BranchCommit messageAuthorAge
masterFix who acts first in tides of war (disembarking step).Tor Andersson7 days
AgeCommit messageAuthor
7 daysFix who acts first in tides of war (disembarking step).HEADmasterTor Andersson
7 daysAdd missing case in has_locale_to_muster check.Tor Andersson
2025-01-31Update Welshmen/Southerners/Northmen card text.Tor Andersson
2025-01-31fix Y19 and Y21 not applying to jack cadeteisuru
2025-01-29fixup use of can_naval_blockade_route and add fix for states.supply_sourceTor Andersson
2025-01-29fix supply with overland routeteisuru
2025-01-20fix indentationTor Andersson
2025-01-20fix soldiers of fortune + irishmen and beloved warwickteisuru
2025-01-20fix quartermastersteisuru
2024-12-17fix for levying lord where another lord already isteisuru