-- Blacklists -- create table if not exists blacklist_mail ( mail text primary key collate nocase ) without rowid; create table if not exists blacklist_name ( name text primary key collate nocase ) without rowid; insert or ignore into blacklist_mail (mail) values ('%@example.com') ; insert or ignore into blacklist_name (name) values ('None'), ('System'), ('Deleted'), ('null') ; -- Titles -- create table if not exists titles ( title_id text primary key, title_name text, bgg integer, is_symmetric boolean default 0, is_hidden boolean default 0 ) without rowid; -- Users -- create table if not exists logins ( sid integer primary key, user_id integer, expires real -- julianday ); create table if not exists users ( user_id integer primary key, name text unique collate nocase, mail text unique collate nocase, notify integer default 0, is_verified boolean default 0, is_banned boolean default 0 ); insert or ignore into users (user_id, name, mail) values (0, 'Deleted', 'deleted@nowhere') ; create table if not exists user_password ( user_id integer primary key, password text, salt text ); create table if not exists user_about ( user_id integer primary key, about text ); create table if not exists user_first_seen ( user_id integer primary key, ctime datetime, ip text ); create table if not exists user_last_seen ( user_id integer primary key, atime datetime, ip text ); create table if not exists user_timeout ( user_id integer, game_id integer, time datetime default current_timestamp, primary key (user_id, game_id) ); create index if not exists user_timeout_idx on user_timeout(user_id, time); create table if not exists user_move_hist ( user_id integer, minutes integer, frequency integer default 1, primary key (user_id, minutes) ) without rowid; create table if not exists tokens ( user_id integer primary key, token text, time datetime ); create table if not exists webhooks ( user_id integer primary key, url text, format text, prefix text, error text ); drop view if exists user_view; create view user_view as select user_id, name, mail, notify from users ; drop view if exists user_login_view; create view user_login_view as select user_id, name, mail, notify, password, salt from users left join user_password using(user_id) ; drop view if exists user_move_iqr; create view user_move_iqr as with aa as ( select user_id, sum(frequency) as total from user_move_hist group by user_id ), bb as ( select user_id, minutes, 4 * sum(frequency) over (partition by user_id order by minutes) / (total+1) as quartile from aa join user_move_hist using(user_id) ), cc as ( select user_id, quartile, last_value(minutes) over (partition by user_id order by quartile) as minutes from bb where quartile < 3 group by user_id, quartile ) select user_id, sum(minutes) filter (where quartile = 0) as q1, sum(minutes) filter (where quartile = 1) as q2, sum(minutes) filter (where quartile = 2) as q3 from cc group by user_id ; drop view if exists user_profile_view; create view user_profile_view as with timeout as ( select user_id, count(1) as timeout_total, max(time) as timeout_last from user_timeout group by user_id ), user_move_mean as ( select user_id, sum(minutes * frequency) / sum(frequency) as move_time_mean from user_move_hist group by user_id ), profile as ( select user_id, name, mail, notify, ctime, atime, about, is_banned, move_time_mean, coalesce(q1, q2, q3) as move_time_q1, coalesce(q2, q3) as move_time_q2, q3 as move_time_q3, coalesce(timeout_total, 0) as timeout_total, coalesce(timeout_last, 0) as timeout_last from users left join user_first_seen using(user_id) left join user_last_seen using(user_id) left join user_about using(user_id) left join timeout using(user_id) left join user_move_mean using(user_id) left join user_move_iqr using(user_id) ) select profile.*, ( select count(1) from players join games using(game_id) where players.user_id = profile.user_id and games.is_opposed and games.status > 1 and games.result != 'None' and games.mtime > timeout_last ) as games_since_timeout from profile ; drop view if exists user_dynamic_view; create view user_dynamic_view as select user_id, name, mail, ( select count(*) from messages where to_id = user_id and is_read = 0 and is_deleted_from_inbox = 0 ) as unread, ( select count(*) from players join games using(game_id) where status = 1 and is_opposed and is_active and players.user_id = users.user_id ) + ( select count(*) from players where is_invite and players.user_id = users.user_id ) + ( select count(*) from games where owner_id = users.user_id and status = 0 and join_count = 0 ) as waiting, is_banned from users ; -- Elo ratings & match making -- drop view if exists rated_games_view; create view rated_games_view as select game_id, title_id, player_count, scenario, result, mtime from games where status > 1 and moves >= player_count * 3 and user_count = player_count and player_count > 1 and result != 'None' and not exists ( select 1 from players where players.game_id = games.game_id and user_id = 0 ) ; create table if not exists