"use strict" const fs = require('fs') const crypto = require('crypto') const http = require('http') const https = require('https') const { WebSocketServer } = require('ws') const express = require('express') const url = require('url') const compression = require('compression') const sqlite3 = require('better-sqlite3') require('dotenv').config() let DEBUG = process.env.DEBUG || 0 let HTTP_PORT = process.env.HTTP_PORT || 8080 let HTTPS_PORT = process.env.HTTPS_PORT let SITE_HOST = process.env.SITE_HOST || "localhost" let SITE_NAME = process.env.SITE_NAME || "Untitled" let SITE_URL = process.env.SITE_URL if (!SITE_URL) { if (HTTPS_PORT) SITE_URL = "https://" + SITE_HOST + ":" + HTTPS_PORT else SITE_URL = "http://" + SITE_HOST + ":" + HTTP_PORT } // Time intervals in julian days const HOURS = 1 / 24 const MINUTES = 1 / (24 * 60) var stat_start = Date.now() / 60000 var stat_http_reqs = 0 var stat_pug_reqs = 0 var stat_ws_reqs = 0 var stat_total1 = 0 var stat_total2 = 0 function LOG_STATS() { // Count clients connected to join page events let num_joins = 0 for (let id in join_clients) num_joins += join_clients[id].length // Count clients connected to game websockets let num_games = 0 let num_sockets = 0 for (let id in game_clients) { num_games ++ num_sockets += game_clients[id].length } let elapsed = Date.now() / 60000 - stat_start stat_total1 += stat_http_reqs - stat_pug_reqs stat_total2 += stat_pug_reqs + stat_ws_reqs console.log(`>>> STATS: games=${num_games} sockets=${num_sockets} joins=${num_joins} http=${stat_http_reqs} pug=${stat_pug_reqs} ws=${stat_ws_reqs} http-req/min=${Math.round(stat_total1 / elapsed)} server-req/min=${Math.round(stat_total2 / elapsed)}`) stat_http_reqs = stat_pug_reqs = stat_ws_reqs = 0 } setInterval(LOG_STATS, 30 * 1000) /* * Main database. */ let db = new sqlite3(process.env.DATABASE || "./db") db.pragma("synchronous = NORMAL") function SQL(s) { return db.prepare(s) } /* * Notification mail setup. */ let mailer = null if (process.env.MAIL_HOST && process.env.MAIL_PORT && process.env.MAIL_FROM) { mailer = require("nodemailer").createTransport({ host: process.env.MAIL_HOST, port: process.env.MAIL_PORT, ignoreTLS: true }) console.log("Mail notifications enabled: ", mailer.options) } else { console.log("Mail notifications disabled.") mailer = { sendMail(obj, callback) { callback("DID NOT SEND: " + JSON.stringify(obj,0,4)) } } } /* * Login session management. */ const COOKIE = (process.env.COOKIE || "login") + "=" db.exec("delete from logins where expires < julianday()") const login_sql_select = SQL("select user_id from logins where sid = ? and expires > julianday()").pluck() const login_sql_insert = SQL("insert into logins values (abs(random()) % (1<<48), ?, julianday() + 28) returning sid").pluck() const login_sql_delete = SQL("delete from logins where sid = ?") const login_sql_touch = SQL("update logins set expires = julianday() + 28 where sid = ? and expires < julianday() + 27") function make_cookie(sid, age) { if (SITE_HOST !== "localhost") return `${COOKIE}${sid}; Path=/; Domain=${SITE_HOST}; Max-Age=${age}; HttpOnly` return `${COOKIE}${sid}; Path=/; Max-Age=${age}; HttpOnly` } function login_cookie(req) { let c = req.headers.cookie if (c) { let i = c.indexOf(COOKIE) if (i >= 0) return parseInt(c.substring(i+COOKIE.length)) } return 0 } function login_insert(res, user_id) { let sid = login_sql_insert.get(user_id) res.setHeader("Set-Cookie", make_cookie(sid, 2419200)) } function login_touch(res, sid) { if (login_sql_touch.run(sid).changes === 1) res.setHeader("Set-Cookie", make_cookie(sid, 2419200)) } function login_delete(res, sid) { login_sql_delete.run(sid) res.setHeader("Set-Cookie", make_cookie("", 0)) } /* * Web server setup. */ express.static.mime.define({ "image/avif": ["avif"] }) function set_static_headers(res, path) { if (path.match(/\.(jpg|png|svg|avif|webp|ico|woff2)$/)) res.setHeader("Cache-Control", "max-age=86400") else res.setHeader("Cache-Control", "max-age=60") } let app = express() app.locals.SITE_NAME = SITE_NAME app.locals.SITE_URL = SITE_URL app.set('x-powered-by', false) app.set('etag', false) app.set('view engine', 'pug') app.use(function (req, res, next) { stat_http_reqs++ return next() }) app.use(compression()) app.use(express.static('public', { redirect: false, etag: false, cacheControl: false, setHeaders: set_static_headers })) app.use(express.urlencoded({extended:false})) let wss if (HTTPS_PORT) { let https_server = https.createServer({ key: fs.readFileSync(process.env.SSL_KEY || "key.pem"), cert: fs.readFileSync(process.env.SSL_CERT || "cert.pem") }, app) wss = new WebSocketServer({server: https_server}) https_server.listen(HTTPS_PORT, "", () => console.log("Listening to HTTPS on *:" + HTTPS_PORT)) https_server.keepAliveTimeout = 0 // Force HTTPS by redirecting HTTP. let redirect_app = express() redirect_app.all("*", (req, res) => res.redirect(308, SITE_URL + req.url)) let redirect_server = http.createServer(redirect_app) redirect_server.listen(HTTP_PORT, "", () => console.log("Redirecting from HTTP on *:" + HTTP_PORT)) } else { let http_server = http.createServer(app) wss = new WebSocketServer({server: http_server}) http_server.keepAliveTimeout = 0 http_server.listen(HTTP_PORT, "", () => console.log("Listening to HTTP on *:" + HTTP_PORT)) } /* * MISC FUNCTIONS */ function random_seed() { return crypto.randomInt(1, 2**35-31) } function from_julianday(jd) { return (jd - 2440587.5) * 86400000 } function to_julianday(t) { return t / 86400000 + 2440587.5 } function SLOG(socket, ...msg) { let time = new Date().toISOString().substring(11,19) let name = (socket.user ? socket.user.name : "guest").padEnd(20) let ip = String(socket.ip).padEnd(15) let ws = "----------" console.log(time, ip, ws, name, "WS", socket.title_id, socket.game_id, socket.role, ...msg) } function human_date(date) { if (typeof date !== 'number') return "never" var days = to_julianday(Date.now()) - date var seconds = days * 86400 if (days < 1) { if (seconds < 60) return "now" if (seconds < 120) return "1 minute ago" if (seconds < 3600) return Math.floor(seconds / 60) + " minutes ago" if (seconds < 7200) return "1 hour ago" if (seconds < 86400) return Math.floor(seconds / 3600) + " hours ago" } if (days < 2) return "yesterday" if (days < 14) return Math.floor(days) + " days ago" if (days < 31) return Math.floor(days / 7) + " weeks ago" return new Date(from_julianday(date)).toISOString().substring(0,10) } function is_email(email) { return email.match(/^[a-zA-Z0-9.!#$%&'*+/=?^_`{|}~-]+@[a-zA-Z0-9-]+(?:\.[a-zA-Z0-9-]+)*$/) } function clean_user_name(name) { name = name.replace(/^ */,'').replace(/ *$/,'').replace(/ */g,' ') if (name.length > 50) name = name.substring(0, 50) return name } const USER_NAME_RE = /^[\p{Alpha}\p{Number}'_-]+( [\p{Alpha}\p{Number}'_-]+)*$/u function is_valid_user_name(name) { if (name.length < 2) return false if (name.length > 50) return false return USER_NAME_RE.test(name) } function hash_password(password, salt) { let hash = crypto.createHash('sha256') hash.update(password) hash.update(salt) return hash.digest('hex') } /* * USER AUTHENTICATION */ const SQL_BLACKLIST_MAIL = SQL("SELECT EXISTS ( SELECT 1 FROM blacklist_mail WHERE ? LIKE mail )").pluck() const SQL_EXISTS_USER_NAME = SQL("SELECT EXISTS ( SELECT 1 FROM users WHERE name=? )").pluck() const SQL_EXISTS_USER_MAIL = SQL("SELECT EXISTS ( SELECT 1 FROM users WHERE mail=? )").pluck() const SQL_INSERT_USER = SQL("INSERT INTO users (name,mail,password,salt,notify) VALUES (?,?,?,?,?) RETURNING user_id,name,mail,notify") const SQL_DELETE_USER = SQL("DELETE FROM users WHERE user_id = ?") const SQL_SELECT_LOGIN = SQL("SELECT * FROM user_login_view WHERE user_id=?") const SQL_SELECT_USER_BY_NAME = SQL("SELECT * FROM user_view WHERE name=?") const SQL_SELECT_LOGIN_BY_MAIL = SQL("SELECT * FROM user_login_view WHERE mail=?") const SQL_SELECT_LOGIN_BY_NAME = SQL("SELECT * FROM user_login_view WHERE name=?") const SQL_SELECT_USER_PROFILE = SQL("SELECT * FROM user_profile_view WHERE name=?") const SQL_SELECT_USER_NAME = SQL("SELECT name FROM users WHERE user_id=?").pluck() const SQL_SELECT_USER_INFO = SQL(` select user_id, name, mail, ( select count(*) from messages where to_id = user_id and is_read = 0 and is_deleted_from_inbox = 0 ) as unread, ( select count(*) from players join games using(game_id) join game_state using(game_id) where status = 1 and players.user_id = users.user_id and active in ( players.role, 'Both', 'All' ) ) as active, is_banned from users where user_id = ? `) const SQL_OFFLINE_USER = SQL("SELECT * FROM user_view NATURAL JOIN user_last_seen WHERE user_id=? AND julianday() > atime + ?") const SQL_SELECT_USER_NOTIFY = SQL("SELECT notify FROM users WHERE user_id=?").pluck() const SQL_UPDATE_USER_NOTIFY = SQL("UPDATE users SET notify=? WHERE user_id=?") const SQL_UPDATE_USER_NAME = SQL("UPDATE users SET name=? WHERE user_id=?") const SQL_UPDATE_USER_MAIL = SQL("UPDATE users SET mail=? WHERE user_id=?") const SQL_UPDATE_USER_ABOUT = SQL("UPDATE users SET about=? WHERE user_id=?") const SQL_UPDATE_USER_PASSWORD = SQL("UPDATE users SET password=?, salt=? WHERE user_id=?") const SQL_UPDATE_USER_LAST_SEEN = SQL("INSERT OR REPLACE INTO user_last_seen (user_id,atime) VALUES (?,julianday())") const SQL_UPDATE_USER_IS_BANNED = SQL("update users set is_banned=? where name=?") const SQL_FIND_TOKEN = SQL("SELECT token FROM tokens WHERE user_id=? AND julianday() < time + 0.004").pluck() const SQL_CREATE_TOKEN = SQL("INSERT OR REPLACE INTO tokens (user_id,token,time) VALUES (?, lower(hex(randomblob(16))), julianday()) RETURNING token").pluck() const SQL_VERIFY_TOKEN = SQL("SELECT EXISTS ( SELECT 1 FROM tokens WHERE user_id=? AND julianday() < time + 0.020 AND token=? )").pluck() function is_blacklisted(mail) { if (SQL_BLACKLIST_MAIL.get(mail) === 1) return true return false } function parse_user_agent(req) { let user_agent = req.headers["user-agent"] if (!user_agent) return "Browser" let agent = user_agent if (user_agent.indexOf("Firefox/") >= 0) agent = "Firefox" else if (user_agent.indexOf("Chrome/") >= 0) agent = "Chrome" else if (user_agent.indexOf("Safari/") >= 0) agent = "Safari" else if (user_agent.indexOf("Edg/") >= 0) agent = "Edge" else if (user_agent.indexOf("OPR/") >= 0) agent = "Opera" else if (user_agent.indexOf("Opera") >= 0) agent = "Opera" else if (user_agent.indexOf("Googlebot") >= 0) agent = "Googlebot" else if (user_agent.indexOf("bingbot") >= 0) agent = "Bingbot" else if (user_agent.indexOf("; MSIE") >= 0) agent = "MSIE" else if (user_agent.indexOf("Trident/") >= 0) agent = "MSIE" else if (user_agent.indexOf("AppleWebKit/") >= 0) agent = "AppleWebKit" if (user_agent.indexOf("Mobile") >= 0) return agent + "/M" return agent } app.use(function (req, res, next) { req.user_agent = parse_user_agent(req) if (req.user_agent === "MSIE") return res.redirect("/msie.html") let ip = req.ip || req.connection.remoteAddress || "" res.setHeader('Cache-Control', 'no-store') let sid = login_cookie(req) if (sid) { let user_id = login_sql_select.get(sid) if (user_id) { login_touch(res, sid) req.user = SQL_SELECT_USER_INFO.get(user_id) SQL_UPDATE_USER_LAST_SEEN.run(user_id) if (req.user.is_banned) return res.status(403).send("") } } // Log non-static accesses. let time = new Date().toISOString().substring(11,19) let name = (req.user ? req.user.name : "guest").padEnd(20) let ua = req.user_agent.padEnd(10) ip = String(ip).padEnd(15) console.log(time, ip, ua, name, req.method, req.url) stat_pug_reqs++ return next() }) function must_be_logged_in(req, res, next) { if (!req.user) return res.redirect('/login?redirect=' + encodeURIComponent(req.originalUrl)) return next() } function must_be_administrator(req, res, next) { if (!req.user || req.user.user_id !== 1) return res.status(401).send("Not authorized") return next() } app.get('/', function (req, res) { res.render('index.pug', { user: req.user, titles: TITLES }) }) app.get('/create', must_be_logged_in, function (req, res) { res.render('create-index.pug', { user: req.user, titles: TITLES }) }) app.get('/about', function (req, res) { res.render('about.pug', { user: req.user }) }) app.post('/logout', function (req, res) { let sid = login_cookie(req) if (sid) login_delete(res, sid) res.redirect('/login') }) app.get('/login', function (req, res) { if (req.user) return res.redirect('/') res.render('login.pug', { redirect: req.query.redirect || '/profile' }) }) app.post('/login', function (req, res) { let name_or_mail = req.body.username let password = req.body.password let redirect = req.body.redirect if (!is_email(name_or_mail)) name_or_mail = clean_user_name(name_or_mail) let user = SQL_SELECT_LOGIN_BY_NAME.get(name_or_mail) if (!user) user = SQL_SELECT_LOGIN_BY_MAIL.get(name_or_mail) if (!user || is_blacklisted(user.mail) || hash_password(password, user.salt) != user.password) return setTimeout(() => res.render('login.pug', { flash: "Invalid login." }), 1000) login_insert(res, user.user_id) res.redirect(redirect) }) app.get('/signup', function (req, res) { if (req.user) return res.redirect('/') res.render('signup.pug') }) app.post('/signup', function (req, res) { function err(msg) { res.render('signup.pug', { flash: msg }) } let name = req.body.username let mail = req.body.mail let password = req.body.password let notify = req.body.notify === 'true' name = clean_user_name(name) if (!is_valid_user_name(name)) return err("Invalid user name!") if (SQL_EXISTS_USER_NAME.get(name)) return err("That name is already taken.") if (!is_email(mail) || is_blacklisted(mail)) return err("Invalid mail address!") if (SQL_EXISTS_USER_MAIL.get(mail)) return err("That mail is already taken.") if (password.length < 4) return err("Password is too short!") if (password.length > 100) return err("Password is too long!") let salt = crypto.randomBytes(32).toString('hex') let hash = hash_password(password, salt) let user = SQL_INSERT_USER.get(name, mail, hash, salt, notify ? 1 : 0) login_insert(res, user.user_id) res.redirect('/profile') }) app.get('/forgot-password', function (req, res) { if (req.user) return res.redirect('/') res.render('forgot_password.pug') }) app.post('/forgot-password', function (req, res) { let mail = req.body.mail let user = SQL_SELECT_LOGIN_BY_MAIL.get(mail) if (user) { let token = SQL_FIND_TOKEN.get(user.user_id) if (!token) { token = SQL_CREATE_TOKEN.get(user.user_id) mail_password_reset_token(user, token) } return res.redirect('/reset-password/' + mail) } res.render('forgot_password.pug', { flash: "User not found." }) }) app.get('/reset-password', function (req, res) { if (req.user) return res.redirect('/') res.render('reset_password.pug', { mail: "", token: "" }) }) app.get('/reset-password/:mail', function (req, res) { if (req.user) return res.redirect('/') let mail = req.params.mail res.render('reset_password.pug', { mail: mail, token: "" }) }) app.get('/reset-password/:mail/:token', function (req, res) { if (req.user) return res.redirect('/') let mail = req.params.mail let token = req.params.token res.render('reset_password.pug', { mail: mail, token: token }) }) app.post('/reset-password', function (req, res) { let mail = req.body.mail let token = req.body.token let password = req.body.password function err(msg) { res.render('reset_password.pug', { mail: mail, token: token }) } let user = SQL_SELECT_LOGIN_BY_MAIL.get(mail) if (!user) return err("User not found.") if (password.length < 4) return err("Password is too short!") if (password.length > 100) return err("Password is too long!") if (!SQL_VERIFY_TOKEN.get(user.user_id, token)) return err("Invalid or expired token!") let salt = crypto.randomBytes(32).toString('hex') let hash = hash_password(password, salt) SQL_UPDATE_USER_PASSWORD.run(hash, salt, user.user_id) login_insert(res, user.user_id) return res.redirect('/profile') }) app.get('/change-password', must_be_logged_in, function (req, res) { res.render('change_password.pug', { user: req.user }) }) app.post('/change-password', must_be_logged_in, function (req, res) { let oldpass = req.body.password let newpass = req.body.newpass // Get full user record including password and salt let user = SQL_SELECT_LOGIN.get(req.user.user_id) if (newpass.length < 4) return res.render('change_password.pug', { user: req.user, flash: "Password is too short!" }) if (newpass.length > 100) return res.render('change_password.pug', { user: req.user, flash: "Password is too long!" }) let oldhash = hash_password(oldpass, user.salt) if (oldhash !== user.password) return res.render('change_password.pug', { user: req.user, flash: "Wrong password!" }) let salt = crypto.randomBytes(32).toString('hex') let hash = hash_password(newpass, salt) return res.redirect('/profile') }) app.get('/delete-account', must_be_logged_in, function (req, res) { res.render('delete_account.pug', { user: req.user }) }) app.post('/delete-account', must_be_logged_in, function (req, res) { let password = req.body.password // Get full user record including password and salt let user = SQL_SELECT_LOGIN.get(req.user.user_id) let hash = hash_password(password, user.salt) if (hash !