"use strict" // vim:set foldmethod=marker: /* global view, roles, send_action, action_button, scroll_into_view */ /* global spaces, cards, power_cards */ // BEGIN CONST {{{ // SPACES const S_SCHWERIN = 0 const S_ROSTOCK = 1 const S_BERLIN = 2 const S_GERMAN_WRITERS = 3 const S_WALTER_ULBRICHT_ACADEMY = 4 const S_LUTHERAN_CHURCH = 5 const S_MAGDEBURG = 6 const S_HALLE = 7 const S_LEIPZIG = 8 const S_ERFURT = 9 const S_KARL_MARX_STADT = 10 const S_DRESDEN = 11 const S_SZCZECIN = 12 const S_GDANSK = 13 const S_BYDGOSZCZ = 14 const S_POZNAN = 15 const S_WARSZAWA = 16 const S_BIALYSTOK = 17 const S_WROCLAW = 18 const S_CATHOLIC_CHURCH_POLAND = 19 const S_LODZ = 20 const S_KATOWICE = 21 const S_KRAKOW = 22 const S_LUBLIN = 23 const S_JAGIELLONIAN_UNIVERSITY = 24 const S_POLISH_WRITERS = 25 const S_PLZEN = 26 const S_CESKE_BUDEJOVICE = 27 const S_PRAHA = 28 const S_CHARLES_UNIVERSITY = 29 const S_CZECH_WRITERS = 30 const S_BRNO = 31 const S_OSTRAVA = 32 const S_BRATISLAVA = 33 const S_CATHOLIC_CHURCH_CZECHOSLOVAKIA = 34 const S_PRESOV = 35 const S_KOSICE = 36 const S_CATHOLIC_CHURCH_HUNGARY = 37 const S_GYOR = 38 const S_TATABANYA = 39 const S_MISKOLC = 40 const S_DEBRECEN = 41 const S_SZOMBATHELY = 42 const S_SZEKESFEHERVAR = 43 const S_BUDAPEST = 44 const S_HUNGARIAN_WRITERS = 45 const S_EOTVOS_LORAND_UNIVERSITY = 46 const S_SZEGED = 47 const S_PECS = 48 const S_TIMISOARA = 49 const S_CLUJ_NAPOCA = 50 const S_TARGU_MURES = 51 const S_IASI = 52 const S_BABES_BOLYAI_UNIVERSITY = 53 const S_ROMANIAN_WRITERS = 54 const S_HARGHITA_COVASNA = 55 const S_BRASOV = 56 const S_ORTHODOX_CHURCH_ROMANIA = 57 const S_PLOIESTI = 58 const S_CRAIOVA = 59 const S_BUCURESTI = 60 const S_GALATI = 61 const S_CONSTANTA = 62 const S_PLEVEN = 63 const S_ORTHODOX_CHURCH_BULGARIA = 64 const S_RUSE = 65 const S_SOFIA_UNIVERSITY = 66 const S_SOFIA = 67 const S_STARA_ZAGORA = 68 const S_RAZGRAD = 69 const S_BURGAS = 70 const S_VARNA = 71 const S_BULGARIAN_WRITERS = 72 const S_PLOVDIV = 73 const S_SLIVEN = 74 // CARDS const C_LEGACY_OF_MARTIAL_LAW = 1 const C_SOLIDARITY_LEGALIZED = 2 const C_WALESA = 3 const C_MICHNIK = 4 const C_GENERAL_STRIKE = 5 const C_BROUGHT_IN_FOR_QUESTIONING = 6 const C_STATE_RUN_MEDIA = 7 const C_PRUDENCE = 8 const C_THE_WALL = 9 const C_CULT_OF_PERSONALITY = 10 const C_DISSIDENT_ARRESTED = 11 const C_APPARATCHIKS = 12 const C_STASI = 13 const C_GORBACHEV_CHARMS_THE_WEST = 14 const C_HONECKER = 15 const C_NOMENKLATURA = 16 const C_ROUNDTABLE_TALKS = 17 const C_POSZGAY_DEFENDS_THE_REVOLUTION = 18 const C_PAPAL_VISIT = 19 const C_DEUTSCHE_MARKS = 20 const C_COMMON_EUROPEAN_HOME = 21 const C_POWER_STRUGGLE_POLAND = 22 const C_POWER_STRUGGLE_HUNGARY = 23 const C_ST_NICHOLAS_CHURCH = 24 const C_PERESTROIKA = 25 const C_HELSINKI_FINAL_ACT = 26 const C_CONSUMERISM = 27 const C_FACTORY_PARTY_CELLS = 28 const C_JAN_PALACH_WEEK = 29 const C_TEAR_GAS = 30 const C_INTELLIGENTSIA = 31 const C_PEASANT_PARTIES = 32 const C_SAJUDIS = 33 const C_FIDESZ = 34 const C_HEAL_OUR_BLEEDING_WOUND = 35 const C_DASH_FOR_THE_WEST = 36 const C_NAGY_REBURIED = 37 const C_THE_JULY_CONCEPT = 38 const C_ECO_GLASNOST = 39 const C_HUNGARIAN_DEMOCRATIC_FORUM = 40 const C_CEAUSESCU = 41 const C_POWER_STRUGGLE_EAST_GERMANY = 42 const C_POWER_STRUGGLE_BULGARIA = 43 const C_INFLATIONARY_CURRENCY = 44 const C_SOVIET_TROOP_WITHDRAWALS = 45 const C_GOODBYE_LENIN = 46 const C_BULGARIAN_TURKS_EXPELLED = 47 const