ratings ( title_id integer, user_id integer, rating integer, count integer, last datetime, primary key (title_id, user_id) ) without rowid; drop view if exists rating_view; create view rating_view as select title_id, name, rating, count, last from ratings left join users using(user_id) order by title_id, rating desc ; drop view if exists player_rating_view; create view player_rating_view as select games.game_id, players.user_id, players.role, coalesce(rating, 1500) as rating, coalesce(count, 0) as count from players join games using(game_id) left join ratings using(title_id, user_id) ; -- Friend and Block Lists -- create table if not exists contacts ( me integer, you integer, relation integer, primary key (me, you) ) without rowid; drop view if exists contact_view; create view contact_view as select contacts.me, users.user_id, users.name, user_last_seen.atime, contacts.relation from contacts left join users on contacts.you = users.user_id left join user_last_seen on contacts.you = user_last_seen.user_id order by users.name ; -- Messages -- create table if not exists messages ( message_id integer primary key, is_deleted_from_inbox boolean default 0, is_deleted_from_outbox boolean default 0, from_id integer, to_id integer, time datetime default current_timestamp, is_read boolean default 0, subject text, body text ); drop view if exists message_view; create view message_view as select messages.*, users_from.name as from_name, users_to.name as to_name from messages left join users as users_from on messages.from_id = users_from.user_id left join users as users_to on messages.to_id = users_to.user_id ; create index if not exists messages_inbox_idx on messages(to_id) where is_deleted_from_inbox = 0 ; create index if not exists messages_inbox_unread_idx on messages(to_id) where is_read = 0 and is_deleted_from_inbox = 0 ; -- Forum -- create table if not exists threads ( thread_id integer primary key, author_id integer, subject text, is_locked boolean default 0 ); create table if not exists posts ( post_id integer primary key, thread_id integer, author_id integer, ctime datetime default current_timestamp, mtime datetime default current_timestamp, body text ); create table if not exists read_threads ( user_id integer, thread_id integer, primary key (user_id, thread_id) ) without rowid; drop view if exists thread_view; create view thread_view as select threads.*, author.name as author_name, ( select count(*) from posts where posts.thread_id = threads.thread_id ) as count, ( select max(posts.mtime) from posts where posts.thread_id = threads.thread_id ) as mtime from threads left join users as author on threads.author_id = author.user_id ; drop view if exists post_view; create view post_view as select posts.*, author.name as author_name from posts left join users as author on posts.author_id = author.user_id ; create index if not exists posts_thread_idx on posts(thread_id); -- Forum Search (FTS5) -- -- drop table if exists forum_search; create virtual table if not exists forum_search using fts5(thread_id, post_id, text, tokenize='porter unicode61'); -- insert into forum_search(thread_id,post_id,text) select thread_id, 0, subject from threads; -- insert into forum_search(thread_id,post_id,text) select thread_id, post_id, body from posts; -- Games -- create table if not exists games ( game_id integer primary key, status integer default 0, title_id text, scenario text, options text, player_count integer default 2, join_count integer default 0, invite_count integer default 0, user_count integer default 0, owner_id integer default 0, notice text, pace integer default 0, is_private boolean default 0, is_random boolean default 0, is_match boolean default 0, ctime datetime default current_timestamp, mtime datetime default current_timestamp, moves integer default 0, active text, result text, is_opposed boolean generated as ( user_count = join_count and join_count > 1 ), is_ready boolean generated as ( player_count = join_count and invite_count = 0 ) ); create index if not exists games_title_idx on games(title_id); create index if not exists games_status_idx on games(status); create table if not exists game_state ( game_id integer primary key, state text ); create table if not exists game_chat ( game_id integer, chat_id integer, user_id integer, time datetime default current_timestamp, message text, primary key (game_id, chat_id) ) without rowid; create table if not exists unread_chats ( user_id integer, game_id integer, primary key (user_id, game_id) ) without rowid; drop view if exists game_chat_view; create view game_chat_view as select game_id, chat_id, time, name, message from game_chat left join users using(user_id) ; create table if not exists game_replay ( game_id integer, replay_id integer, role text, action text, arguments json, primary key (game_id, replay_id) ) without rowid; create table if not exists game_snap ( game_id integer, snap_id integer, replay_id integer, state text, primary key (game_id, snap_id) ); create table if not exists game_notes ( game_id integer, role text, note text, primary key (game_id, role) ) without rowid; create table if not exists players ( game_id integer, role text, user_id integer, is_invite integer, is_active boolean, active_time real, -- julianday clock real, score integer, primary key (game_id, role) ) without rowid; create index if not exists player_user_idx on players(user_id); create index if not exists player_game_user_idx on players(game_id, user_id); drop view if exists game_view; create view game_view as select games.