"use strict" function remember_position(e) { if (e.parentElement) { let prect = e.parentElement.getBoundingClientRect() let rect = e.getBoundingClientRect() e.my_visible = 1 e.my_parent = e.parentElement e.my_px = prect.x e.my_py = prect.y e.my_x = rect.x e.my_y = rect.y } else { e.my_visible = 0 e.my_parent = null e.my_x = 0 e.my_y = 0 e.my_z = 0 } } function animate_position(e) { if (e.parentElement && e.my_visible) { let prect = e.parentElement.getBoundingClientRect() let rect = e.getBoundingClientRect() let dx, dy if (e.parentElement === e.my_parent) { // animate cylinders within same card... dx = (e.my_x - e.my_px) - (rect.x - prect.x) dy = (e.my_y - e.my_py) - (rect.y - prect.y) } else { dx = e.my_x - rect.x dy = e.my_y - rect.y } // fade in if (!e.my_parent) { e.animate( [ { opacity: 0 }, { opacity: 1 } ], { duration: 500, easing: "ease" } ) } if (dx !== 0 || dy !== 0) { let dist = Math.sqrt((dx * dx) + (dy * dy)) let time = Math.max(500, Math.min(1000, dist / 2)) e.animate( [ { transform: `translate(${dx}px, ${dy}px)`, }, { transform: "translate(0, 0)", }, ], { duration: time, easing: "ease" } ) } } } function deep_copy(original) { if (Array.isArray(original)) { let n = original.length let copy = new Array(n) for (let i = 0; i < n; ++i) { let v = original[i] if (typeof v === "object" && v !== null) copy[i] = deep_copy(v) else copy[i] = v } return copy } else { let copy = {} for (let i in original) { let v = original[i] if (typeof v === "object" && v !== null) copy[i] = deep_copy(v) else copy[i] = v } return copy } } // CONSTANTS const player_names = [ "Gray", "Blue", "Tan", "Red", "Black", "None" ] const player_index = Object.fromEntries(Object.entries(player_names).map(([k,v])=>[v,k|0])) const Persia = 201 const Transcaspia = 202 const Herat = 203 const Kabul = 204 const Kandahar = 205 const Punjab = 206 const Persia_Transcaspia = 301 const Persia_Herat = 302 const Transcaspia_Herat = 303 const Transcaspia_Kabul = 304 const Herat_Kabul = 305 const Herat_Kandahar = 306 const Kabul_Kandahar = 307 const Kabul_Punjab = 308 const Kandahar_Punjab = 309 const Gift2 = 400 const Gift4 = 401 const Gift6 = 402 const Safe_House = 500 const region_index = { "Persia": Persia, "Transcaspia": Transcaspia, "Herat": Herat, "Kabul": Kabul, "Kandahar": Kandahar, "Punjab": Punjab, } const space_names = { [Persia]: "Persia", [Transcaspia]: "Transcaspia", [Herat]: "Herat", [Kabul]: "Kabul", [Kandahar]: "Kandahar", [Punjab]: "Punjab", [Persia_Transcaspia]: "Persia/Transcaspia", [Persia_Herat]: "Persia/Herat", [Transcaspia_Herat]: "Transcaspia/Herat", [Transcaspia_Kabul]: "Transcaspia/Kabul", [Herat_Kabul]: "Herat/Kabul", [Herat_Kandahar]: "Herat/Kandahar", [Kabul_Kandahar]: "Kabul/Kandahar", [Kabul_Punjab]: "Kabul/Punjab", [Kandahar_Punjab]: "Kandahar/Punjab", } cards.forEach(card => { if (card) { card.region = region_index[card.region] if (card.name === 'EVENT') card.name = card.if_discarded + " / " + card.if_purchased } }) const event_cards = { new_tactics: 105, koh_i_noor: 106, courtly_manners: 107, rumor: 108, conflict_fatigue: 109, nationalism: 110, nation_building: 112, pashtunwali_values: 115, embarrassment_of_riches: 106, disregard_for_customs: 107, } const VP_OFFSET = [ [-16, -16], [-32, 0], [0, 0], [-16, 16], [16, 16], ] const VP_TRACK = [ [ 91, 43 ], [ 183, 43 ], [ 273, 43 ], [ 363, 43 ], [ 454, 43 ], [ 545, 43 ], [ 635, 43 ], [ 726, 43 ], [ 816, 43 ], [ 906, 43 ], [ 996, 43 ], [ 1035, 78 ], [ 1035, 169 ], [ 1035, 259 ], [ 1035, 350 ], [ 1035, 441 ], [ 1035, 531 ], [ 996, 563 ], [ 906, 563 ], [ 816, 563 ], [ 726, 563 ], [ 635, 563 ], [ 545, 563 ], [ 454, 