIA; if (to !== game.where) { log("Greek fleets retreated to " + to + "."); move_greek_fleet(game.where, to, count_greek_fleets(game.where)); goto_persian_land_battle(); } else { persian_naval_battle_round(); } }, battle: function () { game.active = PERSIA; persian_naval_battle_round(); }, } states.greek_naval_retreat_defender = { prompt: function (view, current) { if (game.greek.event === THEMISTOCLES) { if (is_inactive_player(current)) return view.prompt = "Greek Naval Battle: Continue the battle."; view.prompt = "Greek Naval Battle: Continue the battle in " + game.where + "."; } else { if (is_inactive_player(current)) return view.prompt = "Greek Naval Battle: Defender retreat?"; view.prompt = "Greek Naval Battle: Continue the battle in " + game.where + " or retreat?"; for (let port of PORTS) if (is_persian_control(port) && count_greek_fleets(port) === 0) gen_action(view, 'port', port); } gen_action(view, 'port', game.where); // shortcut for battle gen_action(view, 'battle'); }, port: function (to) { game.active = GREECE; if (to !== game.where) { log("Persian fleets retreated to " + to + "."); move_persian_fleet(game.where, to, count_persian_fleets(game.where)); goto_greek_land_battle(); } else { greek_naval_battle_round(); } }, battle: function () { game.active = GREECE; greek_naval_battle_round(); }, } // LAND BATTLE function can_play_land_battle_reaction() { let m = can_play_miltiades_defense(); let p = can_play_pausanias(); let s = can_play_300_spartans(); return m || p || s; } function goto_persian_land_battle() { game.transport = 0; if (count_greek_armies(game.where) > 0 && count_persian_armies(game.where) > 0) { log_blank(); log("Persia attacked " + game.where + "!"); game.immortals = Math.min(3, count_persian_armies(game.where)); goto_persian_land_battle_react(); } else { game.from = null; end_persian_movement(); } } function goto_persian_land_battle_react() { if (can_play_land_battle_reaction()) { game.active = GREECE; game.state = 'persian_land_battle_react'; } else { persian_land_battle_round(); } } function goto_greek_land_battle() { game.transport = 0; if (count_greek_armies(game.where) > 0 && count_persian_armies(game.where) > 0) { log_blank(); log("Greece attacked " + game.where + "!"); game.immortals = Math.min(3, count_persian_armies(game.where)); game.active = GREECE; goto_greek_land_battle_react(); } else { game.from = null; end_greek_movement(); } } function goto_greek_land_battle_react() { if (can_play_miltiades_attack()) { game.state = 'greek_land_battle_react'; } else { greek_land_battle_round(); } } states.persian_land_battle_react = { prompt: function (view, current) { let m = can_play_miltiades_defense(); let p = can_play_pausanias(); let s = can_play_300_spartans(); let msg = is_inactive_player(current) ? "Greece may play " : "You may play "; if (m && p && s) msg += "Miltiades, Pausanias, or 300 Spartans."; if (m && p && !s) msg += "Miltiades or Pausanias."; if (m && !p && s) msg += "Miltiades or 300 Spartans."; if (m && !p && !s) msg += "Miltiades."; if (!m && p && s) msg += "Pausanias or 300 Spartans."; if (!m && p && !s) msg += "Pausanias."; if (!m && !p && s) msg += "300 Spartans."; if (is_inactive_player(current)) return view.prompt = "Persian Land Battle: " + msg; view.prompt = "Persian Land Battle: Persia attacks " + game.where + "! " + msg; gen_action(view, 'next'); if (m && game.greek.hand.includes(MILTIADES)) gen_action(view, 'card_event', MILTIADES); if (p && game.greek.hand.includes(PAUSANIAS)) gen_action(view, 'card_event', PAUSANIAS); if (s && game.greek.hand.includes(THREE_HUNDRED_SPARTANS)) gen_action(view, 'card_event', THREE_HUNDRED_SPARTANS); }, card_event: function (card) { switch (card) { case MILTIADES: play_miltiades_defense(); break; case PAUSANIAS: play_pausanias(); break; case THREE_HUNDRED_SPARTANS: play_300_spartans(); break; } }, next: function () { game.active = PERSIA; persian_land_battle_round(); }, } states.greek_land_battle_react = { prompt: function (view, current) { if (is_inactive_player(current)) return view.prompt = "Greek Land Battle: Greece may play Miltiades."; view.prompt = "Greek Land Battle: Greece attacks " + game.where + "!"; gen_action(view, 'next'); if (game.greek.hand.includes(MILTIADES)) { gen_action(view, 'card_event', MILTIADES); view.prompt += " You may play Miltiades."; } }, card_event: function (card) { play_miltiades_attack(); }, next: greek_land_battle_round, undo: pop_undo, } function greek_battle_dice() { if (game.greek.battle_event === MILTIADES) return 3; if (game.greek.battle_event === LEONIDAS) return 2; if (game.greek.battle_event === THREE_HUNDRED_SPARTANS) return 3; return count_greek_armies(game.where); } function persian_land_battle_round() { let p_max = (game.where === ABYDOS || game.where === EPHESOS) ? 5 : 4; if (game.persian.event === CAVALRY_OF_MARDONIUS) p_max = 6; let g_max = 6; let p_hit = roll_battle_dice("Persia", count_persian_armies(game.where), p_max); let g_hit = roll_battle_dice("Greece", greek_battle_dice(), g_max); if (p_hit >= g_hit) { log("Greece lost one army."); move_greek_army(game.where, RESERVE); } if (g_hit >= p_hit) { log("Persia lost one army."); move_persian_army(game.where, RESERVE); } if (can_play_the_immortals()) { end_battle_event(); game.active = PERSIA; game.state = 'persian_land_battle_immortals'; } else { resume_persian_land_battle(); } } function greek_land_battle_round() { let p_max = (game.where === ABYDOS || game.where === EPHESOS) ? 