"use strict" // vim:set foldmethod=marker: const { spaces, cards, power_cards } = require("./data.js") var game, view, states = {} const DEM = "Democrat" const COM = "Communist" const first_strategy_card = 1 const last_strategy_card = 110 // BEGIN CONSTANTS {{{ // SPACES const S_SCHWERIN = 0 const S_ROSTOCK = 1 const S_BERLIN = 2 const S_GERMAN_WRITERS = 3 const S_WALTER_ULBRICHT_ACADEMY = 4 const S_LUTHERAN_CHURCH = 5 const S_MAGDEBURG = 6 const S_HALLE = 7 const S_LEIPZIG = 8 const S_ERFURT = 9 const S_KARL_MARX_STADT = 10 const S_DRESDEN = 11 const S_SZCZECIN = 12 const S_GDANSK = 13 const S_BYDGOSZCZ = 14 const S_POZNAN = 15 const S_WARSZAWA = 16 const S_BIALYSTOK = 17 const S_WROCLAW = 18 const S_CATHOLIC_CHURCH_POLAND = 19 const S_LODZ = 20 const S_KATOWICE = 21 const S_KRAKOW = 22 const S_LUBLIN = 23 const S_JAGIELLONIAN_UNIVERSITY = 24 const S_POLISH_WRITERS = 25 const S_PLZEN = 26 const S_CESKE_BUDEJOVICE = 27 const S_PRAHA = 28 const S_CHARLES_UNIVERSITY = 29 const S_CZECH_WRITERS = 30 const S_BRNO = 31 const S_OSTRAVA = 32 const S_BRATISLAVA = 33 const S_CATHOLIC_CHURCH_CZECHOSLOVAKIA = 34 const S_PRESOV = 35 const S_KOSICE = 36 const S_CATHOLIC_CHURCH_HUNGARY = 37 const S_GYOR = 38 const S_TATABANYA = 39 const S_MISKOLC = 40 const S_DEBRECEN = 41 const S_SZOMBATHELY = 42 const S_SZEKESFEHERVAR = 43 const S_BUDAPEST = 44 const S_HUNGARIAN_WRITERS = 45 const S_EOTVOS_LORAND_UNIVERSITY = 46 const S_SZEGED = 47 const S_PECS = 48 const S_TIMISOARA = 49 const S_CLUJ_NAPOCA = 50 const S_TARGU_MURES = 51 const S_IASI = 52 const S_BABES_BOLYAI_UNIVERSITY = 53 const S_ROMANIAN_WRITERS = 54 const S_HARGHITA_COVASNA = 55 const S_BRASOV = 56 const S_ORTHODOX_CHURCH_ROMANIA = 57 const S_PLOIESTI = 58 const S_CRAIOVA = 59 const S_BUCURESTI = 60 const S_GALATI = 61 const S_CONSTANTA = 62 const S_PLEVEN = 63 const S_ORTHODOX_CHURCH_BULGARIA = 64 const S_RUSE = 65 const S_SOFIA_UNIVERSITY = 66 const S_SOFIA = 67 const S_STARA_ZAGORA = 68 const S_RAZGRAD = 69 const S_BURGAS = 70 const S_VARNA = 71 const S_BULGARIAN_WRITERS = 72 const S_PLOVDIV = 73 const S_SLIVEN = 74 // CARDS const C_LEGACY_OF_MARTIAL_LAW = 1 const C_SOLIDARITY_LEGALIZED = 2 const C_WALESA = 3 const C_MICHNIK = 4 const C_GENERAL_STRIKE = 5 const C_BROUGHT_IN_FOR_QUESTIONING = 6 const C_STATE_RUN_MEDIA = 7 const C_PRUDENCE = 8 const C_THE_WALL = 9 const C_CULT_OF_PERSONALITY = 10 const C_DISSIDENT_ARRESTED = 11 const C_APPARATCHIKS = 12 const C_STASI = 13 const C_GORBACHEV_CHARMS_THE_WEST = 14 const C_HONECKER = 15 const C_NOMENKLATURA = 16 const C_ROUNDTABLE_TALKS = 17 const C_POSZGAY_DEFENDS_THE_REVOLUTION = 18 const C_PAPAL_VISIT = 19 const C_DEUTSCHE_MARKS = 20 const C_COMMON_EUROPEAN_HOME = 21 const C_POWER_STRUGGLE_POLAND = 22 const C_POWER_STRUGGLE_HUNGARY = 23 const C_ST_NICHOLAS_CHURCH = 24 const C_PERESTROIKA = 25 const C_HELSINKI_FINAL_ACT = 26 const C_CONSUMERISM = 27 const C_FACTORY_PARTY_CELLS = 28 const C_JAN_PALACH_WEEK = 29 const C_TEAR_GAS = 30 const C_INTELLIGENTSIA = 31 const C_PEASANT_PARTIES = 32 const C_SAJUDIS = 33 const C_FIDESZ = 34 const C_HEAL_OUR_BLEEDING_WOUND = 35 const C_DASH_FOR_THE_WEST = 36 const C_NAGY_REBURIED = 37 const C_THE_JULY_CONCEPT = 38 const C_ECO_GLASNOST = 39 const C_HUNGARIAN_DEMOCRATIC_FORUM = 40 const C_CEAUSESCU = 41 const C_POWER_STRUGGLE_EAST_GERMANY = 42 const C_POWER_STRUGGLE_BULGARIA = 43 const C_INFLATIONARY_CURRENCY = 44 const C_SOVIET_TROOP_WITHDRAWALS = 45 const C_GOODBYE_LENIN = 46 const C_BULGARIAN_TURKS_EXPELLED = 47 const C_WE_ARE_THE_PEOPLE = 48 const C_FOREIGN_CURRENCY_DEBT_BURDEN = 49 const C_THE_SINATRA_DOCTRINE = 50 const C_40TH_ANNIVERSARY_CELEBRATION = 51 const C_NORMALIZATION = 52 const C_LI_PENG = 53 const C_THE_CROWD_TURNS_AGAINST_CEAUSESCU = 54 const C_POWER_STRUGGLE_CZECHOSLOVAKIA = 55 const C_FOREIGN_TELEVISION = 56 const C_CENTRAL_COMMITTEE_RESHUFFLE = 57 const C_AUSTRIA_HUNGARY_BORDER_REOPENED = 58 const C_GRENZTRUPPEN = 59 const C_TOXIC_WASTE = 60 const C_THE_MONDAY_DEMONSTRATIONS = 61 const C_YAKOVLEV_COUNSELS_GORBACHEV = 62 const C_GENSCHER = 63 const C_LEGACY_OF_1968 = 64 const C_PRESIDENTIAL_VISIT = 65 const C_NEW_FORUM = 66 const C_REFORMER_REHABILITATED = 67 const C_KLAUS_AND_KOMAREK = 68 const C_SYSTEMATIZATION = 69 const C_SECURITATE = 70 const C_KISS_OF_DEATH = 71 const C_PEASANT_PARTIES_REVOLT = 72 const C_LASZLO_TOKES = 73 const C_FRG_EMBASSIES = 74 const C_EXIT_VISAS = 75 const C_WARSAW_PACT_SUMMIT = 76 const C_SAMIZDAT = 77 const C_WORKERS_REVOLT = 78 const C_THE_THIRD_WAY = 79 const C_NEPOTISM = 80 const C_THE_BALTIC_WAY = 81 const C_SPITZEL = 82 const C_MODROW = 83 const C_BREAKAWAY_BALTIC_REPUBLICS = 84 const C_TANK_COLUMN_TANK_MAN = 85 const C_THE_WALL_MUST_GO = 86 const C_KOHL_PROPOSES_REUNIFICATION = 87 const C_ADAMEC = 88 const C_DOMINO_THEORY = 89 const C_CIVIC_FORUM = 90 const C_MY_FIRST_BANANA = 91 const C_BETRAYAL = 92 const C_SHOCK_THERAPY = 93 const C_UNION_OF_DEMOCRATIC_FORCES = 94 const C_POWER_STRUGGLE_ROMANIA = 95 const C_THE_CHINESE_SOLUTION = 96 const C_THE_TYRANT_IS_GONE = 97 const C_POLITBURO_INTRIGUE = 98 const C_LIGACHEV = 99 const C_STAND_FAST = 100 const C_ELENA = 101 const C_NATIONAL_SALVATION_FRONT = 102 const C_GOVERNMENT_RESIGNS = 103 const C_NEW_YEARS_EVE_PARTY = 104 const C_PUBLIC_AGAINST_VIOLENCE = 105 const C_SOCIAL_DEMOCRATIC_PLATFORM_ADOPTED = 106 const C_MASSACRE_IN_TIMISOARA = 107 const C_ARMY_BACKS_REVOLUTION = 108 const C_KREMLIN_COUP = 109 const C_MALTA_SUMMIT = 110 // END CONSTANTS }}} const MAGIC_NEW_YEARS_EVE_PARTY = 111 const EXTRA_PRUDENCE = 800 const dem_tst_req = [5, 5, 6, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10] const com_tst_req = [6, 6, 7, 7, 8, 7, 6, 5] const scoring_cards = [22, 23, 42, 43, 55, 95] const leader_cards = [37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48] const rallies = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6] const petitions = [31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36] const wildcards = [49, 50, 51, 52] const elite_leaders = [37, 38, 39, 40] const leaders = [1, 4, 5, 6, 7] const support_loss_roll = [0, 0, 1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 4] const vp_roll = [0, 0, 1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 4] const countries = ['Poland', 'Hungary', 'East_Germany', 'Bulgaria', 'Czechoslovakia', 'Romania'] const elite_spaces = [11, 14, 26, 42, 50, 68] const all_power_cards = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52 ] const numberless_cards = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52 ] const auto_resolve_events = [5, 8, 9, 13, 17, 25, 26, 30, 35, 50, 53, 54, 58, 59, 62, 63, 65, 70, 72, 74, 86, 99, 102, 108] const switch_events = [6, 20, 71] const one_turn_events = [ 8, 13, 25, 50, 63, 74, 49, 58, 59, 100, 101 ] const ceausecu_events = [10, 41, 69, 101, 107] const romania_battlegrounds = [S_TIMISOARA, S_CLUJ_NAPOCA, S_IASI, S_BRASOV, S_BUCURESTI, S_GALATI] const card_name = cards.map(x => x ? clean_name(x.name) : "") const quoted_card_name = cards.map(x => x ? `\u201c` + clean_name(x.name) + `\u201d` : "") const PC_SUPPORT_FALTERS = 49 const PC_SUPPORT_SURGES = 50 const PC_SCARE_TACTICS = 51 const PC_TACTIC_FAILS = 52 const THE_CROWD_TURNS_AGAINST_CEAUSESCU_OCCURRED = 540 const THE_TYRANT_IS_GONE_OCCURRED = 970 // COUNTRY CONSTANTS const S_EAST_GERMANY = [0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11] const S_POLAND = [12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24,25] const S_CZECHOSLOVAKIA = [26,27,28,29,30,31,32,33,34,35,36] const S_HUNGARY = [37,38,39,40,41,42,43,44,45,46,47,48] const S_ROMANIA = [49,50,51,52,53,54,55,56,57,58,59,60,61,62] const S_BULGARIA = [63,64,65,66,67,68,69,70,71,72,73,74] // SOCIO_ECONOMIC CONSTANTS const SOCIO_ELITE = 1 const SOCIO_BUREAUCRACY = 2 const SOCIO_FARMER = 3 const SOCIO_WORKER = 4 const SOCIO_INTELLECTUAL = 5 const SOCIO_STUDENT = 6 const SOCIO_CHURCH = 7 const SOCIO_MINORITY = 8 exports.scenarios = [ "Standard", "Democrat +1 SP", "Democrat +2 SP" ] exports.roles = [ DEM, COM ] // --- SET UP --- exports.setup = function (seed, scenario, _options) { game = { seed: seed, log: [], undo: [], summary: [], active: null, state: 'place_starting_infl', return: '', vm: null, vm_event: 0, available_ops: 0, vm_available_ops: 0, valid_spaces: [], valid_cards: [], vp: 0, turn: 0, round: 0, round_player: COM, stability: 0, dem_tst_position: 0, com_tst_position: 0, dem_tst_attempted: 0, com_tst_attempted: 0, dem_tst_attempted_this_turn: 0, com_tst_attempted_this_turn: 0, demInfl: [], comInfl: [], strategy_deck: [], strategy_discard: [], discard: false, view_opp_hand: false, strategy_removed: [], persistent_events: [], power_struggle_deck: [], power_struggle_discard: [], dem_hand_limit: 8, com_hand_limit: 8, democrat_hand: [], communist_hand: [], is_pwr_struggle: false, dem_pwr_hand_limit: 0, com_pwr_hand_limit: 0, dem_pwr_hand: [], com_pwr_hand: [], times_held: [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0], revolutions: [false, false, false, false, false, false], } log_h1("1989 Dawn of Freedom") game.active = COM if (scenario === "Standard") standard_setup() else if (scenario === "Democrat +1 SP") democrat_setup_1() else if (scenario === "Democrat +2 SP") democrat_setup_2() else throw new Error("Unknown scenario:", scenario) start_game() return game } function start_game() { // Draw cards game.strategy_deck = draw_deck() // Set starting influence spaces.forEach((space, index) => { game.demInfl[index] = space.demInfl game.comInfl[index] = space.comInfl }) // Set starting placement ops game.temp = 0 // Set variable event cards where event is playable at start of game game.playable_cards = [C_THE_WALL, C_GORBACHEV_CHARMS_THE_WEST, C_HONECKER, C_MALTA_SUMMIT] draw_cards(game.strategy_deck, game.democrat_hand, game.communist_hand, game.dem_hand_limit, game.com_hand_limit) valid_spaces_setup() game.available_ops = 2 log_h2("Starting Support Points") log('Communist SP:') } function standard_setup() { game.starting_infl = [2, 3, 3, 4, 2] } function democrat_setup_1() { game.starting_infl = [2, 3, 3, 4, 2, 1] } function democrat_setup_2() { game.starting_infl = [2, 3, 3, 4, 2, 2] } exports.view = function (state, player) { game = state view = { log: game.log, active: game.active, prompt: null, actions: null, played_card: game.played_card, vm_event: game.vm_event, valid_spaces: game.valid_spaces, valid_cards: game.valid_cards, demInfl: game.demInfl, comInfl: game.comInfl, turn: game.turn, round: game.round, round_player: game.round_player, vp: game.vp, stability: game.stability, dem_tst: game.dem_tst_position, com_tst: game.com_tst_position, persistent_events: game.persistent_events, systematization: game.systematization, the_tyrant_is_gone: game.the_tyrant_is_gone, strategy_deck: game.strategy_deck.length, strategy_removed: game.strategy_removed, discard: game.discard, show_opp_hand: game.view_opp_hand /* Is this still needed? */, democrat_hand: game.democrat_hand.length, communist_hand: game.communist_hand.length, democrat_power_hand: game.dem_pwr_hand.length, communist_power_hand: game.com_pwr_hand.length, ceausescu_cards: game.ceausescu_cards, times_held: game.times_held, revolutions: game.revolutions, hand: [], } if (game.is_pwr_struggle) { view.scoring_card = scoring_cards[countries.indexOf(game.pwr_struggle_in)] view.power_struggle_discard = game.power_struggle_discard view.played_power_card = game.played_power_card view.power_card_1 = game.power_card_1 view.power_card_2 = game.power_card_2 view.is_pwr_struggle = true } view.strategy_discard = game.strategy_discard if (player === game.active && game.vm && game.vm.draw) view.drawn = game.vm.draw if (player === game.active) { if (game.selected_space >= 0) view.selected_space = game.selected_space } if (player === DEM) { view.hand = game.democrat_hand if (game.communist_hand_red) { view.opp_hand = game.communist_hand_red } view.power_hand = [ ...game.dem_pwr_hand ].sort((a, b) => a - b) } else if (player === COM) { view.hand = game.communist_hand if (game.opp_power_hand && game.pwr_struggle_in === 'Romania') { view.opp_power_hand = [ ...game.dem_pwr_hand ].sort((a, b) => a - b) } view.power_hand = [ ...game.com_pwr_hand ].sort((a, b) => a - b) } if (player === DEM) { view.samizdat = game.samizdat_card } if (game.state === "game_over") { view.prompt = game.victory } else if (game.active !== player) { if (states[game.state]) { let inactive = states[game.state].inactive if (!inactive) inactive = "resolve " + quoted_card_name[this_card()] view.prompt = `Waiting for ${game.active} to ${inactive}.` } else { view.prompt = "A Unknown state: " + game.state } } else { view.actions = {} if (states[game.state]) states[game.state].prompt(player) else view.prompt = "B Unknown state: " + game.state if (view.actions.undo === undefined) { if (game.undo && game.undo.length > 0) view.actions.undo = 1 else view.actions.undo = 0 } } return view } // === ACTIONS =========== function gen_action(action, argument) { if (argument === undefined) { view.actions[action] = 1 } else { if (!(action in view.actions)) { view.actions[action] = [] } view.actions[action].push(argument) } } function gen_action_space(space) { gen_action("space", space) } function gen_action_card(card) { gen_action("card", card) } function gen_action_power_card(card) { gen_action("power_card", card) } exports.action = function (state, player, action, arg) { game = state if (states[game.state] && action in states[game.state]) { states[game.state][action](arg, player) } else { if (action === "undo" && game.undo && game.undo.length > 0) pop_undo() else throw new Error("Invalid action: " + action) } return game } // ============= GAME STATES ======================= states.place_starting_infl = { inactive: 'place additional SPs', prompt() { let n = game.temp + 1 let m = game.starting_infl.length view.prompt = `Setup ${n} / ${m}: ` if (game.available_ops > 0) { view.prompt += `Place ${pluralize(game.available_ops, 'additional SP')}.` for (let space_id of game.valid_spaces) gen_action_space(space_id) } else if (game.available_ops === 0) { view.prompt += "Done." if (n === m) gen_action("start") else gen_action("done") } }, space(space) { add_infl(space, 'available_ops') }, done() { summary_flush() game.temp ++ game.available_ops = game.starting_infl[game.temp] change_player() log(`${game.active} SP:`) valid_spaces_setup() }, start() { summary_flush() delete game.starting_infl new_turn() clear_undo() game.state = 'choose_card' }, } states.choose_card = { inactive: 'play a card', prompt() { view.prompt = "Action Round: " if ( (game.active === DEM && game.democrat_hand.length === 0) || (game.active === COM && game.communist_hand.length === 0) ) { view.prompt += "No cards remaining." gen_action('pass') } else { view.prompt += "Play a card." let available_cards if (game.active === DEM) { available_cards = game.democrat_hand } else { available_cards = game.communist_hand } for (let card of available_cards) { gen_action_card(card) } } }, card(card) { push_undo() // Check if player is at risk of losing game due to held scoring card if (!scoring_cards.includes(card)) { let scoring_cards_count = count_scoring_cards() if (game.round !== 8 && scoring_cards_count >= 8 - game.round) { game.temp = card game.state = 'confirm_card' return } } select_card(card) }, pass() { log("Passed.") game.state = 'end_round' }, } states.confirm_card = { inactive: 'play a card', prompt() { let scoring_cards_count = count_scoring_cards() view.prompt = `${pluralize(scoring_cards_count, 'scoring card')} in hand with ${pluralize(8-game.round,'Action Round')} remaining. Scoring cards may not be held. Continue?` gen_action('continue') }, continue() { select_card(game.temp) }, } states.play_card = { get inactive() { return `play ${quoted_card_name[game.played_card]}` }, prompt() { view.prompt = "Play " + quoted_card_name[game.played_card] + "." if (scoring_cards.includes(game.played_card)) { gen_action('event') return } // Check for events if (event_is_playable(game.played_card)) { if ( (game.active === DEM && cards[game.played_card].side === 'C' && game.dem_tst_position >= 7 && game.com_tst_position < 7 && !game.tst_7) || (game.active === COM && cards[game.played_card].side === 'D' && game.com_tst_position >= 7 && game.dem_tst_position < 7 && !game.tst_7) ) { gen_action('tst_7') } if ( (game.active === DEM && cards[game.played_card].side !== 'C' && game.dem_tst_position >= 8 && game.com_tst_position < 8 && !game.tst_8) || (game.active === COM && cards[game.played_card].side !== 'D' && game.com_tst_position >= 8 && game.dem_tst_position < 8 && !game.tst_8) ) { gen_action('tst_8') } // Continue with normal logic if (cards[game.played_card].side === 'D') { if (game.active === DEM) view.actions.event = 1 if (game.active === COM) view.actions.opp_event = 1 } else if (cards[game.played_card].side === 'C') { if (game.active === COM) view.actions.event = 1 if (game.active === DEM) view.actions.opp_event = 1 } else { view.actions.event = 1 } } else { if (cards[game.played_card].side === 'D') { if (game.active === DEM) view.actions.event = 0 if (game.active === COM) view.actions.opp_event = 0 } else if (cards[game.played_card].side === 'C') { if (game.active === COM) view.actions.event = 0 if (game.active === DEM) view.actions.opp_event = 0 } else { view.actions.event = 0 } } // Special check for Reformer Rehabilitated if (game.played_card === C_REFORMER_REHABILITATED && game.playable_cards.includes(C_REFORMER_REHABILITATED)) { if (game.active === DEM && (game.dem_tst_position > game.com_tst_position)) { gen_action('event') view.actions.event = 1 } if (game.active === COM && (game.dem_tst_position < game.com_tst_position)) { gen_action('event') view.actions.event = 1 } } gen_action('influence') gen_action('support_check') if ( (game.active === DEM && game.dem_tst_attempted_this_turn === 0 && game.dem_tst_position < 8) || (game.active === COM && game.com_tst_attempted_this_turn === 0 && game.com_tst_position < 8) ) { gen_action('tst') } }, event() { push_undo() if (scoring_cards.includes(game.played_card)) { log_struggle_banner(game.played_card) if (check_ligachev_event(game.played_card)) return } else { log_event_banner() if (check_ligachev_event(game.played_card)) return log_event(game.played_card) } game.vm_infl_to_do = false game.return = game.active if (switch_events.includes(game.played_card)) { change_player() } game.vm_event = game.played_card goto_vm(game.vm_event) }, opp_event() { push_undo() log_ops_banner() if (check_ligachev_event(game.played_card)) return log_event(game.played_card) game.vm_infl_to_do = true game.return = game.active game.vm_event = game.played_card if (is_auto_resolve(game.played_card) || switch_events.includes(game.played_card)) { goto_vm(game.vm_event) } else { change_player() goto_vm(game.vm_event) } }, influence() { push_undo() log_ops_banner() if (check_ligachev_non_event()) return if (check_ceh()) //TODO: Add new state to offer UNDO before game ends? return log('Placed SP:') finish_play_card() if (game.persistent_events.includes(C_AUSTRIA_HUNGARY_BORDER_REOPENED)) { game.austria_hungary_border_reopened_tracker = true } game.state = 'add_influence' valid_spaces_infl() }, tst() { push_undo() log_ops_banner() if (check_ligachev_non_event()) return if (check_ceh()) //TODO: Add new state to offer UNDO before game ends? return log('Tiananmen Square Attempt:') finish_play_card() game.state = 'tiananmen_square_attempt' }, support_check() { push_undo() log_ops_banner() if (check_ligachev_non_event()) return if (check_ceh()) //TODO: Add new state to offer UNDO before game ends? return log('Support Checks:') finish_play_card() game.available_ops = 2 game.state = 'support_check_prep' valid_spaces_sc() }, tst_7() { /* Cancel opponent event */ push_undo() log_ops_banner() if (check_ligachev_non_event()) return log(`Event cancelled using TST Award.`) game.tst_7 = true game.vm_infl_to_do = true game.state = 'resolve_opponent_event' }, tst_8() { /* Play card for ops and event */ push_undo() log_tst_8_banner() game.vm_event_to_do = true game.vm_infl_to_do = true game.tst_8 = true game.state = 'vm_tst_8' }, end_round() { end_round() }, } states.resolve_opponent_event = { get inactive() { return `play ${quoted_card_name[game.played_card]}` }, prompt() { view.prompt = "Play " + quoted_card_name[game.played_card] if (game.vm_infl_to_do) { view.prompt += " \u2014 opponent's Event resolved." gen_action('influence') gen_action('support_check') } else if (game.vm_event_to_do) { // Check for Tiananmen Square Track ability - play opponent card without triggering event if ( (game.active === DEM && game.dem_tst_position >= 7 && game.com_tst_position < 7 && !game.tst_7) || (game.active === COM && game.com_tst_position >= 7 && game.dem_tst_position < 7 && !game.tst_7) ) { gen_action('tst_7') } view.prompt += ` \u2014 you must resolve opponent's Event.` gen_action('opp_event') } else { prompt_event("Done.") gen_action('end_round') } }, influence() { push_undo() log_gap('Placed SP:') // If ABHR - Set AHBR tracker to true if (game.persistent_events.includes(C_AUSTRIA_HUNGARY_BORDER_REOPENED)) { game.austria_hungary_border_reopened_tracker = true } game.state = 'add_influence' valid_spaces_infl() }, support_check() { push_undo() log_gap('Support Checks:') game.available_ops = 2 game.state = 'support_check_prep' valid_spaces_sc() }, opp_event() { game.vm_event_to_do = false game.return_state = 'resolve_opponent_event' game.vm_event = game.played_card log_event(game.played_card) if (is_auto_resolve(game.played_card) || switch_events.includes(game.played_card)) { game.return = game.active goto_vm(game.vm_event) } else { if (game.active === DEM) { game.return = COM } else { game.return = DEM } change_player() goto_vm(game.vm_event) } }, tst_7() { push_undo() log('Event cancelled using TST Award.') game.tst_7 = true game.vm_event_to_do = false }, end_round() { push_undo() end_round() }, } states.add_influence = { inactive: 'place SPs', prompt() { if (game.available_ops <= 0) { view.prompt = 'Place SPs: Done.' if (!game.vm_event_to_do) { gen_action("end_round") } else { gen_action('done') } } else if (game.valid_spaces.length === 0) { view.prompt = 'Place SPs: No spaces remaining.' if (!game.vm_event_to_do) { gen_action("end_round") } else { gen_action('done') } } else { view.prompt = `Place ${pluralize(game.available_ops, "SP")}.` for (let space_id of game.valid_spaces) { gen_action_space(space_id) } } }, space(space) { add_infl(space, 'available_ops') }, end_round() { push_undo() summary_flush() end_round() }, done() { summary_flush() reset_austria_hungary_border_reopened() game.state = 'resolve_opponent_event' }, } states.tiananmen_square_attempt = { inactive: 'do Tiananmen Square Attempt', prompt() { view.prompt = 'Tiananmen Square Attempt: Roll a die.' gen_action('roll') }, roll() { clear_undo() game.vm_event_to_do = false do_tst_attempt() }, } states.tiananmen_square_attempt_success = { inactive: 'do Tiananmen Square Attempt', prompt() { if (game.vm_event > 200) { // TODO magic number view.prompt = 'Tiananmen Square Attempt: Successful. Claim award.' gen_action('claim') } else { view.prompt = 'Tiananmen Square Attempt: Successful.' gen_action('end_round') } }, claim() { push_undo() goto_vm(game.vm_event) }, end_round() { push_undo() end_round() }, } states.tiananmen_square_attempt_fail = { inactive: 'do Tiananmen Square Attempt', prompt() { view.prompt = 'Tiananmen Square Attempt: Failed.' gen_action('end_round') }, end_round() { push_undo() end_round() }, } states.tiananmen_square_attempt_done = { inactive: 'do Tiananmen Square Attempt', prompt() { view.prompt = 'Tiananmen Square Attempt: Done.' gen_action('end_round') }, end_round() { end_round() }, } states.tst_goddess = { inactive: 'claim Tiananmen Square award', prompt() { // TODO: at start of turn? view.prompt = 'Tiananmen Square Award: Discard non-Scoring Card, and draw replacement card.' for (let card of game.valid_cards) { gen_action_card(card) } gen_action('pass') }, card(card) { push_undo() discard(card) game.state = 'tst_goddess_draw' }, pass() { push_undo() log('Did not discard.') end_goddess() }, } states.tst_goddess_draw = { inactive: 'claim Tiananmen Square award', prompt() { view.prompt = 'Tiananmen Square Award: Draw a replacement card.' gen_action('draw') }, draw() { if (game.active === DEM) { draw_cards( game.strategy_deck, game.democrat_hand, game.communist_hand, game.democrat_hand.length + 1, game.communist_hand.length ) } else { draw_cards( game.strategy_deck, game.democrat_hand, game.communist_hand, game.democrat_hand.length, game.communist_hand.length + 1 ) } end_goddess() }, } states.support_check_prep = { inactive: 'do Support Checks', prompt() { if (game.valid_spaces.length === 0 && game.available_ops > 0) { view.prompt = 'Support Checks: No targets remaining. Pass.' gen_action('pass') } else if (game.available_ops === 0) { if (game.is_pwr_struggle) { view.prompt = 'The Crowd Turns Against Ceausescu: Support Checks done.' gen_action('done') } else if (!game.vm_event_to_do) { view.prompt = 'Support Checks done.' gen_action('end_round') } else { view.prompt = 'Support Checks done.' gen_action('done') } } else if (game.available_ops > 0) { view.prompt = `Support Checks: Choose ${pluralize(game.available_ops, 'space')}.` for (let space_id of game.valid_spaces) { gen_action_space(space_id) } } }, space(space) { push_undo() game.selected_space = space // Check for Austria-Hungary Border Reopened - check on first Support Check only if (game.persistent_events.includes(C_AUSTRIA_HUNGARY_BORDER_REOPENED)) { if (game.active === DEM && game.available_ops > 1) { if ( spaces[game.selected_space].country === 'East_Germany' && game.persistent_events.includes(C_AUSTRIA_HUNGARY_BORDER_REOPENED) && game.active === DEM ) { game.state = 'austria_hungary_border_reopened_check' return } } } game.state = 'do_support_check' }, end_round() { push_undo() end_round() }, done() { push_undo() if (check_for_crowd()) return game.state = 'resolve_opponent_event' }, pass() { push_undo() if (check_for_crowd()) return end_round() } } states.do_support_check = { inactive: 'do Support Checks', prompt() { view.prompt = `Support Check in ${spaces[game.selected_space].name_unique}: Roll a die.` gen_action('roll') }, roll() { clear_undo() do_sc(game.selected_space) game.available_ops-- if (game.available_ops > 0 && !game.is_pwr_struggle) log_br() if (game.available_ops === 0) { game.valid_spaces = [] } if (check_vp()) { return } else { game.state = 'support_check_prep' return } }, } states.austria_hungary_border_reopened_check = { inactive: 'decide Austria-Hungary Border Reopened', prompt() { view.prompt = 'Austria-Hungary Border Reopened: Will both Support Checks be in East Germany?' gen_action('yes') gen_action('no') }, yes() { game.austria_hungary_border_reopened_tracker = true game.state = 'do_support_check' }, no() { game.state = 'do_support_check' }, } states.end_round = { inactive: 'finish playing a card', prompt() { prompt_event('End the Action Round.') gen_action('end_round') }, end_round() { push_undo() end_round() }, } //======================= POWER STRUGGLE =============================== states.draw_power_cards = { inactive: 'draw cards', prompt() { prompt_event(`Draw Power Struggle cards.`) gen_action('draw') }, draw() { push_undo() game.power_struggle_deck = [...all_power_cards] let presence = check_presence(game.pwr_struggle_in) if (presence.dem_spaces > 0) { game.dem_pwr_hand_limit = 6 + 2 * (presence.dem_spaces - 1) } else { game.dem_pwr_hand_limit = 0 } if (presence.com_spaces > 0) { game.com_pwr_hand_limit = 6 + 2 * (presence.com_spaces - 1) } else { game.com_pwr_hand_limit = 0 } // Events which affect cards drawn if (game.persistent_events.includes(C_ROUNDTABLE_TALKS)) { if (game.com_pwr_hand_limit >= 2) { log(`Democrat receives 2 cards from Communist due to C${C_ROUNDTABLE_TALKS}.`) game.dem_pwr_hand_limit += 2 game.com_pwr_hand_limit -= 2 } game.persistent_events = game.persistent_events.filter(n => n !