== user.password) return res.render('delete_account.pug', { user: req.user, flash: "Wrong password!" }) SQL_DELETE_USER.run(req.user.user_id) return res.send("Goodbye!") }) app.get('/admin/ban-user/:who', must_be_administrator, function (req, res) { let who = req.params.who SQL_UPDATE_USER_IS_BANNED.run(1, who) return res.redirect('/user/' + who) }) app.get('/admin/unban-user/:who', must_be_administrator, function (req, res) { let who = req.params.who SQL_UPDATE_USER_IS_BANNED.run(0, who) return res.redirect('/user/' + who) }) /* * USER PROFILE */ app.get('/subscribe', must_be_logged_in, function (req, res) { SQL_UPDATE_USER_NOTIFY.run(1, req.user.user_id) res.redirect('/profile') }) app.get('/unsubscribe', must_be_logged_in, function (req, res) { SQL_UPDATE_USER_NOTIFY.run(0, req.user.user_id) res.redirect('/profile') }) app.get('/change-name', must_be_logged_in, function (req, res) { res.render('change_name.pug', { user: req.user }) }) app.post('/change-name', must_be_logged_in, function (req, res) { let newname = clean_user_name(req.body.newname) if (!is_valid_user_name(newname)) return res.render('change_name.pug', { user: req.user, flash: "Invalid user name!" }) if (SQL_EXISTS_USER_NAME.get(newname)) return res.render('change_name.pug', { user: req.user, flash: "That name is already taken!" }) SQL_UPDATE_USER_NAME.run(newname, req.user.user_id) return res.redirect('/profile') }) app.get('/change-mail', must_be_logged_in, function (req, res) { res.render('change_mail.pug', { user: req.user }) }) app.post('/change-mail', must_be_logged_in, function (req, res) { let newmail = req.body.newmail if (!is_email(newmail)) return res.render('change_mail.pug', { user: req.user, flash: "Invalid mail address!" }) if (SQL_EXISTS_USER_MAIL.get(newmail)) return res.render('change_mail.pug', { user: req.user, flash: "That mail address is already taken!" }) SQL_UPDATE_USER_MAIL.run(newmail, req.user.user_id) return res.redirect('/profile') }) app.get('/change-about', must_be_logged_in, function (req, res) { let about = SQL_SELECT_USER_PROFILE.get(req.user.name).about res.render('change_about.pug', { user: req.user, about: about || "" }) }) app.post('/change-about', must_be_logged_in, function (req, res) { SQL_UPDATE_USER_ABOUT.run(req.body.about, req.user.user_id) return res.redirect('/profile') }) app.get('/user/:who_name', function (req, res) { let who = SQL_SELECT_USER_PROFILE.get(req.params.who_name) if (who) { who.ctime = human_date(who.ctime) who.atime = human_date(who.atime) let games = QUERY_LIST_ACTIVE_GAMES_OF_USER.all({ user_id: who.user_id }) annotate_games(games, 0) let relation = 0 if (req.user) relation = SQL_SELECT_RELATION.get(req.user.user_id, who.user_id) | 0 res.render('user.pug', { user: req.user, who, relation, games }) } else { return res.status(404).send("Invalid user name.") } }) app.get('/users', function (req, res) { let rows = SQL("SELECT * FROM user_profile_view ORDER BY atime DESC").all() rows.forEach(row => { row.ctime = human_date(row.ctime) row.atime = human_date(row.atime) }) res.render('user_list.pug', { user: req.user, user_list: rows }) }) app.get('/chat', must_be_logged_in, function (req, res) { let chat = SQL_SELECT_USER_CHAT_N.all(req.user.user_id, 12*20) res.render('chat.pug', { user: req.user, chat: chat, page_size: 12 }) }) app.get('/chat/all', must_be_logged_in, function (req, res) { let chat = SQL_SELECT_USER_CHAT.all(req.user.user_id) res.render('chat.pug', { user: req.user, chat: chat, page_size: 0 }) }) /* * CONTACTS */ const SQL_SELECT_CONTACT_BLACKLIST = SQL("select you from contacts where me=? and relation<0").pluck() const SQL_SELECT_CONTACT_WHITELIST = SQL("select you from contacts where me=? and relation>0").pluck() const SQL_SELECT_CONTACT_FRIEND_NAMES = SQL("select name from contact_view where me=? and relation>0").pluck() const SQL_SELECT_CONTACT_LIST = SQL("select * from contact_view where me=?") const SQL_INSERT_CONTACT = SQL("insert into contacts (me,you,relation) values (?,?,?)") const SQL_DELETE_CONTACT = SQL("delete from contacts where me=? and you=?") const SQL_SELECT_RELATION = SQL("select relation from contacts where me=? and you=?").pluck() app.get('/contacts', must_be_logged_in, function (req, res) { let contacts = SQL_SELECT_CONTACT_LIST.all(req.user.user_id) contacts.forEach(user => user.atime = human_date(user.atime)) res.render('contacts.pug', { user: req.user, friends: contacts.filter(user => user.relation > 0), enemies: contacts.filter(user => user.relation < 0), }) }) app.get("/contact/remove/:who_name", must_be_logged_in, function (req, res) { let who = SQL_SELECT_USER_BY_NAME.get(req.params.who_name) if (!who) return res.status(404).send("User not found.") SQL_DELETE_CONTACT.run(req.user.user_id, who.user_id) return res.redirect("/contacts") }) app.get("/contact/add-friend/:who_name", must_be_logged_in, function (req, res) { let who = SQL_SELECT_USER_BY_NAME.get(req.params.who_name) if (!who) return res.status(404).send("User not found.") SQL_INSERT_CONTACT.run(req.user.user_id, who.user_id, 1) return res.redirect("/user/" + who.name) }) app.get("/contact/add-enemy/:who_name", must_be_logged_in, function (req, res) { let who = SQL_SELECT_USER_BY_NAME.get(req.params.who_name) if (!who) return res.status(404).send("User not found.") SQL_INSERT_CONTACT.run(req.user.user_id, who.user_id, -1) return res.redirect("/user/" + who.name) }) app.get("/contact/remove-user/:who_name", must_be_logged_in, function (req, res) { let who = SQL_SELECT_USER_BY_NAME.get(req.params.who_name) if (!who) return res.status(404).send("User not found.") SQL_DELETE_CONTACT.run(req.user.user_id, who.user_id) return res.redirect("/user/" + who.name) }) /* * MESSAGES */ const MESSAGE_LIST_INBOX = SQL(` SELECT message_id, from_name, subject, time, is_read FROM message_view WHERE to_id=? AND is_deleted_from_inbox=0 ORDER BY message_id DESC`) const MESSAGE_LIST_OUTBOX = SQL(` SELECT message_id, to_name, subject, time, 1 as is_read FROM message_view WHERE from_id=? AND is_deleted_from_outbox=0 ORDER BY message_id DESC`) const MESSAGE_FETCH = SQL("SELECT * FROM message_view WHERE message_id=? AND ( from_id=? OR to_id=? )") const MESSAGE_SEND = SQL("INSERT INTO messages (from_id,to_id,subject,body) VALUES (?,?,?,?)") const MESSAGE_MARK_READ = SQL("UPDATE messages SET is_read=1 WHERE message_id=? AND is_read = 0") const MESSAGE_DELETE_INBOX = SQL("UPDATE messages SET is_deleted_from_inbox=1 WHERE message_id=? AND to_id=?") const MESSAGE_DELETE_OUTBOX = SQL("UPDATE messages SET is_deleted_from_outbox=1 WHERE message_id=? AND from_id=?") const MESSAGE_DELETE_ALL_OUTBOX = SQL("UPDATE messages SET is_deleted_from_outbox=1 WHERE from_id=?") app.get('/inbox', must_be_logged_in, function (req, res) { let messages = MESSAGE_LIST_INBOX.all(req.user.user_id) for (let i = 0; i < messages.length; ++i) messages[i].time = human_date(messages[i].time) res.render('message_inbox.pug', { user: req.user, messages: messages, }) }) app.get('/outbox', must_be_logged_in, function (req, res) { let messages = MESSAGE_LIST_OUTBOX.all(req.user.user_id) for (let i = 0; i < messages.length; ++i) messages[i].time = human_date(messages[i].time) res.render('message_outbox.pug', { user: req.user, messages: messages, }) }) app.get('/message/read/:message_id', must_be_logged_in, function (req, res) { let message_id = req.params.message_id | 0 let message = MESSAGE_FETCH.get(message_id, req.user.user_id, req.user.user_id) if (!message) return res.status(404).send("Invalid message ID.") if (message.to_id === req.user.user_id && message.is_read === 0) { MESSAGE_MARK_READ.run(message_id) req.user.unread -- } message.time = human_date(message.time) message.body = linkify_post(message.body) res.render('message_read.pug', { user: req.user, message: message, }) }) app.get('/message/send', must_be_logged_in, function (req, res) { let friends = SQL_SELECT_CONTACT_FRIEND_NAMES.all(req.user.user_id) res.render('message_send.pug', { user: req.user, to_name: "", subject: "", body: "", friends, }) }) app.get('/message/send/:to_name', must_be_logged_in, function (req, res) { let friends = SQL_SELECT_CONTACT_FRIEND_NAMES.all(req.user.user_id) let to_name = req.params.to_name res.render('message_send.pug', { user: req.user, to_name: to_name, subject: "", body: "", friends, }) }) app.post('/message/send', must_be_logged_in, function (req, res) { let to_name = req.body.to.trim() let subject = req.body.subject.trim() let body = req.body.body.trim() let to_user = SQL_SELECT_USER_BY_NAME.get(to_name) if (!to_user) { let friends = SQL_SELECT_CONTACT_FRIEND_NAMES.all(req.user.user_id) return res.render('message_send.pug', { user: req.user, to_id: 0, to_name: to_name, subject: subject, body: body, friends, flash: "Cannot find that user.", }) } let info = MESSAGE_SEND.run(req.user.user_id, to_user.user_id, subject, body) if (to_user.notify) mail_new_message(to_user, info.lastInsertRowid, req.user.name) res.redirect('/inbox') }) function quote_body(message) { let when = new Date(message.time).toDateString() let who = message.from_name let what = message.body.split("\n").join("\n> ") return "\n\n" + "On " + when + " " + who + " wrote:\n> " + what + "\n" } app.get('/message/reply/:message_id', must_be_logged_in, function (req, res) { let message_id = req.params.message_id | 0 let message = MESSAGE_FETCH.get(message_id, req.user.user_id, req.user.user_id) if (!message) return res.status(404).send("Invalid message ID.") let friends = SQL_SELECT_CONTACT_FRIEND_NAMES.all(req.user.user_id) return res.render('message_send.pug', { user: req.user, to_id: message.from_id, to_name: message.from_name, subject: message.subject.startsWith("Re: ") ? message.subject : "Re: " + message.subject, body: quote_body(message), friends, }) }) app.get('/message/delete/:message_id', must_be_logged_in, function (req, res) { let message_id = req.params.message_id | 0 