5 : 4; let g_max = 6; let p_hit = roll_battle_dice("Persia", count_persian_armies(game.where), p_max); let g_hit = roll_battle_dice("Greece", greek_battle_dice(), g_max); if (p_hit >= g_hit) { log("Greece lost one army."); move_greek_army(game.where, RESERVE); } if (g_hit >= p_hit) { log("Persia lost one army."); move_persian_army(game.where, RESERVE); } if (can_play_the_immortals()) { end_battle_event(); game.active = PERSIA; game.state = 'greek_land_battle_immortals'; } else { resume_greek_land_battle(); } } states.persian_land_battle_immortals = { prompt: function (view, current) { if (is_inactive_player(current)) return view.prompt = "Persian Land Battle: Army annihilated - Persia may play The Immortals."; view.prompt = "Persian Land Battle: Army annihilated - you may play The Immortals."; if (game.persian.hand.includes(THE_IMMORTALS)) gen_action(view, 'card_event', THE_IMMORTALS); gen_action(view, 'next'); }, card_event: function () { play_the_immortals(); restart_persian_land_battle(); game.immortals = 0; }, next: function () { end_battle(true); } } states.greek_land_battle_immortals = { prompt: function (view, current) { if (is_inactive_player(current)) return view.prompt = "Greek Land Battle: Army annihilated - Persia may play The Immortals."; view.prompt = "Greek Land Battle: Army annihilated - you may play The Immortals."; if (game.persian.hand.includes(THE_IMMORTALS)) gen_action(view, 'card_event', THE_IMMORTALS); gen_action(view, 'next'); }, card_event: function () { play_the_immortals(); restart_greek_land_battle(); game.immortals = 0; }, next: function () { game.active = GREECE; end_battle(true); } } function resume_persian_land_battle() { game.active = PERSIA; if (count_greek_armies(game.where) > 0 && count_persian_armies(game.where) > 0) game.state = 'persian_land_retreat_attacker'; else end_battle(); } function resume_greek_land_battle() { game.active = GREECE; if (count_greek_armies(game.where) > 0 && count_persian_armies(game.where) > 0) game.state = 'greek_land_retreat_attacker'; else end_battle(); } function restart_persian_land_battle() { game.active = PERSIA; goto_persian_land_battle(); } function restart_greek_land_battle() { game.active = GREECE; goto_greek_land_battle(); } function gen_land_retreat_attacker(view, is_friendly_control) { // RULES: if land movement started in neighboring city, do they have to // retreat to origin city if it is neighboring, or could they have gone // a circuitous route to attack from another direction? if (ROADS[game.where].includes(game.from)) gen_action(view, 'city', game.from); else for (let city of ROADS[game.where]) if (is_friendly_control(city) && city in game.move_list) gen_action(view, 'city', city); } states.persian_land_retreat_attacker = { prompt: function (view, current) { if (is_inactive_player(current)) return view.prompt = "Persian Land Battle: Attacker retreat?"; view.prompt = "Persian Land Battle: Continue the battle in " + game.where + " or retreat?"; if (game.naval_battle) gen_action(view, 'port', game.from); else gen_land_retreat_attacker(view, is_persian_control); gen_action(view, 'city', game.where); // shortcut for battle gen_action(view, 'battle'); }, city: function (to) { if (to !== game.where) { log("Persia retreated to " + to + "."); move_persian_army(game.where, to, count_persian_armies(game.where)); end_battle(); } else { game.active = GREECE; game.state = 'persian_land_retreat_defender'; } }, port: function (to) { log("Persia retreated to " + to + "."); move_persian_fleet(game.where, to, count_persian_fleets(game.where)); move_persian_army(game.where, to, count_persian_armies(game.where)); end_battle(); }, battle: function () { game.active = GREECE; game.state = 'persian_land_retreat_defender'; }, } states.greek_land_retreat_attacker = { prompt: function (view, current) { if (is_inactive_player(current)) return view.prompt = "Greek Land Battle: Attacker retreat?"; view.prompt = "Greek Land Battle: Continue the battle in " + game.where + " or retreat?"; if (game.naval_battle) gen_action(view, 'port', game.from); else gen_land_retreat_attacker(view, is_greek_control); gen_action(view, 'city', game.where); // shortcut for battle gen_action(view, 'battle'); }, city: function (to) { if (to !== game.where) { log("Greece retreated to " + to + "."); move_greek_army(game.where, to, count_greek_armies(game.where)); end_battle(); } else { game.active = PERSIA; game.state = 'greek_land_retreat_defender'; } }, port: function (to) { log("Greece retreated to " + to + "."); move_greek_fleet(game.where, to, count_greek_fleets(game.where)); move_greek_army(game.where, to, count_greek_armies(game.where)); end_battle(); }, battle: function () { game.active = PERSIA; game.state = 'greek_land_retreat_defender'; }, } states.persian_land_retreat_defender = { prompt: function (view, current) { if (is_inactive_player(current)) return view.prompt = "Persian Land Battle: Defender retreat?"; view.prompt = "Persian Land Battle: Continue the battle in " + game.where + " or retreat?"; // retreat by land for (let city of ROADS[game.where]) { if (is_usable_road(game.where, city) && is_greek_control(city)) gen_action(view, 'city', city); } // retreat by sea if (count_greek_armies(game.where) <= count_greek_fleets(game.where)) { for (let port of PORTS) if (port !== game.where && is_greek_control(port) && count_persian_fleets(port) === 0) gen_action(view, 'port', port); } gen_action(view, 'city', game.where); // shortcut for battle gen_action(view, 'battle'); }, city: function (to) { game.active = PERSIA; if (to !== game.where) { log("Greek armies retreated to " + to + "."); move_greek_army(game.where, to, count_greek_armies(game.where)); end_battle(); } else { persian_land_battle_round(); } }, port: function (to) { game.active = PERSIA; log("Greek armies and fleets retreated to " + to + "."); move_greek_fleet(game.where, to, count_greek_fleets(game.where)); move_greek_army(game.where, to, count_greek_armies(game.where)); end_battle(); }, battle: function () { game.active = PERSIA; persian_land_battle_round(); }, } states.greek_land_retreat_defender = { prompt: function (view, current) { if (is_inactive_player(current)) return view.prompt = "Greek Land Battle: Defender retreat?"; view.prompt = "Greek Land Battle: Continue the battle in " + game.where + " or retreat?"; // retreat by land for (let city of ROADS[game.where]) { if (is_usable_road(game.where, city) && is_persian_control(city)) gen_action(view, 'city', city); } // retreat by sea if (count_persian_armies(game.where) <= count_persian_fleets(game.where)) { for (let port of PORTS) if (port !