path: root/rules.js
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2024-02-18hotfix wardenteisuru
2024-02-18fix rebel supply depotteisuru
2024-02-18fix warden of the march routed unitsteisuru
2024-02-18more surprise landing edge casesteisuru
2024-02-18fix warden of the marchenteisuru
2024-02-18flank attack not yet implementedteisuru
2024-02-18fix parley at seateisuru
2024-02-18fix disembark2teisuru
2024-02-15fix tax collectorsteisuru
2024-02-15fix for trust not himteisuru
2024-02-15fix muster lord at seatteisuru
2024-02-15fix soldiers of fortune 2teisuru
2024-02-15only check for lords without troops or retinue during feedMischa Untaga
2024-02-15fix soldiers of fortuneteisuru
2024-02-15fix routed forces after disbandteisuru
2024-02-15fix disembarkteisuru
2024-02-14assert_state snake_caseMischa Untaga
2024-02-14assert all lords without routed troops during levy phaseMischa Untaga
2024-02-14assert all lords on land during levy phaseMischa Untaga
2024-02-14assert all lords have troops or retinue outside of battle_losses and death_or...Mischa Untaga
2024-02-14assert mutually exclusive lordsMischa Untaga
2024-02-13fix battle lossesteisuru
2024-02-13fix blocked fordteisuru
2024-02-13fix for trust not himteisuru
2024-02-13fix suspicion when no lord of lower influenceteisuru
2024-02-13fix L17 when not able to parleyteisuru
2024-02-13fix surprise landingteisuru
2024-02-13fix select locale after marchteisuru
2024-02-13fix scotland exile boxteisuru
2024-02-13Fix bugs discovered by typescript (missing/wrong function arguments).Tor Andersson
2024-02-13Fix iteration over locales in goto_warwicks_propaganda.Tor Andersson
2024-02-13Fix locale/locale-type mixup.Tor Andersson
2024-02-13Use constants.Tor Andersson
2024-02-12Fix eslint issues.Tor Andersson
2024-02-12Fix indentation.Tor Andersson
2024-02-12fix L33 toggle lords from groupteisuru
2024-02-12fix bug when active lord exile before battleteisuru
2024-02-12fix Y16 the commonsteisuru
2024-02-12fix Y15 naval blockadeteisuru
2024-02-12fix L33 surprise landing in calaisteisuru
2024-02-12fix Y10 Tax collectorsteisuru
2024-02-12Y15 Naval blockade p1teisuru
2024-02-11Use more helper functions instead of data.locale[here].region checks.Tor Andersson
2024-02-11Fix BF event.Tor Andersson
2024-02-11Remove all the manual clear_undo calls.Tor Andersson
2024-02-11Blocked Ford.Tor Andersson
2024-02-11Only play PT from hand.Tor Andersson
2024-02-11Fix PT trigger check.Tor Andersson
2024-02-11Fix Wales forbidden to enemy intercept.Tor Andersson
2024-02-11Parliament's Truce.Tor Andersson