563 ], ] // GAME STATE function player_cylinders(p) { return 36 + p * 10 } function ruler_of_region(r) { let ruler = -1 let n_afghan = 0 let n_british = 0 let n_russian = 0 for (let i = 0; i < 12; ++i) { if (view.pieces[i] === r) n_afghan ++ if (view.pieces[i+12] === r) n_british ++ if (view.pieces[i+24] === r) n_russian ++ } let max_ruling = Math.max(n_afghan, n_british, n_russian) for (let p = 0; p < view.players.length; ++p) { let n_tribes = 0 let x = 36 + p * 10 for (let i = x; i < x + 10; ++i) if (view.pieces[i] === r) n_tribes++ let n_ruling = n_tribes if (view.players[p].loyalty === 'Afghan') n_ruling += n_afghan if (view.players[p].loyalty === 'British') n_ruling += n_british if (view.players[p].loyalty === 'Russian') n_ruling += n_russian if (n_ruling === max_ruling) { ruler = -1 } else if (n_ruling > max_ruling) { max_ruling = n_ruling if (n_tribes > 0) ruler = p else ruler = -1 } } return ruler } function count_influence_points(p) { let n = 1 + view.players[p].prizes let x = player_cylinders(p) if (!view.events.embarrassment_of_riches) { let gv = view.players[p].events.koh_i_noor ? 2 : 1 for (let i = x; i < x + 10; ++i) { let s = view.pieces[i] if (s === Gift2 || s === Gift4 || s === Gift6) n += gv } } if (!view.players[p].events.rumor) { let court = view.players[p].court for (let i = 0; i < court.length; ++i) if (cards[court[i]].patriot) ++n } return n } function count_cylinders_in_play(p) { let n = 0 let x = player_cylinders(p) for (let i = x; i < x + 10; ++i) if (view.pieces[i] > 0) ++n return n } function is_piece_army(i) { return (view.pieces[i] >= 201 && view.pieces[i] <= 206) } function is_piece_road(i) { return (view.pieces[i] >= 301 && view.pieces[i] <= 309) } function is_action(action, card) { if (view.actions && view.actions[action] && view.actions[action].includes(card)) return true return false } function is_player_action(p) { if (view.actions && view.actions["player_" + p]) return true return false } function is_place_gift_action(i) { if (view.actions && view.actions.place_gift && view.actions.place_gift.includes(i)) return true return false } function is_suit_action(suit) { if (view.actions && view.actions.suit && view.actions.suit.includes(suit)) return true return false } function is_piece_action(i) { if (view.actions && view.actions.piece && view.actions.piece.includes(i)) return true return false } function is_space_action(i) { if (view.actions && view.actions.space && view.actions.space.includes(i)) return true return false } // UI ELEMENTS let ui = { pieces: [], spaces: [], cards: [], spyrows: [], market_card: [[],[]], market_coin: [[],[]], card_action_index: { battle: [], betray: [], build: [], gift: [], move: [], tax: [] }, card_action_element: { battle: [], betray: [], build: [], gift: [], move: [], tax: [] }, player: [], } function scroll_to_map() { scroll_into_view_if_needed(ui.board) } function scroll_to_market() { scroll_into_view_if_needed(ui.market) } function scroll_to_player(p) { scroll_into_view_if_needed(ui.player[p].area) } function on_suit_button() { if (is_suit_action("Political")) send_action("suit", "Political") else if (is_suit_action("Intelligence")) send_action("suit", "Intelligence") else if (is_suit_action("Economic")) send_action("suit", "Economic") else if (is_suit_action("Military")) send_action("suit", "Military") else scroll_into_view_if_needed(ui.board) } let open_toggle = true function toggle_open_hands() { open_toggle = !open_toggle for (let p = 0; p < view.players.length; ++p) if (p !