== game.where && is_persian_control(port) && count_greek_fleets(port) === 0) gen_action(view, 'port', port); } gen_action(view, 'city', game.where); // shortcut for battle gen_action(view, 'battle'); }, city: function (to) { game.active = GREECE; if (to !== game.where) { log("Persian armies retreated to " + to + "."); move_persian_army(game.where, to, count_persian_armies(game.where)); end_battle(); } else { greek_land_battle_round(); } }, port: function (to) { game.active = GREECE; log("Persian armies and fleets retreated to " + to + "."); move_persian_fleet(game.where, to, count_persian_fleets(game.where)); move_persian_army(game.where, to, count_persian_armies(game.where)); end_battle(); }, battle: function () { game.active = GREECE; greek_land_battle_round(); }, } function end_battle_event() { log("Battle in " + game.where + " ended."); if (game.greek.event === EVANGELION) { game.greek.event = 0; if (count_persian_armies(game.where) === 0) { log("Evangelion: Greece scored 1 point."); add_greek_vp(); } if (!is_greek_control(game.where)) { log("Evangelion: Greece lost 1 point."); add_persian_vp(); } } if (game.persian.event === THE_GREAT_KING) { game.persian.event = 0; if (count_greek_armies(game.where) === 0) { log("The Great King: Persia scored 1 point."); add_persian_vp(); } if (!is_persian_control(game.where)) { log("The Great King: Persia lost 1 point."); add_greek_vp(); } } game.greek.battle_event = 0; } function end_battle(already_ended=0) { if (!already_ended) end_battle_event(); game.naval_battle = 0; game.from = null; if (game.active === PERSIA) { end_persian_movement(); } else { end_greek_movement(); } } states.destroy_bridge = { prompt: function (view, current) { if (is_inactive_player(current)) return view.prompt = "Greek Land Battle: Destroy bridge?"; view.prompt = "Greek Land Battle: Destroy the Hellespont pontoon bridge?"; gen_action(view, 'destroy'); gen_action(view, 'pass'); }, destroy: function () { log("Greece destroyed the bridge!"); game.trigger.hellespont = 0; end_greek_movement(); }, pass: function () { end_greek_movement(); }, } // PERSIAN EVENTS function play_persian_event_card(card) { play_card("Persia", game.persian.hand, card, ":\n" + PERSIAN_EVENT_NAMES[card]); } function can_play_persian_event(card) { switch (card) { case 1: return can_play_cavalry_of_mardonius(); case 2: return can_play_tribute_of_earth_and_water(); case 3: return can_play_tribute_of_earth_and_water(); case 4: return can_play_carneia_festival(); case 5: return false; // the_immortals case 6: return can_play_ostracism(); case 7: return can_play_the_great_king(); case 8: return can_play_the_royal_road(); case 9: return can_play_hippias(); case 10: return can_play_separate_peace(); case 11: return false; // sudden_death_of_the_great_king case 12: return can_play_defection_of_thebes(); case 13: return can_play_tribute_of_earth_and_water(); case 14: return false; // alliance_with_carthage case 15: return can_play_acropolis_on_fire(); case 16: return can_play_pacification_of_babylon_or_egypt(); } return false; } function play_persian_event(card) { push_undo(); play_persian_event_card(card); switch (card) { case 1: return play_cavalry_of_mardonius(); case 2: return play_tribute_of_earth_and_water(); case 3: return play_tribute_of_earth_and_water(); case 4: return play_carneia_festival(); case 6: return play_ostracism(); // NO UNDO case 7: return play_the_great_king(); case 8: return play_the_royal_road(); case 9: return play_hippias(); // NO UNDO case 10: return play_separate_peace(); case 12: return play_defection_of_thebes(); case 13: return play_tribute_of_earth_and_water(); case 15: return play_acropolis_on_fire(); case 16: return play_pacification_of_babylon_or_egypt(); } throw Error("unimplemented event: " + PERSIAN_EVENT_NAMES[card]); } function can_play_tribute_of_earth_and_water() { if (count_persian_armies(RESERVE) > 0) for (let city of CITIES) if (!is_greek_control(city) && !is_persian_control(city)) return true; return false; } function play_tribute_of_earth_and_water() { game.state = 'tribute_of_earth_and_water'; } states.tribute_of_earth_and_water = { prompt: function (view, current) { if (is_inactive_player(current)) return view.prompt = "Tribute of Earth and Water."; view.prompt = "Tribute of Earth and Water: Place an army in a city that is not controlled by either side."; gen_action_undo(view); for (let city of CITIES) if (!is_greek_control(city) && !is_persian_control(city)) gen_action(view, 'city', city); }, city: function (city) { log("Persia placed an army in " + city); move_persian_army(RESERVE, city, 1); game.where = city; if (can_play_molon_labe()) { clear_undo(); game.active = GREECE; game.state = 'tribute_of_earth_and_water_react'; } else { end_persian_operation(); } }, undo: pop_undo, } states.tribute_of_earth_and_water_react = { prompt: function (view, current) { if (is_inactive_player(current)) return view.prompt = "Tribute of Earth and Water: Greece may play Molon Labe."; view.prompt = "Tribute of Earth and Water: You may play Molon Labe."; if (game.greek.hand.includes(MOLON_LABE)) gen_action(view, 'card_event', MOLON_LABE); gen_action(view, 'next'); }, card_event: play_molon_labe, next: end_persian_operation, } function can_play_cavalry_of_mardonius() { return persian_can_land_move(); } function play_cavalry_of_mardonius() { goto_persian_movement(true, false, CAVALRY_OF_MARDONIUS); } function can_play_carneia_festival() { return true; } function play_carneia_festival() { game.state = 'carneia_festival'; } states.carneia_festival = { prompt: function (view, current) { if (is_inactive_player(current)) return view.prompt = "Carneia Festival."; view.prompt = "Carneia Festival: Select Sparta to confirm event."; gen_action(view, 