MESSAGE_DELETE_INBOX.run(message_id, req.user.user_id) MESSAGE_DELETE_OUTBOX.run(message_id, req.user.user_id) res.redirect('/inbox') }) app.get('/outbox/delete', must_be_logged_in, function (req, res) { MESSAGE_DELETE_ALL_OUTBOX.run(req.user.user_id) res.redirect('/outbox') }) /* * FORUM */ const FORUM_PAGE_SIZE = 15 const FORUM_COUNT_THREADS = SQL("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM threads").pluck() const FORUM_LIST_THREADS = SQL("SELECT * FROM thread_view ORDER BY mtime DESC LIMIT ? OFFSET ?") const FORUM_GET_THREAD = SQL("SELECT * FROM thread_view WHERE thread_id=?") const FORUM_LIST_POSTS = SQL("SELECT * FROM post_view WHERE thread_id=?") const FORUM_GET_POST = SQL("SELECT * FROM post_view WHERE post_id=?") const FORUM_NEW_THREAD = SQL("INSERT INTO threads (author_id,subject) VALUES (?,?)") const FORUM_NEW_POST = SQL("INSERT INTO posts (thread_id,author_id,body) VALUES (?,?,?)") const FORUM_EDIT_POST = SQL("UPDATE posts SET body=?, mtime=julianday() WHERE post_id=? AND author_id=? RETURNING thread_id").pluck() const FORUM_DELETE_THREAD_POSTS = SQL("delete from posts where thread_id=?") const FORUM_DELETE_THREAD = SQL("delete from threads where thread_id=?") const FORUM_DELETE_POST = SQL("delete from posts where post_id=?") function show_forum_page(req, res, page) { let thread_count = FORUM_COUNT_THREADS.get() let page_count = Math.ceil(thread_count / FORUM_PAGE_SIZE) let threads = FORUM_LIST_THREADS.all(FORUM_PAGE_SIZE, FORUM_PAGE_SIZE * (page - 1)) for (let thread of threads) thread.mtime = human_date(thread.mtime) res.render('forum_view.pug', { user: req.user, threads: threads, current_page: page, page_count: page_count, }) } function linkify_post(text) { text = text.replace(/&/g, "&").replace(//g, ">") text = text.replace(/https?:\/\/\S+/g, (match) => { if (match.endsWith(".jpg") || match.endsWith(".png") || match.endsWith(".svg")) return `` return `${match}` }) return text } app.get('/forum', function (req, res) { show_forum_page(req, res, 1) }) app.get('/forum/page/:page', function (req, res) { show_forum_page(req, res, req.params.page | 0) }) app.get('/forum/thread/:thread_id', function (req, res) { let thread_id = req.params.thread_id | 0 let thread = FORUM_GET_THREAD.get(thread_id) let posts = FORUM_LIST_POSTS.all(thread_id) if (!thread) return res.status(404).send("Invalid thread ID.") for (let i = 0; i < posts.length; ++i) { posts[i].body = linkify_post(posts[i].body) posts[i].edited = posts[i].mtime !== posts[i].ctime posts[i].ctime = human_date(posts[i].ctime) posts[i].mtime = human_date(posts[i].mtime) } res.render('forum_thread.pug', { user: req.user, thread: thread, posts: posts, }) }) app.get('/admin/delete-thread/:thread_id', must_be_administrator, function (req, res) { let thread_id = req.params.thread_id res.send(JSON.stringify({ posts: FORUM_DELETE_THREAD_POSTS.run(thread_id), thread: FORUM_DELETE_THREAD.run(thread_id), })) }) app.get('/admin/delete-post/:post_id', must_be_administrator, function (req, res) { let post_id = req.params.post_id res.send(JSON.stringify( FORUM_DELETE_POST.run(post_id) )) }) app.get('/forum/post', must_be_logged_in, function (req, res) { res.render('forum_post.pug', { user: req.user, }) }) app.post('/forum/post', must_be_logged_in, function (req, res) { let user_id = req.user.user_id let subject = req.body.subject.trim() let body = req.body.body if (subject.length === 0) subject = "Untitled" let thread_id = FORUM_NEW_THREAD.run(user_id, subject).lastInsertRowid FORUM_NEW_POST.run(thread_id, user_id, body) res.redirect('/forum/thread/'+thread_id) }) app.get('/forum/edit/:post_id', must_be_logged_in, function (req, res) { // TODO: edit subject if editing first post let post_id = req.params.post_id | 0 let post = FORUM_GET_POST.get(post_id) if (!post || post.author_id != req.user.user_id) return res.status(404).send("Invalid post ID.") post.ctime = human_date(post.ctime) post.mtime = human_date(post.mtime) res.render('forum_edit.pug', { user: req.user, post: post, }) }) app.post('/forum/edit/:post_id', must_be_logged_in, function (req, res) { let user_id = req.user.user_id let post_id = req.params.post_id | 0 let body = req.body.body let thread_id = FORUM_EDIT_POST.get(body, post_id, user_id) res.redirect('/forum/thread/'+thread_id) }) app.get('/forum/reply/:post_id', must_be_logged_in, function (req, res) { let post_id = req.params.post_id | 0 let post = FORUM_GET_POST.get(post_id) if (!post) return res.status(404).send("Invalid post ID.") let thread = FORUM_GET_THREAD.get(post.thread_id) post.body = linkify_post(post.body) post.edited = post.mtime !== post.ctime post.ctime = human_date(post.ctime) post.mtime = human_date(post.mtime) res.render('forum_reply.pug', { user: req.user, thread: thread, post: post, }) }) app.post('/forum/reply/:thread_id', must_be_logged_in, function (req, res) { let thread_id = req.params.thread_id | 0 let user_id = req.user.user_id let body = req.body.body FORUM_NEW_POST.run(thread_id, user_id, body) res.redirect('/forum/thread/'+thread_id) }) /* * GAME LOBBY */ let TITLES = {} let RULES = {} let HTML_ABOUT = {} let HTML_CREATE = {} function load_rules() { const SQL_SELECT_TITLES = SQL("SELECT * FROM titles") for (let title of SQL_SELECT_TITLES.all()) { let title_id = title.title_id if (fs.existsSync(__dirname + "/public/" + title_id + "/rules.js")) { console.log("Loading rules for " + title_id) try { TITLES[title_id] = title RULES[title_id] = require("./public/" + title_id + "/rules.js") HTML_ABOUT[title_id] = fs.readFileSync("./public/" + title_id + "/about.html") HTML_CREATE[title_id] = fs.readFileSync("./public/" + title_id + "/create.html") } catch (err) { console.log(err) } } else { console.log("Cannot find rules for " + title_id) } } } function get_game_roles(title_id, scenario, options) { let roles = RULES[title_id].roles if (typeof roles === 'function') return roles(scenario, options) return roles } function is_game_ready(title_id, scenario, options, players) { return get_game_roles(title_id, scenario, options).length === players.length } load_rules() const SQL_INSERT_GAME = SQL("INSERT INTO games (owner_id,title_id,scenario,options,is_private,is_random,description) VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,?,?)") const SQL_DELETE_GAME = SQL("DELETE FROM games WHERE game_id=? AND owner_id=?") const SQL_SELECT_USER_CHAT = SQL("SELECT game_id,unixepoch(time),name,message FROM game_chat_view WHERE game_id IN ( SELECT DISTINCT game_id FROM players WHERE user_id=? ) ORDER BY chat_id DESC").raw() const SQL_SELECT_USER_CHAT_N = SQL("SELECT game_id,unixepoch(time),name,message FROM game_chat_view WHERE game_id IN ( SELECT DISTINCT game_id FROM players WHERE user_id=? ) ORDER BY chat_id DESC LIMIT ?").raw() const SQL_SELECT_GAME_CHAT = SQL("SELECT chat_id,unixepoch(time),name,message FROM game_chat_view WHERE game_id=? AND chat_id>?").raw() const SQL_INSERT_GAME_CHAT = SQL("INSERT INTO game_chat (game_id,user_id,message) VALUES (?,?,?) RETURNING chat_id,unixepoch(time),NULL,message").raw() const SQL_SELECT_GAME_NOTE = SQL("SELECT note FROM game_notes WHERE game_id=? AND role=?").pluck() const SQL_UPDATE_GAME_NOTE = SQL("INSERT OR REPLACE INTO game_notes (game_id,role,note) VALUES (?,?,?)") const SQL_DELETE_GAME_NOTE = SQL("DELETE FROM game_notes WHERE game_id=? AND role=?") const SQL_SELECT_GAME_STATE = SQL("SELECT state FROM game_state WHERE game_id=?").pluck() const SQL_UPDATE_GAME_STATE = SQL("INSERT OR REPLACE INTO game_state (game_id,state,active,mtime) VALUES (?,?,?,julianday())") const SQL_UPDATE_GAME_RESULT = SQL("UPDATE games SET status=?, result=? WHERE game_id=?") const SQL_UPDATE_GAME_PRIVATE = SQL("UPDATE games SET is_private=1 WHERE game_id=?") const SQL_INSERT_REPLAY = SQL("INSERT INTO game_replay (game_id,role,action,arguments) VALUES (?,?,?,?)") const SQL_SELECT_REPLAY = SQL("SELECT role,action,arguments FROM game_replay WHERE game_id=?") const SQL_SELECT_GAME = SQL("SELECT * FROM games WHERE game_id=?") const SQL_SELECT_GAME_VIEW = SQL("SELECT * FROM game_view WHERE game_id=?") const SQL_SELECT_GAME_FULL_VIEW = SQL("SELECT * FROM game_full_view WHERE game_id=?") const SQL_SELECT_GAME_TITLE = SQL("SELECT title_id FROM games WHERE game_id=?").pluck() const SQL_SELECT_GAME_RANDOM = SQL("SELECT is_random FROM games WHERE game_id=?").pluck() const SQL_SELECT_GAME_HAS_TITLE_AND_STATUS = SQL("SELECT 1 FROM games WHERE game_id=? AND title_id=? AND status=?") const SQL_SELECT_PLAYERS = SQL("SELECT * FROM players NATURAL JOIN user_view WHERE game_id=?") const SQL_SELECT_PLAYERS_JOIN = SQL("SELECT role, user_id, name FROM players NATURAL JOIN users WHERE game_id=?") const SQL_SELECT_PLAYER_ROLE = SQL("SELECT role FROM players WHERE game_id=? AND user_id=?").pluck() const SQL_INSERT_PLAYER_ROLE = SQL("INSERT OR IGNORE INTO players (game_id,role,user_id) VALUES (?,?,?)") const SQL_DELETE_PLAYER_ROLE = SQL("DELETE FROM players WHERE game_id=? AND role=?") const SQL_UPDATE_PLAYER_ROLE = SQL("UPDATE players SET role=? WHERE game_id=? AND role=? AND