== player_index[player]) ui.player[p].hand.classList.toggle("minimize", open_toggle) } function on_blur() { ui.status.textContent = "" ui.tooltip.classList = "hide" } function on_focus_card_tip(c) { ui.tooltip.classList = "card card_" + c } function on_click_card_tip(c) { scroll_into_view(ui.cards[c]) } function on_focus_card(evt) { let c = evt.target.card if (!evt.target.classList.contains("card_back")) { ui.status.textContent = `${evt.target.card} - ${cards[c].name}` ui.tooltip.classList = "focus card card_" + c } } function on_focus_space(evt) { ui.status.textContent = space_names[evt.target.space] } function on_click_space(evt) { send_action('space', evt.target.space) evt.stopPropagation() } function on_click_block(evt) { send_action('piece', evt.target.piece) evt.stopPropagation() } function on_click_cylinder(evt) { send_action('piece', evt.target.piece) evt.stopPropagation() } function toggle_hand(p) { ui.player[p].hand.classList.toggle("minimize") } // CARD MENU function show_popup_menu(evt, menu_id, target_id, title) { let menu = document.getElementById(menu_id) menu.className = cards[target_id].suit let show = false for (let item of menu.querySelectorAll("li")) { let action = item.dataset.action if (action) { if (is_action(action, target_id)) { show = true item.classList.add("action") item.classList.remove("disabled") item.onclick = function () { send_action(action, target_id) hide_popup_menu() evt.stopPropagation() } } else { item.classList.remove("action") item.classList.add("disabled") item.onclick = null } } } if (show) { menu.onmouseleave = hide_popup_menu menu.style.display = "block" if (title) { let item = menu.querySelector("li.title") if (item) { item.onclick = hide_popup_menu item.textContent = title } } let w = menu.clientWidth let h = menu.clientHeight let x = Math.max(5, Math.min(evt.clientX - w / 2, window.innerWidth - w - 5)) let y = Math.max(5, Math.min(evt.clientY - 12, window.innerHeight - h - 40)) menu.style.left = x + "px" menu.style.top = y + "px" evt.stopPropagation() } else { menu.style.display = "none" } } function hide_popup_menu() { document.getElementById("popup").style.display = "none" } function on_click_card(evt) { let c = evt.target.card if (is_action('card', c)) { send_action('card', c) } else { show_popup_menu(evt, "popup", c, cards[c].name) } } // LOG function sub_card_name(match, p1) { let c = p1 | 0 let name = cards[c].name return `${name}` } function on_log(text) { let p = document.createElement("div") if (text.match(/^>/)) { text = text.substring(1) p.className = 'i' } text = text.replace(/&/g, "&") text = text.replace(//g, ">") text = text.replace(/#(\d+)/g, sub_card_name) if (text.match(/^.turn/)) { text = text.substring(6) p.className = 'turn ' + text } let m if ((m = text.match(/^.dc.(\w+) (.*)/))) { text = m[2] p.className = 'dc ' + m[1] } p.innerHTML = text return p } // LAYOUT function layout_block_pool() { function place_block_pool(i, x, y) { ui.pieces[i].style = `top:${40+y*47}px;left:${1120+x*45}px` } for (let k = 0, i = 0; i < 12; ++i) { if (view.pieces[i] === 0) { place_block_pool(i, 0, k) ++k } } for (let k = 0, i = 12; i < 24; ++i) { if (view.pieces[i] === 0) { place_block_pool(i, 1, k) ++k } } for (let k = 0, i = 24; i < 36; ++i) { if (view.pieces[i] === 0) { place_block_pool(i, 2, k) ++k } } } function layout_armies(list, xc, yc, maxcol) { function place_army(y, x, i) { ui.pieces[i].style = `top:${yc+y*16+x*1}px;left:${xc+x*26-y*16}px` } let ncol = Math.min(maxcol, list.length) let nrow = Math.ceil(list.length / ncol) let i = 0 for (let row = 0; row < nrow; ++row) for (let col = 0; col < ncol && i < list.length; ++col) place_army(row, col - (ncol/2) - ((nrow-1)/4), list[i++]) } function