AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2023-09-13Don't recreate forum FTS search tables every time we update the schema.Tor Andersson
2023-09-12Fix query during detailed replay.Tor Andersson
2023-09-12Notification system improvements.Tor Andersson
2023-08-31Tweak CSS syntax.Tor Andersson
2023-08-12Add deep comparison function to utility library.Tor Andersson
2023-08-12Add commont ".action" cursor CSS property.Tor Andersson
2023-08-12Use synchronization cookie to prevent action de-sync errors.Tor Andersson
2023-08-11Remove backup dance.Tor Andersson
2023-08-10Fix rematch button.Tor Andersson
2023-07-13Handle websocket errors.Tor Andersson
2023-07-13Add trigger to prune game data when archiving a game.Tor Andersson
2023-07-13Add "xtime" column for games to record finish date when state is missing.Tor Andersson
2023-07-13Use sequential per-game chat ids.Tor Andersson
2023-07-13Use status constants.Tor Andersson
2023-07-10Don't delete undo by default when patching games.Tor Andersson
2023-07-02Lighter replay panel.Tor Andersson
2023-07-01Add "snapshot" replay view during play.Tor Andersson
2023-06-30Turn "undo" functions into no-ops if undo stack is not present.Tor Andersson
2023-06-30Remove unused msie.html file.Tor Andersson
2023-06-25Parse strings as GMT for "human_date" formatting.Tor Andersson
2023-06-16Update user last seen when connecting to websocket.Tor Andersson
2023-06-12Add Tinos web font.Tor Andersson
2023-06-05Create covers in higher quality.Tor Andersson
2023-06-05Force longer titles to wrap.Tor Andersson
2023-06-05Add another function to common code library.Tor Andersson
2023-06-05Remove stale stuff.Tor Andersson
2023-05-23Improve replay id handling.Tor Andersson
2023-05-23Make log updates more robust in preparation for future improvements.Tor Andersson
2023-05-21Remove unused Nimbus Roman web font.Tor Andersson
2023-05-18Remove support for old game parameter format.Tor Andersson
2023-05-08Format 1-player option.Tor Andersson
2023-05-05Trigger backup from main database process.Tor Andersson
2023-04-28Only toggle body.shift if the active element is the root.Tor Andersson
2023-04-28Parse game options before passing to "roles" callback.Tor Andersson
2023-04-28Rename game "description" to "notice".Tor Andersson
2023-04-28Don't crash if event streams are still listening when deleting a game.Tor Andersson
2023-04-18Rename "game_over" to "game_finished" in server.Tor Andersson
2023-04-18Fix ESLint issues.Tor Andersson
2023-04-18Some cleanups.Tor Andersson
2023-04-18Make date and time handling usable with both julianday and datetime.Tor Andersson
2023-04-18Remove chat log pages.Tor Andersson
2023-04-18Generate JSON for replay view in SQL.Tor Andersson
2023-04-18Only send required information in "players" message.Tor Andersson
2023-04-18Forum search using FTS5.Tor Andersson
2023-03-27Don't spam "Ready to start!" webhook notifications.Tor Andersson
2023-03-23Show replacement games on public game list.Tor Andersson
2023-03-17Allow disabled menu items.Tor Andersson
2023-03-17Avoid action name collision with debugging command "restore".Tor Andersson
2023-03-17Update Webhooks to allow custom JSON property for message content.Tor Andersson
2023-03-05Tweak front page to reduce layout shifts as cover images load.Tor Andersson