//- vim:ts=4:sw=4: doctype html html head include head +social(game.title_name, "Play " + game.title_name + " with " + players.map(x=>x.name).join(" and ") + ".", game.title_id) title= game.title_name style. table { min-width: 0; } th,td { border: 1px solid black; } a.red { text-decoration: none; color: brown; font-size: 15px; float: right; } a.green { text-decoration: none; color: green; font-size: 15px; float: right; } th { white-space: nowrap; background-color: gainsboro; } td { width: 180px; background-color: white; } #message { background-color: whitesmoke; } .hide { display: none; } td.is_invite { background-color: honeydew } td.enemy { background-color: #f66 } td.enemy::before { content: "\1f6ab "; color: #000; font-size: 15px; } script. let game = !{ JSON.stringify(game) } let roles = !{ JSON.stringify(roles) } let players = !{ JSON.stringify(players) } let user_id = !{ user.user_id } let whitelist = !{ JSON.stringify(whitelist) } let blacklist = !{ JSON.stringify(blacklist) } let friends = !{ JSON.stringify(friends) } let limit = !{ !!limit } let ready = !{ ready } script(src="/join.js") body include header article if game.scenario === "Standard" h1 #{game.title_name} else h1 #{game.title_name} - #{game.scenario} if limit p.error= limit p.error#error div.logo +gamecover(game.title_id) if game.owner_id if game.is_private p Created #{game.ctime} by #{game.owner_name} (private). else p Created #{game.ctime} by #{game.owner_name}. else p Created #{game.ctime}. if game.status > 1 p Finished #{game.mtime}. else if game.mtime !== "never" p Last changed #{game.mtime}. unless game.human_options === "None" p Options: #{game.human_options}. case game.pace when 1 p #{EMOJI_LIVE} Live! when 2 p #{EMOJI_FAST} Fast – many moves per day. when 3 p #{EMOJI_SLOW} Slow – one move per day. if game.notice p i= game.notice br(clear="left") dialog(id="invite") | Invite a friend: br input(id="invite_user" type="text" list="friends" onchange="send_invite()") datalist(id="friends") if friends each who in friends option= who br button(onclick="send_invite()") Invite button(onclick="hide_invite()") Cancel p table tbody each role in roles tr th(id="role_"+role.replace(/ /g, "_")+"_name")= role td(id="role_"+role.replace(/ /g, "_")) - tr td#message(colspan=2) - p button.hide#delete_button(onclick="confirm_delete()") Delete button.hide#start_button(onclick="start()" disabled) Start