"use strict" /* global data, view, player, action_button, action_button_with_argument, send_action */ /* export toggle_pieces, toggle_seats, on_update, on_log */ function toggle_pieces() { document.getElementById("pieces").classList.toggle("hide") } function toggle_seats() { document.getElementById("seats").classList.toggle("hide") } // === GAME STATE === function map_get(map, key, missing) { let a = 0 let b = (map.length >> 1) - 1 while (a <= b) { let m = (a + b) >> 1 let x = map[m << 1] if (key < x) b = m - 1 else if (key > x) a = m + 1 else return map[(m << 1) + 1] } return missing } function map_get_pack4(map, lord, k) { return pack4_get(map_get(map, lord, 0), k) } function map2_get(map, x, y, v) { return map_get(map, (x << 1) + y, v) } function set_has(set, item) { if (!Array.isArray(set)) return false let a = 0 let b = set.length - 1 while (a <= b) { let m = (a + b) >> 1 let x = set[m] if (item < x) b = m - 1 else if (item > x) a = m + 1 else return true } return false } function pack4_get(word, n) { n = n << 2 return (word >>> n) & 15 } const LORD_HENRY_VI = data.lords.findIndex(x => x.name === "Henry VI") const LOC_LONDON = data.locales.findIndex(x => x.name === "London") const first_york_lord = 0 const last_york_lord = 13 const first_lancaster_lord = 14 const last_lancaster_lord = 27 const first_york_card = 0 const last_york_card = 36 const first_lancaster_card = 37 const last_lancaster_card = 73 const last_aow_card = last_lancaster_card const first_locale = 0 const last_locale = data.locales.length - 1 const first_vassal = 0 const last_vassal = data.vassals.length - 1 const MEN_AT_ARMS = 2 const LONGBOWMEN = 3 const MILITIA = 4 const BURGUNDIANS = 5 const MERCENARIES = 6 const force_action_name = [ "retinue", "vassal", "men_at_arms", "longbowmen", "militia", "burgundians", "mercenaries" ] const force_class_name = [ "retinue", "vassal", "shape men_at_arms", "shape longbowmen", "shape militia", "shape burgundians", "shape mercenaries" ] const routed_force_action_name = [ "routed_retinue", "routed_vassal", "routed_men_at_arms", "routed_longbowmen", "routed_militia", "routed_burgundians", "routed_mercenaries" ] const asset_type_count = 4 const asset_action_name = [ "prov", "coin", "cart", "ship" ] const asset_type_x34 = [ 1, 1, 1, 0 ] const NOWHERE = -1 const CALENDAR = 100 const CALENDAR_EXILE = 200 const LONDON_FOR_YORK = 300 const CAPTURE_OF_THE_KING = 400 // Ia. special rule (400 + lord ID that has him captured) const VASSAL_READY = 29 const VASSAL_DISBANDED = 30 const VASSAL_OUT_OF_PLAY = 31 function is_special_vassal(v) { return data.vassals[v].box === null } const TOWN = "town" const CITY = "city" const FORTRESS = "fortress" const SUMMER = 0 const SPRING = 1 const WINTER = 2 const AUTUMN = 3 const SEASONS = [ null, WINTER, SPRING, SUMMER, AUTUMN, WINTER, WINTER, SPRING, SUMMER, AUTUMN, WINTER, WINTER, SPRING, SUMMER, AUTUMN, WINTER, null ] function current_season() { return SEASONS[view.turn >> 1] } function max_plan_length() { switch (current_season()) { case SUMMER: return 7 case WINTER: return 4 case SPRING: return 6 case AUTUMN: return 6 } } function is_york_lord(lord) { return lord >= first_york_lord && lord <= last_york_lord } function is_lancaster_lord(lord) { return lord >= first_lancaster_lord && lord <= last_lancaster_lord } function get_lord_locale(lord) { return map_get(view.pieces.locale, lord, -1) } function get_lord_moved(lord) { return map_get(view.pieces.moved, lord, 0) } function get_lord_forces(lord, n) { return map_get_pack4(view.pieces.forces, lord, n, 0) } function get_lord_capability(lord, n) { return map2_get(view.pieces.capabilities, lord, n, -1) } function is_lord_in_exile(lord) { return get_lord_locale(lord) >= CALENDAR_EXILE } function count_lord_all_forces(lord) { return ( get_lord_forces(lord, MERCENARIES) + get_lord_forces(lord, BURGUNDIANS) + get_lord_forces(lord, MEN_AT_ARMS) + get_lord_forces(lord, MILITIA) + get_lord_forces(lord, LONGBOWMEN) ) } function count_favour(type) { let n = 0 for (let x = first_locale; x <= last_locale; x++) { if (data.locales[x].type !== type) continue if (set_has(view.pieces.favourl, x)) n += 1 if (set_has(view.pieces.favoury, x)) n -= 1 } return n } function get_vassal_lord(vassal) { return view.pieces.vassals[vassal] & 31 } function get_vassal_service(vassal) { return view.pieces.vassals[vassal] >> 5 } function for_each_vassal_with_lord(lord, f) { for (let x = first_vassal; x <= last_vassal; x++) if (get_vassal_lord(x) === lord) f(x) } function is_lord_on_map(lord) { let loc = get_lord_locale(lord) return loc !== NOWHERE && loc < CALENDAR } function is_lord_in_game(lord) { return get_lord_locale(lord) !== NOWHERE } function is_levy_phase() { return (view.turn & 1) === 0 } function is_lord_in_battle(lord) { if (view.battle && view.battle.array) { for (let i = 0; i < 6; ++i) if (view.battle.array[i] === lord) return true } return false } function is_lord_command(ix) { if (view.battle) return false return view.command === ix } function is_lord_selected(ix) { if (view.group) return set_has(view.group, ix) if (view.who >= 0) return ix === view.who return false } const SCENARIO_IA = 0 const SCENARIO_IB = 1 const SCENARIO_IC = 2 const SCENARIO_II = 3 const SCENARIO_III = 4 const scenario_end_marker = [ 16, 2, 8, 16, 10, ] function scenario_victory_threshold() { let turn = view.turn >> 1 switch (view.scenario) { case SCENARIO_IA: if (turn <= 5) return 40 if (turn <= 10) return 35 return 30 case SCENARIO_IB: return 100 // no threshold case SCENARIO_IC: return 25 case SCENARIO_II: if (turn <= 5) return 40 if (turn <= 10) return 35 return 30 case SCENARIO_III: return 45 } return 45 } // === BUILD UI === function is_action(action, arg) { if (arg === undefined) return !!(view.actions && view.actions[action] === 1) return !!