C_WE_ARE_THE_PEOPLE = 48 const C_FOREIGN_CURRENCY_DEBT_BURDEN = 49 const C_THE_SINATRA_DOCTRINE = 50 const C_40TH_ANNIVERSARY_CELEBRATION = 51 const C_NORMALIZATION = 52 const C_LI_PENG = 53 const C_THE_CROWD_TURNS_AGAINST_CEAUSESCU = 54 const C_POWER_STRUGGLE_CZECHOSLOVAKIA = 55 const C_FOREIGN_TELEVISION = 56 const C_CENTRAL_COMMITTEE_RESHUFFLE = 57 const C_AUSTRIA_HUNGARY_BORDER_REOPENED = 58 const C_GRENZTRUPPEN = 59 const C_TOXIC_WASTE = 60 const C_THE_MONDAY_DEMONSTRATIONS = 61 const C_YAKOVLEV_COUNSELS_GORBACHEV = 62 const C_GENSCHER = 63 const C_LEGACY_OF_1968 = 64 const C_PRESIDENTIAL_VISIT = 65 const C_NEW_FORUM = 66 const C_REFORMER_REHABILITATED = 67 const C_KLAUS_AND_KOMAREK = 68 const C_SYSTEMATIZATION = 69 const C_SECURITATE = 70 const C_KISS_OF_DEATH = 71 const C_PEASANT_PARTIES_REVOLT = 72 const C_LASZLO_TOKES = 73 const C_FRG_EMBASSIES = 74 const C_EXIT_VISAS = 75 const C_WARSAW_PACT_SUMMIT = 76 const C_SAMIZDAT = 77 const C_WORKERS_REVOLT = 78 const C_THE_THIRD_WAY = 79 const C_NEPOTISM = 80 const C_THE_BALTIC_WAY = 81 const C_SPITZEL = 82 const C_MODROW = 83 const C_BREAKAWAY_BALTIC_REPUBLICS = 84 const C_TANK_COLUMN_TANK_MAN = 85 const C_THE_WALL_MUST_GO = 86 const C_KOHL_PROPOSES_REUNIFICATION = 87 const C_ADAMEC = 88 const C_DOMINO_THEORY = 89 const C_CIVIC_FORUM = 90 const C_MY_FIRST_BANANA = 91 const C_BETRAYAL = 92 const C_SHOCK_THERAPY = 93 const C_UNION_OF_DEMOCRATIC_FORCES = 94 const C_POWER_STRUGGLE_ROMANIA = 95 const C_THE_CHINESE_SOLUTION = 96 const C_THE_TYRANT_IS_GONE = 97 const C_POLITBURO_INTRIGUE = 98 const C_LIGACHEV = 99 const C_STAND_FAST = 100 const C_ELENA = 101 const C_NATIONAL_SALVATION_FRONT = 102 const C_GOVERNMENT_RESIGNS = 103 const C_NEW_YEARS_EVE_PARTY = 104 const C_PUBLIC_AGAINST_VIOLENCE = 105 const C_SOCIAL_DEMOCRATIC_PLATFORM_ADOPTED = 106 const C_MASSACRE_IN_TIMISOARA = 107 const C_ARMY_BACKS_REVOLUTION = 108 const C_KREMLIN_COUP = 109 const C_MALTA_SUMMIT = 110 // END CONST }}} // BEGIN LAYOUT {{{ var LAYOUT = { "Babes-Bolyai University": [958,1529,127,75], "Berlin": [329,148,127,75], "Bialystok": [1202,436,127,76], "Brasov": [1339,1556,127,75], "Bratislava": [539,1013,127,76], "Brno": [521,904,127,76], "Bucuresti": [1186,1837,127,76], "Budapest": [809,1249,127,76], "Bulgarian Writers": [838,2192,127,76], "Burgas": [1289,2152,127,76], "Bydgoszcz": [872,388,127,76], "Catholic Church, Czechoslovakia": [692,1010,127,75], "Catholic Church, Hungary": [409,1126,127,76], "Catholic Church, Poland": [802,558,127,75], "Ceske Budejovice": [260,765,127,77], "Charles University": [491,677,128,76], "Cluj-Napoca": [970,1429,127,76], "Constanta": [1443,1925,127,76], "Craiova": [977,1793,127,76], "Czech Writers": [573,773,127,76], "Debrecen": [1000,1192,127,76], "Dresden": [343,479,127,76], "Eotvos Lorand University": [658,1314,127,76], "Erfurt": [38,455,127,76], "Galati": [1409,1778,127,76], "Gdansk": [896,277,127,76], "German Writers": [81,239,127,76], "Gyor": [560,1129,127,76], "Halle": [231,357,127,75], "Harghita/Covasna": [1186,1560,127,75], "Hungarian Writers": [452,1322,127,76], "Iasi": [1369,1395,127,76], "Jagiellonian University": [870,867,127,76], "Karl-Marx-Stadt": [184,492,127,75], "Katowice": [733,723,127,76], "Kosice": [995,1037,127,76], "Krakow": [911,761,127,76], "Leipzig": [387,379,127,76], "Lodz": [959,620,127,76], "Lublin": [1124,754,127,76], "Lutheran Church": [391,271,127,76], "Magdeburg": [79,352,127,75], "Miskolc": [851,1146,127,76], "Orthodox