L1 Leeward Battle Line Hold: Play in Battle to halve all Missile Hits (round up) to Friendly Lords, unless enemy Leeward Battle Line. Culverins and Falconets At start of Round 1 of Battle, this Lord may discard this card to add 1 die roll of Missile Hits. L2 Flank Attack Hold: Play to Intercept without rolling and become Attacker in that Battle. Culverins and Falconets At start of Round 1 of Battle, this Lord may discard this card to add 1 die roll of Missile Hits. L3 Escape Ship Hold: Play upon Death check if Lancastrian Route (4.5.1) to Port for any Routed Lancastrians to go into Exile instead. Muster'd my soldiers Gather'd flocks of friends Each Battle at a Friendly Stronghold, this Lord adds 2 Men-at-Arms and 1 Longbowmen. Remove them after Battle. L4 Be sent for to return from France with speed This Levy Muster Lancastrian Exiles from anywhere on the Calendar. Heralds This Lord at Port may use full Command card for an Influence check. If successful, shift a Lord cylinder on Calendar to next Turn. L5 Suspicion always haunts the guilty mind Hold: Play in Battle for participating Lancastrian Lord to check Influence. Success Disbands 1 Yorkist Lord at Yorkist Lord at Battle with lower Influence Rating. Church Blessing This Lord's Men-at-Arms have Armour 1-4. L6 Seamanship This Campaign Lancastrians may Sail for just 1 Command action. Great Ships This Lord's Ships count double for Sail and Supply and connect all Ports of all Seas for Parley, Supply, and Tax. L7 For trust not him Hold: Play in Battle for a participating Lord to attempt to Levy (3.4.3) a regular Enemy Vassal at Battle onto the Lord's own mat. Harbingers This Lord's Supply actions draw twice the usual Provender. L8 Forced Marches This Campaign lone Lancastrian Lords (not Groups) March on Road as if Highway. Hay Wains This Lord's Carts count double for March and Supply. L9 Rising Wages This Levy Yorkist Lords must pay 1 Coin per Levy Troops action. Quartermasters This Lord Levies Troops without Depleting or Exhausting Strongholds. L10 New Act of Parliament This Campaign Yorkist Parley takes entire Command card. Chamberlains This Lord's Supply and Levy Troops do not Deplete the Stronghold at his or her Vassals' Seats. L11 Blocked Ford Hold: Play upon Approach to prevent Exile (all Lords there Battle). In the Name of the King Sealed royal letter This Lord has Influence +1 for Parley. L12 Ravine Hold: Play on an Enemy Lord in Battle. Round 1, ignore that Lord for Engage and Strike. Commission of Array This Lord can Levy Troops from adjacent Friendly Strongholds where no Enemy Lord. L13 Aspielles Lancastrian spies Hold: Play to inspect all Yorkist Held cards and 1 Hidden Yorkist Lord mat (1.5.3). Expert Counsellors This Lord has Valour +2. L14 Scots Each Lancastrian Lord on map may add up to 1 Men-at-Arms and 1 Militia to his or her mat. Percy's Power While this Lord is in the North, Lancastrian Pay (3.2) there is free. L15 Henry Pressures Parliament Yorkist lose 1 Influence point per Vassal they currently have Mustered. King's Parley Upon Yorkist Approach to this Lord, discard this card to cancel that Approach and end Command card. L16 Warden of the Marches Hold: Play upon Death check in the North. Move any Routed Lancastrians to a Friendly Stronghold there instead of rolling Death or Disband. Northmen Lancastrians Dominate the North with this Lord and 3+ Friendly Strongholds there. L17 My crown is in my heart This Levy Henry VI may Parley twice for 0 Lordship (with Influence checks). Margaret takes the reins Each Tides of War, this Lord at a Stronghold outside London or in an Exile box adds +2 Lancastrian Influence points. L18 Parliament Votes This Levy 1 Parley action by each Lancastrian Lord costs less by -1 Influence point and automatically succeeds. Council Member Each Tides of War, this Lord adds +1 Lancastrian Influence point. L19 Henry's Proclamation Yorkists shift all their Vassals' Calendar markers to the current Turn box. Andrew