(view.actions && view.actions[action] && set_has(view.actions[action], arg)) } function register_action(target, action, id) { target.my_id = id target.my_action = action target.onmousedown = (evt) => on_action(evt, target) } function on_action(evt, target) { if (evt.button === 0) if (send_action(target.my_action, target.my_id)) evt.stopPropagation() } var locale_lord_york = [] var locale_lord_lanc = [] var calendar_lord_york = [] var calendar_lord_lanc = [] var calendar_vassal_disband = [] var calendar_vassal_york = [] var calendar_vassal_lanc = [] const ui = { favicon: document.getElementById("favicon"), locale: [], depleted: [], locale_markers_rose: [], lord_cylinder: [], lord_retinue: [], lord_routed_retinue: [], mat: [], mat_card: [], mat_caps: [], retinue_area: [], vassal_area: [], routed_retinue_vassal_area: [], troops: [], routed_troops: [], assets: [], lord_exile: [], vassal_map: [], // token on map/calendar vassal_mat: [], // token on mat valour_area: [], marker_area: [], lord_moved1: [], lord_moved2: [], lord_feed1: [], lord_feed2: [], cards: [], cards2: [], lords2: [], seat: [], plan_panel: document.getElementById("plan_panel"), plan: document.getElementById("plan"), plan_actions: document.getElementById("plan_actions"), plan_cards: [], plan_action_cards: [], arts_of_war_panel: document.getElementById("arts_of_war_panel"), arts_of_war: document.getElementById("arts_of_war"), events_panel: document.getElementById("events_panel"), events: document.getElementById("events"), hand_panel: document.getElementById("hand_panel"), hand: document.getElementById("hand"), held_york: document.querySelector("#role_York .role_stat"), held_lancaster: document.querySelector("#role_Lancaster .role_stat"), command: document.getElementById("turn_info"), turn: document.getElementById("turn"), end: document.getElementById("end"), victory_check: document.getElementById("victory_check"), fortresses: document.getElementById("fortresses"), towns: document.getElementById("towns"), cities: document.getElementById("cities"), influence: document.getElementById("ip"), battle: document.getElementById("battle"), court1_panel: document.getElementById("court1_panel"), court2_panel: document.getElementById("court2_panel"), court1_header: document.getElementById("court1_header"), court2_header: document.getElementById("court2_header"), court1: document.getElementById("court1"), court2: document.getElementById("court2"), battle_panel: document.getElementById("battle_panel"), battle_header: document.getElementById("battle_header"), battle_grid: document.getElementById("battle_grid"), battle_grid_array: [ document.getElementById("grid_a1"), document.getElementById("grid_a2"), document.getElementById("grid_a3"), document.getElementById("grid_d1"), document.getElementById("grid_d2"), document.getElementById("grid_d3"), ], } const TRACK_XY = [] for (let i = 0; i <= 45; ++i) { let x = 0, y = 0 if (i <= 25) { x = 24 + i * 47.25 + 22 y = 1577 + 22 } else { x = 1205 + 22 y = 1577 - (i-25) * 47.25 + 22 } TRACK_XY[i] = [ Math.round(x), Math.round(y) ] } const CALENDAR_XY = [ [102,38], [204,38], [306,38], [408,38], [510,38], [612,38], [734,38], [836,38], [938,38], [1040,38], [1142,38], [734,260], [836,260], [938,260], [1040,260], [1142,260], [1030,480], ] const LOCALE_XY = [] function clean_name(name) { return name.toLowerCase().replaceAll("&", "and").replaceAll(" ", "_") } function build_div(parent, className) { let e = document.createElement("div") e.className = className if (parent) parent.appendChild(e) return e } function build_lord_mat(ix, side, name) { let mat = build_div(null, `mat ${side} ${name}`) let board = build_div(mat, "board") ui.mat_card[ix] = build_div(board, "card lord " + side + " " + name) ui.lords2[ix] = build_div(null, "card lord " + side + " " + name) build_div(board, "mask " + side) ui.retinue_area[ix] = build_div(board, "retinue_area") ui.vassal_area[ix] = build_div(board, "vassal_area") ui.routed_retinue_vassal_area[ix] = build_div(board, "routed_retinue_vassal_area") ui.troops[ix] = build_div(board, "troops") ui.routed_troops[ix] = build_div(board, "routed_troops") ui.assets[ix] = build_div(board, "assets") ui.mat_caps[ix] = build_div(mat, "capabilities") ui.valour_area[ix] = build_div(board, "valour_area") ui.marker_area[ix] = build_div(board, "marker_area") ui.lord_moved1[ix] = build_div(ui.marker_area[ix], "marker square moved_fought one hide") ui.lord_moved2[ix] = build_div(ui.marker_area[ix], "marker square moved_fought two hide") ui.lord_feed1[ix] = build_div(ui.marker_area[ix], "marker small feed x2") ui.lord_feed2[ix] = build_div(ui.marker_area[ix], "marker small feed x2") ui.mat[ix] = mat register_action(ui.mat_card[ix], "lord", ix) } function build_card(c, name) { let card = ui.cards[c] = document.querySelector(`div[data-card="${name}"]`) ui.cards2[c] = card.cloneNode(true) register_action(card, "card", c) } (function build_map() { let elt for (let i = 0; i <= 16; ++i) { calendar_lord_york[i] = [] calendar_lord_lanc[i] = [] calendar_vassal_disband[i] = [] calendar_vassal_york[i] = [] calendar_vassal_lanc[i] = [] } data.locales.forEach((locale, ix) => { let region = locale.region ? clean_name(locale.region) : "" let { x, y, w, h } = locale.box let ax, ay, aw, ah let xc = Math.round(x + w / 2) let yc = Math.round(y + h / 2) let e LOCALE_XY[ix] = [ xc, yc ] locale_lord_york[ix] = [] locale_lord_lanc[ix] = [] if (locale.type === "exile_box") { LOCALE_XY[ix] = [ xc, y + 45 ] ax = x + 6 ay = y + 6 aw = w - 13 ah = h - 21 } else if (locale.type === "fortress") { ax = x - 12 aw = w + 24 ay = y - 28 ah = h + 28 } else { ax = x - 6 ay = y - 6 aw = w + 12 ah = h + 8 } // Main Area e = ui.locale[ix] = document.createElement("div") if (locale.type === "exile_box") e.className = "locale " + locale.type + " " + locale.name.toLowerCase() else e.className = "locale " + locale.type + " " + region.toLowerCase() e.style.left = ax + "px" e.style.top = ay + "px" e.style.width = aw + "px" e.style.height = ah + "px" register_action(e, "locale", ix) register_tooltip(e, on_focus_locale) document.getElementById("locales").appendChild(e) // London