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<title>Tips &amp; Tricks</title>
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Tips &amp; Tricks


<h2> Shortcuts </h2>

There are several ways to scroll without the scroll bars:

<li> The <kbd>&#x2190;</kbd> <kbd>&#x2191;</kbd> <kbd>&#x2193;</kbd> <kbd>&#x2192;</kbd> keys.
<li> <kbd>Shift</kbd> + <kbd>mouse wheel</kbd> to scroll horizontally.
<li> Hold down the middle mouse button and drag.
<li> Two finger scrolling with the touch pad.
<li> Tap and drag using a touch screen.

There are also several ways to change the size of the game area:

<li> <kbd>Control</kbd> + <kbd>+</kbd> to zoom in.
<li> <kbd>Control</kbd> + <kbd>-</kbd> to zoom out.
<li> <kbd>Control</kbd> + <kbd>0</kbd> to reset zoom.
<li> <kbd>Control</kbd> + <kbd>mouse wheel</kbd> to zoom in and out.
<li> Pinch gesture with a touchpad.
<li> Pinch gesture on a touch screen.

Hold down the <kbd>Shift</kbd> key to see more information.
In some games cards and chits will be magnified when mousing over them when holding shift.
Other games may reveal the reverse side of pieces.

Open a separate browser tab or window for each side when playing solo.

<h2> Toolbar </h2>

The <img src="/images/cog.svg"> menu has links to rules, player aids and other reference material.
In some games you can also choose between alternative graphics and layout options.
The resign option is also present here if available.

The <img src="/images/scroll-quill.svg"> button toggles the game log and player status displays.

The <img src="/images/magnifying-glass.svg"> button shrinks the map to fit your screen.

The <img src="/images/chat-bubble.svg"> button lights up if you have unread chat messages.
Chat messages can only be seen by players who have joined the game.
Use <kbd>Enter</kbd> and <kbd>Escape</kbd> to quickly open and close the chat box.

The <img src="/images/cycle.svg"> button appears when the game is over.
Use this to quickly start a rematch with the same players, or to go to the tournament score page.

The <img src="/images/earth-africa-europe.svg"> button hides all counters and markers.
Use this if you need to check something on the map that is obscured.

<h2> Time Control

For everyone's enjoyment, please respect the pace requests!
If someone wants a fast game, don't join if you can only play one move per day.

Each player has a clock that ticks down while it's their turn.
When the clock runs out, they forfeit the game.
Each time a player takes a move, they get some time back on the clock, but there's a limit to how
much time you can accumulate.


<dt> No time control
For friendly games without an enforced pace.

Live / Blitz (7+ moves per day)
24h +4h/move up to 72h

Fast (3+ moves per day)
72h +12h/move up to 120h

(1+ move per day)
72h +36h/move up to 240h


When playing live, let your opponents know if you're going away!
If you need to resume a live game another day, schedule a time when you can continue.

Turn on notifications so you can take your turns promptly.
If you see that your opponent is online (the dot next to their name is filled in)
then stay in the game for a while and perhaps you can play live for a bit.