*, titles.title_name, owner.name as owner_name, tm_pools.pool_name from games join titles using(title_id) left join users as owner on owner.user_id = games.owner_id left join tm_rounds using(game_id) left join tm_pools using(pool_id) ; drop view if exists game_view_public; create view game_view_public as select * from game_view where not is_private and join_count > 0 and join_count = user_count ; drop view if exists player_view; create view player_view as select game_id, user_id, name, role, is_invite, is_active, ( case when is_active then clock - (julianday() - julianday(active_time)) else clock end ) as time_left, atime from games join players using(game_id) left join users using(user_id) left join user_last_seen using(user_id) ; drop view if exists time_control_view; create view time_control_view as select game_id, user_id, role, is_opposed, is_match from games join players using(game_id) where status = 1 and is_active and clock - (julianday() - julianday(players.active_time)) < 0 ; -- Export game state as JSON drop view if exists game_export_view; create view game_export_view as select game_id, json_object( 'setup', json_object( 'game_id', game_id, 'title_id', title_id, 'scenario', scenario, 'options', json(options), 'player_count', player_count, 'notice', notice ), 'players', (select json_group_array( json_object('role', role, 'name', name) ) from players left join users using(user_id) where game_id = outer.game_id ), 'state', (select json(state) from game_state where game_id = outer.game_id ), 'replay', (select json_group_array( case when arguments is null then json_array(role, action) else json_array(role, action, json(arguments)) end ) from game_replay where game_id = outer.game_id ), 'snaps', (select json_group_array( json_array(replay_id, json(state)) ) from game_snap where game_id = outer.game_id ) ) as export from games as outer ; -- Tournaments -- create table if not exists tm_seeds ( seed_id integer primary key, seed_name text unique, title_id text, scenario text, options text, player_count integer, pace integer default 2, pool_size integer default 3, round_count integer default 4, is_concurrent boolean default 1, level_count integer default 1, is_open boolean default 1 ); create table if not exists tm_banned ( user_id integer primary key, time datetime default current_timestamp ); create table if not exists tm_queue ( user_id integer, seed_id integer, level integer, is_paused boolean default 0, time datetime default current_timestamp, primary key (user_id, seed_id, level) ); create table if not exists tm_pools ( pool_id integer primary key, seed_id integer, level integer, is_finished boolean, start_date datetime, finish_date datetime, pool_name text unique ); create table if not exists tm_rounds ( game_id integer primary key, pool_id integer, round integer ); create index if not exists tm_rounds_pool_idx on tm_rounds(pool_id); create table if not exists tm_results ( pool_id integer, user_id integer, points integer, son integer, primary key (pool_id, user_id) ); create table if not exists tm_winners ( pool_id integer, user_id integer ); create index if not exists tm_winners_pool_idx on tm_winners(pool_id); drop view if exists tm_queue_view; create view tm_queue_view as select tm_queue.* from tm_queue join user_last_seen using(user_id) where julianday() - julianday(atime) < 3 ; drop view if exists tm_pool_active_view; create view tm_pool_active_view as select tm_pools.*, tm_seeds.title_id, tm_seeds.seed_name, sum(status > 1) || ' / ' || count(1) as status from tm_pools join tm_seeds using(seed_id) left join tm_rounds using(pool_id) left join games using(game_id) where not is_finished group by pool_id order by seed_name, level, pool_id ; drop view if exists tm_pool_finished_view; create view tm_pool_finished_view as select tm_pools.