-- Blacklists -- create table if not exists blacklist_mail ( mail text primary key ) without rowid; -- Titles -- create table if not exists titles ( title_id text primary key, title_name text, bgg integer, is_hidden boolean default 0 ) without rowid; -- Users -- create table if not exists logins ( sid integer primary key, user_id integer, expires real ); create table if not exists users ( user_id integer primary key, name text unique collate nocase, mail text unique collate nocase, notify boolean default 0, is_banned boolean default 0, ctime timestamp default current_timestamp, password text, salt text, about text ); insert or ignore into users (user_id, name, mail, ctime) values (0, 'Deleted', 'deleted@rally-the-troops.com', datetime('1970-01-01')) ; create table if not exists user_last_seen ( user_id integer primary key, atime timestamp ); create table if not exists tokens ( user_id integer primary key, token text, time timestamp ); create table if not exists last_notified ( game_id integer, user_id integer, time timestamp, primary key (game_id, user_id) ) without rowid; drop view if exists user_view; create view user_view as select user_id, name, mail, notify from users ; drop view if exists user_login_view; create view user_login_view as select user_id, name, mail, notify, password, salt from users ; drop view if exists user_profile_view; create view user_profile_view as select user_id, name, mail, notify, ctime, atime, about, is_banned from users natural left join user_last_seen ; -- Messages -- create table if not exists messages ( message_id integer primary key, is_deleted_from_inbox boolean default 0, is_deleted_from_outbox boolean default 0, from_id integer, to_id integer, time timestamp default current_timestamp, is_read boolean default 0, subject text, body text ); drop view if exists message_view; create view message_view as select messages.*, users_from.name as from_name, users_to.name as to_name from messages left join users as users_from on messages.from_id = users_from.user_id left join users as users_to on messages.to_id = users_to.user_id ; create index if not exists messages_inbox_idx on messages(to_id) where is_deleted_from_inbox = 0 ; create index if not exists messages_inbox_unread_idx on messages(to_id) where is_read = 0 and is_deleted_from_inbox = 0 ; -- Forum -- create table if not exists threads ( thread_id integer primary key, author_id integer, subject text, is_locked boolean default 0 ); create table if not exists posts ( post_id integer primary key, thread_id integer, author_id integer, ctime timestamp default current_timestamp, mtime timestamp default current_timestamp, body text ); drop view if exists thread_view; create view thread_view as select threads.*, author.name as author_name, ( select count(*) from posts where posts.thread_id = threads.thread_id ) as count, ( select max(posts.mtime) from posts where posts.thread_id = threads.thread_id ) as mtime from threads left join users as author on threads.author_id = author.user_id ; drop view if exists post_view; create view post_view as select posts.*, author.name as author_name from posts left join users as author on posts.author_id = author.user_id ; create index if not exists posts_thread_idx on posts(thread_id); -- Games -- create table if not exists games ( game_id integer primary key, title_id text, scenario text, options text, owner_id integer, ctime timestamp default current_timestamp, is_private boolean default 0, is_random boolean default 0, description text, status integer default 0, result text ); create index if not exists games_title_idx on games(title_id); create index if not exists games_status_idx on games(status); create table if not exists game_state ( game_id integer primary key, mtime timestamp, active text, state text ); create table if not exists game_chat ( chat_id integer primary key, game_id integer, time timestamp default current_timestamp, user_id integer, message text ); drop view if exists game_chat_view; create view game_chat_view as select chat_id, game_id, time, name, message from game_chat natural join users ; create index if not exists game_chat_idx on game_chat(game_id); create table if not exists game_replay ( replay_id integer primary key, game_id integer, role text, action text, arguments text ); create index if not exists game_replay_idx on game_replay(game_id); create table if not exists game_notes ( game_id integer, role text, note text, primary key (game_id, role) ) without rowid; create table if not exists players ( game_id integer, role text, user_id integer, primary key (game_id, role) ) without rowid; create index if not exists player_user_idx on players(user_id); create index if not exists player_game_user_idx on players(game_id, user_id); drop view if exists game_view; create view game_view as select games.*, titles.title_name, owner.name as owner_name, game_state.mtime, game_state.active from games natural left join game_state natural join titles join users as owner on owner.user_id = games.owner_id ; drop view if exists game_full_view; create view game_full_view as select *, ( select group_concat(name, ', ') from players natural join users where players.game_id = game_view.game_id ) as player_names, ( select count(distinct user_id) = 1 from players where players.game_id = game_view.game_id ) as is_solo from game_view ; drop view if exists opposed_games; create view opposed_games as select * from games where status > 0 and ( select count(distinct user_id) > 1 from players where players.game_id = games.game_id ) ; drop view if exists your_turn_reminder; create view your_turn_reminder as select game_id, role, user_id, name, mail, notify from game_full_view join players using(game_id) join users using(user_id) where status = 1 and active in ('All', 'Both', role) and is_solo = 0 and notify = 1 and datetime('now') > datetime(mtime, '+1 hour') ; drop view if exists your_turn; create view your_turn as select game_id, user_id, role from players join games using(game_id) join game_state using(game_id) where status = 1 and active in ('All', 'Both', role) ; -- Triggers to clean up without relying on foreign key cascades drop trigger if exists trigger_delete_on_games; create trigger trigger_delete_on_games after delete on games begin delete from game_state where game_id = old.game_id; delete from game_chat where game_id = old.game_id; delete from game_replay where game_id = old.game_id; delete from last_notified where game_id = old.game_id; delete from players where game_id = old.game_id; end; drop trigger if exists trigger_delete_on_users; create trigger trigger_delete_on_users after delete on users begin delete from logins where user_id = old.user_id; delete from tokens where user_id = old.user_id; delete from user_last_seen where user_id = old.user_id; delete from last_notified where user_id = old.user_id; delete from messages where from_id = old.user_id or to_id = old.user_id; delete from posts where author_id = old.user_id; delete from threads where author_id = old.user_id; delete from game_chat where user_id = old.user_id; delete from players where user_id = old.user_id; update games set owner_id = 0 where owner_id = old.user_id; end; drop trigger if exists trigger_delete_on_threads; create trigger trigger_delete_on_threads after delete on threads begin delete from posts where thread_id = old.thread_id; end