== C_ROUNDTABLE_TALKS) game.strategy_discard.push(C_ROUNDTABLE_TALKS) } if (game.persistent_events.includes(C_PEASANT_PARTIES_REVOLT)) { let farmer_check for (let space of spaces) { if (space && space.country === game.pwr_struggle_in && space.socio === SOCIO_FARMER && check_dem_control(space.space_id)) { farmer_check = true } } if (farmer_check && game.com_pwr_hand_limit > 0) { log(`Democrat receives 1 cards from Communist due to C${C_PEASANT_PARTIES_REVOLT}.`) game.dem_pwr_hand_limit += 1 game.com_pwr_hand_limit -= 1 permanently_remove(C_PEASANT_PARTIES_REVOLT) } } if ( game.persistent_events.includes(C_NATIONAL_SALVATION_FRONT) && game.dem_pwr_hand_limit >= 2 && (game.pwr_struggle_in === 'Romania' || game.pwr_struggle_in === 'Bulgaria') ) { log(`Communist receives 2 cards from Democrat due to C${C_NATIONAL_SALVATION_FRONT}.`) game.dem_pwr_hand_limit -= 2 game.com_pwr_hand_limit += 2 permanently_remove(C_NATIONAL_SALVATION_FRONT) } // Draw Power Cards game.is_pwr_struggle = true draw_cards( game.power_struggle_deck, game.dem_pwr_hand, game.com_pwr_hand, game.dem_pwr_hand_limit, game.com_pwr_hand_limit ) if (game.active === DEM) { game.valid_cards = [...game.dem_pwr_hand] } else { game.valid_cards = [...game.com_pwr_hand] } log(`Communist: ${game.com_pwr_hand.length} cards`) log(`Democrat: ${game.dem_pwr_hand.length} cards`) // Check if The Crowd Turns Against Ceausescu occurs if ( game.persistent_events.includes(C_THE_CROWD_TURNS_AGAINST_CEAUSESCU) && !game.persistent_events.includes(THE_CROWD_TURNS_AGAINST_CEAUSESCU_OCCURRED) && game.pwr_struggle_in === 'Romania' ) { if (game.active === COM) { game.return = COM change_player() } log_event(C_THE_CROWD_TURNS_AGAINST_CEAUSESCU) game.persistent_events.push(THE_CROWD_TURNS_AGAINST_CEAUSESCU_OCCURRED) game.state = 'the_crowd_turns_against_ceausescu_prep' } else { log_h5('Raise the Stakes') log(`${game.active}:`) game.state = 'raise_stakes_1' } } } states.the_crowd_turns_against_ceausescu_prep = { get inactive() { return `resolve ${card_name[C_THE_CROWD_TURNS_AGAINST_CEAUSESCU]}` }, prompt() { view.prompt = 'The Crowd Turns Against Ceausescu: Draw cards.' gen_action('draw') }, draw() { game.ceausescu_cards = [] draw_cards(game.power_struggle_deck, game.ceausescu_cards, game.com_pwr_hand, 15, game.com_pwr_hand.length) game.temp = game.ceausescu_cards.filter(card => rallies.includes(card)).length log(`Drew ${pluralize(game.temp, 'Rally in the Square')}.`) game.vm_available_ops = game.temp * 3 log(`Democrat takes a ${game.vm_available_ops} Op Action Round.`) game.state = 'vm_the_crowd_turns_against_ceausescu' } } states.vm_the_crowd_turns_against_ceausescu = { get inactive() { return `resolve ${card_name[C_THE_CROWD_TURNS_AGAINST_CEAUSESCU]}` }, prompt() { view.prompt = `You have ${game.vm_available_ops} Operations points. Play for:` gen_action('influence') gen_action('support_check') if (crowd_infl_check()) view.actions.influence = 0 if (crowd_sc_check()) view.actions.support_check = 0 if (crowd_infl_check() && crowd_sc_check()) gen_action('pass') }, influence() { push_undo() delete game.ceausescu_cards valid_spaces_infl() game.valid_spaces = game.valid_spaces.filter(n => spaces[n].country === 'Romania') log('Placed SP:') game.state = 'the_crowd_turns_against_ceausescu_infl' }, support_check() { push_undo() delete game.ceausescu_cards valid_spaces_sc() game.available_ops = 2 log('Support Checks:') game.state = 'support_check_prep' }, pass() { if (game.return !== game.active) { change_player() } log('Passed.') log_h5('Raise the Stakes') log(`${game.active}:`) game.state = 'raise_stakes_1' } } states.the_crowd_turns_against_ceausescu_infl = { inactive: 'place SPs', prompt() { if (game.vm_available_ops === 0 ) { view.prompt = 'Place SPs: done.' gen_action("done") } else if (game.valid_spaces.length === 0) { view.prompt = `Place SPs: no spaces remaining.` gen_action('done') } else { view.prompt = `Place ${pluralize(game.vm_available_ops, 'SP')}.` for (let space of game.valid_spaces) { gen_action_space(space) } } }, space(space) { add_infl(space, 'vm_available_ops') }, done() { if (game.return !== game.active) { change_player() } summary_flush() log_h5('Raise the Stakes') log(`${game.active}:`) game.state = 'raise_stakes_1' }, } states.raise_stakes_1 = { inactive: 'raise the stakes', prompt() { if ( (game.active === DEM && game.dem_pwr_hand.length < 3 && game.raised_stakes_discard === 0) || (game.active === COM && game.com_pwr_hand.length < 3 && game.raised_stakes_discard === 0) ) { view.prompt = 'Raise the Stakes: You must pass.' gen_action('pass') } else if (game.raised_stakes_discard === 3) { view.prompt = 'Raise the Stakes: Done.' gen_action('done') } else { view.prompt = `Raise the Stakes: Discard ${3-game.raised_stakes_discard} cards to raise the stakes.` if (game.raised_stakes_discard === 0) { gen_action('pass') } for (let card of game.valid_cards) { gen_action_power_card(card) } } }, power_card(card) { push_undo() if (numberless_cards.includes(card)) { logi(`Discarded P${card}`) } else { logi(`Discarded P${card} V${power_cards[card].value}`) } discard(card) game.valid_cards = game.valid_cards.filter( c => c !== card) game.raised_stakes_discard ++ if (game.raised_stakes_discard === 3) { game.raised_stakes++ game.valid_cards = [] } }, pass() { logi(`Did not raise the stakes.`) game.raised_stakes_discard = 0 change_player() log(`${game.active}:`) if (game.active === DEM) { game.valid_cards = [...game.dem_pwr_hand] } else { game.valid_cards = [...game.com_pwr_hand] } end_raise_stakes() }, done() { logi(`Raised the stakes.`) game.raised_stakes_discard = 0 change_player() log(`${game.active}:`) if (game.active === DEM) { game.valid_cards = [...game.dem_pwr_hand] } else { game.valid_cards = [...game.com_pwr_hand] } end_raise_stakes() }, } states.raise_stakes_2 = { inactive: 'raise the stakes', prompt() { if ( (game.active === DEM && game.dem_pwr_hand.length < 3 && game.raised_stakes_discard === 0) || (game.active === COM && game.com_pwr_hand.length < 3 && game.raised_stakes_discard === 0) ) { view.prompt = 'Raise the Stakes: You must pass.' gen_action('pass') return } if (game.raised_stakes_discard === 3) { view.prompt = 'Raise the Stakes: Done.' gen_action('done') } else { view.prompt = `Raise the Stakes: Discard ${3-game.raised_stakes_discard} cards to raise the stakes.` if (game.raised_stakes_discard === 0) { gen_action('pass') } for (let card of game.valid_cards) { gen_action_power_card(card) } } }, power_card(card) { push_undo() if (numberless_cards.includes(card)) { logi(`Discarded P${card}`) } else { logi(`Discarded P${card} V${power_cards[card].value}`) } discard(card) game.valid_cards = game.valid_cards.filter( c => c !== card) game.raised_stakes_discard ++ if (game.raised_stakes_discard === 3) { game.raised_stakes++ game.valid_cards = [] } }, pass() { logi(`Did not raise the stakes.`) goto_struggle() }, done() { logi(`Raised the stakes.`) goto_struggle() }, } states.power_struggle = { inactive: 'play a card', prompt() { if (game.phase === 0) { if (game.valid_cards.length > 0) { view.prompt = "Choose a card." for (let card of game.valid_cards) { gen_action_power_card(card) } } else if (game.valid_cards.length === 0) { view.prompt = 'No valid cards. You must concede.' gen_action('concede') } } if (game.phase === 1) { let base_prompt = `${power_cards[game.played_power_card].name} played` + (leader_cards.includes(game.played_power_card) ? ` as a ${game.proxy_power_card}.` : ".") if (game.valid_cards.length > 0) { view.prompt = `${base_prompt} You must match or concede.` for (let card of game.valid_cards) { gen_action_power_card(card) } } else { view.prompt = `${base_prompt} You must concede.` } gen_action('concede') } else if (game.phase === 2) { view.prompt = 'You matched. Roll a die.' gen_action('roll') } }, power_card(card) { push_undo() game.valid_cards = [] game.return_state = 'power_struggle' if (game.phase === 0) { game.played_power_card = card select_power_card() if (leader_cards.includes(card)) game.state = 'power_struggle_confirm_leader' else { game.state = 'power_struggle_confirm' } } if (game.phase === 1) { game.power_card_2 = card discard(card) if (card === PC_TACTIC_FAILS) { log(`${game.active}: P${PC_TACTIC_FAILS}`) game.state = 'power_struggle_tactic_fails' return } if (power_cards[game.played_power_card].value === 1) { log(`${game.active}: P${card}`) log('Takes initiative.') game.phase = 0 log_gap(`Round ${game.ps_round}:`) do_valid_cards() } else { log_power_card() game.phase = 2 } } }, roll() { clear_undo() let roll = roll_d6() log(`Counterattack: D${roll}`) if (roll >= power_cards[game.played_power_card].value) { log(`Success: ${roll} >= ${power_cards[game.played_power_card].value}`) log(`${game.active} takes initiative.`) game.phase = 0 log_gap(`Round ${game.ps_round}:`) do_valid_cards() } else { log(`Fail: ${roll} < ${power_cards[game.played_power_card].value}`) log('No change initiative.') game.phase = 0 log_gap(`Round ${game.ps_round}:`) change_player() do_valid_cards() } }, concede() { push_undo() game.valid_cards = [] delete game.power_card_1 delete game.power_card_2 log(`${game.active} conceded.`) log_h5('Aftermath') if (game.phase === 0) { game.played_power_card = 0 game.proxy_power_card = 0 } game.phase = 0 game.state = 'support_loss' }, } states.power_struggle_confirm = { inactive: 'play a card', prompt() { view.prompt = `Play ${numberless_cards.includes(game.played_power_card) ? power_cards[game.played_power_card].name : `${power_cards[game.played_power_card].name} ${power_cards[game.played_power_card].value}`}.` gen_action('done') }, done() { log_power_card() if (game.played_power_card === PC_SCARE_TACTICS) { game.return = '' goto_vm(351) } else if (game.played_power_card === PC_SUPPORT_SURGES) { if (game.active === DEM) { game.return = COM } else { game.return = DEM } goto_vm(350) } else if (game.played_power_card === PC_SUPPORT_FALTERS) { change_player() goto_vm(349) } else { game.phase = 1 confirm_power_card() } } } states.power_struggle_confirm_leader = { inactive: 'play a card', prompt() { view.prompt = view.prompt = `Play ${power_cards[game.played_power_card].name} as:` if (game.tactics_fails !== 'Strike') { gen_action('strike') } if (game.tactics_fails !== 'March') { gen_action('march') } if (game.tactics_fails !== 'Rally in the Square') { gen_action('rally') } if (game.tactics_fails !== 'Petition') { gen_action('petition') } }, strike() { log(`${game.active}: P${game.played_power_card} as Strike.`) game.proxy_power_card = 'Strike' game.phase = 1 confirm_power_card() }, march() { log(`${game.active}: P${game.played_power_card} as March`) game.proxy_power_card = 'March' game.phase = 1 confirm_power_card() }, rally() { log(`${game.active}: P${game.played_power_card} as Rally in the Square`) game.proxy_power_card = 'Rally in the Square' game.phase = 1 confirm_power_card() }, petition() { log(`${game.active}: P${game.played_power_card} as Petition`) game.proxy_power_card = 'Petition' game.phase = 1 confirm_power_card() } } states.power_struggle_tactic_fails = { inactive: 'play a card', prompt() { view.prompt = `Play ${power_cards[PC_TACTIC_FAILS].name}.` gen_action('done') }, done() { if (game.proxy_power_card) { game.tactics_fails = game.proxy_power_card } else { game.tactics_fails = power_cards[game.played_power_card].name } game.phase = 0 log_gap(`Round ${game.ps_round}:`) confirm_power_card() } } states.support_loss = { inactive: 'do Support Loss', prompt() { let ps_state = game.persistent_events.includes(MAGIC_NEW_YEARS_EVE_PARTY) ? "New Year's Eve Party" : "Power Struggle" if (game.phase === 0) { view.prompt = 'You lost the Power Struggle. Roll a die for Support Loss.' gen_action('roll') } else if (game.phase === 1 && game.available_ops > 0 && game.valid_spaces.length > 0) { view.prompt = `${ps_state} - ${country_name(game.pwr_struggle_in)}. Support Loss: Remove ${pluralize(game.available_ops,'SP')}.` for (let space_id of game.valid_spaces) { gen_action_space(space_id) } } else if (game.phase === 1 && game.available_ops === 0) { view.prompt = `${ps_state} - ${country_name(game.pwr_struggle_in)}. Support Loss: Finished.` gen_action('done') } else if (game.phase === 1 && game.valid_spaces.length === 0) { view.prompt = `${ps_state} - ${country_name(game.pwr_struggle_in)}. Support Loss: No remaining SPs to remove.` gen_action('done') } }, roll() { game.available_ops = support_loss_roll[get_aftermath_roll('Support Loss')] game.phase++ valid_spaces_support_loss() log(`${game.active} removed SP:`) }, space(space) { game.remove_opponent_infl = false remove_infl(space, 'available_ops') }, done() { summary_flush() change_player() game.phase = 0 game.state = 'vp_roll' }, } states.vp_roll = { inactive: 'do VP Roll', prompt() { let ps_state = game.persistent_events.includes(MAGIC_NEW_YEARS_EVE_PARTY) ? "New Year's Eve Party" : "Power Struggle" if (game.phase === 0) { view.prompt = `${ps_state} - ${country_name(game.pwr_struggle_in)}: Roll a die for Victory.` gen_action('roll') } else if (game.phase === 1) { view.prompt = `${ps_state} - ${country_name(game.pwr_struggle_in)}: Take power.` gen_action('take') } else if (game.phase === 2) { view.prompt = `${ps_state} - ${country_name(game.pwr_struggle_in)}: Proceed to scoring.` gen_action('scoring') } }, roll() { log_br() let roll = get_aftermath_roll('Victory Point') let vp_change = vp_roll[roll] if (game.active === DEM) { game.vp_roll = vp_change logi(`+${vp_change} VP`) } else { game.vp_roll = -vp_change logi(`-${vp_change} VP`) } if (game.active === DEM) { game.vp += vp_change } else { game.vp -= vp_change } if (game.active === DEM && roll >= 4) { game.phase = 1 } else { game.phase = 0 if (game.active === DEM) { change_player() } game.state = 'choose_power' } }, take() { let scoring_card = scoring_cards[countries.indexOf(game.pwr_struggle_in)] permanently_remove(scoring_card) log_gap("The Democrat takes Power!") take_power(game.pwr_struggle_in) game.phase = 2 }, scoring() { score_country(game.pwr_struggle_in) resolve_tyrant() }, } states.choose_power = { inactive: 'choose whether to remain in power', prompt() { if (game.phase === 0) { view.prompt = 'Choose whether to remain in power.' gen_action('retain') gen_action('surrender') } else if (game.phase === 1) { view.prompt = 'Proceed to scoring.' gen_action('scoring') } }, retain() { push_undo() retain_power(game.pwr_struggle_in) game.phase = 1 }, surrender() { push_undo() log_gap(`Communist voluntarily surrenders Power.`) take_power(game.pwr_struggle_in) permanently_remove(scoring_cards[countries.indexOf(game.pwr_struggle_in)]) game.phase = 1 }, scoring() { push_undo() score_country(game.pwr_struggle_in) resolve_tyrant() }, } states.the_tyrant_is_gone = { inactive: 'resolve The Tyrant is Gone', prompt() { view.prompt = 'Play The Tyrant is Gone for the event.' gen_action('event') }, event() { log_h3(`C${C_THE_TYRANT_IS_GONE}`) log('Democrat:') game.vm_event = C_THE_TYRANT_IS_GONE goto_vm(game.vm_event) }, } states.finish_scoring = { inactive: 'finish scoring', prompt() { view.prompt = 'End power struggle.' gen_action('done') }, done() { push_undo() if (game.persistent_events.includes(MAGIC_NEW_YEARS_EVE_PARTY)) { game.state = 'new_years_eve_party' return } if (check_vp()) { return } reset_power() //Special check for Domino Theory if (game.vm_infl_to_do) { if (game.active !== game.round_player) change_player() if (game.played_card !== C_DOMINO_THEORY) game.vm_event = C_DOMINO_THEORY else delete game.vm_event game.available_ops = get_card_ops(C_DOMINO_THEORY) game.state = 'resolve_opponent_event' } else end_round() }, } // ======================================= END TURN STATES ========================================== states.end_turn_4_5_4 = { inactive: 'verify held cards', prompt() { view.prompt = 'End Turn: Verify held cards.' gen_action('check') }, check() { log_br() log_h2('Verify held cards') const dem_has_scoring_card = game.democrat_hand.some(card => scoring_cards.includes(card)) const com_has_scoring_card = game.communist_hand.some(card => scoring_cards.includes(card)) if (!dem_has_scoring_card && !com_has_scoring_card) { log('No held scoring cards.') } if (dem_has_scoring_card && com_has_scoring_card) { log('Both players have held scoring cards') goto_game_over('Draw', `The game is tied due to held scoring cards!`) } else if (dem_has_scoring_card) { log('Democrat player has a held scoring card') goto_game_over(COM, `${COM} won by held scoring card!`) } else if (com_has_scoring_card) { log('Communist player has a held scoring card') goto_game_over(DEM, `${DEM} won by held scoring card!`) } else if (game.persistent_events.includes(C_NEW_YEARS_EVE_PARTY)) { log_h1(`New Year's Eve Party`) game.vm_event = C_NEW_YEARS_EVE_PARTY if (game.the_tyrant_is_gone && game.the_tyrant_is_gone > 0) { game.vp -= 2 log(`Communist receives 2 VP from C` + C_THE_TYRANT_IS_GONE + `.`) } game.persistent_events.push(MAGIC_NEW_YEARS_EVE_PARTY) if (game.active !== DEM) { change_player() } game.state = 'new_years_eve_party' } else if (game.turn === 10) { clear_undo() log_h2('Final Scoring') if (game.the_tyrant_is_gone && game.the_tyrant_is_gone > 0) { game.vp -= 2 log(`Communist receives 2 VP from C`+ C_THE_TYRANT_IS_GONE + '.') } game.state = 'final_scoring_held' } else { new_turn() } }, } states.final_scoring_held = { inactive: 'resolve final scoring', prompt() { view.prompt = 'Final Scoring: Communist scores VP bonus for the number of countries they retain power.' gen_action('bonus') }, bonus() { const held_countries = game.revolutions.filter(value => value === false).length let vp_gain = 4 * held_countries log(`Communist holds power in ${pluralize(held_countries, 'country', 's')}: -${vp_gain} VP.`) game.vp -= 4 * held_countries game.temp = { East_Germany: false, Poland: false, Czechoslovakia: false, Hungary: false, Romania: false, Bulgaria: false, } log_gap('Country scoring:') game.state = 'final_scoring' }, } states.final_scoring = { inactive: 'score countries', prompt() { if ( game.temp['East_Germany'] && game.temp['Poland'] && game.temp['Czechoslovakia'] && game.temp['Hungary'] && game.temp['Romania'] && game.temp['Bulgaria'] ) { view.prompt = 'Final Scoring: Done.' gen_action('end') } else { view.prompt = 'Choose a country to score:' if (!game.temp['East_Germany']) { gen_action('east_germany') } if (!game.temp['Poland']) { gen_action('poland') } if (!game.temp['Czechoslovakia']) { gen_action('czechoslovakia') } if (!game.temp['Hungary']) { gen_action('hungary') } if (!game.temp['Romania']) { gen_action('romania') } if (!game.temp['Bulgaria']) { gen_action('bulgaria') } } }, east_germany() { score_country('East_Germany') game.temp['East_Germany'] = true }, poland() { score_country('Poland') game.temp['Poland'] = true }, czechoslovakia() { score_country('Czechoslovakia') game.temp['Czechoslovakia'] = true }, hungary() { score_country('Hungary') game.temp['Hungary'] = true }, romania() { score_country('Romania') game.temp['Romania'] = true }, bulgaria() { score_country('Bulgaria') game.temp['Bulgaria'] = true }, end() { delete game.temp if (game.vp > 0) { goto_game_over(DEM, `${DEM} wins on Victory Point Track!`) } else if (game.vp < 0) { goto_game_over(COM, `${COM} wins on Victory Point Track!`) } else if (game.vp === 0) { goto_game_over('Draw', `The game is tied!`) } }, } states.game_over = { get inactive() { return game.victory }, prompt() { view.prompt = game.victory }, } // ========================== EVENT SPECIFIC STATES ================================= states.general_strike = { inactive: 'discard a card', prompt() { if (game.communist_hand.length === 0) { view.prompt = 'General Strike: No cards remaining. You must pass.' gen_action('pass') } else { view.prompt = 'General Strike: You must discard a card or play a Scoring Card.' game.communist_hand for (let card of game.communist_hand) { gen_action_card(card) } } }, card(card) { push_undo() silent_discard(card) game.played_card = card game.available_ops = get_card_ops(card) if (scoring_cards.includes(card)) { game.vm_event = card log(`Played C${card} for the event.`) log_struggle_banner(game.played_card) game.return_state = 'end_round' goto_vm(game.vm_event) } else { log(`Discarded C${card}.`) game.state = 'general_strike_roll' } }, pass() { log("No cards to discard.") game.state = 'end_round' } } states.general_strike_roll = { inactive: 'discard a card', prompt() { view.prompt = 'General Strike: Roll a die.' gen_action('roll') }, roll() { clear_undo() let roll = roll_d6() log(`Roll: D${roll}`) logi(`+${game.available_ops} Ops`) let total = roll + game.available_ops if (total > 5) { log(`Success: ${total} > 5.`) log('The strike is over.') permanently_remove(C_GENERAL_STRIKE) game.persistent_events = game.persistent_events.filter(n => n !== 5) } else { log(`Fail: ${total} <= 5.`) log('The strike continues.') } game.state = 'end_round' }, } states.honecker = { inactive: 'resolve Honecker', prompt() { view.prompt = 'Honecker: You may take an extra Action Round.' gen_action('extra') gen_action('pass') }, extra() { push_undo() game.round++ log_gap(`Communist chooses to take an extra Action Round due to C${C_HONECKER}.`) log_round() game.round_player = COM permanently_remove(C_HONECKER) if (game.persistent_events.includes(C_GENERAL_STRIKE)) { log('.cC' + C_GENERAL_STRIKE) game.state = 'general_strike' } else { game.state = 'choose_card' } }, pass() { push_undo() log(`C${C_HONECKER}: passed.`) permanently_remove(C_HONECKER) game.state = 'end_round' }, } states.new_years_eve_party = { get inactive() { return `resolve ${card_name[C_NEW_YEARS_EVE_PARTY]}` }, prompt() { if (!game.is_pwr_struggle) { view.prompt = `New Year's Eve Party: You may choose a country to have a final Power Struggle.` if (!game.revolutions[0]) {gen_action('poland')} if (!game.revolutions[1]) {gen_action('hungary')} if (!game.revolutions[2]) {gen_action('east_germany')} if (!game.revolutions[3]) {gen_action('bulgaria')} if (!game.revolutions[4]) {gen_action('czechoslovakia')} if (!game.revolutions[5]) {gen_action('romania')} gen_action('pass') } else { view.prompt = `New Year's Eve Party: Done.` gen_action('end') } }, east_germany() { push_undo() log('Chose to score East Germany.') game.vm_event = C_POWER_STRUGGLE_EAST_GERMANY goto_vm(C_POWER_STRUGGLE_EAST_GERMANY) }, poland() { push_undo() log('Chose to score Poland.') game.vm_event = C_POWER_STRUGGLE_POLAND goto_vm(C_POWER_STRUGGLE_POLAND) }, czechoslovakia() { push_undo() log('Chose to score Czechoslovakia.') game.vm_event = C_POWER_STRUGGLE_CZECHOSLOVAKIA goto_vm(C_POWER_STRUGGLE_CZECHOSLOVAKIA) }, hungary() { push_undo() log('Chose to score Hungary.') game.vm_event = C_POWER_STRUGGLE_HUNGARY goto_vm(C_POWER_STRUGGLE_HUNGARY) }, romania() { push_undo() log('Chose to score Romania.') game.vm_event = C_POWER_STRUGGLE_ROMANIA goto_vm(C_POWER_STRUGGLE_ROMANIA) }, bulgaria() { push_undo() log('Chose to score Bulgaria.') game.vm_event = C_POWER_STRUGGLE_BULGARIA goto_vm(C_POWER_STRUGGLE_BULGARIA) }, pass() { push_undo() log('No final power struggle.') if (game.vp > 0) { goto_game_over(DEM, `New Year's Eve Party: ${DEM} wins on Victory Point Track!`) } else if (game.vp < 0) { goto_game_over(COM, `New Year's Eve Party: ${COM} wins on Victory Point Track!`) } else if (game.vp === 0) { goto_game_over('Draw', `New Year's Eve Party: The game is tied!`) } }, end() { if (game.vp > 0) { goto_game_over(DEM, `New Year's Eve Party: ${DEM} wins on Victory Point Track!`) } else if (game.vp < 0) { goto_game_over(COM, `New Year's Eve Party: ${COM} wins on Victory Point Track!`) } else if (game.vp === 0) { goto_game_over('Draw', `New Year's Eve Party: The game is tied!`) } }, } states.stasi_end_round = { inactive: 'choose next card due to Stasi', prompt() { if (game.democrat_hand.length === 0) { view.prompt = 'Stasi: No cards remaining.' gen_action('pass') return } view.prompt = 'Stasi: You must select your next card to play.' for (let card of game.democrat_hand) { gen_action_card(card) } }, card(card) { push_undo() log(`Democrat selected C${card} as next card.`) game.stasi_card = card if (!scoring_cards.includes(card) && count_scoring_cards() >= (7-game.round)){ game.temp = card game.state = 'stasi_confirm_scoring_card' return } game.state = 'stasi_finish' }, pass() { log('Stasi: Democrat has no remaining cards.') game.stasi_card = 0 end_stasi_choose_card() }, } states.stasi_confirm_scoring_card = { inactive: 'choose a card', prompt() { view.prompt = `${pluralize(count_scoring_cards(),'scoring card')} in hand with ${pluralize(7-game.round,'Action Round')} remaining. Scoring cards may not be held. Continue?` gen_action('continue') }, continue() { push_undo() end_stasi() }, } states.stasi_finish = { inactive: 'choose next card due to Stasi', prompt() { view.prompt = 'Stasi: Choose card done.' gen_action('done') }, done() { push_undo() end_stasi_choose_card() }, } states.stasi_confirm = { inactive: 'choose next card due to Stasi', prompt() { view.prompt = `If Common European Home selected, it must be played for Operations. Otherwise select the opponent's card instead.` gen_action('done') }, done() { end_stasi() } } states.stasi_play_card = { inactive: 'play a card', prompt() { if (game.democrat_hand.length === 0) { view.prompt = 'Stasi: You must pass.' gen_action('pass') } else { view.prompt = `Stasi: You must play ${quoted_card_name[game.stasi_card]}.` gen_action_card(game.stasi_card) } }, card(card) { push_undo() game.played_card = card remove_from_hand(card) game.available_ops = get_card_ops(card) if (game.democrat_hand.includes(C_COMMON_EUROPEAN_HOME) && cards[card].side === "C") { game.state = 'stasi_resolve_common_european_home' } else { game.state = 'play_card' } }, pass() { log('No cards remaining. Passed.') game.state = 'end_round' }, done() { if (game.democrat_hand.includes(C_COMMON_EUROPEAN_HOME)) { game.state = 'stasi_resolve_common_european_home' } else { game.state = 'play_card' } }, } states.stasi_resolve_common_european_home = { inactive: 'play a card', prompt() { view.prompt = `Stasi: Play ${quoted_card_name[game.played_card]} with Common European Home?` gen_action('yes') gen_action('no') }, yes() { push_undo() silent_discard(C_COMMON_EUROPEAN_HOME) game.vm_infl_to_do = true game.vm_event_to_do = false game.state = 'stasi_play_ceh' }, no() { push_undo() game.state = 'play_card' }, } states.stasi_play_ceh = { get inactive() { return `play ${quoted_card_name[game.played_card]}` }, prompt() { view.prompt = 'Play ' + quoted_card_name[game.played_card] gen_action('influence') gen_action('support_check') }, influence() { push_undo() log_ops_banner() log(`Played C${game.played_card} with C${C_COMMON_EUROPEAN_HOME}.`) if (check_ligachev_non_event()) return log('Placed SP:') if (game.persistent_events.includes(C_AUSTRIA_HUNGARY_BORDER_REOPENED)) { game.austria_hungary_border_reopened_tracker = true } game.state = 'add_influence' valid_spaces_infl() }, support_check() { push_undo() log_ops_banner() log(`Played C${game.played_card} with C${C_COMMON_EUROPEAN_HOME}.`) if (check_ligachev_non_event()) return log('Support Checks:') game.available_ops = 2 game.state = 'support_check_prep' valid_spaces_sc() }, } // ==================== SUPPORTING STATE FUNCTIONS ============================= function add_infl(space, ops) { push_undo() if (game.persistent_events.includes(C_AUSTRIA_HUNGARY_BORDER_REOPENED)) { if (spaces[space].country !