*, tm_seeds.title_id, tm_seeds.seed_name, group_concat(name) as status from tm_pools join tm_seeds using(seed_id) left join tm_winners using(pool_id) left join users using(user_id) where is_finished group by pool_id order by seed_name, level, pool_id ; drop view if exists tm_pool_view; create view tm_pool_view as select * from tm_pool_active_view union all select * from tm_pool_finished_view ; drop trigger if exists tm_trigger_update_results; create trigger tm_trigger_update_results after update of result on games when new.is_match begin -- each player scores update players set score = ( case when new.result is null then null when new.result = 'None' then null when new.result = role then 2 when new.result = 'Draw' then 1 when instr(new.result, role) then 1 else 0 end ) where players.game_id = new.game_id ; -- Neustadtl Sonneborn–Berger tie-breaker insert or replace into tm_results (pool_id, user_id, points, son) with pts_cte as ( select pool_id, user_id, sum(coalesce(score, 0)) as points from tm_rounds join games using(game_id) join players using(game_id) where pool_id = ( select pool_id from tm_rounds where game_id = new.game_id ) group by user_id ), son_cte as ( select rr.pool_id, p1.user_id, sum( case when p1.score > p2.score then pp.points * 2 when p1.score = p2.score then pp.points else 0 end ) as son from tm_rounds as rr join games using(game_id) join players as p1 using(game_id) join players as p2 using(game_id) join pts_cte pp on rr.pool_id = pp.pool_id and p2.user_id = pp.user_id where rr.pool_id = ( select pool_id from tm_rounds where game_id = new.game_id ) and p1.user_id != p2.user_id group by p1.user_id ) select pool_id, user_id, points, son from pts_cte join son_cte using(pool_id, user_id) ; end; drop trigger if exists tm_trigger_update_winners; create trigger tm_trigger_update_winners after update of is_finished on tm_pools when new.is_finished begin delete from tm_winners where pool_id = new.pool_id; insert into tm_winners ( pool_id, user_id ) with tt as ( select round_count as threshold from tm_seeds where seed_id = ( select seed_id from tm_pools where pool_id = new.pool_id ) ), aa as ( select max(points) as max_points from tm_results where pool_id = new.pool_id ), bb as ( select max_points, max(son) as max_son from tm_results, aa where pool_id = new.pool_id and points = max_points ) select pool_id, user_id from tm_results, bb, tt where pool_id = new.pool_id and points > threshold and points = max_points and son = max_son ; end; -- Trigger to update player counts when players join and part games drop trigger if exists trigger_join_game; create trigger trigger_join_game after insert on players begin update games set join_count = ( select count(1) from players where players.game_id = new.game_id ), user_count = ( select count(distinct user_id) from players where players.game_id = new.game_id ), invite_count = ( select count(1) from players where players.game_id = new.game_id and players.is_invite ), mtime = datetime() where games.game_id = new.game_id; end; drop trigger if exists trigger_part_game; create trigger trigger_part_game after delete on players begin update games set join_count = ( select count(1) from players where players.game_id = old.game_id ), user_count = ( select count(distinct user_id) from players where players.game_id = old.game_id ), invite_count = ( select count(1) from players where players.game_id = old.game_id and players.is_invite ), mtime = datetime() where games.game_id = old.game_id; end; drop trigger if exists trigger_accept_invite; create trigger trigger_accept_invite after update of is_invite on players when old.is_invite and not new.is_invite begin update games set invite_count = ( select count(1) from players where players.game_id = new.game_id and players.is_invite ), mtime = datetime() where games.game_id = old.game_id; end; -- Triggers to track is_active and time spent! drop trigger if exists trigger_game_started; create trigger trigger_game_started after update of status on games when old.status = 0 and new.status = 1 begin update players set clock = ( case (select pace from games where old.game_id = players.game_id) when 1 then 1 when 2 then 3 when 3 then 3 else 21 end ) where players.game_id = old.game_id ; end; drop trigger if exists trigger_active_changed; create trigger trigger_active_changed after update of active on games begin update players set is_active = ( new.active = 'Both' or instr(new.active, players.role) ) where players.game_id = old.game_id ; end; drop trigger if exists trigger_player_to_active; create trigger trigger_player_to_active after update of is_active on players when old.is_active is not true and new.is_active begin update players set active_time = julianday() where players.game_id = old.game_id and players.role = old.role ; end; drop trigger if exists trigger_player_to_inactive; create trigger trigger_player_to_inactive after update of is_active on players when old.is_active and (not new.is_active) begin update players set active_time = null, clock = ( case (select pace from games where games.game_id = players.game_id) when 1 then min(clock - (julianday() - julianday(old.active_time)) + 4 / 24.0, 3) when 2 then min(clock - (julianday() - julianday(old.active_time)) + 12 / 24.0, 5) when 3 then min(clock - (julianday() - julianday(old.active_time)) + 36 / 24.0, 10) else 21 end ) where players.game_id = old.game_id and players.role = old.role ; insert into user_move_hist (user_id, minutes) select old.user_id, case when minutes < 60 then ceil(minutes) when minutes < 720 then round(minutes / 5) * 5 when minutes < 4320 then round(minutes / 15) * 15 when minutes < 7200 then round(minutes / 60) * 60 else round(minutes / 360) * 