user_id=?") const SQL_AUTHORIZE_GAME_ROLE = SQL("SELECT 1 FROM players NATURAL JOIN games WHERE title_id=? AND game_id=? AND role=? AND user_id=?").pluck() const SQL_SELECT_OPEN_GAMES = SQL("SELECT * FROM games WHERE status=0") const SQL_COUNT_OPEN_GAMES = SQL("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM games WHERE owner_id=? AND status=0").pluck() const SQL_SELECT_REMATCH = SQL("SELECT game_id FROM games WHERE status < 3 AND description=?").pluck() const SQL_INSERT_REMATCH = SQL(` INSERT INTO games (owner_id, title_id, scenario, options, is_private, is_random, description) SELECT $user_id, title_id, scenario, options, is_private, is_random, $magic FROM games WHERE game_id = $game_id AND NOT EXISTS ( SELECT * FROM games WHERE description=$magic ) `) const QUERY_LIST_PUBLIC_GAMES = SQL(` SELECT * FROM game_view WHERE is_private=0 AND status < 2 AND EXISTS ( SELECT 1 FROM players WHERE players.game_id = game_view.game_id ) ORDER BY mtime DESC, ctime DESC `) const QUERY_LIST_GAMES_OF_TITLE = SQL(` SELECT * FROM game_view WHERE is_private=0 AND title_id=? AND status>=? AND status<=? AND EXISTS ( SELECT 1 FROM players WHERE players.game_id = game_view.game_id ) ORDER BY mtime DESC, ctime DESC LIMIT ? `) const QUERY_NEXT_GAME_OF_USER = SQL(` select title_id, game_id, role from games join game_state using(game_id) join players using(game_id) where status = 1 and active in ('All', 'Both', role) and user_id = ? order by mtime limit 1 `) const QUERY_LIST_ACTIVE_GAMES_OF_USER = SQL(` select * from game_view where ( owner_id=$user_id or game_id in ( select game_id from players where players.user_id=$user_id ) ) and ( status < 2 or mtime > julianday() - 7 ) order by status asc, mtime desc `) const QUERY_LIST_FINISHED_GAMES_OF_USER = SQL(` select * from game_view where ( owner_id=$user_id or game_id in ( select game_id from players where players.user_id=$user_id ) ) and status = 2 order by status asc, mtime desc `) function is_active(game, players, user_id) { if (game.status !== 1 || user_id === 0) return false let active = game.active for (let i = 0; i < players.length; ++i) { let p = players[i] if ((p.user_id === user_id) && (active === 'All' || active === 'Both' || active === p.role)) return true } return false } function is_solo(players) { return players.every(p => p.user_id === players[0].user_id) } function format_options(options) { function to_english(k) { if (k === true || k === 1) return 'yes' if (k === false) return 'no' return k.replace(/_/g, " ").replace(/^\w/, c => c.toUpperCase()) } return Object.entries(options||{}).map(([k,v]) => (v === true || v === 1) ? to_english(k) : `${to_english(k)}=${to_english(v)}`).join(", ") } function annotate_game(game, user_id) { let players = SQL_SELECT_PLAYERS_JOIN.all(game.game_id) let options = JSON.parse(game.options) let roles = get_game_roles(game.title_id, game.scenario, options) if (game.options === '{}') game.human_options = "None" else game.human_options = format_options(options) for (let i = 0; i < players.length; ++i) players[i].index = roles.indexOf(players[i].role) players.sort((a, b) => a.index - b.index) game.is_ready = is_game_ready(game.title_id, game.scenario, options, players) let your_count = 0 let your_role = null game.player_names = "" for (let i = 0; i < players.length; ++i) { let p = players[i] let p_is_owner = false if (game.status === 0 && (game.owner_id === p.user_id)) p_is_owner = true let p_is_active = false if (game.status === 1 && (game.active === p.role || game.active === "Both" || game.active === "All")) p_is_active = true if (p.user_id === user_id) { your_role = p.role your_count++ if ((p_is_active || p_is_owner) && game.is_ready) game.your_turn = true } let link if (p_is_active || p_is_owner) link = `${p.name}` else link = `${p.name}` if (game.player_names.length > 0) game.player_names += ", " game.player_names += link if (game.active === p.role) game.active = link if (game.result === p.role) game.result = `${link} (${game.result})` } if (your_count > 0) { game.is_yours = true if (your_count === 1) game.your_role = your_role } game.ctime = human_date(game.ctime) game.mtime = human_date(game.mtime) } function annotate_games(games, user_id) { for (let i = 0; i < games.length; ++i) annotate_game(games[i], user_id) } app.get('/profile', must_be_logged_in, function (req, res) { req.user.notify = SQL_SELECT_USER_NOTIFY.get(req.user.user_id) res.render('profile.pug', { user: req.user }) }) app.get('/games', function (req, res) { res.redirect('/games/public') }) function sort_your_turn(a, b) { if (a.your_turn && !b.your_turn) return -1 if (!a.your_turn && b.your_turn) return 1 return 0 } app.get('/games/next', must_be_logged_in, function (req, res) { let next = QUERY_NEXT_GAME_OF_USER.get(req.user.user_id) if (next !== undefined) res.redirect(`/${next.title_id}/play:${next.game_id}:${next.role}`) else res.redirect(`/games/active`) }) app.get('/games/active', must_be_logged_in, function (req, res) { let games = QUERY_LIST_ACTIVE_GAMES_OF_USER.all({ user_id: req.user.user_id }) annotate_games(games, req.user.user_id) games.sort(sort_your_turn) res.render('games_active.pug', { user: req.user, who: req.user, games: games }) }) app.get('/games/finished', must_be_logged_in, function (req, res) { let games = QUERY_LIST_FINISHED_GAMES_OF_USER.all({user_id: req.user.user_id}) annotate_games(games, req.user.user_id) res.render('games_finished.pug', { user: req.user, who: req.user, games: games }) }) app.get('/games/finished/:who_name', function (req, res) { let who = SQL_SELECT_USER_BY_NAME.get(req.params.who_name) if (who) { let games = QUERY_LIST_FINISHED_GAMES_OF_USER.all({ user_id: who.user_id }) annotate_games(games, 0) res.render('games_finished.pug', { user: req.user, who: who, games: games }) } else { return res.status(404).send("Invalid user name.") } }) app.get('/games/public', function (req, res) { let games = QUERY_LIST_PUBLIC_GAMES.all() if (req.user) annotate_games(games, req.user.user_id) else annotate_games(games, 0) res.render('games_public.pug', { user: req.user, games: games }) }) app.get('/info/:title_id', function (req, res) { return res.redirect('/' + req.params.title_id) }) function get_title_page(req, res, title_id) { let title = TITLES[title_id] if (!title) return res.status(404).send("Invalid title.") let active_games = QUERY_LIST_GAMES_OF_TITLE.all(title_id, 0, 1, 1000) let finished_games = QUERY_LIST_GAMES_OF_TITLE.all(title_id, 2, 2, 50) annotate_games(active_games, req.user ? req.user.user_id : 0) annotate_games(finished_games, req.user ? req.user.user_id : 0) res.render('info.pug', { user: req.user, title: title, about_html: HTML_ABOUT[title_id], games: active_games.concat(finished_games) }) } for (let title_id in TITLES) app.get('/' + title_id, (req, res) => get_title_page(req, res, title_id)) app.get('/create/:title_id', must_be_logged_in, function (req, res) { let title_id = req.params.title_id let title = TITLES[title_id] if (!title) return res.status(404).send("Invalid title.") res.render('create.pug', { user: req.user, title: title, scenarios: RULES[title_id].scenarios, create_html: HTML_CREATE[title_id], }) }) function options_json_replacer(key, value) { if (key === 'scenario') return undefined if (key === 'description') return undefined if (key === 'is_random') return undefined if (key === 'is_private') return undefined if (value === 'true') return true if (value === 'false') return false if (value === '') return undefined return value } app.post('/create/:title_id', must_be_logged_in, function (req, res) { let title_id = req.params.title_id let descr = req.body.description let priv = req.body.is_private === 'true' let rand = req.body.is_random === 'true' let user_id = req.user.user_id let scenario = req.body.scenario let options = JSON.stringify(req.body, options_json_replacer) let count = SQL_COUNT_OPEN_GAMES.get(user_id) if (count >= 5) return res.send("You have too many open games!") if (!(title_id in RULES)) return res.send("Invalid title.") if (!RULES[title_id].scenarios.includes(scenario)) return res.send("Invalid scenario.") let info = SQL_INSERT_GAME.run(user_id, title_id, scenario, options, priv ? 1 : 0, rand ? 