== 'East_Germany') { game.austria_hungary_border_reopened_tracker = false } } // TODO: move these checks to start of influence ops // Check Genscher if ( game.persistent_events.includes(C_GENSCHER) && game.active === DEM && spaces[space].country === 'East_Germany' && check_com_control(space) ) { game[ops]-- if (!game.genscher_logged) { logi(`C${C_GENSCHER}`) game.genscher_logged = true } } else if (check_opp_control(space)) { game[ops] -= 2 // Check if Austria Hungary Border Reopened was used to place last SP in a controlled space in East Germany. If so, game.available_op will be negative if (game[ops] < 0) { if (!game.ahbr_logged) { logi(`C${C_AUSTRIA_HUNGARY_BORDER_REOPENED}`) game.ahbr_logged = true } } } else { game[ops]-- } if (game.active === COM) { game.comInfl[space]++ } else { game.demInfl[space]++ } summary_influence(space) check_tyrant() // Check Austria Hungary Border Reopened is true and condition has been met if ( game[ops] === 0 && game.active === DEM && game.persistent_events.includes(C_AUSTRIA_HUNGARY_BORDER_REOPENED) && game.austria_hungary_border_reopened_tracker ) { game[ops] ++ if (!game.ahbr_logged) { logi(`C${C_AUSTRIA_HUNGARY_BORDER_REOPENED}`) game.ahbr_logged = true } game.austria_hungary_border_reopened_tracker = false game.valid_spaces = game.valid_spaces.filter(n => spaces[n].country === 'East_Germany') } // If only 1 IP remaining, may not place in opponent controlled spaces unless Genscher/AHBR if (game[ops] === 1) { if (game.active === DEM) { if (game.persistent_events.includes(C_GENSCHER) || (game.persistent_events.includes(C_AUSTRIA_HUNGARY_BORDER_REOPENED) && game.austria_hungary_border_reopened_tracker)) { game.valid_spaces = game.valid_spaces.filter(n => !(check_opp_control(n) && spaces[n].country !== 'East_Germany')) } else { game.valid_spaces = game.valid_spaces.filter(n => !check_opp_control(n)) } } else { game.valid_spaces = game.valid_spaces.filter(n => !check_opp_control(n)) } } if (game[ops] <= 0) { game.valid_spaces = [] } } function remove_infl(space, ops) { push_undo() if (game.remove_opponent_infl === true) { if (game.active === COM) { game.demInfl[space]-- if (game.demInfl[space] === 0) { game.valid_spaces = game.valid_spaces.filter(id => id !== space) } } else { game.comInfl[space]-- if (game.comInfl[space] === 0) { game.valid_spaces = game.valid_spaces.filter(id => id !== space) } } } else { if (game.active === COM) { game.comInfl[space]-- if (game.comInfl[space] === 0) { game.valid_spaces = game.valid_spaces.filter(id => id !== space) } } else { game.demInfl[space]-- if (game.demInfl[space] === 0) { game.valid_spaces = game.valid_spaces.filter(id => id !== space) } } } summary_influence(space) check_tyrant() game[ops]-- if (game.vm_influence_added && game.vm_influence_added[space] >= 0) { game.vm_influence_added[space]++ } if (game[ops] === 0) { game.valid_spaces = [] } } function do_sc(space) { clear_undo() let tear_gas_start = game.persistent_events.includes(C_TEAR_GAS) let the_wall_start = game.persistent_events.includes(C_THE_WALL) let roll = roll_d6() log(`%${space}: D${roll}`) if (game.active === COM && game.persistent_events.includes(C_THE_WALL) && spaces[space].country === 'East_Germany') logi(`No adjacency for Democrats due to C${C_THE_WALL}`) // Get SC ops if (game.is_pwr_struggle) { roll += game.vm_available_ops logi(`+${game.vm_available_ops} Ceausescu`) } else if (game.state === 'vm_tst_6_sc') { roll += get_tst_6_ops() roll += 2 logi('+2 TST award') } else { let card_ops = get_card_ops(this_card()) roll += card_ops logi(`+${card_ops} card ops`) } // Get support check modifiers if (game.support_check_modifier > 0) { roll += game.support_check_modifier logi(`+${game.support_check_modifier} event`) } if (game.active === COM && game.persistent_events.includes(C_TEAR_GAS) && spaces[space].socio === SOCIO_STUDENT) { roll ++ logi(`+1 C${C_TEAR_GAS}`) permanently_remove(C_TEAR_GAS) game.persistent_events = game.persistent_events.filter(n => n !== C_TEAR_GAS) } if ( game.active === DEM && spaces[space].region === 'Eastern Europe' && game.persistent_events.includes(C_FRG_EMBASSIES) ) { roll++ logi(`+1 C${C_FRG_EMBASSIES}`) } if ( game.active === DEM && spaces[space].country === 'East_Germany' && game.persistent_events.includes(C_GRENZTRUPPEN) ) { roll-- logi(`-1 C${C_GRENZTRUPPEN}`) } if ( (game.active === COM && game.stand_fast === DEM && check_dem_control(space)) || (game.active === DEM && game.stand_fast === COM && check_com_control(space)) ) { roll-- logi(`-1 C${C_STAND_FAST}`) } if (game.active === DEM && game.persistent_events.includes(C_ELENA) && spaces[space].country === 'Romania') { roll-- logi(`-1 C${C_ELENA}`) } if ( game.active === DEM && game.persistent_events.includes(C_AUSTRIA_HUNGARY_BORDER_REOPENED) && game.austria_hungary_border_reopened_tracker ) { roll++ logi(`+1 C${C_AUSTRIA_HUNGARY_BORDER_REOPENED}`) } // Check for adjacency const adj = count_adj(space) if (game.active === COM && game.persistent_events.includes(C_THE_WALL) && spaces[space].country === 'East_Germany') { roll += adj.com_adj if (adj.com_adj > 0) logi(`+${adj.com_adj} adjacency`) permanently_remove(C_THE_WALL) } else { if (adj.dem_adj > 0 || adj.com_adj > 0) { if (game.active === DEM) { roll += adj.dem_adj roll -= adj.com_adj if (adj.dem_adj > 0) logi(`+${adj.dem_adj} adjacency`) if (adj.com_adj > 0) logi(`-${adj.com_adj} opponent adjacency`) } else { roll += adj.com_adj roll -= adj.dem_adj if (adj.com_adj > 0) logi(`+${adj.com_adj} adjacency`) if (adj.dem_adj > 0) logi(`-${adj.dem_adj} opponent adjacency`) } } } //Stability and final support check calcs const stability = spaces[space].stability logi(`-${stability*2} stability (x2)`) const change_infl = Math.max(0, roll - stability*2) if (change_infl > 0) { if (game.active === DEM) { if (change_infl > game.comInfl[space]) { const residual = change_infl - game.comInfl[space] game.comInfl[space] = 0 game.demInfl[space] += residual } else { game.comInfl[space] -= change_infl } if (game.comInfl[space] === 0) { game.valid_spaces = game.valid_spaces.filter(id => id !== space) } } else { if (change_infl > game.demInfl[space]) { const residual = change_infl - game.demInfl[space] game.demInfl[space] = 0 game.comInfl[space] += residual } else { game.demInfl[space] -= change_infl } if (game.demInfl[space] === 0) { game.valid_spaces = game.valid_spaces.filter(id => id !== space) } } log(change_infl + ' SP for ' + game.active + '.') check_tyrant_sc() } else { log('No change SP.') } // Check VP awards if ( game.active === COM && game.persistent_events.includes(C_HELSINKI_FINAL_ACT) && (spaces[space].socio === SOCIO_INTELLECTUAL || spaces[space].socio === SOCIO_STUDENT) ) { log('+1 VP from C' + C_HELSINKI_FINAL_ACT) game.vp ++ } if (game.active === COM && game.persistent_events.includes(C_ECO_GLASNOST) && spaces[space].space_id === S_RUSE) { log('+1 VP from C' + C_ECO_GLASNOST) game.vp++ } let tear_gas_end = game.persistent_events.includes(C_TEAR_GAS) let the_wall_end = game.persistent_events.includes(C_THE_WALL) if (tear_gas_start && !tear_gas_end) { log(`C${C_TEAR_GAS} no longer in effect.`) } if (the_wall_start && !the_wall_end) { log(`C${C_THE_WALL} no longer in effect.`) } // If Austria-Hungary Border Reopened used, all future Support Checks must be in East Germany if (game.persistent_events.includes(C_AUSTRIA_HUNGARY_BORDER_REOPENED)) { if (game.austria_hungary_border_reopened_tracker) { game.valid_spaces = game.valid_spaces.filter(n => spaces[n].country === 'East_Germany') } } delete game.selected_space } function valid_spaces_setup() { for (let i = 0; i < spaces.length; i++) { let space = spaces[i] if (game.active === COM) { let infl = game.demInfl[i] if (infl === 0) game.valid_spaces.push(space.space_id) } else { let infl = game.comInfl[i] if (infl === 0) game.valid_spaces.push(space.space_id) } } } function valid_spaces_sc() { let valid_spaces_set = new Set() for (let i = 0; i < spaces.length; i++) { let space = spaces[i] if (game.active === DEM) { let infl = game.comInfl[i] if (infl !== 0) valid_spaces_set.add(space.space_id) } else { let infl = game.demInfl[i] if (infl !== 0) { if (game.persistent_events.includes(C_SOLIDARITY_LEGALIZED) && space.space_id === S_GDANSK) continue if (game.persistent_events.includes(C_WE_ARE_THE_PEOPLE) && space.space_id === S_LEIPZIG) continue if ( game.persistent_events.includes(C_FOREIGN_CURRENCY_DEBT_BURDEN) && space.country === game.foreign_currency_debt_burden ) continue valid_spaces_set.add(space.space_id) } } } game.valid_spaces = Array.from(valid_spaces_set) if ( game.is_pwr_struggle && game.pwr_struggle_in === 'Romania' && game.persistent_events.includes(C_THE_CROWD_TURNS_AGAINST_CEAUSESCU) ) { game.valid_spaces = game.valid_spaces.filter((n) => spaces[n].country === 'Romania') } return game.valid_spaces } function valid_spaces_support_loss() { let valid_spaces_set = new Set() for (let i = 0; i < game.demInfl.length; i++) { let space = spaces[i] if (game.active === DEM) { let infl = game.demInfl[i] if (infl > 0 && space.country === game.pwr_struggle_in) valid_spaces_set.add(space.space_id) } else { let infl = game.comInfl[i] if (infl > 0 && space.country === game.pwr_struggle_in) valid_spaces_set.add(space.space_id) } } game.valid_spaces = Array.from(valid_spaces_set) return game.valid_spaces } function valid_spaces_infl() { let ops = game.state.startsWith("vm") ? game.vm_available_ops : game.available_ops let valid_spaces_set = new Set() for (let i = 0; i < game.demInfl.length; i++) { let space = spaces[i] let player_influence = game.active === COM ? game.comInfl[i] : game.demInfl[i] if (player_influence > 0) { if ( ops > 1 || !check_opp_control(space.space_id) || (game.active === DEM && space.country === 'East_Germany' && game.persistent_events.includes(C_GENSCHER)) ) valid_spaces_set.add(space.space_id) let adjacent_spaces = get_adjusted_adjacency(space.space_id) for (let adj_space_id of adjacent_spaces) { if (adj_space_id >= 0) { const adj_piece = spaces[adj_space_id] const opponent_control = check_opp_control(adj_piece.space_id) if ( game.active === DEM && adj_piece.country === "East_Germany" && game.persistent_events.includes(C_GENSCHER) ) { valid_spaces_set.add(adj_piece.space_id) } else if (ops >= 2 || !opponent_control) { valid_spaces_set.add(adj_piece.space_id) } } } } } game.valid_spaces = Array.from(valid_spaces_set) return game.valid_spaces } function valid_cards(player_hand, presence) { const valid_cards_set = new Set() if (game.phase === 0) { for (let c of player_hand) { let card = power_cards[c] if (c === PC_TACTIC_FAILS) continue if (card.name === game.tactics_fails) continue if (card.socio === 0) valid_cards_set.add(c) else if (leaders.includes(card.socio) && presence[card.socio]) valid_cards_set.add(c) } } else if (game.phase === 1) { for (let c of player_hand) { let card = power_cards[c] if (!leader_cards.includes(c) && card.name === power_cards[game.played_power_card].name) { valid_cards_set.add(c) } else if (card.name === game.proxy_power_card) { valid_cards_set.add(c) } else if (leaders.includes(card.socio) && presence[card.socio]) { valid_cards_set.add(c) } else if (c === PC_TACTIC_FAILS) { valid_cards_set.add(c) } } } game.valid_cards = Array.from(valid_cards_set) return game.valid_cards } function do_valid_cards() { let presence = check_presence(game.pwr_struggle_in) if (game.active === DEM) { valid_cards(game.dem_pwr_hand, presence.dem_leaders) } else { valid_cards(game.com_pwr_hand, presence.com_leaders) } } function count_adj(space_id) { let dem_adj = 0 let com_adj = 0 let adjacent_spaces = get_adjusted_adjacency(space_id) for (let adj_space_id of adjacent_spaces) { if (check_dem_control(adj_space_id)) dem_adj++ if (check_com_control(adj_space_id)) com_adj++ } return {dem_adj, com_adj} } function is_controlled(space_id) { if ((game.comInfl[space_id] - game.demInfl[space_id]) >= spaces[space_id].stability) { return true } else if ((game.demInfl[space_id] - game.comInfl[space_id]) >= spaces[space_id].stability) { return true } else { return false } } function check_opp_control(space_id) { if (game.active === DEM && ((game.comInfl[space_id] - game.demInfl[space_id]) >= spaces[space_id].stability)) { return true } else if (game.active === COM && ((game.demInfl[space_id] - game.comInfl[space_id]) >= spaces[space_id].stability)) { return true } else { return false } } function check_dem_control(space_id) { if ((game.demInfl[space_id] - game.comInfl[space_id]) >= spaces[space_id].stability) { return true } else { return false } } function check_com_control(space_id) { if ((game.comInfl[space_id] - game.demInfl[space_id]) >= spaces[space_id].stability) { return true } else { return false } } function crowd_infl_check() { for (let s of S_ROMANIA) { if (game.demInfl[s] > 0) return false } if (game.demInfl[S_SZEGED] > 0) return false if (game.demInfl[S_VARNA] > 0) return false return true } function crowd_sc_check() { for (let s of S_ROMANIA) { if (game.comInfl[s] > 0) return false } return true } function do_tst_attempt() { let roll = roll_d6() logi(`D${roll}`) roll += game.available_ops logi(`+${game.available_ops} card Ops`) if ((game.active === DEM && game.dem_tst_attempted === 1) || (game.active === COM && game.com_tst_attempted === 1)) { roll++ logi('+1 previous TST attempts') } if (game.active === DEM && game.dem_tst_position >= 1 && game.com_tst_position === 0) { roll ++ logi('+1 TST award') } if (game.active === COM && game.com_tst_position >= 1 && game.dem_tst_position === 0) { roll ++ logi('+1 TST award') } if ( (game.active === DEM && cards[this_card()].side === 'D') || (game.active === COM && cards[this_card()].side === 'C') ) { roll++ logi('+1 playing own card') } if (game.active === COM && game.persistent_events.includes(C_LI_PENG)) { roll ++ logi('+1 C' + C_LI_PENG) } game.return = game.round_player if (game.active === DEM) { game.dem_tst_attempted_this_turn = 1 if (roll >= dem_tst_req[game.dem_tst_position]) { log(`Success: ${roll} >= .dT${dem_tst_req[game.dem_tst_position]}`) game.dem_tst_position++ game.dem_tst_attempted = 0 // Check if they have reached box 7 or 8 first if (game.dem_tst_position === 7 && game.com_tst_position < 7) { game.tst_7 = false } if (game.dem_tst_position === 8 && game.com_tst_position < 8) { game.tst_8 = false } // Check if they have caught up to box 7 or 8 if (game.dem_tst_position >= 7 && game.com_tst_position >= 7) { delete game.tst_7 } if (game.dem_tst_position >= 8 && game.com_tst_position >= 8) { delete game.tst_8 } // Check if TST events occur if (game.dem_tst_position === 3 && game.com_tst_position < 3) { game.vm_event = 203 } else if (game.dem_tst_position === 4 && game.com_tst_position < 4) { game.vm_event = 204 } game.state = 'tiananmen_square_attempt_success' } else { log(`Fail: ${roll} < .dT${dem_tst_req[game.dem_tst_position]}`) game.dem_tst_attempted = 1 game.state = 'tiananmen_square_attempt_fail' } } else { game.com_tst_attempted_this_turn = 1 if (roll >= com_tst_req[game.com_tst_position]) { log(`Success: ${roll} >= .cT${com_tst_req[game.com_tst_position]}`) game.com_tst_position++ game.com_tst_attempted = 0 // Check if the Chinese Solution becomes playable if (game.active === COM && game.com_tst_position === 7) { game.playable_cards.push(C_THE_CHINESE_SOLUTION) } // Check if they have reached box 7 or 8 first if (game.com_tst_position === 7 && game.dem_tst_position < 7) { game.tst_7 = false } if (game.com_tst_position === 8 && game.dem_tst_position < 8) { game.tst_8 = false } // Check if they have caught up to box 7 or 8 if (game.com_tst_position >= 7 && game.dem_tst_position >= 7) { delete game.tst_7 } if (game.com_tst_position >= 8 && game.dem_tst_position >= 8) { delete game.tst_8 } // Check if TST events occur if (game.com_tst_position === 3 && game.dem_tst_position < 3) { game.vm_event = 203 } else if (game.com_tst_position === 4 && game.dem_tst_position < 4) { game.vm_event = 204 } game.state = 'tiananmen_square_attempt_success' } else { log(`Fail: ${roll} < .cT${com_tst_req[game.com_tst_position]}`) game.com_tst_attempted = 1 game.state = 'tiananmen_square_attempt_fail' } } } function check_presence(country) { let dem_spaces = 0 let com_spaces = 0 let dem_battlegrounds = 0 let com_battlegrounds = 0 let dem_leaders = {1: false, 4: false, 5: false, 6: false, 7: false} let com_leaders = {1: false, 4: false, 5: false, 6: false, 7: false} for (let i = 0; i < spaces.length; i++) { let space = spaces[i] if (space.country === country) { if (check_dem_control(i)) { dem_spaces++ if (space.battleground === 1) dem_battlegrounds++ if (leaders.includes(space.socio)) dem_leaders[space.socio] = true } if (check_com_control(i)) { com_spaces++ if (space.battleground === 1) com_battlegrounds++ if (leaders.includes(space.socio)) com_leaders[space.socio] = true } } } let dem_domination = dem_battlegrounds > com_battlegrounds && dem_spaces > com_spaces && dem_spaces - dem_battlegrounds > 0 let com_domination = com_battlegrounds > dem_battlegrounds && com_spaces > dem_spaces && com_spaces - com_battlegrounds > 0 let total_battlegrounds = battlegrounds(country) let dem_control = dem_battlegrounds === total_battlegrounds && dem_spaces > com_spaces let com_control = com_battlegrounds === total_battlegrounds && com_spaces > dem_spaces return { dem_spaces: dem_spaces, com_spaces: com_spaces, dem_battlegrounds: dem_battlegrounds, com_battlegrounds: com_battlegrounds, dem_domination: dem_domination, com_domination: com_domination, dem_control: dem_control, com_control: com_control, dem_leaders: dem_leaders, com_leaders: com_leaders, } } function battlegrounds(country) { let battlegrounds = 0 if (country === 'Hungary') { battlegrounds = 4 } else if (country === 'Bulgaria') { battlegrounds = 5 } else if (country === 'Romania') { if (game.systematization && romania_battlegrounds.includes(game.systematization)) battlegrounds = 5 else battlegrounds = 6 } else { battlegrounds = 6 } return battlegrounds } function take_power(country) { game.revolutions[find_country_index(country)] = true game.times_held[find_country_index(country)] = 1 game.vp_retain = 0 } function retain_power(country) { game.times_held[find_country_index(country)]++ let vp_gain = get_value(country) * game.times_held[find_country_index(country)] log_gap(`Communist retains power:`) logi(`-${vp_gain} VP`) game.vp_retain = -vp_gain game.vp -= vp_gain } function score_country(country) { if (game.state === 'final_scoring') log_h5(`${country}`) else log_h5(`Scoring`) let value_presence = get_value(country) let value_domination = value_presence * 2 let value_control if (country !== 'Hungary') { value_control = value_presence * 3 } else { value_control = 4 } let dem_vp = 0 let com_vp = 0 let presence = check_presence(country) log('Democrat:') if (presence.dem_control) { logi(`+${value_control} VP Control`) dem_vp += value_control } else if (presence.dem_domination) { logi(`+${value_domination} VP Domination`) dem_vp += value_domination } else if (presence.dem_spaces) { logi(`+${value_presence} VP Presence`) dem_vp += value_presence } if (presence.dem_battlegrounds > 0) { logi(`+${presence.dem_battlegrounds} VP Battlegrounds`) dem_vp += presence.dem_battlegrounds } if (!presence.dem_spaces) logi(`+${dem_vp} VP`) log('Communist:') if (presence.com_control) { logi(`-${value_control} VP Control`) com_vp -= value_control } else if (presence.com_domination) { logi(`-${value_domination} VP Domination`) com_vp -= value_domination } else if (presence.com_spaces) { logi(`-${value_presence} VP Presence`) com_vp -= value_presence } if (presence.com_battlegrounds > 0) { logi(`-${presence.com_battlegrounds} VP Battlegrounds`) com_vp -= presence.com_battlegrounds } if (!presence.com_spaces) logi(`-${com_vp} VP`) game.vp += dem_vp + com_vp if (game.state === 'final_scoring') { if ((dem_vp + com_vp) > 0) log_h4(`Total: +${dem_vp + com_vp} VP`) else log_h4(`Total: ${dem_vp + com_vp} VP`) if (game.vp > 0) log(`Score is +${game.vp} VP`) else log(`Score is ${game.vp} VP`) } else { let final_vp = dem_vp + com_vp + game.vp_roll + game.vp_retain if (final_vp > 0) log_h4(`Power Struggle total: +${final_vp} VP`) else log_h4(`Power Struggle total: ${final_vp} VP`) } } function get_value(country) { let value if (country === 'East_Germany' || country === 'Poland') { value = 3 } else if (country === 'Czechoslovakia' || country === 'Romania') { value = 2 } else value = 1 return value } function get_end_infl_prompt() { prompt_event(`Place SPs done.`) if (!game.vm_infl_to_do) { gen_action('end_round') } else { gen_action('done') } } function get_aftermath_roll(what) { clear_undo() let roll = roll_d6() log(`${what}: D${roll}`) let rally_win = 0 let petition_win = 0 if (rallies.includes(game.played_power_card) || game.proxy_power_card === 'Rally in the Square') { rally_win = 2 } if (petitions.includes(game.played_power_card) || game.proxy_power_card === 'Petition') { petition_win = 2 } let modified_roll = roll + game.raised_stakes + rally_win - petition_win if (game.state === 'support_loss') { if (game.active === COM && game.persistent_events.includes(C_YAKOVLEV_COUNSELS_GORBACHEV)) { logi(`+1 C${C_YAKOVLEV_COUNSELS_GORBACHEV}`) modified_roll ++ } } else { if (game.active === DEM && game.persistent_events.includes(C_YAKOVLEV_COUNSELS_GORBACHEV)) { logi(`+1 C${C_YAKOVLEV_COUNSELS_GORBACHEV}`) modified_roll ++ } } if (modified_roll < 0) { modified_roll = 0 } else if (modified_roll > 7) { modified_roll = 7 } if (game.raised_stakes !== 0) { logi(`+${game.raised_stakes} Raising the Stakes`) } if (rally_win !== 0) { logi('+2 winning on a P1') } if (petition_win !== 0) { logi('-2 winning on a P31') } if (modified_roll !== roll) { log(`Modified roll: ${modified_roll}`) } return modified_roll } function add_to_persistent_events(card) { game.persistent_events.push(card) remove_from_discard(card) } function permanently_remove(card) { game.persistent_events = game.persistent_events.filter(c => c !== card) remove_from_discard(card) if (!game.strategy_removed.includes(card)) { game.strategy_removed.push(card) } } function check_for_crowd() { // Check if in a Power Struggle after Crowd Turns Against Ceausescu if (game.is_pwr_struggle) { if (game.return !== game.active) { change_player() } log_h5('Raise the Stakes') log(`${game.active}:`) game.state = 'raise_stakes_1' return true } reset_austria_hungary_border_reopened() } function check_vp() { if (game.vp >= 20) { goto_game_over(DEM, `${DEM} won an Automatic Victory!`) return true } else if (game.vp <= -20) { goto_game_over(COM, `${COM} won an Automatic Victory!`) return true } return false } function goto_game_over(result, victory) { game.state = "game_over" game.active = "None" game.result = result game.victory = victory log_h1("Game Over") log(game.victory) return } function goto_struggle() { game.raised_stakes_discard = 0 game.valid_cards = [] log_h5('Play Cards') game.ps_round = 1 log_gap(`Round ${game.ps_round}:`) change_player() game.state = 'power_struggle' do_valid_cards() } function confirm_power_card() { change_player() do_valid_cards() game.state = 'power_struggle' } function log_power_card() { let card = game.power_card_2 ? game.power_card_2 : game.played_power_card if (numberless_cards.includes(card)) { log(`${game.active}: P${card}`) } else { log(`${game.active}: P${card} V${power_cards[card].value}`) } } function select_power_card() { discard(game.played_power_card) game.ps_round++ game.power_card_1 = game.played_power_card delete game.power_card_2 delete game.proxy_power_card } function reset_austria_hungary_border_reopened() { delete game.austria_hungary_border_reopened_tracker delete game.ahbr_logged } function end_stasi_choose_card() { if (game.stasi_card === C_COMMON_EUROPEAN_HOME) { game.state = 'stasi_confirm' } else { end_stasi() } } function end_stasi() { game.round_player = COM game.round ++ log_round() change_player() game.valid_spaces = [] if (game.persistent_events.includes(C_GENERAL_STRIKE)) { log('.cC' + C_GENERAL_STRIKE) game.state = 'general_strike' } else { game.state = 'choose_card' } } function end_goddess() { game.return_state = '' game.valid_cards = [] log_h2("Action Round " + game.round) if (game.active === DEM) { change_player() } if (game.persistent_events.includes(C_GENERAL_STRIKE)) { game.state = 'general_strike' } else { game.state = 'choose_card' } } function end_raise_stakes(){ if (game.active === DEM){ if (game.dem_pwr_hand.length >= 3) game.state = 'raise_stakes_2' else { logi('Could not raise the stakes.') goto_struggle() } } else { if (game.com_pwr_hand.length >= 3) game.state = 'raise_stakes_2' else { logi('Could not raise the stakes.') goto_struggle() } } } function check_ceh() { if (game.played_card === C_COMMON_EUROPEAN_HOME) { if (game.active === DEM) { game.vp -- logi(`-1 VP for playing C${C_COMMON_EUROPEAN_HOME} for Operations.`) } else { game.vp ++ logi(`+1 VP for playing C${C_COMMON_EUROPEAN_HOME} for Operations.`) } if (check_vp()) return true else return false } else return false } function check_reformer() { if (game.dem_tst_position !== game.com_tst_position) { if (!game.playable_cards.includes(C_REFORMER_REHABILITATED)) { game.playable_cards.push(C_REFORMER_REHABILITATED) } } else { game.playable_cards = game.playable_cards.filter(n => n !== C_REFORMER_REHABILITATED) } } function count_scoring_cards() { let scoring_check if (game.active === DEM) { scoring_check = game.democrat_hand.filter(card => scoring_cards.includes(card)).length } else { scoring_check = game.communist_hand.filter(card => scoring_cards.includes(card)).length } return scoring_check } function select_card(card) { game.played_card = card game.temp = 0 remove_from_hand(card) game.state = 'play_card' } function finish_select_card() { if (!scoring_cards.includes(game.played_card)) { game.available_ops = get_card_ops(game.played_card) if (game.state !== 'stasi_play_ceh') log(`Played C${game.played_card}.`) } } function remove_from_hand(card) { let find_card if (game.active === COM) { find_card = game.communist_hand.indexOf(card) game.communist_hand.splice(find_card, 1) } else { find_card = game.democrat_hand.indexOf(card) game.democrat_hand.splice(find_card, 1) } if (!game.strategy_discard.includes(card)) { game.strategy_discard.push(card) } } function check_ligachev_non_event() { if (game.active === DEM && game.persistent_events.includes(C_LIGACHEV)) { log(`-3 VP from C${C_LIGACHEV}.`) game.vp -= 3 if (check_vp()) return true game.persistent_events = game.persistent_events.filter(n => n !== C_LIGACHEV) game.strategy_removed.push(C_LIGACHEV) return false } else return false } function check_ligachev_event(card) { if (game.active === DEM && game.persistent_events.includes(C_LIGACHEV)) { if (card !== C_GORBACHEV_CHARMS_THE_WEST) { log(`-3 VP from C${C_LIGACHEV}.`) game.vp -= 3 if (check_vp()) return true } game.persistent_events = game.persistent_events.filter(n => n !== C_LIGACHEV) game.strategy_removed.push(C_LIGACHEV) return false } else return false } function is_auto_resolve(card) { if (auto_resolve_events.includes(card)) { return true } else if (card === C_THE_TYRANT_IS_GONE) { if (game.persistent_events.includes(C_THE_CROWD_TURNS_AGAINST_CEAUSESCU)) { return true } } else if (ceausecu_events.includes(card) && game.persistent_events.includes(THE_TYRANT_IS_GONE_OCCURRED)) { return true } else if (card === C_KOHL_PROPOSES_REUNIFICATION && !game.persistent_events.includes(C_THE_WALL_MUST_GO)) { return true } else if (card === C_BROUGHT_IN_FOR_QUESTIONING && game.active === DEM) { if (game.democrat_hand.length === 0) { if (!game.state.startsWith('vm')) { log('Democrat has no cards to discard.') } return true } } else if (card === C_DEUTSCHE_MARKS && game.active === DEM) { if (game.democrat_hand.length === 0) { if (!game.state.startsWith('vm')) { log('Democrat has no cards to give.') } return true } } else if (card === C_KISS_OF_DEATH) { if (game.communist_hand.length === 0) { if (game.active !