path: root/rules.ts
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2024-04-20Fix error with name commit.Tor Andersson
2024-04-20Confirm approach and march to locale where can be intercepted.Tor Andersson
2024-04-20Add short Lord names.Tor Andersson
2024-04-19Move lord_has_capability_card to LORD section.Tor Andersson
2024-04-19Fix Culverins action generation.Tor Andersson
2024-04-19Fix Culverins.Tor Andersson
2024-04-19Fix surprise landing (by fixing seaport list).Tor Andersson
2024-04-19Fix Disembark.Tor Andersson
2024-04-19Cap influence to 45.Tor Andersson
2024-04-19Fix can_lord_muster initial check.Tor Andersson
2024-04-19Fix commission of array.Tor Andersson
2024-04-19Use rebel flag. Move victory_check constant to scenario data.Tor Andersson
2024-04-19Use bit mask for campaign state flags.Tor Andersson
2024-04-19Add number of roses on cards to data and prepare decks accordingly.Tor Andersson
2024-04-19Fix Thomas Stanley mustering during Arts of War step.Tor Andersson
2024-04-19Bugfix.Tor Andersson
2024-04-19Special LONDON_FOR_YORK favour locale. Rename favourl/favoury functions.Tor Andersson
2024-04-19Apply +Influence from events and capabilities.Tor Andersson
2024-04-19Remove unneccessary push_state and pop_state functions.Tor Andersson
2024-04-19Feed doesn't need push_state. Feed both sides that fought!Tor Andersson
2024-04-19Pillage and Parley don't need push_state.Tor Andersson
2024-04-19Use game.command for mustering lord. Rename states. Avoid push_state.Tor Andersson
2024-04-19Rework influence checks! Use game.actions for levy actions.Tor Andersson
2024-04-19Fix bug with Plan and "Both" player state.Tor Andersson
2024-04-19Regroup (at Lord Rout check)Tor Andersson
2024-04-19Change Battle Sequence to match rulebook.Tor Andersson
2024-04-19Keep fled lords in both fled and routed sets.Tor Andersson
2024-04-19Some minor battle cleanups.Tor Andersson
2024-04-19Fix goto_battle_spoils to not access the zeroed game.battle.array.Tor Andersson
2024-04-19Fix "valour" action.Tor Andersson
2024-04-19Final Charge (v1 -- delay retinue hit).Tor Andersson
2024-04-18Fix Bloody thou art before Death Check events.Tor Andersson
2024-04-18Move common Tax code to shared function.Tor Andersson
2024-04-18Fix Parley search according to rules (only across sea from Exile).Tor Andersson
2024-04-18Remove redundant game.state === "parley" checks.Tor Andersson
2024-04-18Cannot have more than 15 assets.Tor Andersson
2024-04-18Fix Great Ships connecting all seas for Disembark (it shouldn't).Tor Andersson
2024-04-18Rework Hay Wain and Great Ship asset doubling.Tor Andersson
2024-04-18Remove useless function.Tor Andersson
2024-04-18Rework naval blockade to use multiple separate states instead of shared.Tor Andersson
2024-04-18Remove unused flags.Tor Andersson
2024-04-18Group "This Levy" flags into its own object.Tor Andersson
2024-04-18Fix silly mistake.Tor Andersson
2024-04-18Improve checks for Suspicion.Tor Andersson
2024-04-18Warden of the Marches: Forbid escaping to friendly locale with enemy lords.Tor Andersson
2024-04-18Remove warden_of_the_marches flag.Tor Andersson
2024-04-18Fix battle capability troops.Tor Andersson
2024-04-18Rework Escape Ship / Talbot / Warden of the Marches.Tor Andersson
2024-04-18Fix prompt_influence_check to not generate a locale action.Tor Andersson
2024-04-18Remove has_unbesieged_enemy_lord (same as has_enemy_lord).Tor Andersson