1 : 0, descr) res.redirect('/join/'+info.lastInsertRowid) }) app.get('/delete/:game_id', must_be_logged_in, function (req, res) { let game_id = req.params.game_id let title_id = SQL_SELECT_GAME_TITLE.get(game_id) let info = SQL_DELETE_GAME.run(game_id, req.user.user_id) if (info.changes === 0) return res.send("Not authorized to delete that game ID.") if (info.changes === 1) update_join_clients_deleted(game_id) res.redirect('/'+title_id) }) function join_rematch(req, res, game_id, role) { try { let is_random = SQL_SELECT_GAME_RANDOM.get(game_id) if (is_random) { let role = SQL_SELECT_PLAYER_ROLE.get(game_id, req.user.user_id) if (!role) { for (let i = 1; i <= 6; ++i) { let info = SQL_INSERT_PLAYER_ROLE.run(game_id, 'Random ' + i, req.user.user_id) if (info.changes === 1) { update_join_clients_players(game_id) break } } } } else { let info = SQL_INSERT_PLAYER_ROLE.run(game_id, role, req.user.user_id) if (info.changes === 1) update_join_clients_players(game_id) } } catch (err) { console.log(err) } return res.redirect('/join/'+game_id) } app.get('/rematch/:old_game_id/:role', must_be_logged_in, function (req, res) { let old_game_id = req.params.old_game_id | 0 let role = req.params.role let magic = "\u{1F503} " + old_game_id let new_game_id = 0 let info = SQL_INSERT_REMATCH.run({user_id: req.user.user_id, game_id: old_game_id, magic: magic}) if (info.changes === 1) new_game_id = info.lastInsertRowid else new_game_id = SQL_SELECT_REMATCH.get(magic) if (new_game_id) return join_rematch(req, res, new_game_id, role) return res.status(404).send("Can't create or find rematch game!") }) var join_clients = {} function update_join_clients_deleted(game_id) { let list = join_clients[game_id] if (list && list.length > 0) { for (let {res} of list) { res.write("retry: 15000\n") res.write("event: deleted\n") res.write("data: The game doesn't exist.\n\n") res.flush() } } } function update_join_clients_game(game_id) { let list = join_clients[game_id] if (list && list.length > 0) { let game = SQL_SELECT_GAME_VIEW.get(game_id) for (let {res} of list) { res.write("retry: 15000\n") res.write("event: game\n") res.write("data: " + JSON.stringify(game) + "\n\n") res.flush() } } } function update_join_clients_players(game_id) { let list = join_clients[game_id] if (list && list.length > 0) { let players = SQL_SELECT_PLAYERS_JOIN.all(game_id) let ready = is_game_ready(list.title_id, list.scenario, list.options, players) for (let {res} of list) { res.write("retry: 15000\n") res.write("event: players\n") res.write("data: " + JSON.stringify(players) + "\n\n") res.write("event: ready\n") res.write("data: " + ready + "\n\n") res.flush() } } } app.get('/join/:game_id', must_be_logged_in, function (req, res) { let game_id = req.params.game_id | 0 let game = SQL_SELECT_GAME_VIEW.get(game_id) if (!game) return res.status(404).send("Invalid game ID.") let options = JSON.parse(game.options) if (game.options === '{}') game.human_options = "None" else game.human_options = format_options(options) let roles = get_game_roles(game.title_id, game.scenario, game.options) let players = SQL_SELECT_PLAYERS_JOIN.all(game_id) let whitelist = SQL_SELECT_CONTACT_WHITELIST.all(req.user.user_id) let blacklist = SQL_SELECT_CONTACT_BLACKLIST.all(req.user.user_id) let ready = (game.status === 0) && is_game_ready(game.title_id, game.scenario, game.options, players) res.render('join.pug', { user: req.user, game, roles, players, ready, whitelist, blacklist }) }) app.get('/join-events/:game_id', must_be_logged_in, function (req, res) { let game_id = req.params.game_id | 0 let game = SQL_SELECT_GAME_VIEW.get(game_id) let players = SQL_SELECT_PLAYERS_JOIN.all(game_id) res.setHeader("Content-Type", "text/event-stream") res.setHeader("Connection", "keep-alive") if (!game) { return res.send("event: deleted\ndata: The game doesn't exist.\n\n") } if (!(game_id in join_clients)) { join_clients[game_id] = [] join_clients[game_id].title_id = game.title_id join_clients[game_id].scenario = game.scenario join_clients[game_id].options = JSON.parse(game.options) } join_clients[game_id].push({ res: res, user_id: req.user.user_id}) res.on('close', () => { let list = join_clients[game_id] let i = list.findIndex(item => item.res === res) if (i >= 0) list.splice(i, 1) }) res.write("retry: 15000\n\n") res.write("event: game\n") res.write("data: " + JSON.stringify(game) + "\n\n") res.write("event: players\n") res.write("data: " + JSON.stringify(players) + "\n\n") res.flush() }) app.post('/join/:game_id/:role', must_be_logged_in, function (req, res) { let game_id = req.params.game_id | 0 let role = req.params.role let game = SQL_SELECT_GAME.get(game_id) let roles = get_game_roles(game.title_id, game.scenario, game.options) if (game.is_random && game.status === 0) { let m = role.match(/^Random (\d+)$/) if (!m || Number(m[1]) < 1 || Number(m[1]) > roles.length) return res.status(404).send("Invalid role.") } else { if (!roles.includes(role)) return res.status(404).send("Invalid role.") } let info = SQL_INSERT_PLAYER_ROLE.run(game_id, role, req.user.user_id) if (info.changes === 1) { update_join_clients_players(game_id) res.send("SUCCESS") } else { res.send("Could not join game.") } }) app.post('/part/:game_id/:role', must_be_logged_in, function (req, res) { let game_id = req.params.game_id | 0 let role = req.params.role SQL_DELETE_PLAYER_ROLE.run(game_id, role) update_join_clients_players(game_id) res.send("SUCCESS") }) function assign_random_roles(game, players) { function pick_random_item(list) { let k = crypto.randomInt(list.length) let r = list[k] list.splice(k, 1) return r } let roles = get_game_roles(game.title_id, game.scenario, game.options).slice() for (let p of players) { let old_role = p.role p.role = pick_random_item(roles) console.log("ASSIGN ROLE", "(" + p.name + ")", old_role, "->", p.role) SQL_UPDATE_PLAYER_ROLE.run(p.role, game.game_id, old_role, p.user_id) } } function start_game(game_id, game) { let players = SQL_SELECT_PLAYERS.all(game_id) if (!is_game_ready(game.title_id, game.scenario, game.options, players)) return res.send("Invalid scenario/options/player configuration!") if (game.is_random) { assign_random_roles(game, players) players = SQL_SELECT_PLAYERS.all(game_id) update_join_clients_players(game_id) } let options = game.options ? JSON.parse(game.options) : {} let seed = random_seed() let state = RULES[game.title_id].setup(seed, game.scenario, options) put_replay(game_id, null, 'setup', [seed, game.scenario, options]) SQL_UPDATE_GAME_RESULT.run(1, null, game_id) SQL_UPDATE_GAME_STATE.run(game_id, JSON.stringify(state), state.active) if (is_solo(players)) SQL_UPDATE_GAME_PRIVATE.run(game_id) update_join_clients_game(game_id) mail_game_started_notification_to_offline_users(game_id, game.owner_id) mail_your_turn_notification_to_offline_users(game_id, null, state.active) } app.post('/start/:game_id', must_be_logged_in, function (req, res) { let game_id = req.params.game_id | 0 let game = SQL_SELECT_GAME.get(game_id) if (game.owner_id !== req.user.user_id) return res.send("Not authorized to start that game ID.") if (game.status !== 0) return res.send("The game is already started.") start_game(game_id, game) res.send("SUCCESS") }) app.get('/play/:game_id/:role', function (req, res) { let game_id = req.params.game_id | 0 let role = req.params.role let title = SQL_SELECT_GAME_TITLE.get(game_id) if (!title) return res.status(404).send("Invalid game ID.") res.redirect('/'+title+'/play:'+game_id+':'+role) }) app.get('/play/:game_id', function (req, res) { let game_id = req.params.game_id | 0 let user_id = req.user ? req.user.user_id : 0 let title = SQL_SELECT_GAME_TITLE.get(game_id) if (!title) return res.status(404).send("Invalid game ID.") let role = SQL_SELECT_PLAYER_ROLE.get(game_id, user_id) if (role) res.redirect('/'+title+'/play:'+game_id+':'+role) else res.redirect('/'+title+'/play:'+game_id) }) app.get('/:title_id/play\::game_id\::role', must_be_logged_in, function (req, res) { let user_id = req.user ? req.user.user_id : 0 let title_id = req.params.title_id let game_id = req.params.game_id let role = req.params.role if (!SQL_AUTHORIZE_GAME_ROLE.get(title_id, game_id, role, user_id)) return res.status(404).send("Invalid game ID.") return res.sendFile(__dirname + '/public/' + title_id + '/play.html') }) app.get('/:title_id/play\::game_id', function (req, res) { let title_id = req.params.title_id let game_id = req.params.game_id let a_title = SQL_SELECT_GAME_TITLE.get(game_id) if (a_title !== title_id) return res.status(404).send("Invalid game ID.") return res.sendFile(__dirname + '/public/' + title_id + '/play.html') }) app.get('/:title_id/replay\::game_id', function (req, res) { let title_id = req.params.title_id let game_id = req.params.game_id let game = SQL_SELECT_GAME.get(game_id) if (!game) return res.status(404).send("Invalid game ID.") if (game.title_id !== title_id) return res.status(404).send("Invalid game ID.") if (game.status < 2) return res.status(404).send("Invalid game ID.") return res.sendFile(__dirname + '/public/' + title_id + '/play.html') }) app.get('/:title_id/debug\::game_id', function (req, res) { if (!req.user || req.user.user_id !== 1) return res.status(401).send("Not authorized to debug.") let title_id = req.params.title_id let game_id = req.params.game_id let game = SQL_SELECT_GAME.get(game_id) if (!game) return res.status(404).send("Invalid game ID.") if (game.title_id !== title_id) return res.status(404).send("Invalid game ID.") return res.sendFile(__dirname + '/public/' + title_id + '/play.html') }) app.get('/replay/:game_id', function (req, res) { let game_id = req.params.game_id let game = SQL_SELECT_GAME.get(game_id) if (game.status < 2) return res.status(404).send("Invalid game ID.") let players = SQL_SELECT_PLAYERS_JOIN.all(game_id) let state = SQL_SELECT_GAME_STATE.get(game_id) let replay = SQL_SELECT_REPLAY.all(game_id) return res.json({players, state, replay}) }) app.get('/debug/:game_id', function (req, res) { if (!req.user || req.user.user_id !