360 end as minutes from ( select (julianday() - julianday(old.active_time)) * 1440 as minutes ) where ( select is_opposed from games where games.game_id = old.game_id ) on conflict do update set frequency = frequency + 1 ; end; -- Trigger to remove game data when filing a game as archived drop trigger if exists trigger_archive_game; create trigger trigger_archive_game after update of status on games when new.status = 3 begin delete from game_state where game_id = old.game_id; delete from game_chat where game_id = old.game_id; delete from game_replay where game_id = old.game_id; delete from game_snap where game_id = old.game_id; delete from game_notes where game_id = old.game_id; delete from unread_chats where game_id = old.game_id; end; -- Triggers to clean up without relying on foreign key cascades drop trigger if exists trigger_delete_on_games; create trigger trigger_delete_on_games after delete on games begin delete from game_state where game_id = old.game_id; delete from game_chat where game_id = old.game_id; delete from game_replay where game_id = old.game_id; delete from game_snap where game_id = old.game_id; delete from game_notes where game_id = old.game_id; delete from unread_chats where game_id = old.game_id; delete from players where game_id = old.game_id; end; drop trigger if exists trigger_delete_on_users; create trigger trigger_delete_on_users after delete on users begin delete from user_password where user_id = old.user_id; delete from user_first_seen where user_id = old.user_id; delete from user_last_seen where user_id = old.user_id; delete from user_about where user_id = old.user_id; delete from user_move_hist where user_id = old.user_id; delete from user_timeout where user_id = old.user_id; delete from webhooks where user_id = old.user_id; delete from logins where user_id = old.user_id; delete from tokens where user_id = old.user_id; delete from read_threads where user_id = old.user_id; delete from unread_chats where user_id = old.user_id; delete from contacts where me = old.user_id or you = old.user_id; delete from messages where from_id = old.user_id or to_id = old.user_id; delete from posts where author_id = old.user_id; delete from threads where author_id = old.user_id; delete from game_chat where user_id = old.user_id; delete from tm_queue where user_id = old.user_id; delete from players where user_id = old.user_id and game_id in (select game_id from games where status = 0); update games set owner_id = 0 where owner_id = old.user_id; end; drop trigger if exists trigger_delete_on_threads; create trigger trigger_delete_on_threads after delete on threads begin delete from posts where thread_id = old.thread_id; delete from read_threads where thread_id = old.thread_id; end; drop trigger if exists trigger_mark_threads_as_unread1; create trigger trigger_mark_threads_as_unread1 after insert on posts begin delete from read_threads where user_id != new.author_id and thread_id = new.thread_id; end; drop trigger if exists trigger_mark_threads_as_unread2; create trigger trigger_mark_threads_as_unread2 after update on posts when new.body != old.body begin delete from read_threads where user_id != new.author_id and thread_id = new.thread_id; end; create table if not exists deleted_users ( user_id integer, name text collate nocase, mail text collate nocase, time datetime default current_timestamp ); drop trigger if exists trigger_log_deleted_users; create trigger trigger_log_deleted_users before delete on users begin insert into deleted_users (user_id, name, mail) values (old.user_id, old.name, old.mail); end; -- Triggers to keep FTS search index up to date drop trigger if exists trigger_search_insert_thread; create trigger trigger_search_insert_thread after insert on threads begin insert into forum_search(thread_id, post_id, text) values(new.thread_id, 0, new.subject); end; drop trigger if exists trigger_search_update_thread; create trigger trigger_search_update_thread after update on threads begin delete from forum_search where thread_id=old.thread_id and post_id=0; insert into forum_search(thread_id, post_id, text) values(new.thread_id, 0, new.subject); end; drop trigger if exists trigger_search_delete_thread; create trigger trigger_search_delete_thread after delete on threads begin delete from forum_search where thread_id=old.thread_id and post_id=0; end; drop trigger if exists trigger_search_insert_post; create trigger trigger_search_insert_post after insert on posts begin insert into forum_search(thread_id, post_id, text) values(new.thread_id, new.post_id, new.body); end; drop trigger if exists trigger_search_update_post; create trigger trigger_search_update_post after update on posts begin delete from forum_search where post_id=old.post_id; insert into forum_search(thread_id, post_id, text) values(new.thread_id, new.post_id, new.body); end; drop trigger if exists trigger_search_delete_post; create trigger trigger_search_delete_post after delete on posts begin delete from forum_search where post_id=old.post_id; end;