Church, Bulgaria": [1130,1956,127,76], "Orthodox Church, Romania": [1094,1700,127,76], "Ostrava": [673,868,127,75], "Pecs": [626,1406,127,75], "Pleven": [979,1948,127,76], "Ploiesti": [1356,1671,127,76], "Plovdiv": [987,2209,127,75], "Plzen": [211,615,127,76], "Polish Writers": [1051,883,127,75], "Poznan": [671,452,127,76], "Praha": [412,782,127,75], "Presov": [844,1010,127,75], "Razgrad": [1219,2057,127,76], "Romanian Writers": [947,1625,127,75], "Rostock": [299,53,127,76], "Ruse": [1277,1956,127,76], "Schwerin": [148,86,127,76], "Sliven": [1144,2251,127,75], "Sofia": [983,2098,127,76], "Sofia University": [828,2095,127,76], "Stara Zagora": [1133,2153,127,75], "Szczecin": [574,263,127,75], "Szeged": [812,1364,127,76], "Szekesfehervar": [571,1223,127,75], "Szombathely": [410,1224,127,76], "Targu Mures": [1169,1443,127,76], "Tatabanya": [706,1126,127,75], "Timisoara": [767,1531,127,76], "Varna": [1387,2051,127,76], "Walter Ulbricht Academy": [234,240,127,76], "Warszawa": [1032,490,127,75], "Wroclaw": [595,565,127,75], "action_1": [708,143,48,44], "action_8": [1080,143,47,43], "country_bulgaria": [915,1999,46,41], "country_czechoslovakia": [463,624,44,39], "country_east_germany": [560,160,43,37], "country_hungary": [1034,1319,44,39], "country_poland": [1188,292,44,39], "country_romania": [1287,1349,44,39], "event_solidarity_legalized": [779,270,44,43], "event_the_wall": [222,179,40,41], "tst_com_1": [53,2257,47,47], "tst_com_7": [469,2257,47,47], "tst_com_8": [556,2257,47,47], "tst_dem_1": [53,2128,47,47], "tst_dem_7": [469,2128,47,47], "tst_dem_8": [556,2128,47,47], "turn_1": [655,81,47,48], "turn_10": [1133,80,48,48], "ussr_1": [1381,1080,48,48], "ussr_2": [1381,1134,48,48], "ussr_3": [1381,1188,48,48], "ussr_4": [1381,1243,48,48], "ussr_5": [1381,1297,48,48], "vp_0": [843,2425,55,51], "vp_1": [883,2395,55,50], "vp_19": [1440,2395,55,50], "vp_2": [913,2455,56,51], "vp_20": [1471,2455,55,51], "vp_neg_1": [803,2455,56,51], "vp_neg_19": [246,2456,55,50], "vp_neg_2": [772,2395,56,51], "vp_neg_20": [215,2395,55,51], } // END LAYOUT }}} let action_register = [] function register_action(target, action, id) { target.my_action = action target.my_id = id target.onmousedown = on_click_action action_register.push(target) } function is_action(action, arg) { return !!(view.actions && view.actions[action] && view.actions[action].includes(arg)) } function on_click_action(evt) { if (evt.button === 0) send_action(evt.target.my_action, evt.target.my_id) } const last_space = 74 const last_card = 110 const last_power_card = 52 const board_events = [ C_SOLIDARITY_LEGALIZED, C_THE_WALL, C_SYSTEMATIZATION, C_THE_TYRANT_IS_GONE ] const box_events = [ C_HONECKER, C_ST_NICHOLAS_CHURCH, C_HELSINKI_FINAL_ACT, C_ECO_GLASNOST, C_WE_ARE_THE_PEOPLE, C_FOREIGN_CURRENCY_DEBT_BURDEN, C_LI_PENG, C_AUSTRIA_HUNGARY_BORDER_REOPENED, C_GRENZTRUPPEN, C_PRESIDENTIAL_VISIT, C_SECURITATE, C_LASZLO_TOKES, C_STAND_FAST, C_ELENA, C_NEW_YEARS_EVE_PARTY, ] const ui = { favicon: document.getElementById("favicon"), turn_info: document.getElementById("turn_info"), turn: document.getElementById("marker_turn"), round: document.getElementById("marker_action_round"), stability: document.getElementById("marker_stability_track"), dem_tst: document.getElementById("marker_dem_tst"), com_tst: document.getElementById("marker_com_tst"), vp: document.getElementById("marker_vp"), event_reminder_list: document.getElementById("event_reminder_list"), played_card: document.getElementById("played_card"), hand: document.getElementById("hand"), power_hand: document.getElementById("power_hand"), power_discard: document.getElementById("power_discard"), opp_hand: document.getElementById("opp_hand"), securitate: document.getElementById("securitate"), discard: document.getElementById("discard"), removed: document.getElementById("removed"), persistent: document.getElementById("persistent"), ceausescu_hand: document.getElementById("ceausescu_hand"), samizdat_card: document.getElementById("samizdat_card"), } function create_country(id, name) { let [ x, y, w, h ] = LAYOUT[name] let xc = Math.round(x + w / 2) let yc = Math.round(y + h / 2) let e = document.createElement("div") e.className = "marker demInfl" e.style.left = xc - 25 + "px" e.style.top = yc - 25 + "px" ui.countries[id] = e document.getElementById("markers").appendChild(e) } const INF_DX = 33 const INF_DY = 10 function create_ui() { ui.layout_xy = [] ui.spaces = [] ui.dem_inf = [] ui.com_inf = [] ui.dem_inf2 = [] ui.com_inf2 = [] ui.dem_inf3 = [] ui.com_inf3 = [] for (let s = 0; s <= last_space; ++s) { let info = spaces[s] let [ x, y, w, h ] = LAYOUT[info.ascii_name] let xc = Math.round(x + w / 2) let yc = Math.round(y + h / 2) x -= 6 y -= 6 w += 12 h += 12 ui.layout_xy[s] = [ xc, yc ] let space_e = document.createElement("div") register_action(space_e, "space", s) space_e.className = "space " + info.country space_e.style.left = x + "px" space_e.style.top = y + "px" space_e.style.width = w + "px" space_e.style.height = h + "px" ui.spaces[s] = space_e let com_e = document.createElement("div") com_e.className = "marker comInfl hide" com_e.style.left = xc + 32 - 25 + "px" com_e.style.top = yc + 12 - 25 + "px" ui.com_inf[s] = com_e let com_e2 = document.createElement("div") com_e2.className = "marker comInfl hide" com_e2.style.left = xc + 32 - 25 + INF_DX + "px" com_e2.style.top = yc + 12 - 25 + INF_DY + "px" ui.com_inf2[s] = com_e2 let com_e3 = document.createElement("div") com_e3.className = "marker comInfl hide" com_e3.style.left = xc + 32 - 25 + 5 + INF_DX + "px" com_e3.style.top = yc + 12 - 25 + 5 + INF_DY + "px" ui.com_inf3[s] = com_e3 let dem_e = document.createElement("div") dem_e.className = "marker demInfl hide" dem_e.style.left = xc - 32 - 25 + "px" dem_e.style.top = yc + 12 - 25 + "px" ui.dem_inf[s] = dem_e let dem_e2 = document.createElement("div") dem_e2.className = "marker demInfl hide" dem_e2.style.left = xc - 32 - 25 - INF_DX + "px" dem_e2.style.top = yc + 12 - 25 + INF_DY + "px" ui.dem_inf2[s] = dem_e2 let dem_e3 = document.createElement("div") dem_e3.className = "marker demInfl hide" dem_e3.style.left = xc - 32 - 25 - 5 - INF_DX + "px" dem_e3.style.top = yc + 12 - 25 + 5 + INF_DY + "px" ui.dem_inf3[s] = dem_e3 document.getElementById("spaces").append(space_e) document.getElementById("markers").appendChild(com_e) document.getElementById("markers").appendChild(com_e2) document.getElementById("markers").appendChild(com_e3) document.getElementById("markers").appendChild(dem_e) document.getElementById("markers").appendChild(dem_e2) document.getElementById("markers").appendChild(dem_e3) } ui.cards = [] for (let c = 1; c <= last_card; ++c) { const card_e = document.createElement("div") register_action(card_e, "card", c) card_e.className = "card event_" + c ui.cards[c] = card_e } ui.power_cards = [] for (let c = 1; c <= last_power_card; ++c) { const power_card_e = document.createElement("div") register_action(power_card_e, "power_card", c) power_card_e.className = "card power_card power_" + c 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(view.round_player === "Democrat") // TODO: bit flag? ui.round.className = "marker dem" else ui.round.className = "marker com" } function layout_stability_marker() { let x = 24 + 1381 let y = 24 + 1081 + view.stability * 54 ui.stability.style.left = x - 25 + "px" ui.stability.style.top = y - 25 + "px" } let TST_X = [ 0, 53, 53 + 69, 53 + 69 * 2, 53 + 69 * 3, 53 + 69 * 4, 53 + 69 * 5, 53 + 69 * 6, 556 ] let TST_Y = [ 2128, 2257 ] function layout_tst_marker(e, v, top) { let x = TST_X[v] + 24 let y = TST_Y[top] + 24 e.style.left = x - 25 + "px" e.style.top = y - 25 + "px" } function layout_vp_marker() { let x, y if (view.vp > 21) { view.vp = 21 } if (view.vp < -21) { view.vp = -21 } if (view.vp === 0) { y = 2425 + 25 x = 843 + 28 } else if (view.vp === -21) { y = 2424 + 25 x = 803 + 28 - 651 } else if (view.vp === 21) { y = 2424 + 25 x = 883 + 28 + 651 } else if (view.vp < 0) { if (view.vp & 1) { y = 2456 + 25 x = 803 + 28 - ((-view.vp - 1) / 2) * 62 } else { y = 2395 + 25 x = 772 + 28 - ((-view.vp - 2) / 2) * 62 } } else if (view.vp > 0) { if (view.vp & 1) { y = 2396 + 25 x = 883 + 28 + ((view.vp - 1) / 2) * 62 } else { y = 2455 + 25 x = 913 + 28 + ((view.vp - 2) / 2) * 62 } } ui.vp.style.left = x - 25 + "px" ui.vp.style.top = y - 25 + "px" } function layout_country(id) { for (let i = 0; i < 6; i++) { // TODO: what number to display? if (view.revolutions[id]) ui.countries[id].className = "marker demInfl ctl v" + view.times_held[id] else if (view.times_held[id] > 0) ui.countries[id].className = "marker comInfl ctl v" + view.times_held[id] else ui.countries[id].className = "marker hide" } } function layout_inf_markers(cn, one, two, three, v, ctl) { if (ctl) cn += " ctl" if (v > 16) { one.className = cn + " v" + 8 two.className = cn + " v" + 8 three.className = cn + " v" + (v - 16) } else if (v > 8) { one.className = cn + " v" + 8 two.className = cn + " v" + (v - 8) three.className = "hide" } else if (v > 0) { one.className = cn + " v" + v two.className = "hide" 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(view.persistent_events.includes(C_THE_WALL)) ui.events[C_THE_WALL].style.display = "block" else ui.events[C_THE_WALL].style.display = "none" if (view.persistent_events.includes(C_SYSTEMATIZATION)) { ui.events[C_SYSTEMATIZATION].style.display = "block" ui.events[C_SYSTEMATIZATION].style.left = ui.layout_xy[view.systematization][0] - 25 + "px" ui.events[C_SYSTEMATIZATION].style.top = ui.layout_xy[view.systematization][1] - 25 + "px" } else { ui.events[C_SYSTEMATIZATION].style.display = "none" } if (view.the_tyrant_is_gone) { ui.events[C_THE_TYRANT_IS_GONE].style.display = "block" ui.events[C_THE_TYRANT_IS_GONE].style.left = ui.layout_xy[view.the_tyrant_is_gone][0] - 25 + "px" ui.events[C_THE_TYRANT_IS_GONE].style.top = ui.layout_xy[view.the_tyrant_is_gone][1] - 50 + "px" } else { ui.events[C_THE_TYRANT_IS_GONE].style.display = "none" } // EVENT REMINDER LIST ui.event_reminder_list.replaceChildren() for (let id of box_events) if (view.persistent_events.includes(id)) ui.event_reminder_list.appendChild(ui.events[id]) // UPDATE INFLUENCE VALUES for (let s = 0; s <= last_space; ++s) { const demInfl = view.demInfl[s] const