for York if (ix === LOC_LONDON) { e = ui.london_for_york = document.createElement("div") e.className = "hide" e.style.top = yc - 20 - 13 + "px" //e.style.top = y + h - 43 - 13 + "px" e.style.left = xc - 20 - 13 + "px" e.style.pointerEvents = "none" document.getElementById("pieces").appendChild(e) } // Favour if (locale.type === "exile_box") { e = ui.locale_markers_rose[ix] = document.createElement("div") e.className = "hide" e.style.top = (y + h - 50) + "px" e.style.left = (xc - 27) + "px" e.style.pointerEvents = "none" document.getElementById("pieces").appendChild(e) } else { e = ui.locale_markers_rose[ix] = document.createElement("div") e.className = "hide" e.style.top = yc - 20 + "px" //e.style.top = y + h - 43 + "px" e.style.left = xc - 20 + "px" e.style.pointerEvents = "none" document.getElementById("pieces").appendChild(e) } // Depleted/Exhausted e = ui.depleted[ix] = document.createElement("div") e.className = "hide marker small depexh " + locale.name e.style.top = yc - 20 - 13 + "px" //e.style.top = y + h - 43 - 13 + "px" e.style.left = xc - 20 + 13 + "px" e.style.pointerEvents = "none" document.getElementById("pieces").appendChild(e) }) let layout_seat_york = [] let layout_seat_lanc = [] for (let loc = first_locale; loc <= last_locale; ++loc) { layout_seat_york[loc] = [] layout_seat_lanc[loc] = [] } data.lords.forEach((lord, ix) => { let e = ui.lord_cylinder[ix] = document.createElement("div") let side = lord.side.toLowerCase() e.className = "cylinder " + side + " " + lord.id + " hide" register_action(e, "lord", ix) register_tooltip(e, on_focus_cylinder) document.getElementById("pieces").appendChild(e) let exile = ui.lord_exile[ix] = document.createElement("div") exile.className = "marker small exile hide" exile.style.zIndex=1 document.getElementById("pieces").appendChild(exile) ui.lord_retinue[ix] = document.createElement("div") ui.lord_retinue[ix].className = "unit retinue" register_action(ui.lord_retinue[ix], "retinue", ix) ui.lord_routed_retinue[ix] = document.createElement("div") ui.lord_routed_retinue[ix].className = "unit retinue" register_action(ui.lord_routed_retinue[ix], "routed_retinue", ix) build_lord_mat(ix, side, lord.id) let loc = data.lords[ix].seat e = ui.seat[ix] = document.createElement("div") document.getElementById("seats").appendChild(e) if (is_york_lord(ix)) { e.className = "hide seat york " + lord.id layout_seat_york[loc].push(e) } else { e.className = "hide seat lancaster " + lord.id layout_seat_lanc[loc].push(e) } }) function layout_seat_markers(loc, dx, dy, list) { let [ x, y ] = LOCALE_XY[loc] y -= (list.length - 1) * 8 x += dx y += dy for (let e of list) { e.style.top = y - 37 + "px" e.style.left = x - 37 + "px" y += 16 } } for (let loc = first_locale; loc <= last_locale; ++loc) { if (layout_seat_lanc[loc].length + layout_seat_york[loc].length === 1) { layout_seat_markers(loc, 0, -22, layout_seat_lanc[loc]) layout_seat_markers(loc, 0, -22, layout_seat_york[loc]) } else if (data.locales[loc].name === "Calais" || data.locales[loc].name === "Carlisle") { layout_seat_markers(loc, -44, 0, layout_seat_york[loc].concat(layout_seat_lanc[loc])) } else { layout_seat_markers(loc, -44, 0, layout_seat_lanc[loc]) layout_seat_markers(loc, 44, 0, layout_seat_york[loc]) } } ui.captured_king = document.createElement("div") ui.captured_king.className = "cylinder lancaster " + data.lords[LORD_HENRY_VI].id ui.captured_king.style.position = "static" data.vassals.forEach((vassal, ix) => { let e if (!is_special_vassal(ix)) { let { x, y, w, h } = vassal.box e = ui.vassal_map[ix] = document.createElement("div") let xc = Math.round(x + w / 2) let yc = Math.round(y + h / 2) e.className = "hide unit vassal vassal_" + vassal.name.toLowerCase().replaceAll(" ", "_") e.style.position = "absolute" e.my_map_x = xc - 27 + "px" e.my_map_y = yc - 27 + "px" register_action(e, "vassal", ix) register_tooltip(e, data.vassals[ix].name) document.getElementById("pieces").appendChild(e) } e = ui.vassal_mat[ix] = document.createElement("div") e.className = "unit vassal vassal_" + vassal.name.toLowerCase().replaceAll(" ", "_") register_action(e, "vassal", ix) register_tooltip(e, data.vassals[ix].name) }) for (let i = 0; i < 7; ++i) { elt = document.createElement("div") elt.className = "hide" ui.plan_cards.push(elt) ui.plan.appendChild(elt) } for (let lord = 0; lord < 28; ++lord) { let side = lord < 14 ? "york" : "lancaster" elt = document.createElement("div") elt.className = `card cc ${side} ${data.lords[lord].id}` register_action(elt, "plan", lord) ui.plan_action_cards.push(elt) ui.plan_actions.appendChild(elt) } ui.plan_action_pass_york = elt = document.createElement("div") elt.className = `card cc york pass` register_action(elt, "plan", -1) ui.plan_actions.appendChild(elt) ui.plan_action_pass_lancaster = elt = document.createElement("div") elt.className = `card cc lancaster pass` register_action(elt, "plan", -1) ui.plan_actions.appendChild(elt) for (let i = 0; i < 6; ++i) register_action(ui.battle_grid_array[i], "array", i) for (let c = first_york_card; c <= last_york_card; ++c) build_card(c, "Y" + (1 + c - first_york_card)) for (let c = first_lancaster_card; c <= last_lancaster_card; ++c) build_card(c, "L" + (1 + c - first_lancaster_card)) ui.card_aow_lancaster_back = build_div(null, "card aow lancaster back") ui.card_aow_york_back = build_div(null, "card aow york back") ui.card_cc_lancaster_back = build_div(null, "card cc lancaster back") ui.card_cc_york_back = build_div(null, "card cc york back") ui.card_cc = [] for (let i = 0; i < 14; ++i) ui.card_cc[i] = build_div(null, "card cc york " + data.lords[i].id) for (let i = 14; i < 28; ++i) ui.card_cc[i] = build_div(null, "card cc lancaster " + data.lords[i].id) })() // === UPDATE UI === let used_cache = {} let unused_cache = {} function get_cached_element(className, action, id) { let key = className if (action !== undefined) key += "/" + action + "/" + id if (!