'city', SPARTA); gen_action_undo(view); }, city: function (city) { game.trigger.carneia_festival = 1; end_persian_operation(); }, undo: pop_undo, } function can_play_ostracism() { return game.greek.hand.length > 0; } function play_ostracism() { let card = draw_card(game.greek.hand); game.discard.push(card); log("Persia discarded Greek card " + card + "."); end_persian_operation(); } function can_play_the_great_king() { return persian_can_land_move(); } function play_the_great_king() { goto_persian_movement(true, false, THE_GREAT_KING); } function can_play_the_royal_road_in(city) { if (count_greek_armies(city) > 0) return true; if (count_persian_armies(RESERVE) > 0) return true; return false; } function can_play_the_royal_road() { return can_play_the_royal_road_in(ABYDOS) || can_play_the_royal_road_in(EPHESOS); } function play_the_royal_road() { game.state = 'the_royal_road_select'; } states.the_royal_road_select = { prompt: function (view, current) { if (is_inactive_player(current)) return view.prompt = "The Royal Road."; view.prompt = "The Royal Road: Select Ephesos or Abydos."; gen_action_undo(view); if (can_play_the_royal_road_in(ABYDOS)) gen_action(view, 'city', ABYDOS); if (can_play_the_royal_road_in(EPHESOS)) gen_action(view, 'city', EPHESOS); }, city: function (city) { if (count_greek_armies(city) > 0) { log("Persia removed all Greek armies in " + city + "."); move_greek_army(city, RESERVE, count_greek_armies(city)); end_persian_operation(); } else { game.where = city; game.state = 'the_royal_road_place'; game.royal_road_count = 0; } }, undo: pop_undo, } states.the_royal_road_place = { prompt: function (view, current) { if (is_inactive_player(current)) return view.prompt = "The Royal Road."; view.prompt = "The Royal Road: Place 1-3 armies in " + game.where + "."; if (game.royal_road_count < 3 && count_persian_armies(RESERVE) > 0) gen_action(view, 'city', game.where); if (game.royal_road_count > 0) gen_action(view, 'next'); gen_action_undo(view); }, city: function (city) { push_undo(); move_persian_army(RESERVE, city, 1); game.royal_road_count += 1; }, next: function () { log("Persia placed " + game.royal_road_count + " armies in " + game.where + "."); clear_undo(); game.where = null; delete game.royal_road_count; end_persian_operation(); }, undo: pop_undo, } function can_play_hippias() { return game.greek.hand.length > 0; } function play_hippias() { clear_undo(); game.state = 'hippias'; } states.hippias = { prompt: function (view, current) { view.show_greek_hand = 1; if (is_inactive_player(current)) return view.prompt = "Hippias."; view.prompt = "Hippias: Choose one card to discard from the Greek hand." for (let card of game.greek.hand) gen_action(view, 'discard', card); }, discard: function (card) { discard_card("Greece", game.greek.hand, card); end_persian_operation(); }, } function can_play_separate_peace() { return game.greek.hand.length > 0; } function play_separate_peace() { game.state = 'separate_peace_confirm'; } states.separate_peace_confirm = { prompt: function (view, current) { if (is_inactive_player(current)) return view.prompt = "Separate Peace."; view.prompt = "Separate Peace: Select Sparta to confirm event."; gen_action(view, 'city', SPARTA); gen_action_undo(view); }, city: function (city) { let g_die = roll_d6(); let p_die = roll_d6(); log("Greece rolled " + g_die + "."); log("Persia rolled " + p_die + "."); if (p_die > g_die) { log("The Athens and Sparta alliance broke!"); game.state = 'separate_peace'; } else { log("The Athens and Sparta alliance remained unbroken."); end_persian_operation(); } }, undo: pop_undo, } states.separate_peace = { prompt: function (view, current) { view.show_greek_hand = 1; if (is_inactive_player(current)) return view.prompt = "Separate Peace."; view.prompt = "Separate Peace: Discard all the Sparta cards from the Greek hand."; let no_sparta_cards = true; for (let card of game.greek.hand) { if (SPARTA_CARDS.includes(card)) { gen_action(view, 'discard', card); no_sparta_cards = false; } } if (no_sparta_cards) gen_action(view, 'next'); }, discard: function (card) { discard_card("Greece", game.greek.hand, card); }, next: function () { end_persian_operation(); } } function can_play_defection_of_thebes() { if (count_greek_armies(THEBAI) > 0) { for (let city of CITIES) if (city !== THEBAI && is_greek_control(city)) return true; return false; } if (count_persian_armies(RESERVE) > 0) return true; return false; } function play_defection_of_thebes() { game.state = 'defection_of_thebes_confirm'; } states.defection_of_thebes_confirm = { prompt: function (view, current) { if (is_inactive_player(current)) return view.prompt = "Defection of Thebes."; view.prompt = "Defection of Thebes: Select Thebai to confirm event."; gen_action(view, 'city', THEBAI); gen_action_undo(view); }, city: function (city) { if (count_greek_armies(THEBAI) > 0) { game.active = GREECE; game.state = 'defection_of_thebes'; } else { if (count_persian_armies(RESERVE) > 0) { log("Persia placed 1 army in Thebai."); move_persian_army(RESERVE, THEBAI, 1); } end_persian_operation(); } }, undo: pop_undo, } states.defection_of_thebes = { prompt: function (view, current) { if (is_inactive_player(current)) return view.prompt = "Defection of Thebes."; view.prompt = "Defection of Thebes: Move all Greek armies in Thebes to another Greek-controlled city."; for (let city of CITIES) if (city !