layout_tribes_radial(list, xc, yc, maxcol) { function place_tribe(x, y, i) { ui.pieces[i].style = `top:${Math.round(y)}px;left:${Math.round(x)}px` } let angle = 2 * Math.PI / Math.max(list.length, 7) let phase = (list.length <= 3) ? Math.PI * 2 / 7 : (list.length - 1) * angle / 2 for (let i = 0; i < list.length; ++i) { let x = xc + Math.sin(i * angle - phase) * 46 - 14 let y = yc - Math.cos(i * angle - phase) * 44 - 14 place_tribe(x, y, list[i]) } } function layout_region_armies(r, xc, yc, maxcol) { let list = [] for (let i = 0; i < 36; ++i) if (view.pieces[i] === r) list.push(i) layout_armies(list, xc - 4, yc, maxcol) } function layout_region_tribes(r, xc, yc, maxcol) { let list = [] for (let i = 36; i < view.pieces.length; ++i) if (view.pieces[i] === r) list.push(i) if (list.length > 0) layout_tribes_radial(list, xc, yc, maxcol) } function layout_border(r, xc, yc, line) { xc -= 24 yc -= 12 function place_piece_border(i, k) { let x, y switch (line) { case 0: x = k * 18; y = k * 7; break case 1: x = k * 4; y = k * 16; break case 2: x = k * -4; y = k * 16; break case 3: x = k * -12; y = k * 14; break } ui.pieces[i].style = `top:${yc+y}px;left:${xc+x}px` } let n = 0 for (let i = 0; i < view.pieces.length; ++i) { if (view.pieces[i] === r) ++n } for (let k = (-(n-1)/2), i = 0; i < view.pieces.length; ++i) { if (view.pieces[i] === r) { place_piece_border(i, k) ++k } } } // UPDATE UI let once = true let old_view = null function is_card_visible(game, c) { for (let row = 0; row < 2; ++row) for (let col = 0; col < 6; ++col) if (game.market_cards[row][col] === c) return true for (let p = 0; p < game.players.length; ++p) { let pp = game.players[p] if (pp.court.includes(c)) return true if (pp.hand.includes(c)) return true for (let evt in pp.events) if (event_cards[evt] === c) return true } return false } function is_card_on_market(game, row, c) { for (let col = 0; col < 6; ++col) if (game.market_cards[row][col] === c) return true return false } function on_update() { if (once) { build_ui() once = false } ui.cards.forEach(remember_position) ui.pieces.forEach(remember_position) if (old_view) { let anchor = ui.main.getBoundingClientRect() let anchor_a = ui.market_a.getBoundingClientRect() let anchor_b = ui.market_b.getBoundingClientRect() for (let i = 1; i < cards.length; ++i) { // animate from card deck onto market let anchor_x = Math.min(anchor_a.right, anchor.right - 190) if (!is_card_visible(old_view, i)) { if (is_card_on_market(view, 0, i)) { ui.cards[i].my_visible = 1 ui.cards[i].my_x = anchor_x ui.cards[i].my_y = anchor_a.bottom - 260 } else if (is_card_on_market(view, 1, i)) { ui.cards[i].my_visible = 1 ui.cards[i].my_x = anchor_x ui.cards[i].my_y = anchor_b.bottom - 260 } } } } else { for (let e of ui.pieces) e.my_visible = 0 } old_view = deep_copy(view) function update_event_cards(node, events) { for (let evt in events) node.appendChild(ui.cards[event_cards[evt]]) } let ruler = [ ruler_of_region(Persia), ruler_of_region(Transcaspia), ruler_of_region(Herat), ruler_of_region(Kabul), ruler_of_region(Kandahar), ruler_of_region(Punjab) ] ui.prompt.innerHTML = view.prompt.replace(/#(\d+)/g, sub_card_name) ui.deck_count.textContent = view.cards[0] for (let i = 0; i < 4; ++i) ui.dom_info[i].classList.toggle("hide", i >= view.cards[1]) action_button("loyalty_afghan", "Afghan") action_button("loyalty_british", "British") action_button("loyalty_russian", "Russian") action_button("courtly_manners", "Courtly Manners") action_button("beg", "Beg") action_button("pay", "Pay") action_button("waive", "Waive") action_button("accept", "Accept") for (let i = 0; i < 