== game.round_player) change_player() return true } } else if (card === C_DISSIDENT_ARRESTED && game.active === DEM) { let dem_intellectual_infl = spaces.filter((space) => space.socio === SOCIO_INTELLECTUAL && game.demInfl[space.space_id] > 0).length if (dem_intellectual_infl === 0) { if (!game.state.startsWith('vm')) { log('No influence to remove.') } return true } } else if ((card === C_SAJUDIS || card === C_THE_BALTIC_WAY) && game.active === COM) { if (game.systematization && game.systematization === S_HARGHITA_COVASNA) { if (check_dem_control(S_RAZGRAD)) { if (!game.state.startsWith('vm')) { log('Minorities spaces already controlled.') } return true } } else if (check_dem_control(S_RAZGRAD) && check_dem_control(S_HARGHITA_COVASNA)) { if (!game.state.startsWith('vm')) { log('Minorities spaces already controlled.') } return true } } else if (card === C_CEAUSESCU && game.active === DEM) { let dem_romania_infl = spaces.filter(space => space.country === 'Romania' && game.demInfl[space.space_id] > 0).length if (dem_romania_infl === 0) { add_to_persistent_events(C_CEAUSESCU) if (!game.state.startsWith('vm')) { log('No influence to remove.') } return true } } else if (card === C_WE_ARE_THE_PEOPLE && game.active === COM) { if (game.demInfl[S_LUTHERAN_CHURCH] === 0) { if (!game.state.startsWith('vm')) { log('No influence to remove.') add_to_persistent_events(C_WE_ARE_THE_PEOPLE) } return true } } else if (card === C_BETRAYAL && game.active === DEM) { if (!game.systematization === S_ORTHODOX_CHURCH_ROMANIA) { if (game.demInfl[S_ORTHODOX_CHURCH_BULGARIA] === 0) { if (!game.state.startsWith('vm')) { log('No influence to remove.') } return true } } else if (game.demInfl[S_ORTHODOX_CHURCH_BULGARIA] === 0 && game.demInfl[S_ORTHODOX_CHURCH_ROMANIA] === 0) { if (!game.state.startsWith('vm')) { log('No influence to remove.') } return true } } else if (card === C_GOVERNMENT_RESIGNS && game.active === COM) { let uncontrolled_elites = spaces.filter(space => spaces[space.space_id].socio === SOCIO_ELITE && game.comInfl[space.space_id] > 0 && !is_controlled(space.space_id)).length if (uncontrolled_elites === 0) { if (!game.state.startsWith('vm')) { log('No uncontrolled Elite spaces.') } return true } } else if (card === C_ST_NICHOLAS_CHURCH && game.active === COM) { if (check_dem_control(S_LUTHERAN_CHURCH)) { if (!game.state.startsWith('vm')) { log('Lutheran Church already controlled.') } return true } } else if (card === C_BULGARIAN_TURKS_EXPELLED && game.active === DEM) { if (game.demInfl[S_RAZGRAD] === 0) { if (!game.state.startsWith('vm')) { log('No influence to remove.') } return true } } else if (card === C_NORMALIZATION && game.active === DEM) { if (game.demInfl[S_PRAHA] === 0 && game.demInfl[S_PLZEN] === 0) { if (!game.state.startsWith('vm')) { log('No influence to remove.') } return true } } else if (card === C_DOMINO_THEORY) { if (game.revolutions.filter(value => value === true).length < 2) { return true } else if (!scoring_cards.some(card => game.strategy_discard.includes(card))) { return true } } else if (card === C_UNION_OF_DEMOCRATIC_FORCES && game.active === COM) { let bulgarian_presence = spaces.filter(space => space.country === 'Bulgaria' && game.comInfl[space.space_id] > 0).length if (bulgarian_presence === 0) { if (!game.state.startsWith('vm')) { log('No SPs to remove.') } return true } } else if (card === C_EXIT_VISAS && game.active === COM) { if (game.democrat_hand.length === 0) { if (!game.state.startsWith('vm')) { log('Democrat has no cards to discard.') } return true } } else if (card === C_SAMIZDAT && game.active === COM) { if (game.democrat_hand.length === 0) { if (!game.state.startsWith('vm')) { log('Democrat has no cards to set aside.') } return true } } else if (card === C_SPITZEL && game.active === DEM) { let dem_germany_infl = spaces.filter(space => space.country === 'East_Germany' && game.demInfl[space.space_id] > 0).length if (dem_germany_infl === 0) { if (!game.state.startsWith('vm')) { log('No influence to remove.') } return true } } else if (card === C_MY_FIRST_BANANA && game.active === COM) { let com_germany_infl = spaces.filter(space => space.country === 'East_Germany' && game.comInfl[space.space_id] > 0).length if (com_germany_infl === 0) { if (!game.state.startsWith('vm')) { log('No influence to remove.') } return true } } else if (card === C_POLITBURO_INTRIGUE && game.active === DEM) { let dem_bulgaria_infl = spaces.filter(space => space.country === 'Bulgaria' && game.demInfl[space.space_id] > 0).length if (dem_bulgaria_infl === 0) { if (!game.state.startsWith('vm')) { log('No influence to remove.') } return true } } else if (card === C_SOLIDARITY_LEGALIZED) { let uncontrolled_worker_farmer = vm_valid_spaces_solidarity_legalised() if (uncontrolled_worker_farmer.length === 0) { if (!game.state.startsWith('vm')) { log('No uncontrolled Worker or Farmer spaces in Poland.') } return true } } else if (card === C_HONECKER) { if ((game.strategy_discard.length === 1 && game.strategy_discard.includes(C_HONECKER)) || game.strategy_discard.length === 0 ) { if (!game.state.startsWith('vm')) { log('No cards in discard.') log(`The Communist may take one extra Action Round this turn.`) add_to_persistent_events(C_HONECKER) } return true } } else { return false } } function event_is_playable(card) { if (card === C_REFORMER_REHABILITATED) { return false } else if (card === C_COMMON_EUROPEAN_HOME) { if (game.active === DEM) { if (game.stasi_card === C_COMMON_EUROPEAN_HOME) { return false } else { if (ceh_card_check().length > 0) return true } } else { if (ceh_card_check().length > 0) { return true } } } else if (card === C_GORBACHEV_CHARMS_THE_WEST && !game.playable_cards.includes(C_GORBACHEV_CHARMS_THE_WEST)) { return false } else if (card === C_SAMIZDAT && game.democrat_hand.length === 0) { return false } else if (game.playable_cards.includes(card)) { return true } else if (cards[card].playable) { return true } else { return false } } function get_card_ops(card) { let ops = cards[card].ops if (game.persistent_events.includes(C_PERESTROIKA) && game.active === COM) { if ( game.state === 'play_card' || game.state === 'general_strike' || game.state === 'vm_deutsche_marks' ) { log(`+1 Op C${C_PERESTROIKA}.`) } ops ++ } if (game.persistent_events.includes(C_THE_SINATRA_DOCTRINE) && game.active === DEM) { if ( game.state === 'play_card' || game.state === 'vm_laszlo_tokes' ) { log(`+1 Op C${C_THE_SINATRA_DOCTRINE}.`) } ops ++ } if ( (game.active === DEM && game.dem_tst_position >= 2 && game.com_tst_position <= 1 && cards[card].ops === 1) || (game.active === COM && game.com_tst_position >= 2 && game.dem_tst_position <= 1 && cards[card].ops === 1) ) { if ( game.state === 'play_card' || game.state === 'general_strike' ) { log('+1 Op Tiananmen Square Track.') } ops ++ } if (game.active === DEM && game.prudence && game.prudence.DEM !== 0) { if ( game.state === 'play_card' || game.state === 'vm_laszlo_tokes' ) { if (ops > 2) { log(`${pluralize(game.prudence.DEM,'Op')} C${C_PRUDENCE}.`) } else { if (ops > 1) { log(`-1 Op C${C_PRUDENCE}.`) } } } ops += game.prudence.DEM if (ops < 1) { ops = 1 } } if (game.active === COM && game.prudence && game.prudence.COM < 0) { if ( game.state === 'play_card' || game.state === 'general_strike' ) { if (ops > 2) { log(`${pluralize(game.prudence.COM,'Op')} C${C_PRUDENCE}.`) } else if (ops > 1) { log(`-1 Op C${C_PRUDENCE}.`) } } ops += game.prudence.COM if (ops < 1) { ops = 1 } } return ops } function get_tst_6_ops() { let ops = 0 if (game.persistent_events.includes(C_PERESTROIKA) && game.active === COM) { logi(`+1 Op C${C_PERESTROIKA}.`) ops ++ } if (game.persistent_events.includes(C_THE_SINATRA_DOCTRINE) && game.active === DEM) { logi(`+1 Op C${C_THE_SINATRA_DOCTRINE}.`) ops ++ } if (game.active === DEM && game.prudence && game.prudence.DEM !== 0) { if (ops > 0) { log(`${pluralize(game.prudence.DEM,'Op')} C${C_PRUDENCE}.`) } else { logi(`-1 Op C${C_PRUDENCE}.`) } ops += game.prudence.DEM if (ops < -1) { ops = -1 } } if (game.active === COM && game.prudence && game.prudence.COM < 0) { if (ops > 0) { logi(`${pluralize(game.prudence.COM,'Op')} C${C_PRUDENCE}.`) } else { logi(`-1 Op C${C_PRUDENCE}.`) } ops += game.prudence.COM if (ops < -1) { ops = -1 } } return ops } function finish_play_card() { if (cards[game.played_card].playable || game.playable_cards.includes(game.played_card)) { if ( (game.active === DEM && cards[game.played_card].side === 'C') || (game.active === COM && cards[game.played_card].side === 'D') ) { game.vm_event_to_do = true } } } function finish_the_wall() { if (game.the_wall_must_go['dem_wins'] === 2) { delete game.the_wall_must_go add_to_persistent_events(C_THE_WALL_MUST_GO) game.playable_cards = game.playable_cards.filter(card => card !== C_THE_WALL) log('+3 VP') game.vp += 3 if (check_vp()) { return } for (let i = 0; i < spaces.length; i++) { let space = spaces[i] if (space.country === 'East_Germany' && game.comInfl[i] > 0) { game.valid_spaces.push(space.space_id) } } if (game.active === DEM) { change_player() } game.return = COM log('Communist removed SP:') vm_next() } else { permanently_remove(C_THE_WALL_MUST_GO) delete game.the_wall_must_go if (game.vm_infl_to_do) { game.return = COM } else { game.return = game.active } vm_return() } } function finish_we_are_the_people() { game.valid_spaces = [...S_EAST_GERMANY] game.vm_max_infl = 2 game.vm_available_ops = game.vm_influence_added[S_LUTHERAN_CHURCH] log('Placed SP:') game.state = 'vm_we_are_the_people_add' } // =========== MOVING THROUGH TURNS ============ function end_round() { if (game.state === 'game_over') { return } if (game.persistent_events.includes(C_CEAUSESCU)) { if (check_ceausescu()) return } delete game.played_card delete game.temp delete game.vm_event delete game.phase game.remove_opponent_infl = false game.is_pwr_struggle = false game.vm_infl_to_do = false delete game.vm_event_to_do delete game.vm_infl_to_do delete game.vm_active_country delete game.return_state game.discard = false game.return = '' game.valid_cards = [] game.valid_spaces = [] delete game.genscher_logged reset_austria_hungary_border_reopened() check_reformer() // Check for duplicate card entries let card_check if (game.samizdat_card > 0) { card_check = [...game.strategy_deck, ...game.strategy_discard, ...game.strategy_removed, ...game.persistent_events, ...game.communist_hand, ... game.democrat_hand, game.samizdat_card] } else { card_check = [...game.strategy_deck, ...game.strategy_discard, ...game.strategy_removed, ...game.persistent_events, ...game.communist_hand, ... game.democrat_hand] } card_check = card_check.filter(card => card <= last_strategy_card) function check_duplicates(array) { return new Set(array).size !== array.length } function find_duplicates(array) { const duplicates = array.filter((item, index) => array.indexOf(item) !== index) return [...new Set(duplicates)] } card_check = card_check.sort((a, b) => a - b) if (check_duplicates(card_check)) { const duplicates = find_duplicates(card_check) throw new Error(`Duplicate cards detected: ${duplicates.join(', ')}`) } if (game.turn <= 3) { if (card_check.length !== 40) { throw new Error(`Wrong number of cards: ${card_check.length}`) } } else if (game.turn <= 7) { if (card_check.length !== 81) { throw new Error(`Wrong number of cards: ${card_check.length}`) } } else if (card_check.length !== 110) { throw new Error(`Wrong number of cards: ${card_check.length}`) } // Check if last round and if so resolve end turn events if (game.round_player === DEM && game.round === 7) { if (game.persistent_events.includes(C_HONECKER)) { if (game.active !== COM) { change_player() } game.state = 'honecker' return } else if (game.dem_tst_position >= 6 && game.com_tst_position <= 5) { if (game.active !== DEM) { change_player() } game.return = game.active clear_undo() game.return_state = 'end_turn_4_5_4' goto_vm(206) return } else if (game.com_tst_position >= 6 && game.dem_tst_position <= 5) { if (game.active !== COM) { change_player() } game.return = game.active clear_undo() game.return_state = 'end_turn_4_5_4' goto_vm(206) return } else { clear_undo() game.state = 'end_turn_4_5_4' return } } // Resolve end action round if (game.round_player === COM && game.persistent_events.includes(C_STASI)) { if (game.round === 8) { clear_undo() game.state = 'end_turn_4_5_4' return } game.round_player = DEM if (game.active !== DEM) { change_player() } if (game.democrat_hand.includes(game.stasi_card)) { game.state = 'stasi_play_card' } else { game.stasi_card = 0 game.state = 'choose_card' } return } else if (game.round_player === COM && game.round === 8) { clear_undo() game.state = 'end_turn_4_5_4' return } else if (game.round_player === COM) { game.round_player = DEM if (game.active !== DEM) { change_player() } game.state = 'choose_card' return } if (game.round_player === DEM) { if (game.persistent_events.includes(C_STASI)) { if (game.active !== DEM) { change_player() } log_h3('C' + C_STASI) game.state = 'stasi_end_round' return } else if (game.round_player === DEM && game.persistent_events.includes(C_GENERAL_STRIKE)) { game.state = 'general_strike' game.round ++ log_round() game.round_player = COM if (game.active !== COM) { change_player() } log('.cC' + C_GENERAL_STRIKE) return } else { game.state = 'choose_card' game.round_player = COM game.round ++ log_round() if (game.active !== COM) { change_player() } } } } function new_turn() { clear_undo() game.turn ++ game.round = 1 game.valid_spaces = [] game.active = COM game.round_player = COM game.dem_tst_attempted_this_turn = 0 game.com_tst_attempted_this_turn = 0 delete game.selected_space delete game.return_state delete game.stasi_card delete game.stand_fast if (game.tst_7) game.tst_7 = false if (game.tst_8) game.tst_8 = false // Remove events that only last one turn let no_longer_in_effect = [] for (let e of one_turn_events) { if (game.persistent_events.includes(e)) { end_one_turn_event(e) no_longer_in_effect.push(e) } } if (game.prudence) { delete game.prudence game.persistent_events = game.persistent_events.filter( c => c !== EXTRA_PRUDENCE) no_longer_in_effect.push(C_PRUDENCE) } if (no_longer_in_effect.length > 0) { log('No longer in effect:') for (let c of no_longer_in_effect) logi("C" + c) } if (game.samizdat_card > 0) { game.democrat_hand.push(game.samizdat_card) delete game.samizdat_card } // New Turn log_h1("Turn " + game.turn) if (game.turn === 4) { add_midyear() } if (game.turn === 8) { add_lateyear() } if (game.turn > 1) { if (game.persistent_events.includes(C_PRESIDENTIAL_VISIT)) { game.com_hand_limit = 7 log('Communist draws 7 cards due to C' + C_PRESIDENTIAL_VISIT + '.') permanently_remove(C_PRESIDENTIAL_VISIT) game.persistent_events = game.persistent_events.filter(card => card !== C_PRESIDENTIAL_VISIT) } draw_cards(game.strategy_deck, game.democrat_hand, game.communist_hand, game.dem_hand_limit, game.com_hand_limit) game.com_hand_limit = 8 } // Check if TST effects need to be resolved if ( (game.dem_tst_position >= 5 && game.com_tst_position <= 4) || (game.com_tst_position >= 5 && game.dem_tst_position <= 4) ) { log_h2('Tiananmen Square Track Award') if ( (game.dem_tst_position >= 5 && game.com_tst_position <= 4 && game.active !== DEM) || (game.com_tst_position >= 5 && game.dem_tst_position <= 4 && game.active !== COM) ) { change_player() } let hand = game.dem_tst_position >= 5 ? game.democrat_hand : game.communist_hand for (let card of hand) { if (scoring_cards.includes(card)) continue game.valid_cards.push(card) } if (game.active === DEM) log('Democrat:') else log('Communist:') game.state = 'tst_goddess' } else { log_h2("Action Round " + game.round) if (game.persistent_events.includes(C_GENERAL_STRIKE)) { log('.cC' + C_GENERAL_STRIKE) game.state = 'general_strike' } else { game.state = 'choose_card' } } } function end_one_turn_event(event) { game.persistent_events = game.persistent_events.filter(n => n !== event) game.strategy_removed.push(event) } function change_player() { clear_undo() if (game.active === DEM) game.active = COM else game.active = DEM } function random(range) { return (game.seed = game.seed * 200105 % 34359738337) % range } function roll_d6() { return random(6) + 1 } function find_country_index(country) { return countries.indexOf(country) } function draw_deck() { let deck = [] for (let c = first_strategy_card; c <= last_strategy_card; ++c) if (cards[c].period === 1) deck.push(c) return deck } function draw_cards(deck, democrat_hand, communist_hand, dem_hand_limit, com_hand_limit) { clear_undo() let turn = "communist" let did_reshuffle = false while (democrat_hand.length < dem_hand_limit || communist_hand.length < com_hand_limit) { if (deck.length === 0) { did_reshuffle = true reshuffle(deck) } else if (turn === "communist" && communist_hand.length < com_hand_limit) { communist_hand.push(draw_card(deck)) turn = "democrat" } else if (turn === "communist" && communist_hand.length >= com_hand_limit) { turn = "democrat" } else if (turn === "democrat" && democrat_hand.length < dem_hand_limit) { democrat_hand.push(draw_card(deck)) turn = "communist" } else if (turn === "democrat" && democrat_hand.length >= dem_hand_limit) { turn = "communist" } else { break } } if (deck.length === 0) { log("Deck is empty.") if (!did_reshuffle) reshuffle(deck) } } function reshuffle(deck) { log_h3("--- Reshuffle ---") deck.push(...game.strategy_discard) game.strategy_discard = [] } function draw_card(deck) { if (deck.length === 0) { log_h3('--- Reshuffle ---') deck.push(...game.strategy_discard) game.strategy_discard = [] } const randomIndex = Math.floor(random(deck.length)) return deck.splice(randomIndex, 1)[0] } function discard(card) { let find_card if (!game.is_pwr_struggle) { if (game.active === COM) { find_card = game.communist_hand.indexOf(card) game.communist_hand.splice(find_card, 1) } else { find_card = game.democrat_hand.indexOf(card) game.democrat_hand.splice(find_card, 1) } if (!game.strategy_discard.includes(card)) { game.strategy_discard.push(card) if (game.state === 'vm_tst_3') logi(`Discarded C${card}.`) else log(`Discarded C${card}.`) } } else if (game.is_pwr_struggle) { if (game.active === COM) { find_card = game.com_pwr_hand.indexOf(card) game.com_pwr_hand.splice(find_card, 1) } else { find_card = game.dem_pwr_hand.indexOf(card) game.dem_pwr_hand.splice(find_card, 1) } game.power_struggle_discard.push(card) } } function silent_discard(card) { let find_card if (!game.is_pwr_struggle) { remove_from_hand(card) } else if (game.is_pwr_struggle) { if (game.active === COM) { find_card = game.com_pwr_hand.indexOf(card) game.com_pwr_hand.splice(find_card, 1) } else { find_card = game.dem_pwr_hand.indexOf(card) game.dem_pwr_hand.splice(find_card, 1) } game.power_struggle_discard.push(card) } } function remove_from_discard(card) { let card_index = game.strategy_discard.indexOf(card) if (card_index !== -1) { game.strategy_discard.splice(card_index, 1) } } function discard_card(hand) { let card = Math.floor(random(hand.length)) let discarded_card = hand.splice(card, 1)[0] if (game.is_pwr_struggle) { if (numberless_cards.includes(discarded_card)) { logi(`Discarded P${discarded_card}`) } else { logi(`Discarded P${discarded_card} V${power_cards[discarded_card].value}`) } game.power_struggle_discard.push(discarded_card) } else { if (game.state !== 'vm_brought_in_for_questioning') log(`Discarded C${discarded_card}.`) game.strategy_discard.push(discarded_card) } return discarded_card } function add_midyear() { for (let c = first_strategy_card; c <= last_strategy_card; ++c) if (cards[c].period === 2) game.strategy_deck.push(c) log_h3('Mid-year cards added to draw deck') } function add_lateyear() { for (let c = first_strategy_card; c <= last_strategy_card; ++c) if (cards[c].period === 3) game.strategy_deck.push(c) log_h3('Late-year cards added to draw deck') } function reset_power() { game.power_struggle_deck = [] game.power_struggle_discard = [] game.dem_pwr_hand = [] game.com_pwr_hand = [] game.is_pwr_struggle = false delete game.return_state delete game.phase delete game.raised_stakes_round delete game.raised_stakes delete game.raised_stakes_discard delete game.played_power_card delete game.tactics_fails delete game.view_opp_power_hand delete game.ps_round delete game.vp_roll delete game.vp_retain let scoring_events = [C_PEASANT_PARTIES_REVOLT, C_YAKOVLEV_COUNSELS_GORBACHEV, C_THE_CROWD_TURNS_AGAINST_CEAUSESCU] for (let e of scoring_events) { if (e === C_THE_CROWD_TURNS_AGAINST_CEAUSESCU) { if (game.persistent_events.includes(e) && game.pwr_struggle_in === 'Romania') { permanently_remove(e) } } else if (game.persistent_events.includes(e)) { permanently_remove(e) } } } function check_ceausescu() { game.return = game.active game.return_state = 'ceausescu_check' game.vm_infl_to_do = false game.vm_event = C_CEAUSESCU goto_vm(game.vm_event) return true } function check_tyrant() { if (game.the_tyrant_is_gone > 0 && check_dem_control(game.the_tyrant_is_gone)) { game.tyrant_log = '+2 VP C' + C_THE_TYRANT_IS_GONE + '.' game.vp += 2 if (check_vp()) { summary_flush() return } delete game.the_tyrant_is_gone } } function check_tyrant_sc() { if (game.the_tyrant_is_gone > 0 && check_dem_control(game.the_tyrant_is_gone)) { log('+2 VP C' + C_THE_TYRANT_IS_GONE + '.') game.vp += 2 if (check_vp()) { return } delete game.the_tyrant_is_gone } } function resolve_tyrant() { if ( game.persistent_events.includes(C_THE_TYRANT_IS_GONE) && !game.persistent_events.includes(THE_TYRANT_IS_GONE_OCCURRED) && game.pwr_struggle_in === 'Romania' && game.persistent_events.includes(THE_CROWD_TURNS_AGAINST_CEAUSESCU_OCCURRED) ) { game.return_state = 'finish_scoring' if (game.active !== DEM) { change_player() } game.state = 'the_tyrant_is_gone' } else { game.state = 'finish_scoring' } } function check_systematization() { if (game.systematization > 0) { game.valid_spaces = game.valid_spaces.filter(n => n !== game.systematization) } } function this_card() { return game.vm_event > 0 ? game.vm_event : game.played_card } const pluralize = (count, noun, suffix = 's') => { if (Math.abs(count) === 1) { return `${count} ${noun}` } else { if (noun.endsWith('y') && !/[aeiou]y$/.test(noun)) { noun = noun.slice(0, -1) + 'ie' } return `${count} ${noun}${suffix}` } } function clean_name(str) { if (str && str.slice(-1) === '*') { return str.slice(0, -1) } else { return str } } function country_name(country) { return country.replace(/_/g, ' ') } // ======== LOG FUNCTIONS ============= function log(msg) { game.log.push(msg) } function log_ops_banner() { log_br() if (game.active === DEM) log('.O.d') else log('.O.c') log_br() finish_select_card() } function log_event_banner() { log_br() if (game.active === DEM) log('.V.d') else log('.V.c') log_br() } function log_struggle_banner(n) { log_br() if (game.active === DEM) log('.S.dC' + n) else log('.S.cC' + n) log_br() } function log_tst_8_banner() { log_br() if (game.active === DEM) log('.T.d') else log('.T.c') log_br() finish_select_card() } function log_event(n) { log_br() if (cards[n].side === "C") log(".E:C" + n + ".C") else if (cards[n].side === "D") log(".E:C" + n + ".D") else log(".E:C" + n + ".N") } function log_br() { if (game.log.length > 0 && game.log[game.log.length - 1] !== "") game.log.push("") } function logi(msg) { log(">" + msg) } function logii(msg) { log(">>" + msg) } function log_h1(msg) { log_br() log(".h1 " + msg) log_br() } function log_h2(msg) { log_br() log(".h2 " + msg) log_br() } function log_h3(msg) { log_br() log(".h3 " + msg) log_br() } function log_h4(msg) { log_br() log(".h4 " + msg) } function log_h5(msg) { log_br() log(".h5 " + msg) } function log_gap(msg) { log_br() log(msg) } function log_round() { log_h2(`Action Round ${game.round}`) } // ============= INFLUENCE SUMMARY ============= function summary_influence(space) { map_set(game.summary, space, map_get(game.summary, space, 0) + 1) } function summary_flush() { if (game.summary.length > 0) { map_for_each(game.summary, (space, n) => { game.log.push(">" + n + " %" + space) }) map_clear(game.summary) } else { logi("None") } if (game.tyrant_log) { log(game.tyrant_log) delete game.tyrant_log } } // ============ MAP AND SET FUNCTIONS =========== function array_insert_pair(array, index, key, value) { for (let i = array.length; i > index; i -= 2) { array[i] = array[i-2] array[i+1] = array[i-1] } array[index] = key array[index+1] = value } function map_clear(map) { map.length = 0 } function map_get(map, key, missing) { let a = 0 let b = (map.length >> 1) - 1 while (a <= b) { let m = (a + b) >> 1 let x = map[m<<1] if (key < x) b = m - 1 else if (key > x) a = m + 1 else return map[(m<<1)+1] } return missing } function map_set(map, key, value) { let a = 0 let b = (map.length >> 1) - 1 while (a <= b) { let m = (a + b) >> 1 let x = map[m<<1] if (key < x) b = m - 1 else if (key > x) a = m + 1 else { map[(m<<1)+1] = value return } } array_insert_pair(map, a<<1, key, value) } function map_for_each(map, f) { for (let i = 0; i < map.length; i += 2) f(map[i], map[i+1]) } // ============ UNDO FUNCTIONS ================== function clear_undo() { if (game.undo.length > 0) game.undo = [] } function push_undo() { let copy = {} for (let k in game) { let v = game[k] if (k === "undo") continue else if (k === "log") v = v.length else if (typeof v === "object" && v !== null) v = object_copy(v) copy[k] = v } game.undo.push(copy) } function pop_undo() { let save_log = game.log let save_undo = game.undo game = save_undo.pop() save_log.length = game.log game.log = save_log game.undo = save_undo } // Fast deep copy for objects without cycles function object_copy(original) { if (Array.isArray(original)) { let n = original.length let copy = new Array(n) for (let i = 0; i < n; ++i) { let v = original[i] if (typeof v === "object" && v !== null) copy[i] = object_copy(v) else copy[i] = v } return copy } else { let copy = {} for (let i in original) { let v = original[i] if (typeof v === "object" && v !== null) copy[i] = object_copy(v) else copy[i] = v } return copy } } /* =================== VM FUNCTIONS ========================== */ function goto_vm(proc) { let old_vm = game.vm game.state = "vm" game.vm = { prompt: 0, fp: proc, ip: 0, } if (old_vm) { game.vm.return_vm = old_vm } vm_exec() } function vm_exec() { vm_inst(0)() } function vm_inst(a) { return CODE[game.vm.fp][game.vm.ip][a] } function vm_next() { if (game.summary.length > 0) summary_flush() game.vm.ip++ vm_exec() } function vm_log() { log(vm_operand(1)) vm_next() } function vm_operand(a) { let x = CODE[game.vm.fp][game.vm.ip][a] if (a > 0 && typeof x === "function") return x() return x } function vm_if() { if (!vm_operand(1)) { let balance = 1 while (balance > 0) { ++game.vm.ip switch (vm_operand(0)) { case vm_if: ++balance break case vm_endif: --balance break case vm_else: if (balance === 1) --balance break } if (game.vm.ip < 0 || game.vm.ip > CODE[game.vm.fp].length) throw "ERROR" } } vm_next() } function vm_else() { vm_goto(vm_endif, vm_if, 1, 1) } function vm_endif() { vm_next() } function vm_goto(op, nop, dir, step) { let balance = 1 while (balance > 0) { game.vm.ip += dir if (vm_inst(0) === op) --balance if (vm_inst(0) === nop) ++balance if (game.vm.ip < 0 || game.vm.ip > CODE[game.vm.fp].length) throw "ERROR" } game.vm.ip += step vm_exec() } function prompt_event(str) { if (this_card() > 0) { view.prompt = card_name[this_card()] + ": " + str } else { view.prompt = str } } function event_prompt(str) { if (typeof str === "undefined") str = CODE[game.vm.fp][game.vm.prompt][1] if (typeof str === "function") str = str() if (!str) { str = "" } return str } function vm_prompt() { if (game.vm.prompt) game.vm._prompt = game.vm.prompt game.vm.prompt = game.vm.ip vm_next() } function vm_return() { delete game.support_check_modifier delete game.vm_max_infl delete game.vm_influence_added delete game.communist_hand_red game.vm_event = 0 if (game.persistent_events.includes(C_AUSTRIA_HUNGARY_BORDER_REOPENED)) { reset_austria_hungary_border_reopened() } if (game.is_pwr_struggle || game.state === 'vm_tst_6' || game.state === 'vm_tst_3' || game.return_state === 'ceausescu_check') { vm_end_event() } else if ((is_auto_resolve(game.played_card) && game.played_card !== C_KISS_OF_DEATH ) && ((cards[game.played_card].side === 'C' && game.active === DEM) || (cards[game.played_card].side === 'D' && game.active === COM)) ) { vm_end_event() } else { game.state = 'vm_end_event' } } function vm_end_event() { if (game.return_state === 'ceausescu_check') { end_round() return } if (game.return !== game.active) change_player() if (game.return_state === 'power_struggle') do_valid_cards() if (game.return_state && game.return_state !