//- vim:ts=4:sw=4:
doctype html
		include head
		title Webhook
		include header

			h1 Webhook

			- var url = webhook && webhook.url || ""
			- var format = webhook && webhook.format || ""
			- var prefix = webhook && webhook.prefix || ""

			form(action="/api/webhook/update" method="post")
				if webhook && webhook.error
					p.error ERROR: #{webhook.error}
				p Webhook URL:
					input#url(type="text" name="url" size=120 placeholder="https://discord.com/api/webhooks/..." value=url required)
				p Webhook format:
					input#format(type="text" name="format" size=40 placeholder="content" value=format)

				p Message prefix:
					input#prefix(type="text" name="prefix" size=40 placeholder="<@123456789>" value=prefix)

				if webhook
					button(type="submit") Update
					button(type="submit") Create

			if webhook
				form(action="/api/webhook/delete" method="post")
					button(type="submit") Delete

			h2 Discord Notifications

			p You can send notifications to a given channel on a Discord server.

				li Create your own server or use an existing server where you have administrator privileges.
				li <a href="https://support.discord.com/hc/en-us/articles/228383668-Intro-to-Webhooks">Get the webhook URL</a> for the Discord channel and enter it into the Webhook URL field.
				li Enter "content" into the Webhook format field.
				li Find your <a href="https://support.playhive.com/discord-user-id/">Discord User ID</a>. This is not your username, it is a number.
				li Enter your Discord User ID into the Message prefix field as "&lt;@12345&gt;".

			h2 Slack Notifications

			p You can send notifications to a Slack workspace.

				li Join or set up a Slack workspace with a webhook integration.
				li Find the Webhook URL and enter it into the Webhook URL field.
				li Enter "text" into the Webhook format field.
				li Find your <a href="">Slack User ID</a>. This is a number with "U" in front of it.
				li Enter your Slack User ID into the Message prefix field as "&lt;@U12345&gt;".

			h2 Custom Notifications

				You can integrate with any server that accepts inbound webhooks by setting the webhook URL to the appropriate endpoint.
				If the format field is blank, the payload is sent as plain text.
				Otherwise, the payload is a JSON object where the format field specifies which JSON property holds the message.
				Use "content" for Discord and "text" for Slack.