== THEBAI && is_greek_control(city)) gen_action(view, 'city', city); }, city: function (city) { log("Greece moved all armies from Thebai to " + city + "."); move_greek_army(THEBAI, city, count_greek_armies(THEBAI)); if (count_persian_armies(RESERVE) > 0) { log("Persia placed 1 army in Thebai."); move_persian_army(RESERVE, THEBAI, 1); } end_persian_operation(); }, } function can_play_acropolis_on_fire() { return is_persian_control(ATHENAI); } function play_acropolis_on_fire() { game.state = 'acropolis_on_fire'; } states.acropolis_on_fire = { prompt: function (view, current) { if (is_inactive_player(current)) return view.prompt = "Acropolis on Fire."; view.prompt = "Acropolis on Fire: Select Athenai to confirm event."; gen_action(view, 'city', ATHENAI); gen_action_undo(view); }, city: function (city) { game.trigger.acropolis_on_fire = 1; end_persian_operation(); }, undo: pop_undo, } function can_play_pacification_of_babylon_or_egypt() { return true; } function play_pacification_of_babylon_or_egypt() { game.state = 'pacification_of_babylon_or_egypt'; game.persian.draw = 1; } states.pacification_of_babylon_or_egypt = { prompt: function (view, current) { if (is_inactive_player(current)) return view.prompt = "Pacification of Babylon or Egypt."; view.prompt = "Pacification of Babylon or Egypt: Discard cards, then draw replacements."; for (let card of game.persian.hand) gen_action(view, 'discard', card); gen_action(view, 'next'); gen_action_undo(view); }, discard: function (card) { push_undo(); discard_card("Persia", game.persian.hand, card); ++game.persian.draw; }, next: function () { let sudden_death = 0; log("Persia drew " + game.persian.draw + " cards."); for (let i = 0; i < game.persian.draw; ++i) { let card = draw_card(game.deck); if (card === SUDDEN_DEATH_OF_THE_GREAT_KING) sudden_death = 1; game.persian.hand.push(card); } game.persian.draw = 0; if (sudden_death) { if (!game.trigger.darius) return goto_sudden_death_of_darius(false); if (!game.trigger.xerxes) return goto_assassination_of_xerxes(false); } end_persian_operation(); }, undo: pop_undo, } // GREEK EVENTS function play_greek_event_card(card) { play_card("Greece", game.greek.hand, card, ":\n" + GREEK_EVENT_NAMES[card]); } function can_play_greek_event(card) { if (game.trigger.carneia_festival && SPARTA_CARDS.includes(card)) return false; switch (card) { case 1: return can_play_mines_of_laurion(); case 2: return can_play_ionian_revolt(); case 3: return can_play_wrath_of_poseidon(); case 4: return false; // miltiades case 5: return false; // themistocles case 6: return false; // pausanias case 7: return can_play_oracle_of_delphi(); case 8: return can_play_leonidas(); case 9: return false; // artemisia case 10: return can_play_evangelion(); case 11: return can_play_melas_zomos(); case 12: return false; // molon_labe case 13: return can_play_triremes(); case 14: return can_play_support_from_syracuse(); case 15: return false; // 300 spartans case 16: return can_play_desertion_of_greek_soldiers(); } return false; } function play_greek_event(card) { push_undo(); play_greek_event_card(card); switch (card) { case 1: return play_mines_of_laurion(); case 2: return play_ionian_revolt(); case 3: return play_wrath_of_poseidon(); case 7: return play_oracle_of_delphi(); case 8: return play_leonidas(); case 10: return play_evangelion(); case 11: return play_melas_zomos(); case 13: return play_triremes(); case 14: return play_support_from_syracuse(); case 16: return play_desertion_of_greek_soldiers(); } throw Error("unimplemented event: " + GREEK_EVENT_NAMES[card]); } function can_play_mines_of_laurion() { return true; } function play_mines_of_laurion() { game.greek.event = MINES_OF_LAURION; // remove mines from discard pile while drawing so we can't draw it back immediately remove_from_array(game.discard, MINES_OF_LAURION) goto_greek_preparation_draw(); } function can_play_ionian_revolt() { for (let city of [ABYDOS, EPHESOS]) if (count_persian_armies(city) > 0) return true; return false; } function play_ionian_revolt() { game.state = 'ionian_revolt'; } states.ionian_revolt = { prompt: function (view, current) { if (is_inactive_player(current)) return view.prompt = "Ionian Revolt."; view.prompt = "Ionian Revolt: Remove one Persian army from a major Persian city."; gen_action_undo(view); for (let city of [ABYDOS, EPHESOS]) if (count_persian_armies(city) > 0) gen_action(view, 'city', city); }, city: function (city) { log("Greece removed one Persian army in " + city + "."); move_persian_army(city, RESERVE, 1); end_greek_operation(); }, undo: pop_undo, } function can_play_wrath_of_poseidon() { for (let port of PORTS) if (count_persian_fleets(port) > 0) return true; return false; } function play_wrath_of_poseidon() { game.state = 'wrath_of_poseidon'; } states.wrath_of_poseidon = { prompt: function (view, current) { if (is_inactive_player(current)) return view.prompt = "Wrath of Poseidon."; view.prompt = "Wrath of Poseidon: Remove one Persian fleet from the map."; gen_action_undo(view); for (let port of PORTS) if (count_persian_fleets(port) > 0) gen_action(view, 'port', port); }, port: function (port) { log("Greece removed one Persian fleet in " + port + "."); move_persian_fleet(port, RESERVE, 1); end_greek_operation(); }, undo: pop_undo, } function can_play_oracle_of_delphi() { return true; } function play_oracle_of_delphi() { game.state = 'oracle_of_delphi'; } states.oracle_of_delphi = { prompt: function (view, current) { if (is_inactive_player(current)) return view.prompt = "Oracle of Delphi."; view.prompt = "Oracle of Delphi: Select Delphi to confirm event."; gen_action(view, 'city', DELPHI); gen_action_undo(view); }, city: function (city) { let n = game.greek.hand.length; discard_greek_hand(); log("Greece discarded " + n + " cards."); log("Greece drew " + (n+1) + " cards."); for (let i = 0; i < n+1; ++i) game.greek.hand.push(draw_card(game.deck)) end_greek_operation(); }, undo: pop_undo, } function can_play_leonidas() { return !game.trigger.leonidas && greek_can_land_move(); } function play_leonidas() { game.greek.battle_event = LEONIDAS; if (count_greek_armies(RESERVE) > 0) { game.trigger.leonidas = 1; remove_greek_army(RESERVE); game.state = 'leonidas'; } else { game.state = 'leonidas_pay'; } } states.leonidas_pay = { prompt: function (view, current) { if (is_inactive_player(current)) return view.prompt = "Leonidas."; view.prompt = "Leonidas: Remove one Greek army to pay for the event."; gen_action_undo(view); gen_greek_armies(view); }, city: function (space) { push_undo(); game.trigger.leonidas = 1; remove_greek_army(space); game.state = 'leonidas'; }, undo: pop_undo, } states.leonidas = { prompt: function (view, current) { if (is_inactive_player(current)) return view.prompt = "Leonidas."; view.prompt = "Leonidas: Select one Greek army and move it."; gen_greek_land_movement(view); gen_action_undo(view); }, city: function (space) { goto_greek_land_movement_leonidas(space); }, undo: pop_undo, } function can_play_evangelion() { return greek_can_land_move(); } function play_evangelion() { goto_greek_movement(true, false, EVANGELION); } function can_play_melas_zomos() { return count_greek_armies(RESERVE) > 0 && is_greek_control(SPARTA); } function play_melas_zomos() { game.state = 'melas_zomos'; } states.melas_zomos = { prompt: function (view, current) { if (is_inactive_player(current)) return view.prompt = "Melas Zomos."; view.prompt = "Melas Zomos: Place one Greek army in Sparta."; gen_action(view, 'city', SPARTA); gen_action_undo(view); }, city: function (city) { log("Greece placed one army in Sparta."); move_greek_army(RESERVE, SPARTA, 1); end_greek_operation(); }, undo: pop_undo, } function can_play_triremes() { return greek_can_naval_move(); } function play_triremes() { goto_greek_movement(false, true, TRIREMES); } function can_play_support_from_syracuse() { if (count_greek_fleets(RESERVE) > 0) for (let port of PORTS) if (is_greek_control(port) && count_persian_fleets(port) === 0) return true return false } function play_support_from_syracuse() { game.state = 'support_from_syracuse'; } states.support_from_syracuse = { prompt: function (view, current) { if (is_inactive_player(current)) return view.prompt = "Support from Syracuse."; view.prompt = "Support from Syracuse: Place all Greek fleets from your reserve."; if (count_greek_fleets(RESERVE) > 0) { for (let port of PORTS) if (is_greek_control(port) && count_persian_fleets(port) === 0) gen_action(view, 'port', port); } else { gen_action(view, 'next'); } gen_action_undo(view); }, port: function (port) { push_undo(); log("Greece placed a fleet in " + port + "."); move_greek_fleet(RESERVE, port, 1); }, next: function () { end_greek_operation(); }, undo: pop_undo, } function can_play_desertion_of_greek_soldiers() { for (let city of CITIES) if (count_persian_armies(city) > 0) return true; return false; } function play_desertion_of_greek_soldiers() { game.state = 'desertion_of_greek_soldiers'; } states.desertion_of_greek_soldiers = { prompt: function (view, current) { if (is_inactive_player(current)) return view.prompt = "Desertion of Greek Soldiers."; view.prompt = "Desertion of Greek Soldiers: Remove one Persian army from the map."; gen_action_undo(view); for (let city of CITIES) if (count_persian_armies(city) > 0) gen_action(view, 'city', city); }, city: function (city) { log("Greece removed one Persian army in " + city + "."); move_persian_army(city, RESERVE, 1); end_greek_operation(); }, undo: pop_undo, } // GREEK REACTION EVENTS function can_play_molon_labe() { if (game.greek.hand.length === 0) return false; if (is_visible_discard(MOLON_LABE)) return false; return true; } function play_molon_labe() { play_greek_event_card(MOLON_LABE); log("Greece removed a Persian army in " + game.where + "."); move_persian_army(game.where, RESERVE, 1); game.where = null; goto_greek_movement(true, false, MOLON_LABE); } function can_play_pausanias() { if (game.greek.hand.length === 0) return false; if (is_visible_discard(PAUSANIAS)) return false; if (game.trigger.carneia_festival) return false; return game.persian.event === CAVALRY_OF_MARDONIUS; } function play_pausanias() { play_greek_event_card(PAUSANIAS); game.persian.event = 0; goto_persian_land_battle_react(); } function can_play_300_spartans() { if (game.greek.hand.length === 0) return false; if (is_visible_discard(THREE_HUNDRED_SPARTANS)) return false; if (game.trigger.carneia_festival) return false; return game.greek.battle_event === 0; } function play_300_spartans() { play_greek_event_card(THREE_HUNDRED_SPARTANS); game.greek.battle_event = THREE_HUNDRED_SPARTANS; goto_persian_land_battle_react(); } function can_play_miltiades_defense() { if (game.greek.hand.length === 0) return false; if (is_visible_discard(MILTIADES)) return false; if (game.trigger.miltiades) return false; return game.greek.battle_event === 0; } function can_play_miltiades_attack() { if (game.greek.hand.length === 0) return false; if (is_visible_discard(MILTIADES)) return false; if (game.trigger.miltiades) return false; return game.greek.battle_event === 0 && count_persian_armies(game.where) > 0; } function play_miltiades_defense() { play_greek_event_card(MILTIADES); game.greek.battle_event = MILTIADES; if (count_greek_armies(RESERVE) > 0) { remove_greek_army(RESERVE); game.trigger.miltiades = 1; goto_persian_land_battle_react(); } else { game.state = 'miltiades_defense_pay'; } } function play_miltiades_attack() { play_greek_event_card(MILTIADES); game.greek.battle_event = MILTIADES; if (count_greek_armies(RESERVE) > 0) { remove_greek_army(RESERVE); game.trigger.miltiades = 1; goto_greek_land_battle_react(); } else { game.state = 'miltiades_attack_pay'; } } states.miltiades_defense_pay = { prompt: function (view, current) { if (is_inactive_player(current)) return view.prompt = "Miltiades."; view.prompt = "Miltiades: Remove one Greek army to pay for the event."; for (let city of CITIES) { let need = (city === game.where) ? 2 : 1; if (count_greek_armies(city) >= need) gen_action(view, 'city', city); } gen_action_undo(view); }, city: function (space) { push_undo(); remove_greek_army(space); game.trigger.miltiades = 1; goto_persian_land_battle_react(); }, undo: pop_undo, } states.miltiades_attack_pay = { prompt: function (view, current) { if (is_inactive_player(current)) return view.prompt = "Miltiades."; view.prompt = "Miltiades: Remove one Greek army to pay for the event."; for (let city of CITIES) { let need = (city === game.where) ? 