Trollope This Lord Levies Special Vassal Trollope (free) and has Valour +1. L20 Parliament's Truce Hold: Play to prohibit all Approach and Intercept for the rest of this Campaign. Veteran of French Wars This Lord has Valour +2. L21 French Fleet This Campaign Yorkist Lords may not Sail. My Father's Blood This Lord Levies Special Vassal Clifford (free) and has Valour +1. L22 French Troops Add 2 Men-at-Arms and 2 Militia to a Lancastrian Lord at a Port. Stafford Estates At outset of each Campaign, this Lord receives 1 Coin and 1 Provender. L23 Warwick's Propaganda Select 3 Yorkist Strongholds. For each, Yorkists either pay 2 Influence points or remove Favour. Montagu This Lord Levies Special Vassal Montagu (free), and his Retinue has Armour 1-5. L24 Warwick's Propaganda Select 3 Yorkist Strongholds. For each, Yorkists either pay 2 Influence points or remove Favour. Married to a Neville This Lord at a Friendly Locale with Warwick has Influence +2 and Command +1. L25 Welsh Rebellion Remove 2 Troops from each Yorkist Lord in Wales OR, if no Yorkist Lords there, 2 Yorkist Favour from Wales. Welsh Lord Each Battle in Wales, this Lord adds 2 Longbowmen. Remove them after Battle. L26 Henry Released If London Favours Lancastrians, add 5 Lancastrian Influence points. Edward Prince of Wales This Lord Levies Special Vassal Edward (free) and has Valour +1. L27 L'Universelle Aragne Louis XI of France, a cunning King Select 2 Yorkist Mustered Vassals. Their Lords check Influence for each - failure Disbands the Vassal. Barded Horse This Lord's Retinue and his or her Vassals have Armour 1-3 against Missile but Armour 1-5 against Melee. L28 Rebel Supply Depot Hold: Play after a Lord or Group Marches or Sails to a Port for them to receive 4 Provender and ignore their next Feed. Loyal Somerset This Lord at the same Locale as Margaret has Influence +1 and Valour +1. L29 To wilful disobedience and rebel! Remove Yorkist Favour from 2 Strongholds at or adjacent to a Lancastrian Lord and not at or adjacent to Yorkist Lords. High Admiral This Lord can Sail to Ports where Enemy Lord(s), triggering Approach (4.3.5). L30 French War Loans Add 1 Coin and 1 Provender to each Lancastrian Lord on map. Merchants This Lord for 1 Command action and successful Influence check removes 2 Depleted or Exhausted at his location and/or adjacent. L31 Robin's Rebellion Place and/or remove up to 3 Favour total in the North. Yeomen of the Crown If this Lord's Retinue fails an Armour roll, she may instead Rout 1 of her Unrouted Men-at-arms units. L32 Tudor Banners If Henry Tudor is at a Friendly Stronghold, mark all adjacent Strongholds that are free of Yorkist Lords with Lancastrian Favour. Two Roses Henry Tudor, married to a York, enjoys Lancastrian support. This Lord's Vassal Levy always succeeds L33 Surprise Landing Hold: Play after Sailing to a Port to add a free March action. Philibert de Chandée French royal envoy Each Battle at or adjacent to Friendly English Channel Port, this Lord adds 2 Men-at-Arms. Remove them after Battle. L34 Buckingham's Plot backfires This Levy each Yorkist Vassal Levy costs +2 extra Influence points. Piquiers French pikemen This Lord's Men-at-Arms and Militia have Armour 1-4 until 3 of them Rout. L35 Margaret Beaufort Henry Tudor's mother This Levy Henry Tudor may attempt to Levy any Vassals on the map. Thomas Stanley This Lord Levies Special Vassal Stanley (free). Once per Levy, he can Levy Troops for 0 Lordship. L36 Talbot to the Rescue Hold: Play upon Death check to Disband any Routed Lancastrians instead of rolling for Death. Chevaliers French knights This Lord's Men-at-Arms suffer -1 Armour against Missiles but Melee Strike x2. L37 The Earl of Richmond is with a mighty power landed at Milford This Levy Lancastrian Vassal Levy always succeeds. Madame La Grande Louis XI's daughter Anne finances Tudors Each Pay segment (3.2) that this Lord at or adjacent to a Friendly English Channel Port, he receives 1 Coin.