== '') game.state = game.return_state else if (game.vm_infl_to_do) { game.state = 'resolve_opponent_event' } else { end_round() } } /* ================== VM ACTIONS =========================== */ function vm_valid_spaces() { for (let i = 1; i <= 6; i++) { let operand = vm_operand(i) if (operand) { let space = spaces.find(space => space.ascii_name === operand) game.valid_spaces.push(space.space_id) } } check_systematization() vm_next() } function vm_valid_spaces_opponent() { let valid_spaces = [] for (let i = 0; i < spaces.length; i++) { let space = spaces[i] if (game.active === DEM) { let infl = game.comInfl[i] if (infl > 0) { valid_spaces.push(space.space_id) } } else { let infl = game.demInfl[i] if (infl > 0) { valid_spaces.push(space.space_id) } } } game.valid_spaces = valid_spaces vm_next() } function vm_valid_spaces_socio() { let valid_spaces = [] for (let i = 0; i < spaces.length; i++) { let space = spaces[i] if (space.socio === vm_operand(1)) { valid_spaces.push(space.space_id) } } game.valid_spaces = valid_spaces check_systematization() vm_next() } function vm_valid_spaces_opponent_socio() { let valid_spaces = [] for (let i = 0; i < spaces.length; i++) { let space = spaces[i] if (game.active === DEM) { let infl = game.comInfl[i] if (infl > 0 && space.socio === vm_operand(1)) { valid_spaces.push(space.space_id) } } else { let infl = game.demInfl[i] if (infl > 0 && space.socio === vm_operand(1)) { valid_spaces.push(space.space_id) } } } game.valid_spaces = valid_spaces check_systematization() vm_next() } function vm_valid_spaces_country() { let country if (vm_operand(1)) { country = vm_operand(1) } else { country = game.vm_active_country } for (let space of spaces) { if (space.country === country) { game.valid_spaces.push(space.space_id) } } check_systematization() vm_next() } function vm_valid_spaces_sc() { valid_spaces_sc() vm_next() } function vm_valid_spaces_country_opp() { let country = '' if (vm_operand(1)) { country = vm_operand(1) } else { country = game.vm_active_country } for (let space of spaces) { if (game.active === DEM) { if (space.country === country && game.comInfl[space.space_id] > 0) { game.valid_spaces.push(space.space_id) } } else { if (space.country === country && game.demInfl[space.space_id] > 0) { game.valid_spaces.push(space.space_id) } } } vm_next() } function vm_valid_spaces_country_sc() { let active_country if (vm_operand(1)) { active_country = vm_operand(1) } else { active_country = game.vm_active_country } valid_spaces_sc() game.valid_spaces = game.valid_spaces.filter(s => spaces[s].country === active_country) vm_next() } function vm_valid_spaces_country_socio_2() { for (let space of spaces) { if (space.space_id === game.systematization) continue if ( (space.country === vm_operand(1) && space.socio === vm_operand(2)) || (space.country === vm_operand(1) && space.socio === vm_operand(3)) ) { game.valid_spaces.push(space.space_id) } } vm_next() } function vm_valid_spaces_region_socio() { let valid_spaces = [] for (let space of spaces) { if (space.space_id === game.systematization) continue if (space.region === vm_operand(1) && space.socio === vm_operand(2)) { valid_spaces.push(space.space_id) } } game.valid_spaces = valid_spaces vm_next() } function vm_valid_spaces_region_opp() { let valid_spaces = [] for (let space of spaces) { let s = space.space_id if ( (game.active === DEM && space.region === vm_operand(1) && game.comInfl[s] > 0) || (game.active === COM && space.region === vm_operand(1) && game.demInfl[s] > 0) ) { valid_spaces.push(space.space_id) } } game.valid_spaces = valid_spaces vm_next() } function vm_valid_spaces_solidarity_legalised() { let valid_spaces = [] for (let i = 0; i < spaces.length; i++) { let space = spaces[i] let uncontrolled = !is_controlled(i) && !check_opp_control(i) if ( (space.country === 'Poland' && uncontrolled && space.socio === SOCIO_WORKER) || (space.country === 'Poland' && uncontrolled && space.socio === SOCIO_FARMER) ) { valid_spaces.push(space.space_id) } } return valid_spaces } function vm_active_country () { game.valid_spaces = game.valid_spaces.filter(space_id => spaces[space_id].country === game.vm_active_country) vm_next() } function vm_take_control_prep() { game.vm_available_ops = vm_operand(1) game.state = 'vm_take_control' } function vm_take_control(space) { if (game.active === DEM) { let current_infl = game.demInfl[space] let opponent_infl = game.comInfl[space] let stability = spaces[space].stability if ((current_infl - opponent_infl) < stability) { game.demInfl[space] += stability - current_infl + opponent_infl } } else if (game.active === COM) { let current_infl = game.comInfl[space] let opponent_infl = game.demInfl[space] let stability = spaces[space].stability if ((current_infl - opponent_infl) < stability) { game.comInfl[space] += stability - current_infl + opponent_infl } } game.valid_spaces = game.valid_spaces.filter(id => id !== space) if (game.state === 'vm_kremlin_coup_take_control') logi('Took control of %' + space + '.') else log('Took control of %' + space + '.') } function vm_do_add_infl_free(space) { push_undo() if (game.active === COM) { game.comInfl[space]++ } else { game.demInfl[space]++ } summary_influence(space) game.vm_available_ops-- check_tyrant() } function vm_add_infl() { if (vm_operand(1)) { game.vm_available_ops = vm_operand(1) } game.state = 'vm_add_infl' } function vm_add_infl_free() { if (vm_operand(1)) { game.vm_available_ops = vm_operand(1) } log('Placed SP:') game.state = 'vm_add_infl_free' } function vm_add_x_infl() { game.vm_available_ops = vm_operand(1) if (!(game.vm_event === C_PUBLIC_AGAINST_VIOLENCE && event_prompt() === 'Presov')) log('Placed SP:') game.state = 'vm_add_x_infl' } function vm_do_add_x_infl(space) { push_undo() if (game.active === COM) { game.comInfl[space] += game.vm_available_ops } else { game.demInfl[space] += game.vm_available_ops } logi(`${game.vm_available_ops} %${space}`) check_tyrant() game.vm_available_ops = 0 game.valid_spaces = [] } function vm_add_limited_infl() { game.vm_available_ops = vm_operand(1) game.vm_max_infl = vm_operand(2) log('Placed SP:') game.state = 'vm_add_limited_infl' } function vm_do_add_limited_infl(space, max_infl) { push_undo() game.vm_available_ops -- if (!game.vm_influence_added) { game.vm_influence_added = {} } if (!game.vm_influence_added[space]) { game.vm_influence_added[space] = 0 } if (game.active === COM) { game.comInfl[space] ++ } else { game.demInfl[space] ++ } summary_influence(space) game.vm_influence_added[space] ++ if (game.vm_influence_added[space] === max_infl) { game.valid_spaces = game.valid_spaces.filter(id => id !== space) } check_tyrant() if (game.vm_available_ops === 0) { game.valid_spaces = [] } } function vm_remove_infl() { game.vm_available_ops = vm_operand(1) game.state = 'vm_remove_infl' } function vm_remove_opp_infl() { game.vm_available_ops = vm_operand(1) game.remove_opponent_infl = true if (game.is_pwr_struggle) { game.state = 'vm_scare_tactics' } else { log('Removed SP:') game.state = 'vm_remove_infl' } } function vm_remove_x_opp_infl() { game.vm_available_ops = vm_operand(1) game.remove_opponent_infl = true log('Removed SP:') game.state = 'vm_remove_x_infl' } function vm_do_remove_x_infl(space) { push_undo() if (game.remove_opponent_infl) { if (game.active === COM) { if (game.demInfl[space] >= game.vm_available_ops) { game.demInfl[space] -= game.vm_available_ops } else { game.vm_available_ops = game.demInfl[space] game.demInfl[space] -= game.vm_available_ops } } else { if (game.comInfl[space] >= game.vm_available_ops) { game.comInfl[space] -= game.vm_available_ops } else { game.vm_available_ops = game.comInfl[space] game.comInfl[space] -= game.vm_available_ops } } } else { if (game.active === COM) { if (game.comInfl[space] >= game.vm_available_ops) { game.comInfl[space] -= game.vm_available_ops } else { game.vm_available_ops = game.comInfl[space] game.comInfl[space] -= game.vm_available_ops } } else { if (game.demInfl[space] >= game.vm_available_ops) { game.demInfl[space] -= game.vm_available_ops } else { game.vm_available_ops = game.demInfl[space] game.demInfl[space] -= game.vm_available_ops } } } logi(`${game.vm_available_ops} from %${space}`) check_tyrant() game.vm_available_ops = 0 game.valid_spaces = [] } function vm_remove_limited_opp_infl() { game.vm_available_ops = vm_operand(1) game.vm_max_infl = vm_operand(2) game.remove_opponent_infl = true log('Removed SP:') game.state = 'vm_remove_limited_infl' } function vm_do_remove_limited_infl(space, max_infl) { push_undo() game.vm_available_ops -- if (!game.vm_influence_added) game.vm_influence_added = {} if (!game.vm_influence_added[space]) game.vm_influence_added[space] = 0 if (game.active === COM) { game.demInfl[space] -- if (game.demInfl[space] === 0) game.valid_spaces = game.valid_spaces.filter(id => id !== space) } else { game.comInfl[space] -- if (game.comInfl[space] === 0) game.valid_spaces = game.valid_spaces.filter(id => id !== space) } game.vm_influence_added[space] ++ if (game.vm_influence_added[space] === max_infl) { game.valid_spaces = game.valid_spaces.filter(id => id !== space) } summary_influence(space) check_tyrant() if (game.vm_available_ops === 0) { game.valid_spaces = [] } } function vm_remove_all_infl() { game.vm_available_ops = vm_operand(1) game.state = 'vm_remove_all_infl' } function vm_do_remove_all_infl(space) { push_undo() if (game.remove_opponent_infl === true) { if (game.active === COM) { game.demInfl[space] = 0 log(`Removed all Democratic SP from %${space}.`) } else { game.comInfl[space] = 0 log(`Removed all Communist SP from %${space}.`) } check_tyrant() } else { if (game.active === COM) { game.comInfl[space] = 0 log(`Removed all Communist SP from %${space}.`) } else { game.demInfl[space] = 0 log(`Removed all Democratic SP from %${space}.`) } check_tyrant() } game.vm_available_ops -- game.valid_spaces = game.valid_spaces.filter(id => id !== space) } function vm_replace_all_infl(space_id) { if (game.active === DEM) { game.demInfl[space_id] += game.comInfl[space_id] log(`Replaced ${game.comInfl[space_id]} Communist SP in %${space_id} with Democratic SP.`) game.comInfl[space_id] = 0 } else { game.comInfl[space_id] += game.demInfl[space_id] log(`Replaced ${game.demInfl[space_id]} Democrat SP in %${space_id} with Communist SP.`) game.demInfl[space_id] = 0 } check_tyrant() } function vm_1_support_check() { game.vm_available_ops = 1 log('Support Check:') if (game.valid_spaces.length === 0) logi('None') game.state = 'vm_1_support_check_prep' } function vm_support_check() { game.vm_available_ops = vm_operand(1) if (game.vm_available_ops > 1) log('Support Checks:') else log('Support Check:') game.state = 'vm_support_check_prep' } function vm_support_check_modified() { game.vm_available_ops = vm_operand(1) game.support_check_modifier = vm_operand(2) if (game.vm_available_ops > 1) log('Support Checks:') else log('Support Check:') game.state = 'vm_support_check_prep' } function vm_switch_infl(space) { push_undo() game.demInfl[space] -= game.vm_available_ops game.comInfl[space] += game.vm_available_ops log(`Replaced ${pluralize(game.vm_available_ops,'SP')} in %${space}.`) game.vm_available_ops = 0 check_tyrant() } /* ===================== EVENT SPECIFIC FUNCTIONS ========== */ function vm_40th_anniversary_celebration() { if (game.vp < 0) { game.vm_available_ops = 4 } else { game.vm_available_ops = 2 } vm_next() } function vm_40th_anniversary_celebration_vp() { game.vp -- log('-1 VP') if (check_vp()) { return } vm_next() } function vm_adamec() { game.state = 'vm_adamec' } function vm_army_backs_revolution() { if (game.persistent_events.includes(C_SECURITATE)) permanently_remove(C_SECURITATE) add_to_persistent_events(C_ARMY_BACKS_REVOLUTION) log(`C${C_SECURITATE} no longer has any effect.`) vm_next() } function vm_army_block() { permanently_remove(C_SECURITATE) log(`Has no effect after C${C_ARMY_BACKS_REVOLUTION}.`) vm_next() } function vm_austria_hungary_border_reopened() { add_to_persistent_events(C_AUSTRIA_HUNGARY_BORDER_REOPENED) log(`For the remainder of the turn, cards played by the Democrat have +1 Ops value if all Operations Points are used in East Germany.`) game.austria_hungary_border_reopened_tracker = false vm_next() } function vm_betrayal() { if (game.demInfl[S_ORTHODOX_CHURCH_ROMANIA] > 0) game.valid_spaces.push(S_ORTHODOX_CHURCH_ROMANIA) if (game.demInfl[S_ORTHODOX_CHURCH_BULGARIA] > 0) game.valid_spaces.push(S_ORTHODOX_CHURCH_BULGARIA) game.state = 'vm_switch_infl' } function vm_breakaway_baltic_republics() { add_to_persistent_events(C_BREAKAWAY_BALTIC_REPUBLICS) log('+5 VP') game.vp += 5 game.stability++ if (check_vp()) { return } game.playable_cards.push(C_KREMLIN_COUP) game.playable_cards = game.playable_cards.filter(n => n !== C_GORBACHEV_CHARMS_THE_WEST) if (!check_dem_control(S_HARGHITA_COVASNA) && game.systematization !== S_HARGHITA_COVASNA) { game.valid_spaces.push(S_HARGHITA_COVASNA) } if (!check_dem_control(S_RAZGRAD)) { game.valid_spaces.push(S_RAZGRAD) } vm_next() } function vm_brought_in_for_questioning() { if (game.active === COM) { game.active = DEM } game.phase = 0 game.state = 'vm_brought_in_for_questioning' } function vm_bulgarian_turks_expelled() { game.remove_opponent_infl = true game.vp -= 2 log('-2 VP') if (check_vp()) { return } vm_next() } function vm_ceausescu_prep() { add_to_persistent_events(C_CEAUSESCU) vm_next() } function vm_ceausescu() { game.persistent_events = game.persistent_events.filter(n => n!== C_CEAUSESCU) let adj_cluj = false let adj_spaces = null if (game.systematization !== S_CLUJ_NAPOCA) adj_spaces = get_adjusted_adjacency(S_CLUJ_NAPOCA) if (adj_spaces) { for (let s of adj_spaces) { if (game.demInfl[s] > 0) adj_cluj = true } } if (adj_cluj && game.comInfl[S_BUCURESTI] > 0) { if (game.active !== COM) { change_player() game.return = game.active log_event(C_CEAUSESCU) } game.valid_spaces = [S_BUCURESTI] game.vm_available_ops = 1 game.remove_opponent_infl = false log(`Democrat has SP adjacent to %${S_CLUJ_NAPOCA}.`) log('Removed SP:') game.state = 'vm_remove_infl' } else { vm_return() } } function vm_central_committee_reshuffle() { game.state = 'vm_central_committee_reshuffle' } function vm_civic_forum_prep() { log('+1 VP') game.vp++ if (check_vp()) { return } vm_next() } function vm_civic_forum() { if (check_dem_control(S_CZECH_WRITERS)) vm_next() else vm_return() } function vm_cluj_check() { if (game.comInfl[S_CLUJ_NAPOCA] > 0) game.valid_spaces.push(S_CLUJ_NAPOCA) vm_next() } function vm_common_european_home() { game.valid_cards = ceh_card_check() game.state = "vm_common_european_home_choose" } function ceh_card_check() { let ceh_cards = [] if (game.active === DEM) { for (let c of game.democrat_hand) { if (cards[c].side === 'C') { ceh_cards.push(c) } } } else { for (let c of game.communist_hand) { if (cards[c].side === 'D') { ceh_cards.push(c) } } } return ceh_cards } function vm_dash_for_the_west() { game.valid_cards = [] for (let c of game.strategy_discard) { if (cards[c].side === 'D' && cards[c].remove && (cards[c].playable || game.playable_cards.includes(c))) { game.valid_cards.push(c) } } game.state = 'vm_dash_for_the_west' } function vm_deutsche_marks() { let max_value = 1 for (let c of game.democrat_hand) { if (cards[c].ops > max_value) { max_value = cards[c].ops } } let valid_cards = [] for (let c of game.democrat_hand) { if (cards[c].ops === max_value) { valid_cards.push(c) } } game.valid_cards = valid_cards game.state = 'vm_deutsche_marks_prep' } function vm_domino_theory() { game.discard = true for (let card of game.strategy_discard) { if (scoring_cards.includes(card)) { game.valid_cards.push(card) } } game.phase = 0 game.state = 'vm_play_event_from_discard' } function vm_domino_theory_pass() { if (game.revolutions.filter(value => value === true).length < 2) { log('Democrat holds power in fewer than 2 countries.') } else if (!scoring_cards.some(card => game.strategy_discard.includes(card))) { log('No scoring cards in discard.') } vm_next() } function vm_eco_glasnost() { add_to_persistent_events(C_ECO_GLASNOST) log(`+1 VP for Communist Support Checks in Ruse for the rest of the game.`) vm_next() } function vm_elena() { add_to_persistent_events(C_ELENA) log(`-1 modifier to Democratic Support Checks in Romania for the rest of this turn.`) vm_next() } function vm_eliminate(space_id) { log(`Eliminated %${space_id}.`) if (space_id === S_BUCURESTI) { game.demInfl[space_id] = 0 game.comInfl[space_id] = 0 } else { game.demInfl[space_id] = 0 game.comInfl[S_BUCURESTI] += game.comInfl[space_id] if (game.comInfl[space_id] > 0 ) { log(`${pluralize(game.comInfl[space_id],'Communist SP')} relocated to %${S_BUCURESTI}.`) } game.comInfl[space_id] = 0 } } function get_adjusted_adjacency(space_id) { let adjacent_spaces = spaces[space_id].adjacent if (adjacent_spaces.includes(game.systematization)) { let eliminated_space_id = game.systematization adjacent_spaces = adjacent_spaces.map(adj_space_id => { if (adj_space_id === eliminated_space_id) { return spaces[eliminated_space_id].adjacent } return adj_space_id }).flat() } adjacent_spaces = adjacent_spaces.filter(s => s !== space_id) return adjacent_spaces } function vm_exit_visas() { game.state = 'vm_exit_visas' } function vm_foreign_currency_debt_burden() { log('+1 VP') game.vp++ if (check_vp()) { return } add_to_persistent_events(C_FOREIGN_CURRENCY_DEBT_BURDEN) game.state = 'vm_foreign_currency_debt_burden' } function vm_foreign_television() { for (let i = 0; i < spaces.length; i++) { if (i === S_DRESDEN) { continue } if (game.comInfl[i] > 0) { game.valid_spaces.push(i) } } vm_next() } function vm_frg_embassies() { add_to_persistent_events(C_FRG_EMBASSIES) log(`+1 modifier for Democratic Support Checks in Eastern Europe for the rest of this turn.`) vm_next() } function vm_general_strike() { add_to_persistent_events(C_GENERAL_STRIKE) log(`Each Action Round the Communist must instead discard a card and roll a die until the modified die roll exceeds 5.`) vm_next() } function vm_genscher() { add_to_persistent_events(C_GENSCHER) log(`Cancels +1 Ops cost to place Democratic SPs in Communist controlled spaces in East Germany for the rest of the turn.`) vm_next() } function vm_goodbye_lenin() { clear_undo() game.view_opp_hand = true game.communist_hand_red = [] for (let card of game.communist_hand) { if (cards[card].red) game.communist_hand_red.push(card) } for (let card of game.communist_hand_red) { if (cards[card].playable || game.playable_cards.includes(card)) game.valid_cards.push(card) } game.state = 'vm_goodbye_lenin' } function vm_government_resigns() { for (let i = 0; i < spaces.length; i++) { let space = spaces[i] if (space.socio === SOCIO_ELITE && game.comInfl[i] > 0 && !is_controlled(i)) game.valid_spaces.push(i) } game.remove_opponent_infl = true vm_next() } function vm_grenztruppen() { add_to_persistent_events(C_GRENZTRUPPEN) log(`-1 modifier for Democratic Support Checks in East Germany for the rest of this turn`) vm_next() } function vm_heal_our_bleeding_wounds() { let change_vp = 0 if (game.turn <= 3) { change_vp = -3 } else if (game.turn <= 7) { change_vp = -1 } else change_vp = 3 if (change_vp > 0) { log(`+${change_vp} VP`) } else { log(`${change_vp} VP`) } game.vp += change_vp if (check_vp()) { return } vm_next() } function vm_helsinki_final_act() { add_to_persistent_events(C_HELSINKI_FINAL_ACT) log(`+1 VP for every Support Check by the Communist Player in Student or Intellectual spaces for the rest of the game.`) vm_next() } function vm_honecker() { add_to_persistent_events(C_HONECKER) log(`The Communist may take one extra Action Round this turn.`) game.valid_cards = [] for (let c of game.strategy_discard) { if (scoring_cards.includes(c)) { continue } else { game.valid_cards.push(c) } } game.discard = true game.state = 'vm_honecker' } function vm_inflationary_currency() { game.state = 'vm_inflationary_currency' } function vm_inflationary_currency_discard() { //TODO: skip this step if opponent has no cards in hand change_player() if (game.active === COM) { for (let card of game.communist_hand) { if (get_card_ops(card) >= 3) { game.valid_cards.push(card) } } } else { for (let card of game.democrat_hand) { if (get_card_ops(card) >= 3) { game.valid_cards.push(card) } } } log(`${game.active}:`) game.state = 'vm_inflationary_currency_discard' } function vm_kiss_of_death() { game.state = 'vm_kiss_of_death' } function vm_klaus_and_komarek() { if (game.comInfl[S_PRAHA] > 0) { game.valid_spaces = [ S_PRAHA ] } vm_next() } function vm_kohl_proposes_reunification_prep() { log('+2 VP') game.vp += 2 if (check_vp()) { return } vm_next() } function vm_kohl_proposes_reunification() { game.vm_event = C_KOHL_PROPOSES_REUNIFICATION game.state = 'vm_common_european_home_play' } function vm_kremlin_coup() { log('-3 VP') game.vp -= 3 game.stability ++ if (check_vp()) { return } game.support_check_modifier = 1 game.temp = [] countries.forEach(country => { if (!game.revolutions[find_country_index(country)]) { game.temp.push(country) } }) game.playable_cards = game.playable_cards.filter(c => c !== C_MALTA_SUMMIT) game.state = 'vm_kremlin_coup_choose_country' } function vm_laszlo_tokes_prep() { add_to_persistent_events(C_LASZLO_TOKES) log(`Allows play of C${C_MASSACRE_IN_TIMISOARA}.`) game.playable_cards.push(C_MASSACRE_IN_TIMISOARA) vm_next() } function vm_laszlo_tokes() { game.state = 'vm_laszlo_tokes' } function vm_legacy_of_martial_law() { game.vm_available_ops = 1 game.state = 'vm_switch_infl' } function vm_legacy_of_1968() { for (let i = 0; i < spaces.length; i++) { let space = spaces[i] if (!check_com_control(i) && space.country === 'Czechoslovakia') { game.valid_spaces.push(space.space_id) } } vm_next() } function vm_li_peng() { add_to_persistent_events(C_LI_PENG) log(`+1 modifier to all Communist Tiananmen Square Attempts for the rest of the game.`) vm_next() } function vm_ligachev() { add_to_persistent_events(C_LIGACHEV) log(`-3 VPs if the Democrat does not play C${C_GORBACHEV_CHARMS_THE_WEST} next Action Round.`) vm_next() } function vm_malta_summit() { game.state = 'vm_malta_summit' } function vm_massacre_in_timisoara() { game.persistent_events = game.persistent_events.filter(n => n !== C_LASZLO_TOKES) game.strategy_removed.push(C_LASZLO_TOKES) vm_next() } function vm_modrow() { game.playable_cards = game.playable_cards.filter(n => n !== C_HONECKER) add_to_persistent_events(C_MODROW) log(`Prevents play of C${C_HONECKER} for the event.`) game.state = 'vm_modrow' } function vm_nagy_reburied() { if (game.comInfl[S_SZOMBATHELY] > 0) { game.valid_spaces.push(S_SZOMBATHELY) } vm_next() } function vm_national_salvation_front() { add_to_persistent_events(C_NATIONAL_SALVATION_FRONT) log(`In the next Power Struggle in the Balkans, the Communist draws 2 random Power Struggle cards from the Democrat hand.`) vm_next() } function vm_nepotism() { game.state = 'vm_nepotism' } function vm_new_years_eve_party() { game.state = 'vm_new_years_eve_party' } function vm_nomenklatura() { game.state = 'vm_nomenklatura' } function vm_normalization() { if (game.demInfl[S_PLZEN] > 0) { game.valid_spaces.push(S_PLZEN) } if (game.demInfl[S_PRAHA] > 0) { game.valid_spaces.push(S_PRAHA) } game.remove_opponent_infl = true vm_next() } function vm_peasant_parties_revolt() { add_to_persistent_events(C_PEASANT_PARTIES_REVOLT) log(`In the next Power Stuggle, if the Democrat controls a Farmer space draw 1 Power Struggle card at random from the Communist hand.`) vm_next() } function vm_perestroika() { add_to_persistent_events(C_PERESTROIKA) log(`+1 to Communist Ops for the rest of the turn.`) vm_next() } function vm_poszgay() { let valid_spaces = [] for (let space of spaces) { if (space && space.country === 'Hungary' && !check_dem_control(space.space_id)) { valid_spaces.push(space.space_id) } } game.valid_spaces = valid_spaces vm_next() } function vm_power_struggle() { game.is_pwr_struggle = true game.phase = 0 game.raised_stakes = 0 game.raised_stakes_round = 0 game.raised_stakes_discard = 0 game.pwr_struggle_in = countries[scoring_cards.indexOf(game.vm_event)] if (game.pwr_struggle_in === 'Romania' && game.persistent_events.includes(C_SECURITATE)) { log(`C${C_SECURITATE}: Democrat reveals Power Struggle cards.`) game.opp_power_hand = true } log_h5('Deal Cards') game.state = 'draw_power_cards' } function vm_presidential_visit() { add_to_persistent_events(C_PRESIDENTIAL_VISIT) log(`Communist hand size is reduced to 7 next turn.`) vm_next() } function vm_prudence() { if (!game.prudence) { game.prudence = { DEM: 0, COM: 0 } } if (game.active === DEM) { game.prudence.COM-- log(`${game.prudence.COM} to Communist Ops for the rest of the turn.`) } else { game.prudence.DEM-- log(`${game.prudence.DEM} to Democrat Ops for the rest of the turn.`) } if (!game.persistent_events.includes(EXTRA_PRUDENCE)) game.persistent_events.push(EXTRA_PRUDENCE) vm_next() } function vm_public_against_violence() { game.valid_spaces = [] if (game.comInfl[S_BRATISLAVA] > 0) game.valid_spaces.push(S_BRATISLAVA) vm_next() } function vm_reformer_rehabilitated() { permanently_remove(C_REFORMER_REHABILITATED) game.discard = true for (let card of game.strategy_discard) { if (!event_is_playable(card)) continue if (card === game.played_card) continue if (card === C_COMMON_EUROPEAN_HOME) continue if (scoring_cards.includes(card)) continue game.valid_cards.push(card) } game.state = 'vm_play_event_from_discard' } function vm_roundtable_talks() { add_to_persistent_events(C_ROUNDTABLE_TALKS) log(`In the next Power Struggle the Democrat draws 2 random Power Struggle cards from the Communist hand.`) vm_next() } function vm_sajudis_check() { add_to_persistent_events(C_SAJUDIS) if (!check_dem_control(S_RAZGRAD)) game.valid_spaces.push(S_RAZGRAD) if (!check_dem_control(S_HARGHITA_COVASNA) && game.systematization !== S_HARGHITA_COVASNA) game.valid_spaces.push(S_HARGHITA_COVASNA) vm_next() } function vm_sajudis() { game.playable_cards.push(C_THE_BALTIC_WAY) game.stability++ log('+1 VP') game.vp++ if (check_vp()) { return } log(`Allows play of C${C_THE_BALTIC_WAY}.`) vm_next() } function vm_samizdat() { game.state = 'vm_samizdat' } function vm_securitate() { add_to_persistent_events(C_SECURITATE) log(`The Democrat must reveal their Power Struggle cards at the start of Power Struggles in Romania.`) vm_next() } function vm_shock_therapy() { game.state = 'vm_shock_therapy' } function vm_social_democratic_platform_adopted() { game.state = 'vm_social_democratic_platform_adopted' } function vm_solidarity_legalised() { game.playable_cards.push(C_WALESA) add_to_persistent_events(C_SOLIDARITY_LEGALIZED) log(`Allows play of C${C_WALESA}.`) vm_next() } function vm_solidarity_legalised_spaces() { game.valid_spaces = vm_valid_spaces_solidarity_legalised() vm_next() } function vm_st_nicholas_church() { add_to_persistent_events(C_ST_NICHOLAS_CHURCH) log(`Allows play of C${C_THE_MONDAY_DEMONSTRATIONS}.`) game.playable_cards.push(C_THE_MONDAY_DEMONSTRATIONS) vm_next() } function vm_stasi() { add_to_persistent_events(C_STASI) log(`For the rest of this turn the Democrat must reveal the card they will play this Action Round before the Communist player plays a card.`) vm_next() } function vm_stand_fast() { add_to_persistent_events(C_STAND_FAST) if (game.active === DEM) { log(`-1 Modifier to Support Checks in Democratic controlled spaces for the rest of this turn.`) game.stand_fast = DEM } else { log(`-1 Modifier to Support Checks in Communist controlled spaces for the rest of this turn.`) game.stand_fast = COM } vm_next() } function vm_systematization() { game.state = 'vm_systematization' } function vm_tank_column() { log('Advances 1 space on Tiananmen Square Track.') if (game.active === DEM) { game.dem_tst_position++ game.dem_tst_attempted = 0 } else { game.com_tst_position++ game.com_tst_attempted = 0 if (game.com_tst_position === 7) { game.playable_cards.push(C_THE_CHINESE_SOLUTION) } } if (game.active === DEM) { if (game.dem_tst_position === 3 && game.com_tst_position < 3) { game.vm_event = 203 goto_vm(game.vm_event) return } else if (game.dem_tst_position === 4 && game.com_tst_position < 4) { game.vm_event = 204 goto_vm(game.vm_event) return } } else { if (game.com_tst_position === 3 && game.dem_tst_position < 3) { game.vm_event = 203 goto_vm(game.vm_event) return } else if (game.com_tst_position === 4 && game.dem_tst_position < 4) { game.vm_event = 204 goto_vm(game.vm_event) return } } vm_next() } function vm_tear_gas() { add_to_persistent_events(C_TEAR_GAS) log(`+1 modifier to the next Communist Support Check in a Student space`) vm_next() } function vm_the_baltic_way_prep() { add_to_persistent_events(C_THE_BALTIC_WAY) game.playable_cards.push(C_BREAKAWAY_BALTIC_REPUBLICS) game.stability++ log('+3 VP') game.vp += 3 if (check_vp()) { return } log(`Allows play of C${C_BREAKAWAY_BALTIC_REPUBLICS}.