10; ++i) action_button("offer_" + i, i) action_button("refuse", "Refuse") action_button("player_0", "Gray") action_button("player_1", "Blue") action_button("player_2", "Tan") action_button("player_3", "Red") action_button("player_4", "Black") action_button("resume", "Resume") action_button("ping", "Ping") action_button("pass", "Pass") action_button("next", "Next") action_button("end_game", "End game") confirm_action_button("end_turn_pass", "End turn", "Are you sure you want to END TURN while you still have actions?") action_button("end_turn", "End turn") action_button("cancel", "Cancel") action_button("undo", "Undo") ui.body.classList.toggle("open", !!view.open) ui.suit_political.classList.toggle("favored", view.favored === "Political") ui.suit_intelligence.classList.toggle("favored", view.favored === "Intelligence") ui.suit_economic.classList.toggle("favored", view.favored === "Economic") ui.suit_military.classList.toggle("favored", view.favored === "Military") ui.favored2.src = "icons/suit_" + view.favored.toLowerCase() + ".svg" for (let row = 0; row < 2; ++row) { for (let col = 0; col < 6; ++col) { let ce = ui.cards[view.market_cards[row][col]] if (ce) ce.classList.remove("card_back") let me = ui.market_card[row][col] if (me.firstChild !== ce) { if (me.firstChild) me.removeChild(me.firstChild) if (ce) me.appendChild(ce) } let coins = view.market_coins[row][col] if (coins > 0) { ui.market_coin[row][col].textContent = coins ui.market_coin[row][col].className = "coin" } else { ui.market_coin[row][col].textContent = "" ui.market_coin[row][col].className = "coin hide" } if (ce) ce.appendChild(ui.market_coin[row][col]) else ui.market_coin[row][col].remove() } } for (let i = 1; i < cards.length; ++i) { ui.cards[i].classList.toggle('action', is_action('card', i) || is_action('play_left', i) || is_action('play_right', i) ) } for (let i = 201; i <= 206; ++i) { ui.spaces[i].classList.toggle('action', is_space_action(i)) ui.spaces[i].classList.toggle('selected', view.where === i) } for (let i = 301; i <= 309; ++i) ui.spaces[i].classList.toggle('action', is_space_action(i)) for (let i = 0; i < 36; ++i) { ui.pieces[i].classList.toggle('action', is_piece_action(i)) ui.pieces[i].classList.toggle('selected', view.selected === i) ui.pieces[i].classList.toggle('road', is_piece_road(i)) ui.pieces[i].classList.toggle('army', is_piece_army(i)) } for (let p = 0; p < view.players.length; ++p) { let pp = view.players[p] let me = ui.player[p].court while (me.firstChild) me.removeChild(me.firstChild) me.appendChild(ui.player[p].pool) update_event_cards(me, view.players[p].events) for (let i = 0; i < pp.court.length; ++i) { let ce = ui.cards[pp.court[i]] me.appendChild(ce) ce.classList.remove("card_back") } if (p === player_index[player]) { ui.player[p].gift_2.classList.toggle('action', is_place_gift_action(2)) ui.player[p].gift_4.classList.toggle('action', is_place_gift_action(4)) ui.player[p].gift_6.classList.toggle('action', is_place_gift_action(6)) } me = ui.global_events while (me.firstChild) me.removeChild(me.firstChild) update_event_cards(me, view.events) me = ui.player[p].hand while (me.firstChild) me.removeChild(me.firstChild) if (p === player_index[player]) me.classList.remove("minimize") for (let i = 0; i < pp.hand.length; ++i) { let ce = ui.cards[pp.hand[i]] if (p !