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p Rally the Troops! is created and maintained by Tor Andersson. It is a free software project.
p The source code is available on #[a(href="https://github.com/rally-the-troops/") GitHub].
h2 Tips & Tricks
li Open a separate browser tab or window for each side when playing solo.
li Use the middle mouse button to drag and scroll around the map.
li Hold down the Shift key when mousing over a block or counter in order to magnify it.
li The #[i Enter] and #[i Escape] keys open and close the chat box.
li To invite your friends to a private game, send them the address of the join page.
li Chat messages can only be seen by players who are part of a game. They are hidden from observers.
li The #[img(src="/images/cog.svg")] menu has links to rules, player aids and other reference material. In some games you can also choose between alternative graphics and layout options.
li The #[img(src="/images/earth-africa-europe.svg")] button hides all counters and markers, if you need to check something on the map that is obscured.
li The #[img(src="/images/magnifying-glass.svg")] button shrinks the map to fit the screen width.
li The #[img(src="/images/scroll-quill.svg")] button hides the game log and player status displays, so you can see more of the map.
li The #[img(src="/images/chat-bubble.svg")] button lights up if you have unread chat messages.
li The #[img(src="/images/cycle.svg")] button appears when the game is over, and can be used to quickly start a rematch.
h2 Pace & Etiquette
For everyone's enjoyment, please respect the pace requests!
If someone wants a fast game, don't join if you can only play one move per day.
dt #{EMOJI_LIVE} Live
Let your opponents know if you're going away!
If you need to resume the game another day, arrange a time when you can all continue,
or agree to continue playing at a different pace.
dt #{EMOJI_FAST} Fast
Turn on notifications so you can take your turns promptly.
If you see that your opponent is online (the dot next to their name is filled in)
then stay in the game for a while and perhaps you can play live for a bit.
dt #{EMOJI_SLOW} Slow
If you create a game and know you can not play more than one move per day,
please pick this option to set the appropriate expectations.
dt Any
Anything goes. Read the game notice and adapt!
h2 Waiting room
In the public waiting room you can post a request for a game, or respond to someone else's request for a game.
If you see a game you want to play, click the Join link and enter the game.
Once the game has enough players, the creator can start the game.
If you'd like to post your own request for a game, click the create a new game link and
select the scenario and options you want to play.
If you want to play with friends, check the "private" checkbox and invite your friends
from the join page after you have created the game.
h2 Privacy statement
p When you create an account we collect the following personal information:
li Your email address in order to send password reset emails and notifications.
li Your messages and forum posts.
li Your game activity.
p Your personal data will be removed if you delete your account.
h2 Licensing
p All games are used with consent from their respective rights holders.
p Icons are sourced from #[a(href="https://game-icons.net") game-icons.net] by Delapouite, Lorc, and others under the #[a(href="https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/") CC BY 3.0] license.
p Other images and graphics are sourced from #[a( href="https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/Main_Page") Wikimedia Commons].