`) vm_next() } function vm_the_baltic_way() { if (!check_dem_control(S_HARGHITA_COVASNA) && game.systematization !== S_HARGHITA_COVASNA) game.valid_spaces.push(S_HARGHITA_COVASNA) if (!check_dem_control(S_RAZGRAD)) game.valid_spaces.push(S_RAZGRAD) vm_next() } function vm_the_chinese_solution() { game.state = 'vm_the_chinese_solution' } function vm_the_crowd_turns_against_ceausescu() { add_to_persistent_events(C_THE_CROWD_TURNS_AGAINST_CEAUSESCU) log(`Power Struggle: Romania. Democrat draws 15 Power Struggle cards and takes 1 Action Round using Ops 3 times the number of Rallies. Allows play of C${C_THE_TYRANT_IS_GONE}.`) game.playable_cards.push(C_THE_TYRANT_IS_GONE) vm_next() } function vm_the_monday_demonstrations() { if (!check_dem_control(S_LUTHERAN_CHURCH)) game.valid_spaces.push(S_LUTHERAN_CHURCH) if (!check_dem_control(S_LEIPZIG)) game.valid_spaces.push(S_LEIPZIG) vm_next() } function vm_the_sinatra_doctrine() { add_to_persistent_events(C_THE_SINATRA_DOCTRINE) log(`+1 Ops value for cards played by the Democrat for the rest of this turn.`) vm_next() } function vm_the_third_way() { log('-2 VP') game.vp -= 2 if (check_vp()) { return } vm_next() } function vm_the_tyrant_is_gone() { permanently_remove(C_THE_CROWD_TURNS_AGAINST_CEAUSESCU) if (!game.persistent_events.includes(C_THE_TYRANT_IS_GONE)) add_to_persistent_events(C_THE_TYRANT_IS_GONE) add_to_persistent_events(THE_TYRANT_IS_GONE_OCCURRED) game.valid_spaces = [] for (let i = 0; i < spaces.length; i++) { let space = spaces[i] if (game.demInfl[i] === 0 && space.country === 'Romania') { if (space.space_id === game.systematization) continue game.valid_spaces.push(space.space_id) } } game.state = 'vm_the_tyrant_is_gone' } function vm_the_tyrant_is_gone_prep() { add_to_persistent_events(C_THE_TYRANT_IS_GONE) log(`After C${C_THE_CROWD_TURNS_AGAINST_CEAUSESCU} occurs, remove 4 Commuist SPs from the Romanian Elite space. The Democrats choose where the Ceausescus flee to.`) vm_next() } function vm_tyrant_block() { log(`Has no effect after C${C_THE_TYRANT_IS_GONE}.`) vm_next() } function vm_the_wall() { add_to_persistent_events(C_THE_WALL) log(`Cancels the modifier for any Democratic controlled spaces for the next Communist Support Check in East Germany.`) vm_next() } function vm_the_wall_must_go() { game.the_wall_must_go = {} game.the_wall_must_go['dem_wins'] = 0 game.the_wall_must_go['com_wins'] = 0 game.the_wall_must_go['dem_roll'] = 0 game.the_wall_must_go['com_roll'] = 0 game.state = 'vm_the_wall_must_go' } function vm_warsaw_pact_summit() { game.state = 'vm_warsaw_pact_summit' } function vm_we_are_the_people() { if (game.demInfl[S_LUTHERAN_CHURCH] > 0) game.valid_spaces = [ S_LUTHERAN_CHURCH ] add_to_persistent_events(C_WE_ARE_THE_PEOPLE) log(`The Communist may no longer make Support Checks in Leipzig.`) log('Removed SP:') if (!game.vm_influence_added) game.vm_influence_added = {} game.vm_influence_added[S_LUTHERAN_CHURCH] = 0 game.vm_available_ops = 4 game.state = 'vm_we_are_the_people_remove' } function vm_workers_revolt() { if (game.active === DEM) { for (let space of spaces) { let country = space.country if (!game.revolutions[find_country_index(country)] && game.comInfl[space.space_id] > 0 && space.socio === SOCIO_WORKER) { game.valid_spaces.push(space.space_id) } } } else { for (let space of spaces) { let country = space.country if (game.revolutions[find_country_index(country)] && game.demInfl[space.space_id] > 0 && space.socio === SOCIO_WORKER) { game.valid_spaces.push(space.space_id) } } } game.state = 'vm_workers_revolt' } function vm_yakovlev_counsels_gorbachev() { add_to_persistent_events(C_YAKOVLEV_COUNSELS_GORBACHEV) log(`The Democrat receives a +1 modifier to the Support Loss and Victory Point die rolls if they win the next Power Struggle.`) vm_next() } function vm_permanently_remove() { if (game.vm_event !== 0 && cards[game.vm_event].remove && !game.strategy_removed.includes(game.vm_event)) { permanently_remove(game.vm_event) } if (cards[game.played_card].remove && !game.strategy_removed.includes(game.played_card)) { permanently_remove(game.played_card) } vm_next() } function discarded_card() { return game.temp > 0 } // =================== TIANANMEN SQUARE TRACK FUNCTIONS ==================== function vm_tst_3() { log_gap('Tiananmen Square Track Award:') game.state = 'vm_tst_3_prep' } function vm_tst_4() { log_gap('Tiananmen Square Track Award:') game.vm_available_ops = 2 game.remove_opponent_infl = true log('Removed SP:') game.state = 'vm_tst_4' } function vm_tst_6() { log_h3('Tiananmen Square Track Award') game.vm_available_ops = 1 game.temp = 1 // Set temp to 1, so that Card 1 is called during the Support Check, which has 2 ops game.state = 'vm_tst_6' } function vm_tst_8() { game.state = 'vm_goodbye_lenin_ops' } // ==================== POWER STRUGGLE FUNCTIONS ====================== function vm_scare_tactics() { game.vm_active_country = game.pwr_struggle_in vm_next() } function vm_support_surges() { game.state = 'vm_support_surges_1' } function vm_support_falters() { game.vm_available_ops = 2 game.return === game.active log(`${game.active}:`) game.state = 'vm_support_falters' } function vm_kremlin_coup_elite() { game.valid_spaces = [] elite_spaces.forEach(space => { if (spaces[space].country === game.vm_active_country && !check_com_control(space)) { game.valid_spaces.push(space) } }) if (game.valid_spaces.length === 0) logi(`Elite space already controlled.`) game.state = 'vm_kremlin_coup_take_control' } /* ================== VM STATES ============================== */ states.vm_end_event = { prompt() { prompt_event("Done.") if (game.vm_infl_to_do || game.return_state === 'vm_tst_8') { gen_action('done') } else { gen_action('end_round') } }, done() { push_undo() vm_end_event() }, end_round() { push_undo() game.return_state = '' vm_end_event() }, } states.vm_take_control = { prompt() { if (game.vm_available_ops > 0 && game.valid_spaces.length === 0) { prompt_event("All spaces controlled.") gen_action('done') } else if (game.vm_available_ops > 0) { prompt_event(`Take control of ${event_prompt()}.`) for (let space_id of game.valid_spaces) { gen_action_space(space_id) } } else { prompt_event("Take control done.") if (game.vm_infl_to_do) { gen_action('done') } else { gen_action('end_round') } } }, space(space) { push_undo() vm_take_control(space) game.vm_available_ops-- if (game.vm_available_ops === 0) { game.valid_spaces = [] vm_next() } }, done() { push_undo() vm_next() }, end_round() { push_undo() vm_next() }, } states.vm_add_infl = { prompt() { if (game.vm_available_ops > 0 && game.valid_spaces.length === 0) { prompt_event("No available spaces remaining.") gen_action('done') } else if (game.vm_available_ops > 0) { prompt_event(`Place ${pluralize(game.vm_available_ops,'SP')}${event_prompt()}.`) for (let space_id of game.valid_spaces) { gen_action_space(space_id) } } else { get_end_infl_prompt() } }, space(space) { add_infl(space, 'vm_available_ops') if (game.vm_available_ops === 0) { game.valid_spaces = [] game.vm_event_done = true vm_next() } }, done() { push_undo() game.vm_event_done = true vm_next() }, end_round() { push_undo() game.vm_event_done = true vm_next() }, } states.vm_add_infl_free = { prompt() { if (game.vm_available_ops > 0 && game.valid_spaces.length === 0) { prompt_event("No available spaces remaining.") gen_action('done') } else if (game.vm_available_ops > 0) { prompt_event(`Place ${game.vm_available_ops} SPs in ${event_prompt()}.`) for (let space_id of game.valid_spaces) { gen_action_space(space_id) } } else { get_end_infl_prompt() } }, space(space) { vm_do_add_infl_free(space) if (game.vm_available_ops === 0) { game.valid_spaces = [] game.vm_event_done = true vm_next() } }, done() { push_undo() game.valid_spaces = [] game.vm_event_done = true vm_next() }, end_round() { push_undo() game.valid_spaces = [] game.vm_event_done = true vm_next() }, } states.vm_add_x_infl = { prompt() { if (game.vm_event === 101 && game.valid_spaces.length === 0) { prompt_event("The Romanian Elite space no longer exists.") gen_action('done') } else if (game.vm_available_ops > 0) { prompt_event(`Place ${game.vm_available_ops} SPs in ${event_prompt()}.`) for (let space_id of game.valid_spaces) { gen_action_space(space_id) } } }, space(space) { push_undo() vm_do_add_x_infl(space) if (game.vm_available_ops === 0) { game.vm_event_done = true vm_next() } }, done() { push_undo() game.vm_event_done = true vm_next() }, } states.vm_add_limited_infl = { prompt() { if (game.vm_available_ops > 0 && game.valid_spaces.length > 0) { if (game.vm_max_infl === 1) { prompt_event(`Place ${pluralize(game.vm_max_infl,'SP')} ${event_prompt()}.`) } else { prompt_event(`Place ${pluralize(game.vm_available_ops,'SP')} in ${event_prompt()}.`) } for (let space_id of game.valid_spaces) { gen_action_space(space_id) } } }, space(space) { vm_do_add_limited_infl(space, game.vm_max_infl) if (game.vm_available_ops === 0 || game.valid_spaces.length === 0) { game.valid_spaces = [] game.vm_event_done = true vm_next() } }, } states.vm_remove_infl = { prompt() { if (game.valid_spaces.length === 0 && game.vm_available_ops > 0) { prompt_event("No SPs to remove.") gen_action('done') return } if (game.vm_available_ops === 0) { prompt_event("Remove SPs done.") gen_action('done') return } if (game.remove_opponent_infl) { prompt_event(`Remove ${pluralize(game.vm_available_ops, 'opponent SP')}${event_prompt()}.`) } else { if (game.vm_event === C_CEAUSESCU) prompt_event(`${event_prompt()}.`) else prompt_event(`Remove ${pluralize(game.vm_available_ops,'SP')}${event_prompt()}.`) } for (let space_id of game.valid_spaces) { gen_action_space(space_id) } }, space(space) { remove_infl(space, 'vm_available_ops') game.vm_active_country = spaces[space].country let require_done = [C_INFLATIONARY_CURRENCY, C_THE_WALL_MUST_GO] if (!require_done.includes(game.vm_event)) { if (game.vm_available_ops === 0) { vm_next() } } }, done() { summary_flush() vm_next() }, } states.vm_remove_x_infl = { prompt() { if (game.valid_spaces.length === 0 && game.vm_available_ops > 0) { prompt_event("No SPs to remove.") gen_action('done') } else if (game.vm_available_ops > 0) { prompt_event(`Remove ${pluralize(game.vm_available_ops,'SP')} from ${event_prompt()}.`) for (let space_id of game.valid_spaces) { gen_action_space(space_id) } } }, space(space) { vm_do_remove_x_infl(space) if (game.vm_available_ops === 0) { game.vm_event_done = true vm_next() } }, done() { game.vm_event_done = true vm_next() }, } states.vm_remove_limited_infl = { prompt() { if (game.vm_available_ops > 0 && game.valid_spaces.length > 0) { prompt_event(`Remove ${pluralize(game.vm_available_ops,'SP')}${event_prompt()}, no more than ${game.vm_max_infl} per space.`) for (let space_id of game.valid_spaces) { gen_action_space(space_id) } } else if (game.valid_spaces.length === 0 && game.vm_available_ops > 0) { prompt_event("No further SP to remove.") gen_action('done') } }, space(space) { vm_do_remove_limited_infl(space, game.vm_max_infl) if (game.vm_available_ops === 0) { game.vm_event_done = true vm_next() } }, done() { game.vm_event_done = true vm_next() }, } states.vm_remove_all_infl = { prompt() { if (game.valid_spaces.length === 0 && game.vm_available_ops > 0) { prompt_event("No SPs to remove.") gen_action('pass') } else if (game.vm_available_ops > 0) { prompt_event(`Remove all SPs from ${event_prompt()}.`) for (let space_id of game.valid_spaces) { gen_action_space(space_id) } } }, space(space) { vm_do_remove_all_infl(space) game.vm_active_country = spaces[space].country if (game.vm_available_ops === 0) { vm_next() } }, pass() { push_undo() vm_next() }, } states.vm_support_check_prep = { prompt() { if (game.valid_spaces.length === 0) { prompt_event(`No valid targets for Support Check.`) gen_action('done') } else { if (event_prompt() === "") { prompt_event(`Select a space. ${pluralize(game.vm_available_ops, 'Support Check')} remaining.`) } else { prompt_event(`${event_prompt()}. ${pluralize(game.vm_available_ops, 'Support Check')} remaining.`) } for (let space_id of game.valid_spaces) { gen_action_space(space_id) } } }, space(space) { push_undo() game.selected_space = space if ( (game.vm_event === C_THE_MONDAY_DEMONSTRATIONS || game.vm_event === C_MY_FIRST_BANANA) && game.persistent_events.includes(C_AUSTRIA_HUNGARY_BORDER_REOPENED) ) { game.austria_hungary_border_reopened_tracker = true game.state = 'vm_do_support_check' return } if (game.persistent_events.includes(C_AUSTRIA_HUNGARY_BORDER_REOPENED)) { if (game.active === DEM && game.vm_available_ops > 1) { if ( spaces[game.selected_space].country === 'East_Germany' && game.persistent_events.includes(C_AUSTRIA_HUNGARY_BORDER_REOPENED) && game.active === DEM ) { game.state = 'vm_austria_hungary_border_reopened_check' return } } } game.state = 'vm_do_support_check' }, done() { push_undo() game.vm_available_ops = 0 vm_next() }, } states.vm_ceh_support_check_prep = { prompt() { if (game.vm_available_ops > 0) { view.prompt = `Select a space. ${pluralize(game.vm_available_ops, 'Support Check')} remaining.` for (let space_id of game.valid_spaces) { gen_action_space(space_id) } } if (game.valid_spaces.length === 0) { view.prompt = 'Support Checks: No targets remaining. Pass.' gen_action('pass') } }, space(space) { push_undo() game.selected_space = space if (game.persistent_events.includes(C_AUSTRIA_HUNGARY_BORDER_REOPENED)) { if (game.active === DEM && game.vm_available_ops > 1) { if ( spaces[game.selected_space].country === 'East_Germany' && game.persistent_events.includes(C_AUSTRIA_HUNGARY_BORDER_REOPENED) && game.active === DEM ) { game.state = 'vm_austria_hungary_border_reopened_check' return } } } game.state = 'vm_ceh_do_support_check' }, pass() { game.valid_spaces = [] vm_next() } } states.vm_ceh_do_support_check = { prompt() { view.prompt = `Support Check: ${spaces[game.selected_space].name_unique}. Roll a die.` gen_action('roll') }, roll() { clear_undo() do_sc(game.selected_space) game.vm_available_ops-- if (check_vp()) return if (game.vm_available_ops === 0) { game.valid_spaces = [] vm_next() } else { game.state = 'vm_ceh_support_check_prep' return } }, } states.vm_austria_hungary_border_reopened_check = { prompt() { view.prompt = 'Austria-Hungary Border Reopened: Will all Support Checks be in East Germany?' gen_action('yes') gen_action('no') }, yes() { game.austria_hungary_border_reopened_tracker = true game.state = 'vm_do_support_check' }, no() { game.state = 'vm_do_support_check' }, } states.vm_1_support_check_prep = { prompt() { if (game.valid_spaces.length === 0) { prompt_event("No valid targets for Support Check.") gen_action('done') } else { prompt_event(event_prompt()) for (let space_id of game.valid_spaces) { gen_action_space(space_id) } } }, space(space) { push_undo() game.selected_space = space if ( game.active === DEM && game.persistent_events.includes(C_AUSTRIA_HUNGARY_BORDER_REOPENED) && spaces[space].country === 'East_Germany' ) { game.austria_hungary_border_reopened_tracker = true } game.state = 'vm_do_support_check' }, done() { push_undo() game.vm_available_ops = 0 vm_next() }, } states.vm_do_support_check = { prompt() { view.prompt = `Support Check: ${spaces[game.selected_space].name_unique}. Roll a die.` gen_action('roll') }, roll() { clear_undo() do_sc(game.selected_space) game.vm_available_ops-- if (check_vp()) { return } else if (game.vm_available_ops === 0) { game.valid_spaces = [] vm_next() return } else { game.state = 'vm_support_check_prep' return } }, } states.vm_tiananmen_square_attempt = { prompt() { view.prompt = 'Tiananmen Square Attempt: Roll a die' gen_action('roll') }, roll() { clear_undo() do_tst_attempt() }, } //================================== EVENT SPECIFIC STATES ====================================== states.vm_adamec = { prompt() { view.prompt = 'Adamec: Roll a die.' gen_action('roll') }, roll() { clear_undo() let roll = roll_d6() logi(`D${roll}`) let worker_spaces = spaces.filter(space => space && space.country === 'Czechoslovakia' && space.socio === SOCIO_WORKER && check_dem_control(space.space_id)).length if (worker_spaces > 0) { logi(`-${worker_spaces} Democrat controlled worker spaces`) roll -= worker_spaces } if (roll > 2) { log(`Success: ${roll} >= 3`) vm_next() return } log(`Fail: ${roll} < 3`) permanently_remove(C_ADAMEC) vm_return() }, } states.vm_brought_in_for_questioning = { prompt() { if (game.democrat_hand.length === 0) { view.prompt = 'Brought in for Questioning: No cards to discard.' gen_action('pass') } else { view.prompt = 'Brought in for Questioning: You must discard a random card.' gen_action('discard') } }, discard() { clear_undo() game.vm_event = discard_card(game.democrat_hand) log(`Democrat discarded C${game.vm_event}.`) game.phase = 1 if (cards[game.vm_event].side === 'C' && (cards[game.vm_event].playable || game.playable_cards.includes(game.vm_event))) { if (!game.vm_infl_to_do) { if (game.round_player === DEM) { game.return = COM } else { game.return = DEM } } if (!is_auto_resolve(game.vm_event) && !switch_events.includes(game.vm_event)) { change_player() } log_event(game.vm_event) goto_vm(game.vm_event) } else { log('Event does not occur.') game.return = DEM vm_return() } }, pass() { log('No cards to discard.') vm_return() }, } states.vm_central_committee_reshuffle = { prompt() { if (game.revolutions.every(n => n === true)) { view.prompt = 'Central Committee Reshuffle: No countries to choose.' gen_action('pass') } else { view.prompt = 'Central Committee Reshuffle: Choose a country to place SPs.' if (!game.revolutions[0]) {gen_action('poland')} if (!game.revolutions[1]) {gen_action('hungary')} if (!game.revolutions[2]) {gen_action('east_germany')} if (!game.revolutions[3]) {gen_action('bulgaria')} if (!game.revolutions[4]) {gen_action('czechoslovakia')} if (!game.revolutions[5]) {gen_action('romania')} } }, east_germany() { push_undo() game.vm_active_country = "East_Germany" log(`Chose ${country_name(game.vm_active_country)}.`) game.valid_spaces = [...S_EAST_GERMANY] vm_next() }, poland() { push_undo() game.vm_active_country = "Poland" log(`Chose ${country_name(game.vm_active_country)}.`) game.valid_spaces = [...S_POLAND] vm_next() }, czechoslovakia() { push_undo() game.vm_active_country = "Czechoslovakia" log(`Chose ${country_name(game.vm_active_country)}.`) game.valid_spaces = [...S_CZECHOSLOVAKIA] vm_next() }, hungary() { push_undo() game.vm_active_country = "Hungary" log(`Chose ${country_name(game.vm_active_country)}.`) game.valid_spaces = [...S_HUNGARY] vm_next() }, romania() { push_undo() game.vm_active_country = "Romania" log(`Chose ${country_name(game.vm_active_country)}.`) game.valid_spaces = [...S_ROMANIA] game.valid_spaces = game.valid_spaces.filter(space => space !== game.systematization) vm_next() }, bulgaria() { push_undo() game.vm_active_country = "Bulgaria" log(`Chose ${country_name(game.vm_active_country)}.`) game.valid_spaces = [...S_BULGARIA] vm_next() }, pass() { log('Passed.') vm_return() }, } states.vm_common_european_home_choose = { prompt() { view.prompt = `Common European Home: Play an opponent's card; Event does not occur.` for (let card of game.valid_cards) { gen_action_card(card) } }, card(card) { push_undo() game.valid_cards = [] silent_discard(card) game.vm_event = card log(`Played C${game.vm_event}.`) game.state = 'vm_common_european_home_play' }, } states.vm_common_european_home_play = { prompt() { view.prompt = `Play ${card_name[this_card()]} for:` gen_action('influence') gen_action('support_check') if (game.active === DEM && game.vm_event === C_KOHL_PROPOSES_REUNIFICATION) { return } }, influence() { push_undo() log('Placed SP:') game.vm_available_ops = get_card_ops(game.vm_event) valid_spaces_infl() if (game.persistent_events.includes(C_AUSTRIA_HUNGARY_BORDER_REOPENED)) { game.austria_hungary_border_reopened_tracker = true } game.state = 'vm_add_infl' }, support_check() { push_undo() log('Support Checks:') game.vm_available_ops = 2 game.state = 'vm_ceh_support_check_prep' valid_spaces_sc() }, tst() { push_undo() log_gap(`Played C${game.vm_event} to the Tiananmen Square Track`) game.state = 'vm_tiananmen_square_attempt' }, } states.vm_dash_for_the_west = { prompt() { view.prompt = 'Dash for the West: Roll a die.' gen_action('roll') }, roll() { clear_undo() let roll = roll_d6() log(`Roll: D${roll}`) let com_control = check_presence('East_Germany').com_spaces if (roll > com_control) { log(`Success: ${roll} > ${com_control} Communist controlled spaces in East Germany.`) log('+1 VP') game.vp++ if (check_vp()) { return } game.discard = true game.state = 'vm_play_event_from_discard' } else { log(`Fail: ${roll} <= ${com_control} Communist controlled spaces in East Germany.`) vm_next() } }, } states.vm_play_event_from_discard = { prompt() { if (game.valid_cards.length === 0) { prompt_event(`No valid cards in discard.`) gen_action('pass') } else { view.prompt = event_prompt() + "." for (let card of game.valid_cards) { gen_action('pass') gen_action_card(card) } } }, card(card) { push_undo() if (game.active === game.round_player) log(`Chose C${card}.`) else log(`${game.active} chose C${card}.`) if (this_card() === C_REFORMER_REHABILITATED) { if ( (game.active === DEM && cards[card].side === 'C') || (game.active === COM && cards[card].side === 'D') ) change_player() } game.vm_event = card game.vm_available_ops = cards[card].ops game.discard = false if (switch_events.includes(card)) { change_player() } if (!scoring_cards.includes(card)) log_event(card) game.valid_cards = [] goto_vm(card) }, pass() { push_undo() if (game.valid_cards.length === 0) { log('No valid cards to choose.') } else { log('Did not choose a card.') } game.valid_cards = [] vm_next() }, } states.vm_deutsche_marks_prep = { prompt() { if (game.valid_cards.length === 0) { view.prompt = 'Deutsche Marks: No cards to give.' gen_action('pass') } else { view.prompt = 'Deutsche Marks: Choose a card to give.' for (let card of game.valid_cards) { gen_action_card(card) } } }, card(card) { push_undo() log(`Democrat gave C${card}.`) game.valid_cards = [] silent_discard(card) game.state = 'vm_deutsche_marks_confirm' game.vm_event = card }, pass() { push_undo() vm_next() }, } states.vm_deutsche_marks_confirm = { prompt() { view.prompt = `Deutsche Marks: Give ${quoted_card_name[game.vm_event]}.` gen_action('done') }, done() { if (cards[game.vm_event].side === "C" && (is_auto_resolve(game.vm_event) || switch_events.includes(game.vm_event))) { log_event(game.vm_event) goto_vm(game.vm_event) } else { change_player() game.state = 'vm_deutsche_marks' } }, } states.vm_deutsche_marks = { prompt() { view.prompt = `Deutsche Marks: Play ${quoted_card_name[this_card()]}.` if (cards[game.vm_event].side === 'C' && (cards[game.vm_event].playable || game.playable_cards.includes(game.vm_event))) { gen_action('event') } else { gen_action('influence') gen_action('support_check') if (game.com_tst_attempted_this_turn === 0) { gen_action('tst') } } }, event() { push_undo() log_event(game.vm_event) if (!game.vm_infl_to_do) { game.return = game.active } goto_vm(game.vm_event) }, influence() { push_undo() game.vm_available_ops = get_card_ops(game.vm_event) log('Communist Operations.') log(`Placed SP:`) valid_spaces_infl() game.state = 'vm_add_infl' }, support_check() { push_undo() log('Communist Operations.') log(`Support Checks:`) game.vm_available_ops = 2 game.state = 'vm_support_check_prep' valid_spaces_sc() }, tst() { push_undo() log_gap(`Tiananmen Square Track`) game.available_ops = get_card_ops(game.vm_event) game.state = 'vm_tiananmen_square_attempt' }, } states.vm_exit_visas = { prompt() { view.prompt = 'Exit Visas: You may discard cards from your hand and draw replacements.' for (let card of game.democrat_hand) { gen_action_card(card) } if (game.temp === 0) { gen_action('pass') } else { gen_action('done') } }, card(card) { push_undo() discard(card) game.temp++ }, pass() { push_undo() log('Did not discard.') game.state = 'vm_exit_visas_finish' }, done() { push_undo() game.state = 'vm_exit_visas_finish' }, } states.vm_exit_visas_finish = { prompt() { if (game.temp > 0) { view.prompt = 'Exit Visas: Draw replacement cards.' gen_action('draw') } else { view.prompt = 'Exit Visas: Done.' gen_action('done') } }, draw() { clear_undo() draw_cards( game.strategy_deck, game.democrat_hand, game.communist_hand, game.democrat_hand.length + game.temp, game.communist_hand.length ) game.temp = 0 vm_next() }, done() { vm_next() }, } states.vm_foreign_currency_debt_burden = { prompt() { view.prompt = 'Choose a country. The Communist may not make Support Checks there for the rest of the turn.' gen_action('east_germany') gen_action('poland') gen_action('czechoslovakia') gen_action('hungary') gen_action('bulgaria') }, east_germany() { push_undo() game.foreign_currency_debt_burden = 'East_Germany' vm_next() }, poland() { push_undo() game.foreign_currency_debt_burden = 'Poland' vm_next() }, czechoslovakia() { push_undo() game.foreign_currency_debt_burden = 'Czechoslovakia' vm_next() }, hungary() { push_undo() game.foreign_currency_debt_burden = 'Hungary' vm_next() }, bulgaria() { push_undo() game.foreign_currency_debt_burden = 'Bulgaria' vm_next() }, } states.vm_goodbye_lenin = { prompt() { if (game.valid_cards.length > 0) { view.prompt = `Play a red event from your opponent's hand, or play Goodbye Lenin for operations.` for (let card of game.valid_cards) { gen_action_card(card) gen_action('ops') } } else { view.prompt = `Communist has no red events. Play ${quoted_card_name[C_GOODBYE_LENIN]} for operations.` gen_action('ops') } }, card(card) { push_undo() log(`Chose to play C${card} for the event`) log(`C${card}:`) let card_index = game.communist_hand.indexOf(card) game.communist_hand.splice(card_index, 1) game.vm_event = card game.view_opp_hand = false goto_vm(card) }, ops() { push_undo() if (game.valid_cards.length === 0) { log('No red events.') } log("C" + C_GOODBYE_LENIN + " played for Operations.") game.view_opp_hand = false game.state = 'vm_goodbye_lenin_ops' }, } // TODO: rename/reuse for shared effect with vm_tst_8 states.vm_goodbye_lenin_ops = { prompt() { view.prompt = `Play ${quoted_card_name[this_card()]}.` gen_action('influence') gen_action('support_check') if ( (game.active === DEM && game.dem_tst_attempted_this_turn === 0 && game.dem_tst_position < 8) || (game.active === COM && game.com_tst_attempted_this_turn === 0 && game.com_tst_position < 8) ) { gen_action('tst') } }, influence() { push_undo() game.vm_available_ops = get_card_ops(this_card()) valid_spaces_infl() if (game.persistent_events.includes(C_AUSTRIA_HUNGARY_BORDER_REOPENED)) { game.austria_hungary_border_reopened_tracker = true } game.state = 'vm_add_infl' }, support_check() { push_undo() game.vm_available_ops = 2 game.state = 'vm_support_check_prep' valid_spaces_sc() }, tst() { push_undo() log('Tiananmen Square Attempt:') game.state = 'vm_tiananmen_square_attempt' }, } states.vm_honecker = { prompt() { if (game.valid_cards.length === 0) { view.prompt = 'Honecker: No valid cards to choose.' gen_action('pass') } else { view.prompt = 'Honecker: Choose a card to add to your hand.' for (let card of game.valid_cards) { gen_action_card(card) gen_action('pass') } } }, card(card) { push_undo() game.valid_cards = [] log(`Took C${card} into hand.