(key in unused_cache)) { unused_cache[key] = [] used_cache[key] = [] } if (unused_cache[key].length > 0) { let elt = unused_cache[key].pop() used_cache[key].push(elt) return elt } let elt = document.createElement("div") elt.className = className used_cache[key].push(elt) if (action !== undefined) register_action(elt, action, id) return elt } function restart_cache() { for (let k in used_cache) { let u = used_cache[k] let uu = unused_cache[k] while (u.length > 0) uu.push(u.pop()) } } function update_current_card_display() { // TODO: clone card elements instead of using classes if (typeof view.what === "number" && view.what >= 0) { ui.command.replaceChildren(ui.cards2[view.what]) } else if ((view.turn & 1) === 0) { if (player === "Lancaster") ui.command.replaceChildren(ui.card_aow_lancaster_back) else ui.command.replaceChildren(ui.card_aow_york_back) } else if (view.command < 0) { if (player === "Lancaster") ui.command.replaceChildren(ui.card_cc_lancaster_back) else ui.command.replaceChildren(ui.card_cc_york_back) } else { ui.command.replaceChildren(ui.card_cc[view.command]) } } function layout_locale_cylinders(loc, list, dx) { let [xc, yc] = LOCALE_XY[loc] let dy = (list.length - 1) * -15 let x = xc + dx let y = yc + dy let z = 5 for (let ix of list) { let e = ui.lord_cylinder[ix] e.style.top = (y - 23) + "px" e.style.left = (x - 23) + "px" e.style.zIndex = z++ y += 30 } } function layout_exile_box_cylinders(loc, list, dy) { let [xc, yc] = LOCALE_XY[loc] let dx = (list.length - 1) * -23 let x = xc + dx let y = yc + dy let z = 5 for (let ix of list) { let e = ui.lord_cylinder[ix] e.style.top = (y - 23) + "px" e.style.left = (x - 23) + "px" e.style.zIndex = z++ x += 46 } } function layout_calendar() { for (let loc = 1; loc <= 16; ++loc) { let [cx, cy] = CALENDAR_XY[loc] let list list = calendar_lord_lanc[loc] for (let i = 0; i < list.length; ++i) { let e = ui.lord_cylinder[list[i]] let x = cx, y = cy, z = 30 + i x += 5 y += i * 30 - 2 e.style.top = y + "px" e.style.left = x + "px" e.style.zIndex = z // cylinder is 44x48, exile marker is 39 if (is_lord_in_exile(list[i])) { e = ui.lord_exile[list[i]] e.style.top = y + 7 + "px" e.style.left = x + 3 - 20 + "px" e.style.zIndex = z + 1 } } list = calendar_lord_york[loc] for (let i = 0; i < list.length; ++i) { // ui.lord_exile[ix].classList.toggle("hide", !is_lord_in_exile(ix)) let e = ui.lord_cylinder[list[i]] let x = cx, y = cy, z = 30 + i x += 50 y += i * 30 - 2 e.style.top = y + "px" e.style.left = x + "px" e.style.zIndex = z // cylinder is 44, exile marker is 39 if (is_lord_in_exile(list[i])) { e = ui.lord_exile[list[i]] e.style.top = y + 7 + "px" e.style.left = x + 3 + 20 + "px" e.style.zIndex = z - 1 } } list = calendar_vassal_lanc[loc] for (let i = 0; i < list.length; ++i) { let e = list[i] let x = cx, y = cy, z = 25 - i let len_lanc = calendar_lord_lanc[loc].length y += len_lanc * 30 + 10 + i * 32 x += 0 e.style.top = y + "px" e.style.left = x + "px" e.style.zIndex = z } list = calendar_vassal_york[loc] for (let i = 0; i < list.length; ++i) { let e = list[i] let x = cx, y = cy, z = 30 - i let len_york = calendar_lord_york[loc].length y += len_york * 30 + 10 + i * 32 x += 51 e.style.top = y + "px" e.style.left = x + "px" e.style.zIndex = z } list = calendar_vassal_disband[loc] for (let i = 0; i < list.length; ++i) { let e = list[i] let x = cx, y = cy, z = 20 - i let len_lanc = calendar_lord_lanc[loc].length * 30 + 10 let len_york = calendar_lord_york[loc].length * 30 + 10 let len_lanc2 = calendar_vassal_lanc[loc].length * 32 let len_york2 = calendar_vassal_york[loc].length * 32 y += Math.max(len_lanc + len_lanc2, len_york + len_york2) + i * 32 x += 25 e.style.top = y + "px" e.style.left = x + "px" e.style.zIndex = z } } } function add_retinue(parent, lord) { let elt = ui.lord_retinue[lord] elt.classList.toggle("action", is_action("retinue", lord)) parent.appendChild(elt) if (view.battle && set_has(view.battle.fled, lord)) elt.classList.add("fled") else elt.classList.remove("fled") } function add_routed_retinue(parent, lord) { let elt = ui.lord_routed_retinue[lord] elt.classList.toggle("action", is_action("routed_retinue", lord)) parent.appendChild(elt) if (view.battle && set_has(view.battle.fled, lord)) elt.classList.add("fled") else elt.classList.remove("fled") } function add_vassal(parent, vassal) { let elt = ui.vassal_mat[vassal] elt.classList.toggle("selected", view.vassal === vassal || set_has(view.vassal, vassal)) elt.classList.toggle("action", is_action("vassal", vassal)) parent.appendChild(elt) } function add_force(parent, type, lord, routed, first, z) { let elt if (routed) { if (first && is_action(routed_force_action_name[type], lord)) elt = get_cached_element("action unit " + force_class_name[type], routed_force_action_name[type], lord) else elt = get_cached_element("unit " + force_class_name[type], routed_force_action_name[type], lord) } else { if (first && is_action(force_action_name[type], lord)) elt = get_cached_element("action unit " + force_class_name[type], force_action_name[type], lord) else elt = get_cached_element("unit " + force_class_name[type], force_action_name[type], lord) } elt.style.zIndex = z parent.appendChild(elt) } function add_asset(parent, type, n, lord, first, z) { let elt if (first && is_action(asset_action_name[type], lord)) elt = get_cached_element("action asset " + asset_action_name[type] + " x" + n, asset_action_name[type], lord) else elt = get_cached_element("asset " + asset_action_name[type] + " x" + n) elt.style.zIndex = z parent.appendChild(elt) } function update_lord_troops(parent, forces, lord_ix, routed) { parent.replaceChildren() let z = 5 for (let i = 2; i <= 6; ++i) { let n = map_get_pack4(forces, lord_ix, i, 0) for (let k = 0; k < n; ++k) { add_force(parent, i, lord_ix, routed, k === n-1, z++) } if (i > 1) { z = 5 parent.appendChild(get_cached_element("break")) } } } function update_lord_retinue(parent, forces, lord_ix) { parent.replaceChildren() let