2 : 1; if (count_greek_armies(city) >= need) gen_action(view, 'city', city); } gen_action_undo(view); }, city: function (space) { push_undo(); remove_greek_army(space); game.trigger.miltiades = 1; goto_greek_land_battle_react(); }, undo: pop_undo, } function can_play_themistocles() { if (game.greek.hand.length === 0) return false; if (is_visible_discard(THEMISTOCLES)) return false; if (game.trigger.themistocles) return false; for (let port of PORTS) if (port !== game.where && count_greek_fleets(port) > 0) return true; return false; } function play_themistocles() { play_greek_event_card(THEMISTOCLES); game.greek.event = THEMISTOCLES; if (count_greek_armies(RESERVE) > 0) { game.trigger.themistocles = 1; remove_greek_army(RESERVE); goto_themistocles(); } else { game.state = 'themistocles_pay'; } } states.themistocles_pay = { prompt: function (view, current) { if (is_inactive_player(current)) return view.prompt = "Themistocles."; view.prompt = "Themistocles: Remove one Greek army to pay for the event."; gen_greek_armies(view); }, city: function (space) { push_undo(); game.trigger.themistocles = 1; remove_greek_army(space); goto_themistocles(); }, } function goto_themistocles() { game.themistocles = { from: game.from, where: game.where, transport: game.transport, }; game.transport = 0 goto_greek_movement(false, true, THEMISTOCLES); } function can_play_artemisia(persia_lost_fleet) { if (game.greek.hand.length === 0) return false; if (is_visible_discard(ARTEMISIA)) return false; if (game.trigger.artemisia) return false; return persia_lost_fleet && count_persian_fleets(game.where) > 0; } function play_artemisia() { play_greek_event_card(ARTEMISIA); game.trigger.artemisia = 1; remove_persian_fleet(game.where); if (game.attacker === PERSIA) { if (count_persian_fleets(game.where) < game.transport) { log("Persia lost one fleet and one army."); move_persian_army(game.where, RESERVE); --game.transport; } else { log("Persia lost one fleet."); } } else { log("Persia lost one fleet."); } } // PERSIAN REACTION EVENTS function can_play_the_immortals() { if (game.persian.hand.length === 0) return false; if (is_visible_discard(THE_IMMORTALS)) return false; if (game.trigger.xerxes) return false; if (game.immortals === 0) return false; return count_persian_armies(game.where) === 0; } function play_the_immortals() { log_blank(); play_persian_event_card(THE_IMMORTALS); log("The Immortals recovered " + game.immortals + " armies!"); move_persian_army(RESERVE, game.where, game.immortals); } // SUPPLY PHASE function goto_supply_phase() { start_persian_supply_phase(); } function start_persian_supply_phase() { log_sep(); log("Persian Supply Phase"); if (game.campaign === 5 || game.persian.hand.length === 0) return start_persian_attrition(); game.active = PERSIA; game.state = 'persian_cards_in_hand'; } function start_greek_supply_phase() { log_sep(); log("Greek Supply Phase"); if (game.campaign === 5 || game.greek.hand.length === 0) return start_greek_attrition(); game.active = GREECE; game.state = 'greek_cards_in_hand'; } states.persian_cards_in_hand = { prompt: function (view, current) { if (is_inactive_player(current)) return view.prompt = "Persian Supply Phase."; view.prompt = "Persian Supply Phase: You may keep one card for the next campaign. Discard the rest."; for (let card of game.persian.hand) gen_action(view, 'discard', card); if (game.persian.hand.length <= 1) gen_action(view, 'next'); gen_action_undo(view); }, discard: function (card) { push_undo(); discard_card("Persia", game.persian.hand, card); }, next: function () { clear_undo(); log("Persia kept " + game.persian.hand.length + " cards."); start_persian_attrition(); }, undo: pop_undo, } states.greek_cards_in_hand = { prompt: function (view, current) { if (is_inactive_player(current)) return view.prompt = "Greek Supply Phase."; view.prompt = "Greek Supply Phase: You may keep up to 4 cards. Discard the rest."; for (let card of game.greek.hand) gen_action(view, 'discard', card); if (game.greek.hand.length <= 4) gen_action(view, 'next'); gen_action_undo(view); }, discard: function (card) { push_undo(); discard_card("Greece", game.greek.hand, card); }, next: function () { clear_undo(); log("Greece kept " + game.greek.hand.length + " cards."); start_greek_attrition(); }, undo: pop_undo, } function start_persian_attrition() { init_log(); let armies = 0; let supply = 0; for (let city of CITIES) { if (city !== EPHESOS && city !== ABYDOS) { armies += count_persian_armies(city); if (is_persian_control(city)) supply += SUPPLY[city]; } } game.attrition = Math.max(0, armies - supply); if (game.attrition > 0) { game.active = PERSIA; game.state = 'persian_attrition'; } else { end_persian_attrition(); } } function start_greek_attrition() { init_log(); let armies = 0; let supply = 0; for (let city of CITIES) { armies += count_greek_armies(city); if (is_greek_control(city)) supply += SUPPLY[city]; } game.attrition = Math.max(0, armies - supply); if (game.attrition > 0) { game.active = GREECE; game.state = 'greek_attrition'; } else { end_greek_attrition(); } } states.persian_attrition = { prompt: function (view, current) { if (is_inactive_player(current)) return view.prompt = "Persian Supply Phase."; view.prompt = "Persian Supply Phase: Remove " + game.attrition + " armies."; for (let city of CITIES) { if (city !== EPHESOS && city !