`) let card_index = game.strategy_discard.indexOf(card) game.strategy_discard.splice(card_index, 1) game.communist_hand.push(card) vm_next() }, pass() { log('Did not take a card.') game.discard = false vm_next() }, } states.vm_inflationary_currency = { prompt() { if ((game.active === COM && game.revolutions.every(n => n === false)) || (game.active === DEM && game.revolutions.every(n => n === true))) { view.prompt = 'Inflationary Currency: No countries to choose.' gen_action('pass') } else { view.prompt = 'Inflationary Currency: Choose a country where your opponent has power.' if (game.active === DEM) { if (!game.revolutions[0]) {gen_action('poland')} if (!game.revolutions[1]) {gen_action('hungary')} if (!game.revolutions[2]) {gen_action('east_germany')} if (!game.revolutions[3]) {gen_action('bulgaria')} if (!game.revolutions[4]) {gen_action('czechoslovakia')} if (!game.revolutions[5]) {gen_action('romania')} } else { if (game.revolutions[0]) {gen_action('poland')} if (game.revolutions[1]) {gen_action('hungary')} if (game.revolutions[2]) {gen_action('east_germany')} if (game.revolutions[3]) {gen_action('bulgaria')} if (game.revolutions[4]) {gen_action('czechoslovakia')} if (game.revolutions[5]) {gen_action('romania')} } } }, east_germany() { push_undo() game.vm_active_country = 'East_Germany' log(`Chose ${country_name(game.vm_active_country)}.`) vm_next() }, poland() { push_undo() game.vm_active_country = 'Poland' log(`Chose ${country_name(game.vm_active_country)}.`) vm_next() }, czechoslovakia() { push_undo() game.vm_active_country = 'Czechoslovakia' log(`Chose ${country_name(game.vm_active_country)}.`) vm_next() }, hungary() { push_undo() game.vm_active_country = 'Hungary' log(`Chose ${country_name(game.vm_active_country)}.`) vm_next() }, romania() { push_undo() game.vm_active_country = 'Romania' log(`Chose ${country_name(game.vm_active_country)}.`) vm_next() }, bulgaria() { push_undo() game.vm_active_country = 'Bulgaria' log(`Chose ${country_name(game.vm_active_country)}.`) vm_next() }, pass() { log('Passed.') vm_return() }, } states.vm_inflationary_currency_discard = { prompt() { if (game.valid_cards.length === 0) { view.prompt = 'Inflationary Currency: No valid cards to discard. You must pass.' gen_action('pass') } else { view.prompt = 'Inflationary Currency: You may discard a 3 Op or higher value card to cancel the Support Check.' gen_action('pass') for (let card of game.valid_cards) { gen_action_card(card) } } }, card(card) { push_undo() discard(card) game.temp = card if (!game.vm_infl_to_do) { if (game.round_player === DEM) { game.return = COM } else { game.return = DEM } } vm_next() }, pass() { push_undo() log(`${game.active} did not discard.`) change_player() game.vm_available_ops = 1 vm_next() }, } states.vm_kiss_of_death = { prompt() { if (game.communist_hand.length === 0) { view.prompt = 'Kiss of Death. No cards to discard.' gen_action('pass') } else { view.prompt = 'Kiss of Death: You must randomly discard a card.' gen_action('discard') } }, discard() { clear_undo() game.vm_event = discard_card(game.communist_hand) change_player() if (game.vm_event === C_REFORMER_REHABILITATED && game.dem_tst_position > game.com_tst_position) { log_event(game.vm_event) game.state = 'vm_kiss_of_death_finish' } else if ( cards[game.vm_event].side !== 'C' && event_is_playable(game.vm_event) && game.vm_event !== C_COMMON_EUROPEAN_HOME ) { log_event(game.vm_event) if (is_auto_resolve(game.vm_event)) { change_player() game.state = 'vm_kiss_of_death_finish' } else { game.state = 'vm_kiss_of_death_finish' } } else { change_player() logi('Event does not occur.') vm_next() } }, pass() { log('No card to discard.') vm_next() }, } states.vm_kiss_of_death_finish = { prompt() { view.prompt = `Play ${quoted_card_name[game.vm_event]} for the event.` gen_action('event') }, event() { goto_vm(game.vm_event) }, } states.vm_kremlin_coup_choose_country = { prompt() { if (game.temp.length > 0) { view.prompt = 'Kremlin Coup! Select a country where the Communist retains power.' for (let country of countries) { if (game.temp.includes(country)) { gen_action(`${country.toLowerCase()}`) } } } else { view.prompt = 'Kremlin Coup! There are no countries where the Communist retains power.' gen_action('done') } }, east_germany() { push_undo() game.vm_active_country = 'East_Germany' game.temp = game.temp.filter(country => country !== game.vm_active_country) log(`${country_name(game.vm_active_country)}:`) vm_kremlin_coup_elite() }, poland() { push_undo() game.vm_active_country = 'Poland' log(`${country_name(game.vm_active_country)}:`) game.temp = game.temp.filter(country => country !== game.vm_active_country) vm_kremlin_coup_elite() }, czechoslovakia() { push_undo() game.vm_active_country = 'Czechoslovakia' log(`${country_name(game.vm_active_country)}:`) game.temp = game.temp.filter(country => country !== game.vm_active_country) vm_kremlin_coup_elite() }, hungary() { push_undo() game.vm_active_country = 'Hungary' log(`${country_name(game.vm_active_country)}:`) game.temp = game.temp.filter(country => country !== game.vm_active_country) vm_kremlin_coup_elite() }, romania() { push_undo() game.vm_active_country = 'Romania' log(`${country_name(game.vm_active_country)}:`) game.temp = game.temp.filter(country => country !== game.vm_active_country) vm_kremlin_coup_elite() }, bulgaria() { push_undo() game.vm_active_country = 'Bulgaria' log(`${country_name(game.vm_active_country)}:`) game.temp = game.temp.filter(country => country !== game.vm_active_country) vm_kremlin_coup_elite() }, done() { game.temp = 0 vm_next() }, } states.vm_kremlin_coup_take_control = { prompt() { if (game.valid_spaces.includes(game.systematization)) { view.prompt = `Kremlin Coup! ${country_name(game.vm_active_country)}'s Elite space no longer exists.` gen_action('done') } else if (game.valid_spaces.length === 0) { view.prompt = `Kremlin Coup! ${country_name(game.vm_active_country)}'s Elite space is already controlled.` gen_action('done') } else { view.prompt = `Kremlin Coup! Take control of the Elite space in ${country_name(game.vm_active_country)}.` for (let space_id of game.valid_spaces) { gen_action_space(space_id) } } }, space(space) { push_undo() vm_take_control(space) if (game.vm_active_country === 'East_Germany') {game.selected_space = S_BERLIN } if (game.vm_active_country === 'Poland') {game.selected_space = S_WARSZAWA} if (game.vm_active_country === 'Czechoslovakia') {game.selected_space = S_PRAHA} if (game.vm_active_country === 'Hungary') {game.selected_space = S_BUDAPEST} if (game.vm_active_country === 'Romania') {game.selected_space = S_BUCURESTI} if (game.vm_active_country === 'Bulgaria') {game.selected_space = S_SOFIA} game.state = 'vm_kremlin_coup_sc_prep' }, done() { push_undo() if (game.vm_active_country === 'East_Germany') {game.selected_space = S_BERLIN } if (game.vm_active_country === 'Poland') {game.selected_space = S_WARSZAWA} if (game.vm_active_country === 'Czechoslovakia') {game.selected_space = S_PRAHA} if (game.vm_active_country === 'Hungary') {game.selected_space = S_BUDAPEST} if (game.vm_active_country === 'Romania') {game.selected_space = S_BUCURESTI} if (game.vm_active_country === 'Bulgaria') {game.selected_space = S_SOFIA} game.state = 'vm_kremlin_coup_sc_prep' } } states.vm_kremlin_coup_sc_prep = { prompt() { view.prompt = `Kremlin Coup! Conduct a Support Check in ${country_name(game.vm_active_country)}'s Bureaucratic space.` gen_action_space(game.selected_space) }, space(_space) { push_undo() log('Support check:') game.state = 'vm_kremlin_coup_sc' }, } states.vm_kremlin_coup_sc = { prompt() { view.prompt = `Support Check: ${spaces[game.selected_space].name_unique}. Roll a die.` gen_action('roll') }, roll() { clear_undo() do_sc(game.selected_space) if (game.temp.length > 0) { game.state = 'vm_kremlin_coup_choose_country' } else { vm_next() } }, } states.vm_laszlo_tokes = { prompt() { view.prompt = `Laszlo Tokes. Choose to:` gen_action('influence') gen_action('support_check') }, influence() { push_undo() game.vm_available_ops = get_card_ops(C_LASZLO_TOKES) valid_spaces_infl() game.valid_spaces = game.valid_spaces.filter(space_id => spaces[space_id].country === 'Romania') game.phase = 3 vm_next() }, support_check() { push_undo() game.vm_available_ops = 2 valid_spaces_sc() game.valid_spaces = game.valid_spaces.filter(space_id => spaces[space_id].country === 'Romania') vm_next() } } states.vm_switch_infl = { prompt() { if (game.valid_spaces.length === 0) { prompt_event(`No SPs to remove.`) gen_action("pass") } else { view.prompt = `${card_name[game.played_card]}: ${event_prompt()}.` for (let space_id of game.valid_spaces) { gen_action_space(space_id) } } }, space(space) { push_undo() if (game.vm_event === C_BETRAYAL) { game.vm_available_ops = game.demInfl[space] } vm_switch_infl(space) if (game.vm_available_ops === 0) { game.valid_spaces = [] } vm_next() }, pass() { vm_next() }, } states.vm_malta_summit = { prompt() { view.prompt = 'Malta Summit: Roll a die.' gen_action('roll') }, roll() { clear_undo() let roll = roll_d6() logi(`D${roll}`) if (game.stability > 0) { logi(`+${Math.min(game.stability, 3)} USSR Stability Track`) } if (roll + game.stability > 3) { log(`Success: ${roll + game.stability} >= 4`) game.vp += 3 log('+3 VP') if (check_vp()) { return } if (game.comInfl[S_DRESDEN] > 0 ) {game.valid_spaces.push(S_DRESDEN)} if (game.comInfl[S_BYDGOSZCZ] > 0 ) {game.valid_spaces.push(S_BYDGOSZCZ)} if (game.comInfl[S_PLZEN] > 0 ) {game.valid_spaces.push(S_PLZEN)} if (game.comInfl[S_SZOMBATHELY] > 0 ) {game.valid_spaces.push(S_SZOMBATHELY)} if (game.comInfl[S_CLUJ_NAPOCA] > 0 ) {game.valid_spaces.push(S_CLUJ_NAPOCA)} if (game.comInfl[S_STARA_ZAGORA] > 0 ) {game.valid_spaces.push(S_STARA_ZAGORA)} game.remove_opponent_infl = true vm_next() } else { log(`Fail: ${roll + game.stability} < 4`) vm_return() } }, } states.vm_modrow = { prompt() { view.prompt = `Modrow: Roll a die.` gen_action('roll') }, roll() { clear_undo() let roll = roll_d6() let dem_spaces = spaces.filter(space => space && space.country === 'East_Germany' && check_dem_control(space.space_id)).length if (roll > dem_spaces) { log(`Roll: D${roll}`) log(`Success: ${roll} > ${dem_spaces} Democratic spaces`) vm_next() } else { log(`Roll: D${roll}`) log(`Fail: ${roll} <= ${dem_spaces} Democratic spaces`) permanently_remove(C_MODROW) vm_return() } }, } states.vm_nepotism = { prompt() { view.prompt = 'Nepotism: Roll a die.' gen_action('roll') }, roll() { clear_undo() let roll = roll_d6() if (roll < 3) { log(`Roll: D${roll} adds 4 SPs`) game.vm_available_ops = 4 } else if (roll < 5) { log(`Roll: D${roll} adds 3 SPs`) game.vm_available_ops = 3 } else { log(`Roll: D${roll} adds 1 SP`) game.vm_available_ops = 1 } vm_next() }, } states.vm_new_years_eve_party = { prompt() { view.prompt = 'Choose whether the game ends at the end of this turn.' gen_action('end') gen_action('continue') }, end() { push_undo() add_to_persistent_events(C_NEW_YEARS_EVE_PARTY) log('Choses to end the game. There will be no final scoring.') let power = game.revolutions.filter(value => value === false).length if (power > 3) { log(`Communist holds power in ${pluralize(power, 'country', 's')}.`) log(`-3 VP`) game.vp -= 3 } else { log(`Communist holds power in ${pluralize(power, 'country', 's')}.`) log(`+3 VP`) game.vp += 3 } if (check_vp()) { return } vm_next() }, continue() { push_undo() log('Choses to continue.') permanently_remove(C_NEW_YEARS_EVE_PARTY) vm_next() }, } states.vm_nomenklatura = { prompt() { view.prompt = 'Nomenklatura: Choose to remove all Democratic SPs from Elite spaces or place 3 SPs in any Elite space(s).' gen_action('remove') let dem_elites = spaces.filter((space) => space.socio === SOCIO_ELITE && game.demInfl[space.space_id] > 0).length if (dem_elites === 0) { view.actions.remove = 0 } gen_action('add') }, remove() { push_undo() game.valid_spaces = [] for (let i = 0; i < spaces.length; i++) { let space = spaces[i] if (space.socio === SOCIO_ELITE && game.demInfl[i] > 0) { game.valid_spaces.push(space.space_id) } } game.vm_available_ops = game.valid_spaces.length game.remove_opponent_infl = true log('Removed SP:') game.state = 'vm_nomenklatura_remove' }, add() { push_undo() game.valid_spaces = [] for (let space of spaces) { if (space.socio === SOCIO_ELITE) { game.valid_spaces.push(space.space_id) } } check_systematization() game.vm_available_ops = 3 log('Placed SP:') game.state = 'vm_nomenklatura_add' }, } states.vm_nomenklatura_remove = { prompt() { if (game.valid_spaces.length === 0) { view.prompt = 'Nomenklatura: No SPs to remove.' gen_action('pass') } else { view.prompt = 'Nomenklatura: Remove all Democratic SPs from Elite spaces.' for (let space_id of game.valid_spaces) { gen_action_space(space_id) } } }, space(space) { push_undo() vm_do_remove_all_infl(space) if (game.valid_spaces.length === 0) { vm_next() } }, pass() { push_undo() vm_next() }, } states.vm_nomenklatura_add = { prompt() { view.prompt = `Nomenklatura: Place ${pluralize(game.vm_available_ops, 'SP')} in any Elite space(s).` for (let space_id of game.valid_spaces) { gen_action_space(space_id) } }, space(space) { vm_do_add_infl_free(space) if (game.vm_available_ops === 0) { game.valid_spaces = [] vm_next() } }, } states.vm_samizdat = { prompt() { view.prompt = 'Samizdat: You may set aside a card from your hand and draw a replacement.' for (let card of game.democrat_hand) { gen_action_card(card) } gen_action('pass') }, card(card) { push_undo() game.samizdat_card = card game.democrat_hand = game.democrat_hand.filter(c => c !== card) log('Set aside a card.') game.state = 'vm_samizdat_finish' }, pass() { push_undo() log('Did not set aside a card.') vm_next() }, } states.vm_samizdat_finish = { prompt() { view.prompt = 'Draw a replacement card.' gen_action('draw') }, draw() { clear_undo() let card = draw_card(game.strategy_deck) if (card > 0) game.democrat_hand.push(card) vm_next() }, } states.vm_shock_therapy = { prompt() { if (game.revolutions.every(n => n === false)) { view.prompt = 'Shock Therapy: No countries to choose.' gen_action('pass') } else { if (!game.vm_active_country || game.vm_active_country === '') { view.prompt = 'Shock Therapy: Choose a country where you hold Power.' if (game.revolutions[0]) {gen_action('poland')} if (game.revolutions[1]) {gen_action('hungary')} if (game.revolutions[2]) {gen_action('east_germany')} if (game.revolutions[3]) {gen_action('bulgaria')} if (game.revolutions[4]) {gen_action('czechoslovakia')} if (game.revolutions[5]) {gen_action('romania')} } else { view.prompt = 'Shock Therapy: Roll a die.' gen_action('roll') } } }, east_germany() { push_undo() game.vm_active_country = 'East_Germany' log(`Chose ${country_name(game.vm_active_country)}.`) }, poland() { push_undo() game.vm_active_country = 'Poland' log(`Chose ${country_name(game.vm_active_country)}.`) }, czechoslovakia() { push_undo() game.vm_active_country = 'Czechoslovakia' log(`Chose ${country_name(game.vm_active_country)}.`) }, hungary() { push_undo() game.vm_active_country = 'Hungary' log(`Chose ${country_name(game.vm_active_country)}.`) }, romania() { push_undo() game.vm_active_country = 'Romania' log(`Chose ${country_name(game.vm_active_country)}.`) }, bulgaria() { push_undo() game.vm_active_country = 'Bulgaria' log(`Chose ${country_name(game.vm_active_country)}.`) }, roll() { clear_undo() let roll = roll_d6() let worker_farmer = 0 for (let space of spaces) { if ( space && space.country === game.vm_active_country && check_com_control(space.space_id) && (space.socio === SOCIO_WORKER || space.socio === SOCIO_FARMER) ) { worker_farmer++ } } logi(`D${roll}`) logi(`-${worker_farmer} Communist controlled Worker and Farmer spaces`) if ((roll - worker_farmer) > 2) { log(`Success: ${roll - worker_farmer} >= 3`) log('+3 VP') game.vp += 3 if (check_vp()) { return } vm_next() } else { log(`Fail: ${roll - worker_farmer} < 3`) permanently_remove(C_SHOCK_THERAPY) vm_return() } }, pass() { log('Passed.') vm_return() }, } states.vm_social_democratic_platform_adopted = { prompt() { if (game.revolutions.every(n => n === false)) { view.prompt = 'Social Democratic Platform Adopted: No countries to choose.' gen_action('pass') } else { view.prompt = 'Social Democratic Platform Adopted: Select a country where the Democrat holds Power.' if (game.revolutions[0]) {gen_action('poland')} if (game.revolutions[1]) {gen_action('hungary')} if (game.revolutions[2]) {gen_action('east_germany')} if (game.revolutions[3]) {gen_action('bulgaria')} if (game.revolutions[4]) {gen_action('czechoslovakia')} if (game.revolutions[5]) {gen_action('romania')} } }, east_germany() { push_undo() game.vm_active_country = 'East_Germany' log(`Selected ${country_name(game.vm_active_country)}`) vm_next() }, poland() { push_undo() game.vm_active_country = 'Poland' log(`Selected ${country_name(game.vm_active_country)}`) vm_next() }, czechoslovakia() { push_undo() game.vm_active_country = 'Czechoslovakia' log(`Selected ${country_name(game.vm_active_country)}`) vm_next() }, hungary() { push_undo() game.vm_active_country = 'Hungary' log(`Selected ${country_name(game.vm_active_country)}`) vm_next() }, romania() { push_undo() game.vm_active_country = 'Romania' log(`Selected ${country_name(game.vm_active_country)}`) vm_next() }, bulgaria() { push_undo() game.vm_active_country = 'Bulgaria' log(`Selected ${country_name(game.vm_active_country)}`) vm_next() }, pass() { log('Passed.') vm_return() }, } states.vm_systematization = { prompt() { view.prompt = 'Systematization: Eliminate a space in Romania.' for (let space_id of game.valid_spaces) { gen_action_space(space_id) } }, space(space) { push_undo() vm_eliminate(space) game.valid_spaces = [] game.systematization = space add_to_persistent_events(C_SYSTEMATIZATION) vm_next() }, } states.vm_the_chinese_solution = { prompt() { view.prompt = 'The Chinese Solution: You may give up 3 VP to conduct Support Checks in a country where you hold power.' if (!game.revolutions[0]) {gen_action('poland')} if (!game.revolutions[1]) {gen_action('hungary')} if (!game.revolutions[2]) {gen_action('east_germany')} if (!game.revolutions[3]) {gen_action('bulgaria')} if (!game.revolutions[4]) {gen_action('czechoslovakia')} if (!game.revolutions[5]) {gen_action('romania')} gen_action('pass') }, east_germany() { push_undo() game.vm_active_country = 'East_Germany' log(`Chose ${country_name(game.vm_active_country)}.`) log('+3 VP') game.vp += 3 if (check_vp()) { return } vm_next() }, poland() { push_undo() game.vm_active_country = 'Poland' log(`Chose ${country_name(game.vm_active_country)}.`) log('+3 VP') game.vp += 3 if (check_vp()) { return } vm_next() }, czechoslovakia() { push_undo() game.vm_active_country = 'Czechoslovakia' log(`Chose ${country_name(game.vm_active_country)}.`) log('+3 VP') game.vp += 3 if (check_vp()) { return } vm_next() }, hungary() { push_undo() game.vm_active_country = 'Hungary' log(`Chose ${country_name(game.vm_active_country)}.`) log('+3 VP') game.vp += 3 if (check_vp()) { return } vm_next() }, romania() { push_undo() game.vm_active_country = 'Romania' log(`Chose ${country_name(game.vm_active_country)}.`) log('+3 VP') game.vp += 3 if (check_vp()) { return } vm_next() }, bulgaria() { push_undo() game.vm_active_country = 'Bulgaria' log(`Chose ${country_name(game.vm_active_country)}.`) log('+3 VP') game.vp += 3 if (check_vp()) { return } vm_next() }, pass() { push_undo() log(`Chose not to conduct Support Checks`) permanently_remove(C_THE_CHINESE_SOLUTION) vm_return() }, } states.vm_the_tyrant_is_gone = { prompt() { if (game.valid_spaces.length === 0) { view.prompt = 'The Tyrant is Gone: No space available.' gen_action('pass') } else { view.prompt = 'The Tyrant is Gone: Select a space in Romania for the Ceausescus to flee to.' for (let space_id of game.valid_spaces) { if (!space_id) continue gen_action_space(space_id) } } }, space(space) { push_undo() log(`The Ceausescus flee to %${space}.`) game.the_tyrant_is_gone = space game.valid_spaces = [] vm_next() }, pass() { push_undo() vm_next() } } states.vm_the_wall_must_go = { prompt() { view.prompt = 'The Wall Must Go! Roll a die.' gen_action('roll') }, roll() { clear_undo() let attempt = game.the_wall_must_go['dem_wins'] + game.the_wall_must_go['com_wins'] if (game.the_wall_must_go['dem_roll'] === 0 && game.the_wall_must_go['com_roll'] === 0) { log(`Round ${attempt+1}`) } let roll = roll_d6() logi(`${game.active}: D${roll}`) if (game.active === DEM) { let controlled_spaces = spaces.filter(space => space && space.country === 'East_Germany' && check_dem_control(space.space_id)).length if (controlled_spaces > 0) { logii(`+${controlled_spaces} from spaces`) logii(`Modified roll: ${roll + controlled_spaces}`) roll += controlled_spaces } game.the_wall_must_go['dem_roll'] = roll } else { let controlled_spaces = spaces.filter(space => space && space.country === 'East_Germany' && check_com_control(space.space_id)).length if (controlled_spaces > 0) { logii(`+${controlled_spaces} from spaces`) logii(`Modified roll: ${roll + controlled_spaces}`) roll += controlled_spaces } game.the_wall_must_go['com_roll'] = roll } if (game.the_wall_must_go['dem_roll'] > 0 && game.the_wall_must_go['com_roll'] > 0) { if (game.the_wall_must_go['dem_roll'] > game.the_wall_must_go['com_roll']) { logi('Democrat wins') game.the_wall_must_go['dem_wins']++ } else if (game.the_wall_must_go['dem_roll'] === game.the_wall_must_go['com_roll']) { logi('Tie. Re-roll') } else { logi('Communist wins') game.the_wall_must_go['com_wins']++ } logi(`Democrat: ${game.the_wall_must_go['dem_wins']}, Communist: ${game.the_wall_must_go['com_wins']}`) } if (game.the_wall_must_go['dem_wins'] === 2) { log('Democrat wins C' + C_THE_WALL_MUST_GO) finish_the_wall() return } if (game.the_wall_must_go['com_wins'] === 2) { log('Communist wins C' + C_THE_WALL_MUST_GO) finish_the_wall() return } if (game.the_wall_must_go['dem_roll'] === 0 || game.the_wall_must_go['com_roll'] === 0) { change_player() } else { game.the_wall_must_go['dem_roll'] = 0 game.the_wall_must_go['com_roll'] = 0 } }, } states.vm_warsaw_pact_summit = { prompt() { view.prompt = 'Choose to play for Support Checks or place SPs.' gen_action('influence') gen_action('support_check') }, influence() { push_undo() for (let i = 0; i < spaces.length; i++) { if (game.systematization && game.systematization === i) continue let space = spaces[i] if (game.demInfl[i] === 0) { game.valid_spaces.push(space.space_id) } } game.vm_available_ops = 4 game.phase = 3 vm_next() }, support_check() { push_undo() for (let i = 0; i < spaces.length; i++) { let space = spaces[i] if (game.demInfl[i] > 0 && (space.socio === SOCIO_INTELLECTUAL || space.socio === SOCIO_STUDENT)) { game.valid_spaces.push(space.space_id) } } game.vm_available_ops = 2 vm_next() }, } states.vm_we_are_the_people_remove = { prompt() { if (game.demInfl[S_LUTHERAN_CHURCH] === 0 && game.vm_available_ops > 0) { view.prompt = '"We are the People!": No SPs to remove.' gen_action('done') } else if (game.vm_available_ops > 0) { view.prompt = '"We are the People!": Remove up to 4 SPs from the Lutherian Church.' gen_action('done') for (let space_id of game.valid_spaces) { gen_action_space(space_id) } } else { view.prompt = '"We are the People!": Remove SPs done.' gen_action('done') } }, space(space) { remove_infl(space, 'vm_available_ops') if (game.vm_influence_added[S_LUTHERAN_CHURCH] === 4 || game.valid_spaces.length === 0 ) { summary_flush() finish_we_are_the_people() } }, done() { push_undo() summary_flush() if (!game.vm_influence_added[S_LUTHERAN_CHURCH]) { vm_next() } else { finish_we_are_the_people() } }, } states.vm_we_are_the_people_add = { prompt() { view.prompt = `"We are the People!": You must place ${pluralize(game.vm_available_ops,'SP')} in Germany.` for (let space_id of game.valid_spaces) { gen_action_space(space_id) } }, space(space) { vm_do_add_limited_infl(space, game.vm_max_infl) if (game.vm_available_ops === 0) { game.valid_spaces = [] vm_next() } }, } states.vm_workers_revolt = { prompt() { if (game.valid_spaces.length === 0) { view.prompt = 'Workers Revolt: No valid spaces.' gen_action('pass') return } view.prompt = 'Workers Revolt: Select a Worker Space in a country your opponent has power.' for (let space_id of game.valid_spaces) { gen_action_space(space_id) } }, pass() { push_undo() vm_next() }, space(space) { push_undo() game.selected_space = space log(`Chose %${game.selected_space}.`) game.state = 'vm_workers_revolt_finish' }, } states.vm_workers_revolt_finish = { prompt() { view.prompt = `Target: ${spaces[game.selected_space].name_unique}. Roll a die.` gen_action('roll') }, roll() { clear_undo() let roll = roll_d6() logi(`D${roll}`) let adj = count_adj(game.selected_space) if (game.active === DEM) { logi(`-${adj.com_adj} opponent controlled spaces`) roll -= adj.com_adj } else { logi(`-${adj.dem_adj} opponent controlled spaces`) roll -= adj.dem_adj } if (roll >= 4) { log(`Success: ${roll} >= 4`) vm_replace_all_infl(game.selected_space) } else {log(`Fail: ${roll} < 4`)} delete game.selected_space vm_next() }, } // ==================== TIANANMEN SQUARE TRACK STATES ===================== states.vm_tst_3_prep = { inactive: 'claim Tiananmen Square award', prompt() { view.prompt = 'Tiananmen Square Award: Draw 3 cards.' gen_action('draw') }, draw() { logi('Drew 3 cards.') if (game.active === DEM) { game.temp = game.democrat_hand.length draw_cards( game.strategy_deck, game.democrat_hand, game.communist_hand, game.democrat_hand.length + 3, game.communist_hand.length ) game.valid_cards = [ game.democrat_hand[game.temp], game.democrat_hand[game.temp + 1], game.democrat_hand[game.temp + 2], ] } else { game.temp = game.communist_hand.length draw_cards( game.strategy_deck, game.democrat_hand, game.communist_hand, game.democrat_hand.length, game.communist_hand.length + 3 ) game.valid_cards = [ game.communist_hand[game.temp], game.communist_hand[game.temp + 1], game.communist_hand[game.temp + 2], ] } game.temp = 0 game.state = 'vm_tst_3' }, } states.vm_tst_3 = { inactive: 'claim Tiananmen Square award', prompt() { if (game.temp < 2) { view.prompt = `Discard 2 of the drawn cards.` for (let card of game.valid_cards) { gen_action_card(card) } } else { view.prompt = 'Discard cards: Done.' gen_action('done') } }, card(card) { push_undo() discard(card) game.valid_cards.splice(game.valid_cards.indexOf(card), 1) game.temp ++ }, done() { game.valid_cards = [] vm_next() } } states.vm_tst_4 = { inactive: 'claim Tiananmen Square award', prompt() { if (game.vm_available_ops === 0 || game.valid_spaces.length === 0) { view.prompt = 'Tiananmen Square Award: Remove SPs done.' gen_action('done') return } view.prompt = `Tiananmen Square Award: Remove ${pluralize(game.vm_available_ops,'SP')}.` for (let space_id of game.valid_spaces) { gen_action_space(space_id) } }, space(space) { remove_infl(space, 'vm_available_ops') if (game.vm_available_ops === 0) { vm_next() } }, done() { vm_next() }, } states.vm_tst_6 = { inactive: 'make their free Support Check', prompt() { view.prompt = 'Tiananmen Square Award: A free 2 Ops Support Check.' for (let space_id of game.valid_spaces) { if (space_id) { gen_action_space(space_id) } } if (game.valid_spaces.length === 0) { view.prompt = 'Tiananmen Square Award: No space to Support Check. Pass.' gen_action('pass') } }, space(space) { push_undo() if (game.active === DEM) log('Democrat free 2 Ops support check.') else log('Communist free 2 Ops support check.') game.selected_space = space if ( game.active === DEM && game.persistent_events.includes(C_AUSTRIA_HUNGARY_BORDER_REOPENED) && spaces[space].country === 'East_Germany' ) { game.austria_hungary_border_reopened_tracker = true } game.state = 'vm_tst_6_sc' }, pass() { game.valid_spaces = [] vm_next() } } states.vm_tst_6_sc = { inactive: 'do Support Check', prompt() { view.prompt = `Support Check in ${spaces[game.selected_space].name_unique}: Roll a die` gen_action('roll') }, roll() { clear_undo() do_sc(game.selected_space) game.vm_available_ops-- game.valid_spaces = [] game.state = 'vm_tst_6' vm_next() return }, } states.vm_tst_8 = { inactive: 'use Tiananmen Square award', prompt() { if (game.vm_event_to_do && game.vm_infl_to_do) { view.prompt = 'Tiananmen Square Award: Play for both Ops and Event.' gen_action('event') gen_action('ops') } else if (!game.vm_event_to_do && game.vm_infl_to_do) { view.prompt = 'Tiananmen Square Award: Event resolved. Use Ops.' gen_action('ops') } else if (game.vm_event_to_do && !game.vm_infl_to_do) { view.prompt = 'Tiananmen Square Award: Operations resolved. Use Event.' gen_action('event') } else if (!game.vm_event_to_do && !game.vm_infl_to_do) { view.prompt = 'Tiananmen Square Award: Done.' gen_action('end_round') } }, event() { push_undo() if (check_ligachev_event(game.played_card)) return log_event(game.played_card) game.vm_event_to_do = false game.return_state = 'vm_tst_8' game.return = game.active if (switch_events.includes(game.played_card)) change_player() game.vm_event = game.played_card goto_vm(game.vm_event) }, ops() { push_undo() log_gap('Operations:') game.vm_infl_to_do = false game.return = game.active game.return_state = 'vm_tst_8' goto_vm(208) }, end_round() { push_undo() game.tst_8 = true end_round() }, } states.vm_tst_8_ops = { inactive: 'play card for Operations', prompt() { view.prompt = `Play ${quoted_card_name[game.played_card]}.