n = map_get_pack4(forces, lord_ix, 0, 0) if (n > 0) add_retinue(parent, lord_ix) } function update_lord_vassals(parent, lord_ix) { parent.replaceChildren() for_each_vassal_with_lord(lord_ix, v => { if (view.battle) { if (!set_has(view.battle.routed_vassals, v)) add_vassal(parent, v) } else { add_vassal(parent, v) } }) } function update_lord_routed_retinue_vassal(parent, forces, lord_ix) { parent.replaceChildren() let n = map_get_pack4(forces, lord_ix, 0, 0) if (n > 0) add_routed_retinue(parent, lord_ix) for_each_vassal_with_lord(lord_ix, v => { if (view.battle) { if (set_has(view.battle.routed_vassals, v)) add_vassal(parent, v) } }) } function update_assets(parent, assets, lord_ix) { parent.replaceChildren() let z = 5 for (let i = 0; i < asset_type_count; ++i) { let n = map_get_pack4(assets, lord_ix, i, 0) if (asset_type_x34[i]) { while (n >= 4) { n -= 4 add_asset(parent, i, 4, lord_ix, n === 0, z++) } while (n >= 3) { n -= 3 add_asset(parent, i, 3, lord_ix, n === 0, z++) } } while (n >= 2) { n -= 2 add_asset(parent, i, 2, lord_ix, n === 0, z++) } while (n >= 1) { n -= 1 add_asset(parent, i, 1, lord_ix, n === 0, z++) } if (i < 2) { z = 5 parent.appendChild(get_cached_element("break")) } } } function add_valour(parent) { parent.appendChild(get_cached_element("marker valour small")) } function update_valour(lord, parent, battle) { parent.replaceChildren() if (!battle) return let n = map_get(battle.valour, lord, 0) for (let i = 0; i < n; i++) add_valour(parent, lord) } function update_lord_mat(ix) { ui.mat[ix].classList.remove("ravine") ui.mat[ix].classList.remove("engaged") if (view.battle) { if (view.battle.ravine === ix) ui.mat[ix].classList.add("ravine") if (view.engaged) { for (let p of view.engaged) { if (ix === view.battle.array[p]) ui.mat[ix].classList.add("engaged") } } } if (view.reveal & (1 << ix)) { ui.mat[ix].classList.remove("hidden") update_assets(ui.assets[ix], view.pieces.assets, ix) update_lord_retinue(ui.retinue_area[ix], view.pieces.forces, ix) update_lord_vassals(ui.vassal_area[ix], ix) update_lord_routed_retinue_vassal(ui.routed_retinue_vassal_area[ix], view.pieces.routed, ix) update_lord_troops(ui.troops[ix], view.pieces.forces, ix, false) update_lord_troops(ui.routed_troops[ix], view.pieces.routed, ix, true) let n = count_lord_all_forces(ix) if (n <= 6) { ui.lord_feed1[ix].className = "hide" ui.lord_feed2[ix].className = "hide" } else if (n <= 12) { ui.lord_feed1[ix].className = "marker small feed x2" ui.lord_feed2[ix].className = "hide" } else if (n <= 18) { ui.lord_feed1[ix].className = "marker small feed x3" ui.lord_feed2[ix].className = "hide" } else if (n <= 24) { ui.lord_feed1[ix].className = "marker small feed x2" ui.lord_feed2[ix].className = "marker small feed x2" } else if (n <= 30) { ui.lord_feed1[ix].className = "marker small feed x3" ui.lord_feed2[ix].className = "marker small feed x2" } else { ui.lord_feed1[ix].className = "marker small feed x3" ui.lord_feed2[ix].className = "marker small feed x3" } if (get_lord_locale(LORD_HENRY_VI) === CAPTURE_OF_THE_KING + ix) ui.marker_area[ix].appendChild(ui.captured_king) } else { ui.mat[ix].classList.add("hidden") ui.assets[ix].replaceChildren() ui.retinue_area[ix].replaceChildren() ui.vassal_area[ix].replaceChildren() ui.routed_retinue_vassal_area[ix].replaceChildren() ui.troops[ix].replaceChildren() ui.routed_troops[ix].replaceChildren() ui.lord_moved1[ix].classList.add("hide") ui.lord_moved2[ix].classList.add("hide") ui.lord_feed1[ix].className = "hide" ui.lord_feed2[ix].className = "hide" if (get_lord_locale(LORD_HENRY_VI) === CAPTURE_OF_THE_KING + ix) ui.marker_area[ix].appendChild(ui.captured_king) } let m = get_lord_moved(ix) ui.lord_moved1[ix].classList.toggle("hide", is_levy_phase() || !!view.battle || (m !== 1 && m !== 2)) ui.lord_moved2[ix].classList.toggle("hide", is_levy_phase() || !!view.battle || (m !== 2)) update_valour(ix, ui.valour_area[ix], view.battle) } function update_lord(ix) { let locale = get_lord_locale(ix) if (locale < 0 || locale > CALENDAR_EXILE + 16) { ui.lord_cylinder[ix].classList.add("hide") ui.mat[ix].classList.remove("action") return } if (locale < CALENDAR) { if (is_york_lord(ix)) locale_lord_york[locale].push(ix) else locale_lord_lanc[locale].push(ix) ui.lord_cylinder[ix].classList.remove("hide") update_lord_mat(ix) ui.lord_exile[ix].classList.add("hide") } else if (locale <= CALENDAR_EXILE + 16) { let t = locale > CALENDAR_EXILE ? locale - CALENDAR_EXILE : locale - CALENDAR if (is_york_lord(ix)) calendar_lord_york[t].push(ix) else calendar_lord_lanc[t].push(ix) ui.lord_cylinder[ix].classList.remove("hide") ui.lord_exile[ix].classList.toggle("hide", !is_lord_in_exile(ix)) } ui.mat_card[ix].classList.toggle("action", is_action("lord", ix)) ui.lord_cylinder[ix].classList.toggle("action", is_action("lord", ix)) ui.lord_cylinder[ix].classList.toggle("selected", is_lord_selected(ix)) ui.mat[ix].classList.toggle("selected", is_lord_selected(ix)) ui.lord_cylinder[ix].classList.toggle("command", is_lord_command(ix)) ui.mat[ix].classList.toggle("command", is_lord_command(ix)) } function update_locale(loc) { if (data.locales[loc].type === "exile_box") { layout_exile_box_cylinders(loc, locale_lord_lanc[loc], 0) layout_exile_box_cylinders(loc, locale_lord_york[loc], 30) } else { layout_locale_cylinders(loc, locale_lord_lanc[loc], -30) layout_locale_cylinders(loc, locale_lord_york[loc], 30) } ui.locale[loc].classList.toggle("action", is_action("locale", loc)) ui.locale[loc].classList.toggle("selected", view.where === loc || set_has(view.where, loc)) ui.locale[loc].classList.toggle("supply_path", !!(view.supply && view.supply[0] === loc)) ui.locale[loc].classList.toggle("supply_source", !!