<%- include('header', { title: "Rally the Troops!", refresh: (active_games.length > 0 ? 300 : 0) }) _%>

Welcome, <%= user.name %>!

Your mail address is <%= user.mail %>.

» <% if (user.notify) { %>Disable mail notifications<% } else { %>Enable mail notifications<% } %>
» Change password, mail address, name, or profile text.
» Chat log
» Logout <%_ if (open_games.length > 0) { _%>

Open Games

IDGameScenarioOptionsPlayersDescriptionCreated <%_ open_games.forEach((row) => { _%>
<%= row.game_id %> <%= row.title_name %> <%= row.scenario %> <%- row.options %> <%- row.player_names %> <%= row.description %> <%= row.ctime %> Join <%_ }); _%>
<%_ } _%> <%_ if (active_games.length > 0) { _%>

Active Games

IDGameScenarioOptionsPlayersDescriptionChangedTurn <%_ active_games.forEach((row) => { _%>
<%= row.game_id %> <%= row.title_name %> <%= row.scenario %> <%- row.options %> <%- row.player_names %> <%= row.description %> <%= row.mtime %> <%_ if (row.is_active) { %><%= row.active %><% } else { %><%= row.active %><% } if (row.is_shared) { %>Play<% } else { %>Play<% } _%> <%_ }); _%>
<%_ } _%> <%_ if (finished_games.length > 0) { _%>

Finished Games

IDGameScenarioOptionsPlayersDescriptionFinishedResult <%_ finished_games.forEach((row) => { _%>
<%= row.game_id %> <%= row.title_name %> <%= row.scenario %> <%- row.options %> <%- row.player_names %> <%= row.description %> <%= row.mtime %> <%= row.result %> <%_ if (row.is_shared) { %>View<% } else { %>View<% } _%> <%_ }); _%>
<%_ } _%> <%_ if (open_games.length === 0 && active_games.length === 0 && finished_games.length === 0) { _%>

You don't have any current or finished games. <%_ } _%>