diff options
3 files changed, 91 insertions, 11 deletions
diff --git a/schema.sql b/schema.sql
index 33cd32c..119ac7e 100644
--- a/schema.sql
+++ b/schema.sql
@@ -119,13 +119,57 @@ create view user_login_view as
drop view if exists user_profile_view;
create view user_profile_view as
- select
- user_id, name, mail, notify, ctime, atime, about, is_banned
- from
- users
- left join user_first_seen using(user_id)
- left join user_last_seen using(user_id)
- left join user_about using(user_id)
+ with
+ timeout as (
+ select
+ user_id,
+ count(1) as timeout_total,
+ max(time) as timeout_last
+ from
+ user_timeout
+ group by
+ user_id
+ ),
+ move_time as (
+ select
+ user_id,
+ avg(time) as move_time_avg
+ from
+ user_move_time
+ group by
+ user_id
+ ),
+ profile as (
+ select
+ user_id, name, mail, notify, ctime, atime, about, is_banned,
+ coalesce(timeout_total, 0) as timeout_total,
+ coalesce(timeout_last, 0) as timeout_last,
+ move_time_avg
+ from
+ users
+ left join user_first_seen using(user_id)
+ left join user_last_seen using(user_id)
+ left join user_about using(user_id)
+ left join timeout using(user_id)
+ left join move_time using(user_id)
+ )
+ select
+ profile.*,
+ (
+ select
+ count(1)
+ from
+ players
+ join games using(game_id)
+ where
+ players.user_id = profile.user_id
+ and games.is_opposed
+ and games.status > 1
+ and games.result != 'None'
+ and games.mtime > timeout_last
+ ) as games_since_timeout
+ from
+ profile
drop view if exists user_dynamic_view;
diff --git a/server.js b/server.js
index 98f4164..3faa6b0 100644
--- a/server.js
+++ b/server.js
@@ -827,13 +827,22 @@ app.get("/user/:who_name", function (req, res) {
let who = SQL_SELECT_USER_PROFILE.get(req.params.who_name)
if (who) {
let games = QUERY_LIST_PUBLIC_GAMES_OF_USER.all({ user_id: who.user_id })
+ let ratings = SQL_USER_RATINGS.all(who.user_id)
annotate_games(games, 0, null)
let active_pools = TM_POOL_LIST_USER_ACTIVE.all(who.user_id)
let finished_pools = TM_POOL_LIST_USER_RECENT_FINISHED.all(who.user_id)
let relation = 0
if (req.user)
relation = SQL_SELECT_RELATION.get(req.user.user_id, who.user_id) | 0
- res.render("user.pug", { user: req.user, who, relation, games, active_pools, finished_pools })
+ res.render("user.pug", {
+ user: req.user,
+ who,
+ relation,
+ games,
+ active_pools,
+ finished_pools,
+ ratings,
+ })
} else {
return res.status(404).send("User not found.")
@@ -4189,12 +4198,12 @@ const SQL_USER_STATS = SQL(`
- select title_name, rating, count, date(last) as last
+ select title_id, title_name, rating, count, date(last) as last
from ratings
join titles using(title_id)
where user_id = ?
- and count >= 5
- order by rating desc
+ and count >= 3
+ order by count desc
diff --git a/views/user.pug b/views/user.pug
index fc55b42..4aecb0b 100644
--- a/views/user.pug
+++ b/views/user.pug
@@ -42,6 +42,33 @@ html
a(href="/contacts/add-enemy/" Add to blacklist
+ h3 Response time
+ div Average response time: #{(who.move_time_avg * 24).toFixed(2)} hours
+ h3 Timeouts
+ div Total number of timeouts: #{who.timeout_total}
+ div Games completed since last timeout: #{who.games_since_timeout}
+ if ratings.length > 0
+ h3 Most played games
+ table
+ thead
+ tr
+ th Title
+ th Count
+ th Last played
+ if user && user.user_id === 1
+ th Elo
+ tbody
+ each row in ratings
+ tr
+ td
+"/" + row.title_id)= row.title_name
+ td.r= row.count
+ td.r= row.last
+ if user && user.user_id === 1
+ td.r= row.rating
+tourlist(null, active_pools, finished_pools)
if open_games.length > 0