== player_index[player] && !view.open) ce.classList.add("card_back") else ce.classList.remove("card_back") me.appendChild(ce) } if (view.players[p].coins === 0) { ui.player[p].coin.classList.add("hide") } else { ui.player[p].coin.classList.remove("hide") ui.player[p].coin.textContent = view.players[p].coins } if (view.players[p].prizes === 0) { ui.player[p].prize.classList.add("hide") } else { ui.player[p].prize.classList.remove("hide") if (view.players[p].prizes === 1) ui.player[p].prize.textContent = view.players[p].prizes + " prize" else ui.player[p].prize.textContent = view.players[p].prizes + " prizes" } ui.player[p].role.classList.toggle("Afghan", view.players[p].loyalty == "Afghan") ui.player[p].role.classList.toggle("British", view.players[p].loyalty == "British") ui.player[p].role.classList.toggle("Russian", view.players[p].loyalty == "Russian") ui.player[p].role.classList.toggle("active", p === player_index[view.active]) let a = "" if (is_player_action(p)) a = " action" ui.player[p].dial.className = "player_dial " + view.players[p].loyalty + " p" + p + a ui.player[p].role_loy_icon.className = "role_loyalty_icon " + view.players[p].loyalty ui.player[p].role_loy_text.textContent = count_influence_points(p) ui.player[p].role_cyl_text.textContent = count_cylinders_in_play(p) ui.player[p].role_rup_text.textContent = view.players[p].coins ui.player[p].hand_size.textContent = view.players[p].hand.length ui.player[p].score.style.left = (VP_OFFSET[p][0] + VP_TRACK[view.players[p].vp][0]) + "px" ui.player[p].score.style.top = (VP_OFFSET[p][1] + VP_TRACK[view.players[p].vp][1]) + "px" for (let i = 9; i >= 0; --i) { let x = 36 + p * 10 + i let s = view.pieces[x] if (s === 0 || s === Safe_House) ui.player[p].pool.appendChild(ui.pieces[x]) else if (s === Gift2) ui.player[p].gift_2.appendChild(ui.pieces[x]) else if (s === Gift4) ui.player[p].gift_4.appendChild(ui.pieces[x]) else if (s === Gift6) ui.player[p].gift_6.appendChild(ui.pieces[x]) else if (s <= 100) ui.spyrows[s].appendChild(ui.pieces[x]) else { if (ui.pieces[x].parentElement !== ui.board) ui.board.appendChild(ui.pieces[x]) } ui.pieces[x].classList.toggle('action', is_piece_action(x)) ui.pieces[x].classList.toggle('selected', view.selected === x) ui.pieces[x].style = "" } } for (let i = 0; i < 6; ++i) if (ruler[i] === -1) ui.rule[i].classList = `rule ${space_names[i+Persia]} hide` else ui.rule[i].classList = `rule ${space_names[i+Persia]} ${player_names[ruler[i]]}` ui.suit_political.classList.toggle('action', is_suit_action('Political')) ui.suit_intelligence.classList.toggle('action', is_suit_action('Intelligence')) ui.suit_economic.classList.toggle('action', is_suit_action('Economic')) ui.suit_military.classList.toggle('action', is_suit_action('Military')) layout_block_pool() layout_region_armies(Persia, 204, 466, 5) layout_region_armies(Transcaspia, 252, 227, 6) layout_region_armies(Herat, 454, 458, 6) layout_region_armies(Kabul, 671, 238, 8) layout_region_armies(Kandahar, 730, 477, 5) layout_region_armies(Punjab, 928+10, 381, 4) layout_region_tribes(Persia, 204, 426, 5) layout_region_tribes(Transcaspia, 252, 152+5, 10) layout_region_tribes(Herat, 454, 383, 6) layout_region_tribes(Kabul, 671, 163, 12) layout_region_tribes(Kandahar, 730, 437, 6) layout_region_tribes(Punjab, 928, 306, 3) layout_border(Persia_Transcaspia, 188, 320, 0) layout_border(Persia_Herat, 313, 441, 1) layout_border(Transcaspia_Herat, 371, 297, 3) layout_border(Transcaspia_Kabul, 477, 164, 1) layout_border(Herat_Kabul, 527, 297, 0) layout_border(Herat_Kandahar, 598, 441, 2) layout_border(Kabul_Kandahar, 699, 338, 0) layout_border(Kabul_Punjab, 859, 211, 2) layout_border(Kandahar_Punjab, 836, 438, 1) for (let action in ui.card_action_index) { for (let i = 0; i < ui.card_action_index[action].length; ++i) { let c = ui.card_action_index[action][i] let e = ui.card_action_element[action][i] e.classList.toggle("action", is_action(action, c)) } } ui.pieces.forEach(animate_position) ui.cards.forEach(animate_position) } // BUILD