== 1) return res.status(401).send("Not authorized to debug.") let game_id = req.params.game_id let players = SQL_SELECT_PLAYERS_JOIN.all(game_id) let state = SQL_SELECT_GAME_STATE.get(game_id) let replay = SQL_SELECT_REPLAY.all(game_id) return res.json({players, state, replay}) }) /* * MAIL NOTIFICATIONS */ const MAIL_FROM = process.env.MAIL_FROM || "user@localhost" const MAIL_FOOTER = "\n--\nYou can unsubscribe from notifications on your profile page:\n" + SITE_URL + "/profile\n" const SQL_SELECT_NOTIFIED = SQL("SELECT julianday() < time + ? FROM last_notified WHERE game_id=? AND user_id=?").pluck() const SQL_INSERT_NOTIFIED = SQL("INSERT OR REPLACE INTO last_notified (game_id,user_id,time) VALUES (?,?,julianday())") const SQL_DELETE_NOTIFIED = SQL("DELETE FROM last_notified WHERE game_id=? AND user_id=?") const SQL_DELETE_NOTIFIED_ALL = SQL("DELETE FROM last_notified WHERE game_id=?") const QUERY_LIST_YOUR_TURN = SQL("SELECT * FROM your_turn_reminder") function mail_callback(err, info) { if (err) console.log("MAIL ERROR", err) } function mail_addr(user) { return user.name + " <" + user.mail + ">" } function mail_game_info(game) { let desc = `Game: ${game.title_name}\n` desc += `Scenario: ${game.scenario}\n` desc += `Players: ${game.player_names}\n` if (game.description.length > 0) desc += `Description: ${game.description}\n` return desc + "\n" } function mail_game_link(game_id, user) { return SITE_URL + "/play/" + game_id + "/" + encodeURI(user.role) + "\n" } function mail_password_reset_token(user, token) { if (mailer) { let subject = "Password reset request" let body = "Your password reset token is: " + token + "\n\n" + SITE_URL + "/reset-password/" + user.mail + "/" + token + "\n\n" + "If you did not request a password reset you can ignore this mail.\n" console.log("SENT MAIL:", mail_addr(user), subject) mailer.sendMail({ from: MAIL_FROM, to: mail_addr(user), subject: subject, text: body }, mail_callback) } } function mail_new_message(user, msg_id, msg_from) { if (mailer) { let subject = "You have a new message from " + msg_from + "." let body = "Read the message here:\n" + SITE_URL + "/message/read/" + msg_id + "\n" + MAIL_FOOTER console.log("SENT MAIL:", mail_addr(user), subject) mailer.sendMail({ from: MAIL_FROM, to: mail_addr(user), subject: subject, text: body }, mail_callback) } } function mail_game_started_notification(user, game_id) { if (mailer) { let game = SQL_SELECT_GAME_FULL_VIEW.get(game_id) let subject = `${game.title_name} #${game_id} (${user.role}) - Started!` let body = mail_game_info(game) + "The game has started!\n\n" + mail_game_link(game_id, user) + MAIL_FOOTER console.log("SENT MAIL:", mail_addr(user), subject) mailer.sendMail({ from: MAIL_FROM, to: mail_addr(user), subject: subject, text: body }, mail_callback) } } function mail_game_over_notification(user, game_id, result, victory) { if (mailer) { let game = SQL_SELECT_GAME_FULL_VIEW.get(game_id) let subject = `${game.title_name} #${game_id} (${user.role}) - Finished!` let body = mail_game_info(game) + victory + "\n\n" + mail_game_link(game_id, user) + MAIL_FOOTER console.log("SENT MAIL:", mail_addr(user), subject) mailer.sendMail({ from: MAIL_FROM, to: mail_addr(user), subject: subject, text: body }, mail_callback) } } function mail_your_turn_notification(user, game_id, interval) { if (mailer) { let too_soon = SQL_SELECT_NOTIFIED.get(interval, game_id, user.user_id) if (!too_soon) { SQL_INSERT_NOTIFIED.run(game_id, user.user_id) let game = SQL_SELECT_GAME_FULL_VIEW.get(game_id) let subject = `${game.title_name} #${game_id} (${user.role}) - Your turn!` let body = mail_game_info(game) + "It's your turn.\n\n" + mail_game_link(game_id, user) + MAIL_FOOTER console.log("SENT MAIL:", mail_addr(user), subject) mailer.sendMail({ from: MAIL_FROM, to: mail_addr(user), subject: subject, text: body }, mail_callback) } } } function reset_your_turn_notification(user, game_id) { SQL_DELETE_NOTIFIED.run(game_id, user.user_id) } function mail_ready_to_start_notification(user, game_id, interval) { if (mailer) { let too_soon = SQL_SELECT_NOTIFIED.get(interval, game_id, user.user_id) if (!too_soon) { SQL_INSERT_NOTIFIED.run(game_id, user.user_id) let game = SQL_SELECT_GAME_FULL_VIEW.get(game_id) let subject = `${game.title_name} #${game_id} - Ready to start!` let body = mail_game_info(game) + "Your game is ready to start.\n\n" + SITE_URL + "/join/" + game_id + "\n" + MAIL_FOOTER console.log("SENT MAIL:", mail_addr(user), subject) mailer.sendMail({ from: MAIL_FROM, to: mail_addr(user), subject: subject, text: body }, mail_callback) } } } function mail_your_turn_notification_to_offline_users(game_id, old_active, active) { // Only send notifications when the active player changes. if (old_active === active) return let players = SQL_SELECT_PLAYERS.all(game_id) for (let p of players) { if (p.notify) { let p_was_active = (old_active === p.role || old_active === 'Both' || old_active === 'All') let p_is_active = (active === p.role || active === 'Both' || active === 'All') if (!p_was_active && p_is_active) { if (is_online(game_id, p.user_id)) { reset_your_turn_notification(p, game_id) } else { mail_your_turn_notification(p, game_id, 15 * MINUTES) } } else { reset_your_turn_notification(p, game_id) } } } } function mail_game_started_notification_to_offline_users(game_id, owner_id) { let players = SQL_SELECT_PLAYERS.all(game_id) for (let p of players) if (p.notify && !is_online(game_id, p.user_id)) mail_game_started_notification(p, game_id) } function mail_game_over_notification_to_offline_users(game_id, result, victory) { let players = SQL_SELECT_PLAYERS.all(game_id) for (let p of players) if (p.notify && !is_online(game_id, p.user_id)) mail_game_over_notification(p, game_id, result, victory) } function notify_your_turn_reminder() { for (let item of QUERY_LIST_YOUR_TURN.all()) { mail_your_turn_notification(item, item.game_id, 25 * HOURS) } } function notify_ready_to_start_reminder() { for (let game of SQL_SELECT_OPEN_GAMES.all()) { let players = SQL_SELECT_PLAYERS.all(game.game_id) if (is_game_ready(game.title_id, game.scenario, game.options, players)) { let owner = SQL_OFFLINE_USER.get(game.owner_id, 3 * MINUTES) if (owner) { if (owner.notify) mail_ready_to_start_notification(owner, game.game_id, 25 * HOURS) } } } } // Check and send daily 'your turn' reminders every 15 minutes. setInterval(notify_your_turn_reminder, 15 * 60 * 1000) // Check and send ready to start notifications every 5 minutes. setInterval(notify_ready_to_start_reminder, 5 * 60 * 1000) /* * GAME SERVER */ var game_clients = {} function is_online(game_id, user_id) { if (game_clients[game_id]) for (let other of game_clients[game_id]) if (other.user && other.user.user_id === user_id) return true if (join_clients[game_id]) for (let other of join_clients[game_id]) if (other.user_id === user_id) return true return false } function send_message(socket, cmd, arg) { socket.send(JSON.stringify([cmd, arg])) } function send_state(socket, state) { try { let view = socket.rules.view(state, socket.role) if (socket.seen < view.log.length) view.log_start = socket.seen else view.log_start = view.log.length socket.seen = view.log.length view.log = view.log.slice(view.log_start) if (state.state === 'game_over') view.game_over = 1 view = JSON.stringify(['state', view]) if (socket.last_view !== view) { socket.send(view) socket.last_view = view } } catch (err) { console.log(err) return send_message(socket, 'error', err.toString()) } } function get_game_state(game_id) { let game_state = SQL_SELECT_GAME_STATE.get(game_id) if (!game_state) throw new Error("No game with that ID") return JSON.parse(game_state) } function put_game_state(game_id, state, old_active) { if (state.state === 'game_over') { SQL_UPDATE_GAME_RESULT.run(2, state.result, game_id) SQL_DELETE_NOTIFIED_ALL.run(game_id) mail_game_over_notification_to_offline_users(game_id, state.result, state.victory) } SQL_UPDATE_GAME_STATE.run(game_id, JSON.stringify(state), state.active) for (let other of game_clients[game_id]) send_state(other, state) update_join_clients_game(game_id) mail_your_turn_notification_to_offline_users(game_id, old_active, state.active) } function put_replay(game_id, role, action, args) { if (args !== undefined && args !== null) args = JSON.stringify(args) SQL_INSERT_REPLAY.run(game_id, role, action, args) } function on_action(socket, action, arg) { if (arg !== undefined) SLOG(socket, "ACTION", action, JSON.stringify(arg)) else SLOG(socket, "ACTION", action) try { let state = get_game_state(socket.game_id) if (state.active !== socket.role && state.active !== "Both" && state.active !