(view.supply && view.supply[1] === loc)) if (set_has(view.pieces.exhausted, loc)) ui.depleted[loc].className = "marker small exhausted" else if (set_has(view.pieces.depleted, loc)) ui.depleted[loc].className = "marker small depleted" else ui.depleted[loc].className = "hide" if (data.locales[loc].type === "exile_box") { if (set_has(view.pieces.favourl, loc)) ui.locale_markers_rose[loc].className = "marker circle exile_rose lancaster" else if (set_has(view.pieces.favoury, loc)) ui.locale_markers_rose[loc].className = "marker circle exile_rose york" else ui.locale_markers_rose[loc].className = "hide" } else { if (set_has(view.pieces.favourl, loc)) ui.locale_markers_rose[loc].className = "marker small rose lancaster" else if (set_has(view.pieces.favoury, loc)) ui.locale_markers_rose[loc].className = "marker small rose york" else ui.locale_markers_rose[loc].className = "hide" } if (loc === LOC_LONDON) { if (set_has(view.pieces.favoury, LONDON_FOR_YORK)) ui.london_for_york.className = "marker small rose york" else ui.london_for_york.className = "hide" } } function update_plan() { if (view.plan) { let is_planning = view.actions && view.actions.plan ui.plan_panel.classList.remove("hide") for (let i = 0; i < 7; ++i) { if (i < view.plan.length) { let lord = view.plan[i] if (lord < 0) { if (player === "York") ui.plan_cards[i].className = "card cc york pass" else ui.plan_cards[i].className = "card cc lancaster pass" } else { if (lord < 14) ui.plan_cards[i].className = "card cc york " + data.lords[lord].id else ui.plan_cards[i].className = "card cc lancaster " + data.lords[lord].id } } else if (is_planning && i < max_plan_length()) { if (player === "York") ui.plan_cards[i].className = "card cc york back" else ui.plan_cards[i].className = "card cc lancaster back" } else { ui.plan_cards[i].className = "hide" } } if (is_planning) { ui.plan_actions.classList.remove("hide") for (let lord = 0; lord < 28; ++lord) { if (is_lord_in_game(lord)) { ui.plan_action_cards[lord].classList.remove("hide") if (is_action("plan", lord)) { ui.plan_action_cards[lord].classList.add("action") ui.plan_action_cards[lord].classList.remove("disabled") } else { ui.plan_action_cards[lord].classList.remove("action") ui.plan_action_cards[lord].classList.add("disabled") } } else { ui.plan_action_cards[lord].classList.add("hide") } } if (is_action("plan", -1)) { ui.plan_action_pass_york.classList.add("action") ui.plan_action_pass_york.classList.remove("disabled") ui.plan_action_pass_lancaster.classList.add("action") ui.plan_action_pass_lancaster.classList.remove("disabled") } else { ui.plan_action_pass_york.classList.remove("action") ui.plan_action_pass_york.classList.add("disabled") ui.plan_action_pass_lancaster.classList.remove("action") ui.plan_action_pass_lancaster.classList.add("disabled") } } else { ui.plan_actions.classList.add("hide") } } else { ui.plan_panel.classList.add("hide") } } function update_cards() { for (let c = 0; c <= last_aow_card; ++c) { let elt = ui.cards[c] elt.classList.toggle("selected", c === view.what) elt.classList.toggle("action", is_action("card", c)) } if (view.arts_of_war) { ui.arts_of_war_panel.classList.remove("hide") ui.arts_of_war.replaceChildren() for (let c of view.arts_of_war) ui.arts_of_war.appendChild(ui.cards[c]) } else { ui.arts_of_war_panel.classList.add("hide") } if (view.events.length > 0) { ui.events_panel.classList.remove("hide") ui.events.replaceChildren() for (let c of view.events) ui.events.appendChild(ui.cards[c]) } else { ui.events_panel.classList.add("hide") } if (view.hand && view.hand.length > 0) { ui.hand_panel.classList.remove("hide") ui.hand.replaceChildren() if (view.hand) { for (let c of view.hand) ui.hand.appendChild(ui.cards[c]) } } else { ui.hand_panel.classList.add("hide") } for (let ix = 0; ix < data.lords.length; ++ix) { ui.mat_caps[ix].replaceChildren() if (view.reveal & (1 << ix)) { let c = get_lord_capability(ix, 0) if (c >= 0) ui.mat_caps[ix].appendChild(ui.cards[c]) c = get_lord_capability(ix, 1) if (c >= 0) ui.mat_caps[ix].appendChild(ui.cards[c]) } } } function update_battle() { let array = view.battle.array for (let i = 0; i < array.length; ++i) { let lord = array[i] ui.battle_grid_array[i].replaceChildren() if (lord >= 0) ui.battle_grid_array[i].appendChild(ui.mat[lord]) ui.battle_grid_array[i].classList.toggle("action", is_action("array", i)) } } function update_court() { let ycourt_panel = (player === "Lancaster") ? ui.court2_panel : ui.court1_panel let lcourt_panel = (player === "Lancaster") ? ui.court1_panel : ui.court2_panel let ycourt_hdr = (player === "Lancaster") ? ui.court2_header : ui.court1_header let lcourt_hdr = (player === "Lancaster") ? ui.court1_header : ui.court2_header let ycourt = (player === "Lancaster") ? ui.court2 : ui.court1 let lcourt = (player === "Lancaster") ? ui.court1 : ui.court2 ycourt_panel.className = "panel court_panel york" lcourt_panel.className = "panel court_panel lancaster" ycourt_hdr.textContent = "York Lords" lcourt_hdr.textContent = "Lancaster Lords" ycourt.replaceChildren() lcourt.replaceChildren() for (let lord = first_york_lord; lord <= last_york_lord; ++lord) if (!is_lord_in_battle(lord) && is_lord_on_map(lord)) ycourt.appendChild(ui.mat[lord]) for (let lord = first_lancaster_lord; lord <= last_lancaster_lord; ++lord) if (!is_lord_in_battle(lord) && is_lord_on_map(lord)) lcourt.appendChild(ui.mat[lord]) } function update_vassals() { for (let v = first_vassal; v <= last_vassal; v++) { if (is_special_vassal(v)) return let loc = get_vassal_lord(v) let srv = get_vassal_service(v) if (loc === VASSAL_OUT_OF_PLAY) { // not present ui.vassal_map[v].classList.add("hide") } else { ui.vassal_map[v].classList.remove("hide") ui.vassal_map[v].classList.toggle("back", loc === VASSAL_DISBANDED) ui.vassal_map[v].classList.toggle("action", is_action("vassal", v)) ui.vassal_map[v].classList.toggle("selected", v === view.vassal || set_has(view.vassal, v)) if (loc === VASSAL_READY) { // ready on map ui.vassal_map[v].style.top = ui.vassal_map[v].my_map_y ui.vassal_map[v].style.left = ui.vassal_map[v].my_map_x } else { // mustered or disbanded if (is_lancaster_lord(loc)) calendar_vassal_lanc[srv].push(ui.vassal_map[v]) else if (is_york_lord(loc)) calendar_vassal_york[srv].push(ui.vassal_map[v]) else calendar_vassal_disband[srv].push(ui.vassal_map[v]) } } } } var track_offset = new Array(46).fill(0) function show_track_marker(elt, pos) { let n = track_offset[pos]++ let x = TRACK_XY[pos][0] - 25 let y = TRACK_XY[pos][1] - 25 if (pos <= 10) { y -= 51 * n } else if (pos < 24) { y -= 24 * n } else if (pos > 26) { x -= 51 * n } else { x -= 24 * n y -= 24 * n } elt.style.left = x + "px" elt.style.top = y + "px" } function update_lancaster_favicon() { switch (view.scenario) { default: case SCENARIO_IA: return "favicons/favicon_lancaster_henry_vi.png" case SCENARIO_IB: return "favicons/favicon_lancaster_somerset.png" case SCENARIO_IC: return "favicons/favicon_lancaster_henry_vi.png" case SCENARIO_II: return "favicons/favicon_lancaster_margaret.png" case SCENARIO_III: return "favicons/favicon_lancaster_henry_tudor.png" } } function update_york_favicon() { switch (view.scenario) { default: case SCENARIO_IA: return "favicons/favicon_york_york.png" case SCENARIO_IB: return "favicons/favicon_york_warwick.png" case SCENARIO_IC: return "favicons/favicon_york_march.png" case SCENARIO_II: return "favicons/favicon_york_edward_iv.png" case SCENARIO_III: return "favicons/favicon_york_gloucester.png" } } function update_observer_favicon() { return "favicons/favicon_france.png" } function on_update() { restart_cache() switch (player) { case "York": ui.favicon.href = update_york_favicon() break case "Lancaster": ui.favicon.href = update_lancaster_favicon() break default: ui.favicon.href = update_observer_favicon() break } for (let i = 0; i <= 16; ++i) { calendar_lord_york[i].length = 0 calendar_lord_lanc[i].length = 0 calendar_vassal_disband[i].length = 0 calendar_vassal_york[i].length = 0 calendar_vassal_lanc[i].length = 0 } for (let i = 0; i < data.locales.length; ++i) { locale_lord_york[i].length = 0 locale_lord_lanc[i].length = 0 } track_offset.fill(0) for (let ix = 0; ix < data.lords.length; ++ix) { ui.seat[ix].classList.toggle("hide", !is_lord_in_game(ix)) if (get_lord_locale(ix) < 0) { ui.lord_cylinder[ix].classList.add("hide") } else { ui.lord_cylinder[ix].classList.remove("hide") update_lord(ix) } } update_vassals() layout_calendar() for (let loc = 0; loc < data.locales.length; ++loc) update_locale(loc) if (view.battle) { let { x, y, w, h } = data.locales[view.battle.where].box ui.battle.className = "marker square battle" ui.battle.style.left = ((x+w/2)|0) - 27 + "px" ui.battle.style.top = y + h - 27 + "px" } else { ui.battle.className = "hide" } update_current_card_display() if (view.turn & 1) { ui.turn.className = `marker circle turn campaign` } else { ui.turn.className = `marker circle turn levy` } ui.turn.style.left = (CALENDAR_XY[view.turn >> 1][0] + 91 - 52) + "px" ui.turn.style.top = (CALENDAR_XY[view.turn >> 1][1] + 94) + "px" let end = scenario_end_marker[view.scenario] if (end < 16) { ui.end.style.display = null ui.end.style.left = (CALENDAR_XY[end][0] + 91 - 52) + "px" ui.end.style.top = (CALENDAR_XY[end][1] + 94) + "px" } else { ui.end.style.display = "none" } ui.held_york.textContent = `${view.held_y} Held` ui.held_lancaster.textContent = `${view.held_l} Held` let vc = scenario_victory_threshold() if (vc <= 45) { ui.victory_check.style.display = null show_track_marker(ui.victory_check, vc) } else { ui.victory_check.style.display = "none" } let towns = count_favour(TOWN) ui.towns.classList.toggle("york", towns < 0) ui.towns.classList.toggle("lancaster", towns >= 0) show_track_marker(ui.towns, Math.abs(towns)) let cities = count_favour(CITY) ui.cities.classList.toggle("york", cities < 0) ui.cities.classList.toggle("lancaster", cities >= 0) show_track_marker(ui.cities, Math.abs(cities)) let fortresses = count_favour(FORTRESS) ui.fortresses.classList.toggle("york", fortresses < 0) ui.fortresses.classList.toggle("lancaster", fortresses >= 0) show_track_marker(ui.fortresses, Math.abs(fortresses)) ui.influence.classList.toggle("york", view.influence < 0) ui.influence.classList.toggle("lancaster", view.influence >= 0) show_track_marker(ui.influence, Math.abs(view.influence)) update_plan() update_cards() if (view.battle) { ui.battle_panel.classList.remove("hide") ui.battle_header.textContent = "Battle at " + data.locales[view.battle.where].name if (view.battle.attacker === player) { ui.battle_grid.className = "attacker" } else { ui.battle_grid.className = "defender" } update_battle() } else { ui.battle_panel.classList.add("hide") } update_court() // QUESTIONS action_button("remove", "Remove") action_button("stronghold", "Stronghold") action_button("port", "Port") action_button("by_way", "By way") // CAPABILITIES / EVENTS action_button("add_men_at_arms", "Add Men at Arms") action_button("add_militia", "Add Militia") action_button("add_militia2", "Add 2 Militia") action_button("agitators", "Agitators") action_button("commission_of_array", "Commission of Array") action_button("exile", "Exile") action_button("exile_pact", "Exile Pact") action_button("final_charge", "Final Charge") action_button("heralds", "Heralds") action_button("levy_beloved_warwick", "Beloved Warwick") action_button("levy_irishmen", "Irishmen") action_button("soldiers_of_fortune_militia", "SoF & Militia") action_button("loyalty_and_trust", "Loyalty and Trust") action_button("merchants", "Merchants") action_button("regroup", "Regroup") action_button("richard_iii", "Richard III") action_button("soldiers_of_fortune", "Soldiers of Fortune") action_button("vanguard", "Vanguard") // MARCH action_button("march", "March") action_button("approach", "Approach") action_button("intercept", "Intercept") // ARTS OF WAR action_button("play", "Play") action_button("hold", "Hold") action_button("discard", "Discard") // LEVY action_button("levy_troops", "Troops") action_button("take_ship", "Ship") action_button("take_prov", "Provender") action_button("take_cart", "Cart") action_button("take_all", "Take All") action_button("capability", "Capability") // CAMPAIGN