UI function build_ui() { let passive_cards = [1,3,5,15,17,21,24,41,42,43,51,54,56,66,68,70,72,78,83,91,97,99] function build_player_ui(p) { return { role: document.getElementById("role_" + player_names[p]), role_rup_text: document.getElementById("rupees_" + p + "_text"), role_cyl_text: document.getElementById("cylinders_" + p + "_text"), role_loy_text: document.getElementById("loyalty_" + p + "_text"), role_loy_icon: document.getElementById("loyalty_" + p + "_icon"), score: document.getElementById("player_score_" + p), area: document.getElementById("player_area_" + p), hand_size: document.getElementById("player_hand_size_" + p), hand: document.getElementById("player_hand_" + p), court: document.getElementById("player_court_" + p), pool: document.getElementById("player_pool_" + p), dial: document.getElementById("player_dial_" + p), coin: document.getElementById("player_coin_" + p), prize: document.getElementById("player_prize_" + p), gift_2: document.getElementById("player_gift_" + p + "_2"), gift_4: document.getElementById("player_gift_" + p + "_4"), gift_6: document.getElementById("player_gift_" + p + "_6"), } } function build_card_action(card, action, i, x) { let e = document.createElement("div") e.className = `card_action ${action} n${x}` e.addEventListener("click", () => send_action(action, i)) ui.card_action_index[action].push(i) ui.card_action_element[action].push(e) card.appendChild(e) } function build_space(i, n) { ui.spaces[i] = document.getElementById("svgmap").getElementById(n) ui.spaces[i].space = i ui.spaces[i].addEventListener("click", on_click_space) ui.spaces[i].addEventListener("mouseenter", on_focus_space) ui.spaces[i].addEventListener("mouseleave", on_blur) } for (let c = 1; c < cards.length; ++c) { let e = document.createElement("div") e.card = c if (c <= 100) { let info = cards[c] e.className = "card card_" + c + " " + info.suit let n = 0 if (info.gift) ++n, build_card_action(e, 'gift', c, info.gift) if (info.move) ++n, build_card_action(e, 'move', c, info.move) if (info.betray) ++n, build_card_action(e, 'betray', c, info.betray) if (info.battle) ++n, build_card_action(e, 'battle', c, info.battle) if (info.build) ++n, build_card_action(e, 'build', c, info.build) if (info.tax) ++n, build_card_action(e, 'tax', c, info.tax) if (passive_cards.includes(c)) e.classList.add("passive") if (n === 3) e.classList.add("three") } else { e.className = "event card card_" + c } e.addEventListener("click", on_click_card) e.addEventListener("mouseenter", on_focus_card) e.addEventListener("mouseleave", on_blur) ui.cards[c] = e let ee = document.createElement("div") ee.className = "spyrow" e.appendChild(ee) ui.spyrows[c] = ee } for (let row = 0; row < 2; ++row) { for (let col = 0; col < 6; ++col) { ui.market_card[row][col] = document.getElementById("market_card_" + row + "_" + col) ui.market_coin[row][col] = document.getElementById("market_coin_" + row + "_" + col) } } for (let p = 0; p < 5; ++p) { ui.player[p] = build_player_ui(p) ui.player[p].dial.addEventListener("click", () => send_action('player_' + p)) ui.player[p].hand_size.addEventListener("click", () => toggle_hand(p)) for (let i = 0; i < 10; ++i) { let x = 36 + p * 10 + i ui.pieces[x] = document.createElement("div") ui.pieces[x].piece = x ui.pieces[x].className = "cylinder p" + p ui.pieces[x].addEventListener("click", on_click_cylinder) ui.player[p].pool.appendChild(ui.pieces[x]) } ui.player[p].gift_2.addEventListener("click", () => send_action('place_gift', 2)) ui.player[p].gift_4.addEventListener("click", () => send_action('place_gift', 