== "All") return send_message(socket, 'error', "It's not your turn!") let old_active = state.active state = socket.rules.action(state, socket.role, action, arg) put_game_state(socket.game_id, state, old_active) put_replay(socket.game_id, socket.role, action, arg) } catch (err) { console.log(err) return send_message(socket, 'error', err.toString()) } } function on_query(socket, q) { let params = undefined if (Array.isArray(q)) { params = q[1] q = q[0] } if (params !== undefined) SLOG(socket, "QUERY", q, JSON.stringify(params)) else SLOG(socket, "QUERY", q) try { if (socket.rules.query) { let state = get_game_state(socket.game_id) let reply = socket.rules.query(state, socket.role, q, params) send_message(socket, 'reply', [q, reply]) } } catch (err) { console.log(err) return send_message(socket, 'error', err.toString()) } } function on_resign(socket) { SLOG(socket, "RESIGN") try { let state = get_game_state(socket.game_id) let old_active = state.active // TODO: shared "resign" function state = socket.rules.resign(state, socket.role) put_game_state(socket.game_id, state, old_active) put_replay(socket.game_id, socket.role, 'resign', null) } catch (err) { console.log(err) return send_message(socket, 'error', err.toString()) } } function on_getnote(socket) { try { let note = SQL_SELECT_GAME_NOTE.get(socket.game_id, socket.role) if (note) { SLOG(socket, "GETNOTE", note.length) send_message(socket, 'note', note) } else { SLOG(socket, "GETNOTE null") send_message(socket, 'note', "") } } catch (err) { console.log(err) return send_message(socket, 'error', err.toString()) } } function on_putnote(socket, note) { try { SLOG(socket, "PUTNOTE", note.length) if (note.length > 0) SQL_UPDATE_GAME_NOTE.run(socket.game_id, socket.role, note) else SQL_DELETE_GAME_NOTE.run(socket.game_id, socket.role) } catch (err) { console.log(err) return send_message(socket, 'error', err.toString()) } } function on_getchat(socket, seen) { try { let chat = SQL_SELECT_GAME_CHAT.all(socket.game_id, seen) if (chat.length > 0) SLOG(socket, "GETCHAT", seen, chat.length) for (let i = 0; i < chat.length; ++i) send_message(socket, 'chat', chat[i]) } catch (err) { console.log(err) return send_message(socket, 'error', err.toString()) } } function on_chat(socket, message) { message = message.substring(0,4000) try { let chat = SQL_INSERT_GAME_CHAT.get(socket.game_id, socket.user.user_id, message) chat[2] = socket.user.name SLOG(socket, "CHAT") for (let other of game_clients[socket.game_id]) if (other.role !== "Observer") send_message(other, 'chat', chat) } catch (err) { console.log(err) return send_message(socket, 'error', err.toString()) } } function on_debug(socket) { if (!DEBUG) send_message(socket, 'error', "Debugging is not enabled on this server.") SLOG(socket, "DEBUG") try { let game_state = SQL_SELECT_GAME_STATE.get(socket.game_id) if (!game_state) return send_message(socket, 'error', "No game with that ID.") send_message(socket, 'debug', game_state) } catch (err) { console.log(err) return send_message(socket, 'error', err.toString()) } } function on_save(socket) { if (!DEBUG) send_message(socket, 'error', "Debugging is not enabled on this server.") SLOG(socket, "SAVE") try { let game_state = SQL_SELECT_GAME_STATE.get(socket.game_id) if (!game_state) return send_message(socket, 'error', "No game with that ID.") send_message(socket, 'save', game_state) } catch (err) { console.log(err) return send_message(socket, 'error', err.toString()) } } function on_restore(socket, state_text) { if (!DEBUG) send_message(socket, 'error', "Debugging is not enabled on this server.") SLOG(socket, "RESTORE") try { let state = JSON.parse(state_text) state.seed = random_seed() // reseed! state_text = JSON.stringify(state) SQL_UPDATE_GAME_RESULT.run(1, null, socket.game_id) SQL_UPDATE_GAME_STATE.run(socket.game_id, state_text, state.active) put_replay(socket.game_id, null, 'restore', state_text) for (let other of game_clients[socket.game_id]) send_state(other, state) } catch (err) { console.log(err) return send_message(socket, 'error', err.toString()) } } function broadcast_presence(game_id) { let presence = {} for (let socket of game_clients[game_id]) presence[socket.role] = true for (let socket of game_clients[game_id]) send_message(socket, 'presence', presence) } function on_restart(socket, scenario) { if (!DEBUG) send_message(socket, 'error', "Debugging is not enabled on this server.") try { let seed = random_seed() let options = JSON.parse(SQL_SELECT_GAME.get(socket.game_id).options) let state = socket.rules.setup(seed, scenario, options) put_replay(socket.game_id, null, 'setup', [seed, scenario, options]) for (let other of game_clients[socket.game_id]) { other.seen = 0 send_state(other, state) } let state_text = JSON.stringify(state) SQL_UPDATE_GAME_RESULT.run(1, null, socket.game_id) SQL_UPDATE_GAME_STATE.run(socket.game_id, state_text, state.active) } catch (err) { console.log(err) return send_message(socket, 'error', err.toString()) } } function handle_player_message(socket, cmd, arg) { switch (cmd) { case "action": on_action(socket, arg[0], arg[1]) break case "query": on_query(socket, arg) break case "resign": on_resign(socket) break case "getnote": on_getnote(socket) break case "putnote": on_putnote(socket, arg) break case "getchat": on_getchat(socket, arg) break case "chat": on_chat(socket, arg) break case "debug": on_debug(socket) break case "save": on_save(socket) break case "restore": on_restore(socket, arg) break case "restart": on_restart(socket, arg) break } } function handle_observer_message(socket, cmd, arg) { switch (cmd) { case 'query': on_query(socket, arg) break } } wss.on('connection', (socket, req, client) => { let u = url.parse(req.url, true) if (u.pathname !== '/play-socket') return setTimeout(() => socket.close(1000, "Invalid request."), 30000) req.query = u.query let user_id = 0 let sid = login_cookie(req) if (sid) user_id = login_sql_select.get(sid) if (user_id) socket.user = SQL_SELECT_USER_INFO.get(user_id) socket.ip = req.ip || req.connection.remoteAddress || "" socket.title_id = req.query.title || "unknown" socket.game_id = req.query.game | 0 socket.role = req.query.role socket.seen = req.query.seen | 0 socket.rules = RULES[socket.title_id] SLOG(socket, "OPEN " + socket.seen) try { stat_ws_reqs++ let title_id = SQL_SELECT_GAME_TITLE.get(socket.game_id) if (title_id !== socket.title_id) return socket.close(1000, "Invalid game ID.") let players = socket.players = SQL_SELECT_PLAYERS_JOIN.all(socket.game_id) if (socket.role !== "Observer") { if (!socket.user) return socket.close(1000, "You are not logged in!") if (socket.role && socket.role !== 'undefined' && socket.role !== 'null') { let me = players.find(p => p.user_id === socket.user.user_id && p.role === socket.role) if (!me) return socket.close(1000, "You aren't assigned that role!") } else { let me = players.find(p => p.user_id === socket.user.user_id) socket.role = me ? me.role : "Observer" } } if (socket.seen === 0) send_message(socket, 'players', [socket.role, players]) if (game_clients[socket.game_id]) game_clients[socket.game_id].push(socket) else game_clients[socket.game_id] = [ socket ] socket.on('close', (code, reason) => { SLOG(socket, "CLOSE " + code) game_clients[socket.game_id].splice(game_clients[socket.game_id].indexOf(socket), 1) if (game_clients[socket.game_id].length > 0) broadcast_presence(socket.game_id) else delete game_clients[socket.game_id] }) socket.on('message', (data) => { stat_ws_reqs++ try { let [ cmd, arg ] = JSON.parse(data) if (socket.role !== "Observer") handle_player_message(socket, cmd, arg) else handle_observer_message(socket, cmd, arg) } catch (err) { send_message(socket, 'error', err) } }) broadcast_presence(socket.game_id) send_state(socket, get_game_state(socket.game_id)) } catch (err) { console.log(err) socket.close(1000, err.message) } }) /* * HIDDEN EXTRAS */ const SQL_GAME_STATS = SQL(` select title_id, scenario, options, group_concat(result) as result_role, group_concat(n) as result_count, sum(n) as total from ( select title_id, scenario, options, result, count(1) as n from opposed_games natural join game_state where status=2 group by title_id, scenario, options, result ) group by title_id, scenario, options having total > 12 `) app.get('/stats', function (req, res) { let stats = SQL_GAME_STATS.all() stats.forEach(row => { row.title_name = TITLES[row.title_id].title_name row.options = format_options(JSON.parse(row.options)) row.result_role = row.result_role.split(",") row.result_count = row.result_count.split(",").map(Number) }) res.render('stats.pug', { user: req.user, stats: stats, }) }) const SQL_USER_STATS = SQL(` select title_name, scenario, role, sum(role=result) as won, count(*) as total from players natural join games natural join titles where user_id = ? and status = 2 and game_id in (select game_id from opposed_games) group by title_name, scenario, role `) app.get('/user-stats/:who_name', function (req, res) { let who = SQL_SELECT_USER_BY_NAME.get(req.params.who_name) if (who) { let stats = SQL_USER_STATS.all(who.user_id) res.render('user_stats.pug', { user: req.user, who: who, stats: stats }) } else { return res.status(404).send("Invalid user name.") } })