== ABYDOS) if (count_persian_armies(city) > 0) gen_action(view, 'city', city); } }, city: function (space) { push_log(space); move_persian_army(space, RESERVE); if (--game.attrition === 0) end_persian_attrition(); }, } states.greek_attrition = { prompt: function (view, current) { if (is_inactive_player(current)) return view.prompt = "Greek Supply Phase."; view.prompt = "Greek Supply Phase: Remove " + game.attrition + " armies."; for (let city of CITIES) { if (count_greek_armies(city) > 0) gen_action(view, 'city', city); } }, city: function (space) { push_log(space); move_greek_army(space, RESERVE); if (--game.attrition === 0) end_greek_attrition(); }, } function end_persian_attrition() { flush_log("Persian attrition:"); persian_loc(); start_greek_supply_phase(); } function end_greek_attrition() { flush_log("Greek attrition:"); greek_loc(); goto_scoring_phase(); } function persian_loc() { let msg = []; let loc = {}; function persian_loc_rec(from) { loc[from] = 1; for (let to of ROADS[from]) if (is_usable_road(from, to) && !is_greek_control(to) && !loc[to]) persian_loc_rec(to); } if (is_persian_control(ABYDOS)) persian_loc_rec(ABYDOS); if (is_persian_control(EPHESOS)) persian_loc_rec(EPHESOS); if ((is_persian_control(ABYDOS) && count_greek_fleets(ABYDOS) === 0) || (is_persian_control(EPHESOS) && count_greek_fleets(EPHESOS) === 0)) for (let port of PORTS) if (count_persian_fleets(port) > 0) loc[port] = 1; for (let city of CITIES) { if (!loc[city]) { let n = count_persian_armies(city); if (n > 0) { move_persian_army(city, RESERVE, n); msg.push(n + " " + city); } } } if (msg.length > 0) log("Persian out of supply:\n" + msg.join("\n")); } function greek_loc() { let msg = []; let loc = {}; function greek_loc_rec(from) { loc[from] = 1; for (let to of ROADS[from]) if (is_usable_road(from, to) && !is_persian_control(to) && !loc[to]) greek_loc_rec(to); } if (is_greek_control(ATHENAI)) greek_loc_rec(ATHENAI); if (is_greek_control(SPARTA)) greek_loc_rec(SPARTA); if ((is_greek_control(ATHENAI) && count_persian_fleets(ATHENAI) === 0) || (is_greek_control(SPARTA) && count_persian_fleets(SPARTA) === 0)) for (let port of PORTS) if (count_greek_fleets(port) > 0) loc[port] = 1; for (let city of CITIES) { if (!loc[city]) { let n = count_greek_armies(city); if (n > 0) { move_greek_army(city, RESERVE, n); msg.push(n + " " + city); } } } if (msg.length > 0) log("Greek out of supply:\n" + msg.join("\n")); } // SCORING PHASE function goto_scoring_phase() { if (is_persian_control(ATHENAI) && is_persian_control(SPARTA)) { game.victory = "Persia won by controlling Athenai and Sparta!"; game.state = 'game_over'; game.active = "None"; game.result = PERSIA; log_sep(); log(game.victory); return; } if (is_greek_control(ABYDOS) && is_greek_control(EPHESOS)) { game.victory = "Greece won by controlling Abydos and Ephesos!"; game.state = 'game_over'; game.active = "None"; game.result = GREECE; log_sep(); log(game.victory); return; } let greek_vp = 0; let persian_vp = 0; for (let city of CITIES) { if (city === ATHENAI && game.trigger.acropolis_on_fire) continue; if (is_greek_control(city)) greek_vp += SCORE[city]; if (is_persian_control(city)) persian_vp += SCORE[city]; } log_sep(); if (persian_vp > greek_vp) log("Persia scored " + (persian_vp - greek_vp) + " points."); else if (greek_vp > persian_vp) log("Greece scored " + (greek_vp - persian_vp) + " points."); else log("Nobody scored any points."); add_vp(persian_vp - greek_vp); end_campaign(); } function end_campaign() { game.trigger.carneia_festival = 0; if (game.campaign === 5) { if (game.vp < 0) { game.victory = $("Greece won with " + (-game.vp) + " points."); game.result = GREECE; } else if (game.vp > 0) { game.victory = $("Persia won with " + game.vp + " points."); game.result = PERSIA; } else { game.victory = "Nobody won."; game.result = "Draw"; } game.state = 'game_over'; game.active = "None"; log_sep(); log(game.victory); } else { ++game.campaign; start_campaign(); } } states.game_over = { prompt: function (view) { return view.prompt = game.victory; } } exports.setup = function (seed, scenario, options) { game = { seed: seed, undo: [], log: [], // game board state campaign: 1, vp: 0, deck: create_deck(), discard: [], persian: { hand: [], draw: 0, pass: 0, event: 0, fleet_cost: options.cheap_fleets ? 1 : 2, }, greek: { hand: [], draw: 0, pass: 0, event: 0, battle_event: 0, }, units: { Abydos: [0,2,0,0], Athenai: [1,0,1,0], Delphi: [0,0], Ephesos: [0,2,0,1], Eretria: [0,0,0,0], Korinthos: [1,0], Larissa: [0,0], Naxos: [0,0,0,0], Pella: [0,0,0,0], Sparta: [1,0,1,0], Thebai: [0,0,0,0], reserve: [6,20,3,5], }, trigger: { darius: 0, xerxes: 0, artemisia: 0, miltiades: 0, themistocles: 0, leonidas: 0, hellespont: 0, carneia_festival: 0, acropolis_on_fire: 0, }, // transient action state move_list: null, talents: 0, built_fleets: 0, naval_battle: 0, attrition: 0, from: null, where: null, }; // Old RNG for ancient replays if (options.rng) game.rng = options.rng if (options.cheap_fleets) { log("Each fleet costs only 1 talent."); log_blank(); } start_campaign(); return game; } exports.action = function (state, current, action, arg) { game = state; let S = states[game.state]; if (action in S) S[action](arg, current); else throw new Error("Invalid action: " + action); return game; } exports.view = function(state, current) { game = state; let view = { log: game.log, active: game.active, campaign: game.campaign, vp: game.vp, trigger: game.trigger, units: game.units, }; view.g_cards = game.greek.hand.length + game.greek.draw; view.p_cards = game.persian.hand.length + game.persian.draw; if (game.greek.event === MINES_OF_LAURION) view.discard = MINES_OF_LAURION; else if (game.discard.length > 0) view.discard = game.discard[game.discard.length-1] else view.discard = 0 let draw = game.greek.draw + game.persian.draw; if (draw > game.deck.length) { view.deck_size = game.deck.length + game.discard.length - draw; view.discard_size = 0; } else { view.deck_size = game.deck.length - draw; view.discard_size = game.discard.length; } states[game.state].prompt(view, current); view.prompt = $(view.prompt); if (game.transport) { if (game.themistocles) view.transport = { count:game.transport, where:game.themistocles.where, who:game.attacker }; else view.transport = { count:game.transport, where:game.where, who:game.attacker }; } if (current === GREECE) { view.hand = game.greek.hand; view.draw = game.greek.draw; } if (current === PERSIA) { view.hand = game.persian.hand; view.draw = game.persian.draw; } if (view.show_greek_hand) { view.hand = game.greek.hand; } return view; }