comInfl = view.comInfl[s] layout_inf_markers("marker demInfl", ui.dem_inf[s], ui.dem_inf2[s], ui.dem_inf3[s], demInfl, demInfl - comInfl >= spaces[s].stability) layout_inf_markers("marker comInfl", ui.com_inf[s], ui.com_inf2[s], ui.com_inf3[s], comInfl, comInfl - demInfl >= spaces[s].stability) } // UPDATE COUNTRY MARKERS for (let i = 0; i < 6; ++i) layout_country(i) // UPDATE CARD DISPLAYS ui.samizdat_card.replaceChildren() if (view.samizdat > 0) ui.samizdat_card.appendChild(ui.cards[view.samizdat]) ui.hand.replaceChildren() for (let c of view.hand) ui.hand.appendChild(ui.cards[c]) ui.power_hand.replaceChildren() if (view.power_hand) for (let c of view.power_hand) ui.power_hand.appendChild(ui.power_cards[c]) ui.power_discard.replaceChildren() if (view.power_struggle_discard) for (let c of view.power_struggle_discard) ui.power_discard.appendChild(ui.power_cards[c]) ui.opp_hand.replaceChildren() if (view.opp_hand) for (let c of view.opp_hand) ui.opp_hand.appendChild(ui.cards[c]) ui.securitate.replaceChildren() if (view.opp_power_hand) for (let c of view.opp_power_hand) ui.securitate.appendChild(ui.power_cards[c]) ui.ceausescu_hand.replaceChildren() if (view.ceausescu_cards) for (let c of view.ceausescu_cards) ui.ceausescu_hand.appendChild(ui.power_cards[c]) ui.discard.replaceChildren() for (let c of view.strategy_discard) ui.discard.appendChild(ui.cards[c]) if (view.discard) document.getElementById("discard_panel").classList.remove("hide") else document.getElementById("discard_panel").classList.add("hide") ui.removed.replaceChildren() for (let c of view.strategy_removed) ui.removed.appendChild(ui.cards[c]) ui.persistent.replaceChildren() for (let c of view.persistent_events) if (c < 111) ui.persistent.appendChild(ui.cards[c]) ui.played_card.replaceChildren() if (view.played_card > 0) ui.played_card.appendChild(ui.cards[view.played_card]) if (view.power_card_1 > 0) ui.played_card.appendChild(ui.power_cards[view.power_card_1]) if (view.power_card_2 > 0) ui.played_card.appendChild(ui.power_cards[view.power_card_2]) for (let e of action_register) e.classList.toggle("action", is_action(e.my_action, e.my_id)) for (let s = 0; s <= last_space; ++s) ui.spaces[s].classList.toggle("selected", view.selected_space === s) action_button("yes", "Yes") action_button("no", "No") action_button("start", "Start") action_button("check", "Check held cards") action_button("tst_7", "Cancel opponent event") action_button("tst_8", "Event and operations") action_button("end", "End Game") action_button("continue", "Continue playing") action_button("east_germany", "East Germany") action_button("poland", "Poland") action_button("czechoslovakia", "Czechoslovakia") action_button("hungary", "Hungary") action_button("romania", "Romania") action_button("bulgaria", "Bulgaria") action_button("extra", "Take action round") action_button("pass", "Pass") action_button("remove", "Remove SPs") action_button("add", "Add SPs") action_button("ops", "Operations") action_button("discard", "Discard") action_button("strike", "Strike") action_button("march", "March") action_button("rally", "Rally in the Square") action_button("petition", "Petition") action_button("bonus", "Calculate VP bonus") action_button("scoring", "Score country") action_button("surrender", "Surrender Power") action_button("retain", "Retain Power") action_button("take", "Take Power") action_button("concede", "Concede") action_button("struggle", "Begin