action_button("sail", "Sail") action_button("supply", "Supply") action_button("forage", "Forage") action_button("tax", "Tax") // LEVY & CAMPAIGN action_button("parley", "Parley") // PAY/FEED/PILLAGE action_button("pay_all", "Pay All") action_button("pay", "Pay") action_button("pillage", "Pillage") action_button("disband", "Disband") // INFLUENCE CHECK action_button_with_argument("check", 2, "Check +2") action_button_with_argument("check", 1, "Check +1") action_button_with_argument("check", 0, "Check") action_button("end_array", "End Array") action_button("end_battle_round", "End Round") action_button("end_command", "End Command") action_button("end_feed", "End Feed") action_button("end_flee", "End Flee") action_button("end_muster", "End Muster") action_button("end_pay", "End Pay") action_button("end_plan", "End Plan") action_button("end_spoils", "End Spoils") action_button("roll", "Roll") action_button("pass", "Pass") action_button("done", "Done") action_button("undo", "Undo") } // === LOG & TIP === function register_tooltip(elt, focus, blur) { if (typeof focus === "function") elt.onmouseenter = focus else elt.onmouseenter = () => on_focus(focus) if (blur) elt.onmouseleave = blur else elt.onmouseleave = on_blur } function on_focus(text) { document.getElementById("status").textContent = text } function on_blur() { document.getElementById("status").textContent = "" update_current_card_display() } function on_focus_locale(evt) { let id = evt.target.my_id let info = data.locales[id] let tip = info.name if (info.type === "fortress") tip += " - Fortress" else if (info.type === "city") tip += " - City" else if (info.type === "town") tip += " - Town" if (set_has(data.all_ports, id)) tip += " - Port" if (set_has(view.pieces.depleted, id)) tip += " - Depleted" if (set_has(view.pieces.exhausted, id)) tip += " - Exhausted" if (set_has(view.pieces.favourl, id)) tip += " - Lancastrian" if (set_has(view.pieces.favoury, id)) tip += " - Yorkist" on_focus(tip) } function on_focus_cylinder(evt) { let lord = evt.target.my_id let info = data.lords[lord] let tip = info.short_name on_focus(tip) ui.command.replaceChildren(ui.lords2[lord]) } function on_focus_card_tip(c) { ui.command.replaceChildren(ui.cards2[c]) } function on_blur_card_tip() { update_current_card_display() } function on_focus_locale_tip(loc) { ui.locale[loc].classList.add("tip") } function on_blur_locale_tip(loc) { ui.locale[loc].classList.remove("tip") } function on_click_locale_tip(loc) { ui.locale[loc].scrollIntoView({ block: "center", inline: "center", behavior: "smooth" }) } function on_focus_lord_tip(lord) { ui.lord_cylinder[lord].classList.add("tip") ui.command.replaceChildren(ui.lords2[lord]) } function on_blur_lord_tip(lord) { ui.lord_cylinder[lord].classList.remove("tip") update_current_card_display() } function on_click_lord_tip(lord) { ui.mat[lord].scrollIntoView({ block: "center", inline: "center", behavior: "smooth" }) } function sub_card_capability(_match, p1) { let x = p1 | 0 return `<span class="card_tip" onmouseenter="on_focus_card_tip(${x})" onmouseleave="on_blur_card_tip(${x})">${data.cards[x].capability}</span>` } function sub_card_event(_match, p1) { let x = p1 | 0 return `<span class="card_tip" onmouseenter="on_focus_card_tip(${x})" onmouseleave="on_blur_card_tip(${x})">${data.cards[x].event}</span>` } function sub_locale_name(_match, p1) { let x = p1 | 0 let n = data.locales[x].name return `<span class="locale_tip" onmouseenter="on_focus_locale_tip(${x})" onmouseleave="on_blur_locale_tip(${x})" onclick="on_click_locale_tip(${x})">${n}</span>` } function sub_lord_name(_match, p1) { let x = p1 | 0 let n = data.lords[x].short_name return `<span class="lord_tip" onmouseenter="on_focus_lord_tip(${x})" onmouseleave="on_blur_lord_tip(${x})" onclick="on_click_lord_tip(${x})">${n}</span>` } function sub_vassal_name(_match, x) { let n = data.vassals[x].name return `<span class="vassal_tip">${n}</span>` } const ICONS_SVG = { B0: '<span class="black d0"></span>', B1: '<span class="black d1"></span>', B2: '<span class="black d2"></span>', B3: '<span class="black d3"></span>', B4: '<span class="black d4"></span>', B5: '<span class="black d5"></span>', B6: '<span class="black d6"></span>', W0: '<span class="white d0"></span>', W1: '<span class="white d1"></span>', W2: '<span class="white d2"></span>', W3: '<span class="white d3"></span>', W4: '<span class="white d4"></span>', W5: '<span class="white d5"></span>', W6: '<span class="white d6"></span>', } const ICONS_TXT = { B0: "\u25cf", B1: "\u2776", B2: "\u2777", B3: "\u2778", B4: "\u2779", B5: "\u277A", B6: "\u277B", W0: "\u25cb", W1: "\u2460", W2: "\u2461", W3: "\u2462", W4: "\u2463", W5: "\u2464", W6: "\u2465", } function sub_icon(match) { return ICONS_SVG[match] } function on_log(text) { let p = document.createElement("div") if (text.match(/^>>/)) { text = text.substring(2) p.className = "ii" } if (text.match(/^>/)) { text = text.substring(1) p.className = "i" } text = text.replace(/&/g, "&") text = text.replace(/</g, "<") text = text.replace(/>/g, ">") text = text.replace(/C(\d+)/g, sub_card_capability) text = text.replace(/E(\d+)/g, sub_card_event) text = text.replace(/L(\d+)/g, sub_lord_name) text = text.replace(/S(\d+)/g, sub_locale_name) text = text.replace(/V(\d+)/g, sub_vassal_name) text = text.replace(/\b[BW]\d\b/g, sub_icon) if (text.match(/^\.h1/)) { text = text.substring(4) p.className = "h1" } else if (text.match(/^\.h2y/)) { text = text.substring(5) p.className = "h2 york" } else if (text.match(/^\.h2l/)) { text = text.substring(5) p.className = "h2 lancaster" } else if (text.match(/^\.h2/)) { text = text.substring(4) p.className = "h2" } else if (text.match(/^\.h3/)) { text = text.substring(4) p.className = "h3" } else if (text.match(/^\.h4/)) { text = text.substring(4) p.className = "h4" } else if (text.match(/^\.ip/)) { text = text.substring(4) p.className = "ip" } p.innerHTML = text return p }