` gen_action('influence') gen_action('support_check') if ( (game.active === DEM && game.dem_tst_attempted_this_turn === 0) || (game.active === COM && game.com_tst_attempted_this_turn === 0) ) { gen_action('tst') } }, influence() { push_undo() game.vm_available_ops = cards[game.played_card].ops valid_spaces_infl() if (game.persistent_events.includes(C_AUSTRIA_HUNGARY_BORDER_REOPENED)) { game.austria_hungary_border_reopened_tracker = true } game.state = 'vm_add_infl' }, support_check() { push_undo() game.vm_available_ops = 2 game.state = 'vm_support_check_prep' }, tst() { push_undo() game.state = 'vm_tiananmen_square_attempt' }, } // ========================= POWER STRUGGLE STATES ======================== states.vm_scare_tactics = { inactive: 'remove a Support Point', prompt() { if (game.valid_spaces.length === 0 && game.vm_available_ops > 0) { prompt_event(`No SPs to remove.`) gen_action('done') return } if (game.vm_available_ops === 0) { prompt_event(`Remove SPs done.`) gen_action('done') return } prompt_event(`Remove ${pluralize(game.vm_available_ops, 'opponent SP')}${event_prompt()}.`) for (let space_id of game.valid_spaces) { gen_action_space(space_id) } }, space(space) { push_undo() remove_infl(space, 'vm_available_ops') }, done() { summary_flush() log('Loses initiative.') log_gap(`Round ${game.ps_round}:`) vm_next() }, } states.vm_support_surges_1 = { inactive: 'draw cards', prompt() { view.prompt = 'Support Surges: Draw a card.' gen_action('draw') }, draw() { if (game.active === DEM) { draw_cards( game.power_struggle_deck, game.dem_pwr_hand, game.com_pwr_hand, game.dem_pwr_hand.length + 1, game.com_pwr_hand.length ) game.temp = game.dem_pwr_hand[game.dem_pwr_hand.length - 1] } else { draw_cards( game.power_struggle_deck, game.dem_pwr_hand, game.com_pwr_hand, game.dem_pwr_hand.length, game.com_pwr_hand.length + 1 ) game.temp = game.com_pwr_hand[game.com_pwr_hand.length - 1] } game.state = 'vm_support_surges_2' }, } states.vm_support_surges_2 = { inactive: 'draw cards', prompt() { if (wildcards.includes(game.temp)) { view.prompt = `Support Surges: You drew ${power_cards[game.temp].name}. Draw a second card.` } else if (elite_leaders.includes(game.temp)) { view.prompt = `Support Surges: You drew an ${power_cards[game.temp].name}. Draw a second card.` } else if (numberless_cards.includes(game.temp)) { view.prompt = `Support Surges: You drew a ${power_cards[game.temp].name}. Draw a second card.` } else { view.prompt = `Support Surges: You drew a ${power_cards[game.temp].name} ${power_cards[game.temp].value}. Draw a second card.` } gen_action('draw') }, draw() { if (game.active === DEM) { draw_cards( game.power_struggle_deck, game.dem_pwr_hand, game.com_pwr_hand, game.dem_pwr_hand.length + 1, game.com_pwr_hand.length ) game.temp = game.dem_pwr_hand[game.dem_pwr_hand.length - 1] } else { draw_cards( game.power_struggle_deck, game.dem_pwr_hand, game.com_pwr_hand, game.dem_pwr_hand.length, game.com_pwr_hand.length + 1 ) game.temp = game.com_pwr_hand[game.com_pwr_hand.length - 1] } game.state = 'vm_support_surges_3' }, } states.vm_support_surges_3 = { inactive: 'draw cards', prompt() { if (wildcards.includes(game.temp)) { view.prompt = `Support Surges: You drew ${power_cards[game.temp].name}. Done.` } else if (elite_leaders.includes(game.temp)) { view.prompt = `Support Surges: You drew an ${power_cards[game.temp].name}. Done.` } else if (numberless_cards.includes(game.temp)) { view.prompt = `Support Surges: You drew a ${power_cards[game.temp].name}. Done.` } else { view.prompt = `Support Surges: You drew a ${power_cards[game.temp].name} ${power_cards[game.temp].value}. Done.` } gen_action('done') }, done() { game.phase = 0 delete game.temp log('Drew 2 cards.') log('Surrenders initiative.') log_gap(`Round ${game.ps_round}:`) vm_next() }, } states.vm_support_falters = { inactive: 'discard cards', prompt() { if ( (game.active === DEM && game.dem_pwr_hand.length === 0) || (game.active === COM && game.com_pwr_hand.length === 0) ) { view.prompt = 'Support Falters: No remaining cards to discard.' gen_action('pass') } else if (game.vm_available_ops > 0) { view.prompt = 'Support Falters: Discard a card.' gen_action('discard') } else { view.prompt = 'Support Falters: Done.' gen_action('done') } }, discard() { if (game.active === DEM) { discard_card(game.dem_pwr_hand) } else { discard_card(game.com_pwr_hand) } game.vm_available_ops -- }, pass() { log('Takes initiative.') log_gap(`Round ${game.ps_round}:`) game.return = game.active vm_next() }, done() { log('Takes initiative.') log_gap(`Round ${game.ps_round}:`) game.return = game.active vm_next() } } /* =================== EVENTS ================================ */ // #region GENERATED EVENT CODE const CODE = [] CODE[1] = [ // Legacy of Martial Law* [ vm_permanently_remove ], [ vm_valid_spaces_country_opp, 'Poland' ], [ vm_prompt, 'replace 1 Democratic SP in Poland with a Communist SP' ], [ vm_legacy_of_martial_law ], [ vm_valid_spaces_country_sc, 'Poland' ], [ vm_prompt, 'make a Support Check in Poland' ], [ vm_1_support_check ], [ vm_return ], ] CODE[2] = [ // Solidarity Legalised* [ vm_if, ()=>!is_auto_resolve(C_SOLIDARITY_LEGALIZED) ], [ vm_solidarity_legalised_spaces ], [ vm_prompt, 'to every uncontrolled Worker and Farmer space in Poland' ], [ vm_add_limited_infl, 9, 1 ], [ vm_endif ], [ vm_solidarity_legalised ], [ vm_return ], ] CODE[3] = [ // Walesa [ vm_permanently_remove ], [ vm_valid_spaces_country, 'Poland' ], [ vm_prompt, 'any space(s) in Poland' ], [ vm_add_infl_free, 4 ], [ vm_valid_spaces_country_sc, 'Poland' ], [ vm_prompt, 'make Support Checks in Poland' ], [ vm_support_check, 2 ], [ vm_return ], ] CODE[4] = [ // Michnik [ vm_permanently_remove ], [ vm_valid_spaces, 'Polish Writers' ], [ vm_prompt, 'the Polish Intellectuals space' ], [ vm_add_x_infl, 3 ], [ vm_return ], ] CODE[5] = [ // General strike [ vm_general_strike ], [ vm_return ], ] CODE[6] = [ // Brought in for Questioning [ vm_if, ()=>!is_auto_resolve(C_BROUGHT_IN_FOR_QUESTIONING) ], [ vm_brought_in_for_questioning ], [ vm_endif ], [ vm_return ], ] CODE[7] = [ // State Run Media* [ vm_permanently_remove ], [ vm_valid_spaces_opponent ], [ vm_remove_limited_opp_infl, 4, 2 ], [ vm_return ], ] CODE[8] = [ // Prudence [ vm_prudence ], [ vm_return ], ] CODE[9] = [ // The Wall* [ vm_the_wall ], [ vm_return ], ] CODE[10] = [ // Cult of Personality [ vm_permanently_remove ], [ vm_if, ()=>!game.persistent_events.includes(THE_TYRANT_IS_GONE_OCCURRED) ], [ vm_valid_spaces_country_socio_2, 'Romania', 3, 4 ], [ vm_prompt, 'Worker or Farmer spaces in Romania, no more than 2 per space' ], [ vm_add_limited_infl, 4, 2 ], [ vm_else ], [ vm_tyrant_block ], [ vm_endif ], [ vm_return ], ] CODE[11] = [ // Dissident arrested [ vm_if, ()=>!is_auto_resolve(C_DISSIDENT_ARRESTED) ], [ vm_valid_spaces_opponent_socio, 5 ], [ vm_prompt, 'any Intellectuals space' ], [ vm_remove_x_opp_infl, 2 ], [ vm_endif ], [ vm_return ], ] CODE[12] = [ // Apparatchicks [ vm_permanently_remove ], [ vm_valid_spaces_socio, 2 ], [ vm_prompt, ' to any Bureaucratic space(s)' ], [ vm_add_infl_free, 3 ], [ vm_return ], ] CODE[13] = [ // Stasi [ vm_stasi ], [ vm_return ], ] CODE[14] = [ // Gorbachev Charms the West [ vm_valid_spaces_opponent ], [ vm_remove_opp_infl, 2 ], [ vm_valid_spaces_sc ], [ vm_prompt, 'select a space for the Support Check.' ], [ vm_1_support_check ], [ vm_return ], ] CODE[15] = [ // Honecker [ vm_if, ()=>!is_auto_resolve(C_HONECKER) ], [ vm_honecker ], [ vm_endif ], [ vm_return ], ] CODE[16] = [ // Nomenklatura* [ vm_permanently_remove ], [ vm_nomenklatura ], [ vm_return ], ] CODE[17] = [ // Roundtable talks [ vm_roundtable_talks ], [ vm_return ], ] CODE[18] = [ // Poszgay Defends the Revolution [ vm_permanently_remove ], [ vm_poszgay ], [ vm_prompt, 'to 4 spaces in Hungary not under Democratic control' ], [ vm_add_limited_infl, 4, 1 ], [ vm_return ], ] CODE[19] = [ // Papal vist [ vm_permanently_remove ], [ vm_valid_spaces, 'Catholic Church, Poland', 'Catholic Church, Czechoslovakia', 'Catholic Church, Hungary' ], [ vm_prompt, 'any Catholic Church space' ], [ vm_add_x_infl, 3 ], [ vm_return ], ] CODE[20] = [ // Deutsche Marks* [ vm_permanently_remove ], [ vm_if, ()=>!is_auto_resolve(C_DEUTSCHE_MARKS) ], [ vm_deutsche_marks ], [ vm_endif ], [ vm_return ], ] CODE[21] = [ // Common European Home [ vm_common_european_home ], [ vm_return ], ] CODE[22] = [ // Power Struggle - Poland [ vm_power_struggle ], [ vm_return ], ] CODE[23] = [ // Power Struggle - Hungary [ vm_power_struggle ], [ vm_return ], ] CODE[24] = [ // St Nicolas Church [ vm_if, ()=>!check_dem_control(S_LUTHERAN_CHURCH) ], [ vm_valid_spaces, 'Lutheran Church' ], [ vm_prompt, 'the Lutheran Church' ], [ vm_take_control_prep, 1 ], [ vm_endif ], [ vm_st_nicholas_church ], [ vm_return ], ] CODE[25] = [ // Perestroika [ vm_perestroika ], [ vm_return ], ] CODE[26] = [ // Helsinki Final Act* [ vm_helsinki_final_act ], [ vm_return ], ] CODE[27] = [ // Consumerism [ vm_valid_spaces_opponent_socio, 4 ], [ vm_prompt, ' from a Worker space' ], [ vm_remove_opp_infl, 1 ], [ vm_valid_spaces_opponent_socio, 4 ], [ vm_active_country ], [ vm_prompt, ()=>`make a Support Check in a Worker space in ${country_name(game.vm_active_country)}.` ], [ vm_1_support_check ], [ vm_return ], ] CODE[28] = [ // Factory Party Cells [ vm_valid_spaces_opponent_socio, 4 ], [ vm_prompt, ' from Worker spaces' ], [ vm_remove_limited_opp_infl, 3, 2 ], [ vm_return ], ] CODE[29] = [ // Jan Palach Week* [ vm_permanently_remove ], [ vm_valid_spaces, 'Charles University' ], [ vm_prompt, 'the Charles University space' ], [ vm_add_x_infl, 6 ], [ vm_return ], ] CODE[30] = [ // Tear Gas [ vm_tear_gas ], [ vm_return ], ] CODE[31] = [ // Intelligentsia [ vm_valid_spaces_socio, 5 ], [ vm_prompt, 'Intellectual spaces, no more than 2 per space' ], [ vm_add_limited_infl, 4, 2 ], [ vm_return ], ] CODE[32] = [ // Peasant Parties* [ vm_permanently_remove ], [ vm_valid_spaces_socio, 3 ], [ vm_prompt, 'Farmer spaces, no more than 2 per space' ], [ vm_add_limited_infl, 4, 2 ], [ vm_return ], ] CODE[33] = [ // Sajudis* [ vm_sajudis ], [ vm_if, ()=>!is_auto_resolve(C_SAJUDIS) ], [ vm_sajudis_check ], [ vm_prompt, 'any Minorities space' ], [ vm_take_control_prep, 1 ], [ vm_endif ], [ vm_return ], ] CODE[34] = [ // Fidesz* [ vm_permanently_remove ], [ vm_valid_spaces, 'Eotvos Lorand University' ], [ vm_prompt, 'the Hungary Student space' ], [ vm_add_x_infl, 5 ], [ vm_return ], ] CODE[35] = [ // Heal our Bleeding Wounds* [ vm_permanently_remove ], [ vm_heal_our_bleeding_wounds ], [ vm_return ], ] CODE[36] = [ // Dash for the West* [ vm_permanently_remove ], [ vm_prompt, 'Dash for the West: Select any Democratic Event with an asterix(*) from the discard pile. Event occurs immediately' ], [ vm_dash_for_the_west ], [ vm_return ], ] CODE[37] = [ // Nagy Reburied* [ vm_permanently_remove ], [ vm_nagy_reburied ], [ vm_prompt, 'the Hungary Elite space' ], [ vm_remove_all_infl, 1 ], [ vm_valid_spaces_country, 'Hungary' ], [ vm_prompt, 'Hungary, no more than 2 per space' ], [ vm_add_limited_infl, 4, 2 ], [ vm_return ], ] CODE[38] = [ // July Concept [ vm_permanently_remove ], [ vm_valid_spaces_country, 'Bulgaria' ], [ vm_prompt, 'Bulgaria' ], [ vm_add_infl_free, 3 ], [ vm_return ], ] CODE[39] = [ // Eco-Glasnost* [ vm_valid_spaces, 'Ruse' ], [ vm_prompt, 'Ruse' ], [ vm_add_x_infl, 4 ], [ vm_eco_glasnost ], [ vm_return ], ] CODE[40] = [ // Hungarian Democratic Forum [ vm_permanently_remove ], [ vm_valid_spaces_country, 'Hungary' ], [ vm_prompt, 'Hungary' ], [ vm_add_infl_free, 3 ], [ vm_valid_spaces_country_sc, 'Hungary' ], [ vm_prompt, 'make a Support Check in Hungary' ], [ vm_1_support_check ], [ vm_return ], ] CODE[41] = [ // Ceausescu* [ vm_permanently_remove ], [ vm_if, ()=>game.persistent_events.includes(THE_TYRANT_IS_GONE_OCCURRED) ], [ vm_tyrant_block ], [ vm_return ], [ vm_else ], [ vm_if, ()=>game.persistent_events.includes(C_CEAUSESCU) ], [ vm_prompt, 'you must remove 1 SP from Bucureşti' ], [ vm_ceausescu ], [ vm_return ], [ vm_else ], [ vm_if, ()=>!is_auto_resolve(C_CEAUSESCU) ], [ vm_ceausescu_prep ], [ vm_valid_spaces_country_opp, 'Romania' ], [ vm_prompt, ' from Romania' ], [ vm_remove_opp_infl, 3 ], [ vm_valid_spaces_country_sc, 'Romania' ], [ vm_prompt, 'make a Support Check in Romania' ], [ vm_1_support_check ], [ vm_endif ], [ vm_return ], ] CODE[42] = [ // Power Struggle - East Germany [ vm_power_struggle ], [ vm_return ], ] CODE[43] = [ // Power Struggle - Bulgaria [ vm_power_struggle ], [ vm_return ], ] CODE[44] = [ // Inflationary Currency [ vm_permanently_remove ], [ vm_inflationary_currency ], [ vm_valid_spaces_country_opp ], [ vm_prompt, ()=>` from ${country_name(game.vm_active_country)}` ], [ vm_remove_opp_infl, 2 ], [ vm_inflationary_currency_discard ], [ vm_if, ()=>!discarded_card() ], [ vm_valid_spaces_country_sc ], [ vm_prompt, ()=>`make a Support Check in ${country_name(game.vm_active_country)}` ], [ vm_1_support_check ], [ vm_endif ], [ vm_return ], ] CODE[45] = [ // Soviet Troop Withdrawals* [ vm_permanently_remove ], [ vm_valid_spaces_region_opp, 'Eastern Europe' ], [ vm_prompt, ' from Eastern Europe' ], [ vm_remove_limited_opp_infl, 5, 2 ], [ vm_return ], ] CODE[46] = [ // Goodbye Lenin!* [ vm_permanently_remove ], [ vm_goodbye_lenin ], [ vm_return ], ] CODE[47] = [ // Bulgarian Turks Expelled* [ vm_permanently_remove ], [ vm_bulgarian_turks_expelled ], [ vm_if, ()=>!is_auto_resolve(C_BULGARIAN_TURKS_EXPELLED) ], [ vm_valid_spaces, 'Razgrad' ], [ vm_prompt, 'Razgrad' ], [ vm_remove_all_infl, 1 ], [ vm_endif ], [ vm_return ], ] CODE[48] = [ // We are the People!* [ vm_if, ()=>!is_auto_resolve(C_WE_ARE_THE_PEOPLE) ], [ vm_we_are_the_people ], [ vm_endif ], [ vm_return ], ] CODE[49] = [ // Foreign Currency Debt Burden* [ vm_foreign_currency_debt_burden ], [ vm_log, ()=>`Communist cannot make Support Checks in ${country_name(game.foreign_currency_debt_burden)} for the rest of the turn` ], [ vm_return ], ] CODE[50] = [ // The Sinatra Doctrine* [ vm_the_sinatra_doctrine ], [ vm_return ], ] CODE[51] = [ // 40th Anniversary Celebration* [ vm_permanently_remove ], [ vm_40th_anniversary_celebration ], [ vm_valid_spaces_country, 'East_Germany' ], [ vm_prompt, 'East Germany' ], [ vm_add_infl_free ], [ vm_40th_anniversary_celebration_vp ], [ vm_return ], ] CODE[52] = [ // Normalization [ vm_permanently_remove ], [ vm_if, ()=>!is_auto_resolve(C_NORMALIZATION) ], [ vm_normalization ], [ vm_prompt, 'the Czechoslovakia Elite and Bureaucrat Spaces' ], [ vm_remove_all_infl, 2 ], [ vm_endif ], [ vm_return ], ] CODE[53] = [ // Li Peng* [ vm_li_peng ], [ vm_return ], ] CODE[54] = [ // The Crowd Turns Against Ceausescu* [ vm_the_crowd_turns_against_ceausescu ], [ vm_return ], ] CODE[55] = [ // Power Struggle - Czechoslovakia [ vm_power_struggle ], [ vm_return ], ] CODE[56] = [ // Foreign Television [ vm_permanently_remove ], [ vm_foreign_television ], [ vm_remove_limited_opp_infl, 4, 2 ], [ vm_return ], ] CODE[57] = [ // Central Committee Reshuffle* [ vm_permanently_remove ], [ vm_central_committee_reshuffle ], [ vm_prompt, ()=>`${country_name(game.vm_active_country)}` ], [ vm_add_infl_free, 3 ], [ vm_return ], ] CODE[58] = [ // Austria-Hungary Border Reopened* [ vm_austria_hungary_border_reopened ], [ vm_return ], ] CODE[59] = [ // Grenztruppen* [ vm_grenztruppen ], [ vm_return ], ] CODE[60] = [ // Toxic Waste* [ vm_permanently_remove ], [ vm_valid_spaces_socio, 4 ], [ vm_prompt, 'any Worker space(s)' ], [ vm_add_infl_free, 3 ], [ vm_return ], ] CODE[61] = [ // The Monday Demonstrations* [ vm_permanently_remove ], [ vm_the_monday_demonstrations ], [ vm_prompt, 'the Lutheran Church Space and Leipzig' ], [ vm_take_control_prep, 2 ], [ vm_valid_spaces_country_sc, 'East_Germany' ], [ vm_prompt, 'make 5 Support Checks in East Germany' ], [ vm_support_check, 5 ], [ vm_return ], ] CODE[62] = [ // Yakovlev Counsels Gorbachev* [ vm_yakovlev_counsels_gorbachev ], [ vm_return ], ] CODE[63] = [ // Genscher* [ vm_genscher ], [ vm_return ], ] CODE[64] = [ // Legacy of 1968* [ vm_permanently_remove ], [ vm_legacy_of_1968 ], [ vm_prompt, 'all spaces in Czechoslovakia not controlled by the Communist Player' ], [ vm_add_limited_infl, 11, 1 ], [ vm_return ], ] CODE[65] = [ // Presidential Visit* [ vm_presidential_visit ], [ vm_return ], ] CODE[66] = [ // New Forum [ vm_permanently_remove ], [ vm_valid_spaces_country, 'East_Germany' ], [ vm_prompt, '3 spaces in East Germany' ], [ vm_add_limited_infl, 3, 1 ], [ vm_return ], ] CODE[67] = [ // Reformer Rehabilitated* [ vm_prompt, 'Reformer Rehabilitated: Choose any non-scoring card in the discard pile. Event takes place immediately' ], [ vm_reformer_rehabilitated ], [ vm_return ], ] CODE[68] = [ // Klaus and Komarek* [ vm_permanently_remove ], [ vm_klaus_and_komarek ], [ vm_prompt, 'Praha' ], [ vm_remove_x_opp_infl, 2 ], [ vm_valid_spaces, 'Praha' ], [ vm_add_x_infl, 2 ], [ vm_return ], ] CODE[69] = [ // Systematization* [ vm_if, ()=>!game.persistent_events.includes(THE_TYRANT_IS_GONE_OCCURRED) ], [ vm_valid_spaces_country, 'Romania' ], [ vm_systematization ], [ vm_else ], [ vm_tyrant_block ], [ vm_endif ], [ vm_return ], ] CODE[70] = [ // Securitate* [ vm_if, ()=>!game.persistent_events.includes(C_ARMY_BACKS_REVOLUTION) ], [ vm_securitate ], [ vm_else ], [ vm_army_block ], [ vm_endif ], [ vm_return ], ] CODE[71] = [ // Kiss of Death* [ vm_permanently_remove ], [ vm_if, ()=>is_auto_resolve(C_KISS_OF_DEATH) ], [ vm_log, 'Communist has no cards to discard.' ], [ vm_else ], [ vm_kiss_of_death ], [ vm_endif ], [ vm_return ], ] CODE[72] = [ // Peasant Parties Revolt [ vm_peasant_parties_revolt ], [ vm_return ], ] CODE[73] = [ // Laszlo Tokes* [ vm_laszlo_tokes_prep ], [ vm_valid_spaces, 'Timisoara', 'Harghita/Covasna' ], [ vm_prompt, 'in Timişoara and Harghita/Covasna' ], [ vm_add_limited_infl, 2, 1 ], [ vm_laszlo_tokes ], [ vm_if, ()=>game.phase === 3 ], [ vm_prompt, ' in Romania' ], [ vm_add_infl ], [ vm_else ], [ vm_prompt, 'make 2 Support Checks in Romania' ], [ vm_support_check, 2 ], [ vm_endif ], [ vm_return ], ] CODE[74] = [ // FRG Embassies [ vm_frg_embassies ], [ vm_return ], ] CODE[75] = [ // Exit Visas* [ vm_permanently_remove ], [ vm_if, ()=>!is_auto_resolve(C_EXIT_VISAS) ], [ vm_exit_visas ], [ vm_endif ], [ vm_return ], ] CODE[76] = [ // Warsaw Pact Summit [ vm_permanently_remove ], [ vm_warsaw_pact_summit ], [ vm_if, ()=>game.phase === 3 ], [ vm_prompt, ' spaces with no Democratic SPs' ], [ vm_add_infl_free, 4 ], [ vm_else ], [ vm_prompt, 'Select a Student or Intellectual space' ], [ vm_valid_spaces_country_socio_2, 3, 4 ], [ vm_support_check_modified, 2, 2 ], [ vm_endif ], [ vm_return ], ] CODE[77] = [ // Samizdat [ vm_permanently_remove ], [ vm_if, ()=>!is_auto_resolve(C_SAMIZDAT) ], [ vm_samizdat ], [ vm_endif ], [ vm_return ], ] CODE[78] = [ // Workers Revolt [ vm_workers_revolt ], [ vm_return ], ] CODE[79] = [ // The Third Way* [ vm_permanently_remove ], [ vm_the_third_way ], [ vm_valid_spaces, 'German Writers' ], [ vm_prompt, 'the East German Writers space' ], [ vm_add_x_infl, 3 ], [ vm_return ], ] CODE[80] = [ // Nepotism* [ vm_permanently_remove ], [ vm_nepotism ], [ vm_valid_spaces_region_socio, 'Balkans', 4 ], [ vm_prompt, 'Worker spaces in the Balkans' ], [ vm_add_infl_free ], [ vm_return ], ] CODE[81] = [ // The Baltic Way* [ vm_the_baltic_way_prep ], [ vm_if, ()=>!is_auto_resolve(C_THE_BALTIC_WAY) ], [ vm_the_baltic_way ], [ vm_prompt, 'any Minorities space' ], [ vm_take_control_prep, 1 ], [ vm_endif ], [ vm_return ], ] CODE[82] = [ // Spitzel* [ vm_permanently_remove ], [ vm_if, ()=>!is_auto_resolve(C_SPITZEL) ], [ vm_valid_spaces_country_opp, 'East_Germany' ], [ vm_prompt, ' from East Germany' ], [ vm_remove_opp_infl, 2 ], [ vm_endif ], [ vm_return ], ] CODE[83] = [ // Modrow* [ vm_modrow ], [ vm_valid_spaces_country, 'East_Germany' ], [ vm_prompt, 'East Germany, no more than 2 per space' ], [ vm_add_limited_infl, 4, 2 ], [ vm_return ], ] CODE[84] = [ // Breakaway Baltic Republics* [ vm_breakaway_baltic_republics ], [ vm_prompt, 'any Minorities space' ], [ vm_take_control_prep, 1 ], [ vm_valid_spaces_sc ], [ vm_prompt, 'select a space for the Support Check' ], [ vm_1_support_check ], [ vm_return ], ] CODE[85] = [ // Tank Column/Tank Man* [ vm_permanently_remove ], [ vm_tank_column ], [ vm_return ], ] CODE[86] = [ // The Wall Must Go!* [ vm_the_wall_must_go ], [ vm_remove_infl, 3 ], [ vm_return ], ] CODE[87] = [ // Kohl Proposes Reunification* [ vm_permanently_remove ], [ vm_kohl_proposes_reunification_prep ], [ vm_if, ()=>!is_auto_resolve(C_KOHL_PROPOSES_REUNIFICATION) ], [ vm_kohl_proposes_reunification ], [ vm_else ], [ vm_log, ()=>`C${C_THE_WALL_MUST_GO} has not been successfully played for the event.` ], [ vm_endif ], [ vm_return ], ] CODE[88] = [ // Adamec* [ vm_permanently_remove ], [ vm_adamec ], [ vm_valid_spaces_country, 'Czechoslovakia' ], [ vm_prompt, 'Czechoslovakia' ], [ vm_add_limited_infl, 4, 2 ], [ vm_return ], ] CODE[89] = [ // Domino Theory* [ vm_permanently_remove ], [ vm_if, ()=>!is_auto_resolve(C_DOMINO_THEORY) ], [ vm_prompt, 'Domino Theory: Choose a Power Struggle card to play from the discard pile' ], [ vm_domino_theory ], [ vm_else ], [ vm_domino_theory_pass ], [ vm_endif ], [ vm_return ], ] CODE[90] = [ // Civic Forum* [ vm_permanently_remove ], [ vm_civic_forum_prep ], [ vm_valid_spaces_country, 'Czechoslovakia' ], [ vm_prompt, 'Czechoslovakia' ], [ vm_add_infl_free, 4 ], [ vm_civic_forum ], [ vm_valid_spaces_country_sc, 'Czechoslovakia' ], [ vm_prompt, 'Select a space in Czechoslovakia' ], [ vm_support_check, 2 ], [ vm_return ], ] CODE[91] = [ // My First Banana* [ vm_permanently_remove ], [ vm_if, ()=>!is_auto_resolve(C_MY_FIRST_BANANA) ], [ vm_valid_spaces_country_opp, 'East_Germany' ], [ vm_prompt, ' from East Germany' ], [ vm_remove_opp_infl, 2 ], [ vm_valid_spaces_country_sc, 'East_Germany' ], [ vm_prompt, 'select a space in East Germany' ], [ vm_support_check, 2 ], [ vm_endif ], [ vm_return ], ] CODE[92] = [ // Betrayal [ vm_permanently_remove ], [ vm_if, ()=>!is_auto_resolve(C_BETRAYAL) ], [ vm_prompt, 'choose any Orthodox Church space. Replace all Democratic SPs with Communist SPs' ], [ vm_betrayal ], [ vm_endif ], [ vm_return ], ] CODE[93] = [ // Shock Therapy* [ vm_permanently_remove ], [ vm_shock_therapy ], [ vm_valid_spaces_country ], [ vm_prompt, ()=>` ${country_name(game.vm_active_country)}` ], [ vm_add_infl_free, 3 ], [ vm_return ], ] CODE[94] = [ // Union of Democratic Forces* [ vm_permanently_remove ], [ vm_if, ()=>!is_auto_resolve(C_UNION_OF_DEMOCRATIC_FORCES) ], [ vm_valid_spaces_country_opp, 'Bulgaria' ], [ vm_prompt, ' from Bulgaria' ], [ vm_remove_limited_opp_infl, 4, 2 ], [ vm_valid_spaces_country_sc, 'Bulgaria' ], [ vm_prompt, 'Make 2 Support Checks in Bulgaria' ], [ vm_support_check, 2 ], [ vm_endif ], [ vm_return ], ] CODE[95] = [ // Power Struggle - Romania [ vm_power_struggle ], [ vm_return ], ] CODE[96] = [ // The Chinese Solution* [ vm_permanently_remove ], [ vm_the_chinese_solution ], [ vm_valid_spaces_country_sc ], [ vm_prompt, ()=>`make 5 Support Checks in ${country_name(game.vm_active_country)}` ], [ vm_support_check_modified, 5, 3 ], [ vm_return ], ] CODE[97] = [ // The Tyrant is Gone* [ vm_if, ()=>game.persistent_events.includes(THE_CROWD_TURNS_AGAINST_CEAUSESCU_OCCURRED) ], [ vm_cluj_check ], [ vm_prompt, 'the Romanian Elite Space' ], [ vm_remove_x_opp_infl, 4 ], [ vm_the_tyrant_is_gone ], [ vm_else ], [ vm_the_tyrant_is_gone_prep ], [ vm_endif ], [ vm_return ], ] CODE[98] = [ // Politburo Intrigue* [ vm_permanently_remove ], [ vm_if, ()=>!is_auto_resolve(C_POLITBURO_INTRIGUE) ], [ vm_valid_spaces_country_opp, 'Bulgaria' ], [ vm_prompt, ' from Bulgaria' ], [ vm_remove_limited_opp_infl, 3, 2 ], [ vm_valid_spaces_country_sc, 'Bulgaria' ], [ vm_prompt, 'make a Support Check in Bulgaria' ], [ vm_1_support_check ], [ vm_endif ], [ vm_return ], ] CODE[99] = [ // Ligachev* [ vm_ligachev ], [ vm_return ], ] CODE[100] = [ // Stand Fast* [ vm_stand_fast ], [ vm_return ], ] CODE[101] = [ // Elena* [ vm_if, ()=>!game.persistent_events.includes(THE_TYRANT_IS_GONE_OCCURRED) ], [ vm_valid_spaces, 'Cluj-Napoca' ], [ vm_prompt, 'the Romania Elite Space' ], [ vm_add_x_infl, 2 ], [ vm_elena ], [ vm_else ], [ vm_tyrant_block ], [ vm_permanently_remove ], [ vm_endif ], [ vm_return ], ] CODE[102] = [ // National Salvation Front* [ vm_national_salvation_front ], [ vm_return ], ] CODE[103] = [ // Government Resigns* [ vm_permanently_remove ], [ vm_if, ()=>!is_auto_resolve(C_GOVERNMENT_RESIGNS) ], [ vm_government_resigns ], [ vm_prompt, 'any uncontrolled Elite space' ], [ vm_remove_all_infl, 1 ], [ vm_endif ], [ vm_return ], ] CODE[104] = [ // New Year's Eve Party* [ vm_new_years_eve_party ], [ vm_return ], ] CODE[105] = [ // Public Against Violence* [ vm_permanently_remove ], [ vm_valid_spaces, 'Kosice' ], [ vm_prompt, 'Košice' ], [ vm_add_x_infl, 2 ], [ vm_valid_spaces, 'Presov' ], [ vm_prompt, 'Prešov' ], [ vm_add_x_infl, 2 ], [ vm_public_against_violence ], [ vm_prompt, 'Make a Support Check in Bratislava' ], [ vm_support_check_modified, 1, 2 ], [ vm_return ], ] CODE[106] = [ // Social Democratic Platform Adopted* [ vm_permanently_remove ], [ vm_social_democratic_platform_adopted ], [ vm_valid_spaces_country ], [ vm_prompt, ()=>`${country_name(game.vm_active_country)}` ], [ vm_add_infl_free, 2 ], [ vm_valid_spaces_country_sc ], [ vm_prompt, ()=>`make a Support Check in ${country_name(game.vm_active_country)}` ], [ vm_1_support_check ], [ vm_return ], ] CODE[107] = [ // Massacre in Timisoara* [ vm_permanently_remove ], [ vm_if, ()=>!game.persistent_events.includes(THE_TYRANT_IS_GONE_OCCURRED) ], [ vm_massacre_in_timisoara ], [ vm_valid_spaces_country_sc, 'Romania' ], [ vm_prompt, 'Make Support Checks in Romania' ], [ vm_support_check_modified, 2, 2 ], [ vm_else ], [ vm_tyrant_block ], [ vm_endif ], [ vm_return ], ] CODE[108] = [ // Army Backs Revolution* [ vm_army_backs_revolution ], [ vm_return ], ] CODE[109] = [ // Kremlin Coup* [ vm_permanently_remove ], [ vm_kremlin_coup ], [ vm_return ], ] CODE[110] = [ // Malta Summit* [ vm_permanently_remove ], [ vm_malta_summit ], [ vm_prompt, ' from Elite spaces' ], [ vm_remove_opp_infl, 5 ], [ vm_return ], ] CODE[203] = [ // Tiananmen Square space 3 award [ vm_tst_3 ], [ vm_return ], ] CODE[204] = [ // Tiananmen Square space 4 award [ vm_valid_spaces_opponent ], [ vm_tst_4 ], [ vm_return ], ] CODE[206] = [ // Tiananmen Square space 6 [ vm_valid_spaces_sc ], [ vm_tst_6 ], [ vm_return ], ] CODE[208] = [ // Tiananmen Square space 8 event [ vm_tst_8 ], [ vm_return ], ] CODE[349] = [ // Support Falters [ vm_support_falters ], [ vm_return ], ] CODE[350] = [ // Support Surges [ vm_support_surges ], [ vm_return ], ] CODE[351] = [ // Scare Tactics [ vm_scare_tactics ], [ vm_valid_spaces_country_opp ], [ vm_prompt, ()=>` from ${country_name(game.vm_active_country)}` ], [ vm_remove_opp_infl, 1 ], [ vm_return ], ] // #endregion