4)) ui.player[p].gift_6.addEventListener("click", () => send_action('place_gift', 6)) } ui.rule = [ document.querySelector(`#board .rule.Persia`), document.querySelector(`#board .rule.Transcaspia`), document.querySelector(`#board .rule.Herat`), document.querySelector(`#board .rule.Kabul`), document.querySelector(`#board .rule.Kandahar`), document.querySelector(`#board .rule.Punjab`), ] ui.body = document.querySelector("body") ui.main = document.querySelector("main") ui.prompt = document.getElementById("prompt") ui.deck_count = document.getElementById("deck_count") ui.dom_info = [ document.getElementById("dom_info_1"), document.getElementById("dom_info_2"), document.getElementById("dom_info_3"), document.getElementById("dom_info_4") ] ui.board = document.getElementById("board") ui.market = document.getElementById("market") ui.market_a = document.getElementById("market_a") ui.market_b = document.getElementById("market_b") ui.status = document.getElementById("status") ui.tooltip = document.getElementById("tooltip") ui.favored2 = document.getElementById("favored_suit_icon") ui.popup_label = document.getElementById("popup_label") ui.global_events = document.getElementById("global_events") ui.suit_political = document.getElementById("suit_political") ui.suit_intelligence = document.getElementById("suit_intelligence") ui.suit_economic = document.getElementById("suit_economic") ui.suit_military = document.getElementById("suit_military") ui.suit_political.addEventListener("click", () => send_action('suit', 'Political')) ui.suit_intelligence.addEventListener("click", () => send_action('suit', 'Intelligence')) ui.suit_economic.addEventListener("click", () => send_action('suit', 'Economic')) ui.suit_military.addEventListener("click", () => send_action('suit', 'Military')) build_space(Transcaspia, "Transcaspia") build_space(Kabul, "Kabul") build_space(Punjab, "Punjab") build_space(Persia, "Persia") build_space(Herat, "Herat") build_space(Kandahar, "Kandahar") build_space(Persia_Transcaspia, "Persia/Transcaspia") build_space(Persia_Herat, "Persia/Herat") build_space(Transcaspia_Herat, "Transcaspia/Herat") build_space(Transcaspia_Kabul, "Transcaspia/Kabul") build_space(Herat_Kabul, "Herat/Kabul") build_space(Herat_Kandahar, "Herat/Kandahar") build_space(Kabul_Kandahar, "Kabul/Kandahar") build_space(Kabul_Punjab, "Kabul/Punjab") build_space(Kandahar_Punjab, "Kandahar/Punjab") function make_block(p, faction) { let div = document.createElement("div") div.className = faction + " block" div.piece = p div.addEventListener("click", on_click_block) ui.board.appendChild(div) return div } for (let i = 0; i < 12; ++i) ui.pieces[i] = make_block(i, "Afghan") for (let i = 12; i < 24; ++i) ui.pieces[i] = make_block(i, "British") for (let i = 24; i < 36; ++i) ui.pieces[i] = make_block(i, "Russian") // Sort player roles so active player is on top! let top = player === 'Observer' ? 0 : player_index[player] let alist = document.getElementById("player_area_list") let rlist = document.getElementById("roles") for (let p = top; p < view.players.length; ++p) { alist.appendChild(ui.player[p].area) rlist.appendChild(ui.player[p].role) ui.player[p].area.classList.remove("hide") ui.player[p].role.classList.remove("hide") ui.player[p].score.classList.remove("hide") } for (let p = 0; p < top; ++p) { alist.appendChild(ui.player[p].area) rlist.appendChild(ui.player[p].role) ui.player[p].area.classList.remove("hide") ui.player[p].role.classList.remove("hide") ui.player[p].score.classList.remove("hide") } if (player !== 'Observer') ui.player[top].hand_size.classList.add("hide") }