power struggle") action_button("raise", "Raise the stakes") action_button("draw", "Draw") action_button("scoring", "Scoring") action_button("event", "Event") action_button("opp_event", "Resolve opponent event") action_button("influence", "Place SPs") action_button("support_check", "Support Checks") action_button("tst", "Tiananmen Square Track") action_button("roll", "Roll a die") action_button("done", "Done") action_button("end_round", "End Round") action_button("undo", "Undo") } // =========================== LOG FUNCTIONS ============================================== function sub_card_name(_match, p1) { let x = p1 | 0 return `<span class="card_name" onmouseenter="on_focus_card_tip(${x})" onmouseleave="on_blur_card_tip()">${cards[x].name.replace("*", "")}</span>` } function sub_power_card_name(_match, p1) { let x = p1 | 0 return `<span class="card_name" onmouseenter="on_focus_power_card_tip(${x})" onmouseleave="on_blur_power_card_tip()">${power_cards[x].name}</span>` } function sub_power_card_value(_match, p1) { let x = p1 | 0 return `<span class="card_name">${x}</span>` } function sub_space_name(_match, p1) { let id = p1 | 0 let name = spaces[id].name_unique return `<span class="space_tip" onmouseenter="on_focus_space_tip(${id})" onmouseleave="on_blur_space_tip(${id})" onclick="on_click_space_tip(${id})">${name}</span>` } function sub_die(match) { return die[match] || match } const die = { D1: '<span class="die white d1"></span>', D2: '<span class="die white d2"></span>', D3: '<span class="die white d3"></span>', D4: '<span class="die white d4"></span>', D5: '<span class="die white d5"></span>', D6: '<span class="die white d6"></span>', } function on_log(text) { let p = document.createElement("div") if (text.match(/^>/)) { text = text.substring(1) p.className = "i" } text = text.replace(/_/g, " ") text = text.replace(/C(\d+)/g, sub_card_name) text = text.replace(/P(\d+)/g, sub_power_card_name) text = text.replace(/V(\d+)/g, sub_power_card_value) text = text.replace(/%(\d+)/g, sub_space_name) text = text.replace(/D[1-6]/g, sub_die) if (text.match(/^\.h1/)) { text = text.substring(4) p.className = "h1" } else if (text.match(/^\.h2d/)) { text = text.substring(5) p.className = "h2 dem" } else if (text.match(/^\.h2c/)) { text = text.substring(5) p.className = "h2 com" } else if (text.match(/^\.h2/)) { text = text.substring(4) p.className = "h2" } else if (text.match(/^\.h3/)) { text = text.substring(4) p.className = "h3" } p.innerHTML = text return p } // =========================== VISUAL FUNCTIONS ==========================================# function on_focus_card_tip(card_number) { document.getElementById("tooltip").className = "card event_" + card_number } function on_blur_card_tip() { document.getElementById("tooltip").classList = "card hide" } function on_focus_power_card_tip(card_number) { document.getElementById("tooltip").className = "card power_" + card_number } function on_blur_power_card_tip() { document.getElementById("tooltip").classList = "card hide" } function on_focus_space_tip(id) { ui.spaces[id].classList.add("tip") } function on_blur_space_tip(id) { ui.spaces[id].classList.remove("tip") } function on_click_space_tip(id) { scroll_into_view(ui.spaces[id]) } function toggle_discard() { document.getElementById("discard_panel").classList.toggle("hide") } function toggle_removed() { document.getElementById("removed_panel").classList.toggle("hide") }